#digital copyright ©
Steamboat Willie
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Dampak Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi
Ringkasan Materi Meet 12 PTIK Nama : Intan Amelia Septiyani Nim : 15220391 Kelas : 15.1B.01 Prodi : Ilmu Komputer
TIK (Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi) juga menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap manusia, Berikut adalah contoh beberapa dampak negatif dari penggunaan TIK dilingkungan masyarakat diantaranya :
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1. Terasing dari lingkungan
2. Meningkatnya kejahatan di dunia maya
3. Merusak Moral
4. Menciptakan Kesombongan Diri
5. Mengganggu Kesehatan
Selain dampak TIK berakibat negatif kepada masyarakat maka TIK juga memberikan dampak positif dan negatif :
1. Bidang Pendidikan
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Dampak Positif Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi di bidang pendidikan yaitu :
a. Informasi yang dibutuhkan akan semakin cepat dan mudah di akses untuk kepentingan pendidikan.
b. Inovasi dalam pembelajaran semakin berkembang dengan adanya inovasi e-learning yang semakin memudahkan proses pendidikan.
c. Sistem administrasi pada sebuah lembaga pendidikan akan semakin mudah dan lancar karena penerapan sistem TIK.
Dampak Negatif Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi di bidang pendidikan yaitu :
a. Kemajuan TIK juga akan semakin mempermudah terjadinya pelanggaran terhadap Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektual (HAKI)
b. Walaupun sistem administrasi suatu lembaga pendidikan bagaikan sebuah system tanpa celah, akan tetapi jika terjadi suatu kecerobohan dalam menjalankan sistem tersebut akan berakibat fatal.
c. Salah satu dampak negatif televisi adalah melatih anak untuk berpikir pendek dan bertahan berkonsentrasi dalam waktu yang singkat (short span of attention).
2. Bidang Sosial Budaya
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Dampak Positif Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi yaitu :
a. Informasi yang ada di masyarakat dapat langsung dipublikasikan dan diterima oleh masyarakat. 
b. Dalam masyarakat, semua orang dapat menjadi sumber informasi. 
c. Sosialisasi kebijakan pemerintah dapat lebih cepat disampaikan kepada masyarakat.
Dampak negatif Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi yaitu :
a. Timbulnya jenis kejahatan baru.
b. Maraknya perilaku menyimpang yang terjadi di kalangan masyarakat pada umumnya dan remaja pada khususnya.
c. Menurunnya tingkat kepercayaan kepada lingkungan sekitar.
d. Kurangnya ruang privasi.
e. Masuknya budaya asing yang kurang baik dan tidak difilter.
f. Meningkatnya angka pengangguran.
3. Bidang Perniagaan dan Perdagangan
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Dampak Positif Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dalam Bidang Perniagaan dan Perdagangan yaitu :
a. Membuka Peluang Bisnis Baru.
b. Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang semakin tinggi.
c. Terjadinya industrialisasi.
d. Menjamurnya bisnis berbasis internet.
e. Produktifitas dunia industri semakin meningkat.
Dampak Negatif Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dalam Bidang Perniagaan dan Perdagangan yaitu :
a. Mendorong Tindakan Konsumtif dan Pemborosan dalam Masyarakat.
b. Menambah angka pengangguran karena tenaga manusia banyak yang digantikan dengan mesin-mesin.
4. Bidang Pemerintahan
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Dampak Positif Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dalam Bidang Pemerintahan yaitu :
a. Mendorong Tumbuhnya Proses Demokrasi.
b. Meningkatkan Kualitas dan Kuantitas Layanan Publik.
c. Meningkatkan layanan kepada masyarakat.
Dampak Negatif Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dalam Bidang Pemerintahan yaitu :
a. Penggunaan persenjataan canggih untuk menyerang pihak lain demi kekuasaan dan kekayaan suatu negara.
b. Terorisme yang semakin merajalela.
c. Kurangnya privasi suatu negara akibat kerahasiaan yang tidak terjamin dengan semakin canggihnya alat –alat pendeteksi.
5. Dampak Era Revolusi Industri 4.0
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Dampak revolusi industri 4.0 yang terjadi di dunia teknologi informasi terjadi di beberapa bidang:
1. Produksi 2. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Dan Inklusi Sosial 3. Energi 4. Makanan, Keamanan & Pertanian 5. Pendidikan, Gender & Pekerjaan
Teknologi yang terkena pengaruh penting pada era revolusi industri 4.0 ini antara lain:
1. Computing Power 2. Kecepatan Komunikasi 3. Kapasitas penyimpanan data 4. Sensor 5. Printer 3D
6. Di Industri Otomotif
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Dampak revolusi industri dalam bidang otomotif adalah :
a. Pengemudi sudah mulai digantikan oleh teknologi yang mengakibatkan asuransi sudah mulai tidak diperlukan dikarenakan semakin menurunnya tingkat kecelakaan.
b. banyaknya driver yang digantikan oleh teknologi mesin dan robot mengakibatkan terjadinya jumlah pengangguran meningkat.
7. Di Industri Ritel
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Pemanfaatkan komputer dan internet sebagai alat untuk melakukan digital marketing.
a. Perusahaan yang langsung menjangkau End User dengan seiring dibuatnya toko online sendiri menjadikan kemudahan bagi end user juga membuat harga menajdi lebih murah
b. Digital marketing mempengaruhi profit perusahaan manufaktur dikarenakan mudah dalam menjangkau pasar global dengan mudah, efektif dan efisien.
c. Industri manufaktur lebih cepat dalam mendapatkan data mengenai perilaku end user, sehingga dapat mengetahui kebiasaan pasar.
8. Di Bidang Logistik, Inventory dan Manufaktur
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a. Pekerjaan manufaktur yang sudah mulai digantikan oleh mesin dan robot.
b. Kurir sudah mulai digantikan oleh drone yang bisa mencapai jarak sejauh 8km dalam waktu hanya 13 menit.
c. Peran wartawan yang sudah digantikan juga oleh robot.
9. Di Bidang Teknologi Keuangan (Fintech)
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a. Penyedia nasehat keuangan dan management melalui analisis big data.
b. Menyediakan AI untuk institusi keuangan
10. Di Bidang Kesehatan
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a. Terciptanya AI(Artificial Inteligent) didunia kesehatan sebagai pengambil keputusan dibeberapa bidang kesehatan.
b. Meningkatan akses dan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan jarak jauh (Telemedicine)
c. Terciptanya e-learning yang tidak mengharuskan siswa datang ke kelas untuk belajar
dampak negatif dari revolusi industri 4.0 dapat dirasakan bersama, yaitu :
1. Timbulnya Kapitalisme Modern 2. Perusahaan Kecil Gulung Tikar Dikarenakan 3. Tergantikan Oleh E-Commerce 4. Upah Buruh Semakin Rendah 5. Munculnya Golongan Pengusaha Dan Golongan Buruh 6. Munculnya Imperialisme Modern 7. Kurangnya Interaksi Antara Manusia dan Manusia Lainnya
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herseraphwings · 3 months
18+ A Glimpse Into The Most Intense Sexual Encounter Of Your Lifetime😈💦🍆🍑
It's been months & I had to step away from Tumblr to focus on business! I'm sorry to those who took the poll and didn't get the readings! Here is a steamy pick a card to make up for it. Hopefully I can contribute more pick a pile's to this side of Tumblr more consistently now!
Copyright 2024 © Tellot Tarot This pick a pile/image/card is meant to give you an idea of what the most steamy and intense sexual encounter of your life will be. This encounter could be at any point! Enjoy!
Minors DNI!!
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✨This will be a creative writing pick a card✨
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 Pile #1
Your Song: Love Is Stronger Than Pride - Sade
Prime Lyric: “I can’t hate you, though I have tried.”
It's a shame this is happening here. 
The cold of the marble countertop against your exposed skin sends quivers up your spine and frissons of blessed goosebumps across the curve of your rear. A warm but equally gentle and rough hand cups your derriere while twin digits grip your jawline. Timeless lips suckle at your needy neck as you draw in unsteady breaths, grasping at the walls to support the arch of your back. Thick, honeyed lust pools lower and lower with the current of your strong but fluttering heart, drawing your thighs together like aching soft magnets. Just a few minutes ago, there was gnashing of teeth and an attempted divergence witnessed by the Gods as a spectacled exchange of bitter thoughts raised like christened knives against your throats. 
It was the supposed last stand. The conclusion of your story, where you're completely, utterly, officially separated.
But as you both faced off on your war-torn battlefront for the last time, you were ambushed. Your armageddon was due to rear its ugly head and place the four horsemen of pride, betrayal, uncertainty, and, sadly enough, money issues on all sides of your connection. But surprisingly, those demons watched from up high. For the Devil always has a trick up its sleeve. This isn't the first time you've launched into battle and escaped bloodied. But it is the first time the warzone has turned sanctuary- nestling you, cuts, bruises, and all to its tempting bosom. 
What better way to fight than to fuck?
Now, your limbs are entangled while you paw at each other, vulnerable and mutilated by past sins in the bathroom of a mutual acquaintance. Hands you caressed and caressed a million lives over now grab you with need. A need for understanding. Atonement. Rehabilitation. A need to strip you even more bare than their painful words could leave you because it's you. It's always been you. You're the one that chips at their inescapable pride. 
You do this to them- challenge them to be better and tear them down to be much worse when they've failed you.
Heady kisses trace down your neck to your collarbone, all the way down, planting seeds of love; another could never hope to see bear tempering fruit like they could, down to where the heat of all you could ever want and need rests eagerly within the cage of your thighs. "
“Open your legs.”, They look up to you and whisper; their voice tickling you with vibratory lust. 
