#climbing mt fuji
ross-nekochan · 7 months
9-10 Settembre 2023
Ho scalato il monte Fuji.
C'era chi ce lo ha raccontato come niente di che e normale e chi con strazio e difficoltà.
Beh, i primi hanno chiaramente mentito.
Non ho mai scalato una montagna, sono solo andata sul Vesuvio e un'altra volta sono stata sul monte Takao qui in Giappone, ma non sapevo chiaramente cosa aspettarmi dallo scalare una montagna. Ero in parte preoccupata e in parte pronta perché mi aspettavo una passeggiata terribile di ben 8 ore, ma comunque una passeggiata. E invece non è stato niente di tutto questo.
Il monte Fuji è alto quasi 3800 metri e le stazioni totali per raggiungere la cima sono 9. Il bus ti lascia alla quinta stazione e da quel momento in poi inizia la vera scalata. La sesta stazione era abbastanza vicina e per raggiungerla si è trattato di una passeggiata in pendenza. Il bello è arrivato dopo.
Infatti dalla sesta in poi le stazioni sono divise da 1h o 1h30min di scalata, non passeggiata. Più si sale e più quello che ti trovi sotto i piedi sono rocce, non terreno. Rocce ovviamente enormi quindi devi capire dove mettere i piedi e le mani per poter andare avanti, essere coordinato e stare attento. Alla settima stazione io e un mio amico italiano abbiamo lasciato la coppia indiana indietro perché oggettivamente molto lenta e affaticata. Il progetto era di arrivare in cima per vedere l'alba che era intorno alle 5:00 del mattino e alle 22:00 eravamo già a metà strada. Così abbiamo deciso di prenderci una pausa di un'oretta.
Peccato che la montagna giapponese non è come quella italiana. Non esistono baite, ma solo luoghi per sostare a dormire (e che noi abbiamo deciso di non fare per risparmiare) e qualche sorta di chiosco con lo sportello per poter mangiare qualcosa. I prezzi al limite della denuncia: un caffè sporco o qualsiasi altra bevanda 4€ e un ramen istantaneo che in un supermercato normale costerebbe tra 1-2€ lì ne costava 8€. Per non parlare dei bagni: in Giappone i bagni non si pagano mai eppure lì 2€. L'ho trovato un comportamento schifoso e approfittatore a livelli estremi.
Quindi io e il mio amico abbiamo aspettato circa 1h al freddo con la sola fortuna di esserci messi in un angolino dell'entrata dei bagni dove il vento arrivava meno forte. A un certo punto, abbiamo cominciato a tremare con foglie e siamo stati costretti a continuare.
L'ottava stazione non era migliore. C'era una sorta di piazzale e i luoghi per ripararsi almeno un pizzico dal vento, che si faceva sempre più forte e freddo, erano quasi nulli. Lì mi sono lasciata tentare da un caffè latte caldo che mi ha aiutata un pochino a scaldarmi.
L'ultimo pezzo è stato quello più duro. Le rocce erano leggermente meno ma il sentiero era più stretto, il vento era fortissimo ma gelato e non smetteva nemmeno un secondo. Sapevo che sarebbe stato molto freddo, ma quando sei a 30°C non riesci a immaginare quanto freddo possa essere stare sotto lo zero. Non sentivo più nessuna parte del mio corpo, avevo addosso 2 maglie, un maglione, 2 felpe pesanti e non erano abbastanza nonostante mi stessi muovendo scalando, anche perché ci si fermava ogni minuto perché le persone continuavano a farsi foto ricordo bloccando la fila. Dato il poco ossigeno si faceva sempre più fatica, la testa faceva male anche perché era esausta e io ogni volta che ci fermavo mi appoggiavo la testa al braccio del mio amico pregando che finisse tutto il prima possibile. Continuavo solo perché non avevo altra scelta, non potevo rimanere lì in mezzo alle rocce quando già morivo di freddo muovendomi.
