wesxkennedy · 5 months
Location: Downtown People: @kennydavis
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"I am so sorry I have been a ghost these last few months. Work has been insane and crazy, plus being a dad and stuff has just been my main focus and plus been connecting more with my past," he spoke as he looked at the other. Wesley had not spoken much to his friends but now he scheduled was clear he was making time for them and he was lucky that it was just in time for the holidays. "How have you been? I know everyone is getting ready and is crazy busy during the holidays."
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crlandclcckhart · 25 days
"It's actually been a while since I've done a movie like this. I'm good at keeping myself in shape but I thought it would be wise to brush up on my skills in this area too so that I can take part in my own stunts as much as possible. Last time I was here, you were talking to me about private sessions. I thought I might give them a whirl. That is assuming you are still willing."
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highchalowwis · 3 years
just undeservedly won impromptu pvp by betraying an alliance nearly instantly and wasting two bardics on my twin and my not-girlfriend, respectively, neither of whom were involved in the pvp, but thats vanderbilts!
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divine-conquer · 4 years
A sister, an actual sister.
Vivienne couldn’t believe it. She knew she shouldn’t be surprised, considering her mother’s been around for centuries, but she never thought she’d ever meet another one of her children. Most of her childhood she’d grown up an only childhood until her father remarried and his new wife had given birth to a son. She’d always been close to her brother, but Viv couldn’t deny she’d always wanted a sister or even someone she could share this part of her life.
Walking up the steps of the temple, she checked her watch once again. She knew she was a little bit early, but this would give her a chance to check out the temple before her sister arrived. Viv gazed up at the temple walls before opening the door, the mid-day sun illuminating the details of the artwork. Smiling, she walked in, taking in her surroundings as she did so. Viv was captivated by everything she saw, which led her to be startled when she heard the door open.
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arlo-avery · 5 years
Arlo was tired. Two days of stifling boredom and his father still hadn’t lifted the Charms that held him, trapped in his own home. It was a form of punishment he was used to, however he wasn’t entirely sure what he was being punished for this time. And that only meant his fears were eating away at him, uncertainty clouding every thought. He had spent a few hours of the morning reading in his bedroom, but eventually found himself unable to quiet the voices in his head. He longed for a sense of freedom, any sense of freedom, no matter how pitiful. So he had dressed and made his way to the Drawing Room where he now sat, playing melancholy tunes on the Grand Piano. The sun shone through the large windows, casting shadows on the various bookcases and sofas. He watched the shadows move with a mild sense of interest. He could see time passing, the sun moving in the sky, but he may as well have spent his entire life sitting at the instrument. He let his song falter to a halt, resting his fingers against the keys and sighing deeply. It was only when he heard movement at the door that he pushed the stool back, standing upright, turning to face his company. He was expecting his mother, or perhaps Teeny, the family House Elf. He wasn’t expecting to see Kennedy. A girl he recognised from school and uptight, upper class social gatherings. A girl he often made forced small talk with to please his parents, but who he had never truly spoken to. He straightened his robes before catching her eye, feeling caught off guard by her presence. “Can- can I help you?” 
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emilypcr · 5 years
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“kennedy, hi!” emily exclaimed as she approached the other in the girls restroom, holding the handle of her purse. just the person she was looking for. a smile carved on her face, looking at her through the mirror. “i was looking for you.” she dug her hand into her bag. “i'm sure this pen is yours. you must have forgotten it in class.”
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thequeensxgambit · 5 years
estella let out a harsh breath as she stared up at the ceiling, examing yet again the cracks where the plastering was beginning to peel away. beyond the window, she could hear the hum of the cars and inside the apartment on the other side of the door she could hear the clicking sound of the ice machine filling up in the fridge. all therapeutic noises she heard every night but tonight she was totally absorbed in her mind. tomorrow, she - as kennedy’s fake future wife - was going to have to meet her fake future parents-in-law. sighing even louder, she threw back her duvet and climbed out of bed. the cold hit her bare legs briefly as she grabbed a baggy t-shirt off the floor and pulled it on. quietly, she crept out of her room and along the corridor. her fingers lingered on the handle of kennedy’s own bedroom door. feeling slightly brazen but more nervous, she opened it slightly. “kennedy?” she voiced softly. “can i...come in?” 
