#but yeah. so I have to do a SPEECH in front of PEOPLE and ughh
ok one of my absolute favorite like little whump things is when a whumpee has bandaids on their face !!
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zuko-always-lies · 2 years
Azula Never Had Control of Mai
“Return to Omashu”:
Mai: So, we're tracking down your brother and Uncle, huh? Ty Lee: (teasing) It'll be interesting seeing Zuko again, won't it, Mai? (Mai turns sideways, looks at the camera, and smiles for a brief second before looking ahead again.) Azula: It's not just Zuko and Iroh anymore. We have a third target now.
Demonstrating her crush on Zuko in front of Azula, even though he’s a traitor that she, Ty Lee, and Azula are hunting down.
“The Drill”:
Mai: (completely revolted) Ughh, disgusting! Ty Lee: (peering down) Come on, you heard Azula.We have to follow them. Mai: She can shoot all the lightning she wants at me, I am not going in that wall sludge juice. (Mai shudders. Ty Lee hops down into the slurry flow, sending up a great spash that narrowly misses Mai. With a final expression of disgust Mai slams closed the slurry hatch.
Wiping the mud from his face, he reveals an enormous grin. Momo lands on his muddy shoulder and starts licking the slurry from his forehead. Cut to a view through the mud-covered windshield of the Drill command center. As the mud slides away it reveals War Minister Qin, standing with an expression of horror and amazement. In another shot we follow a long streak of mud that had exploded up the face of the wall. General Sung stands there completely covered in mud, as it drips away to reveal the pathetic expression on his face. Cut to Ty Lee sitting up from the slurry pool, wiping clear her face, and spitting out a mouthful of mud in disgust. Azula slides down the back of the Drill, dropping down next to her and splashing her with a fresh layer of mud. Azula looks back to see a steaming hatch open in the rear of the drill, revealing a somber Mai.) Mai: We lost.
Violating Azula’s orders in combat situations for trivial reasons and not making any effort to disguise it.
“The Crossroads of Destiny”:
Azula: The Earth King and The Council of Five do not trust the Dai Li. They imprisoned your leader, Long Feng. Soon they will turn on all of you, and eliminate you. Seizing power today is a matter of life and death. (Cut to a close up of a Dai Li lowering his head in anxiety. Azula steps down from the pedestal and comes closer to the agents.) The coup must be swift and decisive. The Earth King, and each of the five generals, must be taken out simultaneously. Long Feng has placed you in me command while we overthrow the government. (Azula walks toward a Dai Li agent with a scar on his cheek and look him in the eyes.) If I sense any disloyalty, any hesitation, any weakness at all, I will snuff it out. That is all. (The agent watches Azula nervously as she walks away. The Dai Li turn and all begin walking away. Azula climbs back up the steps as Ty Lee pours her a cup of tea.) Ty Lee: Nice speech Azula. It was pretty and poetic, but also scary in a good way. Mai: Yeah, I thought you were gonna make that one guy pee his pants. Azula: There are still a few loose ends. The Avatar, and my brother and Uncle.
Ty Lee is carefully bothered and fearful because of Azula’s speech even though it isn’t directed at her, while Mai is merely amused. What is the line, again? Oh yeah, “all your life you’ve used fear to control people.”
“The Crossroads of Destiny”:
Ty Lee: Come on, it's easy. You just walk on your front paws instead of your rear ones. Like this. (Ty Lee does a hand stand and begins walking forward on her palms. Suddenly, the floor beneath her surrounds Ty Lee's arms, catching her by surprise. She falls forward and the stone wraps around her feet as well, leaving her bent backward with her belly sticking up. Bosco growls and claps his paws happily at Ty Lee's awkward position. Cut to Toph, Sokka and the Earth King standing in front of the large doorway.) Toph: That is a nice trick. (Sokka pulls out his boomerang and Toph stomps the ground, lifting a large stone block. Zoom in on Mai, who lethargically waves a hand at them.) Mai: (apathetically) Just take the bear. (The Earth King runs up to Bosco and hugs him around the head.)
Not giving a fuck about what Azula would want her to do here.
“The Beach”:
Zuko: I'm sorry, too. I wish you would be high-strung and crazy for once, (Close shot of Mai looking away and Zuko standing over her) instead of keeping all your feelings bottled up inside. She just called your aura dingy. Are you gonna take that? Mai: (Cut to wide shot of the four of them. Mai lays back carelessly on the rock she is sitting on) What do you want from me? You want a teary confession about how hard my childhood was? Well, it wasn't. (close shot of Mai) I was a rich only child who got anything I wanted. As long as I behaved...(cut to shot of the clouds above) and sat still...and didn't speak unless spoken to. (cut to shot of Zuko listening) My mother said I had to keep out of trouble. (Cut to wide shot of the four of them around the fire) We had my Dad's political career to think about. Azula: Well, that's it, then. (close-up shot on Azula) You had a controlling mother who had certain expectations, and if you strayed from them you were shut down. That's why you're afraid to care about anything, and why you can't express yourself. Mai: (close shot of Mai) You want me to express myself? (she stands and yells) Leave me alone!
Yelling at Azula for being a bit too blasé in psychoanalyzing her(and it’s not even like Azula was even actively trying to be mean here). And Azula just sits there and accepts it.
“Boiling Rock, Part II”:
Mai: I guess you just don't know people as well as you think you do. You miscalculated. (Cut back to Azula) I love Zuko more than I fear you. (Azula's face scrunches up in fury.) Azula: (outburst) No, you miscalculated! You should have feared me more!
Commits treason and betrays Azula and then rubs it in.
Does Mai sometimes do what Azula wants her to do? Yes, but most of the time it so happens that what Mai wants happens to line up well with what Azula wants. In situations where it doesn’t, Mai defies Azula four times in the series and only obeys Azula twice.
Bonus: Mai has zero tolerance for Zuko’s bad behavior toward her and tells him to fuck off when he does it even though he’s the crown prince(massive power differential!), is engaging in toxic behavior, and is the sort of guy who throws fire at people in order to get them to obey him(”The Avatar Returns,” The “Going Home Again Comic,” “Sozin’s Comet, Part 1″):
Ruon Jian: Whoa. What are you doing? Zuko: (close-up shot of Zuko, angry) Stop talking to my girlfriend! Ruon Jian: (Ruon Jian approaches Zuko) Relax, it's just a party. (Zuko pushes Ruon Jian hard, sending him flying across the room, breaking a giant vase.) Mai: (Mai stands up and grabs Zuko's shoulder. He turns towards her.) Zuko, what is wrong with you?! Zuko: What's wrong with me?! Mai: (angrily) Your temper's out of control. You blow up over every little thing. You're so impatient and hot-headed and angry. Zuko: Well, at least I feel something...as opposed to you. You have no passion for anything. (raising his arms is the air) You're just a big "blah". Mai: (turning away from him) It's over, Zuko. We're done.
Mai: Hey... (Interrupted) Zuko: (close shot of Zuko) Where's your new boyfriend? (Mai turns away angrily. Zuko comes and sits next to her) Are you cold? (he puts his arm around her, but she slaps it away)
Zuko: I like it when you express yourself. (he reaches for her, but she backs away) Mai: (yelling)Don't touch me. I'm still mad at you. Zuko: My life hasn't been that easy, either, Mai. (Mai interrupts him) Mai: Whatever- that doesn't excuse the way you've been acting. Ty Lee: Calm down, you guys. (cut to Ty Lee and Azula sitting behind her) This much negative energy is bad for your skin. You'll totally break out.
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marchtomydrums · 3 years
In the beginning 12
Alex Cabot X Casey Novak X Reader
Rated M
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Casey’s POV:
I’m sitting in my office going over some files when you come storming in slamming the door behind you. The sudden noise caused me to jump as I look up to see your face red as a tomato.
“Ughh! I can’t stand that girl!” You huff slamming yourself down in the chair in front of my desk.
“What girl?” I asked confused for a moment trying to keep up.
“Emma.” You say rolling your eyes. I snort shaking my head at you.
“Yeah that girl is a piece of work.”
“She literally talks about Alex all day long. I told her that y’all were together weeks ago. It’s like she doesn’t even care.”
“Alex is so pretty. Alex is so hot. I bet she’s wild in bed. All that aggression has to come out somewhere. Blah. Blah. Blah.” I laugh watching you mock Emma.
“I’m going to punch this bitch in her face Casey I mean it!” I laugh out loud at that one knowing damn well you would.
“Well before we do that. Let’s talk to Alex about it and see what she says.” I say trying to convince you to let it go for now. You roll your eyes at me.
“Alex is oblivious. It’s like she doesn’t know she’s stupid hot and everyone wants to fuck her!”
“Yeah it’s really annoying isn’t it.” I smirk.
“Casey!” You whine. I smile moving out of my chair to sit on the desk in front of you.
“Honey, Alex loves us. She would never do something to hurt us like that. Emma clearly has a crush and Alex needs to set boundaries with her. As for what she’s saying I’ll gladly let her know that it is highly inappropriate to talk about her boss in such manner.”
You laugh “yeah meanwhile I’m fucking said boss.”
I laugh with you nodding my head.
“Yeah it seems that we are the chosen ones my dear.”
That makes you smile and I’m happy that your mood seems to shift.
“We will talk to Alex about it tonight okay?”
“Okay.” You sigh. I pull you up out of the chair causing a shriek followed by giggles as I pull you in closer for a kiss.
“I love you.” I whispered against your lips. I can feel you smile as you speak “I love you too.”
“Alright, now go make nice with Malibu Barbie.” I chuckle as you head towards the door.
“Casey Novak ladies and gentlemen lawyer by day comedian by night.” You say before walking out the office. I shake my head laughing.
Later that night…
“You could of ruined this case Y/n do you get that?” Alex is screaming at you as you walk into our home. The yelling alerted me so I decided to walk into the living room to see what was going on.
“ I wasn’t trying too. I’m telling you this will work if you just give me a chance Alex!”
“No! This is my case and we’re doing things my way!”
“Seriously Alex! Maybe if we went with my idea in the first place we wouldn’t be here. Ever thought of that!”
The look on Alex’s face turns to stone and she towers over you. I pick this time to get into the middle of y’all.
“Okay, guys don’t we have a rule about not bringing work home?” I ask them.
“Ask Alex! She’s the boss remember.” You say as you glare Alex’s way.
“You’re absolutely right y/n I am the boss. And if you know what’s good for you you’ll do as I say.”
“Oh really?”
“Yes, really.”
“Okay, guys what happened?” I asked still in the middle of you two.
“Alex never listens to me or even gives me a chance to be right. She completely dismissed me in the meeting and sided with Emma. “
“Your right I did side with Emma because she was right! You’re not a the level that we are and you better check your place. And this childish drama with Emma ends here! The nickname, the glares, the down right disrespect of your superior. It ends now.” Alex yells.
“Did you call me child?”
“Yes I did. And if you keep acting like one I’m going to treat you as such. I’ll replace you! Don’t try me!”
I watch your face drop at her words. “Alex!” I scream towards her way with a look of disbelief. I look back at you tears growing in your eyes. You take a steady breath before you speak. “That’s fine Alex. Do what you gotta do.” You take off upstairs my eyes never leaving your body until you disappeared.
I turn back to look at Alex who has walked off to grab a glass of wine. She’s leaning against the counter top as she sips her glass. I silently walk over to her in shock and ask “how dare you?”
“How dare I what? She’s being childish Casey. No legal team takes advice from an intern. She questioned me in front of my colleagues.”
“I don’t care what she did!” I spat cutting Alex’s speech off.
“That girl was already feeling insecure about Emma. That’s actually what we were going to talk to you about. Emma has a massive crush on you. She talks to y/n about it almost every day. See, y/n was kind enough to tell Emma that you were in a committed relationship with me. And guess what? Emma still didn’t care! I’ve watched y/n bite her tongue and hold her tears around that girl. Then here you come crushing her entirely. You could of explained to her about the meeting and your choices. However, you chose to play lawyer and hit her where it hurts. You were ruthless, crude, and cold to her. So I’ll ask you again how dare you?!” I stare at her tears flowing down my cheeks. Alex is left speechless, her blue eyes flowing like swimming pools at your words.
“I didn’t know. I..she didn’t tell me that this was happening.” Alex tells me stuttering her words.
“Of course you didn’t know Alex. You never do.” I huff out before I continue.
