delimeful · 6 months
every good intention (4)
warnings: misunderstandings, assumptions, pre-AA, panic attack
Roman had been thinking.
Contemplating, really. There were a surplus of mystifying elements to consider as of late, especially now that he’d found out about Logan and Anxiety’s secret tryst.
(He was fairly certain that platonic cuddling between a repressed nerd and an awkward emo didn’t actually qualify as a tryst, but it sounded much more dramatic that way.)
He was no Logic, but as a charming and exceptional denizen of Thomas’s mind, he naturally had wits aplenty of his own.
And so arrived his realization: When it came to the puzzle that was his interactions with Anxiety the past few weeks, there was a pattern.
When Roman ran into the eyeliner-extraordinaire as himself, he was treated to the same prickly reception as always: Anxiety was a creepy, annoying asshole who loved to undermine Roman’s every idea and probably Thomas’s every happy thought, too.
The few occasions that he’d run into Anxiety in his cursed form, however, told a new story. One Roman had never heard before.
When faced with the tiny fire-breathing lizard version of Roman, Anxiety acted entirely differently. Instead of hunched shoulders and purposefully agitating smirks, he wore a casual, slouched posture and wry amusement— even when Roman was actively antagonizing him.
He didn’t act like a villain. When faced with what he believed to be a small, easily-conquered creature, Anxiety hadn’t taken the opportunity to attack, hurt, or even merely frighten him. Not even after Roman had bitten him.
Roman the Side, on the other hand, was given no such grace. He’d even tried to tone down his usual assertiveness in favor of a careful neutrality when running into Anxiety, curious about the strange truce Logan had formed with him, but to no avail.
Without the barrier of barbed bantering between them, Anxiety only seemed to grow more defensive and on-edge, paradoxically enough.
The answer was obvious: Anxiety must have some strange affinity for dragons.
It was the only possible explanation for Roman’s bizarre undersized form garnering a kinder welcome than Creativity, clearly the optimal being between the two. Anxiety simply had an affection for the sharp and scary, and a disdain for Disney Princes.
Of course, that didn’t explain the way he treated Patton with care when nobody was watching, or the lack of backstabbing he’d brought to the midnight cuddlefest. Thus, it all had to be part of some larger plot!
Roman wasn’t as experienced in predicting plotting, seeing as it wasn’t a particularly heroic activity.
Luckily, he had the perfect spy to send in to uncover the truth behind Anxiety’s more bewildering behavior: himself!
Thus, the next time Roman found himself with wings, scales, and a tail, he strode down the hall towards Anxiety’s room with confidence that was only a little faux.
He’d worried for a bit that it wasn’t a very gentlemanly thing to do, invading one’s privacy, but this particular opportunity had come about after a spectacular tiff between the two of them, and Roman found that his reservations had suddenly vanished.
Anxiety certainly hadn’t been holding back when he’d poked at Roman’s every sore spot in the brainstorming today. Roman wanted— no, needed to uncover the motives of his scheme, so he could go back to giving every argument his all too, without wondering how things might be different between them.
Anxiety’s room was usually sealed up tight, but occasionally he would leave it cracked, presumably because the sight of it sitting just slightly ajar at the shadowed end of the hall prompted exactly the sort of unease that he loved to inspire in everyone.
Fortune must have smiled on Roman today, for when he trotted closer, he found that the door was indeed not fully closed.
Taking a deep breath, Roman steeled himself and then headbutted the door firmly, pushing it the slightest bit further open so that he could wriggle his strange little wyrm-like body through.
It made a horrendous creaking sound, eliciting a wince from Roman but absolutely no response from the figure flopped over on the bed in the middle of the shadowed room.
Wary now, Roman crept forward bit by bit, until he spotted the outline of bulky headphones. So that was why his entrance had gone unnoticed by the twitchiest Side in the Mindscape.
Hesitant to grab Anxiety’s attention right away— he would have to be in a foul mood after their altercation today too, wouldn’t he?— Roman instead clambered up the side of a padded armchair, pausing to glance around at the rest of the room curiously.
For such a grimdark and gloomy guy, Anxiety certainly had excellent taste in Disney decor. He would love something like that Nightmare Before Christmas poster in his own room, perhaps an entire section of the wall dedicated to a collage of the more aesthetically appealing Disney classic poster— no, focus!
Shaking himself out of the theoretical redecorating, Roman leapt nimbly to the bedside table, flaring his wings slightly on instinct to muffle the impact of his landing.
When he turned to check that Anxiety was still unaware, however, the sight that greeted him was shocking enough to strike him dumb.
Anxiety’s eyes weren’t on him, because they were cinched tightly closed. He had both hands wound firmly into his hair, face twisted into a panicked grimace as he struggled to inhale a full lungful of air. His panic was practically tangible in the air— Roman felt his own heart rate begin to rise as though in empathy.
His startled question (“Are you okay?!”) came out as a warbling call, one that didn’t make it through the emo soundtrack blasting from those headphones.
After a brief moment of hesitation— why was he so nervous?— Roman made the short leap to the bed, landing with a slight pressure that instantly made Anxiety’s red-rimmed eyes shoot open.
