#fili icons
mieczyslawn · 27 days
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fili & kili durin, icons 🧌
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devilsuju · 6 months
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The Hobbit matching icons
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Your icon of fili 🤣 he looks simultaneously frightened and judgy, it looks like kili has just done something incredibly moronic and fili is just amused/internalminicrisis/howthefuckarewerelated
Oh definitely, that is an accurate description of my icon 😂
It's from the pony scene with the trolls, it's right before he says 'fourteen' and his voice at that moment still does things to me after all these years so I had to use it as my icon.
Every time I see it I can hear him say it and my day is a little bit better.
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theromaboo · 2 months
The Second Day of Julius Caesar
Everyone knows what Julius Caesar's last words were. It's pretty much the most iconic line of all time! Et tu, Brute? (which means "And you, Brutus?") That is just pure poetry. Julius Caesar really is so cool. His last words were probably the best and most amazing last words anyone ever had ever.
Look, it's even one of The Best Latin Lines Ever according to the cover of this book.
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But did Caesar really say it? (Nope!)
It's a Shakespearean invention! (that's going to be a common theme in this series) However, the idea that these were his last words actually isn't entirely Shakespearean. "Et tu, Brute?" weren't Julius Caesar's last words in the play! His true last words before dying were "Then fall Caesar."
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Good golly that is old. But as you can see, Julius Caesar's last words here are "Et tu Brute?—Then fall Caesar." (forgive me, I mean Cæſar).
Aww look at him talking about himself in the third person. Adorable. Maybe my last words should be "Then fall @theromaboo."
While we're still on the topic of "Et tu, Brute?" I just want to fix a few of my pet peeves when people quote this. It is not "Et tu, Brutus?" Latin has cases. Brutus here is in the vocative because Caesar is calling Brutus by his name. The vocative of Brutus is Brute. It has to be Brute.
Neither is it "Et tu, Bruté." What is that accent doing? In modern Latin, acute accents are most commonly used to show that a syllable is stressed. And in ancient Roman Latin inscriptions, a mark that looks very similar to an acute accent (called an apex) is sometimes used to show that a vowel is long. Neither usage makes sense here with Bruté. I think what happened is that people are getting confused with French (a very common mistake!) and because Brute is pronounced with two syllables, people add an accent at the end to make it have two syllables, because without the accent, it would just be Brute, with one syllable, because that's how it works in French. But Latin doesn't care about that!
Anyway, there is no ancient source that says Julius Caesar's last words were "Et tu, Brute?" or "Then fall Caesar."
I can already hear an Italian saying "Those weren't Giulio Cesare's last words; he actually said tu quoque—" You're also wrong! (sorry italians)
There is no ancient source that says that Julius Caesar's last words were "Tu quoque, Brute, fili mi?" or "Tu quoque, mi fili?" or any other similar version (they all mean "You too, (Brutus), my son?" I find that the first one is generally used by Italians and the second is generally used by French people, and almost the entire continental Europe seems to use some sort of version of "Tu quoque. . ." However, there might be even more versions of Julius Caesar's last words in other languages. I only really interact with English, Italian, and French, so if you know any other versions from different languages, do tell me!)
Okay, now we know a lot of stuff Caesar didn't say, but what were Julius Caesar's real last words?
We don't know! (yipee!)
Shakespeare's main source was a translation of a translation of Plutarch's Parallel Lives, but nothing similar to the Shakespearean last words can be found there.
Plutarch tells us that after Caesar got a teeny little stab from Casca, he said in Latin, "Foulest Casca, what are you doing?" I'm assuming he said this in the exact same way the stepsister says to the stepbrother—but the annoying thing is that Plutarch doesn't give us the Latin, he just gives us the Greek translation of the Latin (classic Plutarch) (if you want to know the Greek, it's "Μιαρώτατε Κάσκα, τί ποιεῖς?")
