#cass 🧼
jtl-fics · 6 months
Math 🧼 Nerd stan here 🙃 - thx
WIP Wednesday - 10/11/23 (Closed) | Math Nerd AU
Cass Spears.
Drake's biological mom. The last 'mom' he had before he'd gone to his final foster home in Columbia. She'd been a decent mother aside from the monster she'd harbored in her house. A monster that Andrew could recognize even if he never saw the full extent of Drake's monstrous intentions.
Alex had made sure of that.
"Andrew, it's good to see you." She says smile warm and to her credit she doesn't come to hug him. She'd been one of the better foster moms.
"Can't say the same." he returns. "Long way to come for someone who barely spent time in your house." he raises a brow. "Where's Richard?" he asks.
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La passeuse de mots - Alric et Jennifer Twice
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📖 PrĂ©sentation du livre 📖
🧼 733 pages
🗓 Premiùre publication : 2021
🌎 Langue : Français
🏠Editeur : Hachette Romans
📄La Quatriùme de Couverture📄
Dans le royaume de HĂ©lios, les mots ont un pouvoir. Celui de crĂ©er, d’équilibrer, puis de dĂ©truire le monde. Lorsqu’on les prononce, aucun retour en arriĂšre n’est possible. Arya, une jeune fille de la capitale, est passionnĂ©e de livres. Elle en dĂ©vore chaque mot. Mais elle est loin de se douter qu’elle est la clĂ© pour sauver son royaume, le seul qui ait restreint l’utilisation de la magie grĂące Ă  un traitĂ©. Un traitĂ© qui ne plaĂźt pas aux rebelles, prĂȘts Ă  tout pour l’éradiquer. À l’aube des changements qui s’annoncent, les Mots se rĂ©veillent pour Ă©tablir l’ordre dans le chaos, la vĂ©ritĂ© dans l’illusion. Ils attendent leur Appel. Celui de la Passeuse de Mots.
đŸ€“La lectuređŸ€“
☝La promesse☝
Un monde oĂč les mots peuvent crĂ©er (aussi bien que dĂ©truire)
👉Le bilan👈
“Les livres ne meurent pas, ils restent dans le cƓur des gens.”
Cette critique va sans doute ĂȘtre une des plus compliquĂ©es que j’aurais Ă  faire. Je ressors extrĂȘmement mitigĂ©e de cette lecture. MitigĂ©e car il me faut faire la part entre ce que ce livre promettait d’ĂȘtre, et ce qu’il a Ă©tĂ© pour moi personnellement. Chaque Ă©lĂ©ment sera donc analysĂ© selon ces deux perspectives.
“L’horizon n’est pas la limite de la mer, mais celle de nos yeux.”
Une écriture inégale.
J’ai eu, dans les premiĂšres pages, Ă©normĂ©ment de mal Ă  m’adapter au style. Des phrases trĂšs courtes qui se succĂ©daient trĂšs vite, trĂšs descriptives aussi, presque jusqu’à la nausĂ©e. Pourtant la suite se dĂ©lit petit Ă  petit, on sent que les auteurs sont plus Ă  l’aise avec leur plume, plus confiants. Je n’arrive pas Ă  savoir si ceci est un effet de style : un style saccadĂ© pour personnifier une jeune fille Ă  la fois pĂ©tillante et un peu innocente, qui n’est pas encore capable d’approfondir beaucoup ses rĂ©flexions, ou si, plus simplement, les auteurs ne sont pas beaucoup repassĂ© sur leur texte...
J’ai Ă©tĂ© ceci dit trĂšs agrĂ©ablement surprise par le niveau de vocabulaire. J’ai lu nombre de livres pour adultes bien plus pauvres que celui-ci.
“Tout peut basculer si vite. Nous ne sommes que dĂ©fauts, fĂȘlures et os. Des choses qu’on peut briser ou qui peuvent nous briser.”
Une raisonnable introduction Ă  la fantasy.
