#ex 2: my moms first name is NOT alexis and i have no idea if its her middle name or not
hprse · 3 years
Literally the most mind boggling thing ever when you were raised in a family where most folks use nicknames or another part of their name as a name is when you find out someones "name" isnt actually their name or first name
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myheartbeatskids · 5 years
So Declan loved me and we talked about science and lab babies and clones and all that. So He told me he loved me because i was the first person to really really listen and understand as opposed to being the one to teach.
And so he had understood what he was taught then developed and built upon it correctly with help from his own brain and God. And del Muerte whom helped me understand as well cause that shit was mind blowing.
So he asked me to have his soul mate. To give birth to her.
And I was pretty much dragged out and Declan ran the show after that.
I agreed but it was more like a thing where i had to focus and talk instead of fainting.
So Matt actually helped to implant because I have an upturned uterious and so things like that are painful because of the rigidity and non flexible as i need materials used while Jeremiah comforted and helped me relax.
So then essentially i was kidnapped.
Declan is part clone and part Neanderthal.
Annabelle is part clone and part Neanderthal.
So some of us from Michael Jackson's boarding school --- although I wasn't i stayed there alot on my own. So i was part of it, unofficially as i am a civilian doing military shit now. --- have clones in a laboratory. But they are miniature human size as they are kept in barbie size containers.
Since Declan was a clone Jesse gave permission to make, they said i should use a clone.
It took 5 eggs until Declan approved the child that would be created in the embryo. Del Muerte communicated to us what God said.
Most males get their soul mates at age 7. Declan was only 2 years old. So God hadnt had enough experience to program or create his perfect soulmate.
So it just so happened it was 2 years of plus 5 embryos which makes the year 7 while added together.
So when Annabelle was born Declan came to get me and her but my now ex-husband got me all fucked up and i had amnesia and all that and i remember the power struggle type issues while signing the birth certificate which is why i get child support as my ex swore bla bla bla and signed papers to those statements but I was all "Dude while he's signing let's run!" Because he pissed me off during that time and i was all no hes wrong and all... But I guess I was scared of him or his aura csused me confusion or Idk. I remember feeling sick.
So craziness. We are 16 years late. And unfortunately yet fortunately a lot of research was done and i have a lot of government apology money coming my way. Which i don't have yet.... But soon.
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This is Cambria AvaLynn named after Alexis Dejoria.
Because Matt's parents were into hiding, they named him after a mat. A common object so in case of ESP feom the people they hid from they would think "welcome mat" like welcome to travel with us son named Matt. Welcome to eat at the dining table, Matt. Well, come, Matt.
So came or come because i would always want to see Matt so I would say "You came!!!" When i saw him and hug him and he would say "welcome"
And Bria after me.
Turning the x into a v (for Victory) and Lynn as in the 80s most of my friends on the military base i lived on has Lynn as their middle names. So to remind me she is a friend.
She's my child that was ectopic due to the sponges Jamie & Doug Otis found and reminded us of. But we went to the hospital because i began to hemmoragge and they were able to save her and her twin.
Then my mom killed her and he died naturally as he was in ICU TO experiment on them being raised/healed as premies temporarily as one within an incubator and the other skin to skin contact. As woman need to be comforted more, we picked Ava to bring home.
They were the first experiment with soul mates being born as twins. Both clones of my and Jeremiah and his being Ava and my being the male Andrew.
Andrew after Jesse... "And he drew" cause he was always drawing beautifully.
And the other clones were of Jesse James and Alexis.
Alexis got kidnapped by her dad and so the story goes... I did too Eventually
Jeremiah's dad helped us as the grandparent in house.
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This is Declan.
He told Jeremiah "I'm not the one sitting around waiting with a pouted lip waiting for someone to do it for me. Now i found the woman and go get my kid!!"
Dude WTF I'm not having someones kid... I'm only 21!!
"Now im the man around the house and what I say goes!!! And you are going to have my kid!!"
Dude whatever. So i did dream into the lab with them but... I thought we were just playing and so i agreed and so next thing i knew there was a frozen child ready to be implanted. Thus my ability to be kidnapped so easily...
Cause when a kid is all telling you about clones and labs and shit... And you're hearing voices... that shit is insane. Literally.
So i didn't take it seriously enough.
But Declan is only 19 Now. And my kid is 16.
So it's old enough to have a romantic relationship. To avoid issues i had as a child with social services.
The plan was to have them grow up as friends but also believed it may been too dangerous....
Yet I still don't agree that it was.
However for the last 10 year's I have been working daily for my amnesia to be solved and also saving the world (of NHRA especially) at the same time.
And have earned multiple Nobel Peace Prizes which i have yet to receive.
So working on law enforcement and the military and government, about to break into the public school system and tear that up ;) as a civilian has earned me billions of dollars i have yet to receive....
But i have given away as i can and have bought businesses that I want.
As proof that the government does care about all its people's hopes and dreams they have bought them on my behalf and am gsining bank! And i shop st my own businesses too... Ironically! I been shopping at Loves for nearly a year... went into Speedway a few times now i drive an extra 5 miles just to shop there because i like it more!!
Robert, the shift manager finally told me tonight as I bought all the GIANTS for my Giant 6'7" man. And i turned the ones in Valencia County to Speedway in honor of Aaron and Paul (twins) who wanted to show the dangers of meth and the meth community as they honored me with my idea of how to end Breaking Bad with the movie reel of El Camino (the mother road) of the manner of the psychological reality of life gone wrong.
