#but then i was like naaaah see if they notice
qcomicsy · 1 year
Random convo I bet happen between civilians and vigilantes
Civilian: What hair product do you use man?? My man's hair is shiiiiining
Nightwing, chuckling: I just let it dry (lying)
Civilian: Naaaah, man I see you jumping from rooftop to rooftop everyday, tell me your secrets–
Gothamite: And who's gonna pay for this scratch on my car?!!!
Robin (Tim), trying damn hard to stay stealth: Don't you have insurance?
Gothamite, don't giving a fuck: No!
Robin: You should have–
Gothamite: You know what? HEY TWO-FACE–
Robin: No, no, no– Hold on–
Gothamite: HE'S RIGHT HE–
Gothamite: Okay- Cannabis is very much legal in L.A.
Batman: We're not in L.A.
Gothamite: Yeah that's funny because– *runs*
Batman: *Runs after him.*
Gothamite: See I don't hate you
Signal: Always good to hear that–
Gothamite: You doing a pretty good job.
Signal: I–
Gothamite, also a bus driver: But you gotta stop being thrown at my window–
Signal: I don't control where villains throw me.
Gothamite: Yeah bro– But you better start, otherwise there's gonna be one more out there–
Gothamite, also a security guard on his phone at 3 am: Yeah, no honey it's literally desert here–
Gothamite: HOLY SHIT
Gothamite: Fucking warn a guy, mY GOD–
Gothamite: I thought you were taller.
Nightwing: I heard that a lot.
Gothamite: How do you see on that thing?
Batgirl (Cassandra):
Batgirl: I don't.
Gothamite, terrified: Oh okay–
Batman: Shouldn't you be at home?
Gothamite, who's also a teenager very much snicking out at four am: Shouldn't you mind you business?
After being forcefully driven to home on the batmobile
Gothamite That was really unecessary–
Gothamite: Are you alone??? Where'd your dad? Where's Batman?
Robin (Tim Drake, early days): Batman's not my dad.
Gothamite: See now I'm concerned.
Robin: Oh no–
Gothamite: What's is this a internship...? A job...?
Robin: You know what? Yeah, Pretty much.
Gothamite: Really? Oh okay, okay. I'm less concerned– Because–
Robin: Yeah I can see–
Gothamite: Like "is he kidnaping those children"?
Robin, chuckling: No, no–
Gothamite: You get paid?
Robin: Not really.
Gothamite: I'm back at being concerned–
Gothamite, from her window: Have you eaten yet?
Robin (Dick): No– (lying)
Gothamite: Oh, the poor child– Oh shame on you
Gothamite: The poor kid– You're dragging him alone with you to fight crime on a empty stomach?
Batman: I–
Gothamite: Unbelievable. I expected more on you– Hold on sweety I'll see If I have some cookies here to give you.
Dick: :)
Robin (Damian): Do I look like a fucking child?
Gothamite: Do you want me to answer that?
Old Gothamite being around the city since Batman year 1: You sound different.
Batman (Dick Grayson): No I don't.
Gothamite: Yes you do–
Gothamite: She looks different.
Gothamite: Mark is the same girl.
Gothamite: No honey, she looks different, she's was taller
Gothamite: Honey you're being paranoid.
Gothamite: She was a red-head!
Gothamite: Oh, Mark. Now the girl can't even dye her hair? Just because she's a Super-hero? Por girl can't even reinvent herself and people on this city start saying she's a different person?! Let her be! Her life must've be hard enough–
Gothamite: Jennet I swear to God that's not the same girl–
Batgirl (Stephanie), just trying to get some information:
Gothamite: You never notice when I change my hair–
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togetherhearted · 3 months
Could I request Nikola, Qin Shi Huang and Hades with a s/o that's from another universe :D? she can travel through universes and can collect the history of the universe in her books/scrolls and write something to change it and erase things to remove them from history/the future
Sorry if this requests is kinda cringey, but I'm sort of a nerd for space :)
Naaaah,you're not cringe come on! It's a love that you have. Nothing wrong with it!
I took some freedom to change a couple of things. But the core is the same. Hoping it's still ok
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Nothing was better that landing inside what it looked like a lab. Your eyes scanned projects, blackboards, all full of formulas. The twinkle in your eyes brightening up at all you could take with yourself. It was time to hide though, footsteps echoed in the corridor. You flinched and tried to hide in time but those steps were fast to come. The door slammed open and you were caught;projects under your arms. There was silence between the two of you. tThe tall man noticed the warp behind you, then looked better at you, at what you were wearing. -Are you perhaps?- He started -F-from the future?!- He shouted with enthusiasm. -I..uhhh- -Oh no, no. Don't tell me. I'll figure it out!- You watched him circling you, a smile on his face, muttering about science. Was this the sign to flee? As he kept circling around you you smiled amused;no matter the universe Nikola Tesla was Nikola Tesla,your over excited lover.
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Where did you land this time? Judging by how comfy you were it was probably a cushion;no wait,too big to be just pillows. As per always you didn't recognize the place, warping from the past to future and vice versa was still troublesomea nd let's not talk about universes jumps.  You hopped from what happened to be a bed; your figure searching for something to take away with you. Though your lookout was stopped once you heard a male voice from behind. -Looking for something?- Your head snapped at the young man. The blood washing away your face as you recognized the first China emperor. -Oh no no...I was...- Words died in your throat as he walked towards you with confident steps. He didn't seem that pleased to have visitors. Only one solution was possible;warping again but this time without a single piece of paper. Mission failed. Time to go to the Qin of your universe.
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Another day, another jump between the fabric of times and reality. Where were you this time?And why did it look so dark? Luckily you always had a backup plan. You lit up a light and walked down a narrowed corridor. You entered a room. A man was hunched on a desk,his mind seemingly too focused on what he had under his nose to even notice your entrance. This was risky but you liked the risk and your mission was worth it. You took little steps towards the pile of books on the corner. You just had to take a look at the covers, grab one and warp away. You were now close enough to read the titles when a hand grabbed your wrist. -So, you wanted to steal from the king of the underworld...- His deep voice gave you the chills. That was the place you warped in;Hades domain and he didn't look happy to see you,of course he wasn't;he wasn't your lover here. You were in big trouble now.
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nickkcha · 4 months
naaaah,not this mf Leo saying 'you're a bad kisser just to provoke Usagi and get a bunch of kisses. I see through this fruit clearly. What's next?Manipulate,gaslight,abuse,toxic- (/j)
Anyway, missed you,dude. I hope you have enough sleep and won't overwork yourself with commissions. Thanks for feeding us ! ! !🗣🗣
I'm glad you noticed that it was totally intentional, he said it with his whole face red asf like💀💀💀 bad liar
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And thanks for the last thing, don't worry, I'll try to be more active by now❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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doin-just-fine · 10 months
What the brain doin?? PT. 1 of a questioning median system's journey
"Why do I think I'm plural?"
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I am making this post for those who think they are a Median System. I've noticed our community is small and that there aren't many recourses out there to compare experiences to. The few that do exist have been very helpful so I thought I'd add to the pool to compare and contrast with.  In this post I will discuss how I reached the point of believing I am a Median System, why, as of right now, that label fits the best for me, and what my system is like on the inside. 
How did I get here?
I started learning about what plurality was in 2018 for a college psych course. At that point in time I just found it interesting; fascinated at how the brain reacted to trauma and why it would split off as a way to cope. A tiny part of me thought "am I....?? NAaaah!! I would know!! It would click and everything would all make sense and I would just know!!! Plus I don't have enough trauma." I developed a hyper-fixation on it for a bit but it fizzled out and I didn't reflect on it again for a while. 
In 2021 I took a course that looked at the abstract ideas and philosophies behind what consciousness really is. I decided that for my final research paper in that course I would write about DID and other forms of plurality and what implications their very existence meant for how we define consciousness. After that, the hyper-fixation was reignited. I started to reflect on myself again but came to the same conclusions. Until, I met my now partner, who is a system, in 2022. They taught me a lot about plurality. 
It's a bit fuzzy when I started questioning myself again or why. EDIT: I remembered! I ran out of ADHD medication and had to go without it for a couple weeks. For context, I haven't taken a break from my meds since I started them at age 8 and at the time of running out I was on the highest dose of really strong stuff. After this break I started to notice how much my meds suppressed my emotions and creativity, eventually I got more medication. I then started asking my partner more questions about how they figured it out they were a system, how they knew, what did they do, how did they navigate embracing it, etc. I was a bit obsessive about these questions and it wasn't hyper-fixation level obsessive, this was "I need these answers to survive" level obsessive. I started noticing anxiety around these questions that I had never felt before. Ya know, totally normal singlet stuff. 
I started a notes app note titled "Psychological analysis of myself" after I had a panic attack that felt like someone else was having it through my body. Like genuinely, it snuck up on me (unusual for my anxiety I usually can see it coming a mile a way) and then it felt like my body had the panic attack without me, I was just there along for the ride. It freaked me out, which is why I started the notes app. I started diving into more research on OSSD and more nuanced experiences of plurality that never came up in basic psychology research. 
Then the denial started. Heavy, aggressive, degrading, denial. I pride myself on have decent esteem and self love but this denial laughed in my face. I only felt this once before when I was failing a math class in 2019. It was the first class I had ever been so close to failing I tore myself apart about it. It was so unlike me to be so mean to myself. When having this denial dialogue in my head about how (aggressive language warning) I was attention seeking faker who was just lonely and wanted to feel special, it was always stated in “You are…” statements. For example: “You’re just faking.” “You’re stupid.” “I can’t believe you think this.” When I would have these conversations with myself I would feel myself getting tired. Not tired in a way where I needed a nap but more like a drifting tired. I know this may be connected to dissociation, or switching (unclear).
So in my notes app I would write the thoughts out as they came. I realized I was having a chat with myself. A great app for honestly singlets and plurals to download is ANTAR. It’s an app that lets you chat with you "emotions" to sort out emotional hang ups but if you label the emotions as your alters instead you can chat with your system! These conversations are why I didn’t fully fall back into denial stage.
For a moment I did. I concluded that I was just being silly and dramatic and blowing things out of proportion. But having those conversations on my phone that I could go back to and look at didn’t let me stay there for long. 
I went back and forth on the denial thing for a minute only because I couldn’t find label that fit how I felt about my potential system until I happened across Median System. There was the click. Everything fell into place. I sat and read the definition and just thought “That’s me”.
Why “Median System”
A Median System is describe as 
A median system (also called midcontinuum) is a system where members are not as distinct or separate from each other. It can be considered being somewhere between multiple and singlet.[1] Some are dependent on a single individual, or the dependence can be mutual in that there is no central individual. Some median systems feel more blurred between themselves[2]. Others may also be based around a shared identity or kin. The members of a median system are often described as aspects or facets. Some median systems may identify as different archetypes[1]. Despite being more fluid and similar, median systems can be very diverse. Median systems are often opposed to multiple systems, with multiple systems experiencing more distinction between headmates. Some may also oppose it to partitionary systems, but in fact, median systems can be either partitionary or blurian, as variance in identity and presence or absence of memory sharing do not necessarily go hand-in-hand.
For me, part of the reason that I was in such denial of possibly being plural was because I have little to no amnesia in my day to day but unlike OSDD-1b (which also lacks amnesia) I don’t have distinct others. It felt like me all the time but sometimes adjacent. Someone described the difference as feeling like a snake with multiple heads rather that multiple snakes in a cage. And a Median system it feels like being an individual with multiple consciouses instead of multiple individuals in one body. 
Other ways that I experience my existence are as follows: 
I sometimes use plural first pronouns when referring to myself because before this realization I would be talking about myself and my brain as separate from me.
I used to joke that I felt like a system that just never fractured. 
The way people describe masking but for me it feel like a more extreme level, where I’m not TRYING to change my behavior, it just sorta happens and I’m “someone else”. What I called masking felt more like skipping songs in a playlist to get to the right one instead of putting on a mask. 
Another thing I experience is sometimes I expect to see a different face in the mirror and I get weirded out while still recognizing that, that is me and my face. 
