#dang i need 2 go 2 sleep and draw tomorrow
littleaipom · 3 years
looking thru old art and like. you know I dont think ive ever been great at art, like there is always some element of mediocrity to it. but i really like what ive made and im glad i never stopped drawing haha
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caranfindel · 5 years
Recap/review 14.08: “Byzantium”
THEN: Beardy Sam! Lily Sunder! Oh, I had such high hopes for Sam using Lily's dark angel magic... could this be happening? (Spoiler alert: nope!) Jack's total systemic failure!
NOW: TFW is gathered at Jack's bedside. Sam's the one sitting next to him, but Dean is the one who's the most upset. OF COURSE. Jack thinks maybe this is just how it's meant to be, which of course Dean disagrees with, because this "isn't part of some damn plan." And of course, even if it was part of some damn plan, it's not like Dean follows anyone's damn plans. {Sidebar: It reminds me that, when Kelly was pregnant, Cas received some kind of vision about unborn Jack saving the world. Was that supposed to be a prophecy? Or just a possibility?}
Jack's still coughing, and actually using an oxygen mask, but there's no blood and he can breathe enough to speak easily, so he doesn't seem to be at death's door just yet. Dean stomps out into the hall to hit things, and Jack asks Sam to tell him he's okay. But clearly Jack isn't, like, 2 minutes from dying, so Sam says Dean will be back in a minute and Jack can tell him himself.
Jack asks what will happen after he dies, and Sam sadly says he doesn't know. "Then it's going to be an adventure," Jack says, and he lies back and coughs a little bit more.
Cas comes out into the hall to comfort Dean, or confront him, I don't know. Dean says it's not fair and Cas is all, yeah, duh, but he needs you (ah, confront him it is), so stop making this about yourself. Even though the previous episode obviously did give you the idea that it is, in fact, all about you.
Dean comes back into Jack's room, 66 seconds after he left it, to find him lying quietly with his eyes closed. "He's gone," Sam says. Wait. What? Like that? No more coughing blood, no rattling last breaths, no slip into unconsciousness? Just boom, Jack's gone before the title card like a random victim of the week? That's cold, guys. It's a good thing Sam didn't follow Dean out into the hall, or he would have died alone. As it is, Sam was the first person he saw when he was born and the last person he saw when he died (I'm not crying, you're crying). Everybody is sad (oh god, you guys, Sam's face), but Dean is the saddest, at least as far as we can tell, because he's the one who gets the sad, sad closeup.
Well, that escalated quickly!
Title card!
TFW stands sadly in the hall (Sam's all hunched over, poor baby) and discusses what to do next. "Wake and a bonfire," Dean says, because that's what Jack would have wanted, and because that's what they'd do even if he didn't want it. {Sidebar: Has anyone noticed these signs that have appeared in the bunker? I never saw them before. Do the new roomies need directions, or rules posted on the wall, or something?} Sam quickly peels off without saying a word. Cas tries to go after him, but Dean stops him, saying Sam needs his space.
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That’s the sound of my heart breaking.
Dean calls Mary to tell her Jack died. I don't know that I would have done that. I would have asked her to call me so I could tell her in person, considering that they were close. And apparently she didn't even know Jack was sick. Seriously, boys, you don't communicate well at all. While Dean makes his uncomfortable phone call, we see Sam leave the bunker with a bag slung over his shoulder. Cas watches him but doesn't say anything. Dean shows up, literally a second or two later, and asks him if he's seen Sam.
Cut to Cas driving, with Dean in the passenger seat. It's not his tiny blue car from the last episode, it's something much bigger. Dean is berating him for letting Sam leave, and he doesn't accept Cas's defense that Dean said to give him space. Cas, you're supposed to know that Sam is allowed space in the bunker, but that doesn't mean he gets to leave. They find him quickly enough, though, which makes sense since he had like a five second head start. He's just off the road, in the dark, sitting next to the Impala. Sam, you took the Impala? What were you thinking? {Sidebar: Dean told Mary Jack died "this morning," and now it's dark. Does that mean Jack died very early, and it's still before dawn? Or have they just sat around grieving all day, and now it's nighttime?}
(Could you please stop worrying so much about minor timeline inconsistencies? Nobody cares!)
Sam weakly raises a hand to block the headlights when Dean and Cas arrive, but doesn't get up, and he just looks broken and miserable. Dean is furious. He jumps out of Cas's car (which turns out to be a big Dodge truck, and why does Cas get two cars when Sam doesn't even have one?) and yells "tell me you didn't make a deal!" Sam's shocked that Dean would accuse him of such a thing (ha ha, why would he ever) and says he was trying to build a pyre.
We get a flashback of him furiously chopping trees until his axe handle snaps in the middle of the second tree, and yet he still took the second tree down, so he must have kicked it over or attacked it with his bare hands because he was JUST THAT UPSET. Oh, Sammy. "I couldn't... I couldn't even do that for him," he says. "I should have done more. I should have tried harder. Everything we've got, the spells, the lore, what good was any of it if we couldn't save him?" Oh, oh, Sammy. He's so broken-hearted.
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Ha ha this is not okay.
{Sidebar: Was Sam planning to build the pyre out there in the woods? Or take the wood back to the bunker in the Impala? I mean, he knows Cas has that nice big truck, right?}
(Again, we do not care as much about logistics as you seem to think we do.)
Cas remarks on how odd it feels for Jack to be dead, that it's not so weird for angels to die but it just doesn't seem right that Jack can. Apparently he considered the boy immortal. Dean decides they will say goodbye tomorrow, but tonight they're getting shitfaced.
And they do. As a sad Allman Brothers song plays in the background, they drink whiskey and eat candy bars (do they even know about his nougat love? do they?) and apparently switch to tequila (and Chuck, I do not know what anyone sees in tequila) and I guess tell funny stories about Jack because they're all laughing. Sam's the first one to get up and stumble drunkenly out of the kitchen (and why are they drinking in the kitchen and not the library, which seems like the traditional sad drinking spot). As Cas leaves, Dean says "we did everything we could, right?" (Spoiler alert: wrong!) and continues to drink alone. "Here's to you, Jack," he says, "wherever you are."
Which is our segue to wherever Jack is. He's with his three dads, happily eating a burger on the hood of the Impala on a beautiful sunny day. Sam can't get a signal on his phone, which should be his first clue that something is horribly, horribly wrong. Then Dean kind of fritzes and the sky goes dark and Jack knows something is wrong. We seem him stepping through a door into the white hallway of Heaven. But something is wrong there, too. And the "something wrong" is a great flood of black goo that rushes toward him. He runs.
Cut to Dean, waking up where he's been asleep on the kitchen table (and dang, Dean sleeping on the kitchen table is so pretty). We hear voices in another room and I think oh, people are back in the bunker, but it turns out this is another episode where all of the people are conveniently away at the same time. He staggers into the map room to find Cas and Sam talking to a woman with an eyepatch. It's Lily Sunder! An older version, to be sure {Sidebar: She's played by Veronica Cartright, who you may remember from Alien and The Witches of Eastwick. Or you may not. I don't know your movie viewing habits.} Dean thoughtfully points out that she got old, and she calls it "an unfortunate side effect of giving up magic." You know, she really is a pretty decent older version of Alicia Witt. Good show, Show.
Sam says he realized last night that they'd never looked at Kevin's translations of the angel tablet to see if there was anything there that could help Jack. He hoped Lily would be able to read them, and possibly find a way to bring Jack back. It's interesting that there has been no discussion of whether they should bring Jack back. I guess the talk about how weird it is that he actually died was as close as they're going to get. And yeah, I know, this is nothing new for them. But considering that Jack was at peace with it, and considering how well these things always go, you would think they'd at least pay lip service to the idea that it might be best to let what's dead stay dead.
{Sidebar: Dean remembers that Lily tried to kill Cas, but nobody remembers that Cas thought Lily's child was a nephilim, even though Lily was still alive after giving birth to that child. Just putting that out there.}
Lily flips through Kevin's notes, which look like a bunch of cuneiform, and says she can't decipher them. Dean's all, okay, we're done here, but Lily has a suggestion. They can use her magic, drawing on the power of Jack's soul to heal his body and bring him back. Dean's completely against it, but Lily says it won't use his entire soul. "How much of it?" Sam asks, and Dean gives him a disbelieving look. But Lily says it will only use a small amount, and he'll never miss it. Well, it's not like they've never used soul power before, though those have always been for temporary purposes.
Dean points out the obvious flaw in the plan, which is that Jack is already dead and his soul is gone. But if his soul is in Heaven, Cas thinks he can pull it into his body for a few seconds, long enough for Lily to work her magic. (Ew. I wonder if it's gross for a soul to find itself in a dead body.) Her magic uses the power of his soul to resurrect him and keep him alive, and boom. Jack's back.
But she's not doing it for free. She knows she's going to Hell when she dies, being that she killed a lot of angels, which means she'll never get to see her daughter again. So she wants TFW to get her into Heaven.
Dean still thinks it's a bad idea to use any of Jack's soul for this scheme. Cas thinks Jack should be the one to make the decision, and Sam points out that he knows (better than anyone, one might say) the importance of a soul, but if they can bring Jack back, they have to try. So this still feels flip-flopped: Sam willing to make a possibly unwise deal to bring back a dead loved one, and Dean holding back.
Of course, none of this will work if they can't figure out how to get Lily into Heaven. Dean wonders if they could get Billie to do it, but Cas points out that Death and her reapers don't make that decision (thank you, Continuity Fairy). Oddly, Sam seems a little surprised to hear that. This wouldn't be news to him, would it?
Anyway, they have to turn to Anubis, the ancient Egyptian guardian of the dead. It's interesting that they didn't go with St. Peter. I mean, I like that they're not limiting their characters to traditional Christianity, but it seems like Cas, in particular, would have suggested someone from the Bible. Cas explains that Anubis weighs your heart against "justice's feather," and Sam says what I'm thinking, which is that Osiris did that, and they've already met him. (Did they kill him? I don't remember.) Cas says Osiris is Anubis's father, and when God left, they needed a new judge, so Heaven passed over Osiris to work with his son. It's convoluted but whatever. I mean, it's cool that they're incorporating different religions and gods, so. Let's summon a god!
Cut to a lush garden, with a pond and lots of too-pretty-to-be-real flowers. A little girl is playing with her dog, who runs after a ball and disappears into the bushes. He's gone too long, and then we hear rustling in the bushes, and I'm ashamed to say I was pretty sure Lucifer or Nick was going to step out of them (I covered the guest star credits on first watch and didn't know who was in this episode). But it's Jack. Oh, then the little girl is Kelly, and he found his way to her heaven! When he tells her he's her son, she changes to grown-up Kelly, who is thrilled to see her son until she realizes she's in Heaven and therefore she must be dead... and so is he. I'm glad Jack has the ability to leave his Heaven and find Kelly's. I mean, if Heaven is made up of your good memories, think of how skimpy and repetitive his would be.
Bunker. Sam and Dean prepare for the ritual as Lily writes instructions for Jack. Dean's still disgruntled about the whole thing, and they argue for a bit. Dean says he just doesn't trust her just as we hear footsteps, and it looks like they're doing it AGAIN - the thing where someone says something bad about the character who is right behind them, and can we just not, please? But it's Cas, not Lily. Yay! He reports that Heaven is in distress and all the gates are open. I guess that will make it easier for him to get in. Sam tells him to go on to Heaven, and when they're ready for him, they'll pray. Oh, so they can still pray to him? Good to know.
Dean paints symbols on the floor as Lily hands Sam a really thick instruction manual for Jack. I wonder how long it took her to write all that? Sam says he has to go "grab one more thing" and then gives Dean a significant you need to apologize look and head tilt toward Lily. I do love these unspoken conversations. Dean's apology is everything you'd expect from a man who learned to apologize at John Winchester's knee, since he says "looks like we got off on the wrong foot" (i.e., it's not my fault) and immediately asks, suspiciously, why she stopped using the angel magic if it's so awesome. He guesses, correctly, that she's letting herself get old, because she wants to die, and why does she want to do that if she's pretty sure she's going to Hell? She says she has a tiny bit of her soul left, and if there's even a teeny chance that she'll get to see her daughter in Heaven, well.
Anyway. Cut to Cas, wandering through Heaven. He comes across puddles of goo and a couple of bodies. Looks like we're down to, what, nine angels now? (As always, it's interesting to me that angels use vessels in Heaven, though I understand it would be pretty difficult to portray them if they didn't.)
(Then again, if we didn't insist on including angel drama, we wouldn't need to show angels in Heaven at all, would we?)
(Just saying.)
Turns out one of the bodies is alive, and it's Duma. She has black goo coming out of her nose and only remembers that when "it" touched her, everything went black. Cas dramatically tells her he's looking for Jack, and she goes with him. They find the spot where Jack was with TFW on the beautiful sunny day, but his food is cold. (Does your food get cold in Heaven? I thought it would stay at the perfect temperature. Bummer.) Naomi shows up and tells them Jack is gone, and that they're under attack. "It" stormed Heaven and they can't stop it. What is it, you might ask? "The shadow. The thing that rules The Empty." Naomi reminds us that Cas and Empty Dude are "old friends" and they show us Empty Dude forming out of the black goo and oh, wait, wait. Is this what was happening last week, when Nick prayed to Lucifer and we saw something skeletal forming in The Empty? It wasn't Lucifer at all? It was Empty Dude? Is that what's going on here? I'm confused. I mean, I'd love for Lucifer to stay asleep in The Empty. So I'm all in favor, if that's what's really happening.
Naomi says Empty Dude wants Jack, and maybe he does belong in The Empty after all, since he's half angel. Well, if I were Jack (or Cas), I'd point out that his grace was mostly gone and he was more human than angel. But no one asked me. Naomi says Empty Dude will destroy Heaven if they don't let him have Jack, and "46,750,000,000 human souls will be cast in the wind." I really want someone with math skills to tell me what percentage that is of all of human life so far, because I wonder how many people Show has decided probably went to Hell. Naomi says one nephilim isn't worth all those souls, and I'm sure she's supposed to be Evil Bureaucrat, but honestly, she's right. But you know Cas won't see it that way. He refuses to help, and then suddenly Naomi is overcome with black goo and she yells at him to run. He does.
Bunker. Sam reads the spell. Lily draws her blood. Anubis shows up. Turns out Egyptian gods also look like bureaucrats, with a suit and briefcase. He recognizes the Winchesters and Dean is kind of snarky with him, which is exactly what you'd do if you summoned an ancient god to ask him for a favor. Lily tells him she wants to know where she's going when she dies, and he says it's against protocol but what the hell (spoiler alert...). He draws an abacus with black and white beads out of his bag ("you were expecting a scale and a feather?") and invites Lily to put her hand above it. The beads move and change color and when they stop, there are more black than white. Well, that ain't good.
Anubis tells her he can't change it, and Dean threatens him because, once again, that's what you do when you summon an ancient god and ask him for a favor. And Sam jumps right in there. Come on, boys, you know how this works. Anubis explains that he's not the one who decides if you go to Heaven or Hell (which you should remember from your experience with his father, fellas.) "You do. Each of you. Your individual choices, all tallied at the precise moment of your death. Keep me here. Try and kill me. It is not going to change Lily Sunder's fate. But it might change yours." Now this is how you threaten someone, boys! There's more silent conversation ("I don't want to go back to Hell, do you?" "Aw, fuck no"), Sam rubs some paint off the floor, and Anubis disappears.
Heaven, I'm in Heaven. Cas and Duma find Kelly's Heaven and there is a joyous reunion. Cas apologizes for not keeping her son alive, and tells Jack they have a way to bring him home, but the magic will draw from a piece of his soul. He pretty much takes any choice away from him by telling Jack that Empty Dude will destroy Heaven if he doesn't come back to life. "Smart," says Duma, except she's not Duma! She's Empty Duma! Oh noes! (The black goo effect really is pretty good, I've got to say.)
Bunker. Sam points out that Lily could still do the spell to save Jack, even though there's nothing in it for her. Because that's what Sam would do. But Lily's not interested, and she packs up her stuff to leave and Sam finally shouts "he's our kid!" and oh, Sam. Just stick that knife in my heart and twist it a bit more, why don't you? Dean says he thinks she's lost so much soul, she's not human any more, because why would she let anyone else lose a child, knowing how it feels?
Heaven. Empty Duma says Jack belongs to her and where she's taking him is worse than Hell, because "at least Hell is something." You know, I think The Empty would be pretty awful if you were awake, but from what we've seen, no one is awake there. Even its ruler was asleep. So, would being asleep forever actually be worse than Hell? I'm thinking not. (Honestly, if Heaven is full of good memories, a big chunk of my Heaven is going to be drifting off in a soft bed in a cold bedroom under flannel sheets and a quilt and a cat.) Anyway, Empty Duma is pleased that her threats are upsetting Cas. He draws his angel blade and attacks, but she flings him into the kitchen cabinets.
Bunker. Jack's body is surrounded by candles. Lily pulls out her locket and kisses the photo of her daughter, then says "I'm ready" and picks up the spell book, so I guess Sam and Dean were able to convince her after all.
Heaven. Fighty fighty.
Bunker. Dean prays to Cas and tells him they're ready. Lily starts chanting.
Heaven. Empty Duma starts to strangle Jack. Cas tells her to take him instead. She drops Jack and then says what I'm thinking, which is that she gets him anyway. "Not for years," he says. "Eons, maybe." But if she lets Jack go, Cas will go with her now. She accepts, but says she won't take him now. She wants him to suffer, so she wants him to go back and be happy, and once he does feel happiness, then she'll come and "drag you to nothing." Cas accepts.
The Empty leaves Duma, and Jack angrily confronts Cas, asking why he made the deal. "Because I made a promise. Because I love you, Jack. Sam and Dean, they love you, and they are fighting for you this very minute." He tells Jack not to let the Winchesters know about the deal, and Jack promises not to tell. {Sidebar: Would Jack even remember what happened in Heaven? Sam and Dean didn't, until Joshua specifically made them remember. But does that mean they naturally forgot every time? Or that Joshua made them forget every time, but in Dark Side of the Moon he decided not to, and he let them naturally remember? Discuss.}
Jack doesn't want to leave Kelly yet, but she tells him she'll be waiting. And this is something that didn't occur to me until rewatch - did Empty Duma give up the right to Jack's soul period, or just for this particular death? If and when he dies again, is The Empty going to claim him again? I would have made that clear, Cas.
Anyway. Cas holds Jack's face and in the bunker, Jack gasps back to life. Sam gives him a spell to read and his eyes glow and he says he feels good. Dean hugs him (because of course Dean gets the hug, why would I think Sam gets the hug, for fuck’s sake) and then the guys notice that Lily has quietly died in the corner. Well, I didn't see that coming.
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Nah, that’s cool, I’ll just stand over here and watch, thanks.
We see Lily walking into Anubis's office. He holds up the abacus again and this time, when she puts her hand over it, there are more white beads than black. "Did you know what doing the spell would cost you?" he asks. Apparently she did, and that good deed outweighed enough of her bad deeds that she gets to go to Heaven after all. Yay Lily!
Back in Heaven, Naomi thanks Cas for saving Heaven, even though she knows he didn't do it for them. And she wants to give him a reward. "Like, for example, the archangel Michael's location?" Nice try, Naomi. We all know his location. He's in Lebanon, Kansas right now.
Isn't he?
Bunker. Jack and his dads eat burgers and smile at each other and Dean's glad they know where Michael is. Cas points out that they don't know where Dark Kaia and her spear are, and I'm still thinking about that damn archangel blade, and Jack with his archangel grace which is supposedly regenerating, and why haven't any of them made that connection? Anyway, it's a happy, homey scene, and the camera pans off to the side and I'm absolutely certain that something bad is waiting here. It's going to be a dream, or Dean's eyes are going to flash blue, or something. But no, it just fades to black. Huh.
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This seemed a lot more ominous than it should.
So. Let's talk about Cas's deal. I hate it. Jack is back, and the only lasting effect from his brief death is something that will impact Cas. I hate that they took a non-Cas problem and made it a Cas problem. I hate that the rest of the season is going to be about the Sword of Damocles hanging over Cas's head. I want my angst to be over 6 ft tall and to be wearing flannel, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I just can't get into the sad saga of Cas waiting to be yoinked away. Especially since we know exactly when it's going to happen, even if Cas doesn't. Bad things happen in May, people. (I also wonder why Empty Dude doesn't just go back to sleep.)
And let's talk about the Winchesters' decision to save Jack in the first place. I don't like it. It makes sense only if you know that (1) he'll be taken to The Empty and that it is somehow worse than Hell, and (b) if he doesn't go to The Empty, Heaven will be destroyed. And they didn't know any of that when they decided to go after him. I wanted at least one of them (spoiler alert: SAM) to say "yes this is awful but he was at peace with it and every time we un-kill someone, something awful happens, so maybe we should just let this one go," and of course they would have done the spell anyway, but there should have been some pushback.
And finally, the Michael thing. Are we to believe that Michael is not hiding in Dean after all? Because that means he really did abandon his vessel for no good reason, and that's... that's something that they REALLY need to explain. Hiding in Dean made SO MUCH MORE SENSE. (Could it be that Naomi is lying to Cas? Was she, possibly, Empty Naomi?)
Also, Sam yells he's our kid and then gives him a hearty pat on the shoulder? What the fuck ever.
Anyway, please help me stay unspoiled, thanks!
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thedappleddragon · 3 years
ugh im big stupid and haven't been posting my shit here for a while. I've still been typing it out in my notes, I just havent transferred them onto here lol. im putting it all under the cut, don't worry
Today was pretty dang nice! I spent a little time outside because it was nice and warm out, I drew a little in my sketchbook and digitally rendered a picture of Anna’s new princess outfit, ran an errand with my mom to pick up a graphing calculator and a pack of soda, ate some Wendy’s, and did a lot of sewing for my dress! I joined the bodice lining and exterior, and did a little over half of the sewing for the skirt. I’m doing French seams so there’s no raw edges on the inside, so I still have to iron it and go over the second round of stitches. My machine malfunctioned for a moment with the thread tangling up in the lower bobbin thingy, so I left it alone for like an hour and it fixed itself lol. I’m very happy with how the bodice came out after clipping all the extra fabric in the corners and test fitting it. I think it’ll be great when it’s done!! Although I may or may not need to seam rip a little bit of the skirt to extend the zipper down so I can get it over my fuckin DUMPTRUCK when putting it on. Right now there’s enough stretch to put it on, but Idk how well that’ll stay after attaching the 2 pieces. Also it might end up making me look fat/preggo in the end with how the skirt lays lmao. I also did a really quick test fit with the sleeves, and I might actually like it better sleeveless? I’ll put one on anyway and go from there to see which I like better. HOORAY this dress has pockets!! But I may have put them a little low lol. I wanted to do a big dress debut at prom, but turns out graduates aren’t allowed due to covid restrictions :( so that really sucks. But we’re still gonna hang out a little bit beforehand, and I can still do a debut. I made a little bow out of some scrap dress fabric, which I want to put in my hair for pre-prom. I think I’ll braid my hair, maybe get some fake flowers from dollar tree and ribbon to add somehow, and put the ribbon either at the bottom or the top, wherever the hair tie eventually goes. I’m so exited to work on it more. I’m kinda running out of white thread tho so I’ll have to get more. Later in the evening i got hungry and made ramen while my dad and I watched a documentary on some of the horrible shit that went on all around the world during 2020, some of which I had forgotten about, some that was really surreal and out of a dystopian movie, and some stuff that was just upsetting to watch. It was still pretty good tho. I got work tomorrow and I’m really sleepy even tho it’s only 12:30 so I think I’m gonna grab a snack and go to sleep soon. Gnight mwah
Yesterday I worked and sewed until I ran out of thread and drew a little bit. Spent most of my shift watering flowers, then I went home and ate for a moment, then watered more and picked dead flowers and talked about avatar and other animated shows with the highschool girl I work with. Came home and hung out for a while, that evening made some good pasta. 
