#caos part 2
harveyslocket · 2 years
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Non ho mai contato nulla, per nessuno finché non sono arrivato a non contare nulla per me stesso.
Vita/non vita.
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ladyofriverrun · 10 months
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It's only Part 1 and Lilith is already tired of this shit
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magaprima · 2 days
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It's my 5 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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apollo-cackling · 2 months
honestly I might just be a little too polite/socially anxious for this game. a soft fail-/endstate I've found myself in fairly often is having wiped all my enemies close by with just allies/neutral folks surrounding me and I don't like declaring wars dhsjklhag (happened to my Liu Bei and Yan Baihu campaigns + nearly happened to my Sun Jian campaign before I tipped into King rank and everyone started declaring on me anyway)
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rotturn · 1 year
also i probably won't be shipping ben w any mals without some plotting first
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habrina-was-wronged · 2 years
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snailspng · 3 months
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Random PNGs, part 157.
(1. Cell cluster, 2. Sculpture by Jessica Stoller, 3. "Fleshy Intestine Tent" by Andrea Hasler, 4. Wax anatomical model of thorax, 5. Eye glass marble, 6. "visual temperature - sofa no.2" by Cao Hui, 7. Finger lime, 8. Painting by Fábio Magalhães, 9. Rhodotus Palmatus mushroom)
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olee · 3 months
Amor y Odio II | Enzo Vogrincic
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Para: los que quieren volver con su ex!
Parte 2:
Lo primero que cruza por tu mente es recordar todo lo compartido con la persona con la que te has encontrado de manera inesperada. Al mirar a Enzo, percibes sorpresa en su rostro, y te das cuenta de que la colisión ha causado que tu nariz sangre.
Enzo, también asombrado, busca rápidamente una servilleta en la cafetería y te la ofrece para cubrirte la nariz. Sin embargo, con un tono agresivo, le retiras la servilleta de la mano y le dices: "Déjame, yo me encargo". La tensión en el aire es palpable mientras tratas de manejar la situación de manera independiente, incluso en medio de la sorpresa de encontrarte con tu ex en un lugar tan inesperado.
Enzo te mira, aún visiblemente impactado, y te pregunta de manera titubeante: "¿Cómo estás?" Luego, señala la mesa cercana en la cafetería para que te sientes. Asientes y lo observas con seriedad, sosteniendo la servilleta en tu nariz. Él busca dos vasos de agua y te entrega uno, sentándose a continuación, mientras el silencio se instala, cargado de pensamientos reflexivos.
La realidad es que todavía estabas impactada, como si el universo los hubiera juntado sin explicación. Al mirarlo seriamente, Enzo rompe el silencio y pregunta de nuevo: "Eh... ¿cómo estás? Veo que no andas por Uruguay". Respondes bruscamente, "¿no es obvio?" Enzo te mira y corrige su tono, "Cierto. Eh... ¿cómo va todo?" Tú le respondes con seriedad, sin mirarlo a los ojos, "bien, trabajando... ¿y vos?" Enzo pone una sonrisita y te dice, "muy bien, mejor dicho, me siento fantástico". En ese momento, lo miras a los ojos y te reís cortamente con sarcasmo, comentando, "me imagino".
Un tenso silencio llena la cafetería y decides levantarte del asiento, tomando tu cartera. "Bueno, si es así, me voy", anuncias. Enzo, rápidamente, se pone de pie y te detiene: "¡Espera! Por favor, (tu nombre), hablemos. Si quieres, nos vemos mañana o algo, eh... ¿hasta cuándo vas a estar aquí?" Tu respuesta es contundente, con un tono de rechazo: "Yo no quiero hablar contigo para nada. Vos decidiste dejarme, y ahora no me tenés. Así que vete pal carajo", expresás antes de marcharte rápidamente por las calles de Madrid.
Entonces, en medio de la calle que estabas cruzando, Enzo te agarra y te dice con urgencia: "(tu nombre), porfa, hablemos". Tu mirada se encuentra con la suya en un tenso intercambio, la luz se pone roja y los autos detrás comienzan a tocar bocina. Ante la presión del momento, decides ir con él al Parque del Retiro para hablar. La tensión persiste en el aire mientras se adentran juntos en el parque, dejando atrás el caos de la calle y permitiéndose un espacio para desentrañar las complejidades de sus emociones.
