lacuna-lunax · 2 years
Re-reading/listening to EOICF and trying not to scream. New/Old/NO routines? Food for thought, pub very much intended.
Today: (1200)
Starbucks Coconut Based Cocoa Cappucino Iced Coffee
Fridge Raiders Meat-Free Slow Roasted Tasty Bites
Blueberry Yoghurt
Really Rich Red Velvet Brownie
Fabulous Freefrom Factory Chocovered & Candee Coated Peanuts
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spookydooky97 · 2 years
"These days, loneliness is the new cancer - a shameful, embarrassing thing, brought upon yourself in some obscure way. A fearful, incurable thing, so horrifying that you dare not mention it; other people don't want to hear the word spoken aloud for fear that they might too be afflicted, or that it might tempt fate into visiting a similar horror upon them."
Eleanor oliphant is completely fine - Gail Honeyman.
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biblionoise · 5 years
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Grief is the price we pay for love, so they say. The price is far too high.
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