#even though I may have more of a Recognizable But Undeniably Nice sort of voice than whatever Alex Hirsch thinks he's doing
thejazzvoid · 3 years
[Transcript: Alright, so this is kind of a voice reveal, I suppose, but I figured I’d say what I have to say in audio format because it’s fitting, y’know? But I am going to get good at voice acting this summer, and this is a promise and a threat I have made to myself, so if anyone has anything they’d like me to say--podcast ...monologues, video game voicelines; anything, really--just say so, and I will say the things probably. Thank you for your time.
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nanaswhispers · 7 years
Wandering Souls
Day 1 KLAROLINEAUWEEK : Fusions & Crossovers
K&c don’t interact with Claire and Jamie. They’re also not really Claire and Jamie, but there are some similitudes with a strong Klaroline twist. Also, Randalls became Lockwoods. Not really Outlander canon either, just Outlander Universe.
Angst. Violence. Language. 
Although it was originally intended as a one-shot, and I ended it in a way so that it can still be read as that, I’m feeling inspired, and like it needs a continuation, so, if you like it, stay tuned for a second part! After Klarolineauweek ends most probably.
Enjoy !
 « Eerie, isn’t it ? » a distinctly male voice abruptly brought her out of her contemplation.
Caroline threw a quick glance towards the man walking up to her, then looked back down, from her perch on the balcony, at the dancing, joyous pairs moving through the castle’s Great Room, the fires in the various hearths scattered in all the corners of the space to combat the wet cold winter seemingly never ending here in the Highlands, the unfamiliar smells of food and beverages that wouldn’t even be remembered centuries from now, the swirls of the tent-like skirts women were forced to wear below the excruciating tightness of their corsets, and the swirls of the kilts around the men’s knees proudly displaying the loyalty to their clan, their allegiance to their Laird.
And, she supposed, it really was eerie. Although, she guessed the man now standing next to her didn’t find it so for the same reasons she did. At least not from her perspective as a 26 years old woman from the 21st century that suddenly traveled through time and landed in the 18th century, right in the middle of Scotland.
So, she only nodded, not willing to show or say to much.
Even if she hadn't quickly glanced back when he interrupted her musings, his voice would have betrayed his identity immediately. Such a raspy, smooth, velvet was recognizable amongst thousands, but, it was his accent, so different from everyone else’s around here that truly differentiated him from the other people in Castle Leoch.
She had heard he was a traveler, and had been a warrior for some Lord in another land some time ago, his prowess with a sword was rumored to be extraordinary. (Clearly, only nice terms to say sell-sword, she scoffed, internally.)
She supposed he had his reasons as to why he divulged no details about his past. (She couldn't really hold that against him since she hadn't really been that forthcoming herself…)
Perhaps he had done things that would take away the good grace the Mackenzies had towards him?
Maybe it was shame that ate him up from the inside? (Although Klaus didn't strike her as one that would care about such unprofitable and unusable emotions…)
Or, most probably, his past was too painful, still too raw to share… she understood that.
Those were different times, where people didn’t always have the luxury of circumstances or even the rights to choose a path for themselves. Sometimes, to survive, one must do things they didn’t like. Things they wished to never remember again.
Objectively, she had known in a vague sort of way, that all those were indisputable facts. That free will and freedom were what dreams were made off. However she had never truly comprehended it, grasped the whole spectrum of that fact, understood how it affected people to be choice-less, powerless, voice-less, not until mere months ago. Now, she did. Unfortunately.
Caroline looked back at him again. Observed him standing quite rigidly, especially compared to his usual falsely laid-back attitude. Watched as he took notice of every nook, cranny, and corner present in the Great Room, never letting down his guard. His already paranoid streak seemingly accrued by the tension right before the battle that will take place only hours from now.