Today I justly hung out, then went with mom to pick up a bookshelf and went through strawtown which I thought was a very funny name for a town. There was a cute antique shop in there tho. On the way back we stopped in a sewing shop called Always in stitches. I expected it to be a very small shop, but it was SO much bigger than I thought it would be. They had tons of fabric and quilting supplies, and lots of old ladies working and talking. I picked up a cone of white thread and a fabric sample pack. Then I sewed my dress a little bit. I still have lots to do, and only like 2.5 days to do it. I’ll get there tho. All I have to do is add the skirt hem, add the pockets back in (I took them out so I could see them in normally), add sleeves and hem them, and add the zipper. And attach the skirt to the bodice. I think I’ll be able to do it. I had yogurt for the first time in forever today. Tbh I used just enough to hold together the strawberry and granola bits kgelgskgs. It was pretty good tho. I drew ELEVEN pages in my sketchbook, about 8 of them being a comic about the pony au of our royalty au. I could have done the comic with human characters but ponies are so much easier to draw aggsssdh. I spent 40 minutes typing out the dialogue and editing it on top of the rest of the comic so my friend could read it, but she still hasn’t read my text :( oh well that’s fine lol. The original plot was supposed to be Sam talking to an accidental illusion of me being mean about her blight, but then I accidentally made it something different. I might just draw the alternate ending instead. Update I just did
Yesterday I sewed and went to Menards to buy tile for moms bathroom.
Today was VERY productive, I feel like. I woke up and immediately took a shower and did laundry. I spent some one just sitting on my bed scrolling and researching while listening to medieval remixes of songs lol. At some point I went out to buy subway for everyone and stopped at dollar tree for nail polish and satin ribbon. I made the ribbon into a little choker and wanted to use it for the hem of the skirt, but I was too short. In total I spent HOURS hemming and pinning and seam ripping and ironing and sewing today, but it’s still not done. I gotta kick my ass into high gear if it’s gone be done by Sunday afternoon. I started sewing the bottom hem, but my machine has been doing this weird thing where the fabric scrunches up right past the sewing foot and leaves wrinkles and gathers so loose I can move it around with my hands easily. I think it’s just my tension being too tight or something, I adjusted it a bit and I’ll test it in the morning. I’m too tired and it’s too late at night to be doing that much sewing. I seam ripped the entire back skirt seam so I could extend the zipper a little further down, and I’ll sew it back up once the hem is done. After that all I need to donis connect the skirt to the bocice, fix the zipper, and hem the arm holes. I don’t want to use the sleeves I made because the edges don’t line up at all and I don’t think I would be able to lift my arms, the way it’s built. The nail polish I picked up works way better than I thought it would, leaving a pretty good metallic sheen after just one coat. Way better than I thought for a dollar. I helped mom lay down tile a little bit, ripping up one old tile and helping a bit at a time throughout the day. I kept asking if she wanted help with the actual tiling part but she said no. We also couldn’t get the fuckin box cutter I bought to work. It’s supposed to be easy to replace the blade, but we couldn’t figure it out lol. I’m falling asleep fun. Washed my face twice, trying to take good care of myself before prom so I look good in photos. Gotta wash hair tomorrow. Made hamburger meat
Spent all day sewing and listening to bardcore remixes. Dress is as done as I bother to make it rn
Tbh I was hoping for a little more for today. I’ve spent the last like week or longer working towards this, and going especially in depth the past 3 days. I got all silky smooth, worked for hours on my dress, thought about pretty much nothing except prom day. I was late because my dad had my neighbor come over to take pictures of me in my dress. I thought it was just going to be her holding my dad’s phone to get a picture of us together, but she brought her whole ass professional camera and spent several minutes taking pictures. Then I took the weirdest way possible to get to my friend’s house on accident because google maps said it was the fastest way to get there. But HEY when I did get there I enjoyed hanging out with my friends. We ate some dinner AND??? Sammie I’m sorry if you’re reading this but THE MASHED POTATOES?? WERE S O BLAND????? AFAJSTSTHJST ily but girl. Just a little salt could have gone a long way <3 the steak and especially the green bean casserole were good tho :) dinner was good with the sparkling juice and little desert. Overall everything was just very loud, but that’s to be expected when this is everyone’s first time seeing each other in a goddamn while: actually I think they’ve all seen each other at school without me but hey whatever. I think I fucked up my phone screen on accident by sitting on it while it was in my pocket with my keys, leaving a spiderweb crack in it. I checked and yeah it’s not just the screen protector :( eh I don’t care that much, It didn’t fuck up the lcd screen or anything. We went up to Sam’s room and hung out and talked while she did Liz’s makeup and took pictures, and I borrowed a little of her concealer before photos. There was a little photo shoot in their front yard, and looking at the photos I look a little fat in them but I LOVE all the photos taken in Sam’s room where we were all just hanging out. Idk why but whenever you have to do photos and they say to do a silly one, it never turns out good, but the fun ones you casually take always turn out way better. They’re more genuine :) but then it was time for everyone to go to prom and for me to go home 😔 we only hung out for like an hour and a half. I didn’t want to take off my dress, seeing as I put in so much effort to sew the whole dress and shave and look pretty, so I wore it around the house for a bit until I got tired and went to lay in bed. I watched the mitchels vs the machines, which is a fuckin DELIGHTFUL movie!! Everybody go watch it it’s so cute <3 I also played some Pokémon and watched a little YouTube in bed, but feeling unfulfilled and wanting to do something different, I just didn’t know what. So instead I started typing this up as my sister brought me a cupcake from prom :) I had a bite and put the rest in the fridge, since it was so big and in a plastic container. I texted a friend over Snapchat asking if they had fun at prom, and they said it was kinda ass. I tried relating and saying yeah all school dances are a little ass, and my friend group once had anti prom and played dnd instead, but they just said ‘that’s nice’ back and idk if that means they’re annoyed at me or they’re just tired and didn’t wanna text or what but :( idk. Either way it’s fine, right now all I care about is going to bed. Gnight I guess. Also I keep thinking about that textpost that’s like “diary of icarly” and she talks in these simple-ass sentences and now I feel self conscious about how I write these snafnfs. I already know I write like a child in these, but that’s just because I don’t wanna go through the effort of making this sound nice and professional every day lmao. So child writing it is. Also painted my nails really horribly and it took forever to clean up which made me late
Woke up, went to work, spent a little time stocking, watered indoor plants, then attempting to work the register, and organized plants the rest of the time. I stood behind one of my coworkers as she checked people out, kind of understanding what she was doing but not that much, and read the manual in down periods. She had me check out a couple people, and it was NERVE WRACKING AS HELL. Thankfully everyone was very nice, and my coworker stood by and helped, and right as I was getting my foothold, my boss called for me to work outside and bring in the new shipment of plants. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT WAS REALLY NICE?? I was actually able to help some people today!! :D I’m slowly getting better at my job which is nice :) originally I was only gonna work 4 hours, but there were more plants to get and I felt like I could keep going, so I ended up working 6 instead. Every time I come home from the end of my shift I feel bad for not working more and like I should have stayed longer. Tbh I think I could do it if I had a proper break! I’ve been doing 4 hour shifts with maybe a water break in the middle because i don’t know how to ask to go on break ;-; Ike my secondary boss in the garden center is super nice and approachable and friendly but the main boss is like. Terrifying. I never know when he’s joking or being serious and I don’t understand him and assffsfamms it SUCKS. But whatever, I went home and ate some Mac n cheese and laid in bed because my back hurt and played on my ds for the rest of the night. I tried a couple new games, none of which I spent very long on. I tried okami den where you’re the wolf puppy child of the precious games protagonist I think, and idk maybe I’ll give it a better try in the future, but I wasn’t feelin it. I spent like 30 minutes on a pro bass fishing simulator and couldn’t clear the first level because the fish wouldn’t get close enough to my boat lmao. Sonic and Mario at the Olympic Games was fun until I lost at table tennis to Mario. I’d play it again. But I have work again tomorrow so I gotta go to bed good night. Having to blast my fan and play drawfee on my phone to drown out moms tv again >:(
Ate a pbj for breakfast? Went to work, moved plants around, took my lunch break, went to subway with an expired coupon, ate at home and times it perfectly so I could watch one section of the new drawfee episode, went back to work, made myself sad thinking about the god girl homunculus from fullmetal alchemist, picked dead flowers off the petunias, left a little early, hung out at home, left to go get mom’s medicine, found my dad at the store, followed him around and shopped for a bit, can home to unload everything, talked with him about buying one of the cars from him so it would be under mom’s insurance after the divorce, talked about being able to hang out at dads apparent after we help him move, ate some of the stuff we bought, and now I’m hanging out in bed again. I picked up my Pokémon black save and played a while today which was nice. I think I’m gonna work more in the next few days, be really busy with shit for like a week, and finally have a breather after the 15th. I really need to switch brain gears back into college stuff soon so I can sign up for orientation and figure out finances and shit, but for now it’s midnight and I don’t have to think about it lol
Today was pretty good, but also pretty boring. I played Pokémon all day since I didn’t have work, cooked some hamburger meat, and went on an errand for mom but got the wrong thing so I went out later to buy the right thing. I got spicy chicharrones instead of regular ones oops. On my drive back from getting the right thing, I rolled all my windows down and loved the feeling of driving around right after sunset when the weather was nice but cool, especially after standing in mom’s loud-ass room trying to ask about her bank card. I thought about going back out to aimlessly drive around the park and back, but instead hung out in my kitchen as my cat fell asleep on my lap. I think I’m gonna get paid tomorrow, so that’s exciting :D I probably made a solid couple hundred dollars if I had to guess. Idk what I’m getting paid per hour, but it’s probably ~$10 and I COULD go through my texts again to see how much I’ve worked, but I don’t really wanna lmao. I should just start putting that in my notes app instead...
Just had probably the most involved, longest dream ever?? It was a mix of infinity train and dangenrompa, we were mostly stuck inside my house, one boy left for years to search for supplies, I tried biking along a tail that disappeared into tree roots and a ditch with grass, cried because we had been in the same car for so long I was afraid they were gonna make us kill someone to get past, and at the end we escaped or something and had to fuck up security cameras and get past loopholes and lots of cereal boxes were involved? Idk there’s just so much I don’t remember. I wasn't sure if I had to go to work today, so I sent my boss a text and just kinda hung out. was making  hamburger meat for my mom when my boss called asking me to come in, so I took a shower and worked from 1-5. spent some time at the register, and got way better at checking stuff out :) I learned a couple things, and there was one old lady in particular who was very patient and nice to me while my coworker went to go find a smaller bag of birdseed. when it stopped being busy inside, I went ut to the garden center to help price plants and spent the rest of my shift out there. I got paid too! $9 an hour, 22 hours, $200 in total. hell yeah. not bad, although I literally have no frame of reference on if this Is good or not. after work I went home for a second, then got Hardee’s (or carls jr in the western states). I used a coupon for chicken tenders for me and my sister :) and while I was driving around today, I found myself wishing that everything in life could be as smooth and easy as driving my car through my neighborhood. and then I kinda laughed thinking about how I cried my first time driving on a major road asdjfasjdhf. but seriously I love driving my dad’s silver Volvo!! its so comfy with 4 wheel drive and good petal control, its like always driving on freshly paved roads <3 unfortunately that's the car my dad is taking when he moves into his apartment to use as his full time car instead of his shit-ass blue Volvo, and we’re gonna be stuck with the red Volvo with a really touchy gas pedal and slow break pedal. (idk if you've noticed but we really love old Volvos in this family. they’re all old and boxy as hell and I love em <3 ) then I played Pokemon black and beat the elite 4 and champion in one try with a lot of revives lmao. I was kinda underleveled, right at 48-50 range, same as them. I was angry about stuff and in pain earlier in the shower as I washed my hair, but I dont remember exactly what it was. now I have my soft Spotify playlist going so I can maybe go to sleep soon. oh wait I remember being angry that all I could thin about all day was work, even tho it only takes up a few hours of my day, and then I do nothing all day afterwards. idk it’s just weird.
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jaeminlore · 7 years
Library Assistant!Wonwoo
i'm back with one of the most precious boys in t world, jeon wonwoo <3
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• anon wanted a troublemaker reader so here we gooo • you and mingyu are best friends and since you’re kind of outgoing and daring you tend to drag him everywhere • to the library for instance
• and even though you’re supposed to be studying what you’re really doing is drawing pictures in one of the library’s resource books
• stick figures of you and mingyu • the caption is probably something like • “skool sucks lolololol” • “kim mingyu smells” • “if ur reading this u r a loser” • you’re just a harmless troll really • bUT • this particular day when you two are hanging out in the library, mingyu suddenly slams your book closed • and you turn around to give him a piece of your mind bc what the heck mingyu who does that • until you see jeon wonwoo • aka the librarians assistant • aka the silent brooding type • aka one of the most handsome people on campus • with his oversized sweater and his large glasses that always slip off of his nose • he is really is handsome • too bad he’s so boring !!!! • ur convinced he went to some special librarian school where they sucked the fun out of him and made him into this super quiet boy who only makes an appearance when a book is being abused • you’re not here for it tbh • uNfOrtUnateLY wonwoo is mingyu’s other best friend so you two sorta kind of know each other • and he hates you so much lol • he KNOWS you are the one writing in his precious books but unless he catches you in the act he can’t technically prove it • BACK TO THE STORY • so wonwoo comes over and he’s shooting daggers at u like • “u just wrote in that book” • bc u were never one to back down from a fight you’re like • “maybe i did. maybe i didn’t. what you gonna do abt it????” • he does this semi cute huff and just frowns as he takes the book out of ur hands • “you wrote mingyu smells i know it’s you.” • cue mingyu: “i don’t smell!” • you try to tug the book back bc he can’t prove anything without it • “give me back the encyclopedia!!!!” • “lolololololololol no” • “wow i hate you” • “h8 u 2 m8” • this is basically how you two react on a daily basis • UNTIL ONE NIGHT • so mingyu had been cramming for exams and when he does this he kinda goes into Hibernating Bear Mode™ except instead of sleeping he does nothing but study • and the two of you had planned to watch neflix this particular night just to kind of distract yourselves from exams and whatever • but mingyu is nowhere to be found • and you check EVERYWHERE • you check his favorite coffee shop, the park he studies at, the gym he goes to when he’s stressed, the canteen, his dorm… you even called the 97 liners like “where tf is mingyu we have a marathon of bob’s burgers to watch” • and no one knows • but minghao gives you the best hint you can use at the moment “did you ask wonwoo?” • no way,,, there is no way u r gonna swallow ur pride and ask that … bookworm … to help u find mingyu • but thinking of wonwoo makes you think of the library, so you head on over hoping he had just fallen asleep and the security guard missed him • because at this point it’s reaching midnight and u aren’t even supposed to be out of bed,, let alone the campus library like come on • anyway the library isn’t open but you find a cracked window in the back to slide through • “mingyu!” you start whispering for your friend, hoping the security guard isn’t roaming the halls • you head over to the study second w all the tables and stuff • and lo and behold,,, mingyu isn’t there but instead it’s wonwoo • nd he’s just lazily walking thru the library w a squeaky cart, placing books back in their proper places • he’s tired, and in the dark you can see him cover his yawn with a sweater paw • ur heart does a lil somersault but like,,, u would never admit that bc you can’t find a dork attractive • esp not wonwoo, who is rumored to date books • you started that rumor but tbh you don’t doubt it • wonwoo finally catches you peaking around the corner and lets out a scream of terror bc he thought you were some kind of ancient book demon or smth • “wHaT tHe heCK!!!!!!” • you fall on the floor dYing bc his reaction was so funny • he looked like a startled deer tbh • “that was hilarious” you’re still giggling • and despite his absolute Hatred™ for you,, wonwoo finds himself blushing bc of how carefree you are in the moment • so … he gets kinda quiet and tries to become brooding again because that’s his Brand around here and there’s no way you’re going to break it with a simple giggle • at least… you aren’t going to know you did • “what do u want?” • after u sober up it gets kinda serious bc you’re still rlly worried for mingyu “is mingyu here? i can’t find him?” • “mingyu? i haven’t seen him.” • you let out a distressed sigh bc mingyu is a scatterbrain and he genuinely could’ve gotten lost around campus or smth •you sigh in distress: “he was supposed to come to my dorm a few hours ago and i can’t find him. ive looked everywhere.” • and as you speak wonwoo is suddenly,,, really disappointed,,, but he doesn’t know why,,, • “oh really? i didn’t know you two were dating…” nd he just kind of kicks himself mentally bc why wouldn’t you date mingyu honestly? • he’s handsome, he’s buff, he’s a great cook… wonwoo should’ve seen it coming tbh • but then you crinkle your nose like “dating? ew! i’d rather date you than mingyu and that’s saying something.” • even tho it was an insult and he’s slightly offended, wonwoo still felt a bit of hope blooming in his chest that for some reason just got bigger whenever you smiled at him • he also was blushing pretty dang hard but we aren’t going to talk abt that • anyway back to the topic at hand • wonwoo scratches the back of his neck and nervously suggests looking together. “we can try the kitchen if you haven’t looked there.” • “the what?” • “the kitchen. yknow, mingyu goes there every once and awhile to make food and wind down. he’s got a key and stuff so i don’t think the cooks mind him doing it.” • this is all very new information to you • but it’s the best bet so you agree. • you let wonwoo come with you because you don’t know the way • and also he’s rlly cute and kinda nice when he’s not yelling at you for an overdue book • but you would never tell him that ofc • as you both walk over there • nd it’s sort of awkward so you try to start a conversation • “isn’t the library closed? why were you stocking books?” • wonwoo smiled embarrassingly, “well i was actually just pretending to stock books. you see, there was a new shipment of books coming in and i wanted first pick of all the good ones before anyone else got to them.” • you giggle. bc,,, of course he would • “so you don’t mind breaking the rules, as long as it’s for books.” • “yeah and you always go against books which is why i can’t be associated with you.” • “well it gets boring in the library,” you whined. “can’t there be legos or coloring books to play with when students want to wind down but don’t want to read?” • “what are you, five? and why go to a library if you aren’t going to read?” • “mingyu needs someone to keep him company,” you said. “and i don’t like reading or studying so i would appreciate you taking note of that in the future.” • “right okay let me go buy a bunch of coloring books just so you can stay busy when you can literally bring one yourself.” • “that’s all i’m asking” • during your banter, you arrive at the kitchen • lo and behold mingyu is just chilling at the stove, eating some seasoned chicken • “hey guys grab a fork! i made extra!” • after you and wonwoo chide him for worrying you so much, you all sit down and eat • and • you don’t want to admit it • but it was rlly nice being able to get along with wonwoo • and he’s even cuter when he’s eating • his nose scrunches up and like you can’t help but stare at him a few times bc he’s a cutie • but he’s staring at you too so it’s all good • when the foods all eaten mingyu tells you guys to go ahead; that he’d stay behind and clean • he just ships y'all and wants one of you to make a move if we’re being honest • so wonwoo walks you back to your dorm and • you just stare at each other bc what do you do? do you ask for his number? kiss his cheek? • wonwoo answers your question by holding out his hand • fOr a haNdSHakE • but it isn’t that awkward because his hands are soft and warm • “i’ve got to go take care of some things,” he says, letting go of your hand and backing up. “i’ll see you tomorrow.” • “okay. thanks for helping me!” • “anytime.” • and that’s … that • and you’re pretty sure your crush was just fleeting and one-sided like there’s no way he’d ever like you • but • the next morning you walk into the library and on one of the tables • is a coloring book and some colored pencils • you pick it up and look around hoping to see wonwoo • you do, and he’s stocking shelves again, unable to come and talk • instead he just gives you and soft smile and mimes for you to open it you do, and his number is scribbled in • “maybe we could do something together? xxx-xxxx, let me know. wonwoo” • yep. your crush definitely isn’t one-sided.
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xraex · 3 years
Villainous: 000
“Fucking finally.” Yangyang let out a relieved sigh as he put away the homework he just completed.
He smiled before getting out the comic book he bought yesterday and made his way downstairs to read it on the living room couch, already sick of staying in his room for too long.
“Guess who’s home early!” Jaehyun exclaimed with a dimpled grin, walking over to ruffle Yangyang’s hair.
“Hey, dad,” the boy giggled at the taller. “Where’s dad #2?”
“Right here!” Taeyong peeked his head out of the kitchen. “We got some food on the way home.”
“What’s the special occasion?” Yangyang asked as he set his comic book down on the coffee table before making his way into the kitchen with Jaehyun.
Taeyong gasped. “Yang, how could you forget your own birthday?”
Yangyang stopped opening the food packages, his eyes widening. “Wait, it’s today?”
“It’s tomorrow, actually,” Jaehyun corrected as he pulled out seats for each of them. “But we’re celebrating now because we have to go to some award show.”
Jaehyun and Taeyong are two of the most famous idols in their city, making them extremely rich and extremely busy, so Yangyang didn’t get to see them as often as he would like to.
Even though the couple had a lot of stuff on their plate with schedules and whatnot, they managed to get together and start a family all the while keeping their son’s identity safe from the public.
“But…” Yangyang pouted and looked down at the table, knowing it was no use. “Whatever, have fun without me then.”
Taeyong rubbed his son’s shoulder apologetically. “Hey, you could always let Mark and Jeno sleep over tomorrow if you want. As long as you don’t trash the place while we’re gone of course.”
Mark and Jeno were Yangyang’s best friends ever since they were kids, and they were also the only ones who knew who his parents were.
