Fetch's audio log #2
Date: 12/11/21
Transcript under the cut
[Again, there is a quiet beeping in the background. The audio is distorted and Fetch sounds rough.]
[Static] Audio log two. Uh… [Spoken away from the recorder] Hey, 'fore you go can you turn off light? ...Yeah. Yeah, it's- it's just getting— thank you. Love you too! Gnight. [Back to the recorder] Audio log entry two. Thank God this thing doesn't have any big flashy lights, [distorted] or I would have snapped it in half by now.
It's been shit today. Headache came back with a passion, no amount of painkillers are working and I can't even [distorted] stay asleep for very long because the pain keeps me awake. Monitors have been going haywire ever since they hooked me up. Earlier today it said I had no pulse, and then my pulse registered at 563. They've been using the stethoscope-watch method in the mornings, which has given the still-worrying-but-much-more-believeable 115.
[Sigh] Nosebleeds have come back. The thorn crown has started to make me bleed, too; just found that out today when I woke up with my ears clogged from all the blood. I've been in and out of napping all day, losing blood at a pretty alarming rate. They're doing what they can, which is all I can ask for.
[Long pause, audible breathing]
[Distorted] We're last resorting. They can't find a way to take it off safely, and my life is, like, really in danger right now. There's only one person who can take this thing off, and… [distorted] and that's the guy who gave it to me in the first place. We're… I don't know how, but we're gonna track them down, and we're gonna find him. And they're gonna make him take it off.
The- the others know what they're doing. I mean- it's their job, after all. Even though he's big and scary, they're big and scarier. They can… they can make him listen. [Distorted] They can make him do what they say.
[Another pause]
… but I still don't want to see him again. I don't want to look at him, I don't want to hear his voice, I don't want him touching me, I don't even want to fucking think about him. I dont… I dont know what he's going to do, but I'm going to have to listen to it. [Distorted] I'm gonna have to listen to his voice and let him worm his way into my head again. And even though I'm in good company, who's to say he won't just snuff me out right then? Who… who's to say he won't just kill me again?
[Sniffle] Ah, fuck. 'Nother nosebleed. Y'know, he gave me these nosebleeds too. And the scars on my face. Those two big scars on my face. I don't know- I don't remember what happened, but I know it was him. I know he did it. I can only remember his eyes… just staring at me. I can just remember his eyes, and then it was dark and when I woke up I had these scars. And then I had the nosebleeds. And then I had the blue ears. And then I had the dead eye. God, [distorted] when's it gonna fucking stop!?
[Coughing fit]
I-I don't wanna fucking see him again, but I have to. I have to, if I'm gonna stay alive and get to know Connor even more. If I wanna learn more about cooking from Maya, if I want to watch more 90s horror with Gav. God, y'know, I used to be such a little bitch when it came to horror movies, but. But now, I think living in a horror movie did enough to get me used to it. Chucky's just a robot, Freddy Krueger's just some makeup. Michael Myers is just some shithead in a mask. If they want real horror? I guess I'll be willing to do an interview.
Anyway [cough] I think the coughing earlier tore me up. I'm- [distorted] probably gonna go to bed.
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Fetch's audio log #1
Date: 07/11/21
[After many months, the Google docs created to keep track of the Court in the beginning and watches over by Fetch updated again. All previous content was deleted and replaced by a few lines of text:]
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[id: red underlined text on a white background. it reads:
"i did it.
i actually did it.
it feels
it feels
like a weight has been lifted."
It is followed by an QR code.]
[The QR code leads to a SoundCloud file:]
[There is a steady beeping in the background, as in a hospital. The audio is distorted and difficult to understand at times. Fetch's voice is raspy and quiet.]
"Uhm. Entry one. What do I say here? Uh, audio log one? [Sigh] Oh my god this is stupid.
Hi. My- my name is Fetch Foxx, I'm 19 years old, [distorted] last time I checked. I'm currently in the med ward due to a healing broken tail and shredded vocal cords. That's, uh, why I'm sorta whispering.
They said that having an audio diary would be safer than having one written out someone could steal. Or... one online someone could track my location to. Uh. They, uhm, told me to talk about my feelings and I don't know where to start with those. I have so many.
Um, I'm grateful for, for Gav taking care of me. I'm glad that Connor didn't just leave me where I was on the street. [distorted] I'm lucky the cops didn't get to me first. I- ugh my head hurts. I'm mad, too, because my head hurts so bad. And this fucking thorn crown isn't doing it any favors. And we can't take it off without killing me.
There's... there's only one way we can think of to safely take the crown off and, I really wanna shelve that as a last resort. I don't- I don't wanna go that way until I'm sure it's the last option. [distorted] Fucking hate that place.
Hah... I went outside the other day. Connor took me a ride around town to pick up some snacks and get some fresh air. I... I-I-I asked him to take me to Mona's house. I just- I got the feeling I needed to see it. Be-besides, I still had clothes and stuff there I wanted to pick up.
The door was locked. I know Mona kept the key somewhere outside, but... I forgot. [distorted] I forget a lot of things, actually. Breaking the doorknob wasn't too difficult. Inside, it was... [distorted] it was terrifying. It was like nothing ever happened. There were no scuffs on the floor, no bloodstains, no... remnants of anything from that day. And- and it's scary. Because that's the only thing I remember. So, so it's like- it's like that never happened. And all I remember is a bad dream. It's like my entire life has been nothing but a bad dream. [distorted] And I'm probably not even awake yet.
I don't think I should have gone back. [Exhale] The stuff I do remember is wrong. There's three PS4 controllers sitting on the couch - all we'd ever need is two. There's a basket of oranges in the kitchen, but they're rotting. All the blankets and cushions have been eaten by pests. Mona would never let a bug into her house, much less the kitchen. That place, it used to be home. It used to be.
But I have a new home now. I-It's bright and smells bad, but the pillow's soft and I'll go back to my own room once my throat's cleared up. [distorted] I have K-. I-I have Connor. And Gav, and Trinity. And... they're nice. They're real nice, because they are letting me stay and they want me alive. They're so happy when I'm alive. And- I'm happy that they're alive, too.
In my time here, I've already seen how hard their job is. Connor had to deal with someone who smuggled a knife in and came to the med ward to wrap up his hand. Gav's constantly in and outta here 'cause guarding the cells means getting into fights. And with a slow heartbeat it doesn't take much to make him woozy.
It's... a little scary. Because I want them to take care and be safe, but... this job is all about being not safe. It's weird, this group I've run into, but honestly? I wouldn't have it any other way.
Anyway I... I think I'm done talking. My vocals are shot. [distorted] I'm probably gonna go drink some water."]
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Discord pt 51
[Date: 27/07, 04.00 AM - 04.28 AM GMT]
[CW: Blood, stalking]
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fetch: “uh
I think my nose is bleeding again
the c ountdown
I think it was for m e”
page: “:)”
C R O W N: “:)”
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donti: “fetch! are you ok?”
emuhlee: “what do you mean ‘for you’”
fetch: “my. nose is bleeding again
my head hurts
I. I dont know whats happening”
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fetch: “I think crowns trying to get me again”
donti: “is the music playing?”
fetch: “No I’m not even listening to the song
I’m not doing anything but I know he’s here
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donti: “take a few deep breaths, are you pinching your nose?”
fetch: “I can’t do anyth in g to stop it its blee ding too mu ch” [I can’t do anything to stop it. Its bleeding too much]
C R O W N: “:)”
Viscount: “:)”
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fetch: “you
you all
do you want”
page: “:)”
fetch: “from me
what did I do
guys i
my head hurts”
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fetch: “mona isn’t home
she’s at work for the next hour
f uck [fuck]
im all alone”
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fetch: “is this what he was planning. was he trying to get me alone .”
Grimm (They/Them): “Yeah, talk to us fetch.”
fetch: “I’m tal king” [I’m talking]
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donti: “thats good thats good now what did you have for lunch today”
fetch: “I had. a. bowl of leftovers.
soup i think
god my fucking hea d .” [god my fucking head]
moon: “have you had dinner yet?”
fetch: “no”
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[The song “Puppet” from the Ib Soundtrack play on loop again in the VC; whoever, Fetch does not join the VC.]
C R O W N: “Oh fetch~ Come listen with me :)”
fetch: “the. the song.
fetch: “no no no no NOT AGAIN NOT THIS TIME”
page: “It's a lovely song! :)”
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fetch: “”NOT THIS TIME YOU CANT T AKE M E AG AIN” [Not this time. You can’t take me again]
fetch: “PLEASE I JUS T G OT BA CK” [Please I just got back]
fetch: “.”
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page: “Come on Fetch! You'll love this song!”
fetch: “he’s outside.”
fetch: “i know he’s outside.”
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fetch: “i cant go”
fetch: “i can’t escape him”
fetch: “I cant
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C R O W N: “Fetch~ :)”
fetch: “i”
fetch: “i c a n t” [I can’t]
fetch: “i”
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page: “Oh! Are we playing hide and seek! I love that game! :D”
C R O W N: “I know you love this song, Fetch. It makes you so sleepy :)”
fetch: “hes outside.”
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fetch: “hes staring at me.”
fetch: “i can’t scream”
fetch: “i cant move”
“hes staring at me through the cracks in the blinds”
[Fetch’s profile picture changes to having a crown with one pink gem rather than with three red ones.]
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fetch: “hes”
fetch: “he is
I cant”
fetch: “...”
[Fetch’s username changes to “Knight 👑”.]
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C R O W N: “:)”
Knight: “...”
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page: “Knight you're back! Hi hi hi! You missed quite a bit! :D”
Knight: “Y o u   t h o u g h t   y o u   c o u l d   g e t   r i d   o f   m e   t h a t   e a s i l y ?” [You thought you could get rid of me that easily?]
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C R O W N: “:)”
page: “:)”
C R O W N: “Welcome back, Knight :)”
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Knight: “Y o u  t h i n k  y o u  c o u l d  h a v e  h i m  b a c k ?” [You think you could have him back?]
Knight: “I. A m. S t i l l. H e r e.” [I. Am. Still. Here.]
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C R O W N: “:)”
Knight: “I  k n o w w h a t  g a m e  y o u  p l a y.” [I know what game you play.]
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[NewRa: “Knight what do you remember?”]
Knight: “I  r e m e m b e r  e v e r y t h i n g.” [I remember everything.]
page: “Why do you all seem so upset? Knight’s back you all should be happy”
Knight: “I  r e m e m b e r. . . Y o u  b a r k i n g  d o g s.” [I remember... You barking dogs.]
