#but the middle is the brightest because its the strongest point of connection
tangerinegod · 3 years
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Devilman Crybaby and the Occult: A Brief Examination
Akira as Lucifer
Akira in Japanese typically means “bright” or “clear,” primarily in the context of intellect. But if these concepts are applied to the matter of literal brightness, as in lightness, then Akira can be thought of as a representation of Lucifer. Specifically, in the sense that he is the “light bringer.” Lucifer typically is thought of as meaning “devil” but in actuality, the word translates in Latin Vulgate as “morning star,” or “the planet Venus” (the brightest planet) or of course, “light bringing.”
In many Gnostic, Luciferian and other esoteric schools of thought and occult ideology, Lucifer is not a figure of evil but instead he represents the principle of inner enlightenment, a guiding cosmic force of lightness. Another interesting fact is that phosphorus happens to mean “light bringer” in Greek,” and is a substance naturally occurring within all of our DNA – Luciferians argue that the power for spiritual growth and enlightenment comes not so much from external sources such as "God" in the orthodox way, but primarily from within us, recognizing our own abilities and powers.
This information does not come close to the rich history of Lucifer’s true identity but it offers us some fascinating insight into the realm of Devilman Crybaby. As mentioned, Akira can be thought of as “bright” (the connotation with the planet Venus implies he is found of things of beauty, peace, love) and as a light bringer in the sense that he is trying to bring forth change and illumination for a world in desperate need of a savior figure. Luciferianism emphasizes rebellion at cruelty and the intolerance of injustice as well, something which Akira understands and embodies perfectly.
His constant crying, his empathy, his emotionalism, this all grants him a sense of connectivity to humanity, even though once the truth of his identity is revealed the majority of the world still despises him. This is similar to the literal story of Lucifer, in that his identity has been proven to be based largely on fallacies and misconceptions, mistranslated scripture, and superstition, and yet nevertheless Lucifer seems doomed to forever bear humankind’s fear and loathing, much like Akira. There are a number of ways that Lucifer and Christ can be compared in these regards as well and by the time the series ends, Akira himself is forced into a state of what could be qualified as martyrdom.
Additionally, one of the most perplexing things to think about is that Ryo – who is truly Satan – finds Akira to be such a powerful and important figure in his life. In a sense, Akira is the light and brightness of his life: His role in Ryo’s life grants him purpose, it enlightens him into his true form, and so forth. Akira is Ryo’s Lucifer, essentially. This may sound confusing at first but bear in mind these points: 1). Lucifer and Satan are not necessarily the same person, 2). Much like many are familiar with the concepts of beings having the capacity for both good and evil or “God and Satan,” beings have the potential for Lucifer to enter their essence as well. And furthermore, another matter of interest is that some sources have speculated Lucifer and Satan to actually be two sides of the same being: Lucifer represents the spiritual, and Satan represents the earthly – this is similar to say, the holy trinity wherein multiple beings are actually one in the same. This would mean that Akira and Ryo are essentially the same entity.
To really make sense of these theories, one must dive deep into biblical lore, etymology, anthropological history,  and occultism, and must be willing to keep an open mind. In actuality, the story of Lucifer is fundamentally simple but has been made incredibly convoluted over the years thanks to fear mongering, religious bigotry, and a myriad of other errors in human judgment. If you would like to know more on the nature of Lucifer, or further elaboration on the connection I perceive between Akira and Ryo, feel free to comment! In the meantime, I suggest “Lucifer: Princeps” by Peter Grey.
The Demons
The demons throughout the entire series are primarily based off of real spirits associated with demonology. Some date back all the way to the early ages of the clash between Abrahamic religions and ancient Paganism, some pertain to middle ages, etc. In particular, we have The Keys of Solomon to examine. The Key of Solomon itself is known as Clavicula Salomonis in Hebrew, and it is one of the most important examples of Renaissance era magick – from here, the more infamous Lesser Key of Solomon, or the Clavicula Salomonis Regis, was believed to have been written in the 17th century.
Both books deal with magical operations influenced from Jewish Kabbalah, pertaining to workings with various different spirits, but The Lesser Key in particular is known for one of its five different segments: The Ars Goetia. The Goetia bases itself on pre-existing sources of information on demons such as the PseudodomonarchaDaemonum (1577) and it offers rankings, information, and general descriptions of the 72 major demons. Each demon has their own ability, and they are divided into categories such as King, Duke, Prince, Marquis, President, Count, etc.
Demons are not limited to these sources, and many demons or demon-like spirits exist separate from the Goetia (e.g. the Djinns of Arabic spirituality). Further, the issue of whether or not demons are inherently evil is widely debated and much of it goes back to the matter of linguistics. In another article I wrote about demonology (linked below) you’ll see what I mean more clearly, but the key thing to remember is that a “daemon” simply means a wise, intelligent spirit. The evil spirits we are familiar with as demons were either developed as early Christianity’s opposition to “Pagan” idols (e.g. Baal became an honorific title of Lord into one of the most well known demons, Beelzebub became “lord of all that flies” into “lord of the flies”).
In Devilman Crybaby, there are a whole lot of demons. I will not be addressing all of them, but chief among them is Amon, the demon which merges with Akira. Amon is considered in magical lore to be a Marquis of Hell, governing 40 legions of spirits and as described in the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum:" [He] is a great and mighty marques, and commeth abroad in the likeness of a Wolf, having a serpents tail, [vomiting] flames of fire; when he putteth on the shape of a man, he sheweth out dogs teeth, and a great head like to a mighty [nighthawk]; he is the strongest prince of all other, and understandeth of all things past and to come, he procureth favor, and reconcileth both friends and foes, and ruleth forthy legions of devil.”
And by S.L. MacGregor Mathers in the his translation of the Goetia: "The Seventh Spirit is Amon He is a Marquis great in power, and most stern. He appeareth like a Wolf with a Serpent's tail, vomiting out of his mouth flames of fire; but at the command of the Magician he putteth on the shape of a Man with Dog's teeth beset in a head like a Raven; or else like a Man with a Raven's head (simply). He telleth all things Past and to Come. He procureth feuds and reconcileth controversies between friends. He governeth 40 Legions of Spirits.” Amon also shares a connection with the Egyptian god, Amun.
