#capitalism 101
weirdlookindog · 1 year
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ifoughttime · 4 months
Brands be making cheap quality stuff and gaslight me into thinking I can’t take care of the products or I ruin things easily or I don’t know how to use them 😤😤
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aronarchy · 1 year
A weak point for a lot of leftists/Marxists is disability/ableism. They care only for labour justice and not disability justice. They seek only liberation for workers and not restructuring society away from meritocratic goals.
People are more than tools to be used or discarded when not deemed useful. This doesn’t just apply to workers deserving freedom from exploitation. Your “leftism” must care for those deemed to not have labour value, not just those who do and are getting used rather than valued.
Your better society must be understanding and caring of people’s differences. It must be accommodating. It must value disabled people.
Everyone should be cared for and seen as equal/valued equally. Society should not be ordered by “worth” or “value.” Value interdependence over enforcing independence.
Eugenics isn’t just a process but an ideology. An ideology of superiority among human variation. By this logic, I deem meritocracy inherently eugenicist.
Another big weak spot for a lot of them is sex work, But that’s another topic.
I feel the need to add this: I want to be very clear: I am NOT saying capitalism is a meritocracy. I am saying society needs to be restructured away from meritocratic (or supposedly meritocratic, since the illusion of meritocracy is what gives people faith in capitalism) goals.
Seek not to create the meritocracy capitalism claims to be but isn’t. Care not only for giving power to “contributors.” Society must take care of everyone and value everyone, beyond ordering them by “worth.”
I understand people critique “those who don’t contribute” aimed at capitalists who have power over workers and exploit them and use them for their own profit and that’s obviously not what I’m defending. I’m anti-capitalist. I’m also disabled, and I’m concerned with some Marxists’ views/rhetoric and lack of disability justice.
It is absolutely absurd the amount of leftists who seem to have absorbed capitalist propaganda and see disabled people as leeches on society. See disabled people needing care and support as the same as rich people having servants just because they can.
We have less labour value to exploit, and are thus more exploitable because “we should be grateful for being offered any job” and they can get away with paying us less and treating us worse.
It also means we are among of the LEAST value to capitalism—those who can’t be used to create profit are useless. they want to kill us—this isn’t hyperbole, we recognise the ways they subtlety (or sometimes not so much) enact eugenics. we NEED your solidarity and support.
Anti-capitalism is inherent to disability justice but disability justice clearly isn’t inherent to a lot of leftists’ ideologies.
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shadow-the-crow · 10 days
i did it. i just finished mag 101.
i... i have a lot of thoughts. and i'll make proper posts about them.
but for now i just want to say: it wasn't good in the way i expected, it didn't touch me the way i expected. i mean, it was, and it did, but differently.
am i a bad person for not being devastated because of what happened to Michael? i mean Michael Shelley. maybe it's because i already knew what was going to happen. there wasn't really anything new about it, just the sacrifice i already expected. of course, the repeated "he trusted her" and all that stuff hurt. but i don't feel as bad for Michael Shelley as i probably should. i mostly feel bad for the thing Michael is now, or was. i mean, Michael's pain was also his pain, right? (i'm gonna make a post about that soon.) but yeah, maybe it's because we didn't hear that person talk directly, or maybe i haven't realized the full extent of his fate yet. maybe it'll hurt more on a relisten. idk. but i do feel bad for not being devastated about his fate. that's what y'all were talking about when you said this episode would destroy me, right? or maybe it wasn't. in any case, with the info i had before listening, i was convinced that's what you were talking about, so that's the thing i expected to destroy me.
however, what came closer to destroying me was Michael the Distortion. holy shit. i have so many feelings about him. this whole fucked-up identity thing, the last minute or so of it being Michael... holy shit, his scream. i had to pause and wait until i stopped shaking. although there have been other well acted screams of pain on this podcast... i've never heard anyone scream like this.
oh yeah and i almost forgot: i never expected the "it's not the same person but it's still the same thing" thing to make sense to me. i expected Helen the Distortion to feel like a different being. but somehow it still sounded like it did when it was Michael... It somehow felt the same. I never thought this would be possible, but they really managed to remove the Michael part and keep the Distortion part, just with good voice acting and a bit of sound editing. that's really impressive.
okay that's all i can put into words for now lol
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realnyhiphop101 · 8 months
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Big Punisher "Capital Punishment" Era
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lindsaylangart · 5 months
Fallout 3 - "I Don't Want..." Animatic
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slutdge · 2 months
Its not just the right wing tho, liberals do political gaslighting too
"It's not just Bruce Wayne, Batman does it too"
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ptrckjcne · 1 year
left my mom in charge of choosing what to watch tonight; she chose a crime solving documentary that shows detectives and officers solving crimes on the streets of norway
little did she know that i've worked about 80% of these cases, hands on, and now she realised how happy she was that a lot of my work has been confidential or generally just stuff i haven't talked about
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scissormedaddyass · 2 months
the misinformation about the leather industry as being environmentally friendly on this website borders on climate change denial, fyi
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while we're at it: article on wool, another article on wool & article on fur
wear leather if you want, buy secondhand leather if you want, i genuinely don't care what other individuals do and you do not need to justify your choices to me. there is a lot of secondhand leather and wool and fur in thrift shops that will also last you a lifetime and that may be wasted on a landfill if you don't buy it. and we need a systemic change that is extremely hard to make happen under capitalism.