Caminando por el Retiro, intentas evitar mirar a Enzo y él hace lo mismo. Un silencio incómodo envuelve la conversación, pero él finalmente comienza a contarte las cosas que le han sucedido desde que se separaron. "Pues, en dos días voy para Los Ángeles para una audición con, puede ser que sea con la producción de Star Wars y...", pero tus pensamientos se dispersan observando a la gente haciendo ejercicio, los pavos reales, los niños jugando en el parque. Intentas no prestar atención a Enzo.
Sin embargo, él se detiene y te pregunta, "¿todo bien?" No puedes contenerlo más y lo miras intensamente, como si estuvieras a punto de llorar, y le dices, "tú no sabes lo preocupada que estaba por vos. No sabes las noches que no he dormido pensando que estabas sufriendo. Y ahora, horas después, estás súper bien. Nunca viniste a buscarme, me dejaste como una cucaracha muerta, tirada. Ahora, no quiero saber nada de vos. Mejor quédate con esas actrices, fóllatelas a todas y vive tu vida en Hollywood. Yo estoy súper bien aquí en mi trabajo", dices, temblando de enojo y con ganas de soltarle más verdades.
Enzo te mira intensamente y admite: "Vos tenés toda la razón. Yo no te voy a decir un pero. Sé que me alejé y no volví. La verdad es que no sabía cómo, y estoy sumamente de acuerdo en que es mi culpa", se apuñala metafóricamente en el pecho mientras te mira con tristeza y esperanza. "Así que por favor, perdóname. Sé que me odias, me odias demasiado, pero por favor, perdóname".
Tú lo miras y, a pesar de tus esfuerzos por contener las lágrimas, una se escapa. Le respondes: "Enzo... de verdad no sé qué hacer. Me he quedado esperándote, una llamada tuya, un mensaje, pero solo recibía mensajes de tu manager, no de vos. Era como si me odiaras o te diera asco, es que—" Él te interrumpe apresuradamente: "Asco para nada, amor. Yo nunca te odié. Vos sos todo para mí. ¿Cómo que asco, (tu nombre)?", te dice agitado.
Tú te tapas la cara con las manos, sintiendo la tensión y el coraje que te genera Enzo. Internamente, sabes que lo amas y que deseas volver al pasado, anhelas esos besos, tocarlo, abrazarlo como hacían todas las noches. Extrañas las caminatas por Montevideo, los cafecitos con la abuela, extrañas todo lo que compartías y decías con Enzo. Pero en ese momento, no sabes realmente qué decir. Solo logras murmurar: "Creo que es muy tarde ya".
Enzo te mira fijamente y te pregunta con sinceridad: "(tu nombre), ¿eso es realmente lo que quieres? ¿Sabes algo? No he dejado de pensar en vos, te amo demasiado. El amor es tan intenso que siento que mi pecho quiere salirse. Vos conoces todo de mí, eres la única que me entiende. No me importa lo que haya pasado hasta ahora, y le doy gracias a Dios por darme la oportunidad de volverte a ver. ¡Vos no sabes cuántas veces le he pedido a Dios!", dice con emoción, como si estuviera al borde de las lágrimas.
Tú lo miras, sorprendida por la intensidad de las palabras de Enzo. Nunca lo habías escuchado hablar de esa manera. Siempre fue tranquilo y ansioso, pero en ese momento, su desesperación parece temblarte a ti también. Enzo confiesa: "Te amo, (tu nombre)". Mirando a ambos lados y contemplando el atardecer, los rayos del sol iluminan el rostro de Enzo. Respondes, un poco más relajada y con una pequeña sonrisa: "Enzo, por favor, deja esa bobería de romántico que eso no es vos".
Enzo te mira, sonríe pero a la vez llora, y te dice: "Te puedo decir algo". Miras justo en la terminada del atardecer y le animas: "Dale, dime". Con sus ojos enrojecidos, Enzo confiesa: "Quiero besarte, pero todita". Tú le sonríes sarcásticamente y le respondes: "Como si yo quisiera lo mismo". Él se acerca, acariciando tu brazo y llegando a la muñeca, masajeándola en círculos. "Ven acá, chiquita,” te dice, tomándote del rostro y dándote un beso apasionado mientras el sol completa su despedida. Fin.