I freak Robert out... He was worried when he saw me there that I was to audit like a monster, fire everyone and work the cash register and store myself.
So tonight he saw I bought milkshakes (not available at Love's) figured it out and gave me a pack of smokes for free and blurted out why.
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So i took all the giants as i always do and fucked them all up and made them better.
So i own them till i make my money back on the businesses and then they get given to who I intended it for... As I do double check they will always be worthy... If not i keep them for me because I was being good snd honest and fair the whole time.
So 360° K i own.
So i only compete with Love's whom I always promised the King's Highway to... You know him... As an old time Western Thug bitch ass womanizer player. Motorcycle Guru. Hot Rod extraordinaire. Texas loving son of a gun. Jesse James Smith! Just kidding... Just regular old ole fogie mad scientist Jesse Gregory Smith. Of West Coast Choppers. Which i own and always have as i put up the money for his business intending to always be in his life and helping him. So my apology... The only one i can ever give as i can't predict the future without help is Love. And he loves everyone and won't let Google tell.
I bought every gas station in the country as we will be switching to electric and hydro electric and non fuel and solar and hybrid autos by 2030. So the previous owners have a nice retirement and no stress. As the storage oil facilities that were shot in Saudia Arabia were actually empty. I own them.
Fossil fuels are actually the blood of dinosaurs and other dead bodies that are converted and broken down and dehydrated by plant life...
I found that out by the eternal bushes burning.. I mean growing... here on the mountain. Tumble weeds otherwise known as thyme. And we found via satellite tons of skeletons by Earth xrays under the bushes and some not as they are closer to the Earth surface. I found a wooly mammoth knuckle bone.
We moved here in 2002 and there was a patch of earth that looked like concrete by the mail boxes and we just drove over them assuming that's what it was.
They were mummified wooly mammoths. Now broken up and scattered all over the desert road.
I would not like my blood which could potentially bring me back to life wasted on a car... For someone to get to a job they hate. So no more. Not from the USA anyways.
One night I was at dinner and i said Obama needs to handle thwt South Dakota pipeline. My dad was all what is he supposed to do? All simple solutions were crap and had an argument. I said "then lie! Tell the American people they are scum! Tell them we opened the pipeline up and the pipes broke and destroyed the precious land that needs to be protected." My dad laughed and i felt kinda stupid for being so angry.
But Uncle Donald heard my point and so thats exactly what he did. Fake news? Its real.
Because he saw the change I made in the NHRA with some lies that laid very close to the truth.
You don't need to believe in reincarnation for it to happen. I didn't until about 6 months ago. But my mom's mom and my great aunt my grandma's sister ... Granny Bessie Heltons 2 daughters did. My grandma explained it to me one night when I was 18 as i had asked my Great Aunt Nita i was closer to but she didn't explain she just said "because i do" And the dictionary explaination i already knew. But my grandma traveled with me like y'all know i do And showed me.
We started in Heaven with only having one human life and having the soul figure of a human that we select. Hers was a teenage body, absolutely beautiful. With her old ass mind and experience. I told her what I wanted was to be a child. A dirty raggedy haired barefoot blonde without a care in the world, feeling smarter than I feel now... Because that is when i was happiest. When i saw i could end pain and suffering with death, when i knew life could escape heart ache, even when evil exist.
And so now on her second cat life with me, as her first caused her kidnapping by the same drug induced psycho piece of shit that arrested and molested Jesse James dog, Coco and her untimely death as I did record in Tumblr. "Sister Kitty" was kidnapped by him, hes in a special jail. He just had his pinkie finger nail and big toe nail removed as he did kidnap Mogar and slice his face and slice Kizzys leg. So in order to understand what he did he agreed to similar punishment as he did to our precious cargo...
Cargo my bitches!
Jesse: No! I only ask!
Me: who do i have to convince?
Jesse: Idk Jeremiah?
Me: Ava who is your dad?
Ava: Idk I guess not Jeremiah?? IDK!! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO TELL!? you all always told me they are both my dad's. Let me ask God. Oh! Jesse! ..... And Jeremiah
Me: your dad is your dad and dad he will always be no matter shine or high water, love will always be there for you and for me. Alexis, do you know that one?
She nods all teary..
Jesse: well did i get loves?!
Me: uhh yes ass hole! We always love you back. What do you want with a gas station with no gas? That's like having a family with out us, most especially me!
Jesse: well it got gas now!!!
Me: well gas up at your local, bring a truck. I got a lot of stuff.
Declan: you hear her? Most especially me! Me! Well, me too, you better pick me up.
Me: Jesse... You ready for Orlando?? I got a Chase bank account with the Princess Castle on the debit card... Just needs a little cash in the account.
Jesse: You Mean You Will Pay!!!
Me: i see that was not a question so that does not deserve a response. But yes. I am suppose to have a wire transfer per last night's discussions that will pay for it.
Me: Jeremiah you down?
Jeremiah: to pay Miss Giant Owner?
Me: uhh I'm Miss Speedyway now. No.. Carry me through times square after some Disney World Fun!
Jeremiah: FUCK YES!! uhh yes thank you for inviting me. I will go
Matt Hagan: look look at this. Im the best friend i even got her kid named after me
Me: Matt Hagan... Looks like you're invited, The Best Friend. In or out of Disney World for the hotel.
Matt: IN!!
Me: youre definitely going you know how to do it right! Pops... You gonna stay home alone with your woman?
