mirroribis · 2 years
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Title: "Lil' Sinner #2". More art, animation, and music at www.mirroribis.com.
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carnagedigital · 1 year
👀 Outer Space Is Fake 🗣 Gravity Needs A FORCE To Work/Exist, But Gravity Is Not A Force At ALL…
GLOBE-TODDS Should Watch This With FLAT-EARTH-BUDS https://odysee.com/@DigitalCarnage:1/Space-Is-Fake-No-Barrier-No-Gravity:f?r=4qQCNWfRdzBdUp8xQpnKBGuABK4dCkUR
Now, check this out…
There's absofuckinlutely no such thing as "space" as we've all been FORCE fed to believe.
Keep reading, please…
Although, some of us have gone on to actually look at the arguments on both sides, but guess what?
You (GLOBE-TODDS) still think the same as we (FLAT-EARTH-BUDS) used to think.
So, your brain is still in the "too proud," mode or the "that's just the way it's been for thousands… or millions of years" mode.
Don't sell yourself short! (Just hear me out, please)
We were all trained/taught to think the same way.
It should be common knowledge by now that they've used (and probably still do use) MK Ultra on select men and women such as Hollywood stars.
If gravity is not a force at all, then it doesn't exist! Period!
I believe the Satanists who run the Earth plane just had someone make up the concept of gravity because it was missing from their demonic, deceptive, Helio-SIN-Tricked model.
And they had to make that stick in the minds of the GOYIM…
GOY, noun; GOYIM, plural noun; Definition: a term used by Jewish people for a non-Jewish person…
They've done this with everything we know…
Nuclear weapons, dinosaurs, and traditional holidays are all just a fallacy/fantasy.
That's just a few, of the many, many #lies that we've all been told…
In America, people still believe fluoride toothpaste is the best you can get?!?
Yeah, if you want to ruin your teeth and stay dumbed down, get the tube with fluoride!
Don't believe me?
It's only because you haven't looked into it for yourself.
Thinking for yourself isn't what we're all used to, and that's exactly what the CABAL wanted for us… https://odysee.com/@DigitalCarnage:1/Space-Is-Fake-No-Barrier-No-Gravity:f?r=4qQCNWfRdzBdUp8xQpnKBGuABK4dCkUR
Who runs the overall education system and makes the "syllabus" for all people on the Earth plane?
You got it!
The same people who took over the medical industry…
That would be the ROTHSCHILDS-&-ROCKEFELLERS… Of, course! (Bill Gates & Mark Zuckerberg are both supposedly related, or they're actually in one of the family bloodlines)
There are 13 families that run things and they're known as the Illuminati | the Deep State | the Cabal | and/or the Globalists…
Now you should be getting the big picture…
And hey, remember your "FLAT-EARTH-BUDS" used to be "GLOBE-TODDS" just like you…
But, make no if's, and's, or but's about it, this is a spiritual war between Good & Evil…
Look: G O D + adding an O = G O O D E V I L + adding a D = D E V I L
If you don't know anything about any of this, you're probably lost and/or you might be suffering from "Cognitive Dissonance"…
Just snap out of it already, and WAKE-THE-HELL-UP-RIGHT-NOW!!!
The purpose of this deception was/is to make us think that we're all insignificant in the grand scheme of things as we believe we're on a tiny rock hurling through an endless "universe", and to hide the fact that Yahweh, Our Father/Creator and Satan actually exist!
In reality, we are all His children and we are all at the CENTER of His creation…
All praise the most high God, Our Father, Yahweh, who created EVERYTHING…
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mysteriouswhispering · 4 months
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eric-sadahire · 7 months
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If there were in the world today any large number of people who desired their own happiness more than they desired the unhappiness of others, we could have paradise in a few years.
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biswadeepdas · 8 months
The Psychology of Consumer Behavior: Insights for Effective Marketing Campaigns
In the vast and ever-changing field of digital marketing, understanding the complex workings of consumer behavior is like having the secret key that unlocks the door to success. Behind every click, like, share and purchase lies a complex interplay of psychological factors that drive decision making. In this blog post, we take a journey into the fascinating world of consumer psychology and uncover insights that can take your marketing campaigns to new heights.