When she met him initially, his aura of violence and aloofness perturbed her. Frustrated her. Unbalanced her. She wasn't equipped to deal with men who dealt everyday with violence and non-ending wars, as real individuals, with their own set of traumas and real experiences. People who lived through the consequences of spilled blood. They were just a story, something passed almost as anecdotes when political machinations and tales of bloody battlefields were taught in class as more important than the measly life of a no-name Scot, until they stood in front of her, threatening her, thinking she was a spy for the English that persecuted them.
Now, with hindsight and experience on her mind, she guessed his attitude had its benefits. Even though he was capable of angering her like no one before in her life (both time frames included), he was also the one that protected her like nobody ever did before, even at his own expense.
She would remember until her last breaths those wretched moments when he took a hit, or a bullet in her stead. When he defended her honor by sullying his. When he sacrificed his comfort so that she could feel better. And he did it without ever bragging, which was actually quite surprising and commendable for someone with such a propensity for teasing and showing off.
Klaus had sometimes been such an antagonistic bastard during her three months in this time that she in some stances (after an arduous battle with herself) could force her mind to forget how handsome and charming he was. Yet, here, standing next to her, with an indescribable expression stretched on his fair and strong features, her breath was taken away.
The warmth exuding from his arm to hers was much more effective than the fires in chasing away the chill from her bones, she noted absently.
This time, when his voice interrupted her from her musings, about how hot he was, she was grateful. She couldn’t allow herself to fantasize about men she didn’t plan on seeing for much longer. She had to get back to Tyler. Her, maybe not as sweet nor devoted as she would like, husband of two years, waiting for her, generations away. So she only focused on his words and not on the divine mouth uttering them.
“I find it quite eerie to see such joy on their faces. They know that the dawn will bring nothing good, that most of them could be dead come sundown. They know that Lockwood and his brutish British goons are better funded, better equipped, and have higher numbers. And yet, here are those Highlanders, dancing, laughing, drinking and fucking… Is that the most stupid or most intelligent thing on this world, I wonder?”
She pondered his question a few moments. Never truly finding a concrete answer but still giving away her piece of mind.
“I don’t really know, to be perfectly honest with you… It is stupid. They are drinking themselves to a stupor they won’t really exit out of even on the battlefield; they are using all the energy they could save for the fight by fucking women they wouldn’t even acknowledge any other day; they are burning up every resource they have that could feed their people in the coming months…”
(She hushed the words “if survival is theirs” for both their sakes.)
“And yet, there is something undeniably awe-inspiring and truly…beautiful, seeing them like this, focusing only on the present time, not worrying about the events of the morrow, enjoying everything about living at least one last night… One can only envy such lust for life.”
Klaus looked at her in silence, contemplating her (and her words), a small smile etched on his sinful lips, as if he was amused by the rhetoric of her answer, or as if he was pleased she shared her mind so openly with him after weeks of avoiding real conversations with him, instead giving back only defensive, short and concise words.
They stood side to side, in silence for a long while, pondering the events to come, the forced joy and drunkenness being displayed in front of their eyes, as if a scene from a historical action movie. Appreciating each other's warmth, knowing fully well it may be the last time they ever could. Quietly, secretly, throwing quick glances that when caught would case an embarrassed smile to bloom on their otherwise stony faces.
As per usual, it was Klaus that breached through the wall of silence between them.
“I, am no Scot, my fair lady, and I do not plan on giving away the fight before it has even begun. I intend to broaden significantly my list of slain English bastards. Therefore, I must bid you a good night and take leave to retire to my own chambers. (Where you are always welcome if you so wish)”
He smirked a little, by habit, but the usual heat and innuendo were not present this time.
“As my people say Wake early if you want another man’s life or land. No lamb for the lazy wolf. No battles won in bed… If I come back from the battlefield tomorrow, it will be my pleasure to see those beautiful eyes again my lady Caroline. If not, it was my greatest pleasure to have gazed upon such beauty. May your journey be easy and prosperous.”
Watching his form slowly inserting itself into the crowd made of rowdy highlanders, Caroline hoped with everything she had in her that those parting words would be useless and that his famed prowess with a sword was as true as it was told to be.