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[Jack the Observer: “Happy to have you back, Knight :)”]
Knight: “D o n t t r y  t o  f o o l  m e  w i t h  y o u r  f a k e  j o y.” [Don’t try to fool me with your fake joy.]
[katichu (derogatory): “Page, you wouldn’t understand”]
page: “Why wouldn’t I! I was happy when your friend came back but now your not happy when mine is back...Every Court member is like an older sibling”
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C R O W N: “How are you feeling, Knight? :)”
[Renboo: “hello knight how have you been?”]
Knight: “I  h a v e  b e e n. . . D y i n g.” [I have been... Dying.]
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[Knight: “I  h a v e  b e e n. . . D y i n g.”]
page: “Oh no! Are you alright? Can I help?”
[C R O W N: “How are you feeling, Knight? :)”]
Knight: “I  a m  f e e l i n g. . . M u c h. M u c h. B e t t e r. T h a n k  y  o u :)” [I am feeling... Much. Much. Better. Thank you :)]
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[page: “Oh no! Are you alright? Can I help?”]
Knight: “I   j u s t   n e e d. T i m e   t o   a d j u s t. T h a n k  y o u ,  P a g e :)” [I just need. Time to adjust. Thank you, page :)]
[donti: “Its good that Knights alright”]
page: “Yes yes it is! Now we can all be one big happy family!”
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C R O W N: “Can I see your big happy smile? :)”
Knight: “:)”
C R O W N: “:)”
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Knight: “B i g  s m i l e s.” [Big smiles]
[Knight: “I   j u s t   n e e d. T i m e   t o   a d j u s t. T h a n k  y o u ,  P a g e :)” [I just need. Time to adjust. Thank you, page :)]]
page: “Of course! I’m so happy you’re back!”
C R O W N: “:)”
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[donti: “Im really happy for you! But our friend is missing again, so you can see why some of us are upset”]
page: “Missing? But it happened before right? He’ll show back up eventually!”
[Povas: “>:(”]
page: “No no! Don’t be upset!”
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[Povas: “>:(”]
C R O W N: “... :)”
[katichu (derogatory): “:(”]
C R O W N: “:)”
[jayyyyyyyy: “:/”]
C R O W N: “:)”
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[donti: “Youre right! Could you keep a lookout for us? :) ”]
page: “Of course anything for my beloved friends! :)”
[Continued in pt 52.]
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Discord pt 36
[Date: 22/02, 06:52 AM - 07:29 AM GMT]
[Direct continuation of pt 35]
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fetch: “so. let me see if I have this straight.
i was talking to crown about... something. i dont remember what. crown turns me into a court member. Knight? Knight.”
fetch: “knight does. things. I don’t remember anything I supposedly did as knight but it feels like I’ve run a marathon and this migraine is awful and this nosebleed is the worst”
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fetch: “and then all of a sudden I wake up and I don’t know where i am and i don’t know why I’m here and I don’t remember where I’ve been or what I did I don’t remember”
Little-K1ng: “ yeah uh .. . .. .the taxidermy .... haha remember the opossum?? you kinda. brougth that up..”
fetch: “taxidermy right you do that don’t you”
[Redacted]: “fetch if you don’t know where you are you might want to leave crown might be near”
fetch: “no i need to remember. this is important it needs to be written down.”
[People express concern]
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fetch: “obviously i’ll be careful. this is me we’re talking about.”
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fetch: “no lights. phone’s at 56% i don’t want to waste battery by using flashlight. can only hear crickets and night animals”
fetch: “there’s a break in the foliage leading up to where I woke up. I might follow the trail. I had to have come from somewhere”
[People tell them to be careful]
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fetch: “of course. watchdogs are always alert.”
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jayyyyyyyy: “how did you get stuck in the damn woods--”
fetch: “wish i fuckin knew buddy”
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fetch: “ugh my tail.
almost hurts worse than my head.”
fetch: “who the fuck bound it in a straight position it literally couldn’t move”
fetch: “i read the notes. knight sad he doesn’t have a tail. it was probably crown. sick fuck.
i am focusing”
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fetch: “its so fucking cold.
editor wilbur irl I guess”
[People tell them to save battery]
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fetch: “oh yeah i always have power saving on
a full battery can last all day”
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[moon: “make sure to stay quiet and not leave a trail of blood too”]
fetch: “the nosebleed isnt that bad but its all over my shirt and tie and hands and face and hair at this rate I can dye my ears back with my blood lmao”
fetch: “i have nothing to stop the blood anyway”
[People suggest ripping off a part of clothing]
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fetch: “I dunno the nosebleed is really uncanny. its only coming from the left side of my nose. reminds me of a nightmare I had a while ago. before all this crown stuff.
[Warning on next picture for talk of gore]
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fetch: “i dont remember much of the nightmare. it was a couple weeks/months ago and my memory isn't the best. it gets nasty so I can spoiler it. but I rememeber that I was pulling my brain out of my nose. and part of it got stuck and every time I pulled it set my head on fire. I woke up and the rest of the day my nose hurt.”
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emuhlee: “the brain part could have a bit to do with brainwashing? have you found anything by going back to where you came from?”
fetch: “it was just a nightmare. and it was before I found out about crown.”
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fetch: “ive found a bit of a more worn trail. im just gonna follow it and pray.”
[People tell them to stay safe and with them good luck]
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fetch: “a dog always finds his way back home right?”
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jayyyyyyyy: i dont wanna hear ab dogs ever again in this server jesus /ic
fetch: “oh come on we aren’t that bad /lh”
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fetch: “i mean I saw that knight was scared of dogs. I used to as well when I was a kid.”
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kate: “..hm nah that’s a dumb idea sorry”
Ethan: “what’s your idea?”
fetch: “yeah whats up”
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kate: “So what I had a thinky thought about, and this could be stupid because we've only gotten one thing, but Fetch just said that he was scared of dogs as a kid. I'm wondering if this... brainwashing more or less reverts you back a certain number of years? Like if you were scared of something as a kid, but now you're older and got brought into the Court, would you be scared of the same things you were scared of when you were younger? I have no basis for this idea because we've only gotten Fetch back, but if we somehow managed to get Pa- Max back, we could see if it lines up.”
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fetch: “hm.
pretty plausible, maybe”
fetch: “or i guess i was just easier to appreciate as a younger kid. crown wants us to be happy. i definitely used to be happier”
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wilboo soot: “Fetch? You’re back, as Fetch?”
fetch: “yeah hi boo”
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wilboo soot: “MY ADMIN IS BACK”
[People theorize more on Crown reverting people to how they were younger]
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fetch: “I think crown just takes the mentality thats easiest to be happy. for me it was when I was a kindergartener with no worries at all and I just watched scooby doo and blues clues and I ate dinosaur nuggets on fridays if I was good in school and we had a trampoline in the backyard and I was just. just a kid.”
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wilboo soot: “That checks out yeah...
Well, guess I know that I’m completely immune from being taken now! /hj”
kate: “Mood!”
fetch: “pff
I see a wider trail now.
looks like the forest is ending.”
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fetch: “residential area? I think?”
fetch: “I hear cars. busy, so it must be a main road
I see houses.”
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fetch: “I think I’m in a backyard.
yeah backyard.”
fetch: “oops. sorry to whose tomatoes these are.
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fetch: “wait i know this back porch.”
Little-K1ng: “oh tomatoes ?? how healthy”
fetch: “WAIT.
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Little-K1ng: “huh??”
fetch: “MONA HEY
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fetch: “MONA MONA :D”
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fetch:  “MONA HEY
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Little-K1ng:  “💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕”
fetch: “MONA HI :D”
fetch:  “❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️”
[People express concern, and tell them to stay safe]
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fetch: “I care u all ! will be back to guarding the doc soon. for now I need other watchdogs to step in till I get back”
fetch: “just make sure crown or the court don’t touch it”
[Edit to the doc by fetch:]
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{“Watchdog is back outside. get the fuckin squirrels out of the yard.”}
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Discord pt 35
[Date: 22/2, 06.25 AM -  06.51 AM GMT]
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fetch: “...  ... ... ... ...”
[There are three more “...” between other messages]
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fetch: “...
fetch: “what happened”
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fetch: “where am i.
where is.”
Chat: “:)”
fetch: “whats.”
[There are multiple “Fetch?”s]
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fetch: “yeah? its fetch?”
Chat: “:)”
[People react to Fetch being back]
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fetch: “what?”
Chat: “:)”
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fetch: “where the fuck am i?”
fetch: “jesus fucking christ my head is pounding”
fetch: “what the fuck is this nosebleed oh my god”
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fetch: “guys what HAPPENED.”
fetch: “wh????”
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Mothbo: “Fetch, you need to take off the crown now listen we have very short time. You got brainwashed by Crown and he too Maxwell and Chat. Get the crowns off as soon as possible”
Library/Ren: “MIND WIPE”
Captain Corvid: “fetch, you need to take it off”
Chat: :)
fetch: crown what crown? im literally not wearing a crown
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fetch: “knight?”
[Everyone explains how they were called “Knight”, and brainwashed by Crown]
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fetch: “what?? I. literally don’t rememwber anything.”
fetch: “jesus fucking christ my head. feels like someone salad tossed my god damn brain”
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[Library/Ren: “fetch do you have your tail now?”]
fetch: “my tail? yeah of course. its just super fucking stiff and achy. someone thought it would be funny if they bound it in a way that I can’t fucking move it. asshole.”
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[Little-K1ng: “oh im so glad to see you”]
fetch: “glad to see you too buddy <3
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[People explain who Crown dyed their ears, and how other weird things are just from getting brainwashed]
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fetch: “brainwashed??? but I. I don’t remember.”
fetch: “the last thing I remember is... talking to crown.
about... something.”
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[Captain Corvid: “fetch, opinion on horses?”]
fetch: “horses? they’re cool i guess? I had a horse phase in 5th grade lol
my. my fucking ears are blue I can’t hide them like what the fuck
what about the doc
is the doc okay”
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fetch: “did crown delete it again i need ti”
fetch: “... ‘fetch is mine’?”
fetch: “what”
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[fetch: “... ‘fetch is mine’?”]
jayyyyyyyy: “where was this said?”
fetch: “its at the top of the doc
crown’s typing style”
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fetch: “was i. did he seriously make me one of his court.”
fetch: “whats all this pink writing in the doc
who’s pink”
[They tell fetch that it’s his/knight’s]
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fetch: “what did I MISS”
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Little-K1ng: “im just so happy i cant.. thats my FRIEND”
fetch: “happy to see you too :]”
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fetch: “okay okay give me a sec I need to
let me look at the doc”
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fetch: “christ this nosebleed. its all over my god damn shirt”
fetch: “th. this knight dude. that was me? or. crown puppeting me around?”
fetch: “and the tumblr. im not supposed to be free.”