Suetonius, meanwhile, gives us a different story. He says that right before the stabbing started, this dude called Cimber grabbed Caesar by the shoulders. Caesar said "Why, this is violence!" and then immediately got stabbed by Casca. Then he didn't say anything else throughout the stabbing; he just groaned at the first stab. So that means that his last words would've been, yes, "Why, this is violence!" ("Ista quidem vis est!" in Latin). Biggest understatement of 44 BC!
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There is yet another common version of Caesar's last words, and they are "What is this? Such violence against Caesar!" which is bit of a poor interpretation of this.
Anyway, Suetonius says that "Some have written that when Caesar saw Brutus rushing at him, he said 'Καὶ σύ τέκνον?'" (which means "You too, child?") This is definitely most similar to the most common ideas of Julius Caesar's last words ("Et tu, Brute?" and "Tu quoque. . ."). Pretty much the only difference is that "Καὶ σύ τέκνον" is Greek. In fact, people often claim that Caesar's last words were "Tu quoque, Brute, fili mi?" by citing Suetonius, even though Suetonius doesn't say that.
I would treat this with a bit of caution though, because Suetonius is distancing himself from this claim, saying that "Oh, other people have written. . ." Clearly Suetonius doesn't really believe it himself. And, no offense to Suetonius, but if Suetonius is unsure of this, I would be too. Suetonius notoriously treats official government documents and rumors his nonna heard on the streets as equally valid sources.
Besides, would you be able to speak after being stabbed? I know Caesar isn't the average person, but Caesar is still a person. I'd imagine that one would be a bit too shocked to speak in such a high stress situation. And saying something deep about Brutus, no less! But, as always, I don't know for sure. Maybe Caesar did say something after getting stabbed, but I'm with Suetonius on this one and my best guess is that he did not.
Cassius Dio also writes about this. He pretty much says the exact same thing as Suetonius, except that he does not mention Caesar saying "Why, this is violence!" Dio also believes that Caesar didn't speak after he got stabbed, but he does mention "some writers" who say that Julius Caesar's said to Brutus "Καὶ σύ τέκνον?" (sound familiar?)
So yeah, moral of the story, no one can agree on Caesar's last words! Good gods, I spent the better half of my Saturday researching and writing this. I am so sorry for you poor souls who had to read all this. If you want to read the relevant parts of the ancient sources themselves, here they are:
Plutarch Parallel Lives, Julius Caesar, 66.7–8
Suetonius, Life of Julius Caesar, 82.1–2
Cassius Dio, Roman History, Book XLIV, 19.4–5
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kon-igi · 4 months
Tranquilli, non è il vostro viaggio ma il mio.
Io sono nato all'inizio degli anni '70, quindi mi sono fatto prima tutta la cinematografia horror di Dario Argento&co e poi tutti gli slasher americani con le icone classiche quali Jason, Freddy, Leatherface etc.
Ma c'è un problema...
Io non ho mai visto nessuno di quei film fino al 1990.
Vedete, io vivevo in una famiglia molto particolare™ dove la televisione era vista come il male assoluto, ragion per cui fino ai 14 anni io sono stato costretto ad andare a letto alle nove di sera e durante il giorno potevo guardare solo un'ora di televisione (stranamente non era conteggiato il tempo davanti al Commodore 64 e indovinate un po' chi era il mio migliore amico).
In quell'ora a disposizione io cercavo, ovviamente, di farci stare i miei cartoni animati preferiti ma non mi era possibile guardare film, tantomeno di sera.
Me li facevo raccontare.
Sì perché, evidentemente, il concetto di film non adatto ai bambini si applicava solo a me mentre tutti i miei amici, invece, rimanevano alzati fino a tardi a guardare film pazzeschi insieme ai loro genitori e il giorno dopo me li raccontavano.
A difesa dei miei genitori posso dire che in effetti ero un bambino particolarmente impressionabile ed è forse a causa dei sogni che facevo alle elementari che scelsero di non espormi a quello che in linguaggio tecnico viene definito nightmare fuel.