Caroline went to bed shortly after. But sleep wasn’t destined for her.
His parting words resonated in her. Ringed something distant in her mind. A memory she couldn't quite grasp, of a knowledge she felt even into her bones was important. Something that would help her unravel the mystery that was Klaus.
Well, the saying of “his people” did that. The others, the last, more personal ones, she didn't want to think about. (She failed. It may or may not have provoked tingling, fire and constricting of the heart. Caroline wouldn't even admit it under duress.)
She had spent the entire night fretting over all the possibilities the morrow would bring. Contemplated each person’s probability to die on that clearing. Admonished herself for even wishing that some would make it back.
She knew the Scots would lose. She knew it was the beginning of the end for the Highland culture and way of life. She knew that in the times to come, even speaking one’s mother tongue could get yours to be separated from the rest of your mouth. She knew it was the landmark for oppression.
She had gone to fucking Scotland, visited and observed every ruin, studied every book and stood upon Craigh Na Dun, because her entire career as an anthropologist would depend on how she started it, would depend on her thesis about the history and culture of these lands. The way people had lived and developed in a region not known for its welcoming nature.
And yet, she still hoped against hope.
So, she mourned for all the lives that would be lost. She cried for all the lives that wouldn’t be, but will live under torture and agony. She wept for all the women left behind waiting for any news that their loved ones survived, for the children that will become orphans in the coming hours.
Just before dawn and its daunting sun rays came, she heard the stirring of horses led to the gates of the castle. The bustle of men hurrying for armors, swords, food.
Caroline stood up, engulfed herself into her giant woolen shawl looking for every scrap of warmth and comfort she could find, and went hesitatingly to the small window in her room. Watched the heaviness slowly etch itself into each pair of shoulders. Observed them trying to joke and laugh as they usually would no matter the context, but without their hearts in it. As if they knew, that this time it would be something else entirely.
Her eyes strayed by themselves on the imposing figure Klaus presented, standing stoically against the archway, waiting for the signal to go. She felt his eyes rest on her too, and without thinking, her hand rose, and he nodded instead.
She watched, paradoxically unaware and simultaneously much too cognizant of the time trickling by. The final moments coming too fast, but the preparations for it endless.
“May we meet again” she whispered, almost unknowingly, as she watched them leave.
Seconds, minutes hours meshed together, passed away without anyone noticing. Time stretched itself into a continuous agony of not knowing. The haze of waiting seemed unending.
And yet, when the main door of the castle caved under the might of His Majesty's troops, every child, woman, elder that had been huddled together in the Great Room as they waited, jumped as if broken out of a short nap.
Screams and wails, of despair and realization that they had lost, breaking into a symphony of pain and misery.
Their people were doomed. Their families broken. Their loved ones most probably lying amidst bowels, mud and piss, their blood fertilizing the soil they had fought for until their last breaths.
Surrounded by the cacophony of cries, grunts and orders to knee in front of His Majesty's power, Caroline stood rigid, devoid of any expression, numb.
Some would perhaps say she didn't feel affected by the outcome of the battle, that these weren't her people, that she had only been an unsolicited guest in this time and in this clan. Others would simply rationalize that her forehand knowledge of the loss had prepared her sufficiently to not break in front of the menacing soldiers.
However, Caroline knew that neither of these options were right.
She wasn't catatonic, but her mind had stopped. The blow of the truth too hard, to powerful to digest immediately. She would do what she did best in situations where everyone succumbed. She would hold the ship and bear stoically every hit, up until the moment when she would relax and everything would just engulf her. It was okay, she would handle it when the time comes, as she always did.
For now, she had to be strong.
Especially since the man bearing the same name and features her husband had centuries from now, sauntered proud as a peacock in the Great Room. Laughing at the misery etched onto the faces of every Scot present. Enjoying the defeat creeping into their eyes. Thrilled to see the proud people that defied him at every turn kneel weakly in front of his power.
