asknarashikari · 2 years
Minific idea : more Disney Prince(ss) Shoutaro, Shoutaro can talk to to the animals to get something and Riders reactions to it lmao
(He really do the Disney princess of the kamen riders-)
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Combining these two because, well, why not XD
Just so y'all know I used Japanese onomatopoeia for this. And yes, I went out my way to find them... except the eagle one, because I can't find any for the life of me, even in English...
Shoutaro sighed as he looked at the trio of hapless Kamen Riders, rubbing his temples, before glancing at their wife with a smile that he hoped was reassuring. "Mei-san, I'll try my best to get what happened out of these three, okay?"
"Please." Mei nodded, but contrary to Shoutaro's belief, she didn't look all that upset about her three lovers being turned into animals yet again. In fact, she seemed to rather enjoy alternating with spoiling the three-headed puppy in her lap with ear scratches, letting the eagle on her shoulder nibble lightly on her shoulder, and gently petting the winged horse standing dutifully behind her.
"I still can't believe that you can actually talk to animals," Ren said with skepticism. "What are you, a Disney princess?"
"That's not the worse thing I've been called," Shoutaro said with a shrug. He turned back to the other three. "Alright, you three, spill. What the heck happened to the lot of you?"
"Wan! Wan! Wan!" barked the puppy-Cerberus-Kento, sitting up in Mei's lap with his three sets of ears twitching in agitation. "Wan wan, wan wan wan!"
"So... you three were doing something. Care to share what it is that you were doing?" Shoutatro asked.
"Hinhin, hinhinhin," neighed pegasus-Rintaro, hiding his enormous equine head behind Mei's hair.
"...Ah. So you three were fooling around. Without your wife?"
Mei giggled knowingly. "They know I don't mind. I like to watch them, it's very hot when they get into it."
"Aw, ew." Ren made a face. "I didn't need to know that..."
"Tell me about it." Shoutaro said, looking like he heard far too much already. "Okay, so... What happened next."
Touma lifted off his perch on Mei's shoulder, flying towards the open window. He made a squawking screech, using his wing to point outside.
"You were... in the middle of it, then there was a bright flash outside... then the next thing you know, you were like that?" Shoutaro frowned, approaching the window.
Touma landed on the windowsill as the detective looked outside. He squawked at the senior Rider once more.
"Yeah, it's not much to go on off of," Shoutaro admitted, as if agreeing with Touma's assessment.
"Wan! Wan, wan wan wan!" Kento barked insistently. "Wan, wan..."
"...'Saikou'? You heard someone say that, right after?"
"Hin, hinhinhin." Rintaro whinnied.
Shoutaro frowned. "A sweet smell? Okay, now that is... wait." Shoutaro went back to the windowsill, looking at the ledge carefully. He swiped his finger across it, examining the dust and sniffing it.
"What the... Shoutaro-san?" Mei asked. "Have you figured it out...?"
Shoutaro nodded. "A bright flash of light... the sound Kento heard... a sweet smell... and this." He licked his finger, which made Mei and Ren cringe in disgust. "Powdered sugar on the windowsill."
"Powdered sugar- oh, hell no. Not that guy again!" Ren exclaimed, subconsciously covering his behind with his hands.
"Yup." Shoutaro sighed, taking out his phone.
"Wait, who are you calling?" Mei asked.
Shoutaro gave Mei a pointed look. "The only person who could put the fear of the gods into Souma Haruto." He replied. "Ah, yes, Rinko-san? It's Shoutaro. About Haruto's doughnut intake..."
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techonenews · 6 years
Внедорожный сигвей приняли на военную службу
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Для спецопераций не всем Джеймс Бондам выдают люксовые авто. Кому-то приходится пробираться по бездорожью, где не проедет ни один автомобиль, не создав много шума. Для таких случаев израильская компания DSRider разработала серию специальных передвижных устройств, вобравших в себе черты квадроцикла, сигвея и электромобиля.