Non che ne avessi bisogno, intendiamoci.
Per esempio, in terza o in quarta elementare fui perseguitato da quello che io avevo soprannominato Il Burattinaio Cadavere, che si manifestava nel seguente modo: prima io mi trovavo in un qualsiasi luogo a me conosciuto (casa, scuola, parco giochi etc) poi improvvisamente tutto diventava scuro e dei fili tipo ragnatele scendevano dal cielo per toccare le decine di cadaveri che improvvisamente erano apparsi accasciati a terra, i quali si rianimavano come burattini e mi venivano barcollando incontro. Ovviamente mi svegliavo urlando come un ossesso.
E che dire della Lamante, una donna che ogni notte mi faceva vedere un buco sul braccio e mi sussurrava 'Se mi aspetti poi ti faccio vedere cosa mi hanno fatto'. E dopo tornava con le braccia amputate e due lame lunghissime innestate cercando di trafiggermi.
E poi il Buio, la Porta, il Verme Oculare, lo Sghignazzatore Maledetto...
(Beh, forse ero un qualcosa di diverso da 'impressionabile' ma vabbe'...)
Comunque, il primo film horror che vidi a casa di un amico fu Halloween di John Carpenter e al di là dell'angoscia di vedere REALMENTE un qualcosa horror, mi piacque parecchio e lì cominciò la mia collezione di problemi.
Come qualsiasi manuale di pedagogia insegna fin dai primi capitoli, la lunga privazione di un qualcosa di proibito che ero l'unico a non possedere mi spinse a fare binge watching di ogni film horror, di ogni libro di Stephen King, Clive Barker, Lovecraft e persino a scegliere come gioco di ruolo preferito Call of Cthulhu invece del più innocuo Dungeons&Dragons.
Andai fuori di testa.
Ogni notte un Geteit Chemosit che indossava la faccia strappata di mia madre cercava di entrare in camera mia e di giorno giravo sempre armato perché non si sa mai.
Mandai quasi in ospedale la mia povera mamma che ebbe la pessima idea di entrare in camera mia perché mi lamentavo nel sonno (non avevo capito che la faccia era attaccata alla persona giusta) e a distanza di anni ancora ridiamo con i miei amici di quando in campeggio tenni sollevato per il collo lo sventurato che fece un verso sospetto quando, uscendo per pisciare ancora mezzo addormentato, calpestai per sbaglio il suo sacco a pelo.
Per me valeva il motto 'L'uomo che dorme con un machete sotto al cuscino è un pazzo tutte le notti tranne una' e infatti la routine serale dei miei amici era aspettare che mi addormentassi e poi nascondere tutte le mie armi (grazie Francesca perché quella notte particolare avrei senza dubbio ucciso tutti con la mia Katana).
La notte, insomma, non mi è stata mai amica perché forte in me era la convinzione, per non dire la certezza, che il sonno rendesse possibile la venuta di orrori innominabili che si arrampicavano lungo la parte sbagliata della luce.
Verso i diciannove anni facemmo una festa per la fine della Maturità in un'enorme casa di campagna di non mi ricordo chi e dopo aver bevuto l'impossibile ognuno si appropriò di una stanza a casa, chi per trombare (non io) chi per collassare (io).
Solo che non collassai.
Come in un racconto breve di Stephen King mi misi a sedere su un vecchio letto col materasso di lana e tenendo i piedi nudi su un pavimento di cotto dalle piastrelle tutte storte (assurdo come certi particolari rimangano impressi) cominciai a fissare la porta chiusa.
Faceva caldo ma l'avevo chiusa.
Improvvisamente sento una sensazione strana sulla schiena, come di brividi, e i capelli mi si rizzano sulla nuca.
Un pensiero mi si insinua nelle tempie come un ago nel polistirolo...
'Sta arrivando'.