He backpedaled slightly at the way Anxiety sat bolt upright, but in the next moment, the tension seemed to drain slightly from the other Side.
“Bitey,” he greeted, and the wobble in his voice was so alarming that Roman didn’t even snap his teeth in his usual protest of the nickname. “I don’t think you should— should be in here, bud. You may not be affected by the room itself, but I'm… I’m not great company right now.”
Roman kneaded the comforter beneath his talons for a moment indecisively, earning a shaky half-smile from Anxiety. It could be part of some larger plot, but… Roman was the most dedicated actor out of them all, and he didn’t feel like this was an act.
Carefully, his heart pounding in his ears, he crept forward and butted his head against Anxiety’s knee in a meagre attempt at comfort.
Anxiety let out a stuttering, painfully-shallow sounding exhale, and then reached down and picked him up, supporting him with the curve of one arm as he curled around Roman in an unmistakable hug.
The moment they made contact, Roman felt a burst of all-consuming panic that didn’t belong to him, spiked and piercing into every vulnerable bit until there wasn’t any calm left.
It was an echo, emotional feedback from the panic attack that Anxiety was having, and it was a perfect mirror of every fright and fear he’d faced while this size, all at once.
Oh. Oh.
Anxiety hadn’t been kind to him because of reptilian favoritism, after all. It was because he was more than familiar with the sort of flipped-beetle vulnerability that came with feeling afraid, the defensive bared teeth of the fight bit of fight-or-flight. He wasn’t just the cause of Thomas’s anxiety, he was the experience of anxiety itself.
That put… a lot of things into perspective, actually.
Roman pushed his head against Anxiety’s sternum, returning the hug as best he could.
He had a lot of re-thinking to do.
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cosmodynes · 10 months
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/petsize all small
clear sticker sheets! i will have these at otakuthon
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dogteeff · 5 months
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If anyone sees this PLEASE watch EGI_2 on Twitch! The first episode was a huge success and another is tomorrow! Hopefully this drawing makes it in 🤞
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joshuasharilock · 6 months
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Day 2: Wings.
The most obvious decision would be Joshua, of course. But! In one of our RPs, I wondered why don't all the dominants have an egi because I'd really love to see a little Phoenix. My playmate said DEW IT.
So I did. This is Marek. He's sweet, quite bold, but shy. No one understands what he's saying except Nektar (yup, even Joshua, he has more soul-like mental understanding with him), but he chirps and that's cute.
Did I mention he's a Fire Bird but teeny-tiny sparrow?
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oreramar · 1 year
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Inaccuracy in Carbuncle coloring is intentional. I’d love a blue-indigo-violet carbuncle in the game, given the option.
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tartsdmegazaprot · 1 year
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egi mindnekinek
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91625 · 9 months
Does anyone else find the transvestigation/egi stuff weirdly gender affirming?
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onlyalperend · 11 months
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ilk defa ilk basrolun hikayesi,yok edilmek icin ilk yazilan hikayeden saptiriliyo,hepten degistiriliyor,imha ediliyor.gecmisini turistik gezi gibi 5 dakikada ozetleniyor.#ego`da bitmek bilmeyen onca gereksiz karakterleri ve sahnelerini yavaslatilmis sahnelerle izletmedikleri gibi. ona ragmen sadece #AlperenDuymaz sayesinde Erhanianlayabildik,tanidik ve sevdik.baska oyuncu olsa bu yetersiz senaryodaki gibi tek boyutlu kalacakti ama alperenduymaz
daha once de yaptigi gibi karaktere ruh & tum boyutlarini kazandirdi.gercek kildi.#ego`da en inandirici karakter.Erhan buyudugu her cesit yoksunluga ragmen,kendi kendini var edebilmis/yetistirebilmis biri,manevi olarak buyuk boslukta buyumesini deger verdigi insana bunu asla yasatmayan,sadece sevgisini,vefasini yasatan biri.kendi mutlulugunu deger verdiklerine ikinci plana atan biri.hem iq`su hem eq`su yuksek biri.#ego`da kendisini bahanelere basvurmadan sorgulayabilen,suclayabilen tek kisi.ayrica sozunu asla esirgemeyen cok karizmatik biri.#ErhanYıldırım`i sevdim ve ozleyecem,tek uzuldugum hikayesini izleyememek.yuregine saglik #AlperenDuymaz alperenduymaz
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possuminthetrashh · 5 months
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I am not immune to @sm-baby 's Carnival au
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delimeful · 9 months
July 2023 Patreon Previews
Here is the end of month summary for July! :D
give me mercy no more (1)
“You can’t do this.”
Janus paused for the briefest moment at the sound of his closest friend’s voice, before continuing to pack away rations.
“Can’t I?” he asked airily, not turning around to face Virgil.
He’d known this confrontation was inevitable since they’d come up with the only possible solution to their kingdom’s problem. He hadn’t realized how unprepared he’d feel even now, with the hour of tribute rapidly approaching.
est. release date: September 16, 2023
just a little rush (1)
Patton wiggled his shoulder through the bars and craned his neck, straining to get a good enough angle to see the other half of the clock across the room.