but please don't make or reblog posts claiming animal products are point-blank more environmentally friendly when that is simply not true. i am not telling you what to do but misinformation is dangerous and makes me angry.
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nando161mando · 9 months
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starlooove · 2 months
When ppl ask why traditional men and women don’t get together the answer is literally so simple. Like these kind of women are all about misogyny until the disrespect comes. And I’m talking true degradation and disrespect; as in they want the man to make all the choices till they realize it’s ALL the choices. They don’t want to think until they realize they don’t GET to. It’s the same reason when ppl ask why ppl like Pearl don’t shut the fuck up since it’s not traditional for women to speak. Their entire view of traditional relationships is Pinterest Boards, Incel tweets, and 40s propaganda posters.
Like it’s all ‘why can’t I just stay at home and cook for the kids’ ok but what happens when you want to go out on a fun trip and he says no. What happens when kid A is sick with X and kid Z is sick with Y and there’s a parent teacher conference for kids L-P and once ur done with all that u have to have food on the table? Like these women don’t think it through at all, which is part of the problem btw like that bimbo resurgence shit is just another excuse for y’all not to fucking think, and then when it’s 30 years down the line and they’re stuck in loveless marriages (because these men don’t love them. They think it’s love but when they tell you to shut the hell up about something you were interested in before them it starts to click) they blame the whole damn world and it’s so sick.
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vaultgirl2077 · 1 year
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For on that fateful day, when fire rained from the sky, the giant steel door of Vault 101 slid closed and never reopened.
It was here you were born.
It is here you will die.
Because in Vault 101: no one ever enters, and no one ever leaves.
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dipperdesperado · 7 months
i'm not sure about dialectical materialism...
I spend a lot of time talking about strategies and frameworks for IRL worldbuilding. This can be a bit problematic for a lot of reasons. I’ll start by looking at two: a “democratic centralist” ideological lineage that I disagree with, and a different, more insurrectionary response to that tendency. Now, that is something I have much more respect for, but don’t see it as being able to carry the torch the whole way.
I am someone who sees the importance and benefits of strategic thinking but also understands the negation-oriented spontaneity of uprisings, direct actions, and isolated confrontations. I don’t want (nor do I think it’s possible for) those things to stop, but I want them to be as effective as possible. This means that more people need to become collaborative and autonomous (in the self-directed, can-make-decisions-for-themselves sense). We have to organize around this, and we need a strategy so that we can both make it happen and iterate more successfully.
That’s all I’ll say about that section of things. Anti-organization/anti-strategic folks are dope, but they can’t get us all the way. The best case is that they widen the spaces for autonomy to flourish. The main thing I want to focus on is people who strategize and organize in a centralized way. I’m going to discuss dialectical materialism as it is conceived, and why I think that it blows.
Let’s talk about dialectics and materialism separately for a bit. Dialectics is a way to think about the world, a kind of mental model builder, that allows one to analyze tensions (or contradictions) in society and resolve them in a way more satisfactory than either choice. It is an undergirding idea that can animate further thoughts. Materialism, meanwhile is that the material world/reality itself is what promotes history and social development. Ideas aren’t what make history move, it’s the material conditions. So, the way that they are combined, becoming the philosophy of dialectical materialism is meant to be a framework to allows us to understand and critique society so that we can make it more liberatory.
Dialectical materialism is an idea that I’ll mostly attribute to Stalin that sees social change and history through understanding contradictions and material circumstances. It’s meant to understand the base of society, which is the economic mode of production, and the superstructure, which is everything that is birthed from that economic mode of production. So things like culture, art, ideology, etc. Base = economics, Superstructure = the rest of the pieces of society. Got it?
While this may sound great, dialectical materialism as a framework has some glaring blind spots. People don’t act purely from a place of rationality or determinism based on their conditions. Said otherwise, you cannot look solely at material conditions and understand why the world is why it is, or why people act the way that they do. We have to dialectically (ha) look at the tension between materialism and idealism, analyzing both of their places in the world. With this in mind, the way that dialectics are bundled with materialism (creating the philosophy of dialectical materialism) claims scientific rigor without proving it through a relationship of experimentation and iteration. There isn’t enough empirical evidence to support this conception of dialectical materialism.