Less obvious references are made, sometimes in the form changed spellings. For instance, Kaim instantly reminded me of the demon Caim, a blackbird said to have knowledge of rhetoric, wisdom, and the ability to understand certain animals. Some other demonic figures that appear throughout the series – not so much the new adaptation – include Pazuzu, Lilith and Beelzebub, which shows that the series is not limiting its demonic lore to merely one source (i.e. Pazuzu pertains to Mesopotamian religion whereas Lilith for instance pertains to Hebrew sources of wisdom).
Where is God? And What About the Cycle of Life/Samsara?
This is a tricky one to pinpoint, because the more you attempt to wrap your head around all the different theories, the more you will be left wondering how certain things could have happened, what the nature of God truly is, and so forth. There is a lot of biblical inaccuracy to the show, but in comparison to Gnosticism and other ancient ideologies, God’s role actually makes more sense from these perspectives. For example, some Gnostic sects believe it was the Demiurge who created this world as a sort of “prison,” rather than God representing an all loving and benevolent force. But in the context of Devilman Crybaby, I would say the best explanation we have regarding his absence is the concept of Deus Absconditus which means “[A] god who in his remoteness seems to ignore human suffering,” or similarly, Deus Otiosus which means that God is idle and no longer involved in humanity’s concerns. Theories like these have broad implications with esoteric Christianity and other religions, and so it is hard to gauge how true they may be for Devilman Crybaby. One thing is for sure, the classical concept of Deus Ex Machina never occurs in the show, which does give more credibility to the idea that God may simply not care, be idle, or at the least, His plan is one that we the audience are not made aware of.
Another possible theory is that Satan himself is God. Utilizing a solipsistic framework, similar to what we see Shinji Ikari go through at the End of Evangelion, we see Satan completely and utterly alone in the world. He seems to have complete control over just about everything except for Akira’s death and his feelings. But if he himself were in fact God, could he not choose to end things right then and there. Evidence for this comes in the fact that, ironically, the creators held very true to biblical descriptions of Satan as being the most beautiful, initial, favorite, and most beloved being of God. The fact that he was so much immense power. And the fact that Ryo essentially must awaken to his higher self as Satan is symbolic of the one becoming a God and/or one realizing they are living in a solipsistic world. Solipsism is essentially the idea that you cannot prove anything or anyone outside of you truly exists, that you yourself may be represent the universe and all else is merely an illusion, speculation, or incapable of ever being seen as absolutely certain. If Satan were to have all of these traits, in some aspect, could this not make him a God of sorts? Upon realizing it, he chooses to kill himself and the world and begin the cycle all over again – notice the wheels within wheels that constantly appear during the explosions, these are in my opinion, references to the angelic visions of God’s chariot that the prophet Ezekiel saw.
So basically, Satan is willing himself into another incarnation (I believe that reincarnation applies more to this show due to the fact that Ryo awoke to a past life, as opposed to the idea that by destroying the cycle of life, death, rebirth – samsara – then everything would simply end for all eternity). It seems as though Ryo/Satan enjoys mind games, puzzles, challenges, etc. and so what better challenge than to repeat the process of rediscovering one’s true existence? Or, perhaps Akira represents God and in his final moments on screen, we are witnessing Satan’s ultimate punishment. The idea of Hell is an incredibly complex one, but the main point in Christian scripture is that it is a place in which there is only the absence of God – if Akira represented God and now is lost forever, this serves as Satan’s eternal suffering; God has abandoned him.
Miki the Witch/Color Theory
Miki is frequently referred to as a witch on numerous occasions, and at first we take it primarily as a bad joke based out of ignorance and fear. She certainly possesses some interesting traits such as her speed and agility, but is she really a witch? The answer to that, in my opinion, depends on how you look at things. During the witch trials that took place throughout Europe and of course Salem, women were accused of witchcraft for the slightest of “misbehavior.” Women who were particularly good at something on their own were very much victims of this curse; it was believed often times, a woman simply could not perform abilities of any kind to such excellence without the aid of magic, devils and demons, and so forth.
But in Miki’s case, I think one of the more subtle elements of this matter has to do with her clothing choices. In many scenes, she is wearing green. Green is actually quite an important color in witchcraft, Paganism, alchemy, you name it. It is the color of the heart chakra – Miki representing much of Akira’s love and devotion, his heart. It is associated with the zodiac sign of The Mother Goddess, a figure of Wicca and other Neo-Pagan beliefs who brings forth peace, fertility, prosperity, abundance, luck and deals with matters pertaining to envy, changing attitudes, the environment, and so forth. More “ominously” if such is to be believed, green does carry a more “Satanic” principle of to itself – as explained even in classic anime such as Belladonna of Sadness, it is a symbol for power (green = the color of nature, nature being Satan’s forest in some mythological/religious lore). Other theories – whether as overt as Satanism and witchcraft or more benign such as Hindu, Buddhist, and Taoist conceptions of colors can be applied to Miki
Color theory is important to bear in mind when examining all of the characters and scenes as well. For instance, the variety of colors that appears during the Sabbath could perhaps be reflective of a third eye awakening/demonic transformation/etc. As each color represents the seven chakras. The white and black dichotomy between Akira and Ryo is also one that clearly conjures forth images of duality such as the famous yin and yang symbol.
This is merely a short list meant to open the discussion on the new adaptations of Devilman Crybaby and how different realms of spirituality, the occult, the supernatural, religion, faith, and so much more play a larger role in shaping the development of things than you may realize. There are other examples to work with: Akira attempting to pass Ryo the torch and him neglecting it could be a sign of rejecting Lucifer/Christ/some sort of savior figure, it could even be thought of as something more symbolic of phallic imagery with regards to a sort of “creation” origin or the relationship between Ryo and Akira themselves. Everyone seems to be running, runners usually go at the start of gun’s loud bang; the big bang perhaps? Some things may seem like reaching, but just keep calm and think, do research, and come up with your own conclusions, there is more than meets the eye to Devilman Crybaby. Occultism pertains to that which is hidden, so it is up to the viewer to figure these sorts of things out. Also worth mentioning, the subject of will Aleister Crowley is known for the development of Thelema, which states that the purpose of life essentially to discover and fulfill one’s true will. How might this relate to the characters for instance? Again, there are a lot of starting points to go off of here, these are just springboards and suggestions.