E poi abbasso lo sguardo e vedo che sto tenendo in mano un lungo coltello da macellaio, che evidentemente non ricordavo di aver preso giù in cucina.
Non ricordavo di averlo preso o forse in quel momento avevo capito qualcosa?
Sta arrivando
Punto i piedi a terra...
Mi alzo e stringo più forte il coltello
Ma io mi muovo per primo e scatto verso la porta con un fendente dal basso verso l'alto che avrebbe aperto in due la pancia dell'essere non appena avesse spalancato la porta.
Guardo la lama affondata a metà nel pannello della porta chiusa, assolutamente chiusa ma così chiusa che pareva l'emblema della possibilità che io quella sera trombassi.
Allora scendo in cucina, rimetto il coltello nel cassetto e tra i gorgoglii dei conati di vomito di chi aveva ecceduto e l'assoluto silenzio di chi non stava minimamente trombando, mi sdraio sul letto e mi addormento di un sonno senza sogni.
La parte più nobile e metafisica di me vuole pensare che con quell'ultimo fendente dato al vuoto in realtà uccisi definitivamente l'oscurità in me ma in realtà credo di aver semplicemente realizzato che chiunque fosse entrato in quel particolare momento si sarebbe visto rovesciare gli intestini sul pavimento e questo non rientrava tra le cose che avrei voluto fare da grande.
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metrocentric · 2 months
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'Domenico Bistrot', coffee label, 1934
As someone asked, here's the original of my icon. It's scanned (then inverted) from 'Euro Deco', Steven Heller and Louise Fili, Thames & Hudson, 2004
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With the exception of AO3 under the username IChooseChaos
All my writings have warnings on them for what will be involved in that particular fic. If you come across something you don’t like or find upsetting/triggering DO NOT READ. It is not my responsibility to keep you in check. You have been warned.
If you feel inspired by my stories/art/ocs and would like to create your own art/stories/ocs/playlists, this is permission to do so and absolutely tag me to see! THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE USING AI.
Also, if you want to send in asks games, questions about fics/ocs absolutely do so!
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WIP Folder - Just a folder to keep my Wips tidy
A Hobbit In Erebor - cozy comfort game
First look -opening/loading page
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Fili Durin
Of Lions, Doves and Kings - Fili and his partner play out a fantasy that they both find irresistible. For the Deano Bingo Event 2023
(ASK REQUEST) Trees and confessions - Also contains Thorin, Dwalin, Reader falls from a tree and is caught by her favorite dwarf princess style
Fili 2022 whumptober Masterlist- 31 stories in 31 days of Fili whump and comfort
(ASK REQUEST) Weapon headcannons -
(ASK REQUEST) Fili Associated Songs -
Fili Durin x Narni - Flames of the forge series Bold - Fili and Narni meet at the princes’ one hundredth birthday when she presents to him a controversial gift
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Kili Durin
(ASK REQUEST) Weapon headcannons -
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Thorin Oakensheild Durin
(ASK REQUEST) Trees and confessions - Also contains Dwalin, Fili Reader falls from a tree and is caught by her favorite dwarf princess style
(ASK REQUEST) Weapon headcannons -
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Dwalin Fundersin
(ASK REQUEST) Trees and confessions - Also contains Thorin, Fili Reader falls from a tree and is caught by her favorite dwarf princess style
(ASK REQUEST) Always There - Dwalins feeling for the shy hobbit lass that always seems to be by his side
(ASK REQUEST) Weapon headcannons -
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Anders Johnson
My Fish Dawn! My Fish- Anders drunkenly calls Dawn over and she tucks him into bed. For Deano Bingo 2023
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Ryder Harrison
Under New Management- (Part 1), (Part 2), (Part 3),Ryder wants to finally be on top in Vegas, and a deal with a wolf will get him just that.
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Check out my post here
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Durin Assassin AU -Under Contract -Be it money, booze, a territory dispute or a love affair gone wrong, in this futuristic cyberpunk cityscape enemies are easily made. And if you know the right crowd, they're just as easily removed.
