#daemons au
laze-art · 6 months
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the red-bellied black snake
Averaging around 1.25 m (4 ft 1 in) in length, it has glossy black upperparts, bright red or orange flanks, and a pink or dull red belly. It is not aggressive and generally retreats from human encounters, but can attack if provoked. - inaturalist.org
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davidstirlings · 1 year
SAS Rogue Heroes Daemons AU
Hello, I am here to once again encourage SAS: Rogue Heroes brain rot with yet another au (help I've fallen down the rabbit hole)
David Stirling - Cuckoo (adaptable, dreaming, foolishness, insanity, insecurity)
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Paddy Mayne - Tiger (strength, power, aggressiveness, leadership, courage, intelligence, passion, stealth, solitary, bringer of death and destruction)
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Eoin McGonigal - Spider (patience, creativity, sensitivity, protection, wisdom)
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(I can't stand spiders I'm afraid - arachnophobic - so no picture here, sorry)
Jock Lewes - Beaver (determined, visionary, defensive, inventor, fantasizer)
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Eve Mansour - Serval (independence, self-reliance, and self-interest for the sake of survival)
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Mike Sadler - Armadillo Girdled Lizard (adaptability, instinct, quick-witted, sensitivity)
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Reg Seeking - Honey badger (strength, fierceness, aggressive, endurance, survival, territorial, possessive)
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Johnny Cooper - Otter (playful, mischievous, kindness, happiness, luck, loyalty, and adaptability) (thanks to @just-barrow for this)
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Bill Fraser - Spotted hyena (loyal, courageous, social but also solitary, witty, smart, hunters rather than scavengers, territorial)
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Dave Kershaw - Ring-tailed Lemur (playful, kindness, happiness, social, leisure, alert) (credit to @rosescruensixxam for saying that Dave's lemur would be like King Julian - a sassy mf)
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Pat Riley - Red squirrel (playful, mischievous, social, passionate, trust, hardworking, resourcefulness)
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Jim Almonds - Hare (courage, prosperity, rebirth, change, vigour, aggressiveness, cleverness, love, sensitivity)
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Augustin Jordan - Great horned owl (wisdom, strength, fearless, decisive, freedom, stealth, protection) (thanks to @rosescruensixxam for helping me decide)
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André Zirnheld - Peregrine Falcon (fearless, authoritative, goal-oriented, freedom, intelligence, victory, power, speed) (thanks to @rosescruensixxam for helping me decide)
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George Bergé - Lioness (Pride, courage, power, natural-born leaders, authority, dignity, wisdom, fiery)
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Dudley Wrangel Clarke - Chameleon (adaptability, change, deception, intuition, transformation)
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Dr Gamal - Hummingbird (flexibility, healing, ability, unique, joy, enjoyment of life)
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Walter Essner - Doberman pinscher (alert, fearless, loyal, aggressive, impulsive, social, self-protection, misunderstood) (thanks to @wearebackbagels for helping with Essner)
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Herbert Bruckner - Common European Viper (impulsive, power, shrewdness, rebirth, deception, mistrust, temptation, death and evil) (credit to @wearebackbagels for this brilliant suggestion)
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General Auchinleck has a golden monkey daemon (like Marisa Coulter), and General Ritchie has a horse (don't ask me what kind, I don't know horses)
And that's about as far as I've gotten, so please, come yell ideas at me in the comments bc I'm sorta stuck for everyone else
@rosescruensixxam @wearebackbagels @elkro @just-barrow @onyxsboxes​ @adowbaldwin​ @invisiblegargoyl @bachaboska @kuro-anko @snitling @fergusfraserapologist​ @akatsuki-rin @queerevolutionaries​ @cloudyfacewithjam​ 
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stiltonbasket · 2 years
For the daemons AU, the two daemons' shenanigans during the library punishment where Wei Wuxian aids and abets them while Lan Wangji gamely tries to pretend he doesn't see anything?
Lan Wangji has a shameless daemon.
He knows of no remedy for this plight, for his daemon Yuchen (Wangji’s very soul in the shape of a beast, the essence of his own inner self) no longer obeys his commands. According to her, no Lan daemon can keep itself in check in the presence of a beloved one; and since Wei Ying is evidently Wangji’s fated person, made and matched for him in every way, Yuchen sees no need to maintain proper courtesy when Wangji and Wei Ying are alone.