Post this however you would like, if you’d like to make any YouTube videos inspired by these subjects just please credit me, Kvlt ov Romance in the description.
My post on demonology.
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6dogs9cats · 7 years
President Obama Writes His Final Letter to the People. Read and Spread.
To my fellow Americans,
Eight years ago, America faced a moment of peril unlike any we’d seen in decades.
A spiraling financial crisis threatened to plunge an economy in recession into a deep depression. The very heartbeat of American manufacturing – the American auto industry – was on the brink of collapse. In some communities, nearly one in five Americans were out of work. Nearly 180,000 American troops were serving in harm’s way in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the mastermind of the worst terror attack on American soil remained at large. And on challenges from health care to climate change, we’d been kicking the can down the road for way too long.
But in the depths of that winter, on January 20, 2009, I stood before you and swore a sacred oath. I told you that day that the challenges we faced would not be met easily or in a short span of time – but they would be met. And after eight busy years, we’ve met them – because of you.
Eight years later, an economy that was shrinking at more than eight percent is now growing at more than three percent. Businesses that were bleeding jobs unleashed the longest streak of job creation on record. The auto industry has roared its way back, saving one million jobs across the country and fueling a manufacturing sector that, after a decade of decline, has added new jobs for the first time since the 1990s. And wages have grown faster over the past few years than at any time in the past forty.
Today, thanks to the Affordable Care Act, another 20 million American adults know the financial security and peace of mind that comes with health insurance. Another three million children have gained health insurance. For the first time ever, more than ninety percent of Americans are insured – the highest rate ever. We’ve seen the slowest growth in the price of health care in fifty years, along with improvements in patient safety that have prevented an estimated 87,000 deaths. Every American with insurance is covered by the strongest set of consumer protections in history – a true Patients’ Bill of Rights – and free from the fear that illness or accident will derail your dreams, because America is now a place where discrimination against preexisting conditions is a relic of the past. And the new health insurance marketplace means that if you lose your job, change your job, or start that new business, you’ll finally be able to purchase quality, affordable care and the security and peace of mind that comes with it – and that’s one reason why entrepreneurship is growing for the second straight year.
Our dependence on foreign oil has been cut by more than half, and our production of renewable energy has more than doubled. In many places across the country, clean energy from the wind is now cheaper than dirtier sources of energy, and solar now employs more Americans than coal mining in jobs that pay better than average and can’t be outsourced. We also enacted the most sweeping reforms since the Great Depression to protect consumers and prevent a crisis on Wall Street from punishing Main Street ever again. These actions didn’t stifle growth, as critics predicted. Instead, the stock market has nearly tripled. Since I signed Obamacare into law, America’s businesses have added more than 15 million new jobs. And the economy is undoubtedly more durable than it was in the days when we relied on oil from unstable nations and banks took risky bets with your money.
The high school graduation rate is now 83 percent – the highest on record – and we’ve helped more young people graduate from college than ever before. At the same time, we’ve worked to offer more options for Americans who decide not to pursue college, from expanding apprenticeships, to launching high-tech manufacturing institutes, to revamping the job training system and creating programs like TechHire to help people train for higher-paying jobs in months, not years. We’ve connected more schools across the country to broadband internet, and supported more teachers to bring coding, hands-on making, and computational thinking into our classrooms to prepare all our children for a 21st century economy.
Add it all up, and last year, the poverty rate fell at the fastest rate in almost fifty years while the median household income grew at the fastest rate on record. And we’ve done it all while cutting our deficits by nearly two-thirds even as we protected investments that grow the middle class.
Meanwhile, over the past eight years, no foreign terrorist organization has successfully planned and executed an attack on our homeland. Plots have been disrupted. Terrorists like Osama bin Laden have been taken off the battlefield. We’ve drawn down from nearly 180,000 troops in harm’s way in Iraq and Afghanistan to just 15,000. With a coalition of more than 70 nations and a relentless campaign of more than 16,000 airstrikes so far, we are breaking the back of ISIL and taking away its safe havens, and we’ve accomplished this at a cost of $10 billion over two years – the same amount that we spent in one month at the height of the Iraq War.
At the same time, America has led the world to meet a set of global challenges. Through diplomacy, we shut down Iran’s nuclear weapons program, opened up a new chapter with the people of Cuba, and brought nearly 200 nations together around a climate agreement that could save this planet for our kids. With new models for development, American assistance is helping people around the world feed themselves, care for their sick, and power communities across Africa. And almost every country on Earth sees America as stronger and more respected today than they did eight years ago. All of this progress is due to the service of millions of Americans in intelligence, law enforcement, homeland security, diplomacy, and the brave men and women of our Armed Forces – the most diverse institution in America.
We’ve also worked to make the changing face of America more fair and more just – including by making strides towards criminal justice reform, making progress towards equal pay, repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, and advancing the cause of civil rights, women’s rights, and LGBT rights. I appointed two extraordinary women to the Supreme Court, marking the first time in history that three women sit on the bench, including the first Latina. And today in America, marriage equality is finally a reality across all fifty states.
This is where America stands after eight years of progress. By so many measures, our country is stronger and more prosperous than it was when we started – a situation I’m proud to leave for my successor. And it’s thanks to you – to the hard work you’ve put in; the sacrifices you’ve made for your families and communities; the way you’ve looked out for one another.
Still, through every victory and every setback, I’ve insisted that change is never easy, and never quick; that we wouldn’t meet all of our challenges in one term, or one presidency, or even in one lifetime. And for all that we’ve achieved, there’s still so much I wish we’d been able to do, from enacting gun safety measures to protect more of our kids and our cops from mass shootings like Newtown, to passing commonsense immigration reform that encourages the best and brightest from around the world to study, stay, and create jobs in America.
