#epistulae morales
yorgunherakles · 1 month
sana hiçbir şey yetmeyecek, sen de başkalarına yetmeyeceksin.
seneca - epistulae morales
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3. Just as he who tries to be rid of an old love must avoid every reminder of the person once held dear (for nothing grows again so easily as love), similarly, he who would lay aside his desire for all the things which he used to crave so passionately, must turn away both eyes and ears from the objects which he has abandoned. The emotions soon return to the attack;
— Seneca, Moral letters to Lucilius, Letter 69: "On Rest and Restlessness"
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splendidemendax · 1 year
I at least will admit my weakness; I never bring back the same character which I took from home. Something has been upset from the state of calm I had achieved: something of the faults I had put to flight returns. It is like the experience of the sick, who have been so affected by long weakness that they cannot go out anywhere without being shaken up; this is what happens to us as our minds are being restored from a long sickness. Association with a large group is harmful; there is no one who does not either recommend some fault to us or impose it upon us or smear it on us when we are unaware. At any rate, the bigger the gathering with which we are mingling, the greater the danger. —Seneca, Ep. 1.7.1–2
look i've been dunking on seneca p hard and he totally earned it but letter 7 is something of a post-lockdown mood
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aitan · 4 months
"Hai torto, Lucilio mio, se attribuisci solo al nostro secolo la dissolutezza, l'indifferenza alla moralità, e gli altri vizi che ognuno rimprovera alla propria epoca: sono colpe degli uomini, non dei tempi. Non c'è nessuna età innocente e se tu vuoi passare in rassegna secolo per secolo la sfrenatezza, vedrai - rincresce dirlo - che la depravazione più spudorata ci fu proprio quando visse Catone."
Seneca, Epistulae morales ad Lucilium, 97, 1
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verinarin · 3 months
What books do you think Veritas would read in his free time?
(By the way, your fanfics are 😩😩
Always making me kick my feet and giggle fr😤)
This is based on the things he referenced and my personal head-canons <3, hdjshdjdh thankuu for supporting me !
Discourse on the Method - René Descartes
Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Friedrich Nietzsche
The Stranger - Albert Camus
 Meditationes Sacrae - Francis Bacon
Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium - Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Republic - Plato
Apology - Plato
Also feel free to add more since I want to know everyone’s thoughts on this !!
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catominor · 2 months
a selection of scholarship about L. furius and C. martinus:
Station, Jessica. "'A dignity separate from the common crowd': Plutarch's Lucius Furius Camillus." Roman History 178, no. 4 (2000): 43-67.
Toast, John C. "Lucius Furius Camillus: A Prosopological Study." Classical Biannually 34, no. 1 (2005): 135-68.
Stone, Lydia. "Stoicism in the Age of Sulla: The Philosophical Fragmenta of Lucius Furius Camillus Revisited" in Studies in Roman Philosophy in the Republican Period, eds. Gary Boring and Harold Dairy, 450-521. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017)
Smithson, Christian. "Queering the Republic: Lucius Furius Camillus and Gaius Martinus." The Online Journal of LGBT Studies 10, no. 4 (2021): 89-104.
Dageurrotype, Stephen. "The Mind of an Ambitious Man: A Psychoanalytical Study of Gaius Martinus." Freudian Studies Daily 435, no. 7 (1976): 34-48.
Hartlewood, C.B.T. "The Work and Life of a Scholar and Nobleman: Lucius Camillus and the Republic." The Yearly Classical Journal of the Wavendon Gentleman's Club 13 (1914): 76-98.
Daquiri-Smith, Janet. "Reading Lucius Furius Camillus in Seneca's Epistulae Morales: A Complicated Legacy." in A Companion to Seneca's Epistulae Morales, 2nd ed. eds. Janet Daquiri-Smith and Ben Daiquiri, 480-503. (Newark: John Wiley & Sons, 2009)
Tank, John. "The Military Strategy of Gaius Martinus." in The Roman Republican Army, ed. William H. Conical, 256-304. (Boston: Brill, 2013)
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non ut diu vivamus curandum est, sed ut satis
- Seneca, Epistulae Morales 93.2.4
We should take care to live well, not long.
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zedechemist · 3 months
Lev, throwing a book @ Zed.
The expression could be described as murderous — but that doesn't really describe much; Zed could often be spotted with such a pinch in his features, even in his day-to-day. This, is eyes stilling in their casual movements entirely; lids lowering a notch to darken the pale hue with shadow. There's a purse in pink lips that's preparing to smile ( most would figure, that's not a good thing ) and an tilted angle of his head that's deciphering the way he plans to actually carry out said murder. The book has partial responsibility, as it lays absent at Zed's feet. The rest of (b)lame lays in his cousin. Is that smugness? Is he fucking smug right now? Surely not. Suuuurely not. "— and what did—" he plucks the book up, glimpsing it; murderous is being replaced with a subtle, bulleted eyeroll: "—the epistulae morales ad lucilium do to you?" Besides, brainwashing, that is. It could have least been something more fitting; to battle, he'd have preferred at least, the humour in art of war...
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libriaco · 1 year
Non con le parole ma con i fatti
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[ǝɹǝpıɹ ɐp oɔod ıɐssɐ ɹǝʌ∀ = Ǝ ɹǝpıᴚ ɐpoƆ OԀ ıɐS S ɐɹǝΛ ∀ :snqǝɹ lǝp ǝuoıznloS]
Che poi è una forma un po' corrotta, dalle "Lettere morali a Lucilio" di Seneca:
La filosofia non è un’arte a livello popolare né si presta all’ostentazione: non consiste in parole, ma in fatti concreti.
