#dora rowan
five-rivers · 1 year
A Page from the Diary of Sam Manson
July 21st, 20XX
Thanks to our ~wonderful~ mayor, I now know that some plants do… things.  To ghosts.  Even if they weren’t grown by ghosts.  Between that and Undergrowth…
I’m going to start a log of different plants and their effects on ghosts.  I’ll be using ethical and scientific methods, unlike some people.  I won’t say their names.  
Jack and Maddie Fenton.  
Oh, no~ Did someone hear that?  Someone said some names, oh, no~
I’m never going to be able to let Danny see this.  
July 23rd, 20XX
I did some research and I have some simple things that are supposed to affect ghosts.  Evil spirits.  Whatever.  I don’t actually believe this stuff changes what it does based on the morality of the ghost it’s being waved near, but who knows?  Ghost stuff is crazy, sometimes. 
I’ll make a list of what each thing is supposed to do, and then once I’ve tested it I’ll come back and make a new list.  Also going to count stuff that’s supposed to ward off fairies or witches, because why not.
Rosemary - Supposed to ward off evil spirits, the evil eye, and witches, sometimes dropped into graves to keep loved ones from being forgotten.  
Sage - Wards off spirits.  <- Apparently this is only white sage and it’s usually misused.  Hold off on this.  
Mountain-Ash (Rowan) - Keeps you from getting lost, wards off witches, fairies, or other supernatural things.  Works as a ‘portal’ between this world and the next.  Definitely check this out.
Wormwood - Wakes the dead.  Also in absinthe.  Hallucinogenic, maybe.  Ew.
So much crazy poisonous stuff.  I’m 99% convinced they only thought this had anything to do with ghosts or spirits because it would kill you dead.  
Also hallucinogenics.  
I’m not feeding Danny anything I know is hallucinogenic.  
Actually, I shouldn’t feed him anything at all.  
Elder - Makes ghosts angry if you burn it.  Apparently because witches live in it.  
I don’t know.  A lot of this sounds really stupid, now that I have it all written out.  
Ugh.  I’ll try it anyway.  
July 24th, 20XX
Got Danny to cooperate.  
Rosemary - No effect on Danny either way.  Did not help him remember his English vocab.  Actually, he got worse.  Also, he ate it on a dare from Tucker.  
Mountain-Ash (Rowan) - Gave Danny a branch, which initially seemed to do nothing, until he started waving it around like a wand and said ‘open sesame.’  Then he passed out and a huge natural portal opened and didn’t close for an hour.  
I’m exhausted.  
July 31st, 20XX
Convinced Danny to help again.  Bribery always works eventually.  Even if they say ‘never again’ at the top of their lungs a hundred times.  
It’s for his own good, anyway.  
Wormwood - Got Danny to go to sleep and then threw some on him.  He stayed asleep.  Even when Tucker squished some up and held it under his nose.  
Now I feel bad.  He doesn’t sleep very much.  
I’ll leave elder for tomorrow.  
August 1st, 20XX
Elder - Danny just stared at me like he was really tired.  His ghost sense went off like a second later, but I’m not sure that’s related.  
August 2nd, 20XX
Rosemary - Handed some to the Box Ghost after asking if he wanted some.  No change.  Brought it home to his ‘wife.’
Since when is he married?  And why is Danny making that face every time we bring it up?
August 7th, 20XX
Had a wonderful talk with Dora!  Got a few new things to try.  She said that funeral flowers make ghosts sleepy.  It might be a little hard to test this with Danny, seeing as he’s always sleepy.  
There are a lot of different funeral flowers, though.  I’m thinking I’ll get a bouquet of one each and see if that makes Danny fall asleep faster or slower.  I should probably test a few different times, too, to get an average.  
I want to test: lilies, carnations, mums, glads, roses, hydrangeas, and forget-me-nots.  
August 8th, 20XX
Lilies - 10 minutes to naptime.
August 9th, 20XX
Lilies - 30 minutes to naptime.  
August 10th, 20XX
Lilies - 25 minutes to naptime.
August 11th, 20XX
Danny has pointed out that we should measure how long it takes him to get to sleep without the flowers, first.  He has a point.  
Tucker’s going to set something up on his PDA to monitor things better.  I’ll still write the results in here.   
August 27th, 20XX
August 28th, 20XX
Danny thinks the funeral flowers have to be ones from an actual funeral.  How do flowers know they were in a funeral?  That doesn’t make any sense.  
September 3rd, 20XX
Apparently the funeral flowers from actual funerals do work as advertised.  Just.  Why.  
At least I got this before school started again.  
September 29th, 20XX
Dora sent me a book on ghost herb lore.  She says she’ll try to get me some ghost plants, too.  
I really like some of these.  But others just freak me out.  
Ghost-nip - Induces euphoria in ghosts when they eat the stamens.  This somehow makes the ghost start producing pollen????  For the plant????
Tattoo rose - Grows under the ghost’s skin and bursts out when it blooms.  At least it’s not a perennial?  The heck?
Blood poppies - Blood blossoms, but they put the ghosts to sleep instead of torturing them.  Doesn’t sound completely horrible, but ghosts exposed to them don’t wake up until they’re removed.  Keep Danny away.  
October 1st, 20XX
Turns out tattoo roses come in many different shapes, sizes, and colors.  In related news, guess who’s going to the Far Frozen for emergency surgery?  It isn’t me.  
We might be here a while, because he got really stabbed by that one guy, so the seeds are deep. 
Borrowing some books from the Far Frozen library.  
Winterbloom - Kind of like snowballs in the real world, but bluer.  Only grows when it’s freezing.  
Iceflower - Kind of flower that only grows around ice-core ghosts.  Apparently it is a flower and not just a type of ice formation.  Frostbite gave me some seeds.
Snow strawberries - Also called blood-on-the-snow which I like way better, honestly.  The yetis use it for deserts but also food dye.  They’re vegetarians.  All their meat is fake.  
Take that, Tucker.  Maybe I’ll eat some just to freak him out.  
Extra note: Tucker successfully freaked out.
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maria-de-salinas · 6 months
Day 10 of @remadoramicrofics - Keyhole
Remus has never been this scared in his life. Not in his time with Greyback, or that night at the Ministry, or his first full moon, when he was five years old. Well, maybe then, but he'd blocked it from his mind, so he wouldn't know.
The moon is rising, its crescent arcing over the thatched roof. The birds have gone silent, the air whispering, withholding its judgment, but he doesn't need it. He bloody well knows its cowardice, walking in on her when she's asleep and can't see him coming. Knows too, that the only thing more cowardly than opening that door, is turning around and leaving again. And so he pulls the key from the inside pocket of his robes, aims it towards the keyhole, and drops it, his hands to stiff to line it up properly.
He tries again, gets it in the slot, half expecting she's changed the locks. She hasn't, but it feels just as wrong, walking in on her like this. Heart beating so hard there's a stitch in his side, he puts the key in his pocket, clenches his hand in a fist, only its so stiff he can barely do it, like when you first wake up.
His hand hits the door, but there's no force in it and no sound. He knifes a hand through his hair, tugs the strands in punishment. Maybe if he's bruised, bleeding, she'd…good lord, what's wrong with him? He clenches his fist and knocks, three times, loudly. Tonks was a light sleeper, she'd hear it.
He doesn't see the curtain rustling upstairs, but he senses it in his periphery, and when he looks up they're fluttering slightly. He thinks, this is it. She'd open the door for him, or she wouldn't.
He remembers her arms, the way she squeezes him from behind when he's cooking. The scent of her skin when he curls against her chest. He's not aware of much when he's sleeping off a transformation, but he knows she comes to him and strokes his back.
He can count on one hand the number of times he's told her he loves her. He'll tell her over and over and over again, when she opens that door. If she'll open that door. Please open the door.
Five minutes pass, maybe ten.
It's the longest wait of his life.
The vibration is faint, from somewhere in the depths of the house; he pictures her coming down the stairs in her Holyhead Harpies t-shirt and frayed pyjama bottoms, her feet bare. She didn't wear slippers, or even shoes unless she had to. Liked to feel the different textures on her skin.
