#but then i remembered tien fights and Hm
touka-7-w-7 · 4 years
Carta SR Idia Shroud traje de Ceremonia (Español-English)
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Se desbloquea al obtener el traje de ceremonia y subiendo de nivel la carta
Unlocked by obtaining the Ceremony Outfit and leveling up the card.
NO RESUBIR esta traducción / DO NOT repost this translation
English translation below
Cap. 1
Cap. 2
Esto es imposible
Cámara del Espejo 
—Ceremonia de Entrada 
Idia: Bueno, logré llegar al espejo.... Sé que puedo hacerlo. Lo haré . Mi fuerza de voluntad es irrompible. 
Idia:  ….. 
Idia:  ….mm
Idia:  Ah, ah, ah, ah – –…. mm. 
No puedo! Da mucho miedo!! 
Idia: De todos modos, si entro ahí, ¡Acaso no todos me prestarán atención!? ¡Y es probable que digan tonterías a mis espaldas!
Idia: [Quién es?] [Su cabello, no se está quemando?] [Escuché que Shroud-san está maldito… ]  [Es la infelicidad misma] y …. 
Idia: Tal vez digan [No se ve todo azul?, que repugnante] y puedo llegar a ser agredido intencionalmente…..! ¡No quiero! ¡Ayuda! 
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Idia:  ….Tranquilízate de una vez. Necesito calmar mi cabeza en un lugar tranquilo donde no haya gente .......
Idia: Ah.. Si Ortho estuviera aquí de seguro me animaría. Él es ese tipo de persona… 
Idia: Fuu…. 
Idia: No le devolví la pelea a Riddle… .
Tampoco cumplí con las expectativas de Ortho. 
Idia: Qué es lo que debería hacer ahora… 
???:  Él de ahí no es Shroud-san? 
Idia: Qué!? 
Malleus: Oh, después de todo si eras tú. Que inusual verte. 
Idia: Ma–malleus-san….por qué estás sonriendo?
Malleus: Hace cuánto fue? Fufu~, no recuerdo haberte visto como Líder de Dormitorio. 
Idia: (Malleus • Draconia…. El Líder del Dormitorio Diasomnia y el próximo Rey del Valle de las Espinas!) 
Idia: (¿¡Por qué el personaje Ultra SSR, que se supone es el personaje principal de la ceremonia, está en un lugar como este!? )
Malleus: Pareces haber salido afuera. Qué haces aquí? 
Idia: Ah… esto, Estoy por lo mismo… que….tú el día de hoy. 
Malleus: Ya veo, igual que yo. Sabes, a menudo suelo estar molesto.
Idia: Enojado!? 
Malleus: Hm? Estas enojado? .... Observa los mejores colores y siente el aire. Piensa en lo que quieras. Y solo relájate. 
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Idia: Relajarse!? Aun cuando estoy en el límite de mi tensión! 
Malleus: En serio?  Entonces, deberías divertirte más. 
Idia: ¿¡Que me divierta!? ….Hablamos de Malleus-sama, el caso es diferente. Como era de esperarse, qué haré. ...
Malleus: Mm? Qué pasa? 
Idia: Ha, ah, ugh… Qué, no se , no se qué hacer. 
Idia: …. Yo….. se lo prometí. Le dije a Ortho que saldría del closet con estas ropas. 
Idia: Sin embargo….. sigo teniendo este temor..….! 
Malleus: Qué quieres decir con usar esas prendas, en primer lugar? 
Idia: eh? 
Malleus: mm? 
Idia: Eto? A qué… te refieres con usar este traje? 
P-para ti, usar esto …. te parece extraño. 
Malleus: Vamos. No es que no se vea bien… pero mi duda persiste. Puede que esté diciendo algo malo, pero parece divertido. 
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Idia: Ehh…. 
Malleus: En primer lugar, ¿por qué molestarse en hacer una promesa de [salir] así? No es la gran cosa.
Idia: Esto probablemente no sea la gran cosa para Malleus-sama, pero para mí…! 
Malleus: Los humanos a veces hacen cosas terribles sin sentido alguno. Pero llega a ser interesante.
Idia: Eso, no tiene sentido. 
Malleus: No, no realmente. Pero eso es lo que lo hace emocionante. 
Idia: Lo se….ahora lo entiendo, sabía que era así! 
Idia: ¡No es como si debería estar parado frente a los demás, cuando estoy vistiendo este hermoso atuendo! ¡Ante todos verdad!?
Idia: Justo como en un juego, no importa cuanto suba de nivel, yo decido la ruta del futuro, sea un Bad Ending o un final múltiple. 
Idia: Eso es, justo como yo, alguien como yo….. Alguien como yo….! 
Malleus: Shroud?... Qué pasó tan repentinamente. 
Idia:  … mm, No es nada! No te preocupes! 
Malleus: Se fue. Que extraño sujeto. 
Malleus: Usando las ropas ceremoniales para [salir] a caminar simplemente. 
Malleus:  … Incluso hoy, desde la mañana estuvo bastante ruidoso. Debe haber algo…. . 
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Cámara del Espejo
Idia: Dormitorio Ignihyde, reunidos aquí…. . 
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Riddle: Hmp. Solo tenías una única cosa que hacer, y aún así no saliste…. Que incompetente. 
Riddle: Si el jefe del dormitorio es inapropiado, los estudiantes del dormitorio también tendrán dificultades. Los compadezco.
Vil: Ha… Caramba. 
Dormitorio Ignihyde - Habitación de Idia
Idia: Es solo que el exterior es el único evento que puede hacerme sufrir …. 
Idia: ¡Yo solo puedo callar todos los sonidos del inframundo!
Idia: Justo como Malleus-sama, soy diferente de las personas que nacen con algo desde el principio. Me pregunto por qué lo olvidé.
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Idia:  .....Hmm? 
Idia: Pero esto no es algo bueno? Antes de sentirme avergonzado frente a todos los estudiantes, me di cuenta de que era imposible para mí…. 
Idia: Así es ... Ortho no quiere ver a su hermano exponiéndose a sí mismo... ¡Esto fue algo bueno!
Idia: ¡Como se esperaba! No se selecciona automáticamente la mejor ruta~. 
Idia: Ortho debe estar disfrutando de la ceremonia de entrada, solo en este momento. Porque lo esperaba con ansias. 
Idia: Estoy bien con eso. …. Bien. 
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This is impossible
chap. 1
chap. 2
Mirror Chamber
—Entry Ceremony
Idia: Well, I managed to get to the mirror .... I know I can do it. I will do it . My willpower is unbreakable.
Idia:… ..
Idia:… .mm
Idia: Ah, ah, ah, ah - -…. mm.
I can not! It is very scary !!
Idia: Anyway, if I go in there, won't everyone pay attention to me !? And they are probably talking nonsense behind my back!
Idia: [Who is it?] [Her hair, isn't it burning?] [I heard Shroud-san is cursed…] [It's unhappiness itself] and….
Idia: Maybe they say [Can't you see everything blue? How disgusting] and I can be intentionally attacked… ..! I do not want! Help!
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Idia: .... Calm down at once. I need to calm my head in a quiet place where there are no people .......
Idia: Ah .. If Ortho were here he would surely cheer me up. He is that kind of person ...
Idia: Fuu ...
Idia: I didn't return the fight to Riddle ...
I also did not meet Ortho's expectations.
Idia: What should I do now ...
???: He over there isn't Shroud-san?
Idia: What !?
Malleus: Oh, after all if it was you. How unusual to see you.
Idia: Ma–malleus-san… why are you smiling?
Malleus: How long ago was it? Fufu ~, I don't remember seeing you as a Bedroom Leader.
Idia: (Malleus • Draconia .... The Diasomnia Dorm Leader and the next King of the Valley of Thorns!)
Idia: (Why is the Ultra SSR character, who is supposed to be the main character of the ceremony, is in a place like this !?)
Malleus: You seem to have gone outside. What are you doing here?
Idia: Ah ... this, I am for the same ... that ... you today.
Malleus: I see, just like me. You know, I often get upset.
Idia: Angry !?
Malleus: Hm? Are you angry? .... Observe the best colors and feel the air. Think what you want. And just relax.
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Idia: Relax !? Even when I'm at the limit of my tension!
Malleus: Really? So you should have more fun.
Idia: Have fun !? … .We are talking about Malleus-sama, the case is different. As expected, what will I do. ...
Malleus: Mm? What happens?
Idia: Ha, ah, ugh ... What, I don't know, I don't know what to do.
Idia:…. I… .. promised him. I told Ortho that he would come out of the closet in these clothes.
Idia: However… .. I still have this fear ..….!
Malleus: What do you mean by wearing those clothes in the first place?
Idia: huh?
Malleus: mm?
Idia: Eto? What do you mean by wearing this costume?
F-for you, use this…. it seems strange to you.
Malleus: Come on. It is not that it does not look good ... but my doubt persists. He may be saying something wrong, but it sounds like fun.
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Idia: Ehh….
Malleus: First of all, why bother making a promise to [go out] like this? It's not a big deal.
Idia: This probably isn't a big deal for Malleus-sama, but for me ...!
Malleus: Humans sometimes do terrible things without meaning. But it becomes interesting.
Idia: That doesn't make sense.
Malleus: No, not really. But that is what makes it exciting.
Idia: I know… now I understand, I knew it was like that!
Idia: It's not like I should be standing in front of the others when I'm wearing this beautiful outfit! Before everyone right !?
Idia: Just like in a game, no matter how much you level up, I decide the route of the future, be it a Bad Ending or a multiple ending.
Idia: That's right, just like me, someone like me… .. Someone like me….!
Malleus: Shroud? ... What happened so suddenly.
Idia: ... mm, it's nothing! Do not worry!
Malleus: He left. What a strange subject.
Malleus: Wearing ceremonial clothes to simply [go out] for a walk.
Malleus:… Even today, since morning it was quite noisy. There must be something…. .
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Mirror Chamber
Idia: Ignihyde Dorm, gathered here…. .
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Riddle: Hmp. You only had one thing to do, and still you didn't come out…. How incompetent.
Riddle: If the dorm boss is inappropriate, the dorm students will have a hard time too. I pity you.
Vil: Ha ... Geez.
Ignihyde Dorm - Idia’room
Idia: It's just that the exterior is the only event that can make me suffer….
Idia: I can only shut up all the sounds of the underworld!
Idia: Just like Malleus-sama, I am different from people who are born with something from the beginning. I wonder why I forgot.
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Idia: ..... Hmm?
Idia: But isn't this a good thing? Before feeling ashamed in front of all the students, I realized that it was impossible for me….
Idia: That's right ... Ortho doesn't want to see his brother exposing himself ... This was a good thing!
Idia: As expected! The best route ~ is not automatically selected.