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xoxo-sarah · 10 months
Brother's Best Friend
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Part 2
↝a/n: idk how to feel about this one. Feedback is appreciated! :)
↝pairing: robin buckley x Harrington!reader
↝Warning: arguing, a school fight, homophobic douchebag who says gross stuff, party, alcohol, pinning, kissing, not proofread
↝⎙ 6.15.23
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She hated you. She hated how you dressed, how you acted, how you talked, how you smiled, how you laughed, how you walked, how you fixed your hair. How you applied lip gloss on your plump, kissable lips. Most importantly, she hated how you were Steve's sister. You and Steve were complete opposites, always having something small to argue about no matter who's around. But having each other's backs when needed.
She could recall a day where you wore a pink skirt along with a scowl on your face as a girl from school had been talking crap about your brother. The other girl hadn't been popular, but a shit talking bitch nonetheless, just listening to everything and gossiping when given the chance.
Robin had been at her locker when she heard everything, the caos and people talking about a fight as they ran down the hall. She followed the two younger highschoolers, coming around a corner to see you, ears a fire-y red and knuckles a ghost white as your nails dug into your palms. The other girl kept blabbering about the next bimbo to be in your brothers bed, which set you off. A small, humorless laugh had the cocky grin fall smooth off her face. Robin wasn't close enough to hear what you said before the girl had swung, hitting you but hurting herself more with how she had her fist, most likely jamming her thumb. A gasp echoed in Robin's head, watching as you only swung once, enough to say it was self defense- when in reality it just felt good to shut the girl up for a little bit.
She had just watched as the principal walked both of you down the hall, scolding you.
She hated how you made her promise not to tell Steve that you got suspended. "You can't tell Steve."
"And why not? You punched her!"
"For good reason!" You had countered, pleading her with your eyes. "Please, Robin." That might have been the first time you have been nice to her. There was always some snippy comments being spat at her when she was around, making Steve take up for his friend. "I'll do anything; He can't know."
So she kept your secret. You kept getting ready for school in the mornings, leaving with a small something for breakfast, and bidding Steve goodbye. She didn't know where you went after you left, or where you could spend 7 hours where Steve wouldn't catch you. But her mouth stayed shut. She honestly surprised herself, keeping a secret- especially from her best friend.
On a random Friday you had worn a blue skirt, accidentally matching Robin's blue shirt. Steve had pointed it out, laughing it off as you got a snack. Robin noticed the small smirk on your face ever since you came out of your room. She also noticed how it grew as you asked Robin to walk with you to school, since you were both going, of course.
"You're not going to murder her, right?" Steve joked, although seeming a little concerned. A little out of the ordinary.
Rolling your eyes, you slapped him upside the head. "I can't walk with a friend?"
"Yeah, but I didn't think Robin was a friend..."
"We're friends- right, Robin?" With a scoff, you turned to her, waiting for her to reply.
Slowly nodding, she couldn't help but notice the difference lip gloss you wore. Had you been wearing that one all week and she hadn't noticed? She had been over every morning to talk to Steve before school. No, she would have noticed. Why was she so worried about it?!
She stood up ubruptly, bidding goodbye to Steve before hauling herself through the house. She heard you running behind her. "Wait up!" Even now, she hated how she could smell your perfume when you finally caught up, walking beside her. "Thanks for not telling him."
Opting not to respond, she continued to walk, finding her shoes interesting.
"Sorry I've been rude to you in the past, I've just never been able to talk to people and the first time I met you I thought you were just one of his flings but then you stayed and I didn't really know how to feel and you were just so-"
For once it wasn't Robin rambling, she finally understood what her mother was talking about when she'd ramble on for what felt like hours. "Hey, Breathe."
"I was so what?" Robin stopped walking, turning to you.
She noticed the small blush on your cheeks and ears, yet another pretty pink shade on you.
"You said I 'was so'...what were you going to say?"
"Pretty. You were- are so pretty. Sorry." Any sign of the Harrington smirk and confidence was gone. You looked like a whole different person in front of her. Robin couldn't believe it.
"How can you go from a spoiled brat to a shy little thing?" She didn't notice how her voice darkened, usually not talking to you like this. But you had.
"What?" Your eyes widened, jaw droppimg before you glanced around.
Robin felt like she hadn't been in control of her body when those words slipped out. Sure, she had thought them but she didn't want to actually say them! "I didn't- that wasn't supposed to be said outloud. I didn't- I don't." Turning back around, she started walking again. "How about I accept your apology for being mean to me before and you forget about what I just said, deal?"
She could see your stupid grin from beside her, "deal."
