#change the world
g0blin-artz · 6 days
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I’m very proud of this. Change the world novel changed my brain chemistry.
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justalittlesolarpunk · 4 months
Happy New Year, solarpunks!
Let’s make 2024 a year of radical systems change, mutual aid, solidarity, ecological restoration, community building, repair, collaborating with nature, direct democracy, neighbourliness, and irrepressible hope.
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inahandful-of-dust · 7 months
Nikolai: Looks like we can't manwhore, mansplain, manipulate our way out of this one.
Aleksander: Shame. Manslaughter it is, then.
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palatinewolfsblog · 1 month
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela
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time to change the world pals
[ID: marker art of a chinstrap penguin with a red eye and purple, pink, and black wings and highlights over a white background. The penguin is looking to the side and looks a bit angry. Messy handwritten text reads "I may be small but I am angry and motivated and I am going to use both to change the world I swear to God" in all caps. The artist's signature reads @ watercolourcritters. End ID.]
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corvid-feathers · 3 months
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Drew this in support of Palestine, it is horrifying to hear about what is happening right now. Please never stop talking about it, never stop protesting, boycotting. We can make a difference and people's lives depend on it. I will not let genocide go ignored and unnoticed, my blog will mostly be Palestine related art for a while. I just can't let myself ignore a genocide. I've been quiet too long, I need to make my voice heard
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alpaca-clouds · 8 months
Telling Stories to better the World
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*looks on the calender* You know what time it is? Yeah, it is time for the alpaca to rave on about the power of stories once again. Because I kinda feel that we cannot talk about that enough.
Say it loud and say it clear: Stories have power over us.
The baddies kinda understand that. Which is why they use stories as propaganda tools. I mean, there is a reason why the US Military funds the Marvel movies and stuff like Top Gun. Because it is propaganda that exists to serve their goal.
And humans also have always kinda understood it. Because guess what: Fairytales existed as teaching tools. Be it to teach kids to not run into the forest at night... Or do a Beauty and the Beast and exist to teach young girls that: "Hey, your political husband might be abusive, but you can try and tame him, girl!"
A lot of oral stories have once existed for such reasons. To both teach people about the world and reaffirm a society's values. And this is still true to this day.
I have been harping on anarchist ideas vs capitalist ideas for the last few days and the entire story thing plays into this a lot.
And yeah, I gotta crap on the MCU here once more, because it kinda is the most influencial offender here. Because those people know the power of stories. Which is why in most of the MCU movies the bad guys wanna change the system - while the good guys heroically defend the status quo without ever questioning whether or not the bad guys might actually have a point in some cases. (Worst offender is obviously Falcon and the Winter Soldier.)
Given that mass media right now very much is held obviously by the capitalist class, for the most part media only rarely gets to sneak in messages that are too anti-capitalist. (Which is also, why modern Cyberpunk, especially western Cyberpunk, does not have a ton of bite going on.) And in many cases it has to be sneaky and rely on the lack of media literacy in the folks financing the movies. Like the Matrix, for example. But in that case they obviously run the risk of the viewer also not quite getting that message, if they are not primed for it.
But we do need those stories.
We need stories in which people rebel against a system and win. In which those rebels are allowed to be heroic, instead of the narrative going: "Well, sure, their goal was admirable, but we just cannot condone violence!"
We also need stories in which people live in a less hierarchical society. In which people are aiding one another. In which it is not rugged individuals saving the world, but close-knit friend groups and communities working together.
And we need stories, in which climate change is stopped in time. In which people live actually on renewables and micro grids. In which people then also live without capitalism. Because we need to learn to view that world as possible,
So, if you are a creator... You know what to do!
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dipperdesperado · 1 year
I'm writing a plan for a solarpunk social revolution
I think at this point we all have an understanding that things in the world aren't good. That's useful information, but that's also only step one.
Next, is broadly to figure out, "what the heck do we do?"
I've been doing a lot of listening and reading about that, and I'm trying to formulate my thoughts, to create a guide of sorts. I'm gonna sketch out my framing for it, with the areas of focus and basic tenants. This is going to be an iterative process, so let me know what you think about this! If u have the stuff to add or change, I'm cool with that!
Basic Needs (Pillars for Life)
These are the things that people deserve to be provided in order to live a comfortable life. The brave new world should be able to provide these things.
Shelter: A safe and secure place to live is essential for a comfortable life. This could be a house, apartment, or another type of dwelling.
Food and water: Adequate nutrition and hydration are essential for maintaining good health and well-being.
Clothing and personal items: Clothing and personal items such as toiletries help people feel clean and presentable, and can also provide protection from the elements.
Health care: Access to quality health care is important for maintaining physical and mental well-being
Transportation: Having access to reliable transportation can make it easier to get to work, run errands, and participate in activities.
