#cyro sleep
goodbirb · 2 months
Isn't it fucked up Warren accepted to be cyro frozen With the risk of memory loss because he didn't want to be responsible for his life. And when he did lose his memory he still wanted the same thing... It's like the only way to get rid of your problems is to face them
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wkemeup · 2 years
In Every Lifetime
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summary: When Bucky’s first love from the 1940′s is found alive in cyro, he begins to question whether you’d turn from him in fear or disgust. 
pairing: bucky x reader
word count: 5k
warnings: angsty angst (with a happy ending), bucky’s sad internal dialogue, 
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Bucky had half a mind to wonder whether his heart might truly escape his chest. It pounded infernally against his rib cage; violently shaking against the bones until they splintered and cracked, he was certain he might look down at the SHIELD emblem on his sweatshirt to find blood soaking through the fabric. Or perhaps the bones of his sternum piercing through his skin. Hell, he might have left his heart on the tile a few paces behind him – throbbing on the ground, exposed to the elements.
He hadn’t so much as taken a breath since he caught word of what Stark uncovered in the Atlantic. It was only meant to be an exploratory mission; a simple means of honoring his father’s legacy by scanning the ocean depths in search of a history Howard had idolized in his time. Simple, apparently, to a billionaire with nothing but time on his well-manicured hands.   
But Stark had uncovered a sunken Hydra warship instead; filled with stolen paintings, priceless jewels, and artifacts of a lost era. To the surprise of the men piloting the underwater craft, the ship had also housed dozens of cryochambers; ones occupied by German and Russian soldiers still dressed in their formal military garb and ice crystalized on their skin. Human bodies still preserved, still alive after decades on the ice. 
There was only one chamber housed by a civilian – no, a prisoner.  
Bucky had heard the whispered rumors through the hallway; seen the sharp eyes glancing curiously in his direction. He’d gotten used to it over the years, but there was something in the cautious hesitation of the agents around him that made the hair on his right arm stand on edge. They were waiting for him to snap. It was personal, he realized quickly – whatever Stark found.  
Your name was only said once, but it was enough.  
He ran until his legs felt weak; weaving through the seemingly endless hallways within the compound. On a decent day, agents cleared a direct path when they caught sight of Bucky. He’d walk with his head down, hands shoved tight into his pockets. He’d make himself as small and unthreatening as possible; baseball cap over his head and a long sleeve jacket to hide the blinding silver on his arm. Still – they carefully moved from his path as if he were little more than untrained animal.  
This time – they spared no pretense of eggshells as they threw themselves towards the walls. Classified documents fluttered into the air when he nearly collided with a terrified intern though he managed to swerve just in time to put a dent into the wall instead. Tight gasps followed with hands flinching to weapons on hips in the sudden panic. 
Bucky kept on – channeling his attention only on his next step. Only on the next tile under his foot.
He couldn’t allow himself to process what he might find at the end of the hallway. He couldn’t. Because then he’d think of the letters you'd once sent him when he was curled at the base of muddied trenches, how he’d clung to the fragile papers in his sleep and folded them tightly to the breast pocket of his shirt. He’d remember how he used to tap a hand against that same pocket each time he crossed the line into battle, how it had garnered him strength he hadn’t known he’d had. He’d let himself ache for the letters that kept him alive until the steel pipe fractured under his weight and he dropped into the ravine – the handwritten words he’d read over and over again until tear marks blurred the ink; letters of the future you’d planned when he returned home to you.  
Bucky couldn’t allow himself to think of that, because then he’d wonder whether you cried when his letters stopped coming, if you’d grieved for him. He’d wonder whether something broke inside your chest when you realized he was never going to be yours again; if you sobbed and cursed at the world for taking away the one thing you ever dared to want for yourself. If you shattered like he had the day your image returned to his memory.  
If he let himself think of you, he might question whether you’d found the future you had once promised him with someone else.  
Bucky never had the courage to find out what happened to you after all these years. It was an act of masochism, he reasoned, to read about the love of his life in pages on a computer screen; moments he was supposed to share with you as you met him at the end of the aisle, as he held your hand as you gave him a child, as he kept you warm and safe and loved all your years. A life stolen from him by the war – by Hydra. A love he should have been able to give and earn in return.  
He couldn’t put himself through the pain of knowing – to be an outside observer to a life he would have traded everything to have. 
Bucky had loved you so fiercely, he couldn’t stomach the thought of someone else standing in his place. He wished for your happiness – always, above all else, at his own expensive if he must. But he would not torture himself with it. 
So, he never dared to search for you after he escaped Hydra and found his memories again. He didn’t want to know whether your last name had changed, if you’d gone on to have a wonderfully happy life as if you’d never known him at all, if you had children you adored, if you now laid in a grave beside a man who wasn’t him.  
The shame of it – the selfishness – ate him alive.  
He wondered if you knew all that time as he held your letters in his shaking hands amongst the echo of gunfire that he would have sent his blistering soul across ocean currents in search of you, if only to grant you the love you deserved. 
Bucky was only a few paces outside Stark’s main lab room when he hit a brunt wall of muscle.  
“Buck, stop,” Steve warned, his hands digging sharply into Bucky’s shoulders as he tried to shove his way around his friend. His left arm gave no leeway to Steve’s strength, while his right began to ache under the pressure. Steve gritted his teeth, pushing Bucky to the edge of the hallway. “You gotta let me talk to you first.” 
Through the windows, artifacts from the Hydra warship were laid out upon countertops, surrounded by dozens of techs as they methodically de-iced the valuables and cataloged classified information for Fury before it would be turned over to the proper channels. Further into the room were pieces of the ship itself as if Stark meant to reconstruct the damn thing on solid ground. Bucky winced at the massive emblem of the skull and tentacles painted on a large steel slab of the recovered ship – faded in its time and weathered by the water, but it still managed to meet his eye and mock him.  
“Steve,” Bucky choked out, not sure what else he planned to say after that as he caught sight of the series of cryochambers lined up against the back wall. His heart clenched, as did his hands. “Tell me I’m wrong. Tell me... Tell me I’m being crazy. Tell me it’s not her.” 
It was a curse to know his best friend as well as he did, Bucky realized. Because he could read every slip in the carefully constructed mask upon Steve’s face, every line on his ageless skin, every twitch of a muscle in his jawline. Steve released Bucky’s shoulders and his features warped into an awful expression of remorse. Corners of his lips tilting down, a slight clench of his teeth. A line crossing his forehead just above his brow.  
Steve’s gaze slipped down to his feet and with it, Bucky's stomach.  
“No,” Bucky all but whimpered, stumbling a single pace until his back met the glass. “No, she—she was supposed to be happy, Steve. She was supposed to move on with her life. How—How did she—” 
“Stark’s got people working on it,” Steve answered quickly before Bucky could spiral further. Bucky’s focus shifted back the windows of the lab and as if Steve could read the next question on his friend’s mind, he said, “It’s really her, Buck. I don’t know how or why, but it’s her. And she’s alive.” 
Bucky would have lost his balance if not for the wall propping his body up. He could still feel his heart beating somewhere in his chest – suffocating him, smothering him. Or maybe it was still laying on the ground by the doors to the east wing evading the careless steps of rookie agents rushing through their drills. Maybe his chest was empty. Maybe that was why he felt so numb.  
“Is she awake?” His voice was barely a whisper.  
Steve shook his head. “Sam is going to be there when she does.” 
Bucky narrowed his eyes, a scoff that burned like jealously in his throat. “Sam?” 
He earned a glare in return. 
“We have to assume she still believes both of us to be dead, Buck,” Steve explained, resting a hand against his hip. “You can’t throw her into shock by just walking in the room. A lot had changed since she last saw you. She doesn’t know where she is or when she is. Her last memories will have been on that Hydra ship. She’ll likely be on defense from the moment she wakes.” 
A sticky residue slid along Bucky’s palm and he looked down to find blood trickling from the ends of his fingers where he’d dug his nails into his skin. It was only then that he remembered the sleeve of metal on his left and the history it carried.  
There was relief, he realized, in the stories he’d tortured himself over of the life you might have had without him. If any of it were true, you never would have known what became of him. You’d never have to meet the Winter Soldier or witness the hand that doled out such violence over the decades. You’d never know the monster he’d become.  
You’d have lived a peaceful, happy life free of his demons and the blood he spilt. He’d never have to confront the possibility you might take one look at him and cower in fear of what he’d done, of the man he turned into – that you might not want him anymore.  
“We don’t know the timeline of when she was captured,” Steve continued, his voice wary now, tentative, “but we know she was found wearing a field nurse uniform.” 
Bucky blinked; the air pulled from his lungs. 
No, that couldn’t be right. Bucky had committed all of your letters to memory. You would have told him if you were studying to be a field nurse, if you’d intended on shipping yourself out to the front. It would have ruined him – the thought of you amongst the violence of the trenches like he was. He could suffer his own burdens tenfold, but he could not tolerate the thought of you in such danger. It would have drowned him. He would have remembered that agony.
“I’m as surprised as you,” Steve said in what sounded like a sliver of an apology on his tone, “but Stark’s certain. It’s authentic.” 
Bucky swallowed. It tasted bitter. Blood, maybe. Or bile.  
“Sam will call for us when she’s ready to talk,” Steve said upon noticing the slight discoloration in Bucky’s skin. 
Bucky didn’t say anything else but he managed a short nod. Then, he was left on his own; he and the hoard of demons digging their vicious claws into his spine, dragging him back to the darkest corners of his mind.  
It was three days before Sam called for him.  
It wasn’t fast enough. It was too soon.  
Bucky almost looked over his shoulder for the shreds of his heart on the tile floor as he made his way to the med bay. His right hand was sore and bruised from the long nights in the gym – breaking and reopening old wounds on his knuckles against the leathered bag. The thinly healed skin nearly fractured as he drew his hand to a fist to stop the shaking.  
He did his best to keep himself centered on the facts – that you’d enlisted yourself as a field nurse mere hours after learning of Bucky’s presumed death in the alps, that Hydra had taken you and your squadron captive one month before the end of the war, that you’d been declared MIA shortly after and, like him, history believed you dead.  
You took the news of waking to the future in stride – better than Steve had apparently. It didn’t surprise Bucky one bit given your affinity for technology and Howard Stark’s Expos you had eagerly joined him to every year. You were always stronger than anyone gave you credit for. Stronger than him, certainly.  