Pops: not if i don't have to
M3: you don't
Pops: shit! Oh yeah!
Chuck: what about Cookie!!
Me: you and bring Your comrades I need to talk to
Chuckie: oh Cookies going!
Me: I didn't know he could do the Conga.
Jesse: yes you did!
Me: no wonder it looked familiar.
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wanderrlex · 7 years
me too
I was 9. I was the first girl to hit puberty at my elementary school, the first to develop boobs. Boys would take turns sneaking up to me and snapping my bra strap. One time I got so annoyed that I hit one boy in the face. I got sent to the principal’s office. He got to stay in class. 
I was 10. I was playing soccer at recess. I was the only girl on the field. I stole the ball from a boy twice my size and scored on his team. He ran up to me, pulled my shirt up exposing my chest, and shoved me to the ground. We both got sent to the principal’s office, and I had to sit next to him while he defending himself for an hour, and ended up having to apologize to him. 
I was 12. He was 16. I had never had a boy look at me twice, never been called pretty, never been kissed. I was very Christian, went to church 5 times a week by choice, and sworn to purity till marriage. Ryan was the cutest boy at school, and somehow he had chosen me.
I was 12. I was a child. I had just gotten my first period. He started asking me to sneak out to see him, and one night he kissed me. My first kiss. It was the happiest I had ever been. 
I was 12. He was 16. He started asking me to do things that I had never heard of. Told me to keep them a secret. When I expressed fear or discomfort, he would threaten to tell the whole school I had already done it. 
I was 12. One month short of my 13th birthday. He locked me in the guest room. I screamed, I cried, but no one was home. He told me I shouldn’t have gotten him “riled up”, that it was my fault. I didn’t even know what rape was, I barely knew what sex was. I had no idea what to call what had happened to me. My faith was so overpowering at the time that I told myself I was going to marry him, and that it would be okay that we hadn’t waited. That I could still be a good Christian if I only was with him for the rest of my life. I was so lost in my trauma that I thought I had to marry my rapist. 
I was 13. I stopped talking to my friends. I started lying to my mom. I did everything Ryan told me to, because I had convinced myself I had to marry him. I snuck out on school nights, I stopped hanging out with my friends, and when my parents tried to separate us I would develop elaborate lies to see him. I destroyed the relationship with my mother. The greatest woman I will ever know, and I lied to her, told her I hated her for trying to protect me, and I hurt her. But I had to see him, I couldn’t face the reality of what was going on and so I had to live the lie that he and I loved each other. The guilt I felt from seeking out my rapist, the guilt I still feel, will probably follow me to my grave. But he was the only thing I had. I stopped eating. I started cutting myself. He told me it was sexy that I would cry when he would dominate me. He would encourage me to cut myself, he would shame me when I would eat, he controlled everything I said and did. I lost all my friends- but I can’t blame a bunch of 13 year olds for not knowing how to deal with what was happening to me. One time I said no to him, I went outside to call my mom, and when I came back inside he had put his belt around his neck so tight that he wasn’t breathing. When he finally woke up, he raped me once again. 
I was 13. I tried to kill myself. I lost all of my friends. Ryan threatened to kill me. My parents sent me away, as much for my protection from him as it was for me to get the help I needed. Rumors about me spread like wild fire, with the parents just as much as the kids. I got called a slut. Ryan remained the most popular kid in school.
I was 15. I had just gotten back from a year long stay in a residential treatment center. I was still a kid. I was still trying to figure out how to deal with what had happened to me. I was a freshman in high school, at a new school, in a new district, where I knew nobody. In one of my math classes, a popular boy from the sophomore year followed me out to the bathroom. He pulled me into a staff bathroom and locked the door. He forced himself on me. When I said no and tried to run, he pulled me back and called me a bitch. He told me if I told anyone what he had done, they wouldn’t believe me. I knew he was right. I left school afterwards and spent the day crying in a park, alone. The next day, he had told everyone what had happened. All the upperclassman boys chanted “Austin’s girl” at me when they would pass me in the hall. That went on for a year. No one ever found out the truth. My friends who knew what happened still were friends with him and flirted with him because he was popular.
I was 16. I was at a party out in the “Redneck” part of town with some friends. I was standing in the corner when two black kids walked into the party, and I saw six white linebackers from the local football team jumped them for no reason other than their skin color. I had never seen anything like it. I remember running as fast as I could outside, when one of them grabbed me and pushed me against a wall. I got away and made it outside, still running. I hid behind a car. He came outside, yelled “Get back here you bitch”, broke a beer bottle on the side of the house and started after me. I have never run so fast in my life. I didn’t stop until I reached my friend Ashley’s house, which was 2 miles away. 
I was 17. I was at a house party with friends. An ex boyfriend of mine was there, who had recently broken up with one of my close friends Lauren after a three year relationship. I got drunk. I went upstairs, alone, and went to sleep. When I woke up, my shirt was off, and my ex was asleep next to me. I found out the next day he had taken photos of me while I was asleep, shirtless, and told everyone that we fucked. I have no idea what actually happened, I don’t remember anything. Lauren found out. She and I were never friends again. 
