#ci siamo persi
borrominitour · 6 months
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Raise a tent of shelter now, though every thread is torn
Baldacchino of Discord, San Pietro, by Giovan Lorenzo Bernini and Francesco Castelli Borromini (and many others) 1624-1633
📷 by me
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bruno-s · 6 months
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"ci siamo persi e ritrovati...."web
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ricorditempestosi · 6 months
non sapremo mai cosa ci siamo persi
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siamodiamantirari · 3 months
alla fine nei problemi ci siamo persi, però tu mi manchi ancora
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"Noi ci siamo persi
e io non so
ancora il perché"
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ma-pi-ma · 3 months
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Immagina che io ti scorga, per caso, dopo questa lunga assenza
ad un angolo di strada
o in un caffè
Immagina come io corra verso di te senza prestare attenzione ai negozianti
o ai passanti che proseguono il loro cammino
Immagina come io chiami e gridi il tuo nome in mezzo alla folla
Immagina come prenda la tua mano e la stringa
perché tu non mi abbandoni una seconda volta
Immagina come io posi il mio sguardo sui tuoi occhi e sui tuoi capelli
come annusi, inumidisca, senta, cerchi il tuo essere,
come ti abbracci a lungo
come io vada gridando in mezzo alla piazza del mercato
davanti a tutti
gli stranieri e i mercanti di tappeti
dicendoti: ti amo
Immagina, che camminiamo ancora insieme, le tue mani intrecciate
alle mie
Immagina come andremo verso un ristornate
sotto i portici della vecchia Medina
Immagina come ti toglierò il cappotto nero, ti libererò della sciarpa rossa
Come asciugherò le gocce di pioggia dai tuoi capelli
che si allargano liberi
Come ammirerò il tuo vestito e la tua eleganza, mia Signora
Apprezzerai le mie cure
Immagina che andremo, come nostra abitudine, a passeggiare nella notte,
senza meta, lungo le vie
finché mi dirai che non ci lasceremo più
e che la tua recente eclissi è stata solo un’assenza temporanea e fortuita
che ci siamo persi nel dedalo della città
mentre mi leggevi poesie di Neruda che parlano d’amore
la città ne ripete l’eco, le mura e le grandi porte
Immagina di continuare il nostro cammino fino al termine della notte.
Parleremo delle nostre affascinanti scappatelle commesse in passato
E il nostro ardente desiderio di impegnarci ancora di più in futuro
Immagina di calpestare la terra con i piedi, di aprire le ali
nel cielo verde senza che gli altri se ne accorgano
E quando la notte finisce e le strade deserte si svuotano
Torneremo a casa nostra.
Mohamed Ghozzi
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chouncazzodicasino · 4 months
Ieri pomeriggio è venuto papà in negozio, a sorpresa. Così. Non che ci sia nulla di strano, ma un po' mi fa sorridere questa cosa. Io e mio padre non abitiamo vicinissimi, lui abita in centro a Roma, io fuori in un paese. È venuto e abbiamo passato il pomeriggio insieme a chiacchierare mentre lavoravo. L'altro ieri mi ha chiamata per chiedermi un consiglio su alcune delicate dinamiche familiari, questa estate siamo stati molto l'uno di supporto all'altro per queste dinamiche micidiali (non si capisce per quale motivo si dice parenti serpenti e non parenti pezzi di merda). Insomma, nell'ultimo periodo sento che i miei consigli sono per lui importanti e di supporto, sento che ha bisogno di sentire la mia campana e questa cosa mi stupisce piacevolmente ancora un po'.
Negli ultimi anni papà si è smussato. Non voglio dire cambiato perché non sarebbe il vocabolo giusto. Si è calmato? Forse. Si è rasserenato? Eh, dai, forse sì. Sì è rassegnato? In alcuni casi sì. Ma sono tutte accezione positive del termine e io sono una vera sega a parlare quindi meglio di così non riesco a spiegarlo. Penso spesso a quando è cominciata questa sua variazione da "orso" a "orsetto" e non so bene a cosa attribuirla. Un misto di pensione/nonnitudine/vecchiaia e di certo la malattia di nonna. Veder passare una donna da totalmente indipendente, dinamica, con una vita così piena e attiva che se solo ci penso io oggi mi viene il fiatone, ad una nonnina con la testa che fugge e si stacca, che ha bisogno di un aiuto pratico per quasi tutto, nel giro di pochi mesi, è stato devastante. Lacerante. Sono convinta che questo lo abbia molto scosso. Come scuote e percuote me, anche solo a scriverlo, con le lacrime agli occhi. Perché mia nonna è il mastodontico perno di questa grande famiglia chiassosa, stronza e dispersa nel mondo, che nonostante tutto amo. Comunque...
