#easy diet
annpositivitylife · 11 months
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Różne jedzonka
No widać, że nie jestem człowiekiem idealnym, wpadła nawet zupka instant 🙈 no ale taka jest prawda i tyle.
Ostatnio zajadam się też lodami z biedry, kurka, są pyszne! Szczególnie te capuccino.
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Na tych dwóch obrazkach widać czym się ostatnio zajmuję 😅💚 jakoś tak zaczęłam powrót do wewnętrznego dziecka wraz z czytaniem komiksów Kaczora Donalda. I jakby ktoś się zastanawiał, czemu jestem czarownicą- Magika 🫠
Powróciłam do tarota, do książek, choć miałam chaos i nie wiedziałam co robić, bo tyyyyle planów. Na dodatek te wakacje łączą się z pewną presją, no bo najdłuższe wakacje życia i nie chcę tego zjebać.
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U mnie sprawdza się ta rada. Jak się boję i nie wiem co robić, to po prostu jakoś zaczynam. Potem już idzie z płatka zazwyczaj.
Zapisałam się na kurs prawa jazdy, byłam w teatrze na występie orkiestry i śpiewaków! Boże, jakie to było cudowne 🥹 nie wiem czy wspominałam, kiedyś chodziłam do szkoły muzycznej i długo uczyłam się też śpiewu, gry na keyboard. Lubię muzykę klasyczną i chyba jestem na to wrażliwa. Podobno takie występy, czy kino mają działanie terapeutyczne- człowiek odcina się od całego świata, telefonów. U mnie na pewno to tak zadziałało. Czułam się magicznie, naprawdę ruszało mnie każde słowo.
Tak samo, usiadłam ostatnio do pianina i ukulele, w związku z wakacjami i wolnym czasem. Staram się odtraumatyzować mój stosunek do tego, mieć więcej luzu. Nie wiem nawet jak to określić, to jest skomplikowaca relacja, pełna wymagań z mojej strony itp.
Kurde. Boję się ostatnio. Bo mam mieszkać na studiach z moją siostrą. Z nią też mam dziwną relację 🙈 mimo że dzieli nas 3 lata różnicy, bywało różnie. Wstydziła się mnie zawsze, rzadko przytulała. Najbardziej boli mnie jej krzyk i spojrzenia jak u wręcz bazyliszka. Próbowałam z nią porozmawiać, ale nie daję rady. Przykro mi, że po prostu nie może być normalna komunikacja tylko od razu nerwy
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healthy-lifestyyle · 1 year
How to Lose Weight Easily With Smoothie Diet (no exercise required at all)
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If you are looking for an easy way to lose weight, then the smoothie diet might be the perfect solution for you. The smoothie diet is a type of diet that focuses on consuming mainly smoothies, rather than solid foods. This diet has gained popularity in recent years due to its ability to help people lose weight quickly and easily. In this blog article, we will explore the smoothie diet and how it can help you achieve your weight loss goals.
->What is the Smoothie Diet? The smoothie diet is a type of diet that focuses on consuming mainly smoothies, rather than solid foods. The idea is that by consuming a variety of smoothies throughout the day, you can give your body the nutrients it needs while still managing to reduce your overall calorie intake. This diet has become popular because it is an easy way to reduce your calorie intake while still getting all the essential nutrients your body needs. The smoothie diet involves making smoothies with a variety of healthy ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and protein powders. These ingredients are blended together to create a smooth, nutritious, and delicious drink. It is important to note that the smoothie diet does not involve any extreme restrictions, and it is possible to customize your smoothies to fit your individual needs and preferences.
->The 21-Day Smoothie Diet The 21-day smoothie diet is a popular variation of the smoothie diet that has become increasingly popular in recent years. This diet involves consuming only smoothies for 21 days in order to help you reach your weight loss goals. The idea behind this diet is that by consuming only smoothies, you can reduce your calorie intake while still getting all the essential nutrients your body needs. The 21-day smoothie diet involves making a variety of smoothies throughout the day. These smoothies can be customized to fit your individual needs and preferences, and they should include a range of healthy ingredients.