The lock clicks, and he doesn't know how he stays standing; he can't feel his own pulse.
He knows before she says anything, that she's in a burning, blinding rage; her hair goes from red to white to incandescent yellow, and she is fire, she is air, she is the earth itself, and he wants to lean in and let her burn him alive.
She raises one arm as though to strike him, or pull him closer. Whatever he is she can't say it, she can only stand in the half-open door and grab at the air, her teeth clenched together. He can see the veins in her neck.
"You fucking…" She takes a long jagged breath, rubs a fist against her eyes; when she glares at him, her irises purple, they're mostly dry. "You fucking leave for four weeks and don't say anything, barely even a patronus…"
He wants to hang his head, but doesn't. Knows that this time, he needs to face her, to see what he's done. The hurt he's caused her.
"Dora," he says, not taking his eyes away from hers. "I did something so incredibly…I was so, so stupid and so--"
"You're so fucking selfish, Remus." She's shouting now, disturbing an owl who's perched itself on a rowan branch. "You've never gave a shit about my feelings."
This isn't true at all, but he knows better than to point it out. "I know," he says, still looking at her. Her eyes change from purple to glacier blue. "I know and I am so sorry."
She doesn't say anything and he presses on, steps closer, so that he's inches from the threshold. He wants to touch her, take some of her anguish and put it in himself, but he doesn't.
"Leaving you was the biggest mistake I ever made," he says, and he isn't faking it when his voice breaks. "And I won't blame you if don't let me in. I just wanted you to know that I love you. I love you more than anything, and I love whoever this is…" He gestures to her belly; it hasn't changed yet, but he knows it will. "I'll be there for both of you, I swear."
Dora is unmoved, and can he blame her? It all sounds so trite...
"You're far wiser than I ever was. Even if you do eat crisps in bed."
Far from softening, her glare is still somewhere north of the Arctic circle.
"I suppose the child will think its funny," he says. "His dad being a wolf and everything..."
Her face is cold fire, hair as white as lightning, arms crossed over her chest, but her eyes flicker towards the door. The wind rustles the trees, the moon comes out from behind a fast-moving cloud and its faint light shows her face, the way the lines of fury slacken. Dora blows air through her lips and pushes the door open wider. Her hair has gone from ice white to the soft orange-red of embers.
He knows he'll be sleeping on the sofa tonight. Knows she'll snap at him for leaving his dishes on the table and his socks on the floor. Knows it'll take something more than apologies and fresh wildflowers to make it up to her. But as he follows her across the threshold, all he can think is that he's home.
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Congrats Sherb (34 votes), Audie (28 votes) and Ketchup (27 votes)! Hopefully your second chance treats you better than your first chance did.
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As for Flora's tie, 56.9% of you voted not to bring her back for round 4. Sorry Flora.
We're now down to a small enough number of villagers that we can get the graphic going. Sherb, Audie and Ketchup are marked with a star to indicate that they were the comeback winners. Round 4 starts April 18th.
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Runners up:
Ruby 20
Gayle 19
Raymond 19
Tia 19
Marshal 18
Wolfgang 16
Bluebear 13
Lily 13
Tex 13
Carmen (rabbit) 12
Peewee 11
The rest of the pack:
10 votes:
9 votes:
Kid Cat
8 votes:
7 votes:
6 votes:
5 votes:
Big Top
4 votes:
3 votes:
Agent S
Wart Jr.
2 votes:
1 vote:
Lulu (anteater)
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Eden part nineteen
TW: trauma, bad mental health, Stockholm Syndrome, referenced captivity, referenced stalking, referenced major character death, pet whumpee, multiple caretakers
Note: This is the last of the "Ezra explaining what happened to him" chapters, because I believe in the rule of threes. His online friends get a much more vulnerable view into his mind than his roommates.
While rifling through his old things, trying to regain some semblance of himself, Ezra found his smartphone. It seemed insane that Christopher had returned it here while his roommates weren't home, but it would have been easy after getting Ezra's keys during the kidnapping. He had even bothered to plug it in.
The number of texts Ezra had received while missing was overwhelming, despite being solidily in the double digits. He ignored most of them in favor of messaging the only friends he actually trusted with any of this.
He dropped a text in the group chat. Just a simple "Hey bitches, I lived." He didn't have to wait long until his friends all messaged him back, despite their very separate time zones.
Isadora: 'sup biatch? missed u
Tristian: Oh my God! Are you okay?!
Rowan: oh hey ezra
Ezra: Don't worry. Don't worry. I just got kidnapped. Didn't have my phone for obvious reasons. I'm once again here to grace you with my presence.
Rowan: glad to see youre feeling okay
Ezra: I am physically unharmed and mentally destroyed. Thanks for checking in.
Isadora: moood
Tristan: What the hell happened? Tell me everything right this instant.
Ezra: Long message incoming-
Ezra took a moment to sort out exactly what he was going to say, typing and retyping the same message over and over again. He could always get his feelings across much better in text than in person. So much time to rehearse and fact check.
Ezra: I got kidnapped by a man named Christopher. He was in his fifties and lived in the woods. Then I got the usual stalker monolog about how much he loved me and wanted to keep me for himself. (Despite how stressed out I was, this made my NPD very happy) I settled down with him. It was genuinely such a blast. I was basically his pet cat. Don't worry, he wasn't weird or anything. It was totally platonic and you know that made my narcissistic aroace ass very happy. Well, I did think that I had fallen in love with him at one point. But he cleared that up pretty quick. (Clearing it up involved gaslighting but whatever) And I realized that it was just NPD fuelled platonic obsession making me jealous of his fiance. With me so far? - 👀²
Ezra was very aware that he had mentioned NPD three times in this text. But it was imperative that his friends understood this was the fault of his personality disorder, and not some flaw he could be judged for.
Rowan: when you said kidnapped i thought you meant held for ransom not… all that - 👆²
Isadora: im kinda jealous of u lolll
Tristian: Don't say stuff like that, Dora. This isn't funny.
Ezra: …it is kinda funny. How many times have I joked about wanting someone to care enough to stalk me, and it happened. Knock on enough doors asking to see the devil and he might answer and all that
Isadora: i was gonna say that lmao
Rowan: hey ezra, do you need anything? you okay?
Ezra: I just need to talk. Shelly and Harry were supremely unhelpful. Buckle up bitches, because it's only getting worse from here. - 🫂²
Ezra: You know it, my good dude.
Ezra: Haha me too
Ezra: Anyhow
Ezra: Christopher was engaged to this man named Colt, right? They didn't live together though. Colt was the most obnoxious asshole I've ever met. I don't think toxic masculinity does it justice. Christopher was literally the greatest person ever and he deserved much better than Colt. He was also keeping someone captive to torture them. They couldn't remember their own name so I started calling them Jay. They were in really bad shape, obviously. I tried taking care of them but obviously I couldn't do much. They're what really mentally destroyed me, not anything to do with how I was being treated. - 🫂³
Isadora: hoollyyy fuuckk
Tristian: This is absolutely insane. I'm so sorry you went through that. It sounds like the plot of a horror story, not something you should have to deal with in real life. If there is anything I can do to help, please tell me.
Ezra felt warmth spread from his heart to the rest of his body. Finally, someone had told him exactly what he had been fishing to hear. And he had hardly needed to manipulate them into it.
It wasn't his fault. He didn't deserve it. Colt was the one to blame for Jay's death, not him. His life had always been a bad horror story, and it did wonders to hear it confirmed by an outside observer.
Ezra: You guys are so nice. - 💚¹ 🖤¹ 💖¹
Isadora: well duh i love u
Rowan: we all love you
Tristan: That's right. And don't forget it.
Tristian: Now, are you going to call the police or is it too risky?
Ezra: Fun fact. Jay and Colt are dead. And obviously Christopher is wonderful so I don't want him thrown in jail. I'm hoping he takes me back but I accidentally ran away when I was freaked out about Jay's death, so he might be mad at me.
