ghelgheli · 17 days
Recognizing this central ambivalence in regard to so-called Western values—whereby they are cast out as “postmodern authoritarianism” only to be embraced as the “true spirit” of societies to come—is essential to understanding the strategic significance of the anti-gender misappropriation of postcolonial language. This ambivalence sheds light on the fact that the superficial takeover frames the “gender ideology” colonizer not simply as the “West as such but [rather as] the West whose healthy (Christian) core had already been destroyed by neo-Marxism and feminism in the 1960s” (Korolczuk and Graff 2018: 812). Very often, the anti-gender misappropriation takes on a decidedly Islamophobic hue; for all their catering to anticolonial sentiments, anti-gender thinkers often claim that “gender ideology,” with its historical roots in anti-European “neo-Marxism and feminism,” goes hand in hand with the threat of (Muslim) immigration. A blatant example of this can be found in former Cardinal Sarah’s proclamation against the two unexpected threats of our times:
On the one hand, the idolatry of Western freedom; on the other, Islamic fundamentalism: atheistic secularism versus religious fanaticism. To use a slogan, we find ourselves between “gender ideology and ISIS.” . . . From these two radicalizations arise the two major threats to the family: its subjectivist disintegration in the secularized West [and] the pseudo-family of ideologized Islam which legitimizes polygamy [and] female subservience. (Sarah 2015)
Sarah aggressively draws up a dual picture of the true enemy—the biopolitical survival of the family is threatened on the one hand by excessive secularization and sexual freedom, and on the other by “ideologized Islam’s pseudo-family,” which marks the degraded and uncivilized counterpart to Christianity’s proper tradition. This discursive construction of “terrorist look-alikes” as possessing an excessive, uncultivated, and dangerous sexuality yet again plays into the same fundamental racialized mapping of progress that colonial gender undergirded (Puar 2007). This rhetoric is mirrored by Norwegian right-wing politician Per-Willy Amundsen (2021) when he writes that:
I will never celebrate pride. First of all, there are only two sexes: man and woman, not three—that is in contradiction with all biological science. Even worse, they are allowed access to our kids to influence them with their radical ideology. This has to be stopped. If FRI [the national LGBT organization] really cared about gay rights, they would get involved in what is happening in Muslim countries, rather than construct fake problems here in Norway. But it is probably easier to speak about “diversity” as long as it doesn’t cost anything. (Amundsen 2021; translation by author) Here Amundsen draws on the well-known trope of trans* and queer people “preying on our kids” while at the same time reinforcing the homonationalist notion that Europe, and in particular Norway, is a safe h(e)aven for queer people—perhaps a bit too much so. In his response to Amundsen, Thee-Yezen Al-Obaide, the leader of SALAM, the organization for queer Muslims in Norway, aptly diagnoses Amundsen’s rhetoric as “transphobia wrapped in Islamophobia” (as quoted in Berg 2021). Amundsen mirrors a central tenet of TERF rhetoric by claiming to be the voice of science, biology, and reason in order to distinguish his own resistance to “gender ideology” from the repressive, regressive one of Muslims. In this way, his argumentation, which basically claims that trans* people don’t exist and certainly shouldn’t be recognized legally, attempts to come off as benign, while Muslim opposition to “gender ideology” is painted as destructive and anti-modern. This double gesture, which allows Amundsen to have his cake and eat it too, is a central trope in different European iterations of anti-gender rhetoric. In France, for example, such discourse claims that, “while ‘gender ideology’ goes too far on the one hand, the patriarchal control of Islam threatens to pull us back into an excessive past. Here of course, ‘Frenchness’ is always already neither Muslim, nor queer (and certainly not both)” (Hemmings 2020: 30). Therefore the French anti-gender movement sees itself as the defender of true Western civilization, both from Western “gender ideology” and from uncivilized “primitives” who are nevertheless themselves victims of “gender ideology.” A similar dynamic plays out in Britain: “Reading Muslims as dangerous heteroactivists and Christians as benign points to how racialization and religion create specific forms of heteroactivism. . . . Even where ‘Muslim parents’ are supported by Christian heteroactivists, they remain other to the nation, and not central to its defence” (Nash and Browne 2020: 145). In the British example, it is clear that white anti-gender actors represent themselves as moderate, reasonable, and caring—often claiming that their resistance to the “politicization” of the classroom has nothing to do with transphobia and homophobia.
