#bye rahim
Love Victor season 1 will forever be one of my comfort watches
Season 2 was kinda messy, but still enjoyable
Season 3 was a nightmare. I didn’t like any ship, everyone was ready to find a new person 3 seconds after things go wrong with their partners, the characters were messy as hell……. I’m so sad :(
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terataikelabu · 2 years
aku harap ni kali terakhir aku menulis tentangnya. Actually i am sad utk berkata seperti itu. Coz i dont know why.. Pesona dia lain macam.
I know him 2016. He is the guy with money. Kasanova. Playboy. Pussy hunter dan byk lagi i can say bad about him.
But aku juga tidaklah sebaik mana. Coz me also selling the pussy. And he is one of the buyer.
Actually masa zulkifli kenal aku.. Aku time tu baru nak jadi baik. I try to dunia dunia haram ni. Tp Zulkifli yg baru kenal aku pd ketika itu.. Sangat bersungguh utk mengenali aku. Even aku tak layan, but he gunakan kawan baik dia Najib yg lebih rapat dgn aku juga rapat dengannya.
How he has effort to get my pussy that time. Sehinggakan si najib terpaksa buat group kami bertiga. Just to sure that aku memberi peluang pd zulkifli.
The first meeting. Kami cuba menjual beli. Tp malangnya. Ada kejadian tidak diingini apabila jepun tiba-tiba melanda.
But he pay me. Then jadilah aku berhutang servis dgnnya.
Mungkin kerana hutang itu.. Its make aku seperti keep in touch with him. By the way, he come from the same route dgn aku. So we can speak our own dialek. Takdelah aku nak hipokrit cakap KL je. Aku rasa seronok dpt berkominikasi our own language dgn zulkifli. Itu buatkan kami dekat.
Aku ingat lagi. Dulu dulu, aku selalu cari reason to be with him. Seronok gila bila dpt jumpa dia walau seketika.
Tp kegembiraan aku berkawan dgnnya diputuskan oleh makian seorang wanita yg katanya dia tak suka aku close dgn Zulkifli. Katanya she adalah girlfriend zulkifli.
Sedangkan zulkifli mengaku dia single takde gf.
Lelaki semua sama. Aku puN Malas Nak gaduh sebab jantan. So bye bye zulkifli. Ditakdirkan juga phone aku hilang. Jadi kami lost contact terus.
Until one day, in PKP,.....
Tetiba aku dapat text in fb mesenger. Its from Zulkifli. Betapa dia merindukan persahabatan kami. Dia menagih utk aku kembali berkawan. And we change the phone number. Kami pun kembali berhubung.
Bila kami mula berhubung kembali. Aku notice, zulkifli byk mainkan perasaan aku. As andartu. Tiba tiba ada lelaki bujang dok bahan nak jadi suami, gambarkan impian perkahwinan bersama. Tidakkah itu memberi harapan kpd aku?
Then sepanjang bulan ramadhan tahun tu.. Aku tak pernah missed setiap malam, utk doakan nama Zulkifli. Atau nama sebenarnya utk berjodohan dengannya. Aku menangis kat tuhan. Aku nak jodoh. Aku nak zulkifli. Even aku doa pakai lirik lagu fourteen, "jika denganmu salah, ku tak mahu yang benar. Jika denganmu hanyut, biarlah aku lemas...."
U see. Betaoa harapan aku besar padanya.
Dan bila kami ditakdirkan berjumpa september itu. We have such good moment. Tp malangnya, kebetulan pd ketika itu... Aku dingorat olah rakan baru kolaborasi aku. Everytime mamat tu call. Akibatnya dating aku dgn zulkifli byk terganggu.
Dan pulang dr dating tu,
Zulkifli byk ingatkan aku yg dia nak berjodohan dengan perempuan cantik. Even dia pernah prank aku yg dia nak berkahwin dgn Mira Filzah. Sehingga aku betul betul percaya ceritanya. Aku stop tepi jalan akibat terkejut.
Dan aku sedar. Bahawa, he just like me for the sake of my pussy. Even dia tak suka pun rupa aku. Aku sedar, rupa aku buruk, tak mcm mira filzah even tak mcm Reen Rahim.
Tp tulah. Aku happy being his around. Sometime aku sedar dia lelaki yg salah. Tp aku masih over konfiden. Yakin akan perasaan aku pdnya. Mungkin sebab itu i still mingle around him.
