#dream smp speculation
sokayisaidiot · 1 year
Have been thinking about the ending again and how ctommy stood on the hill this time
Because in the last moments, he felt pity towards cdrm and he saw the whole picture. when cdrm was always the one who had a Step ahead. When cdrm was always the one that pitied him. When cdrm was the one who wanted to know it all.
In the end tommy was the one on top
In a tragic way but he was the winnet and his "im sorry" was just his moment of looking at the pitiful cdrm, who in the end was icarus
Those are just my Spekulation
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entityredacted · 3 months
Hey. You want to see the esmp s3 version of Scott Smajor I hallucinated in my sleep
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I don't know what happened but I dreamt that esmp s3 was announced and Scott looked like this, also his entire Thing was that he lived in a part of the world that was constantly night time and all the colours were fucked up as if void/space texture had been applied to everything, and he would look all cute and innocent and lure people places and when they went there he would stab them and run away giggling and dematerialise similarly to how endermen teleport, leaving behind star particles and a bleeding and confused victim
He also really liked flowers. I don't know.
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orinjjo-mg · 10 months
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Phoenixes are rare creatures, almost extinct and extremely distrustful, but one day one such hybrid meets a man who, having fallen into the river, decided not to return to the battlefield, but to stay here because of incapacity.
A lame, oblique, and smiling dream meets a half-naked non-human who, without trying to eat him, allows him to live on his territory. You know what? I'll dump speculative biology to you. 
The phoenix is a legendary living creature that, according to legend, has the ability to arise again from its own ashes. One of the main features of the Phoenix is the ability to be reborn from the ashes. To do this, he needs to burn his body, after which a new organism should arise from the rest, but we understand that this is impossible. Of course, it can be assumed that the Phoenix has a special chemical structure that allows it to withstand such high temperatures without harm to its body, but it is much more reasonable to assume that the Phoenix most likely does not give birth to the original organism itself, but its cubs. Let's make a theory that only females can self-ignite, which, according to the outcome of evolution, so protected the fetus inside themselves. Phoenixes, in order to survive, began to raise children inside themselves (Still in the egg, but it has a much harder structure, and the chemical composition is exactly different there), who are born after the death of their Mother. The egg does not have time to receive the damage so that the chicks turn into chicken mac nuggets, and are born already capable of survival. The Phoenix's diet is ashes, and when it is just born, the ashes of their Mother's body. It can also be assumed that the Phoenix has special mutational mechanisms that allow it to quickly adapt to new environmental conditions and survive even in the most extreme conditions.
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hopalongfairywren · 6 months
Wren your egg lore is so interesting
Thank you!! Without spoiling too much, I'll tell you a bit about how it is the 'egg' spores infect their host, scientifically speaking. (from discord) Basically, premature spores get inside an open wound and into the bloodstream. From there they release proteins that are similar in structure to a certain immune cell, allowing them to stay undetected by the immune system. These spores also have immunosupressing effects. The spores make their way into the central nervous system via the bloodstream. SEM spores in addition to already being similar in shape and structure to helper T-cells, which are critical to the process of activating the immune system against threats. The spores are disguised as Helper T-cells, and even produce their own chemical signals altering other immune cells. From there, they circulate throughout the body undetected by other immune cells due to the proteins and chemical signals the spores produce. Once into the bloodstream, the disguised spores make their way into the right and left common carotid arteries, which are located in the neck. As the spores travel deeper into the internal carotid arteries, these disguised cells end up at the cerebral capillary wall and penetrate it through extravasation. This includes producing a special Exoenzyme signal to essentially trick the endothelial cells into opening up- and allowing the spores into the brain tissue. From there, they use chemokines to navigate to the cerebral cortex.
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hopalongfairywrens · 1 year
Girl help I’m trying to come up with a semi realistic explanation for a parasitic mind controlling egg from a Minecraft series
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nell-pointer · 2 years
well this is a little embarrassing for the people saying that eret mentioning fundy was “bad rp etiquette”
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notafandomname · 1 year
Hey anyone wanna know the pointless data that I just found. Sure okay here we go:
Using AO3's tags, we can see that the hermitcraft smp has 14,042 fan works published. 1,241 of those are rated E. So that's 8% of hermitcraft works being explicit.
