#by the way darius and heinkel should marry
felixcloud6288 · 5 months
Fullmetal Alchemist Chapter 108 part 2
part 1
Two years have passed. Roy is a Brigadier General, Lin is the Emperor of Xing, and Ed can't wield a hammer without hurting himself.
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I can't read this part without thinking of that one outtake from the dub: "We should try to resurrect our mom."
Gramman is Fuhrer now, but he seems to be planning on letting Roy take over after him. Although he seems intent on holding onto power for a while (Back-stabbing bastard).
Maybe he'll let Roy become Fuhrer if he marries his granddaughter.
Babby Selim is so cute. And he has a pet kitty. I bet that cat is the reason the bird is hurt.
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Al talks with Gracia and Elicia and brings up his idea of giving back more. He's still an Alchemist but he refuses to be dependent on it or treat it as the end-all be-all. Why rely on something that wasn't able to save a little girl.
Jelso and Zanpano have gotten into studying Alchemy. Jelso's idea to fix their bodies seems way to simple in concept, but all discoveries have to start somewhere. Maybe the answer is as simple as Jelso proposed and they just need to figure out the finer details around it.
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And Ed once again over-complicates things with his whole "Equivalent Exchange" nonsense. He can't just make a straightforward proposal to Winry.
And Winry, being the kind of person who does things for simple reasons, breaks equivalent exchange right there. She offers far more of her life for Ed even if he only offers half.
And so Ed and Al head off on new journeys to learn and discover and make the world better.
As for everyone else:
Roy and Riza continue to work together in the East
Havoc's legs were restored and Maria Ross is now part of the Mustang crew
Vato Falman stayed with Briggs
Yoki returned to the circus gig and brought Darius and Heinkel with him
Black Hayate had puppies (I guess Riza didn't neuter him afterall)
And the final message of the story ties back to the first page of the series.
In the very first page, the story discussed lessons without pain being meaningless because anything worthwhile has a cost attached to it. This message was placed alongside the image of Ed having just lost his leg. And much of the story dealt with this idea that all things are a zero-sum gain. No matter what you gain, there is an equal loss.
But now we see the full message of the story. The pain and sacrifice are not the point. Suffering does not beget anything. But if you endure and overcome trials to reach your goal, you can achieve a Fullmetal heart. And that is greater than any cost you might pay.
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Nina Trauma Count: 10
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