I love his playfull act. Makin hari i think we got the better chemistry. Tp both of us makin berperangai sehingga makin menyakitkan hati each other.
Pergaduhan kami, bermula dengan misscommunication yg sangat remeh. He ask me seperti nak ajak dating. Tp tiba tiba he keep silent. Sedangkan aku mula berharap.
Tiba di hari yg ditanya itu, dia diam memghilang. Sedangkan aku dah berangan eksited dan waiting if he has any plan for us. Tunggu smpai midnight. Tp takde.
Then aku benggang lantas bersuara pdnya.
The next day, barulah he told me yg semalam dia tersadai waiting for covid result. And he got positive covid.
Aku benggang lalu aku padankan muka dia. So start dari situ dia cuba tarik handbrake utk stop berkawan dgn aku.
Aku benggang. Just the small mistake dia nak gadaikan persahabatan kami. Sedangkan aku byk jadi bodoh, mwngikut karenah dia sebelum ini tanpa mengeluh, seolah he not appriciate.
Aku marah giler bila dia gadaikan persahabatan kami dgn mudah. Lalu aku ungkit everything pdnya melalui post di FB.
And both of us tidak bercakap lgi.
Nak kata rindu. Of course ada jugak rindunya. Tp dia yg dah memilih jalan itu. Takkan aku nak paksa.
Cuma masa tu, naluri aku berkata yg he will back. Jangkaan aku pd ketika itu, maybe after syawal dia akan cari aku.
But mengejutkan. Dia kembali cari aku in ramadhan. Lagi awal dr apa yg aku jangka.
Perbualan bermula dengan komen dia pd status aku. Then dia cuba pancing utk dating seperti dulu.
But this time, aku voice pdnya yang aku nakkan payment dr apa aku berikan padanya dan aku berterus terang pdnya bahawa apa beliau beri semasa kami dating selama ni is not worth.
Dan lebih mengecewakan lagi, bila hubungan baik kami, usaha aku buat, seolah tak dihargai. So for what aku korbankan pussy aku pdnya?
Ye lah, i dont mind pun servis itu tidak berbayar. Tp sekurangnya he can pay, dengan memberi lebih masa kpd aku. Menjadi lebih concern pd aku. Lebih mengambil berat. Lebih caring. Melayani aku lebih baik, dan berada bila aku ada masalah dan disaat aku memerlukannya.
But he is not.
Dia pernah ckp utk aku tidak mengganggu hidupnya. Dia pernah bgtahu yg dia taknak semakkan Kepala dia dgn masalah aku.
So then, we just talk about notty. Cerita pasal nafsu sahaja. But seen he not appriciate me juga. Then... Apa pulangan pada pelaburan pussy aku?
Even he selepas aku melayani nafsunya pun.. Pergi meninggalkan aku. Without hug and kiss. Nothing to buy my heart and feeling.
Then for what i invest my pussy for him.
Mungkin sebab aki tiada sesiapa dihati buat masa skrg. Lalu aku selalu teringatkannya.
Sometime, aku turut salahkan diri aku, kerana dr aku jugak terjadinya sengketa mai.
So, aku lunturkan ego, dan still wishing his birthday.
Tp nampaknya itulah jawapannya. Sebuah keegoaan darinya. No reply. No thanks. Just the bluetick.
Mungkin seperti kata kawan kawan aku. Aku patut move on. Lupakan terus beliau. Tak payah meratap dok kenang keindahan kami lagi. Kerana dimatanya aku tak ubah seperti pelacur. Atau maybe low than that yg dapat beliau guna even without pay any cent.
Sedih. After bertahun memgenalinya.
After betahun aku menyebut namanya dalam doa aku.
Dan now aku perlu belajar utk membuangnya.
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5ammi90 · 3 months
Episode 7
Happy birthday Benji. Hi Benji’s mum. She’s here to invite Victor. Uh oh. Benji. Wrong cheeks there my guy.
Mia, Andrew please be more supportive. Lake just give him a bit of space then talk to him.
Felix Sweetheart, this not the time for bad poetry. Oh yay Rahim is here. I really hope they don’t do what I think they are gonna do. No Rahim, I don’t wanna know. Yeah Felix go shower baby. Victor. Don’t. Pilar, ew why.
Yay Isa. Proud of you. Felix is wearing like three towels, um someone help him.