This one might be a stretch but I have seen other Median Systems mention it. I notice that proper singlets have 1 go to aesthetic. It may change over the years but that typically have 1. I have never been able to consistently identify with 1 aesthetic I typically cycle through several. Specifically for me it's punk, grunge, hippy, cottage academia, and dark academia. With a funky gender identity on top of all that.
I wrote this post on and off over the course of a few hours and I lost my train of thought. Please let me know if you have questions, clarifications, comments, or your own stories. My asks are open. I will probably speak more on this at a later date.
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mageofseven · 10 months
Barbatos x Mammon Relationship Headcannons
This ship is new to me, but definitely has my attention.
Therefore, I want to explore it more by describing how I see them together.
I will form this more or less like my Poly! series posts, but obviously this will just be for these two and no third partner lol
So yeah! Please enjoy~
How They Got Together:
In truth, this was an incredibly slow process, so much so that it makes DiaLuci look like a shotgun wedding.
Over the years, the men just grew an admiration for each other.
Barbatos admired Mammon for his effort into things. The second brother may pretend that most things are a hassle and not worth his time, but in truth gives his best attempt at most things he does.
The butler also admired the young demon for how he looked out for his brothers. Not that any of them notice or give him any credit for such nor did Mammon make any true attempts at getting them to do so.
This wasn't so different to how Barb was; this demon was constantly using his skills to help those around him, mainly Lord Diavolo but he has come to the brothers' rescue quite a few times as well.
This man isn't always thanked and certainly is never reward for his efforts, not even after solving the most dire of situations, but he never looks for such anyway; the problem is fixed and the people involved are okay. This is enough for him.
Mammon admired Barbatos for his skills and how effortless he made it all look. In this man's eyes, Barb never struggled, never stressed out, and was always praised by others.
The greed demon wished he could just be a fraction of the person the older demon was; then maybe his own life would be easier.
Neither man is really sure when that admiration turned into full blown love
Though Barbatos recognized it in himself before Mammon did, by like 200 years.
The butler accepted his feelings for what they were...but chose not to do anything about them.
In truth, the professional man felt is was almost inappropriate to have feelings for the second brother, a man technically a part of the governing body of the Devildom that his lord set up
But also...after all of these years, Barbatos has grown to see Lucifer as a friend. The Avatar of Pride was a good, respectable man so the idea of dating one of the younger brothers the oldest cherished so much felt... disrespectful.
Basically, the butler's mindset was that he couldn't change how he felt about the Avatar of Greed, but he could control his actions here on out.
Mammon took a long ass time on figuring out that he was in love with the butler.
This dumbass literally had daydreams of kissing the older demon just to stop and be like....wait.
Am I....?
Naaaah. 🤦‍♀️💕
When he did let it hit him how strong his feelings got for the butler, the younger man grew so fidgety and couldn't even look Barb in the eyes.
All his brothers knew something was up, but the second brother having feelings for Barbatos was the last thing on their minds.
Barb also noticed this change in him though and became curious about it.
Honestly, Barbatos' mind was on the second brother more than ever because of this.
Then it all made a turn one day in a way neither man ever expected.
Diavolo was over at HoL to work on somethings with Lucifer in his office; it was mostly just for a change of pace and very spur of the moment, but Lucifer handled it in stride like always.
So of course, this meant that Barb was here as well.
The butler had left the two other gentleman in order to make them some tea in HoL's kitchen.
That was when he heard it; sobs from up the stairs next to him.
The butler decide to take a bit of a detour and silently ascended the steps
Just to find Mammon at the top, back to the wall that the hallway shared with his room.
The younger man was just so close; he didn't want to bawl his eyes out in the hallway where his brothers could catch him, but he was so upset that his legs gave out on him and so there he was.
The butler froze at the sight, Mammon heavily sobbing with his knees to his chest and fists rotating from pulling his hair to hitting his head as he mumbled 'stupid' over and over again.
Barbatos couldn't walk away; in his mind, it wasn't even an option.
He continued to ascend the stairs, startling the greed demon; he thought it was one of his brothers coming to make fun of him for crying like a little bitch or something
But when his tearful blue eyes locked on to Barb's concerned green orbs, the man was paralyzed where he sat.
The older demon knelt down in front of Mammon, gently smoothing down his hair as he kept eye contact.
"You are not 'stupid' by any means." Barb told him, now using his gloved hand to brush the tears from the greed demon's face. "You are a man with your own issues, same as everyone else, but your intelligence is simply not one of them...no matter what they say."
And just like that, something changed in both men.
That moment of comfort, of giving and getting affection, it was like each man just got the tiniest little taste of what could be for them
And both found it difficult to stay apart any longer.
What they felt for each other was strong and confusing; it simply overwhelmed them both.
This is why they decided not to tell others about their relationship yet; both wanted to understand their feelings, but also wanted to see if their relationship could ever last.
The secrecy never really died down for the couple.
Even when they grow to understand their emotions on a deeper level and see that they're both in this relationship for the long haul, their relationship stays a secret.
Mammon has a lot of insecurities and fears, mainly about what his younger brothers will say when they find out
And Barb himself was a pretty private person so he had no qualms with keeping things quiet for Mammon's sake.
The two are really different, not just with their personalities, but even in the the ways they express love and feel the most loved.
Mammon is big on physical touch. Any private moment he can get with his boyfriend, he needs the man to give him physical affection and words of affirmation.
Barbatos, very unsurprisingly, is an acts of service sort of guy and sadly (for him bc of his 24/7 job) quality time is very important.
The two grow to understand each other well though and always know what the other needs.
Mammon can be a little slow at times, but this is something Barb has actually grown to be amused with; how long till his boyfriend will get the hint?
Still, some parts can be difficult; Mammon is clingy while Barbatos is independent. Sometimes the younger demon can get bad thoughts in his head that the cool and composed butler doesn't really care about him as much he thought.
Barbatos will always chase away those bad thoughts though; he may not feel the need to be glued to his boyfriend all day, but he still loves the other man deeply and enjoys his company.
The two spend most of their time together on Sunday since it's Barb's only day off (a day off that Diavolo had to force on him hundreds of years ago lol).
Though some days it feels less like a day off and more like an 'on call' day, meaning some shit may go wrong at the castle and the butler may have to cancel their plans in order to fix whatever issues have occurred.
With Barb's job and the secrecy of their relationship, things can be difficult for the couple
But they love each other so strongly that they'd both rather have this than not be together at all.
Overall, Barbatos is a big comfort to Mammon and slowly teaches him to love himself despite his brothers' mean words
And Mammon provides some color to the monotony of Barb's life, something the butler tries to pretend he's comfortable with, but in truth makes life feel quite stale to him.
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ghostlykeyes · 2 years
As a mysterious devil claims victims across Tokyo, you struggle to come to terms with your love for your best friend, roommate, and fuckbuddy, Denji.
AO3 Link: Here! Warnings: Canon-typical violence, descriptions of corpses, casual sex, scenes with food/eating, no happy ending. Notes: No-Nayuta AU. Denji stays in Public Safety after the events of CSM. Set a few years after the end of vol. 11. Gender Neutral.
The morning you’re back at work, Ichika approaches your desk. She’s wearing a nice skirt, a perfume that smells distinctly like peony, and the sort of gentle, genuine smile you’d see on a kindergarten teacher that loves their job. She’s cute, she’s sweet, and despite your best efforts to remain neutral, you think you might hate her a little bit.
“Good morning!” She greets cheerfully, stopping a respectful distance from your desk. There’s a glass tupperware tucked in her hands, filled with something bright yellow, and you eye it suspiciously. Ichika either doesn’t notice you glaring or she doesn’t care, and offers you a short bow. “I’m so glad to see you’re back at work!”
You plaster on a smile and give her a stiff nod, but she’s already scanning the area next to your desk—where Denji usually sits. Her bright smile falters almost imperceptibly, like when the clouds flick over the sun for just a moment.
“Um,” she starts nervously, giving you a hesitant look. “Is Denji okay? He didn’t say anything about missing work today, but…”
White swims over your knuckles as your hands clench tight fists around the grip of your crutches. 
“He’s okay,” you say, silently willing your voice to stay bland, neutral. Like plain, unbuttered toast. “He’s on a trip.”
He does this trip every year at about the same time. He won’t go into specifics. Just says that he’s visiting a family grave. But your eyes don’t miss the way that his gaze hangs over the photo of Aki that’s framed up in the living room, and it tells you what Denji won’t say out loud.
You won’t push him. You never do.
It’s comforting, sometimes, knowing you’re not the only one that’s bad at talking about your feelings.
“...caring for some old relatives that got sick,” you finish, swallowing the lump in your throat. You don’t feel guilty lying to her. If he didn’t say anything to her about his trip, you’ll protect his secret. 
“Oooooooh,” Ichika nods, a pinkish glow clouding her cheeks. “That does sound like Denji—so selfless!”
You actually have to physically restrain yourself from laughing out loud. Denji, selfless. He literally stole your leftovers like, two days ago.
“Naaaah,” you say, “he pushes me out of the way to get to the shower constantly. He’s only selfless maybe, ten percent of the time.” 
Anyone else might think it’s a light joke at Denji’s expense, but there’s a challenge hidden underneath. A statement. You might be flirting with him, but I live with him, bitch. 
Ichika doesn’t notice. Or she does, and doesn’t take the bait. Instead she covers her mouth with a thin-fingered, perfectly-manicured hand and lets out a delicate, sweet laugh that’s nothing like yours. Your jaw tightens.
Once Ichika’s bell-like laugh ceases tinkling, she bows to you again. This time, she presents the Tupperware to you. You resist the urge to wrinkle your nose at it.
“Well, hopefully he’ll at least be selfless enough to share these with you. I know you’re still healing and your body needs rest and good food, but you need a treat every now and again too, you know? Otherwise life gets so bland.”
You don’t move to take it, leaning on your crutches as an excuse. She watches awkwardly for a moment, eyes darting between you and the baked goods, before she finally clears her throat semi-nervously and sets the container on the corner of your desk. “They’re lemon bars,” she fills the silence. “I thought Denji might like citrus. I hope you do as well!”
Something petty coiled up deep inside you wants to let her know that actually, lemon is one of the only things Denji turns his nose up at.
Be an adult, you tell yourself. Resist!
You plaster a smile over the twisting disdain in your gut and regard Ichika with a look that you hope is work-appropriate, and not mildly threatening. 
“Thank you,” you manage, although your voice comes out a little choked around the edges. Ichika beams at you, and bows again, and you’re reminded of a puppy.
Not the cute kind. The clingy, over-eager kind that yaps a lot. 
“I have to get back to work,” she apologizes, and a knot of tension instantly unwinds from your shoulders. “But again, I hope you heal quickly and I’m glad to have you back with us.” She begins to twirl a piece of hair around her finger. “Will…will you ask Denji to call me? Either when he gets back, or—“
 She smiles thankfully and bows—that’s four, now, in a three minute conversation, she’s at an average of over one bow a minute—and the tap of her short but tastefully work-appropriate kitten heels recedes as she takes her leave. She waves shyly at you, over her shoulder, before she rounds the corner and disappears down a hallway. You offer a half-hearted wiggle of your fingers back.
You will not be asking Denji to call her. 
The interaction sticks on your mind like glue for the rest of the day. When you get home, Denji isn’t back from his trip yet, so you sit down with the glass tupperware and delicately pull a perfectly square lemon bar from the container. Gently, you take a bite from the corner. The flavor of citrus floods your mouth, and the powdered sugar dusted on top sticks softly to your fingertips.
It’s delicious, you think bitterly. Of course it is . 
You finish the lemon bar and throw the rest, tupperware and all, into the garbage can.
It wasn’t always this complicated. It used to be pretty simple, actually; Denji was your decently-attractive best friend, and you fucked every so often to take the edge off of a bad day. (And neither of you mentioned how often these bad days had become.) You’d be stupid to ruin your friendship with romance, so you didn’t even consider it. Until, well…
It wasn’t a slow fall, thick and sweet like maple syrup, in the way that some people describe the realization they’re in love. It was a stupidly normal night and you were standing on the sidewalk under the dull red glow of a cheap izakaya’s sign. Above you, the dark midnight clouds promised rain. You ignored them. You’d focused instead on a pay phone, telling Denji about the absolute disaster of a date you’d just endured. 