Isadora: :(((
Tristan: I know you're dealing with a lot. But you need to move on. You were kidnapped. You need to try to be your own person again.
Ezra: But have you considered that. I. Don't. Want. To.
Isadora: fair
Tristian: No. Not "fair". Ezra, you can't spend the rest of your life as the victim.
Ezra: I've spent the last twenty-three years doing just that. Self victimization is an art form that I have perfected to a science.
Rowan: this isnt self victimization. some body else victimized you.
Ezra: hmmmmmm
Ezra: Less work for me then!!
Isadora: agahshsjsjdgaafdsgxbzfafs
Tristan: This is not funny.
Tristan: I believe in you, Ezra. Please believe in yourself. You can have a good life if you just try. You don't need the validation of your stalker. What you do need is time to yourself to recover from the impact Jay's death had on you.
Rowan: seconded
Isadora: dont leave us again dude
Isadora: we missed u
Ezra: It's my choice and my life. I was happier with Christopher than I've ever been with anyone else. Now that Colt and Jay are dead, there's nothing in the way of us being happy again.
Tristan: Ezra, listen.
Ezra: No. You're going to listen to me.
Ezra: You guys just don't get it. I want someone to want me. More than anything. Fucking hell, I've never even met any of you irl, and you're my best friends. I don't really have anyone. Of course I'm willing to excuse kidnapping and shit. I got everything I ever wanted in life, and I didn't have to work for it. I was fucking loved.
Rowan: im sorry
Tristan: Thank you for saying that. It's really important to get your feelings out. But I think that if you really want to be around this Christopher, you need to be on equal footing. Meet up in public. Don't go home with him until you have a chance to know who he is when he doesn't have control over your life.
Ezra threw his phone at the wall. Why was Tristan being so damn condescending? Would it hurt him to be nice?
Well, okay, Tristan hadn't actually been condescending. But someone other than Ezra being right when he was wrong always felt condescending, regardless of actual intentions.
Tristan's plan sounded good though. Ezra might have to try it. He quite wanted to get coffee with Christopher. If only he could find him.
Taglist: @hugh-lauries-bald-spot @thedarkmongoose @whumpsday @whump-by-robin @kira-the-whump-enthusiast @annablogsposts @whumpshaped @seetheothersideofparadise @knittedeyebrowsandcardigans @whatwasmyprevioususername @boonasaurusrex @suspicious-whumping-egg @heavenlyeden @melancholy-in-the-morning @snakebites-and-ink @suck-my-clit-loser @i-eat-worlds @scp-1296 @chiswhumpcorner @skittles-the-whumpee @whumpkinz @dokidokisadness @enbygesserit @canislycaon24 @be-gay-do-crime-ahaha @a-crumb-of-whump
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thevamplelio · 11 months
Lestat’s (canon) paramours as dogs...
Prompted by a question @the-brat-prince-1760 received. Lestat is definitely a dog person, Louis in all universes is a sad wet green eyed cat (affectionate). Special love to @i-want-my-iwtv for finding these and shout out to @sangcreole / @covenofthearticulate / @monstersinthecosmos & @fuckyeahitsmojo for being really cool.
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First shoutout to Mojo, Lestat’s 21st century best friend. Art credit: @good-evening-kiss, thanks for your service.
1. Louis de Pointe du Lac - green eyed cat, his opposite and his husband forever. He’s so special he isn’t a dog, he’s a cat.
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2. Nicolas de Lenfent - black wolf. Here’s your reminder that: @symphonyofmalice & @dvilsfiddler are super cool.
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3. Akasha de Kemet - Great Dane.
I head canon Akasha as short but fierce and she is of course, a brutal killer. Below is Akasha bullying Louis. She is a Great Dane because she’s scary and her veneer is fearsome.
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4. Gretchen/Quinn Blackwood/Dora/Antoine/Armand/David - I could write a myriad of meta on them but Lestat is attracted to them for the same reason, spiritualism and mutual understandings of sorts. It is for these reasons they are the hunting dog and companion of old, grey hounds.
Tagging: @the-apostates-martyr cause Quinn is his boy.
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5. Rowan Mayfair - Saluki - tagging @opheliaximmortal & @thirteenthxwitch cause they’re cool - his mirror image, but a woman in a man’s world and thus more persistent then him. Saluki are athletic and capable of atrocities but they’re usually dignified and royal looking.
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6. Lestat de Lioncourt & Gabrielle de Lioncourt - golden wolf dog or golden mastiff - pretty self explanatory, Lestat, while sometimes misinterpreted as cat coded is in fact a wolf or mastiff and the de Lioncourt’s (that aren’t Viktor or Rose) are golden wolves or wolf dogs capable of being vicious but also capable of kindness and self sacrifice. Tagging: @gabrielledelioncovrt, @gabrielle-de-lioncourt-anon, @desiredprince, @terreur & @thevampireforthesetimes 🫡
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Thank you for listening to me ramble.
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This is gonna be the pinned post where I list all the polls as they go up! So it's gonna change! Give me a minute if im slow to update this post because I'm BUSY. I have THINGS TO DO.
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Shitty tournament diagram pls enjoy my terrible handwriting.
Active polls:
Round 2:
Shino v Bruce
Chief v Audie
Amelia v Sunny
Meow v Apollo
Pierre v Walt
Vesta v Bob
Butch v Coco
Bam v Beau
Kabuki v Lolly
Kitty v Ankha
Tangy v Purrl
Willow v Bow
Petri v Molly
Sasha v Shep
Fauna v Lopez
Sherb v Chevre
Skye v Kyle
Marshal v Cheri
Etoile v Pietro
Olivia v Marina
Agnus v Pekoe
Gayle v Roald
Goldie v Whitney
Merengue v Margie
Dotty v Judy
Muffy v Cherry
Sprinkle v Chai
Stitches v Rosie
Punchy v Diana
Cephalobot v Lily
Ketchup v Lucky
Gladys v Maple
Completed polls:
Round 1:
Nindori, Wolfgang, Marshal, Hans, Epona, Frita, Ed, Eugene, Ace
Croque, Drift, Bertha, Ankha, Eunice, Bonbon, Hopkins, Diva, Leopold
Ozzie, Analog, Anicotti, Roscoe, Stitches, Cranston, Kiki, Megan, Boris
Megumi, Pancetti, Drake, Zucker, Etoile, Ione, Gen, W. Link, Deena
Rizzo, Pecan, Leonardo, Hugh, Alice, Henry, Chai, Cyrano, Curlos
Flurry, Vivian, Genji, Fang, Kit, Wendy, Azalea, Tammy, Beau
Tasha, Pango, Sprinkle, Kidd, Egbert, Barold, Lobo, Del, Pate
Mott, Peck, Robin, Margie, Chops, Hippeux, Big Top, Flip, Annalisa
Woolio, Rodeo, Rodney, Lulu, Nate, Eloise, Bam, Beardo, Cleo
Inkwell, Paula, Sheldon, Shep, Lucha, Sandy, Jeremiah, Bill, Benedict
Mint, Elmer, Tia, Dobie, Lucy, Betty, Goose, Sasha, Muffy
Sue E, Stu, Petunia, Lyman, Bella, Gloria, Doc, Bruce, Jane
Rolf, Sylvana, Melba, Tammi, Lionel, Murphy, Frett, Samson, Coco
Cupcake, Limberg, Fruity, Dotty, Iggly, Bluebear, Louie, Annalise, Olivia
Vladimir, Rudy, Sven, Shoukichi, Liz, Purrl, Holden, Moe, Dozer
Angus, Broccolo, Blaire, Dizzy, Jay, Frobert, Norma, Lucky, Renee
Tex, Violet, Skye, Sly, Medli, Otis, Kody, Reneigh, Graham
Nosegay, Maddie, Quillson, Shari, Teddy, Sunny, Sally/Hazel, Walker, Snake
Nan, Peaches, Madam Rosa, Lily, Dora, Freya, Cole, Iggy, Bettina