Idia: Ortho must be enjoying the entrance ceremony, just now. Because I was looking forward to it.
Idia: I'm fine with that. ... All right.
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The end.
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spookysruca · 5 years
117 and 210 from the list? already in love w ur writing boo
ty nena! pls enjoy
117. “Be my fake boyfriend/girlfriend/partner!”210. “Was I too rough?”
“I need you to be my fake boyfriend,” you say, and Oscar gives youa look that maybe gets you a little hot.
“Fake boyfriend, eh?” he says, “What happened to me being some desgraciado you don’t wanna see no more?”
“Maybe you were right about Ricky having the hots for me,” you say, gritting your teeth and slouching closer to him. Ricky’s a few aisles away, and the last thing you wanted today was to run into either him or your ex, let alone both at the same time. You hate living in a food desert. Who goes grocery shopping at eight on a Tuesday, anyway?
You haven’t seen Oscar since you broke up a few weeks ago. You did most of the breaking up, him saying that if you were going to be acting this way he didn’t want to see you, either, and then you had angry breakup sex and went on your way. You’re a little hurt he seems fine.
Then he says, “I’m always right,” and you remember why you broke up in the first place.
“Hijo de tu—” you take a deep breath. Say, “He’s asked me out three times since…in the last month.”
“Since you been single,” Oscar says, flat, and there’s a spark of something familiar in his eye. Something possessive. You kind of like the look on him, all those Chicana Feminist Theory courses be damned.
“Maybe,” you say, and square your shoulders. If he doesn’t want to help you out with this creep, fine. It’s not his job to worry about you anymore. You have to admit, you being Spooky’s girl used to keep most dudes from being nasty to your face. It kills you to know that Oscar was right about Ricky, but if you have to deal with it alone then you’ll deal.
Oscar leans back. Looks you up again, mouth pursed like he’s holding back a smirk. “What do I get out of it?”
“If I let you kick his ass will we be even?”
He laughs. “Nena, I could kick his ass without your permission.”
But it would actually cheer me up this time, you want to tell him, but it’s not his job to make you happy anymore, either. You shrug. Say, “Do me a favor, then, Oscar. One last time.”
He raises an eyebrow. “One last time? Sounds familiar.”
Your face goes hot. You said that a few weeks ago, too.
“Alright,” he says, grinning now, “one last time, like you said. What am I supposed to do for you, eh? Go scare him?”
You stick your hand out. He looks at it for a second, then laughs a little. Your palms still fit together just right, though, and he laces your fingers—overkill, frankly, but maybe you feel butterflies anyway.
“Good?” he asks.
You can’t say when Ricky catches sight of you, but at some point while arguing with Oscar about vanilla extract—not the first time, hopefully the last—you notice him watching you a little too closely for comfort. It must show on your face, because Oscar drops the argument for once and tugs you closer, letting go of your hand to rest a hand on your lower back, warm through your t-shirt.
“Still good?” he says, voice low, and you nod.
“Yeah,” you say, and steal the basket from him while he’s distracted. “Just get the knock-off shit, Oscar, it’s not that serious.”
Of course, Ricky’s standing a little bit too close in line for you to pay for your own shit. Not that Oscar would let you otherwise.
“Just ring it up first,” you mutter, “tengo cash, I’ll pay you back.”
“It’s cool,” he says, completely ignoring you and ringing everything up together. You stare at him. “Keep making that face, nena.”
“You’re annoying,” you say.
“Still your man, though, right?” he asks, a little bit louder than he needs to be.
Asshole. “Yeah,” you say, knowing that when he looks behind you it’s because he’s trying to make eye contact with Ricky. Quieter, you say, “Did I say to start a fight?”
“You said I could kick his ass.”
“Whatchu gonna do if they ban you from here? It’s the nearest frutería, güey.”
“Watch your mouth,” he says, and wags his finger at you like a tía. You laugh despite yourself, not even having to think about it when you reach for his hand.
You walk him to his car, where you proceed to argue about how you’re getting home.
“How you gonna bus with groceries?” he says, “Just let me drop you off.”
“You already did me a favor,” you tell him, “it ain’t that much stuff.”
“And if your new man Ricky sees?”
“He’s not my man, ew.”
“Pues,” Oscar says, nodding behind you. You almost turn to look. “He looks a little bit like he thinks he is.”
“Fuck,” you mutter, “is he coming this way?”
“Can’t tell.”
“Ugh,” you twist a little closer to Oscar, nearly tucked under his arm as he finishes putting the groceries in his trunk. Maybe you didn’t put up as much a fight as you should have. “I’m pretty sure the only other car over here belongs to Mr. Rivera.”
“Yup,” Oscar says, and shuts the trunk. “Whatchu want me to do?”
You bite your lip. You’re standing too close to him, honestly. Can feel his body heat against your side. “Kiss me?”
He blinks at you. Says, “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you say, and meet him halfway, almost, up on your toes like always.
It kills you to admit that you do miss Oscar. He kisses like he means it every time, stupid goatee scraping your chin. Mouth soft, tongue against yours. You sigh into it, forget why you were kissing in the first place. He runs his fingers through your hair with one hand, the other clutching at your hip, and you wonder whether this is really such a bad idea. When he pulls away you’re disappointed.
“He’s still there.”
“Um,” you say. “Is he just. Is he just watching?”
Oscar kisses you again, teeth against your lower lip. Your knees nearly give out. “Wanna see how long it’ll take him to leave?”
“Hm,” you say, Oscar pulling you flush against him. “Oscar…”
“Yes or no?”
Fuck it. “Yes,” you say, and kiss him again, moaning when he grabs your ass. You pause long enough to get in the backseat, and maybe glance out the window to see if Ricky is still lingering in the lot. He is. You’re not sure how you feel about it, but you know you like how Oscar’s biting at your collarbone, even if he’s stretching out the neck of your shirt.
“Lemme take this off.”
“We’re in public!”
“It’s almost nine,” he says, and you lift your arms for him so he can tug your shirt off, “no one’s here but us.”
“And Ricky.”
He bares his teeth. “I can go kick his ass real quick.”
You don’t want him to leave—tug him back down instead, get his shirt off, too, so you can feel him up while he kisses down your chest.
“Nena,” he say against your sternum, “what we doing?”
“No tienes condón?” you ask, and moan again when he bites.
“I like how you think,” he says, like he wasn’t saying the opposite not too long ago, and then the two you get your shorts and underwear off. You really hope Ricky left already. Oscar presses his thumb to your clit, rubs just a little. He’s holding himself above you, a little bit, and you move up to your elbows to kiss him, pinching at your nipples with one hand while guiding his lower with the other.
“Inside me,” you mumble against his mouth, inhaling sharply when he listens. You move to unzip his shorts and he pushes your hand away, gentle but insistent. “What,” you say, barely a breath, but he kisses you again and you get distracted.
He does the same shit when you try to reach down and touch yourself, and you pull back with a huff.
He laughs a little. Says, “Let me,” and strokes himself, once, twice, before putting on the condom and pressing up against you. Not into, just—there. Rubbing. Teasing.
“Oscar,” you say. A warning that doesn’t mean much, with how breathless you are.
“Yeah, babe?”
“You’re annoying,” you say, flat, and this time, when you try to touch yourself, he takes both wrists in one hand and pins them against the door. You feel your breath catch, your thighs clench. When he grins it’s the slightest bit predatory, and you are way, way too into it.
“You like that?”
“Don’t start what you can’t finish,” you snap, and that possessive glint comes back.
“Trust me, nena,” he says, still stupidly put-together, even as he pushes into you in one smooth thrust that has you crying out, “I always do.”
Oscar’s no slouch. But this? This has to be him proving something to you. Maybe payback for breaking up in the first place. All you know is that the pace is incredible, the snap of his hips matching your moans. You’re so wet you can hear it, Oscar’s half-mumbled fuck, and yeah, and you like that? just another part of him you missed. This is a good reminder though—how good he feels inside you, or all around you, still rubbing at your clit while you squirm.
You keep inching up the seat, just a little. You say, “Oscar,” and he slows down.
“You good?”
“Mhm,” you say, pushing yourself closer to him, trying to keep your head from hitting the door, “keep going.”
He grins. Dimple showing. It’s almost endearing, but then he starts fucking you earnestly again, and you’re back to being too loud in too public of a place. You feel so out of it, so caught off guard—whether from having him again for the first time in weeks or for jumping into the back seat with him so quickly. Feels like the whole car’s rocking. You love it.
“Baby,” you moan, close to the edge, Oscar still pumping into you like he’s got a prize to win, “please, I—you’re so—fuck, you feel good, please—”
“You like that?” he says again, hits that spot inside that has your toes curling, hits it on the second, third, fourth thrust and your eyes screw shut on instinct. You can only feel blinding pleasure for a long moment, fingers clenched around nothing. Oscar says, “Fuck,” and when you open your eyes again he goes still over you, bites his lip as he comes, grinding his hips against yours, so oversensitive it almost feels good.
For a long moment you just breathe together, and then he pulls out. You feel empty. You look at your wrists—don’t see bruises, nothing, not that the lighting’s too good. A little sore, maybe.
Oscar catches you. Says, almost worried-sounding, “Was I too rough?”
“Nah,” you say, because he wasn’t. You ache in a good way, like you do after a workout, voice hoarse to match, “He didn’t watch, did he?”
Oscar blinks. Looks out the window. He says, “Ain’t nobody out there.”
“Oh, good,” you say, and let your head hit the seat again. You try to summon shame; fucking your ex in his car at the grocery store is not your best moment. Say, trying to front, “You really got me fucking in a parking lot again, huh.”
“You telling me you didn’t have a good time?” he asks.
“Shut up and drive me home,” you say, not making a move to put your clothes back on, “my groceries are still in the trunk.”
If anyone asks, you do not yell when Oscar drops your underwear on your face.
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z 144
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Last time, Piccolo let Cell injure his arm just to trick him into revealing his origin story.   Cell is impressed, and Piccolo admits that this was the wisdom of Kami, whom he had recently recombined with.    It takes a minute for Cell to catch on to this, and then he realizes that with Kami and Piccolo reunited, the Dragon Balls must no longer exist, which works out well for Cell, because that means no one can come back to life.   
I’m kind of curious how Cell would know so much about Kami at all.  Dr. Gero’s spy robots would have covered the battle at the 23rd Budokai, where Kami played a key role, but how much of that would Gero have really understood?   Did he send a spy robot to Kami’s Lookout?   Would that have even been possible?
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Things look bad for Cell, since Piccolo believes he still has a big power advantage, even after Cell absorbed some of his power.  Then Krillin and Trunks arrive, which makes matters even worse for Cell.   He’s surprised to see Trunks in this era, but then he realizes that Trunks must have traveled back to Age 767 before Cell killed hm in the future.   
