#don't mind the file name i just made another one but without my custom textures
eclaire-went-bam · 3 years
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so did i tell you guys about the time i worked on a vio model on vroid studio??? yeah that was months ago, i started on an octavo one too, but eventually gave up bc drawing in my own textures from a touchpad was. rough. not just the octavo one i also gave up on the vio one. but i was reminded of it and i jus sorta,,,resparked my own interest in making these, i guess!!! so i wanna continue them and make more. maybe. as for now, i'm gonna post my progress on it!!! most of the photos are from the waist up bc the legs and stuff i;;; i hardly even started to begin with so;;;
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rainworldslugcats · 3 years
Hi ! Just wanted to ask , how do you put your own slugcat skin in game? I know it's works with fancy slugcat mod,,, but i don't know how to use it ;-; , can you teach me
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i can try! although i only learned most of this very recently, so i’m not the most knowledgeable. i also use BepInEx as the modloader.
im going to start with the assumption that you already have fancy slugcats installed and working, after this you’re going to need the custom assets and custom tails mod. both can be found on RainDB.
keep in mind, each of these mods contains a read me with more information, so reference those if you don’t understand something in my explanation. everything is under a read more as this post is very long.
ive also attempted to be as detailed with this tutorial as possible.
and lastly, please read through the entire tutorial before starting work as it’s very likely you’ll end up having to redo things otherwise, mostly because of the way custom tails functions.
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part 1: custom tails
we’ll start with adding a custom tail, the custom tails mod requires ConfigMachine, fancy Slugcats and Custom Assets. (publicity stunt is only required if you still use Partiality, not if you use BepInEx) download and apply these mods first. (the .dll files)
once you’ve downloaded custom tails you’ll find an “examples” folder in the .zip file, this contains the files you’ll edit to make your own custom tail. 
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each of the example tails is shown on the thumbnail for the custom tails mod, so you can get an idea of how they look in action.
sidenote: the devil tail png is completely white, and thus it can be hard or impossible to see on a default photo viewer, open it on something like paint tool sai and add a colored background. once you’ve selected which base you want to use, extract (or just copy and paste) that tail png along with its txt file somewhere you can work on it, desktop works just fine. now you can make whatever modifications you want to the tail, i’ll use my firecracker tail as an example.
note: if you leave parts of the sprite purely white, it will get colored in with whatever color you choose in the fancy slugcats menu, its essentially transparency.
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once you’re happy with how it looks, it’s time to apply it. firstly, change the tails name into something recognizable, like FRtail.png
now take your txt file and name it the same thing you named your tail, and make sure to be exact or things might break.
then open said txt file and change the default tail name into your tails name.
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once all that is done, you have to navigate into the atlases folder in your rain world install. to get there open up steam, find RW and right click it in the menu to bring up this text box
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choose “properties” at the very bottom to open up this menu
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select “local files” on the side, and when you see this screen press “browse” and it will open up the root folder of RW.
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(i have quite a bit more stuff in my install folder due to mods, so don’t worry about not having all of it) from here you want to open the “Assets” folder near the top, from there you open Futile > Resources > Atlases.
now all you need to do is put both your tail png and txt files into Atlases like so:
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note: capital letters matter, if you used capital letters in your name you have to use those same capital letters in every name, for example if you use frtail.txt and FRtail.png it wont work. it all has to be the same in every case.
once that’s done, go back to your RW root folder (the one where RainWorld.exe is located) and open the “ModConfigs” folder, from there go to Fancy slugcats > custom heads. it will be empty if you haven’t made any modifications yet.
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once youre here, make a new txt file and name it the same name you’ve used for your tail.png and txt files. then open it and type the same name inside it, don’t forget to save.
now you should be ready to open up RW, remember to enable the required mods: fancy slugcats, custom assets, custom tails, config machine and publicity stunt (partiality only)
note: if your game opens up to a black screen and wont start, it usually means something is wrong with the txt files, either you forgot to add a name inside one of them, you forgot to save when you added the name, or you’ve misspelled the name. double check all the names for your png and txt files.
now then, let’s get to adding your tail to your slugcat
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once the game is open, navigate to settings and open mod config, from there you should see custom tails in the menu. once here type your custom tails name into the “sprite” box, remember to be exact with the name.
if the name shows up red, you’ve made a mistake somewhere in the process, if it shows up as white, its been successfully added!
if you touch the sliders it will add a gradient to your tail and undo/cover up any sprite changes, so keep them as black. you can also change your tails size in the fancy slugcats menu as usual.
