#courtesy of kactus-loves-writing
amethystpath-writes · 3 years
So What If It’s Manipulation?
“They tell you you’re the broken one but you’re the only one that hasn’t caved in.”
"I hope this isn't some coy to make me 'join the dark side,'" Protagonist muttered. She tried to keep their voice even, unafraid, but nothing could stop the fear sliding down her throat and coiling in her stomach.
This wasn’t  just anyone talking to Protag; this was Villain, the very kind of person Protag would have been training to fight against had she been accepted into the program, onto the team. Instead, they told her she was too broken- too damaged. Was it upsetting? Of course. But Protag couldn’t prove them right; having a meltdown in front of the team would only guarantee the act she’d never be considered in the future.
“So what if it is?”
Protag heard the slow footsteps approaching the closet door. Why did she ever think it was a good hiding place? Villain had guessed it nearly as soon as he stepped inside. Surely, it would have been more intelligent of Protag to continue with a hidden silence, but she felt that hiding for longer would only make possible consequences worse. She didn’t want to upset Villain, right?
The footsteps stopped on the other side of the door. Protag’s nose and eyes stung with fearful tears unshed. “Then- then you should leave now, because I won’t join you.” With a staggering stubbornness, she declared, “I won’t.”
“Do you have a valid reason for not doing so? I mean, when I can offer you more than anyone else ever could.”
“You can’t offer me anything.” Protag’s voice was just barely above a whisper. As soon as she was done speaking, she brought her shaking hands to her mouth, and began gnawing at her nails.
“I can offer you care and comfort. I can make you feel useful and needed.” Villain continued, listing one thing after another, but Protag only picked up on one word.
Used. That’s all Protag would be if she decided to side with Villain. If she decided to, but she wouldn’t. Protag was supposed to fend off the bad guys, not become one. How could she? Protag. Was. Good- even if she was too pathetic to be a part of the team. She was good.
Then again...being told she wasn’t broken, being told she could be someone, that she was independent and didn’t need a whole team in order to be protected...it was...it was a blissful thought, wasn’t it? To be admired and seen as whole?
But no.
No, this was Villain.
This was manipulation.
So what if this is manipulation?
It felt good, didn’t it?
Even if the words were fake, Protag could put it behind her- she could forget the fact that it was all a lie, if only it meant she felt useful and whole again. It had been so long since she felt any pride in her abilities, or even trusted her own personality. Protag didn’t know who she was in this age of darkness and discomfort, but if someone- even Villain- could show her that she meant something...maybe it wouldn’t be so bad after all. He clearly saw something the heroes didn’t see.
Protag opened the closet door.
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