Io e mio padre siamo sempre stati connessi. Culo e Camicia. Quando ci chiamavano così io immaginavo un culetto pallido con dei bottoncini attaccati alla pelle (che ero io) e una camicia azzurro chiara che si abbottonava perfettamente su quei bottoncini (che era papà). Eravamo uguali. Fumantini. Forti. Spigolosi. Tuonavamo. Ma anche molto divertenti e buffi. Poi lui se n'è andato di casa e mi ha lacerato il cuore. "La persona che odio e amo di più al mondo", solo così riuscivo a pensare a lui nella mia mente in quel periodo, in quei merdosissimi anni che la mia mente vuole ricordare solo a sprazzi. In quel periodo ho eruttato come un vulcano violento, contro il mondo, ma soprattutto contro di lui. Poi col tempo, ci siamo ritrovati, ritrovati veramente, dentro, perché fuori non ci siamo mai persi. So che il mio giudizio su di lui in quel periodo ha pesato come un macigno, ma è giusto che sia così. Oggi siamo sempre molto simili, ma siamo entrambi cambiati. Io, come lui, mi sono smussata.
Mi piace questa nuova fase della nostra vita dove oltre a figlia che può essere portata in braccio fuori dai rovi come un cerbiatto delicato, sono anche la figlia che hai bisogno di sentire per un parere, quella che parlando, in un continuo brainstorming incasinato e mal parlato, ti fa riflettere e ti apre finestrelle nella mente che tenevi chiuse senza volerlo.
Se penso a questa nuova nostra fase la prima immagine che mi viene in mente è il giorno di ferragosto di quest'anno. Dopo il classico pranzo sotto le montagne, con le tante famiglie della nostra gigante famiglia, tante risate e tanto buon cibo abbiamo portato nonna a riposare e io ho cominciato a pensare ai miei zii, a cosa si stanno perdendo vedendola poco o niente, a come sono lontani, come cerchiamo di includerli e ci scanzano, la scanzano. Ho raggiunto papà, su una panca vista ghiacciaio, e ho cominciato a parlarne con lui, piangendo. Non per me, sticazzi di me, ma per nonna. Ho rotto i miei argini. Ho pianto per tanto tempo, vomitando bile su questa situazione che ci fa stare una merda, urlando e singhiozzando, quando senti la pelle bollente dalla rabbia e gli occhi rossi, con mio padre che mi ascoltava, mi parlava, mi consolava, mi stringeva la mano, guardava le montagne e piangeva. Un triste e rassegnato consolarsi a vicenda.
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A volte vorrei sapere se anche tu talvolta senti quel dolore forte ripensando a come ci siamo presi e, a come poi ci siamo persi...
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You Don't Own Me
Mob!Bucky Barnes X F!Reader
AN: This is late to the game, but better late than never. It's for @caplanbuckybarnes #brokenheartsforcaplan writing challenge. It has taken me FOR-FREAKING-EVER to get this to this point, but I wanted to post it before my birthday next week. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, and it may even end up as a small series.
You’d seen them all come into the club earlier, Bucky. Steve, Tony, Thor, Natasha, your Grandfather, and unfortunately your ex who had tried to kill you when you said ‘No’ to his proposal of merging families. They all had their people with them. But you knew that there were more who blended in with the crowd seamlessly.
            You had heard Sam say something to you, and that’s what snapped you out of your daydream and brought you back to looking at yourself in the mirror to finish your makeup.
            “What did you say?” You looked at him in the mirror as you applied your powder.
            “I asked if you thought that this was a good idea to do this TONIGHT. Ya know, with EVERYONE here?” His hands were flailing around, and his face betrayed the emotions he was feeling inside.
            “I can’t help that he decided to bring them HERE, out of all the clubs he owns in the city. I told him on Friday that if I didn’t have an answer from him about my ‘suggestion’ then he wouldn’t like MY answer back. What’s wrong Sam? You getting cold feet? I can always have Clint do the song with me if that’s the case.” You’d hit him right in his pride and ego, and he knew it. But it didn’t matter to him, he knew you drew in a lot of business since you’d been here the past year, so he wasn’t about to complain.
