motorsportoverload · 9 months
Checo is retiring in the pits at lap 8/11, likely caused by his incident with Lewis
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pollonegro666 · 8 months
2023/07/15 Algunos de los momentos que vivimos entre el público de todo el espectáculo que vivimos aunque poco pudimos ver con nuestros ojos salvo lo que sucedía por encima de nuestras cabezas.
Some of the moments that we lived among the public of the entire show that we lived through, although we could see little with our eyes except what was happening above our heads.
Google Translation into French: Certains des moments que nous avons vécus parmi le public de tout le spectacle que nous avons vécu, même si nous ne pouvions pas voir grand chose de nos yeux sauf ce qui se passait au-dessus de nos têtes.
Google translation into Italian: Alcuni dei momenti che abbiamo vissuto tra il pubblico dell'intero spettacolo li abbiamo vissuti, anche se con i nostri occhi non vedevamo molto se non quello che accadeva sopra le nostre teste.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Alguns dos momentos que vivenciamos entre o público de todo o show nós vivenciamos, mesmo que não pudéssemos ver muita coisa com nossos olhos, exceto o que estava acontecendo acima de nossas cabeças.
Google Translation into German: Einige der Momente, die wir im Publikum der gesamten Show erlebten, erlebten wir, obwohl wir mit unseren Augen nicht viel sehen konnten, außer dem, was über unseren Köpfen geschah.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Disa nga momentet që përjetuam në publik gjatë gjithë emisionit u përjetuan edhe pse nuk mund të shihnim shumë me sy përveç asaj që po ndodhte sipër.
Google Translation into Armenian: Որոշ պահեր, որոնք մենք ապրեցինք հանդիսատեսի մոտ շոուի ընթացքում, վերապրվեցին, թեև մենք մեր աչքերով շատ բան չէինք տեսնում, բացի այն, ինչ կատարվում էր գլխավերեւում:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Някои от моментите, които преживяхме в публиката по време на шоуто, бяха изживени, въпреки че не можехме да видим много с очите си, освен това, което се случваше над нас.
Google Translation into Czech: Některé momenty, které jsme zažili v publiku během celé show, jsme zažili, i když jsme očima neviděli nic jiného než to, co se dělo nad námi.
Google Translation into Croatian: Neke od trenutaka koje smo doživjeli u publici tijekom cijele predstave doživjeli smo iako očima nismo mogli vidjeti puno osim onoga što se događa iznad glave.
Google Translation into Danish Nogle af de øjeblikke, vi oplevede i publikum gennem hele showet, blev oplevet, selvom vi ikke kunne se meget med vores øjne, andet end det, der skete over hovedet.
Google Translation into Slovak: Niektoré momenty, ktoré sme zažili v hľadisku počas celého predstavenia, sme zažili, aj keď sme očami nevideli veľa iného ako to, čo sa dialo nad hlavou.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Nekatere trenutke, ki smo jih doživeli v občinstvu skozi predstavo, smo doživeli, čeprav z očmi nismo mogli videti veliko drugega kot dogajanje nad našimi glavami.
Google Translation into Estonian: Mõned hetked, mida me kogu etenduse jooksul publiku ees kogesime, olid kogetud, kuigi me ei näinud oma silmaga suurt midagi peale selle, mis toimus pea kohal.
Google Translation into Suomi: Jotkut hetket, joita koimme yleisössä koko esityksen ajan, olivat kokeneita, vaikka emme nähneet silmillämme paljon muuta kuin mitä yläpuolella tapahtui.
Google Translation into Georgian: ზოგიერთი მომენტი, რომელიც ჩვენ განვიცადეთ მაყურებელში მთელი შოუს განმავლობაში, განიცადა, მიუხედავად იმისა, რომ ჩვენ ვერ ვხედავდით ბევრ რამეს ჩვენი თვალით გარდა იმისა, რაც ხდებოდა თავზე.
Google Translation into Greek: Κάποιες από τις στιγμές που ζήσαμε στο κοινό σε όλη τη διάρκεια της παράστασης βιώθηκαν παρόλο που δεν μπορούσαμε να δούμε πολλά με τα μάτια μας πέρα ​​από αυτό που συνέβαινε από πάνω.
Google Translation into Hungarian: Néhány pillanatot, amit a közönségben átéltünk az előadás során, átéltük annak ellenére, hogy a szemünkkel nem sok mindent láttunk azon kívül, ami a fejünk felett történik.