Quando siamo arrivati in cima non ci potevamo credere. Ci siamo messi un attimo dentro un edificio che vendeva souvenir per riprendere un po' di calore. L'alba stava già iniziando quindi siamo usciti fuori e di nuovo ci siamo messi a tremare perché il vento continuava a soffiare freddo e forte.
Siamo riusciti a vedere il sole che, al contrario di quanto ho visto spesso, invece di scendere, saliva minuto dopo minuto. Di nuovo faceva talmente freddo che cominciare a scendere era impossibile. Ci siamo riuniti con la coppia indiana e ci siamo rintanati prima in un angolo nel negozio di souvenir (che poi ci ha cacciato) e poi siamo stati nel ristorante a porte aperte dove abbiamo preso giusto dei caffè latte per poter restare finché ci sarebbe stato meno freddo.
La discesa non è stata meno complicata. Non era la stessa strada e non c'erano rocce ma era un percorso sdrucciolevole dove era difficile non scivolare e in continua pendenza. Era un percorso che durava la metà del tempo ma sembrava comunque infinito. Il sole ha cominciato a battere forte e mi sono anche bruciata la faccia nonostante il berretto. Le ginocchia mi hanno fatto male tutto il tempo e i piedi non stavano meglio. Quando finalmente siamo arrivati a destinazione io e il mio amico italiano non ci potevamo credere (la coppia indiana era rimasta di nuovo indietro).
Nel complesso è stata un'esperienza tremenda, che non penso rifarò mai più. È stato bellissimo vedere il cielo pulito e pieno di stelle, non l'avevo mai visto così. Come non avevo mai visto un paesaggio notturno da così in alto, ad un'altezza tale che la luna pareva starmi di fronte. Stare sopra le nuvole e poter vedere mezza regione del Kantō è stato bellissimo... ma nonostante tutto questo, la fatica messa non vale tutto quello che ho visto.
Quello che rimane è la soddisfazione di avercela fatta, di aver sfidato te stesso, il tuo corpo e il monte più alto di tutto il Giappone e di aver vinto. Per il resto: mai più.
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chaelinsbitch · 3 months
Everytime I start working out again I always overdo it and then I hurt myself and take myself out of commission. Then the cycle repeats. You would think I would learn by now
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leefi · 1 year
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I'VE BEEN HERE!!!! That's Shibuya Sky!!
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codenamesazanka · 2 months
i've said this more than a few times before, but it continues to be true. the more I think about Shigaraki letting Spinner join the League of Villains, the funnier it gets. Everything about it - here's a guy Shigaraki has to vet to let into his supervillain battle group, and he's
A hikkikomori country boy from the middle of nowhere with zero criminal experience just somehow finding his way into a big city Villain hideout
showing up in low-budget cosplay based on a serial killer who recently went viral
(because the serial killer went viral)
having to reveal that in the fight against professional superpowered mercenaries, his power... is to climb walls
then asking for a giant sword made out of dozens of knives duct taped together as his main weapon. (They'd have to pay money for this.)
And Shigaraki said 'sure' to all of it. Is it any surprise he's dedicating his destruction of Mt. Fuji to Spinner? We all talk about Spinner's giant crush on Shigaraki, but i think Shigaraki is actually the one got a crush first, moment he first saw the guy.
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evanescent-epiphanies · 6 months
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MikaYuu Week 2023 Day 6: The Present/Wine & Dine
where did they get a bottle of wine and an intact glass while climbing up mt. fuji you ask? well. you see, *vanishes into the night*
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ywpd-translations · 1 year
Ride 725: Towards a new trial!!
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Pag 1
1: Sohoku will become even stronger!!
An injection of will-power to power up!!