As you part, you feel teasing nips and pecks mark your sensitive skin with seductive swirling licks to echo, shifting deeper to the core of your desire until a pleasant moan escapes you.
You're not sure if you'll leave your tryst hand in hand or even on the same accord, but you at least know one thing. You both can rip profound emotions out of the other- deep from the marrow. Day or night. Spring or fall. You won't worry if that's a good or bad thing for now because as they beckon your climax to greet them at the edge of their greatest weapon against you, the past pain loses its power. 
Every precise movement of their tongue is like perfect jolts of electricity through your body. Fuck they know you so fucking well. 
Their soft lips and hums of pleasure in pleasuring you are where the true power lies. The sensual dance of their fingers strokes at your sweet spot, but the sudden rustle of the door knob snaps you back to reality. Shit! You shouldn't be doing this here. Before you allow sense to overshadow the moment,the heat builds as your moans grow more intense. You're grateful for the ruckus on the other side of the wall. You sense them smirk beneath you and lock eyes with an individual who is determined to pluck at the strings of your desire until they're taught, and muffled screams rain down on them in a frenzied zenith. Passerby be damned. Once they've drunk enough of you, you'll be ready to return the favor with equal vigor. 
This moment is a storm. Just like your love. A great and terrible storm. Strong enough to tear through villages of memories built on the foundations of a long connection. And just like you have weathered many before as enemies and lovers, these moments provide enough energy to brace yourselves for inclement weather. 
The soul beneath you loves you harder as you writhe, faster, stronger until your beautiful climax hits you like a truck. 
It's such a fucking shame this is happening here. 
You see red. Are you back on the battlefield?
The Devil rises slowly to lay a peck at your ear and whispers, "There's a thin line between love and hate."
This person is may come off as moody or too passionate for others. You have been together for a while at the time of this experience.
At the time of your encounter they are struggling with money.
You are separated, but attempt to find common ground at a social event
This may be the direct doing of a friend. 
I don’t subscribe to the concept of twin flames personally, but this person may truly be your twin flame.
Your relationship with them at the time may be so deep that any little act that may harm the other can blow up to extremes because the feelings run too deep. There’s so much passion!
Thank you for allowing me the honor to read/write for you, Pile 1!✨ Follow for more readings like this!
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Pile #2
Your Song: Hours - FKA Twigs
Prime Lyric “ Who’d have thought, I’d be in your mouth, loud and clear?
I once read that the best love stories are the ones that start with two people who can't stand each other.
 At the time, I thought it a stretch of fictitious delusion. Understand me, Rosaline. I've had my fair share of entertainment from the comedic tropes I've watched on my various screens and read in books, but that's because the hands that pressed pen to paper or finger to keyboard behind the scenes knew how to write a good story. 
There is power in prose. 
We can all agree that the prodigal hate fuck always satisfies an audience. But that's not real to me. 
How you eclipse the moonlight of the bedroom window to stand naked before me as the birth of Aphrodite itself is real to me. It's more vivid than any lucid dream or waking hallucination I could conjure in my insanity for you. How you languidly stalk towards the edge of the bed and make prey of me as your supple breasts softly and teasingly bounce is real to me. 
I've never known anyone to be so graceful as they lower themselves to their knees. 
The throbbing ache of anticipation you draw out of me as your hands open the gate of my thighs, and your beautiful face rests at the threshold of me is real to me. That first gasp-inducing sweet lick followed by the sacred scent of your hair penetrating my nostrils is intoxicating. And, the taste of me on your lips as you pause to greet me before you take me to church is so enchantingly real.
Why? Because the most striking and tangible things of this world aren't isolated to what we can experience with the five senses. It's the things that shake us, move us, change us, and stir something profound within us that is true. We don't even have to understand the why at first. 
And oh, how you stir the most primal and obsessive urges within me. 
I raise a quivering hand to caress your crown as you lick, nip, and tease my most erogenous areas, but you smack my hand away in a warning. Your eyes pierce mine, and you remind me that you are untouchable. 
You remain as unattainable as the day I met you. 
In the beginning, that side of you was cruel. You were so severe. So chaste. A person who seemed to constantly move the goalpost as I chased and chased. Our story was an epic on the destructive nature of gravity. I wanted to be your orange moon as your sunlight cast down upon me, but your pull always threatened to consume and scorch me if I dared to neighbor you. Your glares were like ice, and your mouth spat fire at anything that had something to do with me. It must have been something that I said. But I was no child, and neither were you. We cut the bullshit and found the necessary 60 seconds to get clarity. 
Now, we're very clear on one another. Our vision is 20/20, and God, if you aren't magnificent. The noises you make as your tongue continues its assault on me are provocative, eliciting moans from the bottom of my throat while my eyes roll back and my hips writhe beneath you. Vibrations emanate from your lips as you moan in response to how you undo me, slurping and licking at me deeper and faster to build on your high. Your hands grip me tighter, locking onto the soft of my thighs, not because you need to hold me down but because you want to anchor yourself. The sensual masochist in you knows how badly you want to slowly snake your hand down to feel the wet heat of your trembling cunt- but she won't let you. 
It's the idea that someone like me would beg for the opportunity to just lay beneath and watch you as you gave yourself the depraved release you will forever deserve that drives your lust. In these moments, I'm the one lucky fool under your spell who gets to have a taste of you, but only under your rules. 
That is why tonight is extra special because I agreed to let you do everything that you wanted to do to and or on me, and to be honest, your fantasies are not as wild as you think.
As my climax overtakes me, I gaze back down at you and admire your work. 
You may see me as a fool, but I am a victor. 
The same person that insulted me, frowned at me and rejected me is the same person that now in a delicious turn of events
has my cock down their throat. 
This person is someone that may have chased you or made you chase them
You both misunderstood each other and miscommunicated frequently, for some to the point that you couldn’t stand each other. 
Rosaline is the original apple of Romeo’s eye. She made a vow that prevented her from marrying so she is seen as unattainable and the cause of Romeo’s strife before he lays eyes on Juliet.
For some this night of pleasure is after you have a moment of realization and see that you both actually vibe really well.
You may choose to secretly scurry off to get to know each other better, or end up having this night of passion after you deepen your commitment or get married. 
You or this person could be in a situation where one has already promised themselves to someone else, but you both have a last minute moment of truth and choose to secretly give in to your desires without getting caught.
This is a slightly kinky pile
On this night you may be exploring water sports. I see a woman squirting over their partner or their partner asking to watch them squirt or pee into a glass 
I see nipple play
Similar to pile one, there is an edge of not being seen or organizing a secret rendezvous. 
I feel like it’s the more feminine person with the Rosaline energy, they may come off as bitchy or have severe resting bitch face, but the surprise is that they are the more kinky person.
They love your breasts, but get lustful when they see your opening.
Thank you for letting me the honor to read/write for you, Pile 2!✨Follow for more readings like this!
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Your Song: Seventh - BOSCO
Prime Lyric: “Giving you permission as I'm breathing, Finger on the trigger, now we reset, Here to hide, Will we die? No.”
It's such a beautiful day. Your limbs are tangled in mine as we rest peacefully under the shade of a lone tree before the chapel courtyard. Your beautiful head against my chest gently anchors me to the grass as you listen to the rhythm of my heartbeat. I gaze into the blue sky, contemplating the recipe of cool teals, turquoise, and sapphires God chose to bundle the earth. Sometimes, I wonder why God still allows us to roam this beautiful garden of Eden we call our planet. Maybe it knows that after falling so painfully hard, there really is nowhere to go but up. Or, at least in my case, look up. 
 It's so quiet that you can hear the trickle of a nearby stream. As I look around, everything seems so vivid. Each blade of grass and round tree leaf is a more lively green and rustles so clearly against the gentle currents of air caressing our cheeks- that my spirit can't help but reach toward the surface of an all-encompassing consciousness. The sky, the leaves, the air, and the stream are alive- as alive as I am right here with you. I can see it now. Is this what it's like to be high? 
How could I not be after what we just did? Even though the ceremony was intimate, I was nervous that one of our friends or family found it and somehow turned up at the last moment. 
You shift your hand to draw feathered circles on my chest and snap me out of my musings. You look up at me with a mischievously giddy smile and trace me lower and lower until you reach the hem of my pants, pulling teasingly at the elasticity. I arch my brow in surprise, looking for signs of the clergy. It would be a disaster if one were to stumble across us on their holy walk to find you performing the most unholy of acts. My eyes scan the clearing. I gather myself on my forearms and take a peek back. You're also looking around, but those naughty eyes flash with an undercurrent of different intentions. I would have missed it if I hadn't known you so well. 
You want to get caught. 
My quick scan tells me that we're alone. But you're already gripping me, slender fingers wrapped tightly around velvet steel, ready to receive your touch. You stroke me firmly and languidly as the clouds pass by overhead, and my eager tip moistens with salty essence. I won't let you pull too many moans out of me. We don't know who may be listening despite another quick look around. It feels like I'm floating in a blessed eternity as you touch me until the chapel bell rings unexpectedly. We rush to compose ourselves- one more than the other. You giggle as I try to thrust myself back under my pants and hide my shame before we embarrassingly cross paths with someone on our walk back to the car. I don't return the sentiment.
It was a bad idea anyway. If the Universe is alive and God is real, that must have been a warning. A sort of "Congratulations, but do it in private." 
I know when to listen to divine intervention. I won't allow us to suffer judgment because of your lack of self-control. So I will become a mascareri and punish you myself. 
I want you to think you crossed a line during the car ride back. That our perfect day may not be so perfect after all. You got too impulsive- too excited. So you start entertaining regrets. It's a little cruel, but you'll forgive me later. 
A few hours post your voyeuristic episode, we're diving into champagne and wine bottles. You begged me to pop one open in the spirit of celebration, but we both knew you wanted to flood the nerves in your body with libations. But your consumption of liquor is a double-edged sword. 