“But she was going to tell you tonight. We were going to have a nice conversation tell you what was going on and then talk about boundaries and strategies. Now wouldn’t that have been better than you verbally abusing her?” I asked sarcastically.
I call tell by the look on her face and the intake of breath she just had she is stunned at my words.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know why I do this. Why I try to hurt the people I love the most.” Alex whispers.
“It’s because you’re scared those people will hurt you because you love them so much.”
“I’m sorry.” Alex sobs out. I round the counter to cradle her in my arms. I may be upset with her but I can’t bare to watch her breakdown. Alex has been through a lot and she’s been hurt a lot. She has come a long way in our relationship but she still has her faults. Alex has many layers to her you just have to be patient when peeling them back. I hold her while she’s sobs my own tears running down my face. I pull back cradling her face in my hands.
“Alexandra I love you with my whole heart. I would go to the ends of the earth for you. But this time you went to far and you were wrong. She didn’t deserve that and you know it.” I place a small kiss on her lips and head off into the home office. Leaving Alex there with her thoughts and emotions.
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yehet-about-it · 3 years
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I Like Me Better | 10 - An Evening Interrupted
~ A Wayv Social Media AU Series ~
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Synopsis: You’ve just moved into a new apartment with your best friend Yangyang, but you’re immediately faced with a problem: your incredibly noisy upstairs neighbour Xiao Dejun, or to friends, Xiaojun. You spend the first few weeks of your acquaintance hating his guts, but after a sincere apology and a fascinating revelation about his passions and motivations you slowly begin to see past his cold exterior to discover the real him. What will happen as you get closer to this troubled boy and how will those closest to you react?
Pairing: Reader x Xiao Jun
Themes and Warnings: Explicit language, mild sexual content, mild violence and references to drinking/alcohol. Deals with themes of toxic masculinity, insecurity, gaslighting (sort of), and jealousy…
A/N: Sorry it's late today! I forgot to schedule the post for today and it took a while to edit!!
Word Count: 1.9k Summary: This is literally just Kun being a badass dad friend... Not my best writing, but enjoy! ;)
You sighed contentedly as you washed up the last of the dishes, draining the sink as Kun folded the dish towel, neatly hanging it on the towel rail. You’d had a pleasant evening cooking with him, making a number of Chinese dishes you’d wanted to try, like hot and sour stir-fried napa cabbage and beef noodle soup. You’d originally wanted to do all the cooking yourself and surprise the boys, but seeing as though now it was just the two of you, you’d thought it probably best to make use of Kun’s culinary skills. Having thoroughly tidied the kitchen and boxed up all the leftovers for Winwin and Yangyang, the pair of you made your way to the living room, dropping down onto the sofa which had become your pride and joy of your apartment. “Ahh I’m so full,” you said, exhaling heavily. “That was so good!” Kun chuckled. “Yeah, it turned out quite well,” he said, shifting the cushions behind him. You internally fist-pumped, secretly a little bit pleased that Kun enjoyed your meal. To be complimented on your cooking skills by chef Kun himself was the highest honour, although you couldn’t take all the credit since he’d actually done half the work. “Mainly thanks to you,” you said, smiling at him appreciatively, to which Kun chuckled dismissively. “Ah, you did most of the work, I was just your assistant,” he said. “A very helpful assistant,” you replied pointedly. “Wanna watch a movie then?” you asked as you reached for the remote control off the coffee table. “Sure, what were you thinking?” “Hmm, I’m not sure,” you said, wearily switching on the TV and xbox. You spent the next few minutes browsing Netflix to find something to watch and once you’d settled on a film you shifted closer to Kun, reaching for the blanket which had been lying haphazardly at the end of the sofa to keep you both cosy.
A few minutes into the movie, you felt the ceiling begin to vibrate and the heavy echo of pounding bass surge into the room. Kun turned to you to give you a look that seemed to say ‘what on earth?’ and you leaned your head back, letting out a frustrated groan realising that yet again it was your neighbour’s ridiculously loud music interrupting what was supposed to be a relaxing evening. “Is it always like this?” Kun asked, frowning. You shrugged. “I mean, it’s not everyday, but it’s pretty much always this loud…” You pouted sinking lower under the blanket. “I didn’t realise it was this bad. I’m surprised you get any sleep at all. I mean how can people be so inconsiderate?” You could hear the irritation in Kun’s voice. You were pretty angry about the constant noise emanating from upstairs, but you were generally quite passive whereas you could clearly tell Kun was starting to get pissed. “Yeah, I don’t know. It sucks, but I guess we’ve kind of gotten used to it now,” you replied. “How are you supposed to get used to it when you can barely even hear your own TV over it? You shouldn’t have to put up with it.” Kun said matter-of-factly. You groaned in response, burying your face in the blanket. “Aghhh I know, but it’s not like I can do much about it, I already tried asking him…” you whined, looking up at Kun in exasperation, but he met you with what can only be described as an unsympathetic look. “Of course you can do something about it! Why don’t you just talk to him again? And actually assert yourself this time? Or if that doesn’t work just talk to the building manager or put in a complaint or something. Honestly, you and Yangyang are hopeless…” He did have a point. There was plenty you could do but you just didn’t have the guts to do it. You were rather non-confrontational and didn’t want to end up in a nasty row with your neighbour after only one month of living there, but it seemed Kun had other ideas. “Ughh Kun, you know I don’t like confrontation. I don’t want to end up with a neighbour that hates me,” you said. Kun sighed. “So you’d rather have to put up with this everyday for the foreseeable future than have some asshole who’s not worth your time potentially dislike you?” You looked back at Kun sheepishly, almost as though you were a student who’d just been caught acting up by their teacher. You knew he was right, and you were being irrational, since Dejun’s music caused you problems daily, not to mention reducing your nightly sleep to an average of 4 hours, but you just didn’t have it in you to confront the issue. There was a pause before Kun pushed the blanket off his knees and stood up. “Well, if you’re not going to do anything then I will,” he said, before taking off toward the entrance hall of your apartment. “Wait what?!” you shreiked, panic bubbling up inside you at the thought of what he was going to do, and leaping to your feet you scurried down the hall after him. Kun swung your front door open as you caught up to him, and marched out of your apartment, turning to go up the stairs to the next floor. Now realising his intentions, you halted at the door, too embarrassed to also make an appearance at your neighbours door. Instead you stayed in the doorway peering round to the stairs and watching as Kun ascended. “Kun!” You squeaked. “What are you doing?!” Kun barely paused to look back at you before continuing on upwards.
As much as you wanted to chase after him and drag him back down the stairs, by the determined expression on his face you knew there was no point, so you stayed put, but after wedging your door open with one of Yangyang’s shoes that was cluttering up the entrance, you moved a little closer to the bottom of the stairs so as to try and hear what was going on. Soon you heard the clunk of a door opening, but clearly the walls were too thick, or something like that, as all you could hear was a faint mumbling, and you could only pick out one or two words. Nonetheless, you decided to stay there and listen, waiting in anticipation for the outcome of Kun’s abrupt disturbance of your neighbour’s evening.
~ Upstairs – Kun’s POV ~
“Yeah?” Xiaojun answered the door wearing a black long-sleeved t-shirt and sweatpants, his dark brown hair flopping softly down over his equally dark eyes. His expression was one of disinterest, Kun thought, which only served to fuel his irritation. “Hi, I’m Kun. I’m a friend of y/n downstairs?” Kun faltered a little in his conviction. Confrontation wasn’t really in his nature, however his years battling to make it in such a competitive industry as his had taught him to take control and make a stand when he needed, so after taking a split-second to recompose himself, he spoke again, this time his voice much firmer. “We were wondering if you could possibly turn your music down. It’s incredibly loud and right now we’re trying to watch TV and it’s quite distracting. And actually y/n said it’s been a problem before.” “Huh. Why doesn’t y/n come ask me herself then since she’s the one who actually lives here?” Xiaojun challenged. Kun growled internally. The cheek of this guy. “I believe she already did, but apparently you didn’t listen, so I thought you might need a reminder,” Kun jabbed, becoming a little passive-aggressive. Xiaojun raised his eyebrows, sensing the frustration in Kun’s voice and scoffed. “What, you her boyfriend or something?” With every passing second Kun grew to dislike Xiaojun more and more, and that remark certainly didn’t help one bit, thus, deciding that he’d had enough of the shorter man’s attitude he decided to throw all pleasantries aside. He was done being nice. “So what if I am?” He said, standing taller, but to Kun’s displeasure, Xiaojun just chuckled darkly looking at the ground before lifting his eyes and smirking at the older man in front of him. “Heh, pretty bad boyfriend if she’s still using Tinder…” Kun clenched his jaw. Clearly that Lucas guy had been talking, making his tactic completely useless, but who the hell did this guy think he was? This level of antagonism was completely unreasonable, and over what? Turning some goddamn music down. “Look,” Kun said. “I don’t want any trouble, but could you please just turn the music down? Y/n’s tired all the time these days because your music keeps her up all hours and she has to get up to go to work early in the morning. Just because you’re a failed musician or something doesn’t mean no one else has jobs to go to.”Kun hadn’t intended on saying the last part of his speech, since he knew himself how hard an industry it was to break into, and it wasn’t really his style to shame someone like that, but something about Xiaojun’s attitude just made him annoyed beyond reasonable reaction and boy did his outburst hit a nerve. “Excuse me?” Xiaojun replied, his voice much louder than before and his posture much more aggressive compared to the casual position he had been in just seconds ago. But Kun wouldn’t be intimidated, and glared at Xiaojun, looking him directly in the eyes to make one final comment. “Just keep it down, or we’ll be putting in a formal complaint”. “Yeah, whatever,” was the only reply Xiaojun gave, before stepping back and shutting the door in Kun’s face. Could’ve gone better, but it certainly got the message across.
~ Downstairs – Your PoV ~
You stood in the stairwell fidgeting your hands and straining to listen to the exchange between the two men upstairs. It had only been a couple of minutes but it was making you tense nonetheless. You were silently willing Kun to waltz down the stairs saying everything was fine but suddenly you heard a voice from upstairs much more clearly. Your eyes widened and you cringed as you heard Xiaojun’s raised voice rhetorically asking “excuse me?!”, realising the conversation wasn’t going as pleasantly as you had hoped. You weren’t sure you wanted to hear the rest of it, but you kept on listening. Luckily for you however, the voices returned to the same muffled humming as before, until you heard a door slam, Kun emerging on the stairs a moment later. “Kun! What happened?!” you whisper-shouted, as though you were afraid Xiaojun might hear you, moving out of the way as Kun strode past you before following him back into your apartment. Kun stopped in the hallway briefly to look at you. “Lets just say I don’t think he’ll be bothering you anymore.” You wanted to ask what on earth had gone on, but clearly that was all Kun was willing to say on the matter, so you simply followed him back to the living room where he flopped down onto his place on the couch. “Come on then, now we can actually watch the movie,” Kun said, stretching his arm out to you as you wandered towards the couch. Obediently, you took his hand and he pulled you down next to him so you leant against his shoulder, throwing the blanket that had earlier fallen to the floor over you both, and with that you spent the rest of the evening watching the film in peace, but with the niggling thought in the back of your mind that your neighbour Xiaojun may very well have just put you on a vendetta list.
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thejolexgroupchat · 3 years
the one where they met in med school - part seven
Jo’s first day at Seattle Grace
Be sure to check out our Master List for parts 1-6
You guys really have no idea how much Nat, @iamtrebleclefstories​ and @doc-pickles​ love writing this story.
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(July 2007)
"You ready?" Alex asked as he looked at Jo in the passenger seat and Lexie in the back. They were sitting in the hospital parking lot, Jo and Lexie taking in the fact that today was the first day of their intern year. "You don't want to be late on your first day. Trust me, you want to hear Webber's speech. And I don't want to be late to meet my interns."
"Do you guys already know who you have?" Lexie asked. She wasn't originally supposed to come to Seattle. She had a top tier surgical residency waiting for her at Mass Gen, but when her mom died about a month ago, she got rematched at Seattle Grace to be closer to her father. On top of that, Lexie had just found out that she had an older sister who was working in this very hospital.
"No, we find out when you do," Alex shared. "Are you sure you don't want me to talk to Meredith? She's a good person. A bit emotionally stunted, but she's a good friend."
"No, Alex it's fine," Lexie shook her head. "I think she should hear it from me."
"Okay. I'm going to go inside. I'll see you guys later. Maybe if you're lucky you'll be on my service," he leaned over to the passenger seat and gave Jo a peck on the lips before getting out of the car. "Don't forget to lock the door."