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Pag 2
1: The Izu Peninsula is a group of massifs perched on the Pacific Ocean, with a view of Mt. Fuji and Hakone
2: In the center of the peninsula there's the hot spring Shuzenji
3: Since a long time ago, a railway for the hot-springs has been made
4: And it made it prosper as a tourists attraction
5: About 10km east of Shuzenji, climbing a ridge in the mountains
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Pag 3
1: There's the sports park circuit for bicycles
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Pag 4
1: Ohh, woah.... it's so huge, teh
Waaaaa this is incredible Rokudai!!
2: A huge pylon!
It looks like an hotel from that anime with the cars
3: It's- it's huge, teh
Where should we run, I don't kow this level!
4: You've never come here, Kinaka-kun?
I... I've ran in races, but I only went as far as Saitama, it's the first time I come here!!
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Pag 5
1: This is Shizuoka!!
When we in the car, we even saw Mt. Fuji...!!
2: Th-th-th that's Mt. Fuji, teh!!
Wooah, it's true! It's so huge! It's more huge than in pictures
3: The camera makes it look smaller
You're right, teh
5: They're in high spirits, those two
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Pag 6
1: They were chose for the quaolifiers.... and won...
Of course they're excited
3: Let's go, the meeting is soon, Furuya
Yeah, Murakami
5: From now, for the next four days, the training camp will start!!
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Pag 7
1: Those of you who get injured or don't feel good, report it immediately
There's no need to overdo it, you can retire in the middle
2: So we can retire, too?
I'm glad
3: However
4: This training campalso serves as a selection for the six members who will participate in the Inter High
5: Those of you who want to run in the national competition, the Inter High
6: those of you who want to make a name for themselves, those of you who want to contribute to the team, and those of you who have the secret ambition of playing a flashy active role....
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Pag 8
1: Run with everything you have!!
Squeeze out beyond your limit!!
This training camp's finishing order...
2: The first
3: six people
5: Will be the Inter High members regulars!!
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Pag 9
1: This course has a 5km long climb
The practice menu for these four days
2: is to run
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Pag 10
1: 1000km!!
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Pag 11
1: 1000km!
2: Running 1000km is the only practice menu!!
3: Kinaka-kun....!!
4: 1000km... don't tell me
5: Yeah, it's an impossible number
My father's family home is in Aomori, so every year we go there by car, and to go there by car it takes half a day
6: How far do you think it is from Chiba to Aomori!?
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Pag 12
1: It's 700km!!
3: 1000km is 300km longer than that!!
4: It's longer.... than from Chiba.... to Aomori.... teh
5: And tht's not all
10: This training camp is simple but intense
Naruko-san said it
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Pag 13
1: This electronic scoreboard will show the distance and number of laps accumulated
2: There's a chip installed on your bikes
3: So you'll know the individual number of laps and ranking
4: So I don't have to count them myself?
I'm glad, it'll be comforting
1000km, so, uhm...?
5: You can check after every lap
How many laps you did
6: And how many laps did the others!!
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Pag 14
1: “How many laps the others did”..... that means that you can see your own rank on the eletronic scoreboard!!
You have opponents to fight.... in other words, this is a “race”!!
2: During this training camp
A race of 1000km....””
3: It's not just running, it's about how to reach the goal faster than the other members
4: We're being tested!!
5: No!! Wait, Kinaka- the third years are included too, and including both the second and third years, there's no way we can be in the top six!!
6: If it's just running... then isn't this training camp is useless?
7: We're too much at a disadvantage!!
It's too much for us first years!!
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Pag 15
1: No.... I don't think we have no chances at all!! At the end Naruko-san talked about “requirements”
I think those might become our breakthrough!!
2: Requirements”!!
3: Breakthrough!? How!?
Well.... somehow- I've been thinking about various things...
See, as expected it's impossible
4: As nexpected, Kinaka-kun is thinking about how to make a breakthrough, teh!!
5: The “requirements” for the training camp that the Sohoku racing team organized to work towards the Inter High....
6: How to run during the training camp is basically up to you
Think for yourself and run
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Pag 16
1: But there is one “requirement”
Huh? A requirement, what is it!?
Like they'll give us handicaps?