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This is kind of where things get complicated from a time-travel perspective.   Cell is from further in the future than Trunks.   So from his point of view, he’s already killed Trunks, but from Trunks’ point of view that hasn’t happened yet, and it won’t happen until Trunks goes back home and three years pass.  
Also, while Cell knows about Trunks’ time machine, he doesn’t seem very aware of how Trunks had been using it.   Of course he’s here in the past, Cell.   Did you think he just built the time machine for you?  Of course he went back to the time when the androids were alive.
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Krillin recalls that they all sensed multiple ki signatures from Cell, including Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, and Frieza.  Here, he also includes Tien in that list, although this had never been mentioned before.  
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Krillin is shocked to hear that Cell can do Goku’s moves in addition to having Goku-like ki, and Cell adds that he can probably do a Spirit Bomb if he wanted.   Krillin’s all, “Wait till Goku hears about this!” And Cell’s like “Wait, Goku’s still alive?”
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See, Cell hails from a timeline similar to Future Trunks’ world, where Goku died of the heart virus and 17 and 18 killed all the Z-Fighters.   Much like Trunks about a dozen episodes ago, Cell is beginning to realize that history has changed from all the time traveling that’s been going on.    Goku’s alive, Piccolo and Kami are one, and Future Trunks is here helping with the androids crisis.   
Of course, I’m not sure it bugs Cell as much as it does Trunks, because I don’t think Cell is that familiar with the original version of history.   Neither does he seem to fazed by unexpected developments, the way Dr. Gero was when he first saw Trunks, or when he learned about Super Saiyans.   
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No, Cell has a pretty straightforward path to victory, so it doesn’t much matter who’s alive or how strong they all are, so long as he can find 17 and 18 when he’s ready to absorb them.   Until then, he can simply withdraw, using he Solar Flare to cover his tracks.
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I’m not sure why this works as well as it does.   The Solar Flare worked for Tien back in the day because no one used ki senses as much in the 22nd Budokai.   It worked great against Vegeta and Frieza because none of those assholes had ki senses either.   But Piccolo, Krillin, and Trunks all do.   In theory, they should be able to find Cell and keep fighting him with their eyes shut.   
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On the other hand, Cell can also suppress his ki like they can, and the Z-Fighters didn’t seem to expect him to bust out a Solar Flare.    All Cell really needed was a moment to get out of sight, and then he could hide his ki and they’d need their eyes to spot him.  
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And this sets up Cell’s strategy for the next several episodes.   All he has to do is employ a little stealth.   His body can run really fast and overpower civilians without putting out a lot of ki energy, so he can kill thousands of people before Piccolo and the others even know where he is.   In this way, he can build his strength until he’s powerful enough to overwhelm 17 and 18, and then he’ll be able to take his perfect form without any resistance.  
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Meanwhile, at Kame House, Goku’s sleeping a lot more soundly, and he’s also smiling.   Everyone’s encouraged, because this is the smile Goku gets when he’s excited about a big fight.   I remember when I first saw this episode, and I thought Roshi and Yamcha were talking out their asses when they said this, but now that I’ve watched the previous 297 episodes, I know exactly what they’re talking about.   Goku’s gonna wake up and kick some ass.   He knows it, we know it, and the American people know it.  
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Of course, all this talk upsets Chi-Chi.   He may be recovering, but the guy’s still sick, for crying out loud, and all they care about is how he’s their “Get-Out-Of-An-Asskicking-Free” Card.
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As for Cell, he’s already jogged 50 kilometers from Gingertown, and now he’s 30km from Nickytown.   So avoiding the Z-Fighters should pose no problem for him at all, so long as he’s careful.   The only thing that concerns him now is that someone might find or construct a device to shut down 17 and 18 before he’s ready to find them.   Once deactivated, they’d be very easy to destroy.   Cell’s pretty sure that there is no such controller, but history’s changed a lot from what he’s familiar with, so he can’t be too sure.  
One thing that doesn’t concern Cell is the bus full of Battle Ball players that almost ran into him on the highway.  
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The players step out of the bus to confront him, and yeah, I think you know where this is headed. 
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Okay, so the guy on the left has a head shaped like a penis, fine.   I think we’ve all seen him before.    If not, here you go.    This guy has a penis-shaped head.   Was he in Dragon Ball Kai?   Probably not, so maybe some of you didn’t know about this.   Me, I’ve watched this epiosde multiple times.    So I want to talk about some more obscure stuff, like this Nappa lookalike next to Penis Head.  
I... I don’t really know what to say.   What’s with his hat?  I don’t know, I thought I was all set to go on a tear about this guy, but I guess that’s it.    He looks like Nappa and he has a lavender hat.  I swear, he seemed more significant before I got to this paragraph.    That’s the power of his penis-head teammate, I guess.   He just makes everything around him feel kind of off. 
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Anyway, Cell kills some of their guys, so they line up in “Battle Formation”, which I assume has something to do with the rules of Battle Ball, the sport they apparently play.   Why are two of them in luchador masks?   Why does that one blonde one look like Vegeta?  
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Oh, while Cell tangles with these guys, he notices Vegeta flying to Gingertown.   He’s surprised to see he’s alive as well, and that he’s stronger than expected.   So Cell decides to stop playing with his food and get moving.  
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Vegeta arrives in Gingertown and demands to know what the dilly, but Piccolo wants to wait for Tien to show up so he doesn’t have to tell the story twice.   In the meantime, Vegeta asks him how he got so strong, and Trunks explains how Piccolo combined with Kami.  
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I’m kind of surprised that Vegeta even understands what that means.   I mean, Trunks didn’t know until Krillin explained it to him.    Of course, he’s more focused on the fact that a “mere” Namekian has managed to upstage him, on top of all the androids.
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And while Piccolo explains what Cell is all about, Cell has arrived at the next town full of people he’s going to absorb.   He looks like the world’s grossest cereal mascot here.  
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esseastri · 5 years
Megan Reads Oathbringer (part 11)
All right, now that it’s been 4 months and I’ve read all the other things, I realized that it’s, like, 5 days until this book has been out for a year and I should probably get the fuck on with it, so. Here we are.
Part 11 encompasses pages 828-934 (previous parts)
me in July: I’m almost done! I can finish this!
me, now: sweet christ I have a smaller novel’s-worth still to get through lord let me live
Aw, damn, I left off on Interludes, but I DON’T CARE ABOUT VENLI, WHERE MY BOYS AT
oh SNAP I WANT THAT, the ability to speak and understand all languages???? GRABBY HANDS
ah yes the “the alethi enslaved us so we should rise up and kill them by enslaving ourselves to this other, more horrible godlike being” narrative. my favorite.
why we gotta EXTERMINATE people?
I’m tired. of extermination plotlines.
Maybe. Venli and her lil light spren will stop? the extermination!? I’m here for that!
I forgot about Mraize. 
like, literally, 100% forgot about his existence. sorry alyx.
eyy, we found Shalash!
...Mraize has a babsk? I didn’t think he was Thaylen????
“A resistance is not what we caught you mounting.” UGH. PICK THE HAMMER, YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT.
Why do I feel like this is a “HE HAS CHOSEN THE BEAR. BRING FORTH THE BEAR” joke?
gr oss? Tha nk s? for the melting flesh images??
that’s. so many POVs. What is this, a GRRM book?
also none of the POVs are Bridge Four and. WHEN WILL MY BOYS COME BACK FROM THE WAR.
wait, I could have sworn the Alethi had been fighting the Parshendi for ten years?? but Dalinar is talking to Gavilar EIGHT years ago?
Did I miss smthn?
Did I conflate the Shattered Plains with the Trojan War? I’m confused.
Lisa has done Math for me and found out that it was only 6 years????????? Why did I think it was ten??? I COULD HAVE SWORN IT WAS TEN????
“his job was to loom” heheheh
so... Dalinar is the nuclear deterrent and the nuclear threat all in one?
Dalinar, leaning into the mic: “The truth is... I am Iron Man.”
“I had this specially tailored” I LOVE HIM
“When censured, Adolin only tried harder.” I! LOVE! THIS! TINY! SUNLIGHT! BOY!
I wanna write fic where Adolin Kholin meets Luke Skywalker and the world literally EXPLODES IN SUNLIGHT AND SOFTNESS.
me, squinting: “which Herald is Ahu?”
my running method is to just suspect everyone of being a Herald. At some point, I’ll have to be right.
me: why is there a map with the sea but Kholinar is on it???
two seconds later: OOOHHH DUH IT’S SHADESMAR
wack y fun!
Adolin, say hi to your swwooooorrdddd
....the Oathgate has souls?
Fearspren: gross.
I knew they were all bigger on the inside, as it were, but. #yikes?
“Kaladin’s not well.” “I have to be well.”
“sword lady” HEH
ok well, at least we know Drehey is alive, since Shallain bumped into his soul, which is both TERRIFYING and REALLY COOL
*long keening noises*
“Hey,” Adolin said. “It will be all right.” “I survived Bridge Four,” Kaladin growled. “I’m strong enough to survive this.” “I’m pretty sure you could survive anything. Storms, bridgeboy, the Almighty used some of the same stuff he put into Shardblades when he made you.” Kaladin shrugged. But as they walked onto the next platform, his expression grew distant again. He stood while the rest of them moved on. Almost like he was waiting for their bridge to dissolve and dump him into the sea. “I couldn’t make them see,” Kaladin whispered. “I couldn’t...couldn’t protect them. I’m supposed to protect people, aren’t I?”
“I’m frightened. I talk when I’m frightened.” I LOVE HIM.
...is Vivenna okay?
oh shiiit, Adolin is? king????
sort of? almost??
that chapter was a Lot
I’ve only been asking for this for tHE WHOLE BOOK
but now I’m gonna be MORE SAD
.......idk how I feel about the soul-after-image thing. it’s interesting, but I’m still a lil weirded out by Szeth...you know...being alive?
huh. Vasher knows about the magic fish? So....does this validate Lisa’s theory about the fish and the birds from that other cosmere thing I can’t remember bc I haven’t read it?
holy shit, that’s a LOT of skybreakers.....
...who have been around the WHOLE TIME???? WTF
So...Szeth can hear the Spiritual Realm.....and is going to bond a spren, of the Cognitive Realm...and is in the Physical Realm... so does that make him the Avatar, Master of All Three Realms?
(while he may have a lot to learn, I believe that Szeth can save the world)
hm. they’re so...regimented. militaristic. ritualized. They’ve got tests and rules for getting in and it’s all very well-put-together. and it’s WEIRD compared to everyone else stumbling into their Ideals. Is this what is was like before the Recreance? or is this just the Skybreakers being Skybreakers?
why are there kaladin flashbacks in the dalinar book, why, brandon, why must you hurt me in this way
Brandon: *mentions Tien* Me, softly: “no”
Also, Syl just. grabbing his arm and snuggling him is VERY GOOD, SHE IS VERY GOOD, AND SHE SHOULD BE WORSHIPED FOR BEING SO VERY WONDERFUL
“It cannot be holy. If it truly were, it would have burned me away long ago.” I’M SAD NOW, THANKS.
