#dyslexia study techniques
desultory-suggestions · 9 months
just asking for advice, you're not forced to answer ofc
i struggle a lot with motivation, when i force myself to do things, it just doesn't feel right, and i feel so guilty about it, things like going to school or even brushing my teeth, it's all pointless and physically exhausting
idk if i'm just lazy or smt
anyway, any tips for folks with low motivation?
Hello, love! Thank you for your patience. Motivation is such a common struggle. I use some unconventional study and motivation tactics personally, as someone with ADHD and Dyslexia I have to get through a lot of nonsense to do basic things. First, you are not lazy! The idea today of laziness is very frustrating to me, and I feel is built on capitalist (and white supremacist) ideals. See the NAP Ministry.
According to The (USA) National Library of Medicine, "Executive dysfunction is commonly seen in major depression. The types of executive deficits seen in depression include problems with planning, initiating, and completing goal-directed activities." Anyone struggling with depression, whether an episode or long-term can struggle with these basic tasks. So how can we deal with this?
Some different techniques that may help:
Talk through the tasks you need to do out loud. You can discuss them in linear order or not. Don't focus on making them perfect and detailed, just explain it like you would to a friend.
Explain what you are doing as if someone is watching you/you're teaching someone. This is how I motivate myself when studying/working out/etc. and shows you that you do know what you are doing.
Break tasks down into smaller pieces to help them be more manageable, or simplify the ones that seem too complicated. (For this I need to do x, then y, then z. I don't need to overthink brushing my teeth, it's okay to just go do it.
Ask someone to be your accountability buddy. Body doubling/parallel play can be very useful. I ask my partner to brush his teeth with me so I have someone else there.
Accept that you don't need to do 100% of everything. You can't brush, floss, and use mouthwash? Okay brush for even just thirty seconds, it's better than nothing!
Utilize tools, but don't try to make it fancy. Aesthetics can be helpful and motivating, they can also apply pressure to make everything look good. Google Calendar or a messy notebook is good enough.
Surrounds tasks with cushioning time to relax. Even for little tasks, you can promise yourself rest before and after. Likewise, do enjoyable things during arduous tasks. Watch a silly video, playa. song!
Consider what the biggest obstacle is. Does it feel pointless? Do you want to do it? If not, why not? How can you change what is making you avoidant? If you do want to, what feels like it's stopping you? A specific fear? Or an impenetrable wall? These questions help define the next steps.
Accept you cannot do everything, especially not when you are suffering. You deserve help and it's okay to ask for it. Professional help is important when conquering issues with motivation whether from depression, ADHD, etc. Medications, therapy, and more can improve your mood.
Some tools I use:
Brushout - An app to help you brush your teeth for the right amount of time. Simple, and makes a nice dinging sound. Can be added as a widget to your home screen on iPhones.
Google Calendar - Also simple. Easy to click and add events and get reminders for things creeping up on you.
Mnemosyne Notebook - Ok the brand doesn't matter but the paper in this is so smooth and it makes me want to use it. But yes a notebook to organize thoughts.
Little Treats - I like to keep little snacks and treats around for working on things I have been struggling with. You don't have to wait until after, let yourself fuse joy with your efforts.
You do not need to be ashamed for struggling. No matter the reason or the manner, we all go through difficult things. Reach out, and don't give up. Feel free to ask for more information or advice again.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 8 months
Hello again! I'm the person with dyslexia ADHD Autism and general anxiety disorder from earlier :)
Is there any articles you can link to me Or advice you can give to help me with this situation?
I feel really nervous about going back to school because I was bullied and taking advantage of a lot. I also had a really hard time keeping up with school work (Specifically math and science) Because of Neurodivergency (Sorry if that is not the right word). I ended up doing a lot of lying because I felt scared that my family and friends would think less of me and think I was less capable.
School in general just makes me feel like I'm less than all the other students and a lot of anxiety, I'm also very scared of ending up a "super special needs kid" and being treated even worse my peers.
Do you have any advice to help me with this situation?
Hi there,
I have no idea if this will help, but I found some articles listing some ways to study and succeed in school. Keep in mind that everyone is different, so some of these may not work:
* Sit in the front of class to limit distractions.
* Turn off your phone when doing homework. This limits distractions too.
* Talk with your teacher about your ADHD. Some students with ADHD need extra time to take tests. Some need smaller class sizes or a quiet place to complete work. Others need a tutor. Ask your teacher to help you plan and do what's right for you.
* Use tools that help you stay organized. Keep track of assignments in a planner or on a phone app. List things you need to bring home. Set phone reminders for classes and activities, or write them in a planner.
* Get plenty of exercise. Daily exercise can improve attention and school performance for people with ADHD. It also keeps your positive emotions flowing.
