#does someone wanna see my teen wolf drawings
Blue Moon - Part 3
A/N: See masterlist for prompts used. (And the list of amazing people who have helped me with this.) What’s this? What’s this?! Yes, I have decided to be kind and give you part 3 early! After this, updates will resume as normal, as stated on the Masterlist. ……..Unless I crumble again, and cave, and post early, but we’re not talking about that. *ahem* Surprise!
I do not own Teen Wolf or it’s characters. Sadly.
Warnings: See Masterlist
Word count: 3,037
After everything had been cleaned up, and Derek was resting peacefully on his bed, the pack left, giving you a quiet reassuring word, pat on the shoulder, or kind look, offering their time if you needed to talk.
Thanking them, you slid the door closed, letting your forehead slump against it lightly. Your breathing was deep, trying to gather yourself from the chaos of the day. Comfortable silence settled around you and you smiled softly before turning to survey the now empty loft. 
Derek was sitting up on the edge of his bed staring at the floor between his feet, and you jumped slightly before walking over to him slowly.
“You feeling better, champ?” you said playfully. 
His shoulders shaking in a silent laugh, he finally looked up to you. “I am, thanks to you.”
“Pfffft,” you waved him off dismissively. “If I hadn’t been here you would have kicked ass for me.” You grinned as he shook his head disbelievingly. 
“Learn to take a compliment, okay?” His gaze held yours, his own grin climbing. 
“I will, but you see, that requires you to give them more often so I can understand what this new sensation is and associate it with a compliment from the mighty Derek Hale.”
He snorted out a laugh, shaking his head as he stared at the floor again. For some reason it was hard for him to meet your gaze, something that had only gotten worse after today’s events. 
Cupping his cheek, you made him meet your eyes and held them there for a second. You didn’t miss how he melted slightly into your palm as if to seek out more of your touch. 
“Derek, look at me. I will fight for you, the pack will fight for you, but you have to let us. You’re not responsible for everything that goes wrong. The world just sucks sometimes. So do Stilinski’s plan’s, but that’s an argument for a different time.” You both smiled gently at each other. 
Your thumb traced his cheek bone, and his eyes fluttered shut as a sigh passed his lips, fully leaning into your hand. “I know.” His voice was small and quiet, not typical of the Alpha bravado you were used to. 
“I know you do.”
You let things sit in the comfortable silence for a few moments more before broaching the topic you had wanted to all night. 
“What’s going on with you and Jennifer?”
He went stiff in your hold, not pulling back, but obviously on edge. “Why do you ask?”
“I just….” You bit your lip, looking down and to the side as you studied the floor hoping it held your words. Derek’s finger hooked under your chin and tilting your face back up to look into his made you gulp before letting out a heavy sigh. 
Closing your eyes briefly as you gathered your thoughts. You almost forgot them when his hand cupped your cheek, thumb stroking your cheek bone like you had him, and you melted. 
Letting one last soft sigh leave your lips, you took a deep breath and met his eyes again as you spoke softly. “I just, I have a bad feeling about her. I can’t put my finger on it, but it’s something I can’t shake.”
You sat back on your haunches, effectively removing his hand from your face and yours from his. Your gaze went back to searching the floor, eyes darting up to meet his as you spoke, gauging his reactions as you continued. 
“You’re different when you’re around her. Earlier on the phone your personality did a one eighty as soon as you knew it was her, and you practically rushed me out of my own home.”
“You didn’t have to come with me,” he said somewhat standoffishly. 
You scoffed. “Yes, I did. You won’t let me leave your sight unless I’m at school with the pack! If anything, tonight proved I’m capable of taking care of myself.”
“That’s for your own safety! The Alpha pack is dangerous and-”
“And so am I, Derek.”
He stared at you, no response coming. 
“I’m just trying to look out for you. It’s almost like she’s lulling you into a false sense of security.” Derek scoffed. “Think about it, Derek. When did she show up? What weird thing coincided with her arrival? I have only been in this world for all of five minutes-”
“Five months isn’t five minutes-”
“Thank you for counting, but you know what I mean.”
Silence settled around you both once again. 
“I have barely been in this world, and already it’s showed me enough to trust my instincts, and they tell me something is off. I’m just looking out for you, Derek.”
“Well, thank you, but I can look out for myself,” he snapped. “I’ve been doing it for years.”
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose and scrunching your eyes shut. “I’m going to bed, I’m exhausted.”
Right then a tentative knock on the loft door drew your attention, and you turned to see it slide open to reveal the bit- wit- woman of the hour.
Spinning back around to see Derek’s unapologetic gaze, you held your ground, your voice the only thing giving way. “She’s back?” Your voice was almost venomous.
Derek shrugged. “It’s my loft.”
Grabbing your duffle from earlier as you brushed past her shoulder, you swear you saw her smirk. 
“Where are you going, Y/N?” Derek sounded slightly concerned but mostly annoyed. 
“I don’t know, Derek. But far from here.”
“Y/N, it’s dangerous-”
“So am I, Derek,” you seethed. Eyes leveled on his, he huffed out a sigh. “So am I.”
Jennifer opened her mouth like she was going to say something to you, but you held a finger up in her face. “You don’t get to talk to me outside of the school.”
She scoffed, her mouth snapping shut, and she turned wide eyes to Derek. 
Turning back to face him, you grabbed your set of keys, shrugging on your jacket. “Let me know when your loft is empty again.” You were tempted to say “habitable”, but knew the shit storm that would start.
“Where are you going, Y/N?” He stood up, aggravated now. 
“Like I said, I don’t know. But like I also said, if tonight proved anything, I can take care of myself.” You looked down to the keys in your hand, still covered in his blood from earlier, and you held them up by your face for emphasis, making him close his mouth, drawing it into a tight line as he stared at your wiggling fingers. 
“Thank you,” he mumbled.
“You’re welcome,” you mumbled back, fiddling with the keys. 
Looking to Jennifer once more, trying to contain your disdain, you looked back to Derek with a sigh. “I’ll stay with someone in the pack, just to be on the safe side. We still have to come up with our plan for this.” You wiggled your fingers still covered in his blood so he knew what you were talking about without going into specifics in front of the she-devil. He nodded briefly. 
“Let me give you a ride,” he said, going for his own keys. 
“No, Derek,” you let out on an exhausted breath. “You don’t have to come with me.” You parroted his words back at him.
Letting the loft door close with a gentle thud, you swiped at angry tears before they fell and made your way down the steps, dialing Stiles’ number. 
“Hey, Stiles. Can I crash at your place tonight?”
“I’ll kill him,” Stiles said matter of factly, rubbing circles into your shoulder with his thumbs where his hands rested, you curled up into him on the couch. The two of you had always had a close relationship, and tonight was no different. 
You let out a breathy chuckle. “No, you won’t, Stiles.”
“He hurt you!” He kept his arms around you, but pulled back enough to look at you. “With his words!” He looked off into the distance, “Which almost makes it worse, because Derek Hale does not use his words….”
“He’s like a mime. A very large, very violent mime….”
“Stiles!” you chuckled. 
“Hmmm? Yeah? What?” He zoned back in to the conversation, meeting your gaze again. 
Shaking your head gently with a smile, you snickered. “Just do what I do, and don’t call him ‘Derek’, I just call him ‘Dramatic’.” You quickly turned, a finger close to Stiles’ face, making him go slightly cross eyed if he focused on it. “But not out loud. In your mind. Out loud, you die.”
Stiles let out a loud laugh, and you giggled, fixing your feet where they were tucked under you, and leaned back into him. 
“On to more pleasant matters, Miss Jennifer Blake….”
You groaned, tossing your head back in the process, face screwed up like you ate a lemon. “I thought you said more pleasant matters, not her.”
Stiles chuckled as he went on, “I think you may be right about her.”
You sat up straight, pushing against his chest to look him in the face, jaw dropped in disbelief. “She’s evil? I can kick her out? Kick her butt? All of the above?”
“Woah, hold on, tiger,” Stiles said, snickering. “I just agree something is off about her, and the way she and Derek are, I get heebee jeebee vibes more than usual. …..And not just because it repulses me to see him in a relationship. Blech.” Stiles shuddered dramatically, making you smile and cast a glare at him at the same time.
“But on the note of kicking ass-” Stiles perked up, changing the subject, thankfully- “you kicked some serious Alpha ass back at the loft!” Stiles grinned down at you, and you couldn’t help but look down sheepishly. “I mean, can we talk about the awesomeness of you?!”
You laughed at this, looking up through your eyelashes at him, feeling your cheeks tinge pink in slight embarrassment, but your grin broad with pride. “I was kinda awesome, wasn’t I?” You lifted your face up fully to look at him straight on. “You wanna know a secret?”
He leaned into you, nodding almost imperceptibly, mouth slightly ajar and eyebrows raised in anticipation. 
“Half the stuff I don’t even know how I did it. It was just instinct.”
“Get out,” Stiles said in mock surprise, and you playfully shoved his shoulder. “You mean you’re like all my other ‘new’ friends-” you felt yourself making the same face that you had in the hall at school, now realizing it was a distinctly Stilinski reaction- “and are just inherently good at things now that you have been cursed?”
You knit your eyebrows together, and you both spoke in unison, “The bite is a gift, not a curse.”
“See? I told you. Sourwolf Syndrome.”
You just shook your head at Stiles and rolled your eyes.
“No, but seriously, Stiles!” You adjusted your position on the couch once again, grabbing your ankle tucked under you with one hand, the other bracing your elbow on the back of the couch as you gestured while you spoke. Another intrinsic Stilinski thing to do. 
“I literally did some of that stuff and in my head I was just saying, ‘What did I just do?’ over and over and over again.” You looked Stiles in the eyes, his face amused but serious at the same time. “Don’t get me wrong, Derek is a great teacher-” Stiles let out a “Pfffft” and looked away disbelievingly, waving that thought away with his hand- “he is!” The look he leveled on you, lips pursed, eyebrows raised, head tilted slightly down and to the side, had you chuckling. “But he never taught me some of that.”
“Maybe you were a superhero in a past life, or something,” Stiles mused, his eyes dancing playfully.
“Or a supervillain,” you countered, grinning in a way you hoped looked evil and mischievous but probably, with your luck, looked more like a grimace.
“This is highly plausible.” He nodded in agreement, looking off into the distance and scratching his neck as his head bobbed. 
His arm was braced behind you on the couch, outstretched, and he pulled it in close, scooping you towards him, holding you tight to his chest, his cheek against your hair as he spoke. “Either way, can I have your autograph?”
You laughed, the silence comfortable between you, until it was broken by Stiles’ phone going off on the coffee table. This was the second time this had happened today. You swore, if it had anything to do with Jennifer again….
“Oh, look. The bell.” You mimicked his words from earlier today at school, making him level a small glare on you, to which you just grinned. 
“I was thinking on my feet.”
“Are you sure you weren’t thinking with your feet?”
“How does that…. That makes literally no sense, Y/N. Do better.” He shook his head in disapproval of your joke, making you giggle, as he finally answered the call. 
“Scott, hey, what’s the big-” 
Because of your enhanced hearing, you didn’t need to move closer to hear the other end of the phone call. 
Something about some scuffle that went down at the old abandoned mall with the Alpha pack, he was cut up but it should heal soon, the others were okay, but they think Derek is dead.
Your mind went numb. 
“They ‘think’?” you asked Stiles. 
“We couldn’t get to him, we had to get out….” You couldn’t pay attention as Scott’s voice faded out and all you heard is the short panicked breaths you’re making. 
“Scott, I’ll call you back,” you heard Stiles say, hanging up even though Scott’s voice kept going, and taking your face in his hands firmly. “Y/N, breathe.”
“I am breathing.”
“That’s not breathing, that’s hyperventilating.”
You can’t help the slight twitch upward of your lips, and appreciated his trying to distract you, but you just felt your eyes start to glow. Reaching up you grabbed his wrists and screwed your eyes shut. 
“Breathe.” He elongated the word, his voice soft, and stroked your cheeks with his thumbs, still firmly holding your face in his hands. 
“He can’t be dead, Stiles.” You opened your eyes, knowing they have returned to their human color, but now they held tears threatening to fall.
“You’re right, we don’t know, that sucker has been dead to me multiple times, literally, and it never really took. I think he makes it to the afterlife and they just kick him back as ‘return to sender’.” You chuckled sadly, tears finally falling. “And don’t even get me started on Peter.” You groaned. 
“Stiles, I’m serious.”
“So am I!”
“No!” His thumbs stilled as your grip on his wrists tightened, and you screwed your eyes shut again. “No.” You lowered your voice this time, trying to be calm, and gave his wrists a reassuring squeeze before loosening your hold again. Meeting his eyes, you willed your tears to stop. “You don’t understand, Stiles. Scott isn’t a member of the pack. I am. When Erica died, it was just like Cora said- like losing a limb. I would feel if my Alpha was dead.”
“You don’t know that-”
“But I do. It’s like the fight, it’s an instinct. I just know, Stiles.” He resumed rubbing your cheeks with his thumb, swiping errant tears away. “I just know.”
You sniffled, squeezing his wrists one more time and then rising from the couch before he quickly caught your hand, stopping you. 
“What are you doing?”
“I’m going to go look for him!”
“It’s not safe, Y/N-”
“Why does everyone keep telling me that?!” you yelled in frustration, your hands finding the few remaining tears as you try to calm yourself once again. “This whole world is dangerous, Stiles! It comes with the territory! Everyone else got to go help, meanwhile I was stuck here-”
“Geeze, say what you really feel,” Stiles cut you off, his voice somewhat offended, but his face was determined. 
“I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant, I just….” You cradled the side of your face with the hand Stiles wasn’t still holding on to. “We should go look and see, he might need help.”
“If they all left, I can guarantee it was because it wasn’t safe for anyone, and Derek wouldn’t want everyone rushing into a situation like that for any reason, you know that.”
He was right. You wouldn’t admit it to him, but he was. You looked down at the carpet as he spoke. 
“Look, I have that out of town meet tomorrow with the rest of the pack. We will all come up with some solution, meanwhile, you stay here.” His voice extended on the last few words as his grip tightened on your wrist like he knew you would put up a fight, meeting your gaze dead on when you leveled wide eyes on him. 
“You stay here,” he continued, holding your gaze, “and see if he shows up at all. Check the hospitals, the police station, stuff like that, just avoid the loft because they already know you live there and the vet clinic because Deaton will let Scott know the second something happens. I can’t ask my dad to help at all, he doesn’t know anything about this world, and he won’t take me seriously if I ask too many questions. I have no idea why the man thinks I am always scheming.”
“Because you are,” you said softly. “You are right now, Stiles.”
“Just living up to my namesake,” he grinned, making you chuckle despite your tears. 
“When we get back, we’ll handle this, but for now, just stay here. You can stay in my room, I’ll tell my dad you just didn’t want to be home alone while your parents are out of town, and once we get back, unless we call and something has changed-”
“Stiles-” you gripped his face in your hands- “breathe.”
He chuckled, grabbing your wrists like you had his. “I am breathing,” he countered. 
“No, you’re scheming,” you corrected, both of you grinning at the other. 
“It'll be okay, Y/N. We’ll sort this out.”
Tags: @mayahart02, @palaiasaurus64, @shydinosaurcandy, @lucyqueenofthestars, @c-breanne1999, @l4life, @ethereallysimple, @teenwolffan-with-nolife, @bellabadacadabra, @lilostif16, @wandas-love, @emily500, @babygirl-angel-love, @c-dizzle99 What’s This?
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acklesterritory · 3 years
Bad Ideas_Ch. 1
Hey guys, I'm back with a new story.
*First*: I want to apologize if I tagged you in case you didn't want to. Unfortunately I mixed up my tag list so please even if you don't read this story let me know if you're on my blog's
1. Dean tags or 2.series tags or 3.oneshot tags.
And reblog so the others see this post too. Thanks
**Second*I'm planning on finishing this story in 2 parts but sometimes it can take longer so no promises.
Dean x Reader
This chapter words~4k
Series Warning: +18, a/b/o relationships, Dom/Sub(No details. You know I hate spoilers), Angst, Smut, Unprotected sex (You're wiser that that), Cheating, Language, Hurt reader
Summary: She was supposed to get married and imprint her beloved wolf but what happens when a dominant hunter shows up to hunt them?
This chapter song: Wild by John legend feat Gary Clark Jr. Listen here
And I stole @jay-and-dean 's divider *sorry*
Happy reading and may you leave me something cause feedbacks are writer's fuel.
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Mad, Sad, pretty, savage, seductive, crazy!
An obvious alpha.
I knew it from the first time I laid my eyes on her.
Couple of weeks ago I was at a luxury restaurant in my Fed suit to meet a businessman who could be involved in our new case. Doing that random investigation, I was getting convinced that there ain't any useful information and he was nothing but a waste of the time. So I excused myself and left the table to call Sam in the lobby. He had to know it was a dead end. But just when I was putting my phone back in my pocket, someone grabbed my arm from behind and pushed me against the wall out of blue.
"Say your name."
Wasn't my first time to face a seductive woman but for some unknown reason her whisper sent a shiver down my spine and I couldn't stop my eyes from gazing at her curves in that elegant black outfit.
"Listen. I got myself into this awful situation where I had to face this filthy woman announcing everyone in my birthday party that she was sleeping with my fiance. So before he show up to stop me, I need you to help them realizing something very important about me. And that help will be appreciated. So make your mind. You can just simply say your name and mention your price or I will kill you to make a scene and skip everyone's pitty looks part." She told me, running her right leg up, between my legs. To make me feel the bulge of her thigh holester underneath her dress: *She had a gun*
Wetting my lips, I looked down into her eyes for a second. She had some make up on but I knew enough to be sure that wild look couldn't be fake. She was a werewolf who probably had no idea what she got herself into.
"Name's Dean." I bit on my lip. Why I let her know my real name? I had no idea. I didn't want to think about it either. I just wanted to hold my gaze there, Letting myself to catch on those burning flames in her eyes.
"And sorry sweetheart. I'm off the sale."
I brought my lips closer to her ear so she could hear my whisper. However I hadn't to bend so much. Even without those elegant highheels, she was taller than a normal chick.
"What do you want, then?" She almost hissed on my lips before I pushed her back.
"Maybe I want you to be even more angry. Who knows?" I joked, distracting her for a second by my intentional smirk.
"You are a hunter, aren't you?" This time she surprised.
"What?" I narrowed my eyes and peaked out the tongue to wet my lips when she turned around for a second to catch a glimpse of whoever was approaching us.
"Just save my honor and then I'm yours. Kill, rape, torture. I don't mind anymore." There was no regret, shame or sorrow in her tone. She just stated it like a random proven fact. No hesitation, no hard feelings, no doubts. She was speaking like a smart commander in a war field, negotiating with her enemy to just save the day.
And to be honest I was stunned by that behavior. I know that I could resist her when she right away reached out but the thing is I didn't want to. As soon as she snaked her arms around my neck, her smell surrounded me like a trap. A captivating one. So pleasant! Then her lips were on mine in a shameless open-mouthed kiss. With her tongue dancing with mine.
I closed my eyes and immediately blood started to run wild in my veins. Every fiber, every cell were reacting to her warm body against my cold existence. It felt strange. I never was aroused by a kiss this fast. Not even when I was just a virgin teen.
"Y/n?!" A gruff voice called her. So she had to draw an unintentional groan out of me to break the kiss.
"That's him." She murmured on my lips. And I opened my eyes to look at a tall man in his fancy tuxedo. He was handsome. But not as much as he was wealthy. His watch could cost the whole hotel itself!
"What are you doing?" Eyes burning, he stared at me. Like he was watching the most terrible scene ever in his life.
"Well, ..." She smiled mischievously, getting out of my arms to stand next to me.
"Just enjoying my heat with a man who actually can handle it." She stated, smiling with her head up, radiating power.
"What..." The man's gaze shifted between us in disbelief.
"What do you ... what does ..." He was getting red by anger. And it seemed she couldn't care less.
"This is a break up, Jamie. I'm done with your endless excuses. I'm done with you, sleeping around while you can't even satisfy my needs in the bed. I need a better man."
*well, shit*
"You're … how you … can …" The man stuttered, shaking his head in disbelief. I looked around and found out people were gathering around us slowly. From the corner of my eyes I spotted two hunk in suits in front of the main door. They were definetaly bodyguards.
"That's it. We are done." She announced while everyone held their breath; watching her taking off her ring and throwing it toward her newly "ex".
"Y/N! …" The man took a step forward. His eyes were on fire and rage. Still his tone was soft, unlike his rough voice. "You can't do this. It's just a misunderstanding."
"Misunderstanding?" She laughed, tilting her head. Everyone could see how her fangs looked perfectly white and sharp: Ready, challenging, threatening!
"Is that so, Jamie?" She mocked before bringing out her phone out of her tiny clutch, throwing it to the guy after playing a video on it. By the noises I could hear, it was a sex type that made the man sweating bullets in no time.
"Now get the fuck out of my way and out of my life." She retorted, grabbing my hand. And as I was planning to win over the two bodyguards who mightly would stop us, we just reached to the main front door.
"Miss Y/l/N …" To my surprise, one of the bodyguards approached us politely. looking cool, calm, and all in control.
"You two can go home, Mark. I'm gonna spend the night with …" She hesitated and shut her eyes for a second to remember my name:
"… Dee. We probably need some private time for the next few days. I'll call you when I feel I need to get back home. But til that, I don't want any interruptions." She declared and by her steady and sure tone I could say she used to talk with them.
"But …"
"Just don't let Jamie get close to me ever again." She cut the bodyguard's word carelessly and then turned her face to look at me.
"You got any car?"
"Of course I do." I gave her my most proud smile.
"Ok then. Let's go out of here. I don't want to even take one more breath in here anymore."
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I watched enough movies and read enough comics and slept with enough women to know that Y/n was a whole different savage alpha.
She was on the baby's seat in just her one single layer fancy dress that barely covered her body while it was freezing cold outside. To the point I could feel the chill in my FBI suit and coat the moment we walked out of the hotel. And still she protested me when I turned on baby's heater.
"She was pregnant." She said bluntly, a few minutes later, looking out of the window like she could see anything in road at that dark night through baby's steamed up glass.
I looked over her and catch a glimpse of her tears before she could wipe them.
"I can't believe he did this to me. Out of all the people, Jamie was the last one I expected him to betray me." She was hurting but her voice wasn't shaky. She still sounded more angry than sad.
"Maybe he didn't. Maybe the chick misused the hit of a moment to trick him."
*Why I'm defending him? He is a freaking werewolf!*
I had no idea! Maybe I was trying to soothe her pain. But Why?
"Yeah, maybe. But after all he is the one who let the devil in!" Her sound wasn't more than a whisper but it woke the old screams of my guiltyconscience in my head:
*How many times I had let the devil get in me?*
"Screw him." She said through her clenched teeth. Then she threw her head back and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "Screw him. Screw dad. And screw the whole royal pack. Screw everything!"
