madammonkie · 1 year
Warning: Mutilation stuff
Whole heartedly believe Nezha Wouldn't mind eating his own body part because he's made out of Lotus Roots
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Dw he regenerates
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alicewritingstories · 2 months
Febuwhump Day 6: "You lied to me"
CW: Aftermath of torture, mutilation, suicidal ideation
Fingon held onto Maedhros' emaciated body as tightly as he could as Thorondir carried them back towards home. It was hard to keep pressure on the stump of his cousin's wrist and keep his limp form balanced on the eagle's back, but he did his best, trying to ignore the amount of blood soaking through the cloak he'd wrapped around Maedhros' arm.
To his relief, Thorondir landed as soon as they were in relatively safe territory and crouched to let him scramble down, half-lifting and half-dragging Maedhros to the ground with him. For his part, Maedhros didn't react. Fingon was torn between gratitude and worry about that; while unconscious, Maedhros couldn't feel pain, but there was a horrible, gnawing chance that he never would wake.
Now on a solid surface, Fingon pulled his blanket out of his bag and wrapped it around Maedhros as best he could, then started unwrapping the cloak from his arm enough to start cutting it into strips to use as bandages. He didn't know much about how to treat a wound this severe, but strapping the wadded cloak over it tightly enough to stop the blood would surely help.
As he worked, Maedhros finally stirred, groaning softly.
"Maedhros?" murmured Fingon softly, freezing in place. "Don't worry; we're on the way home."
Maedhros moaned again. Fingon took his water bottle from his hip and tried to give his cousin a drink, but Maedhros turned away, his eyes flickering open.
Maedhros blinked as his eyes slowly focused on Fingon's face. "Wha… happened?" he murmured.
He had still been conscious when Fingon told him of the plan to cut off his hand, but Fingon repeated it anyway. "I cut off your hand. I'm sorry; it was the only way."
Maedhros frowned. "Liar…" he whispered.
Fingon blinked. "What? You know there wasn't another way."
"You… promised. You said… you'd kill me. Why…"
"When Thorondor arrived and brought me up to you, I realized it wasn't the only way to rescue you. I -"
"You lied to me." Maedhros coughed to clear his dry throat, but once again turned away when Fingon tried to give him water. "Told me… you'd kill me."
Fingon frowned.
"Taking me back… to be… cut off my hand and… taking me back crippled to… laugh…"
"I'm not taking you back to laugh at you; I want to save your life!" exclaimed Fingon indignantly.
Maedhros didn't reply. His eyes had fallen closed again and Fingon guessed that he'd fainted. He set his jaw and went back to bandaging Maedhros' wrist. That had been exhaustion and hunger and blood-loss, that was all. He could think about it later. For now, the important thing was to keep Maedhros alive until he was in the hands of skilled healers.
And it hadn't been a lie. He'd promised to save Maedhros and that was what he was doing. Maedhros was the one who had asked for death as an alternative to staying where he was.
Fingon had broken no promises.
He could only hope Maedhros would see it that way too.
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When Whumpee is released or rescued, there's a bandage wound tightly over their eyes. They say that Whumper gouged their eyes out while they were unconscious - one of the first things they did after capturing them. The bandage has been there ever since.
When Caretaker removes the bandage to look at the damage, it turns out Whumper did no such thing; Wumpee's eyes are fine.
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Whumper 1 and Whumper 2 have decided to kill Whumpee by beheading them. They take them out into the middle of nowhere and make them kneel over a log, W1 picking up an axe.
Whumpee has long hair and asks if W2 could hold their hair out of the way to make sure the cut is clean. The whumpers agree and W2 wraps Whumpee's hair around their fist to hold it securely.
As W1 raises the axe, Whumpee throws themselves back, dragging W2's arm into the path of the axe.
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Rescuer breaks into Whumpee's cell and finds them lying on the floor. They rush to their side and start to help them up.
"Come on, let's go."
"I can't stand," says Whumpee.
"Sure you can, I'll help you. It's OK."
"No, I -"
"It's OK, I'll get you out, you just have to get up and lean on me."
"Rescuer -"
"Come on, on your feet."
Whumpee hits them. "Stop interrupting and listen! First thing Whumper did was hamstring me. I can't stand."
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Whumper is only keeping Caretaker alive so they can care for Whumpee and stop them dying too soon. They decide that they don't need to be able to speak to do that job and they don't want them to be able to make plans with Whumpee, so they cut out their tongue.
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Whumper deliberately marks Whumpee in some way that makes it look like they've been punished for a crime - say, a brand on the forehead that indicates they're an abuser - knowing that it will ruin their ability to get anyone to trust or help them in future.
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Whumper 1 and Whumper 2 are trying to interrogate Whumpee, but Whumpee is being uncooperative and W2 keeps waving a cleaver and begging W1 to let them use it.
Eventually W1 loses patience. "All right," they snap, "I get it. You" - to Whumpee - "want to be difficult and you" - to W2 - "think information is boring and dismemberment is fun. Well, enjoy each other." Then they storm away.
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Whumper has dragged Whumpee along when invading Whumpee's team headquarters because Whumpee knows all the necessary passwords. As they come up to one door, Whumper catches Whumpee trying to activate an alarm and punishes them by smashing their dominant hand.
"Right," says Whumper, turning back to the door, ignoring Whumpee's sobs of pain. "There's a numberpad. What's the code?"
Whumpee chokes out a series of numbers. Whumper enters them, but then a second panel slides out.
"What's this for?" asks Whumper.
"A handprint," says Whumpee, cradling their misshapen hand, and smiles through their tears.
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“Please don’t do this,” says Whumpee tearfully as Whumper pins their hand flat on a table and raises a cleaver.
“I have to,” said Whumper. “I told your friends that if they didn’t do as I wanted they’d get one of your fingers in the mail. If I don’t follow through -”
“You don’t want to do this and I really don’t want you to do it. Please…”
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Whumper offers to trade Whumpee for Caretaker, but Caretaker knows they have vital information that Whumper could get out of them with torture.
Before they agree, they arrange to be made mute, maybe with a spell that takes away their voice, maybe by having their vocal cords surgically cut.
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Time travel
Whumpee wakes up from a nightmare in which Whumper was bending over them carving into their chest with a knife to find that there's a message written on their chest in scars. It looks like it's been there for years, but they know it wasn't there yesterday.
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