“So, yeah,” you drawl into the receiver, “turns out Asahi from downstairs actually has a girlfriend…”
“What the shit!?” Denji yells, and you have to pull the phone away from your ear before his outrage blows out your eardrum. “That scumbag!”
“Yeah…” you sigh. Truthfully, you couldn’t force yourself to be as disappointed as you probably should be. Asahi was nice. He always offered to help carry your groceries up the stairs. He was handsome, too, in a very plain, inoffensive way, like a bland Ken doll paired with an astronaut Barbie. And the way he laid you down in the backseat of his car felt…not bad. If one of your friends wiggled her eyebrows at you salaciously and asked y’know, how is he? you’d probably laugh shyly behind your hand and say he was good at sex.
But he didn’t do it like Denji did it.
You couldn’t figure out why that bothered you. 
But it did. It caught in your brain like a song stuck in your head, and it was definitely just as annoying, and you felt it every time Asahi’s hands started traveling up your thighs.
Not Denji. Not Denji. Not Denji.
So, truth be told you probably wouldn’t be crying over Asahi later, once you got home. Still. Two months was a long time to waste on someone else’s lies. That’s what stung, really; your wasted time.
“D’ya want me to say somethin’ to him?” Denji offers, sounding a little too excited. Knowing Denji, their ‘talk’ would end with Asahi holding a bag of frozen peas over a black eye. Which doesn’t sound too bad, honestly, except for the fact that he still lives one floor down and going around beating the shit out of the neighbors is probably not the best idea.
“It’s fine, Denj,” you assure, getting ready to call a cab. “Not worth getting in trouble. I already threw my drink on him, that’ll have to be good enough.”
“Naaawwwwww,” he drawls, and you can tell from the way his voice drags along that he’s thinking hard (which is never good). “He cheated on you.We gotta teach him a lesson he’s never gonna forget.” 
You run a hand through your hair and blow a hard sigh out of your mouth. 
“Denji,” you whine, “I really just want to go home right now. We can brainstorm another night if you’re still that invested—“
Denji cuts you off with a short bark of laughter, loud enough to make you jerk the phone away from your ear and wince. You’re about to cuss him out for the damage he’s just done to your hearing, but he’s already chattering at you again.
“Just stay there,” he instructs. “I’m gonna come pick you up.” 
You snort, at that. 
“You and what car, dipshit?” He doesn’t have a license, either. Or spare change for a cab.
“ Ten minutes! Don’t move!” He purposefully dodges your question, but before you can keep needling him his voice is replaced by a mechanical beeping. That man just hung up on you. Rude. 
So you sigh, again. You push your hair back out of your face, and you plop down on the curb, completely ignoring the grumbling of passers-by whose paths you’ve interrupted. They’ll get over it. 
Ten minutes melts into eleven, into twelve, into thirteen. Here and there, you can feel the light flcik of a raindrop on your cheek, your nose, your forehead. Seldom enough to convince you that maybe you’re imagining it, often enough to convince you that maybe it’s time to call Denji and say whatever he’s thinking, just forget it , the only thing you want to get soaked by tonight is a hot fucking shower. 
You’ve made up your mind to bail when it weaves its reckless way through traffic, rolling to a chaotic stop in front of you. You’d recognize the blacked out windows and crack in the bumper anywhere. Asahi’s car. 
Three things happen, then, that shock you equally, but all in different ways.
First, the window rolls down, and it’s Denji sitting in the driver’s seat, not Asahi. He’s wearing a shark-tooth-shit-eating grin (the one you usually see after he beats the shit out of a devil and there’s a pretty girl in a skirt crying ‘thank you’), and his pajamas.
Second, he tries to put the thing in park, but he accidentally pushes when he should’ve pulled and Asahi’s car slams into the parked car ahead of him. An alarm instantly screams and his eyes go wide and yes, this is probably a sufficient explanation why he can’t pass a driver’s training test. 
“Goddamnit!” He bursts, and at this point pedestrians are starting to crowd around the minor accident, necks craning to get a better view of the chaos. You know that you should probably be scrambling off the curb and getting the hell away from the crumpled back-end of this Honda, but you can’t move. 
Because of the third shock. 
Which has you absolutely frozen to the sidewalk.
And it’s that your heart did a flip in your chest when you saw that window sliding down, and it was Denji’s messy hair and sparking eyes on the other side. Something young and carefree, but relieved. Like it had just figured out the trick behind an optical illusion it had been staring at for embarrassingly long.
Something unmistakably romantic.
“Yer ride’s here!” His laugh shakes out of the rolled-down window, pushing through the crowd. It’s enough to thaw you out of the trance. Pedestrian voices crowd your ears as you stumble to your feet.
“ Holy shit, did he just hit that guy on purpose?”
“Why isn’t he getting out of the car?”
“I think maybe somebody should call the authorities…”
“ Jesus Christ, Denji,” you hiss, under your breath. You’re throwing elbows and shoving through people and tasting panic as you realize there’s a police station nearby. Thankfully Denji’s had the bright idea to fling open the passenger door for you, in service of a hasty getaway. The leather seats squeak against your thighs as you scramble in. You yank the door shut behind you, hard enough that the slam seems to shake and ripple through the watchers outside.
“What the fuck,” you wheeze. “How did you even—“
“Dumbass leaves his spare key in his potted plant, just like we do,” Denji cackles. 
“Wouldn’t that make us dumbasses, too?” 
But Denji doesn’t answer. He gives you a quick shrug, and then his hand splays out over the back of your seat. A whiff of the generic “man” scented soap he uses just barely tickles your nose. Heat explodes across your cheeks—here it is again. That romantic feeling. Your eyes catch on the slope of his nose; how his lip is pulled between his dagger teeth in concentration. He’s craning his neck, trying to back up. Denji’s rough hands spin the wheel gentle but firm. The air is too warm and the inside of the car is too small and all you have to do to kiss him is lean in, just a little bit, it could happen so quick—
But then Denji’s heavy foot is a little too eager on the gas, and the crunch of metal shatters the moment like glass. Both of you lurch forward. Your hand shoots out to steady yourself on the dash. 
“Fuck!” Denji yells from the driver’s seat. 
Of course he reversed into the goddamn car behind you.
“Oh my fucking god,” you moan, head falling into your hands. This is probably how you die. Not in a blaze of glory ripping down a devil, but in your douchebag ex’s stolen car. Beside you, Denji is just overflowing with laughter. 
“Oh, this shit is not gonna be driveable by the time we’re done with it.” He grabs your leg, right above your knee, and he jostles you. Like he’s trying to shake the uneasiness right out. And somehow, it works a little. His eyes lock on yours, and they glow brighter than all the neon signs up and down this strip of bars, combined. Your heart stumbles again. 
Why is it doing that? What is going on with you?
But it doesn’t matter, because you’re laughing. He’s vibrating with laughter and excitement and the unmistakable thrill of grand theft auto, so you are, too. Denji’s infectious. He floods you completely and all of your concerns and inhibitions wash away. Just like that; in one open-mouth grin. His hands grip the wheel again and he steps on the gas. 
Fuck it. Stealing your ex’s car suddenly sounds like a great idea. Who cares if a hundred people just saw you barrel into two other cars? The police don’t do shit to devil hunters, anyway. You’ll probably be fine. (Unless this night somehow devolves from petty car theft to murder, or something, and in that case, well. Did anyone ever really like Asahi, anyway?)
Denji’s more careful with you in the passenger seat. Both of his hands wrap firmly around the steering wheel, and he’s cautious not to pound the brakes at red lights. He always checks his blind spot before smoothly merging lanes; your eyes always stumble on the smooth slope of his adam’s apple as his neck stretches. You’ve had your mouth on that neck maybe a hundred times, but something about it feels brand-new inside the bubble of this moment. It tickles something in your core. Something camping out between hunger and want. Something delicious, and entirely too much to handle. 
You close your eyes. Denji lit a cigarette maybe three miles back, and the smoke mixes with his soap and threads through your nostrils. Guitar notes from Denji’s favorite song rip out of the car radio, volume cranked as far as the knob would budge. The highway air stings your skin. The night is warm, just beyond your rolled-down window, and the rain has backed off but left a humid taste and smell lingering behind. The atmosphere hums kindly and warmly like the Friday night of a weekend trip. Inside the car, work doesn’t exist, and you never have to worry about what to make for dinner, and shitty cheating ex-boyfriends mean absolutely nothing.
There’s only Denji.
And when you open your eyes again, you know.
You are in love.
Denji abruptly cuts the ribbon of highway off when you’re a handful of miles outside the city, when the streetlights have melted into tall, swaying trees. The car glides to a comfortable stop on the side of the road, facing a steep, jagged drop-off. Denji twists the key in the ignition, and the engine mutters into silence
“Should we shove the car down there?” He asks.
“I think it would be a shame to leave it up here where anyone could just, take it or something,” you reason. 
Both of you scramble out of the car, squeaking against the leather seats and bubbling over with giggles. Denji spreads his hands against the car's back end. His lean back muscles stretch under his fog-grey pajama shirt in a way that makes sweat bead up on the palms of your hands. You throw your shoulder into the car, bowing your head; half to help push, half to hide the heat consuming your cheeks. 
“Think it’ll explode?” 
“Oh,” you laugh, “I really hope so.”
Denji’s packed with muscle and so the wheels turn obediently. He gives a grunt and swears once or twice and the front tires are already at the edge, sending loose gravel skittering down the cliff face. It takes one good, hard shove and then the car is tipping dangerously for a moment. Denji snatches your hand and scrambles backwards. For a very slow-moving second, Asahi’s car trembles and leans, like it’s trying to decide if it really wants to tumble down or not. Despite the fact that there’s a literal car about to to roll down a cliff to its death, you’re distracted. Asahi’s car is nothing compared to the gentle pink of Denji’s lips. Inside this moment, they are everything. Your world is neatly packed into the warm comfort of the way his mouth stretches to fit his smile. You want to kiss him, hard. So that he knows without any words that you love him. 
Wholly, passionately, forever.
And then the car makes up its mind to fall. It tips over the edge and performs a dramatic somersault, and the crumpling metal is probably the loudest thing you’ve ever heard. The glass shatters into a fine glittering stardust and the stench of gasoline stings your senses. Beside you, Denji yells holy shit! and leans over the edge to watch the car come apart. The shark-tooth grin on his face is so wide and so sharp you think it might be permanent. Your heart squeezes, and you don’t ask why.
It’s weird, considering you found out you’d been cheated on maybe two hours ago, but this might be the best night of your life.
The car doesn’t explode, unfortunately, but it was a good show and you can’t complain. After it screeches to a deafening stop at the bottom of the ravine, you flee. At first, you break into a jog—probably don’t want to get caught near the smoking wreck of a stolen car, after all—but Denji shrugs at you, stuffs his hands into his pajama pockets, and smiles lazily.
“C’mon, man,” he calls, footsteps easy and slow. “Nice night. Why not enjoy the walk back?” 
The stars stretch out in a thick bright blanket, and the cool night air blows across you so kindly, like it knows you’re in love. He’s right. You make a big show of rolling your eyes, and heaving a big sigh, but you jog back to his side anyway. He shakes a hand out of his pocket, and snakes a warm arm over your shoulders. You sigh, happy. Life has never tasted so sweet.
It’s a long walk back to Tokyo, but Denji’s skinny arm is slung around your shoulders the entire way, so you don’t mind a single step.
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the-stray-storyteller · 9 months
Get to know my OC!
*trumpets* @tea-and-mercury
Gently Tagging: @cabbojage @rickie-the-storyteller @palebdot @wubsbian @anonymousfoz and open tag
Also I copy pasted the questions only at the bottom of the post so it will be easier for you guys, you won't have to filter out the questions from all the shit I wrote.
I walk on to the stage. Loud clapping ensues.