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now you have a snazzy tail to show off to the world! “.......but wait” i might hear you say “my tail isn’t the same color as the image i made!”
that’s because whatever color you apply to your slugcat in the fancy slugcats menu gets applied on top of the image you made. meaning if your slugcat is a rather more dark color, it will make your tail darker as well. meaning not only will bright aspects of it not be bright anymore, the base of your tail will be darker than your base slugcat color, thus it wont match. this is a problem i ran into as my slugcat is purple with bright accents.
the transparency i mentioned earlier helps with this “if you leave parts of the sprite purely white, it will get colored in with whatever color you choose in the fancy slugcats menu, its essentially transparency.“
you can use this transparency to make the base of your tail match the rest of your slugcats body, now all the white will be filled in with whatever color you’ve chosen in the menu, however it still wont fix all other parts of it having the base color applied to them.
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now if your base slugcat color is white, you don’t have to worry about any of this at all! the tail will stay how you made it!
if your slugcat will be lightly colored but not completely white, or your dark slugcat will have dark markings, this is all stuff you can reasonably account for while making the markings themselves (once you’ve made the txt and png files and put them in the right places, you can edit the png in the atlases folder directly) but if you want to do something more close to my slugcat, we’re going to have to do it by changing the color of slugcat using sprites.
part 2: sprite edits
so, to get around this problem and to get the freedom to edit the sprites however we like we’re going to be editing each sprite separately. this way you can virtually add anything you like to your slugcat, antlers, spikes, fur. although this might require you to change the position of the sprites to get them to line up properly in-game.
i’ll only touch on recoloring sprites as i haven’t edited the shape of any of them yet, i’ll update this tutorial with extra info once i’ve tried it out myself.
some of slugcats sprites have multiple versions that will get bundled in order to make the animations you see in game (head, arms, legs)
others are static sprites and only have one version (tail, body, hips)
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firstly, you’ll need to find the sprites you’re going to edit, all of these sprites are included in the custom assets zip file you downloaded from RainDB.
you’ll find slugcats sprites in Unpacked Atlases > RainWorld, extract this folder to make looking for the correct sprites easier.
note: all of the sprites are white by default, this makes them incredibly difficult to see in a folder without opening them in some external program, thus i’ve changed my windows settings to make the folder background dark (this can be found in Personalization)
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this folder includes the sprites of most of the creatures in RW, so picking out slugcats sprites can be a tad... difficult. thus i'll name every single sprite you’ll need to hopefully make it easier. BodyA, HipsA, PlayerArm0 to 12, FaceA0 to 8, FaceB0 to 8, FaceDead, FaceStunned, HeadA0 to 17
aaand all the leg sprites are in a png because they have so many names
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most of them can be found bunched up together in the RW folder, a tail texture isn’t included as that will still be handled through custom tails as detailed above.
now i suggest you make some way to store all of slugcats sprites neatly, as it will save you a lot of hassle in the long run. i separated all body part sprites into folders.
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now you’re free to make any edits you like to the sprites. however, i’ll go about this tutorial with the expectation the only edits are color edits, not shape edits, as again i don’t have experience with those.
once your sprites are all colored and neatly organized its time to compile them, each body part gets compiled into their own bunch (arms in one, legs in another) for this you’ll need a program called texture packer, i can’t provide a direct link because my post might get thrown into the void by tumblr, there is however a direct link in the custom assets read me.
once you’ve downloaded texture packer, heres an easy to follow short video tutorial made by AndrewFM on how to use it.
once your sprites are bundled you’ll go through the same process as with adding your custom tail. i’ll use arm sprites as an example.
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you’ll get a png file with all of your edited sprites in them, as well as a .json file that contains placement information, turn that json file into a txt by renaming it (yourarmname).txt
now open the txt file and rename every single part to whatever name you decided to give your arm sprites, but keep the numbers at the end of the sprite names, they are important.
note: do not rename the individual sprite png’s before they are packed
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now that your txt and png files are ready, drop them into the same Atlases folder in your RW install as you did with your custom tail, and similarly add another new txt file into ModConfig > FancySlugcats > CustomHeads and rename it to the same name you named your sprite, and add that exact same name inside the txt file itself.
if the game yet again refuses to start, remember to double check the names in the txt files.
now we’re ready to apply the sprites in-game, open up RW and head to setting > mod config,
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depending on which sprites you’ve edited, you’ll need to enter the sprite name into the specific field it belongs to, for me i’ll add the name to the arms section. you’ll get more details about what goes where when you hover over the text field.
