#ed talk
mean-hare · 20 days
you can say "block dont report" with huge red letters in a blog title. you can tag your every post with "antiproana", "pro only for me, not for you" etc. you can explain that its your safe space, the only place you can vent in, the only place you can find the support. you can write the most heartbreaking and soulshattering essay about how lonely edisordered ppl are and how bad reporting and terming ed accounts is for them. it doesnt matter. they still will report you. they dont read it. they dont even care. they just report our blogs bc they think that they are right and good and we are wrong and evil. it doesnt matter how they loudly they scream about being accepting and supporting disordered ppl, in reality they just want us to hide and never show up. look at all the posts about taking away ed guys' safe spaces, look at these blog names. almost all of them are termed (or are just new and will be termed very soon). it didnt helped.
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marshmellowtwigxxx · 9 months
Helping out the community, comment with your favourite low calorie foods! (I am in needdd)
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imnothungrysworld · 13 days
Since a few people are getting butt hurt by my meanspo posts. They arnt targeted at you! 🤧 but if it feels like it does maybe you should start fasting maybe? And projecting a little less.
What I write is essentially about Me. So I can get my shit together. But it can also be about you if you want to take it so personally 💔
Anyway, see you loves!! Hopefully I'll be 152lb by tommorows weigh in, currently on my period so won't be suprised if I gain 😔
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fasting4dayz · 4 months
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what -spo am i at?
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mysticbeaver · 3 months
Regarding your comments about Raven Molisee and Rachel Connor, what do you know about them specifically? Might you share with us?
By the way, what are your thoughts on season 5 as a whole? High and low points?
Can't remember any specifics now, but this is basically what I gathered from reading Raven's deviantart comments from the ancient days (I think it was these two doodle posts, TW blood in the first one). She was concerned the characters were becoming caricatures of themselves and/or acting out-of-character. It seems she voiced her doubts in the studio but they fell upon deaf ears, although at least one person, Sabrina Alberghetti (Sibsy) might have been of the same opinion, judging by a comment I saw. That's all I know really😅 Dunno if @lynyrdsquidward has more info on this (enlighten us professor 😁if you remember any of this old nonsense, that is, haha)
AFAIK Rachel Connor didn't say anything about this topic (most of what I've heard from her comes from those eene podcasts from a year or two ago), although this old tumblr post about Eddy and Bro gave me the idea she might have been on the same wavelength as Raven, in terms of being interested in 'angst' and deeper aspects of the characters' personalities. But you'd have to check which episodes she had a hand in to guess what she brought to the table. On a sidenote, she coincidentally joined the show around the same time as Raven (the holiday specials before season 5 started, and on until the end of the show).
As for what I think of season 5, maybe there is effectively an increase in insane slapstick, perhaps aided by the change to digital medium. Some of the action feels different, but I don't have a strong opinion, there's already lots of debate about season 5 as it is. Generally I might be biased towards the first 4 seasons cause my very vague memories of seeing EEnE as a kid are of the summer episodes. I will say, though, I've noticed that there's something oddly nostalgic about BPS for me, as if I did see it as a kid on TV, some saturday morning... maybe it's just the 'feature-length movie made for TV' aspect of it that feels familiar, dunno. I will say, Rachel Connor was the writer for Smile For The Ed, and I think it shows in that Eddy is an innocent victim for once (and I think Eddy being written as a 'villain' protagonist was sort-of the pet peeve for Raven) It's something to consider, whether you like the episode or not (people compare it to Your Ed Here, but I think it's different, topic for another time). Then you have Fistful of Ed, which no doubt was what Raven wanted to see from the show, at least for Edd's character. A personal favorite is Boom, Boom, Out Goes The Ed cause literally half of the episode is taken by Kevin and Rolf subplot 😁 I like to imagine a full season 6 would have seen more of the other characters on their own 👀
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seafierywater2 · 2 years
being skinny for myself<<
wanting to be skinnier than that one girl i hate>>
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just-a-queer-fanboy · 7 months
The funniest thing to me is my slow ass metabolism means that when I was hard-core restricting for a year I still lost weight at a "normal" rate
And that's on why weight loss should not be a required symptom for diagnosis of an eating disorder (I told a doctor and she said I was lying because you can't see my bones. Girl I gave myself anemia fuck off)
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lighter-then-me · 3 months
I think I found the root of my 3ating dis0rder today. So that’s not fun. In that now all of you get to know it’s not because I want others to like me it’s because I want my family to be kind to me. God wtf.
I cannot believe it has taken me this long to put that together.
Like obviously that’s not the entirety of it theres other factors of course but definitely the big one
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softkillerz · 3 months
13 stycznia 2024 (dzień 8)
Wyspałam się ale od rana dokuczały mi flashbacki. PTSD i chujowe myśli nadal mnie się trzymają, zwykle właśnie jak mam gorszy dzień, ale jest na pewno lepiej niż rok temu. W takich chwilach dzwonię pogadać ze znajomymi żeby zająć czymś innym głowę i pomaga. Gryzie mnie sumienie czy powinnam przeprosić ludzi, którzy mnie skrzywdzili. Nie byłam dobrą osobą i też nie zachowywałam się w stosunku do nich dobrze, ale jednak dręczy mnie to okropnie czasami. Nie cierpię o tym myśleć, nienawidzę mieć wyrzutów sumienia, masakra!
Ale dałam sobie radę, dzisiejszy dzień nie był najgorszy. Rano na śniadanie klasycznie jaja, na obiad zrobiłam jakiś tiktokowy pomysł na fit obiad, ale dupy nie urywa. Waga w normie także super!