Google Translation into Dutch: Sommige van de momenten die we tijdens de show in het publiek meemaakten, werden ervaren ook al konden we met onze ogen niet veel zien, behalve wat er boven ons gebeurde.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Noen av øyeblikkene vi opplevde i publikum gjennom hele showet ble opplevd selv om vi ikke kunne se så mye med øynene annet enn det som skjedde over hodet.
Google Translation into Polish: Niektóre momenty, które przeżyliśmy na widowni podczas całego występu, zostały przeżyte, mimo że na własne oczy nie widzieliśmy zbyt wiele poza tym, co działo się nad nami.
Google Translation into Romanian: Unele dintre momentele pe care le-am trăit în public pe tot parcursul spectacolului au fost trăite, deși nu am putut vedea prea multe cu ochii, în afară de ceea ce se întâmpla deasupra capului.
Google Translation into Russian: Некоторые моменты, которые мы пережили в зале на протяжении всего шоу, были пережиты, хотя мы не могли видеть ничего, кроме того, что происходило над головой.
Google Translation into Serbian: Неки од момената које смо доживели у публици током представе доживљени су иако нисмо могли да видимо много очима осим онога што се дешавало изнад главе.
Google Translation into Swedish: Några av ögonblicken vi upplevde i publiken under hela föreställningen upplevdes även om vi inte kunde se mycket med våra ögon annat än vad som hände ovanför.
Google Translation into Turkish: Gösteri boyunca seyirciler arasında yaşadığımız anların bir kısmı, yukarıda olup bitenler dışında gözlerimizle pek bir şey göremesek de yaşandı.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Деякі з моментів, які ми пережили в аудиторії протягом усього шоу, ми пережили, хоча ми не могли бачити багато чого, крім того, що відбувалося над головою.
Google Translation into Arabic: بعض اللحظات التي عشناها مع الجمهور طوال فترة العرض كانت تجربة على الرغم من أننا لم نتمكن من رؤية الكثير بأعيننا بخلاف ما كان يحدث فوق رؤوسنا.
Google Translation into Bengali: পুরো শো জুড়ে আমরা দর্শকদের মধ্যে কিছু মুহূর্ত অনুভব করেছি যদিও আমরা আমাদের চোখে যা ঘটছে তা ছাড়া আর কিছু দেখতে পারিনি।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 尽管我们除了头顶上发生的事情之外看不到太多东西,但我们在整场演出中在观众席上经历的一些时刻还是经历过的。
Google Translation into Korean: 공연 내내 관객석에서 우리가 경험한 순간들 중 일부는 머리 위에서 일어나는 일 외에는 눈으로 볼 수 있는 것이 많지 않음에도 불구하고 경험한 것이었습니다.
Google Translation into Hawaiian: Ua ʻike ʻia kekahi o nā manawa a mākou i ʻike ai i ke anaina a puni ka hōʻike ʻoiai ʻaʻole hiki iā mākou ke ʻike nui me ko mākou mau maka ma mua o nā mea e hana nei ma luna.
Google Translation into Hebrew: חלק מהרגעים שחווינו בקהל לאורך המופע נחווה למרות שלא יכולנו לראות הרבה בעיניים מלבד מה שקורה מעל הראש.
Google Translation into Hindi: कुछ ऐसे क्षण जिन्हें हमने पूरे शो के दौरान दर्शकों के बीच अनुभव किया, भले ही हम अपनी आँखों से ऊपर जो कुछ हो रहा था उसके अलावा और कुछ नहीं देख सके।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Beberapa momen yang kami alami di hadapan penonton sepanjang pertunjukan dialami meskipun kami tidak dapat melihat banyak dengan mata kami selain apa yang terjadi di atas.
Google Translation into Japanese: ショーを通して観客が体験した瞬間のいくつかは、頭上で起こっていること以外は目であまり見ることができなかったにもかかわらず、体験したものでした。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Спектак��ь бою көрүүчүлөр арасында башынан өткөргөн кээ бир көз ирмемдер башыбызда болуп жаткан окуялардан башканы көзүбүз менен көрө албасак да, башынан өткөрдүк.
Google Translation into Malay: Beberapa detik yang kami alami dalam penonton sepanjang persembahan itu dialami walaupun kami tidak dapat melihat banyak dengan mata kami selain daripada apa yang berlaku di atas kepala.
