pazzesco · 5 months
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anastasiamaru · 9 months
Regular russian grandma in a cute bonnet talks about who needs to be ki**ed
russian grandma wants to k*ll everyone...well like all russians she have dark spot instead brain and evil heart
russia is a terrorist state
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ohsalome · 1 year
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stoicmike · 9 months
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I’m more patriotic than you because I can love this country without hating anyone. -- Michael Lipsey
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noballoonsinspace · 2 months
“women say they prioritize humor and intellect and personality over looks yet every girl I know has a good looking dumb unfunny asshole boyfriend mannn nice guys like me just can’t catch a break” ooohhhghgghhhhh you pooooooooooor baaaaaaaaby oh noooooooo :(((( the injustice !!! cruel world !!! :( :( :(
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nocturnus33 · 3 months
Colonialism is to be asked about my mother's maiden name, when in Latin America we women always keep our surname, even after getting married.
Despite the jokes about Spanish names being too long, I proudly carry two surnames. My name is composed of my first name and the last name of each of my parents. I do not need to hypheminate it. It is my full name. Is it too dificult to understand?
There is no "maiden name" for us, it is -and always will be- my mom's first surname, which also is one of my two last names.
We have two surnames. We honour our father and mother without requiring women to give up their names when they marry. For example, in (José) Pedro (Balmaceda) Pascal's case, Pascal is the part of his surname that came from his mother: Mrs. Verónica Pascal.
So, please don't ask me again about my mother's "maiden" name again. Ask me about my name, and I'll give you my first and both my surnames.
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#misogyny was the better tag, but the misspellings hurt my brain.
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llamasgotoheaven · 11 days
listening to American economy podcasts hosted by white cishet dudes be like:
Host: I started with nothing. I am so willing to work my ass off for the things I care about. So that’s why I took my car one day and crashed on my friend’s couch for free for a year until I became a billionaire just working on my laptop. I had nothing I mean I was practically on the streets. So i got a loan from my dad. I was so poor i had to build from the ground up. My mom only brought me like one home cooked lunch per week. If I can make it so can you!!! People will always blame their failures on their background. All you need is an idea and hard work! Just go to that CEO your dad is golf buddies with and PITCH your concept and show him you’ll get it done. I’ve been poor I know what it’s like to hit rock bottom. All you need to do i-
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rustedashes · 10 months
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❗️14 июня Госдума единогласно приняла в первом чтении законопроект № 369814-8, цель которого - полностью запретить трансгендерный переход в России.
🚩 Но шанс повлиять на ситуацию ещё есть: Правительство может внести поправки от Минздрава до 28 июня.
✊ Права трансгендерных людей — это права человека, а этот законопроект — преступление против них. Важно действовать и писать в ведомства прямо сейчас! Давайте вместе защищать наше общее право распоряжаться своей жизнью и телом.
Подобные законы сначала вводятся в отношении меньшинства людей и легко вступают в силу, так как большинство думает, что их это не коснется. Но потом аналогичные репрессивные законы начинают применяться и ко всем остальным людям. В случае этого законопроекта - преследуя то, что кажется государству “нетрадиционным”. Нетрадиционной может оказаться ваша прическа или одежда вашего ребенка. Право на аборт или возможность приобретения импортных медикаментов. В чем лично вы и ваши близкие сейчас не вписываетесь в "традиционные ценности"?
Запрет трансгендерного перехода нарушает базовое право человека на медицинскую помощь. На данный момент трансгендерные люди получают ее на основании диагноза “транссексуализм” по МКБ-10. Законопроект лишает необходимой медицинской помощи сотни тысяч людей. Многие из них просто не смогут жить в таких условиях.