I have weird emotions about people losing their faiths, and Szeth’s character arc has been particularly. compelling to me.
“Here’s what you have to do: fight him and win!” has the same energy as that obnoxious Assassin’s Creed “tip” that’s like “the trick to staying alive to is get your enemy’s health bar to zero while keeping your above zero” and I’M SO PLEASED.
ooohh shit
he drew Nightblood
which I feel is NOT RECOMMENDED
# Y I K E S
Skybreakers take the “lawful” part of DnD alignments to a very unhealthy extreme
tbh they’re a lil fucked up, ngl
Skybreakers make me uncomfortable, is what I’m saying.
“he had never mastered the ‘sleep anywhere’ skill the grunts bragged about” NEERRRRDD
oh that makes sense
I was confused for a hot second about how Vivenna knew Adolin’s kata, but she probably learned it from Vasher who...also...taught Adolin. Duh.
“I’m just a woman who has been constantly out of her league since adolescence.” Viveennnnaaaaaa, darling. You’ll be all right.
also that makes total sense--the Horneater Peaks? If they’ve got a portal, it makes sense they’re so much more in tune to the spren. Easier border crossings.
PEOPLE live in this realm? What the??
I don’t know Nazh, but the fact that he has an embarrassing tattoo due to Horneater lager bad decisions DELIGHTS ME
hm. idk why I’d sort of assumed that Dalinar went to visit the Nightwatcher before Gavilar died, but. maybe I’m wrong. Maybe it was a consequence of Gavliar’s death. 
Renarin is such a Good
“Humans, you must stop your emotions. They are very inconvenient here.” I think, Pattern dear, that Shallan rather thinks emotions are inconvenient everywhere.
“You’re not angry at anyone, you’re just looking for something to latch onto. Something to feel.” To stave off the darkness of unfeeling and anger is easy. It’s irrational and warm and so easy. So it’s always the first one to go.
“It would continue until numbness seemed preferable.” GOD YUP. THERE IT IS.
It’s still really validating and really, really unsettling to see your brain problems spelled out so succinctly.
oh lord
“Men he loved, killing each other.”
(and the very tiny garbage part of my brain goes, ‘see he LOVES Moash’)
Syl had a different Kaladin before Kaladin?? Wild.
and GOD but the symbology of the LIGHTHOUSE in Kaladin’s chapter. I’m. <3
she made them carry their own chairs, GOD THE MEANING BEHIND THAT, I LOVE HER
“Elhokar and Adolin are safe somewhere.” ABOUT THAT....
Bridge Four’s unwavering belief in Kaladin is SURE A THING. I love them SO MUCH.
also, god, MY BOYS, here they are, eating all the food and being ridiculous losers at a formal event I HAVE MISSED THEM SO
god, fuc you Ialai. ofc she didn’t carry her own chair, fukin JERK
good to know the assholery of the Sadeas name is being upheld, even after his death
god, every time Taravangian is mentioned, my gut just clenches, he makes me SO NERVOUS
I have forgotten that I love Sebarial. Petition for him to show up more often.
...unless he’s super smart today and just pretending to be stupid.
also they keep talking about Shinovar as a redoubt and a haven, but....didn’t the Everstorm--going the wrong way--destroy Shinovar? Has anyone checked??
Navani is so clever and it’s brilliant.
“Taravangian was talking about having you tour Vedenar personally”....alone....so he can MURDER YOU. BAD IDEA. ABORT MISSION.
“He’s got battle fatigue. We have to watch him when he’s sitting around doing nothing, not when he’s got a specific mission.” MMMMMMHHHMMMMMMM
the future is forbidden, but not to Truthwatchers, sooooooo... is. this “Oracle”. a.......... Herald? PERCHANCE.
Weren’t they lying at the beginning and saying that Shallan was an Elsecaller? Because Odium thinks she’s an Elsecaller for some reason. And I wonder...who he’s spying through and where his attention is focused and who told him the lie?
aight, which world does canned food come from? How far ahead is the mistborn world whose name I can’t remember right now but it begins with an s SCADRIAL YEAH THAT ONE how far ahead is Scadrial in technological progression? Where does the Stormlight Archive fall on the mistborn timeline?
oh my god
god, that’s a huge lie to believe for so, so long. ohhh my goddd
someone has been writing down all the Unmades’ names, right? So I can look them up in the Coppermind later and be confused and try to work out which is which and what they do and how terrified I should be of them? cool thanks.
I have one (1) priority in this establishment
...why does Syl have color
who is she
“You don’t fly, you fall the wrong way.” Hehehehehehe <3
I HAVE MISSED KALADIN’S SELF-DEPRECATING JOKES THAT ARE FUNNY BUT ALSO VERY PAINFUL god, I love him. I love him so much. idk if y’all know this about me.
...ok, but the punny banter between Kaladin and Shallan is SO NICE Why do they have to be mean to each other so often why can’t they just be terrible sarcastic pun buddies?
“In that polished breastplate and striking figure, with her talk of chasing bounties and traveling worlds. She’s deeply mysterious.” CAREFUL, SHALLAN, YOUR BI IS SHOWING.
“The feeling was friendship, but neither of them had ever experienced it.” 
Kaladin, darling, that shit is SO UNHEALTHY, DO NOT ENCOURAGE THIS
also like. darling. no. “I wish I didn’t have to care” DARLING ALL YOU DO IS CARE WHO WOULD YOU BE WITHOUT CARING
lord, ok, well, I’ve read 100 pages, so on that disappointing character note, I’m going to go to bed.
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pinkcaseotakadl · 7 years
Diabolik lovers [Kino‘s CD drama: para selene] ~translation|traducción~
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Summary: The heroine loses her memories, and the boy tries to bring them back.  Por cierto, eso que tiene Kino en su boca se llama Kompeitou, en realidad son dulces xD A qué son extraños, verdad?
Track 1: Daily routine - Rutina diaría.  Track 2: At the other side of the Eclipse - Al otro lado del Eclipse. Track 3: Pain and memories - El dolor y los recuerdos. Track 4: No matter how many times - No imports cuantas veces. Track 5: The meaning of “love” - El significado del amor.
TRACK 1: Daily routine
*videogame sounds*
Kino: Yeah! With this *he presses the buttons harder* Kino: Yeeey~! I win, too bad for you.
*Music changes*
Kino: Ehhh? What does that mean? Were you letting me play with the intention of losing at the end? Kino: Mmm, if you were thinking to lose from the very beginning, then I won without winning. That’s boring for me. Kino: I don´t need a whole speech if you are going to apologise. Ahh, something like going easy in a game against me. Kino: Hm, it can’t be helped *he comes close* Kino: Heheh, “What’s wrong?” you say... We are going to play a punishment game, isn’t it obvious? Kino: That’s right, you lost against me. Mm, that’s why~ what kind of punishment should I give you~? Kino: Which one would you like? As I thought, would you like that I suck your blood?
*She answers*
Kino: Even if you say that you don’t want any... I can’t leave it just like this. Kino: *In her ear* Because... this is funny for me... fufu. Kino: *He gets away from her ear* Even you like things that feel good, don’t you? You like me because I make you feel good with my fangs, right? Kino: So there is no problem. That’s why... *He pushes her down* Kino: Fufu, is good to look at you from above, we’ll start the punishment like this. Kino: To begin with... *Kisses* What a good expression you make. At this rate I feel like piercing you with my fangs. Kino: Could it be that you thought that I was going to suck your blood? If I did, then it wouldn’t be a punishment, would it? Kino: If I didn’t do things you dislike, then it wouldn’t be a punishment. Kino: That’s why I’ll do this... I’ll touch veeery lightly your skin with my lips... *kisses*
*She says that it tickles*
Kino: Does it tickle?
*She resists*
Kino: Be obedient. There’s still a lot ahead, we are just at the good part. *kisses*
*She tries to escape*
Kino: Uwahh... *He catches her* Wait a moment! Why are you running? *She still resisting but he grabs her* Kino: Don’t say “but”. Geez, I’m a little gentle with you and you do that all of a sudden. Do I have to show you how scary I can be? Just in this way...! *He bites her* Kino: *Drinking and moaning* ... It hurts, right? Fufu, of course it does, I am the one who makes it hurt. Kino: Hee? What? I can’t listen. *You apologise* Mmm? Why are you apologising? I don’t understand... *He bites you* *Drinks and moans* Kino: Fufu, that’s it, do that. If you finally understood, then I’ll forgive you. *He’s about to bite her, but instead he kisses her* Kino: That was a kiss of reconciliation. Kino: Mm? What is it? Do I have something on my face? *You try to ask something* It’s futile/useless even if you try to trick me. Kino: *He gets closer* Say it. This time I won’t get angry and I’ll listen to you. Come on. *You ask if he really likes you* Kino: What, it was that? By the way, why do you doubt? Am I someone so little reliable? Even I think about you, and do many things for you. *spoiled child voice* Aren’t you being a bit mean? Kino: Even the fact that I spend my time with you is the very proof that I like you. Kino: That’s it. I don’t get involved with persons I’m not interested in. *Kisses* Kino: I am telling the truth! Geez, the next time I say that, I won’t spoil you. Kino: Oops! It’s almost time for the event. I’ll go get ready, so I’ll go back to my room. *He gets up from bed* Kino: Good night! *He leaves* *Outside the room* Kino: To like or to hate... as I thought, I don’t understand those feelings. Maybe that’s the reason why I’m not good at love games.
TRACK 2: At the other side of the Eclipse
Kino: *sighs* Finally I’ve finished the event! *Drinks guava juice* Kino: Drinking guava juice after a event is the best!
*Lefts the glass on the table*
*Strange noises* (It’s a lasting clattering sound)
Kino: Ugh?!... Ahg... *The sound stops* Ahg... My head... hurts...
*Kino stands up to look at the mooon*
Kino: That really was... the eclipse “Para Selene”... It’s the first time I see it. Kino: I knew that demons became strange because of the eclipses, but... don’t tell me this pain is also because of the moon...? Kino: Ugh... Somehow it feels bad... Haa... haa... It’s finally gone. Kino: Oh?! *He sees you walking* Kino: Eyyy! Where are you going at this time? If you go somewhere someone may catch you! Hey, where do you plan to go? Kino: If it’s about school, today is a free day, isn’t it? Are you asleep? *You run away* Kino: Eh?! Why are you running away? *He gets up immediately* I don’t understand what’s going on!