Shino, Spork/Crackle, Scoot, Pompom, Flossie, Knox, Dom, Frank, Anabelle
Pashmina, Piper, Octavian, Lolly, Drago, Bree, Bessie, Alli, Benjamin
Sherb, Tutu, Rooney, Rocket, Diana, Pinky, Curly, Mitzi, Admiral
Tucker, Velma, Sterling, Nibbles, Baabara, Flash, Champ, Joey, Chief
Stella, Wade, Punchy, Poko, Ike, Pierce, Aurora, Boyd, Canberra
Puck, T-bone, Opal, Mallary, Bob, Hank, Blanche, Cyd, Axel
Ketchup, Kevin, Monique, Francine, Astrid, Bitty, Antonio, Hamphrey, Becky
Klaus, Meow, Hector, Hamlet, Belle, Filly, Clay, Emerald, Cobb
Plucky, Valise, Mathilda, Mac, Cephalobot, Ken, Carrot, Filbert, Claude
Victoria, Willow, Zoe, Ursala, Moose, Olaf, Grizzly, Gwen, Chico
Marty, Phoebe, Maelle, Keaton, Freckles, Katt, Carmen, Judy, Cece
Savannah, Poncho, Stinky, Gayle, Billy, Elise, Bangle, Bud, Avery
Truffles, Zell, Tabby, Shinabiru, Petri, Ricky, Maggie, Raddle, Flora
Prince, Tybalt, Vesta, Patricia, Chow, Nana, Chevre, Gonzo, Chadder
Oxford, Jitters, Peanut, Jacques, Felyne, Aziz, Claudia, Apple, Apollo
Miranda, Molly, Tom, Marcel, Clara, Harry, Bones, Maple, Cesar
Quetzal, Whitney, Winnie, Joe, Ganon, Patty, Bea, Mira, Groucho
Ribbot, Sparro, Ruby, Midge, Biff, Marina, Anchovy, Papi, Camofrog
Quinn, Pierre, Spike, Merry, Gladys, June, Gruff, Olive, Carmen
Paolo, Lulu, Vic, Juubei, Lopez, Gala, Deidre, Elvis, Gabi
Sprocket, Static, Marcie, Marlo, Goldie, Julian, Felicity, Huggy, Ellie
Rowan, Viche, Twiggy, Greta, Puddles, Penny, Cally/Sally, Bow, Chuck
Penelope, Slyvia, Pekoe, Peewee, Fuschia, Leigh, Jambette, Masa, Boots
Simon, Weldon, Queenie, Kitty, Curt, Amelia, Agent S, Pigleg, Alfonso
Rocco, Toby, Tiansheng, Rhoda, Hambo, Naomi, Bunnie, Hazel, Audie
Rollo, Yodel, Kyle, Tipper, Flo, Kabuki, Candi, Colton, Broffina
Tiffany, Weber, Gaston, Chelsea, Elina, Bubbles, Boone, Buzz, Agnes
Peggy, O'Hare, Yuka, Monty, Chester, Cookie, Celia, Koharu, Butch
Sydney, Rory, Wart Jr., Pudge, Kid Cat, Merengue, Fauna, Pippy, Cube
Rex, Timbra, Tank, Rasher, Cheri, Faith, Ava, Huck, Chabwick
Poppy, Roswell, Pietro, Phil, Hopper, Kitt, Clyde, Erik, Boomer
Twirp, Rod, Rosie, Rhonda, Rio, Portia, Julia, Coach, Cousteau
Tangy, Tarou, Tad, Hornsby, Daisy, Deli, Buck, Chrissy, Al
Rilla, Snooty, Marcy, Cherry, Biskit, Carrie, Bianca, Caroline/Bliss, Aisle
Soleil, Tiara, Roald, Jakey/Jacob, Friga, Gigi, Charlise, Derwin, Cashmere
Raymond, Walt
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bubblegum-blackwood · 7 months
Before telling me who I forgot, be sure to check my other female VC character polls and see if she's on one of those instead!
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unfortunate-arrow · 11 months
𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐬
A/N: For @hp-12monthsofmagic’s May prompt (“Victory”). After going through multiple different scenarios involving the Battle of Hogwarts and Voldemort’s defeat, I settled on rewriting an old fic that I wrote a little less than three years ago. Set in November 2003.
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“Who’s that, Momma?”
The little voice startled Sara O’Donnell-Lee out of her trance. She looked up from the photo album to see a small girl with reddish-brown hair and The Little Mermaid pajamas, her small girl. Sara pursed her lips, studying her daughter.
“What are you doing out of bed?” Sara asked.
“I want water,” Dora replied, offering Sara an innocent look that she did not buy.
“Uh-huh. Where’s Daddy?”
“He’s with Vi-vi.”
“Really?” Sara raised her eyebrow. Despite being only six months old, Violet was an incredibly good sleeper.
“Or maybe with Dec.” 
That sounded more accurate. Her son had recently decided that sleep was for the weak and the best thing that a two-year-old could do was stay up the whole night. He’d also quit napping, right around the time that Violet was born because of course he did.
“The people, Momma,” Dora exclaimed, sounding exasperated in the way that only a four-year-old could. 
Sara sighed, but pulled Dora into her lap anyways. She placed the photo album into their laps, flipping back to the first page of photos.
“Who do you know?” she asked, pointing to the first picture.
“That’s Unca Ryan!” Dora exclaimed in excitement, pointing to the sixteen-year-old form of her middle brother. “And that’s Unca Conor and Aunt Cara and Aunt Penny and Aunt Rowan!”
“Yeah. That’s right. And there’s me and Daddy.”
“The people?”
Sara stared at the next photo for a long moment, a bittersweet smile forming on her face. The photo had been taken in her sixth year, by Charlie Weasley with Penny Haywood’s camera. The five Hufflepuff girls were smiling widely, Tonks’s hair changed color every other moment. They had no idea what was to come, how much things would change, that in ten short years one of them would be dead.
“Well, that’s Momma and that’s Aunt Penny and that’s Aunt Rowan,” Sara began pointing to each of the girls as she said their names. “And this is Chiara. She sometimes works with Momma.” 
She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “This is Tonks. She was probably my best friend. We were not the type of friendship that people expected. Tonks was kind of like Uncle Ryan and I was not. She passed away a while ago, so she’s with Grandma and Granda O’Donnell. In fact, Dora, we named you after her.”
There was no response and Sara looked down. Dora’s eyes were shut and she clung tightly to the plush bunny that Sara hadn’t realized that her daughter had brought down with her. She gently closed the photo album and placed it onto the coffee table, scooping Dora up to bring her to bed. Once Dora had been settled into bed, Sara took a moment to peak in on baby Violet, who was sleeping soundly. The nature of a third child, Sara supposed. She paused at the top of the stairs, smiling at the sound of Barnaby’s baritone, softly muted through the door of their son’s bedroom.
She stepped back into the living room and slid the photo album back into the bookcase by the fireplace. She stared at the photos on the bookcase. There were a myriad of photos, reflecting the many different points in her life. Herself as a child, grinning with her grandparents and siblings. Her time at Hogwarts. A photo of her and Barnaby after their lowkey wedding. A photo of her holding baby Dora and one with baby Declan and a third one with baby Violet. The newest family photo, with her siblings and new nephew, Michael, and her sisters-in-law. One of her and Barnaby at each of her siblings’ weddings. One of the cursebreaking crew members in the Order of the Phoenix. One of her and Tonks.
“Love?” Barnaby’s voice and arms wrapping around her waist startled herself out of the trance.
“Declan asleep?” she asked.
“Yeah. Kid conked out right after I started talking about the different ways to care for creatures.”
“That boy is not going to follow your footsteps into magiozoology.”
“No, he is not. What’s on your mind, my dear?”
“Dora asked about some photos from our younger days. I’ve been thinking about Tonks a lot tonight.”
“Oh, love.”
“Yeah. But you know, Barn, it feels like her death meant something. There’s been so many other pointless deaths in my life but hers felt different.”
“We won.”
“Yes. She helped to make it possible for us to give those kids a life where they aren’t afraid. To give her son a life where he isn’t afraid. And that feels like a victory.”