The Fic -Not Yet Published
First look
Inspired playlist
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Fili Burlesque Dancer AU -The Burlesque Lion -Beloved prince by day and beloved sex icon by night, Fili must find a balance between his royal duties to the king, his newfound feelings for his friend, all while keeping his identity as the burlesque lion hidden.
The Fic- Not Yet Published
Inspired playlist
Deano Bingo art
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Disowned Fili AU -The Darker Generation - "How does an abused and disowned prince reclaim his name and his homelands from a dragon? With a group of ruthless youth and another dragon of course."
The Fic- Not Yet Published
2024 @sweetspicybingo entry -NSFW Lillith art
Inspired Playlists
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High Priest Fili AU -My Goddess -In a world where Fili makes a deal with a powerful but long forgotten deity, he becomes high priest and worshiper of the goddess of chaos, lust and battle rage.
The Fic ‘My Goddess’ (3/?) -
Commissioned art piece
Inspired playlist
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My personal library -My personal library where you can find all my favourite fics NOT written by me!
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banners by @cafekitsune @inklore @vase-of-lilies
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Hello everyone! My name is Chaos! You can find me on Tumblr (IChooseChoasAndBeingQueer) AO3 and Discord (IChooseChaos). I'm a writer and artist that works full time, and creates in their spare time so updates can be very slow at times. I'm aro ace, use any pronouns and love fantasy. I'm a fish parent, love to garden and help restore wildlife and am a little bit goth.
Thank you so much for spending the time to read and view my stories and art.
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ladyhawke · 4 months
hi! you're icons are beautiful , incredible, amazing, stupendous! the coloring?? Unbelievable! I'm not sure if you take requests, but if you do would you be willing to make a few for Faramir and/or Fili from the Hobbit? thank you so much forever if you do!! <3
i’m working on some lotr icons right now so i’ll make sure to include some faramir
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mymanymerrymuses · 3 months
I showed my mum pictures of every muse on my blog and got some HILARIOUS descriptions of who they are as people, so now I am sharing this.
Please enjoy. I did.
Okay here's my blog promo picture, which is what I used to show her all the muses. I'm going to go row by row and tell you how she described each character (some were in pairs, I'll say when that happened)
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First, Asahi: "Almost like Clark Kent. A geek sat in his office and then he goes and does something amazing." 8/10. He's not superman but he is surprisingly good when he steps onto the court.
Norman: "Wants to be a private eye." 5/10 not quite accurate, but I could see it.
Gemima, who got paired up with Conny: "They're just annoying. Just look at them, you know they're annoying." 1/10 it was funny, but they're very sweet little girls.
Bruce: "Thinks he's gorgeous." 0/10 ma'am you do not know the self-hatred this man possesses.
Kili hilariously got paired with Fili, and my mother said they both look like they're thinking: "Where the fuck did I park my horse?" 25/10. She has never seen the hobbit and I laughed SO HARD because she knew if anyone was going to lose a horse it was those two idiots.
Jedediah was missed because she recognised him and wouldn't have had to guess his character.
Oikawa: "Boring." 2/10 it's funny because he'd be so insulted, but he's far too dramatic to ever be boring.
Ray: "Angry." 10/10 perfectly accurate.
Emma: "A trendsetter." 7/10 Technically she did inspire an entire crazy escape plan, so I'll take it.
Camilo: "The annoying friend who sings everything." 5/10 accurate, but I deducted points because despite loving Encanto and having watched it multiple times, my mum did not recognise Camilo and thought he was a girl XD
Pietro: "Super fast. If he ran it would be fast. If he rode a horse it would be fast. He'd want to be moving fast." 8/10 I think the icon gave her too big a clue (though she said she didn't realise he was running and thought his hand was up because his wrist was broken), but I would LOVE to see Pietro's superspeed transfer to a horse.