Wow Benji. No. Really wrong thing to say, backtrack. Yep no, that isn’t working. Benji. Look a little happy to see him. Please.
Yeah Lake aquarium would be great but. Oh good Mia is saying the right thing. Thank you Mia. Oh no wait. Lake, please don’t fight Mia. Well that could have gone better.
Benji. Why are you freaking. What are you hiding. What is this speech. Oh great they are bringing up the Wendy’s car accident. Of course. He’s goes to AA meeting and he didn’t tell Victor. Uh oh. But hey he got his one year chip. Well done Benji. Wait. Hang on. They drank at the cabin. Oh damn. Did he break his sobriety???
That is a very cute e-invite Lake. J-lo marathon, no thanks. Well that ain’t the best news Felix but at least your mum is getting some help. Aw Pilar does have a crush. Shut up Rahim. Adrian no, turn off hustlers.
Oh great. Isa has her judgy face on. Do not leave, damn jt Isa.
Oh great awkward conversation between Benji and Victor time. Oh good. He didn’t break his sobriety, good on you Benji. I was worried. It should have been obvious when he was talking about the accident and what lead to it that he was teetotal. Victor’s freak out threw me off. Benji. He wouldn’t have thought that. Uh oh Benji. Woah Benji, chill. Benji, what the hell. Oh god. This went badly.
Felix and Victor bitch session. Oh wait no, Felix is gonna be the voice of reason. Thank you Felix. Ah bitch session has turned into therapy. Have fun at the aquarium. Ah Adrian no. How do you know what a cougar is in regard to older women??? Subtle Pilar. Rahim, no.
Isa. You are separated. You can’t get pissy about this. She’s not my favourite person in this.
Lake, sweets no, okay he’s hugging back, that’s good. Awwww she got him an anglerfish plushie. That’s so sweet. You got this Lake. Good speech babe. Uh oh, Felix. Oh no. Poor Felix. She’s trying to make you happy. Oh dang, they spilt for real. Poor Lake, poor Felix. I feel bad for everyone all around.
Pilar. I wouldn’t. Oh gosh, this is gonna end in tears. Trainwreck incoming.
Hi Benji. Okay you two lay it out on the table and talk properly. Please. Benji you can’t keep stuff like that hidden it always gets out eventually. Wait. Adrian is um nevermind. Victor ain’t thinking about that no more.
Oh poor Lake. Mia hug her. Bye Andrew you nice guy.
Uh oh. Isa is home and Victor and Benji are…. Whoops. By the way I hate this and it needs to be said but don’t knock if you are just gonna open the door anyway without waiting. Isa, stay calm and leave. Oh she saw everything, they were completely uncovered. Oh dear. That’s gonna be a fun conversation.
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notefromfa · 8 months
Setelah 1 Minggu Bekerja...
Hamil dan melahirkan, membuat banyak sekali perubahan. Banyak. Banyak sekali.
Hal yang paling terlihat, tentu saja, tubuh yang berubah. Sejak pertama si janin ada di rahim, banyak sekali perubahan yang terjadi. Secara kasat mata tak terlihat, tapi bagi yang mengalami, tentu terasa. Mood swing, pegal, kram, mual, dan lainnya. Lalu, semakin bertambah bulan, semakin besar saja perut terlihat. Maka, kaki semakin berat untuk menanggung beban. Dari yang awalnya enjoy saja, hingga kemudian harus berjalan perlahan. Takut terjadi sesuatu dengan si janin. Belum lagi mood swing semakin menjadi-jadi, badan pegal, tidur ga nyaman, apalagi berdiri, serba salah.
Akhirnya, 9 bulan terlewati. Perubahan kedua datang. Bagi bayi yang lewat jalan lahirnya, maka tidak butuh waktu lama untuk recovery. Tapi bukan berarti tidak sakit. Yang namanya dijahit ya sakit. Begitupun dengan yang sesar. Bayangkan lapisan perut disayat, lalu dikembalikan lagi. Tentu tidak akan kembali sempurna.
Sambil beradaptasi dengan tubuh yang tidak nyaman, masih juga harus adaptasi dengan proses menyusui, Perubahan hormon, keharusan untuk mencintai si bayi, belum lagi seremonial kunjungan dari kerabat, aqiqah, selapanan, dan sebagainya. 