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[arc: “you really weren’t yourself”]
fetch: “i mean ‘knight’ had one thing right i really do love waffle fries and dinosaur nuggies haha”
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jayyyyyyyy: “please we gotta see the screenshots of your dms this is like our LITERAL only chance”
fetch: “I can’t show you the dms.”
fetch: “I talked to crown privately. its staying that way”
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[Captain Corvid: “was the chess thing correct?”]
fetch: “in the doc? yeah chess always confused me. Checkers did just as much.”
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fetch: “look obviously something influenced me to talk to crown. yall know I wouldn’t willingly talk to him.”
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[Little-K1ng: “yy ou l ove them so mcuh !!! and im going to make some ffor yo u!! to celebr ra te !! :' DD”]
fetch: “dude yes. sleepover Very Soon :D”
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fetch: “i dont remember anything. prior to talking to crown i don’t remember.”
[arc: “our steadfast keeper of the doc, gone. that scared me.”]
fetch: “don’t worry. the watchdog is back. and it’s gonna be a long day before he goes back inside.”
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[Little-K1ng: “i gotta breathe i gotta,, chill im fine im okay he s here hes okay now its allright its okay its fine crown cant ddo ths he cant this isnt a joke i can relax i c”]
fetch: “its okay mona :] just sit back and drink a water”
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lynn: “I think crown will try to take fetch back from us”
fetch: “I dont doubt it”
[People express concern]
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fetch: “look i’ll take every precaution i can. and stick to doing what i do best.”
fetch: “but. if crown got to me once. and made me a member of his twisted court. I. I don’t know. it could happen again.”
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fetch: “g o d I f uc kign
s orr y”
fetch: “b lood on my s c re een
s t upid no s e ble ed”
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fetch: “ow my fucking tail. who bound it like that it can’t move when it’s like that.”
fetch: “my fucking ears how am I gonna hide them now.”
fetch: “the thing is my hair is a very distinct shade of red. this shade doesn’t just come in a bottle.”
fetch: “okay yeah my best bet is gonna be washing it out.”
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fetch: “mona i hope you don’t mind me using some of your drinking vinegar to get this out haha :]”
little king: “it'll smell good to me!!! i like vinegar and its all gonna smell like friend no matter what!!!! and also... wet dog.... but thats !!!!!!!!! good~!!!! i dont mind at all i dont :'))))”
fetch: “hehe :]”
[Continued in pt 36]
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Discord pt 43
[Date: 23/02, 04.05 PM - 05.01 PM GMT]
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fetch: “oh hey guys I’m not dead or brainwashed from last night lol”
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fetch: “yeah like??? I read back on the muted chat and I legit don’t remember that happening
all I did yesterday was nap and play bugsnax”
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jaynoblade: “fetch... you made a tumblr post about it
give me a second, i’ll show you”
fetch: “no CROWN made a post from my account. I was it already”
jaynoblade: “oh... that explains the red”
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boo: “pardon, crown has access to your account?”
fetch: “I saw that I also sent baron an ask but I don’t remember that either
look I don’t know if he does or not
I mean he obviously did for I thin a little bit? maybe I should change my password”
jaynoblade: “that might be a good idea”
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fetch: “if it makes yall feel any better mona is off work today and last night she said she'd be keeping an eye on me
I get yall were worried about me but take it easy on her she literally could not leave her job lmao
I dont think Walmart is gonna take "my friend is about to get brainwashed by an enderman thing" as an emergency leave excyse”
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fetch: “And yeah just. be careful calling her king, that sounds way too close to a court member. if you're gonna refer to her like that, spell it like k1ng”
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fetch: “so like! i'm not dead that's good! :]
i don't know what weird game crown was playing with me last night”
jaynoblade: “crown's always playing games with all of us, so an extra one comes at no surprise”
fetch: “man I was having such a good time jamming to tunes too
server admins work hard but groovy bot works even harder/j”
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fetch: “anyway sorry if yall saw my half-asleep ramblings in the doc, I'm trying to form some sort of chronological order of events”
jaynoblade: “that's valid! sometimes it's hard to remember things”
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fetch: “anyway i. i had a little bit of a thought yesterday. yknow before the whole delerious screaming because of a music box song thing. but its a pretty far stretch so I don't know if it'll help if I toss this into the ring”
jaynoblade: “oh?”
fetch: “i was thinking. the dreamsmp loves their greek myths right? the whole theseus thing, pandoras vault, etc etc right. i think crown and this court is sort of like the hydra”
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fetch: “i fell out of control (a head gets cut off) and chat and page are still up there (two grow back in its place)"
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fetch: “ what if we try to release someone else from control, but that just gets more people hurt"
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[boo: “we gotta burn the cut head yeah?" ]
boo: “ that's how the hydra was defeated"
fetch: “i always thought he pierced the heart? killed the whole beast rather than just one head
thats where I was going with this metaphor anyway
that crown is the heart of the hydra”
boo: “ huh you're right, i just thought that lessening the heads would help w getting to the heart"
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jaynoblade: “he burned each of the heads until it was reduced to one, and then either stabbed it in the heart or cut off the final head (which was immortal, and which killed the body) and buried it under a rock. myths don't agree"
boo: “yeah"
jaynoblade: “but yeah, lessening the heads would definitely help with getting to the heart”
fetch: “oh ok"
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jaynoblade: “ or the final head, whichever version"
boo: “i don't know how we'd burn it though”
fetch: “maybe something to do with the crowns?"
jaynoblade: “ i don't know either
hmmm maybe”
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fetch: “crown is very insistent that they keep their circlets on
odd that I didn't have mine- er, knight's when I woke up in the woods”
jaynoblade: “ ....so do you think that you took it off, and that's why you woke up?"
Denora: “Hmmmm, maybe it got snagged on a branch? It might've been unintentional...”
fetch: “if it's really that simple, I think prince would have done it already. you remember that whole "doesn't want to be in the family" thing at the start of all this?"
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disks and the color red |Stars: “maybe someone took it off for you"
fetch: “I dont know. on one hand, crown seems very confused that i got free. on the other, I don't think he'd be so careless with something so important.
i dont think they just "come off"
regardless, im also worried for maxwell. he's still just as under crowns control as is was. only difference is he hasn't come around
and the fact that he did it because i got taken.”
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jaynoblade: “he did, once. it was only for a few minutes, but we had him back
and then he was gone again"
fetch: “...so he's still in there
its not too late
that. makes me feel a little better.
look maxwell may have been a bit of a prick who kept antagonizing crown even after we asked him to stop but he was still one of us and he shouldn't be working with crown. the last thing maxwell would want is to give the "pissbaby" (his words not mine) more power"
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jaynoblade: “not sure about the other court members, but.... they've been there for much longer, and we haven't had as long with them”
fetch: “there might be time to save the other court members too. even prince. baron seems the least of concern for now since he's went to crown and actually confronted him multiple times now with seemingly no consequence.
and when I say confront I really mean its like 2 or 3 times not he's said that he was gonna ask crown something”
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jaynoblade: “yeah definitely
but then again.... crown’s had him even longer than prince”
fetch: “despite that he seems pretty low on the food chain...”
jaynoblade: “he really does, and there’s probably a reason for that
maybe he’s overall harder to control or something like that”
fetch: “probably
maybe he's the "you're not my real dad you can't tell me what to do" type”
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fetch: “or maybe. hm.
maybe he's leaving baron alone to make prince happy
they are best friends after all”
jaynoblade: “....that could be completely possible”
fetch: “if prince sees crown hurting baron that would be a mega fuck up on crowns part”
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fetch: because they're loyal to crown but childhood friendships run deep
boo: or maybe baron's just not that big of a risk
fetch: yeah maybe that too
also during my reading back I saw what jayyy and a couple others were planning. not a fuckin fan at all if you ask me”
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fetch: “trying to "summon" crown or sacrifice yourself for him is in no way shape or form a good idea
just because I broke control doesn't mean everybody can”
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fetch: “and if you just flat out say "if I get yoinked feel free to use me for information" then thats just? not going to make crown take you if he knows you're gonna do that?
or at the very least he's gonna keep you in the dark
he isn't stupid. he knows where information is supposed to be.”
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fetch: “and- let me reiterate- getting taken is NOT FUN. it isn't something you can just make weekend plans for and act like you or anyone else won't be affected once you're done with your little "experiments"”
[People continue to discuss how fetch might have gotten free and to k1ng’s house for a few minutes more.]
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Discord pt 47
[Date: 24/02, 12.32 AM - 24/02, 12.52 AM GMT]
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fetch: “/ic oh hey jayyy. you're online right. jayyyyyyyy”
jayyyyyyyy: “@fetch !!”
fetch: “right cool
I just. had a question to ask you rq”
jayyyyyyyy: “ya, whats up?”
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fetch: “I did a little backbreaking from when I passed out last night. prince came on and was talking about dms- with you in particular”
jayyyyyyyy: “yeah, I was there”
fetch: “did you really say you wouldn’t care if anything happened to me?
to prince?”
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jayyyyyyyy: “Im not allowed to say
I mean literally. me and crown made a deal.
here, let me find my message, ill grab it”
fetch: “I won't be mad if its the truth. I mean, I'm pretty suspicious
no if crown doesn't want you to show it then PLEASE don't plant a target on your back
I was just. curious is all
also real curious about you making plans to try and get taken. what's all that about”
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jayyyyyyyyy: “that i can explain. i had a theory and i was so caught up in the excitement of it that i thought itd be really cool if i got yoinked myself for the sake of experimentation
obviously i came to my senses a bit later. fuck fear, man. it sucks”
fetch: “‘yoinked.’ just call it what it is. its kidnapping.”
jayyyyyyyy: “i like the word yoinked :]
vocal stims go brrrrrrrr”
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fetch: “pff. I guess.”