It leaves me to question whether or not a more holistic, systems & complexity-oriented method/philosophy can surpass dialectical materialism. Complexity theories, namely the ideas of self-organization, emergence, chaos, and entropy are exciting and interesting ways to see how social change works. Rather than a simple machine, societies are complex adaptive systems that are more than just resolving tensions between contradictions. A useful mental model builder is DSRP (Distinctions, Systems, Relationships, and Perspectives) structures. Distinctions are about looking at the elements/agents within a system, where identifying one element implies the existence of other elements. Systems are an understanding whole that necessitates parts. Relationships are the actions and reactions between the other structures (Distinctions, Systems, other Relationships, and Perspectives). Perspectives are specific positions/points, implying a view. Using DSRP, we can construct models of systems and understand them on a holistic level, rather than reducing the fidelity of our analysis to our detriment. DSRP, similarly to dialectical materialism, is a fractal tool, creating as little or as much fidelity as we would like in our models.
I think that the most damning thing for dialectical materialism is a lack of understanding of how power functions within both the base and the superstructure, influencing and steering social forces. Power is a relationship between both people and their positions within a society. By not questioning the form that power takes (power-over vs. power-to vs. power-with), it cannot actually resolve the contradictions within society meaningfully. It undermines the whole project. We need to unpack the multifaceted nature of inequality, relating to all of the vectors that identity exists (race, gender, ability, sexuality, etc.) and seeing their relation to the structure as both of and from that structure. How social discourses, institutions, and practices reinforce matrixes of domination is very important to understand.
But maybe this doesn’t mean that we fully discard dialectics and materialism. I see them as something that can complement complexity theory and a liberatory power analysis. Dialectics are a great way to look at shifting terrains and sites of struggle, based on our understanding of the complex adaptive system of society. We also need to understand the material world, which benefits from a holistic scientific framework like understanding complexity. Ecosystems (a descriptive, holistic science) are a much more useful touchstone for understanding society than physics (a prescriptive, reductionist science). Oppressive ideas come from material conditions and are shaped by power structures. We could critically employ dialectical materialism to get a fuller picture, but that comes from being in concert with other tools.
Instead of fully abandoning it, we can integrate some of the most useful insights from dialectics and materialism, blending them into more modern systems analysis and theories of power. This has to be done in concert with those marginalized by society. Fuddy-duddies are the ones who have bungled everything, so it’s time to pass the torch. If we can do this, if we can empower the folks on the furthest margin, they will be able to emancipate themselves with a theory that simultaneously facilitates a building of dual power, contesting oppressive power, and ushering in a new world.
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aronarchy · 1 year
It’s not enough to just ask for consent; you also have to keep in mind whether, from the other person’s perspective, it’s safe to say no to you.
We live within a rape-culture. This means that gaining consent also requires recognizing and making accommodations in our behavior around the reality that many people are afraid to say no and have few means by which to discover who it is safe to say no to.
A stranger or even an acquaintance has absolutely no way of knowing if you are a person who it is safe to say no to: if you will accept their boundaries calmly or if you will react to them with actual violence. Approach people with that understanding in mind.
In an ideal world we would be able to make our intentions or desires clear and receive clear boundaries in return. That is not the world we live in. We live in a world where it is literally unsafe for many people to set boundaries, and predators benefit from that reality.
Consent is not the absence of a clear no. Consent is also not the presence of a yes extracted under pressure, fear, or duress. Consent requires an enthusiastic yes, given freely, and nothing less than that.
This often means that getting an enthusiastic yes that can be trusted as-such requires building trust, leaving multiple avenues for decline that don’t require an explicit no, and actively looking for someone’s boundaries without requiring having them drawn out for you.
I remember back in the 80s an ethics teacher of mine discussing that issue. “The question isn’t whether no means no... it’s when does yes mean yes.” That phrasing obviously stuck in my mind.
It’s important to remember that this applies to a whole lot more than sex too
We had a curriculum in HS PE for wrestling. There was no instruction, we were just pair[ed] off and told to go at it.
I think about how it was both impossible to tap out (I was immobilized) and how it wouldn’t have made a difference.
We’re talking circa 1986, and I still feel it.
Yes, one (one!) of the reasons a lot of people are so protective of rape culture and so resistant to calling it what it is, is because acknowledging that would require acknowledging the coercion that capitalism is based on.
*note: I would replace “enthusiastic” with “willing”; I don’t agree that wanting and freely agreeing to something unenthusiastically = bad. rest applies extremely well though.
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concerto-roblox · 9 months
wtf is up with all these posts in the last few days going "why are people supporting the barbie movie?? don't you know it's a brand 🤨🤨🤨🤨" as if there are people out there under the impression that barbie the movie, about a barbie doll, has absolutely nothing to do with mattel the toy company, the creators of barbie dolls.
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imjustli · 6 months
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