Three, four, five glasses down and you're swimming. Your cheeks are a luscious plump shade of rose, your skin is warm to the touch, and your feet are too light or maybe too heavy because you stumble across the floor and fall into my arms. I open a window to let the night cool you down. I'm still nursing my first glass, so I trust myself to securely hoist my bride into my arms and lay her tenderly onto the mattress. Your arms lock behind my neck, and I meet the longing in your big, beautiful eyes. You search me for emotion. Anything that would reveal the current truth of my inner world, but I keep my mask on. 
You wanted to give the Universe a show today. So let's give it one. 
I'll tear the clothing off your body so roughly that cool night air will douse your heated skin with prickles of goosebumps. You won't have time to gasp at my movements because I'll already capture your beautiful mouth with my own- my strong body pressing yours into the mattress of our lover's nest. You will squirm in need, but that won't be enough for me. I need you to whimper, to whine, and mold your begging hips so close to mine as I caress slowly, achingly, down toward heaven. I'll cup my hand at the pearly gate and watch your troubled face as you wait what feels like a millennia until you crack from desperation to feel more of me. 
But there is a warning in my eyes you have never seen before. Something that tells you that this is different. It grips you into submission, a sense of fear and excitement battling within. You've never experienced me treat you like anything other than an angel. Until now, I would never have allowed you to fall. But now I truly have you.
Tonight, you will discover that when angels fall, the devil is there to catch them.  
After our week of heavenly sin in our temporary Garden of Eden, we can deal with the backlash that awaits us. 
-This is the person you will marry or at least form a deep commitment with.
-At the time of the sexual encounter, you are trying to eagerly move the commitment forward formally, but you're seeking help to try and make it happen.
-Like looking for an officiant or going through pre-marriage counseling.
-However, you are feeling a little confused and lost or at least frustrated at the situation because things are proving to require more work.
-This may be because other parties are trying to but in with their opinion.
-You feel like you are meant to be with this person. Or you could have already done the deed, and need to break it to your friends and family. 
Thank you for letting me the honor to read/write for you, Pile 3!✨ Follow for more readings like this!
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badomensbaby · 2 months
middle of the night. lrh
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pairing: luke hemmings x fem! reader
summary: you're awaken in the middle of the night by your best friend and roommate, luke, who's having quite a risque dream.
warnings: 18+ only. minors DNI. cursing, degradation, wet dream, slight sir kink, unprotected sex, creampie, friends to lovers without the plot lol.
word count: 3,381
a/n: this only exists bc one of my friends on twt sent me a pic of luke that i can't find for some reason but all it made me think of was roommates x wet dream x well, smut. idk! i hope you enjoy!
feedback and constructive criticism welcome. requests are open!
Copyright © 2024 badomensbaby. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format
"Fuck, just like that."
It's the middle of the night when you begin to stir, a small ache in your shoulders from the uncomfortable couch you and your roommate had fallen asleep on some hours ago, your eyes hesitantly and sleepily blinking open.
A soft glow of light from the television hardly illuminates the dark living room, a small yawn escaping your lips. A few incoherent mumbles continue to escape your best friend's lips, a slew of stifled moans and shifting limbs following them.
Peeking over your shoulder, you can barely make out the pale boy's features, his eyelids fluttered shut and lips slightly agape. "So good, Y-"
"Luke?" You nudge his bare arm with your elbow, feeling a warmth spread across your cheeks at the quick realization he's having a far from innocent dream. You try again, with a bit more force, despite the exhaustion coursing through you from the lack of sleep. "Luke."
"Hm?" the blonde suddenly blinks awake, slightly panicked as he sits himself up, eyes hazy and distant. "What's wrong?"
You stifle a giggle at his wild hair and confused expression, his bare chest still heaving slightly from his startled state. "Nothing's wrong," you say, "You woke me up."
"Oh," a pink hue washes over him, swallowing a thick lump forming in his throat, blinking away the images left behind from his stupid little dream about his pretty roommate. "Sorry. Fuck, what time is it?"
"Uh," you crane your neck, narrowing your eyes to catch sight of the small digital clock on the stove not far from you. "Half past three."
"Shit," Luke quietly hisses, shuffling underneath the knitted blanket covering you both, feeling a bit restricted in his jeans. With each blink of his eyes he can't stop picturing the sinful fucking sight he'd been dreaming about. "Sorry for waking you."
"It's fine," You dismiss him with the wave of your hand, backside still pressed against the boy's clothed thigh, thinking nothing of the position. A small smirk however twitches at your lips. "Dreaming about Julia again?" you tease, pushing your lips to the side.
Luke shoots you a glare, clearly unamused by your attempt at a joke, though his heart skips a beat at the simple idea that you knew what type of dream was unfolding behind his eyelids. "No, Julia's annoying."
"I thought you said Rachel was annoying?" your brow quirks, tucking your lower lip between your teeth.
"I said Rachel's obnoxious," he clarifies with a simple scoff, slinging his arm over the back of the couch, muscles flexing and catching your attention, "Why do you care anyway?"
Your breath hitches momentarily, affected unfamiliarly by the simple sight. You’ve seen Luke shirtless a million times - hell, you've cuddled on this very couch on more than one occasion. Platonically, of course.
You ignore the blush on your cheeks and the small frustration bubbling in your stomach from his question, "I don't," you shrug, though he isn't convinced, "I'd just rather not be woken up by your stupid wet dreams."
Luke's eyes quickly widen, lips parting in slight shock at the confrontation, though he doesn't utter a single word to defend himself. You just offer a simple soft laugh before getting up from the couch, fetching the two of you a glass of water.
When you return, Luke's jeans impossibly tighten at your attire, your crooked little tank top and sleeping shorts, unknowingly bunched at the tops of your smooth tanned thighs. Fuck.
Never had Luke looked at you, his best friend of nearly ten years in a sexual or romantic way, but the absence of a bra on your upper half and the little patch of exposed skin between the hemline of your tank top and waistline of your shorts has him on the brink of drooling.
"Hello, Earth to Luke," your hand waves in front of the boy's eyes, blinking out of his terrible, terrible thoughts to see you standing at the end of the couch, a glass of water in your palm. "You alright?"
A shaky hand reaches for the glass, nearly spilling the liquid all over his lap as he desperately brings it to his lips, chugging the contents in almost record time. Your brow raises curiously.
"You got that worked up over a dream?" You laugh softly, taking a seat beside him, legs criss-crossed while you sip on your own glass of water, no idea the effect you have on the blonde boy at this moment. "Damn, Luke, it's like you're sixteen all over again."
"Shut up," he exhales loudly, placing the now empty glass on the side table, raking a hand over his face. God, why now? Why in the hell is he having inappropriate dreams about his best fucking friend? "Drop it." Luke shoots you a stern glare, only fueling you further.
A mischievous smile appears on your lips, quickly disappearing as you compose yourself, feigning innocent curiosity. "Let me guess," you start softly, pretending to ponder, "Doggy? No, that wouldn't rile you up," you shake your head quickly, fingers tapping on the side of your glass, "Reverse cowgirl."
"Y/N." he mutters through gritted teeth, white knuckling the arm of the couch, fearful to glance at the brunette. "Stop."
"What?" you giggle quietly, "Oh come on, don't go all innocent on me now," your eyes roll playfully, "Not like I haven't heard it all before."
"I'm serious," Luke grumbles, trying to regulate his breaths but struggles, nearly full fucking mass in his jeans now. Thankfully the knitted blanket bunched in his lap prevents you from realizing how fucking turned on he is. "Cut it out."
Luke chooses the wrong moment to glance at you, just as you’re leaning towards the opposite end of the couch to place your half empty glass on the other side table, giving the blonde a perfect view of your backside. Fucking hell.
"You're no fun," you pout, turning back to him and meeting his darkened eyes, barely visible from the glow of the television. To this, your breath falters, noticing his tense demeanor. "What?"
"Go to bed." he suddenly says, not bothering to break eye contact between you two, watching as your tempting little lips part in genuine confusion. Had you pushed too far? Crossed a line?
"Luke, I was just teasing-"
Luke's eyes narrow at you, almost menacingly, enough to make you choke down your words. "Y/N, if you're not in your bed in the next thirty seconds I'm going to do something we can never come back from."
To the blonde's surprise, you stay put. Not out of fear, or worry that you’ve done something wrong, but because you’re simply curious. Folding your hands in your lap, you remain silent, awaiting the boy's reaction with nervously pursed lips.
His blue eyes flicker to those little fucking shorts, hardly covering you, and stifles a groan. "Come here," he says lowly, tongue tracing the inside of his lip. Hesitantly, you slowly crawl the short distance before sitting beside him on your knees. "God damnit, Y/N."
"What?" you ask, nearly a whisper, unaware of the effect you have on him. "Look, if I went too far I'm sorry-"
"Shut up."
"Jesus fucking Christ, Y/N," Luke sighs frustratedly, tearing his eyes from yours, "Do you not get it?"
"Get what?" your fingers anxiously tap on the tops of your thighs, biting the inside of your cheek, filled with worry.
"My dream wasn't about Julia or fucking Rachel," he scoffs, turning to face you again, his adam's apple bobbing slowly, "It was about you."
Your breath hitches. Are you still half asleep? Did Luke really say-
"Me?" you whisper before quickly shaking your head, "Luke, that's not funny, okay? I don't know what game you're playing-"
Your words cease when a warm, calloused hand finds your thigh, gripping the soft skin firmly. "I'm not fucking with you," he tells you, "I don't know where the fuck it came from but those goddamn shorts of yours aren't helping right now."
