#catholic folk magic blog
celticwitchcraftco · 2 months
🔮 Introduction 🔮
Hello Witchblr! After being on this platform for over a decade at this point, I've finally got around to making a witchcraft blog to document my journey.
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🔮 Rea (she/her) | 22 | Scottish Highlands
I've been practicing on and off over the last 3 years, however have been drawn towards this path since before I was a teenager. My journey has gone through a few different cycles since then, having been raised Catholic and going in-between personal beliefs.
My other account (@mysticwitchcraftco) was originally meant to be my witchblr account... But I'm just using it as a generic spam one at this point 😂 Feel free to give it a follow though! And it'll be the one that shows follow backs too 💕
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🔮 Magical Interests
I'm particularly interested in learning more about Celtic/Gaelic Paganism. Specifically parts that originated from Scotland (though unfortunately there's not much written)
Because of this I am quite interested in some Wiccan aspects such as the Sabbats.
In terms of more 'specific niches', I am drawn towards Hearth and Kitchen Magic, Folk Magic, and Divination. I also want to learn more about crystals. Though I look forward to exploring other aspects too!
🔮 Non-magical Interests
Writing, Smallholding/Homesteading, Music, Fibre Arts, and Burlesque/Body Positive Modelling (which always seems to surprise people)
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I'm looking forward to connecting with other like-minded people and sharing my practice journey!
[This post might be edited as I go along and remember more things to put here.]
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arcangeloscuba · 1 year
Hello all. Very new and currently reaserching. Looking for guidance and reading materials. I will give some backround info, the reason I'm reaserching, and what I have consumed already.
Backround on me. I am an Italian American, mostly southern Italian, primarily Sicily. (As far as I know, i will be takeing an ancestory DNA test soon) My family was running from organized crime and wanted to "americanize" fast so I did not really grow up culturally scicilian. I grew up catholic. I generally consider myself an architypical theist. I am not opposed to others views and practices like some people that use a similar identity. I have been passively practicing various traditions at my leisure for a few years now. Some inspiration from Wicca, the Heathen Reconstruction Movement, and more modern eclectic writers like Mat Auryn's "Psychic Witch." With all that being said I am a casual practioner of witchcraft at best but am very much convinced of a creator diety.
Recently I have came across itallian folk traditions and found striking similarities with my family and "what we did in Sicily" as my grandpa would say. About 2 years ago there was a lot of random shitty things happening in the family. My grandpa instructed my sister to gift me a cornicello neclace because he thought this is the work of the Mal'occhio. (he pernounced it ma-luk-e-a) Ever since I've worn it everyday. After a recent death in the family I decided to research this further and came across a YouTube video by Chaotic Witch Aunt that was a kind of "beginners guide," from here is where my general research has taken off from. I noticed, in my family, a focus on saint veneration, saint punishing, Mal'occhio, and stories of my great Grandfather describing a kind of shamanism in his "pinwheel village". My guess is that my recent family partook in a type of Benidictaria. And yes I know they would not have called themselves that as far as I know everyone has been Devote catholics, even though they don't really act like devote catholics. I COULD BE WRONG OFC.
Some of the stuff I consumed so far is various blog posts and reddit threads relating to symbolism, charms, icons.., the previously mentioned YouTube video, a interview with Angela Buca from Chaotic Witch Aunt, I started reading "itallian witchcraft" by Raven Gramassi (taking it with a grain of salt), and I will occasionally crack into the 13 part paper "Spells, Saints, and Strege." By Sabina Magliocco, not much yet though.
My to read list is this right now.
Finishing Sabinas paper.
The things we do, Augustino Taumaturgo.
Aradia, Charles Leland. Stregheria, Leland.
Etruscan magic and occult remedies, Leland.
Pre prints that Angela Buca has made available.
My goal here is more so in the realm of reconstruction, history, and gathering more info. I have made the decision to experiment with saint veneration since it is somthing I have done in the past and somthing that feels natural to me. I do not want to jump into a new practice all willy nilly without the proper reaserch.
Looking for more reading materials, guidance on prioritizing the materials I already have listed, general advice to newcomers into the community, personal stories of your practice or relationship with italian folk traditions, and a reason why everyone seems to hate Gramassi haha.
Sorry this post is so long I felt it necessary to explain my intentions and where the come from. I understand that this is a diverse and nuanced community and subject to research.
Feel free to reach out in DMs aslo.
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thesecrethunt · 1 month
This is my diary blog so I'll put whatever I want here. Growing up in a Puertorican Afro-Latino family, we were heavily involved in Ifa, Lucumi traditions. Because of that, I didn't have the same naive mysticism around it like others who left the Christian Church, especially Black Americans who find Ifa after wanting to separate from a "European Religion". I think mine is a perspective worth hearing.
I grew up hearing the stories of the Orishas, cleaning chicken feathers and blood, attending the thousand dollar ceremonies. I watched them throw Opele and Diloggun, I knew at least a good amount of the Patakis. I saw what happened beyond the curtain.
I could have been initiated, but I walked away for a reason. The "babalawo" my tia married started beating the shit out of her and my mom had to save her. It was the last straw and my mom and I walked away from the religion. We tried to help and support my tia, but then we had to finally separate ties with her as her continual involvement in Ifa kept bringing dangerous men into our lives. She is still involved to this day. Still being taken advantage of by strange men. That was when I started to question.
A lot of young black folk start questioning and leaving Christianity in favor of ATR because they hope they will find answers in an unapologetically black spirituality. But, let me tell you, it's more of the same shit.