"Give it back!" She hated how you would take things and run away with them, giggling as you did so. Like now, you took her sandwich and ran away through Family Video, giggling like a maniac. "C'mon, that was the last of the bread!"
"I'll give it back for a kiss." She hated how your words made her cheeks flush. You've joked about kissing her before, along with all your friends. But it was different for her. She didn't even know if you know about her being lesbian. Steve wasn't one to go around telling everyone her business so she doubted it. When she didn't reply, you slowly made your way back, handing her the sandwich back. "I was kidding."
"Yeah, yeah." She reached for her sandwich, putting it back in the ziplock, not feeling hungry anymore.
You noticed, of course you did. "What's wrong?"
"No." Your hand was suddenly on her arm, stopping her from moving. Your touch was like fire to her skin, despite how soft your skin was and how you've been whining about how cold it was recently. "What is going on with you lately?"
She opened her mouth to squash whatever you were thinking was wrong with her, but Steve came back from the back room, done with the new stock. "Y/n? I thought you were busy today."
When it hit you, Robin saw it in your face. Your hand fell from her arm, in search of your purse. "Oh shit! I gotta go-" Her eyes never left you as you stepped towards the door. "Robin, we gotta hang out sometime." Her eyebrows were practically over her head, like a surprised cartoon. Her brain felt as if she had forgotten how to talk, or even what word were.
She couldn't do that. She would not be in a room by yourselves ever again. "Date?" It slipped past Robin's lips before her brain fully went back from the frizzy state.
Steve gave a glance to his friend, not quite sure what had changed between you two- going from hating each other to wanting to hang out. He didn't question it. Not having to hear you take jabs at each other was heaven. "Maybe."
Robin heard your voice as soon as she entered the room, causing her feet to turn and try to quickly get out of the room and maybe even the country. "Buckley!"
Shit. Robin cursed herself, shutting her eyes as you giggled, making your way to her. She knew the party was a bad idea. She had been bored all day, with Steve having work and it being her off day, plus a Saturday. When she had heard some kids from school talking about a party, she didn't really think about who would be there. She now regretted that.
"Robin." She turned, seeing your smiling face, noticing your eyes creasing from how big you were grinning.
"Y/n." She acknowledged you. Your face fell a little when her face was straight, not sign of any emotion.
"I wouldn't expect to see you here."
Not knowing why that hit a nerve, she couldn't help to feel hurt. "What is that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing! Uh," your smile fully fell, looking away from her. "Wanna come meet my friends?"
She had followed you through the house, weed and alcohol reeking through the room. Her eyes were set on your back, how the shirt tucked into the back of a pretty little white skirt. She wondered if that was all you had in your closet- it's not like she was complaining. More laughter echoed the little corner where a few people Robin had seen you hang around were sitting.
She stayed by your side most of the night, watching people around and you. She was never one for drinking, you however, wanted the buzz. You were even more giggly. Robin didn't know if she could handle it much longer.
"She just hasn't had this guy yet- I can't turn her back straight." Her eyes shot up to one of the guys who had interrupted your introduction to introduce himself. She could tell he had had way too much to drink, alcohol practically replaced the blood in his veins.
Her eyes followed where he and a few other people were looking and laughing. A girl who was openly lesbian was talking with her friends, laughing and enjoying the party, unknown of the cruel words being said.
The laughing pissed Robin off. Who did he think he was to say that? She couldn't believe you were friends with this guy. She half expecting you to laugh too, any second now. But as she turned slightly to look at you, you looked almost uncomfortable. "Mark, don't say stuff like that." The guy stopped laughing, his eyes traveling your body.
"What, Harrington?" He sat up, dragging his hand down his front to land on his crotch. Robin's nose crinkled in disgust. "You know what I can do to a woman." Your whole face broke out in disgust, almost as if all the alcohol would come up any second. "I'd have her straight as a board in no time."
As you stood up ubruptly, Robin's hands went out to catch you as you wobbled. "You're disgusting." You slurred, turning to walk away.
Robin was up and following you in a second, feeling as if getting away from that group was a breath of fresh air.
When the real fresh air hit her, she noticed you leaning against a tree in the front yard. She was quick to walk over. "Hey- you alright?"
"Yeah. He just makes me feel sick to my stomach."
"That might be the 10 gallons of alcohol you consumed." She joked, chuckling at herself, trying to lighten the situation.