She refuses to ignore Wei Ying’s Qingwan, even after Lan Wangji kneels by her side and begs her to leave the impossible creature alone. Qingwan is friendly with most of the daemons—and people—that Wei Ying knows, so he has noticed nothing strange about Yuchen’s queer behavior towards him; but Wangji is afraid that Yuchen will behave familiarly with Qingwan in public if she continues thus, and then his desperate efforts to conceal his feelings will be over.
“That is my goal.” Yuchen tells him one day, not unkindly. “He likes you, does he not? Why leave the poor boy in fear that his intended hates him?”
“Wei Ying is not a Lan, so he cannot possibly think of me as his intended so early. And if you would not pounce on his daemon every time we meet in private, then perhaps he and I could begin a proper friendship!” Lan Wangji snaps. “I do not deny that I care for him—how could I deny it? It is only that your impropriety is making everything worse.”
“And yet you will say nothing of your heart to him!” sighs Yuchen. “You have forced me to this trespass, Wangji. Do you think Elder Sister would have behaved any differently if Huan-ge had tried to deny Nie Mingjue?”
“Sister Yulan has never acted against Xiongzhang’s will. And anyway, Brother was four when he and Nie Mingjue met. It is acceptable for a child’s daemon to behave inappropriately, since the child is young and knows no better. But you—”
“I am you,” Yuchen says incorrigibly. “I have done nothing to Wei Ying’s Qingwan that you have not wished to do to Wei Ying yourself a hundred times over.”
Lan Wangji chokes and bites back a scream of frustration. He has not had a screaming fit in years—not since he was three years old, when the elders discovered that he had found a way to remain with his mother by sneaking Yuchen into the Jingshi—but quarreling with one’s own spirit is the most galling thing Lan Wangji has ever endured, and Yuchen does not seem remotely likely to give up.
Nevertheless, Lan Wangji endures, avoiding Wei Ying’s company when the other boy is alone and rejoicing in it when Brother or Jiang Wanyin are at hand to keep Yuchen from disgracing herself. 
But then Wei Ying is punished with lines for suggesting a new cultivation path (a dark path he called the guidao, having thought about it in sufficient detail to give it a name), and Lan Wangji is charged with the duty of supervising him.
“I cannot fulfill this responsibility,” he pleads, when Xiongzhang informs him of his new task. “Xiongzhang, please. Wangji begs to be excused.”
“Is Wei-gongzi so bothersome that you cannot even bear to be near him?” his brother asks, perplexed. “If he has been troubling you, then...”
“No! He has not been troubling me. The issue is nothing of his making, but I cannot go. It is impossible.”
At this, a light, sibilant voice speaks up from his brother’s collar.
“It is not,” Yulan rebukes him gently, lifting her scaled head from the warmth of Lan Xichen’s neck. “My meimei does not share your opinion, and since Yuchen is the heart of you, I will trust in her. Xichen, comfort our didi; but Uncle has given him a task, and the task must be fulfilled.”
Lan Xichen comforts him accordingly, fussing over Wangji until he escapes from the Hanshi with a pocketful of almond biscuits and Yuchen purring with mirth at his side.
After that, he goes straight to the library, hoping against hope that Yuchen will manage to control herself for the next shichen and a half. 
But ten minutes later, Qingwan is showing Yuchen how to leap along the tops of the bookshelves without toppling them, and Wei Wuxian is laughing at the two daemons’ antics from below.
“Don’t be so angry with Yuchen,” he teases, as Lan Wangji fumes over the precepts he was copying—for since his misbehaving daemon and all her faults were an inseparable part of him, he had decided to address her lack of discipline by punishing himself for his own. “Lan Zhan, aren’t we still young? We haven’t come of age yet, and your soul is still a youth’s soul. Why shouldn’t Yuchen play?”
“If Yuchen wishes to play, there is a full mountain outdoors where she may make free as she likes,” Lan Wangji says stiffly. “She has been rebellious of late, but your daemon still obeys you. Get Qingwan to stop provoking her.”
“My daemon is obeying me! I want to play, even if you don’t, so Qingwan’s just fulfilling my desires on my behalf.”
Suddenly, Wei Ying frowns and glances over at Lan Wangji’s sheet of parchment. “Ah? Why are you copying rules, Er-gege?”
“Shameless!” Lan Wangji cries, despite himself; but on the high shelf over Wei Ying’s head, he hears Yuchen purring with glee like a cat that had been fed with the best cream. “I—I am not. I was merely practicing calligraphy. I could not think of anything else to write.”