*She is running and suddenly Kino teleports in front of her*
Kino: Why~ are you running all of a sudden? Do you want to start a chasing game?
*She slowly gets away from him and ask who he is* Kino: Haa? “Who are you?”... What are you saying? It’s me. You know me very well, I’m Kino-kun, aren’t I? Kino: Are you a somnambulist? Geez, wake up *He gets closer and catches her, but she resists* Kino: Wo?! Ey, don’t resist! I’m even worrying about you! What’s gotten into you? *She keeps resisting* Kino: Ugh...! Geez! It can’t be helped *He makes you faint* Kino: I hurt you, eh. Geez... I don’t understand what’s going on.
*She wakes up*
Kino: Have you woken up, Princess? *With a cold sarcastic tone*
Kino: That frightened look... Hey, you don’t really know I am? Or where we are?
*She answers she doesn’t*
Kino: Haa. Could this be amnesia?
*She answers it’s not*
Kino: By the way, if it’s not, then what is it? You don’t even remember my name. Kino: Hmm... Just a moment ago you were fine. Maybe you hit your head or saw something that left you in shock? Did something like that happen?
*She says she can’t remember*
Kino: You don’t remember, eh. Fine, then I’ll ask this: Is there anything you remember?
*She only remembers her name*
Kino: Mm~ In short, you have forgotten everything except your name, and you are in a completely new state, eh... Kino: Then, have you forgotten about Eve and all the vampires in the Demon World?
*She answers yes*
Kino: I see... Then this is... *smiles* fufu... interesting in many ways.
*He comes close and gets on top of her*
Kino: It’s all right. E~ven you don’t know a~nything, there’s no problem. I’ll tell you everything you need to know. So just relax. Kino: Because I’m your Master. Fufu... that’s right, I am a vampire. I’m an existence that is above humans. Kino: Fufufu... That reaction completely afraid, it’s pretty good. Kino: I feel like drinking your blood.
*She fights*
Kino: Hahaha... You should not r~un. *He presses her wrists* Kino: *In a dark tone* Because I am going to sink my fangs... Stay still, will you? Kino: Otherwise... I’ll make a big hole in this neck... Yes, good girl. Kino: *In the ear* Now... Itadakimasu... *He’s going to bite her, but instead he kisses her neck* Kino: As I thought, I’ll leave it here.
*He gets up*
Kino: I thought that if I surprised you in this way, you would remember something, but it looks like you’ve remembered nothing, so I’ll stop. Kino: Haha, oh? I surprised you too much? Maybe the stimulus of a moment ago was too much for the current you, forgive me. Kino: However, the first reaction was very goo~d. This became amusing. Kino: I know! I’ll give a tour around the household for the poor you, who have lost her memories. And of course, I’ll be with you all the time!
*She tries to run but he grabs her*
Kino: Nope, Nope. You can’t run. Kino: Okay, shall we go?
TRACK 3: Pain and memories
*Opens the door*
Kino: Well, this is the bathroom. Go in.
*Yui asks why*
Kino: “Why” you say... I did that thing before, but you didn’t react much. So I thought of playing here the same way.
*Yui resists* Kino: Geez, how troublesome... How about you stop resisting already? Kino: Come on. *He pushes her inside* You do like me, don’t you? Then just be obedient and do as I say.
*Yui answers that she doesn’t remember that feeling*
Kino: What does that mean? Can’t you remember that you like me? Is that why you were resisting a moment ago? Kino: I don’t understand what it means at all. I thought your amnesia would be fun... but it’s the worst. Kino: This is wrong; I’ll make you remember everything. Kino: Conveniently we came to the right place. *He turns the water on* Kino: “What are you doing?” you say, can’t you tell just by looking? I’m going to put you in the bathtub so you can remember. Kino: Well, just like this, get in. Ah, but... In that time I pushed you? Mmm, then like this *He gets in the bathtub* Kino: Done, you too *He pulls her inside* Kino: Ahh~ah, we are all soaked, geez... Just for you to know, all this is for your own good *knocking sound* Kino: Be grateful with the kind me *He rips her clothes* Kino: Ahh, I just ripped your clothes a little, don’t be noisy. I won’t be so bad, so quit screaming *He turns the water off* Kino: Don’t you remember? When I sucked you blood in the bathtub? You were a bit weak, and saying weird things. You defied my fangs. Kino: Come on, just by coming closer like this you want me to make you feel good, don’t you?
*She tries to push him*
Kino: What a stubborn girl. I wouldn’t mind if you just admit it and your memories come back.  As I thought, first I’ll have to make you remember my fangs. Kino: Fufu... ah, well, it’s been awhile since the last time I saw you trembling like this, maybe it’s good. Kino: Now... Where shall I drink from...? ...Good! I’ve decided! I’ll drink from this place. *He’s going to bite her* Kino: It was a joke~... As I thought, it’s better here *He bites her and she starts to move* Kino: Nn... ha... that voice, I like it... *He keeps drinking* Nnmm... haa... haa... Mm, maybe I do get excited when you resist. (Ese “si” que pusiste cómo es? Es un si condicional o un sí de afirmación? Si es un “sí” de afirmación, entonces la oración está bien. Si es un “si” condicional entonces sacale el “do”) Kino: Are you trembling? Fufu, nonetheless your face is red. Which means it felt good, right? Kino: Hey, this must be like the first time for you [because she doesn’t have memories], but still you feel more pleasure rather than pain, eh. Kino: Mmm~ (T/N: I couldn’t get this part) This isn’t enough yet? Then this time will be here. I’ll make it hurt more than before *He bites her* Kino: Nn... Mmm... Haaa, haaa... Somehow even I got hot. Moreover... this aroma... was like this before? *She falls* Kino: Wo *Catches her* fufu, does it feel so good that you can’t even stand up? However, this has just started. Kino: *Holds her stronger* I thought that getting into the bathtub with clothes on would feel gross, but I could become addicted to this. Kino: *He draws her closer to him* This is was way more intense than before. Come on, look at me? It’s not time to have your head in the clouds, because from now on I’ll do you even better things than this. Kino: So it’s not the moment to be relaxed. Wait a little longer; it’s not to my liking playing with a fainted human. Kino: Come on *He holds her* Haha, are you dizzy? I sucked your blood in the bathtub, so it can’t be helped, eh. But I won’t stop. Kino: *In her ear* Hey, you surely think that vampires don’t suck from any other place than the neck, do you? But I can also sink my fangs where the nerves bundle up, you know? Although I think it must hurt a looot. So just endure it? Kino: *Bites* Nnmm... Mm... No matter how much it hurts, until you remember I won’t stop sucking your blood, heheh. Kino: If you try to stop me, it just makes me want to do it more, you know? [T/N: I don’t know what he meant] You say that knowing it? Well, after all you are stubborn, so for sure you’ll say “It’s not like that”. Kino: You don’t have to answer. Just like I’ve said before, I’ll keep sucking until you remember. *Weird sound* Kino: Ugh...! Fuck, again...! *Sound disappears* Kino: I’m fine, it’s nothing. Just concentrate in this *He bites her* Kino: Nnm... haa... You will faint, or you will remember, what will happen first? This just got a little funny.
TRACK 4: No matter how many times
*Kino wakes up*
Kino: Oh? ... Just a moment ago we were in the bathroom. Kino: *Takes a look at himself* I’m not wet...? Even my hair and clothes are dry. What happened? Kino: Ugh! Still... my head hurts. Was it because of that weird sound a moment ago? Kino: Ah, you woke up? “Where are we?”? Well, wherever you look, it’s the living room of my mansion. Kino: No, we were already here when I realised. It could be that... *He stands up* Kino: Mmm? No, there’s something I just want to check. Kino: *In a loud voice* OI, YUURI! Yuuri, are you there? Hey! *... ...* Kino: Mm, as I thought, he’s not here. *She asks who he is (Yuuri)* Kino: Ahh, Yuuri is like my right hand. He should be in the mansion, but it seems that’s not the case. Kino: There’s no way that he has gone somewhere without telling me anything. Kino: hhmm~? I see. *Walks to the window and stares at the moon* Kino: There are two moons. As I thought... it must be it. *He takes a sit* Kino: I’ve finally realised what’s going on, and also the reason why you have lost your memories. Kino: I get angry just by knowing this. At least it would’ve been better if something funnier happened. But why did you lose your memories? *?* Kino: I’m talking to myself. Is just... after understanding I’m starting to feel angry. Kino: Right now, I don’t exist within you. Along with that, all your memories about me disappeared. Kino: Actually I don’t mind that but... *With a heavy voice and getting close* When I do this! Kino: See? Just by getting a little close you are already frightened. Kino: In this kind of situation you don’t plan to play any game with me, do you? *She doesn’t remember* Kino: You also forgot about that, eh... Kino: *He makes himself comfortable* It’s not funny at all... more like, I’m against this. Kino: That new reaction of yours was funny, but apart from that this is not funny at all. Kino: Actually I don’t care if someone forgets me but... that specifically you forget me, that’s something I don’t really want. Kino: Look! You are making that face again. No, that’s not the reaction I want *His voice sorrowful* Kino: Ahh, geez! *He gets close* It hurts within my chest, what is this? Kino: I see, I can’t accept that I’m gone from you. All this is because your loss of memory. Kino: It’s the first time I feel so tense, is not funny at all. Kino: Don´t forget so easily. Remember everything! Remember me. *She is sorry* Kino: Why do you apologise? A moment ago you were so afraid. Suddenly you feel guilty because of me? Kino: Or maybe you remembered something? *She says she doesn’t* Kino: True. If you had remembered something, you would have answered something better. *She asks something* Kino: That’s right but, what about that? *She asks if he was in love with her* Kino: Haa? How do you know that? I... like you...? Kino: I’m sorry, but I don’t know what it is to like or hate. I just don’t like that you don’t remember me, is just that. *She insists* Kino: You keep saying that? Then I will ask you: What do you think about me? *She says that she loves him* Kino: You... like me, eh. Liar. Kino: You know, I hate liars, I despise them. And right now you are trying to lie to me. *She says that is not a lie* Kino: Hee, is not a lie? Although you don’t remember me? *She says that her chest hurts too* Kino: Hmm... So your chest hurts too, eh. I don’t think you can call that love, though. Kino: But if you are insisting until this point, then prove it. Kino: As I thought, you