Swallowing the thick lump of nerves in your throat, the words falling from your lips aren't remotely close to what Luke could have ever predicted. "So do something about it."
"Oh fuck me," a low groan leaves Luke's throat, tossing his head back momentarily, "Don't have to tell me twice."
And suddenly Luke's hand is on the back of your head, pulling you toward him forcefully to claim your lips in a messy, desperate kiss. You instantly melt into him, the taste of popcorn still lingering on his chapped lips from the bowl you’d shared hours ago.
Luke doesn't hesitate to swipe his tongue along your lower lip, pushing your kiss deeper as you brace yourself by grasping at his shoulder, a soft moan escaping your lips, which Luke is eager to swallow.
The blonde's unoccupied hand finds your hip easily, thumb firmly pressing against the bone there, his remaining fingers digging into the fabric of your pathetic excuse for shorts. Your hips instinctively roll at the contact.
Luke's regretfully pulling away, both of you adorning swollen, pink lips and flushed cheeks, even in the low light of the television it was quite obvious. "Fuck, you have no idea-"
"Me too," you cut him off in a whisper, eyes flickering between his and his intoxicating lips. "Luke-"
"Fuck, what've we done?" he mumbles more so to himself, though he doesn't retract his hands and you don’t bother to tell him to. "Y/N, I'm so sorry-"
"Just shut up," you shake your head, free hand grasping at the chain looped around his bare neck and pulling him forward, claiming his lips just as he had done to yours previously. He doesn't protest when you sling a leg over his lap, thighs settled on either side of his, eliciting a deep groan from his throat.
When your lips part, his eyes hesitantly flicker between yours and your new position, your hips flush against his own. "Are you- are you sure?"
You shyly nod. A groan of disapproval leaves Luke's lips, his grip tightening on the back of your head, fingers weaving through your hair, pulling you closer to him as if your chests hadn't been brushing the entire time. "Yeah, silence doesn't work for me, Y/N."
"Yes," you breathe out, clenching your thighs desperately, "Yes, I'm so fucking sure, Luke. Please-"
"Fuck," he grits out, hips bucking against your center, "So fuckin' needy for me, aren't you?" When your eyes widen at his crass words, Luke's lips twitch into a sly, crooked smirk, filled to the brim with satisfaction. He tugs the strands between his fingers again. "Aren't you?"
"Yes- fuck."
The hand not grasping your hair retreats to your upper thigh, thumb resting in the crease there, fingernails digging into your soft skin and forcing his clothed length against your sensitive center. "Feel that, sweetheart?" Luke's tone lowers, fighting the urge to moan at the feeling alone, as he breaths low and slow against your lips, taunting you, "I'm gonna fuckin' ruin you."
"Please," you helplessly whimper in response, eyelids tempting to flutter shut at the simple feeling, Luke's cock twitching in the confinement of his jeans at your sinful little plea. Never in his life had he imagined a scenario with you like this becoming a reality.
Luke quickly taps your thigh so you’ll raise yourself, allowing him to kick off the thin knitted blanket on his lap, exposing the outline of his achingly hard length in his fitted jeans, the blonde's jaw tensed so hard his teeth begin to ache. He can't fucking begin to imagine how good you’re going to feel wrapped around him.
His ringed fingers fumble with the button and fly of his dark jeans, too fucking anxious to finally set his cock free. He leaves them pooled around his knees carelessly, his fitted black boxers following suit. A soft hiss leaves Luke's lips at the release. You, however, are at a loss for words.
Sure, your mutual friends have always joked about Luke's dick- but never did you fucking imagine there being a lick of truth to their absurd statements.
"You-" you breathlessly choke out, unable to look away from his length, eyes widened and suddenly feeling a stir in your stomach. "There's no fucking way, Luke-"
"What, am I too big for you?" Luke teases in a low tone, a sickening little smirk on his lips, head cocked to the side. "You don't think you can handle it?"
As you’re shaking your head and finally tearing your eyes away, you meet his gaze, hesitant. "I- I don't know-"
He lets out a low, sinister chuckle before his hands are on your hips again, pulling your clothed center flush with his exposed length, ghosting his lips against yours. "Too fuckin' bad, sweetheart, you're gonna take it and I don't wanna hear a single fucking complaint."
A low, drawn out whimper escapes your poor lips, swallowing your nerves while Luke continues to jut his hips. "Yes, sir." the words fall from your mouth before you can even process them.
"Ah, what a good girl, hm?" the boy hums against your lips, "Gonna fuck you so good, Y/N, I promise."
"Please, what?"
"Please, sir."
"Goddamn," he pulls away slightly, so fucking hard he's nearly on the brink of orgasm from the simple word alone, ringed fingers retracting from your hip to the thin, stretchy material of your shorts, sliding between your thigh and the fabric until his forefinger finds the dampened material of your underwear. "You want me that fucking bad? Hm? Had to go and get this fucking wet for me?"
"Fucking pathetic," he scoffs, sending a shock straight to your spine as he slowly teases his finger against you, pressing firmly against your clit like some fucking expert. "Can't wait to watch you sink down on my cock."
You’re already a fucking mess and he's barely touched you, fingers grasping at the thin underwear and sliding them to the side, Luke's free hand preparing himself and pressing his tip against you. "So fuckin' wet, don't need nothin' else."
You suck in a deep, loud breath as Luke begins to push inside, giving you no mercy as his hands find your hips yet again and force you down his entire length, your hands grasping desperately onto his broad shoulders. "Fuck-" you croak out, eyes pinching shut at the sudden stretch. "Oh my-"
"S'okay baby," he coos softly, thumbs pressing firmly onto your hips, no doubt leaving bruises there you'll find in the morning. Well, later in the morning, that is. "M'gonna take good care of you."
Your fingernails absentmindedly dig into his pale, freckled skin, feeling tears begin to prick at your eyes. You’d never felt so- so full.
"Please, Luke-" your throat suddenly runs dry, eyes flying open as he uses the grip on your hips to pull your body upwards, forcing your back down onto his length roughly. "Fuck-"
"Quiet," he interjects curtly, "Want you to take my fucking cock the way I give it to you. Cry all you want, sweet girl."
The pain of the stretch doesn't last long, thankfully, though each rough thrust of Luke's hips has your vision blurring, the sound of his thighs smacking against the back of yours bouncing off the walls of your quiet shared apartment.
You adjust to the blonde's deep, rough rhythm, the fabric of your flimsy little tank top settling just below your breasts, catching Luke's eye. Managing to continue his pace, his teeth capturing the metallic black lip ring tucked in the corner of his mouth, one of his hands slides the fabric further until they're both exposed to him.
"Fuck, you're so pretty," he grunts softly, wetting his bottom lip due to the tempting fucking sight of you sinking down on his cock like the good fucking girl you are. He cups one of them, a whimper leaving your mouth amidst mumbled curses. "You feel so fucking good on my cock."
"Say it, Y/N. Fucking say it."
"Sir, please-"
"Fuck," he grits his teeth for the millionth time, the word never growing old as it reaches his ears, before he's suddenly halting, pressing his hips firmly against you until you’re nearly out of breath. So goddamn deep.
It takes less than a second before he's pushing you onto your back, still connected and instead of grasping your hips his hands find your knees, pressing your thighs flush against your chest.
Luke sucks in a quick breath, standing on his knees as his jeans are still pooled around them, restricting him slightly but he simply doesn't give a fuck right now. Slowly retracting his cock, he keeps his eyes on your pretty little lips as he pushes his hips forward suddenly, hitting an entirely new spot and causing a borderline scream to leave your mouth.
"Fuck-" you gasps, lips parting and resting a hand on your bare breast to ground yourself, thighs already shuddering from one fucking thrust. This only heightens the blonde's satisfaction, ignoring the small beads of sweat that begin to accumulate on his forehead. "Oh my fucking god-"
"Fuckin' told you," Luke grunts, a white knuckle grip on your knees, preventing any pushback you attempted to give as your thighs shake beneath his hold, "Told you I'd fuckin' ruin you, didn't I?"
"That feel good, sweetheart?" he rasps, throat nearly raw from the groans and moans he continues to stifle, "Feelin' me so goddamn deep inside of you?"
"Luke, please- so- so deep-"
"Yeah, baby," instead of gripping both of your knees, Luke decides to rest his forearm against them to keep you in place, snaking his free hand between your thighs, attaching his thumb to your sensitive clit, a desperate little whimper leaving you. "You're doin' such a good job, takin' me so well."
You instinctively clench around him, causing a hiss to leave his lips, eyelids falling shut at the overstimulation. "I'm- oh fuck-"
"That's it," he responds lowly, not slowing down his harsh, deep thrusts, rendering you nearly breathless. "Come on, fuckin' cum all over my cock."
"Sir- I-"
"Fuck," Luke grunts, continuing his quick firm movements against your swollen, sensitive clit, as you clench harder and harder around his cock. "Good fucking God, I'm gonna cum if you keep doing that."
"Please, please cum with me-" you ramble helplessly, eyes flying open and meeting Luke's darkened blues, his breaths growing ragged and chest so fucking tight from the sight of desperation on your face. "Please."
Luke's thrusts grow sloppily, orgasm building quickly in his stomach, lower lip tucked between his teeth. One last particularly deep thrust, hitting that goddamn special little spot has you gasping for breath. Feeling your release coat his length, he finally lets go, hips stuttering to a slow pace, eventually stopping all together.
Both of you adorn heaving chests as the sound of your breaths echo the living room, both covered in a thin sheen of sweat. "Y/N-"
"Holy shit, Hemmings," You manage to choke out, every goddamn inch of your body now sore, choking back a whimper as the blonde slowly slips out of you. "I didn't- fuck."
"Didn't what?" Luke asks, just as breathless, knees reddened from the friction against the sofa, tugging his boxers up his thighs and tucking himself inside of them. "Are you okay?"