 I was 19. In fact, it was my 19th birthday. A friend of mine was hosting a party for me at his parent’s cabin in Breckenridge. It was incredible, I had so much fun, and I got very drunk and was the first person at the party to fall asleep, on the couch (naturally). I was awoken at 3 am by a friend of a friend who had been there that night. His name was Justin. He had maybe talked to me twice that entire night. I woke up to his hand in my pants, and not knowing where I was or what was going on at first. I realized very quickly that I didn’t know this boy. I told him to get off me, but I was too drunk to shove him off. He told me to “Relax” “Just let it happen” “I just want you to have a good birthday.” I kept saying no. I kept trying to get up. He picked me up and carried me up to his room, and started trying to take off my clothes. Something finally clicked in my head. “No, Alexis, not this time.” I told myself. I managed to get up, and stumbled back downstairs to the couch and went back to sleep. The next morning I didn’t even realize what had happened to me until half way through the day. I don’t think I wanted to think about it. I had almost gotten raped on my 19th birthday, by a friend of my friends. He, of course, told the entire group that in the middle of the night, my passed out drunk self went into the room of a boy I didn’t know and fucked him. And then went back down to the couch to sleep. They believed him. I didn’t have it in me to tell them what happened. I knew VERY well what people said about victims that came forward. A couple months later one of my friends wanted to invite him to ski with us, and I told her what happened. I didn’t use the word rape, because I didn’t consider it a rape after what I have been through. I told her I woke up to him assaulting me. A girl I didn’t know was with us that was apparently friends with him, and she told him what I had said. He texted me calling me a cunt, saying I “didn’t know what rape was” saying everyone thinks I’m a crazy bitch now. To this day, that entire friend group still hangs out with him. One of the guys who was there for me when it happened, who defended me against him, now lives with him and has completely changed sides, and one time at a party he called me a stupid bitch because I was upset and preparing to leave when I heard Justin was coming. He literally said “Oh what, because Justin raped you?” Yeah, actually, that is why. 
I am 21. I’m terrified of men. I hide it well, but every time a guy looks at me for too long, every time I find myself alone with one... I’m scared and start planning how I’ll defend myself. I’ve been sexually assaulted by 5 men and sexually harassed by more than I could ever count or remember. I have PTSD from what I went through when I was 12, and every time one of the attacks occurred when I was older I spiraled into a depressive cycle that has almost brought me back to suicide every time. I know what it feels like to sit in a shower so hot it burns you, because nothing makes you feel clean. I know what it feels like to have repetitive nightmares of the same attacks. I know what it feels like to have to figure out what sex is supposed to feel like, and still feel scared when you’re with a partner who loves you. I would never have made it to 21 years without the sacrifices my parents, my mom especially, made for me. Sometimes I question how I’m still here, how all of this could have even happened. My childhood feels like a story I’ve heard about someone else. It’s like I know what happened, but my emotions are so dulled to it that I no longer identify with my own past. This might be because a lot of my memories of that time period are still blocked out from the PTSD. Every few years I get a memory rushing back, and I enter another depressive cycle. Every time I get surprised with a rape scene in a movie or TV show, every time I even hear the word I get sucked back into flashbacks of what happened. Writing this alone has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. But I’m sick of being afraid. I’m sick of being quiet. I’ve hidden my experiences for years and years because I was so afraid of what people would think about me. I won’t be quiet anymore. Rape culture is real, and it is the responsibility of all of us to recognize it and end it. And I know I’m not alone. 
#MeToo has made me realize just how many women out there know the fear that I deal with every day. #MeToo has opened up a dialogue for the survivors to talk openly about what we have experienced, about the trauma we live with. I cannot thank the women who have opened up about their experienced enough. I cannot tell you what it has done for me. #MeToo has freed me from years of silence and fear of judgement. I’m not afraid anymore. And I won’t sit back and let this issue go unnoticed for another second. I'm not brave, I'm just fed up. I hate men. I fear men. And I don't want to carry around this resentment anymore. I shouldn’t have to be terrified of having a daughter because of what I’m afraid might happen to her. What I’m afraid men will do to her. I hope if there are people out there reading this that are shocked, I hope that if the events that have transpired over the last 10 years of my life seem unreal, that you realize that there of millions of other girls out there with stories like mine. There are millions of boys out there, there are millions of people who get victimized and have no power to speak out. Who feel like their trauma will be spun around on them, “what were you wearing?” “why were you out so late?” “were you flirting back with him?” The sexual entitlement of men in this country is out of control. But it doesn’t happen over night. Men don’t just wake up as rapists. They learn, through the societal acceptance of sexual harassment, and comments like “boys will be boys”, that it’s okay for them to act in this manner. To quote our PRESIDENT, “when you’re a star they let you do it, whatever you want, just grab them by the pussy”
We have to change the narrative. We have to start listening to victims and holding predators accountable. Without this, we have no hope of changing a system that is destroying the lives of women all over this planet. I want my daughters to grow up in a world where they don’t have to be afraid of the men in their life, don’t you? 
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littlepiecesofwords · 4 years
Walking to Spencer’s House
After spending so much time talking and writing my paper with Sam, it’s time to go home. I offered to walk her home.
Sam: Alex, can I call you A?
Alex: huh? yea, guess that’s fine
Sam: So, what’s your plans after high school?
Alex: I want to take Literature, but I’m also praying if I should take Medicine.
Sam: praying?
Alex: yes, sorry to sound weird. I know I can do both in same university. But I want to be certain if I should do both.
Sam: I see, that be a lot of school time.. So, how’s Alexis?
Alex: I think she’s fine, she’s young, and she wants a lot of things, sometimes she gets me overwhelmed with all her ideas in life, and even her parents asks me to pull her to the ground sometimes. But she’s a quality person, I’ll never get another Alexis in my life. 