About an hour later, Jo and Lexie were in the locker room, waiting for Webber to share which resident they would be working under. He went through the list of residents and called out interns.
“Alright everyone listen up. I am going to assign you to a resident. When I call your name, you will go find your resident in the hallway and await instructions. Trimble, Franklin, Morales, and Bozniack you’re with Stevens. Harrison, Allen, O’Malley, Johnson, and Phillips with Grey. Lawrence, Crowley, Vega, Brown, and Grey you’re with Yang. Last but not least, Hernandez, Jenkins, Davis, and Wilson, you’re with Karev.”
Jo and Lexie exchanged a glance. Jo knew that being on Alex’s service was always a possibility, however, she never thought it would actually happen. That would make things much more difficult than she’d anticipated. Prior to starting, Jo and Alex had agreed to keep their relationship private. Aside from Lexie, no one would know that the two of them were together, so that if Jo got to scrub in on a surgery or was handed a case, it was because she was good and not because she was dating a resident. But what was once a possibility, quickly became a reality, and they were going to have to learn how to deal with this situation if they wanted to keep their relationship private.
Soon after Webber assigned the interns to their residents, they all left the room, leaving only Jo and the other three residents there.
Jo was organizing her locker when she heard the others gossiping about Alex.
“Ughh, what was I even expecting from this? I have the worst luck ever. Of course I was going to end up with the douchiest resident. You guys heard about him, right?” Jenkins complained, Jo’s eyes glued to the objects in front of her.
“Yeah. His reputation around this place is not the best. I heard he is really good, though. Not everything is lost yet. Let’s wait and see,” Hernandez tried to be positive.
“I heard that too. Looks like he is really talented and hardworking, but I heard that if you’re not one of them, he will treat you like trash no matter what. One of the residents in his class, that is,” Davis added, making Jo’s heart sink a little.
If only they knew a bit more about him, they wouldn’t be so quick to judge. She knew that her boyfriend wasn’t the easiest person to deal with and he still had a lot of growing and learning to do, but he had the biggest heart. Hearing the other residents talk about him made Jo sigh.
“What about you, Wilson? Things aren’t looking good for him already. Dude is already late. First thing he does is make us wait for him. Ever heard anything about the guy?” Jenkins asked Jo, forcing her to pull her head out of the locker and interact with them.
“Not really, to be honest. Maybe he’s not that bad. I’m not the biggest fan of judging people before actually knowing them. Maybe the three of you can give it a shot? Soothes the soul a bit,” Jo gave them a sarcastic smile after closing the locker aggressively. She knew she shouldn’t be doing that. Getting into arguments with the people she was going to spend the next five years of her life glued to. Especially not that early into the thing, but she wasn’t about to let them say bad things about her boyfriend without giving him a chance. And she wasn’t wrong. They really shouldn’t judge him before knowing nothing but his name.
“You find him hot, don’t you?” Hernandez smiled at her. "You saw him earlier when Webber was giving us the tour and you thought he was hot."
Jo didn’t want to blatantly lie to them, so she was more than thankful for the moment Alex interrupted and entered the room.
“Hernandez, Wilson, Jenkins and Davis, come,” he ushered them to get ready.
Alex guided the four interns to the hall before glancing at his girlfriend, who was supporting a poker face like he had never seen before. Still, he could see through it with ease. His face twitched into a crooked half-smile, causing Jo to roll her eyes ever so slightly.
Although he couldn’t pretend he wasn’t excited about having her closer to him, he was worried that their original plan was going to be even harder than they had thought it would be. Knowing that she was going to be so close in proximity to him after a year of being an entire country apart, was going to severely push his restraint.
“So, I’m Dr. Alex Karev and I’ll be your resident. I have five rules, and you’ll have to use your underdeveloped brains to memorize them,” he started walking after noticing Jo was trying hard not to laugh at the things he was saying, but still keeping a straight face.
“Rule number one: don’t even think about kissing my ass. It won’t work. I already hate you, and that’s not gonna change. Rule number two: run! Trauma protocol, phone list, pagers, nurses will page you. You will answer every single page at a run. Your first shift starts now. I have no idea how long it will last. It’s not my problem. You should know that. You’re interns, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the surgical food chain. You run labs, write orders, work until you drop and don’t complain. I am not going to raise whiny babies,” he stopped in front of a door and eyed the four people in front of him before opening it and walking inside the room. “On call rooms. Attendings hog them to sleep or do other things. You will sleep when you can, where you can, and I don’t want to have to
find any of you doing the nasty anywhere, understand? Rule number three: if I’m sleeping, do not wake me, unless the patient is dying. Four: the dying patient better not be dead when I get there.”
Jo’s eyes shined teasingly as she raised her hand, “You said five rules. That was only four.”
Alex tried not to smirk as his pager went off, “Rule number five: when I move, you move. Let’s go.”
Jo’s first shift ended after thirty-six hours. She was completely and utterly exhausted, every muscle in her body protesting as she walked the two blocks from the hospital to her apartment. When she finally made it in the house, Alex was waiting for her with a beer and pizza in hand. He guided her to the couch and helped her sit down.
Jo groaned as her body sank down into the cushions, “I feel like I want to just curl up into a ball on this couch and sleep forever.”
“Yeah, that sounds about right,” Alex chuckled. “I know you’re exhausted, but I need you to eat before you pass out, so take the pizza and beer.”
“I thought you said you hate your interns and that’s not gonna change,” Jo raised her eyebrows. “You’re being awfully nice to me, Dr. Karev. I hope you don’t think that this means I’ll sleep with you. Because even if I wanted to, I think I’m too tired to do anything.”
“Shut up,” Alex rolled his eyes. He looked at her suggestively. “And, you know I don’t mind doing all the work. It might be good for you, ya know? Like a stress reliever. All it will cost you is making sure you get some food in your system.”
“Are you offering to service me?” Jo laughed. This was reason one hundred fifty-seven of why she loved this man. “Is this something you do for all your interns, Dr. Karev?”
“Only the ones I’m in love with,” Alex leaned across the couch for a kiss. “Trust me when I say, I am very eager to please you.”
“You’re so dirty!” Jo giggled and pushed his shoulder lightly. “But, I may have to take you up on that offer.”
The pair talked and laughed while they shared their meal. It was nice being able to spend time together again and finally be on the same page. Agreeing to finish their food, they sat there in silence for a while before Jo spoke up again, “Are you sure this isn’t a conflict of interest? Me being your intern?”
“It might be,” Alex sighed. “I have a hard time telling you no, or when to stop because I respect you and I love you. But I also know that going easy on you would only be a disservice to your career, so I’m going to do my best to let you know when you’re in need of improvement.”
“Thank you,” Jo brought her hand up to his face. “I’m really happy that I’m here.”
“So am I,” Alex grinned. “So, what do you say we go to the room and I’ll… help you relax.”
“Three and a half years in and you still have a one track mind,” Jo shook her head, an amused look on her face.
“What can I say?” Alex shrugged. “I have a super hot girlfriend and can’t get enough of her.”
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toevenexist · 5 years
Hey Everyone, this is the next part to Squishy! 
Its VERY VERY long. A combination of all the prompts and idea’s people have requested and shared with me. (If you sent a prompt, I’ve tried to include it all here).
I hope you enjoy it! Let me know your thoughts and wants, I love to her from you. I’m going to try and get a new chapter out every week before the next episode. If you want to read something, if you’re watching the show and wish they would include something; Let me Know!! XXXX
The air was crisp as they stepped from the car. The tendrils of winter had began to disperse and cool all that it touched. No leaves remained green, all brown and curled, waiting on the wind to make them dance enough to fall. Amelia peered up at the sky as they made their way to the house, eyes reflecting it back. 
She didn’t notice she’d stopped walking, until she felt Link come up behind her, felt his arms wind around her, and shield her, steady her. He looked up too, trying to see what she was seeing. The sky was extra deep today, Amelia thought. She felt as if she could look past the clouds and past the blue, passed the faint stars. She felt very small there, under the sky, enclosed in strong warm arms. “Okay?” Link whispered. She only nodded, meaning it. She felt momentarily light, and  completely unburdened by worries. “Come on now, in we go before we freeze” he said, holding her tighter, driving her forward.
“Mmmnn couch…” Amelia said, peeling off her jacket, and heading straight for the couch as soon as they entered Meredith's. Link took off his coat and shoes before following her. He leaned down and took off her shoes, dropping them beside her. 
“Amelia? That you?” Meredith called out from the kitchen, poking her head around and then walking to them. “You’re home early?”
Amelia was lounged back on the couch, “Yeah… I was sick in the ER.”
“She passed out” Link butt in, eyebrows raised.
 Meredith gasped, “What?”
“I was getting to that” Amelia said, dropping her head back.
“You passed out? Are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine” she said, tucking her hair behind her ear. 
“Dehydrated?” Meredith looked to Link and he nodded as Amelia said ‘yes, probably.’ 
“Right well I’ll get you some juice? Or a smoothie, smoothie’s probably good for you?” Meredith spoke as she headed back to the kitchen. Amelia squinted, twisting her lips, “I don’t really…”
“No arguments!” Meredith yelled from the kitchen. Amelia sighed, smiling up at Link, who grinned down at her. 
“You got told” he chuckled sitting down by her head. She rest her head in his lap and closed her eyes. He watched her, threading his fingers through her hair, smiling when she sighed contently. Her features relaxed slightly as she allowed herself to soften against Link’s touch, and her breathing gentled and evened.
 Link continued to watch as she drifted off, continuing to play with her hair with one hand, gently rubbing the side of her stomach with the other. 
“What do you want in your smoothie, I put banana and…” Meredith came back in then holding the blender’s jug in her hand. She stopped in her tracks when she saw that Amelia was asleep. Her posture sank and she smiled sympathetically. 
“Shall I just throw some berries in there and some mango and put it in the refrigerator?”
“I’m sure she’d appreciate that” Link said, nodding, looking back down at her. Meredith smirked, observing the pair. 
She frowned slightly, “She’s a little flushed, is she warm?” Meredith asked, moving to them. Link pressed the back of his hand to Amelia’s forehead and Meredith did too. Amelia stirred. “She’s warm....” 
“I’m cold” Amelia stated, opening her eyes and peering up at Meredith. “What’s going on?” 
“You’re warm, and flushed, I think you have a fever” 
 “Ughh, no, I’m fine I’m just…”
“I’m gonna get the thermometer” Meredith ignored Amelia’s protests, a frown now fixed her features.   
Amelia pouted, turning onto her back, looking up at Link. He rested his hand against her stomach, and brushed her hair back from her forehead. “Am I flushed? I don’t feel warm…” Sha said, bringing her own hand up to her face, pressing its back against her cheeks, they felt hot.
“You are flushed… do you still feel unwell?” 
“Yeah” she whined, raising up her knees. “I feel nauseous, but I don't feel ill ill” 
Link hummed, looking up at Meredith as she came back in, holding out the thermometer. 
“Here... “ Meredith held it out to Amelia. Amelia took it and placed it in her mouth, sinking back against Link’s lap. He pursed his lips, watching her, rubbing her stomach.  
“Do you’all have to watch” She said, thermometer muffling her speech. Meredith rolled her eyes. Link chuckled, looking up at Meredith instead. The device beeped and Amelia took it out, observing it, groaning and flopping her head back at the sight. Link took it; “101, you have a fever.” 
“You should go and get checked out?” Meredith said, 
“What?” Amelia retorted, frowning, looking up at Link.
“No, maybe we should just call Carina?” Link said, shrugging, reasoning what Amelia went on to say;
“I was just checked over, they took bloods” Amelia said as she sat up, she froze, gripping the back of the sofa. She grimaced and closed her eyes, puffing out a long and steady breath. 
“Amelia?” Meredith stepped forward, tilting to the side, trying to discern what was wrong. Amelia sat still, hair curtaining her face. 
“I don’t feel so good” she uttered, swallowing hard, bringing a hand up to her forehead as a dull ache settled in. 
“You want to lie back down?” Link asked, cupping a hand around her shoulder. Amelia felt her stomach roll uncomfortably, and she nodded.  
“I’ll get some Tylenol” Meredith said, backing into the kitchen. 
“I felt okay lying down” Amelia said, slowly sinking back onto her back.
“That’s okay, just lie down… what do you need?” Link said, scanning her, concern pulling at his brows. 