* Take activity breaks. If you feel restless during school, ask teachers to let you take quick breaks to get up and move. This can help you get focused again when you return to your seat. When you study or do homework, take activity breaks often.
* Learn to meditate. Mindfulness meditation can improve attention, memory, and focus. It can reduce stress too. It’s easy to learn. Take a few minutes to practice it every day.
* Pay attention to all the good things about you. Having ADHD is one part of you. And there’s so much more. Think of things others like about you. Maybe you’re creative, kind, or funny. Maybe you have a talent for sports, music, dance, or art. Maybe you’re good with tech, building things, or cooking. Make time for the things you enjoy. Grow your strengths by using them every day. Spend time with the people who see you for who you are. See yourself that way, too.
The article will be below:
Another article lists some ways to study if you have ADHD:
Review Your Notes Before Bed
Exercise Sharpens Brain Focus
Use Your Nose to Study Better
Napping, Breaks, and Memory
Sip a Sugary Drink
The article will be below:
Here’s one last article that might help:
I hope some of these help. Maybe some of my followers can give some tips and advice too.
Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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gdi-institute · 1 year
Educational therapy for Children by GDI
GDI (Gestalt Developmental Institute) offers educational therapy for children to help them overcome learning difficulties and achieve academic success. Educational therapy is a personalized, one-on-one approach that addresses the root causes of learning challenges, including dyslexia, ADHD in children, and other learning differences. GDI's educational therapists use research-based techniques and tools to help children improve their reading, writing, and math skills, as well as their organization and study habits. The therapy sessions are designed to be engaging, interactive, and tailored to each child's unique learning style and needs. Through GDI's educational therapy, children can gain the confidence and skills they need to thrive in school and beyond.
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pedropascalito · 1 year
Oh I feel you about dyslexia
So I was diagnosed with dyspraxia (and also a very mild dyslexia & also dyscalculia, and also ADD) all when I started university!
Everyone else at university had been diagnosed years before and had learned to cope, strategies and techniques etc. but I was expected to perform to the same standard as everyone else and also attend these learning disability classes whilst juggling my degree course and outside degree courses, studying, my mental and physical health, a social life and everything else!
I actually dropped out because I repeated my first year three times, not because I’m stupid or incompetent but because I was literally emotionally, psychologically and physically drained, well and truly exhausted!
I’m also 25, and I would love to go back to university but again I don’t know how to get back into studying and then while where I live offers free tuition, it’s on certain grounds, and I don’t think I’ll get funded education again even under compassionate grounds. I’m 25, where I live a course is 4 years or sometimes 5 years - I’d be 29 or 30 when I’d graduate or even 31!
In a way I don’t want to waste my life and not have a career by doing university again but at the same time I want to
Think of it this way: you’ll be those ages in those years regardless of whether you go to school. So, don’t worry about how old you’ll be! I didn’t finish my schooling until I was 33.
I’m sorry you have struggled so much. I was diagnosed in elementary school. This is not a teacher/education blog so I need to stop talking about it otherwise it’s all I’ll talk about because I am passionate about equitable education. BUT, let me assure you, there is nothing wrong with your brain!!! It’s just being made to do tasks it wasn’t suited for. Google “benefits of dyslexia”. We can do awesome things other people really struggle with!! It’s just that our skills usually aren’t useful in current educational practices. So we struggle.
But seriously, you got this! Advocate for yourself and don’t give up - you’ll find your place. Take care and I’m rooting for you!
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leftluminarytragedy · 1 month
 Benefits of Writing What are the advantages of writing
Writing is not just a medium to communicate, it has many other benefits. Here are ten benefits that you can derive from the art of writing.
Better Communication
The practice of writing makes you want to improve your vocabulary and phrase better
sentences. It all comes into play when you are in an important conversation where you can put across your thoughts in a better and clearer manner. Writing helps you communicate better, orally or in writing itself.
Creative writing is an art. The more you write, the more you learn to imagine, visualize, or simply create something. Be it a movie script, or the lyrics of a song, it all involves writing. Writing is a great practice if you are in any of the creative fields, or even if you take it as a hobby.
Relieves Mental Stress
Writing your thoughts down on paper is one of the best exercises to do if you want to clear your mind and relieve some mental stress. Putting down emotions in writing will make you feel at peace. For example, just writing a simple journal each day can make you feel lighter and help you sleep better. As per a study, people who take out time once a week to write down the good things in their lives are more optimistic and excited about their present circumstance and future.
Improves Perspective
Writing your schedule or in fact, old memories can make you think better about your goals and how efficient you are in life. It gives you a fresh and broader perspective on your priorities. Writing often can help you boost your prioritizing skills. Writing helps in keeping track of creative ideas that are needed in the workplace or in life in general. While brainstorming, those ideas are quite hard to organise. Writing helps in storing and giving perspective to ideas that might or could have been forgotten. Moreover, while writing fiction, it gives an edge and sheds objective light for the reader to go through the fictional scene, thus making for an engaging and interesting read.