for some of them, you’ll need to include A at the end of your sprite name, but only in the mod config menu
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this shows where they are needed.
now you need to repeat this process for each bundle of slugcats body parts and apply them. note: body and hips despite both being part of slugcats main body gets applied separately, and even though they only have one sprite each you still need to pack them with texture packer and go through the same process as for the others.
this all might seem tiresome, and in certain ways it definitely is, but once you’ve gotten the hang of the packing, adding to folders and applying the process gets a lot faster.
once all of your sprites are applied, legs, hips, body, head, arms, tail. you want to make sure in fancy slugcats settings to make your slugcats color pure white so it wont affect your custom sprite coloration in any way. however you can apply color to slugcats face through the menu as usual.
there is a known issue where slugcats fists when climbing poles don’t get colored, this issue currently can’t be fixed easily.
the end result? quite a fancy slugcat indeed!
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if i made any mistakes, or there’s extra info i should add, then message me and i’ll edit the post accordingly!
if there’s anything you can’t figure out no matter what you try, join the RW discord and ask people in the modding support channel, thats where i got most of my information from!
hopefully this is helpful to some of you! i spent quite a while making this tutorial so reblogs would be very much appreciated!
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6. Don't Touch Her
Having watched from where he stood as Ivy sprinted across fast traffic, dodging cars like a drunk, Erik moved back into his office where he was then confronted by the twins who were still undressed.
Draya sat at the receptionist desk with her legs splayed as she turned back and forth in the spinning chair. Araya approached him with her hands wrapping around the forearm of his white coat. 
"I cleared the whole schedule for her appointment," Erik sighed. He'd expected it to last.
"She's not worth it, Mr. Stevens." Araya buried her forehead in his bicep. "There are plenty of other patients who love your services. You deserve one who appreciates you, and Draya and I are always here as your canvases. We love your art."
Warmed by her honest sentiment, he pulled his arm from her grasp and wrapped it around her shoulders peering into her eyes as she gazed up at him.
"You know you're my little mouse," he squinted. He was certainly the big cat in the game they played. She smiled exposing her naturally pointy little teeth. "However, to me, that girl is more important than you are. You understand?"
Araya's face dropped and so did her head. Erik lifted her chin with his finger to look into her eyes since she hadn't responded.
"Say yes," he prompted. Araya simply pulled away rushing through the wooden door to the back. When Draya stood to follow, Erik pointed for her to sit back down.
"Give her a moment to process.. In the meantime, you take this message since it's for you too." He leaned over the counter ensuring that her attention was completely on him. "I like a challenge and a little spice from time to time. Obedience without having to break a person first gets boring and you two were broken a long time ago."
"Well yeah, you always punished us whenever we fought back and gave rewards when we didn't. Araya tried to escape twice then she tried to kill you. She almost died eight times. Almost drowned twice."
"And look at her today, my most loyal assistant," he smirked, brows high.
"But you're tired of her obedience?" Her eyes narrowed and her small head tilted in bewilderment.
"I am," he smiled holding her eye. He could see the wheels in Draya's head turning. Would she start acting out now due to this disclosure? He hoped so.
He loved a good chase and would gladly break her and her sister all over again given the opportunity. In fact, it would be even more interesting if Draya attempted the forbidden and went after Little Ivy. That way Erik could track her down and intercept, punishing her on the spot. He'd have a great reason.
"As for Little Ivy, she will be added to my collection. I want you to keep a close eye on her.. but don't touch her," he reminded before walking back to the break room. He could see that Draya had something up her sleeve and he'd wait to be surprised. Whatever ideas she or her sister generated would produce entertainment for as long as they acted in defiance.
"ARAYA," he called taking his seat in the breakroom. "I got a taste for Popeyes. Go get it.. and take Draya."
"Police are coming. You sit here," the man waved on his return pulling out a dark wooden chair at a matching wooden table for Ivy to drop onto. If she'd had her car keys or her wallet she would have left and gone to her mom's house, but without access to her car she was trapped where she was and watching the glass door fearfully.
"He can't touch me in here with these people watching. He's still on the other side," she told herself at a volume no one else could hear. "I'll be safe. I'll be on my wayl." She repeated the mantra in her mind as she looked around at the nearly bare cherry blossom trees stylistically painted on the golden colored walls with teardrop baby pink leaves tinged with magenta.
The framed pictures sitting on the more plain walls appeared to be of village life in a rural Asian area. Two were of a rice paddy where small workers hunched over in straw symbol-like hats. Others were of community markets and kids running through the grass under the sky.