Cognitive dance: Insights into consumer decision making
At the heart of every interaction with a consumer is a cognitive dance where perceptions, emotions and motivations intertwine to shape choices. Understanding this complex choreography is the first step in creating effective marketing campaigns.
Perception is reality: Perception forms the basis of consumer behavior. Delve into the psychology of how individuals perceive and interpret marketing messages. Consider the impact of color, typography and display on brand perception and explore the phenomenon of selective attention in a sea of ​​digital noise.
Emotion-driven engagement: Emotions have a decisive influence on decision-making. Discover the power of emotional triggers in marketing, whether it's to evoke nostalgia, evoke empathy or spark curiosity. Explore case studies of brands that struck an emotional chord to make lasting connections.
The paradox of choice: Unravel the psychological paradox that too many options can paralyze decision making. Delve into the concept of decision fatigue and learn how marketers can simplify choice to guide consumers to desired actions.
Social influence and FOMO: Peer pressure is alive and well in the digital age. Explore the psychological underpinnings of social proof and fear of missing out (FOMO) and uncover strategies for harnessing these influences in your marketing efforts.
From Psychology to Strategy: Nudging Behavior in the Digital Space
Understanding consumer psychology is just the beginning. In order for marketers to truly use these insights, they must translate them into actionable strategies that drive consumers to desired outcomes.
Personalization and the power of connection: Explore the psychology of personalization and its role in creating a sense of connection between consumers and brands. Learn how data-driven personalization can lead to higher engagement and conversion rates.
Tactics of scarcity and urgency: Use the principle of scarcity and the psychology of urgency to take immediate action. Learn how limited-time offers, countdown timers, and exclusive offers can get consumers to act fast.
Foundation effect and gamification: Gamify the consumer experience by leveraging the endowment effect, where individuals place more value on items they feel they already own. Discover how interactive experiences and rewards can drive engagement and loyalty.
Primary and subliminal messages: Immerse yourself in the realm of priming, where subtle cues influence subsequent behavior. Read about the psychology of subliminal messages and ethical considerations in consumer decision-making.
Unlocking Consumer Loyalty: The Psychology of Trust and Commitment
Building a loyal customer base is the pinnacle of marketing success. Delve into the psychological factors that drive trust, commitment and long-term brand relationships.
Trust: The basis of loyalty: Explore the role of trust in consumer relationships and explore strategies to create and strengthen trust in a skeptical digital environment.
The power of reciprocity: Understand the principle of reciprocity and how providing value up front can create a sense of commitment in consumers. Discover ways to offer free resources, insights and experiences that pave the way for reciprocity.
Cognitive dissonance and post-purchase satisfaction: Analyze the concept of cognitive dissonance—the discomfort of conflicting thoughts—and how it affects post-purchase behavior. Learn how to take buyer's remorse and turn it into positive brand sentiment.
Brand Storytelling and Identity: Learn how brand storytelling taps into consumers' need for identity and belonging. Explore the psychology of storytelling and how it can foster a sense of community around your brand.
Conclusion: Creating Persuasive Campaigns Through Consumer Insight
As digital marketers, we have the power to influence and shape consumer behaviour. By delving into the depths of consumer psychology, we arm ourselves with invaluable insights that allow us to create campaigns that resonate on a deep level. By understanding perceptions, emotions and motivations and translating that understanding into actionable strategies, we can push consumers down a path that leads not just to conversions, but to true engagement, loyalty and lasting brand connection. So let's take the science of the mind and transform it into the art of digital marketing mastery.
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violetmadder · 10 months
My own mother has been listening to TERFs online.