Is “Gender Ideology” Western Colonialism? Jenny Andrine Madsen Evang
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ben-the-hyena · 7 months
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I think I've taken the one picture in my life that's gone the hardest so far
Honorable mentions
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roughridingrednecks · 5 months
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techniktagebuch · 16 days
Stand März 2024
Was ich (nicht) brauche
Ich las gerade, dass Kathrin Passig, Mia Culpa und Molinarius im September 2023 im Techniktagebuch aufgeschrieben haben, was sie alles (nicht) brauchen. Da überkam mich ein Drang, mich auch dazu zu äußern.
Fernseher mit Soundbar und Subwoofer, große Kühl-/Gefrierkombination, Spülmaschine: In einem Paralleluniversum bin ich ein Minimalist, der all das nicht braucht. Aber in diesem Universum ist das alles sehr angenehm, um es sich zu Hause schön zu machen und sich von der Außenwelt zurückzuziehen. Das hat in den Jahren 2020 ff. besondere Bedeutung erlangt.
Staubsaugroboter: Ich könnte die Wohnung von Hand schneller saugen, aber meine Lebensqualität wäre in dieser Zeit wesentlich geringer. So starte ich den Deebot Slim und räume ihm entspannt den Weg frei: Die Stühle in der Küche trage ich raus, damit er auch unterm Esstisch saugen kann, und baue damit im Wohnzimmer eine Festung, die verhindert, dass der Deebot auf den Teppich oder in den schmalen Spalt unterm Sofa fährt, das täte ihm nicht gut. Und dann macht er zwei Stunden lang sein Ding und ich meins. Den Teppich und die paar Ecken, wo er nicht hinkommt, sauge ich im Anschluss schnell mit dem Stielstaubsauger.
E-Reader: Träge und mühsam zu benutzen, bin ich nie richtig mit warm geworden. Ich lese seit Kurzem wie Kathrin Passig Bücher aufm Smartphone und bin sehr zufrieden damit. Wenn ich das Smartphone beim Lesen eh schon in der Hand habe, bin ich nicht alle paar Sätze versucht, das Buch wegzulegen und zum Smartphone zu greifen.
Smart Home: Es geht mir ähnlich wie mancher Vorrednerin, der Einrichtungsaufwand und die zu befürchtende Obsoleszenz der Lösungen schrecken mich ab. Aber um mein Wohnzimmer gut und komfortabel zu beleuchten, habe ich mir letztes Jahr dann zumindest für diesen Raum mal neun smarte Birnen und ein Hub gekauft, mit dem sich jetzt per App die Beleuchtungssituation der anstehenden Tätigkeit (arbeiten, lesen, Film gucken) anpassen lässt.
Spielekonsole: Kann mir nicht vorstellen, sowas mal zu besitzen. Das bisschen, was ich spiele, geht sehr gut am Smartphone und am PC.
Drucker: Ich hätte eigentlich gerne einen, z.B. für Retourenetiketten, wobei das zum Glück immer seltener erforderlich ist. Außerdem könnte ich dann schnell mal Infomaterial für meine Solawi erstellen und solche Sachen. Wenn ich darüber nachdenke, lande ich schnell an dem Punkt, wo ich die große Lösung will, nämlich einen Farblaserdrucker. Und scannen sollte er auch können! Aber lohnt sich das wirklich? Außerdem ist in meiner Wohnung nirgends mehr Platz dafür.
Sprachsteuerung: Nutze ich hauptsächlich am Smartphone, um Timer zu setzen, etwa beim Kochen, wenn ich mehlige, fettige oder nasse Finger habe.
Smartwatch: Meine erste Armbanduhr bekam ich mit sechs, mein erstes Handy mit ca. 18. Bald danach hörte ich auf, eine Armbanduhr zu tragen. Noch heute fühlt sich mein linker Unterarm manchmal seltsam nackt an, und ab und zu liebäugle ich mit der Anschaffung einer Smartwatch. Allein, ich glaube nicht, dass der Nutzen den Aufwand (morgens anziehen, abends ausziehen, laden usw.) aufwiegen würde.
AR-Brille: Würde ich unbedingt haben wollen, wenn es sie in einem leichtgewichtigen Formfaktor (wie seinerzeit Google Glass) und mit guter Bildqualität und Bedienbarkeit gäbe (ganz anders als seinerzeit Google Glass). Dann könnte ich immer auf Mastodon und in diversen Chat-Apps herumdaddeln, ohne den Blick unhöflich von meinem realweltlichen Gegenüber abwenden zu müssen. Und auch für die Satellitennavigation zu Fuß oder auf dem Rad stelle ich es mir toll vor. Aber einstweilen ist das wohl noch Science Fiction.