“I guess…” Yangyang sighed as he picked at his food. “I don’t know about Jeno, though. He seems pretty busy with his new boyfriend.”
“Well, maybe you could invite him too,” Jaehyun compromised.
“I don’t even know who he is!” The boy pouted, ignoring the look Taeyong gave him for raising his voice. “Jeno won’t even tell me because it’s a ‘secret’ or whatever.”
“I’m sure he has his reasons,” Taeyong said as he looked to his husband who merely shrugged.
The three of them finished their dinner with not much else to say.
“I’m gonna go upstairs,” Yangyang stated emotionlessly after washing his dishes, still salty about earlier.
“You’re not going to stay for dessert?” Taeyong asked with an adorable pout as he stood in front of the boy with a bowl of chocolate ice cream, knowing it was his son’s favorite.
Yangyang almost drooled as he stared at the frozen treat with longing before taking it carefully from his dad’s hands. “I’ll eat this in my room then.”
“Not so fast, young man.” Jaehyun patted his shoulder before the boy could leave. “We’re going to watch the new superhero movie that you were on about like a month ago in 30 minutes. Maybe it’ll give you some more ideas for your comic book.”
Just like that, Yangyang’s mood was lifted, and he was back to his old self again. He was in desperate need of some inspiration for what he should draw in his story other than his crush Jaemin.
“I’ll be there in 20,” the boy said to Jaehyun with a grin before kissing Taeyong on the cheek and running out the kitchen, holding onto the bowl of ice cream tightly to prevent it from slipping out of his hands.
His parents gave each other soft smiles before heading out the kitchen as well.
Yangyang bounded up the stairs quickly to his room and slid into his desk chair after closing the door even though there was literally no one else in their mansion.
He set down the bowl of ice cream and started eating it as he went on his phone.
At some point, he ended up watching the news to see if there was anything he should be wary about before going outside next time.
“A group of unknown villains captured yet another child, just barely slipping away from the Heroes at headquarters last night,” the news anchor reported while tapping a stack of papers against the table. “At this point, there is no hope to save special children from risk. If the Justice System can’t protect them, who will?”
Yangyang sighed as he closed out of the app before turning off his phone, worriness eating him up from the back of his mind, not for himself but for the families in pain.
In this world, there are two types of people: the regulars, being normal humans, and the specials, being humans born with a specific superpower.
Specials are only born in the good side of town, but only five known specials live in the bad side of town, better known as the famous Villains.
Of course, there needs to be people who can combat this which is why Neo City has the official Heroes: Wong Yukhei (better known as Lucas), Kim Jungwoo, Dong Sicheng, Park Jisung, Kim Doyoung, Moon Taeil, and of course, Na Jaemin.
They also happen to be the only ones more famous than Yangyang’s parents.
Yangyang got up to get his sketchbook and pencil, almost forgetting the bowl and spoon from the table before getting ready to go back downstairs.
As he was turning away from his desk, he had a glimpse of someone on the sidewalk outside the window.
He quickly turned his head back in surprise to see that the person was no longer there.
It must be seeing things, Yangyang thought with a shake of his head before closing the curtains and going out of the bedroom and down the stairs.
He washed his dishes and read some of the comic he had left in the living room on the couch while he waited for his parents to come back.
“Hey, I got us some drinks,” Jaehyun said as he walked into the living room with two cans of soda and a beer in his hands, setting them down on the coffee table before plopping onto the loveseat next to the couch.
“And I got bankets!” Taeyong added cutely with them in his arms as he waddled into the room with a bit of a struggle, his husband merely opening a can of beer and sipping from it while pretending that the smaller didn’t exist.
“Dang, I didn’t even get through the first chapter,” Yangyang giggled slightly while he went to go help his dad before the blankets could eat the poor man up.
“Ah, well, you can always read it later,” Taeyong sighed as some of the weight was lifted, his son going back to the couch after grabbing a blanket for himself.
He then turned on the tv before rolling his eyes at his husband. “Move over.”
Jaehyun grinned cheekily before following orders and letting Taeyong snuggle up next to him on the loveseat with a cozy blanket.
Yangyang ignored his parents' antics as the movie started playing, his sketchbook and pencil laying in his lap comfortably.
“Yang?” Taeyong called quietly, his voice quavering a little.
Yangyang stirred and slowly opened his eyes to see a blurry image of his dad kneeling beside him on the couch. He didn’t remember falling asleep during the movie.
“Jung Yangyang!” Taeyong whisper-shouted this time, his son shooting up abruptly in surprise.
Barely having enough time to rub the tiredness out of his eyes, Yangyang was pulled out of his bed quickly and dragged towards the back of their house.
“W-What’s going on?” he asked panickedly, his voice still raspy from sleep.
Taeyong didn’t say anything as he pulled Yangyang towards one of the windows in the hallway and pointed out into the dark.
Yangyang’s breath hitched when he looked up at the midnight sky, his blood running cold at the unexpected sight.
A skull was painted in the sky with glowing red smoke, a sign that a special child was going to be taken.
Yangyang’s mind went in circles which made his head throb.
“I have so many questions, but I don’t think any of them are gonna be answered,” he blurted out weakly before getting interrupted by a loud crash coming from the front side of the house.
Next Chapter
Chapter Index
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fisherfurbearer · 6 years
Tarantula Happenings
Vivarium setback aside, I’m pretty excited. Pretty cool tarantula news under the cut. I talk about my decision making and what’s going on soon. This hobby is really going places for me but I know I did this right.
I’ve been balancing my finances carefully, I still have a lot in savings even after finishing up my personal projects, and this tax refund is so much more than I expected. Next month I’m applying to new jobs in a different city where I’ll be moving soon, and I should start working in June. Money isn’t a huge issue but I’m still being reasonable and planning ahead. Making sure I have enough for my student loans, phone bill, credit card, and personal plans. I’m striving to keep above a certain amount, and I’m pleased to say that I absolutely can!
So after several weeks of planning, I made my first online purchase of tarantulas. This isn’t out of the blue. I’ve wanted a Grammostola pulchra since I first researched Ts, and I wanted to order from Fear Not Tarantulas when I got my new job anyway. I just did it early since the money will be spent anyway, my tax refund was a lot bigger than I was expecting, and they had all the species I wanted in at the same time. I’m worried they’ll sell out, so I couldn’t pass this up. There was no way I’d be able to find these three species together, at such nice sizes, with a bonus freebie and a nifty little habitat thrown in to boot.
I thought about it carefully. My current projects are basically done, besides the viv set back, but even then it’s a simple enough fix, it just takes time to cure properly. The isopods are done, the springtails are done, all the roaches are cleaned up and refreshed, and my last round of red goblins is coming in next week. The vivariums are drawing to a close. My plants are all doing great and I even pruned them and made them look nice. The tarantulas are all doing great. Everyone is in appropriately sized enclosures, and once I move out, I have big plans for the next step up. So all my current guys are doing great, I have the money, I’ve planned this for a long time, I have more experience of course and I’ve proven myself with my tarantulas, I already have plenty of supplies and feeders on hand, I’m ready for this.
I chose my new species carefully, and followed the same process I did for everyone else. I already have my big ol’ list of species I love and want one day, which gets refined all the time, as I find new species and learn more about the other ones, see them in person, and get my questions answered from more experienced folks. I only put my absolute favorites on that list, and I vow to never get a tarantula just to get it. It had better be amazing, and it had better be within my comfort zone. No OWs, no arboreals yet, nothing too fragile, nothing aggressive, although skittishness is fine, if they fast they have to be larger than 2″, and if they get 6″ as adults they need to grow at a slow-medium pace. That way as time goes on I’ll be in a better position for having large enough enclosures for them. Space is a hot commodity, so sticking to adult sizes at or under 5.5″ is ideal. I plan this stuff out a LOT, can you tell?
So going off that list, I check out the online vendors I’m interested in, and availability, prices, and sling sizes to my list and current comfort zone. I make a shorter list of practical options, then research those extensively for at least a week or a few. Once I’m pretty dang sure the plan is proper, I still sleep on it, and in the case of reptile shows, all those times I’ve spent a long time talking in person, inspecting the spiders, and taking a good walk to be absolutely sure it’s right. I also have a rule, don’t buy anything if I feel stressed about it. I don’t want to regret it. And this plan, I did all of that and I certainly don’t regret it.
My biggest fear/potential regret was disappointing my partner or making issues with our future roommates. I talked to him about it though, he trusts me, approves of my plan, and everyone else is okay with it too.
So saying all of that, what exactly did I do?
Well! I’m very lucky that Fear Not Tarantulas is out traveling to expos, and won’t be shipping until the week of April 2nd. It’s another reason why I did it now. So even though I already ordered, I have even more time to move in my new roaches and relax. No need to rush. It’s not like they’ll be here tomorrow, I can chill out and be totally prepared for it.
I also emailed them with some questions about the species just to be sure, and I’m positive I made the right decisions. This is what’s coming in:
1″+ Grammostola pulchra (with enclosure)
1″ Homoeomma sp “Blue peru 2″
1/2-3/4″ Pseudhapalopus sp “Blue”
1-1.5″ Brachypelma albopilosum (Nicaraguan) (freebie)
All are hardy species, well within my comfort zone, and established slings. These are all some of my absolute all time favorite spiders, and I’m so excited to be getting them!!! Seriously, if you don’t know what they look like, google search it. Holy bajeezus they’re incredible. They’re going to be so pretty and fun to keep, I love the sound of their personalities, and I even have a couple names figured out. The G. pulchra will be “Winnipeg”, or “Winnie”, like the famous black bear that inspired winnie-the-pooh! I think it’s fitting for this species. The B. albopilosum will be named “Flaveri”, like flavor and Fieri, since it looks like Guy Fieri’s hair, and I love watching Diners Drive-ins and Dives.
So that’s what’s going on and that’s why I’m doing it! I’m trying really hard to be responsible and make proper decisions. I’m also coming to really nice compromises with my own wants/needs, finances, and everyone elses’ comfort levels. I don’t want to disturb others with my hobby, and I’m very lucky to have a supportive partner, and his friends are perfectly fine with it too. Things are looking up, and I’m happy that I’m making more rational decisions. Expect lots of pictures! I can’t wait to get these guys moved in and see what they’re like in person, so I’ll take lots of pictures and maybe videos. c:
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victakestaipei · 7 years
WEEK 3 RECAP: 9 min mile, SZA, and The Red Poop Scare
This week was not very eventful. Sorry to say folks, but it’s not going to be exciting all the time right? You have to have boring/uneventful days to balance out the exciting ones. I guess it makes you appreciate them more... But regardless of this fact, I still am going to write about the week due to the fact that I’m trying to stay consistent and make blogging feel like a habit/hobby, rather than a chore (at times). If you keep reading and get to the end of this post, you the GOAT!
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I was super exhausted this morning from the long weekend (visiting Longdong and Fulong)... I didn’t want to get out of bed and it took all of my strength to get up and climb down the ladder from my bunk bed. I also was still recovering from the first real sunburn I’d had in years, so pulling on my sports bra and t-shirt this morning was definitely a wake up call. In class we had our third test of the course. It was definitely harder than the previous two, but I still think I did well. Class dragged on harder and slower than ever before... I found myself counting down the minutes until 1:10pm.. and it seems like I wasn’t the only one hehe
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At the gym it was floor day/abs. So I did mostly floor work with a matt. The weight lifting area of the gym is pretty small so usually when I use a matt I take it outside of the weight lifting room and do my sets in the hallway/foyer. But, there is no air conditioning out here so I find myself dripping sweat onto the matt and it’s just a mess.  ALSO!! I actually ran a mile today, in 9 minutes! That was my goal cut off time and I made it by the skin of my teeth. So I ran the 1.6 kilometers in 9 minutes... Not too shabby from last week ;)
For lunch Bunny and I grabbed potstickers to go (I got the curry flavor) and hopped on the bus to head home. We didn't feel like sitting and having lunch because we are still recovering from the weekend and were super tired. After I got home I hopped on FaceTime and caught up with Karis and some other loved ones. I wanted to take a nap, but I figured it might be better to just stay up so that I can sleep real good when I finally hit the hay. For dinner Bunny made rice, scrambled eggs, and we picked up some fried chicken from the food stand place by our dorm. I had bought a dozen eggs the weekend before in the grocery store, and they were going to go bad soon so we had to figure out what we were going to do with them. It turned out to be a really good dinner. I finished my blog post about Fulong today, and also did some personal journaling of my own before starting my homework. Today was a bit of a moody/emotional day, and I'm not sure why. But it feels good to write. It always feels good to write...
So as it turns out, I got a 97% on my test from yesterday!!! Feelin’ good. Feelin’ like a smarty pants. We also had a written quiz today too on the dialogue. I got a 94% on that. I’m really starting to get the hang of writing traditional, and I’m actually glad I chose Taiwan as my study abroad destination, so that I could learn both forms of written Mandarin. I know it’ll pay off in the long run when I’m making dem big bucks! Hehe (kidding)... ((kindof)).
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In the gym I ran another 9 min mile. It was also leg day (my favorite)!!... When I got home I bought my SZA ticket. I AM SO EXCITED YOU ALL HAVE NO IDEA. I have been listening to this woman for years now and she’s finally getting the recognition she deserves and I’m so happy for her :-’) I’ll be seeing her with Poirshea in Sacramento in September. Can't wait. Gonna die of excitement!!! P and I really bond over SZA and love her to death and I’m so glad we’re going to experience her music live together. Twin bonding at it’s finest. 
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I miss you Twin!!! 
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Sza is so adorable I just can’t!!!! Ugh. 
Anways, for lunch the three of us went back to the soy sauce braised place, and filled up on udon noodles, veggies and tofu. I got it a bit spicier than last time.. and it was really really good. WAYY better than last time! For dinner I was still pretty full off of lunch, so Bunny and I went to the street market around 10:30pm to get some fruit and egg scallion pancakes. I NEED to learn how to make these pancakes at home because they're so dang good. I will make them everyday for every meal. BOMB.COM. Egg scallion pancakes are basically green onions, eggs, and dough in pancake form... sounds odd, but man is it tasty!
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Today I jumped up out the bed at 9:52am like I was just ressurected from the dead. And for those of you who don’t know, my class starts at 10:20am. Bunny was still knocked out when I was startled out of bed.. so we found ourselves throwing on clothes and rushing out the door. We ran to the bus stop, and was only about 10 min late to our class. Thankfully our teacher wasn't upset or anything... But right after we arrived we had a quiz waiting on us at the do’
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I’m not sure about my grade yet, but I don’t think I did so well. I was drawing a lot of blanks because I was still frazzled from rushing this morning. After class we got something small to eat before the gym because at this point it's 1:30pm and I'm starVING!!! At the gym I did a really really quick back day, because there’s a class that meets in the gym at 2:20 on Mon/Wed/Fri so usually I have to do short workouts on those days. 
After the gym we headed to a fruit stand to get mango smoothies and dragon fruit... *REMEMBER THIS* 
I wasn't super hungry because of the food I had before the gym. And then we went home, did homework, took a nap, and watched netflix. At around 9 Bunny and I went to get potstickers at the place by our dorm. That place is the best ever. 
This morning we actually woke up on time. We were even able to gnab some bread at the local bakery before class. I usually pair my morning bread with a tea of sorts... I’ve been drinking alot of green tea lately, and I really really love the green tea infused with passionfruit. So so good. But, I’ve come to find out on days that I don’t have any tea or milk tea, I get massive massive caffeine headaches. I used to get them alot when I would stop drinking coffee after a few days... But I didn’t think this would still happen to me because the caffeine amount in green tea is so much smaller... who knows. But nonetheless, the tea is worth it!!! 
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We had a quiz in class today, and before the end of the three hour period, she sprang a test on us right there at the end. She did this because alot of us (4 out of the 9) will be absent tomorrow due to travel. There’s another student in our class (the Swiss guy) who’s going to Seoul, South Korea this weekend, and he left midway through our class. And then the three of us (Bunny, Nick, and I) leave for the Philippines tonight at like 2am.
Also in class I got called Beyoncé more than I wanted to... Our teacher first brought up Shakira, and asked us if we all have heard of her before (which obviously we have), but she just learned of this Columbian singer’s existence and was tickled/excited to share the news. She then brought up Beyonce and drew the conclusion that I look strikingly similar to the superstar mother of three. I can admit it is quite the compliment, but Lord knows she only thinks this because we are both lightskin, tall women. Hooray for racial insensitivity!!!
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At the gym it was leg day once again (it’s Thursday, duh!). I ended up running a 8:40 mile! I definitely shaved off some seconds. SO Proud. Drenched in sweat!
For lunch we went back to that Malaysian place with the sweet lady who showed us pictures of her 8month old grandson. I love her. I ordered the hot/sour Chicken with potato wedges... so incredibly bomb. 
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Bunny and I went home after lunch and packed for our trip to the Philippines this weekend, as well as napped. I went to the bathroom and had the fright of a LIFETIME. Which brings me to the “Red Poop Scare” segment of this blog post.... 
I have had problems pooping regularly since I’ve gotten here, I think partly due to my change in diet and stress levels... but nonethless it has only just started to get more regular/consistent. So just IMAGINE my shock when I went to handle my business and my poop was RED!!! I’m talking BRIGHT RED/MAGENTA!!! I thought I was dying!!! Blood in my stool??? Can you IMAGINE!!! I would have had to find a doctor here in Taiwan and omg the HORROR. But when I was handling my business there was no pain or strain or anything... so it was also pretty confusing. After I went back into the room and talked to my roommate I realized that I had DRAGONFRUIT YESTERDAY!!! Which is conveniently the same exact color as my poop. So that was exciting and a relief to realize. It was only that color because of the fruit I had the previous day. THANK YOU JESUS I AM ALIVE AND HEALTHY AND IT WAS NOT BLOOD. 
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....I’ve come to realize that maybe this segment of the blog is a bit TMI... but I also told myself that if I’m going to blog, It’s going to be as open and honest and transparent as possible.. everyone has poop probs am I right??? 
We also did a quick run to the night market before taking the MRT to the airport. At the night market we got some more food to eat because we knew the journey to get to Philippines would be long. We were to land at 4am. And we left to the airport around 10:15pm. It takes about 45-hour to get to the airport, plus we wanted to allow enough time to check in, go through security, etc before our plane departed at 1:45am.
Here’s some pics of the wanton/noodles I bought and the really really good burger I had at the Night Market.. THE BURGER MIGHT BE BETTER THAN IN-N-OUT DONT @ ME
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I’ll come back with another post about the Philippines!
until then, xoxo
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
with a new year comes new challenges...