"There's no goddamn way we can ever be friends," You slowly slink your knees down, feet flat on the couch's cushion. Luke's lips pull into a frown at your words, about to interject before a little laugh escapes you. "Not if you fuck like that."
Luke playfully smacks your thigh, "You fuckin' scared me, Y/N, don't do that," he leans forward to hover over you, eyeing the snide little grin on your pretty lips. "Come on, if you shower with me I'll reward you for bein' so good."
Your dazed blue eyes blink slowly, watching Luke smile admiringly down at you. You both know there's no coming back from this, no way you’ll ever be just friends again.
And you don't mind one bit.
"The only way I'm showering with you is if you carry me, I'm fucking wrecked."
"I think that can be arranged."
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Rose, Steven and Pearl~ Steven Universe~
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Original fanart of Rose, Steven and Pearl from the animated series Steven Universe. If you haven't seen it, check it out! The characters belong to Rebecca Sugar/it's rightful owner.
May 2022! This show holds a special place in my heart as a big inspiration of my style early on when I first got into digital art~ I really need to draw some more soon~
Comparisons to original screenshots on my Instagram~
This character/artwork is protected by copyright, any unauthorized use of this character/artwork is strictly prohibited.
©All rights reserved.
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immemorymag · 1 year
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Philomena Famulok
'I am a photographer and visual artist from Germany. Mainly I work with self-portraiture, with different cameras and techniques, analog and digital. I am creating collages, mixing painting with photography and sometimes write little texts as an addition to my images'
all images copyright ©philomena famulok
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sylviaritter · 5 months
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Speedpainting 01122023
Created a digital advent calendar. Here is door No. 1 :).
Created with Krita. Copyright © 2023 Sylvia Ritter.
www.sylvia-ritter.com, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. 
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spicybutterfly · 10 months
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Summary: On your way to your nail appointment, you run into the cutest, yet strangest boy you’ve ever met. 
Pairing: nonidol!Jimin x fem!reader
Genre: Strangers to lovers, Romance, Fluff, Non-Idol AU
Rating: 18+, MINORS DNI!
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: Explicit language, Nonconsensual grabbing (Jimin has no sense of personal space)
A/N: Hi everybody, it’s been a while! I wanted to put this out way earlier but I’ve been stupid busy with work and school so yeah, here it is halfway into the year loll. I proofread this myself so please excuse any mistakes. Also, I made this banner and I think it looks pretty good for my first time so please be nice or else I’ll cry ☉ᴗ☉
*Disclaimer all characters and events portrayed in my works are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persona or events is purely coincidental.*
Copyright © 2023 Spicybutterfly
All Rights Reserved.
Thank you for reading!♡
It is 12:02 p.m. and you had thirteen minutes to make it to the nail salon for your scheduled appointment. Anxiously, you drummed your fingers against your steering wheel, nibbling at your bottom lip. This red light felt like it had been going on forever. You swear at least three songs have played over the radio already and you still had at least five more minutes to drive before you made it to Luxe Lacquer Nail Lounge. 
You weren’t too picky about your appointment time. A spot during the weekend was preferable, but if that wasn’t available any time after you got off of work would do. Unfortunately, neither of those two options was available to you. For some reason, your go to nail salon was virtually booked out for the next two weeks. Of course with your luck, the only spot they did have available was the most inconvenient to you. Twelve-fifteen on a Wednesday afternoon. 
Typically, on a Wednesday at noon, you’d be at work, hunched over typing away at your computer. The only possible way for you to make it to your appointment would be to go during your lunch break. Thankfully, they lasted an hour and your boss wasn’t too finicky about when you took them, as long as it wasn’t too early or too late in your work day. 
You couldn’t afford to miss this appointment. It had been practically a month since the last time you’d gotten your nails done and showed. You weren’t high maintenance per se, but keeping up your appearance was important and these nails simply were not it. Your cuticles were an atrocious sight, overgrown and brittle. The once neatly painted gel polish has lost its shine, now dull and chipping around the edges. Don’t even get me started on your shape, formerly a perfect square, straight across the top with sharp edges, now sported a rounded and blunt look. Your nails were in dire need of some TLC. 
“Finally,” you sighed out, pressing on the gas pedal as the light turned green. Briskly, you glanced over at the digital clock in your dashboard. 
12:03, twelve minutes left. 
Steadily, you continued your journey on the road trying your absolute hardest not to go over the speed limit. If you did happen to go over a mile or two, no one noticed. After three more excruciatingly long minutes, you eventually pulled into the plaza’s parking lot. 
The area was buzzing with people of all kinds. A group of people dining outside of a restaurant, young adults coming in and out of the grocery store, an elderly couple sharing an ice cream sundae, and a dad pushing his baby through the parking lot in a stroller.
“Come on, come on,” you mumbled, roaming around for a space.
Just ahead a black Chevy Silverado began to back out of its spot. A glimmer of hope spread throughout you as it seemed you were the first and only one to notice and would finally be able to park. Plus it was only two shops down from the salon! You pulled in behind them, giving them enough space to back out but at the same time showing them you were ready to move in. 
Just as they were almost completely backed out, you noticed just across from you an elderly woman driving an older Toyota Avalon. Through your windshield you could see how intently she was starting at your parking spot, inching forward as the Chevy rolled out. 
“Oh hell no!” you protested. This old lady was trying to steal your spot. Not today. 
 As soon as the Chevy was clear out of your way, you jerked your wheel to the left, simultaneously pressing firmly on the gas pedal. Your car swerved into the space before the old woman could even take her foot off the brakes. 
With squinted eyes, you watched as she begrudgingly drove away, flipping you the bird through her passenger window. 
You scuffed. The nerve of some people. 
After putting the gear into park, you shifted the key turning your car off before removing it completely. Snatching your purse from your passenger seat, you swung your driver’s side car door open, at last stepping out onto the concrete. 
The heat from the blazing sun warmed your skin instantly. Being blasted by the cool air from your car vents almost made you forget you were in the middle of summer. Internally, you thanked your past self for deciding to wear a flowy dress today instead of slacks.
12:10, five minutes left. 
If speedwalking in backless platform sandals were an Olympic sport, you'd be a gold medalist. You had no idea you could even move this fast. Rushing down the walkway, you dodged between the people crowding your path. Who knew it would be so jam-packed on a Wednesday afternoon? 
Relief immediately rushed through your body as the sight of the salon came into view. You made it with four minutes to spare. 
Just as you were about to enter the salon, your hand on the door handle, you felt a light tap on your shoulder. 
“Um, excuse me?” a smooth voice rang out.
With your hand still gripping the door handle you turned to face the stranger.
Before you was a man, but not just any man. He may honestly be the most beautiful man, or better yet, person you’ve ever seen.
 He looked around your age, maybe a couple of years older. Dressed in a cool-toned brown sweater and black slacks, he stood tall with quite impressive posture. Thick, fluffy black hair sat atop his head. A few strands lay delicately on his blemish-free forehead. Silver jewelry decorated his skin. His ears sported a pair of simple hoops dangling with every head movement. On his neck was a dainty chain necklace, it looked like it belonged to a designer brand. What caught your attention the most was the many rings that adorned his fingers. They shined prettily in the sunlight. 
The only way for you to describe his face was that of a fairytale prince. His eyes were tender and kind, a complete contrast to his sharp eyebrows but they paired well together. You wondered if he routinely got them threaded. His cheeks were round and breadlike, making you want to reach out and squish them against your better judgment. And don’t even get you started on his lips. They were the softest, plumpest pair of lips you’ve ever seen. You just know he goes through tubes and tubes of chapstick frequently.
 He smiled gently at you when your eyes finally met. Your heart fluttered. Whatever this guy was trying to sell, you just might have to buy.
“Hi, I’m sorry to disturb you but I-” With a voice as warm as his you could listen to him speak all day. But you were on a time crunch and now had three minutes before you had to go in for your appointment.
“Ahh, actually,” you interrupted wincing slightly. “I’m kinda in the middle of something. So if you’ll excuse me.” You turned away again, this time slightly opening the door. 
This time you felt him grip your free hand, intertwining your fingers with his.“Oh! This’ll only take a second I promise.” 
“What the hell!” you yelled, snatching your hand away with a quickness, spinning on your heels to face him again. Straight away this garnered the attention of a few strangers, looking nosily to see what was happening. 
“What is your problem?! I’m not interested in whatever you’re trying to sell!” You don’t care how attractive this man is, he’s definitely lost his mind.
He seemed surprised by his actions, staring back at you in shock with both eyes wide open. “I’m so sorry!” he rushed, waving his hands out in front of him. “I’m not trying to sell you anything, I swear! I just wanted to tell you that I thought you were gorgeous and that your hair looked beautiful! I never meant to offend you, really!”
He was a stranger to you. It was absolutely inappropriate of him to grab your hand without your permission. You had no obligation to believe a word he said. But there was just something about the sincerity in his voice that made it difficult for you to harbor any lingering anger. As crazy as it sounds he seemed genuine and you believed him.
“Oh,” you muttered, calmer now. “Still you can’t just grab people you don’t know, it's rude. And thank you.” You avoided his eyes, instead focusing on the loose thread at the bottom of his sweater. 
“Again, I’m sorry. My friends remind me all the time about how handsy I can be. I’m working on it. And, you’re welcome.” You could hear the smile in his voice.
“I’m Jimin,” the man, or Jimin grinned, sticking his hand out towards you to shake. You looked at his hand before looking at his face. His eyes were nearly completely shut with how hard he was smiling. It was insanely endearing. 
You replied with your name, shaking his hand in return. The softness of his skin didn’t surprise you at all, you could tell he took good care of himself
“Going to get your nails done?” Jimin questioned, nodding his head towards the salon. 