Akhirnya, selesai semua, bisa agak enjoy memasuki bulan ke 2, dimana si bayi sudah pintar menyusui, badan udah enakan, dan bisa glundang-glundung menikmati sosmed. Ini kalau si bayi dan ibu sehat ya, tak sedikit kasus si bayi yang harus berada di NICU berminggu-minggu. Tapi tetap, belum berani untuk selfie. Badan masih acakadut, make up udah berminggu-minggu tidak tersentuh, bisa mandi aja udah alhamdulillah. Perkara baju tidak muat adalah masalah utama, lalu ingin diet dan olahraga. Tapi tetap makan juga karena kalau nggak makan ini air susu ga keluar. Olahraga? Alah nanti lah, cuma Jennifer Bachdim yang bisa urus anak banyak, sempet work out, dan masih aja instragrammable. Kita? Cukup foto anak aja yang banyak. Kadang fotoin juga sama bapaknya. Kita ga ada fotonya. Iya, CRY.
Lalu bulan ketiga datang, dan harus menghadapi kenyataan bahwa sudah saatnya kembali ke realita. Halo, kerjaan. Bye, cuti.
Tentu masih belum sepenuhnya pulih ya. Baju udah kesempitan, asi yang mulai menyedikit karena jarang disusui langsung, badan yang membesar dan ga nyaman, printilan alat pumping, drama botol dot, mana lagi perasaan sedih karena harus meninggalkan bayi. Oh ya, jangan lupa, drama nanny atau daycare pula. Pagi hari adalah waktu indonesia bagian super sibuk. 1 menit begitu berharga. Bisa pergi dari rumah dalam keadaan make up on point, printilan pumping terbawa, dan asip aman, sudah sarapan, adalah prestasi. 
Kerja pun harus fokus ya. Meski disela pumping. Harus banget bisa manajemen waktu. Dan MASIH HARUS Senang karena kalau ga bahagia dan senang, asi seret, bhay (CRY AGAIN).
Lalu, pulang, masih dihadapkan pada urusan domestik rumah. Cucian, setrika, pel, sapu, sikat, adalah pekerjaan harian yang tiada akan selesai sampai akhir zaman. Oh ya, jangan lupa urusan perdapuran. Syukur bisa nyiapin menu sayur, lauk, dan nasi, lengkap dengan sambal dan kerupuk. Lauk andalan nasi dan ayam tempe adalah hidangan sehari-hari, tak lupa selang-seling dengan telur goreng. Lupa masak, warung tetangga adalah solusinya. Capek, serahkan saja pada gofood. Lalu menangis melihat isi dompet di tengah bulan sudah harus membobol dana darurat. Iya, ini darurat. Untuk kesehatan mental.
Belum selesai sampai di situ. Malamnya masih harus bangun untuk power pumping dan atau pumping harian. Lelah, ngantuk, yaaaa terimalah. Emang siapa lagi yang akan ngasih ASIP kalau bukan ibunya. Atau mau pakai sufor? Ya gapapa banget kalau duitnya ada. Aku? Milih cara hemat saja. Lebih baik isi dompet untuk beli pospak yang kalau ditotal sebulan bisa buat makan 2 minggu hahaha ngenes.
Dan semua itu repeat, 24/7.
Semangat untuk para ibu bekerja. Kita bisa melewati ini.
Percayalah,  setiap kesulitan ada KEMUDAHAN. Yakinlah, kita semua adalah supermom yang bisa mengatasi setiap hal. Kita kuat. Kita hebat.
Itu adalah kata-kata afirmasi positif
16 Mei 2023
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qt-qtoey · 1 year
actively wishing victor's mom to dissappear. idc how, dead in a ditch whatever.
also b*nji sucks rn. actively hating him too. thank you
rahim and victor endgame bye (i know they arent, but one can dream)
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surinder777 · 2 years
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Nature is the basis of our existence and the ozone layer is the shield that protects all of us from harmful UV radiation. Dera Sacha Sauda volunteers are carrying out various activities which include tree plantation, cleanliness drive, bye-bye ethene etc. to prevent the depletion of ozone layer. Solar panels have also been installed in Dera Sacha Sauda. With the inspiration of Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Ji, today millions of volunteers are playing their role in some way or other in the care of nature. #OzoneDay https://www.instagram.com/p/CijvqzePPFb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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murphycooper · 3 years
adam/rahim s4 supremacy
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robertxdarling · 3 years
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Tahar Rahim attends the Jury photocall during the 74th annual Cannes Film Festival on July 6, 2021 in Cannes, France. 