Sam told him you were as helpful to the SHIELD analysts as you could be; giving full reports on everything you could recall before you were put under the ice, from the shift of the Hydra guards to the small talk you’d once overhead from your cell. It was information that would have decimated Hydra’s forces had an Allied warship rescued you before the ship met its home at the bottom of the Atlantic. It did little use to them now than to help to locate old bunkers and destroy the remnants left behind, but it was one less Hydra base on the map and Bucky’s chest was a little lighter knowing only rubble remained in its place.  
Steve was the first of them to visit you.  
You’d been prepared for it, told by Sam a full two days after you regained consciousness. He waited until your vitals were strong, until you’d grown as accustomed as you could to the news of the twenty-first century before he’d told you of Steve’s survival. It was meant to be a test; to see how you reacted to Steve before they dared to bring up Bucky.  
It wasn’t the same, Bucky had tried to argue. Not for the nature of your relationships, but because of the separate lives they led in the years since you last saw them. 
Steve had gone down as a hero in the forties and that hadn’t changed when he woke from the ice. He was an idolized symbol of selfless courage. He was Captain-fucking-America. 
But Bucky? Bucky had spent those years mutilated into a weapon. Tortured. Beaten into submission. His mind warped from his body and weapons placed in his hands. He’d been made into a killer, a monster. He wasn’t whole – not mentally, not physically. He bared little resemblance to the version of the man you’d once written letters to until tears spilled to the fragile paper – letters that had kept him from crumbling under the pressure of war and the weight of responsibility on his young shoulders. He wasn’t the man you once knew.  
Steve had grown more cynical over the years and now bore a wall around his chest after the loss of Agent Carter, but he was still the same man who crossed enemy lines in search of his best friend and brought an entire squadron back with him. He was still the hero who sacrificed himself to the ocean to save New York. He still looked like that man you remembered. 
Bucky flexed his left hand, examining the sharp reflection of impervious metal. This hand held no memory of you the way his right once had. It had not held your weeping frame the night his number was called on the radio and his life was committed to an army he’d never volunteered for. It had not sweetly brushed the hair from your eyes or warmed your frozen fingers on cold winter nights. It had not touched you with adoration and awe until you came apart under bated breath.  
No, this hand was violence incarnate. It was born of vengeance and blood. It had no place near the woman he loved. He’d sever it from his body if he could, if only it would ease the fear you might hold in your eyes when you finally saw him again.  
He cut his hair, foolishly hoping it would be less jarring for you to see him this way. He’d done away with the shoulder length locks shortly after moving into the compound, following Sam’s ridiculous advice that a physical separation from the Winter Soldier might do him some good. He never told Sam that he flinched a little less, hated his reflection a little less, each time he looked in the mirror after the scissors had done their work. Perhaps he should have.  
He'd trimmed the edges himself in a dimly lit bathroom the evening he learned of your survival. It was a little shorter than he kept it in recent months, but it reminded him of the cut he had the day he was shipped overseas. He hoped it might be familiar to you, that you might look at him and see the man who had once held the tips of your fingers through the open window of an Allied war ship until it pulled from the dock and you disappeared from view.  
Sam had told you the basics of what happened to him all these years. Bucky had insisted upon it, though he did not offer an explanation why. He did not tell Sam that he thought you might change your mind upon learning the truth of his past, that you might fear the monster he’d become. He didn’t know if he’d survive the rejection if he saw it on your face.  
Sam had only furrowed his brow at Bucky’s request, as if he’d read straight through his sharp inflections and taunt expression, but he’d agreed to share Bucky’s past with you.  
You’d still requested to see him.  
Bucky wasn’t sure what to make of that. Perhaps you wanted to confirm what you’d been told with your own eyes or you wished to grant him the closure to your relationship neither of you had gotten before you walked out of his life completely. Either way, Bucky caught himself looking for pieces of his shattered heart down the long hall to the med bay. 
By the time he reached the door to your room, he was certain he was going to be sick. He’d prepared himself the best he could for the rejection he was certain to find upon your features; fear or disgust or pity – he wasn’t sure which would hurt the most. He steeled himself against the wall, trying to find his courage when he heard your voice for the first time in seventy years. 
He thought he’d remembered the gentle inflections in your tone, the smile and the levity in your voice. He thought he’d held a clear enough picture to not be brought to his knees by little more than the soft laughter you shared with Sam Wilson as he told you stories of his early days as Captain America’s wingman. He thought he’d be strong enough for this.  
He was wrong. 
“Buck?” Steve’s voice nearly startled him out of his skin. Steve glanced into the room where you were sitting cross legged on the bed with Sam sitting in the folding chair to your left, before he turned back to his friend. “You ready, pal?” 
Bucky swallowed, though it did little to coat his dried throat. He shook his head.  
Steve gave a short nod of understanding and took one step into the room. Your laughter hushed behind muffled hands as Sam shushed you playfully as if the teacher had just strolled into the detention room.  
“Sam, a word?” Steve requested, gesturing to the hallway. Even from his position behind the wall, Bucky could still glimpse the tight expression on Steve’s face through the doorway. Sam must have picked up on who was waiting on the other side of the door and quickly excused himself.  
Sam didn’t scowl at Bucky like he’d anticipated as he stepped into the hall. Instead, all he offered in his expression was a soft encouragement. Lips curved subtle into a smile, a short tap of his hand on Bucky’s shoulder. Sam and Steve disappeared down the end of the hall without another word.  
Bucky exhaled a tense breath and did not allow himself the time to reconsider before he stepped into the doorway. He did not dare to look up when he heard the sharp intake of your breath or the rustling of the sheets as you scrambled quickly to your feet. He only caught a glimpse of the navy-blue sweatpants provided by SHIELD and your bare feet on the cold tile as he stepped closer. It was enough to bottom his stomach.  
You shifted your weight. Nervously, he realized.  
“I—” Bucky started, though his voice came out broken and raspy. He swallowed, trying to find his voice again. “I know this is a shock and I—I don’t want to make this harder for you. I’ll answer any questions you have. I’ll tell you whatever you want to know and then I’ll— I'll leave you be. You won’t have to see me again.” 
He flexed his left hand in the pocket of his hoodie, hiding the metal fist from your view. He was certain you might be able to see through the fabric completely and uncover the monster underneath. But you did not cower in fear of him. You did not speak at all. Bucky couldn’t will his gaze away from the floor. 
“I know Sam told you what happened to me,” Bucky continued, if only to break the agonizing silence. “You know about Hydra and... and the Winter Soldier. You know what I did for them. What I was. What they... turned me into.” 
It was a question, he realized as the words left his lips. He couldn’t be certain whether Sam had held up to his promise because you had yet to move from your position – holding firm, steady, in his presence. He expected you to flinch when he spoke, to wince as he took a step in your direction. But you did not move. You barely took in a breath.  
“So much has changed,” Bucky whispered, his voice breaking. “I’m not... I’m not the man you remember. The things Hydra did to me... The things I’ve done...” 
“It's really true?” your voice fluttered through Bucky’s senses enough to steal the words from his tongue. Light and beautiful and still, etched in an agonizing weight he couldn’t understand. “Sam had said but... I couldn’t believe it. I was afraid to.” 
Bucky winced; his gaze still centered on the floor. Of course, you'd be afraid of him. Of course, you’d be frightened of the thing he’d become. He tried to swallow the tang of copper in his mouth and found he could hardly even will himself to breathe. He took a hesitant step back.  
But your breath hitched as he put space between you, as if you’d been burned, and you reached a hand to him. It landed so gently against his left forearm that he almost hadn’t noticed it. His gaze sharply snapped to your hand as your finger squeezed against solid metal shielded only by the fabric of his sweatshirt. Your thumb brushed over the ridges on the cloth.  
“I was afraid to believe you’d really survived,” you explained gently, the thick ache of tears in your tone. “I was afraid to hope. To allow that for myself.”  
You drew back a shaken breath and Bucky dared to let himself peer at the very edges of his vision, only enough to see the relief of a smile on your lips. You were as beautiful as he remembered; your eyes always too impossibly kind for what he deserved. You looked at him with such grace, such love, he didn’t know what to make of it. How to process it. He wondered how you could even stomach looking at him.  
“Sweetheart,” you eased and his knees nearly buckled. Your hand slid up his arm, tender touches against the machine he despised until your chilled palm rested on the side of his face. Always cold, he remembered. He'd spent so many evenings trying to warm your frozen hands between his own, taking any excuse you’d give him to hold you a little while longer.  
“Sweetheart, look at me,” you asked again.  
Bucky could never find it in him to deny you, not even when he knew it would crush him.  
Slowly, he lifted his eyes, allowing himself to take in the details of the freshly laundered SHIELD sweatshirt and the slight discoloration in patches of your skin he recognized as burns from the ice in cyro. He let himself really look at you for the first time since he left you behind on that dock and a sob crept up to smother him before he could shove it down.  
Your arms were around him in an instant, pulling him tight to your chest as you eased him to sit with you on the edge of the bed. He felt the gentle trace of your palm over his spine, in his hair, along his cheek, and it shattered every piece of him. Broke him and remade his soul again under your touch as his body trembled in your arms.  
Only once he was able to catch his breath again, did you say, “I’m so proud of you.” 
Bucky looked at you, stunned, and it earned him a soft smile in return.  
“You survived more than anyone has ever endured – awful, terrible things,” you continued, brushing your knuckles gingerly along the side of his jaw. “You survived and you kept your promise. Seventy years later. You came home to me.” 
His lips parted, features softening in disbelief. He licked at his lips, heart racing. He shook his head. “But I— The things I’ve done—” 
“I know. I know and I’m still here.” You took his left hand into yours, pushing up the sleeve of his sweatshirt and revealing the metal beneath. You did not wince at you touched the cold vibranium, did not contort your features in disgust or fear. Instead, what crossed your face was an expression of gratitude.  
“I slept through those decades while Hydra controlled you and hurt you,” you said, your voice thick with regret, “but you’re safe now. You’re here, among friends. Among family, from what Sam tells me.” You smiled at him then, something bright and wonderful enough to loosen the chains in his chest. “And I... I know time had passed differently for us. I know that you have lived decades while I slept. For me, the news of your death came mere months ago and I—I still love you, Bucky. I will always love you. In whatever form you come to me in. With whatever past. I will take you. I will always take you. But I would understand if you—” 
Bucky hadn’t realized his own courage until his lips were on yours. Too sudden, perhaps. Maybe too soon. But after an agonizing second of shock, he felt your smile press into his cheeks as you relaxed against him, as you kissed him back for the first time since he was called to the front lines.  
He wasn’t good with words. Not these days. So he hoped he might be able to convey everything he could not say with this kiss. 