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fkncarmen · 5 years
“Hey” Carmen sat next to the girl “Mind if I try that” she motioned to the drink on the table, assuming it was hers. There were times that personal space and her didn’t mean much, this was one of those times
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sixthfloorsouls · 5 years
There weren't many things that made Kennedy feel like she needed to get on her metaphorical soapbox, but this was one of them. As she stood in the aisle at Target, seeing all the Christmas crap encroaching on the fall season items. She yelled, seemingly to no one, "WHAT ABOUT THANKSGIVING PEOPLE? Poor Mr. Tom Turkey waits all year to be celebrated, and this is how we treat him? Fat Mr. Claus just barges in with his big belly shaking like a bowl of jelly? No!" She walked to the Christmas aisle, and began pulling things from the shelves and tossing them onto the floor. "It's not time for a motherfucking Noel, I don't want the stupid ass Elf on the shelf." Kennedy was still yelling and tossing things about as she spied some containers of glass ornaments. She smiled wide, and slowly walked toward them, but something stopped her before she reached them.
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grantbannister · 6 years
Grant smiled when Kennedy held out a drink to him. “Oh, thanks, but I don’t drink.”
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jamcsallcn · 5 years
“I saw you come home all upset when I was playing with the dog outside,” James held up a plate of cookies. “They’re gluten free, but they always make me happy when I’m upset.”
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wesxkennedy · 1 year
Continued from here (@kennydavis)
"Not too bad thankfully. First Holiday with Atlas and the rest of my family. It was nice to get to know my mom side of the family after finding out Wes was my cousin," he answered chuckling as he smiled. "Normally the holidays are complicated but I enjoyed it and now to get ready for busy and nonstop movement after the holidays. That's great the shelter is doing well and let me know anytime you need more help. I did work in a zoo for two summers," he added chuckling softly.
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kitcarr · 6 years
“Hah! I told you I could shot gun,” Kit said, after she was finished with the drink. “And you thought I couldn’t.”
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highchalowwis · 3 years
so kennedi being the worse twin is like a joke (the entire campaign is a bit) but like. imagine knowing that the only reason you’re anything exceptional is your sister, the only way people know you is as one of the twins (”and not even the good twin,” they whisper under their breath whenever they (rarely, as little as you can help it) see you alone.) your existence is tied to another person and you love her. you do. you adore her you couldn’t live without her you can’t even entertain the thought because she has always, always, always (always alwaysalwaysalwayssheisnevergoingtonot) been there. she sleeps next door and she walks on your right and if you are not right next to each other you are texting or facetiming or talking about “my sister jordynn” “my twin sister,” “yeah my twin” “oh you know jordynn” “of course you know jordynn” “everyone knows jordynn” (”and jordynn is the one we wanted to see,” their eyes seem to say when they nod along.) you are defined by other people - you are a vanderbilt. you are a twin. you are a vanderbilt twin and you don’t want to be anything else because what kind of a life would that be, without your sister? you ask yourself, and feel ashamed. what kind of a life would that be, without your sister? you ask yourself, and feel traitorously thrilled.
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hendrixwrites · 6 years
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wondcrrgurl · 6 years
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         “Estoy harto de ti.” Palabras que se arrastraban, cortesía del alcohol circulante en su torrente sanguíneo, mientras era escoltado fuera del aquel bar en Brooklyn. Reuben se esforzaba por no hacer de aquello una escenita, presionando lo suficiente los brazos ajenos como para evitar que se zafase de su agarre y volviese a ocupar su sitio en la barra, pero el heredero al trono no cooperaba en lo más mínimo. ¿Cuál era la razón de su enojo esta vez? Ya ni lo recordaba, después de una cantidad suficiente de brandy todo dejó de importar, y le sorprendía lo relativamente rápido que había llegado la intervención, dado lo lejos que se encontraba de la cede central de la monarquía. Suspiró. “Sólo estaba bebiendo, y de hecho le estaba invitando los tragos a toda esa gente para que se pusieran lo suficientemente mal que olvidasen quién era yo.” Sonaba lógico: no habría pecado si la resaca del día siguiente ponía en tela de juicio la veracidad de un posible ‘hey, estuve bebiendo hasta morir con el príncipe Kennedy’ mencionado por ahí. “Posiblemente hasta hubiese comprado el bar.” Pensamiento escapando en forma de susurro, al que no le dio demasiada importancia en ese momento. Fuera del sitio en cuestión, se libró finalmente del agarre del mayor, deteniéndose de golpe y girándose, para así poder encararlo. “En serio, deja de ser mi niñera. Pensé que esto terminaría apenas volviéramos a América.” Pero estaba equivocado, pues dos meses habían transcurrido desde su regreso y el otro continuaba demasiado cerca.      w. @kinkinvere
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