2: Until now, in mine and Hotshot's personal experience in Sohoku training camp
3: many things were used to bind us and made each of us stronger
4: But we talked about it and decided not to use them this time
Those who want to do it can do it on their own accord
5: Instead of that
6: For the next 15 minutes, discuss with each other and choose a partner
Huh, a partner!?
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Pag 17
1: The onw you choose will be your buddy for this training camp!!
3: Buddy!?
4: They a partner... who you'lll... run with?
Among us!?
Can I choose anyone?
5: What do we do?
Can we choose someone who's around as strong as us? How about that
6: Sure
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Pag 18
1: “Fighting in pairs”
This is this training camps “requirements”!!
2: Kinaka-kun!!
3: Rokudai!!
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Pag 19
1: I'll say it once again!! Will you run with me, Rokudai!?
Okay!! Yeah, teh!! Kinaka-kun!!
4: The stickers on their helmets!!
5: To make it easy to identify your chosen buddy, stick the same stickers on your helmets
6: Ugh... the two who participated in the qualifiers
Furuya, we can't lose either
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Pag 20
1: Being a pait means that we can protect each other from the wind
That's right
2: And we can cooperate with other pairs, as four people!!
Alright!! Let's settle aqnd run!! No, as six people!!
I have a feeling this is gonna be okay
4: The other first years wioll be a bit of an hindrance
I want to scatter them as soon as possible
5: Can I ask you that?
6: Kaburagi-san!!
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Pag 21
2: As expected
3: I guess they started already
We're a little late
4: Sorry, Danchiku
No, it's alright....
5: Uhm... so it's really.... not good?
7: Yeah
It's better to stop
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pix4japan · 6 months
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Restored 1950s Tokyo City Bus
Location: Edo-Tokyo Open Air Architectural Museum, Koganei, Tokyo Timestamp: 13:12 on October 25, 2023
Pentax K-1 II + DFA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6 31 mm ISO 400 for 1/360 sec. at ƒ/8.0
Nestled within the Edo-Tokyo Open-Air Architectural Museum lies a fascinating piece of history—a meticulously restored vintage bus, the TS11 model, built by Isuzu Motors after the war from 1952. As you explore the museum, you'll come across this relic, which I feel is just one testament of many to Japan's post-war resilience and innovation.
The bus in my photo is actually part of a personal collection that is on loan to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government for use at the museum. This is why when you receive your printed English guide at the museum, there will be no reference or information available regarding the bus. Please read on to learn some interesting facts and history!
The TS11 model, with its 4WD capability, played a small but influential role in post-war Japan. Its sturdy design allowed it to navigate even the most challenging terrains, including mountainous and snowy regions. In 1957, a similar bus was entrusted with the honor to transport the Emperor and Empress to Mt. Fuji for a climb to the summit, a testament to the reliability and trustworthiness of the bus.
Fast forward to the present day, vintage buses, like the TS11, are experiencing a revival, thanks to the efforts of rural bus operators. Newspaper articles from The Asahi Shimbun and The Mainichi highlight labor shortage struggles faced by bus operators who have turned to restoring old buses as a way to promote not only ridership from tourists on weekends and national holidays, but also to attract bus enthusiasts (bus spotters, bus otaku, etc.) as possible new hires at their companies.
The charm of these buses transcends generations, captivating both the young and old in Japan and even tourists from overseas who have become familiar with the retro design of these old buses from novels, anime, and manga.
If you examine my photo closely, you'll notice a replica of an old license plate near the radiator grill. Above the front window, you can also see the bus route number “47” (四七) and the route destination “Ueno-Hirokoji” (上野広小路), which is a subway station on the Tokyo Metro Ginza Line, in Taito Ward, Tokyo.
Unlike modern buses designed for maximum passenger capacity, these vintage buses, with engines positioned in front of the driver, offer several advantages: better engine cooling efficiencies, easier access for maintenance and repairs, reduced vibration and noise for passengers, and increased safety for drivers in frontal collisions.