Grimm (Gallahan): “More lighthearted”
fetch: “but I just- excuse me for being a little upset about that you know”
jayyyyyyyy: “i cant blame you”
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fetch: “speaking from experience the whole ‘yoinking’ experience isn’t fun at fucking all”
jayyyyyyyy: “i wish i could share my messages with him but we really did make a deal”
katichu (derogatory) [in response to fetch]: “I can’t imagine it would be
[in response to jayyyyyyyy] And the fact that you two made a deal already has a target on your back”
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jayyyyyyyy: “if i cant share our conversation, neither can he. i forced a stalemate
well yeah, but it already proved something”
fetch: “which is what”
jayyyyyyyy: “1. he honors agreements, since he hasnt broken this one yet
2. if you threaten him, he wont risk it
though 2 is probably the reason for 1”
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fetch: “well. at least he’s cordial.”
jayyyyyyyy: “unfortunately, i also honor agreements. so my lips are shut”
fetch: “thats fine
it was just. after waking up in the woods like that. and then apparently having a delerious episode where crown tried to get control of me again. just to read back and hear that someone said they didn't care what happened to me. just sort of took it personal is all. no offense”
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jayyyyyyyyy: “obviously
unfortunately i cant prove nor disprove that what you said is true, as much as i want to reveal it to you“
fetch: “its fine.
just be careful talking to crown. he has a reason for everything.”
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jayyyyyyyy: “dont worry. im better with my words than i seem”
fetch: “you better be. I promise the nobility names may seem cool but being a court member is awful
Obviously I don't remember knight but I sure as hell don't wanna wake up with a nosebleed like that again”
[They then theorize that attachments are what protect you from becoming part of the court, that Knight and Fetch are different people, and that everyone in the court seems to be in a trance (like Ranboo’s enderwalk).] 
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Discord pt. 107.5
[05/04, 1:43 AM GMT - 05/04, 2:41 AM GMT]
[For reference, some of the Court members have been using their Discord statuses as a means of communicating between themselves and occasionally with the players. The following is an excerpt that reveals an important fact about Baron]
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Baron: “Imagine biting Crown. wild.”
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Page: “Baron, shut the fuck up I’m trying to help the others”
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Baron: “they really just. like. bit a kid tho??? this is why my ass stays in the comfort room, lmfao”
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Page: “Look I was gonna go help the fucker but he left and now I think you know who is awake so I can’t!”
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Baron: “(sad yeast-haw emoji) L”
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Page: “Shut up man /lh”
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Baron: “come over here and make me, rat boy :)”
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Baroness: “Me want bite”
[[Referencing this song]]
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Baron: “me want crisp ender delight ~”
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Page: “Motherfucker I will bite your hand off”
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Baron: “is that a challenge, rat boy? come at me. I dare you :)”
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Page: “Bitch lets fucking go!”
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Baroness: “the girls (g~n) are fighting again"
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Baron: “alright, you’ve poked the bear one too many times today, rat boy :)”
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Baron: “time for me to hibernate in the comfort room for the foreseeable future (v sign emoji)”
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Discord pt 45
[Date: 23/02, 10.09 PM - 23/02 11.29 PM GMT ]
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page: “Hello everyone!!! :)”
P R I N C E: “Hello Page! :D”
fetch: “Oh hey there Page :]”
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page: “Ah Fetch! It's a pleasure to finally meet you! The others told me a bit about you before but I'm so happy I get to meet a new friend!”
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[fetch: “Yeah its... Its really nice to meet you too :] How are you?”]
page: “I am doing quite well, I hope you had a nice rest last night! Crown said you were very tired...”
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[fetch: “Yeah, I was a little exhausted. Nothing a good nights sleep couldn't fix!!”]
page: “I'm glad! Everyone apart of our family certainly deserves a good rest :)”
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[fetch: “Anyway, what brings you round here?”]
page: “Well, I joined rather suddenly and Crown thought it might be a good idea to introduce myself properly! :)”
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[fetch: “Oh yeah! Everyone else  got an intro. I suppose its your turn eh?”]
page: “Yes! I will gladly answer any questions anyone has!”
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[fetch: “Opinion on chicken nuggies?”]
page: “I really like them! Especially with ketchup or even mayo :)”
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[fetch: “Favorite flower?”]
page: “Freesia flowers are so sweet and pretty!”
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[Denora: “Favorite girl scout cookie?”]
page: “In Canada we only have either chocolate covered mint ones or ones that are similar to oreos that can be chocolate or vanilla! I like the oreo looking ones :)”
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[havoc.ren: “Can we get a fit check for the artists? :]”]
page: “Ah okay! I have a white button up shirt with a black bowtie on! As well as a pastel green skirt and of course my circlet, just like Barons it's a simple gold one with no gems :)”
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[disks and the color red |Stars: “The most important question I can ask: Do you like maccy cheese?”]
page: “I love maccy cheese! Especially with extra milk!”
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[fetch: “Hey page... Do you... Know me? I know you said you had just met me but like, has any of the Court told you about me?”]
page: “Hmm...Nope! I haven't, though you do remind me a lot of one of my great friends, Knight! :)“
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[fetch: “Is that so? How do I remind you of him?”]
page: “I guess from what I have seen the way you type and how kind you are to me reminds me of them...Theres also something else but i can't quite put my finger on it...”
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[fetch: “...Oh. You remind me of my old friend too.”]
page: “Oh! Was it the other friend I was told was missing? I hope you find him again soon! I've seen some people mention him before along with something about a...Turkey of some sort?"
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jayyyyyyyy: “a turkey?”
fetch: “ITS-
its... an inside joke”
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[fetch: “Yeah, you remind me of Maxwell. I... kinda miss him a lot. Think you can keep an eye out?”]
page: “Of course anything to help my beloved friends! :)”
[fetch: “its... an inside joke”]
page: “And the joke...it's...not a secret is it? You're not hiding something from me are, you shouldn't lie to friends...”
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[fetch: “:] How close are you with crown? Is there anything you've gathered that you can share with us?”]
page: “Gathered? Do you mean...secrets! :)”
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fetch: “And no its not a secret! Just something we can talk about later :]”
[fetch: “Family isn't supposed to keep secrets, remember?”]
page: “That's right!...But...Crown told me not to tell people things without permission because its bad...”
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[fetch: “So... He's keeping secrets? But you said thats bad!”]
page: “ But-- but...Won't Crown be mad? I don't wanna get in trouble or be...grounded...”
[P R I N C E: “Crown doesn't keep secrets, page!  he can be a little forgetful sometimes, but he doesn't keep secrets. :)”]
fetch: “if you say so...”
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[A random Spark: “What are you allowed to share without getting into trouble?”]
page: “Anything that Crown says I can :)”
[page: “ But-- but...Won't Crown be mad? I don't wanna get in trouble or be...grounded...”]
fetch: “If it gets you in trouble you don't have to tell me. I was just wondering.”
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[jayyyyyyyy: “A little information here and there can't hurt!”]
page: “But if Crown finds out then I could get in serious trouble! Oh god oh god I dont wanna get in trouble if he grounds me--”
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[fetch: “You don't have to tell! not if he's going to hurt you.”]
page: “Is there....Anything you would want to know specifically...? I might be able to tell you”
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[P R I N C E: “I can ask Crown what you're allowed to share! :D”]
page: “Really? You're the best big sibling ever!”
P R I N C E: “Yeah! Aw thank you :D”
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[fetch: “Can you ask him whats so important about the Crowns? And why we need to put them on to be in the family?”]
page: “Yes yes! I'll ask him for you! I'm confused why you want to know though? I mean they're important to us! :)”
Chat: “Don't worry Page! I'm sure Crown won't be mad at you.”
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A random Spark: “Hello Chat...”
Chat: “Hello again, everyone!”
Chat: “Why do you all sound so upset?”
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[fetch: “Can you ask him whats so important about the crowns? And why we need to put them on to be in the family?”]
page: “You don't need them! He just thinks it helps us look more unified as a family!”
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[A random Spark: “I would rather not speak on the matter Chat”]
Chat: “I'm sorry. I hope you're in a better mood soon, though! :)”
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page: “Well it's obviously a family! I mean, Prince is pretty much my older sibling!”
[fetch: “oh I see :] Can you take it off if you felt like it? Like, do you sleep with it on?”]
page: “We can sleep, though how much depends on how much we want to sleep! And yes, we always do wear our circlets no matter the situation :)”
page: “It's like they're not even there honestly! You hardly feel notice them!”
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[A random Spark: “That sounds painful...aren't circlets hard?”]
Chat: “A little, but it doesn't hurt me at all! :)”
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[fetch: “Is there any instance that could cause you to take off your crown? Like... say for showering or changing clothes?]
Chat: “No”
page: “Nope! why would we? We can't even really feel them, ha! :D”
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Chat: “I'd like to talk to Knight again, too... I miss them a lot.”
A random Spark: “Fetch is nice”
Chat: “I'm sorry, Fetch! You're very nice too!”
[page: “Hey! Knight is like an older brother to me but you seem really nice to!”]
Fetch: “Glad I'm nice at least...”
Chat: “:)”
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page: “I don't mean to be rude or pushy, i've been told being pushy is bad, but you all seem to be a bit more...confused after i told you about our circlets....Oh wait! Are you perhaps jealous? Would you like some too? :D”
A random Spark: “I think for now I am good...”
Chat: “Are you sure? There are plenty for everyone! :)”
fetch: “Noo, I would not like a circlet. Theyd look much nicer on you and the Court anyway :]”
page: “But why not? They're so nice and pretty and although it feels a little uncomfy at first you eventually forget you're even wearing one at all!”
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A random Spark: “I have a pendant, I do not need a circlet”
[fetch: “I’m not much of a jewelry fan :]”]
page: “Neither was I! But Crown thought that perhaps it would be nice and it really is a simple one!”
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P R I N C E: “If you don't want circlets just yet, I'd love to make everyone little flower crowns! :D”
[Continued in pt 46.]
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Discord pt 87
[Date: 17/03, 01.51 PM - 17/03, 03.53 PM GMT]
[This conversation was going on in #general2, simultaneously to another in #arg. The second is referenced later and will be posted separately after this one.]
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Prince: “Hello, everyone. It's been a while. :)”
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fetch: “oh hey buddy :]”
Maxwell: “Oh hey prince longtime no see”
fetch: “and goodmornin everyone”
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[donti: “hi prince, whats up”]
Prince: “Not much. Still kind of... off from last night. It's been a long time since I've had those thoughts, so I'm still reeling a bit.”
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fetch: “well at least you're doing better now. baron mentioned you went to the comfort room? that musta helped a lot”
Prince: “...Yeah, it helped a little bit.”
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[Maxwell: “Been a while since I’ve seen ya prince hope things are going okay”]
Prince: “Yeah... I'm sorry, I've just been really out of it lately. I'm not sure what my deal is.”