Auto: Für Campingurlaube, Möbeltransporte, Gruppenausflüge und so wäre unkomplizierter Zugriff auf einen Minivan toll. Aber den müsste man sich irgendwie mit einer Gruppe enger Freund*innen teilen, damit es sich irgendwie lohnen würde.
(Kilian Evang)
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scribefindegil · 1 year
you know i dont actually like eating mushrooms (texture is Much Too Bad for me) but i still really like them and would love to grow them. they look soooo cool. i'd keep mushrooms as pets.
You are extremely valid! Watching mushrooms grow is SUCH good enrichment!
I will say, if you have only eaten standard button mushrooms, you may want to try growing Lion's Mane and seeing if you like that better! It has a different texture than button mushrooms & oysters and you can use it to make vegetarian "crab cakes" which are so so tasty. And if you turn out not to like it, it's still a very visually striking mushroom (covered in teeths!!) that is super fun to grow.
Also I've never grown them myself but there are places that sell spawn for bioluminescent mushrooms if you want your pet fungi to glow!
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astarionbae · 2 years
Steve Rogers & Echo Evans 
taglist; @rey-of-luke, @delicateblackrose, @megdonnellys, @fandomqueenlove, @lizziesxltzmxn, @mmmayflower2016, @seize-the-droid, @maddyperiez, @foxesandmagic, @harleyquinnzelz, @bravelittleflower, @anotherunreadblog, @dreamerwithapen1, @kiara-carrera, @phoebestarks, @rickiisrad, @anqelwiithhxrns, @the-multifandommess-blog, @ocs-supporting-ocs, @luucypevensie, @claryxjackson, @stanshollaand, @susiesamurai, @witchofinterest, @heresthefanfiction, @reysfinn, @gaylittlekino, @malice1329, @arrthurpendragon, @alicent-hightcwer, @richitozier, @waterloou, @bobfloydsbabe, @decennia, @chrissymunson, @asirensrage, @starcrossedjedis, @samwilsonns, @zoyazenik, @m1ke-wheeler, @thetenthdoctorscompanion, @heleanas, @bisexualterror
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allyricas · 7 months
people who get into fandom spaces and then invest most of their time to hating a character or ship (especially blogging and making content about it) just genuinely confound me
there's tons of shit i dislike, but i don't want to spend my time and effort on constantly posting about it
and better yet, there are so many younger members of fandom acting like the morality police about various ships and i'm sorry, do you really not have anything better to do?? these people would not have survived a day in the fandom spaces of yesteryear like be fucking forreal
if you don't like something, then fine but why ruin it for the people who do? why not filter the tag/cultivate your blog/engage fandom in a way that minimizes that content??
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Once again, usernames on comments are blocked out, but the comments themselves indicate something
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crueldemonsthesis · 10 months
from what im seeing i feel like the devilman fandom intersects with the evangelion fandom the most. but second is like yugioh fans. but also another side is likae princess tutu fans. which is a little funny. i like princess tutu btw :3
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frasermints · 8 months
went out to coffee with a friend of mine and we started comparing notes on the amount of local weddings we have been in/witnessed/know of that's happened in the past year.
twenty couples under the age of twenty five have gotten married (and had children!) in the past twelve months. there is something in the water in this town i swear to god
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fleetwoodmoth · 1 year
Thought I was relapsing hard into my depression. Turns out I was but it was bc I was on a new version of the devil's candy, birth control.
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yes i reported that offensive post you reblogged, but I didn’t report you, mutual...but don’t think I won’t (affectionate)
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razerback · 2 years
and while we’re throwing out back copies of the fucking martyr porn magazines can we get rid of the zionist propaganda magazines at the same time
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radiophd · 16 days
evang niyi adedokun -- bia kute jesus / wa sodo jesu
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parableist · 3 months
How people interpret the word VS what it really means.
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Evang Mrs Hannah Victor - Ize Se Uromwen (Sacrifice of Praise)
Sensational Evang Mrs Hannah Victor is so thrilled to announce the dropping of her latest release titled “Ize Se Uromwen”, which translates to “Sacrifice of Praise”. This highly anticipated song is now available to immerse yourself in the audio version and watch the captivating video. Evang Mrs Hannah Victor, known for her powerful and soul-stirring performances, once again delivers a heartfelt…
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