Ori: "He has a speech impediment and is a bit slow." 0/10 more of an unfair judgement than my mother usually gives people, and not accurate at all. Ori is very smart and I love him.
Revali: "Bit of a mean bastard." 10/10 perfect yes he is.
Yamaguchi: "Looks shocked at the world." 9/10 he is, in fact, intimidated by most of the world, so I'll accept that as a correct answer.
Kagari: "Wants to be in a boyband." 8/10 not correct but given that my depiction of Kagari is deaf, I did laugh quite hard at the irony.
Don: "Know-it-all. Thinks he knows everyone's secrets and he doesn't." 3/10 Don does like to think he knows more than he does, but he definitely doesn't think he's really super smart and knows everything about everyone.
Bilbo she vaguely recognised (enough to know he was a Hobbit) but had nothing to say about him.
Thaumas: "Physically strong." 6/10 his whole character is he's too pretty and wants to be left alone because too many people are into him, but there's nothing to say he isn't also physically strong.
Viktor: "What happened to it's eyes?" 9/10 I have no words.
Tsukishima: "He has a 'fuck off' expression." 10/10 yes he does.
Hawthorn and Attalea she had nothing to say for because she 'wasn't sure what was happening'.
Damien: "That's Billy Bullshit. He's two-faced." 3/10 technically he keeps the two sides of himself very separate, but he's not mean or bitchy and he's learning to embrace every part of himself and I love him for that.
Piers: "Scary." 6/10 he's a sweetheart but many young pokemon trainers would agree with my mum XD
Miguel: "Geeky gay Jesus." 10/10 not accurate but sheer perfect anyway.
Nori: "He's a wannabe wizard." 9/10 not AT ALL but I loved that anyway.
Tyler: "He wants to be a personal trainer but he can't." 4/10 it was funny but he dresses that way because he's gay and also we have watched Turning Red more than once so again, I don't know how she didn't recognise him at all.
Kenma: "A sulky teenager." 9/10 yep. Yep he is XD
Lucien: "He looks gay." 9/10 he would be very happy to know that he is not being mistaken for a heterosexual being
Jack got missed because, like Jedediah, she knew who he was.
Ryan: "He thinks he's the strongest but he cries if he can't find the red skittles." 10/10 I have NO IDEA why she went for skittles but she's completely right.
Takuto: "Tarty, because she reminds me of somebody." 6/10 well yes, Takuto could be described as a tart, but is not a she, and now I want to know who he reminds her of XD
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mieczyslawn · 27 days
Poderia fazer icons do kili e fili do filme (O Hobbit)?
oii, aqui estão meu bem <33
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the-sneep-snoop · 1 year
ok from ages ten to fourteen i was incredibly obsessed with the hobbit and i haven’t watched it since then , so i’m rewatching it rn and here are some of my thoughts!
- i don’t remember thorin having such a massive forehead
- the soundtrack doesn’t even need the movie to be good you could just listen to it on its own
- the fight scenes r awesome like the one at the beginning with the oakenshield bit and azog’s arm coming off
- i LOVE the unexpected visitors bit it’s iconic and i love it. the whole part where they’re at the shire i love.
- on the other hand, the part with frodo and old man bilbo i don’t remember at all like i have zero recollection of this
- i still remember all the words to misty mountains. and all the words to the whole ‘one ring to rule them all’ thing. and the road goes ever on. i used to memorize stuff like that for fun and write it over and over in my diary
- the lego game version of this movie was AWESOME btw
- seeing fili and kili at the door gave me physical whiplash. it all came back to me in a millisecond. you have NO IDEA how obsessed i was. i can barely comprehend it. this is probably when i started making fanart, cause i still have books fully of shitty anime style fili. i liked kili WAY more tbh but i thought he was harder to draw
- same with thranduil. when he was on the moose and did the stare into the camera i got this intense wave of nostalgia/cringe. i have shitty anime drawings of him too (like a LOT)
- i LOVE the humour from the books and i have to say it translates very well to the movie imo. the troll bit WAS funny ok
- on a side note i know everyone likes lotr better than the hobbit but it always was my favourite. probably cause the book was so good
- i love sebastian the hedgehog
- the effects, to me, seem to hold up pretty well. my family apparently doesn’t agree since they kept asking why it looks so cartoony and whether this is an animated movie or live-action.