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Транспортные средства серии EZRider легко передвигаются по труднодоступным местам и могут перевозить до 136 кг груза. Максимально разогнаться можно до 70 км/ч, а одного заряда хватит на 40 км пути. Устройство оснащено аккумуляторной батареей на 60 вольт (3000 ватт/часов) и двумя электродвигателями мощностью 1200 ватт. Управление транспортным средством выполняется либо рулём, либо джойстиком
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EZRider при передвижении выделяет минимум тепла, поэтому он менее заметен для инфракрасного излучения. Ещё одной полезной особенностью стало бесшумное передвижение устройства, что немаловажно для спецоперации
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В линейке устройств EZRider есть ещё аналогичные транспортные средства с большей грузоподъёмностью и возможностью перевозить двух человек. Сигвей также можно оснастить своеобразным прицепом, на котором перевозится груз или устанавливаются носилки для раненых.
Армия США уже заинтересовалась разработкой и закупила несколько устройств для предварительного тестирования.
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asknarashikari · 2 years
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Sento is asking to be fucking murdered
"Get back here rabbit boy!" roared one very angry blacksmith as he ran after the other Rider. "Don't think you can just get away with stealing one of the Seiken, you bastard!"
"I wasn't stealing it! I was just... borrowing it to study!" Sento yelled back at Tetsuo. "I was gonna return it- ack!" he screeched as he came close to being shot by the other Rider.
"I... I don't know which side I should be on," Touma admitted with a slightly nervous look as he watched the master swordsmith chase a certain mad scientist around.
"Touma, your Seiken was literally stolen by this crazy guy for 'experimental purposes'," Mei pointed out. "Even if he were your senpai... just no..." she sighed, shaking her head.
"I never thought Sento-san of all people would sink to the lows that only the likes of Daiki-san would." Rintaro opined to his own senior. "He's your husband, why aren't you stopping this?"
"Eh. Sento deserves to be taken down a peg or two every once in a while." Ryuuga chuckled. "Serves him right, with how many times he's blown shit up... including me, by the way."
"...Was he gonna use Xross Saber to blow shit up, too?" Kento asked warily. "Ah..." He said, as the exasperated look on Ryuuga's face was answer enough for him. "Alright then..."
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asknarashikari · 3 years
A request from DSrider on AO3!
Mei’s new sword become the seiken of love when someone attacks ise. Recommended book for that would be Goldilocks and the three bears because mama bear. Then slash starts laughing madly because he created a new seiken.
Well... this kinda got away from me. I honestly spent way too much time coming up with the Seiken’s name. Did you know all of them began and ended with the same kanji? Yeah, I went out of my way to do that, too.
I have a different idea for the Wonder Ride Book, I hope you don’t mind.
“Step away, girl, and I may just let you live,” Storious warned, looming over the trio. 
Mei swallowed back her fear and put herself between the Megid and her son, who reared back with a hiss as Luna hid behind him. She raised her meager sword and shook her head. “No... I won’t let you have Ise and Luna-chan!” she replied defiantly. 
Storious’ lips twitched, as if he were amused by her resistance. “Fine. If you want a duel, then I shall humor you.”
He raised Caladbolg, and in one swift movement brought it down, expecting to cut the girl down in a single blow. Storious, however, was surprised to see her instinctively raise her sword to lock with his. Not only had she succeeded in blocking him, she was actually trying to push him back. “What...?”
“Don’t... lay a hand... on my kid, you bastard!” Mei cried, throwing Storious off her, and slashing her sword. Unexpectedly, the blade started glowing, and a wave of energy threw the Megid for a loop and into the ground.
Mei looked at the sword in shock. “What’s happening...?” she gasped, watching in awe as the light from the blade spread up to the handle, and the space where a Ride Book should be, had she one she could use at the moment. 
“MEI!” The editor looked up to see the swordsmen, all injured in some fashion, running up to her, only to stop in their tracks when they saw what was happening.
“Daishinji-san, what’s going on?!” Kento asked, the light the sword emitted pulsing.
“I... I don’t know,” the swordsmith admitted, sounding stumped. “I’ve never seen any sword do anything like this...”
“I think I do...” Touma whispered, looking at the Haouken, which started to glow of its own accord, as if in response.
The sword transformed right in front of everyone’s eyes. The edge turned white as snow, contrasting the silver of the rest of the blade. An elaborate, elegant etching of hearts in red, blue and gold appeared down the center of the blade. 
Seishinken Benzaiten! a disembodied voice announced, as the sword in Mei’s hand completed its transformation.
“Is that... what I think it is...?” Ryo gasped.
Yuri nodded solemnly. “We just witnessed the birth of a new Sacred Sword.” He grinned and clapped Daishinji’s back. “Looks like you did forge one, after all.”