“Aiyah, how unfortunate! You have such beautiful calligraphy, so why waste it on something so dull? Aren’t we in the library? There must be plenty of poems you can copy, Lan Zhan. Look—” and here he turns around and draws a slim volume of poetry from the shelf at his back, thumping it down onto Lan Wangji’s writing table. “This one’s by your clan founder! He must have written most of your sect precepts, right? So, copying his poetry would be just as good.”
Helpless, Lan Wangji takes the book of poetry and opens it. He cannot insist on copying the sect laws without Wei Ying growing suspicious—for his beloved is sharp-witted, sharp-witted and wise, and it is nothing short of a miracle that Lan Wangji has contrived to hide his affection for him—so he picks a verse at random and settles down to copy it out.
But as luck would have it, Wei Ying happened to pick up the book of poems dedicated to Lan An’s wife; and since Lan An had loved his wife dearly, and built a clan on the strength of that love, every verse is so sincerely sentimental that Lan Wangji feels his ears burn.
Qingtian carves me a new heart with the birth of each new dawn, Lan An had written, about twenty years after his marriage and the founding of the Lan sect. And every heart, once willed into life, is wholly devoted to her.
Lan Wangji gulps. Was this how Lan An felt, then? Had he been transformed after his wife first met him, and altered so completely that it seemed as if she had given him a new-born heart to love with?
His hand trembles as he copies the last word of the poem; and yet he cannot stop himself from turning to the next page, torn between fear and frantic joy as he imagines himself two decades hence, composing poems for Wei Ying.
Only, perhaps it would not be a poem. More likely it would be a score on the qin, for Lan Wangji has long been mediocre at all things concerning the spoken word.
As he sits there wondering what kind of melody would fit Wei Ying, he lets his zhiyin and their two daemons drift from his line of sight. It will be a sweet song, he thinks, for Wei Ying is so beautifully kind despite his brashness; and yet it would have to be bold to match his beloved’s strength.
Suddenly, a piece of paper flutters onto his lap; and when he looks down, he sees that Wei Ying had drawn a flawless portrait of him, seated with Lan An’s book of poems in his hands and a peony tucked into his hair.
It is perfect.
“What do you think he’ll say about it?” Wei Ying says to Qingwan and Yuchen, who had jumped down from the bookshelves to see what was going on. “Dull, maybe? Or boring?”
“Very dull,” Lan Wangji replies, through the hard lump in his throat.
He lays the portrait down tenderly, flat on the table to keep it from being smudged or creased, and then he returns to his book.
Vaguely, he notices that the page he was reading seems to have changed. Lan Wangji didn’t think this volume was an illustrated copy, since an injury to his right hand kept Lan An from drawing for his later compositions—but then he looks closer at the faint lines of ink, and nearly combusts on the spot. 
For while Lan Wangji was busy marveling at the painting, Wei Ying had slipped a page of longyang into his book.
Lan Wangji throws the book to the ground and bolts upright, incensed. “Wei Ying!”
“I’m here! I’m here, Lan Zhan!” Wei Ying laughs, waving his lovely hands in the air—lovely despite all the mischief they bring, and how foolish Lan Wangji must be that he cannot help but think so at a time like this!
“What kind of a lawless creature are you?” he wheezes. “How dare you—?”
“What do you mean, what kind of creature? I’m a man! Don’t tell me you’ve never seen such things before.”
Lan Wangji draws Bichen from its sheath, determined to slash the offending page to shreds; but before he can bring himself to touch the thing, Yuchen bounds off the desk she was perched on and knocks Wei Ying flying.
“Help!” Wei Ying wheezes, crumpling to the ground as the leopard climbs onto his chest. “Lan Zhan, I didn’t mean it! There’s no need to turn to violence. I’ll go right now and leave you in peace! Yuchen, please—”
Yuchen opens her great white jaws and places her teeth near his neck, looking as if she were contemplating whether to bite down; but behind her, Lan Wangji can hardly stand, because his daemon is touching Wei Ying.
Wei Ying is touching his very soul, and the feeling is so raw and right that Lan Wangji falls to his knees.
