atsualek · 1 month
i know this probably isnt very relevant to most tumblr users, but if could take a bit of time to read this, id really appreciate it... i know portugal is a very small country in europe, but i just wanted to call awareness to the fact that two days ago, fifty fascists were elected to represent us in the parlament.
They belong to a party led by an openly transphobic, racist, xenophobic and misogynist guy. this on the 50th anniversary of our revolution agaisnt a fascist dictatorship, more than one milion people voted for the same thing again. the lider of the party (CHEGA) literally reused the motto of the old fascist leader, just added the word "work" to it. (its god, homeland, family and work) they want to "erase woke ideology from schools" they want to review our abortion laws, the laws in support of the queer community, review immigration laws, and are openly xenophobic and racist. they have stated they want to "fight" gender ideology, and are vehemently agaisnt trans people using the right bathrooms. there are multiple videos of them doing the nazi salute. its true, portugal is in very bad political state rn and the people want extreme changes, and thats why we now have a rightwing majority on our parlament. but its fucking terrifying. most CHEGA voters dont even know what they are voting for, but we still need to hold them accountable for this.
most of my friends are queer. its so deeply disheartening to watch your own country vote against you, against your right to exist. we dont feel safe anymore, and we know that in the next few years we will watch the already short list of laws that protected us be erased. they claim to want to build a "better future" for the young generations, but if we are queer, it seems that we dont belong in it.
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ravioligobbler9000 · 1 month
I cannot even put to words how scary the situation is getting, not only in Portugal, but in Europe in general.
The world is being consumed by the far-right, and if we don't stop this the next change we get, i am afraid things will go bad for this generation and generations to come, not only on a social level, but on an economic and environmental as well.
And it is honestly so fucking sad to see this happen to my country on the 50th birthday of the democracy, on the year we were supposed to celebrate the fall of the fascist regime of Salazar on the 25th of April of 1974, and instead we get 50 fascist deputies on Chega's behalf, one for each year we lived free since then, as the biggest fuck you on portuguese history...
...And to think of all the left wing people who put their lives at risk then, some of which are my teachers and my family, alive to this day, who are witnessing this downwards spiral back into what they tried so hard to get out of, it is so. Fucking. Sad.
I like to pretend like i don't care about politics on a day to day basis, but i can't deny that this made me fucking lose a lot of hope. I just want to know what the people like Mario Soares and others, who have sadly already died, who gave freedom to this country, would think about it's current state.
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valkerymillenia · 3 months
Just a warning, if you like the CHEGA party (or any fascist party) or identify with their values, please kindly stay the fuck out of my blog and don't interact.
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vulto-cor-de-rosa · 1 month
Talking to my dad about politics is horrible because we'll be saying the same thing but he lives so much by the "everything has a but" rule that it's basically impossible to come to an understanding
Dad:"Far right is bad"
Me and my sister:"Yes"
Dad: "so is far left"
Me and my sister: "...yes"
Dad: "but we have to understand why people vote for the far right and respect them and not call them idiots!"
Me and my sister:"No?!?"
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pedrocaspn · 20 days
André Ventura Vs Maria Matias...
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outrosword · 3 months
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poesia · 1 month
Fugindo sem parar - Essa tem sido a sua vida?
Quando eu era garoto, um dia fugi de casa por medo do castigo. Havia cometido uma falta e sabia que teria de acertar as contas com minha mãe. Corri muito. Corri pensando que iria ao lugar mais distante da face da Terra em que nem minha mãe me encontraria. Corri acreditando que lá, no ponto infinito do horizonte, onde o céu se une com a Terra, poderia me esconder de meus próprios erros. Tinha medo de parar. Corri sem saber para onde. Simplesmente corri.
O crepúsculo começava a esconder o dia nos trigais maduros de minha terra. As sombras da noite se misturavam com meus medos e me aprisionavam. O canto ameaçador das corujas parecia a gargalhada sinistra da noite. Estava cansado, com frio e com fome. Agachado debaixo do umbral de uma casa abandonada, fui vencido pelo cansaço. Não sei quanto tempo dormi. Sei apenas que acordei assustado. Alguém acariciava meu rosto docemente. Era minha mãe.
- Já está bem, filho - sussurrou em meus ouvidos com ternura. - Você já correu muito; chegou a hora de voltar. Vamos para casa.
Essa é a verdade mais maravilhosa de todos os tempos. Você também já correu demais, já sofreu, já chorou. Já feriu seus pés na areia quente do deserto desta vida. "Já está bem, filho", Jesus lhe diz, "chegou a hora de voltar. Vamos para casa."
Você aceitará o convite?
A resposta é só sua.
Alcy F. de Oliveira - Gotas de Esperança
Porque Deus amou o mundo de tal maneira que deu o seu Filho unigênito, para que todo aquele que nele crê não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna. – João 3:16
E, tirando-os para fora, disse: Senhores, que é necessário que eu faça para me salvar? E eles disseram: Crê no Senhor Jesus Cristo e serás salvo, tu e a tua casa. – Atos 16:30,31
Todo o que o Pai me dá virá a mim; e o que vem a mim de maneira nenhuma o lançarei fora. – João 6:37
E Jesus, tendo ouvido isto, disse-lhes: Os sãos não necessitam de médico, mas, sim, os que estão doentes; eu não vim chamar os justos, mas, sim, os pecadores ao arrependimento. – Marcos 2:17
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traditionaldream · 1 month
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Now the political parties just need to form a government, but either way, the portuguese people made their choice, the right. 💙
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martinbythelakes · 11 months
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angel78b · 1 year
Já chega de deixar os outros decidirem por mim! Eu vou fazer meu próprio destino!