Me bowing down: Thankyou! Thankyou!
I sit down on a couch and take a thoughtful position.
Me: Everyday, especially Mondays, I wake up and think "School is fucking horrible" but then I remember that Havenpoint Academy is worse. So here I am with my favourite delinquent from Havenpoint to make me feel slightly better about my own life. Can I hear a cheer for AIDENE RAYNERS!
Aidene runs onto the stage. Everybody screams loudly. Aidene takes the seat in front of me.
Me: How are you doing today Rayners?
Aidene: Well...I tried not to punch somebody but he was too fucking annoying so I ended up kicking him in the stomach. Then he pulled my hair and then my friend attacked him. It was an all out brawl in the school hallway. It felt real good seeing him get hit so many times. So In short I am doing relatively fine.
Me: Damn! Let's not waste any time and get to the questions shall we?
Aidene: Go ahead love.
Me: Are you named after anyone?
Aidene: Naaaah....my name is so fucking unique that typing the words 'Aidene name meaning' on google will show 'Did you mean: Maiden name meaning.
Me: When was the last time you cried?
Aidene: The last day of my old school. It wasn't exactly sad crying though. Don't miss anybody over there.
Me: Do you have kids?
Aidene: Darling...I am still a virgin and a minor by law.
Me: Do you use sarcasm?
Aidene: Not really, that is more of Anne's and Penelope's thing.
Me: What's the first thing you notice about people?
Aidene: Are they rich or not?
Me: What's your eye colour?
Aidene: A deep brown that looks like honey under the summer sun and silver pools of starlight at night. That's how Anne describes it sometimes.
Me: Any special talents?
Aidene: Uh...I can be very very very annoying.
Me: Scary movies or happy endings?
Aidene: I have an over active imagination. I watched 'Lights out' and I felt like somebody was following me whenever I went into some place mildly dark. I couldn't sleep for the next week. So happy endings please.
Me nervously: Where were you born?
Aiden looking at me judgingly: In my mother's womb.
Me: What are your hobbies?
Aidene: I play both acoustic and electric guitar and sing occasionally. I tried my hand at art but it wasn't pretty enough for people. Also *cough* stealing *cough* and *cough* lockpicking *cough**cough*
Me: Do you have any pets?
Aidene: No but this crow comes by my window everyday. I give him food. In return he brings me little trinkets. I named him Corvy.
Me: What sports do you play/have played?
Aidene: I am a pretty decent swimmer and I am really good at running. I have won a couple ice skating competitions too.
Me: How tall are you?
Aidene lay down on the couch diva style and sighs deeply: Woe is me. I am only 5'4 but at least I am not as short as Valentina. She is only 5'2.
Me: Favourite subject at school?
Aidene: I like watching the art students paint from the window while skipping computers. So I like computers.
Me: Dream job?
Aidene: I really don't know....I like mythology so something related to that maybe. Or a musician, that would be cool.
Me: Well that is all we have for today and Aidene I believe you have a trapdoor to open. So until next time....so long farewell and don't die.
Curtains drop.
Are you named after anyone?
When was the last time you cried?
Do you have kids?
Do you use sarcasm?
What's the first thing you notice about people?
What's your eye colour?
Any special talents?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
Do you have any pets?
What sports do you play/have played?
How tall are you?
Favourite subject at school?
Dream job?
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shapeshiftinterest · 1 year
Take A Seat: sun x moon x monty (CH 2)
established relationship version of the last chapter + fennell coming back from their break
some context:
the gator ride stops ahead of the control box and doesn’t go in reverse
Fennell stopped the ride a little too late so they’re a few feet away from the animatronics, can’t see monty who is already in the ride, and can only kinda hear them talking
the beginning's the same, alternate version starts at 'smaller than the other Glams'
story under the read more
Take A Seat (also on ao3) 
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
“Ah,” Fennell said, their 3rd day on the job and there was already a problem.
They felt like maybe management should have accounted for the animatronics’ larger frames but oh well. Guess it was Fennell’s problem now.
As a staff member they were tasked to oversee testing for the weight limit on Monty’s gator ride near the catwalks. Monty and another animatronic, whom they later found to be the Naptime Daycare Attendant, would sit in one of the cars and record any changes or abnormalities.
At least that’s what was supposed to happen, they sighed, dragging a hand across their face.
What actually happened was them pausing the rides so a car would stop in front of the accessible catwalk, Monty stepping in the alligator shaped ride... and then there not being enough space for Moon to get in.
Fennell was glad the DA was the other animatronic, at least he was smaller than the other Glams. They made their way back to the control box. Maybe if they all worked together they could figure out a way for Moon to squeeze in-
Before Fennell could finish their thought they saw a clawed hand reach towards Moon.
“There’s not enough space, Monty.” They heard Moon deadpan.
“Naaaah, there’s plenny’ a space right ‘ere,” Monty said. The ride swayed, probably from Monty shuffling around to make said space. Fennell heard the faint sound of Monty pat something twice in the ride.
Huh, they didn’t think the two would be such close friends.
Well whatever, as long as both animatronics could fit and not break the ride it didn’t matter.
Fennell watched Moon’s face plate rotate once, twice, before they (somehow??) rolled their eyes and took the gator’s hand, jumping into the car. A bit more shuffling rocked the ride while the animatronics got settled in and Fennell pulled the lever again.
“Now would be the perfect time for my 1 hour break,” Fennell said to themself, already making their way to the elevator.
Fennell wasn’t sure what they were looking at.
Scratch that, they knew exactly what they were looking at, they just couldn’t believe it.
The newbie had come back from their break to get Moon and Monty’s reports only to find them in the ride with Monty on his back and Moon lying on top of him. The gator’s hands on Moon’s hips and a few scratches on the DA’s back that Fennell was 99% sure weren’t there before.
They hoped the other side of the DA wouldn’t be too upset to have to visit Parts and Services later.
Wait, was Sun with them too? Fuck it, they weren’t paid enough to think about animatronic love lives.
Fennell coughed and the animatronics jolted, Moon grabbing the top of the gator ride’s mouth and swinging himself onto the catwalk. Monty followed less gracefully, almost tripping when he stepped out.
“The report?”
“Were there any problems with the amount of weight the car could handle?”
“No, no problems.” This time Moon answered. They didn’t look at Fennell though, too focused on fiddling with their bell and swaying. That was fine, they’d feel awkward too if their junior caught them making out with a coworker during a routine check.
“Gwahaha, yeah!” Monty laughed, patting Fennell on the back a little too hard and making them stumble. “We even shook the ride a few times to make sure it would hold up just in case!”
Fennell tried not to think too hard on how they achieved that. Moon sputtered and elbowed the bassist. “Ow! What’d I do?”
They noticed Moon’s face plate was a little dented in some places.
Moon sighed and grabbed his hand, pulling the other animatronic to the elevator. “We’ll send a digitized report to your Fazwatch,” he called back.
Fennell questioned their life choices and briefly thought about quitting.
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redhairedgirl95 · 2 years
hii can you write about a scenario where stella or brandon like get hurt and the other is mad at them for putting themselves in harms way?
Brandon gets hurt, and Stella gets mad. It's pre-switch, pre-season 1.  💗
So, when I say Sky, that’s Brandon. And Brandon is Sky
She was still to understand why someone as well-built as Prince Sky needed a bodyguard, but she knew better than to say so. Brandon was her friend too and she didn't want to offend him, not when she ... didn't have so many options in the friend-field.
But Sky, Brandon, and Timmy were cool. Sky especially. Maybe because he was a Prince, maybe because he was so stylish, maybe because his eyes were so beautiful ... Stella, snap out of it, she said to herself, and brought her attention back to her drink.
Shoes in hand, they were walking on the beach after a party she had dragged them to. Timmy hadn't come, but Sky and Brandon were with her. One at each of her sides. She noticed they must have asked her a question, because they were looking at her with amused smiles.
"Ehm ... I didn't get that."
"Maybe you need earing aids, Princess ... Hey! Watch it!" Someone had bumped into Brandon. Hard. He had almost fallen.
"Do you have something to say, blondie?" The guy, who was in a group of three, asked Brandon, and pushed him again. Intentionally this time. Maybe the first time too was intentional.
She couldn't say how it had started. Soon, pushing became throwing punches. Sky intervened, putting himself in front of Stella. She was too stunned to move or act, but she saw the glint of a blade and then ... Sky pushed back one of the assailants, Brandon was fighting another as the third one approached him with a knife. And Sky ... Sky threw himself between them.
She saw the blood. The glass fell, her shoes fell, like the boys’ had done just moments before. She raised her hands to the sky and a blinding light hit the beach. Brandon and Sky instantly closed their eyes, while the others fell on the sand, unable to see. It would be temporary, given that she hadn't used an excessive amount of power, so Stella rushed to Sky and helped him up, as Brandon took his other arm. They led him to rest on a nearby bench and Stella summoned a globe of light to see ...
"I'm fine, Stella." Sky groaned. Brandon, who now had a black eye, was already ripping a strand of fabric from his shirt to cover the wound on his friend's abdomen, but Stella knelt before him and put both her hands on the wound. Sky gulped. She tried not to think of the blood she now had on her fingers.
"This will hurt." Without waiting for his response, Stella’s hands lit up, got warm, and cauterized the wound. Sky stood still and didn't say a thing, while Brandon watched.
Ten seconds later, she stood up, turned her back to them, and went to wash her hands in the sea.
Sky joined her soon after, while Brandon went to retrieve their shoes and to throw the empty glass in a bin.
"Stella ... are you okay?"
"Am I ... of course I'm not okay. You're a fucking idiot!"
Sky stared at her, puzzled. "I don't understand ..."
"Oh, you don't?" She looked at him with nothing but fury in her amber eyes. "First your idiot friend starts a fight with some drunken idiots. Then you join them. Then another idiot pulls out a knife. Then you, the idiotest of all idiots, decide it's a good idea to stand in front of a knife!!!"
He had never seen her so distressed. "Brandon was in danger ..."
"Brandon is your fucking squire! He is supposed to protect you, not the other way around!" How could he not understand? It wasn't his job to protect his guard. "And what about your swords? Did you forget you have them? And you two are such idiots that didn't think for a moment that I could be useful. Oh, she has powers, she can literally melt people's eyes if she'd like to ... naaaah, let's keep her on the side. We are big strong men, we can manage."
"Stella ..."
"Don't Stella me! You could have died!" Okay, maybe she was being a tad melodramatic, but he had scared her.
"I'm sorry." And he hugged her, tight. Only then Stella realized that she was shaking. "I promise I'll let you deal with the bad guys next time."
She hugged him back, but just for a second. "And now you've got blood on my dress! Oh, you're the worst, Sky!"
She headed back to Brandon, took her shoes, and started walking back towards the parking lot where they’d left the wind riders. They followed her quietly. She decided to ride with Brandon, and they took her back to Alfea. They didn’t say a word during the whole twenty-minute ride.
“Good night, Brandon.” She said to the squire, before turning to the prince. “If you come by tomorrow morning, Ofelia will make the burn disappear. No questions asked. She owes me one since I sent a Happy Birthday video message to her daughter last month.”
“Okay. Thank you, Stella.” Sky smiled.
“Anything for my black eye?” But Stella had already crossed the gates and didn’t turn back.
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cheesecakeelevator · 2 years
Fem! Reader has terrible fashion so Ramuda forces her to go shopping with him and guilt trips her into paying for everything
Hi anon i absolutely loved writing ur request!! hope u enjoy 500 words (or so) of this (its midnight) !
I was really nervous for my first date with my bf Ramuda… Hes a fashion designer and im really scared he wont like my outfit!!
I picked it out myself so im not so sure .. i really hope he likes it
I head to the cafe we decided to meet up to and see Ramuda coming in to sit down next to me. Waving at him, he seems to not notice me so i yell his name “Ramuda ~”
“Oh dear god … Hiiii y/n!! WHAT the hell r u wearing ..”
I look up and down and back to him. Is my fashion sense really that bad?