Enough of the clock’s face was visible that he could guess the time most of the day, except for the stretch of time in which both the hour and minute hands were out of sight. Patton wasn’t usually overly concerned about the loss; Normally, it didn’t really matter either way.
Now, when it had been what felt like ages since he’d last seen Remus, it mattered a lot more.
Of course Remus had chosen the most inconvenient timing possible to stage his latest escape attempt. Patton would smile if he wasn’t so worried.
est. release date: September 23, 2023
a little trust (goes a long way)
Fidget knew it was a bad idea from the very start.
He shouldn’t even have entertained such a ridiculous notion for a moment, and yet somehow he’d not only done so, but he’d also allowed it to roll around in his mind until it became an entire, fully-fledged plan.
A plan that was absolutely going to get him killed.
He was crouched in the shadows of one of the supply stacks sitting on the edge of the second level, meaning he had a perfect view of the containment yard and its current resident.
every good intention (4)
Roman had been thinking.
Contemplating, really. There were a surplus of mystifying elements to consider as of late, especially now that he’d found out about Logan and Anxiety’s secret tryst.
(He was fairly certain that platonic cuddling between a repressed nerd and an awkward emo didn’t actually qualify as a tryst, but it sounded much more dramatic that way.)
He was no Logic, but as a charming and exceptional denizen of Thomas’s mind, he naturally had wits aplenty of his own.
And so arrived his realization: When it came to the puzzle that was his interactions with Anxiety the past few weeks, there was a pattern.
est. release date: September 30, 2023
to know that song (and all it’s words) (10)
“You hurt him,” Patton said, and he barely even recognized the sound that came out of him as his own voice.
Whatever the leader alien was saying was lost to the distant buzzing in Patton’s head. Logan’s response made it through, just barely. His voice had dropped into that icy pitch that meant he was well and truly angry, an ominous tone that made something primal and hunted in the back of Patton’s mind shiver to life.
Be ready, it said. We’ll have to fight soon.
est. release date: October 7, 2023
the roots of something greener (1)
The first time the child found him, Janus was already in a foul mood.
The day had started out with a light drizzle, and as the hours crept by, it had slowly grown into a far more irritating downpour.
This wouldn’t have been anything near a problem for most fae, and certainly a meager handful of years ago, Janus would have hardly spared it a fleeting thought. Even if he didn’t care to waste any magic on a simple repelling spell, he could have simply slipped between realms, abandoning that particular stretch of human land until the storm passed.
Now that he was banished and bound, however, his options were far more limited.
est. release date: October 14, 2023
just a little rush (2)
Remus hated to admit it, but Pattycakes had been right.
He definitely should have waited a little longer before trying for his next escape attempt.
It was the woulda-coulda-shoulda sort of regret that he didn’t usually waste time on. He was well aware of how many of his plans were bonafide bad ideas, and he generally went through with them anyhow.
The alternative was letting the fire ants under his skin grow more and more intolerable until he ended up doing the dumb thing anyway, but even more recklessly. It wasn’t so much a ‘choice’ as it was a ‘delay of the inevitable’.
After all, he was the only one getting hurt in the end, right?
est. release date: October 21, 2023
WIBAR Intermission: Visiting Home (1/3)
Despite the tension buzzing at the back of his skull, Virgil found that being planetside again was surprisingly… nice.
He would have preferred that it was an uninhabited area— or at least, that it wasn’t one of the only places in the universe that had aliens he really, really couldn’t afford to terrify— but he couldn’t deny that feeling the ground under his feet and the sunlight on his skin was soothing, a balm he hadn’t known he’d needed.
It wasn’t the same as Earth, not really, but Patton’s home planet was close enough to familiar that he found tension seeping from his overwrought muscles despite himself.
He shook some of the dazed contentment off, flicking a glance over his shoulder and reminding himself that if any of the locals saw him, it could spell Capital-D Disaster.
est. release date: October 28, 2023
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whamcitycomedy · 2 years
I miss egi so much it’s unreal
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reel-n-deal-tackle · 2 years
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10% OFF ALL SQUID JIGS HARIMISTU, CLICKS, YO ZURI, DTD, HOOKEM, GANCRAFT, EVERGREEN REEL N DEAL TACKLE Shop 2, 4-6 Brighton Road GLENELG EAST SA 5045 www.reelndealtackle.com.au Ph 0417 032 085 #harimitsusumizoku #harimitsujigs #harimitsu #kanjiclicks #kanjiclicksprospec #yozuri #dtd #hookem #gancraft #evergreenlures #egi #egifishing #egilures #eging #squidfishing #reelndealtackle (at Glenelg, South Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfSh6gSBzW-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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steelplatechina · 2 years
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Hot dipped galvanized steel cold rolled steel coils and SGCC DX51D anti finger HDGI coil or EGI STEEL COILS from RAYIWELL MFG LIMITED
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jarellquansah · 6 months
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🫢 (x)
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cha0screat0r · 28 days
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Obsessed with this Pinterest comment
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kocsmahercegno · 8 months
Azt mondod ismersz, közben azt sem látod hogy a szemeim üvöltenek a szomorúságtól
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