- the dwarves are SO silly they’re goofy guys and every single one has transmasc swag
- the shot where they walk down the path to rivendell is my very favourite
- bilbo’s facial expressions are the BEST 😭😭😭 he’s constantly like side eye… side eye……
anyways that’s it for halfway through unexpected journey so yeah like and subscribe for part 2
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v1olentdelights · 1 year
🥀 Growing Sideways - cast your mutuals, would you rather, kmk, this or that, etc..
cym as fictional characters you associate them with
You - Eloise Bridgerton or Monse Finnie (on my block)
@teddy-the-teddybear - Johnny Cade or Max Mayfield (stranger things)
@magic-is-beauty - Wednesday Addams, a true icon or Elyse d'Abreau (the summer of chasing mermaids)
@sheraayasher - we'll say Kate Bishop or Cisco Ramon (flash)
@mikathemonster - Kili & Fili Durin obviously... but also Theodora (haunting of hill house book)
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laora-ryn · 2 years
Changing my icon from Amy for the first time in uh years bc I'm in way too deep w the hobbit
Sorry yall you get to look at Fili instead
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readyplayerziggy · 2 months
Alrigth, I'm gonna look for more Filis icons and then see how well my PS3 can run PVZ with the current weather.
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scontomio · 3 months
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💣 NGTeco Mini Etichettatrice Bluetooth, stampante termica senza fili portatile 🤑 a soli 18,52€ ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/ngteco-mini-etichettatrice-bluetooth-stampante-termica-senza-fili-portatile/?feed_id=201730&_unique_id=65a63fdf7a6d8&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=NGTeco%20Mini%20Etichettatrice%20Bluetooth%2C%20stampante%20termica%20senza%20fili%20portatile La mini etichettatrice Bluetooth NGTeco offre connessione rapida e stampa termica senza fili. L'app Marklife consente la personalizzazione di etichette con oltre 1000 icone, 54 font e supporto per codici a barre e QR. La batteria ricaricabile e la resistenza all'acqua la rendono ideale per l'uso quotidiano. #coupon #ngteco #etichettatrici #offerteamazon #scontomio
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madwomansapologist · 7 months
notes on Over Hill and Under Hill
"Have you thoroughly explored it?" said the wizard, who knew that caves up in the mountains were seldom unoccupied. "Yes, yes!" they said, though everybody knew they could not have been long about it; they had come back too quick. "It isn't all that big, and it does not go far back." — The Hobbit, Chapter 4.
Fili and Kili, *tsc*. On their defense, your honor, how could they know it would have a goblin passage on it? They are just babies. Look at them. Can you really blame them?
Gandalf remains iconic. It's not enough for him to be rude and not share what he knows, but he will also say that everyone is going to die because they lost their horses, their food, they don't know where to go and yet he will tell them to continue on their way. Literally me.
And this whole chapter had Daniel Handler (Lemony Snicket) vibes. The way he just say "oh, they never used all this stuff again", or "and the horses? don't talk to me about the horses" is just given the "nothing bad will happen to the kids here. Monty will die tho."
I still think it is such a great deal that hobbits are stealth beings. Like the last thing you would imagine about them is that they would be stealth. That's literally not a word you expect to her. And still...
I talked a little about curved swords while reading (just click on "chapter 4"). I always find it very interesting to observe the correlations that exist in fictional worlds and what they are trying to communicate. We all know about queer coded villains, but the next time you watch a movie ask yourself: does this villain wear eye makeup, have a more yellowish filter, use curved weapons? If the answer is yes, then perhaps it is arab coded. I'm just saying.
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