L. A. Seneca, [Epistulae morales ad Lucilium, 62-65],  Lettere a Lucilio. Online su IntraText. Su Ousia il PDF in italiano.
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anastpaul · 1 year
Thought for the Day – 24 April – Conversation with God and with Men
Thought for the Day – 24 April – Meditations with Antonio Cardinal Bacci (1881-1971) Conversation with God and with Men “Let us recall again the sentence in which The Imitation of Christ paraphrases – an idea of Seneca (Epistulae morales ad Lucilium 7).“As often as I have been amongst men, I have returned less a man” (Bk 1 c XX,2).The writer goes onto explain what he means by this.“It is easier…
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yorgunherakles · 6 months
senin değil, senden başka her şeyin peşinde olan kişi, çekip gidecektir yanından.
seneca - epistulae morales
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israeeel · 1 year
〈Homines,dum docent, discunt〉
『倫理書簡集 Epistulae morales』より
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pataguja61 · 2 years
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" Qualcuno volò sul nido del cuculo"
Jack Nicholson
„La fortuna aiuta gli audaci, il pigro si ostacola da solo.“ —  Lucio Anneo Seneca, libro Epistulae morales ad Lucilium
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aitan · 1 year
"Niente ci appartiene, Lucilio, solo il tempo è nostro. La natura ci ha reso padroni di questo solo bene, fuggevole e labile: chiunque voglia può privarcene. Gli uomini sono tanto sciocchi che se ottengono beni insignificanti, di nessun valore e in ogni caso compensabili, accettano che vengano loro messi in conto e, invece, nessuno pensa di dover niente per il tempo che ha ricevuto, quando è proprio l'unica cosa che neppure una persona riconoscente può restituire."
Seneca, Epistulae morales ad Lucilium I, 3
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literaturetc · 2 years
Tiga Karya Klasik Stoisisme: Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, dan Epictetus
Belakangan ini kita semakin sering mendengar istilah stoisisme, yang sudah kembali dipopulerkan di media. Sebagai sebuah filsafat hidup kuno, karya-karya awal kaum pemikir Stoa ini usianya setidaknya sudah lebih dari dua ribu tahun! Buku-buku karya para stoik pun tak lekang dilahap zaman, karena akan terus menjadi inspirasi kita.
Gerakan pemikiran stoisisme bertahan sejak zaman Helenistik (sekitar 300 tahun SM) hingga sekarang. Inti pemikiran kaum Stoa rupanya selalu relevan dari masa ke masa, sehingga pengaruh aliran pemikiran ini tak pernah hilang dan terus ada. Ada banyak pemikir Stoa di zaman Greko-Roman (Yunani dan Romawi), terbagi menjadi tiga fase perkembangan:
Stoisisme Awal, sejak mulanya didirikan oleh Zeno dari Citium, yang dilanjutkan oleh Cleanthes, Chryssipus, Diogenes, dan Antipater.
Stoisisme Pertengahan, termasuk di antaranya Panaetius dan Posidonius.
Stoisisme Akhir, yang karya-karyanya masih bertahan hingga sekarang, antara lain Seneca, Musonius Rufus, Epictetus, dan Marcus Aurelius.
Tiga buku klasik stoisisme yang masih amat relevan antara lain Letters from a Stoic oleh Seneca, Meditations oleh Marcus Aurelius, dan Enchiridion oleh Epictetus.
Letters from a Stoic (Seneca)
Dengan judul asli Epistulae Morales ad Lucilium, alias Surat-Surat Pemikiran Moral untuk Lucilius, karya ini sebetulnya merupakan kumpulan surat Seneca untuk Lucilius Jr., seorang pejabat Romawi. Seneca sendiri adalah negarawan penting di pemerintahan Romawi dan pernah menjabat sebagai penasihat Kaisar Nero. Buku ini diterbitkan pada tahun 65 AD dan terdiri atas 124 surat yang berisikan ragam pemikiran Seneca mengenai kehidupan, yang dijabarkan dalam bentuk olah pikir filosofis.
Meditations (Marcus Aurelius)
Hidup sekitar 100 tahun setelah zaman Seneca, Marcus Aurelius adalah salah satu kaisar Romawi yang paling terkenal. Ia senang menulis buku harian di sela-sela kegiatannya menjalankan tugas negara, dan Meditations adalah buku harian pribadinya yang aslinya tak berjudul. Gaya tulisannya pun amat lugas dan sederhana, karena lebih merupakan catatan pribadi ketimbang ditujukan untuk masyarakat luas. Meski demikian, karya ini amat penting sebab memuat banyak poin-poin penting stoisisme.
Enchiridion (Epictetus)
Kata enchiridion dalam bahasa Yunani Kuno sebetulnya berarti “buku saku”, dan memang buku ini ditulis seperti sebuah panduan singkat untuk pembaca. Berlawanan dengan Seneca dan Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus adalah anak seorang budak di Roma dan menjalani hidup sebagai budak. Setelah berhasil membebaskan diri, dia mengajar filsafat dan dikirim ke pengasingan. Buku ini diterbitkan pada 125 AD, sebagai rangkuman catatan murid-muridnya dari ajarannya, yang sebelumnya dikompilasikan dalam Discourses of Epictetus.
Stoisisme terus berkembang pesat, dan banyak melahirkan aliran-aliran modern pula. Maka, sebelum kita mempelajari yang baru, kita masih bisa belajar banyak dari para tokoh awal stoisisme ini, serta memahami konteks zaman mereka masing-masing.
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Seneca, Epistulae Morales 88.
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