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Our top 10 memes of all time! This month also marks 10 years of The Free Thought Project. Here is #1.
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#TFTP #10Years #TheFreeThoughtProject
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victorianalexander · 2 years
Chapter 18 of novel-in-progress Covid-19, The Musical
Chapter 18 of novel-in-progress Covid-19, The Musical
In this chapter, I imagine Winston on  trial for thoughtcrime. When questioned, he has to choose between multiple choice options.  And in the end he has no choice but to accept the terms written in font too small and too long to read. (more…)
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The COVID Supply Chain Disruption examples are a compilation of case studies showing how companies react to the digital age. We have...
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scogito · 2 months
Francia, Macron vara la censura su vaccini Covid: "3 anni di carcere e 45mila € di multa a chi critica trattamenti terapeutici 'ritenuti sicuri' dallo Stato"; ok dall'Assemblea Nazionale.
Quello che diceva sorridendo che "la Bestia è già qui", mica mentiva.
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sinisterpeople · 2 years
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I think demon Edgar is mega cute, but I pictured him dressing in a little suit because he loves music and would love to perform with Madeline on a big stage
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Adolf Gates & Bill Hitler
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airbrickwall · 1 year
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CDC: "You can now treat COVID like the flu." For those suffering from common sense who were able to see through the crisis of hysteria early on this comes as a no-brainer. It's what we've been doing all along.
Read More: https://thefreethoughtproject.com/health/its-official-the-covid-narrative-is-officially-dead
#TheFreeThoughtProject #TFTP
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unindoctrinated125 · 2 years
I am so impressed with what she says here. It is almost like she has been reading my page. She is waking up to the reality that her party has left "The People" and our Constitution.
At this time Tulsi is only pointing at these crazy things as a Democrat party issue. It doesn't sound like she has reached the conclusion that it is infact the sum of our government that is doing, and has been doing, these crazy things for quite a long time.
Her optimism lends me hope. If she can get the remaining thinking people in the Democrat party to join her, then there really is hope. If she can get people to think about the principles that made this nation great then she will be making great strides towards Repairing the Walls of this nation that are in such decay.
I'm going to make this a "Repair the Wall" post. The knowledge that our Rights and Freedom come from God, and not from the government is paramount in the thought process needed to make the necessary repairs that will restore our nation. A rational mind, able to see the destruction that is inevitable if we hold our current course, is needed to get America back on the right path. This video may be a starting point for many viewers as they endeavor to hold on to the Liberty that this nation was supposed to cherish and stand for.
If this is your first "Repair the Wall" post I would encourage you to look at my posts with the same hashtags. Remember that I am pulling for you and...
God bless America
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victorianalexander · 2 years
Chapter 17 of novel-in-progress, Covid-1984, The Musical
Chapter 17 of novel-in-progress, Covid-1984, The Musical
Whenever a regime imposes irrational laws on the people,  every abusive spouse, nosey neighbor, fascist-minded administrator can weaponize those laws against their own victims.  Cops get to beat the shit out of people in the name of this law.  Husbands can take the kids away from mom. Politicians can cancel their opponents. In this chapter, I look at a horrible situation that has been very common…
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claudiosuenaga · 2 years
Vídeo de apresentação do terceiro livro de Cláudio Suenaga, Illuminati: A Genealogia do Mal, sobre as Sociedades Secretas Ocultistas e Satânicas que controlam o mundo
Rotuladas como Illuminati, as sociedades secretas e as elites dirigentes detém um vasto poder de manobrar a história e moldar o futuro conforme os seus planos. Na presente situação em que se encontra o mundo pós-pandemia, não há mais como duvidar que os acontecimentos estão sendo dirigidos por um poder acima dos governos e que a implantação de um governo totalitário mundial, destinado a controlar a vida de tudo e todos, está em pleno andamento.
Dedicado a todos os buscadores da verdade, neste seu terceiro livro Cláudio Suenaga aborda os templários, os Rosacruzes, a Maçonaria, os Illuminati propriamente ditos, a Skull and Bones, o Bohemian Grove, o Priorado de Sião, o Clube de Bilderberg, o CFR, o Clube de Roma, a Comissão Trilateral, além de analisar a transição para a chamada Nova Era ou Era de Aquário, bem como os fundamentos espirituais e o Apocalipse planejado das sociedades secretas.
Você não pode deixar de ler.
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Os pedidos podem ser feitos diretamente para a Editora Bira Câmara pelo e-mail: [email protected]
“Illuminati: A Genealogia do Mal”, de Cláudio Tsuyoshi Suenaga
Bira Câmara Editor, Brochura, 227 páginas, formato 14 x 21 cm, ilustrada
Saiba mais no blog da editora: https://www.jornalivros.com.br/2021/04/o-poder-total-do-governo-mundial.html
Ou aqui mesmo neste blog: https://www.claudiosuenaga.com.br/post/624806976899170304/illuminati
Vídeo produzido por Bira Câmara, com roteiro de Cláudio Suenaga, baseado em seu livro
Todos os direitos reservados ©
Inscreva-se no Canal de Cláudio Suenaga no YouTube
Ajude Cláudio Suenaga no Patreon
Labeled as the Illuminati, secret societies and ruling elites have vast power to maneuver history and shape the future according to their plans. In the present situation in which the post-pandemic world finds itself, there is no longer any doubt that events are being directed by a power above governments and that the implantation of a global totalitarian government, destined to control the life of everyone and everything, is in full swing. Dedicated to all seekers of truth, in the book Suenaga address the Templars, the Rosicrucians, Freemasonry, the Illuminati proper, the Skull and Bones, the Bohemian Grove, the Priory of Sion, the Club of Bilderberg, the CFR, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, the Rockefeller Foundation, etc.
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polishwave · 2 years
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ultramaga · 2 years
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misspeculiar-principe · 7 months
Zionism Is Not Judaism
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jloisse · 2 years
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