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thelioncourts · 10 months
I mean are they gonna completely get rid of all those characters lestat hooks up with though? I think what’s causing all this anxiety about Jacob on the show is that you can’t really keep most of the storylines from the books and NOT have him be a supporting player at best. All these stories are about Lestat and his ho of the month. Either that or they scrap a lot of stuff in the books post TVL. Also it was the initial casting call that says Louis was a 2 season role vs lestat 5. Way before Jacob was ever cast. Also personally I’d rather he leave the show so I can stop watching then see him get pushed to the side and only show up one episode a season to be exasperated w/ Lestat.
I know you probably intended for a lot of this to be rhetorical and/or more of a general talking point, and I want to first point out that I totally get where you're coming from, and I next want to point out that if my answer here isn't extremely detailed, it's because I do feel like most of what I have had to say I have already said. I don't -- I don't actually know anything, I'm making guesses (educated ones, mind you! but guesses nonetheless) and am doing so with optimism because I simply have to for my own sanity.
What I will say about "Lestat and his ho of the month" stuff is that in a mostly complete (but not totally complete) list of Lestat's loves that I made on the last list (Nicki, Gabrielle, Louis, Akasha, David, Dora, Gretchen, Rowan, Antoine), we know that Nicki is dead; Nicki is in the past and while his story will be told, it's over. Antoine is Antoinette, we know that fate, and, as I said in the previous asks, whatever weird stuff Lestat has with his mom will (most likely) not be explored on a romantic level given the audience and network. That leaves us with Louis, Akasha, David, Dora, Gretchen, and Rowan really.
We know Louis. Love of Lestat's life. Soulmate. His muse!
Akasha is going to happen in a non-romantic, no doubt horrific, way.
Dora and Gretchen are not important. I don't say that trying to be mean or whatever, but they simply are not important. The stories they are part of can truly happen without them and I feel like it would be a waste of television time to try to work in their minor roles.
Rowan, as I stated in the last ask, is something Anne says she regrets. I hope, out of respect for Anne and for good storytelling, they don't even consider it. I also, however, have far less faith in Mayfair continuing long enough to ever even get to that point though so...
And then there's David. David is only important in TVC for his contributions of storytelling the other vampires' lives. There have already been a lot of theories that David won't ever come to exist within the show and his work will be relegated to Daniel and/or Louis as a means of keeping Eric in the show as well as Jacob. I think it would make more sense to give most to Daniel and work it from there, but either way, I hope these theories hold some truth and I never have to actually see David Talbot and that mess on screen.
I also think there is a lot to have Louis be part of if they choose to. Louis is always in Lestat's life, even when Anne was pushing him to the side, and I don't think it would be hard to make him a constant. I also have a theory that Trinity Gate (the place Louis lives with Armand at for, like, almost 15 years in the book and he's away from Lestat during) is sort of what we're witnessing in Dubai and, therefore, is not yet another era of separation for Loustat. Again, just a theory, but one based in educated guesses.
I could go on as to what I think Louis may be up to in later seasons, but I truly don't really know. I feel like we'll all have a better idea post-season 2, but I really do believe we're going to have him long-term. I wouldn't just be saying that if I didn't believe it. In fact, if there's one thing I believe above all else, I believe that this show cannot succeed without both Sam and Jacob. They are both amazing and beautiful actors individually, but together they are something else entirely and people will notice the lack of it and people will be upset by it should it not be in the show.
As for your last bit, I didn't know the original contracts were like that; I think it makes sense, I get why they did it, and I can talk about that too. But I also don't think Rolin Jones is going to say all he did without intention of backing it up, especially because the fandom is loud enough to call that shit out were it to happen.
And lastly, I do agree; if the show were to sideline Louis dramatically in the way the books do, I would also want Jacob to go somewhere where he's appreciated and his talents are being used and he can show off his beautiful skills and face. But I also truly believe the show wants to utilize him as an actor and see the worth of him. I do. And I hope I'm right there because to be proven wrong would be a devastation.
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Round 1 results:
These are the round 1 results for both most and least popular villager. The winners of this round will continue on to most popular, the losers go onto least popular. Remember, just because a villager lost, doesn't mean they're generally disliked! They may have just gotten stuck with a heavy hitter round 1.
Biggest sweeps (85% and over):
Woolio 96.4% / Yodel 3.6%
Lily 95.4% / Limberg 4.6%
Lucky 93.4% / Lucha 6.6%
Sherb 92.7% / Shinabiru 7.3%
Henry 92.1% / Hippeux 7.9%
Cephalobot 91.6% / Cesar 8.4%
Lopez 91.5% / Louie 8.5%
Shep 90.9% / Sheldon 9.1%
Butch 90% / Buzz 10%
Chief 89.9% / Chico 10.1%
Bea 89.5% / Barold 10.5%
Bow 89.3% / Boyd 10.7%
Rio 89.2% / Rizzo 10.8%
Tangy 88.9% / Tank 11.1%
Skye 88.7% / Simon 11.3%
Shino 88.6% / Shoukichi 11.4%
Cleo 88.3% / Clyde 11.7%
Petri 88.1% / Petunia 11.9%
Ankha 87.6% / Anicotti 12.4%
Vivian 87.6% / Vladimir 12.4%
Rolf 86.1% / Rodney 13.9%
Molly 85.7% / Monique 14.3%
Diana 85.4% / Diva 14.6%
Portia 85.4% / Prince 14.6%
Closest matches (55% and under):
Camofrog 55% / Cally 45%
Cube 54.6% / Cranston 45.4%
Curlos 54.6% / Cupcake 45.4%