Communication: Being able to communicate with others, whether through phone, email, or other means, can help people stay connected and feel less isolated.
Education: Access to education can help people gain knowledge, skills, and opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Technology, electricity, and internet access: Access to technology and the internet can facilitate communication, education, and access to information and resources.
Art, Media, Entertainment, and Play: People often need activities or hobbies that provide enjoyment and help them relax and de-stress.
Social connections: Strong social connections and a sense of community can provide support, companionship, and a sense of belonging.
Financial stability: Having access to sufficient financial resources can help people meet their basic needs and feel more secure.
Personal safety and Defense: Feeling safe and secure in one's environment is essential for a comfortable life.
Levels/Spheres of Liberation
These are the levels at which liberation needs to occur. There's an interplay between each level: for example, you have to a reach certain standard of self-love before you can make meaningful connections with others. The more connected with yourself you are, the more connected with others you can be.
Internalized Liberation: Internalized Liberation is a state of radical self-love.
Interpersonal Liberation: Interpersonal Liberation is a state in which love is fully and freely given to all others. 
Institutional Liberation: Institutional Liberation is a state of radical inclusion, where all organizations see equity as their responsibility and use an equitable process framework in perpetuity.
Systemic Liberation: Systemic Liberation is a state in which we have reconfigured societal relationships to resources to allow for ingenuity and social protections to coexist, creating the interconnected circumstances under which all people have the resources, access, and opportunity to thrive.
Environmental Liberation: Environmental Liberation is a state of harmony with the environment. Reconnecting with nature and understanding our place in it.
Ideological Liberation: Ideological Liberation is a state in which we have fully transcended and have no need for social constructs such as race; a reality where we are unbound by identity defined in contrast to others; individuals are unconflicted and feel a full and authentic sense of belonging in all spaces.
Guiding Principles
These guiding principles are the values which underpin the revolution; these are the unarguable, foundational ideas that make up the basic requirements for the movement.
Grassroots/Direct democracy: people should manage their own affairs. If something only affects you, then you do what you want. Things that affect others should involve them in the process. The goal is to find the balance between individual and collective autonomy, where the combination of each is greater than the sum of its parts.
Social Ecology: Our foundational understanding of nature is based on hegemonic values that separate us from it. This thinking coincided with the domination of people by other people around the beginning of civilization. By trying to reconnect with nature and see ourselves as part of it, while also upholding the values of liberty, solidarity, and equality, we can work towards mending our environmental and social relations.
Decentralization: civilization is an extremely complex system, and the most successful complex systems balance order and chaos thru decentralized forms. Highly centralized systems like the prevailing ones simplify things and standardize things to make them easier to manage. Having unique communities that federate based on need and shared projects leads to more resilient, creative, and emergent societies.
Anti-hierarchy, domination, and coercion: revolutions have to be led by the people, for the people. Forcing a mode of operation onto others is a non-starter. Freedom with subjugation is no freedom at all.
Liberty: people should be free to live how they want, so long as those desires don’t harm others. Matters should be decided with a maximal preference for that balance.
Free Association: all relations should be voluntary. No one should have the power to force a relationship, whether it’s for work, play, or community.
Solidarity Economies: programs, organizations, and projects that prioritize the well-being of the community over other concerns.
Diversity as Power: intersectional understanding of different identities people hold and how that informs their experiences being alive. Along with this, a recognition that the diversity of experiences heightens the chance for emergent solutions to problems.
Levels of Organization
Organizing at different scales.
Affinity Groups: a small group that’s tightly knit and focused on very specific alignment. Similar thoughts on issues, and similar interests in projects and actions.
Communes/Neighborhood Pods: connecting with people in your geographical vicinity, uniting on shared issues to be solved, moreso than shared ideology.
Organizations (platform orgs, ideological orgs, social orgs): Groups trying to change the world for the better. There would be platform orgs that contribute to ideological orgs and social orgs to provide cohesion between different projects and strengthen community resilience through federation within the community and its disparate projects.
Prisons: writing letters to prisoners and creating specific programs to abolish the modern-day slave complex that is the prison system.
Schools and Educational Bodies: creating revolutionary unions for students, staff, and faculty, and making efforts to gain direct democratic control of education.
Workplaces (Unions and Cooperatives): starting revolutionary syndicates for traditional workplaces, and starting directly democratic, horizontally run businesses.
Cities/Counties: tying all of the above things together through assemblies to have citizens directly decide on things that affect the whole city/county geographical area.
Regions: tying multiple cities/counties together, making decisions on projects that affect the region (big infrastructure and the like). This will still be directly democratic. The people who are affected by the decision will be the ones to come to the decision.
"Nations": tying multiple regions together to make very large decisions that affect the whole landmass.
Those're pretty much the areas that I'm thinking about. Am I missing anything?