Google Translation into Malayalam: ഷോയിൽ ഉടനീളം പ്രേക്ഷകരിൽ ഞങ്ങൾ അനുഭവിച്ച ചില നിമിഷങ്ങൾ, തലക്ക് മുകളിൽ സംഭവിക്കുന്നതല്ലാതെ മറ്റൊന്നും ഞങ്ങളുടെ കണ്ണുകൊണ്ട് കാണാൻ കഴിഞ്ഞില്ലെങ്കിലും അനുഭവപ്പെട്ടു.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Нэвтрүүлгийн турш үзэгчдийн дунд тохиолдсон зарим мөчүүд бидний нүдэн дээр болж буй үйл явдлаас өөр зүйлийг нүдээрээ харж чадахгүй байсан ч амссан.
Google Translation into Nepali: माथि के भइरहेको थियो बाहेक हामीले हाम्रो आँखाले धेरै देख्न नसके पनि कार्यक्रममा दर्शकहरूमा अनुभव गरेका केही क्षणहरू अनुभव गरियो।
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਕੁਝ ਪਲਾਂ ਦਾ ਅਨੁਭਵ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਸੀ ਜੋ ਅਸੀਂ ਪੂਰੇ ਸ਼ੋਅ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਦਰਸ਼ਕਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਨੁਭਵ ਕੀਤੇ ਸਨ ਭਾਵੇਂ ਕਿ ਅਸੀਂ ਆਪਣੀਆਂ ਅੱਖਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਇਸ ਤੋਂ ਇਲਾਵਾ ਹੋਰ ਬਹੁਤ ਕੁਝ ਨਹੀਂ ਦੇਖ ਸਕਦੇ ਜੋ ਓਵਰਹੈੱਡ ਹੋ ਰਿਹਾ ਸੀ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: ځینې ​​​​شیبې چې موږ د نندارو په اوږدو کې په لیدونکو کې تجربه کړې تجربه شوې حتی که څه هم موږ د خپلو سترګو سره ډیر څه نشو لیدلی پرته له هغه څه چې په سر کې پیښیږي.
Google Translation into Persian: برخی از لحظاتی را که در طول نمایش در بین تماشاگران تجربه کردیم، با وجود اینکه نمی‌توانستیم چیزهای زیادی را با چشم ببینیم، غیر از آنچه در بالای سرمان اتفاق می‌افتاد، تجربه کردیم.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Sababaraha moments kami ngalaman di panongton sapanjang acara éta ngalaman sanajan urang teu bisa ningali loba ku panon urang lian ti naon anu lumangsung overhead.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Ilan sa mga sandaling naranasan namin sa mga manonood sa buong palabas ay naranasan kahit na hindi namin masyadong makita ng aming mga mata maliban sa kung ano ang nangyayari sa itaas.
Google Translation into Telugu: ప్రదర్శన అంతటా ప్రేక్షకులలో మేము అనుభవించిన కొన్ని క్షణాలు మన కళ్లతో ఎక్కువగా చూడలేనప్పటికీ, ఓవర్‌హెడ్‌లో ఏమి జరుగుతుందో కూడా అనుభవించాము.
Google Translation into Thai: บางช่วงเวลาที่เราสัมผัสได้กับผู้ชมตลอดการแสดงเป็นประสบการณ์ที่สัมผัสได้ แม้ว่าเราจะไม่เห็นด้วยตาของเรามากนัก นอกจากสิ่งที่เกิดขึ้นเหนือศีรษะ
Google Translation into Urdu: کچھ لمحات جو ہم نے پورے شو کے دوران سامعین میں تجربہ کیے تھے حالانکہ ہم اپنی آنکھوں سے اس کے علاوہ زیادہ کچھ نہیں دیکھ سکتے تھے جو اوپر ہو رہا تھا۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Ko'rgazma davomida tomoshabinlarda boshdan kechirgan ba'zi lahzalar, biz ko'zimiz bilan ko'p narsani ko'ra olmagan bo'lsak ham, boshdan kechirdik.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Một số khoảnh khắc chúng tôi trải qua với khán giả trong suốt chương trình đã được trải nghiệm mặc dù chúng tôi không thể nhìn thấy gì nhiều bằng mắt ngoài những gì đang diễn ra trên đầu.