We're from a smaller city and she's only ever been personally, directly acquainted with two trans people (THAT SHE KNOWS OF). Both behaved towards her in pushy, creepy, boundary-trampling ways that made her profoundly uncomfortable. One was a classmate who spent months manipulatively worming their way into her head, trying to guilt trip her into things. She's autistic, painfully shy, and has major difficulties with social situations to begin with. Both of these people trigger the same warning bells in her instincts that go off from trauma caused by abusive men, which confuses the hell out of her. (The way she's described it is, "your Y chromosome is showing").
I've spent more than ten years living in the SF bay area. I've encountered a whole rainbow of variously gender nonconforming friends, bosses, roommates, coworkers-- and I'm agender/nonbinary, myself. Trans rights are human rights, and gender essentialism is destructive patriarchal bullshit, period. This has always just been a no-brainer for me. We're all just people, and in pretty much any demographic some people are gonna be jerks and some aren't, that's life. But my mother has not had positive experiences to balance out her perspective. She's spooked. She's sympathizing with J. K. Rowling and "likes" Blair White (actually willingly listening to a fucking Trumper are you even my mother or a pod person wtf is happening right now????) and I'm just in shock. She thinks cis is a slur. She doesn't want a penis showing up in the womens' locker room (nevermind what all this shit is like for anybody who didn't want a penis showing up ON THEIR BODY in the first damned place). I can't even. She's smarter than this. Surely this is just a misguided phase she'll regret soon. She knows better. Surely she knows better.
This shit is keeping me up at night.
It reminds me of how I felt when I discovered that my grandmother voted against gay marriage some years after we lost my uncle to AIDS. He never came out to the family. I grew up thinking we're a very progressive bunch, so I never understood why he didn't feel safe to come out to us. I couldn't comprehend my grandmother's position whatsoever-- and I was too young to ask. I just sat down and cried, uncomprehending. I still don't get it. And now this.
I'm about an inch from just shouting at her YOU'VE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME but I know that's not going to help. And it's not like I'm going to trot out my trans friends to prove they can be good well-mannered examples of their friggin kind-- she's the one who needs to behave. I've carefully tried to send her some videos refuting the usual TERF lies but if she doesn't listen I don't know what to do. I just don't get it. I can't wrap my head around it, and it's legit keeping me up at night.
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mrglitterati · 10 months
By choosing not to speak up or intervene, individuals contribute to the maintenance and perpetuation of oppressive systems.
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remenar · 1 year
Sažetak, Black Box Thinking - Matthew Syed
Kada čujete pojam "Black Box" na što vas asocira? Većinu IT-evaca će asocirati na sustave koji su se našli u okruženju i potpuna su nepoznanica što i kako rade. Poprilično negativna konotacija. Dio ljudi će asocirati na crne kutije u avionima što trenutno asocira na nesreću. Sam naslov knjige, Black Box Thinking, je fenomenalan i autor je naslovom knjige stvorio novi pojam. Ovu knjigu nedavno sam pročitao i ide na mjesto odmah pored Funky Business, knjiga o kojoj sam pisao u prethodnom članku. Temeljni principi Black Box Thinking knjige su da su greške potpuno normalna i prihvatljiva pojava. Ali nedopustive su ako iz njih ne učimo i ne napredujemo. Napredak ostvarujemo kroz "open feedback loop", prepoznavanje kognitivne disonance te uvođenje malih promjena ("marginal gains"). Uistinu vrlo zanimljiva i korisna knjiga kako za poslovni život tako i za privatni.
“A failure to learn from mistakes has been one of the single greatest obstacles to human progress." “A progressive attitude to failure turns out to be a cornerstone of success for any institution." "Society, as a whole, has a deeply contradictory attitude to failure. Even as we find excuses for our own failings, we are quick to blame others who mess up.” "It is partly because we are so willing to blame others for their mistakes that we are so keen to conceal our own. We anticipate, with remarkable clarity, how people will react, how they will point the finger, how little time they will take to put themselves in the tough, high-pressure situation in which the error occurred. The net effect is simple: it obliterates openness and spawns cover-ups. It destroys the vital information we need in order to learn.” “Only by redefining failure will we unleash progress, creativity and resilience."
