tell us about ur OCs, pretty please! 💕
Thank you so much anon you have no idea how much this means to me TT__TT
Lissele is an OC I've spent like 9 years with. She began as a Mary Sue, but evolved into a person with flaws and strengths and most importantly someone her world needs.
She was created as an art project of the gods, to mirror how I made her. This is what she looks like in my head, with the wing size growing with age.
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Because she isn't only human, but a combination of creatures, her body runs on magic as well as food. As long as she has at least one of those, her body will live, more or less. Her soul cannot die at all, though. The god of death is forbidden from taking it.
The point of her creation was to have someone guide and protect humanity, so the gods wouldn't have to interfere as much on earth. That resulted in many breakdowns over the years, because How Could one person do all that? Even though their world is much smaller than ours. Well, turns out they can't! But the gods are stupid.
Once in a while there's big stuff happening, that could result in uncountable deaths. And when she fails to prevent those, she often falls into depression because she Should Be Able To Help shouldn't she? She was made for that, right? So why was she unable to? Does she just not try hard enough? And it's really just gifted child syndrome but blown out of proportion. When everyone tells you you're so talented, but you're struggling so much it doesn't seem true. It's like they see someone completely different.
She is... A complicated character. On one hand she's been so beat down by everything over the millenia, she just wants to give up and die. On the other, she realises her presence Can help. And she tries to, as much as she can, because it also makes her happy. Mostly little things: helping someone carry their bag or fetch something or get someone. But also the big, as stated above.
She's mostly kind, or at least tries to be, but can be harsh, when she needs something urgently. She gets startled easily. Her favourite colour is green. She loves children and is good at taking care of them. She's even raised a few. (she can't have children of her own, they were someone else's)
The kids she helped raise most recently were and Faileon and Sorontur, other favourite OCs of mine.
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I should probably stop now, before someone puts a bullet thru my head lol-
Thank you again anon🥰
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martan-co-ma-rad-caj · 6 months
Lykantropie dělá bíp bíp >:))
Krapet matka/syn vztahu pro váš den. Uvědomuju si, že to je silně kvír-zakódované - je to schválně - podle mé vlastí zkušenosti. Sebepromítání mé oblíbené. Lykantropie je v téhle pasáži zrovna nejasná, proto zvlášť říkám, že tam je. (Za pravopisné chyby se omlouvám, jsem znaven výletem do Lidlu)
Sedla si obkročmo na trojnožku u jeho postele. "Jak je?"
"Co se děje? Je ti špatně? Mám přinést vodu? Nemáš hlad?"
Zavrtěl hlavou, čímž ji umlčel. Bezhlesně zíral k nohám postele. Pak shlédl na své ruce, které si hrály se srstí pokrývky, kterou měl přehozenou přes kolena. "Máš mě pořád ráda?" zeptal se najednou.
Srdce jak by jí vyskočilo z hrudi přímo do ledové vody. Nejprve naprázdno otevřela ústa, než se zmohla k odpovědi. "Jistěže ano." Přisunula se blíž a předklonila se, aby se ujistila, že se na ni dívá. Přiložila mu dlaň na tvář a podívala se mu zpříma do očí. "A není nic, co by to mohlo změnit."
Lehce se usmál. Úsměv ale rychle zmizel a nahradil ho smutek. "Ale co ostatní..."
"Určitě si myslí to samé. Bojí se o tebe."
"Bojí se mě," popotáhl a odvrátil se, tváře zářící čím dál silnější rudou.
"Ale kuš," odbyla ho. Na druhou jeho tvář přiložila svou volnou ruku a otočila mu lehce hlavu, aby na něj opět viděla. "Ty jim neublížíš. Ví to. Jsou jen ztracení. Neví, co dělat, jak se chovat, co říkat... Když jim dáš chvíli čas, uvidíš, že tě mají stále stejně rádi. Tak jako já." Palci utřela slzy, které mu stékaly po tvářích. Matně si všimla, že jí připadají jiné, než dřív. Jemnější. Ne tak, jako když byl úplně maličký, ale přesto hebčí, než před měsícem.