Frobert 54.6% / Fruity 45.4%
Anchovy 54.4% / Angus 45.6%
Wade 55.4% / W Link 45.6%
Bella 54.2% / Becky 45.8%
Jane 54.1% / Jambette 45.9%
Annabelle 53.8% / Analog 46.2%
Drift 53.8% / Drake 46.2%
Rooney 53.8% / Rollo 46.2%
Spike 53.8% / Sparro 46.2%
Alice 53.3% / Alfonso 46.7%
Billy 52.9% / Bill 47.1%
Grizzly 52.7% / Groucho 47.3%
T-Bone 52.7% / Sylvia 47.3%
Eunice 52.3% / Eugene 47.7%
Nate 52.3% / Nibbles 47.7%
Melba 52.2% / Meow 47.8%
Big Top 52% / Biff 48%
Erik 51.8% / Étoile 48.2%
Bettina 51.4% / Bessie 48.6%
Hornsby 51.4% / Hopper 48.6%
Mint 51.4% / Midge 48.6%
Scoot 51.2% / Shari 48.8%
Ed 50.7% / Egbert 49.3%
Frita 50.7% / Friga 49.3%
Samson 50.7% / Sandy 49.3%
Clay 50.5% / Claudia 49.5%
Koharu 50.5% / Kody 49.5%
Pinky 50.2% / Piper 49.8%
Julia 50.1% / Judy 49.9% <- (look at this shit)
Middle of the pack:
Punchy 84.9% / Pudge 15.1%
Curt 84.7% / Curly 15.3%
Muffy 84.6% / Mott 15.4%
Biskit 84.1% / Bitty 15.9%
Daisy 84% / Deena 16%
Kyle 84% / Leigh 16%
Coco 83.5% / Cole 16.5%
Roscoe 82.9% / Rory 17.1%
Stitches 82.9% / Stinky 17.1%
Mitzi 82.8% / Moe 17.2%
Vesta 82.2% / Velma 17.8%
Monty 82.1% / Moose 17.9%
Gladys 81.7% / Gigi 18.3%
Opal 81.7% / Otis 18.3%
Hazel 81.6% / Hector 18.4%
Purrl 81.4% / Queenie 18.6%
Tia 81% / Tiansheng 19%
Ione 80.8% / Inkwell 19.2%
Roald 80.8% / Robin 19.2%
Flora 80.7% / Flossie 19.3%
Chrissy 80.6% / Chuck 19.4%
Ketchup 80.2% / Kevin 19.8%
Kiki 79.8% / Kit 20.2%
Sunny 79.6% / Sven 20.4%
Lulu (anteater) 79.5% / Lulu (hippo) 20.5%
Poppy 79.5% / Poncho 20.5%
Bruce 79.2% / Broffina 20.8%
Hans 79.1% / Harry 20.9%
Gayle 78.9% / Gaston 21.1%
Pashmina 78.8% / Pate 21.2%
Bunnie 78.6% / Bud 21.4%
Beau 78.5% / Beardo 21.5%
Ace 78.3% / Admiral 21.7%
Marty 78.2% / Masa 21.8%
Gwen 78.1% / Gruff 21.9%
Dotty 77.9% / Dora 22.1%
Pekoe 77.8% / Peggy 22.2%
Aisle 77.5% / Al 22.5%
Goldie 77.5% / Gloria 22.5%
Elina 77.2% / Elise 22.8%
Maple 77% / Marcel 23%
Lolly 76.5% / Lobo 23.5%
Pierce 76.3% / Pigleg 23.7%
Phoebe 76.2% / Phil 23.8%
Tiffany 76% / Tiara 24%
Fauna 75.9% / Felicity 24.1%
Carmen (rabbit) 75.6% / Carmen (mouse) 24.4%
Ruby 75.6% / Rowan 24.4%
Fang 75.4% / Faith 24.6%
Papi 75.3% / Paolo 24.7%
Hopkins 75.2% / Holden 24.8%
random break at the 75% mark because apparently there is a character limit for blocks of text
Boomer 74.8% / Boone 25.2%
Fuchsia 74.8% / Gabi 25.2%
Rosie 74.6% / Roswell 25.4%
Eloise 74.5% / Elvis 25.5%
Freya 74.4% / Frett 25.3%
Ozzie 74% / Oxford 26%
Chevre 73.9% / Chester 26.1%
Victoria 73.8% / Violet 26.2%
Stella 73.7% / Sterling 26.3%
Drago 73.6% / Dozer 26.4%
Maggie 73.2% / Mallary 26.8%
Gala 72.7% / Ganon 27.3%
Bianca 72.5% / Betty 27.5%
Belle 71.8% / Benedict 28.2%
Patty 71.8% / Patricia 28.2%
Bones 71.6% / Bonbon 28.4%
Merengue 71.5% / Merry 28.5%
Bam 71.4% / Bangle 28.6%
Hamphrey 71.4% / Hank 28.6%
Dom 71.3% / Doc 28.7%
Tammy 71.1% / Tammi 28.9%
Marcie 70.8% / Marcy 29.2%
Genji 70.7% / Gen 29.3%
Zell 70.3% / Yuka 29.7%
Cousteau 70.1% / Croque 29.9%
Teddy 70.1% / Tex 29.9%
Marina 69.7% / Margie 30.3%
Ribbot 69.7% / Rhonda 30.3%
Ellie 69.5% / Elmer 30.5%
Baabara 69.3% / Aziz 30.7%
Carrot 69.3% / Cashmere 30.7%
Claude 69.3% / Clara 30.7%
Peck 69.3% / Peewee 30.7%
Wolfgang 69.1% / Winnie 30.9%
Tucker 69% / Truffles 31%
Norma 68.9% / Nindori 31.1%
Jeremiah 68.8% / Jay 31.2%
Tutu 68.1% / Twiggy 31.9%
Flash 68.3% / Filly 31.7%
Rocco 68.3% / Rocket 31.7%
Sprinkle 68.3% / Spork/Crackle 31.7%
Zucker 68.3% / Zoe 31.7%
Ursala 67.9% / Valise 32.1%
Amelia 67.8% / Alli 32.2%
Deli 67.8% / Derwin 32.2%
Chelsea 67.6% / Charlise 32.4%
Boots 67.3% / Boris 32.7%
Cherry 67.1% / Cherri 32.9%
Cookie 67% / Colton 33%
Peaches 66.9% / Paula 33.1%
Sasha 66.9% / Savannah 33.1%
Flo 66.7% / Flip 33.3%
Freckles 66.7% / Frank 33.3%
Tom 66.5% / Toby 33.5%
Bob 66.1% / Bluebear 33.9%
Azalea 65.9% / Axel 34.1%
Caroline 65.8% / Carrie 34.2%
Tybalt 65.8% / Twirp 34.2%
Tad 65.5% / Tabby 34.5%
Agnes 65.4% / Agent S 34.6%
Cobb 65.4% / Coach 34.6%
Octavian 65.4% / Olaf 34.6%
Reneigh 65.4% / Renée 34.6%
Chow 65.2% / Chops 34.8%
Rudy 65.2% / Sally 34.8%
Maddie 64.9% / Maelle 35.1%
Chai 64.8% / Champ 35.2%
Olivia 64.8% / Olive 35.2%
Pippy 64.8% / Plucky 35.2%
Celia 64.7% / Cece 35.3%
Wendy 64.7% / Weldon 35.3%
Pango 64.6% / Pancetti 35.4%
Joe 64.5% / Jitters 35.5%
Puddles 64.3% / Puck 35.7%
Felyne 64% / Filbert 36%
Snake 64% / Sly 36%
Kid Cat 63.9% / Kidd 36.1%
Jacques 63.8% / Jacob 36.2%
Chabwick 63.6% / Chadder 36.4%
Bree 63.5% / Broccolo 36.5%
Sylvana 63.3% / Sydney 36.7%
Tipper 63% / Timbra 37%
Static 62.9% / Sprocket 37.1%
Marshal 62.8% / Marlo 37.2%
Annalisa 62.7% / Annalise 37.3%
Quetzal 62.4% / Quillson 37.6%
Nosegay 62.3% / O'Hare 37.7%
Ken 61.9% / Keaton 38.1%
Nan 61.9% / Murphy 38.1%
Tasha 61.9% / Tarou 38.1%
Rilla 61.5% / Ricky 38.5%
Julian 61.4% / June 38.6%
Knox 61.1% / Klaus 38.9%
Pecan 61.1% / Peanut 38.9%
Deirdre 60.9% / Del 39.1%
Whitney 60.6% / Willow 39.4%
Webber 60.5% / Wart Jr. 39.5%
Greeta 60.4% / Graham 39.6%
Cyd 60.4% / Cyrano 39.6%
Blanche 60.2% / Blaire 39.8%
Hugh 59.8% / Iggly 40.2%
Bertha 59.5% / Benjamin 40.5%
Dobie 59.5% / Dizzy 40.5%
Viché 59.4% / Vic 40.6%
Rex 59.2% / Rhoda 40.8%
Mac 58.9% / Madam Rosa 41.1%
Audie 58.8% / Aurora 41.2%
Apple 58.7% / Astrid 41.3%
Raymond 58.7% / Rasher 41.3%
Pietro 58.5% / Pierre 41.5%
Joey 58.3% / Jūbei 41.7%
Mathilda 58.3% / Medli 41.7%
Hamlet 58.2% / Hambo 41.8%
Bubbles 58.1% / Buck 41.9%
Penny 57.7% / Penelope 42.3%
Avery 57.5% / Ava 42.5%
Lucy 57.5% / Lyman 42.5%
Flurry 57.4% / Francine 42.6%
Kitty 57.4% / Kitt 42.6%
Huggy 57.3% / Huck 42.7%
Epona 57.2% / Emerald 42.8%
Stu 57.1% / Sue E 42.9%
Rodeo 56.9% / Rod 43.1%
Soleil 56.8% / Snooty 43.2%
Canberra 56.7% / Candi 43.3%
Kabuki 56.7% / Katt 43.3%
Walker 56.7% / Walt 43.3%
Apollo 56.4% / Antonio 43.6%
Leopold 56.4% / Leonardo 43.6%
Iggy 56.2% / Ike 43.8%
Miranda 56.2% / Mira 43.8%
Poko 56.1% / Pompom 43.9%
Raddle 56% / Quinn 44%
Megumi 55.9% / Megan 44.1%
Lionel 55.1% / Liz 44.9%
Nana 55.1% / Naomi 44.9%
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licncourt · 2 years
Why does Lestat only get involved sexually and romantically with other people? Is it a way to seek validation and love?