That he could not fathom a world where he could willingly say goodbye to you again. That he loved you even on the days he did not remember your face or your name. That he would learn to forgive himself with the kindness and compassion you so easily granted him. That he would give his soul to whatever god was responsible for bringing you back into his life again, even if it was Tony Stark.  
You were breathless when you pulled away, though Bucky could have happily drowned to kiss you just a moment longer. Your lips were swollen, your eyes glossy. He could have stayed in that moment forever if time would let him, would preserve that memory under glass and steel if he could. You laughed then, as you always had after he’d left you flustered, and for a moment, Bucky remembered what it felt like to be the man you loved. Full. Whole. Happy.  
“I never stopped loving you,” he exhaled, his voice stronger than it had been in days. 
“But it’s been so long,” you asked, whether it was in challenge or awe of his confession, he didn’t know.  
But Bucky merely shrugged and traced the edges of your swollen lips with his thumb. “I promised you a lifetime once. I’ll give you this one too if you’ll let me.” 
It seemed as though he’d been the one to render you without words this time as your only response was to kiss him again – softer, gentler than before, tender and chaste. Your fingertips lingered on his cheek as you pulled away, looking at him no different than you had all these years ago – like you saw every ounce of good in his bones and loved him desperate enough to forgive the rest, even when it could not grant it to himself.  
He was different now. He knew he was. And he supposed you were, too. 
But the love still remained. Unconditional. Unwavering.  
In this lifetime, the one before, and whatever came next.  
Thank you so much for reading! ❤️ If you enjoyed this fic, please consider supporting me at my ko-fi account ✨
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myabsurddreamjournal · 6 months
(part 1)
Soldier Boy x Fem! reader
Summary: Reader is a scientist who is forced to work at lab that they keep soldier boy frozen, she talks and cries to him when she is alone, thinking he can't hear her but he hears everything.
warnings: None, im a ace so my character and story is going to be asexual💜
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she slowly approached to cryo where they kept him frozen. it has been a while since she had a opportunity to do this. Since she was taken here they always kept an eye on her, watching every move, punishing any sign of disobedience. It didnt take long for her to learn to be silent, be obedient. scar on her arm reminded her to keep her mouth shut every time she wanted to question something they do. She still remembered the pain. It was her second week here, and she made a mistake of asking why they kept him frozen for almost 40 years. She got the scar for her mistake. The sound of her bone breaking... She could still hear it.
Teardrops started to fall from her eyes as she opened the door of cryo, whenever she was alone she was crying now. It almost became a ritual, sitting on floor with her head hanging low while confessing and apologising to him. Who looked like a statue of a almighty god.
"Hello Ben" she opened her mouth. It made her feel weird hearing her voice saying something other than "yes", or "sir"
"its september 19 today, your birthday isn't it?" she was crying harder now. "i read your file other day. It says you had a rough childhood, me too you know, and now we are both prisoners here. What a fate huh?" she looked at his face as she said that. He looked pale, too pale for human. Well he was in this damn lab for almost 40 years...but deep down she liked the thought of him being something other than a human. Humans always hurted her after all.
After watching the torture tapes she learned he experienced pain and anger just like her. (she threw up all night after seeing the tapes for the first time) he had a life once, he was a child, he had a family. favorite food, favorite drink, he even smoked weed which made her a bit shocked when she read it on the files. But in time she found out he was a lot different from what they made him seen. She saw the few unaired interviews where he acted strong and confident as usual until he was asked about his family or childhood. His eyes getting teary for few seconds, Then his hard expression getting back. His mouth twitching every time journalists made a rude remark.
She knew he was a human. But him being alive after all things human did to him told her he was also something other than human.
and it made her feel good.
"i never wanted to be here, i never wanted this, she said. "i wish i could save you. If i had a powers like you, i would burn here to the ground. And kill all of them. But im so weak. Im so sorry Ben. Im so sorry." She waited there for few minutes. Her head between her hands. Until tiny beeping sound from her watch made her flinch. Telling her it was almost midnight. She needed to get up. Too many work tomorrow. Another day as a prisoner here
She cupped his cheek before closing the door of cyro. It was so cold, but still soft. She couldn't help and kept her hand there while looking at his face. His closed eyelids, then freckles on his nose. Still remembering the first time she noticed his freckles, it was one of the days where her legs hurted for being on her feet for so long. She was taking his blood for monthly test. And she saw them. He had freckles on his nose! They were never shown in his movies or pictures, always hidden behind makeup or his green-gold mask. But they were here. She found them adorable. Never showed it of course. keeping hidden behind her cold emotionless expression.
But she often find herself thinking about him when she tried to sleep at night in "room" they gave her. what else he was hiding under all that persona? What made him happy or sad before all this happened? was it true that he never cried? She tossed and turned at night. Sometimes thinking about him and sometimes thinking about her life. The similitaries between them. Humans hurted him just like they hurted her. They stole their life. She usually fell asleep with this thoughts. And in her dreams it was always end of the World. Everything burning in flames and she watching it from distance with smile on her face.
with a deep exhale she withdrawed her hand from his cheek. "see you tomorrow Ben." she whispered. And she was gone. Not knowing that he heard every word.
that night, she dreamed of something else for the first time since she was captured. Pair of green eyes. They were looking at her. Their shade reminded her a small lake she saw everday when she was a little girl. It was on the right side of the road that she used while walking to school. She always loved the way water moved in small waves. After 2 years, for the first time, she woke up with a warm feeling that morning. it felt like gentle morning sunrise.
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bohbee · 1 year
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Genshin characters reacting to GN reader falling asleep.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Characters: Aether, Albedo, Diluc, Kaeya, Venti.
Warnings: Drunk (y/n)[Diluc], scared kaeya?, spoilers for some characters.
Notes: I have literally never used Tumblr before, but I am going to attempt
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Aether (& paimon ig lmao)
You and Aether had just completed several commissions, and now the two of you were sitting underneath a tree just outside of Liyue Harbor. A small breeze hit as Paimon spoke aloud "Man today sure was rough, Paimon thinks we deserved more than we got!" The small floating human stomped in the air, causing Aether to laugh. He went to respond, but a thump on his shoulder stopped him from doing so. His golden eyes looked down at his arm only to find you, his beautiful lover slumped over. Your eyes were closed, and your mouth slightly agape.
The blonde male smiled softly and kissed your forehead, "Let's go to the Baiju Guesthouse. It seems like those commissions exhausted them." He said with a soft giggle to Paimon, his arms carefully scooping you up bridal style as he headed to the inn.
Aethers floating companion opened to door for the two of you. He walked over to the bed, carefully placing you on the mattress and covering you with the blanket. He would then crawl in beside you, holding your body close, giving a soft kiss to your cheek.
(Paimon got lonely in the other bed and flew over and sprawled over the two of you)
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The heavy sharp sounds of the cold wind of Dragonspine could be heard from the entrance of the cave. You were Albedos assistant and lover, of course. The two of you were up late sorting through papers to find the results for a very old test. "Dear, do you think we had let Sucrose lend it? I am fairly certain she might know where it is." the blonde male asked. However, he did not get a response, causing him to turn around confused. "Dear-" he cut himself off at the sight of you, papers sprawled around the desk, your head laying on your arm, as your body slightly shivered.
He let out a rare smile and walked over to you, savoring the moment. He took off his coat and laid it on your shoulders, giving you a chaste kiss on your neck. "Sleep well, I love you dear" he said softly.
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Whenever Diluc would take a shift at the Tavern, you would always go with him. Sitting near him while he worked diligently, it wasn't often you would get drunk.... However, tonight was surely an exception. Venti, Kaeya, and Rosaria had sat around you laughing and drinking. And thus, here we are. The Tavern was loud. Laughter and clanking could be heard on both floors.
Diluc huffed and turned his head to his beautiful lover. Your cheek was smushed as your head laid on Kaeyas shoulder. The red-haired brother knew you were his, but it irked him to see his lover on the blue haired male. Kaeya smirked at his brothers scowl, "Don't worry 'luc, they're all yours." he said waving his free arm around.
Once the Tavern closed, he softly grabbed you, hoisting you on his back as he walked towards his winery. He smiled softly as you mumbled something in your sleep, "What am I gonna do with you, my love?"
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The blue-haired captain of the Knights of Favonius often worked late, leaving you alone at your shared home. However, you would always stay awake and waited for him to make sure he would come back safe. Though tonight was a very long night, keys could be heard jingling the doornob. The door opened, revealing an exhausted cyro user, who luckily had a day off tomorrow. His brow raised up high as he realized his lover wasn't their to greet him, panic settled it. Yeah, he probably should've thought it through, but he wasn't in the right mind for that. Kaeya raced around the house, his thoughts jumbling around, thinking his past had finally caught up to him, taking the one thing he cherished most. However, his fearful thinking came to an end as he saw your gorgeous face pressed against your book, you slow breaths softly moving the pages.
He breathed out heavily, moving your chair ever so slightly. He carefully picked you up and walked towards your room, causing you to grumble a bit. "Shh now darling, I'm here I'm here."
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It wasn't often that the loud couple was seen separated, but Venti had duties as an Archon. Today, he had left to see his long-time friend Dvalin. You walked around Mondstat quickly getting bored without your loud bard around, so you decided to fix that, and you walked over to Windrise.
The sun set as Venti finished his hangout. He said a quick goodbye and headed over to his city of Mondstat. However, he knew you weren't there, the winds guided him to his beloved. Venti let out an "ehe" as he saw you curled up at the base of his statue. He walked up to you and laid his head on your lap, interlacing his fingers with yours. His beautiful eyes stared at your precious face. "Sleep well, my windblume." he said before closing his eyes.
Okay I hope that was atleast alright? I'll probably do a part two in like 30 minutes
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yandere-wishes · 7 months
𝕊𝕚𝕟𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕕𝕖𝕡𝕥𝕙𝕤
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Summary: Freminet is desperate to take you diving with him. You are rather reluctant. 
Author's note: Me: I should give reader a geo vision to depict her love of dry land and earth as opposed to water. 
Also Me: Give her a hydro vision, make her fear the power she wields. Make her vision represent how powerless she feels. Give her a hydro vision.
Warnings: Reader and Freminet are 18+ (NO NSFW), Reader is sad, sea monsters, angst (if you squint), do not read if you are aquaphobic, thalassophobic, scared of water in general. Written by an aquaphobic, 
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"What of the monsters that frolic in the sea? What of the death and destruction they bring?"
Freminet's eyes shot open, his body weightless in the waters' gentle current. The sea has always murmured fairytales to Freminet. Tales of dragons and mermaids. Stories carried by the current from every corner of the Teyvat. Sometimes they tend to lull him to sleep much like his late mother's lullaby. 