I compared this to the dream smp, which has 71,577 fan works, of which there are 3,037 explicit fics. So that's 4% of dream smp works being explicit.
As a more general overview I had a look at the Minecraft fandom tag and found that out of 102,507 works there are 6,019 works rated E, putting it at 5% being explicit.
OK so now why the fuck did I do this and also, does it mean anything?
One of the things I love doing on ao3 is going into different fandoms and seeing the general vibe of the works, I like seeing which ship is most popular, how many works it has, what the general ratings and warnings are, and what additional tags are most common. It's just a fun little thing and I like learning about different fandoms that I'm not a part of. I also really like seeing the additional tags, and seeing what fun little things pop up, because there's always fluff, angst and hurt comfort etc but I like seeing what else there is! There always some fun fandom specific tags to be seen.
Anyways, that's just the sort of thing I like doing, and another thing I like is seeing a specific or weird tag and clicking on it to find out what the deal is, how many works it has, what fandoms it's for etc. And anyways today I was having a look at an author that had written a lot of smut fic. And they'd used the tag mob fucking a lot (yeah, like the Minecraft mobs, for this unfamiliar with the concept). So ofc I was like "I wonder how many works that tag has" (it's 41 btw). And I noticed, scrolling through, that it was overwhelmingly hermitcraft under this tag, which I thought was odd, because I know dsmp is a lot more popular so I naturally assumed that for something Minecraft related, dsmp would have more fics. And that thought naturally progressed to fic tropes in general, if the dsmp has more works, surely it has more of everything, right? More E rated fics at least. So I did that maths, for curiosity's sake, and thats what I found! Smutfic makes up double the amount of fics in general in hermitcraft than in dsmp (those being the two biggest smp specific Minecraft fandoms on ao3).
This info,,, benifits no one, as far as I can tell, and is useful for nothing (except my own curiosity) but it is interesting just in terms of challenging my own preconceptions, and probably many peoples, on how just because something is popular doesn't mean it has the most of any one thing. And I was also surprised at how small the amount of E fics was in general, I think there's still this overwhelming generalisation of fanfiction being pornography of being an especially lewd sort of writing, and scrolling through ao3 it really does feel that way sometimes. But I think that's just because,, when we see something that has graphic tags, or an E rating, it just stands out more, you know? We remember it, it sticks in our minds, and makes it feel like there's more than there actually is (not that there isn't plenty).
I'm probably going to do more of this just for my own sake, and see how much of different fandoms have different percents of smut/E ratings,its really interesting.
Also disclaimer I'm not 100% certain that I did my maths right in getting those percentages (I did number of E fics÷number of fics overall, times 100, which I think is right but it's late so honestly who know) and I also was aware that plenty of smut gets published under not rated works, so I did a quick search for unrated works with the tags "smut" or "porn" but didn't come up with anything that significantly impacted the original data. Guys I'm meant to be writing a report it's due in in 40 minutes and I haven't finished it what the fuck am I doing with my life.
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noibles · 1 year
Thinking about how Dream thought the server couldn't be saved. Thinking about Tommy convincing him it could be, that it wasn't too late... even though it was. Thinking about how you could say the nukes killed the server. Thinking about how the reset could be considered a revival.
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danguba · 2 years
DAMN bigb really saw grian's gift and needed a way to reject him without actually doing it
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imsosocold · 11 months
Send me all  the trans fem c! tommyinnit art you’ve saved, I need  it for personal healing  and gender euphoria. 
Clara I made for Tumblr as thanx
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eloquentornot · 1 year
In Martyn's lore for the traffic series the players are asleep and dreaming of the other worlds they're in
Some hermits had s8 lore that lined up with the Hermatrix simulation and some definitely didn't
Pix canonised world hopping being connected to dreams
The Hermitheus simulation sent the hermits into a dream of fake season 8 and so maybe by dreaming of it they world hopped to an alternate universe where it was real and because dream logic it all fits together with inconsistencies somehow
Impulse started his s9 with a voice telling him to wake up
Thanks to world hopping dreams being canon we can finally say that the inconsistencies in lore don't matter because
Pix said somewhere (can't remember where I saw it) that the End poem's thing about dreams and realities inspired his rant to Sausage
Imagination powered stories of vague sliding scale of how serious/"real" the lore is...