Caroline would not kneel. So he sent two of his apes at her.
One soldier of his Majesty dead, lying in a pool of his own blood at her feet, the other holding his side while grabbing her hair at the same time, holding her in place, she watched as Theodore Lockwood, her husband’s ancestor, and doppelganger, the King's most infamous Lieutenant, walked proudly towards her.
She glowered at the man that tried to rape her, that tortured her, that gave her the status of criminal.
He came to her, as closely as possible, smirked as he towered over her now that she was kneeling against her will at his feet, and replaced the hand in her hair with his own mighty grip.
Her attention went for a small moment to the man standing behind her, and the knife she had used to kill his compatriot moments away that he now pushed relentlessly against her spine. Dumb rookie mistake Caroline.
Suddenly, she felt her head move under the force of his pull, her hair being torn out of her scalp. She felt him rubbing his groin on her entire face, particularly her mouth, while holding her still.
While Tyler's main attribute and reason as to why they had tried so hard for so long to make it work, was his anatomy and their incredible alchemy in bed, the mere thought of being in contact with her husband's cock elder twin awoke in her a repulsion she didn't even know she could feel.
And the smells certainly did not help: his putrid penis, the piss he didn't wipe away, and the aromas of death and blood from the field hit her all at once. The repulsion she felt needed a physical outlet. She couldn't stop the gag in her throat, and managed barely to contain the vomit that wanted to get out of her lips.
He laughed at her struggling and as he heard the present people objecting but not nearly loud enough to count as worthy protestation. Still shaken with their grief and pain and helplessness, they couldn't put up a real fight.
He enjoyed seeing mothers shielding the eyes of the young and elders being drawn to tears as they witnessed the glorious spectacle he gave them.
He looked back down at her, obviously thrilled and satisfied with his stage. She felt him get even harder against her lips. Her stomach went up to her throat again.
“If memory serves me well, and trust me, I never forget any slight, you had previously sworn that you would never kneel to, I quote, “a scumbag” like me… Hmm, I wonder what you are doing right now? Not that proud anymore, Miss Forbes, are we?”
She only glared. Her lips remained stubbornly sealed, she would not give him the satisfaction of rising to the bait, nor would she give him the opportunity to shove that gross bulge in her mouth… even if the perspective of biting that particular appendage to blood was thrilling.
His victorious grin changed to a glower as her eyes remained without tears and ever challenging.
“Don't expect your protector to come help save the day as usual either, I saw him lying motionless surrounded by a pile of shit next to another one of your little band of criminals. I must admit, it was quite the pleasuring sight, quite arousing too, pity I had to come here so fast, I would have enjoyed tremendously finally fucking that dirty asshole that deserved much needed punishment, defiling his body and showing that even in death I could make him suffer... Mmmh, quite the waste really. I'm only sorry it wasn't me that ended his miserable worthless life.” he taunted.
Anger shone in her eyes even amidst the pain. Disgust written plainly on her features.
And as she felt herself succumb a little to despair and pain as it hit her in the chest, for reasons she had never truly admitted to her herself until then, she forced herself in a state of unbending steel. One of coldness reining in the darkness growing at the prospect of never seeing Klaus again. She could not afford to lose her composure and resistance right now. Otherwise he would achieve his goal of putting her down.
It angered him, clearly.
She felt him distance his breeches covered cock away from her face, and just as she exhaled, glad to be out of contact with that thing, with the tight grip he had on her hair, he abruptly threw her down to the worn, gray, dirty stone of the ground.
The knife of the unaware soldier lacerated her deeply into her left side. Pain erupted in her body at once. Her blood ran profusely from her forehead where her skull hit the floor with force, forming around her head a halo of red.
Still, even battered and bloody, Caroline refused to let him win. So she grasped every ounce of force present in her and slowly lifted herself up on her hands, then knees, and lastly feet. She pressed a hand on her wound, trying to slow the flow of blood oozing out of her chest.