Writing can provide a sense of accomplishment, which is a very empowering feeling to have, however small it might be. It can make you feel more confident and at the very least, can positively affect your mood.
Sharpens Memory
Writing helps in improving your memory. It grows stronger the more you practice. Writing is one of the best techniques to memorise things in an orderly form. It also stores memories and feelings and brings them back exactly how they were felt and written.
Makes you a better writer
Writing on takes effort. This makes writing by hand a tedious job but bears fruit in the end. It forces one to slow down and consider each phrase carefully while giving a record of the progress and the edits that one has made along the way.
Improves health
Dyslexia is a condition that is caused by a disconnection between the auditory, language processors of the brain. Fortunately, writing by hand helps those processors centre and function together. People who struggle with dyslexia also struggle with learning to read because their brains associate the sound and the letter combinations ineffectively. Learning cursive writing helps with this decoding process and upgrade hand-eye coordination, motor skills and other memory functions. It even acts as a preventive measure for serious diseases like Alzheimer’s or dementia.
Your immune system will be strengthened, and your risk of infection will be reduced if you write expressively. Those who journal report increased immune system function and reduced asthma and rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Expressive writing has also been shown to increase liver and lung performance as well as combat such ailments, and it has even been documented to speed up the recovery process for the injured.
Improves self-expression
Using your hands to write help you stop getting tongue-tied. It teaches you how to expand your ideas and think about them thoroughly. Writing by hand takes longer and allows you to think about your sentences. When you write by hand, you have more leeway to express yourself. Unlike a computer screen, pen on paper could be more forgiving. You can still cross out words and tuck things away.
Helps in deep and critical thinking
Writing by hand is relatively slower, which enables the mind to think critically about what you’re writing. It aids in the expansion of your thinking and the formation of links between ideas.
Writing by hand allows you to see the connections between abstract ideas and aids in the solution of complex problems. It encourages you to take your time and pay attention to your thoughts. Writing on a daily basis has been shown to aid in the communication of complex ideas. This has advantages in terms of emotional intelligence (the ability to articulate how you feel) as well as in what are called the hard sciences, like mathematics.
Learn all about writing by none other than Ruskin Bond. In his unluclass, he has shared his experience, journey and tips on how to become a better writer.
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seenread · 1 month
How Reading Tools Can Help
Killeen, TX, 2024:
In today's fast-paced world, the ability to comprehend and absorb information quickly is essential. Reading tools play a crucial role in facilitating this process, aiding individuals in improving their reading skills, enhancing comprehension, and ultimately achieving academic and professional success.
Reading Tools
Reading tools encompass a wide range of aids designed to assist individuals in effectively processing and understanding written material. These tools come in various forms, like reading strips, cut-out windows for highlighting and taking notes, electronic reading instruction tools, and more.
How Reading Tools Help
Improve Reading Speed and Efficiency: Reading tools help individuals increase their reading speed and efficiency with the help of chunking techniques, interactive exercises, and progress tracking.
Enhance Comprehension and Retention of Information: Reading tools enhance comprehension and retention of information through various features and techniques designed to engage readers actively with the text.
Aid in Vocabulary Expansion and Language Acquisition: Reading tools aid in vocabulary expansion and language acquisition by allowing readers to access word meanings quickly and conveniently within the context of their reading, facilitating comprehension and the assimilation of new vocabulary into their language repertoire.
Assist Individuals with Dyslexia or Other Learning Disabilities: The tools assist such individuals by accommodating different reading styles and preferences, making reading more accessible and comfortable for individuals with dyslexia or other learning disabilities. Visual aids like color overlays or rulers can help reduce visual stress and improve reading fluency for these individuals.
Promote Independent Learning and Self-Paced Study: The tools empower users to explore materials at their own pace, making it easier to digest and comprehend information while fostering a sense of autonomy and self-directed learning.
Why Invest in Reading Tools:
Investing in reading tools boosts academic performance and grades.
These tools promote inclusivity and diversity in educational settings.
They help reduce the cognitive strain and fatigue associated with reading.
Reading tools facilitate improved reading comprehension and retention of information.
They enable the highlighting of key information for easier review and reference.
Reading tools foster a love for reading and lifelong learning.
They align with educational standards and curriculum requirements for seamless integration into learning environments.
For more information on reading tools, visit See-N-Read at 2533 Sutton Lane, Aurora, IL 60502-9461, or call 630-236-5592. You can also connect on Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and YouTube for more information.
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anthosvtr · 5 months
The never-ending French debate about Inclusive writing
Recently in France, the debate around inclusive language and especially inclusive writing returned to the spotlight because of a new bill aimed at restricting it.