I sighed, knowing she will be angry for a while. So I turned on the radio, changing the stations to find something that might distract her. I just didn't need to watch that lady's upcoming tears.
I … wanna take you so far.
Out past the Saturn rings
And into my heart
The rhythm catched my attention immediately. It sounds like a nice song. A comforting one.
I wanna drive you
Wild, wild, wild
I wanna love you
For miles and miles
I chuckled, patting Baby on the wheels.
We can go slow,
we don't need to rush
I'll take the wheel,
make you feel every touch
I wanna drive you
Wild, wild, wild
"Where is the lie, Baby? I always do." I chuckled, enjoying how the song perfectly suit us.
"Are you talking to me or to your old ass car?"
I was so ready to make Y/n regret that harsh remark, yet when I turned to give her my deadliest frown, she got me almost chocked on my tongue.
"Wha …"
A lace black lingerie hanging around the right knee, she had her legs wide open on my passenger seat‌, playing with her bare core with her delicate fingers while her left foot was using dashboard to support her weight.
Lay on the passenger's side
Tell me how fast you want
We'll get there tonight
Her right strap dropped when she jolted in her sex fever, almost revealing whole of her bare chest. And all of this was happening while she still had her eyes closed, panting in pain. I felt like I lost the ability to even form a God damn sound.
Oh, fire, you set me on fire
I swear you're the only one
I'd take on this ride
"What … are you … doing?!" My voice sounded horrible, scratchy and far. I darted my tongue to wet my lips but my mouth was already dry by watching her. It was no surprise that she didn't noticed my question. She was already lost in her body. Her neck was glistening under road's occasional faint lights and now all I could feel was her warmth in the small room of the car, already surrendered to her astounding smell, in middle of a freaking winter night.
… Oh, oh
Wanna love you
Wanna touch you
Wanna drive you
Wild, wild, wild …
I jumped out of my skin when a sudden honk drew my attention out … to the road and I finally noticed the truck that could crash us to hell if I couldn't rotate the wheel just on time.
*Dang* Something beside me hit the windshield the moment I stepped on the break. Then a shattering sound cut the air.
"Y/N!" I screamed, trying to pull over without making any other mess.
"Hey … you hear me?" I asked as I turned to see her face buried in her hairs on the dashboard. A part of the windshield was broken in an oval shape, broken pieces scattered mostly on the passenger side while the rest of it had some cracks on.
"Y/N!" I called her again but when I couldn't get any answer, I get out of the car to circulate baby and open the passenger door.
"Hey … look here, can you hear me?" I pulled her carefully back, to rest her head against the seat, securing her neck between my hands. That was when my eyes catched on the sight of a deep cut on her forehead, right under the hair line. And it was bleeding.
She moaned, goosebumps raised on her skin everywhere around my fingers.
"I think I need to lay down on the back seat." She said, before opening her eyes.
"Are you in pain?" I couldn't help myself, not knowing why I suddenly would care that much?
She smiled and I reached to wipe the oozing blood on my thumb.
"I got a first-aid box in my trunk. Just wai…"
Before I could finish my saying and right as I started to withdraw, she grabbed my arm to hold me still.
"No, help me to the back seat." For a second I got lost in her eyes, feeling an odd fultter in the dip of my stomach, pulling me like a meaningless swarf toward the magnet of her wondrous touch.
Mostly humans know that drinking sea water or getting hit by a gunshot can cause their death. But could that knowledge stop them from exploring oceans or fighting for their honor in the war fields?
"Dean …"
Well, I was a human too. A human who could be attracted to unknowns, being aware that it could be very dangerous. Or maybe more marvelous.
"You ok?" I asked as soon as I had her on my back seat, gazing at the sweat running down on the side of her face while one of my legs were resting inside of car, the other: still out, planted on the ground.
"I think I've hurt my back." I spotted a tremor in her voice as she avoided my puzzled look and stared down to her lap like she was hiding a secret there. Was that weapon still hidden there in that holster?
I checked my gun to be where it should've been. If she (as a werewolf) was up to kill me (as a hunter), I knew this could be her best shot. And honestly if It was me, I would've used the same trick.
"Are you gonna wait there for the rest of the night?" She raised her eyebrows and instantly hissed as the deep cut on her forehead got wrinkled with this simple move.
Taking a deep breath, I pulling myself completely in and closed the door behind. Well, I was aware that without any way out, she could've killed me much easier. But what kind of human could touch the moon without taking any fetal risk?
However I still didn't want to hurt her. So I hoped she wouldn't do what an enemy should do.
As I was all ready to confront her attack, she slightly turned her back to me. Then she grabbed her long hair and put them aside, giving me the access to her spine.
"Can you check it for me?"
Well, if she wanted to play, I was game too. In the end, I had killed enough werewolves to know how I could manage an alpha one like her. But … it was about something more. Something way stronger: A wild need and an ancient desire to touch her bare skin on my fingertips, tongue and teeth. A perfect example of a hunter and his prey. And yet … I was feeling like the first man who was about to discover the fire too.
"Do you want me to unzip it?" I asked to be sure. Never wanted her to feel like I would hurt her honor just because we were enemies. Even when touching her was all I could think about at the moment.
"Yes, please." She whispered and I noticed the same burning wish in her soft tone. So I couldn't help my fingers run their way on her back and touch the velvety fabric of her outfit.
She inhaled loudly as I unzipped the dress, watching the goosebumps raising on her skin as I was tracking down on her spine.
"I don't think you got any wound here."
"Then why I'm in pain?" She asked, leaning back to me. And I subconsciously pulling her dress down, not knowing why my everything wanted to touch her more?
"Hunter." Her breaths got quickened and as she rested her head back on my right shoulder and nuzzled her nose in my neck, I could tell she was still burning up.
"I'm in heat." She said, panting. And that was the moment I realized she was already lost by just imagining me inside of her.
"Y/n …"
"Dean ..." She whined as her hand found the side on my head.
"Dean, I need you." With that she pushed me down to claim my lips in a lustful kiss.
I could be a caveman or a scientist, or even an astronaut but for sure she was more than a thunderstorm or the electricity or even the mars itself.
"Ah … " She whimpered, her body twisted in my arms, like an angry wounded animal that was seeking for a remedy. From her owner.
"This is such a bad idea." I said as my hands grabbed her waist, trying to control her moves when she started to roll her hips impatiently.
"That's what people always say. To Galileo, To Da Vinci, even to ..." She claimed, taking my fingers with her delicate ones, to guide my hands up on her body.
" … to whoever with … " I stole her breath as my hands reached to her soft breasts.
"With the …"
She took a shaky breath to keep herself together. But I was that man who just had landed on the moon and now wasn't able to stop trying. So I grazed my teeth on the skin of her neck, marking her with a hickey right as I squeezed her breasts, giving her aroused nipples the special attention they deserved with my thumbs. Well, she fought to not fall apart and I had to fill her blank spaces:
"Best ideas?" I asked before biting on her lips, feeling the burning heat that was coming out of her skin. Could moon ever be the sun too?
"Hunter!" She almost cried as my left hand travels down on her belly and hips to find her already swelled bud and part her labia. "HUNTER!"
This time she really screamed as my thumb brushed her bud again while my other two digits sank in her warm core. Her walls sucked on my fingers.
I was still rubbing her nipple with my other hand when she dug her nails in my arms.
"No!" She gasped.
"No? I thought you said it's not a bad idea."
I whispered before taking her earlobe between my teeth and pulled on it as her back fought hard to arch against my body. She got speechless, drown in whatever the black hole we both had fallen into. Now time and place were lost for us so I tightened my arms more around her body.
"Shush, alpha. Take it easy." I said as I removed my fingers from where I was making her weak. And that was out of the bare truth of a human's nature. We love to possess and we love to own. Even if it's the moon and the sun or maybe a lost star in the Infinity of the universe.
She jolted forward in ecstasy and I had to grabbed her wrists firmly before she could end herself: "No."
"Please! … God." She whimpered. Thighs shaking with need and thirst. But I knew better.
"My name is Dean."
But what else could make a negligible creature like me feel like a God more than this wolf of women during her pleasure?
I kissed her shoulder and hugged her from behind, letting her cool down as our warmth were mixing in the small room of the car. She was panting again.
"Come here."
I turned her chin toward my face, tasting her lips in an open mouthed and yet tender kiss, taking my time to draw some deep moans out of her chest.
Til she was nothing more than a pounding heart or a throbbing mess and a mind which had already got blind by lust.
Somehow I wanted this prideful moment to last forever.
"Deeaaaan!" She rubbed her thighs against each other, trying her best to control her wild necessity to come. I could tell it was making her mad cause now she couldn't even sit up in my lap.
"Lay down, sweetheart" I encouraged. And as she did, I got rid of our clothes as soon as I could. When I was done, I noticed her passionate gaze on me.
"You'll be the death of me!" She admitted and I bent to lick her along her jaw.
"No, I need you alive. We still got some dirty work to do."
My whisper made her shiver. And moan. Again and again.
Looking down, I watched how her body were twisting under me, once more rubbing her thights together as I was holding her wrists up beside her head.
"Open up, alpha." I commended, reaching to her core, making her pants in pain as I mercilessly squeezed her bud.
She took another shaky breath, as she parted her legs for me. So I take the advantage to lube myself with her juice as she was already dripping.
"I said don't come yet." I slapped her breast and bent to bite her hard on the other one, sliding myself in her velvety heaven.
"DEAN!" She cried and her eyes rolled. And I tried to freeze this image in my mind. Could a God be more proud of himself?
But It was just the beginning. I decided to start my favorite rhythm to slam into her. And kept watching her bliss and how her soft and round breast were bouncing every time out hips met.
"You're doing good, sweetheart. I know you can." I could not stopped my smile when I realized she'd almost fainted, fighting against her mad orgasm.
"Aa…ha." She tried to answer but it sounded more like a painful moan which I muffled it in a kiss. Sweet and sore. Wet and shameless. We now were a part of one another. The mystery was solved. The cold God was melting in the arms of the sun. The man kind had won the moon.
"Come." I groaned and her walls clenched around me, sucking me inside of her.
Her back arched violently and I had to clutched at the leather seats to keep myself up when an unstoppable rush of pleasure hit both of us.
And just like that, we made the big trouble. The gravity that could swallow our futures all together …
"To be continued".
Temporary tag list: @akshi8278 @adoptdontshoppets @slamminmine @missafairy @anunstablefangirl @lauraashley93 @mimaria420 @roonyxx @chocolateheart @cocahood @pandaxo79 @bennyspengwing @holylulusworld
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asterekmess · 4 years
honestly, my fury at the lack of werewolf culture/history/worldbuilding is worthy of its own post. Let me know if by some ungodly chance, you actually wanna hear my thoughts on it // Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
ohmygod yes, pls, enable me.
I think I mentioned b4 that Teen Wolf hates werewolves.
This is a show about werewolves like, yeah, sure, they do other plots and stuff. But the main character is a werewolf. The vast majority of the cast are werewolves (at least in the first half of the show). But think about it. What do we actually know about werewolves? They uhh, they shift on the full moon. But like, what about the full moon? Cus’ Scott gets handcuffed to a radiator and he doesn’t shift and break out until the moon comes out from behind the clouds and he screams like it’s excruciatingly painful for him. But then Derek and his Betas are underground during their full moon, and they shift like it’s all fine and dandy (they’re furious, but there’s no pain) and it doesn’t matter whether they can see the moon or not. They, uhh, they’re allergic to wolfsbane/it’s poisonous to them (btw it’s poisonous to literally everyone, just the scent of it is enough to cause seizures and hallucinations in humans. It’s a whole other frustration that they won’t make up their fucking minds abt it. It’s one thing to say that this is some parallel universe where wolfsbane doesn’t poison humans (bc lydia makes them hallucinate with the punch but injesting that much wolfsbane should kill you, and Stiles straight pulls a plant out of the ground; should’ve caused itching, burning, a cough, nausea, fever, headache and More hallucinations) and yet Jackson has to see a doctor and gets told he’s got Aconite Poisoning. So WHAT IS THE TRUTH?) but apparently not enough for Derek not to be able to plant a wolfsbane plant and massive cord of roots (which he would’ve had to tie together himself) in a revenge spiral around Laura’s body. But just being around it causes wolves to lose control. But also there’s supposed to be different strains that do different things? And also sometimes you burn the wolfsbane and it becomes the cure, or you have to burn it out of them or you just cut it out of them? Make UP Your MIND or at least ACKNOWLEDGE that different strains do different things. They get stronger on a full moon. But does that mean they get infinitely stronger with every full moon they experience? Does that mean they get weaker during new moons? They’re stronger in packs. Okay, but they never establish what the fuck a pack is. Is it an agreement? Is it a magical bond? Scott just sort of says people are in his pack. Does that mean they are? Do the humans he knows make him stronger? Just how strong is this bond? Derek makes a claim that “You have your own pack now” so is that a joke, was he mocking scott? Or is he saying that there’s no need for an Alpha and just being a beta with some friends counts as a pack? Apparently they have some kind of...animal magnetism or mind control? Derek uses a funny voice and a guy wakes up from a near coma to look at him with seemingly no control. Peter can force Scott to shift up. Derek forces Isaac to shift down. Derek has an insane amount of control over dogs and makes one lose its fucking mind from like a hundred feet away? Scott makes one calm down, but derek sends attack dogs running with their tails between their legs. Is it actual control or is it just a persuasion? Is it just intimidation? I haven’t even gotten to culture. You’re telling me that we get an entire episode of Allison discovering the entire story behind the Argent clan’s origins as werewolf hunters, why they started, how her name means Silver and apparently that’s where the entire myth of silver hurting werewolves comes from, but we don’t get to know anything about the first werewolves? Where they come from? If they’re a form of evolution or just straight magic or if it’s a curse or a gift from the gods? There’s an entire hidden werewolf population with packs all over the world, but somehow there’s literally no wolf culture? No moon worship? No specific terminology (Alpha, Beta, and Omega are terms used by a really fucking stupid biologist who studied frantic wolves in captivity and cast aspersions on the entire species. He’s been disproven a Thousand Times. NONE of that Alpha, Beta, Omega shit is right. Packs aren’t Hierarchies of Dominance. They’re families. They’re led by two wolves, yes, an “alpha pair” that’s literally JUST THE PARENTS. THE ‘BETAS’ ARE THEIR KIDS. This terminology makes sense if used by HUNTERS who consider werewolves to be mindless dumb animals. WHY THE FUCK would werewolves use it to DESCRIBE THEMSELVES?) besides the absolute minimum of ‘I caught a scent?’ Are you serious? Then there’s werewolf ages. Oh my god that was so fucking lazy. Saying that werewolves don’t age like humans, but that Cora is seventeen “by human standards” WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? I’ve seen theories that go so many different ways. The idea that Werewolves live really long lives because of the superhealing. The idea that they live really short lives because their healing just burns through their body really quickly. The idea that their lifespan is directly correlated to the amount of damage they take because they can only heal so much, so wolves who get hurt a lot age faster than wolves who don’t. There’s NO explanation! You’d think it might be an interesting point for Scott to find out that he’s gonna live to fucking 200 years old. (How old is Satomi again?) That sounds like something a Teenager would be daunted by. We see them make fun of Stiles a few times because he believes werewolf myths about silver, and then because he believes Peter when Peter tells him he lives in a series of underground caves. But like...why not? THESE ARE WEREWOLVES why did you just make them humans with extra facial hair? Where are the traditional mating rituals (or even the concept of a mate/life partner, can you imagine how interesting that would’ve been? If Scott found out Allison was his mate? Or if he suddenly had all these weird urges around her, like rubbing their foreheads together or cuddling her way too much or wanting to bring her food? That would’ve been fascinating and hilarious as subplots for their romance!) where are the full moon runs or pack get-togethers? Where are the aversions to perfumes or cologne? Where are literally any animal behaviors besides AGGRESSION? Where is the den-making? Can werewolves eat fast food or does the grease bug them? Talia was a famous Alpha bc she could full shift. Does anyone know why she could do that? “Evolution” is a bullshit answer, let’s be real. It’s shitty writing and it put Derek through so much more than he deserved. THEY ACCIDENTALLY ESTABLISHED that ALL HALES can full-shift! IT’s NOT EVOLUTION. It’s BIRTHRIGHT. Talia fullshifted. Peter full-shifted (though his was distorted into the monster thingy. That wasn’t anything like Deucalion’s shift. It was a FULL SHIFT) Laura could full shift bc she did it after she died. No other werewolves on the show turned into full wolves after death, even if they died with wolfsbane in their system? MALIA could full-shift into a coyote. LITERALLY EVERY HALE except Cora and that’s bc she got booted back to South America COuld FULL SHIFT (and it never happened after they lost all of their wolf powers, that coud’ve been an interesting plot if they didn’t FUCK IT UP.) But still there’s no explanation, or even just acknowledgement? You don’t have to spell it out for us, but at least SAY “Hey, so the Hale family is really powerful and all of us can full-shift. Not sure why, but it’s neat.) I’m still stuck on rituals. Routines. Werewolf mores. Social cues. Are there certain smells they’re supposed to ignore? Is it polite to pretend you don’t hear someone coming up to your house until they knock? Do they have rules about waiting until the Alpha eats before they start eating (much like how lots of traditional households wait for the father to dig in, or whoever is head of household)? Is it tradition to homeschool werewolves for the first few years until they learn control? Are there seriously no rules about biting humans? You don’t have to talk to their parents or have a specific conversation with them? And if werewolves are so dominance/hierarchy based, then you’re telling me there’s no “second-in-command” or respectful greetings that are supposed to be used for an Alpha? There’s absolutely no form of werewolf government or ancient laws or anything except a big spiral that is universally recognized as a sign you’re gonna kill people? What was the wolfsbane around Laura’s body for? Why make the spiral out of that instead of just drawing in the dirt or something? We make a lot of jokes about Derek being bad with his words, but so is Peter and so is Cora. And they’re the only born wolves we interact with (except Satomi who ALSO isn’t a chatterbox) What if that’s not just because they’re all traumatized and cranky? What if they’re just speaking on a different level? Scents and body language are integral to wolf interaction. Like how we say that Peter has that conversation with Derek’s eyebrows? What if Derek’s so fucking pissed all the time because he hates talking to Scott because SCott ISN”T LISTENING to his body language and scent and chemosignals? He tells Scott to use all his senses, and Scott does it fucking once to say that Peter felt “Angry” and never again. What if Derek is Talking PLENTY (with his body and movements and reactions) but Scott just isn’t paying attention? Isaac seems to understand Derek just fine. Erica and Boyd never complain that Derek is lying to them or ‘keeping something’ from them? What if the reason Scott always thinks Derek’s hiding something is because he isn’t reading the rest of Derek’s conversation and he assumes that the empty feeling is Derek lying. Even STILES seems to understand Derek. He’s human, but he goes totally wolfy. He already uses body language a lot and while he gets mad at Derek he never has to ask what the fuck derek is saying or what he’s holding back. I digress. I wanna know why no other packs came to help Derek and Laura after their family died. I wanna know why Emissaries and Druids are so incredibly important to the supernatural/werewolf world but Derek barely knew they existed (Especially when it’s established that he know tons of lore about other species.) and even though every single pack should have an emissary, they never handle who is the emissary for Derek’s pack or for Scott’s pack (Once again, is an emissary bound to their pack somehow or is it just an agreement?). I wanna know why Derek knew Satomi and trusted her but for some reason never felt like he could ask her for help? Centuries of hiding and living amongst humans with almost no wolf behavior to their name, but none of these packs interact? There’s Druid Vets and Hunter cops and Emissary counselors. But no werewolf doctors? No werewolf teachers? Absolutely no werewolf society? If Derek was worried about Paige not accepting that he was a werewolf unless she became one, what does that say about his experience with humans? He says “there were people in my family that were perfectly ordinary in that house” who died in the fire. But wouldn’t he talk to a human pack member about his worries, if he had one? Or even a bitten pack member? He admits he doesn’t know how to train a Bitten wolf. He’s never been called out by a human pack member for using phrases like ‘caught a scent’ or for reacting to things he shouldn’t. Does this mean Derek’s family was entirely werewolves? No humans in the know? No bitten wolves? He has a huge thing about keeping the secret and never letting anyone in on it unless they get dragged into it. Did Derek’s pack have some kind of prejudice against humans? Was Derek raised to believe humans were weak or cowardly or something, that he thought this beautiful girl would automatically hate him and expose him if she were to discover the supernatural without being forced into silence by self-preservation.
Lots of times, it’s easy to forget in this fandom that so much is missing, because we’ve been filling in the gaps for so long that some stuff is practically canon. It’s generally assumed that the Hales were homeschooled before high school. It’s generally assumed that there’s some kind of bond that marks people as pack. We instinctively add in mentions of Scent and the use of the shift (growling, claws, a hint of fang, flashing eyes) as part of the casual communication between characters. We add in scent-marking and territory boundaries and specific roles in the pack. We do all of that and never think twice because it’s already in all the fic. But we did that. The show gave us nothing. It spent an entire season talking about the nogitsune and the oni and how they’re summoned and what kitsune fox tails are for, but we never got to find out why wolves can do the pain-drain (or even if it dissipates the pain or just transfers it to the wolf doing the draining) or if Derek Hale EVEN HAS A DAD.
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imlostinsantacarla · 4 years
(a/n: this wasn’t requested, i’m just teen wolf trash rn and i miss writing for the fandom. also, did i mention i’m in love with cora hale? so since i’ve done a cuddling hc for erica i decided to do one for cora bc she also deserves so much love and was such an underrated character as well. - admin kat🌙❣)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Cuddling with Cora Hale Headcanons:
° regardless of your gender, size and height, cora hale is hands down the big spoon 99% of the time when it comes to cuddling. i imagine this to be bc of her protective nature of those she holds nearest to her heart, but also bc she’s lost so much already, she doesn’t want to lose you; and by holding you, it’s a reminder to her that you’re there, solid and real.
° she always has her face buried into your back or shoulders, and you always feel her lips graze your skin in a soft sincere smile. it makes your heart flutter, to which she always comments on.
° “why did your heart do that weird thing again?”
° “what weird thing?”
° “that weird thing it does when you feel me smile against your skin?”
° “well there’s your answer.”
° but there’re some days where she needs to be held and you literally jump at the opportunity to hold her, being the big spoon or having her lay on top of you. the first time it happened was when the alphas broke into the loft and almost killed derek, she felt scared and vulnerable, reminded once again that not just hunters can come into her life and take away her family.
° cora isn’t always good with her words, she shows how she feels about someone through her actions; and it’s common for her to show her love for you when you’re cuddling. it’s shown in the way she grips you tighter to her, smooths hair out of your face or kisses your forehead.
° and she predominantly shows her affection and love for you through actions bc sometimes due to her bluntness, she can come across as really acerbic or flat? but overtime you’ve begun to be able to decipher what she really means. showing feelings can be difficult for her.