Kid: *yawn* stocking: zzzz Kid: "..." *hug* stocking: happy new year~ *kiss* Kid: *smiles* "The best start..." *smooch* -elsewhere- Black Star: *snores* tsubaki:.... *forehead kiss* happy birthday. Black Star: =w= *yawns* "Thanks..." *smiles* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "Zzz..." naoya: oooi, akuta. Akutagawa: "H-Huh? Wha?" naoya: happy new year. *hands him a beer can* Akutagawa: "???" *looks at the can* naoya: hey, you're gonna be 21 this year, so why not something early? Akutagawa: "..." *opens the can...sniffs--and scrunches his face* >_< naoya: relax, its not gonna bite, haha. Akutagawa: "Hope it tastes better than it smells..." *sip* "..." naoya: well? Akutagawa: "...I’ve tasted worse." naoya: see? there ya go! *pats his back* Akutagawa: "..." *nods* "Thank you." -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Zzz..." atsushi: *yaaaawn* Kyoka: *opens her eyes* "...New Year." atsushi: yeah. lets make this one a great one! Kyoka: "..." *fist bump* atsushi: *fist bump* ^^ -elsewhere- Burns: "...It won't come off." foien: yeah, it's going to be a while. *cough* -elsewhere- shinra:.....dang, cant believe we'll be in the collage program this year.... Arthur: "Then comes the knight school." shinra: not even going to question it. tamaki: -_-; Relan: *filling in his schedule* iris: *smiles* Relan: "Which classes were you thinking, Iris?" iris: i think taking up a theology class might help. and maybe natural studies. Relan: *nods* "You'll be good in those, especially for botany...I'm still looking at math classes..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "Back to the grind..." ochako: yeah.... Todoroki: "...Looking forward to continuing your internship?" ochako: *nods* Todoroki: "...Let's do our best, then." ochako:....hey, todoroki? Todoroki: "Yes?" ochako: why did you chose endeavour's agency? Todoroki: "..." *looks at his left hand* "If I want to learn how to use my Quirk, I thought learning from the person from whom I inherited it, and who used it to rise to Number Two Hero, would be a start..." ochako:...even after he- Todoroki: "...This is something I have to try, at least...I'm not saying I'm giving him a chance...but my mother told me...this is my power..." ochako: .... Todoroki: "...I want to see what I can do with it...I don't know." ochako:...if that's the case. i believe in you! ^^ Todoroki: ^\\\^ "Thanks..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *flipping pancakes* sonia: *coloring* Chuuya: "Just about done. Sonia, please set the table." sonia: ok. *doing so* Chuuya: *sets out maple syrup and berries* "Excited for the new year?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: "And school?" sonia:...i guess. Chuuya: "Well, you'll get to learn more about drawing, math, reading, science...Can meet some new friends..." sonia: ..... Chuuya: "And I'll be at a school, too, so it'll be like we're both going through it together..." sonia: but papa wont be at the school i'll be at... Chuuya: "...Well, yeah, I know--I just meant, you know, even if we're in different physical locations, we're...still in the same place?" ^^; sonia: .... Chuuya: "...You'll have to go to school at some point. And if there is ever any problem, me, or Granny, or Gin, or someone will be there to pick you up." sonia: ok. Chuuya: *smiles* "You can pick out your own backpack, too." -elsewhere- Meme: *pours milk* mio: *yaaaaawns* Meme: "Good morning!" mio: *hug from behind* happy new year.... =///= Meme: ^\\\\^ "Happy new year to you." *pats Mio's hand* -elsewhere- Joker: *blows a party favor* scarlet: *groans* its too early in the morning for this... Joker: "..." *sets out medicine and coffee* "Maybe we all overdid it." ivy: zzzzzzzzzzzz Joker: "...So, new year's resolution: flush out the Hoods..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *his head is bandaged* prisoner: jeez, you look fucked up. Kunikida: "..." *picks up his chalk, writes again on the wall* -elsewhere- Gin: *dries plate* "Here you go." higuchi: thanks for staying the night *kiss on the cheek* Gin: =\\\\= "Happy to. Did you sleep okay?" -elsewhere- Spirit: "Excited to be going back to classes?" izumi: yep. Spirit: "And your course schedule looks good. Just watch out for certain teachers." izumi: noted. Spirit: "Any clubs you're joining?" -elsewhere- Mori: "..." mii: *mreeeow* Mori: "???" mii: are you quite well now? Mori: "I don't know. I keep thinking abouDID YOU JUST TALK?!" mii: hmm, perhaps i should take a form you would be more familiar with? Mori: *curled up in the corner, staring* Q____Q souseki: hmm. still unwell, lad? Mori: "S-Sir? Y-Yes...I want her back." souseki: have you been focusing your ability? Mori: "I-I can't...My mind is clouded with memories..." souseki: hmm... Mori: "..." *holds out a hand...it shakes* *Something shimmers along his hand...* souseki: ?? *Something like...a face seems to pass along the shimmer--then fades into nothing* Mori: "D-Damn..." souseki: hmmm.... Mori: "Sir...I'm forgetting what she looked like." souseki: dont you have a photograph of her? Mori: "A photograph cannot capture every second of her that was burned into my brain, its flames cooled by the passage of time and...and whatever has happened to me." souseki: hmmm... Mori: "...I don't know..." *brushes a hand through his hair* "...I feel sick..." -elsewhere- taoka: .... pixie: so boooored.... Member #1: *filing their nails* lust oni: *whistling* Member #1: "...Maybe play a game?" lust oni: who's up for darts? Member #2: "T-The pointy kind?" lust oni: *holding up a few darts* mmhmm~<3 Member #2: *twitchy smile* "I-I like the p-p-p-pointy ones..." *takes one carefully* pixie: is this a good idea? greed oni: nah, he's gonna be fine....maybe. Member #2: *toss* -15 pts- pixie: not bad! Member #2: "Hee hee...Your turn!" pixie: *toss* -10 pts- =3= boo. Member #2: "Too bad!" *picks up another one...tosses--* -5 pts- greed oni: you were saying? Member #2: "..." *eye twitch* pixie: *sticks her tongue out* ^u^ Member #2: *summons a flaming mantis pincer--aiming for Pixie's tongue* pixie: *jumps up onto the ceiling* tsk-tsk. Member #2: "..." *stares at Pixie...licks their lips* "Just toss your dart..." -elsewhere- Neuhaus: "..." michelle: zzzzz Neuhaus: *sets down the tea...sits by the bed* -a tiny jorogumo is on her head- jorogumo: zzzzz Neuhaus: "!!!" jorogumo: o^o ~? Neuhaus: "..." *whispers* "Why are you here?" jorogumo: ?? Neuhaus: "...Just...please, don't hurt her..." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *stares* "...Maybe we should sell this thing?" Agey: D:< medea:....perhaps take it to the curator? Kepuri: "??? Curator?" medea: in the land of nod....it's a shop. chie: oh, didnt we sell that demon teddy to them? Yohei: *bad memories* Q____Q;;; chie: *protective shadow hug* Yohei: =~= Agey: "Now see here!" *pokes his finger into Medea's nose* "My brain contains more knowledge in it than your pinky! I am not some toy you can just trade for playing cards or whatever you children do nowadays!" medea: ....i'll deliver him myself. if it's a way to bring myself redemption.... Agey: D:< "I AM NOT AN OBJECT! I AM A HUMAN BEING!" Kepuri: "...A tanuki-looking human being..." >3> -elsewhere- kim: *sneeze* -elsewhere- PlushFix: "Family jewels, bitches!" mimeca: \(^o^)/ PlushFix: "Damn right!" *holds up the newspaper* "We break in, we take, we rich!" -elsewhere- Alone: "You gonna eat that, Grimoire?" *his eye is bandaged* grimoire:...not hungry. Alone: "..." *shrugs, takes the muffin* "So..." *nom* "When we leaving?" grimoire:...... Alone: "...Tomorrow? Next week?" *wagging his tail* -elsewhere- Haumea: "...Okay. Who did this?" *points at her crown--which has googly eyes glued to it* guruna: OuO *shaking* arrow:....*glances at friz, bee, and jonah* Jonah: *whistles innocently* Friz: "I swear, I have no idea how--" Bee: "Friz did it." Friz: "JUDAS!" arrow: -_-; Haumea: "..." *flicks Bee in the forehead* Bee: *coughs up blood, falls back* "Wh-Why--" Haumea: "Snitching is a sin." guruna: roost in persimmon. Friz: ^w^ "Well, that's--" *BANG* guruna: O-O;;; Haumea: *flicked Friz* Friz: XwX -elsewhere- Izuku: "..." ("Still no text message reply...") inko: waiting for a call? Izuku: "I have been texting Iida, but he hasn't replied..." inko: you two arent fighting, are you? Izuku: "I-I don't think so? I just...wanted to reach out after his brother's injury..." inko: ah. Izuku: "...Mom? Do I give him his space? Do I wait for him to ask for help?" inko: i guess let him talk to you first? Izuku: *nods* "Yeah..." *sets his phone down* -elsewhere- Gopher: *with game controller* "So...Which classes did you pick?" kirika: i think i work well with the thief class. fast and able to steal the enemy's shit. Gopher: "Seems appropriate..." *selects an angel character* "And classes at school this semester?" kirika: infiltration? if thats a thing. Gopher: "I think so. Mr. Sid and Miss Mira teach some...So, you'll be a ninja?" kirika: maybe, sounds pretty badass. Gopher: ^w^ "Yep!--angelic badass ninja thief..." kirika: fuck yeah. -elsewhere- Katai: "Keek, you see this?" *pulls up photos on his laptop* "Anyone look familiar?" keek: *examining* ... Katai: *taps a key--and two photos appear* "These were taken within seconds of each other..." *there's a person missing in the photo on the left* "The older one was altered..." keek: hm... Katai: "...I don't know--this is so confusing..." *puts in eyedrops* -elsewhere- Kuro: "Zzz..." mahiru: *making lunch* Kuro: *sniffs--bolts upright* "What are you making?" mahiru: omelets. Kuro: *already seated at the table with a bib on* "Let's dine." mahiru: ^^; -elsewhere- Giriko: *sets down the sippy cup* "Thirsty, kiddo?" anna: ba! Giriko: "You got it." *offers it* "Drink up." -elsewhere- higuchi: ..... Gin: "Ichiyou?" higuchi: *almost falls out of her chair* O///o Gin: *catches her* "Easy." higuchi: im g-ay!. im been im ok-ood, i mean....*ahem* thanks. Gin: "..." *cheek smooch* higuchi:... ^/////^ Gin: "...Something troubling you?" higuchi: ...*rubs eye* still miss her, i guess.... Gin: *nods* "How long has it been?" higuchi: .....about half a year now.... Gin: "...Rain's child will need more than just mourning for her." higuchi:...*she nods* Gin: "And...have you been looking more into what Mori was doing?" higuchi:...a little bit.... Gin: "Any discoveries?" higuchi: .... i found her head...... Gin: *eyes widen* higuchi: it was so...surreal...like some weird nightmare........the letters....the photos....the journal....*gags slightly* Gin: *rubs her back* *nods* "...I know..." higuchi:....i think i know....at least one of his agendas......he-he was...trying to produce an heir... Gin: "..." *shudders* "Him procreating...minus Sonia, of course, is disgusting." higuchi: h-he's sick....amongst the girl's blood....he was...looking for a potential mo- Gin: "...'Potential'...?" higuchi: *shaking, clutching her stomach* m-moth-.... Gin: *holds her, shushes* "Okay...I understand..." higuchi:...*sniff* Gin: "He's not here...You're safe. Sonia is safe..." higuchi: r-right....d-does hirotsu know about this? Gin: "..." *shakes her head* "I haven't told him...because you're still in charge." higuchi: hmm....he's doing a good job, keeping things together. Gin: *nods* "He's dealt with Mori and Tachihara long enough..." higuchi: *chuckles* Gin: *smiles* "Have some faith in him...And in the rest here. They are containing the situation as best as they can." -elsewhere- Mikuni: "...I'll give you $45." medea: very well. Agey: "WHY DON'T I HAVE A SAY IN THIS--" Mikuni: "Johan, want to play~?" -elsewhere- Iida: *walking to the train* ???: iida! Iida: *looks up* "???" -its ochako and izuku- ochako: so you're heading back to hosu town, huh? Iida: "Yes. I am." ochako: ah. good luck on your internships then! ^^ Iida: "Yes. Thank you." Izuku: "...Iida, we're friends..." Iida: "..." ochako: and we're here for you, 110%! Izuku: "And if you ever need to talk--" Iida: "Thank you. Sincerely." ochako: .... Iida: *smiles* "I will be fine. No need to worry." Todoroki: "..." *watching from a few feet away* -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "I have an update on the Nomu..." tomura: oh? Kurogiri: "Three are ready. If we wait a few more weeks--" tomura: ahhhhh im getting tired of waiting...*scratch scratch scratch* Kurogiri: "...Perhaps speak with Sensei." tomura:....*turns on the intercom* Sensei: "Yes?" tomura: what's our next plan? Sensei: "That depends. What did you learn from your lesson with Mr. Stain?" tomura: ...i learned that he's a dick. Sensei: "...That...wasn't quite the lesson I wanted you to take away. Didn't his conviction tell you anything?" -elsewhere- Izuku: *knock knock* gran torino: i dont want what yer selli-... oh, its you. Izuku: "Y-Yes, sir! Izuku Midoriya! UA student! Date of birth July 15--" gran torino: for the love of fuck man, INHALE! Izuku: *deep inhale* "S-S-So, you remember me?" QWQ gran torino: hard not to, kid. yer interning, right? Izuku: "Still am, sir! Just returning from winter break, and I'm excited to pick up our lessons where we left out towards fully embracing my Quirk--" gran torino: you got yer backpack? Izuku: "Right here!" *it's heavy and towers over him* gran torino: good, cause we're goin' on a lil holiday soon to hosu town. Izuku: O_O "...Seriously?" -elsewhere- Endeavor: "And my team of experts have limited sites of the most intense crime to this general area." Todoroki: "...But that is outside of Death City." intern: ._. Endeavor: "And that's where we'll be! My researchers weren't just wiping their noses--they were scouting this city out! Isn't that right, Einstein?!" intern: my name is char- Endeavor: "See? They agree with me. Now pack up--our limo comes in 20 minutes." -elsewhere- Uwabami: "Welcome back, dears~!" momo: *nods* itsuka: *wave* hey. Uwabami: "How were your breaks?" *hands a tablet with her schedule to Momo, and a mirror to Itsuka--as she starts adjusting her hair* -elsewhere- Ojiro: [let me know when you land in chicago] hagakure: [k] .... -elsewhere- Burns: "Finally..." *dries his face* "...Clear my schedule tomorrow." dia: understood... Burns: "...Are you taking another personal day?" dia: *shakes her head* Burns: "Good. Keep everything in order." -elsewhere- Bon: *reading* konekomaru: *taking notes* Shima: *setting his head down on the desk...nodding off* -elsewhere- Medusa: "And does Neian like her snake toy?" *washing her in the sink* neian: *babble* ^o^ Medusa: *small smile* "And snakes are your friends...You'll see all kinds of abilities they have..." *pours water along her back* -elsewhere- Fyodor: *humming* guard: ... Fyodor: "Guard, I had said I wanted a radio..." guard: alright. *hands him a small radio through the food slot* Fyodor: "..." -_- "How am I to turn it on? With my toes?" guard: *shrug* Fyodor: "..." *small grunt, trying to reach the dial with his toes--* -radio static- Fyodor: "..." *tries to turn the dial* -country station- Fyodor: -_-# "No." *turns more* -classical station- Fyodor: "..." *sigh of relief* =w= -elsewhere- Assi: "You like that scarf, huh?" mono: =///n///= Assi: *smiles* "It not only looks fashionable, but it's excellent for staying warm in cold winters--" -elsewhere- PlushFix: "So, Flowers, how did you find your lackey?" shaula: you mean beatrice? well, its an interesting story. long ago, she was just some wandering killer, murdering all in her path, i beat her in a fight, and she became my maid ever since~ beatrice: 7///7; PlushFix: " 'Beat her'? What, like your slave?" beatrice: i had attacked her and she defeated me in combat. -_-; shaula: what she said. PlushFix: "...So, B, what keeps you around? I mean, why not run away?" beatrice:.... 7///7 loyalty. hina:....she's doing you, aint she? shaula: yyuuuuup. beatrice: -///-; l-lady shaula, please. PlushFix: "...That's hot. Ever need a plushie to curl up with?" -punt out the window- beatrice: =_=# -elsewhere- Kyoka: *shoulder poke* atsushi: IMAWAKE! Kyoka: o_o "...I just wanted to say dinner's ready." atsushi: oh. right. haha ^^; Kyoka: "...Did you not sleep well?" *scoops rice* atsushi: *yaaaawn* long night, i guess.... Kyoka: "Maybe take a bath after dinner and get to bed." atsushi: good call. Kyoka: "Tomorrow will be another study prep meeting." atsushi: right. Kyoka: "Then we're searching for more clues." *passes a bowl of curry* -elsewhere- Yohei: *hug* chie: ^u^ aww. Yohei: *smooch* "To a new year..." chie: indeed. *looks at her reflection* might get my hair cut shorter... Yohei: "That'd look good..." *brushes a hand along her hair* "Better ask Toru, too." -elsewhere- Black Star: =w= tsubaki: *rubbing his head* have a nice birthday? Black Star: *nods* "Gifts were great...Food was even better..." *cuddle* tsubaki: that's good. *smooch* Black Star: =\\\\= "Mmm..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *hiding under a blanket* mary: you ok, toby? Mr. Tsubaki: =3= *wags his tail* mary: do you want the brush? Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* mary: *picks him up and sits on the bed with him in her lap as she brushes his fur* brushy brushy~ Mr. Tsubaki: =\\\\\= *calms down* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *looking at a newspaper report* miwa so what's new? Akitaru: "...Can I let you in on something?" miwa: sure, whats up? Akitaru: "Burns is wanting to talk to Shinra..." *the newspaper article in front of him is a report of what happened at Shinra's house* miwa: !! Akitaru: "...It's going to be rough, whatever he's going to tell Shinra." miwa: cant even imagine.... Akitaru: "...As he's with the First, Burns knows things we at the Eighth haven't even found yet. And he keeps it to himself..." miwa: maybe we can help? Akitaru: "We'd appreciate it. And with Burns snooping around..." tamaki: *from behind a wall* ....... Akitaru: "Try to keep Tamaki and Nozomi occupied." miwa: can do. tamaki:...*walking away* Victor: *spots Tamaki* "???" tamaki:..... {guruna: we're children of misfortune after all~} tamaki:....... Victor: *waves* "Hello?" tamaki: *snaps back angrily* what?! Victor: .__O *leaps back* "N-Nothing?" tamaki:...im going to bed... Victor: "G-Good night?" *looks around, nervous* -morning- Steinbeck: "Zzz..." -alarm clock going off- Steinbeck: *waves his hand to hit the alarm* -got it- Steinbeck: =_= *yawns* twain: *asleep in his own room, sleeping in a hammock* Steinbeck: "Thank goodness for small miracles..." *gets out of bed, pulls on his shirt before stepping outside* oscar: good morning, johnny boy, up and early today? Steinbeck: "Have to be to keep this organization moving." *preps the coffee machine* "What about you?" oscar: just got up early, i suppose~ *wearing a pink, satin robe with faux fur trim* Steinbeck: "Hmm...How far along is breakfast?" oscar: ernest said he'd make breakfast today. Steinbeck: "...What, he's fishing again?" oscar: *chuckles* oh you silly boy. *pap pap* Steinbeck: -_- *FWOOM* Steinbeck: o_O Ernest: "..." *exits...his shoulder has a small flame on it* "Eggs are done!" baum: .___. my bacon..... Q___Q ebie: Q^Q;;; *holds wilbur close to her* twain: *pokes head in* i smell food. Ernest: "Eh, some yogurt will help that bacon, Baumie." *hard slap on the back* baum: oof- >3< dorothy: M'n'M pancakes please. Steinbeck: -_-# "Check the heat setting, Ernest..." Ernest: "Pancakes, I can do!" *flips one--and it lands on Steinbeck's face* twain:...*eats it* yum! Steinbeck: *still has M&M's stuck on his face* -_-# Ernest: *whistles, returns to work...* ^^;; -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *sipping his coffee* Mr. Tsubaki: *at his feet, gnawing on a chicken bone* louisa: good morning. Fitzgerald: *smiles* "Morning. We have English biscuits." mary: yay! Fitzgerald: "Granted, they don't hold a candle to American bisc--" bram: i'll just have some tea right now....my stomach isnt agreeing with me today. Mr. Tsubaki: *loud yawn* =n= Fitzgerald: "??? Sorry to hear that, Little Sport." *pours the hot water* -elsewhere- Shamrock: "Zzz..." -is that...the smell of coffee?- Shamrock: *yawns* *sits up* "..." *gets up, puts on his robe, heads to the kitchen* -elsewhere- katya: *HURRK* pushkin: *pats her back* you gonna be ok? katya: MY MOUTH TASTES LIKE SADNESS AND BAD DECISIONS! pushkin: *pap pap* Motojiro: *pops up* "Maybe some lemon medicine to settle your tummy?" pushkin: .-. how did you get into our apartme- Motojiro: "Ankle bracelets." pushkin:......what? katya: the fuck? Motojiro: "And I jimmied your lock." *drops the tablet into a glass of water, squeezes a lemon* "Sip slowly." katya: ....... Motojiro: owo "Is it good?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Zzz..." -phone buzzes- Chuuya: *picks up the phone* naoya: mornin' Chuuya: "Morning...What's up?" naoya: how's everything on your end? Chuuya: "Okay. Trying to get Sonia excited about school." naoya: ah, well akuta's a bit hungover here... Chuuya: "...Why is he hungover, Naoya?" naoya: he maaay have had a bit much from the beer can i gave him ^^; Chuuya: "Naoya. How old is Akutagawa?" naoya: he's gonna be 21 soon! Chuuya: "DO YOU ACTUALLY THINK HE'S READY FOR THAT-- Akutagawa: "Put on the music--I want to sing!" *clutches his head* "Ow..." naoya: ._.; ok ok! i admit, i might have fucked up a bit there. Akutagawa: Q____Q "It all hurts...Rashomon, save me..." Chuuya: "...Do I need to head over?" rashomon: *pap pap* naoya: if you can...but you probably need to spend time with sonia, so i wont force ya. Chuuya: *sigh* "I can ask someone to take her out shopping..." naoya: ...alright. Chuuya: "Okay, bye." *hangs up* "..." *exits his bedroom* mito: o^o Chuuya: *pets* "Hungry, Mito?" mito: *mew* Chuuya: *pulls out a dish and food, sets it down* mito: *nom nom nom* Chuuya: *strokes* "Sonia? You up?" sonia: zzzz Chuuya: *walks to Sonia's room* "Sonia?" sonia: *asleep, cuddling her teddy* Chuuya: *rests a hand on her shoulder* sonia: =u= Chuuya: "Time to wake up, sweetie." sonia: *shifting in bed* mm... Chuuya: "Sonia? You okay?" sonia: *yawns and rubs her eyes* nhuh? Chuuya: "I'm about to make breakfast." sonia: ok....*yaaaawn* Chuuya: "Anything you hungry for?" -elsewhere- Kid: "Feel okay?" stocking: =~= fuckin' cramps.... Kid: *sets down the ice pack* "Anything else I should bring?" *opens the grocery bag, removes chocolates* stocking: =3= hot water bottle please. Kid: *nods* "I'll fill it up. Just hang in there..." stocking: TT~TT Kid: *heads into the kitchen, heats up water* -elsewhere- Katai: "All set?" aya: yep, this should be everything. Katai: "And here's your lunch." aya: ok. Katai: "And call if there is an emergency. And take this for safety--" *holds up a pillow cushion* aya: .