Some of the most popular ingredients to include in your smoothies are fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and protein powders. The 21-day smoothie diet also encourages you to drink plenty of water throughout the day and to get regular exercise. This will help to ensure that you are getting all the essential nutrients your body needs and that you are burning off any excess calories. ->How the Smoothie Diet Benefits Your Health The smoothie diet has many benefits for your health. Firstly, consuming smoothies can help you reduce your overall calorie intake without having to cut out any essential nutrients. This is because smoothies contain a variety of healthy ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and protein powders. The smoothie diet also encourages you to drink plenty of water throughout the day, which is important for maintaining good health. Additionally, the smoothie diet encourages you to get regular exercise, which will help to ensure that you are burning off any excess calories. The smoothie diet can also help to reduce your risk of developing certain diseases. Studies have shown that consuming smoothies can help to reduce the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Additionally, consuming smoothies can help to improve your digestive health, as they are easier to digest than solid foods. ->How Easy Can You Lose Weight With Smoothie Diet The smoothie diet is an effective way to lose weight, as it can help to reduce your overall calorie intake without having to cut out essential nutrients. Additionally, the smoothie diet encourages you to drink plenty of water and to get regular exercise, which will help to ensure that you are burning off any excess calories. The key to losing weight with the smoothie diet is to ensure that you are consuming a variety of healthy ingredients in your smoothies. It is also important to remember that while the smoothie diet can help you lose weight, it is not a magic solution. You will still need to put in some effort and make healthy lifestyle choices in order to achieve your weight loss goals. If you are looking for an easy way to lose weight without having to cut out essential nutrients, then the smoothie diet might be the perfect solution for you. With the right ingredients and a bit of effort, you can easily lose weight with the smoothie diet and improve your overall health.
>> click here to get started losing weight with smoothie diet yourself! >> shorturl.at/HRSV3
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logicxe · 9 months
Easy Diet Recipes for Weight Loss
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activefitlife · 10 months
Simple and Effective Diet Plans: Your Roadmap to a Healthy Lifestyle
Diet plans that are easy to follow In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy diet can feel overwhelming. With countless fad diets and conflicting advice, it’s challenging to find a diet plan that is both effective and easy to follow. However, fret not! In this article, we’ll explore some tried-and-tested diet plans that are not only simple but also provide sustainable results. Let’s…
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weightloss1987 · 1 year
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You can lose weight without exercise? Sounds good? Click Here
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effatpanda · 1 year
Easy Mediterranean Diet Recipe with Ideas and Benefits
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Are you looking for Cheap and easy Mediterranean diet recipe ideas? The Mediterranean diet is a healthy regimen centered on what foods we eat and how often. The diet is low in fat, moderate in protein, and rich in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. The Mediterranean Diet is an eating model that emphasizes fresh foods and unrefined carbohydrates.
Vegetarian Shakshuka
easy Mediterranean Diet With Lentil Soup
Mediterranean Baked Sweet Potatoes
Easy Mediterranean Diet: Lentil Salad With Cucumber
 In this article, we’ll show you how easy it is to follow the Mediterranean diet with these recipes.
Read more : https://healthdailly.com/easy-mediterranean-diet/
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firbolgfriend · 2 months
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I love doodling him sm
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elgrandebonemeal · 1 month
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made a whole new sideblog just because i dont think people draw this guy fucked up enough
versions without text and also with/without glasses n fuzzy glitches whoop
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kkimura · 8 months
You know I love using oatmeal in baking by now 😄
I made this incredibly moist and delicious flourless/ sugarless chocolate banana cake!
Watch the video to see how I make it 😉
It’s hard to stop eating but it’s ok!!🥳
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annpositivitylife · 10 months
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Nie pisałam bo tumblr mi jakoś wariował i nie mogłam dodawać zdjęć. A lubię wstawiać w niedzielę 🫣 co ja gadam, nieważne
Robię kurs prawa jazdy, jest lepiej niż myślałam 😁kumam i jest fajnie. Dużo czasu spędzam na powietrzu, robię tam medytacje, siedzę, chodzę na boso. Mam czas na tarot, lepiej się zorganizowałam no i w końcu wstaję jakoś wcześniej 😅
Ważyłam się. Ostatni raz mogłam robić to jakoś w styczniu, dosłownie. No i mam te swoje 55 które chciałam 🥰 cieszę się, bo chcę oscylować koło tej liczby i nie schodzić niżej, bo to już byłoby chore. Czytam niektóre rzeczy motylków i serio staram się przed tym chronić, nie chcę żeby jedzenie i waga stały się moją obsesją. Doszłam do tej liczby i się cieszę i tyle. Ale jakbym miała 5 kg więcej, też siebie lubiłabym 🤷 zresztą niedawno tak miałam. Moja dieta przede wszystkim polegała i polega na staraniu się żeby jeść lepsze produkty, w trosce o samopoczucie przede wszystkim. Nie mówię że zdrowy tryb życia rozwiąże wszystkie problemy depresyjne, ale czasem coś takiego w zależności od organizmu może mieć znaczenie. Nigdy nie wiadomo, który z tych czynników jest w stanie przepełnić czarę czy coś xD. No i to była dieta "maturalna", dobra na mózg 🫠. Ale jestem dumna, bo w sumie nie odmawiałam sobie dużo, niby trochę tak, ale było normalnie. Ktoś zrobił dobre ciasto, lasaghnię, pizzę- jadłam dużo jak wszyscy bo jak coś jest smakowite to jem xD. Jadłam pączki, jadłam codziennie talarek gorzkiej czekolady. I nie miałam potem jakiegoś głodzenia, nie. Umiar to chyba najważniejsze i uważać na moment, gdzie człowiek przesadza
A z chłopakiem (to nie jest mój chłopak ale nie wiem jak inaczej powiedzieć XD) jest dobrze. Dzwonimy codziennie i gadamy z godzinę. Tamta sytuacja w sumie poszła w niepamięć xD. Nie chcę oszaleć na czyimś punkcie, ale widzę takie plusy jakich nie było u ex i po prostu miło jak się stara i angażuje. Staram się być ostrożna i nie tracić głowy, ale też doceniać. Wiem, że jeszcze dużo pracy przede mną- ze sobą, nad przekonaniami o związkach itp., bo czasem za bardzo się boję i myślę, że nie zasługuję na miłość. 🥹
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lylahammar · 3 months
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man I wish people would quit saying shit like this on my fat positive posts like literally just read the room and get help and keep your shit off my doorstep because that is the opposite of the point I'm making here
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luimagines · 9 days
Oh gosh. Feeding the chain modern food. I've actually thought about this a lot.
