#courtney pepeprnell
purpleglitter2005 · 3 years
I'm so sorry I ghosted this blog...the thruth is that I've been caught up being lazy and I have a ton of stuff to do since 11th grade started:)
I've enrolled in an integrated school.
For those of you who don't know what that is-its basically a coaching centre but in the illuison of a school.
I'm planning to answer neet in 2023 because it has always been my dream to be a doctor and as time is going by I have started realising that is what I want in life.
I guess I will start posting one a week now ..and sharing everything that has been going on in my life 💜
I have a ton of stuff to tell you;){my dear reader!!!}
Love love 
See you next week 
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purpleglitter2005 · 3 years
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This was my very first edit
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purpleglitter2005 · 3 years
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I love John green and looking for Alaska is just an example of his lovely writing skills
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purpleglitter2005 · 3 years
Woke up at 10 again.Which according to the ones that gave me life is extremely unacceptable for a 10th std going to give her board exam in allegedly 3 months.Well it’s not announced yet so.....
While I’m writing this I’m lost thinking about the book that I’m currently reading;THE SUN IS ALSO A STAR by Nicola yoon.I guess when one sees the cover of the book they instantly get attracted to it because of its unique cover art byDominique Falla.But as they say don’t judge a book by its cover.I might be misleading here but the book is absolutely amazing till where I’ve read ofcourse.
The plot revolves around two individuals in their mid teens who have an instant connection and are eventually destined to fall in love.Daniel the poetic hopeless romantic, is the type of guy that any girl would fall head over heels for if she has good taste whereas Natasha is the type of gal that believes in the rational and realistic approach to life.The book might seem like the same old cliéched plot but it has a beautiful style of writing and unique approach.Besides Natasha and Daniel the book also involves many other characters.A full fledged review after I’m done with reading it.
Right now it’s almost two and all I’ve done is watch true crime vids on YouTube (Kendall Rae and Elenore neale ),solved a few math equations and listened to this song called xuronjana on loop.I don’t know what the lyrics mean yet but I would love to.So later on out of curiosity I might translate it from Assamese to English.It might be one of the best songs ever composed.The vocals as well as instrumentals really take one to heaven.I found it while watching one of Riya Gogoi’s videos when it used to be her outro song,I low key miss it now:(
I have two back two back tests today;Physics and English.Don’t get me wrong but I really love tests,they make me realise my dumbness and how unprepared in life I am.But this year because of COVID the number of tests reached a minimum.well online tests where 90% cheat isn’t really realistic.It’s extremely unfair and unwarranted for.But that’s life I guess,adapt to everything no matter how stupid it is.Maybe it’s not the fact that the teachers didn’t educate our batch properly but the fact that we failed to make the memories that we always dreamt of making in our final year.But everything happens for a reason.
The virus could’ve been a sign for the humans to change their ways,to tell them that the way you’re living life isn’t the right way,there are more important things than the ones that show on paper or the ones that are supposed to be your everything actually isn’t.The virus actually showed people how horrendous the education system is in India and how it can be improved.Hopefully the new education policy will fall in place by then.The power of the media was also showcased during this period.many talented people realised what their passion is during these few months.Most importantly the virus made us realise the value of people.For the ones who lost their loved ones to the virus this must’ve been a tough year and hopefully they have all of gods blessings.Loads of love and prayers for them.
Okay so I was so curious about the song that I stalked the producer : Tonmoy krypton and honestly I don’t regret it all his songs are so beautiful. Yes,I Still don’t understand a word.one day maybe I’ll learn Assamese just to understand every word of those songs.I said the same thing when I started watching k-dramas and animes,but Korean and Japanese aren’t that easy to learn.Animes are just awesome though.They are like a full creative space.The animation ,dialogues and the voice actors are just flawless.
My neighbour Toroto is a beautiful anime movie which I loved a lot growing up .I still remember I used to use the name Sauski in all my essays,until my one friend noticed,I didn’t really tell him because I didn’t want to seem awkward and weird.
So now I’ve got to study,I wish I could upload my thoughts daily but life gets in the middle.......
Love love...........
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purpleglitter2005 · 3 years
Does nepotism exist in Hollywood?could it be that the Indian as well as American film/movie industry share something ? Seems shocking,but could it be?well even if it does,at least they don’t come up with forced commercial films like COOLIE NO : 1 for the nepo products.Before forming an opinion it’s always better to do hardcore research which I doubt I’ll end up doing:laziness is key to having lesser opinions.(I am debating:should I use emojis or should I not,I want to sound mature and less cheery but at the same time,I love emojis).
Random fact:
🥺-That’s my fav emoji
So today morning I published my first blog,it felt good.It’s like I can say whatever I want,without being afraid that someone might say something.I do feel like I am mentally ill at times by Ill I mean that I fear I have anxiety issues.But don’t all people my age overthink and worry for absolutely no reason.sometimes I feel I’m very awkward socially.I don’t know it’s like I’m friends with all people, but I always feel no one likes me and they gossip about me.
I’ve barely let my self ponder on anything today.COVID,MURDERS and the fact that my grades have slipped and aren’t what they used to be.I spend my morning reading a short story in my English text for my next test called “chief Seattle’s speech”.I didn’t really love it at first read but as I kept on going back to it I felt more and more love towards it.It’s like every time I read it,I discover something new to it.It’s so philosophical and mind opening (I might do a what I learned from it blog sometime so let’s leave it there),if u wish to read it here’s the link:
Basically NASA has found a new planet that maybe habitable.It's like every few days they will come up with some or the other news,which might not be the thruth.I still remember in 2016 or 2017(kind of edgy with the dates as this was more than 4 years ago)the world is going to end (I remember it being a 22nd)I cant remember what the reason for the world ending was but the hype was there.
That Friday I remember my bestfriend telling me(let's call her vanilla for now)
"see you next monday,if we live."
well I'm right in front of you.
I remember when I was in the 3rd or 4rth grade ,my hobbies included reading about the space and beyond.Even the YouTube history was filled with long documentaries relating to space.That obsession did die out.But my google feed is still filled with discoveries and articles about space.
Sometimes I hope that I could remember the pin point details of everything I'd read or heard(I do have a near to perfect memory,according to my mom).
Many a times I tend to watch clips of KUWTK on YouTube for entertainment.I personally don't follow their lives that much,but have fun watching them on reality television.I can never really form an opinion about them because it's a very controversial subject.Many praise them for what they have achieved while some call them out for becoming famous with a s** tape.To be Frank I feel that the show is good but people should take it as entertainment and not life goals and stuff because they are millionaires and have a huge empire built.Meaning who cares if it was because of a tape and what they do besides the show.They do produce very high body standards which is very toxic for young girls but at the same time its because they are put under that kind of pressure.See cant form an opinion here.Its really sad to see the show ending along with Kim's alleged divorce.(many media houses use such personal matters to boost their views on YouTube which I feel isnt okay)
Its not even half passed two but I'm already tired,there is no reason for me to be tired actually.Bye...
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purpleglitter2005 · 3 years
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I make edits in my free time.....
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