Preserving these vintage buses not only honors Japan's history but I think they can help enrich the present and the future, connecting young and old through shared memories and appreciation for cool design and innovative engineering.
Visit my blog post for Google Maps links and links to all of the original source material that I translated for this post: https://www.pix4japan.com/blog/20231025-edo-bldg-museum.
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cardiac-agreste · 4 months
an Adrien akumatization
I'm so glad I can put all my stupid thoughts on this website, and while I'm taking care of a sick 3yo, I have a lot of them.
Imagine a version of the story where Marinette has tried and tried to confess to Adrien, and she just breaks down in front of him, once again unable. She gives up on ever confessing. Almost to herself, she cries, "I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore" and she runs off.
Adrien interprets this as her apologizing and saying she can't be his friend anymore. And then he hears a voice speaking in his head: "You try and try to be kind to people to win over their friendship. But now I will give you the power to punish those who don't want to get to know you. Sunburn, bring me Ladybug's and Chat Noir's miraculous."
(PFP very related, I got sunburned on all my exposed skin climbing Mt Fuji)
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neonmeron · 7 months
月曜日 2023/9/25
月曜日 2023/9/25
こんにちは!! みんなは元気?私はまあまあ。
I know I said I would post over the summer but I didn't. ごめん!
I know we're a bit in the semester already but I missed the first two weeks because of some family stuff and I was playing catch up when I got back. i've just been so busy with work, school, clubs, etc. and then i was going through relationship drama, and was pretty depressed due to that and overworking myself BUT I will try my best to summarize what we've learned so far. 自分が大丈夫だ。(と思います。)
The major grammar points we've learned so far are
お/ご+verb stem+します
can't forget to mention the crap ton of kanji and vocab we have to learn on the daily 😀
you know the drill.... lets go over the grammar!!
So たいです/たくないですadds on to the verb stem and it means want/desire for something
I want to eat = (私は)食べたい(です)。(were gonna keep things casual)
i want to drink alcohol = お酒を飲みたい。
I want to skip class = 授業(じゅぎょう)をサボりたい。
I want to climb Mt. Fuji = 富士山(ふじさん)に登(のぼ)りたい。
I want to make a cake = ケーキを作りたい。
I dont want to learn Japanese = 日本語を習いたくない。
(for negative sentences, instead of い you put the くない。)it's the same for いadjectives so im not gonna cover it much. I think you guys can figure it out. (I believe in you!)
Pretty simple. ます form but put たい instead. EZ PEEZEE
Similarly is たがっている。 that's used when you talk about what someone else wants. If I remember correctly, my teacher told us that expressing your wants is childish in Japanese culture? I think it was something like that but i'll have to fact check that.
So, Tanaka wants to work at the library. = 田中さんは図書館で働きたがっている。
You set it up as if your about to say たい but instead of い, you say がっている。もっと練習しましょう。
母は写真を撮りたがっている。It seems my mom would like to take a picture. Both the tanaka example and mom example are correct. They pretty much mean the same thing.
Uno mas
山下先生は風邪(かぜ)をひきたがっていない。Prof. Yamashita doesnt want to catch a cold. (i looked online and through every paper I had and none specified if I used いません or some other way so were gonna go with this for now.
Again, easy peasy. Moving on.
たりする is used to list events. Its similar to ~て、but て is more like exact events. たり is used to describe things you did without explaining everything, if that makes sense
パリとダブリンに行ったり、買い物をしたりした。= I did things like go to Paris and Dublin and go shopping.
ケーキを作ったり、 本を読んだりした。
たり is in past て form!!
たり implies you did more than JUST going there and shopping. 分かる?instead of たい,you change the い to り and then when you finished the sentence, you can do たりする、たりした、たりします、たりしました、たりするのは/が。。。です~~~ and so forth.