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formula1-universe · 1 year
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🇦🇹 Red Bull Racing - Results #F1Testing 🇧🇭 Bahréin 2023 🇲🇽 11 PER Checo & Max VER 01 🇳🇱 🏎️💨 Formula 1 Universe 🏁 #F1 #F1U #F1Universe #Formula1 #Formula1Universe #UniverseF1 #F1URecords #RecordsF1U #redBull #RedBullRacing #redbullracingf1 #Checo #ChecoPerez #SergioPerez #Max #maxverstappen #Verstappen https://www.instagram.com/p/CpJ4xLWOAuI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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artemaxico · 1 year
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Para ver Para ver este y más modelos visita nuestra tienda en linea www.artemaxico.com.mx Para mayor información mándanos un WhatsApp al 55 3140 4368 . . . . . #decoracion #homedecoration #woodworking #interiordesign #home #office #officedesign #interiorismo #hogar #naturaleza #wood #art #woodart #checoperez #f1 #formula1 #redbull #pilotos #subcampeones https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck-BHbMson5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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casadechiles · 6 months
F1 Fanzone
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Mexico City boroughs will have a "F1 Fanzone" to watch the 2023 Mexican Grand Prix. The Mexican Grand Prix is getting closer, and Formula 1 enthusiasts are about to experience the excitement of the F1esta at the Hermanos Rodriguez Autodrome in Mexico City. For the 2023 edition, the event will take place on Friday, October 27, Saturday, October 28, and Sunday, October 29. Checo Pérez, the Mexican driver, will aim to surpass his performance from 2021 at the Qatar Grand Prix.  
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Due to the surge in interest generated by Sergio Pérez's participation with Red Bull Racing in recent years, it has become increasingly common to see fans of Checo Pérez on the streets of the capital. However, not all of them have had the opportunity to see him race live. But that situation may be about to change. As part of a project led by the organizers of the Mexican Grand Prix, in collaboration with the government of some Mexico City boroughs and GNP, this year, a space will be designated for all F1 fans who do not have a ticket for the 2023 Mexican GP at the racetrack to watch the race live. This space will be called F1 Fanzone GNP Living is Amazing. The 2023 Mexican Grand Prix will be held on October 27, 28, and 29.  
Where will the F1 Fanzone for the 2023 Mexican Grand Prix be located?
According to a statement published on the official Mexican GP website, there will be different F1 Fanzones, which will be separate from the facilities of the Hermanos Rodriguez Autodrome; in other words, they will be located in different Mexico City boroughs. Seven boroughs will have this space so that F1 fans and the general public can have a first-hand experience of the F1esta at the Mexican Grand Prix.  
The boroughs that will have the special fan zone are as follows:
Álvaro Obregón Benito Juárez Gustavo A. Madero Iztacalco Iztapalapa Miguel Hidalgo Venustiano Carranza There will be simultaneous spaces with live broadcast of the practices, qualifications, and the grand race on Sunday. Additionally, they will have a giant screen, photo opportunities, and other decorative F1 elements for fans to enjoy this major sporting event. The screens will be located in the squares and cultural centers of each borough. Here are the exact locations of the F1 Fanzones by borough. Álvaro Obregón: Canario Street corner with 10th Street, Tolteca Neighborhood, 01150 Benito Juárez: Municipio Libre Street corner with División del Norte, Santa Cruz Atoyac Gustavo A. Madero: 5 de Febrero Street S/N, Villa Gustavo A. Madero, Gustavo A. Madero, 07050 Iztacalco: Río Churubusco Avenue S/N, Gabriel Ramos Millán Neighborhood, 08000 Iztapalapa: Utopía Meyehualco, located in Santa Cruz Meyehualco, Iztapalapa, 09290 Miguel Hidalgo: Parque Lira Avenue 94, Observatorio Neighborhood, 11860 Venustiano Carranza: Francisco del Paso Y Troncoso 219, Jardín Balbuena Neighborhood, 15900 In 2021 and 2022, Checo secured third place in the Mexican Grand Prix.  