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I wrote a thing again
Contains injury to a minor - about 14 y.o. If you think that might upset you, please, avoid reading this. It isn't too graphic imo, but yeah. If you know you can't handle it just skip it, take care of yourself first. (he survives and gets better after this btw)
"What's that sound...?" Lissele said, mostly to herself.
Rennard was the closest and heard her. "What sound?"
"Probably just a deer, but..." she listened harder. Something didn't seem right. The steps were eratic, heavy... And they were quickly getting closer. She froze. In a haze, she turned around several times, trying to locate it, before regaining clearer thinking again. "Draw your weapons!"
Sorontur and Rennard did so immediately.
L'amieil first flinched, then prepared his bow.
Barret took a stronger hold of Storm's reigns and drew his axe.
Faileon put a rock in his slingshot and began spinning it.
Lissele's ears rotated like crazy, desperate to locate the sound, but it seemed to be moving so fast... One second it was in front of her, the next it was in the complete opposite direction.
And then suddenly... it stopped. "What-" began Rennard, but she shushed him. "Rude," he whispered.
The silence weigh on her. It grabbed a handful of her guts and squeezed. It coursed through her veins. It polluted the air in her lungs.
Quick as lightning, from her right, came an enourmous shadow. She didn't turn around fast enough.
A scream. An ear shattering, soul crushing scream.
She spun around on one leg, drawing her dagger. She launched without second thought. Her dagger burried deep into the creature's side. It let go of Faileon and turned to her. "STAND BACK!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, seeing the others coming closer to help.
The wolf giant growled, preparing to launch again.
She was quicker. The dagger flew through the air like a hawk, slashing the animal's snout.
It whimpered. Then it jumped at her, mouth wide open. It bit down right on her shoulder. Crack. Crack, went her bones.
But now it was close enough for a finishing blow. She sent the blade directly into its neck. Not even a second after, she pulled it out with a slashing motion. Fresh, warm blood came spewing all over her.
The animal let go and staggered backwards. Its hind legs gave out. Its wailing turned into gurgling. It stood up, trying to run back into the cover of trees.
Sorontur's blade came crashing onto the nape of its neck.
It colapsed to the ground. It twitched, made one final bubbling noise and stopped moving.
Lissele wasted no time. She ran straight to Faileon.
Tears flowed down his cheeks in rivers. He breathed fast. Too fast. His entire right arm was covered in blood. His fingers were trembling. Good sign. But no time to celebrate just yet.
"Calm down." She sat next to him, cupping his face with one hand. Her other arm didn't listen, instead it hung loosely at her side. "Look at me, Faileon."
He was too in shock.
"I need a barn leaf, NOW! L'amieil!" she commanded, pressing down on the wounds gushing the most blood. "Rennard, all the clean water we have! Soru, help me stop the damned bleeding!"
He knelt next to them and took a firm hold of Faileon's arm.
"Barret, get bandages! All of them!" She leaned closer, trying to make eye contact, but failing. He probably didn't even know she was there. "You're gonna be okay. I'm gonna fix this. I'm gonna help you. You'll be okay. You're gonna be okay."
A few moments later, Rennard came rushing, holding three bottles. He dropped two of them on the ground and opened the third. He poured it on Faileon's arm as Lissele began washing the wounds. Faileon wailed and atempted to push her away with his healthy arm. She didn't sway. "Just bear it for a moment. I'll be done soon enough."
"I got the barn leaf!" L'amieil came running towards them.
"Good." With the wounds somewhat clean, she accepted the plant began rubbing its leaves into mush. "I'm sorry," she said, very quietly. Then she pushed the paste into one of the wounds.
Faileon screamed at the top of his lungs and then... collapsed. Rennard caught him from behind and held him upright as Lissele continued.
"I'm so sorry," she kept repeating, even though the boy had no way of hearing her. "I'm sorry... Barret, hand me the bandages, would you?" As she silently tied them around Faileon's arm, blood immediately seeped through them. The spots grew like blooming red flowers in the shape of a jaw. So much... He's bleeding so much. She did another layer tighter than the one before. This time the spots didn't grow as much. She had hope yet.