“oh Ramuda.. i was so scared u were going to dislike my outfit, i was right. What can i do to fix it”
“omg girlie this failure is UNFIXABLE.. ahem anyway we should go shopping together” he starts violently winking to which i was confused
“alrighty! lead the way babe!”
Ramuda grabs my hand and walks in front of me not sparing a single look behind. Which made sense my outfit was pretty horrible
Ramuda and i were inside a store
“What do u think about this one? I think youd look splendid! It really matches ur hair color” he says all excited
“Nothing here looks as good as ur fashion line honey!”
“Yeah i know but thats expensive and i am on a tight budget today! Ysee bein a producer of a brand is tough!”
ramuda continues as he ventures through the store
“Oh my god y/n!! youre going to love this one! It really shows off ur characteristics!”
Ramuda points at a plaid skirt that looks straight out of a goth girl tik tok
My eyes begin to sparkle
“AHhh ramuda! you truly ARE an amazing stylist!!”
“Damn right i am!! Yaya lets go pay now”
I see ramuda running to the cashier. Im happy hes so excited i was nervous this date would go wrong!
“Okie dokie heres the clothes and heres a kiss on the cheek MWUAH oh deer goodness gracious look at my i have no money on me..”
he makes 🥺 eyes
“Y/n chan … plz tell me u have money with u right?”
i look at the pile of clothes and this was NOT only my outfit
“Ramuda did u buy more clothes for yourself..”
“Nothing much! just a few pieces here and there doooont even mind it really no biggie” he twists his hair with his fingers
naaaah im not dealing with this guy rn
“Hun, weve talked about this i cant keep paying for ur everything”
“But.. babe… you promised youd always take care of lil good ol ramuda”
i cant say no to his ass
“fine fine” i look at the cashier “credit card plz”
we leave the shop with three shopping bags in our hands and all happily !
at the end ramuda kisses me on the cheek
he may have scammed the crap outa me but at least he has pink hair!
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hard-core-super-star · 6 months
here I am to answer while I almost fall asleep again, mainly because it's almost 2am, I don't know how I'm still standing ye ye ye. It would be funny if you weren't, but since the topic was that anon's ideas, there was no way you weren't right. naaaah, I don't need to do it, I think you're doing great. I will continue my hard work, which is to keep laughing 😔
I don't believe you anticipated that I was going to say something... but um, if you were multitasking I think it's okay? I guess you're right and emily dickinson approves this statement. I heard that in some countries the word “chemistry” doesn’t exist, so they use gwen and peter as a synonym. kind of yes? because you will have transformed into him and you'll know that you are there... I don't know, it's quite confusing. yup, the multiverse is pure madness.
nope, that's not me. exactly what I've been doing up until now... maybe I-- kdhskskssksk yeah, but shhh, don't think about it too much 😶 c'mooon, do you really think my only brain cell is capable of doing this? I mean, If you want me to finish the sentences it would only be fair for you to do the same, right? 👀
I feel like I should be offended by this. good to know you didn't think about doing exactly that, it would be horrible if you thought about doing that. since you're not thinking about sharing any more thoughts I wouldn't want to hear it either because it wouldn't make me more excited. and since you didn't ask, I'm not going to answer that it would be interesting for half-smut, like, to almost happen but R isn't ready for it yet and the fact that Kate respects this decision would also be something “shocking” for R.
okay, I'll trust you and your words then. so it looks like your days of semi-refreshments have arrived. ksjskskak I'm going to start writing a little line on paper every time I understand a reference you make.
I've never seen anyone say that english is weird, you couldn't be more right lmao. wowwowow, paris? that's so cool- even though you couldn't speak french hsjskakk 😭 what was it like when you went there? I swear I could make fun of you for that, but then I'd be attacking myself too because I'm exactly like that lmao. and okay, your fear of sounding like a gringa is totally plausible because it really is embarrassing af- I'm glad you agree that their relationship goes beyond that, even if it's something obvious lol. I wonder how much pain she really hides, not only from others but also from herself, you know? that would be so cute stop ashwajdksk she was definitely going to turn into a mess, but a happy mess, like, look at her making friends and finally having people around 🥺
– 🌟
i want to scold you for being awake at 2am but i can't bring myself to do it because seeing another message from you made my night 19x times better so 😶 it’s about to be 10pm for me so, it's not super late but i’m definitely a little drowsy. [also, i’m starting to realize we both overestimated the time difference between us lmao] look at you, finally starting to admit how right i am all the time, i knew you could do it. hmmm, nope, i think we ALL require a comment from you. definitely not just me.
well, believe it ‘cause that's what happened 👍 look at that, even more evidence of me being right, i’ll take that star any time. skskdkdj yup, that sounds about right. i think i need to go watch the amazing spiderman now 😅 i think we can excuse narcissism this time, right? i feel like the context makes it...better lmao. you could almost call it the multiverse of madness…get it? …i’ll see myself out 🙃
whatever you say 👀 says the person refusing to give me another star, when it comes to compliments though well, let's just say you… uh huh, i’ll stop thinking about it, say some more obvious things and wake up to everyone calling me out about it. subtlety isn't really my strong suit, as i’m sure you've noticed. i’m sure you and your one braincell will manage just fine. and before you start, you're the one who started the unfinished sentences thing so you owe me at least four sentences before i even think about giving you mine.
nope, you should take it as a compliment. i’m glad we’re on the same page about all the things i certainly won't be doing. i don't have way too many thoughts about alpha!kate at all and i definitely don't want to talk about her at all. it’s not like the only thing stopping me right now is my tiredness, not at all. i’m so glad you didn't answer the question i didn't ask because it's not like i think that's a great idea and i certainly won't be stealing it. and i definitely don't want you to ask any questions about this AU or alpha!kate at all.
thank you, i appreciate your trust. you’re going to run out space very quickly, i make like two references per message and we have…about four conversations going on rn.
really??? i saw it once somewhere and it's never left my mind. it's such a pain in the ass sometimes which is probably why i ignore most grammar rules and just write what i want lmao. which usually means i add a crap ton of commas to every sentence. Grammarly hates me. my spanish came through and saved my ass ‘cause my french was very limited at the time. i honestly had a great time though, my mom and i decided it would be much more fun to travel for my 15th birthday instead of having the traditional quinceañera thingy and i absolutely made the right decision. i love traveling and paris is lovely, i don't care if it’s overrated. i’m glad you understand my pain and my fear, it's also embarrassing af having to pronounce certain things [like carne asada, for example] the “American Way” so people understand what i mean. it's exactly why i don't go to Chipotle. [i also just don't like it but that's not as fun to say] yeah, i think kate just really needs someone to be in her corner and who better than her literal idol, right? i feel like she's very self-aware of how obsessive she sounds sometimes but she does it anyway to annoy clint. she probably hides any and all pain she's ever felt and then makes a slightly heavy joke that makes everyone go like ‘???’ which just makes her retreat even further. oh for sure. i think she’d also be genuinely surprised that yelena doesn't seem to hate her. they're definitely friends but they act like they have a rivalry going on which is all fun and games until yelena accidentally hurts kate’s feelings which just results in endless puppy dog eyes.
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picnokinesis · 3 years
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spoopy-fish-writes · 2 years
Could you do a fem comte (headcanon or oneshot) with an mc who very much has a crush on comtess, but is tragically dense. Like comtess is trying really hard to drop hints but mc is like "this is normal platonic interaction for women"
—More forward, perhaps?
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Suitor(s): Fem!Comte
TW: None, Fem Comte is so fucking whipped oml
Genre: Fluff
Notes: Female MC || A win for the gays!!! Please, I was so happy to get this request and immediately started writing it. Feel free to send me more for the genderbends, I'm starved of content for women in otome games 😭😭 || Should I apologise for the ending...? Naaaah
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Sebastian doesn't think he's every heard the Comtesse sigh so many times as she had since she had met you. He would be a fool not to know why. The countess's feelings for you were written plainly on her face- in her every word and action that she directed to you and about you, a kind of reverence that Sebastian knew came only with the years that the countess had lived- so how had you been yet to realise? At this point the pure blood might as well have asked for your hand in marriage and yet you were still oblivious to her advances.
The urge to tell you straight to your face whenever you and Sebastian would converse in the kitchen about various relationship struggles that the Comtesse was clearly smitten with you was almost overwhelming at times. It may as well have been painful for him to have to pretend that he didn't know all the while coaxing you into finally making your feelings clear to the pureblood.
Her gifts, her words, all too intimate for regular conversation, spoken with too much honesty and poetry to be speech reserved just for a friend and you still somehow perceived her words to be... Platonic. It left the Comtesse to wonder if she really had been speaking in the same way to other women.
The vampire in question, quietly sipped her tea, her mind clearly elsewhere. She let out a breath, once again a mixture of a defeated sigh and a stabilising intake of breath.
"Is there anything else that you need, Comtesse?" While Sebastian knew that the answer would be no as it usually was, especially when she was so caught up in her own thoughts, it was still polite for him to ask regardless.
She offered him a smile and shook her head. "No, but thank you, Sebastian." He took his leave quickly. After all, the sooner he left, the sooner, he knew, that she would decide to see go and see you.
Just as Sebastian thought, the countess was soon getting up, tea only half finished which was unusual for her, and making her way out of her office. Today was a slow day for chores, as she was aware, so, at this time, you would likely be doing the laundry. It wouldn't be long until you were finished and the sun was still high but she couldn't let such a serene afternoon go to waste.
The quickened beating of her heart made her feel like she was falling in love for the first time and her words almost caught in her throat. Not that you had noticed. For what it was worth, the woman was a wonder at masking her feelings so she looked to you to be just as composed as usual.
She stepped out into the garden, the lightness of the atmosphere familiar to her as she always found it to be in the years that she had been residing in the mansion, and immediately caught sight of you. It was difficult not to have when you were wearing the clothes that she had bought for you herself.
A soft smile played on her lips as she took in your form, highlighted by the golden light of the sun, and she found her heart fluttering as she focused her attention on you.
It was a few moments later that she laughed quietly at herself for how quickly she had lost her train of thought at the sight of you. You really did muddle her heart so.
"Ah! Comtesse, good afternoon!" you called out to her in greeting upon seeing her approach. You were only putting up the last bed sheet to dry as she came over.
"Good afternoon, MC." Ah, even such a simple sentence had you fawning over her. Even mentally chastising yourself didn't help. "I wanted to ask you if you would like to accompany me to a ball tomorrow night. A friend of mine is hosting it for his daughter."
It was after saying it that the Comtesse had realised that she had phrased it as less of a question and more of a statement and was quick to smoothly correct herself. "Though you're more than welcome to decline. Sebastian did, after all, mention that he wished to cook something from modern day Japan tomorrow night."
"Oh, I'd love to go with you!" You were quick to accept, maybe too quick given the warmth that had risen to your cheeks and the vampire's polite smile which you were half certain was given to hide a chuckle.
"But are you not able to take anyone else with you? I know anyone would be more than happy to go to a ball with you." The pureblood was not so dense that she wouldn't realise the reason behind you're question. Perhaps she really did need to take note of how she spoke to other people of you were going to be convinced that she didn't hold an interest in you though she still very much doubted that she could speak to anyone in the same way that she spoke to you.
Would it be better if she was more straight forward?
"In truth, I was hoping to take this chance to ask you if you would allow me to court you."
Her face held its usual lady-like smile but even you couldn't miss the hope in her eyes as she asked the question.