ほうがいいです is should/should not do. Its also called “its better to do…”
You should do something: past+ほうがいいです(ね/よ)
You should not do something: present negative+ほうがいいです(ね/よ)
Por ejemplo,
You should not exercise - うんどうしないほうがいいです。
You should sing - 歌ったほうがいいです。
You should no go out tonight - 今夜出かけないほうがいいです。
You should take medicine - くすりを飲んだほうがいいです。
Its kinda confusing cause theres also どっちのほうがいいですか。which we learned last semester but i guess mean the same thing. “Its better if you do xyz”,,,, “which is better?”
We can then pair this up with んです
Lowkey, im an んです hater. Its purpose it to “add emotion”
For present verbs you do dictionary form + んです ー 食べる>食べるんです。
For past verbs you do short て form + んです ー 食べた>食べたんです。
For positive い adjectives, you simply add the んです after the い。 ー かわいい>かわいいんです
For negative present  い adjectives, you negate it normally and then have the んです the ない ー かわいくない>かわいくないんです
For negative past い adjectives you negate it normallly かわいくなかった and simply add the the んです>かわいくなかったんです。
For な adjectives, you add なんです。元気なんです、好きなんです、にぎやかなんです。
For past な adectives, its just 元気だったんです、すきだったんです、にぎやかだったんです。
The short form of でした.
I feel like its pretty self explanatory.
Lets combine んです and ほうがいいです
A: ああ、あたまがいたいんです…
See?! Super easy! 
I’m kinda running out of time so I’ll leave it at that for now. I also don't want this to get too long. Next post will have すぎる、~ので、and お/ご and then after that I’ll finally tell you all about my summer and things happening in my life lately!! I'm so happy to finally be posting again. I've missed you, reader-chan. I finally have someone to talk to TT
今日の歌はKumi Koda - Guess Who Is Backです。(I remember listening to this song when I was a freshman in highschool. maybe it was middle school...ah, the memories..)
Notice any errors? Lmk!! I always want to fix my mistakes so I can learn better. ありがとう!
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darlingpoppet · 1 month
Favorite place you’ve traveled to/visited? Place you would visit asap if you could?
Some of my favorite, most nostalgic memories have been traveling to cities and towns along Sagami Bay in Kanagawa, Japan, such as Kamakura and Fujisawa. In particular, one afternoon I finished work early and was on the train home when I suddenly decided I was going to ride it to the end of the line, which brought me all the way to the entrance of Enoshima island. And so I spent the rest of that day on an impromptu sightseeing trip, climbing the island hill, enjoying the nature (it was cherry blossom season) and when I reached the top I got to sit on a balcony with a beer to watch the sun setting behind Mt. Fuji and it was probably the best day ever :)
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Places I would visit ASAP if I could: my mom’s house 🥺 and my old hometown where I grew up so I can see what everyone there has been up to 🥺 And maybe since it’s obligatory at this point: Greece… or maybe more broadly I would want to go on like, a journey around the entire Mediterranean where you hit all the key locations from the Iliad and the Odyssey… tours like that exist, right? An Achilles tour, an Odysseus tour, a Helen tour… 😆
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ninelanguages · 5 days
Kanji for "mountain"
山 = yama / san
山に登る - yamanimoboru - to climb [go up, ascend] a mountain - やまにのぼる
火山 - kazan - a vulcano - かざん
富士山 - fujisan - mt. fuji - ふじさん
山田さん - yamadasan - ms. [mr.] Yamada - やまださん
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oorevitcejda · 1 year
hyper specific poll time!
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omentranslates · 1 year
Owari no Seraph ch 121 English fan translation
Spoilers for the new chapter, but I’ve gone through it for anyone who wants it a few hours early
Also the pictures were a little obscured this time so there was some that I couldn’t read well, sorry about that. I’m also doing this on my phone so that’s why the formatting is like this.
A single car traveling through the destroyed town…
Mika: Hey, Yuuchaaan
Yuu: Hm?
Mika: Where does this go?
Yuu: Secret~
Mika: Secret, huh?