I think it's a fun idea to give them all these weird and new recipes/food items, but I also think it would probably make most of them sick
Like, (speaking as an American) so much food is processed. Even some of the stuff you think you're getting healthy has been processed or is riddled with additives/pesticides/gmo's
So just. unadulterated junk food? On boys that have never in their lives eaten anything but the cleanest, as organic as it gets, nutritional meals? McDonald's? Some sour candy? I wouldn't be surprised if they puked it up
(I can just imagine Wind or Wild wanting to try some of Reader's "weird" food so badly, and then getting immediately sick. The chain then regards them as having an iron stomach for all the weird stuff they eat without batting an eye.
...maybe not Wild though actually. He eats rocks.)
Don't even get me started on the nutritional adaptation. Like a reader that doesn't ever eat fruits/veggies/drink water?? They'd wonder how they're alive 😭😭
Hyrule and Wild are the only ones who can stomach it.
Twilight and Warrior are wiling to try even if they get stomach aches afterwards. Twilight drinks chuchu jelly. So I'm sure he'd fine in the end. And I'm willing to bet that Warrior had to et some weird things during the war when ration ran low so he can tough it out.
Legend can go one of two ways. He can either tolerate like no big deal or he's taken out of commission for the week. There's no in-between. He's traveled a lot so I'm sure he's been exposed to a lot of different things and can thus handle more- but it's a Russian Roulette of what can take and can't take.
Wind and Four don't last long. They eat bologna and are out for the rest of the day with tummy aches.
Don't even try with Time or Sky. They're the most sensitive. I'm willing to bet the smell alone can make them feel sick.
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weightloss1987 · 1 year
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Do you want to lose weight by drinking the "Green Smoothies"? Click Here
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weneedatdcharacterwho · 2 months
We need a Total Drama character with IBS. It's mentioned only once when the contestant says, "I cannot eat this, I have IBS." This character is also never used for bathroom humor.
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prettypinkpastries · 3 months
Mini Rant
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I honestly hate loasstwt tbf. Like the amount of ppl i see on there shaming others for how they manifest is absurd. Someone likes a+p? Great. Let them affirm. Someone uses states to manifest? That's great, let them do it. Someone wants to manifest in steps? Great, let them do it. Honestly if you don't like or agree with the way another person manifests something, that's okay. But don't project your negativity onto others and try to tell them that they're doing it wrong. Like stop it. You look ridiculous.
Why get so worked up and offended over how someone chooses to go about their manifestation journey? You don't like manifesting with states? Fine. That method doesn't work for you? Don't believe in subliminals? Okay good. But don't attack others for doing what works for them. Someone else creating their own rules for their own reality does not and should not conflict with yours. We're all limitless creators... right? So let us be limitless creators. Like tell me you're not confident in yourself without telling me you're not confident in yourself because people who bully others for no reason are insecure, not confident. If you were actually confident in your own manifesting abilities, you wouldn't be making others feel bad for being confident in theirs. If you actually believed in yourself, you wouldn't be bringing others down. Do better.
Side note I've seen my fair share of racism, lgbtphobia, fatphobia, etc on there too buts that's a whole nother thing to discuss, but yeah the whole "your way of manifesting is wrong" "youre a bad person for doing xyz" "why do that when you can do this" "you're not doing it right" type of mindset people have on there is something I had to address. Like. Your manifestation journey is unique. Let people do things their way and go do things your way. Don't be a pathetic asshole and let people be themselves. Sure, everything does go your way, but not everything HAS to be your way. Get what I'm saying?
Loatumblr for life >>>>>>
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twinvictim · 4 months
Vegans on this website are something else man
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