Threats of hellfire are replaced with threats of angering the Orishas or the ancestors for any transgression. Babalawo demand your life savings in the name of "sacrifice" as a test to whether you're truly committed to the path. Every major decision you make, every dream, every sign, you must shell out money for divination to put you on your "true destiny". Any attempts to divine or think for yourself are "malicious trickster spirits" to replace threats of "satan" or "demons" in Christian terminology. Ask your Baba. Pay $70. Ask your baba. Pay $120. The magical Kola Nuts say you have to pay me $500 for Ebo. And if you don't complete Ebo, the Orishas will be furious and ruin your life, probably kill your cat idk.
If you're leaving Christianity because you loathe being subserviant to a wrathful, tyrannous God, you will not find solace in ATR. In many ways, it's worse. You will spend the rest of your life in poverty, shelling out every penny to ceremony, readings, Ebo, all of it. Tens of thousands of dollars.
In times of tradition, money was necessary because it went to paying for the community, opening schools, orphanages, funding farms. And babalawo ran these operations. That world doesn't exist anymore. Now, Babalawo use it as a means to pay their bills, incentivising scamming.
Animal Sacrifices were to feed the family, the community. To thank the Orisha for abundance, not to "feed" them. Now, in a world of grocery stores and refrigeration, perfectly good meat is left to rot on shrines and wasted. Slaughtering an animal without need of food is animal cruelty and I don't care who that offends.
These traditions were designed in a way that was practical to the needs of the villages of the time hundreds and hundreds of years ago. Now we perform these wasteful ceremonies designed for a world that no longer exists. Waste of money, waste of food.
Do you really think that the slaves who preserved these traditions had the money and livestock at their disposal to perform these ceremonies? These "satanic" loud, massively performative ceremonies out in the open of their Catholic enslavers while slaughtering their masters' lifestock? Hell no! They would literally be lynched. And yet somehow our enslaved ancestors found a way to preserve knowledge without money, ceremony, or even dignity.
People think just because it's not mainstream religion, that Ifa, Isese, Santeria, Lucumi, are all somehow immune to the same logic and questioning we don't spare Christianity. But ALL faiths should be questioned. ALL traditions. Or you risk being susceptible to spiritual abuse. And make no mistake, modern ATR is full of spiritual abuse. In some ways, even worse than Christianity.
And before anyone can tell me, "oh it was just a bad babalawo". No. One Babalawo is a lone instance. Five Babalawo in a row with supposedly good reputations with their community? That is a sickness in the culture itself. You think we didn't try to do our homework after the first bad encounter? Try to find a good honest elder we could trust?
Babalawo, these spiritual leaders, guides, elders that we're suppose to look for wisdom from? Listen to the way they talk to people. Cussing out and insulting anyone who questions them, tripping over their own egos. Don't believe me? You can go to r/Santeria for a little preview of how these "sacred leaders" speak. Pretty sure I watched one of them call someone a bitch last time I scrolled. No, that's not just online behavior. They are like that. I lived it and saw it. Those are the people "chosen" to be your oh-so-wise guides. The once holy title "babalawo" means nothing anymore. People who bought the title with cash but without the iwa pele, the character, to back it up. All of the money in the world and none of the inner work. It's blasphemy, but more importantly, it's embarassing. They dishonor the orishas and the ancestors who risked their lives to preserve the sacred knowledge. Maybe you will find a good man, a kind babalawo with his heart in the right place. A REAL babalawo. I can't generalize and say there isn't a single good leader in ATR, because of course there must be. But I haven't met him. I met wife beaters, perverts, deadbeat fathers, manipulators, and scam artists. All of the most monsterous people I ever knew were priests. And in my experience? It's not worth wading through a sea of monsters to find one angel. Especially not at the cost of your life savings (and maybe even the cost of your life). And I can tell you one thing, if there is a single good babalawo out there? He is not cussing out people on internet forums.
Homophobia, transphobia, misogyny is rampant. Maybe you will be lucky enough to find a more welcoming ATR community nowadays than when I was growing up queer in the early 00s, but you will have to wade through all the crap first.
As for the divination, I have a lot of reservations for ANY religious practice that promises to find the meaning or "destiny" of your life through divination. Conveniently, the only way to receive divination is to shell out $$$. Orishas can conveniently only communicate through this singular, overly complex system of divination that is paywalled behind a Babalawo. You MUST complete whatever the divination demands (which will usually cost more $$$) or else you will anger the spirits or your problem will get worse of the orisha will punish you. Blah blah blah, empty threats of hellfire and damnation but with an African Theme.
First of all, the Orishas sound more and more like the tyrannous Christian god who will torture you in hellfire for any transgression against him. Any wrong move, any offense or taboo and they will hurt you, they will hurt your family, they will hurt your friends. So give money to your babalawo to fix this problem we made up for you. For the right price, he, and only he, can fix you. ...Sounds like my aunt's abusive ex husband.
Let me ask you something, if the answer to life and our destiny could be found in tossing shells or drawing in the sand, then why couldn't it prevent the Atlantic Slave Trade? Why couldn't it save us from European Conquerors who stole us from our home and colonized our homeland? Where were the answers then? Why does every tribe, village, and clan in Africa run by divination and fear of supertition live in abject poverty while begging USA and Europe for food and medicine? Sure you can blame some of it on colonization, but colonizers laugh while these easily manipulated people don't have the critical thinking skills to resist them. Meanwhile countries that are moving away from supertition and divination like Nigeria, or Ghana are rising as World Powers in their own right.
That sounds callous, that sounds cruel, that sounds insensitive as fuck but I need to drive home how fucking poisonous superstition and overreliance on divination is. We (black and latinos) already have issues with poor education in our communities. High drop out rates, poor underfunded schools, low college enrollments, poverty. And now you want to further poison our already struggling communities by adding superstitious fuckery to the mix? I can already hear our white masters are laughing at us from beyond the grave. There is nothing wrong with the occasional tarot reading or astrology as a little spiritual comfort or advice. But relying on them for your life path? No divination method will find the answers to your problems. You will NOT find the answers to your life or destiny in shells and sand. It is NOT something you can buy with money.