Meredith passed her a glass of water then, and some Tylenol and Amelia sat up slightly to take them. “When was the last time you ate?” Meredith asked, folding her arms.
Amelia hummed, lying back down. “Um, this morning,” she muttered, resting her hand on top of Link where it rest on her stomach, closing her eyes. 
“You should try and eat?” Link said, brushing his thumb back and forth against her small bump. Amelia nodded softly. “Um...some pasta, with some hummus on it”
“Can I put some veg in there?” Meredith asked, trying to think of ways to up the nutritional value of the food.
“Okay, bland though, cauliflower… something like that” Amelia drawled, barely moving her mouth, she rest one hand over her eyes.
“Alright…” Meredith smiled warmly to Link, “You want anything?” she asked him and he shook his head. “I’ll grab something later, thank you though.”
They faintly heard Maggie’s voice then and the musical tones of the children giggling and singing. All the sound grew louder as the front door opened and Maggie came in, Ellis in a pram, Zola and Bailey following. As soon as they moved into the house and saw Amelia lying down they quietened, and Zola and Bailey moved curiously towards her. They stopped at the side of the couch.
 “Are you okay auntie Meelia?” Bailey asked sweetly, resting his hands against her shoulder. Amelia smiled, “yeah I’m okay… just having a little sickness”
“You’ve been sick lots” Zola said, nodding, worried. Link smiled tightly, watching the interaction intently, continuing to rub her stomach, hoping Amelia might find some comfort from it. 
 “Maybe you have a baby in your belly, like mommy did?” Zola said, looking at Link’s hand, up at Link then back to Amelia.
 “You having a baby?” Bailey asked sweetly, gritting his teeth into a cautious and incredibly cute smile. Amelia looked at them, in mild shock that they’d figured it out. 
She eyed Maggie and then Meredith momentarily, seeing that they were both smiling widely. “You two are so smart!” Amelia said, forcing some enthusiasm into her voice, circling an arm around the pair and pulling them into a haphazard hug. They both squealed and giggled and bounced on their feet. Meredith shushed them, “Stay calm now, Auntie Meelia is not feeling well.” 
They mellowed immediately, well at least Zola did. Bailey started jumping up and down around the room and Meredith laughed, sweeping him up and into her arms. “Come on mister, lets get some food in all our bellies” Meredith said, walking him into the kitchen. Maggie just smiled, holding Ellis against her hip. She mouthed “Are you alright?” and left following a small nod from Amelia.
 Zola sat down beside Amelia’s legs on the couch and rest her small hand against Amelia’s stomach. “You’re feeling sick?” Zola asked, rubbing Amelia’s stomach the way Link was. Amelia looked down at where the pairs hands were moving and then back to Zola. 
“Yeah, well I was normal pregnant sick and now I have a bit of a fever”
“Oh… maybe you’re getting flu?” 
“Maybe… we should get you a job in the ER” Amelia said, chuckling. Zola smiled bashfully, and giggled, looking back to Amelia’s stomach. “I’m gonna be a big cousin?” Zola said, looking up to Link, who grinned and nodded, “You are!” 
Zola smiled wider and tensed up as she tried to contain her excitement. “I’m so excited, a little baby” she calmed as she thought it through, smiling wistfully back to Amelia’s belly. 
“Zola, will you ask Auntie Amelia if she needs anything?” Meredith called from the kitchen, knowing that Zola likes to play helper. 
“Do you need any help with things?” Zola asked, as if they hadn’t all just heard Meredith. “I could get some pillows from your bed like I get when I’m sick, and the nice fluffy blanket?” Zola asked, nodding, wide eyed, as if she was prescribing these things. 
Amelia smiled and rolled her bottom lip, “I would love that Zola, thank you.” And with that Zola jumped up from the couch and bound down the hall, running up the stairs. 
Amelia relaxed a little, allowing herself to fall back into the feeling of being unwell. She looked up at Link and smiled warmly, eyes lidded. “Now that was cute” He said, beaming toothily, 
“I know” She said, meeting his gaze, eyes glistening. She fidgeted in her position, turning so that she could nuzzle her face into Link’s stomach, mumbling, “sleepy time.”
Link laughed, feeling warm with love at the feeling of Amelia wrapped around him. He brushed her hair from her face, taking in her profile. “When Zola gets back you’re going to have to replace me with pillows for a while, I need to shower” He said. 
She groaned in response, moaning “alright” as she wound her arms around him. 
Zola came back then, wearing her pyjama’s. She had a huge heap of pillows and blankets in her arms, she almost couldn’t see over the top.  
“Woh Zola!” Link said, laughing, squeezing Amelia’s shoulder and helping her to sit up.
“We having a pyjama day?” Amelia asked, as Zola swapped places with Link, and stood up on the couch, arranging the pillows and then throwing the blanket in the air, spreading it out over the couch and Amelia.
”Yep” Zola said, leaping across the room, turning on the TV and then joining Amelia back on the couch. 
“Alright, I’m going to take a shower, I’ll be back in a bit” Link said, locking eyes with Amelia, receiving a silent assurance that she was okay. 
When Link returned Amelia was asleep, legs over Zola’s lap. Zola sat quietly watching the TV, as she ate a bowl of ice-cream. Link leaned in the doorway, running his eyes over Amelia. “She’s eaten, fell asleep straight after, so I think it’s going to stay down” Meredith said, she sat on the adjacent couch. 
“I’ll get her to bed” Link said, nodding to himself, making his way towards her. 
He thought for a moment about waking her up but didn’t want to risk consciousness bringing, with it, more nausea. He pulled the blanket off of her and Zola lifted her bowl from atop Amelia’s legs. 
She stirred slightly as he lifted her, she lolled her head into the crook of his neck and moaned within a soft sigh. Link held her tightly, uttering “goodnight” to Meredith and Zola as he turned into the hallway.  
She stirred again as Link reached the top of the stairs, brows furrowing as she attempted to find her bearings. She hummed, slurring “Link” as she opened her eyes. 
“Hey, you’re alright” Link assured her, reaching the bedroom.
 She hummed again, wrapping an arm around his neck. She sighed as Link lowered her onto her bed. 
She curled her arms around herself, muttering “cold,” shrugging her shoulders. Link stood beside her, looking over her,  she still needed to change for bed. He decided to let her settle for a little while first, let her stomach settle, worried that too much movement might trigger more nausea. 
This had been the first evening in weeks that she’d been able to keep food down. He pulled the duvet over her and lied down beside her, jogging the bed slightly. She slowly opened her eyes and side eyed him, without moving her head. She smiled tiredly, “thank you for bringing me to bed” she spoke softly. 
“That’s alright” 
“I need to get out of my clothes”
“You do”
Amelia sighed, and closed her eyes, breathing in deep. 
“How are you feeling now?”
“I feel ill... my head hurts” Amelia said, covering her face with her hands, rubbing it vigorously, groaning. She pushed down the duvet, feeling suddenly too hot, before throwing her arm over her face. She felt Link caress her stomach, pushing up her shirt, his splayed hand covering, and comforting her. 
A smile pulled at her lips, face still hidden. She peaked out from behind her arm and eyed him; his eyes were wandering around her figure, mouth slightly agape. Amelia smiled wider, “Link?” 
He almost shuddered at the disruption, and then grinned, meeting her gaze before looking back to her stomach. “I keep trying to wrap my mind around it… that there’s a tiny human, half you and half me… in there” he shook his head, smiling toothily as he pointed at her stomach. “And they’re growing, like… actually visibly growing” he shook his head again, in disbelief. “It’s amazing…. I… it’s just really…” He shook his head then, looking back to Amelia’s face, his smile becoming bashful. 
Amelia relaxed, tension leaving her body as she allowed for his awe, and love, to warm her. She pulled a pillow more firmly under her head and looked down at herself, where his hand curled around her stomach. 
She tilted her head into his shoulder, wrapping her far arm over her torso, resting it against Link chest, gently clawing at the fabric of his shirt.
 He was lying on his side, facing her, tight against her. He looked back to her eyes, and pursed his lips, smiling softly. He leaned in and pressed a firm kiss to her forehead. She hummed, closing her eyes. 
“Right you. Come on..let’s get ready for bed” He said, lips moving, ghosting against her skin, tickling her. She smiled, and nodded, sighing, “Alright.”
 She reached down, unbuttoning and unzipping her pants, pausing, gathering her energy before lifting her hips and pushing them down. Link sat up and pulled them over her ankles and off her feet. She sat up too, hair askew, mouth pouting, as she pulled her shirt off.  “I need to pee” she said, sighing, eyes closed, her head was thumping, protesting her sitting up. 
“Here…” He held open the neck of one of her vest’s, and she ducked her head through it, threading her arms through. She lowered it herself, over her stomach, peering down at it. Her stomach grew rounder by the day, and was especially bigger in the evenings. It shocked her every time she allowed herself to really look at it, to really think about it.   
“And some pants…” Link knelt in front of her, holding the waistband of her sweats open. This had been their routine for the past four or so days. Evenings seemed to be the worst time for Amelia’s nausea and they’d found the less she moved, the less she puked. 
 He reached for her hands once her pants were almost up and she stood slowly, palms against Link’s back for support as he bent over to pull them all the way up.
 “Right, you good?” Link asked, standing up now, in front of her, hands against her sides. 
“Yup, I think so” she said, swallowing and clenching her teeth, closing her eyes as pain spiked and radiated down her neck and across her forehead. She mused at how it felt like a migraine. She gripped and squeezed Links forearms, taking in a steady, deep breath, before letting go and making for the door.
Walking slowly down the hall, she rubbed her stomach in an effort to soothe the dull ache there. “Hey” Maggie exited the bathroom, she put her hands on her hips, looking down at Amelia’s stomach; “Bumps coming along” she said, moving aside from the bathroom door. 
Amelia chuckled, still holding her stomach, turning back to Maggie from inside the bathroom, leaning against the frame as she spoke; “I know.”
“I’m off to bed, you need anything before I go?” she said, observing Amelia’s pale complexion.
Amelia smiled, and shook her head, looking down, “Thank you, I’m alright.”
“Alright then, well… Come here” Maggie stepped towards her and pulled her into a hug. 
Amelia smiled, brows furrowing. “What’s this about?”
“Nothing, I just… I feel protective of you, I just want to give you a hug” 
Amelia pursed her lips, and chuckled “okay” hugging her back. The hug lasted long enough for the pair to relax into it. 
“Okay…” she pulled back, and met Amelia’s gaze, “Goodnight” she said, brushing her hands up and down Amelia’s forearms briefly before leaving.
Link slowly roused from sleep, his bearings returning to him slowly. The room was dark, he frowned, reaching out for Amelia. He found she was sitting up, and his stomach dropped when her heard her gasp. 
He shot up. “Amelia…” the clock read 3.50. He searched for her hands and found them wrapped around her stomach. “Amelia, talk to me” 
“My stomach hurts, it…” she huffed and curled forward wincing. Link shifted down the bed and pressed the back of his hand to her cheeks and to her forehead. She was burning up, he felt his throat constrict and he cleared it. “Amelia… we need to get to the hospital okay? Find out what’s going on.”
Amelia wept, grimacing, heavy pain settling in her lower back, sharp spikes radiating around her stomach and hips. “It hurts Link…”
“Come on, it’s okay… you’re okay” He stood up, speeding around to her side. “Alright babe, can you walk? Can you stand?” 
Amelia hiccuped, slowly shifting her feet off of the bed, clammy hands reaching for Link. As she stood, she released a pained groan, bending at the waist, resting her head against Link’s chest. “Oh Amelia” Link felt tears burning in his eyes. “Can you walk?” 
“I can lift you”
“No… I can walk” she said, taking Link’s hand, holding it tightly, her other held her stomach. They made it halfway along the hallway before she stopped, stooping over her stomach, crying out. Link just stood helplessly, beside her, holding her steady. “Breathe, just breathe, you’re alright, you’re okay” he uttered. Amelia wept, shaking her head.
“What if…. What if I’m…”
“No Amelia, don’t go there, just take it as it comes alright… breathe” He rubbed her back firmly. She slowly stood up again, leaning into him. 
“Guy’s? Amelia? What’s going on?” Maggie had been awoken, now peering out from her dark room. She caught sight of Amelia and sped towards her. “What’s wrong? Is it the baby?”
“She’s burning up, and has stomach pain” 
“And my back” Amelia added, continuing along the hall. 
“Maybe it’s Appendicitis?”