Tetsuo’s face lit up in joy, before he started laughing maniacally. “I did, didn’t I?” he exclaimed. “This is amazing! I can’t wait to get my hands on it myself!”
“What?” snarled Storious. “This wasn’t supposed to happen... this isn’t part of my grand tale...!” He raised his Caladbolg, ready to strike at Mei once more.
“Mei, look out!” screamed Rintaro, but the woman was one step ahead of him. Her sword glowing brilliantly white, she parried the destructive energy wave and countered with her own, which sent the villain flying across the battlefield.
Mei gaped. “Did I really just...” She stared down her sword in shock.
“Mama has a Seiken!” Ise exclaimed gleefully. “Mama is stronger now, yay!” he cheered.
“Mei-san!” Luna, who’d been watching from behind Ise, rushed forward and grabbed Mei’s hand.
“Luna-chan?” Mei asked when Luna held her hand open. “What are you... oh!” 
Luna’s hands glowed with power as they hovered above her palm, and a moment later a Wonder Ride Book appeared in Mei’s hands. She held it up to her face to examine the cover, depicting a bear pouncing on a hapless, faceless fool with a smaller one behind it. She opened the cover. 
Callisto-haha to Koguma! When a mother’s cub is threatened, she rises to defend the one she loves. 
“Well...” Mei whispered to herself. “Might as well, right?” She said, with a small smile. She closed the Ride Book, and placed it in the designated slot. 
精神剣 Seishinken: Heart/Spirit Sword
愛精 (Aishin): Love Spirit
Benzaiten: Japanese kami of love. For bonus points, she’s also associated with writing, eloquence and water, and in a version of her story she marries a dragon.  It’s too fucking perfect lmao
Callisto-haha to Koguma: Mother Callisto and Bear Cub.
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asknarashikari · 3 years
An ask from AO3! Thanks to DSrider
Slash forges at mei’s request (non interrupted nagging) a magical sword not necessarily one of the seiken but at least something to defend herself with and can channel the power of the wonder ride books
“Daishinji, have you finally lost it?” Ryo asked in incredulity, staring at the sword in his hands. “You really didn’t just go and make a brand new Seiken...?”
“I’m good, but I’m not yet that good- though I appreciate you thinking that I am,” the swordsmith replied with a smirk. He turned to the other with a stern look. “Now, you better take care of this, or I’ll take it from you faster than you can say eclair.”
He handed the blade to Mei, whose eyes sparkled with wonder as she received it. “I didn’t think you were really going to do it!” she exclaimed. 
“Well. My pride as the sacred swordsmith was on the line.” Tetsuo’s chest puffed out in pride at his creation. 
“...Somehow, the thought of Mei with a sword scares me a lot,” said Ren. “Do you even know how to use it?”
“Uh-huh! Kento and Rintaro have been giving me lessons!” she said as she put the baldric (also made by Tetsuo in a beautiful, dark leather) around her shoulder and sheathed the sword in its scabbard. 
“Have they now?” Ryo’s eyes narrowed at his two former pupils, who suddenly found the ceiling very interesting. He sighed and scratched his head. “Well, what’s done is done, I guess. And it couldn’t hurt to have you be able to defend yourself when these three aren’t around.”
“I’m just a little confused though. If it’s not a Seiken, how come it has the slot for the Ride Books?” asked Touma, pointing at the enlarged hilt.
“Oh. I said it wasn’t a Seiken. I didn’t say she couldn’t use the Ride Books with it.” Tetsuo replied. 
“Wait, what? How does that even work?” Kento asked. “Won’t she be able to transform, then?”
“She can basically use any of the ones we have, and tap into their abilities and such, the only thing she can’t do is transform.” He pouted in frustration. “I still haven’t figured that one out,” he admitted petulantly.
“I don’t know if I should feel relieved by that, or what...” Rintaro trailed off when Mei glared at him. 
“Well, in any case, now that you have that, you can stop nagging me, and I can say I’ve made my ancestors proud somehow-” 
Then, without warning, the Swordsman of Sound keeled over, fainting dead away, causing everyone to scream in alarm, save for Ryo who sighed as if this was all too common a sight for him.
“Ah, the idiot overworked himself again...” he sighed, shaking his head as the others fussed over the unconscious bladesmith. “When will he ever learn...?”
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