How do you all always know exactly what I've been thinking because this is a really under-discussed part of Lestat’s character that I've been meaning to talk about. I absolutely think it's what you said and when you look at his history, it makes a lot of sense.
We know Lestat experienced childhood neglect and abuse, with the implication that he was quite isolated otherwise. The first meaningful relationship he recounts experiencing is with Nicolas. This also seems to be his first real romantic/sexual relationship, occurring at a formative age when a lot of the identity is beginning to solidify.
Throughout the series, Lestat meets a lot of people and they react to him in a wide variety of ways, but his looks and charm are the only consistent way in which he attains the attention he desperately wants and needs. I don't think I need to expand on that bit of Lestat’s characterization, I'm pretty sure we can all agree he's extremely motivated by attention and validation. It doesn't help that he's consistently desired for his looks and charisma and then rejected on any level deeper than that.
I would argue that, in addition to the childhood groundwork, his assault by Magnus exacerbated the issue in its own way. This "rape" was based extremely heavily on Lestat's looks, something Magnus makes him very aware of, and then they form a sort of trauma bond through the turning where Lestat experiences what he describes as an almost romantic and sexual attachment to his attacker. He actually repeats this trauma bond with Akasha under almost identical circumstances.
Regardless, this trauma with Magnus and the subsequent rejections that follow (Nicki and Gabrielle) really kick Lestat's need for romantic and sexual attention into high gear. The way he falls for Louis essentially at first sight and commits himself entirely within days really drives that point home. When he feels Louis slipping, he takes drastic measures to either hold tight to that connection, find a new one, or both (Antoine).
I'm actually going to acknowledge later canon now because one of the only Lestat-isms that makes sense is his sudden serial monogamy. In a world where he doesn't remain in a committed relationship with Louis (something that might soothe those urges to seek and seek and seek love) I can absolutely see Lestat behaving the way he does in the later books.
Maybe in this scenario, the sudden intimacy with Louis is too scary and overwhelming so he backs away, but then that love void returns. What's interesting about the way Lestat approaches his romances for this period in canon is that, bar his human body...adventures...none of them feel like flings in his approach.
He seems to genuinely think he loves (or wants to love) people like David and Rowan and Gretchen and Dora. These relationships, however brief and ultimately surface-level, are all-consuming for their duration. He needs them, and for him that becomes indistinguishable from love. Or at least he lets himself believe it is.
Lestat is lucky that he's attractive and charming because it makes it easy for him to acquire partner after partner. He can satisfy his desire for love and attention without the terrifying vulnerability and intimacy that comes with a long-term, committed relationship that might actually meet his needs in a healthy way. Instead, it's one fix to the next like an addict.
The only thing he has that consistently gets him "safe" love is his appearance and superficial personality, so it's not a leap to say that these traits become something he leans too heavily on, flaunts and plays up to an off-putting degree in his attempts to be wanted. That creates its own issue, his perceived vanity and narcissism making the relationships he can form all the more brief and shallow, tanking his self-esteem further and creating a vicious cycle as he tries to compensate more.
All the terrible characterization notwithstanding and with my fantasy of "Loustat definitely worked things out in-depth behind the scenes between PL and RoA" intact, I think his happy relationship with Louis and the sudden drop-off of those serial relationships tracks.
The fact that he was so devoted to Nicki and then spent 70 years trying to keep his marriage to Louis intact by any means necessary indicates to me that he does want that kind of commitment and longevity from a relationship, he just didn't know how to achieve it before. It's not that Lestat is magically able to be happy with one person overnight and stopped wanting to sleep around, but that his intimacy issues have been resolved to the point where his need for love can finally be met by one person. I sure wish we'd seen that happen, but I'm very glad that he eventually got there.
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n0t-1nt3r3st1ng · 8 months
Vulture!Wednesday AU Part - 12
Wednesday had to be fair. Credit where it was due, Enid could draw a crowd when she put her mind to it.
What had started as three people sitting in a corner booth with a laptop, a camera, and a microphone had turned into what seemed to be a mandatory rendezvous for most, if not all, the teenagers in Jericho. It certainly hadn't started that way, nor had any of the three girls imagined it would become what it did. It was the Saturday before she finally hit the train, and Wednesday was impatient. Still, she had given her word.
She didn't even have to bring much; Yoko and Enid had already left Nevermore early in the morning with their equipment. Or at least that was what they told her they were going to do. Wednesday found herself walking into the empty coffee shop to find Yoko speaking with an elderly couple wearing matching aprons.
The trio turned to her as soon as she opened the door, as if anyone entering the building was a surprise.
"Oh, you're here!" Yoko smiled at her, beckoning Wednesday to meet the pair. It didn't escape her that the vampire was making an effort not to show her fangs in front of the couple. "This is the one I was talking about. Wednesday, this is Frank and Dora. They've owned this place for, what, twenty years now?"
Frank and Dora, the owners whom she finally got to meet, were the stereotypical pair of elderly Normies to a tee.
Frank was a tall, lean man with silver hair and kind, twinkling blue eyes that had seen a lifetime of joy and challenges. Despite his age, he exuded a youthful spirit. Margaret, on the other hand, was a petite woman with a graceful demeanor. Her soft, curly gray hair framed a face adorned with laugh lines and a pair of bright hazel eyes that had witnessed both sorrow and joy.
"Pleased to meet you." Frank shook her hand. Wednesday noted they were weathered from years of hard work.
"I'm so sorry you had to go through that, dear." Dora said.
"If anything, I should be the one apologizing." Wednesday replied. "I never asked if there was something I needed to replace."
"Nah, don't worry about that. I made the furniture myself a long while ago. Trust me, those chairs will outlive both of us." The couple smiled warmly at her, and Wednesday did her best to return it in kind.
"I should start setting up the stream, if that's okay." Wednesday said, and the couple led her to the booth in the corner she'd occupy for most of the afternoon.
Wednesday took out her laptop, connected the power source, and began to set up the equipment when she noticed the distinct lack of color.
"Where's Enid? I thought you'd both be here." She asked Yoko.
"Oh, she's running late, had something to take care of. She'll be here soon." Yoko replied nonchalantly. "So, how are you liking the club so far?"
"It hasn't been boring." Wednesday replied as she worked. "Have you heard anything about Rowan?"
"No, he ghosted the entire school." Yoko replied. "I heard your interview with Bianca. Good stuff."
"Weren't you supposed to have algebra at the time?" Wednesday raised an eyebrow while she worked.
"Meh, math is math." The vampire replied. She sat in front of Wednesday and watched her work. "So, are you pro-Spider?"
"I'm not pro-anything." Wednesday replied. "I simply refuse to make a decision based on incomplete or unverified data."
"I heard Eugene and Bianca talking. People liked you, they are gonna ask you if you want to have a segment with her." Yoko said, resting her head on one hand.
Wednesday shuddered in response, and the vampire's smile widened to the point she almost showed a fang.
"I thought I'd bring you a little something." Dora carried a pair of steaming coffee mugs to the table. Yoko thanked them for both of them.
"Is Tyler coming?" Yoko asked.
"I don't think so." Dora replied. "He got his ribs hurt pretty bad when those punks tossed him. He hasn't come since."
"I'm sure he'll return once his wound heals." Wednesday replied, taking a sip. "I've got to say, I found your coffee to be better every time I taste it."
"Oh, thank you, dear." Dora replied. She soon left for the back of the building, no doubt getting ready to bake.
The door opened, and Enid dashed in. Her cheeks red, her hair all over the place, and her breath shallow.
"I'm so sorry!" She said, running to their booth.
Wednesday was about to reply when she noticed a fine layer of dust covered her coat and hair. She felt a cold grip in her guts. Not the fun kind.
"What happened to you?" She asked.
"Huh? Oh." Enid replied. She then noticed the dust and shook it off as quickly as she could. She smiled nervously. "I was, ehm, I cut through a construction site. Didn't want to keep you guys waiting."