During the entire, without a doubt long process of her getting to her feet, filled with moans and grunts of pain, he watched as one might study sadistically a weaker animal slowly get devoured by a mightier predator.
In that exact moment, as she saw the gleeful triumph he regarded her with, Caroline swore she would kill him. She promised it to herself.
Whatever she had to do to reach her goal, she would. However much time she had to stay in this timeline in order to rid the world of scum like him, she would spend it, without even a consideration to the man with the same voice, the same face and the same initials as him waiting for her.
She would kill. She would avenge all the people that suffered or died because of him. She would kill him for Klaus, so that his death wouldn't be vain. 
She would end his life just as he ended every possible future she could have had with him, every opportunity that would never happen where she would have finally come to realize how much Klaus meant. She would end him because he ended her.
And he will suffer, that she swore.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Who's That Pokémon? We Rate 9 of Detective Pikachu's Monster Makeovers!
At last, Detective Pikachu is out in the US! Now we can see our favorite fluffy ball of electricity test his deductive powers in the first-ever live-action Pokémon film. But, as we've seen, he's not the only video game critter in this film.
  Ryme City is full of Pokémon from all across the generations, from Snorlaxes to Snubbulls. Spotting them all in the trailers and ads alone has been an adventure—so much so that when we decided to take a closer look at the Pokémon featured in the film, we knew there was no way we were going to catch them all! So we picked nine prominent 'mons who show up in the movie and pitted them against their earlier versions.
  How close did the film iterations get? We think they're pretty good as a whole, but we're rating them one by one below. How do our insights fare against yours? Any others you think nailed it? Let us know in the comments!
     So, without further ado, let's get this Poké-party started!
  The final form of Gen I starter Charmander (at least until the Mega X and Y versions rolled around), Charizard has always been a force to be reckoned with. Various Pokédex entries tell us all the things that make its searing fire even hotter: its bond with its trainer, its mood, and whether or not it's been through especially difficult battles.
  It looks like Detective Pikachu's Charizard is just as much of a beast as its predecessors, with the added detail of reptilian scales and many more tiny teeth than its usually visible four. The progression seems like a natural one design-wise, and there was never any question who this brute was when he first appeared in the trailers.
  Verdict: A mighty lizard indeed.
  When we were kids, Psyduck was hilarious. As adults, Psyduck is a mood. Seriously, if I were confused all the time and had a constant headache, I wouldn't want to clear a path for a bunch of ten-year-olds, either.
  Movie Psyduck has gotten a bit of attention in the trailers as Pikachu's sidekick, requiring smooth elevator music on car trips so its head doesn't explode and generally being in the way. So we've gotten to see a bit of this particular critter in action. And... yep. Psyduck definitelly looks like a duck with a migraine, from the ruffled anxiety feathers to the beady, exhausted eyes. Psy-ai-ai.
  Verdict: Get this poor kid some Excedrin, I can feel the migraine from here.
  Eevees and their eeveelutions have one major job in the Pokémon world: be cute. Well, and have specific skill sets that work wonders in battle, but "be cute" is the primary one. Jolteon? Cute zappy boy. Leafeon? Cute leafy boy.
  So all we need from Flareon is a cute fiery boy. Not sure about they eyes yet—maybe they'll chill out once its eeveelution is over—but the rest of the critter looks extremely fluffy and huggable. Which, again, is pretty much all we ask of an Eevee.
  Verdict: Not sure about the eyes, but would still pet.
  Speaking of a Mood, here's this little karaoke star.
  If you've watched the Pokémon anime, you know all too well that this weird little creampuff's temper is heavily reliant on whether or not you stay awake through its performance. But considering one of its skills is singing opponents to sleep, your odds aren't good... and it looks like the movie's Jigglypuff has that same microphone/marker from the anime, so that dude napping nearby can probably expect to wake up to a scribbled-on face.