Ce livre est sans doute une introduction trĂšs correcte Ă  la fantasy pour un ou une adolescente qui n’en a jamais ou pas beaucoup lu. Pour un lecteur plus averti, on retrouve Ă  mon goĂ»t trop d’élĂ©ments connus de folklore / mythe / lĂ©gende / ou mĂȘme pop culture. Pour n’en citer que quelques uns : la quĂȘte Ă©pique qui doit sauver le monde (duh), le compagnon farceur, le casse de la banque rĂ©putĂ©e imprenable, la carte secrĂšte qui mĂšne au “trĂ©sor”, le nid de vampires, l’antagoniste qui ne demande qu’à mourir, l’hĂ©roĂŻne super puissante Ă  la dĂ©couverte de ses pouvoirs (mais elle est gentille en vrai)... (Sans compter les noms des choses, gens et lieux qui restent assez classico-classiques) De maniĂšre gĂ©nĂ©rale, le dĂ©roulement du rĂ©cit m’a un peu fait penser Ă  une partie de D&D : des Ă©tapes, des boss et des points d’xp Ă  gagner.
Il y avait des choses vraiment sympas aussi. Les soldats de verre (terrifiants mais sous exploités), les gardes flottants de la banque, la cité engloutie...
Quant au principe de ces mots capables de changer la personnalitĂ© de celle qui les prononce, capables aussi de changer la vision qu’elle a de son monde autant que le monde lui-mĂȘme... Je ne sais pas. J’aime bien l’idĂ©e mais la mise en pratique est trop abstraite, trop bancale, trop implicite et dĂ©finitivement pas assez approfondie Ă  mon goĂ»t.
“Nul besoin d’ĂȘtre la mĂȘme. Il faut juste ĂȘtre meilleure pour ne pas devenir pire.”
Des personnages gentillets.
Je ne sais si mon cƓur est dĂ©finitivement perdu Ă  ce monde, si je suis devenue par trop grincheuse et cynique, mais cette avalanche de bons sentiments Ă  chaque page m’a assez rapidement tapĂ© sur les nerfs. Encore une fois, je peux comprendre ce besoin d’optimisme exacerbĂ© dans un monde de plus en plus brutal et sans doute que ma propre exaspĂ©ration a dĂ©cuplĂ© mon impression de niaiserie, mais au bout d’un moment, c’est juste trop. La moi de quinze ans aurait peut-ĂȘtre apprĂ©ciĂ©, je ne sais pas...
L’hĂ©roĂŻne m’a particuliĂšrement tapĂ© sur les nerfs. Evidemment, puisque c’est par elle que passe le rĂ©cit (premiĂšre personne - prĂ©sent), nous n’entendons jamais que son dialogue intĂ©rieur et, laissez-moi vous dire, cette jeune fille n’a pas 19 ans. En fait, j’aurais eu beaucoup moins de difficultĂ©s Ă  accorder du crĂ©dit Ă  ses rĂ©flexions si on m’avait dit qu’elle en avait 12 ou 13. (Mais il Ă©tait, j’imagine, difficile d’inclure tant de sexe et de sang avec une hĂ©roĂŻne prĂ© adolescente.) D’autant que ses dĂ©cisions sont, au mieux, inconscientes, au pire purement stupides. Elle a une tendance pathologique Ă  se jeter tĂȘte la premiĂšre dans des situations catastrophiques, trĂšs certaine qu’elle trouvera la solution QUAND elle sera face au danger. Le facepalm a Ă©tĂ© violent. Plusieurs fois. Sans compter que rien de ce qu’elle fait n’a jamais de rĂ©percussions trĂšs dĂ©finitives...
Donc en somme : trÚs trÚs mitigée.
PS : quelqu’un m’explique comment Alric survit, svp ?
#critique littéraire
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omnipotent-queer · 3 years
Send this to ten other creators that make you’re heart burst with happiness like you do for me!
I said extreme sadistic asks or I would cry... Now I'm crying for other reasons. ily mwah
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jtl-fics · 4 months
Math nerd, my beloved 🧼 đŸ€“
WIP Wednesday 12-27-23 (Closed) | Math Nerd AU
"Don't lie to me." Andrew says and slaps his hand to Alex's forehead, "You have a fever and your pale." he lists.
"I just feel a little off. I can just sleep it off." Alex dismisses. "I'm sorry." he adds.
"Don't apologize." he huffs and pulls his hand away from Alex's forehead to settle him back down into Andrew's bed. "I'll wake you up when Cass comes back with the food. If you're not feeling better by tonight then you can just spend the night." Andrew says.