Although lately -as if the sea truly knows every secret Freminet harbors within his cold heart- the fairytales have shifted focus. The ocean no longer sings of brave knights who vanquish dragons or mermaids who fend their homes of evil. Instead, it whispers tales of true love. Anecdotes of princes and princesses who reunite, who fall in love, who live and die in each other's arms. Each story has Freminet's mind racing back to you. 
People never ask about the sun's rays under the rolling tides of the sea. 
Never ask about the reefs that cradle one's body akin to a protective crib.
Instead, they ask about treasure, about pearls, and crystals. About the diamonds and rubies from sunken treasures. They ask how the ocean can make them rich, how they can steal what she's laid claim to.
But can't treasure also be found on land? It's a question Freminet can't help but ponder. Can't treasure be found between Fontaine's bustling crowd, during the early morning rush or the afternoon spectacles? Can't it be hidden between produce stalls and restaurant lounges? 
He knows it can be. For he sees it every day.
What is a treasure, if not a rare item unclaimed?
What is a treasure if not beauty that lies hidden on both land and sea?
What is a treasure of not a girl, a lover, an ally? 
What is a treasure if not the hydro wielder he sees every day from his bedroom window? 
But you don't see it the same, now do you?
Despite his reserved and timid nature, Freminet has unfortunately built up quite a reputation for himself. 'The Master Diver Of Fontaine' they call him. A name he holds absolutely no regard for. Yet it does very little to ward off all manner of people from pestering him for his expertise. Adventures, tourists, treasure seekers, all who wish to unravel the depths of the sea come to him. And he turns down every single one. Or rather he gets Lyney and Lynette to do it for him. 
But you're different, you're special in his eyes. Your warm smile melts the accumulated frost from around his heart. It had taken many months before Freminet had approached you. Blushing and stumbling as he rubbed the back of his neck. Awkward in every sense of the word. You had merely laughed and reached out to grasp his hand with yours. Frost leaked from his digits, melding with the water that always danced at the tip of your fingers. Hydro and Cyro mix chaining you together. Freminet had all but dragged you back home to get Lyney to unfreeze the two of you.
Amusing, how much a disastrous first meeting had left you wanting to see more of him. Funny how every night before he closes his eyes he feels your hand molded within his. 
"Please, I swear it's not that bad" He's at it again, begging, pleading. Imploring you to come see his world. The world beneath Fonatine, his secret fairytale world where you can be the princess and he can be your prince. But you refuse again and again. "Freminet I've already told you no. Please stop asking it's getting irritating." He's tried to reason with you, although his stuttering and shyness aren't persuading in the least. He's all but practically dragged you to the shore.
That's why, one day when Freminet resurfaces he's shocked to see you sitting by the shore. Shoes discarded to the side as you sit just out of reach of the tide. The water's cold today, almost saddened, and the waves tumble over themselves apathetically. Freminet stares at you, at your beauty. How you all but radiate so close to his hidden paradise. He watches as you gaze upon the waters. He dares not to ask what you see. What you ponder on doing. 
"I see you." You say, in a cheerful voice that matches not your face. For a heartbeat, Freminet wonders if he's the cause of your cheerfulness, if seeing him makes you as happy as you do to him. He steps onto the shore. The water droplets cling to him like stardust, as if begging him to return to the serenity of the ocean. He sits next to you on the beach, head spinning from being underwater for all so long. When he looks at you all he sees is sunken treasure. Another marvel to add beauty to his blue world. He's all so desperate to keep you away from others who'll steal your beauty for every wrong reason. To him you are perfect. He fights the urge to trace sea-stars on your arms, to relish in your warmth. 
You lay your head on his shoulder, feeling him stiffen under your weight. "I hate the ocean Freminet. And the sea, and the lakes and the rivers. All of it I hate all of it.". He's quiet for a minute, mind racing to try and find an answer. "But..what about your vision? It's hydro isn't it." You pause, anger dancing across your face "I HATE it" you spite, "That useless vision is the cruelest joke the Archons ever decided to play on me. I've tried to get rid of it, even tossed it into the ocean from whence it came. But somehow, it always finds its back to me." Anger laces your voice, bitter and forlorn. It makes Freminet jolt, also fearing when people raise their voices.
The moon takes over the sun. As the two of you refuse to leave your seats. You paint him sea monsters and fanged beasts with your words. Tell him how they breach the surface for pleasure and for pain. You spin together double-headed leviathans breaching the surface to prey on unsuspecting Violetgold Angler Gulls. Tell him about how once, back when you'd been young and naive you had let some older kids trick you into going to the deep end of the water. You tell him what it's like to draw, what it's like to feel weightless in endless darkness. Freminet doesn't comment, although it all sounds rather enjoyable to him. He wonders if his perception of the depths has become warped. 
It's only when you decide to leave that Freminet gets an idea. Wicked maybe, but he's always been a selfish boy. Harboring greed within his heart as a secondary shield. He grabs your wrist and in a moment of unblaces, plunges you both into the very waters you fear. 
They're a scream, silent as it's washed under the raring tide. Freminet feels the terror and betrayal radiating off your form. You may hate him now. But that's okay, he'll show you the beauties of his world. A haven you can both escape to. Away from greedy people who wish you nothing but harm. Maybe it's because everyone he's loved has left him, maybe it's because losing you feels worse than death, maybe it's because he's finally found someone to fill the void in his heart. But he won't let you go. Not now not ever. 
You feel like a doll. Helplessly submerged in vastness. Freminet's body clings to yours like a second skin. Stiffly pinning your arms to your side. Your lungs are on fire and you swear you see an array of giants moving in the dark corners. You want to scream, to fight. But you can't your impolized by fear. This is it you think, as something strange swims past you. This is where you will die. 
There's something large swimming up to you. Something murky and dark whose sharp teeth shimmer in the stray rays of moonlight that have made their way down here. You see a dorsal fin, almost as sharp as the teeth. There's something else behind you, larger, with sharp scales that into your back. You feel its teeth sliding against your back as the first predator closes in. There's a noise, grotesque in nature, before you lose all sense in your left arm. You scream into the void, and move vigorously in Freminet's grasp, desperately trying to convey your fear. But he doesn't move. In all likeliness, he's mostly dead you think. The monsters got to him too. You shut your eyes tightly awaiting your demise...
There's a soft glow that lulls you into opening your eyes. Your body feels cold and wet. As your heart hammers at your ribcage, desperate to escape and flee. You feel something soft on your lips, something equally cold. Your eyes trace the glow of Freminet's face as he traps you in an extensive kiss. It's calming, despite the unspeakable thing he just did, you're just happy he's alive. That you're alive. "I love..." he mutters when he finally breaks the kiss. You look at him dazed, high on your fear, on your relief. The world spins stuck between fantasy and reality. Your fingers trace the sides of his cheek as he nuzzles into your touch. 
"What of the monsters that frolic in the sea? What of the death and destruction they bring?"
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spiralingemptyness · 7 months
I want more… clone hc pt. 2
why not more hc, I’m bored and wanna ramble… sorry if I repeated any.
99 is the best vode, he knows everything. If a brother is said, he’ll hug them, give words of encouragement and stuff and a mysteriously some illegal contraband that whatever the clone likes will randomly show up.
Shaak ti is buff and can hold her own if not demolish the Alphas on the training mats (The Rancor battalion found that out the hard way)
Jek, Rys and Thire became close after the mission with Yoda, Thire is still close with the commanders on Coruscant, but he’s even closer with the other two
While Hound may be a sergeant, he’s still an honorary commander member, he became the little brother of the group
…Thorn didn’t die on Scipio, nope, no way. Amidala saved him, always carrying a blaster or smth.
Dogma became really good at braiding hair because of all the time he braided Tups hair, so after Umbara when he definitely goes to Coruscant, Amidala finds out and sometimes ask him to do her hair.
Colt may essentially be Buir of Kamino, but all the alphas (especially 17) out Buir him, and it can be very comedic how a big burly alpha is hauling a ARC commander just to force them to sleep.
Fox absolutely denies or threaten to black mail shebse squad if they bring up the fact Fox was the first to fold and call Alpha-17 buir.
Colt and Wolffe have regular holo-calls just to shit talk Ventress.
Rex got adopted into Shebse squad after he bit Cody (Wolffe was proud)
When Kix is on shift in medbay, most of the time Jesse is there with him, he doesn’t have to be their but he’s a good batch mate.
Each shebse squad member have a quirk in fighting droids: Cody punches and spin kicks them, Wolffe bits them, Rex throws his blasters at them if they run out of ammo, Fox for some reason carry’s a high voltage taser, Bly drop kicks them, and Ponds throws rocks at them to catch them off guard
On multiple occasions animals like Loth cats and Tookas have been snuck on board the venators and multiple times have had to been taken off board
Fives has a girly scream, Torrent found out after he was caught singing in the barracks
Comet (and Plo Buir) can convice Wolffe to take care of himself (little brother privileges), unlike Boost, Warthog, and Sinker who have to sedate him of physically haul him away from the bridge
MEDICS GIVE STICKERS, if a your a good patient, you get a sticker. So there is a lot of vode with stickers inside or outside there armor
Colt keeps himself loaded with weapons, many different types of blasters, check. Lots of vibroblades and vibroswords (that he stole from commando droids), check. It will take a solid 10 mins for him to de-weapon himself
after Khorm, Plo threatened Captain Ozzel…. It was terrifying, Kit Fisto was both shocked and absolutely scared of getting on Plo Koons bad side.
Monnk collects different shells and rocks from the ocean floor and give them to different vode
kit fisto taught his battalion how to fish, just randomly, out of the blue he said they were going fishing and they went fishing
Ashoka definitely stole the ‘I’m no Jedi’ line from Rex.
everyone form the 212th and some 501st members were more traumatized by a bold Kenobi than the fact he faked his death to be a bounty hunter for a time period
kix has trouble staying warm after the cyro-freeze, like he’ll be bundled up in layers on tatooine
quinlan snuck into fox’s office once and was hit with a data pad on the head when he scared him and got himself a concussion, safe to say he doesn’t sneak up on fox anymore
clones have a sweet tooth
Once Hound got hurt while chasing a suspect and Grizzer went absolutely feral on the person who hurt him, it took Thorn and Stone just to separate him from the suspect, (fox and thire were just watching in shock as they helped hound)
padawans always use vents for travel (ex. Echo: where’s the commander. Fives casually: oh she’s in the vents. Echo: oh.. WHY IS SHE IN THE VENTS)
(Might be in the other one) The corrie guard have a bet everytime a battalion is on leave, the bet is: which members of what battalion will have the most in the drunk tank.
medics have to have a smex-ed meeting with every new shiny that boards
Bly (respectfully, cause he is a gentleman) asked Aayla to wear armor, the next day she was wearing Bly’s spare armor. Bly couldn’t stop blushing the whole day and it made his tattoos orange
When one or more of the Shebse squad is on leave, they bully fox into going to 79’s with them or to take care of himself. Safe to say, that whenever that happens the corrie guard can relax a bit
the most annoying patients for medics is any CO or jedis, all medics curse like sailors
when Kix was a medic shiny he hadn’t yet mastered the disapproval stare or the ‘shut the kark up and do what I say’ stare, so the vode listened to him just because it was so cute and funny, they quickly learned to stop thinking like that.
once after a battle Obi-Wan found Cody lying star fished on his back, he kicked a droid and broke his foot and collapsed once his foot gave out. Obi-wan just sighed, forced healed his foot a bit and carried him to the medics (Cody was turned into a sputtering and flustered mess)
Rex was already being corrupted by Skywalker’s tendencies when he was just a lieutenant in the 212th, Cody was horrified and wanted to bash his head into the wall.