"We should just leave." You got off the tree, wobbling on the sidewalk, towards your house. You didn't expect to feel her following you, thinking she would walk the other way, towards her own house. "What are you doing?"
"Walking you home." Her hands were in her pockets, the wind blowing her hair behind her.
"You don't have to."
"You shouldn't be walking home alone and drunk in the dark."
You didn't reply all the way back to your house. She walked you into the house, grabbing you a glass of water. The door opened with a push of her shoulder against it. "Here." She looked up, eyes growing wide with the lack of clothing you have. Her head shot to your door, closing it incase Steve came out of his room. Her eyes stayed on the ground as she quickly walked over to your dresser, almost slamming the glass down.
"Robin?" She hated how sweet your voice was. It almost didn't sound like you.
No one should ever sound that sweet, it's dangerous. "Ye-yeah?"
"Can you help me?" Her eyes looked up, going straight to your own, not daring to even look at your exposed collar bone.
"What?" Surely you didn't need help just throwing some clothes on.
Yet, you shamelessly stood in your underwear and bra, looking at her. "I can't undo my bra." You turned, your back exposed to her. She felt the air get stuck in her throat.
"Can't you just get in bed?"
"It pokes me." You whined, your hands trying to reach back but failing to fully find the clasp. Robin stepped forward, her hands becoming sweating as they met the cloth, slowly unclasping the three little metel pieces. Even after she was done, she couldn't help how soft your skin looked; how she wanted to lean forward and kiss until her lips felt numb.
"Thank you." She didn't moved as your turned, a tired smile on your face- her eyes stayed looking straight into your own.
The space between you was little, neither of you moving, for different reasons though, Robin had realized. She stepped back, letting you climb into your bed.
"You shouldn't go to bed with makeup on." Her voice was a little over a whisper. She had heard your complaint about how bad it was for your skin and your sheet and pillowcase.
You groaned, throwing your hand over the covers. Before you could voice your distaste for anything but sleep, she was walking towards your vanity, getting the makeup remover and walking over to the bed. You looked up at her as she kneeled beside the bed, bringing the cotton to your face, gently rubbing the makeup off. Your eyes raked over her face as if you haven't seen it before.
"There." She closed the bottle, throwing the cotton into your trash bin, going to stand up. Your hands stopped her movement, making her look at you in question.
She hated how soft your eyes looked up at her. "Thank you, Robin." Your fingers grazed her arm back and forth, an unknown pattern being made. "You're the best."
"I know."
"You can't go home."
"Because you shouldn't be out this late, all by yourself." She sighed, enjoying the patterns being drawn on her skin.
"I'll be fine."
"No." She looked at you with question in her eyes at how stern you were. "You can stay here." You patted the spot beside you on the bed. She felt the air get caught in her throat again, and her ear turn pink. As if on cue, rain hit your window, running down the glass as if it was taunting Robin and her emotions.
You don't lay in the same bed with people you hate. But she couldn't help it. It was late, cold, and raining. And your voice and face were so soft in emotion. She couldn't help herself.
Her eyes were glued to the ceiling, listening to the rain outside and your breathing beside her.
After a few minutes of silence in the dark room, she felt movement in the bed, and heard the blanket wrinkle with your movement. Suddenly, she felt your eyes on her, causing her to turn her head.
You were on your side, still having the same look in your eyes, as if she was the first person you had ever laid your eyes on. "You're pretty."
"You need to go to sleep, y/n." She dismissed you, seeing the sleep take over, noticing under your eyes and how your eyes were glossed over in sleep.
"Can I have a goodnight kiss?" She stared at you, not seeing the normal joking smirk, yet she nervously chuckled. She stopped when you sat up, a frown on your face. "I'm serious."
"You're drunk."
"Not enough." She followed your movement, sitting up and ignoring how the sheet fell from your exposed chest. "When I say I want to kiss you, I mean it."
"What?" You rolled your eyes, your hand going to grab hers.
"I like you. A lot, actually."
"It's just the alcohol talking- lay back down."