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jtl-fics · 3 months
Math nerd au my beloved 🧼 đŸ€“
1/24/24 WIP Wednesday (CLOSED) | Math Nerd AU
Despite his anxiety, the next week is a good one.
Alex manages to produce an adult that claims to be his guardian who talks Cass into letting Andrew go on a 3-day trip up to Anaheim to go to Disneyland.
Andrew had looked at Alex in confusion since heights and rides were not Andrew's things. Alex merely leaned in and whispered, "Unlimited sweets."
Andrew was sold after that.
1/31/24 WIP Wednesday Ask Options: HERE
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omnipotent-queer · 3 years
poly!bau where they make long car rides a game to see how many times they can make the stubbiest members of the group cum
(in this case penny is going)
so Emily and Derek make penny cum with Derek finger fucking her and Emily touching her clit and each one teasing a nipple
and Luke starts with only touching Spencer's tip and he cums before they leave the parking lot and again before they're on the highway
over time they start to make bets about who can last the longest without touching themselves and the winner gets to fuck whoever cums the most first
I've been saving this to add to but I literally have nothing to say. I'm just sitting here blinking repeatedly
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omnipotent-queer · 3 years
we talk about tiny cock spence but let's talk about average sized cock spence begging to be degraded for his tiny cock<3
You literally never let him fuck you because he's 'too small and can't do anything' for you but in reality it's because he's actually big enough and knows how to use it to get you off. You just don't want him to know that.
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omnipotent-queer · 3 years
ahhh congrats becca!!! 🎉
w for me please
Wildcard - You’re actually really flexible and like to try fun positions
Come Celebrate with Me! đŸ„ł
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omnipotent-queer · 3 years
Spencer is so into boobies that when you play with his hair he asks to play with/suck on your boobs - and while he finds both comforting - he gets hard every time because he's got a hair pulling kink and there's boobies so then it turns into him humming into the air and begging you to touch him
BOOBS AND HAIR PULLING?? Whatever will he do???? And your thigh just happens to be between his legs
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omnipotent-queer · 3 years
this is maybe overdone but virgin!Spencer cumming in his pants as soon as you touch him and being so apologetic and thinking he disappointed you
Him cumming though before he can get you off and you get interrupted for a case. He spends the whole case trying to make it up to you, bringing you coffee anytime your mug is empty, holding doors for you, bringing you files instead of making you get up. You know exactly what he’s doing but don’t say anything cause you’re kinda enjoying the treatment. When you get home though, he’s in for quite a reward.
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omnipotent-queer · 3 years
Spencer in sundress season Spencer in sundress season Spencer in sundress season
there are two options for how this could be - you wearing sundresses or Spencer wearing sundresses and both make me melt
if you're wearing them I think Spencer spends the whole time flustered and at least partially hard - playing with him in public is basically a must since he's leaking hehe (not to mention if he knew you weren't wearing panties he'd just die)
If he's wearing them then it's easy access for public play - sitting at a table and just rubbing higher and higher up his thigh and eventually teasing his little cock through his panties
I am going to kiss you, cass
Soo I see you wearing the dress with cute frilly thigh highs that make Spencer tick (because they are the same thigh highs he will be wearing when he gets home). The thigh highs make you a little over heated in the sun though so you’re always tilting your head back and fanning yourself, flinging your hair around and he gets a whiff of it every time and you’re neck is exposed to him. If you’re sitting somewhere private maybe you’ll slide the dress up a bit to cool yourself down, exposing the tops of your thighs. The dress without panties would also be perfect for cockwarming where no one can see. He’d be hard all day though so the second he’s inside you, he’s on the verge of cumming.
With him wearing the dress, I see him walking around in it and his converse with some lacy socks that stick out the top. You’d spend the whole day touching any and all of the exposed skin, teasing him but making comments about how if he gets hard everyone will see. He’s not used to having such cool and breezy clothes though since he’s always wearing layers so in the evening when it’s chilly, you give him your jacket and sit between his legs, running your hands up and down his thighs to warm him while you make out gently. He’s a whore though so he quickly gets needy and you jerk him off under the dress and make him lick the mess off your hand afterwards.
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