Sam: I see... (awkward silence)
Alex: (sensing the awkward silence) you know, I have 2 younger sisters, and they’re almost same age as Alexis so it’s easier for me to be the big brother instantly towards her. People always thinks we’re together because of the closeness, but both of us knows that we are not...
Sam: I see, yeah, I thought too at first.. since she moved to Circles.
Alex: (relieved with the awkwardness) Well? she’s easy to get along with, once she likes you, she do likes you, even if it gets me to trouble, she will be in defense of that person she believes in.. hahahahaha
Sam: just like what happened in the field....
A: Yes, that was big trouble.. hahahahahaha! I never started any fight in my whole life..
Sam: I know.. (we went to same school since we’re kids)
A: You know?
Sam: yeah, we’re from the same school, so I know...
A: I see..
Sam: Here’s me...
A: Ok, thank you for your time Sam....
Mimi was looking at us by the window, and I can see, she is curious if this is the boy named Alex. Mimi, opened the door, and went out. 
Mimi: Sammy! you’re home...
Sam: Mimi.. (please go inside please please - thinking and panic)
Mini: Hey young man! thank you for walking my Sammy home..
A: Good Afternoon Ma’am. It was a pleasure walking Sammy (giving Sam a teasing look) home.
Mimi: Are you in a hurry to go home?
A: No Ma’am, I still have time before my curfew of 7pm...
Mimi: why don’t you come inside?
Sam: Mimi, let’s go, leave Alex alone (giving Mimi a look)
A: Sure Ma’am, it will be a pleasure...
Samantha:  As we all stepped inside the house, I was sweating and I felt embarrassed. Hoping Mimi will not say anything...
Alex: As I stepped inside their house, I was nervous, what will I say to her GrandMa? Did I did something wrong? Jesus! help me... “Be the friend you said you’d be” I repeated to myself.
Mimi: Have a seat, do you want something to drink?
A: Water will do Ma’am. ( Mimi walks towards the kitchen -  I followed her (not even sure why but I started walking towards the kitchen and sat by the counter))
Mimi: Oh, you’re here...
A: Sorry, not sure why I walked and followed you Ma’am, but the kitchen smells so good, are you baking an apple pie? I can smell it...
Mimi: Oh boy! your nose are incredible! I did baked Apple Pie..
Sam: you did? Mimi (not sure what’s happening - we are all in the kitchen)
Mimi gave us a slice of apple pie each, and we started talking..
A: My Nana loves baking too, she bakes apple pie and makes her own strawberry jams too. I miss her bakings, my dad didn’t get her baking talents before she passed away a year ago. My Mom is a great cook but nothing beats Nana’s baking, this is one of those great ones.. GrandMa’s knows how to spoil kids hehehehe
Mimi was giggling and giving me a look, while A was enjoying his pie, I was enjoying watching him and Mimi talk. He’s really good with woman.
Mimi: I heard you got in to a trouble at school lately, young man..
A: (looking at me - embarrassed) I’m sorry Ma’am. 
Mimi: what happened?
Sam: Mimi (but she’s not paying attention to me)
A: A friend of mine was being bullied by some guys at school. Then her friend stepped in, as a guy trying to protect the girl. But he was outnumbered and this bullies are stronger than him.... So, my friend Alexis came to me for help, and the next thing I know I was being hit by these guys on my back... And then the fight happened.. Ma’am, I’m not proud of it. But if my friend is in trouble and if the only way to protect if all resources are exhausted, I will take necessary actions to protect the people  I love.
Mimi: Are those boys still bothering you and your friend?
A: No Ma’am. I hope not. 
Mimi: Then good then. (giving me a wink)
Sam: Okay, that’s it... Mimi can I walk A to the door now? he’s done with his apple pie and I think you’re done with your “questions” (giving Mimi a look to stop)
A: Wait, (cleaning up after his dish. he started putting the plates cups together and brought it to the sink)
Sam: Leave it A... 
A: No, my Mom said, if someone fed you, you have to clean up after... It will not take long.. (started washing the dishes)
Mimi: Sammy, he’s s good boy. I like him. Bring him again, I want to get to know him more...
Sam: (speechless of what I’m seeing, none of the guys I dated ever did this.) Yes Mimi.
A: Thank you again Ma’am for great apple pie..
Mimi: Call me Mimi! no more Ma’am, just Mimi....
Sam: (Overwhelmed. Mimi never asked any of her exes to call her Mimi) Let’s go?
A: Thank you Mimi, get well rested. God bless you. (gave Mimi a kiss on the forehead)
Mimi: my sweet boy (patting his cheeks) Go home safe, God bless you!
Sam: (as we both stepped out of the door) what just happened? you just made MImi like you like her own grandson...
A: I like Mimi, I’ll visit again for another slice of pie.... Hehehehe! Go inside Sam, I’ll walk home now... Good Night! See you tomorrow.. (squeezed her shoulder gently)
Samantha: He likes Mimi. Mimi likes him. This is great! just so great! He touched my shoulder.... Laying on her bed and replaying the whole afternoon with Alex.
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purenoodles · 5 years
Gonna hope it was this ask
Gonna add a read-more because this bitch LONG and also I’m in the mood to monologue on half of these questions
55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?
