#deutsch langblr
organised-kitty · 8 months
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Tag 20-28 | 18/100 hours | 28/08/23
So basically this week I barely studied German, I only did like 2 hours in the entire week and I felt like a total failure to be honest. After careful analysis I realised I needed to re organize my goals, my plan, my study techniques and my mindset so I can make this work out the best possible. At this moment I’m in a stage where I feel like nothing works to help me get back on track but I need to see this as a period of experimentation to help me push forward. So this is my take on how to deal with failure and slumps in progress. (Inspired by selfcare-journey)
⭐️ Identify what’s not working
Personally, what’s keeping me from doing my tasks is the fact that I’m always feeling tired and I have frequent migraines; I have been sleeping less than 6 hours a day because of university and yet I haven’t done as much progress because I’m so tired, I can’t focus and therefore I worked very slowly which left me feeling lazier, very frustrated and unmotivated.
⭐️ Prioritizing health and self care
I think we have all been consumed at some point by the idea of toxic productivity where the one who works the most and sleeps the least is the best one, but ultimately enjoying learning and having quality study time will only be possible if we’re physically and mentally sane.
I feel hesitant to redefine my work hours because I feel guilty when I think of studying less, I’m scared of not meeting deadlines, but I already know that this toxic cycle isn’t working for me so I have to accept that it’s okay if I can’t study 8 hours straight, if I need more breaks than other people and it’s okay if I work slow, if I don’t grasp things quickly, it’s okay to fall behind..because I’m in the process of rewiring how I study and taking my time is better than not doing anything and giving up.
⭐️ Managing energy levels
Along with my horrid sleeping schedule this energy slump is also the result of me not eating throughout the day and then having a huge unhealthy meals later in the day, and it’s really affecting my energy levels. So I need to start keeping hydrated, doing light exercise, eating healthier and more regular meals along with having better sleep hygiene because honestly I feel half dead. I also need to go to a medical check up to figure out what’s the cause of my migraines.
⭐️ Dealing with procrastination
I think lately I really struggle with a sense of discomfort when I study because lately I associate studying with failure and frustration. So I think breaking my task into smaller bits might make it less overwhelming. When I was in therapy I learnt a lot about how to deal with intrusive thoughts and emotions so I will put some of those techniques into practice. I also want to work on self compassion and embracing the idea that even a little progress is a step closer to my goal, I think celebrating those small wins can create a positive cycle of motivation.
⭐️ Improving focus
For this aspect I will go back to the ultra short Pomodoro method. (10-15 min with 2 min break) Force myself to work for a small period of time and give myself a tiny break. It’s a pretty basic technique but the idea of this is to experiment and see how well it works for me, identify for how long I can work until things start to become difficult. I think the best breaks are those that keep you away from your phone, because 5 minutes of social media is a recipe for disaster. So I will try to do things like grab some water, stretch a bit, breathing exercises, clean my bag, walk around the room a bit, doodling, have a snack, so that I keep active but refreshed. I think being in a productive environment like a library or a cafeteria could also help to keep focused.
⭐️ Enjoying learning
Now that I’m coming across more difficult content I tend to get unmotivated, so I think the best strategy is try seeing it like a game, where I don’t focus on the learning outcome but rather focus on the process of understanding, problem solving and overcoming new challenges, perhaps that will make the journey more rewarding.
Reminding one self of why I started and connecting the connecting the content to my interests and real world applications could be really useful in boosting my curiosity and motivation as well.
⭐️ Active learning
My study sessions have turned into something very passive, just doing exercises and checking flashcards has become very boring. I think I need to re-incorporate more active learning techniques like writing in a journal in my target language and talking to native friends more.
Additionally I think I need to readjust my schedule and re organize myself so I can include these changes, track them and check for feedback, but this post is already long enough so I will make a separate one.
