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October 12, 2022
Procrastinating as an engineer is an interesting thing. I got tired of having a haphazard pile of postit notes on my desk so I fixed the problem! I also discovered that my student license for Fusion 360 expired, so I had to find something else. I was expecting to find something "good enough" but for mechanical parts (which is my use case) I actually really like Solve Space a lot better than any Autodesk product I've tried, and its Open Source!
Listening to: [8 Track Collection] [Ambient Mix Soundscape]
Watching: [Artist Livestream]
Drinking: Too much coffee and creamer
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mouseclangen · 1 month
SPONGEBOB?? Actually nvm yeah these eeblrs are so spongebob and patrick its wild
YES HAHAHAHAHA theyre SO spunch bip and patrice. ❤️❤️🤗🤗
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fated-furret · 6 months
eeblr horror story: a married couple both get eebied into a seviper and zangoose respectively
Sliggoogling what those are-
Why would you do that to them??????? What do you gain from putting this into the world???????????
Bet some random-ass Legendary's gonna do that now, and it's 100% your fault.
( Sliggoogling what those are-
Why would you do that to them??????? What do you gain from putting this into the world???????????
Bet some random-ass Legendary's gonna do that now, and it's 100% your fault. )
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lilyfreshwater · 2 years
I am this close to starting a mcytblr confessions but for critblr/eeblr/not mainblr with my only motive of starting drama for my persona, entertainment.
critblr is already essentially just edgy mcytblr confessions tho. unless you're thinking about running a confessions page about critblr blogs, which i think is a horrible idea
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catgirltaint · 3 years
@EEs do you really think “transfer function” is cooler than Black Box Oracle or are you just a puppet following your professor’s orders
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lmanberg · 3 years
What the fuck does eeblr mean?
Are you dumb
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December 28, 2022
All my winter holidays and birthdays are passed, so you know what that means: Nagi finally cleaned their desk x'D I'm also back to working on building material for my class. All the paperwork's come through, so now I really have to get this class set up. The way I see it, I can get up to the midterm written before school starts, so its probably gonna be a little harry for a while when classes start up. Wish me luck
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June 22, 2023
I want to get back to updating this blog with academia posts, but things have been hectic. I also feel like I can't post unless I have some new pictures to post that have to do with my studies or grad work, but maybe that's not the case. Anyway its been a messy week and I couldn't achieve anything. I'm really stressed about it, but I'm almost done teaching this summer class, and will be able to get back to studying soon.
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December 8, 2022
Doing my Studyblr best in creating my online course for Spring Semester! That means including quotes I've found here in their weekly primers. Sure, most students aren't going to stop and read them, but honestly if I can give my students a fraction of the peace and support I find here, then that's enough for me.
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April 29, 2022
On campus today for work and to meet a friend I haven’t seen since before the pandemic started.  He was in Germany visiting family and brought me chocolate!  It was nice to catch up, and I got a little more work done on this Take-Home exam.  The deadline got extended a couple days due to a web campus malfunction so I’m very grateful.  I was not looking forward to racing completion to 11:59 tonight.
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September 29, 2022
There’s a few things I’ve got to get done today, since today is my last day of the week dedicated to sitting-down work.  I’ve been trying to balance how much I’m sitting and build my stamina back up by doing yard work now that the position of the sun is changed and I’m not going to develop heat exhaustion in under an hour. [ ] Set up Bullet Journal for next week [ ] Set up Bullet Journal for next month [ ] Plan how to finish Electronics course [ ] Do laundry
📚Percy Jackson and The Olympians Re-read: TLT CH. 5 🎶Listening to: Rainy Castle Library soundscape
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December 13, 2022
It is my goal to be the unhinged academic that the uni hates but the students adore.
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September 28, 2022
I haven’t checked in in a long time, so I apologize for that.  I want to go back to making posts and updating this blog with more than just reblog storms.  I’m also thinking about redoing my main blog @gods-and-punks​ to try and make it something more useful.  I stopped using it somewhere in the decade that happened between 2018 and now, but I’m finding myself again, and I’m finding that person misses the chaotic fandom blog a little bit.
As for my Studyblr, I haven’t been updating because I haven’t been studying.  I’m taking a break, by which I mean I am taking a slow semester to heal my seven-year burn-out, and learn ideas that will help me cope when I get back into the thick of things next semester.  Actually next semester is going to be difficult, I’m teaching for the first time next semester which is a goal of mine, but I’m also jumping into my the last of my credit hours for my PhD.  Once I’m through with that, its research for the foreseeable future.  It feels so strange to have such marked progress for something that feels amorphous and endless.  I also have to take my qualifying exam next semester, which will determine whether I even stay in my PhD program or not.  The benefit is if I fail, I’ve already completed the Master’s and can effectively instantly get my masters before re-enrolling for my PhD.  But that really is a worst-case scenario, I want to be free of academia.
Anyway, the desert has been kind to give me rain and clouds this season.
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April 14, 2022
My new Ink arrived yesterday, which was nice.  I can also highlight over it so I can finally use my fountain pens to take notes!  I was feeling really under the weather yesterday, and today I’m doing a little better, but I’m still going to try and be gentle with myself.  I have some things I need to get done, like laundry and grading, but I also have to find the strength to decide if I’m going to bother attending the webex for the class I audited.  It’s not a lecture, and I’m not working on the project for the class any more, so I’m not sure there’s a point, other than face points with the prof, since he’s the only guy who teaches this and I’ll definitely see him again.
I started listening to Stardust by Neil Gaiman yesterday, and the allure of story is winning me over yet again.  I just want to write.  I want to tell stories.  There’s an ache inside me when I think about the stories I’ve thought up but never told, and anyway its so much more romantic than grading 150-some-odd homework assignments.  I’ll figure it out.
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April 5, 2022
I think I finally found my groove with Obsidian/Zettelkasten. It's definitely something I had to work out for myself, though I still took a lot of inspiration from the YouTuber I posted the video of a while back! I'm glad it helped some people, I think 100 level classes should include a survey of note-taking and study styles, I would have been unstoppable in undergrad if we were taught to learn. Also, its kind of impressive how calm and content I can be in a dim room with classical playing in my headphones and a big comfortable sweater. I like this feeling. Finally I'm just studying, I'm caught up on assignments so I can just study. I like this feeling, and I don't want to forget it again in the stress. Wishing you warm, comfortable, and peaceful vibes too~
[Cheshire Castle Library Playlist]
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March 21, 2022
I think I’m putting the new Oculus Quest I got for my birthday to good use.  My friend even helped me get my vRoid model into VR chat so I look like “me” lol.  Viby jellyfish aquarium office is a great place to work on a term paper outline. I got my exam turned in, for better or worse, and I’m working on the term paper due in the same class, as well as the PPT for the midterm check-in presentation on Thursday.  After that I have 2 assignments for the other class and grading and then I’ll be caught up.  Lets see how much me and the jellyfish can get done today!
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