And for all the incredible progress our economy has made in just eight years, we still have more work to do for every American still in need of a good job or a raise, paid leave or a dignified retirement. We have to acknowledge the inequality that has come from an increasingly globalized economy while committing ourselves to making it work better for everyone, not just those at the top, and give everyone who works hard a fair shot at success.
And here’s the thing – over the past eight years, we’ve shown that we can. Last year, income gains were actually larger for households at the bottom and the middle than for those at the top. We’ve also made the tax code fairer. The tax changes enacted over the past eight years have ensured that the top one percent of Americans pay more of their fair share, increasing the share of income received by all other families by more than the tax changes in any previous administration since at least 1960. Simply put, we’ve actually begun the long task of reversing inequality. But as the global economy changes, we’ll have to do more to accelerate these trends, from strengthening unions that speak for workers, to preventing colleges from pricing out hardworking students, to making sure that minimum wage workers get a raise and women finally get paid the same as men for doing the same job. What won’t help is taking health care away from 30 million Americans, most of them white and working class; denying overtime pay to workers, most of whom have more than earned it; or privatizing Medicare and Social Security and letting Wall Street regulate itself again – none of which middle-class Americans voted for.
We will have to move forward as we always have – together. As a people who believe that out of many, we are one; that we are bound not by any one race or religion, but rather an adherence to a common creed; that all of us are created equal in the eyes of God. And I’m confident we will. Because the change we’ve brought about these past eight years was never about me. It was about you. It is you, the American people, who have made the progress of the last eight years possible. It is you who will make our future progress possible. That, after all, is the story of America – a story of progress. However halting, however incomplete, however harshly challenged at each point on our journey – the story of America is a story of progress.
Recently, I asked each member of my talented and dedicated Cabinet to prepare a detailed report on the progress we’ve made across the board these past eight years, and the work that remains to make this country we love even stronger. Today, I’m sharing them with you. And I hope you’ll share them with others, and do your part to build on the progress we’ve made across the board.
It has been the privilege of my life to serve as your President. And as I prepare to pass the baton and do my part as a private citizen, I’m proud to say that we have laid a new foundation for America. A new future is ours to write. And I’m as confident as ever that it will be led by the United States of America – and that our best days are still ahead.
Barack Obama
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knivespark · 4 years
Best Bidet Toilet Seats
New Post has been published on https://bestreviewstar.com/best-bidet-toilet-seats
Best Bidet Toilet Seats
At present, more people are investing in the best bidet toilet seats. It is saving everyone’s money. Because of the huge amount of toilet paper consumed every day. However, a bidet seat should be used to protect the environment and reduce your costs. In the wake of increasing demand for bidet seats, several new companies have emerged. But not all branded bidet seats are equally important.
So there are top 10 branded best bidet toilet seat reviews here. As a result, you can easily buy the right and good quality bidet toilet seat. From here you will find the Benefits of Bidet Seats, Buying guides and much more.
What is the bidet toilet seat?
The word bidet is French and it means ”pony”. This is a plumbing fix that is created after washing the genitals, buttocks and rectum, creating urinary tract or bowel movements. 
However, in the 1960s, the electric bidet was created and it was possible to attach the bidet seats to the toilet regularly. Bidet can clean your genitals, thighs and buttocks well. Since these organs are invisible to us. Bidet can deliver warm water in a single tap or they can have multiple faucet. Able to deliver hot or cold water as needed. 
Bidets toilet seat particularly popular in southern Europe, including Spain, Italy, Greece and Portugal. 
Also widely used in some Latin American countries, such as Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina. The same is true for countries in Asia and the Middle East. Today, we can see the best bidet toilet seat review for better buying.
TOP 10 Best Bidet Toilet Seat Brands In The Markets
BioBidet Bliss BB2000 Elongated White Bidet Smart Toilet Seat…
SmartBidet SB-1000 SB-1000WE Smart Electric Bidet Seat…
TOTO SW2034#01 C100 WASHLET Electronic Bidet Toilet Seat…
Saniwise Toilet Seat, Elongated Advanced Bidet Toilet Seat…
ALPHA JX Elongated Bidet Toilet Seat, White, Endless Warm…
WOODBRIDGE BDI-01 Elongated Bidet Seat with Air Dryer…..
American Standard Aqua Wash Non-Electric Bidet Seat….