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The word means Floor Grinder Rental in English 🤡
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geraniumstudy · 6 months
My progress
Hello, I haven't made so much progress with German but I've made a lot in English. I've been using grammar books and conversational classes for that, nevertheless I have a big problem I want to practice more German, but when you spend like 3 hours or 5 in English you feel tired to do something else
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siri-de · 6 months
15. oktober 2023
es tut mir leid, dass ich nichts gepostet habe!! ich war ein bisschen beschäftigt, aber ich habe es auch einfach vergessen :O
es ist gerade morgen, ich muss später mein zimmer aufräumen, aber nicht jetzt. ich möchte heute deutschlernen, ich war so faul...
mein freund spielt plate up mit seine freunde, aber wir werden bald ffxiv spielen!! er hat es für mich gekauft und wir haben so viel spaß dabei :D
hier ist mein charakter! niedlich, ja? >:)
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was machst du heute? :)
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diaryofalinguist · 5 months
Ich habe endlich ein bisschen abgenommen und ich bin so glücklich darüber. Ich hoffe nur, dass es weitergeht. Ich habe alle Universitäten besucht, an denen ich mich bewerben möchte, und ich denke, dass Cardiff immer noch das Beste davon ist, aber Newcastle ist Zweiter und Leeds ist Dritter.
Ich habe heute meine Spanischprüfung Note bekommt - ich bekam 7 (mit 1 als schlechtester Note und 9 als bester Note). Ich fühle mich ziemlich zufrieden darüber, besonders weil sie nur eine Übungsprüfung war, und ich könnte in der Zukunft vielleicht 8 oder 9 bekommen. Ich lerne auch Spanisch seit nur ungefähr 6 Monate, also bin sehr stolz auf diese Note.
Jetzt suche ich nach Ressourcen damit ich meine kleine Schwester Deutsch lehren kann. Sie ist nur 9 Jahre alt, also ist es ein Bisschen kompliziert für sie, aber die Ressourcen für Kinder sind auch oft zu kindisch für sie.
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chiarasstudying · 7 months
Hi everyone!
I'm going to use this blog as a journal for my german learning progress. I technically have a b1 level, given to my studies of german in university. But in reality, I feel very far behind. Unfortunately, my fear of failure doesn't help me much. Each time I have a German class, I get extreme anxiety so I avoid going. This habit, though, doesn't help me improve, so I want to change it.
I hope to build some courage with time and to achieve my language learning goals. I would love to meet some friends along the way!
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thalia-pages · 10 months
Ein paar Stunden nach dem Kurs habe ich die Online-Geschichte über das "Impostor-Syndrom" per E-Mail bekommen. Ja, ich bin sehr zufrieden damit, dass ich die Geschichte selbst lesen konnte. Und ich möchte gerne ein paar Tipps aus der Geschichte verteilen. Oder was kannst du mit dem "Impostor-Syndrom" zu tun? 1. Führe ein Erfolgstagebuch 2. Mache dir bewusst über das Syndrom 3. Setze realistische Ziele 4. Suche Feedback 5. Konzentriere dich auf dich selbst 6. Lerne aus Fehlern
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buniipo · 1 year
Hey langblr!
I’m nini and I’m using this blog to share my journey learning German (A2) and find other language learners! I started studying German years ago but never got past the basics. I’m now studying with more intent and creating an intensive study plan for myself. i’m looking for langblr blogs to be mutuals with especially those posting about german and german culture!
some language goals
practice speaking (full sentences, accurately)
write in german (journaling)
complete my language unit book
read/listen to a book in german
About me
they/them, 25+, queer, nonbinary, black, neurodivergent. living in Germany!
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retr0gh0ul · 6 months
does anyone know any good german learning blogs
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chias-studying · 7 months
Hi everyone!
I'm going to use this blog as a journal for my german learning progress. I technically have a b1 level, given to my studies of german in university. But in reality, I feel very far behind. Unfortunately, my fear of failure doesn't help me much. Each time I have a German class, I get extreme anxiety so I avoid going. This habit, though, doesn't help me improve, so I want to change it.
I hope to build some courage with time and to achieve my language learning goals. I would love to meet some friends along the way!
