bluedragonflydream · 1 year
You know these moments where everything is good and suddenly you just get this sinking feeling. Don't know where it came from, don't know how to get rid of it. Why does this keep happening?
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sephfire · 2 years
Can I please just give up...?
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I feel so empty, there's no emotion left. Not the good emptiness, but the emptiness that eats u alive and u can't do anything to stop it. It goes like this until everything that's left of u is a dead chell, emotionally or physically dead.
I need help. Pls help me
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mrsbutterbirne · 5 months
Weißt du im Moment könnte ich jeden Abend wegen dir heulen, wegen der gesamten Situation…..es macht mich einfach alles unendlich traurig und ich habe angst das das nie wieder aufhören wird…..
ich würde dir auch gerne so vieles sagen z.b das ich dich immer noch über alles Liebe und dich brauche und dir gerne so vieles erklären wieso ich mich für einiges so und so entschieden habe……aber ich trau mich nicht und andererseits will ich auch gar nicht das du es weißt
Ich möchte eigentlich nur endlich heilen von all dem….aber ich schaff es nicht weil trotz all dem was passiert is komme ich einfach nicht von dir los und das zerreißt mich…..
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thoughtfulromanticism · 2 months
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I can love you and still let you go.... 💔
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viecparfaite · 5 months
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bursting-at-the-seems · 4 months
You’ve never mentioned (symptoms that have 100% been talked about more than once) before
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sadseiji · 1 year
“eles prometeram que os sonhos podem se tornar realidade. mas esqueceram de mencionar que pesadelos também são sonhos."
— oscar wilde
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polandwithoutla · 6 months
Hey I’ve been having a really tough time with my depression and ADHD. Does anybody have any tips or even just a nice message that could help??
Nobody ever really talks about how hard it is to keep going and keep trying. Just living is so hard. I have so many goals and hopes and dreams and knowing I might never achieve them hurts so bad.
I’m not in a bad place with my life, but it is hard to keep getting up everyday to go to school and work and then go home and have more things to do. It’s just so difficult. I feel unnoticed and overwhelmed. There’s just never ending tasks and my brain won’t let me catch up.
Sorry to vent on main, but I need to talk to someone about it and I don’t really have anyone to talk to, and I don’t have therapy for another week.
If anyone else feels like this or similar, you’re not alone. We’re not alone. Even if it’s hard, we can keep going.
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howmuchlonger2be · 1 year
Some vent art bc it's getting bad again
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sephfire · 1 year
My life is falling apart and it's my fault
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coldagoraphobic · 14 days
always feeling useless
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zewkyu · 2 months
Man I hate my life, studying and working is so hard, I just wanna die.
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lipglosscalories · 1 year
I tried my best to be perfect for you but I wasn't enough...
I tried my best to be myself but I still wasn't enough...
I tried and tried and tried, can't you see?
I tried, broke down, cried, tried again!
Haven't I given enough?
I will never be good enough...
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aljdkskjx · 1 year
wanting to die but not in an edgy™ way. in like a ‘laying down to die like a wounded animal’ kind of way
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bluedragonflydream · 1 year
Damn, I had a beautiful childhood, still have a great family and despite all I'm mentally ill. I have no justification for being the way I am. What the hell is wrong with me?!
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