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Tags: @a-chaotic-dumbass @otome-scribbles @laito---sakamaki @kaeyas-beloved @shad0cat @alby-rei @rurifangirl @daisiesandshakes @lucyw260 @simplycuriouscourage @namine-somebodies-nobody @shameshomalo @ikesenfangirl @your-local-ikemen-simp @wtf-0w0 @notapinklasagna @chaosangel @grumpybunny14 @fangirlinindia @obeyme4life @entidy13 @skatercashew @cilokgoang @roses-of-rosalie @character-design-who @ikesimp100 @kisara-16 @aceeeeuuuuuu @simpingforsatan and @ndoandou @legalize-arson because women <3
If you want to be added or removed from my tag list, dm me, send me an ask off anon or fill out this form
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Do not repost or claim. Only reblog 💜
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neoheros · 4 years
sneaking out headcanons feat. gym 3 squad ♡ — also this is all gonna be set in an au before or without the quarantine, so don’t leave your house please!! social distancing is important and people are dying!!
kuroo tetsuro
listen LISTEN
sneaking out is terrible and you should never do it because it’s dangerous and risky
and you as the woke and understanding gen z that you are definitely respected that
but , BUT , BUUUUT !
the minute your boyfriend snapped you a photo of him in his car with him rubbing his tired eyes captioned “couldn’t sleep, dreamt of u”
your morals were OUT THE WINDOW and now it was your turn >:// !!!
kuroo: i know it’s 4 am but what’re the chances you’d hop out for a quick trip to chick-fil-a 👉👈
you, purposely taking two minutes to reply: why are you still awake
kuroo, who knows you like the back of his hand: babe don’t lie to me, it’s embarrassing for the both of us x
so you agree !! because it was kuroo, the love of your life, the man you’d simp for, and he’s paying for food so hell fricken yeah
you throw on a hoodie, lock your doors, fluff up the bed to make it look like someone was sleeping in it just in case and you gently make your way towards your window
due to personal reasons, you want to pass away
you suddenly remember why you hated sneaking out and boy — the food kuroo was buying you better be worth it
the only way you were actually gonna get down from your two story house that idiotically doesn’t have a roof ledge was if you grab onto the tv satellite that latched by the sill
from your window you see kuroo’s car parked by the trash cans near your house and he’s got his windshield down signaling at you
mfer pulled out his phone from his pocket and waved as he zooms closer to your figure and he SMILED ?
you were in a dilemma?? and he had the audacity???? the fricken audacity???
kuroo, snapping you the vid he took: babe please you’re so cute you look like a tiny gremlin
you: had me in the first half, not gonna lie
it was a MOMENT for you !! but you just say what the hell and go for it anyways because you only live once apparently and sneaking out with your boyfriend at 4 am was better than sleeping
you grab onto the satellite ridge and you pray for mercy that it doesn’t make a sound or loosen up because if anyone found out you were doing this it was definitely kuroo’s ass on the line
while you’re struggling to get down, kuroo’s just in the car ??? laughing his ass off at your current state and you swear that he’s still taking photos
you get down on the cement safely and instead of him pulling up closer to your drive way naaaah he makes you walk to where he was at 😤
you, getting in the car: if i dump you by the end of tonight, just know that the only reason why i didn’t do it sooner is because i wanted food
kuroo, putting on your seatbelt: we’ll get back together in the morning, i’m not worried
so the two of you make your way to chick-fil-a, get food via drivethru and eat in the parking lot with the doors open and the windows down
he still looks very tired and before you even realize it it’s already 6 in the morning
you catch him yawn every few minutes and he always reassures you that he didn’t mind staying up this late :(
he’s baby
kuroo: lets get you home, are you gonna dump me yet?
you, kissing his cheek: no, i kinda love you
kuroo, less sleepy with a lazy smile on his face: aha simp
tsukishima kei
bro if you think he’s a goody two shoes boy who won’t ask you to sneak out at like 2 in the morning , you are so wrong
canonically, he is the most devious and logical character in the entire anime and if he wants to go out with you before the crack of dawn — he fricken will !!
he’s gonna be so sly about it too, nah, he gon make you think it’s your idea to sneak out
tsukki, texting you a tiktok of homemade shrimp rotini at 2:35 am: look what yamaguchi sent me
yamaguchi, who fell asleep three hours ago and absolutely is not in any state to send tiktoks:
so you’re there like ??????
bruv you were just tryna scroll through your twitter feed in peace, why the hell would he send you that like that’s so uncool
because now you were sleep deprived and hungry
you, close to tears: does your house in hell have a pool or
tsukishima, unnerved: i don’t like the concept of swimming
he’s gonna go on about how he didn’t realize what he did and how he’s kinda sorry for waking your hunger but you weren’t born yesterday !! you smelled BS !!
so you facetime him, ready to go off on how unsorry he is and you can already imagine the shit eating grin he must’ve had on
he answers after three rings and he’s in a MFING yellow hoodie with the dinosaur print in the middle, his hair neatly tucked and you just know that he’s got his keys on his fingertips
you, defeated: i’ve been played
tsukishima, heading out the front door: i deny all accusations
you’re not even upset though because this was a perfect opportunity to try the stability of your roof ledge and tbh? who wasn’t unreasonably hungry at 3 am
turns out climbing out your window was harder than you thought and you may or may not have gotten two new bruises on your wrist just by trying
safe to assume that you fell on your ass and since the universe has a particular hatred towards you, your boyfriend arrived at the perfect time to witness all of it
tsukishima: how are you gonna kiss me when you’re too busy kissing the ground
you, tears on your cheeks: if i wanted a bully instead of a boyfriend i would’ve SAID SO
when you get in his car, the first thing he does is ask if you’re okay though and he’s checking your wrists and hands for any scratches or bleeding because 🥺
tsukki: you’re such a clumsy idiot what the hell
tsukki, kicking down the pavement when you’re not paying attention: 💢🪓
you guys end up going to numerous places because most of the drivethrus in town were already closed
you see him get tired behind the steering wheel and you almost have the urge to offer to drive but you didn’t really feel like crashing his car any day soon so
you: lets just head to starbucks hm? get some coffee?
tsukishima, feeling bad because he knows you wanted to get food: we don’t have to
you, in love with him: if you say no i will willingly walk all the way to starbucks by myself , what , you think i won’t do it
so you guys go there and order a couple double shot espressos with a side of scones and muffins and the entire time you’re just trying not to shiver because name one starbucks you’ve been to that hasn’t been unreasonably cold huh i dare you
he notices this and he gives you his hoodie and ITS JUST THE SOFTEST THING OKAY BECAUSE HE’S COLD TOO BUT HE JUST WANTS YOU WARM
you: i knew it, you love me too huh 😌
tsukishima: unfortunately so
akaashi keiji
like he cannot be a bad boyfriend ?? it’s impossible for him to be so ?????? he’s just built that way ????
he’s the ultimate mixture of respect and self love , god was just like “let’s make this one perfect !!”
he’s DRIPPING in love each other juice and he eats kindness for breakfast so ha !
he physically cannot say no to you because he flat out adores you
( except when he feels like you’re wrong or being irrational to which he’ll politely correct you and educate you because that’s on what? that’s on having a healthy relationship ♡ )
so when you hit him up at 5:23 in the morning after a series of tiktoks that he has yet to see and react to you about, he’s kinda alarmed
but then again he’s also not ?? because let’s face it, at this point, he’s used to you spamming his inbox
the last thing you sent him two minutes ago was a text saying “bro just imagine this: you and me at a maccas drivethru with two oreo flurry’s and a box of 20 piece chicken nuggets — immaculate”
and you didn’t really expect him to reply?
it was five am and you were absolutely shit talking but when you saw his face time status go online you were just like ?????
akaashi, snapping you a pic of him under his covers with very tired eyes: it’s 5:27 am
you, sending him back a photo of you and the 2000 piece puzzle you spent the last two hours doing: that’s not a no 💅
he doesn’t reply and you’re not really upset by it because he probably just fell asleep and that was really cute to you so !!
but then two minutes later he’s facetiming you and you JUMP at the sudden ringing
he’s all tired and his voice is groggy and tight but he’s still smiling as he says “i’ll see you in ten”
YOU ARE !!!! PUMPED !!!!!
you won the boyfriend lottery , holy hell
now the only thing keeping you from seeing your man and the mcdonald’s sign was the eleven foot gap between your window and the solid concrete
you’d usually take the stairs but you just know that your mom would absolutely murder you for trying to sneak out when you should be asleep 💆‍♀️
it was either climbing out by clawing through the pipes or not being able to give akaashi a hug and you were not gonna let that second one happen
akaashi, after reading your two paragraph rant on how unnatural it was for your window to be that high: please be careful
you, haven’t slept in 32 hours: screw careful ! i embody elegance !!
in which elegance was screaming every time your pipes squeaked because dear mercy you did not want to die yet
akaashi, who just pulled up your drive way and is now seeing you almost fall to the ground:
you, on the verge of tears: please catch me
AND he does 🥺
it was a close call and he barely even made it to you when you chose to let go but HE DID ANYWAYS
you kinda fell on him rather than landing smoothly in his arms but that’s okay you were just glad you didn’t die
when you both get in his car, he just takes a hot sec to dust you off and ask if you’re okay and he’s so concerned please tell him you’re fine
he’s such a baby please i can’t believe this shit
the two of you end up in a mcdonald’s parking lot with doja cat blaring on the radio and you guys do your best to hold back your laughter as you eat
it was pretty cold and the sun was rising but honestly you couldn’t find the urge to care since the moment just felt so surreal
you: i’m sorry for waking you btw 🥺
akaashi, showing you his new lock screen which is the picture he took of you when he first saw you climb out the window:
you: i’m less sorry
bokuto koutaro
i accept no arguments, go cry about it
i literally don’t care what anyone has to say, bokuto is the only man ever ? he’s so deserving of every right on earth i’ll cry
the way that this is the third night in a row he’s stayed up til 4 am and he’s not even alarmed about it
like at this point he’s just accepted that he is nocturnal and that’s that on that !
before he actually had the idea to ask you to sneak out for him, he debated whether or not it was worth it
you needed sleep and you barely got any so when he knew you were resting he absolutely refused to message you :(
but then he also thought about how you would love to have a large dunkin iced coffee right now
and he was already getting ready for his morning fix so why not just ask harmlessly?
if you weren’t going to respond then he’d be okay with that because he knew that you were resting well
but if you were going to answer his consecutive texts with a positive reply then HE IS 🥺 over the moon
you, barely awake: can we get a venti triple shot latté instead , my caffeine tolerance is SHOT
bokuto, snapping you back within a minute: babe you are delusional if you think i’m gonna let you drink that
so it’s 5 am and your parents are in the other room asleep but you know that their jobs start pretty early so you had to get a move on
your room wasn’t that high from the ground to be honest, so you weren’t really worried about falling off
what you were worried about was how dizzy and out of depth the melatonin gummies made you because in order to fall asleep you took 3 and now that you basically forced yourself out of a self induced coma, your body was on the verge of passing away
bokuto tells you that he doesn’t mind if you’re not up for the trip and he’d just bring you back your coffee BUT NAH
you’re not a quitter 🤬 you miss your boyfriend and you are gonna do whatever it takes to spend some quality morning time with him !!!!!
so you throw on a proper outfit, make your way through your window and gently do your best to refrain from yelping every time your hand would slip from the railing that’s keeping your balance
bokuto, pulling up seeing you on your roof: you’re so strong 🥺👉👈
you, barely alive: all for you baby ❤️
he helps you get down from where you stood and he had the prettiest smile on earth i SWEAR when you immediately sank in his cold chest
he apologizes for making you sneak out like that BUT NUH UH YOU DO NOT LET HIM
he is a gift !!! and you knew how tired he must’ve been too since he kept yawning but he still took the time and energy to pick you up 🥺
he fastens your seatbelt in the car and puts the windows up because he knew that the air would get in your face and you didn’t like that
he even brought you a spare hoodie of his because he remembered how much you swooned over this particular fabric
bokuto: we’ll get you some coffee but you can sleep while i drive, ok babe?
you, trying not to cry: are you single because i really want to kiss you
bokuto, kissing your cheek: i’m dating someone i’m sorry
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ticklygiggles · 3 years
Obey Me! N$FW Headcanons!
Written with @otomiya-tickles
Oh goodness, sweet Ginny and I are way too invested on these boys! We've been talking about the Obey Me boys' virginity and masturbating likings, and we decided to post these bunch of naughty hc’s. We hope you enjoy them~
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We think this sweet looking guy has fucked at least once (don’t let him fool you, he’s fucked more than that)
We also think it can be because he was feeling horny and wanted to satisfy his needs or because he wanted something in return
When it comes to masturbating - he’s a shameless one
He’d go to the bathroom before a meeting or in the middle of the day to jerk off!