° cora does tell you she loves you, i suppose out of all the hale’s she is the most playful, but only with you.
° “i love you, you big doofus!”
° “shut up, i love you.”
° “you look really beautiful today. i just wanted you to know.”
° derek walks in on you guys cuddling all the time and he’s always clearing his throat to which cora no longer even acknowledges him any more. she used to lift her head up and quirk her brow at him before rolling her eyes and resuming to holding you.
° “what? it’s not like we’re butt naked and fucking or anything.”
° “you guys fu- actually, don’t answer that! i don’t wanna know!”
° “cora!”
° you always lay your head on her chest when you cuddle and naturally her fingers nestle lovingly in your hair. she’s really so soft for you, even scott’s pack tease her about it. she used to get mad and punch the guys, but now she just rolls her eyes and becomes pouty, but she can’t deny it... she is soft for you.
° when you’re alone, cora will gravitate towards you, placing herself in your arms, her head on your shoulder or in your chest. over time, she really allows herself to be vulnerable with you, letting you hold her.
° it was a huge milestone when cora fell asleep on you when you guys were cuddling and watching a movie. it meant that she trusted you. you never let her or the pack hear the end of it for like three months!
° “guys! did i tell you how cora fell asleep in my arms-”
° “yes, for the hundredth time, in fact! now will you shut up about cora falling asleep while you cuddle? we have danger coming for our asses left, right and center!”
° when she’s extra grouchy and just having a bad day you blow raspberry kisses on her neck. she pretends to be annoyed but then she starts grinning so wide and giggling. that always cheers her up.
° no one would ever really believe you, but cora initiates most of the cuddling and you can’t change my mind!
° cuddling often turns to adventurous hands and deep kisses with bottom lips softly nibbled...
° and once that starts, the cuddling sessions are on a time out and other activities ensue, leaving you breathless and hot and bothered.
° but you two pick up on cuddling right after though.
° cora will often pull you into her lap when you’re studying. she’ll just watch you study, having long forgotten her own homework.
° “why are you staring at me?”
° “because you’re more interesting than chemistry and math.”
° “fair enough.”
° you end up using cuddles as a reward for cora when she finishes at least two hours of studying with you. but even if she’s defiant and chooses not to study, she’ll just cuddle you anyway.
° you rub circles on her back and she  m e l t s ! ! !
° you kiss all over her face as well, which she pulls a ‘i’m done with you’ expression, but she secretly loves it and you even know it.
° “what are you, my grandma/grandpa?”
° “a hot grandma/grandpa!”
° “ew, you’re gross.”
° “and you love it! don’t lie.”
° she loves cuddling on days where the sun shines through the windows. she falls asleep on those days. you swear she’s a cat in disguise.
° cora can be pretty goofy when she cuddles, sprinkling her fingers on your sides, softly nipping your shoulders with her teeth, pinching you softly to get your attention on her. she’s an attention whore, but only for your attention.
° when you guys fall asleep whilst cuddling, you’re always holding hands. it’s the sweetest thing ever!
° you like to trace over her facial features when she’s thinking and you’re cuddling, it makes her smile and then kiss your knuckles sweetly.
° “what’re you thinking about, dumb dumb?”
° “about taking you back to south america with me. i’d really love for you to see where i spent most of my life.”
° “really?!”
° “yes, you doofus!”
° after she’s been in a battle she always heads to your house after in the dead of night, sneaking in through your window, climbing in under the sheets and snuggling into your side. she’s freezing from the cold air, which prompts you awake with a jolt.
° “you’re cold!”
° “shhh... i won’t be for much longer. go back to sleep.”
° “are you hurt?”
° “not any more.”
° sometimes she’ll be laying on your bed, looking up at the ceiling and you’ll suddenly run and jump on top of her like a total starfish. it knocks the wind out of you both but you both start laughing.
° “what the hell was that for?”
° “i wanted your attention.”
° “well you have it now.”
° once she moved out of the way and you flew off your bed, to which she caught you before you hit the ground and placed you in her lap with the silliest grin plastered on her face. “asshole...” you’d muttered and pouted, “sorry, what was that? i didn’t quite hear you.”
° you tend to talk most during cuddle sessions, and cora doesn’t mind bc she’s a great listener and loves the sound of your voice.
° you guys share a lot of kisses when you cuddle. in fact, there’s a lot of kisses, and derek hates hearing it. “can you guys stop already? it’s the fiftieth time you’ve kissed in the past minute!” he’d gripe irritably. “wait until we start making out, then you’ll hear the noises from downtown, asshat.” cora would mutter with a smug smirk on her face. 
° even when it’s hot out, cora is latched onto you like a tiny koala bear. she’ll rarely let you get out of her grasp.
° “i’m gonna pee myself, cora.”
° “fine, go!”
° “thanks!”
° you latch onto her a lot too though, especially in school when you’re walking down the hallways. you’re behind her with your hands wrapped around her waist. at first she wasn’t comfortable with it, but as time has gone on she can’t help but grin when people look at you like you’re crazy bc she’d normally knock anyone else out who tried anything like that with her.
° when the two of you cuddle, in the safety of each other’s embraces, it’s when cora will tell you her secrets, her fears, her hopes, her dreams. she’s really blunt in general, but there’s an infinite amount of trust when you two are together. she tells you what she’s thinking because she trusts you and cares what you think.
° she’s totally the type of person that draws patterns on your skin then pretends to erase them and start again. it makes you laugh and smile a lot because there’s no trace of the patterns, so she doesn’t need to rub on your skin to get rid of them. but she insists she has to. like she  i n s i s t s  mate.
° cuddles aren’t quick with cora. be prepared to be there with her for hours on end.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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epicstuckyficrecs · 4 years
Weekly Recap | March 9-22
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Didn’t even realize but I completely forgot the recap for the week of March 9th to March 15th because I was too busy trying to find a flight home from Scotland (fuck coronavirus and bojo!!!) So now you get two weeks worth of fics!
good on my own (needed me) by mcwho (Modern AU, Teacher Bucky | 12K | Explicit): There are some mistakes that could be made by anybody. Anybody. Bucky taught high school pretty much his whole life, and that was fine, those were kids, and he knew all of them anyway, which meant there was very little chance of him accidentally fucking any of his students during an impulsive post-marital-breakdown Grindr hook-up. Which is exactly what he had done with Steve.
💙 The Conservation of a 17th Century Painting by birdjay/ @bird-jay (Modern AU, Artist Steve | 13K | Explicit): Well. He does live alone, and it’s not like anyone would find out. He could safely stick his hand down his pants right now and not have to worry about it. He’s jerked off loads of times in his own apartment. It’s...healthy to let stress out this way...right? And the fact that it’s to a doctor of art history isn’t weird. Or at least, not super weird. People have masturbated to weirder things. Steve knows that for sure. And it’s not like Dr. Barnes is rough on the eyes or anything, either. He’s quite possibly the most handsome man Steve’s looked at in months. And, well, there’s the whole art side to things, as well. (Part 1 of The Met: Art Conservation Studies)
Re-framing the Canvas by birdjay/ @bird-jay (Modern AU | 4K | Explicit): Steve and Dr. Barnes's first date. (Part 2 of The Met: Art Conservation Studies)
Perfectly Mad by ClaraxBarton/ @claraxbarton​ (PWP, Shrunkyclunks | 2,2K | Explicit): Whoever had decided to seat Steve beside Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes - eldest son of President Winifred Barnes, war hero, recently returned from a three month stay as a hostage of an offshoot of the same terrorist group that had once held Tony Stark - was clearly an idiot. Actually, in Steve’s opinion, whoever had thought Barnes attending the dinner at all was an idiot. Whoever had thought inviting Steve to the dinner was an idiot.
own me, i'll let you play the role (i'll be your animal) by voxofthevoid/ @voxofthevoid​ (Werewolf Steve, PWP | 6,7K | Explicit): He wanders into a clearing, the same one where he stood, almost three months ago, watching the Quinjet while waiting for Steve to come running to him. It was the start of something…educational. It’s one thing to take Steve as he is, another to love it the way Bucky did. He has no regrets. He’s been worse things than a monster-fucker. - Bucky’s not wearing red, but he’s got a big, bad wolf on his tail. (Part 3 of 💙in this story, you have claws)
i look like all you need by howdoyousleep/ @howdoyousleep3​ (PWP, Daddy Bucky | 4,9K | Explicit): “Steve,” James starts, voice so low and so deep, a shiver running down Steve’s spine, “Baby, you can either come here and stand in front of me…or I’ll drag you by your fucking hair and put you there. Choose.” (Part 1 of Daddy James Bucky Barnes/Twink Steve)
i'm seein' the pain, seein' the pleasure by howdoyousleep/ @howdoyousleep3​ (PWP, Daddy Bucky | 1,8K | Explicit): Steve had barely been able to keep up, gasping and trying to ask what James was doing, his thigh pulled up and hiked around a thick waist, a filthy roll of James’ hips. James had whispered low in his ear, “Wouldn’t be a good Daddy if I didn’t make sure my sweet boy got to bed…” (Part 2 of Daddy James Bucky Barnes/Twink Steve)
💙 No One Else by howdoyousleep/ @howdoyousleep3​ (Sugar Daddy Steve | 12K | Explicit): And now here he is, walking up the steps to Steve’s brownstone at 12:03 in the morning on a Thursday night. He’s standing there like a fucking idiot with his tail between his legs, his hand coming up to ring the doorbell and falling back to his side maybe 8 times, and he lets out a shaky sigh. What if Steve wasn’t awake? Was this out of line? Showing up to his house in the middle of the fucking night? Fuck. (Part 1 of Modern Daddy Steve Rogers/Young Bucky Barnes)
Never Before by howdoyousleep/ @howdoyousleep3​ (PWP | 5,6K | Explicit): Before Steve, Bucky enjoyed sex, engaging in it frequently with various partners, enjoying himself and the pleasure he could bring others. But when Steve came along his world was flipped upside-fucking-down. Bucky had never felt so desperate, so needy, so pathetic for someone. He had never once been brought to tears during sex or because of sex but Steve brought them out of him almost every time, whether it be from the sex itself or for begging for it. He had no idea what his body and what his mind were capable of during sex until he came along. It was like Bucky had never had sex before Steve entered his life. (Part 2 of Modern Daddy Steve Rogers/Young Bucky Barnes)
Slumber by howdoyousleep/ @howdoyousleep3​ (PWP, Daddy Steve | 4,1K | Explicit): “Bucky, honey. Can’t get enough even when you’re sleepin’, huh?” (Part 3 of Modern Daddy Steve Rogers/Young Bucky Barnes)
Mad With It by howdoyousleep/ @howdoyousleep3​ (PWP | 3,9K | Explicit): “Bucky, come here.” Fuck that. He doesn’t move. He doesn’t move and he finds himself gritting out, “Make me.” He knows he’s being a brat, knows he has been all damn day. He knows Steve is being as sweet as can be, trying to be supportive, but he can only take so much. (Part 5 of Modern Daddy Steve Rogers/Young Bucky Barnes)
Cyclone by howdoyousleep/ @howdoyousleep3​ (PWP | 4,9K | Explicit): “Listen to those manners, baby, so good. You can have all of Daddy’s cock you want but you better fucking work for it.” (Part 6 of Modern Daddy Steve Rogers/Young Bucky Barnes)
Delirious by howdoyousleep/ @howdoyousleep3​ (PWP | 2,8K | Explicit): “Fuck, honey you look so good takin’ it for me. That little cock has come twice already and look how hard it is for Daddy. Said you couldn’t come and look at you about to come all over my cock.” (Part 7 of Modern Daddy Steve Rogers/Young Bucky Barnes)
I Just Wanna Tell You Somethin' by howdoyousleep/ @howdoyousleep3​ (PWP | 1,4K | Explicit): Bucky had been so preoccupied at the library studying with Natasha that he hadn’t even realized his phone had been ringing. Or that he had missed quite a handful of text messages. Luckily it was only one missed call, but his stomach clenched nervously when he saw that there was a voicemail. A long voicemail. (Part 8 of Modern Daddy Steve Rogers/Young Bucky Barnes)
Lately You've Been on my Mind by howdoyousleep/ @howdoyousleep3​  (PWP | 1,8K | Explicit):  As soon as Steve’s office door is closed behind him, he lets out an incredibly deep sigh, his tense shoulders slumping, his eyes falling shut. Meeting after meeting after meeting had consumed his day and most of them had unfortunately been arduous with difficult clients and a test of patience. Steve needed to go home for the weekend and it felt like he needed it more than he needed to breathe. He slips his phone from his pocket and immediately curses. He missed a call from Bucky. (Part 9 of Modern Daddy Steve Rogers/Young Bucky Barnes)
💙 Gym Day by howdoyousleep/ @howdoyousleep3​ (PWP | 19K | Explicit): He sits up and rolls his neck, hands planted on either side of his hips on the wooden bench beneath him, focusing on his posture, and looks over at the man sitting with him. Oh shit. (Part 1 of Non-Serum Steve Rogers/Winter Solider Bucky Barnes| Shrinkyclinks)
Easy Like Sunday Mornin' by howdoyousleep/ @howdoyousleep3​ (PWP | 3,2K | Explicit): Today is a Sunday and the universally-accepted laziness of the day may be why Steve finds himself wanting it slow and sweaty and deep. Bucky didn’t ask questions. (Part 2 of Non-Serum Steve Rogers/Winter Solider Bucky Barnes| Shrinkyclinks)
💙 Right in my Space by howdoyousleep/ @howdoyousleep3​ (PWP | 9K | Explicit): Fuck. Steve’s head falls against the door with a gentle thump that he knows Bucky has to hear from the other side. Bucky was the absolute best and the absolute worst thing he could have seen on the other side of his door, especially with his slightly muddled red-wine-filled brain. He has worked so hard to avoid this moment, has hurt himself over and over again, and here he is feeling vulnerable standing at his door at midnight while the guy he definitely doesn’t want to date and definitely might not be in love with stands on the other side. (Part 3 of Non-Serum Steve Rogers/Winter Solider Bucky Barnes| Shrinkyclinks)
life is but a dream by howdoyousleep/ @howdoyousleep3​ (PWP | 2,3K | Explicit): “Beg for it.” The phrase bounces around in Bucky’s brain like a pinball, off different sides, rolling around the curvature of his skull. His eyes are open, but his vision is a little hazy, can make out Steve’s slim backside as it hovers over Bucky’s angry erection, his amused but hot facial expression. Steve lets go of Bucky’s dick, smacks his hand down hard on his stomach instead, “Gone on me already, honey?” (Part 4 of Non-Serum Steve Rogers/Winter Solider Bucky Barnes| Shrinkyclinks)
Edging Closer by leveragehunters (Monkeygreen)/ @leveragehunters​ (Modern AU | 1,4K | Teen): Bucky had an apartment of his very own (okay, technically he co-owned it with the bank) and a neighbour of his very own: Steve Rogers, tall, blond, built and ridiculously kind. Sure, Bucky had accused said neighbour of being a butt-pic snapping pervert, but amazingly enough he'd been forgiven. In fact, he'd been more than forgiven, but even after dating Steve for not-quite-a-year, Bucky's eyebrows shot up when Steve dropped down next to him on the couch and casually asked, "Do you want to try edging this weekend?" (Part 2 of Two Men and a Single Entendre)
💙 Like it's the Only Thing I'll Ever Do by howdoyousleep/ @howdoyousleep3​ (ABO AU | 3/4 | 22K | Explicit): When Steve opens the door, Bucky feels like he’s been living in clouds for the past few days, maybe even his entire life. Steve is life, Steve is happiness, Steve is the sun. He has such a visceral reaction to seeing the Alpha that he feels his knees go weak, feels his body draw tight towards the other man, pulled in. Or big Alpha Steve moves into sweet little Omega Bucky's apartment building and a roller-coaster build of a romance ensues.
💙 the reverie was not of me, you never saw nothing (so good for you and good for me) by voxofthevoid/ @voxofthevoid​ (Canon divergent | 2/? | 15K | Explicit): S.H.I.E.L.D and the Red Room throw Captain America and the Winter Soldier together for yet another mission. Serendipity is a tricky thing. (Part 2 of lay your heart into my perfect machine)
The Mnemosyne Project by onymousann (Post-WS | 2/? | 4,5K | Explicit): Someone's trying to talk to the Winter Soldier. Steve intends to find out who. (Part 2 of ocean eyes)
Paradise Lost (& Found) by JJK/ @trenchcoatsandtimetravel​ (Modern AU | 28/? | 62K | Mature): Meeting at a tropical resort AU where Steve is there on a 2-week honeymoon package after his fiancee left him at the altar, and Bucky is there for his sister’s destination wedding but doesn’t have a room because there was a mix up with the reservations in the system.
💙 Whip Crack by Quarra/ @quarra​ (Tentacles AU | 109K | 13/? | Explicit): Tentacle Monster Steve is captured by Hydra. They send in the Winter Soldier with a bull whip to break him, but as far as Steve's concerned the most beautiful creature he's ever seen walked in to his cell and started waving a sexy black tentacle at him. It's love at first sight.
wild at heart by spacebuck/ @spacebuck​ (Shrunkyclunks, Soulmates AU | 11K | Explicit): Steve's volunteering when he meets his soulmate, and the cheetahs Bucky's responsible for make pretty good matchmakers, too.
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raleighliving · 3 years
Raleigh Apartment Culture
So I'm of the mind that Raleigh is a great place to live. It has my favorite things, my favorite people, and I'm too broke to move anywhere else.
Raleigh works for me, but I recognize it doesn't work for everyone. Some people had less than ideal childhoods and wanna escape the state ASAP, some just want to live closer to their dream jobs or have new opportunities. That's all fine, but what if this describes where you are now?
What if, for the sake of argument, you're outside of NC and wanna move in? Moving is expensive, time-consuming, and risky at the best of times; so you wanna make sure that wherever you're landing is at least as good as where you started 90% of the time
"But RL," I hear you say, "you make Raleigh sound like an idyllic dreamscape populated with parks and a diverse kumbayah of peoples living in harmony"
I do talk about Raleigh in a positive light but, like a life saving medicine flavored like ass, sometimes you have to take the good with the bad.
So before you spend thousands of dollars on moving vans, boxes, and grits; here's a crash course on what it's like living in a Raleigh apartment, coming from someone whose majority of Raleigh Living (heh) has been in apartments.
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First off, location. Any realtor will tell you that location is 80% of the sale to sound profound, and as anyone who has lived in the middle of ass-backward nowhere can tell you: It sucks having to drive 30 minutes to go anywhere.
Good news: With the Raleigh Beltline and connecting roads, there are very few places in Raleigh where your trip will last longer than thirty minutes one-way. Bad News: where you set down still matters because cutting down on travel is important for car and mental health.
North Raleigh is different from south Raleigh is different from northwest Raleigh, and the locals aren't the only difference you'll find between locations. Each segment of Raleigh has something to offer, with easier access to some attractions than others and neighboring cities for when you need something outside the RDU area.
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Using downtown as the center of our wheel, people generally divide Raleigh into North and South Raleigh (with distinction given for NW, SE, NE, etc when needed). N.Raleigh is considered generally more upscale, a slice of suburban living interspersed with plenty of shopping centers for families and the moderately wealthy; but it's boring as all hell.
Want some fun? Excitement in the evenings and a more traditional urban experience with bars, night clubs, strip clubs, and more? South Raleigh is your best bet, at the cost of being the "sketchy" side of Raleigh. That kind of place where you'll see a bunch of auto shops that look abandoned but haven't been closed in the past 5 years and there's at least one customer from time to time.
Of course, this is a lot of generalizing but you'll find that it's still mostly accurate. The main exception in this is Capital Blvd, a highway cutting across north and south Raleigh on the eastern half of the city; a high crime corridor that's undergoing some changes in the northern half that have (somewhat) reduced crime but most people will still associate that area with the majority of Raleigh's crime and debauchery.
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More importantly, is the distinction Raleigh citizens put on inside the beltline versus outside the beltline. The I-440 and 540 highways that wrap around Downtown form the mythical beltline, and to a degree what you have access to. Inside the beltline is the majority of workplaces, stores, and shopping centers; while outside you'll still have these things just to a more... dispersed extent.
North Raleigh actually kinda exemplifies this perfectly. Living inside the beltline, you have access to places like North Hills, Crabtree Valley mall, and Triangle Town Center. Live outside the beltline, like I currently am, and you're looking at 10 to 15 minutes to the nearest sheetz for that late night double hot dog fix.
So for point one: How important is it that you're near things? The majority of apartments and rental properties are in or around the belt-line, but if you want to save some cash on rent checks the cheaper properties are gonna extend your trips a bit.
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Next, what can you expect in terms of neighbors? Does Raleigh have a hip party scene full of teens renting cheap apartments and blasting trap music at 3AM?
Depends on where you live
I swear not every point is going to be this, but there's an important distinction this time that affects the type of people your complex will likely have surrounding you; are you in North or South Raleigh?
North Raleigh has a ton of pre-schools, k-12 public schools (Leesville, Hillburn, Lead Mine, just to name a few), and office complexes that make up the job market. As a result the majority of apartment renters in north Raleigh tend to be families with a few small kids or so.
As a result, living off of Glenwood North and Edwards Mill I never had any noise problems from neighbors, the worst being kids playing outside at 3PM sounding like they were being murdered (which apparently is a common thing and I apologize to any neighbors I frightened with ghastly shrieks).
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What I did have a problem with, however, was the typical Karen's you hear people complain about online. Renting a property now, we have access to our neighborhood's NextDoor page and it's hilarious sometimes to go on and read the comments, but living at a certain property we had a sort of mini-Facebook for residents
That thing was always full of either people who were moving out looking to sell their furniture or people passive-aggressively challenging each other/the apartment managers with comments about things happening around the complex.
Once I logged in to see one man accuse another, without ever actually accusing someone specific ("I know who did it and they should be ashamed" type post) of putting glass beer bottles under the tires of his truck to try and puncture them. Everyone acts civil in public, but then online they'll stir the pot harder than a chef with a hand mixer.
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South Raleigh, you have the schools like Shaw University, Meredith, and NCSU; so the people renting down there are typically college kids. You'll see more apartments that cater towards them like University Village or University Woods, but sometimes these places will cater to both college kids and working adults
Avoid these places like the plague, because despite sometimes having a lower cost to live there the neighbors and their shenanigans will drive you up the wall (unless you're the type to join in, then go wild).
I've had friends stay at places like University Village and The Proper (formerly The Vie, formerly Wolf Creek) who've shared horror stories. 3AM parties ending in property damage or vomit in inconvenient places, drug deals not even trying to be subtle, and maintenance workers doing nothing because regardless of the apartment conditions; no school's gonna pull their contract with them unless news articles start getting written.