“We’re going to the hospital” 
“I’ll come with you guys, I’ll drive” 
“No Maggie, you go ba…” Amelia stopped again, just by the stairs, gasping, eyes watering. She groaned softly, feeling pain spider-walk out from her hips and spread around her bump. She struggled to catch her breath and gasped. 
“I insist” Maggie said, arms folded tightly as she watched Amelia, eyes wide and worried. 
“Thank you Maggie” Link said, guiding Amelia back up to standing.
Link insisted Amelia sit in a wheelchair from the car, and Amelia put up no protest, sitting down and pulling her jacket tighter around herself. She may have had a fever, but she didn’t feel it. Things were quiet as they arrived into the ER; four in the morning on a Wednesday. Teddy Altman saw them first and her eyes widened at the sight. She sped over, looking over Amelia. “Hey? What’s going on?”
“We called ahead, someone from OB should be waiting?” Maggie said, pacing ahead of them, she scanned the ER. Teddy just nodded, shocked to see Amelia like that, and to find out she was pregnant. Amelia had been successfully hiding her bump with scrubs and baggy clothes. Now, in a vest top and with her jacket not reaching all the way around her, her condition was obvious.
 “This way, we’ll get you into a side room” Teddy said, walking them to a room. 
“Alright Amelia, let’s get you on the bed” Link said, crouching slightly in front of her. Amelia nodded, breathing through pursed lips as she took his hands. Link lifted his eyes to Teddy, and nodded towards Amelia, asking for help. Teddy jumped forward, moving the wheelchair away as soon as Amelia was off it, placing her hands on Amelia’s waist, steadying her as she moved to the bed.
“Tell me what’s going on?” Teddy said, as Amelia sat down again. Amelia took in a sharp breath and held it.
 “I’m  at 12 weeks…” she stopped, closing her eyes, as she held back tears. Link frowned, gritting his teeth, he placed his hand on her shoulder and squeezed, working his hand up the back of her neck, into her hair. 
“I’ve been having ordinary sickness. And passed out yesterday, I had my bloods…” She stopped again, closing her eyes momentarily, swallowing back a bout of nausea. 
“Bloods were normal… she was just dehydrated. We went home, and Meredith noticed she was flushed. We took her temp and it was…”
“101” Amelia input.
“101, she’s eaten, and not been sick again”
“I woke up around 3ish… with pain in my stomach, my hips, and my back …” She brought a hand to her head and continued “and my head is thumping.”
“Alright, have you taken temperature recently?” 
The pair both shook their heads, and Teddy nodded. “You’re still nauseous?” Teddy asked and Amelia nodded. 
“Alright, I’ll have the nurse come and take your temperature again, and the rest of your vitals. I think we should get a urine sample too, rule out a water infection” she said, nodding, eyes down to the chart. “I’ve noted everything down, so we’ll just pass the file to the OB when they get here, so you don’t need to go through it all again” Teddy said, smiling warmly, placing the file under her arm. She ran her eyes over Amelia and then around the room. “I’ll grab you some things so you’ll be a little more comfortable in here” She said, as she made her way to the door. Link smiled tiredly, and nodded his thank you. 
Teddy came in with a couple of pillows and a blanket a short while later, just as a nurse was taking some bloods. The OB arrived about thirty minutes later, having been hurried along by Maggie. 
“Hi Amelia, I’m so sorry for the wait, but we’ve had time to get results from your tests. I’m got some idea of what’s going on, but I want to get a sonogram to confirm and check we’re not missing anything” 
“Well can you tell us what you think it is?” Link asked, throwing his hands up, shaking his head, not liking the idea of spending more time in the dark as to what was wrong with Amelia. 
The Ob pursed her lips, glancing at the pair, considering it. “Okay... Well your bloods came back and your WBC was slightly high, suggesting you have an infection. You’re urine sample showed that you have a water infection, which explains that. Now if it wasn’t for the pain you’re in, I’d say ‘UTI’ and I’d send you home with antibiotics. But I suspect that you may have pyelonephritis, which is what I’d like to confirm, as well as checking in on the little one” 
Amelia inhaled deeply upon hearing the possible diagnosis, nodding. “This will be your first scan?” The OB asked, looking down at the file again, and back to them. Link answered “Yes” and took Amelia’s hand gently squeezing it. 
“Alright, well, we’ll get you up to OB and get a detailed scan done. If I’m correct about the kidney infection we’ll need to keep you in and administer IV antibiotics overnight and throughout the day okay?” Amelia nodded, eyes lidded, exhaustion from pain, and sleeplessness was threatening to drag her to sleep. 
The OB smiled sympathetically. “We’ll just take this gurney up, I can see you’re exhausted” She said, indicating the bed Amelia was lying on, lifting up the bedrail on one side. Link did the same on the other. Amelia released a soft sigh of relief, and closed her eyes, feeling herself drifting. 
“Amelia…” she heard Link’s voice and clung to it, to pull herself from sleep. She opened her eyes and found herself in a dimly lit room. “We need to get you ready for the scan” Link said, nodding.
 “Need my pants off?” she slurred, knowing they might want to do an internal scan as part of it. He pursed his lips, watching as Amelia attempted to lift her hips, whilst simultaneously pushing down her pants. She only managed a bit and he stopped her, draping a sheet over her before helping with the rest. She pulled up her shirt and threw her arms above her head, wincing as she recognised the pain she was in. 
Her eyes were closed again, she felt Links warm hand against her clammy forehead, soothing her hair back, and she sighed. She felt his lips against her temple and the sensation had her relaxing further, almost falling back to sleep. 
The OB came back into the room then, talking calmly, aware that Amelia was in and out of sleep. “Okay Amelia, I’m going to start the scan now…” She said, tapping some keys on the sonogram machine and then squeezing some gel onto Amelia’s stomach. Amelia forced her eyes open, screwing them shut and then opening them again, as she tried to shake her exhaustion. 
Link ran his hand up and down her arm, squeezing it intermittently. The OB began the scan, placing the probe against her stomach. Amelia looked to Link and found him to be ghostly white. She moved one hand from above her head, reaching out so he could hold her hand in his lap. She smiled softly, and he sighed, relaxing at he sight of her, realising how deeply he’d fallen into his worries. 
“Okay, you’ve definitely got a kidney infection… so that’s that… I’ll check everything else now, and then I’ll get a few more angles of your kidney” The Ob said, not taking her eyes from the screen. Amelia nodded, looking up to the ceiling, resisting the urge to close her eyes.
There was an unbearably long stretch of silence then, keys being tapped, probe moving from one side of Amelia’s stomach to the other and then back. The OB adjusted the screen. The longer the silence, the stronger the sinking feeling Amelia felt within herself. Nausea bubbled at the back of her throat.
“Is…” Link had enough, “If everything okay?” 
The OB nodded, “Yes… I’m just…” her eyes remained glued to the screen. 
Amelia turned her head, trying to see, but she couldn’t see it. She looked at the OB’s face instead, watching her eyes focus in on the screen, flitting around. The OB finally met Amelia’s gaze and smiled. 
“I’m just making sure, that what I’m seeing is correct… and it is…” She turned the screen and then moved the probe. “You are pregnant with twins.” 
The sun was coming up, yellow light crawled in slowly and rest stretched across the pillow beside Amelia. She was curled up on her side, blankets strewn around her, wires and tubes channeling threw the folds of the fabric.
 Link sat awake at the end of her bed, deep in thought, eyes sweeping over Amelia’s form, settling on her face, on her hands, on her stomach, sweeping and settling, and sweeping and settling. A nurse entered the room and smiled kindly. She carried another container of antibiotics. Link looked up to the one still attached to Amelia and saw that it had finished, wondering how he’d not noticed. 
“You should get some sleep, she’s okay” the nurse assured him quietly. Link nodded sharply. “I know, I know she is… I just… I don’t feel like sleeping just now,” he said, looking back to Amelia.
“I can get you a coffee then?” She offered, pursing her lips, shrugging. Link chuckled softly, through his nose, “I’d appreciate that, thank you.” 
She smiled, leaving him alone again. Amelia had been asleep peacefully for a good few hours, exhaustion overriding the pain. 
The doctor had assured him that the pain would likely subside by the time she awoke, after the antibiotics and anti inflammatory’s had worked their magic.  
She was to stay for a few days, and then rest at home. Link had already made a mental list of all the things he needed to do and sort as soon as the day shift began; Inform the chief of her absence and prognosis, and of his leave, he’d decided to take a week off, or more, he’d start with a week. 
He was lost in his thoughts when Amelia roused from sleep. She frowned, not opening her eyes. She lay still, mentally scanning her body, her pain had diminished hugely, to her relief. She could feel a cannula in the back of her left hand. And she could feel thick elastic bands around her stomach, holding two fetal monitors against her. She took in a deep, sharp breath, drying to dilute the overwhelming thought of twins. Two babies. 
She felt movement at the end of the bed and she opened her eyes slowly, looking down. 
“Hi” her voice came out raspy and quieter than she’d expected. Link smiled, moving his hand to her ankle.
 “Hey, how are you feeling?” he asked her. She took in his appearance and could tell he’d not slept. 
“The pain’s not so bad. And my nausea has gone” she said, failing to suppress a yawn. “Did you sleep?”
“I’m okay, I’m not tired” 
“Link you should sleep” she said, rolling her shoulder and arching her back.
“I slept for a good six hours last night, plus your nurse is getting me a coffee” he said, smirking, pointing his index finger up, towards the door. 
Amelia shifted onto her back, and slid her hands over her stomach, over the bands and the monitors. “Is this what’s been keeping you awake?” She asked, resting her hands against the underside of her abdomen. She took in a deep breath and met Link gaze. 
“Yes. I’m not gonna lie, I’ve just been watching you sleep” he chuckled, shrugging. Amelia frowned and smiled, “just watching you and trying to wrap my head around it. I think it’s going to take a while”
“Yeah I agree” Amelia said, looking down at herself. 
“I’m happy though… Amazed actually…” he shifted and half stood, moving up the bed to sit closer to her, taking her hand. “I’m in constant awe” he said, shaking his head, looking down at her stomach, at the monitors, then back to her blue blue eyes. “We’re going to be fine, I truly believe we have this” he grinned toothily, “it’s in the bag”. 
Amelia laughed, appreciating his successful attempt at dispersing the heaviness that had started to weigh on her. “But seriously, I’m awestruck.”
Amelia smirked, “Awestruck?”
“I’ll let you know when I find a more fitting word” he said, leaning forward, kissing her once and then again. She wound her arms round him and pulled him closer, coaxing him into bed with her. He was careful to avoid and arrange the wires and tubes as he settled beside her. He opened his arms and received her into them, winding them around her. She closed her eyes, curling into his embrace, taking in his smell, feeling herself drifting into sleep again. 
Link held Amelia’s tightly, savouring in the feeling of having her so solidly in his arms, he found himself thinking ‘god I love her’ to himself, squeezing his eyes shut, smiling. 
Sleep took them both within minutes.
Thanks for Reading x I hope it hit the spot for you x let me know what you want to read next x
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awesomeq1225 · 5 years
Narrative Draft  
The Daughter of Eden
“It’s alive, it’s alive” the performer exclaimed as he pulled the lever to activate the monster. Monster starts thumping around and breaking all the equipment with its large filthy hands. All the actors run away and the simulation ends when a burst of distant laughter grows near. “Heh lowlives, you think that is life? Or fantasy? Oh, how I wish I could see their faces when they see this.” a woman in half button up lab coat and remarks as she turns to look at a covered up preservation tank.  She flicks her half lite e-cigarette and signs as she shuts off her study. As she drifts off a cool calm gust blows through an open window, which causes the drape to flutter. It reveals the rim of an empty tank with a titanium plaque: “Aptrova “Eve” Curie N0.XXX-07”.  
“Lachia? Lachia?”  A Portal calls from the far side of the room. 
“Ughh what? What is so urgent that I miss sleep and at 3:00 am no less” The woman says as she drags herself out of her stasis vat.   
“Eve she… she's missing” her assistant calls out worryingly. 
“What? No, you’ve got… “ She remarks as she pulls the drape.
 “Oh no, just when I thought this version was full proof” She collapses and screams in pain with one hand slipping from the tank. All of her memories flood in as she starts to destroy her work leading up to this point. Her assistant tries to cheer her up by showing her all the accomplishments of her work but nothing would suffice.  
