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~ Gold fibula with a bow in the form of a winged Chimaera.
Cultures/Period: Etruscan
Date: 525-500B.C.
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kittypancake · 5 months
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Fibula from @son1c
I wanted to give drawing them a try! Hope it’s alright
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homregeszet · 1 month
Mindig van új...
…de nem csak a nap alatt, hanem a raktárbázison is. Az előző évben feltárt bükkábrányi szarmata temető még hónapokkal később is tartogat meglepetéseket. Miközben a fém leleteket néztük át és közben gyönyörködtünk is bennük, megakadt a szemünk az egyik fibulán. Ugyanis valami gyanúsan lógott róla, ezért közelebbről szemügyre véve megörültünk, hiszen szövetdarab maradványaira bukkantunk.
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A 2. és 4. számmal jelölt fibulák között a gyöngysor
Már a sírban is feltűnt, hogy ez a fibula és teljesen megegyező párja között gyöngyök sorakoztak, amit úgy értékeltünk, hogy a két fibuláról egy gyöngysor csüngött. Ezt támasztja alá a most megtalált szövetmaradvány is, mivel a rugószerkezetet veszi körbe, vagyis a gyöngyöket tartó madzag felerősítése volt.
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Németh Attila, Kovács Niki
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salltyllama · 2 years
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ltwilliammowett · 8 months
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Starting a new project - making fibula beaded necklaces with glass bead replicas of the 9th-10th century
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pacificremains · 4 months
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Raccoon tibia and fibula fused together
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preciousweirdworld · 7 months
Hey guys. I've been on Tumblr for the last almost decade, probably since I was like 11 or 12. I've never actually made a post, only shared others post, but today I’ll be making my first post.
This post is a plea for help. First off, I should introduce myself. My name is Keiranique, but everyone calls me Precious. I was born with a rare deformity known as Fibular Hemimelia. This means that I was born without fibular bones in my legs. I was also born without ligaments in my left leg, so that’s means my left knee dislocates with any little movement I make.
I’ve spent my entire life in pain. I literally can’t walk or stand for more than a few minutes without experiencing excruciating pain and soreness and discomfort. The doctors in my country (The Bahamas) have never been able to provide a concrete treatment plan to straighten my leg, most have given up entirely. My case was too complex for them.
I had to seek help abroad. After years of tirelessly searching, I finally found an Orthopedic surgery center that can help me. The problem is that my surgery cost hundreds of thousands of dollars I simply do not have.
This surgery is a life-changing operation and my life literally depends on it. Because of my limited mobility, I have been left out of so many things. There are so many places and activities that aren’t accessible to me because of my disability.
It hurts so much to always be left behind and out of stuff. I feel so sad and lonely all the time. For years I have struggled with depression and anxiety and suicidal thoughts. Unfortunately, my mental health has only gotten worse over the years.
I started a GoFundMe campaign a few weeks ago, and sadly I’ve only received a few donations (which I am very grateful for). I thought more people would donate to help me, but sadly, that hasn’t been the case.
So guys, I pleading for any donations and help. Even if you are able to donate, it’s okay, you can share this post so that it can reach more people.
I’ll attach a video of me willingly dislocating my leg to validate my claims. I’ll also include a picture of my most recent X-Ray.
Guys, I’m really going through it mentally and physically. I don’t know how much longer I can go like this. This is the most vulnerable I’ve ever been, so please be nice and no negative comments.
Please help in any way you can.
I need all the help I can get.
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shewhoworshipscarlin · 3 months
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Fibula brooches, late 8th century BC-early 7th century BC, Italy.
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Roman brooch c. 2nd-3rd Century A.D., featuring a glass cameo carved with a sleeping dog set in a gold mount framed by a band of globular and granule applied decoration.
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pasparal · 1 year
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Persian / Parthian cast bronze fibula 5th – 3rd century BC
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demonindistress · 2 years
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Medeltidsveckan day 6. Clothes and shoes made by me :)
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Germanic fibulae, early 5th century, used for fastening clothing, usually at the right shoulder.
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thatsbutterbaby · 2 years
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Freno de caballo en forma de lira con pasador
Cultura Romana
Necrópolis de Eras del Bosque, Palencia (m)(Campos (comarca), Palencia)
Fíbula zoomorfa representando un jinete en su caballo, muy  estilizados o esquemáticos. Faltan el resorte y la aguja de la fíbula.
Lancia, Villasabariego(Esla-Campos (comarca), León)
300[ac]=101[ac] (S. III-II a.C.)  
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homregeszet · 7 months
Amikor visszanéz a fibula 👀
Mindig izgalmas, mikor egy temetkezés tárgyai újra napvilágra kerülnek és elkezdenek mesélni. Így volt ez múlt pénteken is, amikor elcsomagoltuk az S: 75-ös sír fibuláit (ruhakapcsolótű) és az egyik visszanézett! A rugó feletti részen ugyanis egy szempár lett kialakítva, így egyfajta stilizált élőlénnyé vált az egykori viseleti elem (azt mindenki döntse el mire emlékezteti, mi egy delfint látunk benne).
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salltyllama · 9 months
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Fibula's stress level 📈📉📈
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Brooch B3045
Migration period brooch from Jæren, Norway.
Little is known about the circumstances of its discovery but the "find" description says:
"found in Jæderen, but it is unknown where and under what circumstances. Judging by its worn condition, it has hardly been in a grave, but probably right on the surface of the earth exposed to weather and wind"
The decorations on this one are very typical of this type of brooch. The swirly owl looking decorations on the square part, the stylized faces and the two horses on each side, but the way they've done the big eyes with the eyelids is kind of goofy and unique <3
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