When all bandages were used up, she leaned away from him. With new realizations coming to her, she couldn't bring herself to calm down quite yet. "Soru, could you check something for me?" she said, staring blankly at the boy cradled in Rennard's arms.
"Of course," he stepped closer.
"Could you check the wolf's eyes?"
"Uh... yeah."
She barely heard his steps moving away and much less coming back again. She was in a fog so thick she couldn't see, couldn't really hear, couldn't think of anything but what words she will hear him utter.
He came right up to her and knelt by her side, taking her bloodied hand in his. He kept quiet for a few seconds and when he finally spoke, his voice was sombre. Quiet. The words came out as more of a breath, than a voice.
"They're red."
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Another board done, this one's Faileons. I still need to find Sorontur and Rennard some interests, their boards are kinda bland
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I love making my ocs suffer <3
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Faileon is collecting adoptive parents like pokémon cards. I think he has like 5 at this point. Everyone wants to be his parent in-universe. There's not a serious reason behind it, I just think it's funny
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here’s what i have of the animatic i’m working on. it’s just 500 frames so far
(this is a gif)
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I spent WAAAYYY too much time on this one animatic shot
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Maker of the template hasn't been active in 3 years, so I've decided to honor them by filling it out.... WITH MY OWN OCS, HA! I WILL MAKE THIS ABOUT MY OCS BECAUSE OF COURSE I WILL
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Another layer of funny to Faileon being a werewolf. When he eventually grows up to be a librarian/historian, he could just. Wolf out at people and scare them into returning books and not destroying them. But when only that one person can see him, so nobody else knows.
This very civilized gentleman in the library, who’s always nice to the kids and helps you find a book that suits you, and now someone runs out of the library screaming he’s a bloodthirsty monster. Nobody would believe them. And combined with Lissele adding her word to it, nobody AT ALL would belive the person. But they’d be so scared they’d handle books like holy grails
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Vím, že je tam moc postav na prvotní čtení, ale přesto... Rating?👉👈
"Ilanet! Ilanet je tu! Vykřikla Ahdvik a chopila se kormidla. Částečně otáčením a částečně vlnou, která se do nich opřela, se paluba naklonila tak, že jim začaly podklouzávat nohy.
Rennard hlasitě zaklel a chňapl po jednom z lan. Prohlo se pod ním, ale vydrželo.
Sorontur byl uprostřed prázdné plochy a neměl se čeho chytit. Zůstal sice na nohou, ale - až komicky pomalu - se klouzal po naleštěných prknech na druhou stranu paluby. Široce rozkročený se proklouzal kolem Barreta, který se stačil podržet stěžně. Zarazil se až o zábradlí dole. Nohy mu poskočily do vzduchu, ale nepřepadl. Dopadl zpět na zem a ihned se posadil, přičemž se křečovitě chytil vyřezávaných sloupků. "Co to sakra je?" pískl, sotva slyšitelně přes hučení vody.
"Teeravikt!" Ahdvik se sice podařilo loď natočit kolmo k vlnám, byly ale tak velké, že praničemu nepomohla. Jak se rozbíjely o příď, znovu a znovu je bičovaly tak silnými návaly vody, že mnohým z nich zčervenala kůže.
Lissele si kryla hlavu víkem od sudu, o který se opírala, a ruce jí povolovaly. I přes plachtoví a litry vody ve vzduchu spatřila stín zvedající se pomalu nad hladinu. Stvoření kolosálních rozměrů se vynořovalo z hlubin za bouření vln a hlasitého klapavého zvuku, jako když někdo mlátí lžící o stůl.
Aizor, který byl původně ve vraním hnízdě nad nimi, se náhle objevil uprostřed paluby, přeběhl až ke dveřím do podpalubí a zmizel v nich.
Vylívané kýble vody se brzy změnily v poprašek, načež z nich zbylo jen občasné šplíchnutí po boku lodi.
Lissele jako první opustila stabilní bezpečí a vyběhla po schodech až na příď.