The Orishas are not wrathful tyrants. They are our mothers and fathers, here to guide and help you. They won't harm you for asking them for advice or giving offering without a Babalowo. That is just religious spookism there to control you and control your money, and make no mistake, it is a form of spiritual abuse. But the Orishas will not give you the answers either. ATR loves to famously say the Orishas will never speak to you through tarot cards, or any other oracle outside tradition, but wait till I tell you they won't speak to you through seeds or dead snails or magical chains either. Blasphemous, I know. But, just because it's ancient tradition, doesn't mean it's right or correct to follow. Blood letting was an ancient practice too. So was drinking mercury. Live in the present.
The Orishas speak to you when you embody their lessons in your life. When you walk as they did and learn from their wisdom and their mistakes. They live in you. Not in silly statues you get from thousand dollar ceremonies. They don't speak through anyone or anything but your own Ori. Your crown. What Orisha has your head? They all do. They're not fucking hogwarts houses to sort yourselves in. They are all there to guide you at various stages and events of your life. They are the embodiments of the human experience, and they live within you. If you connect with a particular Orisha? Embody them. Learn from them. When the Orisha live in you, you honor them by taking care of your mind and body. If you have thousands of dollars and time and energy to spend on ceremonies and rituals, then you can afford to go to school and get a fucking education. If you have thousands of dollars, you can afford books in science, philosophy, and mathematics. Knowledge you won't find tossing dead snails on a mat. If you have thousands of dollars to spend on ritual, you can afford a healthy diet to nourish your body. You can afford a gym membership. You can afford a therapist and regular doctor visits. If you have the time and devotion to spend ritual? Put it to better use volunteering for your community. Honor Ochosi by volunteering at an animal shelter or honor Oshun by volunteering to clean up your local rivers. Your job is to learn and grow throughout your life and come to decisions with the brain Obatala tirelessly sculpted and put in your head, not look for answers in shells and seeds. Money and superstition will never replace lessons and experience. You are meant to live your life, get hurt, and grow. You must bleed and suffer for your wisdom. That is real sacrifice. It doesn't happen at an altar. Knowledge and wisdom is not given. It is earned. You cannot buy it. You are not meant to know the answers. You are doomed to carry your own cross. Stop looking for shortcuts. When my mother and I did things the "right" way. Through tradition and ceremony, our lives were nothing but pain. And of course they were. Our lives were being run by predatory men, lusting over our money and bodies. It was when I walked away that I found peace within myself and with the Orishas. And I continue to honor them independently outside ATR (the real Orishas, not the spiteful spirits that need to to feed off blood and money that ATR loves to paint them as. I see that as an insult to them in its own right). I really don't give a damn about what anyone has to say about me not "doing it the right way" or no going through the "proper procedures". I had more than my fill of that cult. And if you’re here to tell me the beings I’ve been praying to, who have been giving me blessings and watching over me is some malevolent spirit, please keep your mystic spookism bullshit to yourself. Please go find someone else more gullible than me to intimidate.
I'm never going back, but nor am I walking away from the Orishas that have been there for me since I was small. And if they are dieties worth having in my life, then they will understand why I will never initiate or have anything to do with those practices again. I never want to speak to another ATR priest as long as I live. I've suffered enough. I would never let anyone I love or care about get involved with ATR. Ever. When my friends find out about my past with Ifa and ask if they should get involved, I always tell them to run the fuck away. Any diety, orisha, god, that threatens to harm you for any reason is not a diety you should follow or worship. Period. So either the Orishas are kind and patient like a parent should be to a child, or they are abusive and unworthy of worship. I choose to believe they are kind, otherwise I would not follow them. So far, in the decade or so since I have been honoring them, praying to them, they have not harmed me. Nor will they ever. Because they are not monsters.
Atheists live closer to the divinity of the Orishas than any priest, babalawo, santero, or iyanifa. I believe everyone should walk the path of an Atheist before coming into spirituality. When you live a life of logic and knowledge, it's easy to see through the bullshit. Being good and kind for goodness sake, not under threat of divine retribution. I don't care who that hurts, I don't care who that offends. All organized religion is corruption, no matter where it comes from. Ase!
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grotto-of-benedicaria · 11 months
Reading recommendations for someone looking to learn more about Benedicaria?
You have to be very careful. Under my Benedicaria tag, I mention that Vito Quattrocchi and his friend Fr Agostino Taumaturgo (aka, Jason Spadafore - he and Vito send their book drafts back and forth to one another, and are close friends) are like... beyond racist. They're openly-posting-swastika's racist, or at least Vito is. Gail Faith Edwards, while a separate vein of writing, is also racist, but even more strongly transphobic, though the bar is so low on resources that honestly the fact that she doesn't want back Mussolini and his friend the mustache man is an improvement over the first two.
Rue Roselli is friends with Fr Agostino but seems to not be racist, and tries to talk sense into the both of them on a variety of topics, including the lack of a sharp line between Strega and Benedicaria in practice, as opposed to in heart, so of the larger names Rue is who I would recommend. (Benedicaria being pretty solidly Catholic.)
As such...
Well, there's an adorable essay by someone who mostly writes what I'd call "pop witchcraft" (albeit with good messaging sometimes)- but this article shows something more of what she doesn't say in her books.
Mostly though, the answer is "find someone willing to teach you." And "read as many books on pre-Vatican II sacramentals as you can stand."
This website and book -
There's also some who are more Pagan / Strega leaning because of issues with Christianity, but mostly leave the practices and prayers and saints intact. Chaotic Witch Aunt falls under this category, including Diana as the main Pagan deity that shows up in their personal practice. (Note, they're non-binary, the "Aunt" title notwithstanding.)