Open Feedback Loop
“So, just to re-emphasize, for our purposes a closed loop is where failure doesn’t lead to progress because information on errors and weaknesses is misinterpreted or ignored; an open loop does lead to progress because the feedback is rationally acted upon."
Cognitive Dissonance
“When people don’t interrogate errors, they sometimes don’t even know they have made one (even if they suspect they may have)." "When we are confronted with evidence that challenges our deeply held beliefs we are more likely to reframe the evidence than we are to alter our beliefs. We simply invent new reasons, new justifications, new explanations. Sometimes we ignore the evidence altogether.” "Cognitive dissonance occurs when mistakes are too threatening to admit to, so they are reframed or ignored. This can be thought of as the internal fear of failure: how we struggle to admit mistakes to ourselves.” „The relationship between the ambiguity of our failures and cognitive dissonance: When a plane has crashed, it’s difficult to pretend the system worked just fine. The failure is too stark, too dramatic. This is what engineers call a red flag: a feature of the physical world that says ‘you are going wrong’. It is like driving to a friend’s house, taking a wrong turn, and hitting a dead end. You have to turn around. Most failure is not like that. Most failure can be given a makeover. You can latch on to any number of justifications: ‘it was a one-off’, ‘it was a unique case’, ‘we did everything we could’. You can selectively cite statistics that justify your case, while ignoring the statistics that don’t. You can find new justifications that did not even occur to you at the time, and which you would probably have dismissed until they – thankfully, conveniently – came to your rescue.“
"The mnemonic which has been used to improve the assertiveness of junior members of the crew in aviation is called P.A.C.E. (Probe, Alert, Challenge, Emergency).”
Learn From Errors
“It is about creating systems and cultures that enable organizations to learn from errors, rather than being threatened by them.” "In effect, practice is about harnessing the benefits of learning from failure while reducing its cost. It is better to fail in practice in preparation for the big stage than on the big stage itself. This is true of organizations, too, which conduct pilot schemes (and in the case of aviation and other safety critical industries test ideas in simulators) in order to learn, before rolling out new ideas or procedures.“
Marginal Gains
"Marginal gains is not about making small changes and hoping they fly. Rather, it is about breaking down a big problem into small parts in order to rigorously establish what works and what doesn’t.” „But a willingness to test assumptions is ultimately about a mindset. Marginal gains is a strategy of local optimisation: it takes you to the summit of the first hill. But once you are there, taking little steps, however well tested, runs out of traction. To have stayed ahead of the competition, Blockbuster would have needed to move into an entirely new space, leveraging new technology and fresh insights.“ „If insight is about the big picture, development is about the small picture. The trick is to sustain both perspectives at the same time.“ „We learn not just by being correct, but also by being wrong. It is when we fail that we learn new things, push the boundaries, and become more creative.“
Dodatne poveznice
- GoodReads: Black Box Thinking: Why Some People Never Learn from Their Mistakes - But Some Do - Amazon: Black Box Thinking: Why Most People Never Learn from Their Mistakes - But Some Do - Book Depository: Black Box Thinking: Why Most People Never Learn from Their Mistakes - But Some Do
Video materijali
- Sažetak knjige: Black Box Thinking | Matthew Syed | Book Summary - TEDx Talk: Why you should have your own black box | Matthew Syed | TEDxLondonBusinessSchool
Preuzimanje sažetka
https://vladimir.remenar.net/sazetak-black-box-thinking-matthew-syed/ Read the full article
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byfaithmedia · 1 year
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The West is reaping the whirlwind of decades of rebellion against God. This is the Age of Absurdity, where feelings replace facts and the ‘experts’ are confused about the basics: What is a woman?