I’ve told like... two? people I’ve liked them. Drunk me on the other hand tells everyone because he’s a bitch and is like “lemme YEET my heart into the person’s lap and tell them how much they mean to me and how I wouldn’t mind owning a house and dog with them”
56. Do you like to cuddle?
If I like the person I just like being around them, preferably touching in some way (unless they aren’t cool with it) so cuddling would be WONDERFUL.  I’ve dated people in the past that weren’t cool with it, like a past ex had some serious emotional trauma so an average day’s contact was a light handshake or high five, and a really good day was a tight hug or kiss. While it’s not ideal I’m still fine with it.
57. Are you shy?
If you asked ANYONE who knew me they’d say I’m not, but I really am - at least when first meeting someone. I have a completely unearned confidence that I’ve learned to project to get me past my initial shyness and after a couple of times of that projection I can just be my natural self.
58. Do you get along with girls?
I think like 90% of my tumblr friends are girls so I’m gonna say yes. When I first meet someone I’m definitely a lot shyer around girls though. It doesn’t help that I’m 6 feet tall and an absolute god damn unit so I probably appear way more intimidating than I look.
59. Have you dated the person you texted last?
Nah we live too far apart and Erin’s been in a committed relationship like... 99% of the time I’ve known her?
60. What do you carry with you at all times?
My phone, wallet, and an undying love for all of my buddies
61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?
Yeah sure I’ll just get drunk and sleep through it or blast some bops and ignore whatever weird happenings go on
62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?
I’d be disappointed if it lasted LESS than five months tbh. Like if I’m dating you I’m hoping we know each other enough that there aren’t any immediate issues that would end it that quick. I’ve been in like 3 serious relationships and they were all for over a year.
63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?
It is October and no. If you meant last October then also no.
64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?
Adorable and I better be able to kiss their forehead back. Also cute that they got a stepladder to reach or got me to bend over so they could reach lmao
65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?
Got super drunk with @ticklepeachy and our friend Bean last night and talked about feelings and stuff
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?
Like 22, 23, and 25
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?
I’d probably just ask one of my friends to do it, but I don’t think I’d want my nails painted lol
68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?    
Neither but if I have to pick I guess Zebra?
69. Do you have any stickers on your car?    
70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?    
It really depends on my mood because my musical taste is all over the god damn place and I can listen to both of them in the same session
71. Blackberry, Android, or iPhone?    
I like my iPhone because it has my decade worth of iTunes music, but Androids are fine. My mom and aunts have blackberries and I hate them so much.
72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?    
Probably at least 6+ years ago. There’s like 50 pizza places that deliver to me so if I really want to have some delivered I can get pizza that’s actually good lmao
73. Do you like diet soda?    
Not particularly. It just tastes “off” for lack of a better word.
74. What color are the walls in your room?    
They’re “pearl white” or something I forget the exact color name but I just repainted them like 2 years ago.
75. Are you 16 or older?    
God I hope so
76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?    
Nope, although I know a lot of people who were into it.
77. Do you have a job?    
I wish but I was like “Hey I should get a career doing something I love!” and it’s impossible to break into the job market without like a 5.0 GPA, 3 internships, and 5 years experience.
78. What are your initials?    
79. Did you ever have braces?    
Nope, I have a bit of a crossbite but it’s never been bad enough to warrant braces thankfully
80. Are you from the south?
No and I’m disgusted you would ask me this :/
81. What does your last status on facebook say? 
I’ve been scrolling for awhile and my last post was 2 years ago and it was a “shared memory” from 5 years ago. I have no idea what my last status was
82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?    
Nope, they’re incredibly toxic and problematic and I wish I had realized it when we first met!
83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?    
Mom for sure.
84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?    
Nope, haven’t done either. Although I took 2 science classes my senior year of high school which meant instead of having Gym class every day of the week for half of the year I had it like 3 days/week for like 2/3 of the year. After the first semester I had gym class with an all girl class that was a grade below me and I had to do whatever they did, so I did have some experience with tumbling.
85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?    
I think it was the Wolverine movie that came out a year or two ago. Ryan and I hit up Dave and Buster’s because I got a bunch of free gift cards for there, then we forgot to grab food and I was like “haha it’s fine I’ll just buy food at the movies!” When they told me it’d be $20 for Nachos and a drink I almost cried.
86. Do you smoke?    
I smoke like 1 cigarette and 1 bowl of weed a year. The cigarette I randomly have while drunk when my cousin offers me one and every time I smoke it and go “yep definitely not for me”. The weed is from my cousin’s bf who offers me a hit every time I see him lmao.
87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?    
Flip flops but I don’t really like my feet so I prefer regular shoes
88. Is your phone touch screen?    
Yeah when it wants to work
89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?    
Straight but if I let my hair grow out to a few inches it starts naturally curling a bit at the ends.
90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?    
Yeah a couple of times
91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?    
The lakes and rivers by me are NASTY so definitely a pool. If I drove like 2 hours to where I like going kayaking then the river is nice and I wouldn’t mind
92. Have you ever made out in a car?    
93. …Had sex in a car?    
94. Are you single or in a relationship?    
Single and ready to move across the country if I get offered a job
95. What were you doing last night at midnight?    
Watching Alexis stream Super Mario Sunshine unless that was after her laptop died in which case I think we were just drinking and voice chatting
96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?    
I probably saw some around the 4th of July
97. Do you like the camera on your phone?    
It’s okay but I cracked the camera lens so now sometimes it gets some weird glare
98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?    
All of my friends are friends with benefits! They offer me emotional support or people to play games with or people I can just talk to or whatever the case may be.
99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?    
Maybe so
100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?