-.; Katai: "Her name is Natalie, and she is not only compact but comfy." ^w^ aya: i....see... ._.; Katai: "Now, let's get going!" *has dressed up...and put his futon in a dress* aya: ^-^; (KUNI PLEASE BE FREED FROM JAIL SOON) -elsewhere- Arthur: "..." *pat pat* nozomi:...t-thanks... tamaki: we'll bring your lesson plans back for you, ok? Arthur: *nods* "Want any food from the grocery?" nozomi: im good... Arthur: "..." *hands her his hilt* nozomi: ?? Arthur: "Take this as your weapon. Even without a flame, Excalibur's hilt packs a mean punch." nozomi:...*small chuckle* i'll....keep that in mind... Arthur: *small smile* "Good." shinra: take care, ok? Relan: "About ready?" shinra: yep. iris: *nods* Relan: *hands Iris her backpack* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *sighs* "Now how do I get him to school? What the hell?" naoya: i called him in sick. Chuuya: "Then I better head to school--" Akutagawa: *sobbing* Chuuya: "...Oh, darn." naoya: heeey, you're gonna be ok, akuta. Akutagawa: *whimpers* Chuuya: "...Hang in there, buddy. I'll see you after school." -elsewhere- Meme: *opens her locker--and it's full of--* "Paper cranes?" tsugumi: were you making a wish? Meme: "I didn't make these..." ._.; tsugumi: *examining* Meme: "Is this an omen? Is someone going to send cranes after me?" tsugumi: ^^; Meme: "Well, I better clear these out--" *an envelope falls out of her locker--and inside is a photo* "???" mio: what's that? Meme: *looks at the photo...and trembles* mio: whats wrong? Meme: "Th-That child?" mio: ?? *examines the photo* *The photo shows someone holding a baby that looks like a young Meme* tsugumi: is...is this...? Meme: "Mio...Is that me?" mio: it...it looks like you. Meme: "...I need to know who went into my locker." *fast-walking to front desk* mio: h-hey wait for us! Meme: "Granny!" *rings the desk bell* auntie: hmm? what is it dearie? Meme: "Do you have security cam footage before 7:24 this morning showing my locker?" auntie: i think so, let me just check. Meme: *taps her fingers nervously* auntie: alright, come on in. Meme: *enters* -there is a small meeting room with a TV, showing the camera feed- Meme: *pulls the footage to 7:24* "...Nothing..." *rewinds* mio: .... Meme: "..." *keeps searching back...and back...to 4:17 AM when--* *In the footage, light flashes from inside her locker* Meme: "?!" mio: ?! w-what is- Meme: "Wh-What was that light?" *tries to slow the video down...* tsugumi: ?? Meme: "I still don't see anything...Magic? A prank? What even is this?" -elsewhere- Lucy: "??? Hmm. Quieter here today." atsushi: yeah. Kyoka: "Because Akutagawa is not here." atsushi: i guess. ^^; Chuuya: "..." shinra: hey guys! atsushi: hey, um...kusakabe, right? shinra: yep, that'd be me. Kyoka: *waves* "Hello. You were hospitalized, weren't you?" shinra:...for a while, yeah. Lucy: "??? Where did you--" Kyoka: "I investigate now." Lucy: "...So, what year are you, Kusakabe?" shinra: i think im actually in the university courses now ^^; or at least i will be in spring. atsushi: really? you dont look any older than 17... shinra: yeah *side glance* so i've heard. Lucy: ._.;;;; *looks around* "???" Kyoka: "Have you recovered enough for classes?" shinra: yeah. Lucy: "Well, that's good news. Welcome back!" tamaki: thanks. ^^ Lucy: "...Um..." Kyoka: *shiny eyes* "Big sis." tamaki: um- Kyoka: *hug* tamaki: .///.; Kyoka: "I haven't seen you since the Sports Festival." tamaki: yeah, feels like its been a while since i saw you last. ^^; Kyoka: "How have you been? Did you enjoy Christmas? What did you do for New Year?" *pulls out a notepad* "Have you seen this symbol?" *shows the Rat symbol* tamaki: well, it's been......eventful. shinra: actually, we did see that symbol! at the nether... Kyoka: "??? 'Nether'?" shinra: >->;; shit maybe i said too much... tamaki: no shit, sherlock. Kyoka: *leans close* "Are you a member of the Rats? What do you know about Doppo Kunikida?" *nose to nose* "Where are the Rats?" shinra: i dont know anything about any rats, and i dont know who that is or where they are?? atsushi: kyouka, down. Kyoka: *small kitten growl as Atsushi pulls her back* -elsewhere- Hyde: -_-# "How do I get detention on the first day?" misono: how do you kick a _ceiling_....on _accident_?! licht: -_-; Hyde: "I aim, I move--and then someone kicked me in the keister!" -elsewhere- Child #1: *waves at Sonia* "Hello!" sonia:...*small wave* ._.; Child #1: "Want to play tag?" sonia: um....ok. is there a point system or is it to the death? Child #1: "...Well, 'sudden-death' matches are only when we play dodgeball, I think?" *holds out a hand* "I'm Alex!" sonia:...sonia. Alex: *smiles...then a small smirk* "Well, Sonia..." *soft clap on Sonia's hand* "You're it!" *runs* sonia:...*blinks and stares at her hand* ???? Alex: *behind a tree* "...Um...You're it. That means, you know, you have to run after someone, tag them, then they're it?" sonia:.....*pats the teacher* Teacher: ._.;;;; "???" Alex: *facepalm* "Um, adults don't count. It's a kids' game?" ("She's kinda different.") sonia:.....*pats one child.* Child #2: "D'aw, nuts!" *tries to run after Sonia--* Alex: "No tag-backs, Chris!" Chris (Child #2): >3< *runs after another kid* Alex: *waves at Sonia* "Hide here!" sonia: *hiding* Alex: *whispers* "You never played tag?" sonia: i would hide sometimes, in the other place... Alex: "??? Or, Hide and Seek?" sonia: ....i guess. Alex: "Neat! You like coloring?" sonia: *she nods* -elsewhere- Burns: *walking up to the entrance of the Eighth* miwa:.... !! Burns: "Greetings. I am here to speak with Kusakabe." miwa: he and the other kiddos are at school, sorry. Burns: "I know. I came early." *holds up a book* "I brought reading." -elsewhere- leo: *walking along the ozaki estate* .... Motojiro: *digging in the front yard* "Stupid shovel..." leo: ....!! ah! what are you doing? D8> Motojiro: "??? I wanted to plant a lemon tree." leo: s-shouldnt you ask miss kouyou's permission first? Motojiro: "..." *facepalm* "I knew I forgot to do something! Assistant, go ask Miss Kouyou!" ayako: on it! *runs to do that* Motojiro: "Now, to deposit the lemons..." leo:....^^; -elsewhere- Yohei: "So, none of you have a job--so, you're going to get one, or I'm calling the cops." Assi: D8> Zuno: "???" Shotaro: "...I volunteer." Yohei: "Good enough, Shotaro. You're excused." mana: *sigh* alright. Shotaro: "Yay!" *jumps out the window* akaderu: what a drag. Emine: "...My hobbies keep me busy." -elsewhere- Poe: *sorting books* Jacqueline: *giving a tour to transfer students* "--and we have a variety of reading options." Tour Student #1: "What's the deal with the raccoon?" tour student 2: dude, i saw a kid with a _sloth_. a raccoon aint no big deal. karl: *chitter!* [translation: rude!] -elsewhere- Hiro: Q____Q "Just one more semester...Just one more semester..." EF: hiro? are you ok? Hiro: "Oh, hey." *weak smile* "Just planning this semester to get out of here..." EF: oh... Hiro: "Then...I have to figure out a job. And a mortgage. And retirement. And--and--and--" *empties the brown paper bag of his lunch--and starts breathing into it* EF: Hiro! breathe! Hiro: *wheeze, breathing...calms down* "Th-Thanks..." EF: it'll be ok. *smiles* Hiro: "..." *nods, tries to smile* -elsewhere- Arthur: "...I feel naked without Excalibur." shinra: please never say that again. tamaki:..........*excalibur face* Arthur: "A knight without his weapon might as well be a knight without his armor. How do I defend myself?" *holds up his fists* "...This is not fiery enough." tamaki: hmmm.. iris: ^^; Chuuya: *staring at Atsushi* "..." -elsewhere- Yumi: *texting Marie* [how's the trip?] marie: [busy. marie's already a hit with her cousins!] Yumi: [pics?] -several pics sent- Yumi: [she looks so tiny against your big relatives! ^^ ] marie: [i know! >u<] Yumi: [enjoy! send more pics] -elsewhere- Gopher: *looking through a book in the library* "..." rowena: looking for something, sir? Gopher: "...Do you have anything on the Lunar Ark?" rowena: hm? i think there might be something in the ancient history section. Gopher: *nods* "Thank you..." *holds the book he was looking through close to him as he walks to ancient history...* -elsewhere- Takehisa: "...Is he still out there?" maki: yeah...do we send a warning text to the others? Takehisa: "Yes. Do it." maki: ok. -elsewhere- Meme: "..." mio: meme?....*holds her hand* Meme: "...I don't remember..." mio: ? Meme: "...I forgot a lot of my childhood." mio: ...... tsugumi:....*grips her fist* Anya: "Meme...Do you...I mean..." Meme: *shakes her head* "I don't..." tsugumi:....then we'll just have to find the answers. Meme: "??? Where?" tsugumi: we'll search the whole world if we have to! ao: should we ask mr barrett? Meme: "..." Anya: "Worth a try. I mean, he would have some knowledge after--" tsugumi: *covers her mouth* Meme: "If you could ask him..." -elsewhere- Friz: "--and I heard under her crown, she's got horns instead of eyes!" Bee: "Stop! She'll hear you!" Haumea: -_-; "I'm right behind you twits." Friz: owo;;; guruna: kuruun? Haumea: "Just because my eyes are covered doesn't mean I'm deaf...Guruna, pick a body..." *cracks her knuckles* Bee: Q___Q -elsewhere- Stein: "You going to manage things while I'm out?" valentine: yep. aya drevis: yessir! Stein: *nods* "Thank you. And be sure to torment Spirit periodically." valentine: noted. -elsewhere- Patty: *sets out the last mat* "Okay--nap time, kiddos!" child: zzzzz Patty: "..." ("Well, that was fast.") *sits back, looks at her phone* -elsewhere- Kuro: "Zzz..." Teacher: "??? A cat?" mahiru: ._.;; -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Any plan after school?" atsushi: maybe check out this 'nether' place? Kyoka: *nods* "Let's do this." Chuuya: *overhearing* "..." -elsewhere- Rin: "So, lessons will be starting up soon. You excited?" shiemi: yeah. konekomaru: *nod nod* Shima: "Zzz..." Bon: -_- Rin: ._.; "...Is he in a coma?" konekomaru: i guess he pulled an all-nighter. ^^; Rin: "...!!!" *smirks...blows at Shima's ear* Shima: =w= "Ladies, please..." Rin: *high-pitched voice* "Oh, Shima..." *deep voice* "That was amazing." Shima: O_O *bolts up awake* shiemi: *trying not to laugh* konekomaru: r-rin.... ._.; izumo: he really is the son of satan... Rin: -_-# "Yo, that's just mean..." izumo: its true though. Shima: .\\\\. "Great--now the ladies in my dreams are going to sound like Satan. Hope you're happy..." Rin: "ENOUGH WITH THE SATAN TALK!" >_< konekomaru: come on guys, the teacher's gonna be here in a few minutes. -the door opens- seiya: good afternoon, everyone. Yukio: "Please take your seats." Rin: ("So many new teachers I lose track...") *opens his book--upside down* -elsewhere- mushitaro:......pastor, please let go of me. =_=# Hawthorne: "I'm so glad you are safe...I have been working to restore your honor..." mushitaro: IM NOT MITCHELL YOU CREEP! D8< WHY IS YOUR GRIP SO FUCKING TIGHT?! yana: um...phrasing? Hawthorne: "...Did you get shorter, though?" mushitaro: D8< Hawthorne: "Let's get you milk and read from Scripture." mushitaro: ivan please help me. Ivan: *holds up--* <Saw or drill?> -elsewhere- Iida: "I finished filing paperwork, sir." manual: good job, iida. *smiles* Iida: *nods* "What may I do next to help? Police radio reports? Patrol?" manual: actually, ever been to the hosu town aquarium? Iida: "No. I had wanted to after my brother recommended--" *grows quiet* manual:....*pats his back* well, that's our next stop. Iida: *nods* "Okay." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "...This plane looks...impressive." Endeavor: "Only the best, son." Todoroki: ("Then why are you in it...?") -elsewhere- Arthur: "I left Excalibur with Nozomi, and my cell phone at the castle. Where is my brain today?" shinra: where was it _ever_? Arthur: -_-; Relan: O~O;;; iris:...relan? whats wrong? Relan: "Shinra...Tamaki...Burns is at the 8th." tamaki: ?! shinra: what? Relan: "Captain Hinawa texted. They can't get him to leave." shinra: what could he want? Relan: *shrug* "But if he's being this hardcore..." Arthur: "The Lion is a magnificent beast--but one that can be scared away. Iris, I will need a shield." iris: ..... shinra: i'll see what he wants.... Relan: "You sure?" shinra: *he nods* Relan: "..." *tries to look tough* "R-Right..." iris: *pats his back* -elsewhere- Kyoka: *looks at caution tape* "..." *cuts it* atsushi: this place gives me the creeps..... Lucy: *turns on a flashlight* "Police won't like us entering..." atsushi: im just glad we got a permit from fukuzawa. Dazai: *has night-vision goggles on* atsushi: it should be near the entrance.... Lucy: *shines a light along where the ground and the wall meets* "..." atsushi: !!!! i-is that a body? Lucy: "!!!" D8> Dazai: "Looks vaguely body-shaped..." *nudges Atsushi forward* kenji: looks pretty old. atsushi: ._.; *gulp*..... *examines the pockets* *Inside are some coins...melted* atsushi: these dont look like much use.... *searching other pockets* *A wallet* atsushi: hmm... *examines the wallet* *The person was in their late 30s, seems to be from out of state* atsushi: *examines photos in the wallet* *There are photos of the person in expedition gear, another in their cap and gown at graduation...ones with a partner and kids* Dazai: "..." atsushi: ...... Kyoka: "Bring the wallet. We'll need it to identify them later." *takes the flashlight, shines down the tunnel* "There." atsushi: *spots the logo* Lucy: "So they were here...They may have killed this person." Kyoka: "And just leave their corpse to be found?" atsushi: it doesnt explain the melted coins, though... Kyoka: "They may have burned the corpse...But how did the wallet then survive?" atsushi: maybe heat resistant materials? Lucy: "Or...directed heat...These clothes are synthetic fabric...Maybe it targeted...the skin?" atsushi: its likely. Lucy: *shudders* "It's creepy...A fire targeting only--" Dazai: "Infernals." atsushi: infernals? Dazai: "?!" ^^; "Just something I've heard before...Seems to be what the cool people call Flame Humans." atsushi: like kusakabe? Dazai: "Moooooooooore like Flame Humans who go out of control and attack people mindlessly." atsushi: ._.; sounds scary. Haumea: *appearing over Atsushi's shoulder...hanging upside down* "You have no idea." atsushi: HOLY FUCK! *jumps back* Dazai: "???" Lucy: "!!!" Kyoka: *already has a kunai--which she tosses at Haumea's forehead* Haumea: *catches...and melts it with her fingers* *smiles* "Hello, interlopers. Why are you--" Friz: "FOUND IT! We can go now--Oh." *waves* "Hello!" atsushi: i think we found the people responsible for that body.... Dazai: "No kidding..." *smiles, cracks his knuckles* "Been looking forward to this~" atsushi: lucy, you got anything to defend yourself with? Lucy: *pulls out a can of mace* "..." ._.; "I recommend a strategic exit--" *FWOOSH* *Lucy just barely dodges a flame disc* Lucy: Q___Q atsushi: !!!! ok, you two are going down! *tiger limbs and charges* Dazai: "Always wanted to see whether I could cancel out your abilities!" *rushes at Friz and Haumea* atsushi: !! Kyoka: "We don't have time for this..." *opens her phone--and sees zero bars* "!!! Oh no..." atsushi: .-.; that's not good. Dazai: "AAAH!" *kicks Haumea in the side of the head...* Haumea: "..." *holds up a middle finger...it's on fire* Dazai: ._.; "...Okay, not my smartest--" atsushi: DAZAI! LOOK OUT! Haumea: *flicks Dazai in the head--sending him flying* Dazai: "Crap crap cra--!" *CRASH* atsushi: *nice catch* Dazai: @~@ "...I don't think my ability works on them." atsushi: .... Lucy: *dodging more flame discs--and one slices just the clip of her hair* "Eep! STOP THROWING THOSE THINGS AT ME WHEN I'M--" atsushi: *charges at haumea* i'll take this one, kyouka, handle the other one! lucy, clear the exit! Kyoka: *tackles Lucy before another disc behends her* Lucy: "R-Right!" Kyoka: *holding multiple kunai* "I'll take the childish one." Friz: "?! You're the one who likes like a preschooler!" Kyoka: "You play with flying discs and sound like puberty hasn't come to you yet." Friz: "YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" >_< *throws more discs* Haumea: -_-; "I just wanted to get the map, go home. But noooo, couldn't have that..." *blocking Atsushi* atsushi: *punch* Haumea: *her head is knocked back...she spits out blood...something bright pierces from behind her cracked mask, before she covers her face with her hand...* *she turns her head* *...she looks furious* atsushi: ._.; *defensive stance* Haumea: "I have no time for this..." *snaps her fingers* *Atsushi's skin feels like it's getting hotter...* atsushi: *screaming* *Atsushi's entire body is engulfed in flames* Kyoka: "!!!" Dazai: "No!" atsushi: MAKE IT STOP! Lucy: *crying* "Atsushi!" *Thunder is heard--as Anne's Room crashes open behind them* Haumea: "??? What the--That's not Hell! It's too...sugary?" atsushi: *tiger punches haumea in the gut* Lucy: *eyes full of tears* "Atsushi! Fight it!" -full tiger mode- Haumea: *coughs up blood, struggling to still cover her eye* "...Oh, that's enough...I'M GOING TO BURN YOU INTO ASHES!" *She increases the flames--which are burning off his skin* tiger!atsushi: *charges at her* Haumea: *knocked down--as she starts punching his exposed muscles* "BAD TOUCH! BAD! TOUCH!" Dazai: "Atsushi! Retreat! Now!" atsushi: *PUNCH* *coughing blood* Haumea: "AH! ..." *smirks...stares at Atsushi...* atsushi: ?!?! Haumea: "Tiger, tiger...Burning bright..." *she clutches his arm--and explosions leap off his body, leaving only a barely conscious skeleton, muscles attached to it...and Atsushi's dead eyes staring out of the body's skull* Kyoka: *staring in shock* Dazai: "Oh God..." Lucy: *cannot speak...* Friz: "...Fuck. I think you went too far, Boss." -something charges at them- atsushi: *ROARS* Haumea: "WHAT THE HELL?!" Lucy: *her eyes...are glowing...* tiger: you dun fuzzed up now. Haumea: "...What kind of devil are you?!" atsushi: *regenerating* im no devil.....im a beast. Haumea: "...Mere beast? Then I'll just keep lighting you up until you die!" *smashes her fist into his eye* -nope- atsushi: ..... Haumea: "...Oh, biscuits." Friz: "Boss! We're out of here--" *Thunder is heard again...* *Something pops up behind Friz* Friz: o_o;; *slowly turns...and spots...Anne* anne: >83 Friz: Q_____Q "..." *starts to run* anne: *glares at haumea* Haumea: "...Okay, I don't know what girly crap the girl, the midget--" Kyoka: *glare* Haumea: "--and the ugly guy are into--" Dazai: *whispers to the catatonic Lucy* "Why did he call you 'an ugly guy'?" Haumea: "But y'all are some messed up--" -BAM- *Haumea is knocked face first into the wall...obliterating the last of her crown...something bright is shining behind it...and is shaking the grown* Kyoka: "!!! Lucy!" *shakes her* "We're leaving now! Dazai, grab Atsushi!" Lucy: *not moving...* anne: *tosses haumea out* atsushi: *recovering* LUCY! Dazai: *picks up Atsushi* "Ew! You got blood all on you." Lucy: "Kill...Kill Anne..." anne: ... Haumea: "SCREW YOU ALL!" *tossed down the tunnel...then an explosion is heard...sending a fireball down the tunnel at them!* anne: *SHIELDS THEM* Dazai: O~O *let's go of Atsushi, picks up Kyoka, and tosses her into Anne's Room* atsushi: lucy........*hugs her and kisses her* Kyoka: "?!!!" Lucy: "..." *closes her eyes, returns the kiss--* *FWOOOSH* *The fireball passes over them...Anne's room is now sealed shut around them* Kyoka: *upside down, slammed against a Jack in the Box, arms crossed* "...Rude." Dazai: ^^; "Sorry." atsushi:....*pulls back, now fully healed* ok, you have every right to punch me in the face. Lucy: "..." *starts loudly sobbing* atsushi:.....*hugs her tightly* im sorry for scaring you all.... Lucy: *sniffles* "Th-The next time I see that ugly harlot, I'm going to split her in two for calling Anne ugly!" atsushi: *pats her back* Lucy: *hug* "I'm sorry...AND DON'T EVER GET BURNED ALIVE LIKE THAT AGAIN!" atsushi: i'll do my best....how's everyone else? Dazai: "Well, my pride is wounded, so that's tragic." Kyoka: "Fine. Just disoriented." *still upside down* atsushi: ok ken-.... KENJI! kenji: *pops out of a box* job's done!....what i miss? Kyoka: "...We fought flame people. We beat them. I scared away one with kunai. You can be impressed now." Lucy: D:< "I did a lot of work, too!" kenji: great job guys! ^u^ atsushi:...yeah.....*collapses* zzzzzzzz....... Lucy: *catches him...his head resting on her chest* .\\\. "..." *pat pat* kenji: aww, he's all tuckered out. Kyoka: "..." *playful jab in his shoulder* "You need to stop disappearing in the middle of fight…” -elsewhere- Mr. Asui: "???" *sets down his newspaper* "Was that...a thunderstorm? An earthquake?" mrs asui: well, seems it's over now. satsuki: Q-Q scawwy. -elsewhere- Akitaru: -_-# "More tea?" Burns: "No, thank you. I'll take another cookie, though." ???: YO BURNS! Burns: "???" *holding his teacup* "Yes--?" shinra: ..... Burns: "Kusakabe." *sets down his teacup* "I see you were released. How do you feel?" shinra: better, but enough about me, why are you here? if this has to do with tamaki- Burns: "No, it does not." shinra: so then why are you here? Burns: "...Since you're mostly recovered, let's talk. About what happened 17 years ago." shinra: !!!!!! -and so- shinra:...... tamaki: *listening in from behind a wall* ... (what does he want?) Burns: "You aren't cold?" shinra: i have fire abilities, i'll be fine, right? Burns: "...And you know how you got those abilities?" shinra:....i was born with them, i guess? Burns: "Then why didn't they manifest until after the fire burned down your family's home?" shinra: ?? Burns: "...What do you remember 17 years ago?" shinra: ....standing in the wreckage.....you were standing to my right....staring off at something.... Burns: "Where I saw your brother taken away by the White Hoods." shinra: !!!!! *grips his fist and grabs burns' collar* THEN WHY?! WHY DIDNT YOU SAVE HIM BACK THEN?! ISNT THAT YOUR JOB?! TO SAVE PEOPLE?! Burns: "..." *Flames leap off Burns's shoulder* shinra: couldnt you have at least told me sooner?! *tears are streaming* Burns: "...Look at yourself right now. Look at what has happened to you. You almost died. If I told you, 17 years ago, the truth, what could you have done?" shinra: i would have- Burns: "You would have died. You are here, right now, not because you willed it, but because of mere luck." tamaki:.... *grips fist* shinra: ...you have some damn nerve to say that shit.... Burns: "Am I wrong? Prove it." shinra: *charges at him* Burns: *doesn't budge* maki: isnt anyone going to stop them?! dia: ... Akitaru: "...He has to work this out on his own, even if that means making a mistake. Besides...Burns can handle this." shinra: *flame kicks at him* Burns: *kicked in the face...wipes the blood off his face* "Is that the speed of someone who received Divine Protection?" shinra: stop dodging the question and give me the truth! Burns: "...Any brigade does not have time for its individual members indulging their own selfish emotions." *his eyepatch lights up on fire* Akitaru: "!!! Everyone, get back!" iris: !!!! Relan: *pulling Iris back* dia: ..... Burns: *fire blasts off of him, heading right for Shinra's face* shinra: *dodging* ANSWER ME, DAMN YOU! Burns: "..." *opens his fist--and the flame expands, knocking into Shinra's body* shinra: *knocked back* grk- s-shit... *Burns stands, his body engulfed in flames* Burns: "Only the strong survive. Only they are strong enough to handle the truth. If you want to know, show me that your power deserves it.” tamaki:.....