Boil and Waxer secretly adopted Numa after Ryloth, each just co-parenting her
Kids on coruscant would sometimes come up to a guard member and hand them a paper of a drawing, ask for a hug, or just give them goodies. The guard now has a wall full of drawings given to them by kids in the barracks
the guard have stupid names for operations, it’s just a serious op about observing and trying to take down a drug ring (with vos’s help) and it has a name like “operation: too high to fly”
the cadets will hang off from any limb they can reach of their clone trainers and shaak ti
medics will lay on a cot with an injured clone on it to help them sleep, they’ll either be sleeping with them or doing data work
so yah… I’ll make more. Might make some of cod, fnaf , Dc, etc. as well and try to do art as well
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the-courtsjester · 2 months
Greetings ladies, gentleman ...and things, my sleep schedule mixed with school and work is horrible but at least I have games to help cope but anyway today's headcanons will be for Furina with a male reader and what ever vision they ended up with
Furina x Male Reader with different visions Headcanons
Pyro: she becomes an absolute snuggle slut when you're alone together thanks to the pyro vision you have, you can warm up you body up easily for maximum comfort cuddles she will also force you to help cook food with your vision.
Anemo: hair wet from a shower or something makeshift blow dryer, wanna make a paper airplane fly for as long as possible go ahead, Furina loves that you can cool her off after she's been in front of studio light for what felt like ever.
Geo: not much that can be done with Geo but she enjoys seeing what you can make with the rocks you can control
Hydro: water fight? Water fight, water fight. Throughout the day you and Furina will splash water on each other and see who can get who the most.
Cyro: Furina loves sweets, so she had the genius idea to ask if you'd be willing to make shaved ice for her given it's sweet nature, she also enjoys making ice sculptures with you.
Dendro: depends on the type of Dendro power you have, if it's plant based you could maybe grow flowers for her, or make nice comfy spots to hangout and relax together, if it's Tech based though you'd be able to help Furina with her films, being more knowledgeable on how to use the technology.
Electro: you'd give Furina small little shocks to mess with her sometimes, and if she asks and you're willing to you could even power some of her film equipment for her.
Well that's today's headcanons I accidentally forgot to save so I had to redo a lot of this, I also remember seeing a post by genshingorlsrevengeance that gave me the idea to do this but for all the elements, anyway that's it.
And scene...
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sailorkamino · 2 years
While You Were Sleeping
relationships: alpha!buckynat x enhanced!omega!reader
summary: When you start sleep teleporting into your teammates room's Bucky and Natasha are jealous to say the least. When you finally end up in their bed there's less romance and more head injuries than they imagined.
word count: 2.1k
warnings: abo dynamics, protective/jealous buckynat, nightmares, reader gives herself a concussion, embarrassment, bed sharing, making out, pain medication, reader sleeps with a stuffed animal, platonic!steve x reader, some nsfw thoughts, beefy!nat
translations: zayka- bunny, malyshka- baby, dorogoy- darling
a/n: (me, unable to find an alpha buckynat fic) fine, i'll do it myself
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Steve is animatedly talking to a barely awake Sam when the blonde is suddenly spun around by a strong hand on his shoulder. He had just enough time to recgonize the scent of his best friend before he threw a punch. “Buck, you can’t sneak up on me like that,” he groans. He tenses up again when he notices the brunet’s anger.
“Woah, did you fight with Nat this morning or something?” Sam asks, now perked up. Steve sighs loudly at his teammates' lack of filter as Bucky scowls. “No. I was noticing Steve’s scent,” Bucky answers darkly. Sam sniffs the air. “He smells the same to me. Is your super nose picking up something weird?”
Steve shuts his eyes in exasperation. “Sam. Just go get a coffee or something.”
“What? You practically dragged me out of bed at the ass crack of dawn and now-”
He stops abruptly at Bucky icy glare. “You know what, I am getting coffee. It’s too early for your drama,” he decides, exiting the gym with a non committal wave goodbye.
“Didn’t know you and Y/N were so close,” Bucky practically growls. He approaches a punching bag to keep from breaking his best friend’s face. Steve blushes, only adding fuel to his friends' anger. He raises his shirt to nose. “Do I smell like her? I took a shower this morning,” he wonders outloud. 
Bucky punches the bag so hard it goes flying from the ceiling, raining sand on the floor. Steve's eyes widen when he realizes Bucky didn’t even use his metal arm to do it. He quickly raises his hands in a surrendering position “Woah, it wasn’t like that! She sleep teleported into my room and I wasn’t gonna kick her out!”
Bucky turns to face him. “Sleep teleported?”
“Yeah, you know, like sleep walking but─"
“I get it Steve!” He snaps, running a hand through his dark locks. “I just don’t understand why she went to your room,” he mumbles, voice now much softer and a little insecure. He thinks of his and Natasha’s attempts to get you closer that he was sure were working. They even googled courting tips for fucksakes. Natasha is much better at flirting but Bucy is a good listener, remembering every little thing about you. If you liked Steve you would tell him… wouldn’t you?
The blonde raises a brow at his friend’s sudden vulnerability. “What do you mean?”
“I mean in this huge tower, with hundreds of places to end up, why did she go to your bed?”
Steve sighs in frustration, realizing the real reason for the brunet’s behavior. Jealousy. “I don’t know, Buck. She was asleep when it happened, it was probably completely random. I’m just glad she didn’t end up in the street or something.”
Bucky freezes at that, all the worst thoughts of where you could have teleported flooding his head. He’s suddenly grateful you wound up in bed with his best friend. How could he have been so selfish? And how can he protect you from your powers? Bondage? No, that’s just kinky. Maybe cyro? No, he won’t let you in one of those freaky test tubes. Too many bad memories.
“Buck? Buck?”
He’s snapped from his thoughts. “Huh?”
“I asked how long you and Nat have been sweet on Y/N?” Steve smirks.
Bucky feels himself blush. “What makes you think we’re sweet on her?”
“Well you tried to kill me a minute ago because you were jealous, did you forget about that?”
Bucky’s jaw ticks. Sometimes he forgets how much of an ass his best friend really is. “I wasn’t gonna kill you.” He shrugs, playing innocent. “I was gonna tell Nat you slept with Y/N and then let her kill you.”
“Steve what?” Natasha’s deep growl has both men freezezing in terror. Steve sends the brunet a pleading look. Bucky reaches out to his mate hesitantly, “now malyshka, it’s not what it sounds like.”
You’re having a nightmare but the pain is what wakes you up.
You’re on the floor and your head is throbbing and your heart is racing but wait, this isn’t your room? Where are you? Suddenly Natasha is in front of you, gently cupping your wet face. That’s when you realize you are in fact, crying. Well this is embarrassing. A sense of comfort washes over as you recognize the two familiar scents.
“Zayka, where are you hurt?” She asks as Bucky turns on the lamp so they can scan you for injuries. You shut your eyes at the sudden light. “My head.” The alphas share a panicked look. “Friday, health scan,” the redhead demands.
“Ms. Y/N has hit her head on the nightstand and is suffering from a grade one concussion. No emergency healthcare is needed. I suggest pain medication, rest, and icing the area of injury.” The AI answers in a soft volume.
“I’ll get the pills and ice,” Bucky decides, rushing out of the room. Natasha pulls you against her chest, mindful of your head. “It’s alright omega. We’ll take care of you,” she soothes. She suddenly raises from the floor without warning, making you cling to her in surprise, before she deposits you on the bed. She smirks at your dumbstruck expression. Despite the pain you’re in you feel your stomach churn at the show of strength.
“How’s the pain, baby doll?” Bucky croons, approaching the bed with full hands. You sniffle as he hands you some pills to take, washing it down with your favorite juice “Thank you, and not too bad. I’ve survived worse,” you answer, wiping your face. They look at you unconvinced.
The brunet sits on the bed beside you, “it’ll be easier to ice your head if you’re laying down.” Natasha is there to pull back the blankets for you even and tuck you in. Your heart flutters at their sweetness. Bucky gently places the ice pack on your head. You wince at the contact but sigh happily at the numbing effect. “Not too bad my ass,” Natasha scoffs.
You pout, trying to look serious but it’s hard in your current position. “It really isn't though. I’m just embarrassed I concussed myself. Plus I’m not wearing any pants.”
“That’s what you’re worried about? Your pride?” Bucky asks incredulously.
“Yes I am. Frankly, I don't have a lot to lose.”
Natasha shakes her head as she sits on the other side of you. “As much as I love your sense of humor, we were a little too worried about your head injury to notice your underwear.” That’s a lie. They both got a flash of your pastel cotton panties. “I can get you some pants if it would make you more comfortable though.”
You shrug. “No it’s fine, I’ve changed in front of you on missions before. I’m not really body shy.”
They share a heated look. They’re very familiar with your confidence but now is not a good time to tell you that they regularly fantasize about said body. Natasha holds back any sexual comments, remding herself that you’re only in their bed hald dressed because you’re injured.
“Well if it makes you feel any better you have great legs,” Bucky mumbles, eyes widening at his own admission. Natasha is shocked but somewhat proud of her awkward boyfriend. He needs to work on timing but baby steps. You grin teasingly, “really? This coming from Mr. Muder thighs?”
Natasha, who’s now slipped under the covers beside you, lets out a deep chuckle. Bucky’s face burns an adorable shade of red making you smile once again. “Yeah, get in bed, murder thighs,” Nat teases. He scoffs but lays down beside you anyways.
Sandwiched between the two most gorgeous alphas you’ve ever seen you resist the urge to do a little celebratory dance. As much as you don’t want to leave you also feel like you’ve bothered them enough. You sigh before forcing the words out of your mouth.