can’t do it, right. I can’t be satisfied just with sweet words. *She touches him* Kino: What is it... with this hand? Are you trying to seduce me? Kino “I’ll make my best” eh... Even though we did every kind of things, I think that’ll be useless. Kino: ?! You want... to remember me? *She answers she does* You want to remember me, eh... I see. Kino: Then I will cooperate so that your memories come back. But you don’t have to run away like you did a moment ago, even so you agree? Kino: Hee... Alright, then I have to take it seriously too. *He gets close* Kino: No matter how much you don’t want it and try to stop me, I won’t Kino: I’ll make you suffer until you remember everything, because the pain is the only memory that connects us. Kino: If I’m not careful enough you could die. Even so, do you agree? *She answers she does* Kino: *laughs* Well said. Me too, I don’t [T/N: I couldn’t understand this part] Kino: Like I always do, just this way *He throws her into the sofa* Kino: Does it hurt? Of course it does, this is the second time I scratch you. Kino: Come on, look, my finger is covered in your delicious blood. Kino: *Licks his finger* “Why?” you say... Long ago I did the same thing. Although in that moment I was completely angry. Kino: You were quite defensive *Kisses* Kino: Haha, did it feel good? The flavour of my fangs or the flavour of my nails... Which one do you prefer? Kino: Mmm... I think I stabbed them very deep... The blood flow doesn’t stop. It seems like it hurts. [No shit, Sherlock] Kino: However, your face is red and hot, your face says “Instead of hurting, this feels so good that I can’t help it”. Kino: Fufu, good, isn’t it? Because you like pain, don’t you? Just now the pain was so intense that it became pleasurable, remember it with your body, will you? [T/N: I couldn’t understand] Kino: Hey... Do you want me to be crueler? I’ll sink my fangs even deeper than before. You want me to suck your blood a lot of times, don’t you? Kino: [T/N: Again, I couldn’t understand a single word!] Kino: Sure. Kino: You don’t have just to nod, say it with your mouth. Just one word: “Do it”. Kino: As expected, a lot of blood is coming out. Kino: There’s no other way, I’ll help you *He licks the wound* Kino: Fufu, just that felt good? It was something simple, though. Kino: *Keeps licking and kissing* Well, even if this just a treatment I’m really enjoying the flavour of the blood *He keeps licking* Kino: *Laughs* Do you want to say something? Kino: *In her ear* You want me to bite you, don’t you? Then say it. If you don’t, I won’t do it. Kino: Just now you had a face like “I don’t care what you do to me”. As I thought, were you really prepared for this? *She says she wasn’t* Kino: Right? Then say it. Look, I’ll draw my ear closer. *She tells him* Kino: Fufu, “Please” eh... It can’t be helped, but that’s enough for now. Kino: [T/N: I didn’t understand] *He bites her and she starts to resist* *He grabs her wrists hard and keeps drinking* Kino: Endure it... It won’t finish just with this, right. Because you... still don’t remember anything about me... anything *he bites her again* Kino: Mmm... nn... haa... Come on, I’m even cooperating. So hurry up... and remember me... *The music stops* Kino: ?! What’s wrong? Why are you crying? Did it hurt... that much? ( No sé, a vos qué te parece?? :v ) Kino: Why do you apologise all of a sudden? If you want me to stop then... *She hugs him* Woah?! Kino: What’s going on? I really don’t understand... Kino: First... Stop crying... Kino: ... ... Kino: Before apologising tell me the reason. You are not crying because it hurt, are you? Kino: *sad laugh* What’s the meaning of this? *In a tender yet sad tone* It’s not your fault that you don’t remember... Kino: *He hugs her back* There, there... I’m sorry, Princess... Kino: I did not mean to get you to such an extreme [T/N: This was the most heart-touching part, AND I COULND’T UNDERSTAND] Kino: You know... The fact that you forgot me feels lonely. But... way more important than the memories is that you think about me, the feeling. Kino: The fact that you are crying this way it’s because you think about me just like before, isn’t it? Kino: Or am I wrong? *She says he’s correct* Kino: Right? Well, don’t cry anymore. If you cry any more than this, I’ll do mean things to you. Kino: Yeah, well done. Now, a reward for having stopped crying *He kisses her* Kino: Fufu, I see... this could be the feeling of love... *She says that she wants a kiss in the mouth* Kino: Eh?! Are you sure? In your mouth... Kino: Maybe I like this new thing a little, it look sweet [her mouth] *Kisses* [T/N: Just for you to know, since she lost her memory, Kino kissed her everywhere except for her lips because he would never do it without her consent. *cof* In this CD drama, in his route he stole a kiss from her *cof*] Kino: After the kiss, I’ll suck your blood gently... *He bites her and the weird sound is heard again*
TRACK 5: The meaning of “love”
*Kino wakes up*
Kino: Is this... my room...? What was that thing from before...—Oh! Are you alright?! Kino: *Sighs relieved* It seems like you are. Kino: Mmm? What is it? Kino: Eh?! You really... remembered? Kino: *He hugs her excited* Kino: Great...! You really... remember, don’t you? Kino: Ah! It’s true, the moon! *He runs to the window and draws the curtains open* Kino: It’s back to normal... hahaha... That was something weird Kino: Yes, I’m sorry. Before you lost your memory you were looking at the moon, weren’t you? Kino: You have seen a ring on the moon, right? Well, about that... Kino; As I thought... Probably we both were absorbed by the eclipse. Kino: Demons are affected by the moon, are they not? Kino: I’ve heard that the moon does that. Certainly it was called... “The Para-Selene syndrome” Kino: I think it’s an illness that makes you see illusions... In other words, what we saw just now was an illusion. Kino: Probably your memory came back after you woke up. Kino: Haa... for now, it’s a very good thing that it has come back~ *He hugs her* Really, very good... Kino: If you hadn’t remembered me... I... might have gone crazy. Kino: Don’t make me go through that again, okay? Kino: *His cell phone rings* Mmm? OHH! The event is almost over, this is bad! Although I’m late, I might can-... Kino: ... ... Kino: Well, it doesn’t matter now. The event will be available until tomorrow. Kino: Right now I want to do the things that I couldn’t [???] Kino: *Closer* It’s not something to be so surprised, is it? You are way more important than the event, isn’t it obvious. *He takes her to bed* Kino: Now, I should receive some gratitude. The thing from before was not enough at all. Kino: Besides, you were not satisfied in the least, were you? Kino: Fufu~ Bull’s eye (Es una frase súper difícil, y este año la aprendí, lloro de emoción al usarla) Kino: Well, itadakimasu~ *Kisses* I shall please you with these fangs, the pain will feel good. Kino: Brace yourself, will you?
**The End**
Track 1:
*Sonido de videojuegos*
Kino: Bien! Con esto *aprieta más fuerte los botones* Kino: Yeeey~! Yo gano. Que lástima para ti.
*música cambia*
Kino: Ehhh? Qué significa eso? Estabas jugando con la intención de perder al final? Kino: Mmmmm, si ya estabas pensando desde el comienzo en perder, entonces gané sin haber ganado. Eso es aburrido para mí. Kino: No necesito un discurso si vas a disculparte. Ahh, [hiciste] algo como ir fácil conmigo en un juego. Kino: Hm, no se puede evitar. *Se acerca más* Kino: Heheh, ''qué sucede'' dices... vamos a jugar un juego-de-castigo, qué no es obvio? Kino: Así es, perdiste ante mí. Mm, por lo que~ qué tipo de castigo debería darte~? Kino: Cual te gustaría a ti? Como lo supuse, te gustaría que chupe tu sangre?
*Le contesta*
Kino: Aunque me digas que no quieres ninguno... no puedo dejar que quede así. Kino: *En el oido* Porque... esto es divertido para mí... fufu. Kino: *Se aleja de tu oido* Incluso a ti te gustan las cosas que se sienten bien, no es así? Yo te gusto porque te hago sentir bien con mis colmillos, verdad? Kino: Así que no hay ningún problema. Por lo que... *la recuesta?* Kino: Fufu, es una bueno mirarte desde arriba, empezaremos el castigo de esta forma. Kino: Para empezar... *beso* Que buena reacción haces. A este paso me dieron ganas de clavarte mis colmillos. Kino: Podría ser que pensaste que iba a chupar tu sangre? Si lo hiciera, entonces no se volvería un castigo, verdad? Kino: Si no hago cosas que te desagraden, entonces esto no se volvería un castigo. Kino: Es por eso que haré esto... tocaré ligeeeramente tu piel con mis labios... *beso*
*Le dice que le hace cosquillas*
Kino: Haces cosquillas? *Ella se resiste*
Kino: Se obediente. Todavía queda mucho por delante, recién estamos en la parte buena. *beso*
*Ella intenta huir*
Kino: Uwahh... *la atrapa* Un momento! Por qué estás huyendo? *se sigue resistiendo pero él la sostiene*
Kino: No es ''por qué''. Caray, soy un poco gentil contigo y enseguida haces eso. Acaso tengo que enseñarte el miedo que doy? Justo de esta forma...! *La muerde* Kino: *bebiendo y gemidos kdsfsd* ...duele, verdad? Fufu, por supuesto que si, porque yo estoy haciendo que duela Kino: Hee? Qué? No se escuchaa. *ella se disculpa* Mmm? De que te estas disculpando? No lo entiendo...*la muerde* *bebidas y gemidosssss* Kino: Fufu, así es, has eso. Si ya pudiste entender, entonces te perdonaré. *va a morderla pero en vez de eso la besa* Kino: Ese fue un beso de reconciliamiento. Kino: Mm? Qué sucede? Tengo algo en mi cara? *ella inteta preguntarle* Es inutil aunque intentes engañarme. Kino: *Se acerca* dilo. Esta ves no me enojaré y te escucharé. Vamos
*le pregunta si en realidad ella le gusta a él*
Kino: Qué, era eso? Por cierto, por qué estas dudando? Soy alguien tan poco confiable? Incluso yo pienso apropiadamente en ti, y hago muchas cosas por ti. *voz de niño mimado* No estás siendo un poco mala? Kino: Incluso el hecho de que yo este pasando tiempo contigo es la viva prueba de que me gustas. Kino: Así es. Yo no me involucro con personas que no me interesan. *beso* Kino: Estoy diciendo la verdad! Caray, la próxima vez que diga eso no te consentiré. Kino: Oops! Ya casi es hora del evento. Yo me iré a preparar, así que volveré a mi habitación. 
*se levanta de la cama*
Kino: Buenas noches! *se va**
afuera de la habitación*
Kino: Gustar u odiar... como lo pensé, no entiendo esas emociones. Tal vez esa es la razón por la que no soy bueno en los juegos con el amor.
Track 2:
Kino: *Suspira* Al fin terminé el evento! *Bebe jugo de guayaba* Kino: Beber jugo de guayaba después de un evento es lo máximo!
*Deja el vaso en la mesa*
*Sonidos raros* [Suena como si dos metales se hubieran golpeado, y el sonido perdura]
Kino: Ugh!? ...Ahg... *El sonido se detiene* Ahg... mi cabeza... duele... Kino: Qué fue eso... agh... Oh... parece como si un extraño sonido viniera de la luna...