“Mhmm,” you confirmed, looking at your hand as you inspected your overgrown nails. “I’m in need of a long overdue manicure. I actually have to go in for my appointment in about-” You looked at your wristwatch. “Two minutes.”
“Have you decided on a color yet?”
“Not yet. I was thinking of maybe getting-” You cut yourself off at the feeling of Jimin taking your hand in his once again. Ignoring the butterflies that instantly fluttered through you, you watched as he brought your hand in front of his face. You almost giggled aloud at the vision before you. He looked like a mad scientist, examining your hand that close to his face.
“You really do have no sense of personal space, huh?”
“I think you should get…” he paused for a moment thinking to himself. “Purple.”
“Mhm,” he confirmed, nodding. “But not just any purple. Maybe a pastel purple? Like ..lilac! Yeah, lilac! I think that would look really pretty against your skin.” With a satisfied smile, gently, he let your hand fall back to its previous position. 
You felt your whole body flush with warmth. You know if you were lighter you’d definitely be blushing all over. Thank goddess for your brown skin. 
To mask your shyness, you grabbed your phone out of your purse checking the time. Yeah, you were wearing a watch but you needed to look away from him before you exploded. 12:16. Oh shit! 
“I’m late!” you shrieked, turning back towards the salon. “It was nice meeting you, Jimin, but I gotta go.” It was really nice talking to Jimin, but you weren’t missing this appointment for anyone.
“Wait!” He called, coming up beside you.
 “You should send me a picture.” You raised an eyebrow.
 “Of your nails! You should send me a picture of your nails when they’re done, I mean. You know because I suggested the color. But only if you want to, of course, no pressure!” 
Jimin twisted the ring on his left pointer finger, awaiting your answer. You thought his sudden nervousness was sweet. 
Usually, it would take a lot more for you to give your number out. Especially to a random stranger you’d only met and known for a couple of minutes. You’d seen too many true crime documentaries for that. But Jimin raised no red flags to you. Sure he was a little weird and awkward but he was also sweet and charming. To be quite honest you enjoyed spending these past few minutes with him, and you wouldn’t mind seeing him again. 
“What’s your number?” you smiled unlocking your phone. Jimin grinned again, eyes nearly shut and cheeks raised high, before reciting his number to you.
You were so damn lucky you had history with your nail tech, Sandra, or else you would’ve been out of luck. You didn’t make it to your appointment on time, in fact, you were three minutes late. It may or may not have something to do with you and Jimin giggling over which photo to use as his contact picture in your phone. 
The pure look of irritation on Sandra’s face when you finally did make it inside the salon to check in at the front desk nearly made you visibly wince. You knew you were being an inconvenience, coming in late even though you were standing right outside of the salon. But c'mon, you were only three minutes late! It’s not like you arrived an hour later or no called no showed. Still though, it was rude of you and you made sure to apologize and leave her a hefty tip for being a bother.
Back in the front seat of your car, you admired your nails. No matter how irritated your Sandra was, she still killed this set! You opted for your usual square shape, you couldn’t see yourself veering away from it, it just had such a polished look. For your nail color, you were stuck between three shades of purple that could be considered lilac. Instead of wrecking your brain, you sent a picture to Jimin letting him pick the shade closest to the one he envisioned and he did not disappoint. Delicate yet bold, the lilac complimented your skin tone perfectly. You’re not sure if this was a color you would’ve ever chosen on your own and you’re so glad Jimin suggested it for you. They were simple but cute and you loved them!
Posing your left hand you snapped a quick pic of your new nails before sending it over to Jimin. 
He responded almost instantly. 
Jimin (◠‿◠)
Very! See, I told you it would look good :)) 
Whatever lol, I guess you did an ok job.
Jimin (◠‿◠)
I think what you meant to say was. Thank you so much, Jimin!
You rolled your eyes before responding. 
Thank you, Jimin. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you! You are truly god sent!
Just then your phone began to vibrate, Jimin’s contact and goofy contact picture popped up on your screen. You clicked the answer button before it could ring a second time. 
“You’re so very welcome, _____! I’m glad I could be of assistance to you!” Though you couldn’t see his face, the smile was present in his voice. You laughed aloud, thinking of a response. You definitely didn’t want this to be your last time speaking to Jimin. There was an obvious connection between you and it would be silly of you not to explore it. Hopefully, you weren’t reading the situation wrong and he was just as interested in you as you were in him. 
“Hey, um, what are you doing later today, around let’s say 5:30-ish? My appointment took a little longer than expected so I can’t pick up any lunch and I was wondering if you would like to try that new pizzeria downtown with me?” you asked, heart hammering in your chest. You felt like a teenager talking to her crush for the first time. It’s been a while since you’ve done something like this. You’ve been so focused on work recently, hardly allowing yourself any free time. Dating just wasn’t at the forefront of your mind.
Restlessly, you drummed your fingers against your steering wheel awaiting his answer.
Jimin hummed as he thought. “Are you asking me out on a date?” 
Oh shit.“Huh!? A date! I wa- uh I mean-” “Because if you are,” Jimin interrupted, ceasing your rambling. “Then I would say yes. I would love to go on a date with you.”
“Yeah?” you beamed.
“Yeah,” he agreed. “You actually beat me to it. I wanted to ask you out for ice cream after your appointment.” 
“Oh!” you voiced. “Well, we can always go after the pizza?”
“I'd like that.”
“Okay! Cool,” you grimaced at your response. Gosh, why were you so nervous?
“Cool,” he giggled. “I’ll see you there, then?”
“Yeah, I’ll see you there,” you smiled, giddy all over. Bringing your phone from your ear, you pressed the end call button. It took a moment for the realization to set in. Did that really just happen? Before you knew it an elated squeal escaped your lips. Nerves now replaced with excitement, you began your journey back to work, eagerly looking forward to your date with Jimin.
Copyright © 2023 Spicybutterfly
All right reserved.
Distribution, copying, reposting, or translating of any kind is not permitted. I will take legal action against those who attempt to steal my work.
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2myl0ver · 4 months
How he expresses his love ☆ Asakura Jo
Genre ⋅ fluff Wordcount ⋅ 304 TW ⋅ food || Masterlist
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though jo doesn't say much, you've never felt as if he didn't love you. he does everything to let you know he loves you and that you're appreciated.
seeing as you're always on his mind, it's hard for him to not bring you back something whenever he goes out
*sees something you might like* "i should get this for y/n..."
everything this always y/n, y/n, y/n. members are TIREDDD of hearing it honestly... but they love you and they love seeing jo happy.
he always makes sure you eat, no mater where he is how far he is from you he will not rest unless you have eaten. if your time zones are veryy different he'll wake up in the middle of the night just to ask you if you've eaten.
and every time you say "no" magically someones calling your number saying your already paid food is outside..🧍‍♀️
when he comes home with you already asleep, he joins you in the bed and always lays on the side that you're facing, he likes to see you peacefully sleeping and he simply just likes cuddling that way (as said in this post from twt)
when he has time, he makes simple crafts and give them to you, sometimes you even do it together:] like when he made a craft that looked like digital camera and when you opened it, had all of your polaroid pictures you've collected over the years (it looks like this)
lastly, he makes songs about you!! >.< he's written about 1,000 songs about you collected along with the ones he made predebut. he'll never tell anyone else but he finds writing songs about you very easy, he also likes it better than actually saying it.
as his introverted self he doesn't like talking much so, he puts his words into songs and sing them to you. ♡︎
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© 2myl0ver Copyright 2023. Do not copy, repost, or translate without my permission. ♡︎ and ↻ are very much appreciated !
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dreamescapeswriting · 2 years
𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 ~ 𝐁𝐂
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⤜PAIRING: Chan X Fem!Reader
⤜GENRE: fluffy, cute, long distance relationship, meeting after a long time, surprising tired channie on tour, established relationship, pampering chan like the king he is, sleepy baby, 
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - September 2022
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Chan frowned staring over at the crew members as he walked off the stage for the final time that night, he could have sworn he'd just seen you walking back there but it was impossible. Shaking his head at himself he turned his attention to something else and he checked over his members, smiling to himself when he saw them all walking toward the changing rooms. Most of them had been crying on stage thanks to the special show that STAY had put on for them, Chan could hardly believe it when he'd seen it. All of these different paper planes being thrown onto the stage with kind messages, as well as the stadium singing along to "star lost" with them, had left most of them in a crying mess. However, Chan did his best to keep his cool and make sure he didn't cry too much on stage but it failed since he ended up crying hard inside the group hug. Everything had gotten a little too emotional, it was one of their first tours since Covid had hit and to see them get such a warming moment tore his heart up.
"Hyung? You okay?" Felix asked when he noticed Chan glancing his head around frantically as if he was looking for something or someone. 
"Yeah, I thought I saw someone," Chan mumbled as he shook his head, there was no way it could have been you. If it was you, you would have told Chan that you were coming to see him.
"Who?" Felix asked, staring around for any sign of someone he knew but there was nothing. The crew were all there but that wasn't who Chan was looking for and Felix knew it,
"I thought they looked like Yn." His voice went off slowly, it was impossible to be you though. Chan had asked you to come to their final tour show but you were too busy with work to make it, it had been disappointing but Chan knew you needed to work. 
"She's at work though, I mean she sent us enough photos," Felix whined while rubbing his stomach, still remembering the photo of the cakes that you had been making for work that morning. You were always sending photos of what you were working on and always making them jealous that they didn't have access to the treats. 
"I know, part of me was expecting her to just show up behind the stage and give us treats," Chan chuckled weakly as he imagined it, it would have been amazing to see you especially since the two of you hadn't seen one another in about a year. It was hard to see one another since the pandemic hit.