Goes back fresh as a lettuce, uf
One of Diavolo's fantasies is having someone looking at him while he masturbates!
He also has very sensitive nipples, you can’t change our minds
We think that when it comes to sex, Diavolo wouldn’t enjoy it as much if he’s not doing it with someone he loves
He’d just do it for some regular sexual thrill, but nothing too exciting
All for the dick, lololololol
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Oh goodness, we think he wouldn’t be that interested about sex, but he’s up to do it if he feels the need!
We dare to say that he’d try to please Diavolo if he’s asked to, just like in our tickle hc’s!
L: “Fine. *sigh* if you must… Can I refuse?” D: “Noooo!!!” L: “Alright,, but make it quick” D: “I will, I will!!!”
Something like that, lolololololol
But sometimes when he sees how happy the other person gets he might smile a little (which is just too charming), or when he makes the other person feel real good
He will have a satisfied smirk
We think he’d be the pickiest little shit out there when it comes to choose a sex partner
He just won’t have sex with anyone! It doesn’t matter if they’re the most beautiful being alive, if there’s something he doesn’t like, then he won’t have sex with them!
Unlike Simeon, he’s not that flirty and doesn’t tease much, but of course he’d be so hard to get!
Both in ship and non-ship case, we think he’ll help Diavolo fulfill his sexual needs, but other than that he seems a very hard one to lay a hand on!
We thiiink Diavolo would make him watch while he masturbates, huhu
And Diavolo would be like “Touch my nipples?” and of course, Lucifer can’t deny him
We also think that since the MC manages to win him over, he just has the sexual hots for them!
We think Lucifer wouldn’t be horny for celestial beings since he wants nothing to do with heavenly things!
He knows and acknowledges angels are attractive but somehow horny is just not in his book
Unless with the one he really likes then he can be a beast xD
Omg, Lucifer banned the word Sex in the House of Lamentation, hahaha!
He really doesn’t like his brothers talking about sex. He’s just not interested in their sexual lives!
The horny bunch got their own chat room to talk about their nasty sex xD
Be it Mammon or Asmo talking about it (they both do it a lot) or they making remarks about Levi jerking off to things (Levi is flustered)
Those kinds of talks are not appreciated by almighty Lucifer
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Of course you won’t expect the Avatar of Lust to be a virgin, right? Because he is not!
He’d have sex with anyone attractive and that wants to have sex with him!
He’s also on the top of the masturbation list
Kinky bastard
Oh goodness, we think Asmo and Mammon have horny competitions like “how many times can you cum in one night?” or “how many times can you make your partner cum in one night?”
Actually these competitions were one of the reason talking about sex is banned in the House of Lamentation
Lucifer was like “Enough, you nasty pigs!” With that offended expression (you should know which one): wide eyes, a little gasp, a hand against his chest, yes. He’s pissed
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We think Beel is too busy with his food to notice that he has sexual needs
… Unless he’s making out with his S/O, then he realizes how needy he is!
He also likes to use his mouth! Be it nibbling, sucking, biting, licking, just everything!
He will eat the other person and make teasy remarks that they taste good!
He’s not necessarily kinky, but anything that includes food is a bonus for him!
Like whipped cream on his partner’s body or flavour oils!
We think Beel would come up to his s/o with his happy smile holding up a new flavour oil like “I got this. Let’s use it tonight!”
We also think he’d be so good at kissing (and blowjobs) because he uses his tongue a lot!
He’s an expert with his mouth. Just him kissing and sucking a neck can make a person weak already!
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He’s also fucked before, so no Royal Virgins
We think he’s so into blowjobs and handjobs (mostly receiving)
He hardly ever jerked himself off, he will let others do it, omg!
He’s also so kinky: humiliating his partner, spanking, bondage, he’s up to everything
He's pretty resilient tho, like he can do a lot without getting hard yet hahaha!
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We have no shame. Where’s the fun if our hot angel is not in these hc’s?
We think Simeon is the candy everyone would want but can’t get!
Honestly, this man doesn’t need to be naked to turn people on!
He’s sexy and hot and hard to get, so he might please others sometimes
He doesn’t get touched or fucked easily because he’s definitely “keeping himself” for the person he loves!
He’ll give someone a handjob, but then the other person wants to do something back to him and he’s like “Naaaah” *graciously leaves*
We think he wouldn’t use his mouth on someone else, though, so he’d be like “Hmm? I can give you a hand job”, while he does a very dirty move with his hand, ay
He’s also extremely skilled at it! Like??? How?!
He’s also a tease!
He’d say things like “oh goodness, you’re so wet. Does it feel that good~?”
And it’s so frustrating because he doesn’t get hard! Only for the person he loves, fufu
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It’s a dirty Otaku, no kidding LOL
We think he fantasizes, watches (you know what) and jerks off a lot
However, when it comes down to it he's shy and awkward
Definitely knows how to touch himself, but having someone touching him and/or touching someone???
Levi. exe has stopped working
He’s super subby and likes being told what to do, but he’s also cute and clumsy!
We think Levi is into many nasty things lolololol
As a dirty otaku he's seen a lot of things including the kinky shit: bondage SM/ tentacle sex (lolllll) so not really vanilla x'D he's just shy to ask or suggest anything
But he does get super hard whenever someone is dominant over him
He's definitely curious about all things he's seen, but he's way way too shy!
We think he probably just sends screenshots of the things he'd like to do and his partner is like "you want that? We can do it~"
We also think that he's jerked off so much and he knows how to please himself so well that it's a bit hard for him to come!
Like he needs a lot of pleasure and build up and other turn ons (like the kinky shit), and lots of verbal teasing to get him over the edge
Levi just needs a lot of stimulation, even though he is a virgin!
We also think he apologizes so much during sex! He’d be apologizing through all his moans and cries sdnjdsg
Like he will apologize if he doesnt come and then when he does come all over the other person he will apologize too haha
He's kinda into edging/denial? Like it takes a lot of time to make him cum, so it'd frustrate him so much if they stop when he's finally so close!
And he loves it when the other punishes him, like he doesn't necessarily act like a brat or something to be punished but he gets it on him anyway and when he does,it’s such a turn on for him haha!
He'd probably like to be spanked, but nothing too intense because he's baby
Levi usually talks SO much, so we think his dom can often tease him with that! Like “where are your big talks now~?”
To which Levi makes very courageous remarks like "don't touch me, normie" between moans and broken voice and his partner just "*spank* how did you call me?”
We think the whole concept of sex just changes him into this cute shy boy who's only had much experience with porn and fantasies
So he goes from the HOOOOOH loud Levi to just cute mewls, moans and apologies hahaha
We also think that he’d get ticklish when touched for the first tiiime, he’s so nervous and jumpy! Imagine him letting out this moany surprised giggles asjnd
He's also so ripped! He'd get flustered if you comment about his muscles!
His partner could be like "look how good your body is even if you're just an otaku staying inside all day long" and Levi is like "so meeaaan!!" All teary but his cock’s jumping skdjnff
While we do think Levi takes long to cum, he DOEs get hard pretty fast hahahaha
like maybe even when he's not fully undressed yet the bulge will already be visible!
We love cute kinky submissive dirty otaku boy >:)
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He’s kinky, HAHA
A top tease! Like 24/7 smug and teasy and he will make the receiver beg and ask for it and play dumb like "What do you want? You'll have to be specific."
He’s also very hard to please!
Like even to get him hard it’s hard xD he's enjoying his time with his s/o, but he's skdkf not hard!!
He can endure a lot without getting horny but he just loves to watch a person get weak under his touch
We think even when he's on the receiving end, he gets all teasy and constantly challenges the other, like “is that all you got? 8-) You gotta try harder~”
We also think he can control himself a lot! Like he can hold his orgasms for quite a long time and be like "I’m not even close~"
He rarely jerks off because he's not that entertained by it, he just needs someone to tease and make crazy haha
We love the idea of almighty Solomon getting overpowered by an even higher top!
We don't think he will ever 'break completely' and beg or do anything uncool but he'll definitely have less of an attitude once taken good care of
He’d be like "o-okay that's... That's enough" and his partner all like "huh? We're just starting, Solomon, so keep yourself together" while he blushes a lot!
He sounds so hot when he moans and gasps! His voice is a hidden treasure!
And once he finally DOES reach his orgasm his entire body gets sooo sensitive!
He'd be a whiny mess if his partner brushes their fingertips or nails against his skin!
He'd squirm so much and maybe let out a whiny giggle????
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Belphie can be both genuine and teasy at the same time like "Does it feel good?"
He often needs confirmation and he often says things like "I'm inexperienced" or "I'm not sure how to do this" but he tries his best anyway
And besides saying things like "I'm inexperienced, I'm not sure what to dooo" he might say things like "Beel probably knows what to do." and he adorably tends to mention beel and the receiver will have to be like x3 omg no belphie you're doing fine
He'd be a little lazy to please his partner xD like he tries his best, but after he's like "I'm tired" and he wants to be taken care of!
He tends to get overwhelmed pretty fast by pleasure so he might ask the other to stop even when his body doesn't want it to stop but he's just like PSPHHgailugigh
He probably comes too fast the first times he has sex with his partner! He maybe just cums when they play with his nipples because he’s that sensitive!
He is so sensitive and his moans are so cute and whiny
We think he might be sore the next day xD he will complain a lot about being sore and tired haha
His body also gets tired fast during any intercourse, even though he does feel good and enjoys it, he will whine and whimper about it haha
He’d like to find little hickeys on his neck, chest or thighs the next day too!
He’s also very sensitive to neck kisses, probably enough to already stimulate him sexually since he’s so sensitive!
His little moans would be the cutest! And if he gets to make the other party feel good, he will show his precious smile!
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We think Satan wouldn't be too interested in sex, (he spends his time trying to be better than Lucifer skdndnd)
BUT we also think that he reads erotic books every once in a while and like those book don't necessarily turn him on per say, but make him feel blushy and a bit giddy about having someone to enjoy sexy times with!
He'd be quite knowledgeable and a bit shy like “I read that this feels good, may I?” He is not like super horny but he likes to experiment a bit and is just so sweet 😍👏🏻
He's got skills to make his partner feel good, but he'd be so, so blushy and would feel flustered if his partner compliments him about how good he is!
ALSO! Someone should not mention Lucifer in any competitive matter because that might activate his hidden beast
When he's receiving, he tries to hold himself back so much! Like his moans and any noises!
He just wants to hide how sensitive he really is!
His s/o would be a little pouty like "are you not liking it?" and he just adorably nods but he keeps controlling himself as much as possible hehe
And sometimes a cute little moan escapes and he blushes so much omg
Also he has super sensitive nipples, if he gets touched there he'd be arching his back so much and would cover his mouth with one of his hands to hold back his sounds and would grip the sheets with his free hand!! He'd be all beggy like "please don't touch me there~" while his hips circle and thrust because it feels so good!
We think bondage will work really good on him since he tends to squirm a lot and cover up. He’s so helpless if he can’t!
He'd be pulling at his restrains and biting his lip so hard and begging for his s/o to let him go (even though he can escape on his own), and they're just teasing him
He’d also get extra sensitive if he’s being edged, like everytime they deny him his release, he'd just feel more and more sensitive and eventually won't be able to stop his sounds!
Satan begs a lot and he whines adorably but he’ll never say a safe word or give up
Satan being like this makes us want to wreck him!
We think he'd get a bit turned on if his s/o brush their fingers against his sides and he’d be so shy if he lets out a little giggle here and there!
"don't- don't tihihickle me right nohohow!" And his cock is shaking dkdnf
He’s also the type to get ticklish and super sensitive everywhere especially after an orgasm
And his giggles and moans are so cuuute and he sounds tired and whiny and he shakes his head adorably omg
His cheeks super red babyyyyyy
Mammon (tumblr didn't let me upload a pic, wtf?)
He’s a beast! Will have no mercy, so brace yourself!
To be fair, he’s really good in sex, so he loves praises! Compliments stimulate him. He needs to hear how good he is!
What can you expect from the Avatar of Greed, right?