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thegratefulnuts · 1 year
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🙌🏻 Here ya go, I’m just going to drop this right here. 🤗 There’s a lot to be said about this, but to be honest I just woke up at 2pm after working 2 12 hour overnight shifts and my brain isn’t exactly firing on all cylinders yet 😂 Might turn this topic into a blog post later, idk. In all honesty, hoping to hear back from you all on where you stand with the “feelings aren’t fact” and “all feelings are valid” conversation. For me I feel like there is definitely a happy middle, but the raging cognitive dissonance I experience with these two concepts is unreal at time 😂 So… lay it on me! • • • • #feelings #feelingsarefeedback #feelingsarevalid #feelingsarentfacts #inmyfeelingschallenge #soberthoughts #sober #sobriety #emotionalsobriety #sobercommunity #recoverycommunity #addictionrecovery #mentalhealthrecovery #recoveringalcoholic #cognitivedissonance #sobermovement #sobermotivation #soberinstagram #recoveryworks #sobersupport #wedorecover #friendsofbillw #alcoholicsanonymous #soberliving #soberlifestyle #recoveryposse #emotionsmatter https://www.instagram.com/p/CqBb-zJuf_S/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ellenhenryart · 1 year
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Sold, thank you! 🧠
Find the design here 👉
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hookndhaul · 1 year
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The Truth Doesn’t Mind a Challenge… The Lies Do 😢 #cognitivedissonance #truth #lies https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnw--b0u8rt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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🧠⛓ . . . #socialdragonfly #allismental #allismind #cognitivedissonance #awakening #spiritualawakening #spiritualjourney https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj372PxOaY5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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abovegroundpodcast · 2 years
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Do not let your thoughts control you. It is easy to allow your thoughts to take over but by being mindful we can can stop thoughts, confront them and determine if they are true or false. Stop understanding yourself. #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #cognitivedissonance #thoughtsbecomethings #mentalhealthpodcast #letstalkmentalhealth #endthestigmaofmentalhealth #stopstigma #stepintoyourpower #mentalhealthwarrior #mentalhealthadvocate #heal #therapy #podcastersofinstagram #whatyouthinkyoubecome #thoughtscreatereality #perception #brainhealth #mentalhealthmeme #applepodcast #spotifypodcast #nippertown https://www.instagram.com/p/CjMNhjrsFbo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shanaesqueakymonroe · 2 years
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📲🎼🤩We had a great show last night.. what a great conversation! Harmony is not SILENCE🫶🏽Therapeutic well over due much needed conversations… when we all can learn how to communicate together, despite our differences, and UNLEARN DESTRUCTIVE PROGRAMMING & RELEARN CONSTRUCTIVE systems & programs… 🪄HOW TO FIX #cognitivedissonance And CREATE solutions as a TEAM🪞🖼🎉🛋…. It’s a beautiful thing to see, to witness, and be apart of🔑All of God’s people are uniting and rising… we are a creative collection and we are all in one big BODY OF WATER…one great OCEAN! Instead of helping ppl drown, we WILL hold one another AFLOAT! We are one body…we are the sanctuary… the spirit of truth lives in us! The spirit of GOD RESIDES IN US! Stay in tune, check in with yourself, your spirit, it’s yours to keep and cherish forever. God gave you that… feel yourself breath? You woke up ! You lie down to sleep? You dream ! You feel connected to something bigger than what you know is much more to it than YOUR EGo? It’s not by coincidence ! The discord amongst our people isn’t rocket science… but it does feel good to know how to SOLVE rocket science🚀🌌being that we are living amongst the STARS… in THIS universe.:. 🗺KNOW your power, REALIZE THE POWER that was instilled in you from GOD, his greatest creation… THE BODY (of Yeshua)… one with nature… one with LOVE… one with the kingdom💚 as above so it is below… it is a GIFT & a #Blessing to be here on this side🙏🏽🥲Imagine what’s on the other side once we finally get it right😮🚪🗽🌲🏳️🌊🪸#AppealToHeaven You’ve been given FREE WILL for a reason… thank GOD🤲🏽💫🏆💎 (at Squeakyclean Healing Juices x Jems) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgHgmaOORIg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mrglitterati · 11 months
Open dialogue, education, and commitment to personal growth can begin to break down barriers, fostering more equitable communities.
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