"No!" She flinched at your outburst. "I like you. I actually do. I have for a while. That's why I was mean to you when Steve brought you over. He's always managed to bring such beautiful girls over and you were way out of his league, truly. I was jealous, I guess." You were almost shy under her gaze, fiddling with your own hands now, letting her have her own back. "I kept being mean so I didn't have to ignore you completely - god, that would've killed me, Robin. I wasn't sure what to do- I certainly couldn't just go up to you and tell you I liked you. I wasn't sure, ya know? But when I saw the way you used to look at Vicky- I knew. I think I also brought my jealously out on you for that- sorry about that. She's a beautiful girl, I get it. But you're my 'Vicky'. I adore you more then I could ever physically express. And I probably wouldn't have even said anything if it weren't for the liquid courage, honestly. But I'm still thinking like I normally do. I know this isn't a mistake, no matter what happens between us next. And I am now realizing I'm blabbering. Sorry."
When you looked up, you were surprised to see her grinning.
"You're adorable." It was your turn to blush. "Can I kiss you?" Her quiet, raspy voice would have you doing anything she could ever ask.
"Of course. It's not like I've asked you 200 times-" her lips met yours, softly moving against each other and not coming up for air until your lungs screamed. She pulled back, her hand grazing the side of your neck.
You could feel her breath fan against your face, her forehead against your own. She whispered against your lips before going back into a kiss, not getting enough of you. "You talk too much."
Maybe she doesn't hate you.
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•2021-2024 by xoxo-sarah on Tumblr•
•My work is not to be translated, copied, modified, and/or reposted on any other site without my permission. [!I don't give permission!]
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sgdlr-asdfghjkl · 24 days
Link Click Musical update 149
(March 21-24 performances summary, part 2)
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Follow up, starting with
March 23rd, night: Shu Rongbo, Wu Yihan, Qian Dongyue, Zou Ziyue, Xu Fangxing
The only photos from that day were posted by the actors themselves >< Seems like they were having fun taking photos of each other ^^'
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⬆ those 2 photos are especially dear to me, bless you Zou Ziyue for the one with matching outfits 🙏 the other one was posted by wyh first and the actors were being cute asf in the comments <3 like:
srb: 'wuhu wúhú [tornado emoji]', wyh: 'brother bobi', Li Zexi: 'You two look so good ❤', zzy:'I think my photos are better'
plsss 😭💖
March 24th, noon: Ji Xiaokun, Guo Hongxu, Cai Lu
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Guo Hongxu came back from a health break ^^ There are quite a few clips from that day, check them out if you wanna see ghx get stuck on 'Dive back in time' lyrics and jxk reaction ><'
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⬆ these photos were taken by Ji Xiaokun with a camera from the audience ^^
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Look at this dorky sd photo 🥺 💛
March 24th, night: Zhao Muzhi, Zhu Hanbin, Wu Hanglu
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I strongly recommend you watch this encore! It has:
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CXS looses rock, paper, scissors despite cheating and bluescreens >< LG uhh kinda...caresses his face to make him snap back to reality.
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he's locked in
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Oh yes, Zhu Hanbin did whole encore wearing his shirt inside out >< Wu Hanglu points it out after they're done with last song.
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*btw I need to check, how do we write Muzhi's surname? Bc atp I've seen 3 versions: 'Cao', 'Zhao' and 'Tsao'. I use 'Zhao', Sael uses 'Cao' and on weibo I've seen a meme signed with 'Tsao'. WHICH ONE IS IT?
Anyway, he did a lot of cute and funny faces, but I couldn't fit them all in this post ;w; I'll post them later~
k bye bye :*
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harveyslocket · 1 year
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she’s trying her best
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caostalgia · 1 year
C O N V O C A T O R I A.
Caostalgia es un blog grupal que tiene como finalidad incentivar a nuevos escritores a mostrar todo ese caos que han transformado en arte, y por esa razón abre sus puertas nuevamente a todos aquellos que a través de escritos busquen expresar lo que sienten.
Los requisitos para unirse son:
Uso activo de WhatsApp.
Una buena ortografía. (Importante).
Disponibilidad de tiempo.
Si tienes estos requisitos y aún te interesa ser parte, lo único que debes hacer es enviar tu solicitud a @caostalgia en forma de colaboración o ask sin anónimo con lo siguiente:
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Pueden ser escritos largos, frases cortas, imágenes, etc. Lo importante es que sea algo realizado por ti.
El texto debe tener coherencia, sentido y que sea agradable de leer, con esto último me refiero a tener una ortografía aceptable.
Mencionar 2 razones por las que quieres unirte a nosotros.
Todos los puntos son importantes y serán revisados, si falta alguno lo más probable es que no seas aceptado.