First holo video:  September 23, 2023; Yorkshire  Café___  A news Anchor with images of a potato with the headline “The new face of God” was broadcasted iridescently over the cityscape. While the people collectively roll their eyes and scoff, a much younger Lachia admires it in glee. Next to her is Claudia who almost spits out her tea with googly eyes. “What are you? Afraid? this is my calling! Its what leads to man's accomplishments to galactic recognition.” 
“But, BUT Lacy you know their right and what this leads to?...” 
 “Sure, sure autonomy but we are their creator we.. you know what you're too cynical”
 “Cynical? Cynical‽ have you not heard of AI, terminator, ex machina, Her?”
 “Oh those, those are just fiction like they ever..” A robot rolls over to pick up their trays.  
“Thank you,” Lachia says with a nervous laugh;  Claudia sighs and pets her head as she hums “Caged bird”. 
Meanwhile back at the lab, “ Cathy oh Cathy come back, I feel like a kid again; you were right all along.” Lachia mutters as she watches the memories go into the trash. She stops for a moment “Maybe I should just give up, or at least take a ‘holiday’” she sighs and drags herself outside and towards her old county.  “Huh?“ she exclaims sometime later in front of the café “It’s still here? ‘No matter how far away from home is always near’” A tear drift down as she swipes to next video in her holotablet.  
November 2nd, 2023 Charleston, NY- 
Frantic typing could be heard from a  dimly lit room on the far east side of the tristate area.  “ Whatcha doing?” Claudia asked as she lends over Lachia’s shoulder. 
“Oh, just signing up for labs. What about this one?” Lachia points to a webpage with a forest background ‘Eden: a new beginning”’ 
“Lacy, aren't you forgetting something?” '
'What?” “Nevermind, you know it requires you to have experience right?” 
“ What? Is assisting not enough... You don't think i can do it do you?  
“ No, I'm just being realistic” Claudia flicks to her own choice 
“ Synthetica: a critical take on playing God” Lachia scoffs 
“What's that another psych lab?” 
“So what if it is at least I can foreseeably achieve my future…” “OUT OUT.” 
“fine.” Claudia leaves and Lachia breaks her necklace in anger. 
 Lachia holds out the broken necklace as she goes to the center of the city.  She passes by digital posters of Apotrova each more disfigured than the next. 
“ No this doesn’t add up she couldn’t have been gone for this long” Suddenly, her necklace beings to ring  
“ wait April? April? Aptrova?” Lachia calls out  as the signal leads her to the tallest building in the city.
 “ isn't this Central park tower? If so it's all barren. Of all places, why would she be her?” Lachia mutters as she moves on to the next video. 
August 2025 
A virtual letter lands on the balcony of the house  one summer evening. Lachia picks it up and gasps “no way, I proved her wrong ?! sure it took two years but I knew I could count on it.” In  the honor of her getting to  the facility her family  went to Central park tower. Lachia stood there in awe and wished that one day she could be working in that building. As they rode in the glass elevator she marveled more and more in how small the city looked under her. Meanwhile unbenounced to Lachia, Claudia was standing at the door of the elevator in fear not only to heights but also of how some it made her feel. At the 39th floor, Lachia went to the gift shop and got a snow globe to encapsle how much power she felt.    
 “ Dr? Dr?” the assistant calls out while looking over at the snow globe. 
“She's been gone all morning and i'm worried that her work has gotten to her. I better call Claudia.” 
The assistant calls Claudia by patching it through the snowglobe. The snowglobe works like a satellite and can  work as a hub contact center.  As Claudia’s phone rings, Lachia keeping climbing up the tower leading to the top floor.  Claudia answers the phone and runs toward the rim of the town with her necklace tracker. “Only two more videos to go but cant i delete them”.  
A tank  can be seen on the far edge of Lachia’s lab with the label of EVE. “hmm i should be close to at least make a child but” Inside the tankis blob that barely has any resemble of any animal never to mention a human.   
“How? We've mapped the genome of the human and all i did was done a bit of my hair for stem cells.” “What i am I missing?” she exclaims while going through tons of books and sites. Her assistant dust and clean the area in order to make sure there are no particles that has interfered with the experiment.   “Think of what makes animals different from bacteria other than their complection.”suggests her assistant. 
“Wait I've been focusing too much on the small building blocks not what they create together”
 “yeah like tissues, system organs wait a heart” 
“what do you mean?” “ in addition to structures they also make it possible to have feelings” 
“That's it I’ve relayed too much biology that I haven’t realised what makes us unique. But Claudia is the only one I know who studies this stuff” she sighs as she glances at the tank. 
“Oh how stupid I was back then to think that biology was a stand alone and most powerful of the sciences”  Lachia shakes her head as she looks down form the top of the building  mulling over her choices.  She signs as she looks at the last memory and tries to delete it, but then she sees something at the corner of her eye, a light purple and black bow. She takes the bow as she moves to the last video. 
“One last touch”  Lachia puts the bow on the latest verizon of EVE -XXXX07 and opens the clapsue. “Success” Eve starts to walk around the lab as Lachia and her assistants creates tests to make sure that she's fool proof. 
“Movement check, organs check, simple problem solving check,emotions check, language” the assistants muttered as she performs each task with flying colors year after year.  “Speak eve” commands Lachia.
 *muffed robotic noises* “h___i” “hmm that's strange I made sure that none of the parts are robotic especially the vocal cords” She says as she tries to find out what's wrong. Eves vocal cords can be seen under an advanced x-ray machine and along with the other components of speech. The team zooms in to see blobs around those areas but aren’t sure why the voice is robotic.   
The last year : “ahh” Eve swallows a microsurgeon pill and as it works the assistants double check. After a few minutes the pustules decrease and they prepare to test speech again. “Say your name”
“ wait what? You named your self?” Apotrova nods. 
“Let her play outside i'm going to think over some things” As Aptrova goes outside Lachia puts on Leaving while she silently cries. 
Lachia  looks over the city as she feels for the tracker in the ribbon. “Where ever she is hopefully she doesn't go over the gate or I could be in for some real trouble.” Meanwhile Claudia peeks through the gate and hears a distant  screams. She rushes inside the gate calls out Aptrova as Lachia is on the absolute edge of the skyscraper.  
 Lost in waste lands Aptrova is horrified at what she sees:  tons of   decaying tanks  stacked haphazardly in cold barren ground. This ground goes as far down as the eye can see without a sign of civilization. Aprtova shivers  as she  thinks back to all the warnings Lachia gave her about this place. How it is constantly dry  but right at the back of the lab with a rundown and uneven fence surrounding the perimeter. Although there is no civilization there are ruined houses littered throughout the area.  And sploses of slime and gunge can be seen everywhere.  However Aptrova couldn't help herself from wondering if these stories were true, so at the dead of night of her eighth birthday she fled. Unbenounced to everyone, the fence at that sector which was usually highly secured was broken. Which made her journey seen easier than she ever thought.  However as she traveled deeper and deeper the cloud fade away to reveal on the stars of the night. At the deepest point  stood a  house unlike any other, it was complete and full of life.  Aptrova was relieved to see this, she went in unexpectedly of what's to come.  As she went to prepare to stay for the night  a distant squelch could be heard from the corner of the room.
When she opened the fridge all she could see was slime with a putrid smell that almost made her gag. As she closes the fridge she started to realize that she wasn’t alone as slime kept popping up wherever she searched.  She knew that she wasn’t the first to escape and just as she thought of this a distant voice can be heard.   
 “Help squelch help squelch ”  Aptrova starts to  run but she goes near to the voice  and sees a slime made up of many faces and bodies. It is sloshing  around and it seemed to be building something. She looked up and there was a leak in the house 
“oh my who would do such a thing?, sure it's not the most applying or most intelligent but its still alive.” she thought.Then it came to her, all the memories of abuse by the city folk whenever Lachia brought her there. They would laugh throw food and tease her but Lachia would always take the blows.  Horrified she runs straight for the closest exit from the house which is just outside of Synthetica. As she leaves a teared up sign hanging in the wind read “Home of Eve”  which matched the empty tanks left in the dump.  
Aptrova arrives at the end of the path in a hot sweat and healthy breathing while looking back every few seconds. She tries to find a place to hide and soon realizes how viverant her surroundings.  Lush forest and gleaming lakes and abundant with wildlife with some rusted manmade objects. 
“Oh my where am I this is so beautiful, I could just live here” she thought as she went towards the lake  humming Sandbox.  
Some time after,  a high pitched scream can be heard from the forest as Claudia enter the forest. As she ran closer and closer to the river it picks up and there were alligators biting at Aptrova. “Give me your hand” she called out as she drags Aptrova out of the water and towards the gate. Aptrova shuts down and doses off as they arrive at the door of  Synthetica. Claudia lays April down when the sirens went off as  news flashes of a woman scaling the tallest building in the city. 
“Oh my word LACY?! What have I done?” Claudia rushes on to her hover bike and speeds off the tower.  
Meanwhile her assistants try their best to fix Aptrova as silently as they can. Most of her skin is gnawed away to reveal a carbon fiber skeleton and some body parts but most of her organs and appendages seem intact. The pleasant humming of the tools fade as Claudia draw near.  
At the center of the city, Lachia stood at the spock of the skyscraper looking down at the last to memories of her holotablet. “Hope im not..” Claudia thought worryingly as she looks up  while the crowd collectively call for help.  Lachia dives headfirst down the building straight on to the mattress between a sea of people with motor bikes with uniforms. As she lands Claudia rides up and tries to calm her down signing Caged bird. As the crowd starts to disparce,
 “ Claudia? Oh how I’ve missed you” Lachia embraces her hard as they both teared up at the foot of the mattress. 
A few weeks later, Lachia and Claudia meet up  in Yorkshire cafe and Claudia has a surprise for her. “How about now?” April whispered. 
“Yes come in we have a little something for you too.”Claudia whispers look over at her at the corner of her eye. As April walks in Lachia lights up and all of her assistants go fanfare. 
“We are reopening the Cafe and I want you to live as a normal girl and not an experiment.” The scientists say with glee and  the three of them go on a tour of it. Pointing out all the items that Lachia kept to make it encapsulate there legacy. 
“Thank you thank you… but I have two questions: How does Claudia know me and may I leave?”. As Aprotrova blurt out those words Lachia slienty nods and stands up to go behind the counter. She pulls out a secret stash of letters which were all sent to Claudia. As Aptrova leaves the woman open up shop and  customers flocking in while they smile in pure bliss.  
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Marinette March Day 15: Support
A/N: A mini crossover with Doctor Who. This idea has been swimming in my mind since last week and I thought it could work for one of this month’s submissions. Takes place post-ML Chameleon and post-DW Resolution.
Marinette did not feel the cool spring breeze prickle her face as she headed out the school doors, her arms loaded with textbooks. It had been another draining day that left her numb to her surroundings. Despite all her efforts in taking the high road as Adrien advised, Lila’s manipulative habits exponentially grew. Every day she would spew out a dozen or so lies that elicited sympathy or admiration from the class. Marinette wound up as a frequent target where Lila painted herself as the victim of her jealous attacks. As if on cue, the students would rush to console the scheming liar while shooting glares at Marinette and shunning her to her corner seat in the back.
It got to the point where she would often wake up on school mornings filled with dread, like someone placed a heavy object on her chest and pressed down, down, down, squeezing every bit of confidence from her spirit. Tikki was a source of comfort that she could turn too, but there was hardly much the Kwami could do for her in the classroom.
She was tired. She was disheartened. She never felt so alone despite being surrounded by the classmates she once called her friends.
And right now, she just wanted to get back home and finish her assignments, then work on her fashion designs. Or maybe play some Ultimate Mecha Strike IV.
At least she managed to avoid Chloe’s hostility today-
The ground beneath her feet vanished as she stumbled on the edge of a step and sent herself  flying down the stairs. The books she held spilled out of her arms and onto the sidewalk, one which happened to be her sketchpad –Marinette swore she put it in her backpack, just her luck – landed on the shoes of a very haughty blonde teen.
“Watch it Dupain-Cheng!”
Speak of the devil. The universe was truly conspiring against her.
Chloe snatched the sketchbook from the ground before Marinette could reach out for it.
“Still clumsy as ever, there's really no hope for you,” she said mockingly. “It’s a wonder that you can cross the streets in time before the cars run you over.”
“Give that back Chloe!”
Maybe it was because she found out her favorite makeup brand was discontinuing the mascara she always used. Or maybe it was because the newspapers published a detailed article covering an embezzlement scheme that linked André Bourgeois to a handful of top political officials two weeks ahead of the municipal elections. Whatever the cause was, her merciless behavior worsened the past several days.