"I guess I should be going back to my room now.”
They look at you as if you’ve just suggested committing a war crime. “Printsessa, you’re hurt. Don’t you think you should just rest here for tonight?" Natasha coos, gently taking your hand in her’s. The small affection is enough to make you momentarily forget your argument. Then Bucky is shuffling beside you, retrieving something from the floor.
“Plus you can't go anywhere without this little guy, right?”
To your horror, he’s holding your favorite stuffed animal. The one you fell asleep holding. “That’s… not mine,” you lie very convincingly. Nat raises a brow teasingly. “Really? ‘Cause it’s not ours.” You put on a show of fake concern. “Oh no, it’s… a bomb! I’ll defuse it!”
Bucky moves the plushie away from your reach. “If I give it to you, you have to promise not to teleport away.”
“You want me to stay here with a bomb?” You ask, determined to stick to your story.
“Omega, we both know it’s not a bomb,” Nat interjects, cupping your face so you’ll meet her eyes, effectively making your brain short circut. Your face burns under her touch. “I’ll stay,” you softly promise. The alphas smile triumphantly as Bucky hands you the toy.
“We’d never make fun of you, zayka. Everyone has their comforts,” Bucky soothes. “Really?” You ask, looking between them. “Of course. I have a safety blanket that I won’t let anyone use,” he confesses. Natasha hums beside you, "and I do ballet."
“Really? Could you teach me?” You ask, looking up at her with excited eyes. She thinks of the way she was taught and clenches her jaw. No, she’ll make it fun for you. “Whatever you want, pretty girl.” You beam at her sweet words just as a yawn escapes your lips.
Bucky places a large hand on your waist. “I think the pills are making you sleepy, doll. Why don’t you get some rest?”
“Wait, I need to ask you guys something.” You focus on the green dinosaur in your hands but you can feel their gazes burning into you. “I don’t think I can embarrass myself anymore so I’m just gonna come out and say it… do you want to go on a date with me?”
There’s a horrible silence for a moment. Bucky looks at his girlfriend with pure happiness but she’s more hesitant to accept your confession, considering you just suffered from a head injury then took strong pain medication. She sighs deeply. “Zayka, we should talk about this in the morning─”
You barely notice Bucky pressing himself against you, afraid you’re going to leave. You look at Natasha defiantly. “No. I might have a concussion, and be on drugs, and not wearing pants, but I know what I want! So if you’re going to reject me just go ahead and─”
Before he can stop himself, Bucky cups your jaw and turns your face to him, smashing his lips against yours. Nat raises her brow, hardly surprised by her mate’s impulsive behavior. Still she can’t help but groan at the two of you kissing. It’s even hotter than she imagined. When he finally pulls away your chest is heaving and you’re looking up at Bucky with big glassy eyes. You already look so wrecked from just a kiss.
“Did that feel like a rejection to you?” He teases in a gruff voice, bumping his nose against yours. You shake your head breathlessly. “Um, no, but I think I should get Nat’s opinion too.”
The red head smirks, leaning in slowly just to tease you. Just as you begin to pout she surges forwards and takes your bottom lip between her teeth. You gasp at the light sting but she quickly soothes it with firm kisses. Bucky squeezes your waist from behind, gently mouthing your neck. You shiver as she pulls back, blinking slowly. You clear your throat,
“Yeah. That checks out.”
They both grin at your dazed reply. “You’re adorable, pup,” Bucky coos sweetly. Natasha hums in agreement, cupping your cheek. “You should rest now, zayka. We can talk more in the morning.”
“And kiss?” You ask drowsily.
She smiles, gently running her fingers along your jaw. “Of course, omega.”
You clutch your toy in your arms and nuzzle against Natasha’s breasts, pulling Bucky’s arm around your waist. Your bare legs are intertwined underneath the warm blankets. The last thing you say is a soft and sweet, “night alphas,” before drifting off.
Both of their hearts pick up at the title. You had never called them that before. Bucky tucks his head into your neck. He inhales your scent to remind him that this is real and not a dream. The two most amaizng woman he’s ever known in bed with him just seems too good to be true. He feels Natasha moving and look to see her texting with one hand.
“What are you doing?” He whispers against your skin. “Just telling Steve that the three of us will be taking a sick day.” She responds quietly. Bucky smiles at the prospect of a lazy day with his girls. “You think of everything, malyshka.”
“I know.” She brags, placing the phone on the bedside table. “Friday, cancel all alarms and don’t let anyone in unless the world is ending.”
“We should order her some fancy stuff for her nest, you know, like from one of those special omega websites. Oh, and lots of stuffed animals,” Bucky excitedly plans as he looks at your peaceful face. Natasha reaches over you to stroke his arm,
“Relax, dorogoy. We’ll have our whole lives to spoil her.”
tag list: @thomasthetankson @liladoesfanfics @d14n4ol @romeo-the-cactus @cats-and-sheep
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Another idea! Vashwood Anastasia au.
The crash was an accident. Rem and the twins all survive
Vash pushes her into an escape pod first and clambers into another one right behind. It’s the difference of a few seconds, but it’s enough that rem and nai maintain original trajectory while vash spins away
He wakes up with no memory and starts wandering, so he finds ship 3 all the same
Rem and Nai find a different ship but there’s no long distance communication available and no desert transportation infrastructure or engineering yet
So the 6 mill and later 60 mill “bounty” is actually nai and rem trying to find him because nai insists he’s alive and rem believes him
Rem is in and out of cyro sleep a lot
“Vash” meanwhile is going about life! Except he goes by the name Eriks. He can’t explain why but he’s very good with plants and makes a decent enough living—except there’s also ALWAYS chaos following behind him and so heeee is running out of friendly towns
He needs double dollars to get to another city’s jurisdiction
He’s told to speak to Wolfwood, whoever that is
WW just wants the money so he can pay off his contracts to Conrad, go back to hopeland, and forget about the past
When “Eriks” shows up, ww gets excited because shit, he might be able to pull this off
Unfortunately for him two reporters also see the resemblance
Meryl and molly are writing a story about the infamous bounty (I think to keep themselves hidden rem has infiltrated a few city councils by now). It’s sorta an urban legend thus the reporters, think buzzfeed unsolved almost
Off they go to July, where vash thinks they’ll be able to get on a ship for November after meeting some people who may or may not be able to tell him about his pst and ww, who is trying not to feel guilty about using some poor idiot in his get rich quick scheme (meryl and milly might be trying to get a story to hold off getting sent to insurance so they’re a bit sus here too)
Kuroneko is pooka
Nai and Rem have given up, but when they’re deliberating after the second time vash shows up (some ballet scene equivalent!) vash finds nais piano and starts subconsciously playing the twins duet. That’s when they know it’s him
I think Conrad is still probably an antagonist on account of the you know. Child experimentation. But I think it’s less dressed up in religious talk and more the promises of food and shelter? Idk. I want wolfwood to still be wolfwood and I’m a stamp watcher
Nai still gets to knife imposters when rems asleep
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pricescigar · 4 months
Johnvira HC's ♡
Note: I'm in dire need to make some Johnvira fluff after not writing for ages, so I'm doing this to get back into the grove. I do hope you're enjoy the HC's ❤️
Ps. This gif is how he looks at Elvira 🥹
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After Elvira got woken up from her cyro state coma, Price offered her to stay at his home whenever they were off duty.
He knew that waking up 38 years later was hard, mentally draining and all things above that. He knew she needed someone.
Price didn't want Elvira to be alone in a accommodation where all she knew had changed so drastically in a blink of an eye for her.
Luckily he had a spare bedroom in his flat which he didn't use much, turning it into a bedroom for her.
No matter how many times Elvira offered to pay rent, or anything else he straight up refused.
"I'm doing this for you, love."
He was there she needed a cry, for some comfort, no matter how late it was. He was there for her.
Ghost, Gaz and Soap always joked around that Price was smitten for Elvira and they were right.
It didn't take long for Price and Elvira to get together, nor sleep together for that matter.
Price also introduced her to his parents, both of them adored her. Even to the point his mum pulled out the baby / teenage photos.
Despite it leaving Price embarrassed, Elvira found it funny and cute seeing all of the photos.
Price introduced Elvira to Video Games one day to cheer her up, and to help her use it as a form of distraction. He showed her the cozy games I.E Animal Crossing, Nintendogs, the most famous one and little farming games like Harvest Moon. Ect.
Although Price isn't much of a gamer himself due to his work, but it is a perfect way to wind down whenever he's off duty. Even if it was rare moment for himself.
Price got back into playing video games a little bit more because of Elvira, and her enthusiasm with discorving each game every time when they had an opportunity to.
Elvira fell in love with the games immediately and always played them, he also introduced her to more sction packed games and FPS.
Admittingly it made his heart melt with excitment, joy seeing her so excited about video games. And so he showed her nearly all video games that had been released.
Whenever Elvira is stressed she takes her anger out of FPS games, whenever she has an opportunity to use a Sniper.
But also finds the comfort in gaming wether it would be a co-op game with Price or single player.
There had been many times where Price and Elvira played video games until late in the night. And be tired the next day.
But in the end it was worth it as both of them spent time together.
Due to Elvira's occasionally sleep paralysis, he always makes sure she wouldn't fall asleep on her back.
Witnessing it once, Price had never been so scared in his life. When it was all over he stayed up all night watching over her.
An excuse to always keep her in his broad arms as the two sleep together in bed.
Sometimes hearing her sleep talk was funny and cute, hr even tease her whenever she woke up the next morning "did you get the bear?" He'd always say with a tease
even when she tried to get out of bed and walk around. He always gently guide her back to bed.
Price would always rub her back, rub his hands through her hair or even stroking her arm to help her sleep.
And always he is the big spoon ;)
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dontcryminecraft · 5 months
I saw a headcanon that all the non-active characters on the qsmp for the purgatory event weren't awakened from whatever drug-induced sleep and I love it, however you interpret it (laying in a pile in people's bases, plot armoring their way through the event, stuck in cyro-chambers at the eye dude's HQ until (if) they wake up, etc).
This leads to a very funny image of some poor workers, like the one who revealed the eggs, having to load up these unconscious bodies onto the boat while everyone is duking it out and finding the eggs so that these guys don't get unfairly left behind.
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holybananaoafshoe · 5 months
 ✨Team Dynamics✨
Tired Cyro Dads 4.5/8
I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier when I wrote up the boxing lessons, but here's some last minute brain rot about Kayea teaching Wrio how to sword fight.