I wouldn’t say hate, but the majority I don’t care about whatsoever
0 notes
mchenryjd · 6 years
2017 in Review
Necessarily incomplete, mostly for my personal record. I will probably regret this.
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10.  mother!
Got to a screening late, had to sit in the third show, could barely tell what was happening and spent most of the movie staring at J. Law’s flared nostrils. An ideal viewing experience.
9.     Personal Shopper
Nothing captures the purposeful emptiness of spending time online like Kristen Stewart texting a ghost.
8.     Get Out
I kept telling my dad this movie was funny to get him to see it, not realizing he didn’t already know it was a horror movie. Afterwards, he texted me, “that was not a comedy!” Feels like that’s enough a metaphor. Daniel Kaluuya for best actor.
7.     Star Wars: The Last Jedi
A Star Wars movie about loving Star Wars movies, which means loving the epic, silly struggle between good and epic, loving the spiral staircase that is John Williams’s force theme, loving it when character always do the coolest possible thing followed by the next coolest possible thing, loving dumb furry creatures and sarcastic slimy ones, loving it when characters kiss when you want them to kiss, loving the hundred-million-dollar sandbox of it all. After the constricted dance steps of The Force Awakens and Rogue One, give me this bleeding freestyle any day.
6.     Phantom Thread
Finally, proof that everyone in a serious relationship has lost it.
5.     Call Me By Your Name
I refuse to believe that being stuck in rural Italy would be anything other than deadly boring and if my father insisted on turning everything into a lecture on classical art, I would run away. Also, there’s a contrast between the book (vague on the details of place and time, vividly specific on matters of sex) and the film (more contextually specific, sexier, but less horny than the original). Also, who am I kidding, I was moved and unsettled by the force of the thing. *Michael Stuhlbarg voice* Pray you get a chance to fall in love like this.
4.     Dunkirk
Having your tense, churning, clanking, thrumming, score transform into Elgar right when the beautiful, imperiled young heroes are reading a stirring speech (and Tom Hardy is heroically sacrificing himself in what looks like the middle of a Turner painting) is a level of craft so deft if feels like cheating, but it works.
3.     BPM
A film about a community in danger that acts as both a memorial to and rallying cry for that community. Uncompromising, accommodating, queer in the best way, BPM makes you want to cry and go dancing at the same time.
2.     Columbus
The kind of movie that makes you want to get in a car and keep driving until you find something beautiful, it has stuck and expanded in my memory ever since I saw it over the summer. Like the architecture that looms large in the setting, the plot can feel uncomfortably schematic – John Cho wants to leave and gets  stuck, Haley Lu Richardson is stuck and gets to leave. The question is how people live within, and blur the edges of, those confines. John Cho has a winning, curdled decency; Haley Lu Richardson gives the hardest kind of performance, in that she often seems unaware of her character’s own wants. I’d watch her quietly assemble dinner for hours on end.
1.     Lady Bird  
A movie that feels less plotted and more prefigured – every fight between Lady Bird has happened before, every high school landmark lumbers by with inevitability, every boy disappoints in the way you expect. What redeems all this? Paying attention, which is also love, in this movie’s pseudo-religious sense. Between Lady Bird and Marion, between Lady Bird and Julie, between Lady Bird and Sacramento. Watch people closely, as Greta Gerwig does, and they reveal glimmers of themselves (I know so little, and yet everything, about Stephen McKinley Henderson’s drama teacher from a few moments that feel perfect, in the sense of contained, past-tense completeness). It’ll all so ordinary. Fall in love with it.
Honorable mentions: Regina Hall’s speech about friendship in Girls Trip, Sally Hawkins tracing a droplet with her finger in The Shape of Water, Meryl Streep on the phone in The Post, Cara Delevingne in Valerian, Rihanna in Valerian, the part where the ghost jumped off the building in A Ghost Story, the fact that Power Rangers was surprisingly good, the soldier who gasps as Diana whips out her hair in the trenches in Wonder Woman, Ansel Elgort’s jacket in Baby Driver, whenever anyone tried to explain anything in Alien: Covenant, Elisabeth Moss in The Square, Anh Seo-hyun feeding Okja in Okja, Lois Smith being in movies, the kids eating ice cream in The Florida Project, the Game of Thrones joke in Logan Lucky, Vella Lovell in The Big Sick, and finally, most preciously, the moment in Home Again where Reese Witherspoon kissed Michael Sheen and someone in my theater shouted “she’s not feeling it!”
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10.  The Good Doctor
Listen, he’s a good doctor.
9.     Riverdale
They’re hot. They’re angsty. They do drugs that look like Pixy-Stix. They never seem to do homework. They love to hook-up in weird locations. They have terrible taste in karaoke songs. They love hair dye, and a well-defined eyebrow. They have really hot parents. They’re TV teens! I love it.
8.     Insecure
This is just to say that I am far too invested in Molly’s happiness as a person. I would also like to view a full season of Due North.
7.     American Vandal
From Alex Trimboli to Christa Carlyle, the best names on TV are on this show. Also the best reenactments, and somehow the most incisive take on what fuels, and results from TV’s true-crime obsession. Jimmy Tatro mumbling!
6.     Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
More shows should take the opportunity to explode in their third seasons, rocket forward at full speed, diagnose their main characters, and give Josh Groban wonderful, unexplainable cameos.