Indeed, on Monday, October 30, 2023, the French Senate passed, in its first reading, the bill aimed at protecting the French language from the drifts of so-called inclusive writing. The vote resulted in 221 votes in favor and 82 against. 
According to the bill's authors, inclusive writing hinders reading and understanding of written text. They argue that the inability to transcribe texts using this type of spelling orally hinders reading, pronunciation, and learning. In general, they think about it as a threat to the French language. This bill was specifically passed to ban inclusive writing in official French documents and in education, particularly at universities where inclusive language is gaining popularity in student’s theses.
Inclusive writing seeks to avoid linguistic discrimination based on gender and to include all individuals, regardless of their gender. In French, this is achieved through the use of midpoints, capitalization, or the use of neutral or epicene terms.
But is inclusive writing a real threat to the French language?  Looking back at French history, the language has not always been sexist or dominated by the masculine grammatical gender. In fact, until the 17th century, the feminization of some words was a normal aspect of life. But In an attempt to restrict women's access to some professions, authorities decreed that the masculine gender was more noble than the feminine which led to new grammatical rules.
But does it obstruct reading abilities? The primary argument that’s used against it is that it is difficult for people with dyslexia to read it. Of course, because dyslexia is a learning disorder that affects a person's ability to read it could affect them. However the characteristics of dyslexia vary from one person to another, and what is challenging for one person may not be for another. So the question of whether inclusive writing is difficult for people depends on the individual. Moreover, studies showed that people with reading difficulties can take time to adapt to this novelty but in under fifteen minutes, they are used to it. Some dyslexic people even spoke up about being used by the far-right as an argument against inclusive writing despite not facing real difficulties reading it.
Since graphic designers can play a big part in text layout and in creating intuitive design, we could ask ourselves : could typography enable the standardization of inclusive writing? Bye Bye Binary is a graphic design collective that chose to take on this challenge. Since 2018 they have been creating new typefaces aimed at being inclusive. The characteristic of their typeface is that more than just proposing the use of midpoints, they propose real alternatives by defining new forms. Visually, it's through a play of positive and negative shapes as well as through cutting that the collective creates new letters. By using cutting techniques, they ensure not to create new characters that would be confused with those already existing. Ultimately, instead of limiting themselves to what’s already existent, they push their typeface to another level by creating new characters and ligature. 
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Example of the typeface Baskervoll by Bye Bye Binary https://typotheque.genderfluid.space/index.html
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An example of the typeface Adelphe designed by Eugénie Bidaut. The different font allows either the use of midpoints or new glyphs to express inclusiveness.
That’s what I found brilliant in their proposition/ Because by creating these new forms we are not reducing readability, instead, we are asking people to learn new elements just like anyone would learn about a new alphabet. Plus we have to accept the undeniable esthetic quality of these characters.
In summary, graphic design could undoubtedly participate in the democratization of inclusive language by creating new forms. Since language and the alphabet are learned, being confronted with these new forms on a daily would just make us accept them. 
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Example of Russian cursive writing
I have a personal fact about word readability. Indeed when I was at the university pursuing a language degree, I remember what my Russian classmate used to say about cursive Russian. They used to say that every character looked the same and that the only thing that made it distinguishable was the place that some character held in the word. Because in the end, the reading of a word is possible thanks to the relationship that its characters maintain with each other. Simply adding a new glyphs/ligature at the end of it won’t make it illegible. 
3770 characters
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the-holistic-goddess · 8 months
Understanding Neurodivergence and How It Relates to You!
What is Neurodivergence?
Once upon a time, it was solely associated with being on the Autism Spectrum or having other Mental disabilities, Disorders or Pathologies. But as we further continued to study the brain and how it functions, it soon became established as the term to explain when a brain process of a person is different from that of others, either due to genetic or environmental factors. Meaning how we receive, process and function might be different from what is considered “Neurotypical” behavior.
What is Neurotypical?
It is the exact opposite of being Neurodivergent. It means that your brain's ability to process and function is working exactly as it was designed and intended to. 
How does it relate to you?
Upon further research it has been determined that the majority of the population is more Neurodivergent than not. And without taking these factors into consideration, how society, the education systems and employments are established could really play a part to people having a difficulty succeeding. 
Many of the programs, systems and processes we have to get things done were designed with Neurotypical people in mind. People who function and process information normally. But the truth is that more people than not have some form of difference in the way they process information or function. Which may make it harder if they are expected to understand something in a form that does not properly compute with their brain. 
As previously mentioned, when the definition of Neurodivergence was expanded to consider people who might be different from others due to genetics and environmental factors, the list of people who technically fall under the list of Neurodivergent grew exponentially. 
Did you know that if you have any of these conditions listed below, you are considered to be Neurodivergent?