🔺 ЧТО МОЖНО СДЕЛАТЬ СЕЙЧАС? Писать в перечисленные ниже инстанции, что вы против законопроекта. Это быстро и безопасно. Можно указать, что вы видите в нем нарушения таких норм, как: ✦ запрет дискриминации и гарантия права на медицинскую помощь (Федеральный закон 323 "Об основах охраны здоровья граждан в Российской Федерации") ✦ приоритет интересов пациента при оказании медицинской помощи (ФЗ 323 "Об основах охраны здоровья граждан в Российской Федерации") ✦ недопустимость ограничения прав на основе психиатрического диагноза (закон РФ 3185-1 "О психиатрической помощи и гарантиях прав граждан при ее оказании") ✦ право всех людей на охрану здоровья и медицинскую помощь (Конституция РФ)
🔺 КУДА ПИСАТЬ? — в Правительство, чтобы они внесли поправки или отозвали закон — по этой ссылке >>> (http://services.government.ru/letters/) — в Минздрав, т.к. он влияет на содержание поправок — по этой ссылке >>> (http://www.rosminzdrav.ru/reception/appeals/new) (нужна регистрация учётной записи на сайте министерства) — депутатам ГД, рассматривающим законопроект (в тематике выбирайте “Здравоохранение => “Лечение и оказание медпомощи” => выберите депутата от вашего региона или депутата из комитета ГД по охране здоровья) — по этой ссылке >>> (https://priemnaya.duma.gov.ru/ru/message/)
Art © RustedAshes (i.e. me). It is forbidden to copy/use without my written permission.
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machinesindecay · 1 year
You love it don’t you? To tease your cock and hide your emotions? Pretend you don’t have a heart except for when it’s anxious, needing a woman’s touch. Lithe, long fingers Soothing every fear you  pretend not to have.
And those fingers  aren’t attached to a heart, only a body you’d like to fuck. Wouldn’t that be nice? A doll that tells you what you want to hear all the time?
Who needs women when we have AI? Who needs companionship when we can find pussy in a real doll or AI porn?
We never understood them did we? So why try now? It’s a fruitless endeavor if they won’t fuck us as a reward.
Let’s pretend we don’t hear them as they scream for acceptance, love and everything we’ve manipulated from them. Let’s pretend we don’t need them, because we no longer do, and never did, save for their delicious bodies that we ate like fruit and then discarded.
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
You know what I have a hot take
I am absolutely SHOCKED that Turnabout Intruder comes to people’s minds sooner than A Wolf In The Fold or Elaan of Troyius when they think of TOS-era chauvinism.
Turnabout Intruder is about how abuse can take away your autonomy, turn you against your friends, you feel trapped and helpless because your abuser is the one whose convinced everyone else, even yourself, that you are crazy and unfit to make your own choices. Being an abuse survivor the perspective of a man, for once! Based on a story by Gene Roddenberry as he was getting out of a terrible marriage. The most sexist part of it being removed from canon first chance it got. The Watsonian explanation attributed to Janet’s deteriorating mental state. I could get into it a lot more upon request but this already the longest part of the post asagagdsdfhjkl.
Wolf In The Fold?! Literally the “Jack the Ripper” alien entity is explicitly stated to prey upon the females of humanoid species because they are inherently more easily frightened than men. Ew.
Elaan if Troyius?! Literally just Taming of The Shrew (probably one of THE WORST most grotesquely sexist Shakespeare plays ever) but it’s in space!
Istg Gene Roddenberry written episodes are some of the most deeply misunderstood in all of TOS, for real.
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jeremiasdorap · 9 months
LIVE: Anti-woke nerds boycotting the Barbie movie
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ohsalome · 1 year
When people justify Navalny appealing to fascist and chauvinist rhetoric with "he's a politician, he has to say that to stay popular with the people! 😩"
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ahb-writes · 1 year
No, hear me out. Everyone knows marching into an unwinnable fight is stupid. Screw meat-brained manly ideals of honor and grit! None of that matters when you're dead!
“Lina” (in SLAYERS Omnibus #1, by Hajime Kanzaka)
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panicinthestudio · 1 year
Taliban further restricts women's rights, forcing aid groups to halt work in Afghanistan, December 26, 2022
This weekend, the Taliban ordered that women can no longer work for non-governmental organizations, including relief agencies. Any such group that continues to employ women will lose its license, according to the economic ministry. Vicki Aken of the International Rescue Committee and former Afghanistan Parliament member Fawzia Koofi joined Lisa Desjardins to discuss the latest.
PBS NewsHour  
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airasora · 2 years
TikTok has, for the first time ever actually, failed me algorithm-wise.
On my FYP was a dude comparing his girlfriend to an Amazon product that would suck and blow and yadda-yadda-yadda. Already a pretty tasteless joke especially because she looks like she really didn't want to do that video.
The worst part though? All the objectifying comments. And a lot of rape jokes too, just to really hammer it in.
Sometimes I hate men. I really do.
I tagged a few TT creators who usually call out mysognistic behavior. Hope to see any of them make a video about that. And no, I'm not sharing the video. I'm not giving that type of content any traffic.
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