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just-a-witchy-guy · 4 months
Yo! Welcome to my funny little blog!
Updated Intro Post
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About Me
Percy // Myth
He/him // they/them // it/its // glass/glassself // wisp/wispself // void/voidself // soul/soulself
I've been a practicing witch for about 3 and a half years now, and my craft is pretty chaotic. Im interested in spirits, necromancy, along with natural magic (plants and rocks n shit!!!), italian folk magic and a variety of different stuff that im probably forgetting </3
Polytheist and Pagan! Im a Hellenic, Norse, and Roman polytheist with a little bit of Folk Catholicism cause of the italian folk magic
Ive got ADHD and maybe Autism, also social anxiety which is why I dont post to much
Ok pantheon worship time
Ares (Im an Ares devotee)
And I try to honor all of the Theoi!
Folk Catholic
Mother Mary
Saint Joan of Arc
Saint Anthony of Padua
Lastly, I dont really have a DNI. Obviously TERFS, racists, white supremacists, antisemites and nazis and all those stupid people arent fucking welcome here, but I feel like thats a given.
If you have an issue with me, who I am, who I worship, or what i practice, just fucking block me. Of course if I actually am doing something insensitive id love to be told that so I can fix it, but don't stick around if you don't like my vibe
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mercurycore · 4 months
☧ introduction ☧
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mercury, 20, she/they
eclectic and unorthodox christian, catholic at heart
interested in astrology, folk magic, and religions
this is a side blog, my main is orcanio-star
more detailed about here
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although i do make my own posts, this is mostly a resource blog for my spiritual and religious path
anyone can interact, as long as you're not hateful or trying to start drama
if you don't respect my beliefs or practices, then you can simply block me
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profile picture by filippino lippi
mobile header image by jonjonkkkk on instagram
dividers by tumblr user rosypotions
this blog is under the patronage of archangel gabriel!
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jasper-pagan-witch · 2 years
i saw you mention that tarot originated from catholics adding jewish symbolism to make it more ~mystical~ (and i’m not arguing) i just heard that it originated from the deck used to play brisca/briscola
I've never actually heard that version, but it lines up with the fact that the deck was used in a lot of Italian games like Tarocchini, though that's the only one called out in the Wikipedia page on the tarot deck and A Brief History of Tarot by @breelandwalker. It's also possible that the first divination-focused deck was inspired by any number of playing card decks.
Regardless of how it originated, when the Golden Dawn got their hands on it and Pamela Colman-Smith designed the cards, they stuffed it full of Christian/Catholic and Jewish symbolism (which is the most clashing combination I've ever heard, not gonna lie).
A few examples of Christian and/or Catholic imagery in tarot include:
The Hierophant is very similar to a Catholic cardinal, right down to the color scheme. The exception is that the Hierophant in the RWS deck wears an elaborate gold crown.
The Devil card as a whole. Not even Satanists believe in Satan as a real figure.
Judgment depicts Judgment Day, specifically the Catholic variation of it.
I also have a personal, not-peer-reviewed theory that the Death card is number 13 because of the Last Supper, where Jesus and his twelve dudes (thus, 13) were chilling until Judas sold him out and Jesus was crucified.
A few examples of Jewish symbolism that I've noticed stuffed into the RWS include:
The High Priestess sitting between the pillars of the Temple of Solomon with the Torah on her lap.
The Hebrew letters on the Wheel of Fortune card spell out "TORA".
The Jewish Tree of Life that the Ten of Pentacles was quite literally transposed over.
I recommend reading The Jewish History of Tarot on jewitches.com (and the rest of their blog posts for interesting information and discussions!) and asking other Jewish magic practitioners here on Tumblr if you're interested in that side of it - very often, they've addressed these things ad nauseam. These include posts like Tarot Through a Jewish Lens (Part I) by @/mysticmachmir.
Most RWS-based tarot books I've seen trip and drool over the Jewish symbol-packed parts of the deck, which is...a big nope from me, since I'm very much not Jewish. It's even more fucked up when a deck makes a big deal about getting rid of the Catholic imagery but leave in the Jewish imagery. Like...be consistent, y'all.
I have no clue where I was going with this, but hopefully it was interesting and you'll get to learn more about the history of tarot and its imagery! I welcome any Jewish folks and Catholic folks who want to add on, as I am not part of either group and want to open this discussion of history and symbolism up to people who know better and have more context for this!
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christowitch · 1 year
I just want to say coming across your blog was really cool because why I’ve heard of Christian witches I’ve never really seen one actually ~ in the wild ~ so to speak.
I’m a teen who’s working to unpack some religious trauma and figure out where I stand belief wise. I started researching folk magic for a story but stumbled on to new age witchcraft. The medatation on intent, and the grounding of ritual is what has been drawing me into thinking about practicing someday. There’s a voice in the back of my head from Catholic school telling me I’m dirty and wrong and should be ashamed but I don’t believe that, especially seeing your blog, and how positive it can be!
I just wanted to say thank you for sharing, it means a lot. I wanted to put some positivity in your asks after seeing all the hate you get.
best of luck and life <3
Thank you so much for your kind words and I hope your journey and healing goes smoothly and without to much trouble.
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Btw for anyone not sure about why I'm always reblogging saints and rosaries and shit - I'm not Catholic, I'm one of those raised Catholic witches who is gonna rub my grubby ass hands over just the aesthetic things I like and work them into my existing brand of whatever idol worship, heresy, folk magic and question mark question mark question mark I've got passing itself off as a religion now a days. I only mention it because Ive got some new followers and don't wanna seem like a tradcath or some shit because I'm posting about feast days and it's better to get ur shit out in the open up front. Also hi new followers, idk where you came from since I haven't had a viral post in years but hey glad to see ya.
This blog is also, like, friendly to christians so long as they are cool and normal about it.