Tourette syndrome and tic disorders
Obsessive-Compulsive disorder
Epilepsy and seizure disorders
Intellectual disabilities
Developmental language disorder
Developmental coordination disorders
Bipolar disorder
Down Syndrome
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Personality disorder
Sensory integration disorder
Auditory processing disorder (APD)
Irlen Syndrome
Cerebral Palsy
Parkinson’s disease
Multiple sclerosis
Agenesis or Dysgenesis of the corpus callosum
Color Blindness
Left Handedness
As you can see the many different conditions that are being categorized as types of neurodivergence, we can understand the demand as to why there is the need to de-stigmatize them and fight for their inclusivity. While most of these conditions do not impose severe limitations on the capacity of the individual to fulfill their potential (some are gifted and can contribute much to society) how these individuals interact with the world is certainly a bit different than others.  And if there are limitations in capacity that limit an individual to reach their full potential, there are techniques, methods, medicines and treatments available.  
Many of these individuals experience the world in a different manner, how they receive, process and translate information is certainly not the same. So we should allow for a more inclusive process to consider Neurodivergent individuals. Right now many product designs are normally catered to the typical right handed, non-texture issue, color seeing individual. Without the option to make adjustments based on individual needs. Also many objects have an assortment of intense flashing lights and loud noises and button options, which can cause a sensory overload for individuals who might have sensitivity conditions, PTSD, and attention disorders.
Differences in brain processes does not mean that there is a significant difference in what we can do. It simply just means how we can do or understand things is a bit different. If we were able to have the opportunity to be taught, explained to, or express ourselves the way our brain can understand, the likelihood of succeeding is greater. Strictly speaking, there is no reason to deny individuals what everyone has and to stigmatize them just because they are different.
Suffice it to say, we must erase the stigma and fight for neurodiversity and further inclusivity in society.
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laurazukerman-blog · 1 year
Functional Brain Imaging and Neuro-Developmental Disorders
Functional brain imaging techniques have revolutionized our understanding of neuro-developmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and developmental dyslexia. These imaging techniques allow us to study brain activity in real time while the individual is performing a task, providing insights into the underlying neural mechanisms.…
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leedsomics · 1 year
A data-fusion approach to identifying developmental dyslexia from multi-omics datasets
This exploratory study tested and validated the use of data fusion and machine learning techniques to probe high-throughput omics and clinical data with a goal of exploring the etiology of developmental dyslexia. Developmental dyslexia is the leading learning disability in school aged children affecting roughly 5-10% of the US population. The complex biological and neurological phenotype of this life altering disability complicates its diagnosis. Phenome, exome, and metabolome data was collected allowing us to fully explore this system from a behavioral, cellular, and molecular point of view. This study provides a proof of concept showing that data fusion and ensemble learning techniques can outperform traditional machine learning techniques when provided small and complex multi-omics and clinical datasets. Heterogenous stacking classifiers consisting of single-omic experts/models achieved an accuracy of 86%, F1 score of 0.89, and AUC value of 0.83. Ensemble methods also provided a ranked list of important features that suggests exome single nucleotide polymorphisms found in the thalamus and cerebellum could be potential biomarkers for developmental dyslexia and heavily influenced the classification of DD within our machine learning models. http://dlvr.it/Sk81H9
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Hi thank you for sending in an ask!
✨: Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You deserve it 😉
Urgh do I have to 😂 okay okay I give! I’ll say that I’m hella proud of myself for just writing, I have dyslexia and seriously expected to fail my English GCSEs because Curly’s wife just liked red! That’s why she wore it!
If I told my 15 year old stuff that I’m writing the kind of stuff I am, and weaving together all these different themes with a shit ton of foreshadowing and other techniques I used to study she would laugh in my face, so I’m pretty proud of that!
🎢: Which of your fics would you call your wildest rides?
Oh its definitely Memory Served hands down! That fic is a rollercoaster that is full of twist and turns! And I’m also super proud of that too 😊
🛒: What are some common things you incorporate into your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery etc
Slow burns are very common in my series! I do love a good slow burn 😂 I would also say I love writing super simple domestic scenes that are just full of fluff 😊
Send me some fanfic asks!
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gdi-institute · 1 year
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GDI (Gestalt Developmental Institute) offers educational therapy for children to help them overcome learning difficulties and achieve academic success. Educational therapy is a personalized, one-on-one approach that addresses the root causes of learning challenges, including dyslexia, ADHD in children, and other learning differences. GDI's educational therapists use research-based techniques and tools to help children improve their reading, writing, and math skills, as well as their organization and study habits.