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feelingcomplet · 11 months
Gosto de gente que chega de repente. Mas gosto mais ainda daqueles que resolvem ficar.
Isabela Freitas
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valkerymillenia · 3 months
I am getting so seriously worried about the politics in my country (Portugal)...
Basically, the fascist party CHEGA just reelected their leader with 98% of the votes and he's gaining traction, the party rose immensely on the national polls in a very short period and it's very worrisome.
Fascist parties shouldn't even legally exist in my country since the '74 revolution but these guys managed to sneak under the law when they were founded in 2019 and got accepted into Parliament.
And this asshole party leader (Ventura) doesn't even say much of anything in his speeches, he just uses a lot of buzzwords about economy and corruption that people want to hear and speaks with a lot of charisma and outraged yelling that people empathize with. You know, like Hitler in the beginning of his political career.
Everything about him is fascist but whenever people call him fascist he plays the victim and acts offended (or did in the past, lately he says, and I'm paraphrasing, "they call us fascist but if that's what it takes them so be it").
He says he wants to tax the rich and support the people (because that's what people want to hear but he hates minorities, discriminates women and is a homophobe but is too scared to talk about the topic any further because he knows people would hate his opinion on it).
He says he wants to limit immigration (because he's a xenophobe and appealing to the 'they are taking our jobs' boomer mentality, forgetting that we have millions of our own immigrants living abroad).
He says he wants to end corruption (but never mentioned how or what is corrupt specifically), he says we lose billions every year to corruption and it needs to end (but he doesn't say where those billions go or show any proof or say how he'll fix it).
He says we need to take away the aids and rights of the Romani people because they are leeching the economy dry (lies, he's just a racist and refuses to listen to actual data, opting instead for blaming everything on a heavily discriminated and stereotyped minority group like a certain dictator we all remember well).
He says he wants to cut stupid taxes like the IUC and IMI (but he doesn't tell you that in exchange he wants to privatize education and healthcare for a profit, essentially making them unattainable to the poor).
And many other extremely radical right-wing ideas.
The problem is- there IS corruption, our government is currently super unstable due to scandals and the prime minister quitting and forcing early elections, the economy is total shit and interest for housing and inflation have gone up so much that a lot of people can't even afford food (mostly because the market has been using the pandemic and the Ukraine war as an excuse to jack up prices indiscriminately, achieving record profits while the people struggle).
So the thing is, people are just getting so desperate that they are willing to listen to the fascist just because he pretends to emphasize and be outraged in their stead.
Most of the CHEGA supporters I talk to don't even know what the party wants to institute or what they stand for, they just say that Ventura wants to end corruption and isn't afraid to fight the government for it so they support him, it's like they all forgot the fascist dictatorship we were in until the 70s (or maybe the ones that actually remember how bad it was are just dying out).
I'm actually starting to get really scared with how quickly these guys are rising to power, specially since Ventura plans to run for prime-minister.
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anne-souza · 2 years
e depois de um longo período sozinha romoendo uma historia breve,mas, fatal, eu te vi parado na esquina da minha casa,falando no celular. Com um ar de superioridade e um cigarro aceso, eu tive vontade de rir.Voce é fato que me notou, ja eu de fato te estranhei. Era a mesma blusa verde de sempre, o mesmo cabelo amarrado pra trás, o mesmo bafo nojento de pinga. Eu percebi que nao era aquilo que eu queria pra mim. Nao era sobre aquilo que eu escrevia, muito menos o que eu fantasiava. Voce era o maximo pra mim quando morava apenas nos meus pensamentos, quando eu não sabia do seu péssimo humor matinal ou de sua mania de ser extremamente mentiroso e manipulador . . Era fácil pra mim te amar no escuro quando eu nao precisava ver sua vida torta, nem aturar seus surtos.Era gostoso te amar na cama, enquanto voce fazia todas minhas vontades e nao parava de me desejar.. Mais no dia seguinte não precisava ouvir teus murmúrios de desprezo do mundo. Eu amava as lembranças de algo que nem sei se era real, mais não poderia amar um ser tão baixo como você . Nao era voce esse tempo todo, e agora me questiono porque fiquei anos pensando que era?? Eu fantasiei voce como um deus grego, um super heroi, um príncipe.. eu estava absolutamente errada!! Voce estava mais pro cavalo!! pro sapo!! pro demoninho!! Eu só consigo sentir pena de mim por ter te desejado tanto dessa maneira. Por alimentar alguma esperança de que voce talvez nao fosse voce. E pra ser sincera sinto pena de ti tambem! a unica coisa que eu salvaria em voce era seu violão, e quando te vi hoje a tarde, você nem estava com ele..
- Mary Salomao 📝
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pedrocaspn · 20 days
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Há que apurar a verdade...
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propronews · 25 days
Portugal muestra una vez más el camino a los políticos españoles
El acuerdo entre AD y PS, que deja fuera a la ultraderecha, es otra admirable lección para nuestros sectarios gobernantes
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blogoslibertarios · 26 days
Lula não é bem-vindo, diz brasileiro eleito deputado em Portugal
  O brasileiro Marcus Santos, eleito deputado da Assembleia da República Portuguesa pelo partido Chega, reiterou que Lula (PT) não é bem-vindo em Portugal, e ainda repetiu afirmações do líder de sua sigla, André Ventura, no sentido de que “bandidos já basta os que estão aqui” e que o país não precisa de mais um. Após atuar nas campanhas pelo impeachment da ex-presidente Dilma Rousseff (PT) e pela…
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