Idk what the point of this was other than to say explicitly that I'm not Christian but I appropriate the imagery and holidays for my own ends so if you got religious trauma be warned cause I don't tag often or if seeing your actual religious shit in the context of blatant heresy and idolatry is upsetting maybe this isn't the place for you either.
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hey yall! so, also being a folk practitioner, taking up my ancestral practices, I petition and honor a few saints along with my deities and other spirits, and my practice includes some Christian/catholic elements from time to time bc that’s just how folk magic can be. decided to have a blog just for that and kinda showing/documenting some things I do! and why some saints have importance with my practice, how I approach saints since I’m also a luciferian and honor demons as well. the blog is @saint-stanthony for whoever is interested in that and the way I make some catholic things into pagan things, stuff like that. I am a German folk practitioner and it’s all pretty much specific specific to my families region we moved from, but there’s other stuff included in my folk practice I’ll get more into that later lol. probably some about how trauma from being raised christian plays into that and whatnot. anyhoo, have a day everyone 💫
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elminx · 2 years
About Elminx
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Hello Tumbles,
I'm Elminx, aka the Pesto Mystic - you can call me Elmin, Min, or Minx. She/her or They/Them pronouns, please. I live in Southern New England and practice folk-based cottage-styled witchcraft. I've been studying witchcraft and astrology since 1996. This blog will primarily cover these two topics and how they interrelate with one another.
Don't let the flower crown fool you - I'm very into vulture culture.
I primarily work with items that I find in my natural environment - I keep a small witch garden and practice safe wild harvesting. I also actively tend to a local Catholic Cemetery. I walk both in the shadows and in the light.
Depending on your viewpoint, you can call my alignment: Taurus/Aries/Taurus, Sun and Venus dominant, Mercurial, Polya, Kinky, or Queer. Mix those in any way that you wish, or don't. I strongly support trans rights and believe that "witch" is a gender-neutral term.
My Rules of Engagement:
Any words that I share here can be copied down and used freely so long it is for your personal use. If you wish to quote me in any other capacity, please contact me first for permission. My photography is marked with my watermark for a reason - it is not for your use. It is heavily magically warded against stealing (not directed specifically at the Tumblr community but I'm a photographer by trade and people on the internet are assholes) - do not save. I sell copies of my photography, including files that you can print for your personal use - if you wish to use my art, please message me and we can talk.
If you are an asshole, I am going to block you. Full stop.
Supporting Me
You can support me in multiple ways. I have a Ko-Fi account where you can tip me once, order an astrology commission, buy some art, or sign up to become a monthly supporter of this page.
Astrology Commissions
I write Natal Birth Reports and monthly Transit Reports.
A Natal Birth Report looks at the time, date, and place where you were born and interprets the varying aspects of your base personality - your life blueprint. This will help you to understand yourself and my Energy Updates better.
A Transit Report compares your Natal Birth Chart to the upcoming monthly transits. All Transit Reports received after the 15th of the month will apply to the following month (after May 15 will get you a July report, not June) because they take time to write.
I offer discounts on Transit Reports if you purchase for 3 or 12 months at a time.
If you are looking for the monthly astrology report, you can search my page for the Month+Year (For instance May 2022). If you're feeling really inspired, you can go through my entire Astrology tag.
2024 Astrology and Numerology Overview
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grimiorething · 2 years
Meet The Witch
July 2022
Name: Vincent Silas
Nicknames: Valentine, Vince, Vinny, V.
Pronouns: He/They
Age: 19+ (youngin')
Signs: Leo Sun, Capricorn Moon, Libra Rising
Where: Kentucky, USA
Magical Interests:
Necromancy, spirit work, and death work
Ancestor veneration and healing
Divination and psychic matters
Folk magic
Kitchen witchcraft and the hearth
Traditional magic
Science (yes, I categorize this separate from alchemy, haha)
Blood magic
Herbs, tinctures, infusions, teas, etc.
Demonolatry but not appropriated. Probably the hardest thing to research. Hell.
Artistic/Craft-work magic
Local fauna and places of magic
Some of my favorite blogs:
@breelandwalker, @satsuti, @etamina-amata, @matriarca-inodora, @stormbornwitch, @normal-horoscopes, @blackthornwren, @black-dog-bones, @haremask, @stormwaterwitch, @sola-invinctus, @trollkatt, @grey-sorcery, @pysksos, @lunefrog, @lailoken, @serpentandthreads, @fair-is-foul, @windvexer, @hillsarehollow, @theoldcottage
Fun Facts:
I am an artist, I use tons of different mediums. Majoring in Art Studio at my college. This seeps into my craft for sure.
I've been into witchcraft since a very young age. I was raised Catholic, though, and keep some of its traditions.
I took dance for a few years (I'm going to take another class this semester)
I'm very into historical fashion and I sew my own clothing now and again. Mainly I acquire through antique markets and garage sales.
I’ve taken a course on the culinary arts. If I wasn’t majoring in art, I would go to a culinary school.
I’ve never broken a bone (knock on wood) yet I’ve had many concussions!
Things I Do In My Downtime:
Work on artworks.
Bake or cook.
Play videogames for hours.
Mediate or nap, depends on the day :)
Videocall my friends.
Watch television or YouTube.
Favorite Movies/Shows:
The Craft
Crimson Peak
Sweeny Todd: Demon Barber of Fleet Street
The Invisible Man (1933)
Elvira Mistress of the Dark
Midnight Mass
House on haunted Hill
Repo! The Genetic Opera
The Love Witch
Dark Shadows (show)
Netflix’s Dracula
The Ritual
Monty Python: The Life of Brian
Ginger Snaps
Currently Watching:
Vampire Hunter D
Until Dawn France
Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Kitchen Nightmares
Teen Witch
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divinecoyote · 1 year
Are you still going to post about kemeticism at all??