“Don't tell me what to do! Or have you forgotten you're rightful place?” She opened the sketchpad and flipped through the pages.
“Oh look Sabrina,” she said as she threw a casual smirk at the red-headed girl standing beside her, “Lots of blank pages. Maybe the clumsiness infected her mind and hands too.”
Marinette felt her insides curl up. The stress of Lila’s torment hindered much of her creativity. She only managed to fully finish a few designs when inspiration struck, which nowadays came few and far in between.
Chloe stopped at a page “This one looks nice. The final work should belong to only the best.” She began pulling the edge of the sheet.
“Oi! What do you think you're doing?!”
Marinette looked to her right. A young woman in dark blue jeans and a grey sweater which was covered by a leather brown jacket approached them with an air of authority. She looked to be of South Asian descent and around Nora’s age, perhaps slightly younger. Her hair cascaded past her shoulders, with two bunches tied up in buns that perched on the sides of her head. She stopped in front of them, briefly hesitating as her eyes swept the scene, before steeling herself.
“What's going on here?” she asked calmly, but firmly.
Judging by her accent, she was not a local. The Dupain-Cheng bakery received plenty of visitors near and far for Marinette to gain a general idea of where a person was from based on the language as well as the way they spoke it.
In this woman’s case, definitely British, but unlikely from London.
“Why do you care?” Chloe sneered at her. “You're don't even go to this school, so it's none of your business.”
The older girl remained unfazed by the vitriol, taking a step to position herself between the two at an angle that shielded Marinette from Chloe’s scorching glare.
“I might not be a student, but we’re not on school grounds right now.” She quickly glanced down at Marinette in concern before returning her gaze on Chloe. “That means I have a right to ask. You’re Chloe, aren't you?”
Chloe seemed taken aback for half a second, only to immediately shrug it off.
“Obviously,” she said with a smug upwards tilt of her chin. “It's about time somebody recognizes my importance as the Princess of Paris, unlike some worthless people. They don't deserve to even hear the name Bourgeois grace upon their ears.”
“Everyone is important Chloe. And what you do isn't about what others deserve, it's what you choose to be. So as the mayor’s daughter, why not choose to be kind right now? Can you do that?”
Chloe paused in bewilderment, then threw out a snide laugh.“Ha, as if I’d take orders from someone like you!” she scoffed, “And what sort of nonsense speech was that? Only losers like you and her would waste time believing that type of garbage.”
The woman merely raised her eyebrows a bit. “If that’s your opinion, then I’m sure you would prefer to get on with the rest of your day away from some so-called loser like me.” She flashed a disarming smile that did not reach her eyes. “You two ladies must have something much more productive already planned on a nice Friday afternoon like this.”
Sabrina peeked from behind her friends shoulder “Yeah Chloe,” she chimed in. “We’re going to be late for you manicure appoint-“
“Oh zip it Sabrina!” the blonde snapped. She narrowed her eyes at the other girl, who remained composed, her face a mask of complete neutrality. A moment passed. Finally, Chloe rolled her eyes and released a huff.
“Whatever, it's not like I was going to stay around any longer.” She turned to leave.
The woman cleared her throat loudly and put out an open hand. “I believe you have something that should be returned to its rightful owner.”
Chloe let out a derisive snort and shoved the sketchpad into her hand.
“Ughh, both of you are utterly ridiculous. Come on Sabrina!”
The girl watched the pair go before turning to Marinette, her expression softening.
“Are you all right?”
Marinette nodded. “I-I’m okay.” She was still trying to process what just occurred. No one in recent memory had the guts to stand up to Chloe in that manner. Most confrontations with the mayor’s daughter ended in tears, frustration, or simmering rage. Her defender on the other hand not only got Chloe to back down, but managed to completely draw the ire away from her original intended mark.
The girl kneeled down to her level. Marinette studied her carefully. She had a calm yet steady demeanor, with deep brown eyes that exuded warmth. Marinette wondered if the girl dealt with these sorts of conflicts often. She certainly seemed experienced in facing a bully like Chloe. Perhaps she too was once a victim of one.
“That Chloe has no idea what she’s talking about,” the girl said gently, “You're not worthless or a loser. She puts people down to make herself feel better. You know that, right?
“Of course,” Marinette stammered with a little laugh. “That's Chloe acting like her usual self as expected.”
The girl frowned a bit, her brows knitted together. “Has she always treated you like that?”
“Yeah, but not just me. She acts that way with pretty much everyone. Don't worry, we're used to it.”
“I see...” Her fingers delicately brushed the surface of the opened sketchpad. “Did you draw these? They're beautiful.”
“Y-yeah, thanks.”
“You have a real talent for fashion you know. I believe you’re going be a great designer someday.”
Marinette felt her cheeks redden slightly. “Really? You think so?”
“I’m positive.” She closed and handed the sketchbook back, her dark eyes twinkling like they held some mysterious secret.
“My name’s Yasmin.” The edge of her lips curved upwards into a smile. “But you can call me Yaz.”
“I'm Marinette. Thanks for helping me out back there.”
“Anytime.” She joined her in gathering up the scattered textbooks, then helped her up. “Do you want me to walk you home? I can carry these books for you if you like. They're not too heavy for me.”
Marinette felt a smile grow on her face to match Yaz’s. “Uh, sure!” She pointed to the direction of the patisserie. “It’s that way.”
She hoped Yaz was in no hurry to go somewhere. Papa should hopefully have a fresh batch of cookies straight out of the oven that they could share together.
As they walked side by side towards the bakery, Marinette felt her heart lighten for the first time in a long while.
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
1001 - 3
She was standing in the rain at the same spot that Normani had left her. Doing nothing, just staring at the piece of paper on her hand in silence.
A ray of light seemed to bounce on the ground in her direction. Breaking her stare on the paper she looked around to search for the source of the light.
It’s her
The source of all this random and glowing light was the person she saw in that cafe before. Her whole body was glowing like the sun in her eyes. Lights and beautiful melody of happiness seemed to burst out of her body into the space.
She was captivated by her. Rooted to the spot she kept her gaze on the girl who didn’t seem to notice her presence.
After about 10 minutes the girl looked around as if to search for the person who had been watching her for the past minutes. Their gaze locked at each other as the girl stared at her from across the street.
“She has stopped singing…” El-07 thought.
Feeling creep out the girl ran out of El-07 sight into her apartment, full speed.
Dude wtf? Why is the creepy girl following me? God what have I done wrong to receive this?? I don’t know ,THINGG??!!
Seeing the girl running El-07 had no choice but to follow her as she didn’t know anything about this place, might as well try her luck here.
Dudeee stop following me. Go away, hush.. Omg I’m dying why do you hate me so much God? GOD WHYYYY???
Answer me dammit!
After she felt like she had enough the girl decide to stop running and stop right in front of her apartment door before turning around to face the weirdo.
“Okay, sooo I don’t know what the fuck is your problem. But, I need you to stop following me. I mean I know I’m so fab but okay this is too much. I don’t know what business do you have here but GURL YOU NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUT, GATHER YOUR SHIT ON THE WAY AND STOP FOLLOWING ME! Ughh OMG people these days.”
Why am I so famous? I haven’t even write my masterpiece yet.
The girl said while rubbing her temple massaging it slowly to sooth her nonexistent headache.
“Camila Cabello..”
’wait she didn’t butcher my name…’
“Huh? That’s me. How the fuck did you know my name? mannn this is too much. Catch me I’m falling..”
“Normani..” El-07 said ignoring Camila’s weird behavior and way of speaking.
Who the heck is Normani? Is she one of the one night stands that I met in the club? Is this her way of plotting a revenge against me? But really tho? Cuz last time I checked, I’m still a virgin and single as fuck.
“Okay whoever that is I don’t care but I guess you could come into my apartment.”
Don’t trust anyone…
Normani’s word flashed into her mind making her afraid of getting into Camila’s apartment. Shaking her head, she ran, away from Camila, not stopping even for a second.
That gurl ain’t got no chill
“Weirdo wait for me!! Where are you going?”
Camila was shouting her lungs out to El-01 yet she didn’t seem to listen.
This hoe, is she purposely ignoring me?
And off she goes.
“I think you need a chill pill.”
Camila managed to say after she went out to follow the girl and finally succeed in grabbing her hand before she ran any further.
“Seriously tho? That run is equal to the work out that I did once every time I was motivated enough. Which is probably once every two months. Are you a work out freak tho? Cuz you got mega stamina and you run mega fast and now I’m out of breath and I just realized that I’m rambling..”
El-07 did nothing but listen to the girl’s words vomit while looking at her with confusion present in her eyes.
Okay, to be honest the run wasn’t even that far. It was only from her apartment to the creepy woods, and the creepy woods/ forest was like in front of her apartment. But, of course this was our dramatic Camila we’re talking about.
“ughhh what ever, seems that you don’t talk much do you? I thought that you were mute or deaf or something. But then, you suddenly say my name and some shit happen in that mind of yours then suddenly you ran away and now we’re here.”
“Soo whether you want it or not I’m just gonna bring you back to my apartment cuz you seem kinda pathetic and sad like a lost puppy, but okay whatever I’m rambling again didn’t I?”
“What is rambling?” El-07 asked Camila in a small voice immediately cutting Camila off her speech.
“Wait what? Omg do you even realize what year this was? It’s 2017 #2k17 brotha.”
“Ughh your weirdness is so weird. Okay whatever, let’s just go back to my apartment this creppy forest is giving me chills. By the way, do you even know the gossip? People said that a hideous killer was living in this forest so I think we should just go back don’t you think?” Camila said as she grabbed El-07 and brought her back to the apartment.
“Oh yeah, by the way your accent is pretty hot. You kinda have this weird sounded accent thingy that I can’t describe but I think it’s pretty hot… Ummm at least it sounds pretty hot in my ear.”
Camila said to El-07 out of the blue as they on their way back to the apartment.
“Okay, forget it. I just realize that it sounds pretty embarrassing.”
It’s a shame really, that they didn’t notice the pair of eyes following them in the dark.
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pwettypwita · 7 years
Karaoke, Is Kara-OK? | Karamel Fanfiction #4 (Part 7)
Author’s Note : PLEASE DON’T HATE ME. Don’t hate me. It’s all Mon-El. I blame it on Mon-El!
For previous chapters, click : Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Karaoke, Is Kara-OK? #np : Flume - Never Be Like You ft. Kai
Once a wiseman said,
“ Speak when you are angry, and you will make the best speech you’ll ever regret ”
And regret was the last thing Mon El wanted to have.
And that is why he kept his mouth shut, he kept his words to himself, and decided to walked away from Kara earlier at Noonan’s, all because and before he said anything he would later regret.
But the rippling waves inside of him won’t settle. Although Alex helped to put his mind at ease, he still couldn’t shake this emotional turbulence inside of him. This emotional turbulence that’s been bothering him for the past hour. That is why he let it out, he needs to let it out, and to a punching bag he goes.
He’s been throwing punches and kicking the bag for almost an hour. He tore his tshirt, so he didn’t wear any. And as he moved and punched the bag, you could see the tighten muscles flexed. Sweats covered his body. Mon El hit the punching bag as hard as he could, it flew 45° and it hit right back at him just as hard before he could catch it. Although it wasn’t painful, he grunted.
“That was a good punch..”
He heard a soft voice followed by footsteps from the stairs. It was Kara’s.
“..a good angry punch to be exact.” She added as she walked down the stairs.
“Hello to you too, Kara. What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at work?”, he walked to get a clean towel, farther away from Kara.
He wiped the sweats from his face and his half naked body, and drink some water from the bottle. His face harden. Good thing Kara couldn’t see it because his back was facing her.
“I was looking for you. Alex said,” Before Kara could finish her sentence Mon El cutted.
“Why, why were you looking for me? Do you need anything? Do you need a hand to catch a robbery, or punching aliens, I’m so into punching today. Or.. or, do you need help saving the day, saving people? Why, what, what do you even want from me?”, he said blabbering. His words was incoherent, but it was sharp, and tensed. He’s tensed.
Kara on the other hand fell silent. Her eyebrows furrowed. She was confused. She didn’t know how to respond or how to react. And with his back still facing her, she couldn’t read his face and figure what would those words really mean. “What do you even want from me?” Those words were kind of pinching her guts. She could only think that it might have something to do with what happened last night, she felt a rush of guilt came to her. She could sense that Mon El was not in the mood to talk - not to her - right now.