  Jigglypuff is our first reminder on this list that Pokémon are weird. Some of them are just downright unsettling. Jigglypuff may be a pink fluffy sphere, but it inflates. Like, inflates. And gets super passive-aggressive. So the Ryme City version may look a little creepier than the anime one, but we're calling that completely understandable.
  Verdict: A good round weird child.
  Whoa. This Legendary turned out looking super cool.
  Mewtwo's almost alien look brought a dose of sci-fi to the Pokémon world. Where most of its creatures can be realted to something of this world, this big guy is unmatched... well, almost. There's those Mega-Evolutions to reckon with, after all.
He loooks awesome in Detective Pikachu,��sporting those familiar determined eyes and almost amphibian-looking hands. Plus, in the midst of the Pro-Fluffy/Anti-Fluffy Pokémon Discourse, the choice to make him alien smooth was a no-brainer. We can't wait to see what kind of trouble he causes.
  Verdict: He's back and as cool as ever!
  Oh, yikes. Oh, big yikes.
  Usually when a CG creature looks uncanny and slightly terrifying in a film, it's not on purpose. But this interpretation of Lickitung is pretty much exactly what it's supposed to be, and that just happens to be uncanny and slightly terrifying. From its massive human-looking tongue to its beady little eyes to that bald pink turtle... thing... face.
  Congratulations, movie. You nailed it. And it's horrifying.
Mr. Mime
  Can we all just agree on one thing going forward? Mr. Mime is, like, a guy. That's an actual small dude sitting there. Look at him. He's just a small, weird-looking dude. And to the movie's credit, it looks like they just went along with that briefing.
  His Pokédex entry has two major points about him. The first is that he's really good at mime, which we can guess from the name. The second is that, if you interrupt him in the middle of a bit, he'll slap you. Guys, this is just a small, angry mime pretending to be a Pokémon so he can beat people up. Why is no one bringing this up?
  Wait, what was I talking about? Oh, right. He looks spot on in the movie.
  Verdict: Tiny angry man.
  To behind-the-times Pokémon fans, this little dude probably looked like Psyduck in deep cover when it first showed up in the trailer. But that's Gen III's Ludicolo, a sort of duck/pineapple thing that loves to dance. Known as the "Carefree Pokémon," it's also been known to appear when laughing children are near.
  Its Grass/Water origins are evident in the way the film has chosen to interpret the brim of its hat, making it look especially leafy. The choice to render the pineapple-shaped beard as—well—a beard is pretty interesting, too. The top of the hat also goes with full pineapple leaves, driving the look home.
  Verdict: Creative and a little crazy. We hope Ludicolo is having a nice day.
  We can't close out this list without addressing the movie's star, Detective Pikachu himself! Since Detective Pikachu is a specific member of his species, we went ahead and made comparison images for both hat and no-hat iterations.
  Then again, reference pictues almost aren't necessary; Pikachu has become one of the world's most recognizable anime and video game characters. The zappy rodent is a mascot for the brand, and one of Nintendo's most popular characters. There's been a bit of Pro-Fluffy/Anti-Fluffy debate online since the reveal, though—for the record, the author is definitely Pro-Fluffy, since it mimics that look a lot of pudgy real-world rodents have of wearing puffy pantaloons over their tiny legs.
  Whether or not you like the fluff, the little star is undeniably Pikachu through and through. He's got the zigzaggy tail, the emotive ears, and those teeny-tiny little paws. Even having the voice of actual Deadpool doesn't compromise the cuteness. As an added bonus, our little detective looks extra adorable when attempting to navigate a giant coffee mug.
  Verdict: We love him. But that's a given.
  How do you feel about the various Pokémon designs in the film? Any you think deserve a shout-out? Let us know in the comments! And don't forget to check out Detective Pikachu in theaters!
  Kara Dennison is a writer, editor, and interviewer with bylines at VRV, We Are Cult, Fanbyte, and many more. She is also the co-founder of Altrix Books and co-creator of the OEL light novel series Owl's Flower. Kara blogs at karadennison.com and tweets @RubyCosmos.
Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!   
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