That's a difficult question to answer, and I'm still not fully certain of how things will pan out. For now, I've left my queue still stocked with Kemetic posts (which should last about another two weeks or so).
I do believe I'll be changing my blog to fit more of the Catholic/folk magic aspect, but may occasionally share other religious posts as I feel it's important to remain well rounded and knowledgeable of other practices (especially since it'll be difficult to remove myself completely from Kemeticism, given that I've practiced it since I was little).
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serpentstole · 1 year
26, 50, & 88!
26. What got you interested in witchcraft?
My first exposure to modern witchcraft practices was Wicca, and I actually learned about it through my mother. She was a big Buffy fan, and it's mentioned a few times throughout the show. When I was in highschool, an older sister of mine was also briefly interested in it, and she lent me a number of Scott Cunningham books she'd purchased. It wasn't the right fit for either of us. After trying Wicca for a time I became Luciferian and a folk/ceremonial magic practitioner, and she's Sikh.
My interest in more folkloric, traditional witchcraft was sparked by Sarah Anne Lawless's old blog, and her writing will always hold a special place in my heart for that reason. While I don't currently identify as a witch, it was through her that I began to understand that there were more options than Wicca and ceremonial magic (which I didn't find very approachable at the time).
50. What do you do to reconnect when you are feeling out of touch with your practice?
The first thing I do is divination. It's currently my main means of communication with the deities/spirits I work with, and the responses I get can be comfortingly on the nose. I enjoy chasing odd threads that don't make immediate sense, which feels conversational as I prod for more context.
The other thing I do is that I reflect on if it's still what I want to be doing. I've already had to rebuild my magical practice from the ground up once, so I'm not adverse to the idea, and there's been a few things about the Luciferian label I've struggled with. I value my relationship with my deities, but I haven't actually sworn any oaths to them. So sometimes I float the idea to myself of what it would be like to convert to something else. I always wanted to end up with a religious label and practice that felt right, rather than close enough, and asking myself outright if it continues to be the right fit helps to rekindle my passion for it.
88. How have you created your path? What is unique about it?
I'll try to keep this short, since I could write for ages about all the ways I've been building up my magical and religious path.
It is, in a word, eclectic. I am fully sure I could find other folks who venerate some combination of Lucifer, Eve, and Azazel. Working with certain saints outside of Christianity or Catholic folk magic isn't uncommon. I also wouldn't be surprised if there were other Luciferians that also venerated Dionysus. However, all these pieces came together gradually, and in a way and a context that I believe is unique to myself.
Now that I have the broader foundation in place (the spirits and deities I work with, the type of magic that interests me, that sort of thing) I've started narrowing the scope to flesh out more details. For example, what symbols, colours, planets, and elements I associate with the three pillars of my practice, since just one doesn't feel appropriate to any of them. What substitutions for spell ingredients can be found locally, so I can use more regional herbs or materials for the same end result. What specific tools I might want on my altar, and how much inspiration I want to take from my foundation in Wicca or from other forms of ceremonial magic. What holy days and prayers and magical upkeep I want to write and do for myself.
Some of it will probably be shared on this blog or my Wordpress, since this was always meant to act as a journal of sorts as I found my path and built up my practice, while other details likely be kept private for a number of reason. One of which is just that I think some parts of one's magical practice should be kept occluded.
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adarkrainbow · 1 year
Folklore and fairy tales ask game (Dark Rainbow Edition)
So @themousefromfantasyland tagged me with this game. Let’s do it!
1) Did you grow up with any fun folk beliefs/customs/superstitions?
Let’s see... I was raised in a Catholic ground - not that my family is particularly religious, but I was in a Catholic town, in a Catholic school, and went through all the Catholic catechism - which actually led me to become heavily interest in the topics of hell and demons as a kid (which might not have been the actual intention). I grew up with Greek mythology however. My mother never read me fairy tales as a kid, she read me Greek myths. Which is why I know it by heart and keep getting mad at Greek myth mistakes on my main blog X) I also grew up with a lot of “fae” stuff before fae was a thing. The Pierre Dubois Encyclopedias and Brian Froud’ Faeries book were some of my favorite childhood books, and shaped heavily how I perceive the fair folk. 
2) What is one of you favourite romantic fairy tales?
None! I don’t know if it is because I’m asexual, but I never cared about romantic stories. They never interested me. I get in fairy tales for the magic and the monsters, not the love story :p
3) What is one of your favourite non-romantic fairy tales?
I am not a “pick a favourite” guy when it comes to fairy tales. 
4) Did you grow up hearing or reading folktales?
As I said before, I grew up with Greek mythology and some faerie folklore. I did read fairy tales as a kid, but I never was very interested with them and they never took a big part of my life. I only got interested in them later.
5) Did you have a favourite folktale as a kid?
6) Do you have a favourite book with folklore or folk/fairy tales?
I have tons of books and I love each of them as if it was my child. 
7) What is one of your favourite folkloric creatures?
Again, not a “one favourite” guy. I’m an all-lover.
8) Is there a specific fairy tale you dislike?
A group of fairy tales rather... Andersen’s fairy tales. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy some of them : the Little Mermaid or the Snow Queen... I enjoy the more “folkloric” fairy tales I guess. Because the other fairy tales of Andersen... feel too literary. Which can surprise you, given I enjoy the French fairytales which by definition are literary - but unlike these fairy tales that still reused or reinvented folkloric motifs, Andersen sometimes goes too much into his own personal inventions to the point of emptying the fairy tales of the marvel they feel are “fairy tales”. So while I can enjoy them as stories, I can’t enjoy them as “fairy tales”. They fit rather this other genre we have in France “le conte philosophique” which can be translated as either “philosophical tale” or “philosophical fairytale” (despite having no fairies in it). But yeah I don’t think all of Andernsen’s so called “fairytales” deserve to be fairytales. But that’s just me. 