And as soon as he realized those words coming out from his mouth, he gritted his teeth. He realized he was out of line. And with the realization he had, now he has regret. He shouldn’t speak, he should just keep his mouth shut like he’s been telling himself for the past hours. Stupid Mon-El, he cursed to himself.
“I’m sorry, Kara.. I didn’t mean it like that. I just,”
“No, no. I understand. I deserve that”, Kara said softly. She walked approaching him.
“No you don’t. I’m sorry, Kara..” he said apologetically.
Understand he was out of line, he turned and facing Kara. And there he saw she smiled at him. She gave him a warm smile. How could she even smile at me right now? I’m such a jerk. I am a jerk.
But just to see her standing there, couple feets away from him with a beautiful smile on her face, it melts his heart immediately. She has this kind of power over him. And in immediate reaction, his harden face soften. And he couldn’t help but amazed by the way Kara looks in front of him. She was wearing a knee length black and white stripes flare dress, topped with a casual blazer, a belt on the waist, hair in her signature ponytail. She looked lovely.
“I’m the one who needs to apologize”, Kara said.
“No you don’t”, Mon El responded almost immediately.
“I do. About last night..”, she inhaled. “I was.. caught off guards.”, Kara tried to explained before Mon El swooped in.
“Last night.. I was overreacting. I shouldn’t have walked away, Kara. I’m sorry.. I should’ve stayed and we should’ve talked it through. But I walked away. I… chickened out, guess that’s what Winn said once. I don’t really understand why you called it “chickened” though”, he made this confused look that let a laugh from Kara.
“I heard you and Winn..”, Kara took another step.
“Yes. We talked. About.. it. About… the kiss”, Mon El thought about running as he speak. He could feel his palms starting to sweat, he felt anxious, he might not ready for this talk.
And yes, yes, he brought this up. He finally brought this topic up. He finally got his chance to talk about this. About the kiss. And boy, they shared not only one kiss, but two kisses, one that happened just last night. He almost let out a grunt, realizing that now, they have not only one, not two, but three things needed to be talked. Kara must be confused and might ask him about what happened at Noonan’s earlier as well. Oh dear, why are there so many problems here on earth? He said to himself, he almost rolled his eyes.
“You remembered..”, she said softly.
“I did. Of course I remember, Kara”
“So then why did you..”
“I.. I guess”, he tried to find the right words to say. “I was.. caught off guards”, he chuckled as he gave her the same excuse as she gave him. She chuckled then walked closer.
“So are we gonna talk about it?”, Kara asked.
“I can’t say no can I?”, Mon El answered. He grabbed a clean grey t-shirt and put it on. The t-shirt hugged his body perfectly.
“You can”
“No, I should talk..”, he said nonchalantly. I have nothing to lose anyway, he said in his head.
“View weeks ago, I kissed you, Kara. And if you ever wondered, I did it consciously.“He said as he took a deep breath.
“I kissed you, because I.. because.. I want you to stop blaming yourself. I want you to stop feeling such guilt about the virus, it was not caused by you.. You need to stop blaming yourself about something you have no control about.. And the kiss, I just want, it’s just the way that I expressed my feeling..” In his mind he added, That kiss was the way to express my feelings that I really like you.. I like you like you, and I just need to kiss you because if there was only one thing left I could do before I took my last breath I want that to be kissing you.. “That I care for you. I care for you, Kara” And that you are beautiful, and really are beautiful, that you have me, Kara, you have me. He said to himself.
“You care for me?”, she asked. Her expression was hard to read. It was kind of glad, kind of confused, kind of.., it’s hard to read.
“Yeah, I mean we’re friends right? Allies, acquaintances, partners..”
“OK.. And yeah, I mean, we could be friends”
For a split second, Mon El could see a slight of disappointment on Kara’s face. But he might just imagining it, so he ignored it. Though he was pretty sure that he and Kara - they’re just best as friends, he knows he wanted more.
“Yes.. Friends”, he said it again.
Damn I’m just closing the door. He cursed under his breath.
Hours later…
Mon El was sitting in the Control Room. Watching the screen and some TV news program distractedly. He thought about what he said to Kara, that they’re friends - just friends. Why I cannot say what I wanted to say?! Why can’t I just say that I want her, I want her want her. Now what am I supposed to do. Ughh this is getting worse, he grumbled in his mind.
Though his mind was being occupied at the moment, he heard a loud stump coming towards him. Then he felt a hard smack on his head.
“Ow!”, he winched and touched his back head.
“Are you an idiot?!”, Alex was the one did it, she half yelled at him.
“What? What are you talking about?” he said, rubbing his head. Alex is strong, obviously stronger than he thinks.
“Friends? Just friends? Really Mon El?!” Alex was furious out of the line, you can see it in her eyes. Oh no, I’m in trouble.
“What are, are you talking about?”, he stuttered.
“I’m talking about you and Kara!”
“Why are you mad at me? What did, what did I do wrong?” Oh no.. How did she know?!, he wondered. Oh Kara… Of course.
“What did you do wrong? Are you.. really?!” She said with such anger. She was angry. She was mad, crazy mad at Mon El. She was out of breath. “Oh you’re messing this up, Mon El. You’re really messing this up. Just eight hours ago, eight hours ago! I told you not to mess things up. But you did!”
“Hey hey hey, chillax Alex. I’m not messing this up. I’m doing this for Kara. It’s not for me, it’s for her”
“What’s for her?! Again, you’re lying and denying and ignoring your feelings for her? For once in you life, Mon El, just be honest with yourself. You got to fix this or you’re going to regret it. Fix this or you’re going to be the one who gets hurt”
“I won’t get hurt. And what, why do you care about my well being? I’m fine and I’ll be doing just fine, Alex. You need to stop pushing this. This is not real. Me, and Kara” Oh how he wanted nothing more than to be with her right now. “..matter fact the truth speaks for itself, Alex, we’re just friends. Kara make sure about that when she went out with that other guy Conner. Oh and, and.. Did you know, that he asked her out for a salsa and tacco night whatever that means.. Did you know that?”, he said.
“And all of that happened right in front of your eyes and you were just standing there doing nothing”, she said fiercely. “You.. You know what, it’s easier to say that you’re mad than to admit you’re hurt.”, she said again.
Then she walked away from the conversation, left him feeling nothing but hurted. And not because she yelled at him, or words she said, but because deep down, he knew Alex was right. Alex was right, he’s hurting.
The morning after…
These past two days has been a punch right in the guts for Mon El. The days were getting longer, the nights are feeling colder, to the point where he feels like he is falling apart, he was such a mess. And he sensed that today won’t be that much different.
Yesterday, after Kara and him talked about the kiss, and he deliberately said that he cares for her as a friend; and they are just friends, Kara asked him about what happened at Noonan’s. And of course, being Mon El, he covered everything with a lie. He said it was nothing, he was just walking down the street and getting a breakfast, and on his walk he passed Noonan’s and he couldn’t resist to grab a coffee, so he came in and there he saw her. He didn’t say anything about Conner, and good thing Kara didn’t ask anything about it. He learned that lying was his best cover. It protects him, at least that’s what he thought. But he forget one thing that lies only meant to be found.
It’s 7:10 in the morning. He already showered after his morning routine, and after those thought he was battling, he started to feel hungry. He thought about breakfast. Breakfast that the DEO’s cafeteria served wasn’t that appetizing, it’s almost the same menu every single day with toasts, omelettes, chili beans, sausages, etc. So he thought about going out somewhere to have a breakfast.
On his way to the elevator, he met Barry. From what he knows, Barry will go back to his universe today.
“Hey man, are you going somewhere?”, Barry greeted. He was so pumped up, excited about something.
“Hey. Yeah, I’m going to get a breakfast somewhere”, Mon El said.
“Where are you going? I’m meeting James around eight at CatCo.. Do you mind if I come with you?”, he asked.
“Well yes, sure. But we do walking”, Mon El said.
“I can do walk.. Let’s go”, Barry said as they walked to the elevator. He pushed the elevator button. “How’s your night?”
“Oh don’t ask.”, Mon El replied as he walked into the elevator following Barry. He was sending him this dont-ask-me-about-anything vibe. But after the door closed, and since there were only the two of them in the elevator, Barry couldn’t help but gave him thirty questions.
At CatCo Building
After their long walk from The DEO Office, twenty minutes later they finally arrived at CatCo building. A fresh air is a good way to freshen up Mon El’s mind and clear his head. Another bonus, Barry was actually a good friend to talk to. And he needs a friend to talk to right now. They talked along their walk.
They’re already in the elevator to Catco’s head office, to James’. They made a quick stop at Noonan’s earlier, to quick grab a coffee and their famous sticky buns. Barry held the four cups of coffee in a cupholder on his hand, while Mon El held the bag of sticky buns.
“You see, for as long as I know Kara, I know that she’s a strong, beautiful, and honest woman.. and she has this compassion.. You can just say to her that you’re jealous and,” Barry talked to him, but as Mon El heard the word “jealous” he didn’t let Barry finish.
“Wh wait wait, jealous? Haha yeah no”, Mon El said.
“Yeah no”, Barry rephrase him.
“What?”, Mon El said with a question look.
“You said “yeah, no” in response to jealous, it only means you do brother.. It’s the “yeah”, not the “no”. You got to be honest with yourself, stop conflicting. Come on.“ Mon El rolled his eyes as Barry spoke. First it was Alex and now Barry too - told him to be honest with himself. It was, they were working his last nerve.
“It’s okay to feel jealous, I would”, Barry added.
“But I don’t.”, he denied it once again. Thinking that ignoring it as much as he could, it will wash the feelings away. Or at least made Barry to stop saying the word “jealous” and stop telling him to “be honest with yourself”.
"Yeah, no..” Barry scoffed. And with that, they reached the floor. The door slid open, and they walked out the elevator. They were heading to James’ office, when just in time, Kara and James walked out his office. They met at the reception desk.
“Hey!”, Kara greeted. “Good morning”
She looked surprised to see Mon El and Barry together at CatCo in the morning, but she managed to gave them a warm smile.
“Morning, Kara”, Barry greeted.
“What are you doing here? Is everything okay?”, she asked. And with that, Mon El asked himself, Right.. What am I doing here? I was just getting my breakfast.. Damn Barry. He tricked me!
“Oh everything’s okay.. Coffee?” Barry offered cups of coffee he held. James and Kara grabbed one. “Thank you”, Kara and James said.
“No problem. And I’m here to meet James actually. Mon El on the other hand..”
“I’m here for a breakfast. The famous sticky buns”, he held up his bag of sticky buns. Kara chuckled.
“Delivery for miss Danvers”
A man’s voice heard behind them. The four of them turned to the receptionist desk, and there they saw a man held a beautiful flower bouquet.
“I am miss Danvers”, she walked to the man.
“A delivery for you miss, can I have your sign here”, he said handed Kara an iPad. She drew her sign, and the man handed her the beautiful bouquet. They were white plumerias with soft pink lilies and one red rose hidden but visible in the center. The rose one looked different.
“Thank you. Have a great day miss Danvers”, he said politely before he walked to the elevator. Kara smiled in return.
“Wow.. Flowers in the morning”, James commented. “Those are beautiful”, he added. Mon El stared at Kara and her bouquet, he narrowed his eyes. Who sent it to her?
“Someone special?”, Barry asked. He walked to her side. Curious to know who sent the beautiful bouquet to her in the morning. “There’s a card”, he pointed his finger.
Kara held the bouquet with one hand, and she opened the card slipped in one of the flowers with her free one. Barry read it out loud.
“ Because you are more beautiful, than any flowers and rubies. Salsa and Tacco, 7pm, Cabana - Conner ”
“Wow”, Barry exclaimed. “Salsa and tacco.. Wait, is this that Conner guy from the bar?”, he asked.
“Yes..”, she said softly. There were crinkles on her forehead. Her hand reached for the hidden rose. “Oh gosh…” She said as she touched it. It was velvetty. It wasn’t a rose, it was..
“Wait, rubies.. Wait is that a jewelry box?”, Barry exclaimed as Kara touched the rose shaped velvety box. She fished it out, opened it and there she saw the beautiful red stone pendant. Barry’s jaw dropped, he was impressed. It was a beautiful and shiny in tear drop shape red ruby with silver chain. A ruby pendant necklace.
You are more beautiful than any flowers and rubies.. Salsa and Tacco, 7 pm, Cabana - Conner
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