*shaking, biting her lip* dia:...... {dia: *13 years old, fighting infernals in a training exercise*} {Burns: "On your left!"} {dia: r-right! *attacking*} {Burns: "Are you strong enough to handle this?"} {dia: ye-!!!!} {infernal: *tackles her, and roars*} {dia: !!!!} {*CRUNCH*} {dia: c-commander!} {Burns: *his fist is through the Infernal's chest* "...Recite their last rites."} {dia: ashes to ashes....} {Burns: "Dust to dust..."} {-the infernal vanishes-} {dia: .....} {Burns: "..." *sighs* "You know I won't always be there to save you, Dia."} {dia: i know...i promise i'll get better, sir...} dia: .... shinra: *charging again* Burns: "Maybe you just aren't strong enough..." ("But that speed...!") {shinra: .........} {Burns: *staring at the destroyed house, holding Shinra's hand*} {shinra:....*smiling a weak smile* *mumbling something*} shinra: *jumping forwards* Burns: *remains standing...the outdoor floor beneath him is starting to crack* shinra: *aims his foot for burns' face* Burns: *blocks with his forearm...* *Something like sizzling is heard* Akitaru: "!!! Duck!" *FWOOSH* *Fire explodes behind Burns* shinra: WOAH! Burns: *the ground under his feet is now shattered* "...Is that all you can do, Candlestick? Your flame is small..." shinra: JUST ANSWER ME ALREADY. Burns: "..." *shakes out his forearm, extinguishing his flames* "It has been a long time since someone's kick managed to send shivers through my arm..." -a wall of fire shoots up between them- shinra: !?!? Burns: "?!" pearl: *her arm outstretched* PLEASE! BOTH OF YOU, STOP THIS! Burns: "??? Fiamma?" pearl: fighting amongst yourselves wont solve anything! cant you just tell him normally? Burns: "..." *looks at Shinra* "Can you handle what you will learn?" shinra: ...i have to know, no matter what. Burns: "..." *looks at Dia and Akitaru* "Please..." Akitaru: "..." *nods* "Come on, folks--give them some room..." dia: alright, everyone inside. tamaki: ...... Burns: "...First, what you know about that event 17 years ago...there is more to it." shinra:...im ready.... {-17 years ago...-} {charon: haumea, do you sense anything?} {Tiny!Haumea: "This is it...Just where the Preacher promised...A new Adora Bust will be born..."} {-in the kusakabe household...-} {Baby Sho: "Zzz..."} {*BLINK*} {Baby Sho: *opens his eyes...*} {mrs kusakabe: mmm... huh? *enters sho's room* sho-... !!!!!!} {*At the top of the ceiling is a fireball, with Sho in the center, looking like he's in a trance*} {Sho: "..."} {mrs kusakabe: SHO!! *tries to put the flame out*} {Sho: *still not moving...the ball's flames seem to snake down the ceiling and walls...towards Mrs. Kusakabe*} {mrs kusakabe: !!!!} {*A flame covers her hand...or is it coming _from_ her hand?*} {mrs kusakabe: *screams*} {shinra: mommy?....mommy, sho, where are you?} {*The flames are along the left side of her face...*} {mrs kusakabe: !!!! shinra! please! run!} {shinra: *too stunned to move*} {-horns form on her head-} {mrs kusakabe: pLEasE...rUn...} {-horns form from out of her eyes as she screams-} {*Shinra can see the flames start to dissipate, as if pulled inward into something...someone...*} {shinra: mommy?! mom-...... !!!!!!} {horned being: *howls*} {shinra: *tries to back away...his feet propelling him backwards into the wall*} {horned being: ... s....h...o......m...y......b....a...b.....y..... {*A figure appears...The room is now white...*} {horned being: *reaching for her baby*} {*The fireball descends...Sho, as if barely conscious, in a trance, is lowered into the Preacher's hands...The Preacher hands the baby to the Horned Being*} -...- shinra: ...................................................................*eyes wide, tears falling* Burns: "..." tamaki:.....*completly stunned* shinra:...ha...hahahaha...ahahahahaha....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *he's shaking badly* Burns: "..." *grabs Shinra by the collar* "Get a hold of yourself." shinra: *he throws up onto the ground* ...... Burns: "..." *sighs* shinra:........................w-what then....? Burns: "...I did not arrive until 15 minutes after we received the report of the fire at your family's house." {officer: we found a survivor, it's a child!} {shinra: *barely breathing*} {Burns: "Put out the flames! What are you all doing?!} {officer 2: w-we cant! they wont go out!} {shinra: m...mommy...s-sho...t-the....d-demon...} {-on the roof-} {charon:...haumea?} {Haumea: *giggling, her fingers moving, like a puppeteer pulling strings* "Hee hee..."} {charon: haume-} {Haumea: "SILENCE!"} {charon:....} {-inside the inferno-} {Burns: *already inside* ("No one was searching for his mother and brother...But even if I find them, there is no way they could survive. Not unless--Urk!" *clutches his eyepatch...and notices it is on fire* "!!!"} {horned being: *holding sho* ....} {Burns: "!!! A demon? No...It's..." *holds out a hand* "Wait!"} {horned being: *leaps to the window*} {Burns: "Don't go!"} {sister: commander! it's going to collapse!} {Burns: "..." *turns back, heading to the exit*} {-outside-} {Burns: "..." *the flames remain under his eyepatch...he removes it* ("A fire that will not go out...A horned being...It is...Adora.")} {shinra: *trying to get in* MOMMY! SHO! I HAVE TO SAVE THEM!} {sister: child, you cannot! it's far to dangerous!} {shinra: LET GO'A ME!} {Burns: "..." ("So why didn't they want him?")} {shinra: *falls to his knees, tears falling*} {Burns: "..." *marches up to Shinra*} {shinra: .....} {Burns: "Listen to me. Your mother is...dead."} {shinra:.....*smiling that sad, demonic smile*} shinra:...*voice cracks slightly* why?....why would you lie to me? -he's shaking, tears falling- Burns: "Those Hoods you faced just now--the ones who almost killed you? They were the ones who took your mother and brother from you. If I told you the truth then, what would you have done? Run into battle? You almost died, Kusakabe: you would've died then, too, if not for your dumb luck." shinra: do you even care what happened to me because of what you said? i was left in my grandmother's care....do you even care that she abused me?! that she would leave me locked in a dark pantry out of spite for what she thought i did?! tamaki:...*silently crying* Burns: "...I didn't want this for you. I didn't...want some child entering this war." shinra:....but im not a child anymore. Burns: "No, you are not. And despite my efforts, fate brought you here. I wanted you to fear the flames...” shinra: .....the same flames i used to get here.......did you...really see it? the adora- Burns: "...Do you know why this eye is blinded?" *removes his eyepatch* shinra:.... !!!!!!!!!! tamaki: !!!!!!!!!!!!! *His eye is blank...but almost...bone-like?* Burns: "If you look into the Sun, you burn. If you look into Hell...Hell occupies your own body. This is my Hell. This is Adora." shinra: *nervous smile, shaking* Burns: "This is the price I paid...Did you see it? Did you see Adora?" shinra:......*remembering soichiro arg's face in his vision*....i..i dont know... Burns: "...Your luck persists, then." *replaces his eyepatch* "The Hoods have been fighting this battle long before you were born. Be careful. You have no idea what they are capable of--" Nurse Arg: *appears behind Shinra* "Pardon me...?" shinra: ?!?! Burns: "??? Arg? What are you doing here?" shinra: wait......arg?! as in the 4th commander? Nurse Arg: "S-Sorry! I was here to check up on Kusakabe, then I saw the explosions and figured, 'Oh, maybe that's where he is!' Then I came here and--" *finally notices Shinra* "Oh! There you are!" shinra: um.... hi? tamaki: =A=; (way to kill the mood.) Nurse Arg: "Hi! I was asked to stop by to do an in-person medical review and--Wait, did you say Fourth Commander?" *looks back and forth* "Is Grandpa here, too?" Burns: "..." shinra: no, just heard the name 'arg' and figured 'hey maybe they know each other?' haha ^^; Nurse Arg: ^^; "Well, 'Arg' doesn't scream 'common household name,' so good guess! He's my grandfather." shinra + tamaki: *trying to place it in their heads*..... (W...T...F?!?!) Nurse Arg: "But I haven't talked to him in some time..." *sad smile* shinra: oh...i see. tamaki:... *heads back inside* -elsewhere- Tanizaki: ._.; "...What happened to you guys?" Dazai: *has a swollen cheek* "Not much...Just went exploring..." Kyoka: *holding ice to her head* "..." Lucy: *wiping her eyes* atsushi: *asleep* kenji: we found a body. Tanizaki: o_________O;;; "Please tell me Kyoka didn't kill someone--" Kyoka: *frowns* "Why do you assume it's _my_ fault?" kenji: he was dead before we go there. Tanizaki: *sighs* "Oh, that's a relief...Well, bring the corpse to the Doctor for examination--" yosano: corpse you say? Lucy: ._.; ("He recovered quickly...What on earth has he seen?!") Kyoka: "Corpse. No way to bring back to life. Also, Atsushi was burned alive. But he got better." yosano: holy shit....so you want me to examine the body. of corpse i will~ Kyoka: "..." *small smile* Lucy: -_-; "No." yosano:.. 737 -elsewhere- Chuuya: *knock knock* naoya: oh, hey chuuya. he's in the guest room. Chuuya: "Thanks...How is he?" naoya: he's recovering. oh goddamn was last night a shitshow.... Chuuya: *looks around the apartment* "...No kidding..." naoya: fortunately no one died, so....good news. -just a few things knocked over, nothing too badly damaged- Chuuya: *sighs* "You know ability users and alcohol can be a dangerous mix." naoya: ok, so i messed up. Chuuya: "..." *rubs the back of his neck* "Like I'm one to talk..." naoya: *stops at the guest room door* he's in there.... Akutagawa: *curled up in bed* Q_Q Chuuya: *knocks* "Hey. It's me. Can I come in?" Akutagawa: "...It's open." Chuuya: *enters* "...So, you had your first hangover." *sits on the bed* "May it be the first of many--" Akutagawa: "I never want to drink that swill again." naoya: that's fair. Chuuya: "Can always try something fruity. Or coffee-y. Maybe a Guinness--" Akutagawa: *shudders* naoya: i take that as a no, then? Akutagawa: "Can we talk about anything but...alcohol right now?" Chuuya: "...I brought your homework and syllabi?" -elsewhere- shinra: *in bed, whimpering* Akitaru: "..." *knocks* shinra: i-its open...*smiles, but tears are still falling* Akitaru: *enters* "...Hey." shinra: *has the blanket wrapped around him* Akitaru: "...Shinra...I'm sorry." shinra: ..... Akitaru: "..." *hug* shinra: *whimpers* m-mom..... Akitaru: "..." *nods, pats his back* -elsewhere- Arthur: "...Hey?" tamaki: ?? Arthur: "How are you?" tamaki:...o-ok... Arthur: "..." *hug* tamaki: !!!.... t-thanks... 7///7; Arthur: *pat pat* "You're welcome." *forehead kiss* -morning- Lucy: "Zzz..." atsushi: ..... Lucy: *turns over--her arm landing across his chest* atsushi: O////O; Lucy: *pulls Atsushi closer* atsushi:.....*hugs her* Lucy: *rubs his back* "...What did it feel like?" atsushi: O///. w-wh-wha? Lucy: "The fire...What does it feel like to almost die?" atsushi:.....it was terrifying....*holds her* im sorry.... Lucy: "I know..." *cheek kiss* "...I'm sorry I didn't...do anything sooner." atsushi: im here...im ok...*strokes her back* Lucy: =\\\\= "R-Right...Don't get killed like that again..." atsushi:...ok.......d-did we...um..d-do anything? .///.; (and cue me getting punched...) Lucy: O\\\\\O "NO!" atsushi: oh, ok. ^^; s-sorry >///<; Lucy: -\\\\\- "What, you think I wouldn't _ask_ you first?" -3- atsushi:....*falls onto his back* O/////////////////////////O;;;;;;;;;; Lucy: D: "DON'T DIE!" atsushi: IM ATSUSHI NAKAJIMA AND IM OK! Lucy: -_-;;;; "...I'm going to make tea. Help me toast the waffles." atsushi: yes ma'am! *salutes* -elsewhere- Kid: "Better?" stocking: =w=~<3 Kid: ^\\\^ *smooch* stocking: mmmm~<3 Kid: "Stocking..." *cuddles* stocking: hehe~ i love you~ Kid: "I love you, too. Forever..." -elsewhere- Haumea: *her eyes are bandaged...bits of rock are still embedded in her face* -_-# dahlia: you should be more mindful, child. Haumea: "I'm not the one who left something behind. And I don't remember holy texts warning about unkillable tigers." -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." *poke poke* tsubaki: *yawn* Black Star: "Morning." tsubaki: morni- ???: AHHHHHH~<3 tsubaki: ._.; naho: gross! Black Star: o_o; "...Who the hell--" naho: lavender and higan are banging at WAY TOO EARLY IN THE MORNING-O-CLOCK! Black Star: .\\\\\. tsubaki: ^^; Higan: *pants* "B-Best part of waking up..." lavender: hehe~ Higan: *kisses down her chest* lavender: ah~ so good~ naho: *gags* Black Star: .\\\\\. *leaves for the bathroom* "Just block out the noise..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Are you liking school?" sonia: it's ok. Chuuya: "Is your teacher helping you get used to things?" sonia: *nods* miss baker's nice. Chuuya: "That's good. You have your homework in your bag?" sonia: *she nods and gets to work* Chuuya: ^^ "Let me know if I can help." sonia: ok... Chuuya: "Maybe Uncle Motojiro can help with the math parts..." sonia: maybe. Chuuya: "..." *picks up plates* {miss baker: she's certainly an interesting girl. she seems to get along better with the other teachers than with the other children...} {Chuuya: "She hasn't had much chance to be around other kids her age. I...had her around adults lately." ^^; } {miss baker: is that so?} {Chuuya: *nods* "She was home-schooled."} {miss baker: i see.} {Chuuya: "Has she had difficulty catching up with any subjects?"} {miss baker: not that i can see. actually, she's quite beyond her grade level.} {Chuuya: "Do you think it's best to leave her in this grade?"} {miss baker: she has potential, but i do think it'd be important for her to have friends of her age group...} {Chuuya: *nods* "Okay...Thanks for your feedback on that."} sonia: ... Chuuya: "..." *smiles* "How are the other students, Sonia?" sonia: they're nice. hard to follow, though. Chuuya: " 'Follow'?" sonia: i dont quite understand them...i try to act like the other kids, but its hard. Chuuya: "...It does take time...Stick with it--I know you can do it." sonia:....ok papa...... Chuuya: "...Thanks." *pats her shoulder* "I want you to feel comfortable in this world. Make friends. Feel safe." sonia: *hug* Chuuya: "!!!" *hug* sonia: do you think...the other kids saw someone die? Chuuya: "...I don't know. That's not something mention to strangers..." *looks at her* "Please don't bring that up to your teachers and the other students." sonia: ok. Chuuya: "Thank you." -elsewhere- baum: *humming* Ivan: *tapping his fingers* yana: <whats up?> Ivan: <Could she just pump that parasite out already?> yana: <....allow me to explain to you something...> -elsewhere- Burns: "..." dia:...sir? Burns: "Yes? What is it?" dia: are you alright? Burns: "I'm fine. Just taking a break to...get something to drink." dia:...i see. Burns: "Have you a question about tasks I assigned you?" dia: no sir. Burns: "Are the others doing as I asked?" dia: yes. Burns: "...And Fiamma?" dia: she's doing well. Burns: "Good..." *hands her a paper* "Have her train that ability more." dia: understood. -elsewhere- Emine: *looking at Classified ads* "...I think I could do well as a Candy Striper. I just have to make dying people feel better about their approaching demise?" mana: ._.; Shotaro: "...Let's try something else. How about a secretary? Assi is trying for one of those!" Assi: "I prefer 'office coordinator'?" -elsewhere- Dazai: *rubs his cheek* TT~TT yosano: *hands him an ice pack* Dazai: "Thanks...Couldn't cancel their abilities, can't get healed because of my ability..." yosano: *sigh* Dazai: "All because some stupid bag woman did this to me..." yosano:....what? Dazai: "She was wearing a bag! And she had a dumb crown covering her eyes! And she sounded stupid, too!" yosano:....how hard were you hit? Dazai: "She knocked me clear across the room--with one punch!" ranpo: like one punch man? -elsewhere- Hibana: *clap clap* "Line up--we're going shopping, ladies!" mikami: oh my. ryuuko: this will be an interesting experience. hanako: yay! Hibana: "We are getting you new fashionable outfits before the spring--and likely some product for your hair. Oh, and jewelry. And pretzels." -elsewhere- Mikuni: *looking at the job application--upside down* "...This doesn't look right at all. metsu: *turns it around* -_-; Jeje: -_-;; Mikuni: "Oh! That's better! So, would you say you are organized?" medea: as far as i am able to tell. Mikuni: "What do you know about dolls?" medea: a lot. they are my companions. Mikuni: OWO "Really? Me too!" *sets his dolls out on the table* "See?" medea: i see. Mikuni: "What do you and your dollies talk about?" *pours glasses of soda--* Johannes: Q~Q *staring, as Mikuni is pouring from _his_ bottle of soda* medea: my dolls are vessels for those who have died. Mikuni: "...Like vampires?" Jeje: *snake glare at Mikuni* medea: more like spirits. Mikuni: "Oh! We could use one of those people here! You're hired!" -elsewhere- Poe: *removes books on his shelf--and puts the box there* "..." lenore: *in raven form, staring* Poe: *smiles, turns--and spots Lenore* o_O; lenore: hey, im not saying anything, im just perched here. Poe: "Please don't!" Q_Q lenore: ok ok, chill. i wont tell anyone. Poe: "Thank you." TTWTT "I'll get you your favorite...whatever you eat." lenore: sunflower seeds please. Poe: "The best for you!" -elsewhere- Nurse Arg: *pulling medical files* ritsu: *taking notes* Nurse Arg: "I'm done with this one. Kusakabe can be moved to the outpatient file." ritsu: o-ok! Nurse Arg: "??? Is something wrong?" tao: i think she's just like that. Nurse Arg: *nods* "I-I can understand a bit." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "??? I thought you were going out." ebie: i did. i got some errands done! ^u^ Steinbeck: "Oh. You went shopping?" ebie: *she nods* i went to the farmers market and got a lotta good stuff! Steinbeck: "Any produce?" ebie: lots! Steinbeck: *looking through the bag* "I take it the pig figurine is yours?" ebie: *she nods* a little something for my room. i wanted wilbur to have a friend. *holds the plushie up* Steinbeck: ^^ "That's good." *unpacking the produce--then spots--* "Who's the book for?" ebie: dorothy. Steinbeck: "That's kind of you..." *sets it down, looking at the title* -seems its a coloring book, with a lion, a scarecrow, a tin man, and a young girl- dorothy: oh yay! *takes it and walks off* Steinbeck: ._.; *looks in the bag...pulls out a feather boa* "...For Oscar?" twain: oh nice thanks! Steinbeck: O-o;;; twain: do-do-do-do, gonna deck out my room, doodoodoo. oscar: oh my, how creative, marky~ ^^ Steinbeck: "..." *goes back to searching for other items--pulls out a box of raisins* "..." -elsewhere- Assi: *in waiting room, adjusting his tie, sweating* Zuno: *looking out the window* "It's so high up!" eckleburg: ah, glad yo see you, gentlemen. mr fitzgerald's office is this way. Assi: *nods* *follows Eckleburg--then notices Zuno* "Um...Zuno?" Zuno: "??" *looks back and forth* "...Oh! Am I a gentleman?" Assi: "..." *pats Zuno* "Come on." Fitzgerald: "Jordan! Where are my scissors?!" jordan: right here, sir. Fitzgerald: "Ah, thank you." *slasher smile, as he holds the scissors* Assi: Q_____Q Fitzgerald: "So then..." *SNIP...through the coupon* "There! Now I'll save fifty cents on Death Mart Frozen Pizza!" *looks up* "Oh! Mr. Assi! Or...is that your first name?" Assi: "A-Assi is fine, sir." *holds out his hand* Fitzgerald: "..." *puts a tissue in his hand, then shakes* "A pleasure. Now, then, you and Mr. Zuno worked at Happy Factory, yes?" Assi: *nods* Fitzgerald: *sneers* "Then you are more than qualified..." jordan: >->; Zuno: "???" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: =w= "It's good being home..." fang-hua: yeah. Tsukiyo: "Now let's see what's changed while we were out!" *leaps up to the top of a fence* -it looks more or less the same- Tsukiyo: "...Oh, poo." -3- "Was hoping something interesting happened..." fang-hua: anything happen, commander? Benimaru: "No explosions, hardly any fights. But we're still on alert for impersonators, so--" Tsukiyo: "???" Benimaru: *tapes paper to Tsukiyo's forehead* Tsukiyo: "..." -_-; fang-hua: ^^; Benimaru: "...Okay, you're not an impersonator." -elsewhere- Gopher: "..." *curls up on the couch, staring forward* "..." kirika: oooi, its me. are you dying in here or what? Gopher: *perks up* "N-No? I'm here! It's open!" kirika: *opens the door* *examines the area* nice place you got in here. guess the old sage spoils you, huh? Gopher: ^\\\^; "He's accumulated quite a number of priceless relics in his long life." *pats the sofa seat* kirika: *sits down* good condition, it looks. Gopher: "He also teaches how to take good care of the furniture..." *smiles...his eyes look a little red* kirika:....oi, something's bothering you, isnt it? Gopher: "..." *sighs* "I was reading..." kirika: *listening* Gopher: "...I was trying to determine how someone like...me exists." kirika: .... Gopher: "I don't know much about my mo--...this woman I see in my dreams." kirika:....*pats his back* Gopher: "..." *holds her hand* "I want to find her." kirika: *nods* yeah. Gopher: "So, um, I may be taking some weekends to look..." -elsewhere- Meme: "Nothing..." *pokes the crane origami* "Maybe it's magic." mio: maybe take them to a teacher? Meme: *nods* *scoops a few up* "Who specializes in magic...paper crane...thingies?" mio: not sure... Meme: "...I guess start with Miss Marie--No, she's out of town. Stein?" mio: sounds good. Meme: *walks up to the infirmary, knocks on the door* nygus: its open. Meme: *pokes her head in* "...Hello, ma'am." nygus: what do you need? Meme: "Is Dr. Stein in? I had a question about who tried to break into my locker..." nygus: he's in the teacher's lounge. Meme: *nods* "Thank you..." *walks there, opens the door--* *Smoke escapes out of the lounge* Meme: "?!" mio: *gags and runs to the bathroom* Stein: "???" *puts out his cigarette* "Sorry. Can I help?" Meme: ._.; "..." *holds up a crane in her hand* Stein: "...I don't accept gifts from students--" Meme: "It's not...I just...Can you check this for magic? They put it in my locker." *shoves it in his hand* " 'Kay, thanks!" *runs to Mio* "Hold up!" Stein: "..." *just looks at the crane* nygus: i think i heard a story about this. if you fold 1000 paper cranes, a wish is granted, right? Stein: "Is someone trying to give her a wish...or grant their own?" *sets the crane down* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *lying in bed* "..." guard: *slides his lunch through the door slot* Kunikida: "...Thank you." -elsewhere- Hibana: *wearing big sunglasses* gabriella: *also in big sunglasses* ryuuko: ... mikami: ^^; Hibana: "They're fashionable and UV protected!" -elsewhere- Relan: "...Hey?" tamaki: ya? Relan: *sits down* "You feeling okay?" tamaki: i guess. Relan: " 'Cause you've been quiet...and looking sad." tamaki: still shook up i guess.... Relan: *nods* "...You at least knocked down one of the Hoods." tamaki:...yeah..... Relan: "...Thanks for making sure Iris and I didn't die...and helping against that monster going after Sh-Shinra..." tamaki:...