9) Is there a particular culture’s folklore you know most about?
A hard question... I know a lot of mythologies. Greek, Roman, Norse, Japanese, Vodou... I know a lot about “Catholic folklore” (because there is a Catholic folklore). I have a lot of interest in all fae stuff, which did led me to becoming quite knowledgeable about British folklore (and Pratchett’s books helped). I studied for a very long time ghosts, hauntings and related topics ; studied also a lot of vampire folklore. And while I wish I could tell you I know French folklore, thanks to me being French, the truth is I only know about the folklore of some specific French regions (like Bretagne) because as it turns out French is VERY rich in folklore and each regions has its specifities. 
OH! And urban legends. I’m a geek for urban legends. A new folklore, but one still.
10) Is there a particular culture’s folklore you’d like to know more about?
I am always up to learn more.
11) Have a bit of folklore trivia you’d like to share?
In Southern France if I recall correctly, there’s a type of witches known as “masques” (literaly “masks”) who are said to enter in houses at night by squeezing themselves through the keyhole of the door. To avoid that, you must put your underwear over the keyhole. I’m not making that up.
12) Do you have any media about folklore to rec?
Too much and not enough? I can’t answer on the spot.
13) Do you have a folklore rant you’re holding in? (Let It Out)
Not really. Except maybe stop doing the deer-headed wendigo? It looks cool but it was a picture created for a specific movie, and it has no relationship to the original legends of the wendigo. (I talked about it in a post of mine over on my main blog, “Cold Winter: Wendigo”). 
14) If you could change something about a specific fairy tale what would it be?
I won’t answer that because it would be rewriting a fairy tale, and that’s something I will probably do in the future :p 
15) Got any burning folklore questions?
16) What’s a folktale you used to love but grew out of?
... I don’t think I have?
17) Do you prefer fairy tales, fables, legends or myths?
You’d have to define the difference between legend and myths because despite all the scholars going “It’s not the same thing”, in effect the two are often identical? I definitively prefer myths and legends, number 1, followed by fairy tales, number 2. And fables come on 3, they’re my less favorites - too preachy, too simple, not enough depth and nuance (unlike the fairy tales which can be preachy but will have a complexity one is always able to explore).
18) Do you care about the distinction between literary fairy tales and folk fairy tales?
As a consumer of fairy tales, no, I love them both equally and don’t mind seeing them mingle. As a student of French literature, yes, because this is a knowledge that has been lost on popular culture and to truly understand the fairy tales (individually and as a whole) this distinction NEEDS to be made. 
19) If you could own any object from folklore, what would it be?
A magic wand/wizard’s staff, a crystal ball to see things from afar OR this magic mirror that can answer your questions. 
20) If you met a talking animal would you prefer it to be an enchanted human, a disguised spirit or simply a gifted animal?
An enchanted human, to relate more to it. If it is a disguised spirit, it can easily become a worrying and creepy thing ; and if it is just an animal that can talk... well as much as I love animals, I also know them enough to realize that maybe we don’t want to hear all they have to say. (I’m mostly thinking about cats. My cats would probably roast me to death if they could speak). 
21) For the multi-linguals: do you like the term “fairy tales” or do you prefer what they are called in your other language(s)?
Lucky for you: I AM FRENCH! WE INVENTED THE TERM FAIRY TALE! *evil laugh* Sorry Germans, but this is because of us that märchen is not known about X) We set the trend, we own the fashion X)
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theswarmanthology · 2 years
Summer, 20, Somewhere in Canada (not polar bear territory)
"I don't tend to talk much in fandom spaces but the people are very kind. I quietly reblogged pictures of the guys and had a Lola themed blog. Although in the My Chemical Romance fandom I only have about 2 mutuals being an MCR fan as helped me make friends in other areas. I love comic books, especially Gerard's. I liked Gerard's comics before I even considered myself a fan of the band, so talking about The Umbrella Academy, TTLOTFK, and Gerard's run of Doom Patrol. I was able to make comic friends through the My Chemical Romance fandom, and meet some pretty important comic people along the way! I was in a workshop run by comic book badass Shelly Bond. And lo, even with comic book nerds from across the world, we had My Chem fans crediting their love of the medium to Gerard! England, America, all over! And that was just online, on my first day at my new university, the amount of people I saw wearing tour merch was insane. We were like this little club all shyly waving to each other in a weird sort of camaraderie."
Fast Facts: How long have you been a fan?: 5-8 years Did you get to see MCR live before this tour?: No, this tour was my first time seeing MCR How many shows on this tour did you attend in total?: 1 Favorite album: Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge Show experience out of 10: 10 Did you cry at your show?: Yes
Which date of the tour did you attend? 09/05/22, Scotiabank Arena, Toronto, Night 2
When did you get your tickets for your show? Was it a struggle, or were they easy to grab? Me going to see My Chem was a bit of an impulse buy. My friend group at the time were all heavy concertgoers and I had only ever been to one. I wasn't entirely sold on the idea of going to a cramped, hot arena paying large sums of money to have my ears ring for the next two weeks. (I also got Covid from one Mr. Styles' show so I was hesitant on going on that alone). But I thought of my older brother, the one who introduced me to the band, who saw them on their World Contamination tour. He described it as being pure magic, the height of his otherwise tumultuous teenagehood. After asking him for the umpteenth time what it was like to see them live I went on Ticketmaster and bought the first tickets I could get. Nosebleed seats for sure, and set me back a fair chunk of change but being an unemployed student at the time you get what you get.