Otherwise, south Raleigh apartments are largely like north Raleigh apartments; except the crime rate tends to be a little higher and you'll run into more singles and people working full time.
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Otherwise, Raleigh apartment culture is like apartment culture anywhere else in the country. You have a mix of apartments catering to those just looking to live versus more ostentatious luxury apartments with fancy pools, exercise facilities, and tech packages to draw people in.
If you're renting in Raleigh, however, do try to get a roommate or two if you can manage. Even with a decent job paying 800+ on a one bedroom one bath apartment can be exhausting at best, but with even one other person that can functionally halve your expenses
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So if you're a young professional, or a student, or even if you have a small family, I can safely recommend renting in Raleigh. There's plenty of places that'll accommodate you, and cater towards your needs.
But what about everyone else? Are there people who shouldn't rent in Raleigh?
But there are groups who I'd seriously ask to consider their other choices before picking Raleigh as a destination for their new home.
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For instance, are you a member of the LGBT community? A trans or non-binary individual? Well then, first off, I want you to know that you're loved and valid. I'm accepting of who you are and appreciate everyone's right to identify how they choose, but I'm not everyone.
Raleigh's bluer than other parts of North Carolina, as I've stated in other blog write-ups, but it's still part of North Carolina unfortunately and as a result, you'll face some challenges.
I doubt anyone's gonna burn a cross in your yard or knock over your mailbox, but Raleigh doesn't offer LGBT protections for housing, jobs, or credit/lending discriminations according to the Movement Advancement Project's website.
We have support organizations for LGBT and NB individuals, plenty of high schools and colleges have Gay-Straight Alliance clubs, and there are numerous businesses downtown that cater specifically to those individuals... but we're also the state that got into a lot of hot water because of a stupid bathroom bill, and our politicians are trying to pass anti-trans sports legislation (because they now magically care about the integrity of womens sports).
By that measure, but to a lesser extent, if you fall outside the Liberal/Conservative political spectrum then be prepared to have no one to discuss your politics with outside of a few sparse networks like the DSA.
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Additionally, if you don't have someone to room with or a significant other to split costs with; you may want to try searching somewhere a little cheaper.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Raleigh housing prices aren't terrible for a major metropolitan city, but we're not the best prices in the world.
You can get prices on apartments and rentals lower than say, California or New York. However, compared to other parts of NC like Greensboro or Garner; rentals are still a bit much.
On average, a Raleigh apartment can run you about $900 for a single bedroom and a single bathroom. You can find cheaper, but often times there's some risk associated (Crime levels, quality of the room, quality of the property manager, etc.) Looking for a two bedroom? Then your average price is gonna jump up to around $1,200, and this is all before utilities and cable come into play.
It's true a lot of companies around here will pay more than the $7.25 minimum wage, but most low-skilled jobs will pay around 10-11 an hour.
I guess though, that's kind of an obvious statement. "Don't live in Raleigh if you can't afford to live in Raleigh."
I might expand on these thoughts at a later time, but hopefully for now I've given you some food for thought; or at the very least an entertaining read for a few minutes.
I love my city, and I love the friends I've made in it, but the sad truth is that nowhere is perfect for everyone; leastways Raleigh. If Raleigh sounds like the kind of place you'd like to live in, at least take a day trip to come visit and see how things go that way. Visit some stores, meet some locals, and form an opinion off of more than travel blogs and youtube videos.
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ellewritesathing · 4 years
So Close - S.S. XIII
Summary: The universe has a funny way of putting the things you want right in front of you, but just out of reach. Stiles and Y/N have been best friends ever since Scott brought him home, but when Stiles realizes that he might want to be something other than best friends, she leaves to go to some fancy private school up North. Now that she’s back though … maybe he’s got a shot? A Teen Wolf AU in which the reader has always been so close to Stiles and yet so far.
Prologue - S2E1 Part 1 - S2E2 + S2E3 Part 2 - S2E4 + S2E5 + S2E6 Part 3 -  S2E7 +S2E8 Part 4 - S2E9 + S2E10 Part 5 - S2E11 + S2E12 Part 6 Part 7 - S3AE1 Part 8 - S3AE2 + S3AE3 Part 9 - S3AE4 Part 10 - S3AE5 + S3AE6 Part 11 - S3AE7 + S3AE8 Part 12 - S3AE9 + S3AE10 + S3AE11 Part 13 - S3AE11 + S3AE12
Word-count: 3.7k+
A/N: I’m starting to feel like three seasons of slow burn is getting a bit much but I’m super excited for you guys to experience the angst that is 3B. For now though, I really hope you guys like how I wrapped up 3A!! Let me know what you think :)
Oh and there’s like one swearword in this part if you guys need a warning
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When the alarm woke you up, Stiles had already left. He left a post-it note on your phone with his reason; that he had to go tell Lydia what was going on before school. He found your mom’s keys and left them on the bedside table for you so you could drive yourself to school. How chivalrous.
The rest of the day wasn’t much better. You didn’t have the same classes as your friends, so you only saw them when the lunch bell rang and you found them in the hallway. You were on the phone with Isaac when you did and he was telling you that Blake had taken Chris in the bank vault. You weren’t really focused on what he was saying anymore because you were watching Lydia drag Stiles into the bathroom.
“Allison and I are heading to school now so-”
“Uh, Isaac? Don’t come to school. I’ll grab the others and meet you at Deaton’s. I’ll call you back once we’re on your way.” You hung up before he had the opportunity to argue with you and shoved your phone into your pocket. Something didn’t feel right.
Ignoring the pit in your stomach, you pushed the door open and went inside. It took you a second to find them, and it felt like your heart was being ripped out once you did. They were kissing. In your hurried attempt to leave, you knocked over a trash can. Stumbling out an apology, you rushed out and ignored their calls after you.
“Hey, Y/N! Y/N, will you please slow down?” Stiles caught your wrist and pulled you back. “That wasn’t- it wasn’t what it looked like.”
“So, what, Lydia was just helping you out with your algebra homework?” you asked, shaking your head. “Stiles, it’s not like we’re dating. If you wanna make out with Lydia, that’s your own-”
“I wasn't making out with Lydia.”
“So what were you doing?”
“I was-” Stiles sighed. “Look, she kissed me, okay? I didn't kiss her back.”
“You didn’t exactly pull away either.” You pulled your hand back and got ready to start walking again, but Lydia made you stop. She had that weird look on her face again.
“Has anyone seen Ms. Morrell today?” she asked.
You filed away your anger as you, Lydia, and Stiles rushed to Morrell’s office. When Danielle said she didn’t know why Morrell was late, you all agreed that if she wasn’t on time for a session, then she was probably missing. Stiles started digging through her desk for clues.
“Those files are private,” Danielle told him.
“Yeah, she’s kind of right,” Lydia said. She looked uncomfortable, but her discomfort faded as soon as Stiles started handing out files.
You’d been seeing Morrell when you transferred to Beacon Hills, and when Stiles dug out your file, your curiosity got the better of you. You only managed to skim a few phrases - problems expressing your emotions, defensive, in a sense of denial of why you’d been kicked out of Willow Creek - before Stiles and Lydia started talking again. Lydia’s file was full of her tree drawings.
“It’s the same one I always see you drawing in class,” Stiles argued.
“It’s a tree. I like drawing trees,” Lydia said simply.
“No, but it’s the exact same one.” Stiles came closer and you closed your file so you could be more involved. Stiles grabbed Lydia’s notebook and started flipping through the pages - they were all littered with drawings of the exact same tree. It reminded you of when you used to draw the wolves.
“Okay, you can have my session! You’ve got bigger issues,” Danielle said as she gathered her things and headed for the door. You would’ve laughed if the situation hadn’t been so eerie.
Lydia was breathing heavily with tears in her eyes as she stared at the pages in front of her. “What is this?” she choked out.
Stiles flipped the book around slowly. What you all thought had been the top of the tree, from this perspective, was now a dense root system. Like the one in the woods that Cora told you about.
“I know where they are,” he said.
“Well, are you gonna tell us where they are?” Lydia asked.
You and Stiles shared a look before each grabbing one side of her and beginning to walk outside. “It’s the nemeton,” you explained. “That’s where they are.”
You barely made it ten feet before you heard someone yelling for Stiles. This time it was your dad.
“Alright, look, go to Derek, okay?” Stiles told you and Lydia. “He and Peter have been there before. They’ll know where it is.”
“I’m not leaving you with him,” you said. “Lydia, tell them it’s the root cellar, okay?”
Lydia nodded and walked away quickly, which left you and Stiles just enough time to plaster some smiles on your faces and turn to face your dad.
Rafael nodded at you before turning his attention to Stiles. “Did you know your dad’s car is in the school parking lot and has been since last night?”
“No,” Stiles lied. “What does that mean?”
“It means he’s officially missing.” Rafael looked down and sighed. “Can I talk to you in private for a minute?”
“Actually-” you put on the sweetest smile you could muster and reached for Stiles’ hand “-I have this really big geometry test Monday and Stiles said he’d tutor me, so we’re just gonna head out if that’s okay with you.”
“Actually, Y/N, no. No, it’s not,” Rafael said. He sounded like he hadn’t slept in a few days. He looked like it too. “I’m going to talk to Stiles, and you’re going to wait in the hallway until I come out to get you.”
You started protesting but Stiles said it was alright. He shook you off and went to speak to your dad. Alone. In private. You mumbled a good few profanities before slumping down in a chair outside the classroom they were in.
You almost didn’t see Deaton through the haze of annoyance you were in, but you stood up as soon as he opened the classroom door.
“Fine,” Rafael said. “But I don’t want you going home alone. Do you have someone you can stay with tonight? Someone who’s not my daughter.”
“He’s with me,” Deaton said.
When you and Stiles got to the animal clinic, pretty much everyone who wasn’t kidnapped or playing secret agent with the Alpha Pack was already there. You sat on one of the countertops and bounced your leg while Stiles spoke.
“It has to be on one of the telluric currents - or maybe even at the axis of two,” he explained. “Or where they all intersect.”
“It’s where Derek took Paige when she was bitten,” you added.
“My dad and Gerard were there once. But Gerard said it was years ago and he couldn’t remember where it was,” Allison said. She ran a hand through her hair. “And my dad obviously isn’t here to tell us now.”
“Yeah, mine either,” Stiles said softly.
“Then how do we find this place?” Isaac asked, always asking the relevant (if un-answerable) questions.
“There might be a way,” Deaton said after a moment. “But it’s dangerous.”
“When is it not?” you asked, pushing yourself off the counter.
“And we’re gonna need Scott.”
“Why?” you asked. “We’ve been trying to find him since he left and he’s not answering any of us.”
“This is important. He’ll be here,” Allison insisted.
“And what if he’s not?” you asked. “Then what? We just let our parents die?”
“Actually, Y/N,” Deaton’s gentle tone and thoughtful expression sliced through your angry exterior. “Now that I think about it, you should work just as well.”
Deaton explained what you’d be doing beforehand: you’d be surrogate sacrifices for your parents. If it went right, you would only be dead for a few seconds. By doing so, you’d give power back to the nemeton - which would make it a beacon for the supernatural again - and the darkness around your hearts would follow you for the rest of your lives. And if it went wrong …
As cheery as the explanation left you feeling, your heart somehow managed to drop further when you stared at the ice baths in front of you. You clutched onto the necklace in your hands as you watched Isaac empty out another bag of ice into the tubs.
“Alright,” Deaton said, “What did you bring?”
Stiles brought Noah’s badge. It looked pretty banged up, but Deaton assured him that it would work fine as long as it meant something. Allison brought a ceremonial silver bullet that her dad made.
“My mom, uh, got this necklace from my gran when she turned sixteen. Said it was the nicest thing she ever got growing up. She just about cried when I spilled nail polish on it one day when I was little,” you explained quietly. “But, um, looks don’t matter, right?”
“No, they don’t,” Deaton smiled. “Now, the three of you will get in and each of us will hold you down until you’re essentially … well, dead. But it’s not just someone who will hold you under. It needs to be someone who can pull you back. Someone that has a strong connection to you. A kind of emotional tether.”
You and Stiles looked at each other while Deaton was talking, but you looked away quickly. You were still upset with him, and you both had to go under so it wouldn’t matter anyway. You hoped.
“Isaac?” you asked softly. He nodded and put an arm around you. Lydia and Allison were already holding hands in a corner.
“Well, Doc, I guess that means it’s you and me,” Stiles sighed. “And Scott, you know, if he ever shows up.”
Stiles was the first one to stand in front of the tubs, and Allison was the first one to get in. Judging by her reaction, the ice bath was going to be - unsurprisingly - absolutely freezing. You took a breath and then stepped in, slowly descending into the icy water. Your feet were the first to go numb, and then your hands even though they were still above the water. Were you shaking? You couldn’t tell.
You looked over to find Stiles sitting in a pretty similar position to you, except he was staring at you. You couldn’t help but laugh. “What?” you asked when you were done.
“Nothing. You just look …” he didn’t finish.
“Yeah, well, I know this is serious and all but I just-” you looked down. Your anger felt silly now. “Are either of you surprised by just how fucking cold this is?”
“Yes!” Allison laughed. “Like I get that it’s an ice bath but-”
“Are you ready?” Deaton asked. “If we’re doing this, we should really get started.”
The laughter died down and the three of you nodded gravely. You felt Isaac’s hands on your shoulders and took a deep breath. He asked you something, but you didn’t hear it properly. You just nodded. You were ready. You had to be.
The cold was smothering as he held you under and you thrashed to the surface, even though you knew you had to be still. The ice swirled around your head and you watched the last few bubbles of air in your lungs float to the surface. One … Two … Was that three? Should you be counting the groups of bubbles? Did any of it really matter?
You guessed you were a stronger fighter than you thought, because the next thing you knew you were crashing through the surface, gasping for air. Only, you weren’t in Deaton’s clinic anymore. You were in a big, white room with Stiles and Allison. None of you spoke as you got up and out of the water.
You were the first to go to the big tree stump that felt like an eternity away. The nemeton. The eerie silence only added tension to the situation, but none of you were brave enough to break it. Stiles was the first one to reach for the roots, and the sound of you begging for him to stop was deafening. He didn’t answer. Allison reached out next. Now it was your turn.
You kneeled in front of the tree, closed your eyes, and touched one of the roots. Taking deep breaths, you counted how long you could stay still before waking up. You stopped as soon as the silence broke.
Water was running nearby in a steady stream you could hear the birds in the distance. But what really shocked you into opening your eyes wasn’t the feel of the breeze or the smell of the damp leaves, it was the sound of laughter. Children’s laughter.
“Guys,” you heard a little voice whine. “It’s getting dark. How much longer are we gonna be out here?”
The kid in front of you looked about nine years old, definitely not older than ten. He had the same goofy haircut that Scott had at that age. And his ears were also slightly too big for his face. And the same little-
“Well, we would’ve been out of here an hour ago if you knew your lines.” The little girl rolled her eyes. She was in a tiny white, flowered dress. You had the same one when you were little. She was holding hands with another boy, who could barely contain his laughter.
That was you, Scott, and Stiles. Getting married on top of the nemeton.
“Okay, fine! By the power vested in me-”
Everything went black and you clawed at your throat. Air. You needed air. You reached up and pulled yourself to your feet, ignoring the pounding in your head as you gasped for air.
“I know- I know where it is!” You looked around desperately, needing someone to hear you. You were back in Deaton’s clinic. Scott stood up and rushed over. He picked you up, out of the tub, and wrapped you in a towel. “When did you get here?” you asked.
Stiles and Allison were busy telling the others about what they saw and where the nemeton was, but no one was answering. They all looked like they knew something you didn’t.
“What?” Allison asked. “What’s wrong?”
“You guys were out a long time,” Isaac said.
“How long is a long time?” Stiles asked.
“Sixteen hours,” Deaton answered.
“If we’ve been out sixteen hours then-” you looked at Scott desperately. “The full moon rises in like three hours. Scotty, she has to still be alive. She has to.”
“I know, I-” Scott took a breath. “We need a plan.”
“No!” Stiles argued. He was mostly dry now but you knew he was still cold in his bones. “Dude, you are not going back with them.”
“I made a deal with Deucalion,” Scott said.
“Does anyone else think that sounds a lot like ‘a deal with the devil’?” Stiles asked.
“What does it matter, anyway?” Isaac asked.
“He doesn’t think we can win without them,” you said. “Right? I mean, they killed our friends but it’s whatever so long as they kill her too, right?”
“Y/N, it’s not like that.” Scott sounded so defeated and you knew you were wrong to snap at him like that. He didn’t like them any more than you did.
“Circumstances like this,” Deaton started wearily, “Sometimes require that you align yourself with people you’d normally consider enemies.”
“So we’re gonna trust him?” Isaac asked. “The guy that calls himself Death, Destroyer of Worlds? We’re gonna trust that guy?”
“I wouldn’t trust him, no,” Deaton answered. “But you could use him to your advantage. Deucalion may be the enemy, but he could also be the bait.”
It was quiet enough for you all to hear the sound of the door creaking in the entryway. You heard one of the twins asking Deaton if they could speak to Lydia.
“What do you want?” she asked.
“I need your help,” he said.
Stiles stuck his head out to glare at him. You felt Isaac squeeze your hand lightly to distract from the overwhelming feeling of jealousy that spiked. “With what?”
“Stopping my brother and Kali from killing Derek.”
The plan that formed after that was arguably not your best plan, but it was the plan you were going with nonetheless. Lydia and Ethan went to the loft (Hale Duty); Allison, Isaac, and Scott went to her apartment (Weapons and Cavalry Duty); and you and Stiles went to find your parents (Rescue Duty).
“Will you cut that out?” Stiles asked, annoyance in his voice.
“Stop what?” you asked, still sounding annoyed.
“Bouncing your leg like that and ripping apart my seatbelt,” Stiles answered. “I get you’re mad at me for the Lydia thing but-”
“You think this about you and Lydia?” you asked and rolled your eyes. “Stiles, we are driving through one of the biggest wind storms I have ever seen to save our parents from getting ritually sacrificed. Sorry that I’m a little jumpy.”
Stiles sighed and slowed down slightly. “I’m sorry, alright?” You didn’t answer. “I didn’t know she was going to kiss me. You’ve gotta believe that I- that I wouldn’t-”
“Tree branch!” you yelled. In the time it took Stiles to look back to the road and swerve, you’d already been hit. And when he swerved, he lost traction underneath and the Jeep crashed into the tree in front.
You recovered quicker than he did, but you could feel the blood running down your forehead. As long as you could still move, you didn’t really care about the other injuries you might have. “Stiles?” No answer. You struggled to unbuckle and moved his head off the steering wheel, laying him back in his seat. “Stiles, I need you to wake up.”
You got out of the car and rushed to his side when he didn’t respond. You threw open the door and laid the seat down. “Stiles, can you hear me?” Nothing. You cursed and climbed on top of him, checking to see that his throat was clear. Time for CPR, you guessed. You didn’t know what else to do.
“Okay, listen to me, you little-” you bent down to give him air “-I don’t care that you made out with my best friend. I just-” air “-Need you to wake up. Okay?” Air. “I can’t lose you. Stiles, I- I love you-” air “-and if you die, I’m gonna kick your ass. Alright?” Air. It wasn’t working. “Come on, Stiles, please. I need you to-”
“Ow,” he groaned. “What the hell are you doing on top-”
“Oh, my god. There’s no time!” You pulled him up so he was sitting. You were still in his lap. “Can you see? How many fingers am I holding up?”
“Uh, three?”
You looked at your two fingers that were up in a peace sign and sucked in a breath. “Good enough. We need to go.”
The two of you started stumbling, rather messily, to where you thought the nemeton stood. Stiles made you stop to get his bat out of the car and you grabbed your baton from your bag. The ground was collapsing around the nemeton, and it took you guys a minute to find your way inside. Isaac was struggling under the weight of it all. Stiles shoved the bat into the space to give some support, and you did the same with your nightstick.
“I always said aluminum was better than wood,” Noah said. Stiles pulled him into a hug, but their celebration was short-lived. The rubble was quickly filling what was left of the cellar around you.
Melissa pulled you close before you had the opportunity to say anything, and you felt the tears fall on your cheeks. Your mom was whispering all these things about how you were together now and that everything would be okay, but you weren’t listening.
“We need to get out of here,” you said. “Isaac, can you-”
“The eclipse’s started,” he said. “I can’t do anything.”
Turns out, he didn’t need to. In a few seconds, the wind slowed to a stop. The rubble wasn’t encroaching your space.
“Is it over?” Allison asked.
You all slowly took your hands off what was left of the roof, and Stiles reached for the phone in his pocket. “Scott? Yeah, we’re okay. We’re all okay.” He smiled at you, and for the first time all day, you smiled back. “How about you, you okay?” He paused, listening for an answer. “You think you can come get us? Oh, and, uh, bring a ladder. Please.”
“Listen, uh-” you looked up to find to Cora standing in front of you. Even though the world as you knew it had pretty much changed forever last night, Cora coming into the library to find you was the most surprising thing today. “Derek says you and Stiles are the only reasons I’m still alive and, um, I don’t know how much of a help he was so I, uh, just wanted to say thank you.”
You moved your bag over so she could sit. “Well, I mean I was the one that technically saved your life. He just kept us from being mauled by the twins so …”
Cora gave you a small smile and sat down. “I’m not really good at this,” she confessed. “Making friends, I mean. But you seem like a good first time.”
You were going to make a joke about promising to be gentle, but you didn’t think she’d find it funny so you kept quiet.
“I know this is sudden but Derek and Peter are going away for a little while.” She looked down. “I was wondering if I could stay with you until they get back. I- I can stay on my own, if it’s a problem, but I didn’t really want to be alone again.”
“It’s not a problem,” you promised. “But we are going to have to ask my mom.” Cora nodded. “And she’s going to make you go to school.” She paled. “But I’ll help you! Seriously, anything you have a problem with.”
“I guess-” she took a deep breath. “That’s a part of being normal. And the only reason I’m not going with them is that I want to be normal so … when can we talk to your mom?”
Part 14
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creativityandcrying · 4 years
The SSSS: Chapter 4: Monsters,Mice and Media oh my
"Y'all have money for the L right? The Secret Note is a whiles away." Cj asks, looking up from google maps.
"Yessiree! I'll cover for Octo ,since I'm very sure she forgot her wallet." Winston says, glancing over at Octavia, who's patting her pockets and bra anxiously. Looking up at Winston, she gives him a sheepish smile.
"Winniee?" She draws out the nickname, smiling knowingly when Winston rolls his eyes.
"Called it. And I gotchu Wolfie, don't sweat it." He sighs. CJ laughs and pats his shoulder gratefully before getting out their wallet.
"Thanks dude." They say, gently starting to herd everyone into the line. Everyone starts to swipe there cards without much trouble. Other then Winston's card not working correctly, causing Tessa to snicker when Winston silently gets annoyed. Octavia goes through the turnstile then squints at the LED sign near the benches, reading what it says while Tessa goes through the turnstile.Eyes widening Octavia turns back to Cj, who was helping Winston swipe his card.