            “Clint can suck it! He’s not takin’ MY part of that song sugar!” and with a wink, he left you to finish getting ready for your set.
            You had to hand it to him, he was going out on a limb for you tonight. Sam ran the club, and it was he who had re-introduced the two of you after your first night on the stage. When Sam had taken you to Bucky’s VIP section, you were concerned that one of New York’s most notorious bosses was going to fire you.
            Much to your surprise, he complimented you on the set and asked if he could spend some time with you whenever he came to the club. You weren’t dumb enough to turn him down, and that’s how he had started courting you.
            He’d send you bouquets of sunflowers, daisies, and other simple flowers which then led to roses being delivered on the nights that you were in the club singing. There would always be a small note attached, in his chicken scratch that passed for handwriting, about something that the two of you had talked about or just to let you know that he was thinking about you. You kept reminding yourself that you couldn’t fall for him, and you had seen pictures of him with other girls; but that didn’t mean you listened, or it didn’t hurt. He said once that he didn’t want you in the spotlight where his enemies could find and use you against him.
            At first, it had made sense. He’d spend time with you at the club, and then he asked you to go away for a weekend with him to the country. What you hadn’t planned on what that he meant the ITALIAN countryside; but you got to surprise him when you got lost and found the small village of Tragliata while driving around Italy. The sun was starting to set, and you saw a group of nuns outside the church and had Bucky stop so you could ask for help.
            “Scusate sorelle, io e il mio amico ci siamo persi e dobbiamo ritrovare la strada per la Città del Vaticano. Ci aiutate per favore?” (Excuse me sisters, my friend and I are lost and need to find our way back to Vatican City. Could you help us please?) On the drive back to the hotel, Bucky held your hand and told you that he fell hard for you when you were asking the nuns for help in flawless Italian. The sparkle in his eyes when you tried to hide your burning cheeks told you that he wasn’t lying to you.
            But it seemed that good things don’t last long for you. And it seems that the men in your life sometimes find a way to reinforce this idea of yours. Your ex, who just so happened to be next in line in his family for taking over the business had treated you like a toy. He’d take you out with the family and business partners, but with his friends he said you were one of his ‘girls’. The final straw came when you found out that he had a contract out on you because he’d proposed to you and with how he treated you, you’d turned him down. He didn’t take too kindly to that, it seemed.
            And Bucky wasn’t going to be the exception. When you came back from your trip, he had some business meetings on nights that you had to sing at the club; so that meant things were almost back to the way they were before you left. Almost because now, he was only being seen in public with one woman, Sharon Carter, next in line to take over her Family business.
            ‘At least he didn’t bring her here to the club.’ Was all that you were thinking at the time.
            Then one night, Same came back to the dressing room to talk to you before you started your set. He was acting kinda weird, and you asked him what was wrong.
            “There’s no easy way to say this. Bucky’s here.”
            “And?????” you asked.
            “He’s not alone either.” Sam whispered.
            “Who is it?” you asked, even though you already knew.
            Sam wouldn’t tell you to confirm your suspicion, but that was when your plan had started to form.
            You were NOT about to be someone’s mistress, least of all a Mob bosses! You’d promised your Babcia that much when she had started asking you about him during your weekly phone calls. She had passed recently, and you weren’t about to break your ‘I’m an ass. Can we please talk?’ You smiled to yourself as you took in the heady scent of the flowers. Your last song that night was “Ain’t No Other Man” and you made sure he knew you were singing it for him. You joined him in the VIP section not long after you had changed to talk.
            “Doll, I’m sorry if I embarrassed you the other night.”
            “Jamie, embarrassed isn’t the word that I’d use. I was hurt and pissed off to tell you the truth.”
            “Yes, hurt. You told me that I was special, and that the other girls you were photographed with didn’t hold a candle to me. Was that the truth or are you just stringing me along here Barnes?”
            You knew that he HATED whenever anyone used just his last name. In his eyes, it was a metaphorical slap in the face and said that you didn’t respect him. But you had to make a point.