Did you attend with anyone else? Solo. Well, for the subway ride to the venue and back so I could avoid any track-pushing or shanking I want with my dear friend J and his coworker V. We worked at Hot Topic- go figure. We were doing our makeup on the ride there, listening to the songs, getting excited when we saw other concert goers, and getting REALLY excited when we made it to the arena, seeing all the beautiful costumes people were wearing. There were families with kids in corpse paint, elderly folks wearing battle jackets, and in front of us were two people dressed as sexy nuns handing out crackers with a chirpy "Body of Christ?". Being the most lukewarm Catholic you can imagine I got a real kick out of this, and a snack! But for the actual show, I was alone, next to a couple who were on a date that seemed to be going piss poor. The lady sat next to me had her ears covered the whole time and the two folks in front of me were recording and were very miffed at my singing. I wasn't going to let these squares squander my fun so I broke a fire safety rule and took to the aisle to headbang and scream my little heart out.
What did you wear? A red bralette that I found behind my washing machine, my bootiest of booty shorts, and a big lolloping knock-off skeleton onesie that got VERY hot very quickly. I was able to tie the onesie around my waist once the novelty of my little homage wore off, and was actually quite comfortable! I definitely preferred wearing PJ's and my ratty old converse than wearing an outfit I couldn't move around in. It was, and still is, drenched in the smell of the venue, which sentimentality aside is not very good. At least I have a keepsake?
Where were your seats? When I first bought the tickets they were the nosiest-of-nosebleed seats, and I was fine with that! But as I passed through the gates security told me to go to Fan Check. This shocked me originally since for once I had no tricks (booze) up my sleeve for this concert. Instead of giving me a talking-to, they actually moved my tickets to be VERY close to the stage, free of charge! They said they wanted the nice seats to fill up so I can an excellent view of the band, and of one Mr. Ray Toro, who was giving our side special attention that night. I feel like a fainting, swooning old noblewoman just thinking about it.
What was your favorite song(s) from the setlist they played at your show? Cemetery Drive. I wish I had something more romantic to say about it but I worry it's too soul-bearing. I cried. The girl next to me cried. It was catharisis.
What song were you most hoping to hear? Did you get to hear it? I was hoping for Demolition Lovers (which was a long shot) but alas, it wasn't meant to be. Considering my mental state at the time before going maybe it was for the best, I think that song should be saved for snowy evenings on transit when you feel a hot ball of lead in your stomach that's somewhere between heartache and anger. I don't think the bad-date couple needed to see me like that.
What was your favorite moment from the show? Gerard calling us all hippies making the entire arena smell like weed. Now, I did not partake in the weedsmoking nor will I be a snitch on the people who were. All I can say is, isn't it impressive how someone on my side was able to sneak in a full-sized bong? Where do you even hide that thing? Also, I was waving my phone flashlight in tandem with someone across the stadium, we were making circles, waving, and doing little dances during the intermission. I go on instagram- and what do I see but an old friend of mine posting us doing it! It was him! After all these years reuniting at the My Chemical Romance tour! My heart is warm thinking about it. I've missed him- we were high school troublemakers together. Listening to My Chem while stealing shopping carts and being pushed around town to being all-grown up and seeing them live. F, if you're reading this, thank you.
What was the most unexpected moment from the show? The use of not one, but TWO bullets songs. I could practically hear J and V from across the stadium shriek with pure, Dionysian glee. Not to say that I wasn't as well.
Did you snag any merch? What pieces? I got the BoyZone tee! Unfortunately, so did half the student body at my university in which the first day was the day after the concert. I tried to lightheartedly tell someone. "One of us is going to have to change!" they did not laugh. I'm only still a little embarrassed by it.
Many fans describe seeing MCR live as feeling like coming home. Did you experience anything like that at your show? It felt strange. I haven't felt that feeling since I was a young kid. The first time I heard an MCR song was on my hand-me-down laptop given to me by the older brother I mentioned earlier. Being a little kid I only really cared about playing Animal Jam but I would to it to the tune of the only song he left for me on it. Teenagers. Explicit version. I would listen to it CONSTANTLY. I didn't know how to download music so that was all I had. That was until my very Christian father heard the naughty naughty swear words and deleted the song and replaced it with the clean version. It's a decade later, and now I can listen to songs with bad words whenever I want, DAD. My Chemical Romance will always remind me of my brother, showing me cool clothing stores and cool T.V. shows and letting me learn to skateboard in our driveway on his board. Seeing MCR, that strange feeling, was like staying up late on a school night, eating Doritos and being passed down the sacred knowledge that is cool older brother music. It was coming home to the special moments he and I had, that he made an effort despite being an angsty, always angry teen. He always had time for his sister and making sure she grew up to like good rock music. My Chemical Romance is a big brother and seeing them live is sneaking out to a show, knowing that your parents are going to kill you when you get home.
If you could change one thing about your show experience, what would it be? I came to the show with a little pouch of crystals and my rosary. I was giving out crystals to friends-of-friends but there was a girl sat next to me who was the only one dancing with me. I wanted to give her my rosary but she left before I could. I think of her now and then.
Has your perspective or opinion about the band changed since seeing them on this tour? If so, in what way? Yes. I don't mean this in a parasocial way but it was strange seeing them as PEOPLE. IN PERSON. Not that I hold celebrities to a higher regard than other people that is, in my humble opinion, cringe as hell. But the way they were smiling at people, dancing, having a good time- it definitely has a different feel than watching through a screen. Ray's hair looks even better in person, if you can believe it.
What advice would you give to people seeing My Chemical Romance in the future? Dance! Headbang! Sing! If you're too scared to dance, I was too. But I can tell you first hand that if you dance, people will dance with you! Shimmy an shriek to your hearts content. Who cares what anyone thinks? You know who's a bigger loser than being the only one dancing? Being so lame you think it's funny to laugh at people who are. And if MCR ever comes back and if you're in Toronto and you're too scared to dance, look for me, I'll dance with you!
Thanks, Summer! They can be found on Tumblr at @dandified-doe.
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