Thanks to covid cancelling most of the flights you hadn't been able to see one another but things were finally starting to open up and Chan held out hope that he would see you soon. The two of you did what you could to make your relationship work digitally, you would have cute dates over facetime. The last time Chan had set up his laptop to play a movie at the same time as you and the two of you watched it together.
"It won't be too much longer hyung, I'm sure of it," Jeongin added when he noticed how upset it seemed to make Chan that you weren't there. The boys would be flying home tomorrow morning and tonight would have been the perfect time to surprise him. 
"Do you want to come to dinner with us tonight?" Felix questioned trying to change the subject rather quickly, glancing at Chan and hoping he would say yes.
The truth was you were surprising Chan today and he had just seen you backstage the boys all knew that but they needed to play along a little while longer. The whole point of this surprise was to keep Chan busy while you got the hotel room ready and you'd only just gotten the keycard to get inside the room.
"Nah, I think I'm going to go and facetime her for a while. Maybe I can catch her before she goes to sleep," Chan shrugged as he stared down at his phone, you hadn't opened any of his messages yet and he was slightly worried you would have already fallen asleep. The two of you tried to stay awake for the other but some days were harder than others, especially when you were in different time zones,
"But you always come to eat," Changbin said as he shot Felix a worried glance. If Chan went straight back to the hotel your surprise was going to be ruined and the boys knew you wanted it to be perfect for him, 
"I know but I miss yn," Chan murmured, looking away from his phone to meet Jeongin's pleading eyes. He hated that his youngest member looked as though he was the living pleading emoji, it made it incredibly difficult to say no to him. 
"Innie," Chan whined rather loudly, shaking his head as he stared back at him, he didn't want to say no to his youngest.
"Don't you want to hang out with us Hyung? Are we not good enough?" Jeongin whined louder, his voice dragging on the last word as Chan groaned a little.
"We've been stuck together for weeks, I'm ready for a break." Chan joked before shaking his head, he was already going to agree to go with them. Going out to eat sounded better than ordering room service and eating alone for the night,
 "Fine I'll come but it's your treat," He smirked before quickly shooting you a message that he wasn't going to be able to see you tonight which you probably weren't going to see since you were asleep. 
[Channie]: Hey, I'm going to dinner with the boys...I'll probably miss you again tonight. I promise to see you soon, even if I have to steal a plane myself.
Attached to the image was a photo of Chan dripping in sweat and winking at the camera which made you smile to yourself, you'd turned off "read receipts" in order for him not to see when you were reading his messages. It was easier for him to think you were asleep rather than ignoring him. You were thankful the boys were keeping him busy a little while longer while you made your way back to his room with the spare keycard. 
Everything had been planned out well, Felix had asked Chan for a spare key to his room last night so that he could come and hang out with him. That way he could give the card to you whenever you arrived, 
"Let's get this thing started." You whispered to yourself, glancing around the hotel room. This time the boys had managed to make sure Chan got his own room, it would have made it awkward if you were spending the night with Chan and a roommate. 
Unzipping your bag you began to take out different candles and votives and made your way into the bathroom, deciding that Chan was going to need a nice relaxing night to come home to you began to get to work on everything. 
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"I still think we should have a sleepover in Hyung's room, he has the biggest bed." Jisung teased, smirking at Felix who was walking with a very tired Chan to his room. The dinner had run over by an hour and Chan was absolutely exhausted he knew that tonight was going to be one of the few nights he actually got some decent sleep. 
"I think Channie-Hyung is too tired," Felix said while glaring at Jisung who was quick to shut his mouth when he remembered what would be waiting for Chan inside the room. 
"He's right, I'm ready to drop," Chan mumbled as he put the card into his door and smiled as it flashed green, he said a quick goodbye and headed into the room.
As much as he loved hanging out with his members when he was tired like this all he wanted was to have some time alone. The only person who he could really be around when he was like this was you and that was because you would look after him but you'd not even seen his messages so he doubted the two of you would talk tonight. 
"Sweet, sweet relief." He groaned, falling stomach first onto the bed and burying his face into the pillows moaning out as he finally let himself relax. He'd completely missed the fact that there was an extra suitcase inside his room and the fact that your perfume was fresh in the air since you'd just finished getting ready.
You smiled to yourself when you heard him fall onto the bed, Felix had warned you about how tired Chan was which was why you'd slightly changed your plan for the night.
Instead of lighting candles all over the hotel room, you'd placed them inside the bathroom, dressed in one of his signature hoodies and waited for him. Silently you stepped into the doorway of the kitchen and stared over at your boyfriend who had yet to notice your presence. Seriously, the man would be awful if he was trapped inside a slasher movie, he'd probably be the one kid that gets murdered because he wasn't paying attention. 
"Hey, handsome, long day?" You said softly as you knelt down on the mattress beside him, gently running your fingers through his curls as he hums tiredly, 
"Very," He mumbled not totally realising what was happening until he heard your little giggle. It was like music to his ears as he slowly pulled his head out of the pillow and stared at you blinking a couple of times.
"Yn?" He sounded unsure of himself as he spoke your name into the air, you couldn't be there in front of him. 
"Yes, baby?"
"You're here right...it's not some kind of trick my tired mind is playing on me?"
"I'm here," You giggled, looking at him as he suddenly sat up straight and stared back at you. The tiredness quickly washed away from his body as he realised you were there with him. 
"You're here! Were you at the show?!" He asked quickly as he stared back at you, his mind racing with the possibility that you could have been watching him.
"Yes. you weren't supposed to see me" You whined, Felix had texted you when Chan said he thought he'd seen you. You thought you'd been sneaky enough backstage but clearly, you weren't the superspy you thought you were.
"I'd been trying to be sneaking to get the keycard after the show," You explained while laughing a little, Chan's smile fell as he thought about Felix asking for a card yesterday. Now it all made sense,
"Felix was in on this with you, wasn't he?" He questioned only to make you grin widely at him. It wasn't just Felix that had been helping you with this, it was all of the boys. 
"Oh, baby...they all were." You laughed softly, running your thumb gently across his cheek.
"I wanted to come and see you before my flight to Korea tomorrow," You mentioned casually, his eyes lighting up as he heard that you were going to go home with him. 
"How long?" He wasn't going to waste a single second if it was a short amount of time. His mind was already racing over the different places he wanted to take you.
"I have about two months in Korea if you can put up with me-"
"YES!" He screamed out, blushing as he realised he was probably being a little too loud since he shared a wall with other people inside the hotel. 
"Then two months it is baby," You cooed before he whined at you, kissing your lips softly. 
"I took as much overtime as I could, saved up and I-I was thinking of looking for a job there..." You looked at him, trying to judge what he thought of it. It wouldn't take much for you to get a year-long visa for working and you'd always wanted to live closer.
"Baby, this sounds incredible." The idea of getting you all to himself for a full year was magical to him and he couldn't wait.
"Hmm but I know something that sounds better." You told him, gently running your hands over his skin as he looked at you,
"You following me into the bathroom." You shifted yourself off the bed and held out your hand for him to take, slowly opening the bathroom door to reveal all of the candles that were lighting up the room. A hot bubble bath waiting for Chan to slide into and let his muscles relax,
"You did all of this?" He questioned sounding a little shocked that you had done this for him. It wasn't something you hadn't done before but it had been a while,
"My boyfriend deserves a nice relaxing night," You giggled, watching him as he smiled over at you and began to slowly take off his clothes. 
Chan was naked sitting in the tub, in any other situation you would have joined him but tonight it wasn't about that. Tonight was about making your boyfriend feel special and comforted after a long day, 
"Are you not getting in?" He asked as you sat down on the edge of the tub, rolling up the sleeves of the hoodie and reaching for the shampoo that was on the side.
"No, tonight is about spoiling you, baby." You slowly began to wet his hair, smiling to yourself as you watched the way his hair began to cover his eyes. 
"You need a haircut," You laughed as he chuckled a little, his shoulders lifting up as he agreed with you. It was getting a little too long to deal with and it was getting harder to manage his curls.
"I like your curls though," You whispered before uncapping the shampoo and gently beginning to massage his scalp with the pads of your fingers. You were moving in deep, firm strokes until you noticed him visibly relaxing against your touch, his body slumping against the side of the tub with his eyes shut. You smiled down at him, he looked so peaceful when he was like this for you. There was a small tint of pink on his cheeks, he wasn't used to being treated like this and he enjoyed it. 
There was nothing sexual about the interaction, even though he was naked in front of you this was something sweet and intimate between the two of you. You carefully washed out the shampoo from his hair and swept it out of his face before you moved to reach for the body wash. 
"You're an angel," He hummed tiredly, his eyes struggling to stay open as he relaxed completely against your touch, you giggled softly and applied a little body wash to your hands. You slowly moved your palms against his skin, kneading into any muscles whenever you felt as though he needed it.
"Lean forward baby," You whispered in his ear, watching as he obeyed without another word falling from his lips. You gently began to wash his back, letting your hands travel over his smooth skin. Your eyes tracked over every inch of his toned body as you washed him, your pulse quickening as you smiled to yourself. There was just something magical about getting to have Chan like this all to yourself, sure you shared him with millions of fans but this version of Chan was yours and yours alone.
The soft, quiet and adorable Chan he didn't show that often. The Chan that ket you care for him and cuddle him whenever he needed it. His head fell forward only to snap back up as he caught himself almost falling asleep. 
"We're done baby," You whispered when you noticed that he was starting to nod off in the tub. 
Once Chan laid on the bed completely dry and naked under the sheet as you put the towels into a small basket for the housekeepers to take in the morning. 
"Come to bed with me," He whined out, his eyes tracking you as you blew out all of the candles and quickly rinsed the bath out so that the cleaners didn't have to do it in the morning. 