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mellowavenuehottub · 1 year
Text Reader Software for Starters and Professionals with Text Reader Software for Windows 10
Regardless if people are truly PDF to speech with a clear voice with text reader software to your web-site or maybe his custom usage, text reader software assist anyone listen text with a natural voice that web-site
That helps make the full body simple to use regardless if anyone intend to conserve documents to pay attention to eventually. Transformation coming from PDF to speech as well as keeping this speech as an MP3 documents is an extremely handy feature for studying what are going to enable that beginners or even academic to listen closely to elusive and also thick text. Hence, each one of this content people take into the technique is going to visit seeming great. This causes it to the absolute best text reader software for individuals to individualize. These people are allowed to go through text digital communication such as e-mails, internet site content, and some other significant documents by having great enjoyment and also without having problem in the same way an usual client performs. Text reader software is an ubiquitous app presently and is generally the core of significant speech associated innovation now. These days, live is thus fast paced and also urges people to miss a number of essential factors in everyday life like checking out on the web.
This text reader software could be utilized in equally as many varied and very tailored reasons. One cause for this is what a TTS reader provides various vocabularies spoken all over the world. For example, this application can be utilized along text reader software with Windows 10 whenever preferred. Growing this site as well as reaching out to a much more significant percent of this online population. It is that kind of global availability that makes that this application a very easy option for people coming from all of the walks of life.
What People Need to Understand about Text Reader Software
Simple text to speech with a text reader software for PC
This selection of voices also check out aloud from content stashed in documents on clipboard of that laptop. It is knowledge particularly if ever that text gets many different settings. Everyone choose regardless if to review that blog amounts of that parts of text knowing. There certainly is also this possibility to duplicate any text from that mailer straight to this application in order that this text to voice reader review it audibly.
It could be because of dyslexia or even any other special needs. Text reader software is amazing for any individual that has visual impairment that bring in checking out content incredibly difficult. The included attributes creates the software an easy option in case people are an entrepreneur, a beginner, a scholastic, or simply wish a comfy vocal to review the preferred manual audibly to you as we relax and loosen up. We then pick to spare the voice in the form of an MP3 file to read later on. Hearing out to this content aids to eliminate inaccuracies and sets off added brainstorming to produce clean concepts. Designed for students and scholastic specialists, the application is an essential tool the minute it relates to researching and also exploring. Rather, that voice will seem pleasurable as well as pleasant, just like the human beings voice. The text reader software is also made to go through aloud websites whenever they establish them as well as read content aloud if you level any files. The text reader software will probably at that point make an audio apply for you in this intended part. You may well not even be able to actually sit down and check out text created by that gadget. Easy text reader software are quite good for each of the consumers and the users, web content writers and also managers.
New Text Reader Software and Read Aloud Text with a Clear Voice
Whether you are truly text to voice together with text reader software to his blog post or even her private need, text reader software serve to help you read aloud EPUB with clear understandable pronunciation the blog
This text reader software saved and put up quickly for the best usage. Since that text reader software is so user-friendly, that it also be a wonderful help anytime people are attempting to relax, and also require a calm speech to review anyone any item of content you have been saving for later.
That classy style of the tool must be immediately user-friendly for any kind of Personal Computer consumer that prefers an effortless to function text reader software body. The workplace or even school room reasons, people will additionally opt for in which note number to start kind coming from the configurations method.
If ever people favor, anyone may just duplicate text into it from your writing board and the tool will start reviewing it for you promptly. This vocal reader tool is a terrific resource if ever you are having problem along with any kind of intricate words that are difficult to verbalize in you scholarly paper or even data sheet. Enhanced access of your material specifically for those people by using visual problems or those experiencing reading challenges, by welcoming text to speech invasion. That text reader software is suitable along with Windows, as well as excellent for Windows 8.
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nextlevelguydotcom · 2 years
Episode #157 Kenneth Play on how to leave your partner Beyond Satisified
Today's guest is Kenneth Play! 
Kenneth Play is an international sex expert and sex educator. Named the world’s greatest sex hacker by GQ, he has been featured by more than one hundred media outlets, including The New York Times, Men’s Health, Cosmopolitan, Huffington Post, and Nightline.
Kenneth has been a guest lecturer on female sexual pleasure at New York University and San Jose State University. His work has helped millions of men gain lasting confidence and competence. AskMen described Kenneth’s most recent course as having "at least one nugget of sexual learning you’ve almost certainly never encountered before, if not several."
Kenneth is an Asian immigrant with an average-sized penis who lived most of his early life with crippling sexual insecurity. Determined to overcome this anxiety, he dedicated his life to studying the complexities of academic sex research, exploring the mysteries of Tantra, immersing himself in the forbidden world of BDSM, and even joining the lustful chaos of underground sex parties.
His quest worked. Today, GQ calls Kenneth “the world’s greatest sex hacker,” Men’s Health calls him “the orgy king,” and he is now ready to tell you exactly what he has learned.