It canonically (maybe) doesn't matter how canon something is or not!
That's the answer! That's how everything/anything can fit together!
All of it is a dream therefore all of it is real, or whatever you/we/etc want it to be in between!
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x-i-l-verify · 2 years
“No Rest For The Wicked” Characters as Troubled Birds Postcards
(fic by @ags-ghoul, read on AO3)
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hopalongfairywren · 2 years
Am I the only one who doesn't like the idea of a new generation instead of the older cast?
It just feels a little unfair that arcs that never had room to fully breathe (c!puffy's everything, the egg arc, etc) and newer ccs like michaelmcchill, boomer, aimsey, tina, cpk, and tina would have to abandon or at least heavily change their already existing characters.
Like it makes sense for characters like c!benchtrio, to focus on their children, but I don't think it's fair to everyone. Also their is precious little actual eggpire/badlands focused content in fanon, and I fear if we jumped straight into whole new characters it would obscure them even more
also it would feel more like a total reset, which is not the direction cc!dream said he would take, (despite twitter's insisting that these are the last days of the dsmp ever)
Idk I just, want to expand on existing characters instead of creating new ones, even though their is a chance that's the rout being taken. I suppose having "reincarnations" would solve some of these problems but I highly doubt it will actually work. So yeah, I'm excited for dsmp volume two, yeah I loved that c!Eret lore stream, but I don't like the takes that twitter took from it and are now running with. A wipe of memory would be closer to something that could actually work without having to erase whole characters, they could simply regain memories and who knows, maybe sort through some forgotten lore repressed memories.
I won't be upset if that is the rout the dsmp is taking, since it's their server and obviously the majority of people would have had to agree to make it happen, but yeah. Thats basically my thoughts on all of this twitter speculation. Dsmpblr doesn't seem to have as much posts on that though.
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hopalongfairywrens · 1 year
@pinkseas egg headcanon!!
So, the egg grows stronger when people die near it, but I also headcanon that things like natural disasters or bombing from wars can help the egg be able to spread above ground, hence why the people of the SMP regard it as a manifestation of suffering. More scientifically, the egg relies very specific soil to settle on above ground before converting it into manganese rich soil, which in turn stunts other plants growth. The egg “eats” the sodium, potassium and magnesium rich blood of whatever was killed, absorbing it into its membrane which then takes on the classic rich red coloration, seen through its protective outer shell. However too much iron in particular can even harm the egg’s main shell, which isn’t as hardy to the mineral as its child vines.
Thus, the egg has a specific extended chamber where excess waste is shed in the form of a sticky red like substance that it has its host members clean, as well as relying on the calcium stored in special chambers from its victims too offset too much iron. However too much calcium is more dangerous to the young vines and offshoots and must also be shed by the eggs waste product. Interestingly, calcium has a silvery white color, and it is believed to cause the other side of the paradoxical discoloration of red pigmentation in addition to the adding of red pigmentation caused by high iron.
So the egg causes slightly different symptoms depending on the type of host (Hannah, a Fae cannot handle iron, and thus suffers from way too much calcium, while other Egg victims usually suffer from too much manganese , especially those who plant the vines around.
If prolonged contact is made with these waste products infected people can suffer from the telltale symptoms of calcium/manganese poisoning. This is often referred to as “the secondary infection stage” as it mimics the host of neurological and cognitive problems that come with exposure to the egg.
In type 1 of the disease, the more common type, it would cause dystonia, irritability, insomnia, headaches and impaired speech. (Bad, Ant, Etc)
In type 2, symptoms consist of nausea, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, lethargy, and confusion. (c!Hannah)
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freakinhorse123 · 1 year
i swear to god with the last bit of lore it really feels like they took an entire u turn with the morality of C!Dream. Like not just for abusing c!Tommy but also because he killed C!Vikkstar and C!Lazarbeam. He wasn’t supposed to be sympathetic or we’d have a POV of him. So why now did they do an entire u-turn with how sympathetic he is? Like did CC!Dream go ‘nooo guys i can’t play an abuser now i’ve been called out for being a groomer it’ll make me look worse’
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wizbizzi · 1 year
post this now as if he hadn't been planning it for months, but go off! be crazy and hateful. Quackity would hate you but be happy being you
sorry I'm a bit stoned rn but I am happy being me :)
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