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sincenewyorks · 3 years
just realized that victor would so watch an entire marathon of jlo movies with rahim, but rahim would pass hard on watching a marathon of marvel movies
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lets-laughagain · 3 years
[love, victor season 2 spoilers]
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atypicalgirldraws · 2 years
Godzilla’s First Love Chapter 4
Versión en Español aquí 👇🏼 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Amdt6TbIoyA0LCu7pLx4Vj2qPUDIX5bt/view?usp=sharing
- Rodan: wow wow wow wait !!! Are you telling me that humans can transform other beings in humans too? That sounds very illogical. 
 Rodan interrupts Godzilla's tale very surprised, but deep down he seemed not to believe him. 
- Godzilla: it's the truth my friend, and I'll tell you why, now let me continue with the story. 
- Rodan: Ok, ok sorry. Keep going... 
 At that moment Amira cannot assimilate the situation and faint, in front of the surprising gaze of their colleagues. When she woke up, she found herself lying down on a gurney with Dr. Vivienne Graham putting cloths on his forehead. 
- Dr. Graham: Oh thank goodness !!! You already woke up, how do you feel?
- Amira: Do you really want to know how feel? Bad, terrible, in shock, is more I am very angry with all of you, how could you do that to Godzilla? !!! They finished to violate all ethical principles of the science!!! Just at that moment, Dr. Serisawa together with Dr. Houston to see how was Amira. 
- Serisawa: Exactly why We did not want to comment on this licensed. We knew that if I know knew of this plan would reject the mission. 
- Amira: I should report them to him Ethics Council. 
- Dr. Houston: Calm down graduate, we come to see her because we have a problem. 
- Amira: Now what happens? 
- Dr. Houston: Godzilla is at defensive and does not let anyone zoom in.
- Serisawa: he will just calm down if she sees you Amira. 
 The young woman thinks about it well, she knows that in these moments Godzilla is going through a very difficult time, her promise to be there was stronger his side than the anger she felt. 
- Amira: Well, I'll go but with a condition. That I am the only one authorized to administer the radioactive in treatment. 
 Serisawa looks at Dr. Vivenne and her nods his head approving the question. 
- Serisawa: Okay, we accept your proposal, please accompany me to the confinement chamber. 
 They both arrive and Amira before walk through the door, take a deep breath and turn on the device to achieve communicate with the human titan. I was disoriented, aggressive and desperate to get out of there, but in the the moment he sees Amira arrive acknowledge and begin to calm down. I know slowly zooms in until just a few inches away, she feel like your breath is lowered and your eyes lock with hers. Amira reaches out his hand and strokes his head. 
- Amira: calm down, I'm here. Nobody It will hurt you, but I need you to calm down so we can talk. 
 Godzilla takes a few steps back, sits down and starts talking to him. 
- Godzilla: What is it that I they made? It feels weird and uncomfortable this body. 
- Amira: I swear I had no idea this, but the important thing is that you're fine, now you're a human like all of us. 
- Godzilla: this was not what we agreed. 
- Amira: I know, but try understand. We only want your good And I ... I want you to be okay. 
- Godzilla: So do you still want come to see me every day? 
- Amira: Of course I do, and I'm going too to teach everything we do humans. 
- Godzilla: That ... sounds entertaining. 
-  Amira: I assure you it will be. 
 All who were witnessing this first meeting, they were very surprised, never seen such connection between a human and the imposing King of monsters.
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NEXT WEDNESDAY CHAPTER 5 (Penultimate Chapter)
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jackysmash · 5 years
I am so happy Jo is finally gone and going through Marisol’s path made me realize why everyone, including myself was so ready for her to leave even before Day 27 came out.
One of my biggest things was in my original run through I said hello to Jo first and defended her throught out the drama for hell to only have this bitch turn around call me a people pleaser and then to have the audacity to complain about the food I cooked for her (the last part isn’t really big deal but it still pissed me off god dammit lol)
Then she proceeds to complain when you get volunteered to go out to the store with you’re boo and demands that you get her Nachos. Okay so not did I give this bitch her funky ass nachos but I also helped Rahim propose to her!
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And what does do to thank me for all of this shit I’ve done for her?
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She grinds her boney, non-existent ass all over my partner!!!