Schedule and Costs of the F1 Fanzone Mexican GP 2023
Unlike the expensive tickets to have a seat at the racetrack, this fan zone will be completely free since it is aimed at all types of audiences. There will be no cost or price to enter this fan zone. However, the event organizers recommend arriving early to secure a good seat. Because they expect a large number of fans, the earlier you arrive, the better chance you have of getting a good spot. It's also important to consider that it will be an outdoor event. The fan zones in the Mexico City boroughs will open at 9:00 AM and will operate until 6:00 PM; they will be in operation from Friday, October 27, to Sunday, October 29, the race day. Read the full article
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arabronx · 1 year
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Arabronx Me Encata @schecoperez sabe comer con estilo sus papás y refresco grande… . #easy #easymoney #easymoneybaby #easymoney💰 #gorra #gorraplana #snapback #snapbackcap #cap #gorrabordada #gorraspersonalizadas #capblack #checoperez #viejosabroso #ministrodedefensa #f1 #f1pilot #sergioperez #sergioperezf1 #arabronx #arabronx🐿 #arabronxstyle🐿 #arabronxstyle #fotodeldia #picoftheday #cdmx #mexico https://www.instagram.com/p/CqGVrWLuQXB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gabrielsarquis · 1 year
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#F1 | En la próxima reunión de Red Bull se discutirá el tema Verstappen-Pérez que estalló en el #BrazilGP. Christian Horner y Helmut Marko quieren calmar las aguas dentro del equipo. Checo Pérez ya dijo que va a llevar las pizzas. #F1 | At the next Red Bull meeting the Verstappen - Perez issue that erupted in the #BrazilGP will be discussed. Christian Horner and Helmut Marko want to calm things down within the team. Checo Pérez has already said that he will take the pizzas. #redbull #redbullracing #checoperez #maxverstappen #horner #marko #helmut #pizza https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck7DgVWNdEc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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galleryshopinfo · 1 year
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jorgecorral · 2 years
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@schecoperez estamos 🇲🇽 todos muy orgullosos de ti. #f1 #formula1 #checoperez #redbull (shared by https://twitter.com/syafulizwan?s=21&t=5fsuNsRbnTdjm1mgQL1rGw) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjgU2owuciF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bartelsphoto · 2 years
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Some new edits of @schecoperez going through the chicane at the @f1 @frenchgrandprix 📷: @sony RX10 III #f1 #formula1 #sportsphotography #panning #auto #autophoto #autophotography #motophotography #motorsport #motorsports #motorsportsphotography #formula1racing #racing #race #racecar #racephotography #checo #checoperez #redbull #redbullracingf1 #resbullracing (at Circuit Paul Ricard) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiVdoeeJccM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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meemeeguerrerordz · 2 years
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El tsurito de mi compare checo perez #F1 #checoperez #formula1 #campeon https://www.instagram.com/p/Chse3BrvfwTwAT-woIOiMaUGc2QsdJB2pLmrjg0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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formula1-universe · 1 year
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🇳🇱 01 VER Max Verstappen P15 🇸🇦 #SaudiArabianGP 🐫 GP Arabia Saudita 2023 "Eliminado en Q2 por Problemas en unidad de Potencia" Será el fin de semana de Checo? 🏎💨 #Formula1Universe 🏁 #F1 #F1U #F1Universe #UniverseF1 #RecordF1U #F1URecords #RaceWeek #Jeddah #maxverstappen #redbull #redbullracing #Checo #SergioPerez #ChecoPerez https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp8IDyaO9Ex/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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martinchupac · 2 years
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Pit Lane Walk from Austria Grand Prix Formula 1 on Red Bull Ring 🏎 . . . . #pitlanewalk #redbullring #redbullringspielberg #grandprix #f1 #formula1 #austria #fia #redbullracing #ferrari #maxverstappen #charlesleclerc #checoperez #carlossainz #scuderiaferrari #alphatauri #alfaromeof1 #valteribottas #williamsf1 #mclarenmercedes #lewishamilton #tocobolo #mercedesf1 #alpinef1team #haas #astonmartinf1 #sebastianvettel #mickschumacher #fernandoalonso #pierregasly (na mieste Red Bull Ring) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf6-imRqUi0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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noticieropoblano · 2 years
Checo Pérez queda en cuarto en la clasificación para el GP de Gran Bretaña
Checo Pérez queda en cuarto en la clasificación para el GP de Gran Bretaña
🏁 Sergio ‘Checo’ Pérez largará desde el cuarto lugar este domingo en el Gran Premio de Gran Bretaña. El piloto mexicano destacó el resultado obtenido en el circuito de Silverstone, donde su compañero de escudería Max Verstappen arrancará la carrera en el segundo puesto. “No es muy mal resultado, creo que podemos pelear desde ahí”, expresó el tapatío al finalizar la qualy. Checo Pérez…
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El carrito que llegó a plaza Carso!!! #f1 #formula1 #checoperez https://www.instagram.com/p/CffyfIsu6Ca/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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