"Blue line's about to leave!" Octavia says, getting the others attention.
"Shit! Come on!" CJ grabs Winston's card out of his hands and tries swiping it, after a few stressful moments.....
....the card finally works. Winston shoves through the turnstile, grabbing CJ's hand, while Octavia does the same to Tessa, the two immortals speeding through the other people while basically dragging their friends along. Tumbling inside an empty carriage the four friends catch their breath as the doors close after one last warning.
"The fastest way to get to Jay Blvd is to get off at Logan," CJ says, checking the map before sitting down. They lay their legs across four seat, stretching their limbs.
"We have about 15 to 20 minutes till we get there so we have a bit of time to chill the fuck out." CJ checks the map once more before putting their phone away and leaning against an armrest, closing their eyes. Winston plops down and starts watching YouTube, the Irish swearing quietly coming from his phone. Octavia grins before looking around the train car.
"There's always cool stuff people forget on trains to snatch." She mumbles, rubbing her hands together like a cliche Disney villain. Eyes searching the car, they spot something. Skipping over to a row of seats, Octavia reaches under it, her hand grasping something. Pulling out a discarded baseball bat, she glances at the closed eyed CJ, a mischievous smile growing on her face.
"CJ!!" Octavia shouts, "Catch!" She abruptly throws the bat at her friend. CJ's eyes pop open, catching the bat instinctively. Octavia starts laughing at CJ's surprised expression, eyes wide and mouth open. Tessa chuckles at her goblin ways before deciding to lay her head on Winstons lap, feet propped up on a handlebar.
"Get some of that energy out, you look like you're going to bounce off the walls." Winston says with a laugh, taking note of Octavia's sudden fidgeting hands and pacing. She bares a fanged grin before pulling herself up on the higher bars and perching herself on the metal. Gripping the bars Octavia swings herself upside down, years of gymnastics coming into play. A simple hum makes its way out of Octavia, the tune catchy and upbeat.
"Oh that's so coooool~So coooool~My computer can't handle the rendering!! " She then starts to sing, ignoring CJs groans when Winston & Tessa starts to sing along.
"There's nothing I like more than space! So let's blow something up here!" He shout-sings with Tessa, pausing his video to dance in his seat. The three singers look pointedly at CJ, eyes asking the silent question.
"If there was a program for volunteers to go into space ~With like a hundred percent chance of dying from death by space" CJ smiles and starts to sing along.
"~I would be first in line~If they needed brave volunteers~Or stupid volunteers~I would be there so fast!!! " The cart is full of laughter and singing, CJ queuing up more songs through their Bluetooth speaker.
The train conductors voice suddenly buzzes over the intercom, destroying the vibe.
"Please, zzz-zz calm- zzzhzh creature-" The train cart goes silent, the four only now hearing the screams a few carts away.
"You threw off my groove!" Octavia whispers to her self, restraining a smile.
"We're at the brown stop,or at least some the train is. So we need to go '' CJ ignores Octavia and snaps at everyone, grabbing their new bat. They shove Tessa and Winston into the next car, hurrying them. Winston unsheathed his sword from his backpack as he ran from train car to train car, arriving at the train-station first. Octavia is close behind, sliding to a stop next to Winston. Tessa steps behind Winston and Octavia, while CJ steps beside them all, their music still playing.
People are screaming and clamoring, running over each other to get away from the destruction. Winston surveys the platform before pointing his sword at Tessa, getting her attention instantly.
"T! Get People Out of here! Do not get hurt! Keep everyone away from us!" He shouts over the ruckus, before glancing at the other two.
"Octo, CJ! Let's see if we can shut this down quickly." CJ nods seriously and grips their bat. Octavia nods as well, eyes flitting around. A giant rodent creature slashes at the ground, letting loud squeaks and biting benches and pillars with its sharp teeth. Winston adjusts his stance, readying his sword.
Suddenly rushing forward, he takes the large mouse-like monster by surprise. Its furry face gets sliced by a swing of his sword. While its squealing in pain, CJ slides closer and bashes its head, the bat getting spider web like cracks when it makes contact. Gripping it even tighter, CJ ignores the damage done.
"O!" Winston screams, diving in to attack again but not seeing his green haired friend. Tessa immediately tenses at the worried tone but continues to herd people up to the streets, shoving  phones away from the fight.
"I'll get paid so much for this vid!" A teen boy yells, a brace filled grin shining at Tessa.
"You wont get any money if you're dead! Go!" Tessa yells back, pushing the boys phone down and ushers him away.
"Leave! Someone might get killed in this fight and I sure as hell don't want it to be y'all!" She shouts again. The civilians suddenly scatter, running up the stairs. Tess doesn't notice the large wiry tail about to come down near her.
"O!" Winston screams again when he spots the blonde about to be hit with heavy rubble. He smiles in relief when he sees Octavia.
A huge wolf, hulking and covered in bright green fur with eye-catching swirls of neon blue, pink and orange. Purple eyes glowing in anger and white fangs bared, a low growl rumbling from her chest. Razor sharp claws scratch on the tiles loudly as she comes bounding towards her girlfriend, using her large body to shield Tessa from the heavy rubble that rains down. Octavia snarls and growls at the rodent monster before launching onto its tail biting down, drawing blood.
"Hell yea!" CJ lets out an excited whoop, sidestepping to avoid the rubble. Tessa climbs on a mountain of rubble and uses her height to continue to force people to evacuate.
Octavia pounces onto the monsters side, digging her claws into the fur while bright fangs bite into its flesh. The monster trying to shake Octavia off, without much luck.
Winston runs up close, taking advantage of the distraction. He jumps from a bench to its face, raising his sword and stabbing its eye. CJ ignores the painful shrieks and hits the other eye with their bat, the wood splintering and breaking. It squeals in pain before rising onto its hind legs, banging its head on the concrete ceiling, making more stone to rain down. Falling back down to all fours the shrieks get indescribably louder before rushing to soft whimper until its silence.
Octavia unlatches from the rodent and with bared teeth she lets out a furious snarl, fur raised and hind legs positioned to pounce.
"Octavia." Tessa had cleared everyone away from the chaos and was approaching her tensed girlfriend.
"Come on O. '' CJ says calmly, keeping a good distance away from the tensed wolf. Tessa gets close to the ready to attack canine, rubbing behind her ears and leaning her face against Octavia's soft neck.
"It's alright now babe, you can come back." Tessa whispers into her fur, pulling away and placing a hand on Octavia's snout, the neon blue fur soft under her palm. Octavia let out a huff before backing away. She starts to shift back, the fur melting into skin and claws softening into fingernails. Finally its a teenager girl on the ground instead of an animal.
"You good Wolfie?" Winston asks teasingly, wiping his sword off casually before putting it away.
"Frick off playboy." Octavia spits back harshly,the insult softened by her grin. Tessa helps her girlfriend off the ground, hugging her close before slinging an arm around her shoulder.
"Wanna just catch the bus? I don't think the L will be running anytime soon." Winston says casually, looking at the disaster around them. CJ barks out a loud belly laugh before patting Winston on his shoulder.
"Come on, I'll pay for the bus." they say, slinging their arms over the girls' shoulders and leading them out into the streets.
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The Dumpster Fire that is ‘The Order’
First of all, why is his show labeled as a horror? My humble guess is that it was intended for younger audiences?? I genuinely wanna know. Because, even if it was for teens, some blood and a few dead bodies does not a horror make.  Secondly, what the fuck? And I truly mean that.  I mean, the idea itself doesn’t sound bad at all. A college student joins a secret society and finds out his supposedly evil dad is the head of it? He’s also in a werewolf club that fights that same secret society? Sign me tf up. But the execution just takes a really weird turn.  From the get go, you kinda aren’t sure if the show wants to be takes seriously or not. And that question is never answered. Literally in the opening scene the letter changes from ‘we regret to inform you’ to ‘congratulations’ in front of Jack’s eyes and he has absolutely no reaction whatsoever to that peculiar development, which kind of screams ‘not to be taken seriously’ similarly to the whole ‘My evil dad killed my mom so naturally I’m gonna join a secret society, become someone important and powerful and eventually use that power to fight him.’ Who on earth plots a revenge along those lines? But then a second later, the plot falls back in the supernatural drama category.  To top it all off there’s a whole lot of ‘woke humor’ which most of the time comes across as cringe worthy edginess we’re all happy we outgrew after HS.  But, even if you could somehow get pas the not-so-subtle jumps from complete absurdity to realism, there’s nothing else to hold on to. No character, no relationship, no plot line we’re offered is strong enough to pull us in.  In fact. one of the most annoying things about The Order is that basically no character has a personality. I am 8 episodes deep (and I don’t intend to finish it because that’s how boring it is) and I still don’t know anything substantial about anyone. And can we take a second to just look at Jake’s relationship with Alyssa? What even is that? Are they flirting are they not, does he really like her or is she a means to an end, is she into him or his dad, why are they kissing and why does it look so uncomfortable, did they just cast two people with the least chemistry on purpose or is bad writing/directing? So many questions. If we draw a parallel between Jack’s progress with her and him being on board with the wolves, it makes even less sense. He needs how many episodes to decide to try and kiss her, but when it comes to dedicating your whole life to fighting bad magic, you go from ‘no way, you’re all insane, you made me kill an innocent man’ to ‘I pledge my life to the cause’ within two seconds.   Speaking of things that make no sense, I have to mention Jack’s ‘friendship’ with Amir. Don’t get me wrong, I get that we meet people and think to ourselves how that could grow into a beautiful friendship, but acting as if someone you just met is really your friend, and that odd flashback to like one beer they shared, when Amir was found dead, is just... I don’t even know what to say.  The Order as an organization is equally puzzling. Who are they? Why are they? What’s the purpose, what’s the goal, the mission? I can’t settle for just a group of magic users who follow strict hierarchies but kinda all look out for themselves and don’t really like each other that much. And occasionally sacrifice goats. And change people’s memories.(And they can revive a golem and ask it who made it, but the fact that Jack, who found out about magic like yesterday, sabotaged their spell somehow goes right over their magical heads. ) But essentially it’s for the good of the whole wide world.????????????? And the masks are what makes me think an 8yo came up with the whole concept.  If you thought the werewolf knights are any less confusing, think again. They hear noises when ‘bad magic’ happens and solve it by killing anything that moves. Heroes. Also, how do they know what they are supposed to do if they refuse to read anything? I mean, that’s not how a secret society, since that’s more or less what they are, works. Someone has to tell you, show you, teach you. Sure, you have the wolves inside you, but if you don’t know they speak a certain language, it’s fairly certain you don’t know a whole lot. And why is there only four of you? How can four knights take down an organization as big as The Order? Especially since their preferred method is violent murder, something that is not very subtle and does not go unnoticed for long, which basically ensures the rage of the entire Order falling on their heads before they even begin their so called mission. Once again: ????????????????? And what even does ‘bad magic’ mean? The term is so vague and abstract that I have a hard time understanding how can you form an organization that fights something barely defined. All magic can potentially be bad magic. What are the guidelines here? Help me comprehend.  The show also has a very odd relationship towards death. One can sort of ‘forgive’ the wizards and the wolves for being chill about it, but if someone was targeting and butchering people on your campus, wouldn’t you be at least a bit worried? We don’t see any students panicking, we saw one police officer, there were no measures taken by the college, unless you count turning Amir’s death into a bike accident. And just when you start getting used to being casual about it, Jack has a whole meltdown over killing someone the first time he turned. And then also his professor. But even that meltdown is not very convincing, since most of what he does is just screaming ‘I KILLED AN INNOCENT MAN!!!’ into the void, without a much deeper attempt to deal with that. Which is why I don’t get why the show even made an issue out of it.  I also don’t get Jack’s grandpa. Like not even a little bit. Because if you think about it, it’s not * that * unimaginable that a little boy would come up with the idea of joining a secret society to avenge his mother’s death, but it is * very * odd to imagine an old ass grown up who not only thinks it’s a good idea to direct your whole young life towards revenge, but encourages it to a point of making a detailed plan on how to do that, and basically spends your entire childhood grooming you to become a little rage fueled bundle of psychological damage. All of this is only scratching the surface of the mess that is The fucking Order, because the show is a giant entangled coil of nonsense and I barely knew where to start. It’s fair to say that the biggest buzzkill is failure to pick a direction and stick with it. You don’t have to look that close to see some of the influences. The biggest one being, obviously, The Magicians, followed by some Teen Wolf, there’s even elements from Scream Queens, a bit of Buffy, a pinch of the Craft, etc. Almost like someone decided to look up successful shows in the supernatural/fantasy/horror genre and just smash them all up together in hopes of making something appealing to the largest audience possible. Personally, as a * very big * fan of before mentioned The Magicians, I get the feeling that Netflix wanted to make something that could rival it, but better. Because TM is, dare I say so, one of the best, if not the best, shows of the decade. I honestly have not seen anything like it, that has the same platform, in literally a decade. If you have, please let me know. 
Whit the BDE, edgy, but in a good way, humor, strong political views, strong female characters, fun twist and turns that actually do manage to mix absurd with normal life in a magical, no pun intended, way, sexuality representation, but not in a ‘we just want to please the gays so they give us the views’ way, great male characters we wish we saw more of, compelling character development and so on. Tho the most likable aspect of the series is probably the take on overdone story lines, where they twist the narrative just enough for it to become actually relatable. We all are tired of super special chosen ones who save the world because they are soo special and specially chosen by gods to save the world and all the dumb boring unspecial people with their pure hearts and strong characters. And also find true love.  You see attempts at this within The Order on every turn, except that it doesn’t work nearly as well for them, precisely because they went for that AND MORE. More wouldn’t even be a bad thing if it was’t so all over the place that it just comes off as ‘WE WANT EVERYONE TO LIKE THIS, GIVE US ALL THE VIEWS, ALL OF THEM.’ I am very much inclined to think this is what happened, considering other stuff Netflix has put out there. (Mostly referring to endlessly stupid shit like YOU, which only has the intention of being controversial and attention grabbing, for the views. Tho they do have some fun shit too, don’t get me wrong.) So I guess what I’m trying to say is,  the though of making something like TM, is not a bad one,  I’m all for it, but you actually have to put a shit ton more imagination into it if you want it to work out. But that’s just my opinion.   
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petertingle-yipyip · 6 years
Runaway-Klaus Mikaelson
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//anon request: Hey, can you do klaus mikaelson imagine where y/n comes to mystic falls to hide from hunters that want to kill her(she is werewolf) and ask tyler for help, they talk but klaus suddenly comes and interrupts them. Then he is really interested in her and so on. Hope it wasnt too much, thanks😃//
//pairings: werewolf!reader x tyler (platonic), werewolf!reader x Klaus (flirty?) warnings: mention of death, flirty Klaus, protective tyler, Teen Wolf references (heh heh) yall, I wrote this in like an hour. sorry if it's kinda bleh//
"Tyler!" You said happily as you met him at the front steps. You wrapped your arms around him and he hugged you tightly. "Thank God I found you!" You mumbled into his shoulder.
"It's alright, Y/N/N." He said in response, using your childhood nickname and lazily hanging an arm around your shoulders to lead you inside. "You're safe here. Wanna tell me what happened?"
You two sat on the couch facing each other. The house was empty save for you two, so you felt that you could be honest.
You and Tyler went way back, like elementary school. You knew you were both wolves from a young age, but neglected mentioning it to Tyler since he never knew. Before high school started, your mom decided to move the family to California so you lost touch with Tyler.
You were pretty much forced to reach out when a family of hunters decided to come after you. You used to live in a town named Beacon Hills with a few other wolves. But once the Argent family found out your secret, you had to run.
You had no idea whether they followed you, or had contacts to watch for you so you laid low, only contacting Tyler when you absolutely had to.
"Okay, so you know how I moved to California a few years back?" You began, constantly looking to the door as if someone was going to bust in and haul you to your execution.
"Yeah, that sucked." He recalled with a slight laugh, making you smile a little. "Where'd you go to anyways? Los Angeles?"
"I wish." You rolled your eyes. "Beacon Hills. I was hanging out with this little pack but then this family of hunters-" You tried to explain when a voice suddenly echoed through the house.
You jumped to your feet, ready to defend yourself and Tyler, since you dragged into your mess. Tyler stood up with you, placing a hand on your shoulder to signal that it was okay. A low growl resonated in your chest as your ground your teeth together slightly.
"And who is this?" The voice said. You saw who the voice belonged to and you were taken back.
He was actually really hot?? He radiated power, strength, confidence. He radiated alpha qualities. Admttedly, you were interested and you could tell he was too. The way his eyes scanned your figure, noting the intensity of your stare and the tension locked into your muscles.
"What do you want, Klaus?" Tyler sighed in annoyance.
"Klaus?" You questioned. "Klaus Mikaelson? The Original? The hybrid?"
"The one and only." He smirked.
"No shit." You whispered before dropping back on the couch with Tyler. "Anyways, so this family of hunters-"
"And who might you be, Love?" Klaus interrupted again, coming around the couch and sitting on the coffee table.
"Klaus." Tyler said, trying to draw the hybrid's attention. It didn't work too well. Klaus raised in eyebrows in acknowledgement but didn't turn his head. "Go away."
"Y/N." You said simply. "Now go away. I came to Tyler for help, not you."
"You think the little Lockwood can help you?" Klaus joked, trying to keep a smile back.
"More than you could." You laughed and Tyler snickered beside you.
"I could do more for you than Tyler ever could." He said lowly. It was kinda hot actually. You figured this could be fun with Klaus and yes it was.
You glanced at Klaus' lap and then Tyler's for emphasis and shook your head. "No, you can't." You teased.
Tyler relaxed against the back of the couch, a proud smirk on his face. Klaus shook his head with a challenging expression.
"Would you like proof?" He offered.
"Gross." Tyler mumbled.
"Yeah, I'm with Tyler on this one." You said with a shrug of your shoulders. You leaned back against Tyler and shooed Klaus away.
He stared at you intently so you crossed your arms and quirks an eyebrow in challenge. You tried to hold back your smirk but it slipped out. Klaus chuckled lightly before leaving the room. Little did you know, Klaus had set his mind to a date with you before the week ended.
The next day, after Tyler let you crash at his place, you headed to the Grill. The town was pretty much the same way you remembered it to be, same people doing the same things. Only real change was that Caroline and Elena were vampires, Bonnie was a witch, and the Mikaelsons were around.
"Something wicked this way comes." Elena rolled her eyes, leaving the table you two were sitting at to catch up, allowing Klaus to take her seat.
"Hello Love." He said kindly.
"Hey, Kyle." You replied nonchalantly. "Oh wait, that's not right. Kaleb? No, Ken? No, wait, I got this. Oh, that's right! Klaus." You teased.
"Very funny." He said with mock amusement. "You're not a vampire." He said plainly.
"Nope." You said, allowing your lips to make the 'p' pop.
"So you must be a werewolf. That's how you know Tyler." He said, nodding in agreement to his own statement.
"Look at you, solving my origin." You rolled your eyes. You enjoyed these little conversations with Klaus. You could be witty and a bit rude and he would laugh it off, continuing the banter.
"Well, it wasn't that complicated." He teased.
"Because you are?" You laughed. "Let me guess, daddy issues?" You quirked an eyebrow.
"Hmm." He grumbled. "Trust issues, paranoia, and let see..." He noted about you.
"Clever." You nodded. "And almost spot on."
"What did I miss?" He smirked.
"Bite me." You said in a sultry voice, leaning over the table and tracing your fingers down his chest.
"I can do more than that." He whispered.
"Bye, Klaus." You mumbled, pulling away and skipping over to Tyler at the bar.
The next day, he found you on Tyler's couch. He plopped down next you so you threw your legs over his lap so you stayed comfortable.
"Y/N?" He asked.
"Yes Klaus?" You said, not looking away from your phone.
"How much can you take?" He said vaguely.
"What does that even mean?" You laughed, dropping your phone onto your stomach.
"How much can you take?" He repeated.
"Uh, I don't know." You said with a shrug. "My last boyfriend, super hot lacrosse player named Brett, choked me while we were in the bedroom. Kinda hot. Oh, and he liked to tie my wrists up. It was hell but oh my god, it was worth it."
He shook his head and tapped his knuckle against your thigh. "That's not exactly what I meant, Love." He laughed.
"Huh. Okay. What did you mean then?" You asked, scooting up in your seat a little.
"How much of this banter can you take?" He clarified. "Before you cave to your desires?"
With a new idea in your head, you pushed yourself up and leaned close to him. You grabbed his shirt front and spoke very seriously.
"You're right.. . Klaus, I can't take it anymore. I need you, right now. I want you." You spoke lowly. A moment or two passed and you both laughed loudly.
"You could just ask me out, you know?" You said, leaning back into your original spot.
"How about dinner, tonight?" He offered.
"You know, I have plans tonight." You joked. "But I can rearrange my schedule for you."
He smiled slightly, gently placing a kiss on the back of your hand.
"Really?" Tyler groaned as he entered the room, throwing a pillow at you. "Gross, Y/N."
"I just escaped hunters, Ty. Let me live." You retorted, throwing the pillow back at him.
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kiliosthestarmaker · 5 years
Nyehehe 1-49 >.> all of dem 😏😉
The Basics1.     Do you listen to music when you write?
YES, Gods yes! The inspiration! The characterizations! The playlists I listen to when dealing with a particular character I love it I crave it!
2.     Are you a pantser or a plotter?
Plotter, most things have already been decided on within my stories.
3.     Computer or pen and paper?
Computer, I’ll use a pencil and paper only when I have no tech on me. 
4.     Have you ever been published, or do you want to be published?
I’d like to be published
5.     How much writing do you get done on an average day?
Interesting question, I have no clue
6.     Single or multiple POV?
Kind of multiple? It’s all in third POV but we follow around different characters
7.     Standalone or series?
*cackles* SERIES
8.     Oldest WIP
A whole series called Ratio Cor that I finally got back too
9.     Current WIP
Worlds Rejoined
10.  Do you set yourself deadlines?
No. Gods no, I’d stress myself out.