Kohler K-5724-0 Puretide Elongated Manual Bidet Toilet Seat…
Brondell Swash 1400 Luxury Bidet Toilet Seat, Fits Elongated…
Clean Sense dib-1500R Bidet Seat Elongated with Remote Control…
TOP 10 Best Bidet Toilet Seat Comparison Chart
BioBidet Bliss BB2000 Elongated White Bidet Smart Toilet Seat
21x 5.6×9
15.55 + White
Elongated + 2AAA
☆☆☆☆☆ 5/5 Here
SmartBidet SB-1000 SB-1000WE Smart Electric Bidet Seat
23.5×20.5×9 & 19.2×18.8×7.4
16 + White
Elongated & Round + 2AAA
☆☆☆☆☆ 5/5 Here
TOTO SW2034#01 C100 WASHLET Electronic Bidet Toilet Seat
15.55 + Cotton & Sedona Beige
Elongated & Round + Corded
☆☆☆☆☆ 5/5 Here
Saniwise Toilet Seat, Elongated Advanced Bidet Toilet Seat
4.63 +  White
Elongated  + NO
☆☆☆☆☆ 5/5 Here
ALPHA JX Elongated Bidet Toilet Seat, White, Endless Warm
20.8×15.1×5.5 & 19.4x15x5.5
10.9 + White
Elongated & Round + 1 AA & Cots
☆☆☆☆☆ 4.8/5 Here
WOODBRIDGE BDI-01 Elongated Bidet Seat with Air Dryer
22 x 17 x 7
15 + White
Elongated + Cots
☆☆☆☆☆ 4.8/5 Here
American Standard Aqua Wash Non-Electric Bidet Seat
5.6 +  White
☆☆☆☆☆ 4.6/5 Here
Kohler K-5724-0 Puretide Elongated Manual Bidet Toilet Seat
22.2x20x6 & 17.1×14.3×4.3
7.8 & 7.7 + Biscuit & White
Elongated & Round +NO
☆☆☆☆☆ 4.5/5 Here
Brondell Swash 1400 Luxury Bidet Toilet Seat, Fits Elongated
20.4×15.2×5.8 & 19.6×15.2×5.8
14.3 & 7 + Biscuit & White
Elongated & Round + 4 Lithium
☆☆☆☆☆ 4.5/5 Here
Clean Sense dib-1500R Bidet Seat Elongated with Remote Control
10.6 + White
Elongated + 2AA
☆☆☆☆☆ 4.4/5 Here
[TOP-10] Best Bidet Toilet Seat Review
1. BioBidet Bliss BB2000 Elongate Bidet Smart Toilet Seat Review
Bio Bidet is an American trusted sanitation company. Bio Bidet believes that everyone owns a clean and comfortable bathroom. They have advanced bidet technology in their luxurious modern essentials. Bio Bidet is a company moving forward with high-quality products, exceptional customer service, and eco-friendly practices. BioBidet Bliss BB2000 Elongated White Bidet Smart Toilet Seat is the premium and luxury toilet bidet seat. It all site are very good and usable. Bio bidet toilet seat is the cheap toilet seat that’s like buying a cheap parachute or bargain cardiac pacemaker. What is the job of a bio bidet seat? – It will wash you under warm-hot water. Let it dry in a hot bowl. Heat the seat as you like. Stops any kind of bad odor. Keeps your mind fresh. It is a breeze from the depth of the river and the mechanical location. An adjustable wrench and some Teflon tins are all you need.
All of the river depth diagnostics fittings provided by Bio Bidet Bliss were of great quality bidet seat. It is possible to control with the remote. Pressing the 1 button on the remote allows you to set how the unit behaves. Auto connected is your desired pressure. You can set defaults for your desired pressure, spray pattern and other options. The remote has plenty of buttons and an LCD display that is extremely easy to use.
The BioBidet Bliss BB2000 Elongated White Bidet Smart Toilet Seat is very sturdy, the cover is minimal. The cover is tailored so you can sit comfortably. The seats, installation hardware, and nozzles all look powerful and are easy to manage. The toilet plate is thinner / flimsier flamesier than the American Standard Basic. But it is quite subtle to look at.
  Its performance is amazing. When you allow water to flow, the temperature of the water is more comfortable. The water is warm, from beginning to end. It is very easy to adjust the pressure using the remote. It starts working as instructed.
Bio Bidet Bliss BB20 has been added to the new hybrid on-demand water heater. The brightest innovations in hybrid water lifting technology are the most effective ones. 
It is proven that reliable is the best and most reliable of the water heating method.
It has a 3 in 1 ultra-clean stainless steel nozzle with exclusive hydro-flush technology. One that washes out, feminizes and swirls, improves hygiene. Pure and solid steel has been used for nozzle casing in the Bliss model. We know that pure stainless steel is extremely textured, resistant to wear and tear, and easy to clean.
Another exclusive feature for the Bio Bidet Bliss is the CleanSurge Rapid Self-Cleaning. The functionality of this feature is extremely good. At the touch of a button, the nozzle acts as a nozzle to pull and withdraw as water flows over the nozzle along the built-in motor. ‍So it is one of the best bidet toilet seat for home. It has included 3 years warranty after buying.
See The Latest Price On Amazon
More Similar of BioBidet Brand for better Choice
2. SmartBidet SB-1000 SB-1000WE Smart Electric Bidet Seat Review
SmartBidet is a serious bidet seat maker company. The Japanese-style toilet seat is operated by North American Heatron’s Solutions, which distributes products to small and medium-sized businesses in South Korea. They have made some very remarkable products. That is very demanding in other countries besides Japan, America. But here I will discuss in detail the SmartBidet SB-1000 Electric Bidet for Toilets with Remote Control Electronic Heated Toilet Seat, which is priced at $ 250.
SmartBidet SB-1000’s design is perfect and very nice. It seems a bit clunky behind this. Most bidet seats are 4 “to 7” tall on the back, which can be set correctly anywhere. The SmartBidet is at the longest end of the SB-1000’s spectrum. It has use of modern technology. SmartBidet SB-1000 is possible to manage with remote control. You can easily instruct using the remote control. You can adjust the position of the water and seat copper, water pressure and nozzle at the top of the remote control button. Later you can use stop buttons, successive buttons, feminine buttons, and turbo buttons, as needed, to turn on the wash.
It has a dryer, oscillator, and power save button. This remote control has used AAA battery. Which is very standard for remote control in the bidet seat.
SmartBidet SB-1000 Electric Bidet for Toilets with Remote Control Electronic Heated Toilet Seat has two design-elongated and round. So you should be able to collect that’s perfect for your toilet. Elongated toilets are 18.5 inches long from mounting bolts at the back to the front and round toilets are 16.5 inches. We are sure that it is adjusted for your toilets. The elongated version of the smart bidet SB-100 is one inch longer than the rounder. Elongated are 20.7″long, 17.3″wide and 7.13″ at maximum point in the back. The round version is 19.4″ long but other’s site is the same as the elongated version.  
The SmartBidet SB-1000 has some features that surprised me a lot. Among them are air dryer, 5 levels self-cleaning nozzle, 3 dedicated washes with oscillation, 5 levels adjustable water temperature, energy saver mode, soft-close lid & seat and weight only 330 Ibs.
Various wash modes include SmartBidet SB-1000 bidet seat-posterior wash for his/her back, Feminine wash for gentler, wider wash for her front, turbo wash for strongest, and most concentrated wash for your back. You can finish your experience with then warm dryer. It is the best electric bidet toilet seat for everyone. 