*smiles* anytime. Relan: ^^ -elsewhere- Sakuya: *sets down the tray of drinks* "So, what're you up to tomorrow?" naho: lets go to the mall! Sakuya: "Sounds good--should still be a few sales going on. Been wanting to upgrade my phone..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *resting under Louisa's desk* louisa: *jotting notes* Mr. Tsubaki: *stretches...steps out from under the desk, leaps to the windowsill* -elsewhere- Yumi: "Stocking, could you hold Shiori?" stocking: ah, sure. shiori: ^u^ Yumi: *washing her hands* "Feel better?" stocking: yeah. Yumi: "...Are you looking forward to your classes?" stocking: i guess. this whole 'student-teacher' thing is tough. Yumi: "Been there." *dries her hands, holds them out to take Shiori* "Want some pointers?" stocking: sure. Yumi: "Reinforce they need to put in the time to practice on whatever they're working on, daily, to make it a habit." stocking: *nods* Yumi: "You'll need to repeat some lessons, so get in that habit, too. I tried starting each day with a mini-exercise on some small detail, like a quiz on a topic, practicing a simple maneuver or stretch..." stocking: right. Yumi: "What were some of the lessons you have the most trouble with in school?" -elsewhere- Hyde: "When your mission?" soul: not sure yet. stein said he'd let me go with him. Hyde: "You been to Germany before?" soul: i think so. licht: i can teach you some phrases. soul: for real? licht: indeed, because i am an angel. Hyde: -_-; "Now say it in German." licht: <because i am an angel, descended from the heavens above> Hyde: "...Loses something in the translation." -KICK- Hyde: *smashed into the ceiling* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *outside, walking slowly* ???: oooi! araragi! Akutagawa: "???" *turns* female student: .//w//. Akutagawa: "...Do I know you?" female student: um...i was wondering...d-did you want to go out some time? Akutagawa: "...'Go out'?" female student: you know, like a date? Akutagawa: "...I don't think--" Tachihara: "Of course he would!" Akutagawa: "?!!!" o_o; female student: >////< Akutagawa: *whispers angrily at Tachihara* "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Tachihara: "I'll just have to help my little bro--give you a ride." *pat pat* Akutagawa: -_-# female student: s-see you this weekend then? >////< Akutagawa: "...Fine. My 'brother'--" *puts an arm around Tachihara's neck* "--will pick you up..." Tachihara: *getting choked by the 'affectionate' hug* X____X female student: oh, ok! Akutagawa: "Just write your address here--" *grabs Tachihara's arm--hard--and shoves it at her* "Just write on his arm." -she does so- Akutagawa: "Friday at 7?" female student: ok! see you then, araragi! *runs off* Tachihara: Q___Q Akutagawa: "...When this is over, I'm killing you." Tachihara: TTWTT "You're just nervous...Maybe a double date will help! Is your sister available?" Akutagawa: "..." *SLICE* *RIP* *FWOOSH* Akutagawa: *wipes his hand* "There. I feel relieved now." Tachihara: *covering himself* child:....weiner! Parent: *covers child's eyes* "Police! Help!" -elsewhere- Victor: *knocks* "Nozomi?" nozomi: its open... Victor: *enters with a basic* "...Hi. I brought mushrooms." nozomi:...*small chuckle* Victor: ^^ "I was digging around and trying to categorize them again..." *holds up--* "I was surprised Grifola frondosa grew here." nozomi: .... Victor: "But it's edible! Just, you know, not with allergies..." *sets it aside* "These are safe, though!" *offers one* -elsewhere- Yohei: *puts Toru in the bouncy chair* toru: ^o^ Yohei: "Who's a happy boy?" toru: *babble* chie: ^^ Yohei: "Where's Mommy at, Toru?" toru: *points* ma! chie: thats right, sweetie! ^^ Yohei: "Good boy." *snaps a pic* -elsewhere- Hawthorne: "..." lydia:...still moping? Hawthorne: "...He had promised..." lydia:....she will recover. it takes some time for the plan to work... Hawthorne: "And with him in jail, how does that change the schedule?" lydia: that is his intention. i dont know the details yet, but all is going to plan... Hawthorne: "Be nice to have more of a clue about all of this..." lydia:..........do you know why i joined the rats? Hawthorne: *shakes his head* lydia: the same reason as you, to save the life of my beloved. Hawthorne: "...When did he approach you?" lydia: ...two years ago. {lydia:.....*staring at her scarred eyes* .....} {natalia: *comatose in the hospital bed*} {lydia:.......<im sorry this had to happen to you....please get better, natya....>} {Fyodor: <Wishing won't be enough.>} {lydia: ?! *jumps back*} {Fyodor: <Don't be alarmed. I'm just rather direct.>} {lydia: *standing in front of natalia's bed, defensive*} {Fyodor: *looks at Lydia, then at Natalia* <Awful, isn't it, what they did...>} {lydia:....*shaking* <i failed her...i wanted to keep her safe.....> *tears falling*} {Fyodor: <You didn't fail her. You just didn't have all that you needed...But you can get it.>} {lydia: ??? <what do you mean?>} {Fyodor: <I have opportunities to provide to take care of Natalia's health and recuperation...and you have skills I need.>} {lydia: ......} {Fyodor: <Will you show me?>} {lydia:....} {-a shadowy hawk is perched onto her shoulder} {Fyodor: <...It suits you. Your strength is in the shadows...That is where we operate.>} {lydia:....<and in return, you will help her?>} {Fyodor: <I will.>} lydia: he gave me this mask to cover my scars. Hawthorne: "..." ("And to hide your identity...?") lydia:....i should go, i've been given my next task. Hawthorne: "Oh?" lydia: *she exits* -elsewhere- Tanizaki: "Any updates on his condition?" yosano: he's fine. atsushi: hi. Tanizaki: "Oh, hey! Man, that's some healing ability..." atsushi: i've had worse. naomi: ._.; Tanizaki: "Getting burned alive..." ._.; atsushi: no stranger to pain. now if you excuse me, it's naptime. *asleep on the exam table* yosano:.....let him rest for now. Tanizaki: "O-Okay?" *walks away* -elsewhere- Kid: "Nice putt, Father!" lord death: ^^ Kid: *takes his swing, and--* "Yes!" -elsewhere- Katai: "How is school?" aya: it's nice. i got to meet some other kids. Katai: "How are your teachers?" aya: as good as teachers can get, i suppose. Katai: "...We've known better teachers..." ("Kunikida...") aya: ... Katai: "..." *weak smile* "H-How about ice cream?" aya:....*sigh* ok sure. -elsewhere- Shotaro: "How's the job hunt going?" mono: ....... Shotaro: "...That bad, huh?" mono:... =///=; stupid short skirts.... Shotaro: "??? 'Short skirts'? Like, a cafe or something?" mana: yeeep. Shotaro: "Deathbucks?" mana: that's the one. Kepuri: "Man, I worked there...Watch your ass out there. Especially if Assi finds out you work there, Mono--" mono: YOU SHUSH! D///X< Shotaro: "Hey, maybe I should grab my schoolgirl uniform and put it on again! We can compare outfits and undies!" -PUNCH PUNCH KICK- mana: -_-; akaderu: what a pain, lets just skip to the next one before these cliche gags get worse... -elsewhere- Hiro: "??? Arthur? How did you--" Arthur: "The door was open." Hiro: "..." *looks at the door...which has been sliced in two* hime: D8< Arthur: "You're out of jelly." Hiro: -_-; "Mom's gonna make you pay for that door, Arthur." -elsewhere- Joker: "..." *rubs his eye* ivy: ? Joker: "Just exhausted reading this...Ivy, you get any reports?" ivy: heard some interesting folks decided to check out the nether. Joker: "??? Why? It got cleared out." ivy: apparently these guys are detectives. what a joke. Joker: "Did those 'detectives' find anything?" ivy: they had a run in with a few hoods. managed to give them a run for their money. not sure if they're just that strong or just ridiculously lucky. Joker: "...Might be a good deterrent against the Hoods going forward. Any identification?" ivy: i'll see what i can find. Joker: *nods, back to rubbing his unmasked eye* "Man, I need eyedrops..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *holds up a shirt* "What you think, Lilac? Buy it?" lilac: i-i guess so... Sakuya: "It'll be good to try some new outfits before spring..." ._.; "Naho, what the heck?" naho: ouo~? *she has a hello kitty dress* Sakuya: "...Well, it suits you." ^^ -elsewhere- Wes: *napping on the couch* liz: *pats his head and checks her phone* Stein: [hello] liz: [hey. u get the application?] Stein: [i did. we're scheduling interviews. you available tuesday?] liz: [should be] Stein: [okay. appointments are available at 10 AM, 11, 2 PM] -elsewhere- Mifune: *sets down the glasses of apple juice* angela: thanks! *siiiip* ^u^ yuma: *entering through the door, taking her shoes off* im home! Mifune: "Welcome. How was it?" yuma: theres some new kids at school now. i had fun. ^^ Mifune: "That's good. Making friends?" -elsewhere- Kyoka: *yawn* atsushi: zzzzz..... Kyoka: "..." *tucks him in* ("He must've been sleeping forever.") -elsewhere- leo: *checking newspaper, apparently there is an opera showing at the theater tonight...* Motojiro: "Ahem..." leo: !!! ah! mr kajii, you startled me. Motojiro: "Sorry--just excited!" *shows "one" ticket to the opera* leo: oh, will you be attending the show then? i didnt expect you to be someone who finds interest in theater. Motojiro: "A true scientist has to engage with various arts to appreciate the wide range of experiences! Including...magic!" *slides a second ticket from behind the first* leo: ah! will you be inviting miss sakurai with you? ayako: love but cant! got stuff to do! Motojiro: "...I was thinking...you like opera?" leo: well, i did attend with my family when i was younger...y-yes, i suppose. Motojiro: "Glorious! Get on your best clothes!" leo: e-eh? o///o; s-shouldnt i ask permission from miss kouyou- Kouyou: "Permission for what?" leo: m-mr kajii had invited me to a show at the theater. s-should i? Kouyou: "..." *looks around Leo at Motojiro* Motojiro: owo Kouyou: "..." *pats Leo's shoulder* "You can do so much better--" Motojiro: D8> leo: um...*looks awkwardly back at him* Motojiro: Q_Q Kouyou: "But he's harmless." Motojiro: QWQ Kouyou: "Mostly." *takes Leo's hand. Let's get you dressed." leo: ah. a-alright then. Motojiro: *smiling, following* Kouyou: *death glare* "Not. You." -in the dressing room- Kouyou: "So, let's see...Opera, opera..." *picks out three outfits* leo: .... Kouyou: "...Do you want to go?" *holds up an outfit at her* leo: i would feel bad for turning him down.....although....*sad smile* Kouyou: "...Well, you are not in a position where you _have_ to go out with him, and 'I would feel bad for turning him down' isn't necessary...So, what's the _real_ reason?" leo: ........*looking down at the ground*...... Kouyou: "...You still hold a torch for him?" leo:......*shaking a bit* Kouyou: "Hey, none of that..." *hug* leo: ??! Kouyou: "You have a date, no time for feeling sad..." leo: i-im sorry, ma'am...i still miss him, i suppose...its...not an easy sentimentality to let go of. Kouyou: "...The heart wants what the heart wants. But that does not preclude you to enjoy this moment at this time." leo: .....what should i do? Kouyou: *smiles* "Put on your best attire, enjoy the opera, and enjoy whatever you get out of this date." leo:...alright then. *small smile* Kouyou: "And if he tries anything--" *holds up a taser* leo: .-.; Kouyou: "We can't afford to kill him, and we need him to retain both hands and his gustatory and olfactory senses--Hmm...I suppose you could remove a foot." Motojiro: *listening outside* Q______Q leo: ._.; Kouyou: "And pick me up a program." ^^ leo: noted. -elsewhere- Todoroki: "..." *looking at the streets* intern: whats up? Todoroki: "...What activities have been in this town?" -elsewhere- Iida: "The aquarium looks...serene." patron: ah! the show's starting now! -manual was also taking part in the show- Iida: o_o; "...This was unexpected." -people seem to be enjoying it- Iida: "..." ("Is this...also something heroes do?") intern: sometimes, heros are asked to do promotional work as well. Iida: "I see...And his promotional work is an aquatic performance?" intern: *he nods* his quirk is hydro-kinesis, so it makes quite the spectacle. Iida: "I guess I hadn't thought of him as much of an entertainer. He's seems a bit reserved." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Yo, Maki, you got any calendar for the new year?" *setting up a table in the garage* maki:.....7u7 yeeep. Vulcan: "??? Could I borrow one? I'm losing track of days." maki: *hands him one...._that_ one.* Vulcan: ._.;;; "...When was this photographed?" maki: a while ago~ shinra: hey whats-....................................MAKI!!!! D8< maki: *nyoom* Vulcan: *flipping through the pages...holds at horizontal* "...Damn. They accept auditions for this or what?" shinra: *excalibur face* -ELSEWHERE- Asura: "..." *looks up through a grate* "..." ("Nirvana...") -lab workers are taking above the grate- worker: have you ever met the CEO? Asura: *ear twitch* worker 2: i dont think anyone has. Asura: "..." *intense listening* worker 2: oi, vinny, you ever see the boss? Vinny: "Nyeh." [translator’s note; "Nyeh" is Brooklyn for "No."] worker 2: did, you ever, see, the boss? Vinny: "Nyeh, I nyever saw the boss." worker 3: i heard they live at the top of the building, but no one ever goes up there, so hard to tell. Asura: "..." *looks at his scarf...snakes it along a pipe off the ceiling...lifts himself up...then lowers himself down* ("Climbing won't be a problem...") "..." *walks to a grate leading up into the ventilation* "..." *tightens himself up to be thinner--and pulls himself up with his scarves* -in the top room- ???: ...... Asura: *arrives in the duct...silent, just watching* ???: so you finally found this place...kishin? *she looks back at him.* im so happy...to finally meet lady pandora's grandson... -this woman...she's a lunarian- Asura: *stays inside* "...How did you come here?" woman: i arrived to this world like she had, all those 800 years ago... Asura: "...With my grandmother?" woman: *she nods* i long to see her again... Asura: "...Good luck with that." woman:...for now, i must follow her orders...use the clowns, evolve them....share the blessing of madness with this world. Asura: "..." *shudder* "M-Madness?" woman: have you ever wondered, where the clowns originated? Asura: "...I've felt something off of them..." woman: that's because....*smiles* the originals are not of this earth.... Asura: "...They are..." woman: like lady pandora and myself...born from the moon.... Asura: " 'Like you'...But mad..." woman:.....at one point, the lunarian society were people of culture, intelligence...but their thirst for knowledge became their downfall. with the discovery of a certain substance, the black blood, they began experimenting with it...creating those monsters. to ensure survival, they sent 8 children to the earth’s surface. Asura: "And of those eight..." woman: amongst them were myself and lady pandora, along with the scholar enoch and sage, diana. Asura: "...Enoch..." woman:....he and the sage's son sealed her in that damned book.....ah....ahhhh it pisses me off so muuuch.... Asura: "Understandable..." *looks around the room* -its dark...- Asura: "...When did you form this organization?" ("Where are the lights...?") woman: a long time ago...when the studies of science were still young..........your wife and child....*smiles* i look forward to meeting them soon... Asura: "..." ("...I don't trust her to...") -elsewhere- Kid: "--and Father won." stocking: ah. Kid: "How was your day?" *sits down* stocking: it went well. ^^ Kid: "Oh? You thought about your student-teaching?" stocking: yeah. yumi gave me some advice. Kid: "Did it help?" stocking: i think so. Kid: *nods* "Yumi wants to help, and she has a wealth of experience." stocking: *smiles* Kid: "And with your hard work and talent..." *cheek smooch* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "Just keep at it..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "--and so I'm stuck on this dumb date next week." naoya: ah. higuchi: sounds like a bummer. Gin: "...You could still back out of it." Akutagawa: "...I don't know. It would make things more complicated." naoya: just tell her you dont swing that way, whats complicated about that? Akutagawa: "...She seemed insistent." naoya: ah. Akutagawa: "...I wouldn't take the rejection well, if I was her." higuchi: ..... (yeah, based on how he handled the weretiger's rejection....) Gin: "You should at least have someone chaperone--" Akutagawa: "Tachihara offered--" naoya: oh boy. higuchi: oh dear god. Gin: "No." Akutagawa: "Well, how do I turn him down--" Gin: "Ichiyo, stop him." higuchi: already on it....how do i kick him in the balls through the phone? Akutagawa: "???" naoya: comedic physics? Gin: "...If you tell him we invite him to a threesome, I'm sure that would bring him over." higuchi:...........*higuchi.exe has stopped responding* Gin: "...I was kidding. But subterfuge is a good way to undermine him." *dials the number* "Naoya, you want to try?" -elsewhere- Motojiro: *listening to the music, captivated* leo:....(he seems to be enjoying himself...) ... {leo: *6 years old* *shiny eyes* <papa look!>} {Papa: <Yes, dear...> *watches with her*} {leo: OuO} {Papa: <She seems to be enjoying it...>} {mama: <indeed.>} {Papa: <Oh! Listen to that voice...>} {sister 1: <maybe one day, that'll be _you_ up there.>} {leo: <really?>} {sister 3: <yeah!>} {Papa: ^^ <If you put your mind to it...>} leo:...*sad smile* Motojiro: *glances at her* "..." *whispers* "How is it?" leo:...*wipes tear* i-im enjoying it. Motojiro: "..." *offers his handkerchief* *it is decorated with lemons* leo:...*small chuckle and wipes tears* Motojiro: ^\\\^ -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Done brushing?" sonia: yep. Chuuya: "And washed your face?" sonia: *nod* Chuuya: "Ready for your bedtime story?" sonia: *nod nod, holding her teddy* Chuuya: *tucks her in* "Once upon time, there was a girl, in a small village..." sonia: *listening, with mito on her lap* Chuuya: "This girl spent much of her time alone, except with her cat..." *pets Mito* mito: *mreow* Chuuya: "And while every home needs a cat, this girl needed something else: she needed a parent to be there, to provide what a parent should." sonia: ... Chuuya: "The child would need a safe home, with food in the cupboards--and for her cat--and the opportunities to learn all that a child has to in order to grow up into a smart, mature adult. One day, a prince was passing through town--where he saw the girl." sonia: was he a nice prince? Chuuya: "Hmmm...I'd say so. He may get a little upset if people made fun of his height...or his excellent choice in headwear..." *adjusts his hat* sonia: *giggles* Chuuya: "Hee hee...And the prince saw the girl--and he recognized her, having heard about this child, and the child's mother..." sonia:........*hug* Chuuya: *hug* "And he wanted to give that child the life her mother...would want." sonia:...thanks, papa. Chuuya: "Thank you, Sonia..." mito: =A=; sonia: sorry, mito. *pet pet* mito: =3= Chuuya: ^^; "Sorry..." *kisses Sonia's forehead* "Now, the princess needs to get her sleep." sonia: ok, papa. Chuuya: "Good night, Sonia." -saturday morning- zoey: happy birthday, kyusaku. Q: *huuuugs* >u< Ivan: -_-; zoey: do you like your gift? Q: *in a new jacket* *NOD NOD* Ivan: <Now he looks like a--> -CHOP- yana: <behave> Ivan: >_<# <Stupid cow, and that parasite with the ugly two-tone hair...> yana: <gonch, im worried for your health, all this salt cant be good for you. where are you getting all this salt, the ocean?> Ivan: <I still say we could get better medical help...> yana *rolls eyes* <i'll send the complaint to management then.> Ivan: *crosses his arms* yana: *pap pap* Ivan: TT_TT mushitaro: here. *hands him one of a box with one of fyodor's spare capes* enjoy. Ivan: QWQ *takes it--and inhales* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *yawn* "..." *checks his phone* -message from kouyou- Chuuya: *pulls it up* kouyou: [sleep ok?] Chuuya: [pretty well. you?] kouyou: [i slept well] Chuuya: [any plans for today?] -elsewhere- leo: ...... Kouyou: "Good morning." leo: good morning, miss kouyou. Kouyou: "Did you get home safely?" leo: yes. *she nods* Kouyou: "Did you have to use the taser?" leo: no, ma'am. Kouyou: "Well, that's good." *sets down tea* "How was the music?" leo:...nostalgic. *faint smile* Kouyou: *nods* "In a comforting way?" leo:...yes. Kouyou: "...I'm glad you went out. It's good to get out now and then." leo: ....mr kajii seemed to enjoy it as well. Kouyou: "Well, he does have surprising interests." leo: ... Kouyou: "He seems to enjoy your company." leo: *she nods* Kouyou: "Do you enjoy his?" leo:...i suppose. Kouyou: "..." *pat pat* "Give whatever you want time." leo: r-right. Kouyou: "Don't feel pressured: do what you want, not what he wants." leo: … Kouyou: "Now, we begin the day--" *opens the door* "..." -_-# "...This is for you." *holds up a gift basket...full of lemons* leo:....^^; Kouyou: "Make some tea with these at least." leo: ok. -elsewhere- Patty: "So you scored the interview?" liz: yep! Patty: "Sweet! Thompson sisters, the best teachers ever!" liz: hell yeah! high five! Kid: ".. Never thought I'd see this when first meeting you two." liz: life's full of surprises, eh? Kid: *smiles* "Yes." Patty: "...You condescending us, Reaper?!" Kid: .