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[fetch: “have you been eating and drinking well? exercise and sunshine might help too”]
Prince: “Yeah, I've been doing all that! It's just... I don't know. I think I just miss my family. That's all...”
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fetch: “aw :(”
Maxwell: “It’s fine I haven’t been feeling the best either lately....though I know what it is I just don’t know how to fix it ha”
Prince: “I'm sorry to hear that, Max. I hope things get better for you soon :)”
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fetch: “i hope things get better for you too! missing family is always hard”
Maxwell: “I hope so as well....we’re trying to figure out ways to get rid of what’s bothering me but I hope you feel better soon too”
Prince: “They'll be here soon, so I think I'm just starting to get anxious for them to be back already :)”
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fetch: “I'm supposed to keep it a secret, but i can give you a hint! my favorite number is how many days away it is :)”
Prince: “I'm supposed to keep it a secret, but i can give you a hint! my favorite number is how many days away it is :)”
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fetch: “...4?
no wait it was 5, we had the same favorite number right?
no wait”
LLyr: “3, according to the blog”
fetch: “...3. 3 days?
well call me jesus fucking christ”
Prince: “Yep! i can't wait to see them all again! :D”
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fetch: “im. im glad! :]”
Prince: “I think I'll feel a lot better when they're back. I wanted Viscount to teach me how to play guitar but he left so suddenly I never got the chance to ask. I'm glad it's so soon. I don't think I can wait much longer :)”
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[Jack: “That’s so cool! Maybe you can teach him to play violin in return, haha”]
Prince: “Maybe, if he wants to learn! :D”
Jack: “:D
Y’all could duet maybe”
Prince: “I’d like that! :D”
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Maxwell: “I....hope things go well if they come back”
[donti: “What else are you planning on doing when they all come back?”]
Prince: “Well, Page likes to draw, so I was thinking we could draw together, and I always love to play with Knight! :D As for the fourth, I'm going to have to get to know them a little better first :)”
donti: “Oh! Is the fourth arriving on the 20th?”
Prince: “They all are, yes :)”
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Prince: “I've been thinking... do they miss us as much as I miss them? They... they had to have left for a reason, after all.”
Maxwell: “......I....”
Maxwell: “I think they do you miss you.....”
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[fetch: “maybe they're just the type to run off on adventures? I did all the time as a kid”]
Prince: “Maybe... I hope that's the case. I probably shouldn't be thinking like this. I just can't help it for some reason... what if I did something wrong to make them want to leave, to make them hate me? You know? Crown said that these thoughts will go away soon. I really hope so. I hate having them.”
Maxwell: “No no it isnt your fault....trust me i know it isnt”
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[fetch: “I'm sure they don't hate you buddy :[ you aren't the only one they left behind. They left countess and baron and crown too”]
Prince: “Baron's been spending all his time in the comfort room and I'm pretty sure Countess lives in the library at this point. And Crown can't be here as often. I'm always alone...”
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[fetch: “Maybe try striking up conversation with countess? Maybe she can teach you some ciphers!”]
Prince: “Maybe... are you guys sure I didn't do something wrong? I know I mess up a lot without meaning to...”
Maxwell: “its not your fault trust me”
fetch: “Yeah, you're a-okay :D”
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Prince: “...I keep seeing arguing pop up on my screen from another channel. Is everything alright?” [The channel referenced is #arg]
fetch: “oh yeah everything's cool :] don't worry bout it”
Maxwell: “yeah yeah uh dont worry”
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Prince: “If you're sure... I am the messenger after all :) If something is wrong, I have to let Crown know”
Maxwell: “Nope nothing is wrong its fine”
[fetch: “honestly, I think everything is going according to plan for crown! so he'd be pleased to know that :]”]
Prince: “I'll let him know that, then :D”
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Prince: “While I'm here, is there anything else I should let Crown know when he arrives?”
fetch: “let him know... he's getting what he wants.”
Maxwell: “fetch what...”
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Prince: “It really doesn't seem like the argument is nothing... do you promise everything is okay? Or is this just another situation where everyone is lying to protect me?”
fetch: “its alright. we're done fighting.”
fetch: “it's okay its fine everything's okay and im gonna take a nap”
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donti: “Sorry about that Prince. Tensions are a little high right now”
Maxwell: “yeah....”
Prince: “I just want everyone to be okay... that's all. If there's something wrong, you can tell me :)”
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Prince: “Should i read through it?”
Maxwell: “No!”
Spark: “No!”
Maxwell: “Its fine its fine no need”
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Kate: “I think reading through it would upset you and we don't want that, but it's not like its hidden from you so I guess if you did want to read it, it's there”
donti: “best if you didnt,”
Jack: “A lot of it is really angry, but if you want we won’t hide it from you.”
Prince: “...
I see.”
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donti: “did you read it?”
Prince: “I'll... I'll be sure to let Crown know everything is going according to plan...”
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Maxwell: “prince please tell me you didnt
donti: “...”
[Kate: “You read it, didn't you, Prince?”]
Prince: “...yes.”
Maxwell: “how much did you read?”
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Maxwell: “like....all of today or anything with yesterday..”
Prince: “I.. I guess I hope you like your new circlets... Page... ? Knight...? That...that is who you two are, isn't it?”
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Maxwell: “i....”
Maxwell: “im....max”
Prince: “...
Right. Sorry.”
Maxwell: “and fetch....is fetch...”
Maxwell: “its not your fault”
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Prince: “You were Page and Knight before, though, weren't you? Before you left?”
Prince: “.. why did you leave?”
Maxwell: “ okay yes we were
but we didnt leave because of you
or baron or countess”
Maxwell: “ i...
Maxwell: “we werent ourselves
although we were page and knight thats...not who are or rather not who are anymore”
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Prince: “...
...Do you still like us as Max and Fetch..?”
Maxwell: “yes yes of course!
we still all care for you”
[donti: “how could they not”]
Prince: “Why else would they leave us?”
Maxwell: “we....werent very happy
neither me, fetch or marcus were really ourselves”
Prince: “... I don't understand. I thought everyone was happy. You guys all seemed so happy. That doesn't make any sense.”
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Maxwell: “its why you see such a difference in how we act compared to who we were
it....wasnt us”
Prince: “Things are better here, though. I’m happier here with Crown than I ever was without him... Son’t you guya want to be happy?”
Maxwell: “i wasnt truly happy neither were the others
That doesn’t mean we don’t care about you though, Asher, we still do”
Prince: “...Asher... That’s my... my name...
Maxwell: “yes it is”
Prince: “Asher...? Asher... Asher..” [At this point, some letters are not in Ender]
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Maxwell: “asher?
you okay?”
Prince: “Wait. No, stop. I don’t want to remember, please”
Maxwell: “i...”
Prince: “Please”
Prince: “I don’t want to remember”
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donti: “Hey buddy pal prince, asher, whoever you are.
friend. youre fine.
Prince: “I’m not Asher I’m not Asher I’m Prince just Prince”
Jack: “If you want us to call you prince, that’s fine.”
Prince: “I’m not Asher I’m not Asher”
Jack: “Prince. Breathe.”
Prince: “What did you do make it stop”
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Jack: “Prince. Just breathe. Calm down.”
donti: “breathe. breathe. calm.”
Prince: “...”
fetch: “this is why I wanted to drop it.”
donti: “we’re sorry, please,”
Jack: “You’re remembering what’s been taken away. It’s not happy, but you can breathe through it.”
Maxwell: “fuck fuck fuck”
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Discord pt 39
[Date: 22/02, 11.34 PM - 23/02, 12:05 AM GMT]
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C R O W N: “Golf Delta Oscar Charlie” [GDOC]
[Context: Fetch had written in the doc, among others saying he was tired.]
fetch: “hee hee ha ha I can’t sleep”
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fetch: “can t sleep :) fun”
C R O W N: “:)”
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fetch: “trying to watchdog . not good watchdog
C R O W N: “:)”
jaynoblade: “aaaaaaaa”
fetch: “try to updatte timeline . not good at time .”
Void: “you good fetch??”
C R O W N: “:)”
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fetch: can’t tell time because I don’t r em eb r”
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emuhlee: “fetch, you still with king?”
fetch: “yea h! love my goof friend :)
she is at s tore. getting good food hee hee mun ch”
C R O W N: “:)”
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fetch: “(pss s st. don t tell her I didn t sl eep at all last. night)”
emuhlee: “oh thats no good fetch :(”
fetch: “am very y sleepy :) can not sleep”
Void: “oh fetch no”
C R O W N: “:)”
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C R O W N: “Why don’t you rest? :)”
fetch: “oh
oh ha
ha ha ha ha”
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fetch: “very funnee pl an”
fetch: “I sle ep and you come get me :)”
fetch: “very funny ha ha ha ha”
C R O W N: “Fetch, you need to rest.”
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fetch: “Very funny very funny you’re gonna make me not remember very funny you’re very funny you should change your name to funny crown hahahahahahaha”
fetch: “ha ha ha”
[People begin to tell Fetch not to sleep.]
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fetch: “can not rest !
have to watch dog :)”
emuhlee: “why dont you play a song you like fetch!”
C R O W N: “:)”
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syl/suri: “fetch play something hype to keep you awake”
fetch: “ha ha I like this music though :) don’t want to sleep i like music”
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disks and the color red |Stars: “why dont you guys listen to something energetic then”
fetch: “let me e check cue :)
good music next !”
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fetch: “Sorry Crown! You need 2 try harder if you want to make me ble ed aga ain
I need 2 watch dog and stay awake and music :) nice try cro wn man”
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kate (degoratory) [they/them]: Crown, please. Please leave Fetch alone.”
C R O W N: “Come now Fetch. Sleep.”
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C R O W N: “The longer you go without... well. :)”
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fetch: “IN MY HE A D :)”
[Context: “In my head” by Derivakat was playing.]
syl/suri: “fetch just listen to pigstep”
fetch: “GOO D IDE A”
syl/suri: “you can get crown a copyright strike”
fetch: “PIGY SONG HE HE”
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<heavy sigh> dreampop: “actually i have a song this reminds me of can i q it”
fetch: “YES :D”
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[Context: “In my head” was still playing. New song starts:]
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fetch: “O GOOD SONG NE X T
C R O W N: “Fetch. Listen to me. Rest your pretty little head. :)”
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fetch: “HA HA PR E TTY HE AD”
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C R O W N: “Fetch. Sleep. Now.”