The Specifics11.  Books and/or authors who influenced you the most
Lord of The Rings
J.R.R. Tolkien
George Martin
Harry Potter
Rick Riordan
C.S. Lewis
My two writer friends Wolfe and Jacks
12.  Describe your perfect writing space
My room, blasting with music in the morning when I have no school
13.  Describe your writing process from idea to polished
A) Wake up at 2 AM with an idea
B) write it down 
C) go back to sleep until you have to wake up properly
D) Write out a decent plot
E) Characters
F) World Building (My fav part)
G) Write and Feel your book
H) Make others suffer with you
14.  How do you deal with self-doubts?
Music and talking to Wolfe
15.  How do you deal with writer’s block?
Music, scrolling through Tumblr, talking to Wolfe and Jacks
16.  How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied with a project?
Who the heckity heck knows
17.  What writing habits or rituals do you have?
Grab some food and a drink
18.  If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be, and what would you write about?
I WOULD COLLABORATE WITH @princess-east AND @stressedwolfe and it would probably either be about the gods or some action/adventure/fantasy thing and we’ve done it before AND ALSO @koalajake CAUSE THE IDEAS HE HAS 
19.  How do you keep yourself motivated?
My dad expresses interest in my plots (the only family member that do), he tells me about showing it to other people at work or while he’s busy with something and the person just so happen to be there. My loves also encourage me.
there is also music
20.  How many WIPs and story ideas do you have?
........ ehe well there is 1 collection, 4 series within that collection and about 3-4 books within each series sans one which will probably have more than that. Other than that...I have many, many ideas
The Favourites21.  Who is/are your favorite character(s) to write?
I absolutely love writing Kilios, not only is he my favorite character, he’s just purely iconic.
22.  Who is/are your favorite pairing(s) to write?
Most of my pairings are platonic as most characters are teens or children. There’s also those who have been married and are widowed now so-
23.  Favorite author
Wait I have to choose??
24.  Favorite genre to write and read
25.  Favorite part of writing
WORLD BUILDING!!!! I SWEAR ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS BE LIKE “Hey Kilios you wanna help me build a world for this AU?” or “Hey Kilios can you help me build the world for my story?” AND I WILL BE ALL OVER THAT
26.  Favorite writing program
Lmao does google docs count?
27.  Favorite line/scene
From...from my book?
(Ratio Cor)
“Okay...” She hums softly as she screws on her arm. She flexes the mechanical fingers slowly before twisting her wrist. She grimaces slightly at the creaking of the joint. “Grandfather where’s the thing?”
“What thing?”
“The...the thing...uh...whot yz yt collud… THE OIL!” Kala exclaims after figuring it out. She hears her grandfather laugh. Kala huffs softly at the laughter. Her grandfather taught her the surface language at a young age. He told her it might come in handy one day, but she doesn’t understand why it would. The Markian language was harder to learn afterward.
(Working Title: Caelum Enterprise)
“That's a child.” Kai whispers. Kilios nods his head in agreement. “That’s a child.” 
“Thirteen years old.” Kilios offers with a small grin. Kai’s face turns blank, and he stares at Kilios. A cold rage settles in his soul.
“So, I have to kill Zeus?” Shadow chokes on his laughter as he wraps his arms around Kai’s waist. Kilios snorts in amusement even though he knew his friend could kill the Lightning God if he wanted to.
“Now, now. Revenge is best served cold as you may know.” Kilios hums softly as they smirk at each other. Shadow and Oketh look at each other before shaking their heads in exasperation. “Zeus seems to want this kid somewhat broken down, so we’ll give the child the best childhood.”28.  Favorite side character
Kai and Shadow, purely for their dynamic
29.  Favorite villain
30.  Favorite idea you haven’t started on yet?
Three siblings were reborn as siblings in the modern world. One problem, the ex-youngest sibling is the only that remembers their past and the evil that caused them to die before has followed them. So now, the sibling has to reawaken their siblings' past selves and strive off the evil force all alone. What will happen if the evil, instead of harming the ex-youngest sibling, takes them away to where they are treated as they should be and are loved. What happens when their siblings do reawaken and come after them? What happens if the ex-younger sibling doesn’t want to go? After all, they found love in the darkness. They found light within it as well insert King Keir who isn’t willing to let his consort be taken without a fight.
The Dark31.  Least favorite part of writing
The,,, the writing part
32.  Most difficult character to write
Alim??? I guess cause he’s like grandfatherly and most characters I’ve done in the past never met their grandparents?? 
33.  Have you ever killed a main character?
Yes, even better! I’m going to kill one in one of my books!!
34.  What was the hardest scene you ever had to write?
Kilios’,,,, death I’m-35.  What scene/story are you least looking forward to writing?
The Fun36.  Last sentence you wrote
“Yeah, I’m alright.” She assures her grandfather after he gives her a look showing that he didn’t believe her. “So, what’s for breakfast?” She quickly changes the subject.
37.  The first sentence or your current WIP
“Three creators, each lost in their own right. Their names were taken from books and erased from history. The first to come back will be the one who breathes the anger of volcanoes. Next will be the one who freezes the stars. Finally, the one with powers that are forbidden will come to light. Once together united as one. All will hail the Cold Sun.”
38.  Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had
All of them
39.  Weirdest character concept you’ve ever had
A manipulative character that ends up saving the world due to having the ability to see at least ten steps of ahead and calculating an infinite amount of possibilities for options due to having who is literally the concept of the creation of stars and demihumans/hybrids as a bearer (Aka Kilios)
40.  Share some backstory for one of your characters
Kyle Evren was born from a phoenix and the Primordial God Khaos. The toddler was neither male nor female. Ze was an outlier much like the being known as Udushunamir, who was a being created by the Egyptian Great God Ea. Kyle was born to die for the Gods.
Kavya Esther was created with the body of Saiph and life was breathed into her by Astraea. Her mother was a phoenix and the Star Goddess Astraea. Kavya was very radiant and creatures of all sizes tended to flock to her. The child was kind and lovely. Kavya was born to die for the Gods.
Kit Keir was born from a phoenix and the Hindu Celestial Deity known as Rahu. Kit was both male and female. Due to cer odd parentage, Kit gained both sexes from cer parents. Kit was a very elusive and dreamish teen. Ce would often be found drifting off into cer own little world without a care of anyone around cem. Kit was born to die for the Gods.
Kilios Caelum was born from the ashes of who he used to be. He was ruthless and tired. He was angry at what he’s been through. He swore to rise far above what he attempted to accomplish beforehand. He would build an empire, he would rise to the sky. Kilios refused to die for the Gods.
The Rest of It41.  Any advice for new/beginning/young writers?
Jot down any idea you have, no matter how vague or bizarre it is, write it down.Research, for the love of the gods, research whatever you need for your book and please please use multiple sites.Talk to other writers and ask for input, it’s alright to be nervous so just message them privately. Hell, you can ask me I’m always up for learning about new writers.
42.  How do you feel about love triangles?
As long as it makes sense and doesn’t cause the main plot to be pushed as a subplot I’m good with it fam
43.  What do you do if/when characters don’t follow the outline?
Mutter dark threats under my breath and curse my characters for putting me in the backseat of my own damn writing.
44.  How much research do you do?
Literally, a third of my whole writing process is contributed to pure research.
45.  How much world building do you do?
By the time I’m done, if someone finds it they’d think I just found the world and wrote down what the people told me.
46.  Do you reread your own stories?
Yes and it’s physically painful
47.  Best way to procrastinate
Youtube and Drawing
48.  What’s the most self-insert character/scene you’ve ever written?
49.  Which character would you most want to be friends with, if they were real?
All of them because they are my children and I love them.
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forestwater87 · 6 years
Underrated Characters Appreciation Weeks I’m too lazy to set up....
...but I’m proud of myself for having created. So if y’all wanna adopt any of these, you can go wild (please tag me though! I wanna see them!). Otherwise, shower me with praise.
(They’re very writing-heavy and often just a list of questions, so if you borrow anything feel free to tweak as suits your inspiration; the questions/suggestions are really just to get people thinking!)
I’m gonna put them below the cut so it doesn’t get too long, but you have to look forward to:
Jasper Appreciation Week
Cameron Campbell Appreciation Week
Gwen Appreciation Week
Bonquisha Appreciation Week
Dirty Kevin Appreciation Week
QM Appreciation Week
Other Secondary Characters Appreciation Week
Elevated Extras Appreciation Week
Nerris Appreciation Week
Space Kid Appreciation Week
Ered Appreciation Week
Harrison Appreciation Week
Dolph Appreciation Week
Nikki Appreciation Week
Preston Appreciation Week
Nurf Appreciation Week
Flower Scouts Appreciation Week
Woodscouts Appreciation Week
Jasper Appreciation Week
Who doesn’t love this good good ghost boy?
Day 1: 90s Kid -- Depict Jasper doing something radical.
Day 2: Jasper’s Camp -- Show off Jasper’s time as Camp Campbell’s golden boy.
Day 3: David -- It’s the only character he has a real canon relationship with . . .
Day 4: Life After Death -- What does he do with himself on that there island all day?
Day 5: All Grown Up -- We’ve all thought about it.
Day 6: Best Friend to Campers -- Pick a non-David character and develop his relationship with them.
Day 7: Spookily Ever After -- How does Jasper’s story end? On Spooky Island forever? Leaving this realm? Becoming the camp’s new mascot? Or was he somehow alive the whole time? Let your imagination go wild!
Cameron Campbell Appreciation Week
He’s sleazy. He’s morally bankrupt. He’s everyone’s favorite non-blonde-twink villain!
Day 1: Shady Business Dealings -- What’s Campbell up to when he’s not at camp? What does he want with Camp Campbell? Was that Nazi gold in his vault? Something’s fishy here, and I’m curious what everyone thinks is going on.
Day 2: Mysterious Past -- How on earth does someone like Campbell happen, anyway? This could be stuff about his childhood, how he got into . . . whatever illegal nonsense he’s up to, how he met QM, even how he got away with not getting in trouble for what happened to Jasper.
Day 3: Spooky Island -- Seriously, what on earth was going on in that house? Focus on the coolest/creepiest thing in there and go nuts.
Day 4: Fears & Other Random Headcanons -- Basically your Free Space day.
Day 5: Boss Man -- Focusing specifically on his relationships with the counselors.
Day 6: (Relation)Ships -- Yeah, yeah, gotta have it somewhere. This one is pretty open to interpretation, and should be considered platonic or not. Just depict the most interesting/fun relationship you think Campbell has. Is that cold black heart even capable of affection, anyway? (If you think he’s a foxy grandpa, go wild today.)
Day 7: What Happens Next? -- Is he gonna ever leave that cave? Team up with Daniel? Gone for good? What’s up ahead for the most notorious criminal who’s ever run a summer camp?
Gwen Appreciation Week
I mean, come on. You knew I was gonna do it.
Day 1: Background -- There are a lot of interesting headcanons about Gwen’s backstory, cultural heritage, etc. City girl or country bumpkin, Latina or African-American or rich or poor or college dropout or whatever, pick what you think is the most interesting headcanon for Gwen (something that’s related to her time before the show, that is) and go nuts.
Day 2: Favorite Camper -- Pick one of the kiddos and have them bond with their grumpiest caregiver.
Day 3: All Dolled Up -- She’s always in that counselor uniform. What does she look like outside of camp?
Day 4: Ships -- Obviously.
Day 5: That Tragic Plot Twist -- If you have an idea what makes Gwen such a grumpy disaster of panic and unemployment -- or just want to have fun making things unnecessarily dark for such a lighthearted cartoon which I know you do; I’ve read the fanfiction -- it’s time to unleash the angst.
Day 6: Anywhere Else -- AUs! AUs in all directions! Gwen doesn’t want to be at camp, so let’s plop her into another world where she might be happier . . . or might not be.
Day 7: A Campbell Camper? Whether you think Gwen was one of the kids who grew up at Camp Campbell or not, I think we’d all agree it’d be fun to imagine.
Bonquisha Appreciation Week
Because she deserves it and will probably kill you if you don’t appreciate her enough. 
Day 1: Those Wild Shirts -- Draw her in another fantastic outfit, or speculate where her amazing fashion sense (and vanity plates) came from. She has a filthy mouth and a whole lotta confidence, and the first day of this week is to celebrate that!
Day 2: Home Sweet Trailer -- Put her in her house on 69 Dirt Rd. and think about what kinds of things a girl like Bon would call home.
Day 3: Dog -- She has one. Tell us about it!
Day 4: Work/Hometown HCs -- What does someone even do in a town that small? Whether you think she’s a waitress alongside that cute pink-haired gal, or if she lives out of town and drove up to see David, ponder a little bit of what Bonquisha does in or around Sleepy Peak and show it to us.
Day 5: Bonvid -- How did that relationship with David crash and burn so hard, anyway? And what does it look like after that episode?
Day 6: Other Relationships -- Bonquisha vs. Tabii, or Gwenquisha, or bffs with Dirty Kevin, or any sort of connection you’d like to expand upon or forge between Bon-Bon and another character in the show. Hell, draw her and Jacob if you think that’s cute; it’s canon, after all.
Day 7: Muscles to Die For -- She’s big and beautiful and could absolutely murder everyone. Let’s just spend out last day appreciating how very much of a badass Bonquisha is.
Dirty Kevin Appreciation Week
The very goodest alternative Den Mother there ever was.
Day 1: Probably a Real Brat -- What was he like as a kid or teenager?
Day 2: Drugs & More Drugs -- Show us Kevin hard at work or tell us how he got into this crazy business.
Day 3: That Red Hoodie -- It’s kind of his trademark, and this is a day to appreciate it.
Day 4: From Sleepy Peak to Mexico -- Take your favorite part from Kevin’s debut appearance and do something fun with it.
Day 5: Den Mommy -- We’ve all thought about Dirty Kevin as a Flower Scout mother, and if you haven’t, you’re lying.
Day 6: Cleaned Up -- Get him a nice facial grooming and some good clothes, and you could have a handsome gentleman right there. What on earth would that look like? 
Day 7:  Not Such a Lone Wolf -- Whether you have an OTP or just love the idea of Kevin being friends with certain characters, show us who you think he has a soft spot for.
QM Appreciation Week
Listen, we’re all a little afraid of him, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve the spotlight for a bit. Even if we know he’ll probably do unspeakable things in and to that spotlight.
Day 1: God or Just Crazy? Whether it’s his apparent inability to age or how he can magically find little woodland paradises in the middle of the camp, there’s a lot of weird going on there. Celebrate the man who may or may not be a murderer and may or may not actually be a literal deity and all his strange, often supernatural weirdness.
Day 2: Hook -- Hey, how’d he lose that hand?
Day 3: Man vs. Squirrels -- He has a blood feud with many woodland creatures.
Day 4: QM Store -- There’s a lot of wacky stuff in there. What did you like best, or what do you think was hidden in the corners that we didn’t get to see?
Day 5: Bonding -- QM’s been there for a long (long long long) time, and he’s clearly known Campbell and David at least for years. Pick a character and explore what their relationship with the Quartermaster might be like.
Day 6: Tontine -- So what on earth was going on there?
Day 7: Camp Specter -- Regardless of how you approached Day 1, the fact remains that for whatever reason, the Quartermaster is at Camp Campbell for good. You can speculate why he’s there or just show us him hard at work doing . . . whatever he does, but today I just wanna see our beloved QM lurking around the camp!
Other Secondary Characters Appreciation Week
To all those characters who hang out in the background, making the campers’ shenanigans more fun.
Day 1: Daniel -- I don’t consider him in any way under-appreciated, but he’s a pretty spectacular way to kick off Season 2, and also this week.
Day 2: Platypus -- Mother of six five four three two one lunch and terror of the camp.
Day 3: Cute Waitress -- Y’all sure do love her. Show your love!
Day 4: Jermy Fartz -- Oh yeah. I went there.
Day 5: Darla & Gregg -- How can anyone who isn’t David be that excited about camping? Were they totally secretly dating? Where are they now, and how did they get there?
Day 6: The Denizens of Sleepy Peak -- Whether your heart belongs to Lester, Fred, the old geezers, or any of the others populating the nearby town, it’s time to show them some love.
Day 7: Parents -- How else would we end this week but with some family bonding?
Elevated Extras Appreciation Week
They’re not as memorable as the secondary characters. They don’t even have lines. But they’re ours and we love them.
Day 1: Former Campbell Campers -- we see in the picture on David’s bulletin board that there were a lot of kids who used to come to the camp. Show or tell us about your favorite!
Day 2: Camp Counselor of the Year Judges -- What was up with those guys? Were they even human?
Day 3: Other Camps -- Lake Lilac is home to Teen Church Camp, Pirate Camp, and who knows how many others? Let’s enjoy them!
Day 4: Larry -- Poor, poor undeserving Larry. RIP, my fuzzy man.
Day 5: Scotty -- Visual comedy camp? Seriously?
Day 6: Chucky -- What happened to him anyway?
Day 7: Your choice! Think I forgot the most important one? Time to correct that mistake! (Listen, if you’re mad I didn’t include Jen, consider this the Jen space.)
Nerris Appreciation Week
Devoted to the real(?) magic kid.
Day 1: The Cute -- Artists, draw how cute she is! Writers, maybe think about how the nickname came about! Or do something completely different! I don’t care!
Day 2: Magic War -- Explore her relationship with Harrison.
Day 3: Elf-kin -- What does that even look like? What does it mean?
Day 4: Bonding with Mere Mortals -- The camp is full of people and animals. Pick one and play with their relationship with Nerris.
Day 5: Dice -- What do they look like? How did she get them?
Day 6: Fandom -- A girl that excited about fantasy has to be quite the fan of a lot of things. Show us her interacting with her favorite stuff.
Day 7: Her Party -- Her relationship with her slightly-clueless mother and extremely-geeky dad.
Space Kid Appreciation Week
The most obvious appreciation week in the entire world.
Day 1: Astronaut -- Whether you want to show him all grown up or as a little kid, give us a glimpse of what Neil the real-life spaceman would be like.
Day 2: Aliens -- Another type of spaceman.
Day 3: Fishbowl -- A day to just appreciate his adorable, impractical costume.
Day 4: Punching Bag -- He’s been pushed around and disregarded by Max, Nurf, Max, the counselors, various animals, and Max. This is a day dedicated to his unfortunate luck and indomitable good spirit.
Day 5: Sick -- After that trip he took across the lake to the moon, and barely surviving the flu zombies, Space Kid could probably use some patching up.
Day 6: Science Guys -- The two Neils, bonding.
Day 7: SPACE!!! -- Give us Space Kid interacting with his favorite hobby ever.
Ered Appreciation Week
A very very cool week.
Day 1: Skater -- Even on the camp’s awful cardboard halfpipe, Ered’s still a budding Tony Hawk.
Day 2: Dye -- Dedicated to her awesome -- dare we say cool? -- hair.
Day 3: Camp Kool Kidz -- Celebrate her short-lived tenure as the head of Camp Campbell.
Day 4: Extreme -- What other extreme sports does she like to get up to?
Day 5: Queen Bee -- Her relationship with one or more of the other campers.
Day 6: Wipeout -- She gets injured a lot, doesn’t she?
Day 7: Cool Gay FBI Dads -- They’re the most wholesome family that regularly gets into gunfights.
Harrison Appreciation Week
Devoted to the . . . real(?) magic kid? (Didn’t we already do this?)
Day 1: Harry’s Son -- His outfit is pure Vegas showman, his VA and accent seem to suggest Israeli descent, and he may or may not be a literal wizard. His parents are terrified of him, but his mom says he’ll grow into his looks. Give some backstory to this lovable kid and his love of illusions.
Day 2: Actual, Real, Terrifying Magic -- This kid isn’t messing around. From summoning fireballs to making both objects and living things appear and disappear, he has some serious supernatural chops.
Day 3: Apprenticeship -- He and Nikki’s relationship consists of equal parts mutual admiration and mayhem. What do the two of them get up to behind the scenes?
Day 4: Brother -- Time for theories (and angst, of course angst) about how and why he “made his brother disappear.” 
Day 5: Any Resemblance to Bill Cipher is Pure Coincidence -- . . . probably. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t fun to imagine that crossover!
Day 6: Frenemies -- Harrison has a habit of getting on people’s nerves. Pick at least one character and develop their relationship with the magic kid.
Day 7: Hufflepuff Pride -- Jordan Cwierz confirmed it! This last day is about celebrating all things yellow and black and (mostly) well-intentioned.
Dolph Appreciation Week
I know, he’s controversial. But he’s a kid with a passion for art and no understanding of history, and he could use some love as well.
Day 1: Painting -- Exactly what it says on the tin. While he is clearly skilled at lots of different types of art, this is the one he seems to like the most.
Day 2: Where’s the Yellow? He is the only one who doesn’t wear anything camp-themed. Give us a glimpse of what might’ve happened to that signature yellow clothing.
Day 3: Stage Manager -- Multiple times throughout the series Dolph is shown as Preston’s right-hand man by helping him design sets and acting in his plays; Preston even returns the favor by posing for a painting. Today is dedicated to the strange relationship of the theatre and art kids.
Day 4: Camp Counselor of the Year! Incredibly, Dolph appears to be quite the competent leader for his age, and his one day of running the camp went smoothly for the most part. Maybe he has the makings of a great counselor after all.
Day 5: The Elephant in the Room -- We all knew it was coming. Whether you find the Hitler jokes hilarious or offensive, everyone has an opinion about this particular character choice. Now’s the time to speculate what happens when he gets older, or completely retcon this aspect of his personality, or do whatever you’d like to with his . . . peculiarities.
Day 6: Father Issues -- According to the show’s wiki, “his father is an American lieutenant, who raised him on a German army base where he supposedly gained a love of art and soccer like many Europeans, much to his father's dismay.” Oof, that’s a lot to unpack. Time for backstory!
Day 7: Not Such a Bad Kid -- Despite his . . . controversial elements, Dolph as a character seems fairly sweet and oblivious, and is loved by a significant portion of the fanbase for these qualities. A free day of sorts, this is about accentuating the positive and appreciating the awkward, artistic weirdo underneath the jokes.
Nikki Appreciation Week
I was really close to not including this, because I don’t consider her an underrated character exactly, but Neil has a week and, let’s be honest, it’d be fun.
Day 1: Rough n’ Tumble -- Nikki isn’t afraid of fighting, and she’s no stranger to getting dirty or even hurt. Show the wild child doing something fun, reckless, and probably not very smart.
Day 2: Raised by Wolves -- Imagine an AU where she actually was as much a literal daughter of the forest as she wants to be.
Day 3: Just a Tiny Bit Traditional -- Despite being such a tomboy, there’s a part of Nikki that is deeply romantic and even maternal. Whether through a version of her that’s a bit older or a quiet moment at the camp, show us a little bit more of her gentle side.
Day 4: BFFs, Potential Step Siblings, Sidekicks -- A day to appreciate Neil and Nikki’s relationship, whatever you see that as.
Day 5: Flower Scout Nikki -- What was her time across the lake like?
Day 6: Parent Troubles -- She and her mom have a difficult relationship, and her dad doesn’t seem to be around that much. Show us Nikki and one or more of her guardians, and what that relationship might be like.
Day 7: Holidays! Her first and greatest love is Christmas, but there’s probably not a holiday she wouldn’t throw herself into. Give her a chance to celebrate any holiday you want!
Preston Appreciation Week
Get ready for some high-octane theatrics!
Day 1: A Flair for the Dramatic -- I don’t care what you do with this one, just give it lots of DRAMA!