Yuu: Guess you’ll just have to wait and see~
Mika: …well, no, I mean I can see what’s smack dab in front of me.
Yuu: Wowww, our skillful Mika has already found it out.
Mika: “Found it out…?”
Chapter 121: The Final Sunrise
Mika: Wait. You weren’t aiming for the massive forest, you’re gonna try and climb the mountain aren’t you!?
Yuu: Well who would come all this way and not climb it?
Mika: PLENTY OF PEOPLE??? Who WOULD climb it in this situation???
Yuu: Well if we climb it we’ll have the memory right?*
Mika: What the hell kind of memory do you want!?
*these were difficult to read behind the overlay take w grain of salt
Mika: And you’re so loud.
Yuu: Gotta be the biggest in Japan. **
Mika: I know. Ok but why are you always trying to climb to the highest possible place when we’re supposed to be laying low?
Yuu: Well don’t you just wanna see if you can?
The whole top half of this line was covered, take w grain of salt
Mika: Not even a little.
Yuu: Well it’d be easy to hide here wouldn’t it? Do you know anything about Mt. Fuji’s huge expanse of forest?
Mika: Ah, that’s right. So you think we can hide in the sea of trees?
90% sure on this but the word for where they’re hiding is kind of hidden
Yuu: I think Guren mentioned it in class once. Something about the magnetic field or something being supernatural somehow or whatever.
Mika: You really can’t remember anything.
Yuu: I sucked at all the magic stuff.
Mika: Well maybe hiding in the forest is a good idea. Since what we need is time.
Mika: ….the last.
Mika: ……so that’s what it is
Yuu: Right right right! So then let’s do the most fun mountain climbing trip ever! I’m gonna go get some more snacks.
Yuu: Mika let’s go!
Mika: Hm
Yuu: Come on, smile!
Mika: Yeah yeah I know
Yuu: It’s so beautiful!
Mika: Yeah, it’s pretty amazing…
Mika: Hey Yuuchan
Yuu: Yeah?
Mika: Where do prayers from here go?
Yuu: Uh…god, isn’t it?
Mika: Yeah, which god.
Yuu: I dunno. Not the First, though.
Mika: Ah, true! Great, we’ll pray to the First’s enemies!
*muttering prayers*
Yuu: Alright….I’M ON TOP!!
Mika: Isn’t someone gonna strike you down if you climb on that thing?
Yuu: It should be fine we’ve taken more than our share of divine punishment. They even destroyed the world.
Mika: That’s Yuuchan for you, always looking ahead.
Yuu: Well, our fight to save the world starts now anyways.
Mika: Yup. Doesn’t get any more blasphemous than this.
Yuu: *first part unreadable* Hurry up and come here! The view’s amazing!
Mika: Yeah ok
Yuu: Check it out
Mika: I’m looking
Yuu: Glad you joined me?
Mika: Yeah, I’m glad. Since I was able to see you looking so happy.
Yuu: You look happy too!
Mika: Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve had fun.
Yuu: Ah come on, if you’re gonna be alive you gotta have some fun. No matter what.
Mika: True.
Yuu: Let’s even have fun while we’re saving the world. Ah, by the way, this is the first sunrise***
*** he’s either saying it’s the first sunrise of the year or this is the first sunrise he’s ever watched, it’s hard to tell from the phrasing, 初日の出 means first sunrise of the year but in the sentence before it he’s only talking abt him even tho Mika is also seeing it
Mika: No way-!?
Mika: Yuuchan
Yuu: Yeah?
Mika: The view we saw together today, I don’t think I’ll forget it as long as I live.
Yuu: Nah, how about instead, after we win this thing we live so long we forget about it completely.
Yuu: After (something blurry) the mass resurrection (I think) we’re gonna have so much fun we forget every sad thing that’s happened til now.****
Mika: Alright, if we can do it
Mika: Yeah
Yuu: We-
Mika: woo!