Nad hladinou se tyčil Teeravikt ve své prastaré kráse. Hlava velká jako jejich loď, se plavila po vodě tak ladně a líně, že se zdála nesmírně lehká. Vyvstávaly z ní tupé ostny potažené blánou a občasný záhyb kůže, zšedlé dlouhým věkem i pobytem v hlubinách. O něco víš se tyčila jeho záda, rovněž ostnatá, ale nerovnoměrně. Jednotlivé hroty se střídaly se skupinkami menších a tvořily iluzi mořského dna pokrytého chaluhami. Jeho hrudník se rozpínal a zmenšoval tak pomalu, že bylo těžké si jeho dýchání vůbec všimnout. S každým výdechem ale ilanet opakoval ono klepání, které vibrovalo těly přitomných. Daleko, daleko od místa, kde se jeho páteř nořila zpět do vody, se zvedaly vlny nucené do pohybu jeho ocasem. Prohýbal se nenuceně nahoru a dolů, zdánlivě nezatížen množsvím vody, kterou se dral. Samotná ploutev ocasu byla tak široká, že by se nevešla ani na náměstí ve Slatonu. Celý tvor by potom zavalil nejen náměstí, ale i knihovnu a možná by dosáhl až k hradu.
Lissele ho neviděla po celé tisíciletí. Pocítila silné nutkání skočit za ním do moře. Už už zvedala nohu k zábradlí, když se zarazila.
Teeravikt pootočil hlavou bez krku k nim. Zvedl při tom další vlnu, která jimi po chvíli zahoupala. Jediným pohybem ocasu se přiblížil až k nim a zařadil se těsně vedle lodi. Stín dlouhých ploutví byl vidět až na druhé její straně. Oko Teeravikta připlulo až k Lissele a zastavilo se. Zamžoural, neboť nebyl zvyklý na světlo a zaostřil. Následně vydal vysoký tón, který přešel do hlubšího a opět se zvedl. Rozpoznal ji snad? Lissele hvízdla na prsty podobnou melodii.
V dáli se ozvalo šplouchnutí, jak Teeravikt pozvedl ocas nad hladinu. Moment na to jím vší silou praštil. Kdyby stáli blíž, rána by je nejspíš ohlušila.
Konečně se k nim připojil Aizor. V závěsu za ním z podpalubí vylezli i L'amieil a Fialeon. Faileon se držel za rameno, do kterého se zřejmě při vlnobití uhodil. Hned jak si ilaneta všiml, ztuhl na místě. Zůstal stát bez hnutí či hlásky a zíral na živou masu vedle lodi.
L'amieil na druhou stranu vypadal návštěvou potěšený, ale ne překvapený. Poklidně došel až k zábradlí a natáhl ruku k šedé zjizvené kůži nad nozdrami tvora. Dosáhl pouze špičkami prstů, ale viditelně mu to stačilo. Mírně sklonil hlavu a zavřel oči. "Myslel jsem, že už ho nikdy neuvidím. Měl jsem v táboře zůstat navždy. Je to k smíchu." Nesmál se ale. Zvedl oči ke své ruce a pomalu ji spustil. “Už je to tak třicet let, co jsem ho viděl poprvé a naposledy... až doteď."
"Dvakrát za život? To je dobré na někoho, kdo nežije na moři," vískl Aizor a poplácal ho po rameni. "Já sám ho vídám co pár měsíců, ale to protože ho následuji." Přiložil si pěst k hrudi a mírně se poklonil.
Teeravikt ho zřejmě také rozpoznal, protože zopakoval ránu ocasem.
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I actually love it when characters age
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You know what time it is. It's 1 am! That's right. Time to hurt my own feelings!! Here, I made a traditional animatic, have some caretaker&child separation pain
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All the main/semi-main characters in my book ^^
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Sorontur and his adopted son friend
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FINALLY got around to write a chapter from my mute character’s POV and I’m SO excited to finally change to a new person. Faileon and Lissele are fine, but Barret is new and fresh and I love writing him. I needed a new POV to bring back my will to write and this is the day I make it happen! Also the fact he’s mute and most of the others don’t know sign gives it a little extra smth
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