“Do not do things that you do not mean,” Yuchen growls, her hot breath puffing over Wei Ying’s throat—and it is as if her breath is Wangji’s breath, warmed further by his beloved’s soft skin, drifting back to his own lips after touching Wei Ying’s. “You ought not to tease, either. And if you mean to do something, admit it. Elsewise, you will leave others in turmoil.”
Elsewise! Lan Wangji is already in turmoil, for though he is kneeling two yards away, it feels as though he has Wei Ying in his arms.
Somehow, he manages to pick up the leaf of longyang and burn it to ash with spark of his spiritual energy. Somehow, he manages to straighten his forehead ribbon and turn his writing desk the right way up again, all while his heart beats a battle-march in his bosom; for Wei Ying’s heartbeat is soft against his chest like the wings of a trapped bird, and this proof of Wei Ying’s dear life is so humbling that Lan Wangji wishes he could chase Yuchen away and kiss him.
But it is not to be, for Yuchen does not move; and before Lan Wangji can drag her back, Lan Qiren storms into the pavilion and descends upon them both with a bellow.
“Wangji!” his uncle roars, enraged. “Explain yourself! And you, Yuchen—cease touching Wei Wuxian at once!”
To Lan Wangji’s relief, Yuchen obeys, allowing Wei Ying to scramble to his feet and reach out to Shufu in supplication. 
“Lan-laoshi, isn’t not what you think,” he pleads. “I was bothering Lan Zhan, and Yuchen couldn’t bear it. Don’t be angry with them.”
“Silence! My nephew knows what he has done.”
Shufu glares at him, daring Wei Ying to make another sound; and when he falls quiet, Shufu turns to Lan Wangji looking almost purple with anger.
“If things had already come to this pass, you should have spoken,” he says furiously. “If you could not control your daemon in his presence, you should have let me know! Now that such a trespass has happened once, it will surely happen again, and then where will that leave our clan? What will happen if Yuchen touches him when the two of you are not alone?”
“Laoshi, it’s not Lan Zhan’s fault—”
Lan Qiren uses the silencing spell this time instead of reprimanding Wei Ying, and his gaze does not move away from Lan Wangji. “Well?”
Lan Wangji kneels.
“The fault was mine,” he says; and even then, with his uncle’s displeasure bent upon him like a scorching ray of sunlight, he cannot help but melt at Wei Ying’s clear worry for him, and resolve to protect this mingding zhiren of his until the end of his days. “Wangji only wished to make sure that Yuchen would not disobey in public, and did not think something like this would happen so soon. If Wei Ying is willing, I will take full responsibility.”
Wei Ying is more bewildered than willing when Wangji tows him up to the Hanshi; but when he learns that Yuchen had leapt upon him in a frustrated passion, and not anger, he flushes so deeply that Lan Wangji grips his waist and pulls him close for fear that he might faint.
The two of them are married late the next spring, and being wed to his love is everything Lan Wangji could have wished for and more.
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halloweenrager · 1 month
I would like to expand on a Yellowjackets x Daemons au that is kinda canon complacent.
Shauna discovers it snowed and that Jackie is still outside. Not only is Shauna and her daemon (not too sure what her daemon would be) trying to dust snow off of Jackie and wake her up, but is also trying to look for Jackie’s daemon (which her daemon would prob be a rabbit). Only to discover that Jackie’s daemon is nowhere to be found, confirming to everyone that Jackie did in fact die🥲
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
Daemons / Sentient Sword
🧡 Song of Suibian and Bichen: Or, the Greatest (And Only) Furby Master of Demonic Cultivation by moonwaif (T, 64k, WangXian, Fix-It of Sorts, canon adjacent, The spiritual weapons are furbies, Angst with a Happy Ending, The parent trap but make it WangXian with furbies, Mutual Pining, Taking my favorite parts of every adaptation and smashing them together)
🧡 like speaking to my heart by SnowshadowAO3 (T, 613k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Daemons, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canonical Character Death, Some people live!, additional warnings in specific chapters, if you don't know what daemons are that's ok because I explain it in the author's note, also by slow burn I VERY much mean slow burn)
The Grandmaster of Daemonic Cultivation by CaptainJojo (E, 104k, WangXian, ChengQing, XuanLi, Daemons, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, a lil bit of sexy in later chapters, Wangxian figures it out quicker, gratuitous bending of the rules of cultivation, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending, Metaphysical Sex, Daemon Touching, Canon Divergence, Eventual Happy Ending)