Shibuya: Japan Imperial Demon Army Capital City
Ky Luc: Alright, filthy humans. You listening?
Ky Luc: We have absolutely no interest in you. So if you don’t resist, we won’t have to kill you. However-
Ky Luc: If even one of you tries something, we can kill you by the thousands. Got it?
Soldiers: YES.
(The sfx here is of a cute smile)
Lest Karr: Urd-sama? Shibuya is completely (something covered up).
(If I had to guess I’d say “subdued” but I seriously can’t read it through the overlay)
Shinya: This has gotten real bad, huh Kureto oniisan? Humanity is gonna go extinct at this rate. We need to do our best to get outside and make contact with Guren.
Shinya: Oniisan? Oniisan? You’re not dead over there are you?
Kureto: Shut up. I’m thinking.
Vampire: The protection circle is complete
Vampire: All clear on both sides. Do you understand? The test subject we’re taking on this time is a god. If we don’t do this meticulously, we die. There is no room for error.
Vampire: If there are any outstanding members of the Imperial Demon Army’s researchers, assign them to the Hyakuya Project too. This is what we’ve been fighting for for millennia. Stay sharp.
Soldier: Yessir
Vampire: The protection circle is complete, Rigr-sama!
In the sea of trees
Mika: You ready for this?
Yuu: Yup.
Mika: Alright then.
Rigr: I’ll be seeing your past. First.
Rigr: And when I find out what it is you want to protect and what your goals are, I am going to destroy them all.
Rigr: That’s how we’re going to escape your curse.
Urd: Careful, Rigr.
Rigr: Well then, to see into your past
Mika: Into our past
Both: We go
The end text is almost completely blurred, it says smth abt the true culprit of the end of the world.
** Japanese writes a loud voice as a big voice so it’s not totally clear whether they’re talking abt it being the biggest mountain in Japan or Yuu being the loudest person in Japan. I’m pretty sure it’s the mountain but the ambiguity is funny to me skshsk
****I can’t figure out how to convey this completely in English but it’s less of “we’re going to have so much fun” and more of “we’re going to spend so much time having fun” if that makes sense?? Like the verb implies that they’re like. Passing either time or their lives that way
There’s a QR code on the first page that says an OnS exhibition will be held in March 2023
Thank you for reading
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itsdappleagain · 1 year
Ok sending more treasures of knowledge propaganda but in that game julia is a mean gay bitch im serious she does not shut up about carmen at ALL and is basically a completely different character than the netflix version
(And also her journals at the end of every mission let the player and audience gather more about her past and inner workings in a two hour kids video game than in the entire four season netflix run)
(Also they let her be brown)
GOD yes i know i watched a whole playthrough of TOK she is SOOOO GOOD (fellas is it gay to climb mt. fuji with your partner) (also she snowboards how fuckin cool is that) (also the whole game is so gay)
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acchuli · 2 years
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a bit unrelated but i climbed mt fuji to its summit a few days ago and as a severely unfit individual i am very proud of myself . however i am never doing this ever again
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mitsu123nyan · 1 year
(Repost this from my twt acc because I can)
My thoughts on ONS 121
I feel like this is gonna be one of the emotional chapters where Mika and Yuu went to the Mt. Fuji together and climb at a high place just to see the dawn. We can feel they’re enjoying the view together.
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It has been proven for so many times that Yuu looks more relaxed when he’s with Mika. Even though Mika has been warning him for so many times in many occasions, Yuu knows that this is the Mika that he knows. Yuu knows Mika will always have his back.
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Mika may doubt Yuu’s love towards him but Yuu will always do his best to make Mika smile because each others’ happiness matter a lot to them even though there are some occasions where Yuu will go his way and persuaded Mika to go with his path too.
There maybe some people find some moments in 121 are filler-like but to me, it’s not that filler-like. It’s because, in the second half, we encounter those vampires’ scenes where they’re preparing for a huge battle. I’m looking forward what are everyone’s plans.
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