Honestly, it’s kinda the same with boxing BUT (big but) Kaeya is definitely the more flirtatious of the two and the best teacher
Wrio’s teaching is based on showing the fundamentals and once that’s done he throws you in the ring because “What’s better than learning on your feet?” 
That’s how he learned anyway
Kaeya on the other hand, he’s trained several knights and adventurers 
I personally headcanon that he has trained Benny and Noelle (at the very least) and helped train Razor and Fischl
You know what, while we’re here, let’s throw in a handful of greenhorn knights too 
WhIlE We’Re At iT I’m going to loosely throw in Mika and Klee.
 Klee because she hangs out with him, he’s basically a second big brother to her, so of course he and Albedo have taught her how to take care of herself. 
Mika because, come on, kid is anxious. I like to think Kaeya helps him when he can while Mika is in Mondstadt….Mika is definitely the little brother Kaeya never had.
Anyway, they definitely don’t use their visions because it could get very dangerous and Kaeya wants this to be a learning opportunity and not a future hospital visit (he’d rather not relive the night he was kicked out of the manor, thanks)
He’s carefully taking Wrio through all the moves and helping him correct his stances, it takes a long time before they move from practicing swings in the air with wooden swords to practicing the movements of a spar, to going through the movements with a real sword
Kaeya is a good teacher: gently correcting Wrio’s wrong moves and softly placing his hands over his to guide him through a swing Wrio just can’t seem to get right.
Everytime Kaeya is behind Wrio, his gentle voice in his ears and his hands on his, butterflies are bouncing in his stomach and the tips of his ears get red
He can barely hear what Kaeya is saying, but he’s making an effort to remember how movement feels 
For Wrio’s credit, he’s a good learner
He’s not one to get frustrated easily when Kaeya corrects his form for the nth time 
Instead he takes the correction in stride and tries to keep it in mind while he moves through the next set of exercises
When they switch to sparing, they take it slow to make sure Wrio gets used to the weight of a sword in his hand
Hey, Kaeya wasn’t about to make Wrio into a kebab, okay?
Wrio is incredibly awkward: super stiff movements and jerky with the sword
Almost takes Kaeya’s other eye out
Kaeya was just fast enough to tilt his head to avoid the worst of it, honestly it was truly just a scratch on his cheek, just below his eye
Wrio is a m e s  s
Absolutely falling over himself to apologize, whipping out the ointment he keeps on him to dab onto Kaeya’s cheek before placing a bandage over it
It takes a little while before they resume, Kaeya reassuring Wrio that he knows it was just an accident all the while
Soon enough, Wrio is kind of getting a hang of this sword fighting thing
Just good enough to start getting cocky
As the fights speed up, Wrio keeps taunting Kaeya 
“That all you got, Cap? I could take you in my sleep.”
“Not so fast with a sword in your hand, huh? I think I might best you yet.”
At one point he does knock Kaeya’s sword out of his hand
He wasn’t really expecting how hard Wrio can hit with a sword damn
He was a little impressed, not that he would tell Wrio that though because he was already starting to boast about the win
Kaeya smirks, shakes his hand a little, and picks up his sword. “Well, if you’re confident in your skills, perhaps we can take it up a notch?”
Wrio, full of confidence from his win, is bouncing on the balls of his feet and ready to go for a round two: “You sure I didn’t hurt your hand with that last round?”
Like, he knows Kaeya is going easy on him, but he’s just so giddy from winning that he can’t help himself
Kaeya is sooo used to the trainees doing this, and the next part is always his favorite
So, he shakes his head, something sharp in in his grin, and tightens his gloves before grabbing his sword: “Then let’s see how you hold up, Duke.”
Wow is Wrio in deep shit
He figured that out pretty fast lol
Like when Kaeya just stood there until he blocked the attack, fuck, it was like hitting a wall 
For someone who got their sword knocked out of their hand from an unexpected heavy hitting, arm-numbing, teeth-rattling, swing just a few minutes ago, Wrio was absolutely shocked to see that Kaeya didn’t budge a single inch when Wrio swung his sword down with all the force he could muster
Kaeya said he could take it after all and, well, he certainly did 
Kaeya tilts his head, a slightly unhinged air surrounding them, and deflects Wrio’s sword up, leaving his torso fully exposed
Kaeya sends Wrio stumbling with a kick and from there, Wrio is absolutely on the defensive
There goes Wrio’s strategy: just hitting Kaeya with full force attacks until he lost his grip again 
Now Wrio was barely keeping up with Kaeya’s relentless onslaught
At one point Kaeya deflects a blow and just disappears and reappears behind Wrio
Wrio did not screech, thank you
He only lasted like, five minutes before Kaeya swiftly knocked Wrio’s feet out from under him--Wrio’s sword slipped out of his hand as he fell--and pinned him to the ground, sword hovering above Wrio’s neck
They both stayed like that--Kaeya sitting on top of Wrio and Wrio laying on the ground--panting from the spar
Kaeya breaks the silence by setting his sword to the side and leaning on Wrio’s chest with his forearms, his blue hair dangling over his shoulder and tickling Wrio’s cheek
“I’m impressed, not many trainees last that long.”
“I’m not any other trainee,” Wrio breathlessly tells Kaeya. 
He’s freaking out internally, because Kaeya is so close right now
Keaye smiles gently, knocks their foreheads together, and whispers: “Well, if you win the next round you may just earn a prize.”
“And what’s that?”
Keaya just grins and slowly sits up, he boops Wrio’s nose and just tells him he’d have to win to find out
It takes maybe three days before Wrio finds out, he was determined damn it 
(he may have gotten Lynette to help him)
(and Freminate too. Claymore, sword, it’s all the same, right?)
Color Kaeya surprised? He wasn’t expecting that? Here he was, teasing Wrio and suddenly he was knocked on his ass and on the ground with Wrio pinning his arms above his head.
“How about that prize, Captain?”
Kaeya starts laughing softly, he wiggles a hand free and cups Wrio’s face: “If I knew you’d be this determined, I would have pinned you down sooner.”
Kaeya doesn’t say anything after that, he’s looking a Wrio with such a soft, caring gaze that melts Wrio’s heart
Kaeya wiggles his other hand free, Wrio swears he doesn’t breath as Kaeya gently guides him down for a kiss
Their first kiss!!! (we made it!)
It was short, sweet, and wonderful
Wrio just rolls off Kaeya and they lay next to each other, looking at the sky and the sword lesson forgotten 
Both absolutely smitten
At one point they look over at each other and just smile
A strand of hair that had come loose from Kaeya’s low ponytail falls onto his face, landing just above his nose in front of his eye patch
Wrio, gently brushes it back behind Kaeya’s ear
They walk back home, hand in hand
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rainbow-pop-arts · 6 months
Trigun MB Thoughts Part 2
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Thoughts on Trigun: The Lost Plant & The Denizens of the Sand Planet under the cut!
Trigun: The Lost Plant by Boichi 
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So we meet Veronica Tusbasa, on a journey because a voice of a plant
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Then here’s Vash and oh…..oh my 😳 
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But then there’s this chaos
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so Vash distracted them 
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Veronica somehow was able to jump down into the canyon safely and found a plant that’s still alive
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I’m honestly confused at what this plant was explaining about but it seemed like physics stuff and a bunch of negative mass from somewhere became a child in her belly ┐(゚ ~゚ )┌
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This is my favorite part cuz the plant was pissed
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Oh yeah, so the plant wants Vash to shoot her and her child cuz if the child gets born then the planet will go boom. But nah, Vash ain’t letting that happen ヽ( ▼∀▼)ノ
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Okay can we take a moment to appreciate how Vash was drawn in this style? Like he looks more dark and scary and cool (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) (that’s probably cuz the artstyle is more realistic but still)
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Vash saved the plant and her child from dying. I’m guessing he made a portal for the child to go through??? (゚ ペ)
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And so Veronica bids Vash farewell (。•́︿•̀。)
Final thoughts: What interested me the most is this takes place 200 years after the fall, but in the Trigun manga series it takes place around 150 years after the fall. So Vash still being around is pretty tragic cuz Meryl, Milly, Razlo and the others we met most likely dead (;へ:)(Maybe the Ship 3 people and the Earth ships people are still alive because of cyro-sleep?) Is Vash cursed to wander the planet for all eternity? (●︿●) Also I’m weirded out by Veronica’s weird angles of her butt ಠ_ಠ
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Divider by @cafekitsune
The Denizens of the Sand Planet by Satoshi Mizukami
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So there’s this kid named Tran and there’s his mom
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His mom is this girl (I know it's weird but wait for it) and the worms are friendly with her 
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Tran and his mom are on a journey to decide if the humans should live or die 
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Then they meet this glasses dude who’s a sandworm researcher and find sandworms to be pretty epic 
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The girl’s actually Zazie and they decided to raise Tran when they found him (Tran’s an independent plant!) 
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Tran and Zazie continued their journey but with the researcher on their side
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But after that they decided to destroy humanity. Tran was about to kill the researcher but Zazie stopped him cuz they remember that the researcher called them beautiful (aaaaaaaw (´∀` ))
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Y’all this is so wholesome!! (*≧∀≦*)
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In the end, they built a town called Worm City where sandworm researchers and sandworms live together in peace. There’s a photo of the glasses dude, grown-up Tran and…grown-up Zazie? Did the body they were in physically grew or they changed a different host?? (ー_ーゞ
Final thoughts: This also seems to take place a long time after the end of TriMax. I also like the fact that Zazie just found Tran and decided to raise him, that’s so cute! (〃 ̄ω ̄〃) Maybe Zazie was just wandering around and found a newborn on the bottom of a plant bulb and was like “Woah, an independent plant! We’ll raise it!”. Tbh they don’t seem like the type that would wanna raise a kid but maybe a plant kid piques their interest. I really like the idea of a town where sandworm researchers and sandworms coexist, Vash would love to visit! :D
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narzissenkreuz-ordo · 4 months
i have to go to bed and i have no silvanus rambbles for the night sinc eim actually thinking abt other genshin ocs rn
mostly my inazuma oc, sen, a youkai taken in by the yashiro commission
its really funny bc i hated genshin so much. like soo much. but i ended up getting into the lore around 2.0 and dropped off after the archon quest finished. but then ayato came out and i was like. oh my god. him. i want him. and i ended up actually playing the damn thing in 2.7
but i never actually got ayato. i have no use for him on my account especially after getting neuvi. its sad but also rlly funny FJDKS
but i do love sen so so so so much. they are very old character chronologically, like older than my other ocs in game.