La convocatoria cerrará el día martes 20 de diciembre, y el día viernes 23 de diciembre se publicará en este blog la lista de los miembros aceptados.
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nemainofthewater · 2 months
Best Character Surnamed : Cao
Come and vote for the best characters with the same surname!*
What does best mean? It's up to you! Whether you love them, are intrigued by their characters, love to hate them, or they're your '2 second blorbos whose personality you made up wholesale', these are all reasons for you to vote for your favs!
*note, the surnames are not exactly the same in all the cases, as often there will be a different character. I am, however, grouping them all together otherwise things got more complicated.
Propaganda is very welcome! If I’ve forgot anyone, let me know in the notes.
This is part of a larger series of ‘best character with X surname’ polls’. The overview with ongoing polls, winners, and future polls can be found here
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moongeonight · 2 months
Crazy employees
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Summary: Alastor feels the need to bother Lucifer for his own satisfaction, he decides that Niffty will do the dirty work.
A/N: I beat writer's block! For now... Tell me if you want a second part of this! (This is a tickle fic!)
(update) here part 2 👉🏼 Crazy employees part 2
It was a normal day at the hotel, Lucifer had decided to stay at Charlie's hotel for a few days to see how everything worked, with the misfortune of having to live with Alastor.
Let's say that Alastor... hated him, And he hated him too, every time they crossed paths for some reason, they exchanged murderous looks.
But it was Alastor who wanted to take the first step in this silent war, since he accidentally saw a scene of Charlie and his dad, he discovered quite valuable information.
he saw that niffty was killing cockroaches and his smile grew wider.
"niffty! Come here!"
The little demon quickly rushed to hear what the radio demon had to say and she replied without hesitation.
"Yes, alastor! What is it? Do you need me to kill more cockroaches?" Niffty said with her usual crazed smile.
"Not this time, I need you to do a job for me, it has to do with Lucifer"
Niffty’s face lights up in excitement, she is easily enticed by the mere mention of Lucifer as she asks with a crazy grin.
“What do you need me to do?”
"Oh, it's something very simple..." Alastor said whispering to her what his little plan was to annoy to that damn of Lucifer...
Niffty’s face lit up again when she heard the plan, She giggled with delight and grabbed her feather duster and said with excitement.
"Alright then! I’m on it!"
Niffty dashed off to get in position to catch Lucifer off-guard, giggling with anticipation for the upcoming caos.
Alastor just laughed as he disappeared into the shadows with a sadistic smile waiting to appreciate the spectacle from afar.
Lucifer was currently resting in a small armchair trying to ignore the annoyance that Alastor had been these days.
Him being annoying was nothing new but he seemed to have upped his assholery in recent days… it was really getting on lucifer’s nerves.
But while he was still in his thoughts, he suddenly feel a little demon snuck up from behind, giggling like a maniac, who gave Lucifer a slight tap on his side using a feather duster.
Lucifer jumps up in a bit of a panic, spinning round to see who was there.
“WHAT IN THE- Oh it’s just you um... Niffty right?….” He seemed to calm down as he sat back down in the chair, resting his head on his fist.
"W-what are you doing here?"
Niffty giggled with mischief, her excitement growing stronger as she spoke, her grin stretched across her face as she replied.
“I was just tidying the room and thought I should say hello!” She replied as if it were obvious, yet the mischievous twinkling in her eye was evident that she had other intentions at hand.
Lucifer’s eyes narrowed, staring at Niffty with suspicion as he spoke slowly.
“Niffty… What are you really doing with that feather duster? Because... well it doesn’t look like you’ve done any cleaning at all” He said looking around the room in general.
She smiled in amusement at Lucifer’s suspicions, as he was quite obviously onto her.
“Well, maybe I might have other intentions with this feather duster, maybe something more nefarious!
As she speaks, she gives Lucifer a small little tickle on his side with the feather duster, It wasn’t too strong, but enough to catch him off guard.
Lucifer gasped and laughed as he was tickled. "Hehehey...! N-Niffty what are you-" He was cut off as Niffty continued to tickle him causing him to laugh more.
"Niffty! stohohop...! hehe... Hahahaha! p-plus I don’t think that feather duster is meant to be used on people… hahaha! plehehease put it down!” Lucifer sounded genuinely concerned at the moment.
Niffty couldn’t help but smirk and giggle at Lucifer’s reaction as his attempts to convince her to stop only made her giggle even more.