*Kino se levanta para ver la luna*
Kino: Aquello ciertamente era... el eclipse ''Para selene''... Es la primera vez que lo veo. Kino: Sabía que los demonios se volvian raros por los eclipses pero... no me digas que este dolor también es culpa de la luna...? Kino: Ugh... de alguna manera se siente mal... Haa... haa... Al fin cedió [el dolor] Kino: Oh!? *Ve a Yui/heroina caminando* Kino: Eyyy! A donde vas a estas horas? Si te quedas por ahí algún abuelo malo te atrapará! Oye, a donde planeas ir? Kino: Si se trata de la escuela, hoy es un día de descanso, no es así? Acaso estas dormida? *Yui/heROINA huye* Kino: Eh!? Por qué estás huyendo!? *Se levanta a toda prisa* No entiendo que esta pasando!
*Yui/LA HEROINA bueno ya. Esta corriendo y de repente Kino se teletransporta frente a ella*
Kino: Por qué~ de repente estas huyendo? Acaso quieres comenzar un juego de atrapar? (Corre que el Oni te atrapa lololol)
*La chica se aleja de él muy lentamente y le pregunta quien es*
Kino: Haa? ''Quién eres''... Qué estas diciendo? Soy yo. Tú me conoces muy bien, soy Kino-kun, no es así? Kino: Eres sonambula? Caray, despierta. *se acerca y la agarra pero ella se resiste* Kino: Wo!? Ey, no resistas! Incluso me estoy preocupando por ti! Qué te sucedió? *ella sigue resistiendo* Kino: Ugh...! Caray! No queda de otra *la desmaya* [...COMO HICISTE ESO!?] Kino: Te lastimé, eh. Caray... no entiendo para nada lo que esta sucediendo.
*Yui (sorry, para referirme a la protagonista voy a usar su nombre cannon) despierta*
Kino: Ha despertado, princesa? *Tono frio y sarcastico* Kino: Esa expresión de miedo... oye, de verdad no sabes quien soy? O donde estamos?
*Yui le dice que no*
Kino: Haa. Esto podría ser amnesia?
*Le dice que noh*
Kino: Por cierto, si no es eso, entonces qué es? Incluso hasta no recuerdas mi nombre. Kino: Hmm... hace un rato estabas normal. Tal vez te golpeaste muy fuerte la cabeza, o viste algo que te dejó muy en shock? Algo así pasó?
*Le dice que no se acuerda*
Kino: No lo recuerdas, eh. Bien, entonces preguntaré esto: hay algo que recuerdes?
*Sólo mi nombre*
Kino: Mm~ en resumen, te has olvidado de todo a parte de tu nombre, y estas en un estado completamente nuevo, eh... Kino: Entonces, te has olvidado de Eva y todos los vampiros del Mundo de los demonios?
Kino: Ya veo... entonces esto es... *sonrisa* fufu... interesante en muchos sentidos.
*Se acerca y se pone encima de ella*
Kino: Todo esta bien. Au~nque no sepas naaa~da, no hay ningún problema. Yo te contaré todo lo que necesites. Así que relajate? Kino: Ya que yo soy tu Amo. fufu... así es, yo soy un vampiro. Soy una existencia que esta por encima de los humanos. Kino: FUfufu... esa reacción llena de miedo, es bastante buena. Kino: Me dieron ganas de tomar tu sangre.
Kino: Hahaha... no deber hu~ir. *Aplasta sus muñecas* Kino: *Tono oscuro* Porque voy a clavar mis colmillos... quédate quieta, si? Kino: De lo contrario... haré un graaan agujero en este cuello. ...Asi, buena niña. Kino: *En el oido* Ahora... itadakimasu... *va a morderla pero en vez de eso le da un beso en el cuello* Kino: Como lo pensé, lo dejaré aquí.
*Se levanta*
Kino: Pensé que si te sorprendía de esta manera recordarías algo, pero parece que no has recordado nada, así que me detendré. Kino: Haha, oh? Te sorprendí demasiado? Tal vez el estímulo de recién fue muy fuerte para la tú de ahora, sólo estaba probando un poco, perdóname. Kino: Sin embargo, esa primera reacción estuvo muy bien~ Esto se volvió divertido Kino: Ya sé! Daré un tour por la mansión a la pobre tú la cual ha perdido sus recuerdos. Y por supuesto! Yo estaré constantemente contigo.
*ella intenta huir pero el la agarra*
Kino: Nope, nope. No puedes huir. Kino: Bien, vamos?
Track 3:
*Abre la puerta*
Kino: Bien, este es el baño. Entra adentro.
*Por qué?*
Kino: ''Por qué'' dices... antes hice aquello pero no reaccionaste mucho. Así que pensé en jugar aquí de la misma forma.
*Yui resiste*
Kino: Caray, que problematica... qué tal si ya dejas de resistirte? Kino: Vamos, *la hace entrar a la fuerza* yo te gusto, no es así? Entonces, sólo se obediente y obedeceme.
*Le dice que no recuerda ese sentimiento* [OSEA GENIO, OBVIO LA CHICA NO SE ACUERDA DE NADA DUH]
Kino: *in the feelings* Qué significa eso? No puedes recordar que yo te gusto? Eso por eso que desde hace un rato has estado oponiendo resistencia? Kino: No entiendo para nada que significa eso. Pensé que sería divertida tu amnesia... pero es lo peor. Kino: Esto esta mal, te haré recordar todo. Kino: Convenientemente vinimos a un lugar adecuado. *abre el agua* Kino: ''Qué estas haciendo'' dices, no lo entiendes con sólo mirarlo? Voy a ponerte dentro de la bañera, con el proposito de que recuerdes. Kino: Bien, justo de esa forma, entra adentro. Ah, pero... en aquel momento yo te había empujado? Mmm, entonces así *se mete él a la bañera* Kino: Listo, tú también ven *la tira adentro de la bañera* Kino: Ahh~ah, estamos todos mojados, caray... para que sepas, todo esto es por tu bien. *sonido de golpe* Kino: Se agradecida con el amable yo. *razga su ropa* Kino: Ahh, sólo razgué un poco tu ropa, no seas ruidosa. No seré tan malo, así que deja de gritar. *cierra la ducha* Kino: No recuerdas? Cuando chupé tu sangre dentro de la bañera? Estabas algo debil, y decias cosas raras. Desafiaste a mis colmillos. Kino: Vamos, con sólo acercarme un poco de este modo quieres que te haga sentir bien, no es así? *Intenta empujarlo* Kino: Qué chica tan testaruda. No me importaría si lo admites y así tus recuerdos vuelven. Como lo pensé, primero tendré que hacer que recuerdes mis colmillos. Kino: Fufu... pero bueno, hace mucho que no te veía temblar de este modo, tal vez este un poco bueno. Kino: Y ahora... de donde beberé...? ...Bien! Lo decidí. Beberé en este lugar. *va a morderla* Kino: Era broma~... como lo pensé, mejor desde aquí *la muerde y ella coienza a moverse* Kino: Nn... haa... esa voz, me gusta... *sigue bebiendo* Nnmm... haa.. haa... Mm, tal vez si me excite cuando te resistes. Kino: Estas temblando? Fufu, sin embargo tu cara esta roja. Lo que significa que se sintió bien, verdad? Kino: Oye, esto debería ser como tu primera vez para ti [porque no tiene recuerdos], pero aún así sientes más placer que dolor, eh. Kino: Mmm~ *no entendí* Esto aún no es suficiente? Entonces, esta vez será aquí. Haré que te duela más que recién. *la muerde* Kino: Nn... Mmm... HAaa, haaa... de alguna forma hasata yo me puse caliente. Y además... este aroma... era así antes? *ella cae* Kino: Wo *la agarra* fufu, te siente tan bien al punto de no poder quedarte en pie? Sin embargo, esto recién comienza. Kino: *La sostiene más fuerte* Pensaba que meterse a la bañera con la ropa puesta se sentiría asqueoroso, pero podría volverme adicto a esto. Kino: *la acerca más a él* Esto es mucho más intenso que antes. Vamos, mirame? No es el momento de estar en las nubes, porque de ahora en adelante te haré cosas mucho mejores que esta. Kino: Así que no es el momento de estar relajada. Aguanta un poco más, no es de mi gusto jugar con un humano desmayado. Kino: Vamos, *la sostiene* Haha, estas mareada? Chupé tu sangre dentro de la bañera, así que es imposible que eso no pase, eh. Pero no me detendré. Kino: *En el oido* Oye, seguro piensas que los vampiros no chupan sangre de otro lugar que no sea el cuello, verdad? Pero también puedo clavar mis colmillos donde los nervios están reunidos, sabes? Aunque creo que debe doler un monnnton. Así que aguantalo? Kino: *muerde* Nnmm... Mm... No importa cuanto te duela, hasta que no recuerdes no dejaré de chupar tu sangre, heheh. Kino: Si intentas detenerme me dan ganas de regresar, sabes? [No entendí que quiso decir] Lo dices sabiendolo? Bueno, despues de todo eres una testaruda, así que seguro dirás ''no es así'' Kino: No tienes que responder. Justo como lo dije antes, seguiré chupando tu sangre hasta que recuerdes.
*sonido raro*
Kino: Ugh...! Mierda, otra vez...! *el sonido desaparece* Kino: Estoy bien, no es nada. Tú concentrate en esto. *La muerde* Kino: Nnm... haa... te desmayarás, o recordarás, cual sucederá primero? Esto se puso un poco divertido
Track 4:
*Kino se despierta*
Kino: Oh? ...Hace un rato ciertamente estabamos en el baño [Jezu, eso suena porno] Kino: *se mira* !? No estoy mojado...? Incluso mi cabello y mi ropa están secos. Qué sucedió? Kino: Ugh! Aún... me duele la cabeza. Habrá sido por el sonido extraño de recién? Kino: Ah, te despertaste? ''Donde estamos''? Bueno, mire por donde lo mires es mi living de mi mansión. Kino: No, cuando me di cuenrta ya estabamos aquí. Tal vez pdría ser que... *se levanta* Kino: Mmm? No, sólo hay algo que quiero comprobar. Kino: *En voz alta* OI, YUURI! Yuuri, estás ahí? Oye!
*... ...*
Kino: Mm, como lo pensé, no esta.
*Le pregunta quien es*
Kino: Ahh, Yuuri es como mi mano derecha. Debería estar en la mansión, pero parece no ser el caso. Kino: No hay manera que él se haya ido a alguna parte sin decirme nada. Kino: Hhmm~? Ya veo. *Camina hacia la ventana y ve la luna*   Kino: Hay dos lunas. Como lo pensé... debe ser culpa de eso. *Se va a sentar* Kino: Al fin ya me di cuenta de lo que esta pasando, y también de la razón por la que perdiste tus memorias. Kino: Me enoja de solo saberlo. Al menos hubiera estado mejor que pasara algo más divertido. Pero por qué perdiste tus recuerdos?