In Beyond Satisfied, Kenneth shares the sex hacking secrets he’s successfully taught millions of men. This book is a cross between Bruce Lee’s mixed martial arts approach and Tim Ferriss’ 80/20 rule—but for sex. Far from just another “find her clitoris” guide, Beyond Satisfied distills hard science and hands-on experience into techniques that any man can successfully put into practice.
In this book, you’ll learn scientific secrets that unlock her hidden orgasmic potential and gain a huge array of skills that will get you results—right now.
You will learn how to: ● Overcome performance anxiety like a world-class athlete ● Fulfill her naughtiest fantasies—by understanding her erotic mind ● Curate a ninety-minute orgasmic experience ● F**k like a beast with any size penis ● Help her experience squirting for the first time
With the system in this book, you can transform your sex life beyond what you thought was possible, beyond mind-blowing, beyond connected...beyond satisfied.
#KennethPlay #Sex #BeyondSatisfied #Jiggyjiggy #orgasm #orgasms #xxx #sexuallearning #levelup #author #newbook#sexualinsecurity #sexexpert #sexeducator #sexeducation
  Here are some key points that I would advise you to concentrate on
Sex is a skill that can be learnt, just like any other skillset. No one is born better, you just need to build on your skill level.
The best sex comes from a focus on what your partner is experiencing and enjoys.
Better sex can lead to a better connection with one another.
Kenneth felt his own internal shame when he started his own sexual journey, worried about his dyslexia, his penis size etc, and more. Stop belittling what you bring to the partnership, no matter the label you put on it, and give all of yourself to the other person or people and through true connection, the sex becomes so much better.
"Women aren't complaining about the size of men's dicks, they are complaining about how they use it!"
"Statistically most penis fit most vaginas."
We are not taught the techniques of sex or how to pleasure one another, sex ed only really focuses on the reproduction side of things. We need a cultural shift to teach people that pleasure is enjoyable and should be shared.
Sex is an emotional act, not just a physical act.
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                        A post shared by Kenneth Play (@kenneth_play)
  "Watching porn to be a better lover is like watching the 'Fast and the Furious' to be a better driver". "There is a lot of difference between the meta verse and the real world."
"You are prioritizing her wellness" when you talk about consent and follow the rules.
"Most of the filthiest fantasies are written by women" ... their erotica really lets you see an insight into the type of sex and connection that women want in their life.
"Guys want to have a competitive advantage" so why not use such an amazing resource like Kenneth's book to learn the tactics to blow her mind during sex, and connect with her on a level that no one else ever has!
"Women respond to pressure better than friction, if you understand the fundamental principle of how orgasm works, and you edge her all the way there, you can learn how to unlock any lock (her orgasms) with your key (your penis!). "
You can see in how someone is breathing, in the changes in their micro-expressions to see how someone is enjoying something.
"You have to learn how to feel  and the feeling is not just feeling her but also your own body." You need to listen to her sounds, the subtle change in her face, her body, her muscles etc.
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                        A post shared by Kenneth Play (@kenneth_play)
  By showing her that you care and will pay attention, is mind-blowing to a partner, that you are not just out for your own needs, but want to share the pleasure and experience truly with each other.
"... the mutual pleasure is so mind-blowing  and guys under-estimate (so much) that it is like they are trying to steal a snack when they could have the restaurant".
Everyone doubts themselves, but top tier experts, feel the fear, and do it anyway. The fear will always be there, name it, tell it 'not today' and go for it.
After-care is one of the key things that you need to incorporate into your sex life, to connect and bond with one another.
"There is a beautiful balance between selfishness and selflessness in sex ... it is a dance between the two ... it is a flow of the energy between the two".
"It all comes down to more than what you say is how you behave like what you do".
Women are very good at being able to identify when you are not being truthful, so stop lying, be honest, and open and go for.
Create a play-lab, somewhere you can have sex, learn, grow, try new things and experiment and become a more skilled and connected lover.
Gauging arousal is like being a successful comedians, who tells a joke and feels the mood and emotion of the room, to see how things are working and not just tell a joke and not check if anyone laughed! So why would you do the same for the things you are doing in bed (etc) with a partner?!
Sex has a lot of levels that you can improve on: incl foreplay, oral, anal, fingering etc.
It is not a slap in the face of your masculinity to admit you can be better in bed. Why give up using an amazing resource like this and level up your sex life. Most women do not want to have to teach you how to be better in bed, so why not let an expert like Kenneth teach you how to level up quickly in all areas of sex!
            View this post on Instagram
                        A post shared by Kenneth Play (@kenneth_play)
  Treat sex and her pleasure like taking her to a restaurant, you wouldn't expect her to be happy with going there and not getting her meal, so why would you expect her to be happy
Spend 15 minutes working on a technique each time, to keep leveling up your overall sex life, and aim to get better at least 1% in each area each time!