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[[Redacted]: “Hey fetch? Wanna talk about the music your listening too?”]
fetch: “UM
[From this point onward “Puppet” from the Ib soundtrack is on loop.]
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C R O W N: “I know you’re ignoring me, Fetch~”
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Professional Shitpost: “How much sugar have you eaten?”
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fetch: “:(
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havoc.ren: “stay awake please”
fetch: “I AM AWAKE :)”
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Grimm (Gallahan): “Fetch how much longer should the store take?”
C R O W N: “Fetch, come on now. I know how tired you must be. What good does it do you to delay the inevitable?”
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C R O W N: “This song is like a lullaby isn’t it~ It must make you so sleepy :)”
fetch: “I AM.
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fetch: “NO ANGRY MUS IC.”
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C R O W N: “Fetch~ Someone else can watch the document. You need to rest :)”
fetch: “HA HA. PL Eas e”
fetch: “crown stop saying my name like that.
ha ha
Pl seASE”
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[Redacted]: “Why does Crown need Knight so bad? Crown is bad, Fetch, he’ll hurt you”
C R O W N: “Oh, you must like this? Fetch~”
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fetch: “HA HA CROWN :)
[Continued in pt 40.]
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Discord pt 64
[Date: 08/03, 6.01 AM - 08/03, 6.32 AM GMT]
[Direct continuation from pt 63]
[CW: Manipulation, stalking]
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C R O W N: “are you all happier without me?”
Maxwell: “yes”
C R O W N: “...”
fetch: “we might be, yeah.”
C R O W N: “...”
Marcus: “...guys”
fetch: “just get out of here, dammit”
C R O W N: “i see”
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Maxwell: “leave”
Marcus: “Baron and prince and lizzy are still with him”
jayyyyyyyy: “yeah, but theyre not in the court”
Marcus: “They are jay”
jayyyyyyyy: “crowns lost so much power. rescuing the others will be childsplay”
Marcus: “They’re still there”
Little-K1ng: “this is a weird vibe, just 3 dudes in my living room. i hope you guys know i have like, a bed and then a couch and also a floor”
Maxwell: “i call the floor”
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Marcus: “That just makes him stronger”
Marcus: “Less people to control”
Little-K1ng: “floor is now called for, fetch can have the bed, and marcus gets couch i guess!”
Maxwell: “i can sleep anywhere man i used to sleep on the floor for fun as a kid!”
Little-K1ng: “zero porch sleepers, PLEASE,”
C R O W N: “I'm sorry. I just wanted to give Ranboo a happy family.”
Maxwell: “no you didnt bitch”
fetch: “just get OUT”
Maxwell: “that aint how a family works”
fetch: “get these squirrels out of my fuckin yard”
C R O W N: “...fine”
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Marcus: “Do you remember what I said when this family asked about my thoughts on Dream?”
C R O W N: “yes”
Maxwell: “....i forgot how much of a dogboy you were fetch, heh...nice to see ya again man”
Little-K1ng: “[calling out of my front door to the street] ay fuck off pal not tonight”
fetch: “Pff, you too ya little rat”
Marcus: “I would like to change my answer.”
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Marcus: “You are no better than Dream. You are no different than the man who you described as a horrible person. You are no savior.”
C R O W N: “...”
Marcus: “You are a coward.”
Maxwell: “ey i may be little but i can bite your kneecaps”
C R O W N: “...
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Little-K1ng: “okay so i cant believe how not surprised i am but.... at the moment maxwell... theres orange juice in the fridge and cookies in the pantry (they're oatmeal raisin for your Health), if "someone" (you) starts bleeding again just sit and chill”
Little-K1ng: “but definitely get at those snacks”
Maxwell: “thanks man, sorry for barging in”
Marcus: “...what the hell are we wearing?”
Little-K1ng: “nah its all good ill be in a better mood once these bad boys! [holds out 2 excedrin] actually kick in”
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fetch: “I dunno man but hey max, you look good in a skirt”
Little-K1ng: “i mean you do suit the skirt”
Maxwell: “.........hUh”
Marcus: “How the hell did I run in demonias what the fuck”
Maxwell: “i mean ive got combat boots so thats good but seriously man how the fuck did you run in those”
Marcus: “My hair isn’t supposed to be short”
fetch: “Okay you rock the demonias but are your ankles okay”
Little-K1ng: “yall are so fashionable i am almost not going to offer better clothes”
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fetch: “...
ow ow ow
Little-K1ng: “wh?”
fetch: “gdox”
Maxwell: “i know ive got a button up on but not having a cloak or sweater of somesort feels horrid”
Marcus: “Fetch?”
fetch: “ow
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[Crown edited onto the google doc: "I'm sorry i'll be good just please come back i don't want to lose anyone else it hurts i already lost tommy and now you all left me please come back please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please"]
Marcus: “Fuck”
fetch: “hes tampering”
dreaming: “fetch you okay?”
Little-K1ng: “woah dude hey hey sit its okay just sit”
Little-K1ng: “the doc...”
Maxwell: “uh oh”
fetch: “ow ow wh at the fu c k”
Maxwell: “the fuck happened to tommy what is he on about”
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Little-K1ng: “WOAH okay so fetch just hit the floor”
Maxwell: “shit fetch you okay”
Marcus: “Fuck, do you have tissues? His nose is bleeding”
Little-K1ng: “AH AH HEY UH HELP ME uh hes bleeding flip him over”
Little-K1ng: “hes bleeding a lot dont let him drown”
Maxwell: “oh god okay”
Little-K1ng: “cmon recovery position dont you know that?? ok”
Marcus: “Yeah of course”
Maxwell: “dont lay him down yeah he'll choke on  the blood if we do”
Little-K1ng: “okay hes good just. drooling blood onto the floor okay, thats, ew, but not the first time”
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Little-K1ng: “oh yeah the doc huh? okay that alteration must have really hurt”
A random Spark: “It was a big one, a whole page”
Little-K1ng: “oh ouch”
Maxwell: “so should we try to leave it for now for fetch to fix when he wakes up to not hurt him more?”
Little-K1ng: “okay, note to self, buy more excedrin
this weeks trauma is sponsored by excedrin”
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Maxwell: “what the shit happened to tommy?”
jayyyyyyyy: “tommy died??”
Maxwell: “HE WHAT”
jayyyyyyyy: “I DONT KNOW??”
Little-K1ng: “yeah uh, he kinda, look ok yall can explain that and ill just. try to clean this up”
Mothbo: “Max, it's been much longer than a day.”
Maxwell: “what”
Little-K1ng: “a... a day ??”
Marcus: “...max”
Maxwell: “how...long has it been”
boo: “a month or so”
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Maxwell: “god my head hurts this is too much to process”
Little-K1ng: “hahaa,, yeah no you've never met me, its been an awful lot longer than that, look, we've had a long night, the sprinklers are staying on overnight, just sit and we can get some sleep, yeah? ill stay with fetch and make sure he doesnt choke”
Little-K1ng: “ill get you the snacks and you can recover from the blood loss, sound good?”
Marcus: “I can um”
Maxwell: “thanks so much man...”
Marcus: “I can stay up and help these two, I basically took care of them back at the-
You know”
Maxwell: “okay...tomorrow....yall havge a  lto og explaining to fo”
Marcus: “You don’t look well, Mona you should rest”
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Maxwell: “im going to slepw nihgt fucekrs ha....its good to be back”
Little-K1ng: “i appreciate the concern, good night marcus. nice to meet you :)”
Marcus: “It’s uh, nice to meet you too
Mothbo: “rest well, Max. Please stay safe okay? We missed ya”
Maxwell: “course....”
[jayyyyyyyy: “have a nice first night free marcus! :]”]
Marcus: “...thank you”
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Chat: “...”
katichu (derogatory): “Chat?”
jayyyyyyyy: “hi, chat. you maybe wanna take off your crown, mate?”
Chat: “You know what? I really don't care anymore. I should've known who you all really were when you first showed your true colors by being so hateful to crown and the family. You're all nothing to me :) And guess what? I'm completely fine with that!!”
A random Spark: “We made our choice”
Chat: “Yep! And I've made mine, and I'm completely fine with knowing that I've done nothing but right by Crown, and that none of this is my fault and I'm not to blame for anything and I haven't done anything wrong and it's perfectly fine and I'm okay!!”
Chat: “I know you never cared about me anyway. You don't need to keep saying it. I have my family and I'm h a p p y n o w”
[jayyyyyyyy: “We do care about you. We're also all tired as fuck.”]
Chat: “Right.”
Chat: “I'll be leaving now. Thank you for nothing.”
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Lock Box Transcript 16
[Fetch confronts Knight.]
[TW: self-harm, graphic depictions of blood, violence, fighting, cursing.]
Summary beneath the cut:
Knight gathers his stuff to go to bed, setting everything up underneath his bed like he previously said he was going to in asks. Fetch appears, trapping knight underneath himself and the bed, threatening to kill Knight for what he’s done to him.
The two fight for a bit, Fetch wanting control and not taking no for an answer. A large dog walks out of their closet and begins threateningly approaching Knight, eventually destroying Knight’s hand.
Baroness is suddenly at the door, worried about all about the all the noise. Knight screams to get her attention, and soon Crown arrives to see what’s wrong. Fetch threatens all three of them, and Crown tells Fetch King only joined the family because of him, and insists he’s loved and a part of the family if he wants to stay. Fetch then drops Knight in favor of physically threatening Crown and trying to hurt himself instead.
After some conversation between them, Baroness begs Crown to put Fetch to sleep. Crown offers to put Fetch to sleep in a better place than what Knight put him in. Fetch agrees, only asking to leave a message with his dog. Fetch then disintegrates into a pile of ash.
Chorus enters, asking what happened and demanding to speak to Crown. Upset, Crown leaves the room, leaving Baroness and Chorus to process what happened. Knight crawls back under his bed, and does not respond when spoken to.
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Discord pt 49
[Date: 24/02, 10.34 PM - 24/02, 11.29 GMT]
[Crown joins directly after Viscount leaves.]
[CW: Dehumanization, derealization, zalgo text]
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C R O W N: “:)”
[Everyone starts sending ‘:)’]
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[Crown sends 7, 2 then 6 “:)”]
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Denora: “No thanks”
fetch: “denora :] be nice :]”
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[A random Spark: “Pain”]
fetch: “please Be nice to our guests Spark :]”
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C R O W N: “Don't think I didn't see your little "please" before you deleted it. Begging, are we, Fetch? :)”
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fetch: “I am not your fucking showpet.
there. said it in a language you can understand.”