            His jaw ticked as he straightened his tie. “It wasn’t a lie, Doll. But like I said before…”
            “Yeah, I remember. You can’t take me out where people would see me and EXPOSE me to your enemies. YET you can dick around while you tell me what I can and can’t do!”
            “I’m confused Doll. What exactly is the issue here?”
            You just huffed out a breath, “You can’t be THAT clueless. Okay, let me make it crystal clear for you. You need to make a choice, blondie, or me.”
            “In my line of work, I don’t gotta choose Doll!” he laughed quietly.
            “Well, you have the weekend to decide if that’s your final answer. If I don’t hear from you BEFORE I go on stage Monday night, you may not like MY response.”
            “What could you do to ‘hurt’ me Doll? I own this place and everything in it. And by default, that includes you.” He stated as he grabbed you around your waist.
            “We’ll see.” You downed the scotch that he had in his hand and winked at him as you got up to go change for your last set of the night.
            Word had spread pretty fast in the club, and a good portion of Manhattan, that Buck’s ‘piece’ had given him an ultimatum. You figured he’d bring in the other bosses as a show of power to you. But you didn’t scare quite that easy. And he was forgetting that you came from Family!
            As you finished getting in your dress, there was a quiet knock on your door.
            “It’s open.” You called over your shoulder. Looking in your mirror you saw Natasha come into the room. She gave you a quick hug before looking over your outfit for the night.
            “Are you sure about what you’re doing?” she asked as she was helping with your zipper.
            “I know he’s gonna think that I’m just rolling over and accepting things Nat. But I can’t. He has to know that he may own this club, but not me.” You were doing your best to not dissolve into tears before you went out.
            “I’ll do my best to keep things from getting too crazy, just expect all hell to break loose after your song.”
            You gave her a hug as Sam opened the door to come get you for your set.
            “OOhhh girl!!! If I knew I wouldn’t die, I’d take his place TONIGHT!!! Just a head’s up too, we saw some of the HYDRA men come in, but no bosses with them. No one is going to fault you if you want to change things for tonight for your last song.” You knew he was giving you one last chance to back out of things, but your pride had been wounded that night. You couldn’t let that slide.
            “Sam, if I don’t hold him accountable now, and go back on my word to my Babcia, then I never will. Which means that I should just go back to Ohio and marry that good for nothing jerk who I believe is here tonight. But we both know he’d still find me and try to get me to come back. No. It’s got to be tonight.”
            Sam left quietly as he told you the band was ready whenever you were.
            You took a deep breath, said a quick prayer to your Babcia, and went out on stage.
            You went out and sang your usual songs for the first part of your set.
            As the band got ready for the last song, you decided to go for broke.
            “I’d like to thank you all for coming out tonight. This next song is dedicated to someone who needs to be reminded of something. You know who you are.” You looked back at the band, and out to Sam who was by the bar with his mic. He gave you a nod to let you know he was ready, and you gave the band a nod to start.
            The music started, and you noticed a few people were leaning forward in their seats as Sam started his part of the song. You used this time to make your way out to the middle of the floor, where you could strategically position yourself. You looked at Bucky, but as you started to sing, you turned around and faced your ex and put your hand on his shoulder.
            You don’t own me.
            I’m not just one of your many toys.
            You don’t own me.
            Don’t say I can’t go with other boys.
You turned to face where Bucky was sitting and sang your heart out.
            Don’t tell me what to do.
            And don’t tell me what to say.
            Please, when I go out with you,
            Don’t put me on display.
You opened your eyes and bore straight into Bucky’s as you continued singing.
            You don’t own me.
            Don’t try to change me in any way.
            You don’t own me.
            Don’t tie me down cause I’d never stay.
As Sam was singing his next part, you walked straight in front of where Bucky and all the other heads of the New York Families were sat. The only one you paid attention to was Bucky. He never moved, never blinked, and didn’t even drink the scotch he had in his hand. You’d hit a nerve, good is all you thought.
            I don’t tell you what to say.
            I don’t tell you what to do.
            So just let me be myself.
            That’s all I ask of you.
            I’m young, and I love to be young.
            I’m free, and I love to be free.
            To live my life the way I want.
            To say and do whatever I please.
            You made your way back to the stage as you sang the rest of the song. As you got back to the stage for the end of the song, you looked straight at Bucky and sang the final ‘You don’t own me’ looking at him. You could see his jaw ticking, and you felt that he wasn’t the only one who didn’t appreciate the song. You saw your ex and a couple of his men get up and leave once the lights went out on the stage.