With him laughing so much, Niffty decided to take advantage of the situation and climb up onto his couch and cling to him with her arms wrapped around him.
“Hmm no no no!, we can’t have you being ticklish! We have to fix that!” She giggled as she began to tickle him even more, using both hands this time on his sides, making sure not to stop.
“WAIT! How is thihihihs supposed to hehehelp me?! Niffty! nononohoho! please st-stop! Hahaha! I’m too ticklish haha! O-oh god… that’s too much! Hehehe please… gasp stop! Hehehehe!”
Lucifer was really trying his best to free himself from niffty’s grasp but when he finally was able to grab her and throw her to the ground, she would just simply go back to climbing on him and continuing to tickle him.
He could feel himself being exhausted from the constant laughter as his breath became heavy.
“N-Niffty… plehehease! Hehe… st-stop! Hahaha! you’re gonna… hehe make… me hahahaha! p-pass out…!”
Niffty didn’t pay any mind as she saw his struggles, she only saw it as part of the fun.
“so ticklish, so much fun!” She giggled as she didn’t let up on the tickling. “Hehe, you’re not getting rid of me just yet!”
She used her now free hand and began to tickl under his arms, adding on to his many spots of ticklishness.
Lucifer let out a giggle of pure desperation as Niffty continued to tickle him until he began to feel his sides becoming sore as he began to squirm more violently.
“Niffty…! oh god HAHAHA!… PLEASE…! HAHAHA! I-I beg you n-not... t-the armpits hehehe…HAHAHAHA! NOT MY ARMPITS!” Lucifer began to laugh hysterically.
The demon simply giggled as she heard Lucifer’s pleas, she found it quite funny how desperate he was.
“Oh oh oh, ticklish armpits are we? Hehe how interesting!” Niffty giggled before wrapping her legs around Lucifer’s side as well, Now with both of his sides tickled mercilessly, his desperate laughs only fueled her excitement.
Lucifer had completely exhausted his voice at this point as Niffty was still doing her usual teasing, His muscles were tense and sore and his breathing heavy as Niffty had continued to tickle and hold onto him.
At this point Lucifer was just asking for help from Charlie or whoever would listen to him so they would take the crazy maid away from him.
Lucifer made a small and desperate squeak of embarrassment as he looked around desperately hoping someone could come and save him from niffty.
"CHAHAHARLIE! HAHAHA! Somebody...!! Plehehease take her off me!!"
suddenly lucifer heard footsteps approaching including slow applause.
"You did well niffty!" It was Alastor with his typical sadistic smile while Niffty smiled back at him and got off Lucifer to go with Alastor.
Lucifer was completely breathless as he took a second to calm himself before looking at alastor, his eyes narrowed as he looked at him.
So niffty was with alastor? ...Oh he was the one who told her to tickle me! That damn son of a bitch!
Lucifer was very obviously annoyed by alastor’s actions and wasn’t letting it slide, He was just about to yell at alastor for what he and niffty did but he was interrupted by niffty happily skipping along by alastor side before waving goodbye
Lucifer looked as niffty waved at him with a cheeky smirk before alastor dragged her away with him laughing the whole way.
"nice laugh your highness"
Lucifer sighed and put a hand to his forehead as he looked at the floor with anger in his eyes, he sat in his armchair in the hotel room just thinking about everything that had happened and was still fuming, he was still so angry at alastor for what he had put him through.
He wasn’t going to just let this slide, he was going to get payback and that’s final.
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Found Family Tournament Round 2 Part 1 Group 3
Propaganda and further images under the cut
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New Mutants: Illyana Rasputin, Dani Moonstar, Xuan Cao Manh, Sam Guthrie, Roberto Da Costa, Warlock, Doug Ramsey, Rahne Sinclair
Titans: Dick Grayson/Nightwing, Wally West/The Flash, Donna Troy, Garfield Logan/Beast Boy, Victor Stone/Cyborg, Raven, Koriand'r/Starfire
New Mutants:
theyre all kids who have been through So Much (two of their members dying and coming back to life and the usual trials of being a teen superhero. being wiped from existence and memory and having an iconic cover of them climbing out of their graves. being together through this also.)
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Ever since they were teenagers they've stuck together. They were all damaged kids with nowhere to go who found a home with each other and grew into mature heroes on par with the Justice League while still maintaining a strong friendship. They will die for each other and will never stop loving each other and they're also just a bunch of dorks and I love them so much.
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