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pinkherringyeah · 1 month
I leave english jackbox fandom
I HATE everything here and I don't have any power to continue post content
I'll just draw a gift for one person and then switch to something else that doesn't take away my strength
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I dare you.
1. Stand up straight.
2. Look the clerk in their eyes.
3. Smile.
4. Ask “how are you?”.
5. Listen.
6. Say “thank you” and mean it.
Change the world one transaction at a time. You have more power than you ever imagined.
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roobascooba · 3 months
Cleaned my bedroom after weeks and suddenly my pores are clean, world hunger has ended, the sun is shining, & there is world peace
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omnitheist27 · 12 days
The 40 - The World of 2138 (2/3)
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@the-ravenclaw-werewolf, @purplemochi20055, @hulkchloron99, and @maximum18
If the uninhabitable climate wasn't bad enough, The 40 learns of how the current civilizations function.
After the collapse of the traditional governing body, massive conglomerates have taken over their respective countries by seizing all the legislative, executive, and judicial powers during the power vacuum.
Those in the conglomerates had taken refuge in "complete environment cities" called arcologies. Employees and affiliates exulted in how different they were from the outside world. So arcologies ended up becoming states with cities built around them.
Then, one of the sinister things the conglomerates have done is dismantle the compulsory education system under the pretext of "getting public expenditure under control", when its true aim is to rob the poor of their ability to think. In the World of 2138, tuition was required to attend even elementary school level. Parents who wanted their children to be able to get a halfway decent job still sent them to school, but wasn't easy for the poor to scrape together tuition. Many bent over backward and ruined their health working to pay for it. Really, elementary education shouldn't have cost that much, but prices soared because the wealthy wanted to rob the poor of educational opportunities.
So, as The 40 adjust themselves to the World of 2138, they all made a vow to fix its sorry state no matter what (so long as their methods don't cross a line). As they delegated some of their members to study and develop a chemical that could "reverse" the pollution and integrate themselves into the societies of the civilizations, starting with the World of 2138's version of Japan.
One part of their plan involves elevating the common people's elementary-level education into having more practical, technological, and financial knowledge (though still teaching the children academic subjects). Given that it's a known fact that children can learn very fast at a certain age, The 40 takes advantage of this by having elementary school students become interested in learning the academic and practical subjects that would prove beneficial to their futures once they go off into the workforce after graduation. Also, The members of The 40 who are teaching elementary students would also cultivate the image of a "caring and ideal teacher" looking out for the student's well-being in addition to their education and helping instill values that would also prove instrumental for the upcoming revolution against the conglomerates.
For the other part of their plan...will be shown in the next update!
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inahandful-of-dust · 1 year
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palatinewolfsblog · 4 months
"On new year's day
the whole wide world celebrates the fact that a date changes.
Let's hope, one fine day we celebrate the date on which we change the world.”
U.N. Owen.
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alexthescaredenby · 6 months
here’s the skinny. here’s the deal.
there’s a war in Ukraine, Russia is assassinating people again, Israel is fighting HAMAS in Gaza and bombing civilians, KOSA might be getting passed soon, and waves of transphobia, anti-gay sentiment, crime, and petty partisan bullshit are sweeping across the U.S.
we need to stop this.
what people need to understand about all this is that these issues don’t just affect the people they’re affecting right now, and they don’t only affect them right now.
if Russia takes over Ukraine, GUESS WHO’S FUCKING NEXT. if HAMAS wins in Gaza, GUESS WHATS FUCKING NEXT. if KOSA gets passed and queer folks get chased off the web, GUESS WHO’S FUCKING NEXT. if we stand on the sidelines and let this happen, it sets a precedent that the global community isn’t going to do anything to stop you.
tell me, dear sweet reader, have you ever read the poem “First They Came” by Pastor Marton Niemöller? if you haven’t, let me tell you, and if you have, let me refresh your memory:
First they came for the Communists. And I did not speak out, Because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the Socialists. And I did not speak out, Because I was not a Socialists. Then they came for the trade unionists. And I did not speak out, Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews. And I did not speak out, Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me. And there was no one left, To speak out for me.
if we don’t do anything about the state of the world, when our time comes, when they come for US, it will be too late, no one will speak out, because there will be no one left to speak out for us. there will be no one left to protect us. there will be no one left.
but we CAN stop this.
alone, one bee is nothing, but a swarm can kill a bear. alone, one voice is nothing, but a choir can sway a crowd. alone, one person is nothing, but a horde can change the world.
so do something. get up off your ass and go change the fucking world. i know not many of you will read this but by golly am i gonna make those who do remember it. stop going onto whatever social and making one post and calling it good. call legislators, call heads of state, call your friends, your family, your community.
we can’t do this alone, but together, we can do anything.
EDIT: due to the fact that both people who have commented on this have either been assholes about it or completely missed the point i was trying to make with this i will be blocking with extreme prejudice anyone who breathes even a word of negativity about this.
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