Ivy waited in silence, her nails anxiously tapping on the table as she watched the few customers eat. When the bell jingled over the door again, another small group entered. Her eyes rolled over them coming to the conclusion that they were not threats. The group consisted of two older adults, two teens and a younger child, all caucasian with orange-ish hair. Seemingly oblivious to her staring, they chattered, shoved each other playfully, and giggled. It looked like a family outing.
The wait was long. Ivy felt as though she'd fall asleep, but she still had those goosebumps from residual fear and they were melding into the goosebumps from the A/C that must've been on high.
Suddenly the bell over the door jingled once more and when Ivy looked, there was an officer. Everything about her was authoritative from the way she strolled in to the way she spoke to the man who'd met her at the entrance. It was like she ran things.
Ivy stood to approach her finding that the woman was much taller than she expected. The gold name plate on the right breast of her black uniform shirt said T. Howard.
"You must be the woman in need of assistance," Howard spoke dryly pulling out a pen and notepad. Her tone threatened to drain the remaining energy from Ivy, but it was too soon for her to drop her guard. "Let's start with the basic information. What's your name and number in case I need to contact you or file an incident report?"
"File something," Ivy answered giving the basic information. Officer Howard had to be a foot taller and she was statuesque with cinnamon colored tired eyes, a freckled ginger complexion, and ash brown 4c hair pulled into a low textured bun.
"What seems to be the issue," she blinked, eyes dull with what looked to be boredom.
"I just survived an attempt on my fuckin life and I ran here without my phone, wallet, car keys, or money.. Bitch, I have nothing right now but my life and I'm scared!"
The officer's eyes bulged with interest.
"Well I'm awake now. Rewind that? Explain exactly what happened from start to finish."
"No thighs, I want another breast," Draya spoke over the counter.
"You can change two pieces out for a breast," the cashier smacked, gnawing her green gum. Putting a twenty on the counter, Draya left Araya in place to complete the transaction. She'd been thinking a lot about the information Erik had dropped and she figured Araya ought to be clued in as to their boss's preferences.
"Did you check the box," Draya asked as she followed Araya back out to the orange Nissan GTR.
"Yeah bitch, open the door so I can put this bag in the back."
Draya hit the unlock button leaving Araya to fend for herself as she climbed into the driver's seat waiting for her twin to get situated in the passenger. After thinking on how to word Dr. Stevens' message, she figured the best way would be to spit it out.
"There's something you should know," she blurted causing Araya to frown once she had her seatbelt fastened.
"Erik.. is tired of our obedience to him. He thinks we're no longer fun because we don't fight back."
Anaya's face froze along with her movements. Her eyes wavered and she turned her focus to the dashboard.
"He's never satisfied. No matter what we do, it'll never be right," Draya stared trying to catch Araya's eye.
"It's that cat-eyed bitch clogging up his head, Draya. We were fine until she came along," Araya sighed.
"You really believe that?"
"I believe he don't need that girl like he thinks he does, he's confused. But if we could show him that he's not missing anything, he could direct his attention back to us."
"I'm not sure if I'm ready for all that attention ag-" Pop. Draya's thought was interrupted by the back of Araya's hand popping her in the mouth.
"Don't badmouth Dr. Stevens. You're ready. Trust your body. He made you feel good didn't he?"
Draya hesitated.
"DIDN'T he?"
It was true. Draya had never before felt the way she felt with Dr. Stevens. Dr. Stevens knew exactly where to touch her, how to touch her, what to say, when to say it, and somehow no matter how close the exit was, she'd stopped running for it. Even now, she was in his car and she was headed back to him. She didn't quite understand it herself. She and her sister used to fight to escape like bats out of hell.
"Yeah, he knows exactly what I like and how I like it, but.."
"And he pays our bills and lets us drive his car. He pays for everything. There's not a thing you've needed or wanted that you haven't gotten, right?"
"Yeah but.."
"You were always the weaker one. You can't handle just a little bit of discomfort? He's an artist and a genius. Years from now, his name will be remembered and who will you be? You should feel honored."
Draya turned to face forward, her words and feelings going unheard. She didn't quite know what she felt or thought, she just knew that she did.
"I'll tell you what we're going to do," Araya turned up the air. "I'll fuck that cat-eyed bitch up and you'll come with me and film it."
"Araya, you know we can't touch her."
"We couldn't if we were being obedient. He's practically begging us to kill her off. He needs to be reminded of what captivated him. I'm the bottom bitch in this equation."
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