            The club erupted in applause at that point, and you used this to go back to your dressing room to change into some more casual clothes before joining your Grandfather and his men.
To say that Bucky was upset was an understatement. He let you walk off stage and talking with the others that were in the VIP section with him. He leaned over to whisper something to Clint, then left the section to go back stage and talk with you.
When he got to your dressing room door, he knocked - but pulled his gun when the door swung open. The room was a shambles and there was no sign as to where you were. He roared for Sam and Clint, then slumped onto an ottoman to wait for them.
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conilsolenegliocchi · 5 months
~ Anche oggi sembra ieri ~
che non ci siamo detti niente
che non ci siamo mai cercati
che non ci siamo emozionati
che i battiti persi sono stati ritrovati
che alle mezze verità non ci abbiamo mai creduto
che è stato un attimo non pensarti più
che lasciarti andare è stato semplice come dare le spalle
che il tuo silenzio non continui ad essere una lama che fa sempre centro.
@conilsolenegliocchi 🐞
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borrominitour · 10 days
Dissegli una volta (al Bernini) non so chi, che un tale che era stato suo discepolo, (Borromini) era un bravissimo architetto. "Voi dite molto bene" rispose, "perché egli è tagliacantone"
Filippo Baldinucci in Vita del cavaliere Gio Lorenzo Bernini architetto
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ossicodone · 1 year
Sono uno che ha paura di disturbare. Di mettere in difficoltà. Ma ai limiti del patologico eh. Tipo quando vado al bar e vorrei un cappuccino freddo, o un caffè macchiato, e vedo che c'è un sacco di gente e tanta frenesia, coi baristi che corrono e si affannano, chiedo un caffè. Mi succede la stessa cosa quando nel bar dove vado sempre, in cui il cappuccino freddo lo prendo da anni e non serve neanche chiederlo, me lo lascio preparare anche se quella volta vorrei un caffè. Se alla cassa pago una cosa che credevo costasse qualche euro in meno, tendenzialmente lascio andare. Non importa. Mi capitava così anche con le persone, quelle persone che mostravano interesse per me, e io addirittura riuscivo ad aprirmi, a darmi una possibilità, e quelle persone poi se ne andavano. Se ne andavano di punto in bianco con spiegazioni pessime o nulle, e io avrei avuto tutto il diritto di chiedere qualcosa in più. Non l'ho mai fatto. Forse perchè credo che sia difficile per chiunque dire "non mi piaci" oppure "credevo fossi migliore", anche se sei la persona più schietta del mondo. E quindi non ho mai chiesto nulla. Magari avrei potuto chiedere "ho fatto qualcosa di sbagliato?", discuterne, senza poi cambiare nulla eh, ma almeno saperlo. E invece no. Ancora oggi ho una lista di persone per cui non so il perchè si siano allontanate. Le ho lasciate libere da ogni incombenza di dare spiegazioni quantomeno sufficienti, libere di rifarsi una vita da un giorno all'altro, e avranno pure pensato che se non ho chiesto spiegazioni è perchè forse, in fondo, neanche a me fregava poi così tanto. E quindi eccomi qui, una vita a guardarmi sostituito, messo in un angolo come un oggetto che all'inizio ci manda in estasi e poi ci stufa. E quando poi, durante alcune notti, mi veniva l'impulso di mandarlo quel messaggio, di scrivere "Com'è che ci siamo persi io e te?", era già troppo tardi. Io arrivo sempre tardi. Arrivo sempre quando sono ormai un ricordo sbiadito, una voce non riconoscibile al primo ascolto.E invece avrei dovuto farlo.
"Com'è che ci siamo persi io e te?" - "Ho fatto qualcosa di sbagliato?" - "Potrei avere un caffè macchiato per favore?"
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harshugs · 4 days
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unwinthehart · 3 months
ma che ci siamo persi ieri! la sad che ballano con queen Orietta 🤯🤯🤯
Ho appena finito di vederlo. Orietta patrimonio nazionale, lei da quando è salita sul palco di fronte a milione di telespettatori con le delle conchiglie glitterate sulle tette non è più stata la stessa persona.
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confettino · 10 months
ci siamo persi però tu mi manchi ancora
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ti aspetto nel punto esatto dove ci siamo persi
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