sen lived during the unified civilization era of teyvat and survived the destruction of dragonspine and lived on the mountain, alone for centuries before rescuing areincarnated (from the former pyro sovereign lapu(ira) during the very start of the archon war and eventually the two ally themselves with the guili assembly and thats how a baby lapu ended up in liyue as an adepti
sen still never felt like they Belonged anywhere and still very haunted by watching humanity freeze to death on dragonspine, after just recently gaining a human form and not being able to save anyone
then during the cataclysm, sen returned to dragonspine compelled to protect the rotting remains of sal vindagnyr against durin, fighting along side venti/dvalin before falling into the abyss. where weird time shit happens and they survived by regressing (like rukkhadevata did when dealing with forbidden knowledge) and popped out in inazuma as a young godling mistaken for a youkai with no memories
sen lurked within chinju forest for a time, before saving a baby ayaka who wondered too far from the kamisato estate. the kamisato family did take sen in, offering a life in human society and when sen agrees they get their cyro vision :)
i love sen because before the cataclysm. they had no place where they felt at home or belonged. they would stick by lapu's side no matter what. like a protective older sibling would be destroy the whole world to keep them safe. but after loosing their memories. they end up living very comfortably within inazuma society as a member of the yashiro commission and finally gets the feeling of 'home' that they never had before
sen eventually does get their memories back and its so rewarding to see how their two lives collide and completely change the course of sen's life forever in such a good way
oh my god this is so long i need to sleep but oughhh ocs :)
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astranne · 2 years
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fandom genshin impact
series in which genshin characters reach level 10 in friendship and become self aware
word count 585
series masterlist // series masterlist mondstadt // navigation
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notes // here is some jean sagau :D sadly, i never really found something jean centered in sagaus, and if, she's always ready to kill the impostor 💀 not that i'm against that or anything, i'm just a bit sad, because i really like jean
warnings // ft. klee bombing mondstadt, jean getting new set artifacts/weapon and yeeting slimes (these aren’t even real warnings lmao), cursing, hints of god!reader
Jean woke up oddly refreshed and energized, ready to fight a dozens hilicurls all alone. Which was odd, considering how bad her sleep was when she fell asleep on her table in her office.
Surprisingly, the sun was just about to rise and Jean decided to do a short exercise to start the day. Something she hadn't done a long time. She left a note for her knights and went her way out of Mondstadt, ready for patrol. Getting a small snack from Sara, she made her way out of the city. Oddly enough, she also went to Katherine and asked for commissions. She was really in a good mood, so she didn't question her own decision too much. And the commissions would pose as a good morning exercise.
As soon she was over the bridge, she started jogging, slowly increasing her pace until she was running. After dismantling three hilichurl camps, she only needed to defeat a bunch of cryo slimes. Her anemo seemed stronger than usual and even her trusted blade finished the enemies much quicker off than usual. Yet she didn't pause to think too much about it and continued her way.
She left for the last commission, the sun already up and if she had to guess the time, it was around 9am. Jean knew she had to finish up quickly and so she started running again, to the Dawn Winery.
Jean saw the big cryo slime from afar and sped up again, as an explosion disrupted the calm scenery. Oh no, she only thought.
"Klee?! I know you're here, why are you not in- oh dear", she only sighed. Klee came running from the Dawn Winery, leaving a trial of bombs after her. Hilichurls and even a mitachurl ran after her, only to get blown up as soon they came too near to the bombs and getting thrown in all directions. They all died with pitiful whimpers and choked screams.
"KLEE!" Klee came to a skidding halt right before her and looked at her with big eyes.
"Jean! Uhm- Klee was just visiting Mister in the big house there-" Jean just crossed her arms, staring down at the little pyromaniac.
"Klee, please- no excuses today. I need to wrap a commission and then we'll go back immediatly. No discussions." Klee mumbled something akin to a yes and followed after her.
Jean summoned her sword and infused it with anemo, rushing towards the group of cyro slimes. In the background, Klee shouted her support, as she threw two of the slimes towards the lake. But she understaminated her own power and the slimes flew much farther than she actually planned.
"WOO- LET'S GO JEAN, YEET THIS BITCHES!" What, she could only think and then there was suddenly something- someone controlling her, using her body to defeat the slimes.
"Hmm, maybe she can throw them even further when I give her Aquila Favonia? But Bennett is using it right now- okay, let's do this."
Jean watched with wide eyes how her Favonius Sword vanished and was replaced by another blade while she still stood surrounded by slimes. Once again her weapon was infused with anemo energy and the slimes flew again in the lake- she didn't think it was possible but it was further than before.
Oh Barbatos- no, this was not Barbatos' blessing, this was a blessing of someone different. Yet this blessing also seemed to have a sacrifice, her control of her own body. But who was she to refuse?
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trufannekiawilson · 2 years
An idea of how I would rewrite Fallout 4 has been rattling in my head. Characters will be shuffled around and their motives will be different. I’ll expand on the characters and factions changes in other post because this post will end up being way too long.  For this post I just want make changes to the main story. This will mainly apply to our main character, Shaun and the Institute.
The game will begin with your character being woken up from cyro sleep. Codsworth the Mr Handy robot is the one who welcomes into the world. Codsworth will belong to vault tech and is not yours like in the original. Codsworth will explain your player character seems to be suffering from a bit of amnesia from being frozen for so long. Codsworth will try to get you to remember who you are. This will lead into the customization screen and you’ll also choose your special stats. Afterwards Codsworth will explain he doesn’t know why everyone is dead. You can pass a speech check where he explains that someone activated him and told him to release you. He doesn’t know who or why. You can of course look around the vault and if you pay close attention you will notice one of the vault dwellers has a gun shot wound. If you search them you can find a wedding ring. After you finish exploring the vault you and Codsworth will leave the vault and head to Sanctuary Hill. 
I feel placing the opening sequence later in the story makes for an interesting mystery. Who are you? Who were those people with you in the vault with you and why are the all dead? Why did someone release you? This way you can get to know your character and decided who they are by the way you play. You did not need some holotape that over explains your backstory and will always be there no matter what. Did we need to know that Nate and Nora were a solider and lawyer? No. And I understand that some people don’t like Codsworth being a household Mr Handy because they were generally used in military bases or as guards. Making Codsworth a vault tech Mr. Handy that was activated by Shaun to wake up your character a bit more believable. I will expand on Codsworth in this new role in another post.
The game can pretty much proceed as normal as you meet the Synth Detective Nick Valentine and he takes you Dr. Amari in The Memory Den in Good Neighbor. Remember your character is suffering from slight amnesia and the pods in The Memory Den will help you unlock the mystery of what happened in the vault. When you are hooked up to the memory pod the original the opening sequence set during pre-war will play out. This is where you’re revealed to have a spouse and baby, then the bombs fell, you were rushed to the vault and frozen. So the random vault dweller with the gunshot wound whose ring you probably sold for caps was your spouse. But how did they die? The memory den will glitch. You’ll see a man in front of cryo pod and before you can get anymore answers the memory starts glitching and you are pulled from the memory. Dr. Amari will explain that your character seems to repressing the memory and there was a danger of hurting you if she tried to force you to remember. Nick will comment that he knows the man who is Kellogg and you will track him down like in the original story. When you retrieve the chip from Kellogg’s brain you watch from his perspective that he murdered your spouse all while you helpless banged against your cryo pod and took your baby to the Institute. The same Institute that your character has learned from the locals is a terror of the Common Wealth. There will be a memory where you can see old Shaun but the player doesn’t know that this is our son yet. It will be very obvious who those persons that gave your character extreme proportions. But for now you will only know this person as Kellogg's boss and the leader of the Institute. Shaun will tell Kellogg to track down and kill Virgil and Kellogg will state in the memory that Vigil is in the glowing sea so he couldn’t get to him. Your next objective is to find Vigil and find a way to save your son from the Institute.
Because I moved the orginal pre-war back story I didn’t want to show the killing of your spouse again from Kellogg’s perspective. It just keeps the pace flowing. In the orginal story showing your spouse’s death once was tragic. Showing it again from a different angle is just “Alright cool, I can see my character banging their hands against the glass.” As you tried to find Kellogg you should have learned with your interactions with the NPCs of the world you should be able to draw your conclusions of the Institute. How much of what people say is true? If they really are that bad what does that mean for your son? You now can put a face to who is in charge of all the abductions and fear mongering. When you find Virgil he can confirm all the horrible things the Institute has done but also the good as well. Vigil can put that doubt in your mind that maybe they aren’t all that bad. Any good or bad sad against the Institute the player will always have their leader’s face in their minds.
Honestly speaking the biggest failing in the main story of Fallout 4 story is that I do not care for Shaun and the Institute. They are a terrible faction because they are never given a good reason for anything they do. Which is a darn shame because they have a lot of plot threads that lead no where. Why did they kick ghouls out of Diamond City? Why are they making Synths and still turn around and treat them like slaves when they have robots? What is the point of replacing people when you are capable of just paying off the traders for information? They have a lot of protentional that could make a player ask a lot of moral questions but writing just drops the plot as quickly as it is picked up.
The Institute could have been well intentioned but misguided scientist faction truly trying to help mankind. The moral dilemma is the ways they go about in trying to solve problems of mankind. Firstly start by giving Shaun a personality. We should interact with him as much as possible. You could like him like you would Nick, or Piper or any other companion. First he would give you little innocent tasks. With each task you complete the more he encourages you, he tells you how happy he is to have you there. He even starts to call you mum or dad. But then he’ll start asking you to do things where someone had to pay the price for in cruel inhumane ways. Sometimes there may or may not be a positive effect. For example they are working on plants that resist radiation and don’t have radioactive effects when consumed. A lot of the food that is grown in the Common Wealth that settlers are surviving on came from the Institute. You can have NPCs say once upon a time food was hard to grow but now suddenly growing crops has gotten easier over the years. This new crop growth is the only possible after kidnapping people and testing their new foods on these poor people to confirm it was safe for human consumption. Will you bring them new test subjects? Another example is instead of the Synths being slaves they are meant to be the next step in human evolution. But the Institute is obsessed with creating the perfect human and not robot slaves. Unfortunately if you do not reach the standards of the Institute you are considered a dud and cruelly experimented on. The Institute thinks these synths suffering are necessary because to them they are helping humanity. Some synths will understand that they aren’t to the Institute standards and believe their sacrifice is for the greater good. Others will not and will try to escape with the help of the Rail Road. Will you help the synths or is their suffering justified because good will come from it? Maybe Shaun will request for you to kill Piper or Nick. Diamond City is under their control and they don’t need Piper or Nick around because they are a liability. Your actions should have consequences and impact you personally. I want the player to question at the end of the day when working with the Institute if the ends justify the means. 
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