"I'll be there in a second, I need to clean up." You told him, thanks to jetlag you weren't exactly tired yet and you wanted to make sure the housekeepers didn't think you and Chan were slobs when they came in tomorrow.
"I can't sleep without you," He whined out and you smiled to yourself, shutting off all the lights and climbing under the sheets to lay beside him. Even though he was naked and you were in nothing but a hoodie, once again nothing was sexual. It was just something that happened and the two of you accepted whenever you would sleep like this. 
"Goodnight, angel." You whispered to Chan as he rested his head on your chest, your fingers gently curling his damp hair around your finger and smiling as it seemed to keep its shape. Chan had barely laid on top of you before he quickly sunk into the best night's sleep he'd had in a long time. 
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Tagline: @chiisaiblog @hanasonmi @sw33tnight @taestannie @illicee​ @army24--7​ @acciocriativity​ @scarletemeterio​ @kimahnjung98​ @halesandy​ @aerastus​ @lost-leopard-beanie​ @ethereallino​ @afternoonteabiscuit​ @itmehc​ @rubberduckieyourtheone​ @heeseunger24​ @laylasbunbunny​ @lovelychann​ @critssq​ @pearlygraysky​ @lenfilms​
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caseywcoller · 1 year
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Here's a piece I worked on for the TF/MTG Secret Lair set, with breathtaking digital painting by Lee Woo Chul!
Thanks to the team @ Volta, esp. PM Yanick Maltais & AD Sara Pitre-Durocher, and Hasbro
Copyright © 2022 Hasbro Inc. All rights reserved. Shared with authorization.
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nanowrimo · 1 year
The Art of the Pitch
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When submitting your manuscript to an agent, your pitch letter is the first thing they read. But with hundreds of emails pouring into agents’ inboxes every day, how do you get yours to stand out? Author Jeff Herman has some tips:
On any given day, there’s a massive surplus of desperate manuscripts clamoring to fill way too few opportunities. It resembles hordes of famished zombies ripping at the walls and doors where a remnant of agents and editors have found sanctuary. This helps explain why the barriers to your success seem to be unreasonably extreme, not to mention insensitive and discourteous. The harsh process is a form of self-preservation for the gatekeepers. However, access is possible; sometimes you just have to reframe what you’re seeing.
Countless manuscripts that merit publication will spend eternity in the clouds because the authors failed to get agents and editors to read them. From the perspective of the gatekeepers, unsolicited manuscripts are a burden until proven otherwise; they’re an ever-accumulating digital landfill that’s humanly impossible to process and cope with, or even think about. But it’s within every writer’s power to change the math for themselves. 
The following guidance doesn’t promise to be the cure, but it does promise to meaningfully elevate the odds that your manuscript will be requested and read. My advice is the consequence of reading more than one-million pitches covering everything you can imagine.
1. Don’t be boring. Boredom causes attention to shut down. The letter should be as entertaining, compelling, and alluring as the body of work you want to read. Too many writers treat their pitch letters like job applications; imagine having to read hundreds of those a day.  
2. Don’t waste space. Avoid filler. Keep to a single page with short paragraphs (eyes detest densely packed sections). 
3. Use lively and relatable descriptions. Make descriptive lines count with language that transmits visceral and dynamic images. Imagine movie trailers.
4. Get to the point by the second line. Don’t wander into the weeds or try to be a pen pal. 
5. Say exciting things about yourself. For example, “I’m a third-generation serial killer.” Or, “I’m a former President of the United States.” (However, only share things that are true!)
6. Don’t compare your work to bestsellers. It might make you appear arrogant or grandiose. Do a little research to find the titles that best match your work. 
7. Don’t reveal how many years you’ve been trying to get someone to read your pitch, let alone your work. Don’t reveal how many thousands of times you’ve been rejected so far. Don’t expect strangers to care about your aspirations from the goodness of their hearts.  
8. Be softly immodest. Show you're a winner in ways that say it for you. Highlight your accomplishments, don’t hide them. Success tends to gravitate to people who know how to personify a successful image. 
9. Don’t stereotype yourself in ways that could undermine your chances. For instance, there’s no reason to say your age unless it’s germane to the book. (Ageism is frequently an elephant in the room, and unfortunately, publishing isn’t an exception.)
10. Keep trying. Consistently showing up and doing the work regardless of how you feel will get you far. Writing and publishing is a game of long ball that rewards tenacity and resilience. 
Jeff Herman is the author of Jeff Herman’s Guide to Book Publishers, Editors & Literary Agents, 29th Edition and coauthor of the acclaimed Write the Perfect Proposal. He has presented hundreds of workshops about writing and publishing and has been interviewed for dozens of publications and programs. His literary agency has ushered nearly 1,000 books into publication, including many bestsellers. He lives in Stockbridge, MA. His website is www.JeffHerman.com.
Based on the book Jeff Herman’s Guide to Book Publishers, Editors & Literary Agents, 29th Edition. Copyright ©2023 by Jeff Herman. Published by New World Library — www.newworldlibrary.com.
Top photo by Andrew Dunstan on Unsplash.
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vixies-grimoire · 7 months
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[image id: digital drawing of the character Max from Camp Camp standing next to the words "Fuck yeah Piracy" in glowey multicolored letters. The background is a blurry blue, green and brown scene with a checkerboard pattern on top. end image id]
Remember kids, RT is a shitty company and Max wholeheartedly endorses piracy.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Drawn in MediBang Paint Pro
Camp Camp is a RoosterTeeth original series.
Copyright© 2023 Vixiefoxwitch. All rights reserved. bonus: check out the improvement 1 year of constantly drawing this kid has made lol
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[image id: comparison of the above drawing with a similar drawing done september 25th of 2022, marking the improvement in technical skill]
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Jax~ The Amazing Digital Circus~
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Original fanart of Jax from the animated series The Amazing Digital Circus. If you haven't seen it, check it out! The characters belongs to Gooseworx/Glitch/it's rightful owner.
I watched the pilot the other day and see why everyone really likes it! I definitely can't wait to see more and might draw some more of the characters soon~
This character/artwork is protected by copyright, any unauthorized use of this character/artwork is strictly prohibited.
©All rights reserved.
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elfwreck · 8 months
The word of the day is "Valancourt"
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I need to flail about copyright law, and a DC Circuit Court decision that happened, err, yesterday:
Valancourt Books, LLC v. Merrick Garland, No. 21-5203 (D.C. Cir. 2023)
(You can google it. The Justia link has the full PDF.)
The ultra-short, tl;dr: Publishers don't have to submit 2 copies of their books to the Library of Congress anymore.
More details: Valancourt is an indie book publisher who skipped the "send two copies to the Library of Congress" part of copyright registration, in part because many of their works were public domain reprints, and in part because, well, they're a tiny indie publisher operating on a shoestring budget
I don't know how the LoC happened to notice them (certainly the vast majority of published works are NOT sent to the LoC, even if we leave out the digital works), but they did, and ordered them to send 2 copies of each of their works or face a hefty (for a small publisher) fine.
Valancourt fought back, claiming that, among other problems, the law (17 U.S. Code § 407 - Deposit of copies or phonorecords for Library of Congress) violates the 5th Amendment - it demands property of citizens without compensation.
Two lower courts sided with the gov't, saying that the benefits of copyright are extensive.
The DC Circuit court disagreed (emphasis added):
In urging us to view mandatory deposit as part of a voluntary exchange, the government cites the many benefits that copyright confers upon authors. But authors obtain those benefits upon fixation, and mandatory deposit grants no additional benefits. Tellingly, the government cannot point to a single incremental benefit that copyright owners receive for depositing works pursuant to Section 407. That provision then cannot represent a voluntary exchange for a benefit—there is no benefit at all.
Originally, depositing copies was a requirement of copyright registration - no copies, no copyright protection. Simple. Even had a practical purpose: in cases of infringement, the gov't had a copy of the original work to haul out to compare.
But the Copyright Act of 1976 threw that out - works were copyrighted "upon fixation of a work in a tangible medium," no registration required, not even the little © symbol.
Registration is required to pursue infringement claims. But. "The Act also removed loss of copyright as a sanction for failure to deposit." The 1976 Copyright Act was designed to say EVERYTHING IS COPYRIGHTED NO MATTER WHAT and not require anyone [companies] to do anything to secure those rights.
...It's been nearly 50 years since depositing 2 copies has given any benefit to publishers, but of course, they keep doing it, because the penalty for not doing so is heavy government fines.
Until someone (Valancourt) successfully argued that "requiring property without compensation" is a violation of our 5th amendment rights.
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mtaartsdesign · 10 months
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Sharing a new addition to the Poetry in Motion collection!
Selected in collaboration with @poetrysociety, “Morning Bell” by Iman Mersal is set with imagery from Marcel Dzama’s mosaic “No Less Than Everything Comes Together” (2021) at Bedford Av (L) station. Dzama’s artwork, containing curious characters set in a palette of nighttime blues, was inspired by Walt Whitman’s iconic poem “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry.” A beautiful coincidence unbeknownst to the artist at the time, Whitman’s poem was part of the Poetry in Motion program’s pilot release in 1992.
Find “Morning Bell” throughout the transit system, presented in print and on digital screens throughout the subway, and on digital screens in commuter rail cars and stations.
"Morning Bell" by Iman Mersal, translated by Robyn Creswell, from The Threshold. Copyright © 2022 by Iman Mersal and Robyn Creswell. Reprinted with the permission of Farrar, Straus and Giroux. No Less Than Everything Comes Together (2021) © Marcel Dzama, NYC Transit Bedford Av Station.
Commissioned by MTA Arts & Design. Photo by MTA/Trent Reeves.
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