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3. TOTO SW2034#01 C100 WASHLET Electronic Bidet Toilet Seat Review
Toto began its journey in 1912 with a new dimension to the sanitary world. This is a Japanese company. TOTO’s products have been serving people faithfully for over 100 years. TOTO promises to improve customers’ daily living. Nothing is more seen than the development of Toto’s washlet. TOTO’s unique design, engineered are very beautiful and attractive sanitary for buyers. Each of these toilets is very affordable and very easy to install. TOTO has been using modern technology in this bidet seat. At present, it is serving customers faithfully in over 18 countries of Asia, America, and Europe.
TOTO C100 WASHLET Electronic Bidet Toilet Seat’s price is very affordable for its included features. However, some brands have lower prices, but that is unique from other’s brands.
I have tested every feature of TOTO Electronic Bidet Seat. I am very surprised at TOTO bidet toilet seat. The TOTO C100 WASHLET Electronic Bidet Toilet Seat’s unit comes with two types of rear wheels. One is the “regular” real cleansing, which is directly into the water stream. And the other is a soft rear, which fans a bit more water than regular rear cleansers.
However, both are capable of swinging at the touch of a button. The forearm can easily be adjusted front or back depending on the type of body you have. Regular rear clearing combined with oscillation can help people with constipation problems. It easily cleanses soft and difficult. It is the best bidet seat for toilet.
The most up-to-date technology is used in Toto. There is also a convenient side panel with remote to switch to configure your personalized water purification settings. With which you can control water from a remote location. Heated seats provide you with the ultimate in comfort. There are also non-slimming soft-close seats and leads. The TOTO C1000 Elongated Electric Bidet Toilet Seat is a luxurious seat. It cleans you with warm water to provide you with an exceptionally clean feeling.
Toto is also committed to keeping the atmosphere clean and improving people’s lives. It reduces the need for toilet paper and saves trees, water, and energy. Damage Cleanser protects us by reducing the need for products.
The TOTO C100 WASHLET Electronic Bidet Toilet Seat can be installed very quickly. You can easily adjust yourself with Bidet Toilet Seat.The angle of the seat has a weight limit of 250lbs. The directions for the TOTO C100 Bidet Seat are very clear. After using it a few times, you’ll be able to control it very easily without instructions without any mistakes.
Overall, TOTO C100 is a great and attractive bidet seat. You will find the exact temperature of the Toto’s main features, warm water, multiple cleaning options, heated seats, adjustable water pressure, wand position, seats and dryer temperature. So it’s important to have a healthy toilet seat.
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4. Saniwise Elongated Advanced Bidet Toilet Seat Review
Saniwise is one of the most popular brands in China for bidet seats. Saniwise has been serving people with the reputation and expertise of its products in the country and abroad for many years. Their product reviews are not bad at all. Saniwise company has been making their bid for almost twenty years.
Saniwise Bidet toilet seat is one of the best Saniwise Bidet seats. This is the most affordable bidet seat. Compared with other models on the market, it provides a fraction rear and front wash. It is compatible with all types of toilets. However, there is only one Elongated model. Sanwise is the best quality bidet seat for personal hygiene.
The Saniwise Toilet Seat is very easy to install. Because it has no power and no battery, no problem. If you install it carefully then only 20 minutes is possible. It will be a pleasure for you to use it. This bidet seat will never be uncomfortable. The pressure you need is the amount of water you can easily handle.
When you go to the bathroom at night, there will be no more pain or fear like before. You don’t even have to worry about the bathroom. One of the neat features of the Saniwise Toilet Seat is the self-cleaning nozzle that enhances wellness and durability. This ensures that the seat is functioning properly and is clean without having to continue.
The Saniwise seat features dual- nozzle and self-clearing. So it is very healthy and has a gentle massage pulse function. The bidet seat is a soft close seat that can be closed silently and gently. This is not a flashy toilet seat that will sound loud. Especially at night, the noise is very annoying. The toilet bidet seat is designed to provide the most comfortable seating.
SANIWISE’s own research team and D team have been keeping their eyes on the bidet seat for nearly 20 years. They are trying their utmost to provide high quality, comfortable and low-cost toilet seats to customers. They are constantly using the latest technology to create the latest bidet seats.
Saniwise Toilet Seat provides you with an unparalleled experience and gentle massage while also cleansing your private parts. It is suitable for all types of people. However, the elderly, infant and pregnant women will be able to use the bidet seat comfortably. After you purchase it, you will get a 1-year warranty from the company without any questions. It is the best bidet for one piece toilet
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5. ALPHA JX Elongated Bidet Toilet Seat Review
Not all the reputable bidet companies in the world have achieved a reputation in America. But the Alpha Bidet Company has ‍achieved this reputation. They have established themselves in the American market. This is possible only because of their product quality. It would not have been possible if their product quality had not been good. It is an American company. 
There are three principles in the creation of their bidet. They are 1) effective cleansing and none of the fluff 2) slim, low profile design cues and 3) affordable luxury. Now I will highlight the details of ALPHA JX Elongated Bidet Toilet Seat among the many bidet seats that have Alpha Bidet.
The ALPHA JX Elongated Bidet Toilet Seat is an example of modern toilet seat. It is completely environmentally friendly ‍and water-efficient. This will save you money. Make it and send it to some users to find the error. Next, the ALPHA JX is made perfect for human consumption by adding some new features. It has great reviews and many users say: “Almost perfect, Near-perfect Bidet, Little expensive but the lowest one for the features, This is a great bidet for both women and men, Great quality with all the functional features and many more.” ALPHA JX come on 3 years manufacturer warranty. 
The Alpha JX bidet toilet seat is the ultimate result of more than a decade of experience. Never wear scratches on it. No sound from its tankless water heater and it will be quiet. All the functions you need are linked to the function. Once you use it, you will no longer want to use other’s branded bidet seats.
The Alpha JX bidet toilet seat is a high and premium bidet seat. It has unlimited warm water, a heated seat, a warm air drawer, adjustable everything, and a suitable seating lid. Also when you go to the toilet at night you will see the light in the bidet seat. Alpha JX’s light sensors are used when in idle and in power-saving mode. You will get Luxury bidet seat without all the superfluous bells and whistles.