a shattering of souls by coffee_and_cardamom (M, 42k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Canon Compliant, Pre-Canon, Post-Canon, Canon Rewrite, Canon Temporary Character Death, Major Character Undeath, Angst with a Happy Ending, Heavy Angst, Comfort/Angst, Blood and Gore, Hurt/Comfort, Mildly Dubious Consent, Dubious Consent Due To Identity Issues, WWX in WWX's Body, YLLZ WWX, Oblivious WWX, BAMF WWX, POV LWJ, Protective LWJ, LWJ Character Study, Daemon Touching, Daemon Separation, Daemon Feels, Everyone Needs A Hug)
The Grand Master of Daemonic Cultivation by FayJay (G, 3k, wangxian, daemons au)
Kind of Evil by nirejseki (G, 1k, canon divergence, sentient swords, sentient sabers, BAMFs)
Crowded by nirejseki (G, 1k, NHS & WWX, wangxian, LWJ/NHS/WWX, canon divergence, different body offering ritual, atypical relationship dynamics, sentient sabers)
Close by nirejseki (Not rated, 11k, NMJ & Baxia, NMJ & NHS, body swap, sentient sabers)
Ch 25 & 33 of The Tales of Despereaux by stiltonbasket (T, 39k, wangxian, canon divergence, WWX summoned by QS, additional warnings in author's note when applicable)
the world passes by but for me there is only you by beeswaxing (E, 82k, wangxian, canon divergence, fix-it of sorts, accidental marriage, love confessions, first kiss, first time, horny teenagers, pining, fluff, everyone lives au, wedding night, emotional sex, golden core reveal) this one has sentient swords
Chenqing and Wangji Takes Matters Into Their Own Hands by HelloKitten (Not rated, 11k, wangxian, Bichen/Chenqin, fix-it of sorts, glimpse of future, time travel?)
If You Give a Cultivator a Daemon Series by ushauz (T, 23k, WangXian, XianNing, JC & WWX, Daemons, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation, Polyamory Negotiations)
@zeldacw seems to be this fandom’s originator of the Anthromorphic Weapons trope; those comics can be found under the tag 忘情隨塵 (WangQingSuiChen) and post on her Tumblr and on her Twitter @/zeldacw; inspired Kindred Spirits by EstelweNadia (Not Rated, 2k, WIP, Bìchén/Suíbiàn, Chénqíng/Wangji, Humor, Angst, Eventual Romance, Drama, Slow Build, Slow Burn)
Spiritual Weapons Have Feelings Too Series by meicairoubingfan (kiradyn) (T, 10k, Suíbiàn/Chénqíng, Anthropomorphic Spiritual Weapons, Pining, Weapons As People, Angst, Separation, Grief/Mourning, Loss, Romantic Relationships Between Weapons, But Also Platonic Relationships, Brotherhood, commiserating, Reminiscing, Good Guy JC, Good Brother JC, Established Relationship, Between A Sword And A Flute, Canon Compliant, Foreshadowing of Bichen x Suibian, Foreshadowing Of Wangji x Chenqing)
A somewhat unconventional family by DamieMontclair (T, 1k, Bìchén/Suíbiàn, sentient sword spirits, sentient first class spiritual tools, Little bit of angst, Recovery, Getting Together, Fluff, and dare I say...., Domestic Fluff) crackfic where the weapon and instrument spirits are a family in their own right
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spacewinter · 29 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Top Gun (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw/Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw & Natasha "Phoenix" Trace, Tom "Iceman" Kazansky/Pete "Maverick" Mitchell Characters: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Jake "Hangman" Seresin, Natasha "Phoenix" Trace, Tom "Iceman" Kazansky, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Daemons, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fluff, Light Angst, Pining Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw is Bad at Feelings, Apologies, Getting Together, First Kiss Series: Part 5 of bucky's TG AU bingo Summary:
All it took was one stupid drunken conversation for Bradley to totally ruin his chances with Hangman - even his daemon wasn't able to help. And 10 years later, he's still paying for that, pining for a man who probably hates him
Trust Natasha to make him get himself together and actually talk to Hangman, and possibly get himself a boyfriend. Who would've thought?
 or daemon au with stupid but adorable pining bradley, cool hangman, even cooler natasha, and ofc, happy ending
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eattherichplease · 1 year
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"She knew that, in a relationship, sometimes you have to compromise, make sacrifices. For Yoko, that meant morning classes instead of evening like the others vampires, and being kind of a lone bat for that reason. For Divina, it meant staying out of water most of the time… Compromises."