5.     Alias Grace
A show that conjured a performance for the ages out of Sarah Gadon and somehow made Zachary Levi palatable as a dramatic actor, this miracle of collaboration between Mary Harron and Sarah Polley is all the better for being binged. Down it in an afternoon, think of Grace under her black veil, daring you to disbelieve her, for years to come.
4.     Twin Peaks: The Return
A show that drove nostalgia into itself like a knife to the chest. Totally absurd. The best revival/exorcism yet on TV.
3.     Please Like Me
“Sorry about your life.” “I’m sorry about your life.” In a time when things tend to peter out, what a final season, in which everything goes to shit and then some. Maybe TV’s most prickly comedy, Please Like Me’s heart is of the “stumble along and keep going” sort and never does it test itself as much as it did with this bleak, pastel final statement.
2.     The Leftovers
Do you believe Nora Durst’s story? Sometimes I do. Sometimes I think it sounds ridiculous. Sometimes I relax in the comfortable, academic premise that it only matters that Kevin does. It’s a haunting idea, though, this image of world even emptier than The Leftovers’s own, where it’s possible to wander for untold time in darkness. Carrie Coon’s description of it is a kind of journey to the underworld – we’re there with her, maybe, and then we make it back, maybe. The trick of The Leftovers is the wound’s never fully healed.
1.     Halt and Catch Fire
The world changes. People sorta don’t.
Honorable mentions: the twist in The Good Place, the Taylor Swift demon character in Neo Yokio, Claire Foy on The Crown, Vanessa Kirby on The Crown, the stand-up in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, Cristin Milioti in Black Mirror, the televised Academy Awards ceremony, the weeks when Netflix didn’t release new TV shows I had to watch, Girls’s “American Bitch,” the fact that Adam Driver is both in Girls and Star Wars, Keri Russell and Matthew Rhys performances on The Americans (and life in Brooklyn), the moments in Game of Thrones that were good enough to make me stop thinking about what people would write about Game of Thrones, season 2 of The Magicians’s resistance to any sort of plot logic, Jane the Virgin’s narrator, Nicole Kidman at therapy on Big Little Lies, Reese Witherspoon’s production of Avenue Q in Big Little Lies, Alexis Bledel holding things in The Handmaid’s Tale, Maggie Gyllenhaal directing porn in The Deuce, Alison Brie’s terrible Russian accent in Glow, Maya Rudolph in Big Mouth, Cush Jumbo miming oral sex with a pen in court in The Good Fight, the calming experience of watching new episodes of Superstore and Great News on Fridays, Eden Sher in The Middle, the fake books they make up for Younger, and Rihanna livestreaming herself watching Bates Motel.
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10.  Indecent
History, identity, community all mangled together in something that’s both excavation and revivification. I’m so mad I didn’t get to see it with my mom.
9.     Mary Jane
A nightmare that goes from bad to worse, which Carrie Coon performed with the endurance of a saint.
8.     SpongeBob SquarePants
Highlights: The tap number, the Fiddler on the Roof joke, the many uses of pool noodles, David Zinn’s design in general, the arms, the volcano setpiece, the fact that somehow I kept laughing for two-and-a-half hours at something SpongeBob SquarePants. Tina Landau, you’re a hero.
7.     Hello, Dolly!
I had a wonderful viewing experience like this, in that I sat alone on an aisle next to an older gay man who turned to me right when the curtain came down on the first act and said, “man, we love Bette.” (Shout out to any and all gags involving the whale.)
6.     Groundhog Day
Proof you can dig deeper into the material you’re adapting and still find more. Sometimes, the funniest gags come out of old-fashioned repetition. Andy Karl has the Rolex-like ability to make it all speed by without revealing any of the ticks, and then wallop you in the second act.  
5.     The Glass Menagerie
A lot of unconventional ideas piled onto each other that go so far into strange territory that they loop back around to being immediate. Maybe distant to some, but enough to unsettle me. I can still smell the onstage rain.
4.     The Wolves
A sign of a good play is probably that you remain invested in the characters long after you see it, and I’m going to spend so much time worrying about all the girls on the soccer team in The Wolves for the rest of my life.
3.     The Band’s Visit
Katrina Lenk has a gorgeous voice. Tony Shalhoub is restrained to the point that he could move his baton with nanometer accuracy. The songs are transporting. But most of all, The Band’s Visit manages to capture loneliness better than nearly any musical I’ve seen. Everyone, audience included, experiences something together, and then it all, slowly, both lingers and drifts apart.
2.     A Doll’s House, Part 2
What, you think I wasn’t going to include a play with a Laurie Metcalf performance? ADHP2 is perhaps clever to a fault in its set-up, but in the right hands, it turns into something both funny and moving – a story about what it takes to become a complete person, in or outside the influence of other people. Nora’s monologue about living in silence near the end is the full of the kind of simple statements that are so hard to act, and so brilliant when done just right.
1.     The Antipodes
Both an extended meditation on what it means to run out of stories and a brutal subtweet of Los Angeles, The Antipodes is my kind of play, in that it’s mostly people talking, Josh Charles is involved and very disgruntled, and everyone eats a lot of take out.
Honorable mentions: the music in Sunday in the Park With George, the pies in Sweeney Todd, the ensemble of Come From Away, seeing Dave Malloy in The Great Comet of 1812, Alex Newell’s “Mama Will Provide” in Once on This Island, Cate Blanchet having fun in The Present, Imelda Staunton in the NTLive Follies, Michael Urie in Torch Song, Patti LuPone’s accent(s) in War Paint, Ashley Park in KPOP, and Gleb.
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