Alpha JX sets have distinguished themselves with smart designs in the market. There is no longer any big and heavy bidet ‍seat in the market with flimsy lids. The Alpha JX has a slimmer profile that allows you to easily fit the bathroom decorating. It is made of high-grade polypropylene resin with a vibration welded. Its lead is special contour and extra thick. It safely supported weight up to 300lbs.
You can use Alpha JX’s photo-sensitive power saving mode to reduce the use of toilet paper in your family. The on-demand, tankless water heating system saves energy only on traditional tank types or hybrid heating systems during the wash cycle. It has more features that are Rear Wash / Front Feminine Wash, Nozzle Oscillation, self-wash nozzle made with aluminum, Adjustable Temp, Spray Pressure, 1 Touch easy Wash & Dry and many more. Alpha JX is the best electric bidet seat.
Alpha JX is controlled by remote control. So when you have the elderly, children and the disabled sitting in the toilet in your home, you can control it with remote control. ‍ Alpha JX is controlled by remote control. So when you have the elderly, children and the disabled sitting in the toilet in your home, you can control it with remote control. ‍So it is the best home depot bidet attachment. 
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6. WOODBRIDGE BDI-01 Elongated Bidet Seat Review
WoodBridge Bidet Seat Company is based in Cerritos, CA. They provide and distribute kitchen and bath products themselves. Since there is no “middle man” they can supply superior quality products at very affordable prices. Each product has warranty of 1 year, 5 years and lifetime with different quality.
WOODBRIDGE BDI-01 Elongated Bidet Seat is the great bidet toilet seat. If you want to protect yourself from environmental pollution and protect your children, then you must use a good bidet. Because it does not waste excess toilet tissue and water.
In addition, if there are children and children at home, it can be difficult to complete their toilet work. The same is true for the elderly and disabled. Since it is controlled by remote control, you can control it. Toilet for children, the elderly or the disabled will not be a problem.
It was made by stainless steel nightlight and its nozzle Oscillation. You can use many years without any hassle. There is no alternative to a bidet seat to protect the health. The WOODBRIDGE BDI-01 Elongated Bidet Seat will protect your health with excellent care. 
It has posterior wash, feminine wash, pulsating wash, regular water pressure. Besides, there are water heaters, warm air dryers, unlimited warm water, heated seats and oscillators for quick and comfortable cleaning. 
However, there are 5 adjustable temperatures for heated seats that you can use to suit your needs. Get gentle massage pulse function for 100% safe cleaning. Which will not allow any kind of germs to get stuck. As they are taking on the responsibility of securing your, they will be responsible. It is the best prices bidet seat.
This Elongated Bidet Seat is a designed energy-saving mode. It is built with LED Night Light. When it’s lazy, its sensor will turn off it’s lighting. Lighting will start as soon as it is used. Many customers have provided more than perfect reviews for this. Here are a few: Easy to do the basic installation and clean, Great toilet, ‍amazing customer service, wonderful, High quality bidet toilet seat and many more.
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7. American Standard Aqua Wash Non-Electric Bidet Seat Review
The American Standard Manufacturing Company began its journey in 1875. However, it was not named American Standard at first. It was then known as Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Company. However, in 1967 the company was renamed the American Standard. From the beginning, the company has been producing Sanitary Products.
  For more than 180 years, the American Standard Company has been building new sanitary areas with innovative strengths. Produces eco-friendly products with the highest use of technology. Very professional in making American-traditional products. Its sanctuaries are widely used in countless hotel airports and stadiums. It will make your life fit perfectly.
American Standard Aqua Wash Non-Electric Bidet Seat is awesome for you. The price is very low. It is electric so it works mechanically only when using water pressure. It has two nozzles. Which automatically throws itself in the back of the seat when not in use. One is upward pressure and the other is more gentle.
The control of the American Standard is the attachment to the right side of the seat, which is very small. Push forward for continuous high pressure. To turn it off, go back to 90 degrees steep or press backward for a low-pressure spray. It is a strong water stream that cleanses the dirt and saves our life. This bidet seat is very comfortable to use.
It is very easy to install. The complete installation procedure is given in detail in the accompanying Insert. No need to look any further after watching it a few times. You can use it properly without seeing it. The boot seat fits into a standard oval toilet. However, this is not round to remember.
American standard aqua wash bidet toilet seat is the best toilet seat that features a slim design perfect for any bathroom decorating. It is made of durable polypropylene plastic. As a result, it can be used for long years without any scratches. This bidet seat is non electrical.
It has adjustable spray patterns and detachable nozzles. Seamless telescoping lid design has been used to conceal its ring. There is a one-button lift-off method for easy cleaning. The seat has been used slow-close hinges so that the seat can be used for a long time. Further connected are mounting hardware, proper water supply and adapters. American standard aqua wash is the best non-electronic bidet seat. 
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8. Kohler K-5724-0 Puretide Elongated Manual Bidet Toilet Seat Review
Kohler co has been producing sanitation products in various forms with reputation and trust for over 150 years. It was founded in America in 1873. At present, Kohler co manufactures products to modernize people’s toilets in about 18 countries around the world. They are equating community development with beautiful kitchens, bath products, clean water, sanitation, and various utilities. 
Kohler K-5724-0 Puretide Elongated Manual Bidet Toilet Seat is on the good bidet seat. It is very nice to look at and adorable. Kohler reduces the amount of toilet paper used and has a septic system. It is the best manual bidet toilet seat for home and professional uses.
The Kohler seat is comfortable. Even though our standard stretch seats are a bit small in comparison. The bidet seat is extremely easy to use. The handle is twisted to control the water pressure. 
Up-down the handle if you want to control the contact point of the spray. The Kohler bidet seat has three separate spray heads. The spray head can be used as per your requirement.
It is fairly easy to process the insulation. However, before the insulation, you should read the instructions well. The fitting connections of Kohler’s bidet seat are easily threaded. It has a plastic piece on the flyer. 