He’s the typical guy to run after his dick, lololol! He’s all about money and sex!
We think he gets horny and hard in the most uncomfortable moments. He gets so many boners a day wtf
Even his brothers just stare awkwardly at his crotch… “wait… are you hard? o_O”
We also think he loves receiving blowjobs and he loooves to hold his partner by their hair!
He’s a passionate mouth fucker
He probably feels a bit vulnerable when people touch him elsewhere like, he just wants the attention for his dick!
And he might be sensitive somewhere else but he doens't quite like to be touched unless it's his love haha
He's really picky! Like if he's with someone else, then it's just dick attention, but if it's the person he loves, then they'd let him touch him everywhere!
He's a bit less casual about it than Diavolo, but he does jerk off from time to time and people will be able to tell from the look on his face haha
And he doesn't like to be confronted and teased with it, while Diavolo won’t give a shit
However, Asmo would tease him so much just because he knows Mammon hates that!
He’d be like "woah! Did you have a good one, Mammon~?" or “what did you think of mammoonnn?<3”
Also Asmo and maybe even the others might make some remarks like "Ugh, Mammon would jerk off to this"
Probably besides Asmo he might have some arguments with Levi from time to time, like Mammon's a nasty perv normie and Levi the dirty otaku
Levi would probably agree whenever someone's like “ugh Mammon would jerk off to this” or any other remark like “oh, he probably just gonna suck on his own dick!
And mammon will fire back at Levi for being a dirty otaku
We also think that Mammon has walked into Levi's room when he was watching anime porn hahaha
Mammon thinks his own porn is superior and Levi is like "that normie stuff is gross, this is way better" so Mammon ends up watching hentai with Levi xD
Also if people ever need condoms he probably has a good stash. He's really picky, so of course he'd have his stash of condoms! We're not risking anything here hahaha
It’s hard to Dom him, like he’s not super Dom, but he likes to be the possessive one!
He also might have a lot of kink stuff stored but in the end he just doesn't end up using it?
He would like to be kinky but in the end he just has normal sex
He’s also easy to distract! Like he's super horny and has the handcuffs or something else kinky ready, but the other person just can give him a blow job and let him fuck them and then it's done and he's like ohh oh well
He'd also be a bit turned off easily, like, he's still hard and all, but at then he ends up having sex just because, but he's bored, but if he's turned ON he can stay turned on for quite a while haha hes a beast!
Like fuck after fuck even after he comes! He likes it raw and he loves to hear his partner whining so much about how they just came too
He also likes to hear his partner saying just how tired they are and he'd give them this wide, lethal smirk and be like "we're just starting, so put yourself together"
And he's sweating a bit and his cheeks are a bit flushed and his skin just glooowwsss because he's feeling so good!
We also think Mammon is not too loud when having sex, he’s just not a moaner, but he will grunt and huff and occasionally you'll hear this kind of growl that just proves how good it makes him feel
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hwatermelonsuga · 2 years
Behind: SKZ Code Pt. 2
° Pairing: none
° genre: crack fic
° gender neutral y/n
° words: 1.9k
° warning: mature language
° A/N: part two to Behind: SKZ Code. ENJOY cause it took me a while... @felixtok @sunnytaes (tagged cause doe said so)
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After a while of setting up the art room, we’re all in position. Suddenly I hear a scream… Oh Felix… you poor baby.
“Who wants to bet that Felix will faint,” I ask over the radio.
“I’ll bet my lunch he will.”
“I doubt it. He’s paired with Minho.”
“Naaahhh, he’ll most definitely faint or pee his pants… or both.”
From where I am I can somewhat hear Minho trying to calm Felix but I already know it's not working. Ah this might be another long one. After a minute or two, the two enter the room full of clown pictures.
“Oh it's a clown,” I heard Lee Know say. I wanted to burst out laughing right then and there. Of course he would be nonchalant about this.
“I don’t like scary things. I hate It.” Oh I really hope I win this bet.
All I could hear next is Felix panicking and Lee Know making fun of him. Figures. I glanced over and saw the scaredy-cat on the ground. I am genuinely trying to not laugh since I’m just standing by the window, still as a statue. I can’t get enough man. As they, or well Minho, looks for clues to open the lock box they get closer to the cabinets, where there’s someone hiding. Felix is up for a while… until he goes back down because of the firecracker. Maybe I shouldn’t have included them in the design…. Naaaah. They’re fine. Anyway, I hear Minho reassuring Felix and then BANG. The “ghost” jumps out of the cabinet and Felix immediately screams.
“Oh, that was startling, hello,” Lee Know says calmly. I can’t with this man. Did he figure this all out? Or maybe it's just that he’s a soulless man with no real emotions, forever trapped in a void of nothing.. feeling nothing… or he’s just not a coward. Yep, it’s most definitely the last one. But no more of wondering because it’s my time to shine again. As Felix starts to calm down, I stomp towards them (more like a waddle though) and see the fear in Felix’s face. He screams and is back on the floor, passed out and scarred for life. YES I WON THE BET. I slow down and walk away with a straight face. Once out of the room, I let a bit of my laugh out and went to a window to continue to watch the show.
“Ah I can’t do this,” MAN UP FELIX. See this is what he gets for being a Tik Tok whore.
After a while they finally notice a box in the room. The box is filled with slime, fake bugs, and the passcode. I was hoping that Minho got this room. I know he hates bugs so I hope I actually got him this time…. But alas I did not. Even through his heart attack, he went and got their clue from the slime. I- I’m so disappointed. WHY IS THIS MAN HARD TO SCARE. I’ve been trying over the past few months to figure out how to scare Minho and I’ve got nothing. I mean sure he was startled a few times but I wanna see this man in fear! He’s put others in fear and I think it's payback. And I mean it’s only right for a best friend to scare the shit out of their bestie.
They eventually got the puzzle and went out of the room and down the stairs. Ah… I’ll get 'em next time. At least we got Felix. To be honest, it probably was the easiest.
The next to come to the second floor is Han and I.N. Ahh this one will be quick I bet. As they come up the stairs, I hear Han laugh. WHA- see now, I knew it. Of course he wouldn’t take this seriously. This time I’m hidden with a camera man. I see the two idiots in the window and Han starts to point out the cameras.
“There’s a cameraman here and another one here,” and he keeps going. What is wrong with him? You know what… we’re not inviting him to stuff like this anymore. He’s done. Banned. No more.
They enter the music room and I.N. goes to read the instructions.
“I can’t play the recorder.” I- I’m about to quit.
They go to look for the recorders for a while until Han stops to look at the camera. I swear if he-
“This might be live. Say hello to the camera. Hello~.” The two pinheads wave to the camera and bow to the other. THEY EVEN DID INTRODUCTIONS… I CANNOT! My fight or flight mode has been engaged and it's fully on fight mode.
“Alright Jeff, it’s time to step in.” HOPELESS I SAY, HOPELESS!
They sit down and start making random noises with the instruments. After this… I’m putting my two weeks in. Matter of fact one week. I knew they weren’t going to play the songs given to them so I just scribbled “Just play any song you know”and gave it to the ghost teacher.
“Does anyone have painkillers on them… or a bat to put me out of my misery,” I ask on the radio but all I get back are laughs. How dare they laugh at my pain?? I walk away for a second to get some water and relax. I walk back to hear Han and I.N. putting in the code to the lockbox.
“We should never play detective games.”
“We’d fail.” Yeah no shit!
After a good struggle, Han forced the box open and got the third puzzle piece. And now it's Hyunjin and Seungmin’s turn. We went outside to the last stage of the night and made sure it was ready to go before the boys were sent out. I decided to kick it with the crew who monitored what was being recorded. I watch as one of the staff members takes away their flashlights and Seungmin jumps yelling hey multiple times. I massage my temple and start to chuckle. These guys are… a handful. We continue to watch as they enter the dormitory. Next thing I know… THEY TURN ON THE FUCKING LIGHTS. ARE YOU SERIOUS? I swear… if I could I would hurt each and every one of these boys, even if the oldest one is literally my age. The lights were finally back off and the two went to do their puzzle. I decided to have a little fun with this one. Their mission is DALGONA! I would like to give full credit to Squid Game as I was watching this while coming up with tasks. I already know they’re going to fail but I like seeing them fail.. humbles them real quick. And just in case, I made a backup mission for them to do. We watched them converse for a bit and as I expected, Hyunjin breaks his dalgona. HA! I knew he’d be the first to break it.
As I turn away, I hear Hyunjin start singing the penalty song. Now why the fuck… you know what.. whatever makes them happy. The staff gives them their new mission and they successfully complete it. They get the puzzle piece and make their way back to the rest of the members. Ah, I’m not fully satisfied… I know just what to do. I leave the room and wait a bit from the front entrance. I wait for the boys to get the code for the lock and see them make their way towards freedom. I walk around the corner and see them all scream. And best of all I see Han literally flying away in fear. Ahhh.. just what I wanted to see.
Once the game is finished, the guys start to get ready to leave. But we do have something extra to do.
“Hey Hyunjin!”
“Yeah y/n?”
“I left my snack in the art room. Can you go get it for me?”
“You left what where? A snack?” And he laughs in my face. I get it I mean it was last minute… but he shall regret laughing in my face…. He shall indeed.
“Can’t I just buy you one?”
“Jin, just go get it!”
“PLEASE,” and he starts to throw a mini tantrum.
“JINNIIEEEEE PLEASEEEE,” I out-yelled him.
“Ahhhh. Do I go alone?”
“Just go,” I say while pushing him toward the stairs.
“Y/n please go with me,” Hyunjin tried to drag me along with him.
“I caaan’t I have to help pack!”
“Ah fine.” He gives up and stops at the bottom of the stairs.
“I don’t think I can go alone,” is all I hear before I run to the room where the boys were when they monitored the others. I sat in a chair and enjoyed the show. Hyun went up the stairs with confidence… until the doll scared him.
“AH HA HA AHHHH AHHHH” He screams. We all laugh at his misery. It’s cruel but you just can’t help but laugh. He tries again and goes up the stairs, loud as he can be. He starts screaming and runs back down the stairs.
“Wait wait wait wait wait wait” He runs all the way back to the room everyone is in all hysterical.
“I’m really scared. Y/n please come with me PLEASE!”
“Hyunjin bestie! Stop being a little baby bitch and get it. I promise, nothing will happen!”
Hyunjin pouts and goes out of the room. He goes back to the stairs screaming. After some time and hyping up he calms down and heads to the art room. I.N., Felix, Chan, and Seungmin join me and watch the “scary”staff members torture Hyunjin.
“Was this your idea,” Chan asks me.
“Of course it was. Actually this whole thing was!”
Felix looked at me with murder in his eyes. “Why would you think of such a thing?!”
“Oh you’re fine Felix. You’re alive!”
“Tsk, barely.”
We look back to see Hyunjin fall down screaming as someone scared him. We all laughed at it. It’s funny that the more scared ones are laughing at Hyunjin…. Hmmm thinking. Hyunjin continues to look for my snack and knocks something down, which was a que for someone to come out of the cabinets. Honestly that was probably the highest I’ve seen him jump in a while. We all die laughing as Hyunjin slowly loses his mind. Ah I kind of feel bad for doing this to him but it’s just too good.
Hyunjin finally gets to the box with the slime and snack in it. He pulls it out and looks at it in disgust.
“Ah so disgusting.” Sounds familiar…. Anyway he starts to run out of the room and every ghost staff member comes to scare him. I’m sure he saw his life flash before his eyes. Also was that Han on the stairs? Before I could point it out, I see Chan standing and clapping, a distant scream coming closer to the room. Hyunjin falls in and tries to calm his racing heart. I get up and try to go over to him and not laugh in his face.
I laugh a bit and go to hug him on the floor but he starts to push me away.
“…the views though,” I whispered.
Before he could say something, Han came over. He explained how he was waiting on the stairs layed out. I KNEW IT! That idiot.
“I hate you guys.”
Ah, this may have been stressful but it’s worth it. Maybe I should do another scary themed SKZ Code again. Hmmmmm.
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