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I never voted for someone faster in my life! And what makes you think I was gonna choose her over CHELSEA who has been my Bonnie since she stepped into the villa! Let alone pay ten gems to help her! Fuse box must got her confused with Pyria cause for some bizzare reason because it doesn’t make any sense to me.
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Get out of my villa! Don’t mess with the queen!👸🏾
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5ammi90 · 3 months
Episode 6
What’s with the narrative change. Who is Rahim???? And why should I care????? Pilar. What have you done?? Nice nail polish I guess. Yeah Victor this is how Simon felt.
Isa. What have you done to this poor child. If Victor goes to church will the other people be welcoming. What about father Lawrence. Also Adrian isn’t stupid.
Yeah Benji is right. Communication is key. Victor. What the fuck, did you just say.
Dawn, please. Felix, don’t freak. Felix, that counts as freaking.
Mia. Chill, Andrew already knows your dad. Don’t worry. Mia. Why are we calling the baby, potato. Damn girl. Way to squish him.
Rahim, Victor is not the best idea to ask for advice. Oh great, Isa is home early. Wait, she likes him. The hell. I’m offended on behalf of Benji.
Oh no. Felix. Be nice to Lake. She’s just trying to help. Oh god, Lake accidentally flashed Adrian. Aw Felix. Someone hug him.
Oh so Isa gave Rahim advice. Nice I guess. Although Victor must be feeling off cause she wasn’t this accepting with him either.
Mia you suck. Poor Andrew.
Yeah wait no Victor, too late. Yes Benji, say it like it is. Listen to Benji, please.
Mia. Yeah and that’s your fault Mia. Not Veronica’s. Oop labour is here. To the hospital. Good luck Veronica.
Dawn. I think you need help, please don’t buy a car. Dawn swallow your pride. Also you haven’t been the parent in a long time. Felix, you have to do something.
An irritable uterus. The hell is that. Poor Veronica. No you are weirdly calm, all the time and I don’t trust it. Oh dang, so this explains the potato thing, in case of miscarriage.
Fuck off father. Isa has such a nice voice. Victor is freaking out, again. Well that went well. Bye Victor.
Dawn, what the hell. Dawn, wait hang on chill. Dawn, she’s just trying to help. Oh no. Cops and cps are definitely gonna get involved now.
Uh oh. Victor is pissed. Nice one Isa. He has a point about that shielding children thing. Yeah he’s right. Wait you had a gay aunt and that’s your excuse. Okay those are good starting points, well done Isa.
Okay Mia and Andrew have made up. What’s next.
Ah Felix. Um Lake. I don’t think he’ll want to stay with you. Felix, it’s okay just don’t do anything rash. Like that. Dang it. Go stay with Victor.
Benji. Stop being pessimistic and be happy for Victor. You fail.
I was right. Felix has went to Isa. Please hug him. Yeah Victor, you ain’t the only one with issues right now.
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stixxandstoners · 6 years
a few choice words for a dumb ass ex :
Go fuck your self . I’m not here for your shit anymore, ✌🏾
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the-perfect-two · 3 years
Sex Education Season 3
Okay, so I literally just finished the third season and what the hell? How dare they. 😭
I shipped Maeve and Otis since the first season, and I always knew hoped that they would be endgame. However, on S2's episode where Otis and Ruby hooked up, I saw that they would look good together. And let's face it, you probably did too and maybe that's why they gave this to us in S3.
But how dare they give this a chance only for it to disappear in episode 4? The chemistry. The spark. The vulnerability. It's there, I love it! THEY LOOK GOOD TOGETHER. Talk about Ruby's character development. She never let anyone in her house or meet her family, but she let Otis in. She loved him. Otis messed up, I know he doesn't love her but he should've fight for their relationship. What the heck happened to "You're interesting. Terrifying but interesting"!!!
Leave me be, I'll be reading fanfics now.
Definitely one of my favorite characters in this season. We started as hating him to loving him. We must protect him at all cost.10000% character development for Adam. Why did they do this to him 😭😭😭 he's actually so soft and deserves better.
Also, I think him and Rahim will be cute together. If there's a 4th season, I wanna see how their character will develop together.. If ya know what I mean.
One of the cutest couples in the show!! I love them together. I have no words to say.
Overall, I like how the show talked and tackled so many issues. Probably not one of my favorite seasons but Otis and Ruby made it better. ❤️
I'll be processing the whole season now. And wallow in my bed, reading fanfics. Bye.
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