Check out this episode!
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techwritesposts · 2 years
“Learning How to Learn”: Techniques to Help You Learn with Dr Barbara Oakley (CLASSIC)
Dr. Barbara Oakley
Barbara Ann Oakley (Grim, November 24, 1955) is an American professor of engineering at Oakland University and McMaster University whose online courses on learning are some of the most popular MOOC classes in the world. She is involved in multiple areas of research, ranging from STEM education, to learning practices.
Oakley has authored op-ed articles about learning in The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times.
1. Dr. Barbara Oakley. “How We Should Be Teaching Math”https://www.wsj.com/articles/barbara-oakley-repetitive-work-in-math-thats-good-1411426037
2. Oakley, Barbara (2014).   A Mind For Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science (Even If You Flunked Algebra)https://archive.org/details/isbn_9780399165245
3.   Dr. Barbara Oakley.  https://www.coursera.org/learn/learning-how-to-learn
·       Introduction
This topic is a part of my subject called Research Method in Griffith college. I had disability learning in my childhood (Dyslexia) and with time I improved my learning skills and I am yet to determine what improved my learning skills. This is the reason why I choose this topic because it will give me insights of what techniques are recommended to enhance learning skills.
·       What is this discussion about?
This discussion more about how a brain works with neurons and fundamental working of mind which are subdivided into conscious and long term memory. The connection of practices and learning to build a memory in brain.
·       What are at least three / four points that you learn from this discussion?
1.     The working memory is an active memory which improves with practice with time. For example; When we start driving a car we have a conscious mind to respond proactively and once we get used to it we know how to deals in certain instances.
2.     “Metaphor” helps learners to understand the ideas in a better way. Once you get the central idea of how and what happens in the background on a certain task it gets easier for a learner to know building block of the study. The Metaphoric technique is used by many professors to help students understand the concept of many ideas.
3.     The negative network or default mode network is resting state of neurons that connects when we are not doing anything in particular. This includes our daily activities like taking a shower, driving, running etc. This is the part where ideas are originated from and brain has enough time to discover ideas and solutions for complex or simple tasks.
4.     The Pomodoro technique is a best way to tackle your difficulty learning and focusing. This technique involves rule 25 wherein a learner can focus on the task for 25 minutes and then take a 5 minutes break. This helps learner to stay focused on the project or the tasks assigned to them. “In future we might be able to implant information and knowledge into human brains since ages the miracles have happened maybe in near future we might be in position to do so”
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qualitydragonfart · 2 years
10 Situations When You'll Need to Know About first ever widescreen gameplay
Benefits of Playing Video Games
Complex, challenging, as well as enthusiastic, computer games have come a long way because the basic arcade titles of the 1970s-- and also proof is placing that the advantages of play work out beyond entertainment and also boosted hand-eye sychronisation.
Video games are generating far better cosmetic surgeons.
While you may assume you want your specialist researching the latest clinical research as opposed to playing games, you could wish to reevaluate: a research of laparoscopic (little laceration) experts found that those who bet greater than 3 hrs each week made 32 percent fewer errors throughout technique procedures compared to their non-gaming equivalents.
Computer game could assist people overcome dyslexia.
Some research study indicate focus problems as being an essential part of dyslexia. One study has actually revealed dyslexics improved their analysis comprehension complying with sessions of games hefty on action. The factor, researchers think, is that the games have constantly transforming environments that need intense emphasis.
Video games might improve your vision.
"Don't sit also near the television" used to be an usual parental refrain without a lot of science to back it up. Instead, researchers are finding video games in moderation may in fact enhance-- not strain-- your vision. In one study, 10 weeks of play was related to a better capacity to recognize in between various tones of grey. One more had participants try to play video games making use of just their "careless" eye, with the "good" one covered. Those gamers showed substantial, occasionally normalized renovation in the impacted eye.
Video games might aid make you a much better leader.
Due to the fact that particular styles of games benefit and also motivate management qualities-- offering "areas," securing their security, and so on-- scientists have actually kept in mind that gamers can show a correlating motivation in their real-world profession goals. Improvisating in a video game can likewise translate right into being much faster on your feet when an office dilemma surface.
Computer game could aid make you a much better leader.
Since particular genres of video games incentive and also motivate leadership attributes-- attending to "communities," securing their security, and so on-- researchers have actually noted that players can show a correlating inspiration in their real-world profession objectives. Improvisating in a video game can likewise convert into being much faster on your feet when a workplace crisis crops Click here for more up.Many video games use actual historic events to drive their tales. Those characters and areas can then trigger a kid's interest in uncovering even more about the society they're immersed in, according to researchers. Parents that have gotten books, maps, and other resources connected to games have reported their kids are much more involved with learning, which can result in a lifetime gratitude for history.
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