Day 2: Speak Up -- Preston and his grandmother are really close, but his parents seem to be AWOL. Every Appreciation Week needs a backstory- and/or family-centric day, and that’s what this is.
Day 3: Cosplay -- What’s Preston’s favorite play? Let’s have him dress up like a character in that show.
Day 4: Stage Presence -- Give the boy a spotlight and an audience!
Day 5: The Bard -- He seems to love writing and directing even more than performing. Show him creating the next Hamilton (or more likely, Hamilton’s weird sequel involving pirates and aliens).
Day 6: Theater Nerd -- Either as a high school AU or just some time in the future, image Preston fully engrossed in that drama club life.
Day 7: Tribe -- Every weirdo has their group of friends. Either through OCs or other characters in Camp Camp, give or describe the people that make up the group in which he belongs.
Nurf Appreciation Week
Gaylord Nurfington, much like Shrek, is like an onion: smelly, surprisingly layered, and will probably make you cry.
Day 1: Big N Tough -- He’s built like a brick shithouse and mean as a bear, and that’s part of why we love him. Celebrate the fact that this guy can (and probably will) kick anyone’s ass.
Day 2: Theater Kid? -- We’ve seen Nurf involved in Preston’s productions more than once. Have some fun with his apparent interest in the performing arts.
Day 3: His Mother’s Boy -- Mother and son time!
Day 4: Surprising Depths -- Show Nurf doing something no one would ever have thought he would enjoy and/or be good at.
Day 5: A Thoughtful Bully . . . -- As the self-proclaimed most self-actualized character in the show, Nurf has proven to be remarkably cognizant of his own issues and respectful of others’. Give him a positive-ish interaction with another character.
Day 6: . . . Is Still a Bully -- But let’s be real: Nurf can be a total jerk. Let the kid be mean today!
Day 7: Knives -- Where the hell is he getting all of those, anyway? Regardless, show Nurf with his favorite toys.
Flower Scouts Appreciation Week
They’ll kill you with a smile and fantastic hair, then they’ll use their drug contacts to bury the bodies.
Day 1: Grace & Class -- No one is prettier and daintier than these angels -- and nobody knows it better than them.
Day 2: Nicer than Disneyland -- Whether you’d like to focus on their shady cookie dealings, the washed-up Miss Priss, or even invent your own Scout, give yourself a chance to explore a part of the Flower Scouts that hasn’t been given much screentime yet.
Day 3: Sasha -- A day dedicated to the quintessential Queen Bee. Manipulative, clever, and pretty damn selfish, Sasha is undoubtedly the leader of the Scouts, and you better respect it.
Day 4: Erin -- If your heart hasn’t been captured by this heterochromatic science nerd, this day is not for you. But for the rest of us, grab your pumpkin spice and head off to Fraaaaance to celebrate her!
Day 5: Tabii -- What she lacks in common sense she makes up for with being absolutely terrifying. Tabii-with-two-eyes-with-one-eye is an emotional rollercoaster, and she deserves a little bit of love today.
Day 6: Not-So Delicate Girls -- From drug empires to vats of acid, the Flower Scouts have proven that they can kick a whole lot of ass. Show off how tough these girly-girls can really be!
Day 7: Garden Mother Kevin -- Come on. You knew it was coming.
Woodscouts Appreciation Week
They might be the cartoon answer to what would happen if Stormtroopers were body-swapped with Boy Scouts, but that’s part of their charm.
Day 1: A Shadowy Organization -- No girls are allowed, they don’t appear to have a troop leader, their camp is impenetrable, there seem to be maybe 5 Scouts at most . . . Pick something cool about this creepy camp and play around with it.
Day 2: Bitter Rivalries -- Between risky bets against Camp Campbell and popcorn/cookie sales against the Flower Scouts, it seems like the WS have a problem with basically everyone. Depict one or more interaction between them and their most bitter enemies.
Day 3: A New Recruit -- How on earth does Jermy fit into the Woodscouts’ routine? How has he not accidentally (or not-so accidentally) been incapacitated yet?
Day 4: Fearless Leader -- He’s slimy in more ways than one, but he keeps Troop #818 together and has even managed to snag a few recruits. That alone is worth a day of appreciation.
Day 5: Strong & Silent -- For someone who doesn’t talk much, Petrol has a lot of good advice and personality. Let’s celebrate his bromance with Snake, his willingness to be sacrificed for the WS, or even just his stubborn refusal to try leg day even once.
Day 6: Call him Snake -- Prince Zuko Billy might not be the most dignified character on the show, but he’s certainly the most honorable and is deadly with a candy cane.
Day 7: Like Family -- I just want to see some Woodscouts bonding, with each other or a character of your choice.
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pollenallergie · 5 years
Dualism: A Hemlock Grove Fanfiction by yours truly
Chapter Two
Can I Watch?
based on Hemlock Grove's second episode of its first season, which is called "The Angel"
part two:
   That very same day was also the second time he ever spoke to Roman. He was causally making slightly flirtatious conversation with Roman Godfrey's sister, Shelley, a girl who, like Peter and the two Ruiterkamp siblings, was also labeled a freak and forced into being an outcast, when a guy purposefully bumped into him, making him drop his book. The boy the preceded to call Peter "wolf fucker" and howl at him tauntingly as he walked away. Shelley then apologized to Peter via the automated voice on her phone. To which Peter replied, "Don't be sorry, you're too pretty," as he gently touched a strand of her hair, quickly but playfully flicking it with his fingertip.
   Peter then bent down to pick them up, reaching for a book but failing to pick it up when a familiar hand slammed down onto it dramatically, picking it up for him. The hand then gave Peter the book and he looked up to see that it belonged to Roman.
   "Get your fucking hands of my sister," Roman said menacingly, causing his sister and Peter to laugh.
   "Is this funny to you?" Roman asked him seriously, causing the two to stop laughing and for Peter to shake his head, causing Roman to bust out laughing while attempting to mutter out a, "I'm just kidding."
   "You want a lift home?" Roman asked after his laughter died down.
   "Why?" Peter asked.
   "Whatever, or not." Roman shrugged, beginning to walk away. Peter then followed, taking him up on his offer after he said his goodbyes to Shelley.
   The two of them talked in the car, getting to know each other before Roman pulled up to the curb of Peter's residence. Roman then noticed Peter's drawing and admitted to him that, the night before, he had a dream about the thing Peter drew. He then asked Peter if he felt it too, to which Peter eventually replied with an inquiry as to what he meant. Roman then explained that he meant whatever was "down there" and Peter sarcastically asked if he meant the septic tank. Roman replied by saying it was deeper than that before beginning to admit something else to him.
   "I get this feeling sometimes, like something really important is about to happen," Roman admitted, causing a pause in the conversation. During this pause, Peter heard the jingle of a bike chain approaching and noticed one of the Ruiterkamp siblings approaching, on their bike, the curb which Roman's car was parked by.
   "Thanks for the ride," Peter said quickly before getting out, for whatever reason not wanting Sawyer and Roman to interact.
   Roman then started the engine and drove off, not noticing the girl approaching Peter on her bike.
   "Hey," Sawyer greeted as she hopped off her bicycle, putting down on the curb.
   "How'd you get here so fast?" Peter asked her curiously.
   "Took the shortcut you told me about, the one that goes through the park," She explained.
   "Where's Luke? I didn't see him at school today," Peter asked.
   "He stayed home, he says he has the flu but I think he's just skipping," Sawyer explained.
   "So when Luke's not here drive you, you take your bike?" Peter asked teasingly. "What? Does he not share the car?"
   "No, not that it matters anyway, I can't drive," Sawyer said.
   "What, you don't have your license?" Peter asked.
   "Well that and I never took behind-the-wheel," Sawyer explained.
   "Too cool for driving school?" Peter asked teasingly.
   "No, more like I wrapped our older brother's car around a tree a week after my fifteenth birthday," Sawyer said causing Peter to wince jokingly.
   "So she can't drive," Peter muttered while sporting an amused grin as the two of them headed down the long stairway towards his late uncle's home.
   "No she cannot," Sawyer replied, mirroring his expression as they walked side-by-side.
   Once they made it inside, the two of them got situated, turning on the tv and getting their homework stuff set up, before Peter introduced Sawyer to his mother. Then for the rest of the afternoon the two of them did homework together, well, actually Sawyer worked on both of their homework assignments while Peter watched the movie on tv, his mom watching alongside him. Every now and then Lynda, his mother, would nudge him, signaling that he should be helping Sawyer, to which he would huff and then pretend to help Sawyer for a maximum of thirty seconds before reverting back to watching the movie. Although considering she was getting paid to do this, unbeknownst to Peter's mom, she didn't mind much. His mom began to flip through his sketchbook as he sipped his beer and, sitting next to him, Sawyer continued to busy herself with both his homework and her own.
   "Well, as an artist, you could use a little development," Lynda teased causing Peter and Sawyer to snicker.
   Lynda then came across a flyer for homecoming in his sketchbook.
   "Homecoming, you two going?" Lynda asked.
   "Nah, I am home," Peter said causing Sawyer to bite back a smile.
   "Well, I am, he's not," Sawyer replied.
   "You're going?" Peter asked her, a bit surprised that she was planning on attending.
   "Yeah, Luke wants to go," She replied.
   "So sicko missed school, but still somehow convinced your dad to let him go to the dance?" Peter teased.
   "Nah, dad's gone on a work trip for the next six months, so all Luke's gotta do is sneak out past our eighty-year-old grandma who sleeps from the hours of seven at night to seven in the morning," Sawyer explained.
   "Seems easy enough," Peter added jokingly.
   "Flier says it's a costume dance, so what are you two dressing up as?" Lynda asked.
   "We're gonna be Ashley and Sam Weir from the show Freaks and Geeks," Sawyer said.
   "I'm guessing that was your decision," Peter said.
   "Yeah, Luke wanted to be Aaron Carter and for me to be his twin sister Angel," Sawyer said, rolling her eyes at the thought.
   "But you two aren't twins," Peter pointed out at the same time that Lynda asked, "Aaron Carter has a twin sister?"
   "My thoughts exactly," Sawyer said referring to both of the comments made by the two Rumanceks.
   "Speaking of dances," Peter said as he looked at the wall clock, "It's six, you might wanna get going."
   Sawyer groaned in response before begrudgingly standing up and gathering her things. "Wish me luck," she said to the Rumanceks before departing.
   "Nice meeting you," Lynda said as the young girl left.
   "You too," Sawyer responded.
   "See you at school on Monday," Sawyer said to Peter, flashing both the Rumanceks a genuine smile before departing.
   Later that night, the Ruiterkamp siblings showed up at the dance, adorned in their seventies grunge and nerdy style costumes.
   "You look nothing like Sam Weir, your hair's too done up and he would never leave his shirt untucked when wearing khakis, especially not at school let alone at a school dance; he always tucks his shirt in to his khakis," Sawyer told her brother, regretting letting him make last-minute wardrobe changes to his half of her costume of choice.
   "Who cares? I look less nerdy like this. It's not like anybody's gonna get your reference anyways. I mean, the show was canceled for a reason, well two actually, one being that it sucked and two being that only like ten people watched it," Luke told her and Sawyer gasped in response.
   "You take that back." She demanded which caused Luke to snicker.
   "Whatever. How about we just try to enjoy ourselves tonight, is that cool with you?" Luke suggested to his older sister.
   "Fine," Sawyer grumbled before following her younger brother out onto the dance floor, both teens making sure to put lots of distance between them as to not spark up those incest rumors again. How their peers had even gotten that idea was a mystery to them, they were just like any other set of siblings in this town, but little did they know that starting absurd, outrageous rumors based on nothing but the knowledge someone's name and face was what the teens of Hemlock Grove were known for, well along with being known for how gullible they are, hence why these outlandish rumors take off and are so commonly believed.
   The two then danced for a bit, the whole time Sawyer wondered why in the hell the came in the first place seeing as they knew no one except for each other. After only a few minutes of dancing casually to the upbeat track, Sawyer had convinced Luke to let the two of them leave early, right as the song switched from the familiar upbeat one to a more ambient, techno track. Luke eventually agreed after some moments of hesitation, so the two siblings left. They got in Luke's car and Luke started it up just before they began to hear a chorus of screams and shouts. Upon hearing these cries of distress, the two noticed a herd of their peers pouring out of the school in a state of panic. They were concerned by this but decided to leave nonetheless, reasoning that the herd was probably running to get away from something which meant they should do the same and get the hell out of there.
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amylillian22 · 6 years
Check Yes or No - Liam Dunbar Imagine
Requested: No
Word Count: 2,191
Warnings: FLUFF!!!
Author’s Note: Based off George Strait’s Song “Check Yes or No”
[My Teen Wolf Master List]
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Age 9
“Liam wait!” Y/N called after him as she got off the school bus. She grabbed his hand and led him to the playground.
If Liam’s friends had been around, he would have pretended to be grossed out she was holding his hand, and they probably make a stupid remark about cooties. He was glad his friends weren’t around because he secretly liked that she was holding his hand.
“Where are we going?” Liam asked as his small legs tried to keep up with her pace. His eyes landed on her perfect curls, bouncing with each step she took. Her hair was tied up with a pink ribbon, which matched her pink dress. “Ms. Hayes is going to be mad if we’re late.”
“It’ll only take a second,” she said as she led the way up the steps to the playground jungle. She let go of his hand before climbing into the tunnel. Liam didn’t like that he wasn’t holding her hand anymore, but he followed her in the tunnel until she stopped halfway through.
“What are we doing?” Liam asked, wondering what she had planned.
She smiled at him. She leaned in and quickly pecked his lips. It happened too fast, but it was enough to make Liam’s cheeks flush the same color as her dress.
“Don’t tell anyone,” she giggled before she crawled out of the tunnel.
The next day
“Come inside,” Ms. Hayes called out to her students running around the playground. “Recess is over!”
Across the monkey bars and merry-go-round, she spotted Liam chasing after Y/N. They were giggling, running, and weaving in between the playground. She couldn’t help but smile at how cute they were. “Liam! Y/N!” She called out.
Y/N ran towards the classroom with Liam hot on her heels as she teased he couldn’t catch her. They made it all the way inside until she sat in her assigned seat. “Beat ya!” She beamed with a cheeky smile.
“I let you win,” Liam laughed as he slumped down in his desk behind hers. He was about to say something when Ms. Hayes called the class to face the blackboard.
Y/N pulled out her notebook and grabbed her pink crayon. She quickly scribbled on the white lined paper and folded it. She turned around to give it to Liam. He quickly grabbed it and unfolded it to read it.
Do you love me, do you wanna be my friend?
And if you do, well then don't be afraid to take me by the hand if you want to. I think this is how love goes, check yes or no
Liam stared at the two uneven boxes she drew. Before he could check yes, Ms. Hayes grabbed it. “There’s no notes during class,” she said and walked back to her front desk. “You two, detention after school.”
Y/N turned around with a sad look on her face, feeling guilty she got him into trouble with her note. “Sorry,” she whispered.
“It’s okay,” he smiled. “I get to see my girlfriend after school.” Y/N’s cheeks flushed as she turned around to look at the blackboard.
7 years later – Age 16
Liam’s eyes stayed glued to his notebook as his hand moved the black pen against the paper. He was drawing random doodles around the edge of his history notes. He was so into the details of the wolf drawing he was currently working on, he barely heard the knock on the classroom door.
Mr. Yukimura stopped his lecture as a girl walked in with a paper in her hand. Mason studied the new girl hard, trying to remember where he might have seen her. Mr. Yukimura cleared his throat. “Okay, class. We have a new student, Y/N Y/L/N. Please welcome her.”
At the sound of her name, Liam’s hand froze. He looked up and saw his first girlfriend. He hadn’t seen her since a year after she asked to be his girlfriend. In the middle of their 4th grade year, she moved across the country because her dad got a new job. Liam took it hard. Not because she he was his girlfriend, but because she was also his best friend. He missed having someone to chase around the playground and play hopscotch. They had play dates when their mothers had their weekly book club with their friends. They were inseparable.
Y/N’s eyes scanned the room, taking in her new classmates until her eyes landed on the one person she was hoping to see since she found out she was moving back home. She gave him a small smile.
“You can take a seat in front of Liam’s desk,” Mr. Yukimura pointed at the only available seat in class.
As she got closer, Liam couldn’t help but smile back at her. He could hear her heart beating fast and how it was matching his. Mason nudged his shoulder. “Do you know her?” He whispered.
“Yup,” Liam answered Mason before she sat down.
She turned around and faced Liam as Mr. Yukimura continued his lesson. “I was hoping I would see you.”
“I never thought I’d see you again.”
“Well, if you play your cards right, you might see a lot of me,” she smirked and winked at him before turning back to face the front.
Liam couldn’t help but chuckle and shake his head before an idea crossed his mind. He was single and she had just moved back into town. Liam thought there was no way she would have a boyfriend, especially after making that flirtatious move. He flipped the page in his notebook and began scribbling a quick note for Y/N, making sure to end it with two boxes at the bottom. When he finished, he ripped the page from his notebook and folded it. He tapped Y/N’s shoulder and passed her the note.
She smiled at him before turning back to open the note. However before she could read it, Mr. Yukimura cleared his throat. Y/N looked up to see him standing next to her desk with his hand out, asking for the note. She sighed and handed him the note. He looked back at Liam. “Liam, you know passing notes isn’t allowed in my class.”
“I know, Mr. Yukimura,” Liam sighed. “But I really need her to see that note. She has to answer a question for me.”
“If it’s so important, perhaps I should share with the class?” He asked.
“No!” Liam quickly begged.
“Please do,” Y/N smirked, kind of sensing what was in the letter as she only got a glance of two boxes at the bottom before Mr. Yukimura asked for the note. “I’m dying to know what it says.”
“Do you love me, do you wanna be my friend?” Mr. Yukimura reads out loud, earning fits of giggles from the classroom, including Mason. Liam sank lower in his desk as Mr. Yukimura continued. “And if you do, well then don't be afraid to take me by the hand if you want to. I think this is how love goes, check yes or no.”
He looked back at Liam, who’s face was as red as a tomato. His eyes flickered back to Y/N, who had the biggest smile on her face. She looked up at Mr. Yukimura. “Is it alright if I give him my answer?” She asked with hope.
Mr. Yukimura sighed in defeat. He didn’t think the note would be this cute and he was a hopeless romantic. He couldn’t help but think maybe this would be the start of a great relationship for the two, and hoped they would be happy and in love as he is with his wife years from now.
“Sure,” he handed her the note back. “Check off your answer.”
She grabbed the paper and placed it on her desk. She turned around, leaned forward, grabbed Liam by the face and pulled him in for a kiss. The class roared with cheers. Liam immediately kissed her back for a short, sweet kiss.
“That’s definitely a yes,” she smiled at the grinning boy in front of her.
“I totally remember her now!” Mason said louder than he meant. “She’s the first girl you were in love with!” Liam couldn’t help but chuckle as he nodded his head.
“Detention after school. Both of you,” Mr. Yukimura said as he walked back to his desk.
“So worth it,” Y/N giggled at Liam before she turned around to face the front of the class.
16 years later – Age 32
“AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” A small five year old yelled as she ran down the hall, away from her parents. She held on to her twin brother’s hand tight, trying to keep up with his pace.
“Come on! Mom and dad are catching up!” He said, trying to pull his giggling sister with him. “If they bite us, we’ll be just like them! Zombies!”
The little girl turned around to see her parents, Liam and Y/N, slowly dragging themselves on the floor, making Zombie noises. Her lips formed a huge smile as she turned around and ran towards their master bedroom. Her brother shut the door as she crawled underneath the bed, her brother crawling shortly after her.
The door flung wide open. The kids covered their mouths, trying not to giggle as they saw their parents bare feet walking across the threshold.
“Where could they be?” Liam asked as he opened the closet door. “Not in here.”
“I bet there in here!” Y/N yelled as she opened the bathroom door. “Nope,” she shook her head and turned around to face Liam. She immediately noticed the smile on his face.
Liam knew the kids were under the bed. That was the twins’ number one hiding spot. He wanted to stall a bit, give the kids more time to hide and not giggle. It never failed. One would laugh; giving themselves away to Liam and Y/N. Except, Liam took longer to stall than he usually does as he looked back at his wife. He couldn’t help but admire her, how beautiful she was after all these years together. He loved that she still got to him. Since elementary school, she’s continued to make his heart race and he’s fallen more in love with her each passing day. They’ve been married for almost 10 years and have a set of twins. He couldn’t wait to have another child with her soon.
Y/N knew what he was doing, as she does the same thing with Liam all the time. She knew she was extremely lucky to have him in her life and all the wonderful journeys that came with it, including the two beautiful kids that just giggled from underneath the bed.
Liam lifted his hand and counted down from 3. When the last finger went down, Liam and Y/N quickly bent down, grabbed their kids by the ankles, and pulled them from underneath. The twins’ laughter filled the room as their parents picked them up and tossed them on the bed to tickle them.
“Mom!” “Dad!” The twins wheezed between giggles. “I can’t breathe!” “I’m going to pee in my undies!”
Liam and Y/N stopped tickling them. They laughed as they plopped themselves next to their kids on their bed. They all looked up at the two frames hanging above the headboard. The frame held up two love notes, one from Y/N to Liam from third grade. The other was from Liam to Y/N from their sophomore year in high school. They both said the same thing and both with a check mark in the “Yes” box.
“So, mommy liked daddy first?” The little girl asked as she looked up at the notes.
“She kissed him first. Yuck,” her brother said. “I don’t think I could kiss a girl. They have cooties!”
Liam couldn’t help but laugh as he remembered he didn’t want his friends to see him holding Y/N’s hand on the playground. He lifted his arm and reached over for Y/N’s hand and held it above their kids’ heads. He rubbed small circles with his thumb against her soft skin. “You’re definitely too young to be kissing anyone, but once you get older, you’ll realize girls aren’t so bad, bud.”
“Did you know you were going to be with daddy forever?” The daughter asked as she looked up at Y/N.
“Yup. That’s why I kissed him,” she smiled looking back at Liam. “And look at us now. We’re still together after all these years.”
“Huh,” she said before she looked back at the notes.
Her brother looked at his twin sister. He knew she was thinking about something since she was still staring at the notes, but he didn’t know what. “What are you doing?” He asked.
“You know Dylan?” She asked.
“My best friend?” She nodded at her brother’s question. “What about him?”
“I think I’m going to kiss him and give him a note just like that,” she pointed out at the note her 9-year-old mother wrote in a pink crayon.
“Ewwwwwwwwwwww!” Her brother yelled in disgust.
“Now, wait a minute,” Liam immediately protested. “You’re definitely too young to be kissing boys, princess.”
“She’s definitely my child,” Y/N laughed. Her heart was filled with joy knowing her little tradition may continue with at least one of her kids. She had no doubt their love story would be as sweet and epic as her love story with Liam’s, and she couldn’t wait to see it happen before her eyes.