-.; liz: ^^; Kid: "N-Not at all! I was just saying it was surprising--" Patty: *noogies Kid* -elsewhere- Sakuya: *folding his clothes* "Think Sham is looking more stressed than usual?" naho: we should throw him a party! Sakuya: "That works...What does a Sham party look like? Fancy cheeses and small talk?" -elsewhere- Yohei: *checking off his list* "Tub scrubbed, ceiling dusted...How's fence repair going?" GET: *thumbs up* Yohei: "Good GET." *drops an apple core in his trash compartment* GET: ^o^ Yohei: "Saki, you finish moving the furniture?" saki: yep. *sets down the couch* Emine: *still seated on that couch* "..." Yohei: "...I told you to do the laundry." Emine: "I did." chie: half of it is pink... Emine: "It needed to be pink. Pink is close enough to blood." chie:.... oh, that reminds me. *pricks her finger* *phew* Yohei: ^^ "Let's get that bandaged up." -elsewhere- Hugh: *reviewing a log book* "Uptick in business thanks to the winter..." tetsu: that's good to know. *cleaning* Hugh: "But when the heat comes in, fewer customers...WE NEED A SALES PITCH FOR THE SPRING!" -elsewhere- Izuku: O_O;;; "This town is...busy." gran torino: it's a big city, kid. not as big as death city, but big none-the-less. Izuku: "I guess it just seems more...um, hipster?" gran torino: that it is, kiddo. Bystander #1: "...Who made your outfit, kid, your mommy?" Izuku: "...Yes. And it is awesome. Thank you." bystander 2: ._. ....ok then. Izuku: ^^ -elsewhere- manual: -so yeah, hosu is a pretty nice town to live in. unfortunately, some other places in the world arent as friendly to those with quirks, like chicago. but there are heroes like valkyria there that act as a beacon of hope. Iida: "I am familiar. It is challenging..." manual: still we shouldnt be discouraged. Iida: *quietly* "Hard not to be..." -elsewhere- Stain: "..." *pulls scarf closer* -a light snowfall covers the area- Stain: *looking down the alley* -silence- Stain: "..." *steps carefully* -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "Is this wise?" tomura: it has to be done tonight....if not...im gonna scratch all my skin off.... Kurogiri: "..._That_ is not wise." -elsewhere- Bakugo: "I just want you to know something, sir." best jeanist: oh? Bakugo: *holds up his smaller gauntlets* "I sweat. My sweat is explosive. These tiny pansy-ass gauntlets are not going to fucking cut it." -elsewhere- Fourth Kind: "I SAID FILE CHRONOLOGICALLY, NOT ALPHABETICALLY!" eijiro: YESSIR! tetsutetsu: QuQ -elsewhere- Lucy: *sets out a tray of cookies* "Eat up." atsushi: thanks. *nom* Lucy: "...We need to talk." atsushi: Q_Q did i mess up? Lucy: "No. I just wanted to let you know..." *brushes hair over her ear* "Look, I was fine sharing my bed with you..." atsushi:... oh... .///.;;; Lucy: "...Right. I'm just not ready for...that. Not today, anyway." atsushi: y-yeah...... .////.;;;;; same. Lucy: *smiles* "Good. Just...give me time, okay?" atsushi: i will. Lucy: "Good..." *wipes the chocolate off his lips with her finger* atsushi: ^///^ Lucy: "..." .\\\\. *quickly cleans it off with a napkin* -elsewhere- Tachihara: o______O *trying to hide from Higuchi and Gin* hirotsu: what did you do this time? Tachihara: "I roped in Akutagawa into a date." hirotsu: oh? Tachihara: "With a girl." hirotsu: is that right? Tachihara: "And since he's not really into that, and I was so forceful--" Gin: "Then you must die." higuchi: *loading pistol* Tachihara: ._______. "..." *LOUD HIGH-PITCHED SQUEAL* -elsewhere- Motojiro: "--and I think it went well!" Chuuya: "Well, glad to hear." Motojiro: =w= *sips his tea at the cafe* "How's it going, Sonia?" sonia: pretty good. school's nice. Motojiro: "Need help with chemistry? I can show you how to make a smoke bomb--" Chuuya: *glaaaaaare* sonia: im in 1st grade. Motojiro: "Never too early to try--" Chuuya: *imitating a 'cut it out' slice across his own neck* sonia: no thanks, im good. Chuuya: *decisive parent nod* Motojiro: "Okay...Students aren't giving you trouble, are they?" sonia: if you're asking if im being bullied, no. Motojiro: "Oh, good! I didn't like that as a kid..." sonia: ... Motojiro: "..." *sips his tea* >_> -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Here's your seat, sir." *gets up out of his on the bus* fukuzawa: thank you. *sits down* Shotaro: ^^ "Anything for the elderly." fukuzawa: ... *doesnt have the heart to correct him* Shotaro: "...You a samurai? I know a kappa who wields a sickle, which isn't the same as a sword but pretty awesome!" fukuzawa: do you now? Shotaro: *nod nod* "You ever meet a kappa?" fukuzawa: no, but i have heard stories. Shotaro: "You read a lot, sir?" fukuzawa: *he nods* *cough* Shotaro: "??? You okay?" fukuzawa: fine. -elsewhere- Iida: "..." manual: you ok? Iida: "!!! Yes, sorry. Was thinking about our schedule." manual: ah, good to know. we'll be on a patrol later this evening. Iida: "I look forward to it." *looking at the streets* -evening...- Izuku: "Sir?" gran torino: whu? whazzit? Izuku: "Sorry...I thought you wanted to go on patrol this evening?" gran torino: yeah, that. *hops up* ever take the monorail? Izuku: "Nothing that trendy, I'm afraid. Has Death City ever had one?" gran torino: of course, you just gotta know where to look. -elsewhere tomura: ah.....so this is hosu, huh? Kurogiri: "Yes...It has had a bit of a drop in crime..." tomura: well then, why dont we kick off the new year with a bang? Kurogiri: "..." *sighs, opens another gate* -3 creatures....nomus..appear- tomura: hey staaaain, if you can hear me, we brought the party to your stomping grounds! -on the monorail- Izuku: *looking through his phone* "Still nothing..." gran torino: waiting on a message from a special somebody, kid? Izuku: "Just my friend Iida..." ._. "N-Not like that! Not that there is anything wrong. But I'm seeing someone else--" -CRASH- Izuku: "!!!" lion man: w-what the hell even is that?! blue nomu: *SHRIEEEEEK* Izuku: "Nomu?!" gran torino: stay there, kid! *jumps and tackles the nomu out the hole in the wall* Izuku: "Wait, sir! That's not how--" *looks out the hole* -smoke and fire coming from downtown- Izuku: "No..." worker: everyone, please keep calm, the heroes and authorities have been alerted- Izuku: "..." *leaps out the hole, takes off running* worker: h-hey kid! kid get back here! it's dangerous! -elsewhere- manual: *running* this way! Iida: *follows--then sees down an alley* native: *groan* Stain: *looking to the side at the explosions* "...Who is that flashy fool just blowing stuff up randomly? Whatever. I'll take care of that target next...For now...I have to take care of you..." *pulls a knife aimed at Native* native: urk- (why cant i move? the blood...he-) Stain: "I will allow you to choose your last words. Choose carefully." native:....*glances*....!!! *A blur is approaching Stain--* Stain: "..." *slice* *A helmet goes flying* native: !! Iida: "!!!" Stain: "...Who are you, kid?" Iida: "..." *barely able to get up again...hard murderous stare at Stain* Stain: "...Leave, kid. This is no place for rugrats like yo--" Iida: "Red scarf. Blood red. Armed to the teeth...The Hero Killer Stain...I have been hunting you. I did not expect to meet so soon...I am--!" *FLIK* Iida: "!!!" Stain: "...Those eyes. Cybernetic, right?" Iida: "..." Stain: "Yet full of revenge...Watch your mouth, because your age and your condition won't save you." Iida: "..." *grabs the blade* Stain: "?!" Iida: *pushes it away, as he stands* "...You fail to see me as a threat. That is your first mistake, criminal. I AM THE YOUNGER BROTHER OF THE HERO YOU ATTACKED! THE HERO AMONG HEROES! AND FOR HIM, I AM BRINGING YOUR CAMPAIGN OF MURDER TO AN END! THE LAST MINUTES YOU HAVE, ALL YOU WILL REMEMBER IS MY NAME!" Stain: "..." Death the Kid: Iida: "I AM INGENIUM! THE HERO WHO WILL TAKE YOU DOWN!" Stain: "..." *stands still* Iida: "AAAAH!" *swings his leg for a super-fast kick--* Stain: *dodges* Iida: "?!!!" Stain: *flipping over Iida* "Ingenium..." *slams his foot down onto Iida's shoulder--the spikes tearing through Iida's armor* Iida: "Gah!" Stain: *lands on Iida's head, slamming his foot down--then his sword into Iida's shoulder* Iida: "ARRRRGH!" Stain: "...You feign heroism...like the fake you are..." Iida: "Silence, evildoer!" Stain: "..." *small chuckle* Iida: "I SAID SHUT UP! The damage you did to his spinal cord...My brother will be crippled forever! He can never be a hero again!" Stain: "Then he was never a hero to begin with--" Iida: "I SAID SHUT UP! ...He is a great hero! He has saved so many! And what have you done, murderer?!" {Iida: *shiny eyes at dinner*} {Father Iida: "Excellent work, son!"} {tensei: aw, its nothing. ^^; } {Father Iida: "It's certainly no small feat, I'll tell you that! You're this young but already command so many sidekicks..."} {tensei: i wouldnt say that. im not able to do much by myself, and they're all there to support me. i owe them a lot. heroes have to bear the weight of that title, right? then if my job helps at least someone, then im doing good at it.} {Iida: "..." *small smile*} Iida: "My hero...has inspired my dreams! I'll kill you!" Stain: "And what of him?" *points to Native* native: *passed out* Iida: "..." Stain: "Your instinct was to attack me, not to save him? You wield power for yourself. Your greed blinds you...That is the furthest thing for a hero. That is why..." *kicks Iida's head to the side* Iida: "AH!" Stain: *removes the blade from Iida's shoulder...licks...* Iida: "?!" Stain: *holds it over his left eye* "You must die..." Iida: "!!!" ("My body...it's frozen...") Stain: "Be pleased that your offering will improve our society." Iida: "I said...shut up!" {Iida: "I am thoroughly impressed, brother!"} {tensei: you look up to me that much? guess that makes me a great hero or something. *smiles*} Iida: "Regardless what you say--you remain the criminal who hurt my brother!" Stain: *grins...* -something rushes in- Stain: "Huh--" -KAPOW- Iida: "...Midoriya?" izuku: iida! are you ok? Iida: "...Why are you here?" izuku: like the news reports said. 60% of the hero killers victims were found in alleys. i searched all over the back alleys looking for you! Iida: "...Not 'how'...Why?!" izuku: why? because we're friends, right? *smile* Iida: "...Do not interfere." izuku: ?? iida? Iida: "This has nothing to do with you!" izuku: what do you- Stain: *stares at Izuku* "...That's a cute line, kid..." *rubs his cheek* "But these fakes must die. And in a fight between you and me, the weaker will be eliminated..." *intense stare* izuku: *frozen* {All Might: "Villains with agenda...'ideals'...have a different kind of fire burning in their eyes..."} izuku:...*fist clench* Iida: "I said leave, Midoriya! This does not concern you!" izuku: whats a hero supposed to do when you say those kinds of things? its like what allmight said. giving help when its not asked for....thats what makes a true hero! Stain: "...Ahh..." *stands* izuku: *charges forwards* Stain: *swings his blade* izuku: *ducks down* Stain: *swings again* izuku: *jumps up* -5% DETROIT SMASH- Stain: *head knocked down* izuku: *lands* (i did it!) Stain: "..." *licks his blade* izuku: !!!! (w-what?! i-i cant move...did he graze me without feeling it....no...it's the blood!) Stain: "...So many heroes think they need power...Is that what you think, kid?" izuku: ...... Stain: "Obviously not. You wouldn't have relied on only your power, or mentioned All Might...You have something these fakers lack: focus. Observation. You tracked me. You exploited my blind spot. Your movements, your skill...You aren't one of these fools who just talks...You...are worth keeping alive." izuku: ?? Stain: "These others are not..." *lifts his sword, aiming again for Iida's eye* izuku: NO DONT- *FWOOSH* *The alley lights up in flames* Stain: *barely dodges* izuku: !!! ???: "I need more than a GPS coordinate, Izuku." izuku: todoroki! Todoroki: *on fire* "Took me far too long to recognize the coordinates you texted as being this location: you're too organized to send out meaningless numbers." Stain: "..." *runs at Todoroki* Todoroki: *ice foot slam at Stain's steps* Stain: *leaps to the right* Todoroki: *fire-stream at Stain, as his ice picks up Native and Izuku* izuku: woah! native:...nngh....nhuh? *The ice carries Native and Izuku to behind Todoroki* Todoroki: "You will not have them, Killer." Stain: "..." izuku: whatever happens, dont let him ingest your blood, he'll paralyze you! thats how he got us! Todoroki: "..." ("Hence the blades. Just keep my distance--") *SHUK!* izuku: !!! Todoroki: "!!!" *dodges knife thrown at him* Stain: *already in front of Todoroki* Todoroki: "!!!" *spots blood on his own cheek* ("He grazed me!") Stain: *tosses his sword up* Todoroki: "!!!" ("Got to dodge--but--") Stain: *tongue out--* Todoroki: *blasts fire off his shoulder, arm, and leg* Stain: *leaps back* Todoroki: ("He depends on simultaneous attacks...") Iida: "Leave...This is my fight...I inherited my brother's name! I--" Todoroki: *slams ice down to form a wall, blocking Stain*"...'Inherited'? Yeah. I know that. But you, 'Ingenium,' never made those faces...Murderous. Violent. Vengeful. I thought my family had a dark side..." Iida: "Wh-What are you--" izuku:...*finger twitch* !! Todoroki: "Stop obsessing. I know it's not healthy when--" *CRASH* Todoroki: "!!!" Stain: "...Obstruction is rarely good enough. This is poor strategy--" Todoroki: *backs up, charges up his flames* -STAB STAB STAB- Todoroki: *clutching an arm, with three knives now in it* -VREEEEEEN- izuku: *he grabbed him by the scarf* Todoroki: "!!! How did you--" izuku: i think the paralysis has a time limit! native: but he was the last one to get hit, i still cant move. Stain: "..." ("Damn O...") *lands* Todoroki: "Get back, Izuku!" *sends ice at the floor* "Dodge it!" izuku: *dodge* !! Stain: *dodges* Todoroki: "How are you moving, Izuku?" izuku: i managed to break free, but i was the last hit. maybe there is a time limit? or some alternative reason? Todoroki: "Whatever it is, that makes you are best shot..." izuku: right. i'll get his attention while you take up the rear. Todoroki: "We have to delay him until Endeavor and the other Pros arrive. Dodge." izuku: right! Todoroki: "Remember, protect them..." izuku: *he nods* Stain: "Appreciate the plan to go two against one, boys..." Todoroki: "..." {Todoroki: "Mother...I want to know..."} {yuki: ??} {Todoroki: "To control this fire...what should I do?"} {yuki: ...use your flames to protect people. i believe in you...} -...- {ochako: why your dad's agency? after all that he-} {Todoroki: "To learn to control my flames..."} {ochako: ...is that the only reason?} {Todoroki: "...Regardless what he has done, he has the experience of someone long in this profession. There is something I can learn from him."} {ochako: .....} {Todoroki: "I don't like it. But I want to try, to move beyond this hate...I don't want it to consume me."} {ochako:...then you give it your all!} {Todoroki: "..." *nods*} Todoroki: (" 'My power is my own,' right? Then it's time I prove it--by saving Iida and the others first.") Iida: *watching...* "...Stop..." Stain: *on all fours--slicing at Izuku's ankle* izuku: GAH! Iida: "Please, don't...I can't take it..." Todoroki: " 'Can't'? ...THEN STAND UP AND FIGHT! Be the hero you want to become! Remember who you are!"
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The new girl this is a grease fic
The new girl: "Hello welcome to Rydell high school! What can I do for you?" "Oh I'm new my name is Jess!" " oh right the new senior!" The lady rushed around grabbing my schedule. "Thanks!" I breezed over the list. 1. English 2.mathmatics 3.pe 4.elective ( mechanical ) 5. Art Lunch 6.Science 7.history Can't wait for 4 th period!!! Slowly but surly I made it to fourth period. "Everyone this is Jessica! Today you guys can all work on your own cars, that is if you have your own car." I began to get excited. I pulled my car in the garage. Everyone stopped what they were doing to watch me work on the car. "Dang I wish we had a car like that!" Whispered one of the boys. One scoffed at the other. "You wish!" Another boy walked around my car. He crouched down inspecting the trim. "Man she's a beauty!" "Thanks" I replied. He looked up and smirked "I'm Danny" I shook his hand " I'm Jessica but just call me Jess!" "Wow! You got a strong grip!" I chuckled as I slid under my car. "Hey zuko! If you done flirting can we start on my car!" Asked one of the other boys. "I wasn't flirting!" "Sure!" Everyone said even our teacher. This made me laugh. "Everyone this class is over pull your cars back out and get to 5th period!" We all obeyed. Art! I might and I might not like this class. I slumped down into my chair, as one of the boys from earlier sat next to me. "Hi I'm kenickie!" "Jess" I responded as the teacher begun to talk. Today we were going to draw an angel that represented us best. I smirked as I scratched my drawing. Next I added color. Kenicki and I reached for the same color." Sorry" I apologized. "No it's cool you use it!" I smiled as I picked it up and addded the finishing touch. I looked at the clock. 15 min had past. "Miss Jessica are we finished?" "Yes" he looked at me like he was going to find a incomplete picture."I'm Inpressed with your work. What is this angel and what does it have to do with you?" " It's an angel from Hell. That's what my mom always called me, her angel from Hell" I let my smile fade as I recalled my mother. "Oh um well ok" I sat in silence as he walked off. "If you don't mind me asking why did your mom call you that?" " my mom always thought she was hell bond so she always referred to me as her angel sent from hell" " she's gone isn't she?" "Yeah" I looked down blinking the tears away. Kenickie put his arm around me and pulled me into a hug. "If you ever need to talk or just vent you come find me. I understand what you are going threw" before I could respond the bell rang. I got up and thanked him. I walked to my locker and ignored my lunch. I walked out to the bleachers to wait out lunch. 2 weeks at rydell. I had grown to like Kenickie. We understood each other. I stood outside the school and lit my cigarette. "Hey smoking bad for you" I passed it over to Kenickie. "And you give in to pure pressure." "Shhh! Don't tell my dad!" I chuckled. "There is a movie on this weekend , wanna go?" " why not? It's not like we have to study for biology!"he laughed as he took my cigarette in the middle of my puff. I looked up at him and laughed. "What!?!" "Good luck this weekend you won't be able to resist me!" Buzz..buzz. I picked up my phone. Kenickie : be there in 30! Me:ok c u then! I put my sexiest dress on . It was black, short, and hugged me in all the right ways. Walking to my window I saw that Kenickie was already in the driveway. I opened my window before shimming down the pillar. "Wow are you a pole dancer at night?" I chuckled and shook my head. "That dress looks amazing on you." "Yeah well it's not as comfy as it looks but thanks anyways!" We drove the short way to the drive in. We parked and shortly later, Danny pulled up next to us with Sandy. Next to arrive on kenicki's side was the girls. I focused on the movie as long as I could, finally giving up I lit a cigarette before passing it to kenickie. He took a puff and passed it back. I looked over to ask Danny if he wanted a puff but he had Sandy pinned down while kissing her. I watched kenickie for a while. I noticed how well his skin was tan, I noticed how toned his muscles were. "Like what you see there, jess?" I leaned in and whispered, "come on let's go back to my place and we can 'study'!" He nodded. The engine roared to life. " let's go to my place so we don't have to climb up your window." "Ok" I had almost forgot that. We turned into his driveway as he proceeded to help me out. We stood there staring at each other. He leaned in and kissed me nice and slow. I wrapped my arms around his neck. A light turned on in the house and we pulled apart. A younger boy walked out. "Nicki!" "Yeah!?!" "I'm scared!" "Of what!?!" I rested my hand on his arm and smiled. We walked together into the house and followed the young boy to his bedroom. " alright what are you scarred of?" He pointed at the window. "Oh ok" Kenickie opened the window and broke the branch off of the tree. "Better?" The boy nodded and climbed in bed. Kenickie smiled and we went down stairs. "Want some caffe or juice or water anything?" "No im good!" I sat down on the couch as a young pit bull walked up. I held my hand out for it to sniff. "You're smart most people just pet him so when he growls the can't figure out why" Kenickie and I got into a good makeout session when a man , who I assumed to be his father, staggered into the room. " Nicki you get away from her she's got the devil in her!!" "Oh hush Dad go to bed!" "No I want her out of my house ! You too for that matter! Right now!" Kenickie nodded and grabbed my hand and we left. "Kenickie?" "I'm ok it's just if I don't leave he will hurt my brother." I nodded. He drove to my house and before he could leave I reached over and took the keys out of his car. I continued to get out and unlock the front door to my house. He eventually followed me in by that time I had explained what was going on to my dad and step mom. They both were okay with it. " come on!" I pulled Kenickie upstairs with me as I opened my door to my room. I let him in and grabbed my pj's which use to be my mothers night gown. I was taller then her so it goes to mid thigh. "Kenickie can you unzip me?" He nodded and slowly unzipped my dress. I slid it off and the took my shoes off. I slid the night gown on next. I grapped a pair of sleeping pants and my dads old t shirt. I handed them to Kenickie. " tomorrow my dad wants me to take you shopping for clothes." "Wait your dad is ok with this?" "Yeah as soon as my aunt leaves town next month the guest bedroom is yours!" "Why?" " my dad works for the FBI so he thinks you should stay here for a while!" Kenickie nodded as i wanted for him to climb in bed. "What?" "I have to sleep on the right side so you have to climb in first!" He climbed in and I followed after him. "Why do u have to sleep there" "Oh just wait!" I turned my lamp off and all the sudden a large object jumped in between us. "Hey boy, did you miss me?" I flipped on the light. "You have a Great Dane!" Kenickie got extremely excited as he loved on the do. I chuckled and the light went back out. My dog eventually got down and Kenickie and I scooted closer to each other. "Where were we?" He asked. I continued to kiss him as he rested a hand on my hip pulling me closer. He moaned back as I bit his lip. He tugged on my hair as we moved together. I threw my leg over him and straddled his lap. He sat up and removed my sleeping gown. I grapped his shirt and tugged it over his head. Next he removed all of my remaining cloths. Once we were completely naked, he rocked his hips into mine making me moan. "Kenickie!" He just smiled as he continued to thrust into me . "I'm close" I warned. He just nodded. "Cum for me pretty girl! Come on you can do it!" I moaned as he encouraged me. I fell over the edge. Scratching at his shoulder as he worked me threw my high, shortly after he was following right behind me. "Jess!" I smiled as we laid down panting. "Wow you're really good!" "You're not so bad your self!" I chuckled as we kissed. The end
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