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First Post
I've been meaning to start a language blog and get serious with my studies, but just didn't find the time. Now that I've been living in Germany for almost 2 months now, I guess this would be a good time to learn German. tbh it's very necessary and I'm kinda freaking out lolz,,,,,,,,,
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organised-kitty · 8 months
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Tag 14-19 | 16/100 hours | 19/08/23
⭐️ Kapitel 4-5 Goethe Institut A1
⭐️ 60 Anki Flashcards
⭐️ Started reading books for children
⭐️ Started learning Disney songs
I realized it’s a lot easier to study outside than at home, I tend to get a bit distracted. It’s been difficult to keep up with studying when there’s so much to do at med school but I genuinely enjoy learning German and I will push through this slump to achieve my goals.
I’ve been thinking of adding new posts regarding German learning resources and tips so that we can all improve together, so I’ll consider that for my upcoming posts Bis Samstag!
Join the challenge:
100 hours of studying German from scratch
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P in Pflanze 🤝 T in Tsunami
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geraniumstudy · 6 months
One of the best things when you are relearning a language, it is when you take a class and at the beginning it seems like you don't have any idea of what they are talking about but then you realize "Wait a minute I remember this, I totally understand what they are saying"
Yeah if I think positive, everytime when I don't have electricity in my home like it is normal in Venezuela, I just practice a little bit.
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siri-de · 7 months
lebensmittel, 10. oktober
wir gehen heute einkaufen! hier ist, was wir haben:
der reis: rice
die pizza: yeah. 😌
das eiscreme, oder das eis: ice cream
die nudeln: noodles
die milch: milk
der honig: honey
das öl: oil
die süßigkeiten: candy
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diaryofalinguist · 1 month
About me/Über mich/Acerca de mí:
- Val
- 18 (01/04/2005)
- UK
- They/she - sie/ihr - ella
- B2 Deutsch
- A2-B1 Español (no estoy segura)
Additional information below/Weitere Informationen weiter unten/Información adicional aquí abajo
For the purpose of practicality, I'll write this in English for now, as it'll be the most universally understood:
My name is Val, I'm 18, I'm from the UK so my native language is English, and I'm currently awaiting decisions from universities in order to study foreign languages. I'm hoping to study German and Japanese as part of my university course, while also taking advantage of university wide language programmes to begin learning Russian. I had about a year of dedicated Japanese study when I was around 12, and I remember a lot of the basics, but nothing meaningful enough to post here or probably even classify as A1, however I can read hiragana and katakana fairly well to this day.
My interest in languages has been an integral part of my life as far back as my memory reaches. Before the age of ten, a family friend conducted at home French lessons with me. I'd say when I got to secondary school and was put into French and German classes my enthusiasm really blossomed. I was pulled out of school at the age of 11 to be homeschooled, and filled the majority of my time independently teaching myself Japanese. I slowly came to a point of being able to have an incredibly basic conversation with others before being placed back into traditional schooling and losing the free time I had for Japanese, and my studying fizzled out.
When I returned to school, I chose German as a GCSE. Despite being behind, I quickly caught up. By halfway through year 10, though, Covid was at its peak, and due to my school's safety measures combined with my mum being high risk, I was pulled out of school yet again. I later returned to do my A-levels there, having no GCSEs or formal exam experience whatsoever. This was when I chose German as an A-Level. Despite these various setbacks, I achieved a high grade I'm incredibly proud of. I'm now completing a voluntary 3rd year of college in order to complete an AS course I began last year as a full A-level. From September this year, I've had the opportunity to join my German teacher's year 11 GCSE Spanish class and will be taking the exam at the end of the year. My only prior experience with the language was the studying I began in June in order to prepare for joining the class. Since October I've also been asked to assist my German teachers in their lower year classes as a voluntary teaching assistant, an opportunity which I'm elated over.
I'm currently hoping to be able to become a language teacher in the future, even likely abroad. I'd eventually like to get a TEFL/TESOL qualification for this as well and gain the opportunity to teach my native language as a foreign one in another country. I'm quite sold on this idea, and I've wanted to be a teacher since I was 8, but I'm still keeping my options open to the idea of translation as well as any other job ideas and opportunities that might strike me in the next few years. As long as I get to engage with foreign languages day to day, I'm interested.
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