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insanityvirus13 · 6 years
My Red String Story
I’ve been getting back into the “Red String of Fate” thing, and I decided to create a little short story. I would make a comic, but I know I’d take years to finish it XD So my bad story-writing skills will have to suffice.
Dedicated to 2 beautiful people;
Sam - My Boyfriend of 2 months now
Derin - The original “Lover boy.” I’ll never forget you.
My Red String was cut. Might as well rip that band-aid off now. Yup, my red string was cut. Not exactly in the way you think, but it was cut.
I used to have a soulmate. We met as teens, and he was wonderful. He was like how everyone talked about their soulmates. Funny, sweet, kind, carefree, adventurous, caring, loving, and just absolutely, wonderfully perfect. I loved him so much. I still love him. I’ll love him until the end of time itself and than some. He was taken from me though. The man who was my very life and soul was taken from me. The man who gave me a reason to live was taken from my life... and I can’t ever get him back.
A hit and run. It was supposed to be me but he... he saved me. He threw me out of the way. While I was left with cuts, scrapes and a sprained ankle & wrist, he was left for dead. I was at least there for the final goodbye but that didn’t stop my heart from dying that day and my string disappearing.
When he died... our string snapped in two.  That day now left me without 3 things. I was now left without a soulmate, a string, and a heart.
I didn’t love anyone for a long time. I loved family and friends in the way everyone does, yes. But romantically, my love for anyone was just non-existent. Believe me when I say I tried. I tried so damn hard. I tried to believe the men and women who said they could “fix me.” I tried to make myself believe their attempts we’re working. I tried to force myself to love the few people who had affections for me. After a while though, I just gave up. I gave up on trying to let people “fix me” and just gave up on trying to fill the hole in my heart. 
I was always pestered about not moving on, about not trying to find a new potential soulmate, that I HAD to have another one. That I HAD to love someone. While I got used to it, I also started to get really sick of it. I HAD a soulmate once, and now he’s gone now. What else did you want from me? I had no string to guide me, no path to follow. I was all alone.
I was fine on my own. Don’t get me wrong, I did get lonely, but that’s normal for anyone. I did miss the man who used to make me whole. I missed him every single day and I still miss him, but I learned to move on. For him, his memory, my love for him - I learned to survive on my own.
For almost a decade, I was on my own. For a decade, I had to deal with people talking about their soulmates or future soulmates. For a decade, I had to be alone. For a decade, I had to fake a smile and talk about my own “future soulmate.” For a decade, I actually forgot what it was like to genuinely love someone.
And than he came running into my life.
We met in a semi-peculiar way. I was on Discord talking with a few friends of mine, when one of them invited me to a sever. He knew I was really into anime and all things geeky and said he thought it would “fit my style.” I decided to give it a go. The name of the server was “The Anime Grail” and it was pretty much just a NSFW server for anime. It did have SFW chats and a “General Chat” that was meant to stay mostly SFW, but it’s purpose remained the same. As weird as the server was to me, I was bored anyway and needed something to occupy my time. After all, gaming & drawing did get boring after a while and Youtube can only occupy you for so long.
When I joined the server, the first 2 people I met we’re the founders of the server.
Alt and Prime
While Alt was definitely nice, and we’d soon become good friends, it was Prime who I became quickly interested in. Somehow, me and Prime just... clicked. We got along so well, you’d think we’d known each other since grade-school. We became very fast friends and talked almost everyday.
If I’m to be honest, I’m kind of surprised I hadn’t realized sooner the affect he was having on me at the time.
I became happier and more cheerful, more optimistic. I was more hopeful and even had some confidence in myself - something I hadn’t had in God knows how long. I always looked forward to get on, always eagerly awaiting every message from him. Even just the simplest heart emoji brought a smile to my face. Hell, if I was ever in a crap mood, just hearing his name brought my spirit up.
Than one day, he complimented my figure. I finally decided to post a slightly revealing selfie cause I was feeling bored and confident, and he told me how much he loved the way I look. He loved my every look and wish he was there with me.
You’d think I’m sick with how red I got, haha. But what got me was the way my heart was skipping a beat.
My heart was doing somersaults, I had a horde of butterflies flying in my stomach, and all I could think about was him loving me. It just hit me like a sack of bricks.
I wanted him. I wanted, him so much, and I wanted him and only him. I never wanted someone so damn much since...
I was scared at first. I shouldn’t be falling for him like this. He already has a soulmate. I’m not his soulmate. He’s in love with someone else. Somebody’s waiting on him. But... I stopped caring. I have no idea why but, I just stopped caring. I didn’t care. The less I cared about those thoughts, the deeper I fell for him. It became bliss, really.
The tension was high with us. We always found a way to flirt with each other, get revealing, “joke” about... other things, etc. Our friends always teased us that we should get together. It took my best friend, Wolfe - bless her for doing this, really - to make us face the question when she asked us both directly.
What were we?
I was so afraid of this moment. So afraid of rejection. So afraid to be let down. So afraid for my heart to be broken once again. But than, by God’s hand, it went like this;
Prime: I mean, it feels a bit empty to just call it Friends w/ Benefits, don’t you think?
Absentia: In all honesty, it kind of does... I don’t know. What do you wanna define as us?
Prime:  I mean, I don’t... I... Do you... want... to make this something more?
I hovered over the my keyboard. How the hell do I respond to that? I subconsciously looked to my ring finger, where the old string lied. I followed the string and noticed  something strange... I couldn’t see the end of it. It was... blurry to me. I furrowed my brow in confusion and looked back to the screen, staring at the message. Absentia: You don’t... have someone else?
Prime: No.
Absentia: No soulmate?
Prime: I’ve never had a soulmate. My string’s never lead anywhere.
Absentia: I can relate in a way
Prime: How so?
Absentia: Mine.... isn’t here anymore. My string leads nowhere anymore.
Prime: I’m sorry. He must’ve been good to you.
Absentia: ...Everyone’s tried to “Fix Me” after that one.
Prime: Only you can “fix” yourself. I just want to be there when you need a helping hand...and, hopefully be something more to you if you’re ready for it.
Absentia: Are you asking what I think you’re asking?
Prime: Will you be mine?
Absentia: Yes!
I never loved someone more that day. It really was the happiest day of my life. I was close to tears. I didn’t think it could get better.
Than my hand got pulled.
I looked down and saw my string. I stood up and got pulled out of my chair towards the window. I looked at the string, and couldn’t see the end! It went on for miles, and I realized.
Prime: What the fuck?!? My string just pulled me!
Absentia: OMG SAME!
Prime: You don’t think...?
Prime: HOLY SHIT 😃💘
I never thought I could love again. I never thought I’d be truly happy again. I never thought... I’d have someone like him in my life again. But you changed all that. You two are so similar in so many ways and yet so different. Don’t worry, I know you’re not him, but you really do remind him. And I thank you for that, for just being you.
I know he’d be happy for me that I could finally move on. That I finally have someone again who can care for me as much as he did, and vice versa.  
I loved you Devilin, I always have and always will. Thank you for making my life beautiful when you did. And I love you Sam. Thank you for making my life absolutely wonderful, and I can’t wait to see you~ 💛💜
After Note
I’ve been alone all my life, and I truly though it would stay that way. I fell in love once but... well, let’s just say this story is from real-life experiences. I thought I would never love again, but than you came spiraling into my life in the strangest way possible. How I fell in love in such a short time after we met I will never know. How you felt the same is an even bigger mystery. But when we met, we clicked like we knew each other for decades, and... heh. Well, I guess I’ll just leave it at this.
I’m thanking God everyday that I got to meet you and be yours~
I’m also starting to wonder if I should believe that the Red Thread of Fate is real... 
You’re to thank for that 💘
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ellewritesathing · 5 years
So Close - S.S. VII
Summary: The universe has a funny way of putting the things you want right in front of you, but just out of reach. Stiles and Y/N have been best friends ever since Scott brought him home, but when Stiles realizes that he might want to be something other than best friends, she leaves to go to some fancy private school up North. Now that she’s back though … maybe he’s got a shot? A Teen Wolf AU in which the reader has always been so close to Stiles and yet so far.
Prologue - S2E1 Part 1 - S2E2 + S2E3 Part 2 - S2E4 + S2E5 + S2E6 Part 3 -  S2E7 +S2E8 Part 4 - S2E9 + S2E10 Part 5 - S2E11 + S2E12 Part 6 Part 7 - S3AE1
Word-count: 3k+
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School was starting up in a few days and you still had no idea where Isaac was, but you put your nerves aside to spend the night with Allison and Lydia. It had been months since the three of you were together and you were trying your best to concentrate on the conversation from the backseat. 
“It is not a date,” Lydia argued. “It is a group thing.” 
“Do they know it’s a group thing?” Allison asked, still sounding a little tired from her flight. “‘Cause I told you that I’m not ready to get back out there.” 
“You were in France and didn’t do any dating for four months?” Lydia looked over to make sure that Allison knew she was rolling her eyes. 
“Can you guys maybe argue while also keeping your eyes on the road?” you asked. You loved them, but you were getting so tired of constantly talking about Scott and/or Jackson. 
Allison pushed back against Lydia though, and asked about Jackson to make her point. Lydia told her about Jackson’s recovery but said they hadn’t spoken since he left for London. 
“You mean since his dad moved him to London,” Allison corrected. 
“Whatever, he left.” Lydia waited a moment and scoffed. “And, seriously, an American werewolf in London? Like that’s not gonna be a disaster.”
“So you’re totally over him?” 
“Would I be going on a group date if I wasn’t?” Lydia snapped, but Allison just laughed and got a smug look on her face. “Yes, it’s a date. It’s not an orgy. You’ll live.” She eased on the brakes until the car came to a halt in front of the red light. 
“Yeah, I’m not so sure.” You pushed yourself closer to the front and looked at Allison intently. “You look a little pale.” 
“Seriously!” Lydia echoed. “Who spends four months in France, doesn’t date, and doesn’t spend any time in the sun?” 
“I don’t know,” you said in a sing-song voice, poking and lightly tormenting your friend. Allison laughed and swatted your hand, but then her face fell. 
“Oh, my god.” She turned her face to the road and you frowned and looked over. Scott and Stiles had pulled up next to you. “Oh, my god. I can’t see him. Not now. Can we just drive, please?”
“The light’s red,” you said, sinking back in your seat. “Just sit through it. He’s not gonna-” 
“I don’t care! Lydia, please? Please, can we just-” The movement of Stiles rolling down the window caught your eye as Lydia slammed on the accelerator. You gave them a half-hearted wave as you sped past. 
“You alright?” Lydia asked once the speed evened out. Allison nodded silently.
You zoned out for a bit as you looked over your shoulder. They’d caught up pretty quickly but came to a sudden halt in the middle of the road. “Uh, guys? They stopped.” “Should we go talk to them?” Allison asked, turning in her seat to look at them. 
“And say what?” Lydia stopped nonetheless. “‘Hey, guys. Sorry, didn’t see you back there?’” 
“Why would they stop?” Allison ignored her. 
“It’s Stiles and Scott,” Lydia started as she turned to see what was happening. “Do you really wanna try applying logic to those two?” 
“We might be here a while if we do.” You sighed and started unbuckling your belt. “Listen, I’ll go talk to them and see- Deer!” You curled into a ball, facing your seat and shielding yourself from the glass flying in all directions. You felt the car rock underneath you and the windshield crumble. The three of you jumped out of the car as soon as everything stopped. “Are you okay?” you pulled Lydia closer and walked around the back of the car to grab Allison. 
“Are you okay?” Stiles asked, running over. Lydia turned to him before you could. 
“It came out of nowhere!” 
“It ran right into us,” Allison said in disbelief. Scott was all over her, trying to help. She told him she was okay. 
“Well, I’m not okay!” Lydia was shaking in your arms. You hadn’t let go of her, even though Stiles had tried to intervene. “I am totally freaking out. How the hell does it just run into us?” You rubbed her back, watching Scott walk over to the deer. It felt like you were going to throw up. “I saw its eyes right before it hit us. It was like it- it was like it was crazy.” 
“No, it was scared,” Scott said, shaking his head. He reached out to touch the deer and you pulled away from Lydia. “Actually … terrified.”
You took a few steps to the side of the road and heaved. Your entire upper body ached as you tried to draw in some air. You felt a hand on the small of your back and looked up to see Stiles. 
“Y/N, you’re bleeding.” 
“What? No, I’m not,” you frowned and wiped your face with your sleeve. “Allison and Lydia were in the front and they’re fine.” 
Stiles gave a painful smile and helped you stand. “You’ve been looking for Isaac, right? Did you get hurt?” 
“A few days ago I …” you trailed off. You’d torn open the cut on your back when you turned so quickly in the backseat. “Can you take me home, please?”
You waited for someone to pick up Lydia and Allison, leaning pretty heavily on Stiles, when eventually he argued that you were turning green and Scott could just meet you guys at home. He didn’t want to be alone with Allison but agreed when he realized that was selfish. 
“Hey, come on,” Stiles urged as he drove. “Don’t fall asleep on me.” 
“Don’t tell me what to do, Stilinski,” you mumbled. You were adamant that you didn’t need his help, but you were thankful to get away from everything. 
Stiles helped you up to the bathroom and sat you on the edge of the bathtub before he started searching for the first aid kit. When he did, you turned and held up the back of your shirt so he could see the wound better. 
“The blood’s dried into the cut,” he said, sounding kind of sick as he helped you lift the material. He grabbed a washcloth and dampened it to clean the area up a bit. You sucked in a breath when it touched your skin. “What? Did I hurt you?” 
“No, it’s just-” you laughed under your breath and shook your head. “It’s cold.” Stiles worked quickly and you bit your lip when he disinfected the wound. It still stung. “Could you, uh, grab me another shirt or something, please?” 
“Oh, right. Sure.” Stiles fumbled before going to your room and coming back with a hoodie. “I’m just gonna-” He circled his hands around each other before leaving so you could change. You changed into sweatpants and took off your shoes while you were at it and then met him in the hallway. 
“Thanks,” you smiled. “You’re a real knight in shining armor.” 
Stiles rolled his eyes and pushed himself off the wall. “How’d you get that anyway?” His voice was casual but you knew there was more to it. 
You sighed and started walking to your room, playing with your hands as you did. “I was helping Derek look for Isaac a few days ago. I fell and landed weird on some rock.” That was the short version. 
“Right…” You turned to look at him once you reached your doorway. There was something else he wanted to say. “So, uh, you and Isaac …” 
“Me and Isaac?”
“You’re not, like, dating, right?” 
You laughed so hard that you had to lean on your nightstand to keep standing. “Oh, my god. No.” Sure, Isaac was cute and all and you guys almost went out months ago, but it didn’t change the fact that you had feelings for someone else. “Isaac’s like my best friend. That would be like if you and Scott dated.” 
“I mean, I don’t know. Scott’s a pretty attractive guy.” Stile’s whole demeanor softened after you told him that there was nothing between you and Isaac. That didn’t stop you from pulling a face at his joke. 
“That’s disgusting. He’s my brother.” 
“I didn’t say you had to date him! All I said was if it came down to it … Scott’s not a bad choice.” 
“Okay, whatever. Send me an invite to the wedding, alright? I’ll make a toast.” 
“Mm, I’m sure you would.” Stiles’ laugh made you forget about how stressed out you were and how bad you’d felt minutes before. “Get some sleep, okay?” 
“Okay.” You nodded and gave him a small smile. “Are you picking up me and Scott tomorrow?” 
“Don’t I always take you guys on the first day?” Stiles gave you a mischievous smile.
“Yeah, it’s tradition.” 
“Then why’d you even ask? Of course, I’ll pick you guys up.”
On your first day back, they pulled you out of biology and told you to wait in the front for Scott. They said there was a family emergency. “Hey, what did you do?” you asked when you saw him. 
“Why do you think I did something?” he asked defensively. You rolled your eyes in response. “I don’t know. They just said Mom called.” He sighed and handed you a helmet. 
The two of you found Melissa as soon as you got to the hospital, and she filled you guys in as you walked. Isaac was here. “Why didn’t you tell me before?” Scott asked. 
“Honestly, I was hoping I didn’t have to,” Melissa sighed. “With everything you’ve been doing: the extra reading, the summer school, saving up for the bike - even though it scares me half to death. And Y/N- she’s finally hanging out with someone that’s not you or Stiles.” 
“Hey! I’m right here,” you whined. You had to shuffle along behind them because the hallway wasn’t wide enough to let people get past if the three of you were in a row. 
“Sorry, sweetie.” Melissa shot you an apologetic look over her shoulder and you almost collided with her as Scott stopped the three of you. He gave a speech about being better this semester and Melissa eventually gave you guys Isaac’s room number. You held his hand and dashed to the elevator. 
A blind guy stepped in with the two of you. He asked if you could stop on the second floor and Scott first nodded before realizing that wouldn’t help and mumbling that he would. The ride was awkward and he stopped Scott for some help to find his way. You and Scott shared a look before you maneuvered around them to find Isaac. You looked back at Scott when you found the room empty. You shook your head at him. 
After circling the floor, you eventually came to a stop in front of the elevator again. Scott started shifting and you began warning him but your words fell short when you saw the nurse’s claws. He had Isaac in the elevator with him. Scott ran as the doors started closing and he made it just in time. You, however, cursed as the doors closed in front of you. You raced down the stairs and hoped to catch them somewhere.
Instead, you found Derek. You ran over to him and rushed out an explanation. He didn’t really speak but he gave you a smile just before the elevator door opened. He sank his claws into the nurse’s spine and you peeked your head in at the wreckage. Isaac was passed out and Scott was injured, but the elevator seemed to get the worst of it. You immediately pulled back as Derek threw the nurse down the hallway and then rushed inside the elevator. You cradled Scott as the doors shut again. 
You looked up as Derek turned to look down at the two of you. “Aren’t you supposed to be in school?” 
Stiles had called Scott, which made him trail behind as you followed Derek into the house. Isaac was still asleep and you’d held him in the back of the car. You helped Derek lay him down and pushed back some of his hair when Scott came in. 
“You don’t still live here, do you?” 
“No, the county took it over,” Derek explained. “But there’s something here that I need. It’ll help heal a wound from an alpha.” 
You frowned, looking down at Isaac. “But he’s healed.” 
“Not on the inside.” It was quiet as Derek started picking things up flowers that were growing through the floorboards. 
“Are you gonna tell me who that was back there?” Scott asked. “That alpha.”
“A rival pack,” Derek said. “It’s my problem. I know you want to help, and you did.” He cast a look at you, who’d been helping out for months, before looking back to Scott. “I owe you one. Now go home. Go back to being a teenager.”
“Uh, hey, Derek?” Scott held his shoulder as he spoke. “If you really wanna pay back that favor now … there is something you can do for me.” 
Derek looked at you and you shrugged and lifted your hands in surrender. “Hey, don’t look at me,” you said. 
Scott explained that he tried to get a tattoo but his healing made it disappear within the hour, and seeing how Derek has the triskele on his back … And that’s how you ended up standing next Stiles with your arms crossed over your chest as Derek used his alpha eyes to examine Scott’s arm. 
“Yeah, I see it,” he said eventually. “It’s two bands, right?” Scott nodded. “What does it mean?” 
“I don’t know.” Scott reached out to the dusty tabletop. “It’s just something I trace with my fingers.” And despite the amazingly eloquent meaning behind the design, you couldn’t help but notice that it just looked like a boob. You decided against sharing your interpretation for the time being.
“Why is this so important to you?” Derek asked. Maybe he saw the boob thing too and wanted to double-check. 
“Do you know what the word ‘tattoo’ means?” 
“To mark something,” Stiles said, leaning in and looking smug. He winked at Derek for added effect.
“Well, that’s in Tahitian,” Scott started. You watched Stiles’ face drop and bit back a laugh. “In Samoan, it means ‘open wound.’” He explained that he’d always wanted to get a tattoo when he was old enough, but now felt like the right time. As a reward … for not calling or texting Allison all summer. You rolled your eyes, having heard enough about their love life from Allison, but you caught Stiles’ gaze at the end of his monologue. “I was trying to give her the space she wants. Going four months later, it still hurts. It still feels like a, uh-” 
“Like an open wound,” Stiles finished, still maintaining eye contact. You felt your fingers tingle and your face start getting warmer, so you turned your attention back to your brother. They hadn’t noticed the moment that seemed to last forever. 
“Alright, the pain’s gonna be worse than anything you’ve ever felt,” Derek told him. 
“Ah, that’s great,” Stiles said sarcastically. 
“Do it.” Scott nodded, seemingly psyching himself up. That disappeared the second Derek turned on the blowtorch. 
“Oh, god,” you mumbled, reaching to pull Stiles back as he mumbled something similar and stepped back. 
“That’s, uh- that’s a lot for me,” he shared with the group. “So I’m gonna take that as my cue. I’m just gonna wait outside.” He spread out his arms and started walking away but Derek grabbed him and shoved him over to Scott. 
“Nope.” Derek didn’t even spare him a look. “You can help hold him down.” 
You were already standing on the other side of Scott, checking to make sure this was what he wanted. When he promised you this was it, you nodded and grabbed an arm. If you’d gain any muscle over the summer training with Derek, now would be the time for it to pay off. 
Scott was sweaty and kind of out of it by the time it was over and, honestly, you couldn’t blame him. Holding him down and worn you out, too. You decided to stay with Derek until Isaac woke up, and you watched Scott pause in the doorway. “You painted the door,” he called into the house. “Why’d you paint the door?” 
“Go home, Scott,” Derek warned. 
“And why only one side?” You loved your brother, but his complete inability to pick up subtext kind of killed you at times. You watched him start scratching up the door and rushed over to stop him, but when Derek barely did anything about it, you stopped next to Stiles to look at the door. You’d heard about it, sure, but you’d never actually seen the symbol beneath the paint. “The birds at school. And the deer last night- just like the night I got trampled by the deer when I got bit by the alpha. How many are there?” 
Derek sighed before answering. “A pack of ‘em.” He gave Scott and Stiles a minute to process it. “An alpha pack.” 
“All of them?” Stiles asked. “How does that even work?” 
“I hear there’s some kind of a leader,” Derek answered, shrugging slightly. “He’s called Deucalion. We know they have Erica and Boyd. We’ve been looking for him the last four months.” 
“Let’s say you find them,” Scott walked forward as he spoke, looking over at you before turning back to Derek. You’d been helping them and hadn’t shared everything you knew with him. “How do you deal with an alpha pack?” 
“With all the help I can get.” Scott and Stiles shared a look before deciding how to answer, but didn’t get the chance to voice it. 
“Where is she?” You all turned when you heard Isaac’s voice. “Where’s the girl?” His curls were sticking up in every direction and he still sounded groggy. 
“Y/N’s right here,” Derek said, sounding confused. 
“No,” Isaac shook his head, pushing himself up. You rushed over to help when he winced. “The girl that saved me.”
Part 8 - S3AE2 + S3AE3
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