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[fetch: “i don't see your address on my name tag. so you can't tell me what i am or what im not. I told you in the doc. i. don't. belong. to. anyone.”]
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[fetch: “i... i certainly don't see yours.”]
fetch: “i.
i don't see yours. thats what matters.”
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fetch: “i don't see yours.
its not yours so its none of your business.”
fetch: “what of it.”
[At this point, most people in the discord have stopped sending messages in the channel, unsure what to do.]
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fetch: “what. you gonna take me round the back of the shed? or are you gonna give me the illusion that you care and take me to the vet instead?”
fetch: “well. good thing I'm not your pet. i'm a watchdog.
and I have teeth.”
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fetch: “you really wanna test that theory? only stupid people don't back off when they hear growling.”
C R O W N: “:)”
fetch: “:]”
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fetch: “i'm not afraid of you, squirrel.”
fetch: “thank you ill be here all night :]”
C R O W N: “...I’d like to play you a song, Fetch. One you might know?”
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fetch: “want me to get in the vc, then?”
“sure. I'll play your game.”
[”Puppet” from the Ib OST starts playing on loop.]
“oh I see.”
“very. verry. fuck ing f unny” [Very. Very. Fucking funny]
“you sure y ou aren t the com e dian ?” [You sure you aren’t the comedian?]
“you have v e ry f unny jok es .” [You have very funny jokes.]
“it won't g et me th is t ime !” [It won’t get me this time!]
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C R O W N: “:)
Go to sleep, Fetch.”
fetch: “uh”
“uh ha”
“VERRY FU N N Y” [Very funny]
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C R O W N: “Fetch.”
fetch: “WHAT.”
C R O W N: “Come now. Sleep.”
fetch: “I.
C R O W N: “Fetch~”
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fetch: “NOT TH IS AG AIN” [Not this again]
“MY NO SE” [My nose]
“WHY DO Y OU M AKE MY N OSE BLEE D” [Why do you make my nose bleed]
“WH Y” [Why]
C R O W N: “Go to sleep. It'll stop :)”
fetch: “YYYYYOU” [You]
“FUN Y. F UCIIN. J OKE.” [Funny. Fucking. Joke.]
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C R O W N: “Don't you like this song, Fetch~?”
fetch: “Y OURE RIG HT . I LI KE THIS S ONG. REMIND S ME OF A T OY BOX.” [You’re right. I like this song. Reminds me of a toy box.]
C R O W N: It makes you so sleepy, doesn't it~?
fetch: “I.”
fetch: “DONT WA NT TO LIS TEN TO YOU .” [Don’t want to listen to you.]
C R O W N: “Of course you do. You're my little pup.
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fetch: “NO T YOUR P UP” [Not your pup]
“I AM W ATC H D OG .” [I am watchdog.]
“NOT P U PPY” [Not puppy]
“D OG” [Dog]
“NOT WAT CH PUP PY” [Not watch puppy]
“THA T SOU NDS S T UPID” [That sounds stupid]
C R O W N: “Behave, pup. I know how much you love your little document. Perhaps I should take it from you as punishment?”
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fetch: “I.”
“Y OU W OUL DNT” [You wouldn’t]
“N OT A AG AIN.” [Not again.]
“IT H URT S O MU CH LA S T TIME.” [It hurt so much last time.]
C R O W N: “:)”
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fetch: “L IKE Y OU BR OKE MY R I BS.” [Like you broke my ribs.]
“Y OU W OUL D N T .” [You wouldn’t.]
“P LE ASE.” [Please.]
C R O W N: “Do you wish to test me, pup?”
fetch: “I.”
[Many people start writing in the chat again, telling Fetch to stay awake.]
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fetch: “GU Y S.” [Guys.]
“I M T IR ED.” [I’m tired.]
“I LL D E AL WITH N OSE BL EE D L A T ER.” [I’ll deal with nose bleed later.]
Mothbo: “Keep talking to us, Fetch. Sleep is not an option.”
C R O W N: “That’s right, Fetch. Sleep.”
fetch: “C AN T K E EP MY E YES OP EN A LOT.” [Can’t keep my eyes open a lot.]
“V E RY. TI RED .” [Very. Tired.]
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[Jack the Observer: “Where’s Mona??”]
fetch: “M ONA IS AT S TORE :) WAS GE T T ING D INN ER :) I WILL E AT WHEN I AM DONE. NA PPING .” [Mona is at the store :) Was getting dinner :) I will eat when I am done. Napping]
“I WON T BE G ONE L ONG :)” [I won’t be gone long :)]
C R O W N: “Sweet dreams, Fetch~”
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fetch: “Good night :)”
C R O W N: “:)”
[Chat shortly joins to talk. She says she has a crown, not a circlet, and she and Spark chat about having drawing as hobby.]
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Discord pt 90
[Date: 17/03, 02.33 PM GMT - 17/03, 03.53 PM GMT]
[This conversation was going on in #arg, partly simultaneously to another in #general. The second is referenced later and was posted separately before this one.]  
[Direct continuation of pt 89]
[After Void pointed out the gdoc change, Fetch added another message:]
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[Added was: “Please don’t tell them please don’t tell them please just pretend you never saw this just please.”]
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Void: “nvm may be just my bad internet fucking things up ignore me”
Jack the Observer: “Oh. I see it.
Little sunflower seeds in green and yellow :)”
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[Maxwell: “Where do you see that?”]
Jack the Observer: “Ask fetch, I think. He’s the one who edits the blog”
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Jack the Observer: “But it’s there, if you look.”
Maxwell: “Fetch....”
fetch: “It isn't though?? I'm looking at the doc right now and there's nothing about sunflower seeds”
Jack the Observer: “I can send pictures, fetch.
If you would prefer?”
Maxwell: “i cant find anything”
fetch: “jack. after yesterday do you really wanna push me.”
Jack the Observer: “Yeah, i kind of do, actually
I could
I feel like it’s important and relevant information”
Void: “fetch knows best about what is there just ignore what i said,,,,”
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fetch: “yeah. let's just ignore it.”
Maxwell: “but you all said...seeds”
donti (e): “... fetch please, this is serious.. it could endanger everyone here”
Jack the Observer: “Sunflower seeds :) leaves in yellow and green. You think if i won’t let Max hide it, I’ll let you, Fetch?”
fetch: “jack. drop it. right fucking now with that stupid fucking smile.”
Jack the Observer: “You are, in fact, just as important as Max is.
And it’s imperative that we keep all of you safe.”
Maxwell: “that...is one of the nicest things ive heard you say to us....”
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fetch: “i know the doc better than anyone. i know what's there and whats not. if I say there's nothing there then there's nothing there.”
Jack the Observer: “You put it there, Fetch.”
fetch: “there's nothing there.”
Jack the Observer: “ Uh huh. /s”
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jaynoblade: “he's right. there's nothing there. i just looked”
fetch: “im not ignoring anything there's nothing there.”
Jack the Observer: “Jay, what the fuck”
jaynoblade: “genuinely. i just looked. nothing”
donti (e): “hey hey hHEYyyyy chill”
Jack the Observer: “Is it gone — wait”
fetch: “check for yourself, jack”
[Context: Fetch deleted his edits about the seeds.]
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Jack the Observer: “Oh, no i still have it”
fetch: “as i said. there's nothing there.”
Jack the Observer: “I still have it. And i have more pictures if you want to see them.”
donti (e): “... seeds?”
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Maxwell: “thats just an image of a previous thing?”
fetch: “how do i know you aren't just editing shit”
[donti (e): “... seeds?”]
Jack the Observer: “I’m trying to have Fetch tell you first.”
kateza: “Hi good morning what’s going on?”
Mothbo: “Jack saw something no one else did”
[fetch: “how do i know you aren't just editing shit”]
Jack the Observer: “Fetch. You know I don’t lie.”
[Mothbo: “Jack saw something no one else did”]
Jack the Observer: “Haha :)”
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fetch: “but you sure as hell spout a lot of bullshit.
now for the last time. There's nothing. there. Fucking drop it.
Jack the Observer: “And now instead of knight you sound like Max
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Maxwell: “what?”
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Jack the Observer: ““Oh no, i don’t want to tell them, please i just want to suffer by myself and not accept any help even though I clearly need it, no everyone else is busy, everyone else is stressed, they can’t know please don’t tell them”
That’s what you sound like
And that’s what Fetch sounds like too”
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fetch: “you better watch your fuckin mouth, pal.”
Mothbo: “Jack, that's not going to help them all. I know you're hurt cos of Syd but don't take it out on them.”
Maxwell: “....”
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[Mothbo: “Jack, that's not going to help them all. I know you're hurt cos of Syd but don't take it out on them.”]
Jack the Observer: “I’m not angry, I’m amused. And I’ll admit, slightly frustrated. What is up with these people and their self esteem issues.”
fetch: “what's up with you and your attachment to someone that doesn't exist anymore?”
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Maxwell: “.....fuck off”
Jack the Observer: “If you don’t tell them within the hour ill see you in #img”
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[fetch: “what's up with you and your attachment to someone that doesn't exist anymore?”]
Jack the Observer: “Oh, so you don’t exist when Knight is out? Shut the fuck up”
Maxwell: “i....”
Jack the Observer: “I’m glad you’re not all acting so goody goody and nice talking me anymore. This is refreshing.”
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[People tell Jack and Fetch to stop arguing with each other. That just solved nothing and there’s no time to waste]
fetch: “i don't have the energy to fight anymore. there's nothing in the doc, whatever you have is edited bullshit, end of story.”
Jack the Observer: “Okay, we’re just going to ignore someone purposefully endangering their own health then. Sounds good to me /s”
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[kateza: “I just woke up, I’m assuming something supposedly happened with the doc, I’m assuming the edit history was checked can we please stop fighting I don’t like this”]
Jack the Observer: “I can see something important. I’m being forced to keep imperative information to myself. You can see why I might take issue with this.”
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fetch: “i thought you loved keeping information to yourself. that's what an observer does right. he just takes in information and does nothing with it. he doesn't get involved.”
Jack the Observer: “This is different.”
fetch: “of course it is.
just drop it.”
donti (e): “ah.”
Jack the Observer: “Yeah it fucking is different, Fetch. We fucking need you on this team. We’re meant to just ignore when you’re hurting? We’re meant to ignore when you’re endangering yourself?”
fetch: “i said. drop it.”