Kino: Estoy hablando conmigo. Sólo... después de entenderlo estoy comenzando a enojarme. Kino: Justo ahora, dentro tuyo yo no existo. Y junto con eso, todos tus recuerdos de mí desaparecieron. Kino: En realidad no me molesta eso pero... *pone voz pesada y se acerca* cuando hago esto! Kino: Ves? Con sólo acercarme un poco ya estás asustada. Kino: En esta situción no planeas jugar a ningún juego conmigo, no es así?
*No lo recuerda*
Kino: También te has olvidado de eso, eh... Kino: *Se acomoda* No es para nada divertido... más bien, estoy en contra de esto. Kino: Aquella reacción nueva fue divertida, pero a parte de eso todo lo demás no me parece divertido. Kino: En realidad no me importa que alguien me olvide pero... que especificamente tú me olvides, es algo que realmente no quiero. Kino: Mira! Otra vez estas haciendo esa cara. No, esa no es la reacción que yo quiero *su voz suena triste* Kino: Ahh, caray! *Se acerca* Me duele dentro de mi pecho, qué es esto? Kino: Ya veo, no puedo aceptar que yo haya desaparecido de ti. Todo esto es por culpa de tu pérdida de memoria. Kino: Es la primera vez que me sienton tan tenso, no es para nada divertido. Kino: No me olvides tan fácilmente. Acuerdate de todo! Acuerdate de mí
*Lo siento*
Kino: Por qué te disculpas? Incluso hace un momento estabas tan asustada. De repente sentiste culpa por mí? Kino: O tal vez recordaste algo?  
Kino: Verdad. Si hubieras recordado algo habrías dado una respuesta mejor.
*Le pregunta algo*
Kino: Así es pero, qué sucede con eso?
*le pregunta si él estaba enamorado de ella*
Kino: Haa? Cómo sabes eso? Tú... me gustas...? Kino: Lo siento, pero yo no sé que es querer u odiar. Solamente no me gusta no estar en tus recuerdos, solamente eso.
Kino: Aún dices eso? Entonces yo preguntaré: qué es lo que piensas de mí?
*Le dice que lo ama*
Kino: Yo te... gusto, eh. Mestirosa. Kino: Sabes, yo odio a los mentirosos, los detesto. Y justo ahora tú estás intentado mentirme.
*No es mentira*
Kino: Hee, no es mentira? Aunque no te acuerdes de mí?
*le dice que a ella también le duele el pecho*
Kino: Hmm... a ti también te duele el pecho, eh. No creo que puedas llamar a eso amor, sin embargo. Kino: Pero si insistes hasta ese punto, entonces pruebamelo. Kino: Como lo pensé, no puedes hacerlo, verdad. A mí no me alcanza con solo palabras dulces.
*lo toca*
Kino: Qué pasa... con esta mano? Estas intentando seducirme? Kino: ''Me esforzaré'' eh... Aunque recién hicimos de todo, creo que eso sería inútil. Kino: !? Quieres... recordarme? *le dice que si* Quieres recordarme, eh... ya veo. Kino: Entonces coopearé para que tus recuerdos vuelvan. Pero no tienes que huir como hace unos momentos, pero aún así estas de acuerdo? Kino: Hee... esta bien, entonces yo también tengo que tomarlo en serio.
*se cerca*
Kino: No importa cuanto no quieras, y me digas que pare, yo no lo haré. Kino: Te harpe sufrir hasta que recuerdes todo, ya que el dolor es el mejor recuerdo que nos conecta. Kino: Si me descuido, tú podrías llegar a morir. Aún así estas de acuerdo?
Kino: *risa* Así se habla. Yo también, no me [Otra vez no entendí] Kino: Como siempre lo hago, justo de esta manera *la tira contra el sofa* Kino: Duele? Por supuesto, es la segunda vez que te araño. [Eh!?] Kino: Vamos, mira, mi dedo esta cubierto con tu deliciosa sangre. Kino: *Lo lame* ''por qué'' me dices... hace mucho tiempo hice la misma cosa. Aunque en ese momento yo estaba completamente enojado/irritado. Kino: Estabas muy a la defenciba *bechito* Kino: Haha, se sintió bien? El sabor de mis colmillos o el sabor de mis uñas... cual prefieres? Kino: Mmm... creo que las clavé muy profundo... tu sangre no se detiene. Parece que duele [NOOO, QUÉ TE PARECE!?] Kino: Sin embargo tu cara esta roja y quema, en tu cara dice''en vez de doler se siente tan bien que no puedo evitarlo'' Kino: Fufu, qué bueno, no? Ya que a ti te gusta el dolor, no es así? El dolor de recién fue tanto como para hacerse plasentero, recuerdalo con tu cuerpo, si? [No entenddddí] Kino: Oye... quieres que sea más cruel? Clavaré mis colmillos aún más profundo que antes. Quieres que chupe un montón de veces tu sangre, no es así? Kino: *no entendí nada de lo que dijo*
Kino: Seguro. Kino: No solo debes asentir, dilo claramente con tu boca. Sólo es una palabra: ''hazlo''. Kino: Oh, como era de esperarse, salió mucha sangre. Kino: No queda de otra, te ayudaré un poco. *lame la herida* Kino: Fufu, sólo eso se sintió bien? Fue algo muy simple sin embargo. Kino: *sigue lamiendo/besando* Bueno, aunque sea un tratamiento, estoy disfrutando el sabor de la sangre. *sigue lamiendo* Kino: *risa* quieres decir algo? Kino: *en el oido* Quieres que te muerda, no es así? Entonces dilo. Si no lo dices entonces no lo haré. Kino: Incluso recién tenías una cara de ''no me importa lo que me hagas''. Como lo pensé, hiciste una preparación incompleta? [menos literal sería que no se preparó por completo]
*Le diche que noh*
Kino: Verdad? Entonces dilo. Mira, yo acercaré mi oido.
*se lo dice*
Kino: Fufufu, '' por favor'' eh... No se puede evitar, con eso basta. [En realidad le dice: ''no se puede evitar, te dejaré ahora sólo con eso'' como diciendo... no lo dijiste pero aún así es aceptable] Kino: [tampoco ENTENDÍ] *la muerde y ella comienza a resistirse, entonces Kino sujeta sus muñecas con fuerza y sigue bebiendo* Kino: Soportalo... aún no terminará con sólo esto, verdad. Porque tú... aún no has recordado nada de mí...  nada... *la vuelve a morder* Kino: Mmm... nn... Haa... vamos, incluso estoy cooperando. Así que date prisa... y recuerdame...
*música se detiene*
Kino: !?. Qué sucede? Por qué estás llorando? Dolió... tanto así? Kino: Por qué te disculpas de repente? Si quieres que me detenga entonces... *lo abraza* woah!? Kino: Qué sucede!? Realmente no estoy entendiendolo... Kino: Primero... deja de llorar... Kino: ... ... Kino: Antes de disculparte, dime la razón. No estás llorando por que dolió, no es así? Kino: *risa triste* Qué significa eso? *tono tierno y triste* No es tu culpa que no recuerdes Kino: *la abraza también* Ya, ya... lo siento Princesa...   [Un pañuelo por favor] Kino: No era mi intención que llegaras hasta este extremo [La parte más tierna y no la entendí, matadme] Kino: Sabes... el que me hayas olvidado se siente algo solitario. Pero... más importante que los recuerdos es que pienses en mí, el sentimiento Kino: El hecho de que estés llorando de esta manera, es que miensas en mí como antes[de que pasara todo esto], no es así? Kino: O me equivoco?
*No te equivocas mi amor, te comoh*
Kino: Verdad? Bien, entonces no llores más. Si lloras más que esto te haré cosas malvadas. Kino: Sip, bien hecho. Ahora, la recompenza por haber dejado de llorar *besito* Kino: Fufu, ya veo... este podría ser el sentimiento de amar...
*Le dice que quiere un beso en su boca*
Kino: Eh!? Estas segura? En tu boca... Kino: Tal vez esto nuevo me gusta un poco, se ven dulces [los labios] *beso* [Para que sepan, Kino desde que ella perdió la memoria la ha besado en todos lugares menos la boca, obviamente él no lo haría sin su consentimiento. Cof, en este cd drama, obviemos que le robó un beso en su ruta] Kino: Después del beso, chuparé tu sangre amablemente... *la muerde y el sonido extraño vuelve*
Track 5:
*Kino se despierta*
Kino: Esta es... mi habitación...? Qué fue lo de recién...- oh! Estás bien!? Kino: *Suspiro de alivio* Al parecer si. Kino: Mmm? Qué pasa? Kino: Eh!? Realmente... recordaste? Kino: *Emoción* *LA ABRAZA* Kino: Que bien...! Realmente... recuerdas, no es así. Kino: Ah! Es verdad, la luna! *corre hacia la ventana Y ABRE LA CORTINA CON MUCHA PRISA* Kino: Volvió a la normalidad... hahaha... esto fue algo raro Kino: Si, lo siento. Tú antes de perder tus recuerdos estabas mirando la luna, no es así? Kino: Viste un anillo en la luna, verdad. Bueno, es sobre eso... Kino: Como lo pensé, probablemente nosotros dos fuimos absorvidos por el eclipse. Kino: Los demonios son afectados por la luna, no es así? Kino: He escuchado que la luna hacía eso. Ciertamente se llamaba... ''el sindrome de Para-selene'' Kino: Creo que era una enfermedad que te hace ver ilusiones... en otras palabras, lo que recién vimos fue una ilusión. Kino: Probablemente tu memoria volvió después de despertarte. Kino: Haa... por ahora, que bueno que haya vuelto~ *abrazoh* realmente, que bueno... Kino: Si no me hubieras recordado... yo... tal vez me habría vuelto loco. Kino: No me vuelvas a hacer pasar eso, okay? Kino: *Su celular suena* Mmm? OHH! El evento esta llegando a su fin, esto es malo!! Aunque esté un poco retrasado, tal vez pueda-... Kino: ... ... Kino: Bueno, eso ahora no importa. El evento estará hasta mañana. Kino: Justo ahora tengo que hacer las cosas que no podría [???] Kino: *Más cercaa* No es algo por lo cual sorprenderse así, verdad. Tú eres mucho más importante que el evento, qué no es obvio [WOW, este hombre de verdad la quiere. He perdido muchas amigas por los videojuegos lol]
*la lleva hasta la cama*
Kino: Por ahora tengo que recibir un agradecimiento. Aquello no fue para nada suficiente Kino: Además, tú no quedaste nada satisfecha, no es asi? Kino: Fufu~ di en el clavo Kino: Bien, itadakimaasu~ *beso* te compleaceré con estos colmillos, el dolor se sentirá bien Kino: Preparate, si?
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