Chapter 6 of The Hare on the Moon, my wenclair-yokovina daemons AU fanfic is out.
Read Chapter 6: Where We Can't Follow
Art by: H. R. Millar
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Another screenshot of my Daemon AU:
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pinkaxolotl85 · 11 months
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After a week of me and @ro55ocorsa brainrotting about daemons and F1 men, here we are.
Forms chosen from the Daemonpage Analytic Index. It compares animal behaviour to human traits, rather than relying on symbolism. I'll see about possibly putting links and further thoughts in a reblog.
Public personas differ from real identity, and we don't presume to know more than that. Typing is on ✨vibes✨ not close inspection.
Edit: Fixed Tsunoda's name order, please reblog this version instead.
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artaxlivs · 11 months
I’m just out here recommending this Steddie daemon fic because it was seriously so great. Dustin with a raccoon daemon?? That’s so on point. Anyway, I didn’t write it  @sparkle-fiend did and I don’t even know if I follow them but if not, I’m gonna now. Anyway, here it is, you should read it. (I do follow them, look at that! I have great taste.)
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lucrezianoin · 4 months
be... be kind... it is my first wyllstarion fic :'D
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laze-art · 8 months
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^ this was meant to be a set based on the best has yet to be by thinkpink au with daemons
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brimstone-cowboy · 1 year
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I’ve been Terror daemon posting on Twitter
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stiltonbasket · 1 year
Qns for daemon au: does cultivation bb!Sizhui come about here? Actually, if the entire Wen dominating the world and subsequent core loss doesn't happen in this au, then it'll be homemade A-Yu and A-Lan?
Yes and yes. (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
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btschooseafic · 10 months
AO3 Recs
The Wild Adventures of Pinkish Tough Bunny Cooky and Super Curious Tata by cuttothequickk [completed]
taehyung x jungkook, namjoon x seokjin x yoongi, hoseok x jimin, bt21, lowkey his dark materials au cause daemons, college au, some smut
Taehyung and Jungkook get off on the wrong foot when they first see each other’s souls. / really good! i wish there were more fics with bt21 characters as lil buddies...
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supersao · 1 year
So, we have a new season of His Dark Materials and now I have the need to make a Lucemond AU about it. Bear with me and my awful edition skills.
Lyra's World has a big problem that we call the magisterium. While Will's doesn't, but they don’t have daemons.
I want to change it in this au, Luke will be from Lyra's World, with the diference that they don’t have the magisterium. Meanwhile, Aemond is from Will's World where they do have the magisterium but not daemons.
How will it work? Easy.
The Targaryens are the only ones to know tye secrets between worlds, they can travel across them thanks to the windows that are left.
Viserys was a explorer from Lyra's World, that got lost in Will's and decided to form a new family after his wife death, Aemma.
He married Alicent (A woman who is loyal to the Magisterium) and had 4 children (Aegon, Helaena, Aemond and Daeron) with her.
Daemon never stopped looking for his brother, so when he finds him he is angry.
Rhaenerya is not the little girl that Viserys left behind, now she is a mother of 5 (our Strong boys from Harwin, her first Husband and Aegon and Viserys from Daemon). When Viserys introduce her to Alicent, she is disgusted with the marriage between Rhaenyra and Daemon.
Now, with the important story.
Luke is Lyra (without the parents issues) and Aemond is Will.
Aemond hears the conversation between his parents, and accidentally finds a window to Cittagatzee, where he bumps into Luke and Arrax (Luke's daemon).
He is fascinated by the bond between the boy and daemon, so he begins to question what his mother had said about the world his father came from.
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But he doesn't have time, the other kids are telling him that it's almost his time, and he doesn't understand it.
Then he saw what can the spectres can do, and he is afraid.
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He tries to go back, but there is no window any more.
Luke with the alethiometer helps, tells him about the subtle knife, which can protect him. Both of them decide to find it.
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But when they do, there is a cost that has to be paid. And that it's Aemond's eye.
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Luke feels bad about it, but Aemond try to convinced him that it was a fair exchange. When Aemond learns that he can use the knife to create a new window, he is happy.
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Unfortunately, when he returns, he finds out that the magisterium is willing to end the world of "heretics" where his new friend comes from. And everything is being led by his mother and grandfather.
Now he will have to choose between his family, and do the right thing.
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