Jack the Observer: “Holy fucking shit not everything is about Syd”
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Jack the Observer: “Maybe this is just about you”
fetch: “well maybe I don't want to be paid attention to. i'm not a fucking zoo exhibit. just leave me the fuck alone.”
Jack the Observer: “I don’t know how many times? I have to say this? But if I saw you as nothing more than a “zoo exhibit” i literally wouldn’t care about this at all”
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Void: “fetch, people will learn one way or another. please at least take the chance to tell them yourself?”
Jack the Observer: “Clock is ticking”
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fetch: “there's nothing to tell. im fucking fine.”
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Jack the Observer: “There you go, sounding like Max again”
kateza: “wait, ok, so now fetch supposedly has the buds? Is that’s what’s going on? No one is catchinng me up everyone’s just arguing”
Jack the Observer: ““I’m fine I’m fine” you’re clearly not.”
[kateza: “wait, ok, so now fetch supposedly has the buds? Is that’s what’s going on? No one is catchinng me up everyone’s just arguing”]
Jack the Observer: “I can see something. Fetch isn’t letting me tell anyone.”
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donti (e): “HEEEEY HEY
jacks doing what he can”
Jack the Observer: “...”
fetch: “QUIT TRYING.”
Jack the Observer: “...”
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Jack the Observer: “...
that was a bit too loud for me, actually. Ill be in #img in fifty minutes.”
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Jack the Observer: “good luck.”
fetch: “fine. i need a nap anyway.”
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Maxwell: “......”
[People talk about how important it is to share information, especially with how the situation currently is, and that they’d have to work together if they were ever going to resolve anything about this problem. They then note that if this in-fighting continues, more and more people might be dragged into Crown’s court. But then…]
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jaynoblade: “okay, this is somewhat off topic, but.... do we even really know who crown is? because we thought he was ranboo in enderwalk, but then in that one ask he implied that he isn’t”
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Maxwell: “hes something else then....”
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Maxwell: “uh small problem”
donti (e): “prince read the backlog.”
[This refers to the conversation that had been simultaneously going on in #general2.]
A random Spark: “I know...which means Prince probably now knows the deal with the three court members and why they're gone”
kateza: “which means we'll be having another mind wipe probably :/”
LLyr: “D:”
Maxwell: “OH NO OH NO OH NO”
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Maxwell: “i...”
donti (e): “if we had explained it fae would be wiped and then we'd be in trouble.”
Maxwell: “can we tell faem? fae already know....”
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Maxwell: “he only brought up me and fetch....should we tell him about marcus?”
donti (e): “... maybe?”
A random Spark: “It's a good idea to.”
LLyr: “if the dam has already broken, i dont see a reason to keep it hidden. maybe ask marcus what he thinks about it?”
Maxwell: “i wanna say his name...”
donti (e): “you already namedropped him,
go for it
he might as well get the facts.”
kateza: “i don't like this
i don't like where this is going”
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Maxwell: “jack what did you put in images”
Jack the Observer: “What i promised i would.”
donti (e): “fetches entry.”
Maxwell: “hes..oh god”
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Maxwell: “i messed up i messed up i messed up--”
kateza: “no no no
you tried to help max. you did what you thought was right and even if it didn't have the outcome you want you tried to do what was right and that's good of you”
Maxwell: “i made it worse no no no no”
Jack the Observer: “You calm down too.
Panicking isn’t going to help prince.
It’s fine. Let faem remember.”
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Discord pt 89
[Date: 17/03, 12.53 PM GMT - 17/03, 02.33 PM GMT]
[This conversation was going on in #arg, partly simultaneously to another in #general2.]
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Maxwell: “Give me one sec I’m gonna go check on the buds....
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Maxwell: “....you guys
We might have a slight problem
Or well it’s a big
Jack the Observer: “Right.
Hit us”
Maxwell: “The buds
There’s more
And the ones from yesterday....they’re opening up and blooming”
Jack the Observer: “Unfortunate. But not surprising.
Maxwell: “what do I do”
Maxwell: “I’m....gonna have a nap...”
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Jack the Observer: “Rest well, max
We’ll... work on it”
Maxwell: “Thank you”
[People discuss possible ways of getting rid of the buds that had been brought up the previous day.]
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wear hat 24/7 so no light?”
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Maxwell: “I almost always wear my hood but I don’t know if that’ll help
It grew from last night”
donti (e): “if light is hitting the bud its not enough,,,”
Maxwell: “There’s more buds and some are starting to open”
donti (e): “oh no...”
looks like we have til the 20th to figure things out, if that speeds anything to go by”
Maxwell: “I think little leaves may be forming too although they’re very tiny...”
donti (e): “max.. we got this.. you can trust that we'll help you”
Jack the Observer: “Does it hurt to touch?”
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Maxwell: “Not really it just feels sore, I can’t feel my hair touching it but I can feel my hands on it
donti (e): “... are you feeling the BUDS or like, the feeling of bUDS being touched
like,,, do the buds have.. nerves
or is it more like you can feel it bc its physically attached to you”
Maxwell: “I think i can feel it cause it’s attached to me like I can feel my hood on em...
It’s not super noticeable but I can still feel it”
donti (e): “alright thats good so theres,, not any nerves that are based on sense of touch,,, thats good thats good”
Maxwell: “Isn’t it technically though?
Since I can feel through em a bit”
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LLyr: “is it like how you feel nails?”
Maxwell: “Like if something touched them I could tell cause I would feel it...”
donti (e): “or like hey someone is punching my backpack type of feeling”
Maxwell: “More like a skin thing....”
Jack the Observer: “Like if someone touched your fingernails you can feel it”
donti (e): “uh oh...”
Jack the Observer: “Even tho ur nails have no nerves”
donti (e): “nerves,,,”
Jack the Observer: “And you can cut fingernails safely”
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LLyr: “hm. thats not good.”
Jack the Observer: “If there are actually nerves in there. That’s more complicated.”
Maxwell: “Yeah....”
[This means that cutting the buds out is not an option anymore]
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Maxwell: “.....”
[But perhaps cutting the buds out could be done as a last resort?]
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Maxwell: “Please no”
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donti (e): “max, its up to you, would you rather have to keep the laurel or have it be cut off as a last ditch effort”
Maxwell: “I don’t know neither is a good option—”
[Methods of potentially slowing the buds’ growth are discussed instead]
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donti (e): “we can also try like,,, straight up trying to freeze the buds off”
Maxwell: “I’ve been outside in the freezing cold a lot cause I’ve been to go to school in person some days and it hasn’t done a thing”
donti (e): “.... im talking colder than that. artificial cold.”
[Were the flowers like spring flowers then? Could they be destroyed by intense heat?]
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Jack the Observer: “I feel like anything hot enough to melt metal should not be getting near Max’s head.
Might just be me /s”
LLyr: “no i’m with you there 3:”
Maxwell: “Also if this wreath does have nerve endings that will not feel nice”
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[donti (e): “max try the light thing for now... and take a hot bath later”]
Maxwell: “I actually had one yesterday....
donti (e): “did it help at all?”
Maxwell: “It didn’t do anything”
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Maxwell: “Maybe it would help if we know what’s gonna bloom from them....?”
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fetch: “mona's got hella farmers almanacs and gardening books
somewhere on the bookshelf in the living room, so you can nose around over there”
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Maxwell: “But there’s so many different flowers...”
Jack the Observer: “They’re unlikely to be very delicate.”
Jack the Observer: “I would say check early spring flowers. Snowdrops and the like.”
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fetch: “also before yall ask yes I've accepted the fact that it is in fact a circlet and not matted hair and no I don't want to talk about it”
Mothbo: “Totally understandable Fetch”
Jack the Observer: “Uh huh.
Very cool, fetch.”
fetch: “what were you expecting?”
Maxwell: “If they’re flowers...did page ever say what his flower was? If this is meant to be like a new circlet maybe it’ll be that”
Jack the Observer: “Oh! That’s a good idea actually
Let me check”
fetch: “page liked freesia flowers”
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Maxwell: “Hm...I looked at the meanings and white ones mean innocence and yellow mean friendship...sounds fitting”
Found more stuff on em
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Maxwell: “They require minimum maintenance....”
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Maxwell: “They don’t all look like freesias though....I can barely see but the inside seems to be a different a flower? Hold on ima try to find which one it is”
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Maxwell: “I think I know which one it may be...”
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Maxwell: “I think they may be marigolds”
donti (e): “... i see”
Maxwell: “I don’t think it’s the average one though”
donti (e): “huh. whats up”
Jack the Observer: “Marigolds are usually quite large. If they do end up growing in, it would be quite the sight.”
Maxwell: “Calendula
Or pot marigolds...”
donti (e): “it says overhead watering is bad, but once again, bath. so these are probably way more sturdy”
Maxwell: “I’ve always liked them....”
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donti (e): “ah.”
Maxwell: “They can be used to treat different things so they can be helpful for survival
Jack the Observer: “So a mixture of what you like and what Page likes.”
Maxwell: “Funny....”
donti (e): “... yea”
Jack the Observer: “It is, a little bit. But it makes sense.
Maybe you should make a memory list for yourself, by the way.”
donti (e): “so guessing from what we've already notices, the flowers that are budding do not have the same characteristics as their natural counterparts”
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Maxwell: “Says the plant can tolerate a lot of conditions...
A memory list?”
Jack the Observer: “Marigolds are quite sturdy.”
donti (e): “but the other flower isnt”
Jack the Observer: “A memory list is a list of things you’d want to remember if you were wiped, given to someone you trust. For example, Marcus couldn’t remember his name or his sister right away when he took the circlet off. And there’s some speculation that it could help you “snap out of it””
Maxwell: “Hm...”
Jack the Observer: “Some people have made them already.”
Maxwell: “Do you have a list of things I should add to it perhaps? Knowing me I’d forget important things to add heh....”
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Void: “not to distract from the current convo, but have yall checked the doc recently? (please Internet connection let me send at least this message)”
donti (e): “! whats wrong with the doc?”
fetch: “the doc is fine?
trust me I'd know if something was wrong”
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jaynoblade: “i can't see anything that's really changed? just a bit of an update to include baroness in the court”
donti (e): “yea,”
fetch: “Yeah, thats all I been doin
Adding baroness, and all we know about her”
Void: “just. about sunflower seeds? well maybe not”
fetch: “:?”
Maxwell: “Seeds?”
fetch: “no clue what you're talking about bud”
Maxwell: “.....lemme check”
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fetch: “I mean sunflower seeds are a good snack”
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Maxwell: “Where do you see that?”
[This is the referenced doc change, written by fetch:]
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