"You might wanna be careful, construction sites are notoriously dangerous. You never know what might happen." Like having your heart ripped, Wednesday thought.
"It's fine, I do it all the time!" Enid replied. "I already know all of them."
"Any favourites?" Wednesday asked. She abhorred the very concept of hope but if Enid had a favourite route then it might help to prevent her untimely end.
"Mm, nope, like them all the same." She replied, giving her a lopsided grin.
Behind her polite facade, Wednesday's soul let out a groan that could have sent shockwaves through the entire neighborhood, had anyone been privy to the sound. Sighting, she finished setting up the stream and left Enid and Yoko to do their thing. 
The scene should have faded there – a calm and contented afternoon, the primary focus being the enjoyable coffee and the exchange between the duo, who were striving to support an elderly couple overwhelmed by the city's demands. But it didn't. At least not for the first hour. What had started with a casual conversation, with Weathervane's name dropped now and then, started to attract attention. One by one, like drops of rain before a storm, people began to approach the shop. Enid didn't waste the opportunity and invited a few of the newcomers to speak. At first there was some resistance but once the first gave in, interest grew so much they had to take two at the time.
Wednesday had to take mental notes at one point in case she ever wanted to extract information without torture. Enid's enthusiasm was as contagious as the Black Plague and it seemed to feed from the number of new people she met. By midday people had started to arrive in groups and even Bianca had decided to grace them with her presence. It didn't escape Wednesday notice how the siren had taken pictures and videos for her social media. She also noticed employees from other coffee chains had tried to poach some of the guests with discount offers but they had been refused so far.
Inevitably, some of the guests noticed her. Requests for pictures came and she entertained a few but she drew the line at signatures. Mostly on principle but also for a fraud check case without a main suspect still open in New Jersey. One could never be too sure.
Frank and Dora  were beside themselves with the number of clients. At one point during a quick break, the girls had to step in to help with the orders. When the guests requested food, Yoko stepped in and contacted a local restaurant who was happy to supply them while splitting the profits.
Eventually Wednesday had to step outside for a breath of fresh air and stood by the corner of the street. The noise of such a large congregation was starting to ring in her ears. It had to be the only reason she hadn't sensed her approaching.
"Hey,uhm,hi!" Wednesday turned to face a red headed girl wearing a blue Jean vest over a yellow shirt and blue jeans and pink sneakers.
"Hello." Wednesday replied. She had the certainty she had seen this girl before but couldn't remember where.
"I'm not sure you remember me." The girl smiled nervously. "I was here the other day with my friends."
"The twins." Wednesday nodded, frowning. "You called the cops, didn't you?"
"I,I, I thought you were in danger, I swear!" The girl raised her hands in a pacifying gesture.
Wednesday hummed but she chose to let it go.
"I just wanted to tell you you were amazing. I had to deal with those morons since I came here and watching you was... inspiring." The girl sighted.
"I see." Wednesday replied.  To state that her ego felt a slight sense of satisfaction would be accurate.She offered her hand to the girl. "Wednesday Addams."
"I'm Parker." The girl smiled as she shook her hand. "I'm so glad you're helping this place. The construction tore the town down and it all just looks..."
"The same soulless street." Wednesday finished.
"Right! Isn't it tragic?" Parker shook her head.
"I'm afraid you'll have to direct your gratitude to Enid. It was her's and Yoko's idea." Wednesday replied.
"Who's Yoko?" Parker asked.
"She snuck to the back with a siren after putting on some music." Wednesday replied.
Parker nodded, surprised.
"Wednesday, there you are!" Enid's voice startled the pair. Enid rushed to meet her but stopped when she spotted Parker. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you."
"Enid, this is Parker. Parker, Enid is the one I was talking about." Wednesday introduced them.
"Oh, I was just thanking Wednesday for this." Parker hurried to shake Enid's hand who smiled embarrassed. "Thank you so much."
"It's nothing." Enid replied, blushing.
"Enid, you said you needed me?" Wednesday said.
"Yes, Yoko is AWOL and I'm the only one taking orders." Enid replied, she sounded exhausted. "Bianca is taking over the stream but I could use the help."
"Of course." Wednesday replied.
"I can help you!" Parker offered.
"Really?" Enid smiled. "Thank you so much!"
The trio went back and attended to the customers. In the end the affair lasted until twilight. Parker had to leave so Wednesday and Enid finished cleaning up the place with Frank and Dora. Yoko had vanished. Once done, she surveyed the tasks left to accomplish. 
Floors cleaned, check.
Furniture in its place, check.
Glasses and mugs clean, check.
Computer and equipment stored, check.
Depressed looking Enid staring at the city lights-what?
Her train of thought derailed, Wednesday studied the young werewolf. Enid, who a few moments ago was bubbling with energy, was now standing in the middle of the shop with her shoulders drooping, and her gaze fixed on the horizon. Wednesday looked as her eyes turned glassy, the beginning of a tear forming on the corner of her eye. She needed to say something, anything.
"Enid?" Wednesday called her, her tone soft so as to not to scare her.
"Yeah?" Enid turned and wiped the tear with her sleeve. "Sorry, allergies."
"It has occured to me that I have yet to apologize to you." Wednesday said.
"What?" Enid blinked, surprised.
"When you first told me about your shifting, I said you'd no doubt be magnificent." Wednesday recalled.
"I, yeah?" Enid shook her head, confused.
"By saying those words I might have implied that you weren't so already. What you have accomplished here tonight was beyond simple success. I was wrong for downplaying your virtues. I'm sorry." Wednesday said.
"What, this?" Enid began to bubble but Wednesday continued.
"Yes, this has turned beyond anyone's expectations and it was all thanks to you. You have every right to feel proud of your accomplishment."
"I.. thank you." Enid's voice quivered as she spoke, giving away the effort she was making to hold back her emotions. "It's just...sometimes I feel like...I like being with people but then they leave and it's just me and I can't even go to my pack without them laughing at the runt..."
"In my experience, those who make others feel inferior do so because they cannot stand others' superiority." Wednesday replied. "Don't let their words darken your world, they have to bring you to their level so they aren't faced with their own inadequacies. There are many people who consider themselves fortunate to know you. I know I'm one of them."
"Thanks, that's sweet." Enid sniffled. Had anyone else called Wednesday Addams taht, they'd have lost their tongue faster than their bodies could process the shock but this time she let it slide.
"Please, let me take you to Nevermore. I'm sure Yoko has her hands full at the moment." Wednesday asked.
"You have no idea." Enid chuckled. "But Davina is nice once you get to know her."
"I'm sure she is."
"Hey, wanna hang out tomorrow?" Enid asked, hopeful.
"I'm afraid there's one task left for me. I've neglected it for too long and now it has become impossible for me to delay it any longer." Wednesday replied.
"Oh, sure, you have your own things to do." Enid replied, looking downwards.
"However, after tomorrow I'll be available for the entire week." Wednesday said and Enid's hopeful eyes landed back on her. "I'll be delighted to accompany you."
"Great!" Enid almost jumped.
"Shall we, my lady?" Wednesday opened the door for Enid.
Enid giggled and gave her a small bow.
This was it, Wednesday thought after the day was over. Enough pleasantries. Enough civility. There was nothing stopping her from doing what she had come to do in Jericho.
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zisurru · 9 months
vomshit anon no u picked it up… kind of embarrassing 2 admit but a big reason i haven’t spent much time on the later books is because my good time boy is nowhere 2 be found… i don’t wanna spend all this time alone with lestat… and roger
i am having a nice time rereading memnoch though. walking human style etc
*walks human style over to your message*
louis just kind of goes away for a while! and i’m sad we don’t get to see more of his character development as it happens. he’s compelling for a lot of reasons and it would have been nice to see more of him.
but don’t worry. you have lestat, and his outfits. see his outfits? don’t look away. look at his turtleneck. look at his t
also….if dora is louis, is gretchen (a nun!) also louis? is rowan gabrielle??
*walks away, human style*
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