#clear mind
socialbutterfly19 · 8 days
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Rested and ready to go
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she is so slay
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averyghe · 5 months
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The Gardeners that have created a garden of Ea in the Solar system. Created as they did on the many other stars. In the Middle of the Garden there was a gigantic God-Tree, that have sprouted up to the space, with its titanic trunk, several thousands of the kilometres long. From the garden – the Eden, life have appeared.
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Recently I feel horrible in terms of my art, and writing. I see many magnificent people creating their magnificent universes – the immérité magical worlds. And then I look at my art. At my world, which I’m retconing far and wide, without actually creating much. I look at my art style which, creates the feeling that I barely know what I want to draw, like if im trying to simulate an artwork of others be it Moebius, Android Arts, or Lucas Roussel. I always believed the the true artist is a thief – that you are unable to create something of your own without gathering an inspiration from the others. However with my art it feels like there is barely anything of my own. It feels like I’m processing the work of others just to spit out something of a lesser quality. Indeed I’m trying to make my own vision of a Roussels Rust and Humus. Some say that an imitation is a highest form of flattery. Well, I’m a proof that this is true. While drawing the tree of Ea, and thinking about how it’s trunk eventually became the Moon, I realised that it is literally the rust and Humus. I’m copying without realising!
That is certainly no good. At least from my perspective. And from here on, I will search for a new way. While still having Roussel, or be it Moebius, or both Miyazakis, I’m starting my search for a CLEAR MIND. At the end I want to finally become a Cosmic Gardener, nurturing orchards of my own creation.
As always I need to think. I’m a very slow person in the field of those matters. I need to think, rearrange staff, again and again, maybe bake a couple of Pies. Working with the dough is always good. The only thing better is a walk from a forrest to the meadows,in pastures, somewhere in the end of July. Oh Wallonian Forrests – My love. There certainly should be a Forrest in a story I wish to create. Forrests are always good.
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mindismadeup · 1 year
I'm only a decade late ,, This ending lives rent free in my mind
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shirozen · 1 month
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Clearing the mind with food
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lydiaortega1996 · 7 months
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pinchebeaner97 · 2 days
Forgiveness is for you to not blame your self or look down at yourself to keep going
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girlsssssssblog · 3 months
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fviryy · 27 days
3/27/2024: I’m officially 8 months sober today 🩷
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dainty-black-swan · 1 year
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A clear mind and a happy heart ❤️
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shiftingforyeonjun · 2 months
Thank you to my lord and savior,
Ashwagandha 🫶🏻🙏🏻
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socialbutterfly19 · 2 months
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You wouldn’t want too
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mycollectioncloud · 5 months
Learning to Slow Down.
Creativity is built out of stillness-- Stillness of the mind that is
Over stimulation breeds a zombie-like feeling By the end of the day
Being bored sounds...boring Even if it makes you more clear-headed
In that clearing of consciousness Is where real ideas are born
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abrighterspark · 2 years
crystals cleansed under the light of a full moon
mindset magicked by the strike of night's noon
silence drops across your view:
go into your day, refreshed, anew
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Początek nowego roku to idealny czas na to, by wprowadzić w ruch pakiet zmian, ale czy warto wpychać to w ramy postanowień noworocznych?
To nie sposób dla każdego.
Osobiście preferuje podejść do sprawy bardziej konkretnie, nie postanawiać zmiany, wdrażać je, nie patrzeć z perspektywy roku, ale tygodni lub miesięcy.
Czasem mniej znaczy więcej i tym podejściem mozemy zajść dalece wyżej niż nam samym się wydaje.
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Planuj i rób po prostu, zmieniaj się codziennie o chociaż 0.001%. Tylko tyle ale ciągle, bo zmiana to proces nie moment.
"Nie staniesz się innym człowiekiem z dnia na dzień"
To zdanie słyszałem do pewnego czasu w swojej głowie. Ta myśl mnie zablokowała w pewien sposób. Niby oczywiste że w jeden dzień nie będe inny, mogę się troszkę zmienić i to wystarczy, taka tyci tyci zmiana, nieistotna, znikoma a w szerszej perspektywie kolosalna. Dlatego skupianie się na drobnych rzeczach ma bardzo duże znaczenie. Pomaga rosnąć chociażby wewnętrznie.
Masa ludzi nawet nie zobaczy Twojej pracy ale to nie ważne. Wystarczy że nie bedziesz się widziec z daną osobą przez miesiąc.
Taka perspektywa wystarczy, by zmiany które wprowadzasz odbiły się na Tobie.
Coś na koniec z pod mojej ręki 😁
Wieczną walką zmęczony
Z samym sobą. Stoje
Coś jakby zraniony.
Nie wiem czy się boje
tego co jest we mnie,
na górze czy na dole
Po prostu zmieniają się,
nawyki, dni, nastroje.
Gitara życia grać będzie
Pięknie. Gdy ją nastroję
Zagra mi melodia
Odwieczna HARMONIA.
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suzystuff · 11 months
"If you can't fly, run. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl, but by all means, keep moving"
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