☀️1500 💧2,5L 🥚88g
Śniadanie: tosty z fetą i jajkiem na pomidorach
Lunch: kawa z mlekiem x2
Obiad: pierś z kurczaka na domowym sosie bbq, ziemniaki pieczone
Kolacja: czekoladki Terry's :(
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borderlanddd · 10 months
5 reasons to lose weight.
you won’t feel ashamed going out with your skinny friends
you won’t feel ashamed eating with people around
you can finally wear those dresses and skirts
people will treat you better and they will start liking you
you will finally like yourself.
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mean-hare · 7 months
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this gif!
this gif is the essence of romantisation of anorexia for me
and very annoying (and i keep seeing this in so many edblogs)
its like the classic pale skinny young woman with big eyes (shes considered attractive i guess) says Tragically "i cant stop" like you know its so Tragically, beautiful girl suffering uh oh and wind is going fshfshfsh so her hair is twitching under that fuckin fan (yes, also Tragically). like you know. She Is So Beautiful She Is Dying While Cruel Cold Wind Blows She Is Starving She Is Suffering But Cant Stop She Doesnt Realise How Perfect She Is Oh So Tragic Everyone Should Love Her
and this movie is another typical romantisation of ED. they added 1 fat black girl (somewhy obligatory fat girl characters in movies are usually black) and 1 boy(whos in love with main girl) with anorexia and now ppl think that this movie is superprogressive. maybe one day there will be a good movie about ED but for now theres none
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marshmellowtwigxxx · 9 months
Not me memorizing the c4lories in every food like I’m having an exam about it instead of studying for my actual exams 🤡
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juupajaa · 9 months
What are some reasons to recover if youre a healthy weight alr?
You will never get to "enjoy" being underweight, because your brain will always want more (trust me, I know it sounds like lies but it has happened to everyone whose ed made them underweight)
Recovery gets harder the longer you put it off, so you'll be doing yourself a favour by not making it even harder than it already will be
Even without getting to the point of being underweight, your ed is destroying your health. The longer you put off recovery, the more likely you are of developing other conditions that might show up way later, even after recovery.
Read the one above again, and really take it in.
I don't say it just to be like oohh think of your healthhh because your ed doesn't care about that, but it happens so often!! People who had an ed in their youth and recovered, often still develop issues with their metabolism and gut health later. So many have poo or teeth troubles and it's so not sexy and usually expensive and painful.
Just to really make sure you got it: you don't need to be underweight to start fucking up your health and life with an ed.
Becoming underweight won't solve whatever problem your ed is trying to fix.
You will be so tired and joyless and a pain to be around, you won't even wanna do your favourite things. At my worst I stopped doing all my hobbies, I even stopped singing because I was just so tired all the time. I just lied in bed all day and waited for my next food ritual to begin. You won't be any different.
If you let it get worse, your friends and family will be completely unable to understand you, and you will be the most lonely and miserable being on earth. No amount of love that people will try to show you will fix it and you'll feel like the biggest disappointment and burden.
Your ed will slowly take away every single thing from you and you will not notice because you keep thinking "it's not gonna happen to me tho, I'm not like those who are actually for real sick"
Recovery will be easier, cheaper, more effective, and in general more fun when you dont have to go through weight restoration. When you're already at a healthy weight, you don't even have to gain weight in order to recover (which is obviously horrifying and makes successful recovery so much harder)
Life without an ed is just infinitely better, I can vouch for that as someone who went through it. Recovery is worth the discomfort, because once you fix whatever is causing your ed, you get to become the person you actually wanted to be, instead of becoming a slave to your ed.
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fasting4dayz · 3 months
hot take:
some of yr mealspos r fucking nasty n just lead to a binge later bc it’s not even satiating u n yr hunger cues. like obviously having safe foods is different but if every “meal” is veggies/fruits n a rice cake yr gonna fuck yr metabolism so yr just gonna drop a bit of weight n then plateau or binge n gain it all back.
i think im gonna start posting some of my favorite meals that r low cal but higher volume that actually helped me lose weight.
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mysticbeaver · 4 months
What are some of your ideas about Kevin's life at home? What do you think his family is like?
Woah, a random ask! Hello anon :) thanks, I never really feel like talking about stuff like this so it's nice to be spurred into action.
It would be very easy to write his family off as perfectly well-adjusted, but I think maybe Nazz's family is more like that, out of everyone in the cul-de-sac. She has good parental guidance and it shows in her generally pleasant presence (and occasional shows of surprising maturity).
Kevin is somewhat spoiled with all the jawbreakers, but he also gets given chores (even questionable ones *cough* chimney sweeping *cough*), and he probably has to take care of his bike completely on his own. He likes fixing it of course, but I can see it coming from his dad teaching him to be independent, and other 'manly' traits (like a milder version of Eddy's dad). I could imagine Kevin's father being so busy with work and hobbies that he's kinda absent, mostly acting as the sterotypical "pressuring your son into sports" dad.
On one hand, Kevin seems fairly self-sufficient - contrast this with our favorite momma's boy Eddy, who can't stay home alone at dinner without getting spooked out (To Sir with Ed). On the other hand, it shows from Kevin's aloof, cynical attitude he might not have the best emotional role models at home. Compare this to Eddy in the popular headcanons I like, his family being quite, uh... animated and polarized (momma's boy, again). I've often seen headcanons of Kevin's parents being split up, him living with his dad. I did write this (badly) into my overlong kevrolf fic, but I've never made up my mind on it. Couple this with a not-so-exciting father... maybe Kevo secretly misses his mom :(
It was some work collecting all this rambling together in one coherent post (I don't think I fully succeeded 😅), so hopefully this is a satisfying answer, hah! I'd love to hear other folks' opinions.
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ededdneddy-artrefs · 8 months
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