Kohler’s bidet seat will be refreshed every cleansing. Its water pressure is perfectly adjustable. It does not require electricity or batteries for manual cleaning sits. You will get customized features like your own, with facilities for hot water cleaning, heated toilet seats, night lighting and more. It will make you feel confident, reassured and cleaner than clean.
  Its handle is on the perfect side. The lid can be closed slowly and silently. Quick-release allows for easy removal of hinges. It allows you to unlatch the seat from the toilet for easy cleaning. Kohler K-5724-0 Puretide Elongated Manual Bidet Seat is a nice unit for your toilet. It is the best non-electric bidet toilet seat.
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9. Brondell Swash 1400 Luxury Bidet Toilet Seat Review
One of the largest American sanitation companies is Brondale, which started its journey in 2003. They are creating new eco-friendly products to create a beautiful, safe environment. Brondel is currently upgrading its Bidet Toilet Seat Swash Line, Luma Worm Heated Nightlight Toilet Seat, SpaSuite Water Filtration System and Air purification System for Antilevel Bidet Products. 
To achieve them they have: Best home health technology product of the year, VIP Award for good housekeeping, best Amecian Building products award, best of kitchen silver award and Top 100 cool gadgets.
If you want to use a healthy toilet and protect the environment, then you must use the best bidet toilet seat. Because it is healthy, time-consuming, reduces toilet paper, protects itself from raw wipes even after spicy foods. Brondell is also one of the best brands in the bidet seat of other top brands on the market. You will be surprised once you get used to brondell swash 1400 luxury bidet toilet seat. I can’t think of anything other than using it concurrently.
Brondell Swash 1400 Luxury Bidet Toilet Seat has some important features. It allows to set and control without breaking the lid. The brondell Swash 1400 is a sleek bidet toilet seat within half the price. 
The basic feature of Brondell swash 1400 bidet ‍seats are front and backwash, 3 seat temps, 3 water temps and spray widths, 7 pressure levels, deodorizer, sterilizer, bowl pre-spray, movement function dryer with different temps and 7 position setting. It has eco mode and some memory setting which you can use for need. It’s very easy to install. It can be installed in just 20 minutes.
Brondell Swash is an eco-friendly bidet toilet seat with 3 years warranty. It has used CR2032 Battery for long-lasting. This battery cell makes 4 Lithium. It has a button for front and rear motions that will move automatically. The “User 1” or “User 2” buttons can be set for you to use, which is very easy to remember. It come with 3 year limited manufacturer’s warranty when purchased from an authorized seller. Brondell is the top brand’s bidet toilet seat in the world. 
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10. Clean Sense dib-1500R Bidet Seat Review
CleanSense Bidet Company has been manufacturing high-quality Bidet toilet seats in the USA since 1985. They have the latest technology used with each bidet toilet seat. They have achieved the ISO 9001 certificate. In addition to the United States, they have offices in Europe and Australia.
Clean Sense dib-1500R Bidet Seat offers exceptional value with a combination of luxurious features, sleek design, and durability. Your toilet has an advanced water heating system for an endless supply of warm water. 
As a result, you will be able to use hot water for cleaning. This seat has a programmable memory button for users. Gives your family members a clean experience of their own choosing.
A light will tell you in advance the seat is cold/hot. You can understand and plan before you even sit down. The Clean Sense dib-1500R Bidet Seat model uses expensive features but the pricing has been reasonably priced. It also has Adjustable Nozzle Position, Seat Sensor, Seat Warmer, User Presets, Self-Diagnosis, Smart Energy Saver, Detachable Main Body for Cleaning, Low Noise Motor Pump, Warm Air Dry, Deodorization, Child Settings, Pulse, and Massage Modes.
LCD remote control with customizable user presets has been made usable. Easily fit most 1-piece and 2-piece toilets and control your own in Energy Saver mode. There are 4 clean settings controlled by the soft closing seat and the seat sensor occupied by the lid. In the power wash function, the pulse washes adjustable water pressure and temperature control in the massage mode nozzle. 
There is a soft but powerful water wash for added cleaning. When the seat and lid are closed it will not create any disturbing noise. Because its seat and lid come with a soft close.
Many verified customers are very good reviews. such as Better than Brondell BioClean 1000, The perfect solution to maintain independence and dignity without major plumbing changes, Very cool upgrade to a Master Bath,  new Experience for me. Great buy and great price and many more. It has come with one year parts and labor warranty.  Clean Sense dib-1500R is the best noiseless bidet toilet seat.
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Benefits of Top Bidet Seats for Pregnant Women
Ultimately users can feel the importance of a bidet seat for the bathroom. Can be a particularly useful tool for pregnant women. The results of using Bidet are very enjoyable and effective in pregnancy.
Pregnant women often experience hemorrhoids. These enlarged blood vessels can be very painful. Bidet allows the user to clean the bowels after bowel movements without touching the anus. This is an easy and comfortable way to deal with painful hemorrhoids. Bidet is a great tool for genital hygiene, with both continuous washing and a feminine wash.
The benefits of Bidet become even more useful as the pregnancy progresses. In the later stages, women may have trouble exercising around the large abdomen. It’s very easy to use in the restroom. Will be completely clear, just waiting for instructions. 
A posterior wash will be cleansed after bowel movements and a feminine wash will be cleaned after urination. Feminine wash is more effective in maintaining good vaginal health. What remains to be said is a great tool for proud women. There are many other topics that can be automated with the help of Bidet without any hassle.
Top 6 Reasons To Buy Best Bidet Toilet Seat
There are good reasons to buy the best bidet toilet seat. However, only six of these reasons are highlighted.
Cleaner Than Toilet Paper
Toilet paper is not an accurate sanitary concept according to the World Health Organization data. When you go to the bathroom, wash your hands but not the body. It can contain organisms in your body. Toilet paper destroys our environment. 
So bye-bye to toilet paper, the bidet seat should be used. There is no need to wash your hands after going to the bathroom because bidet seat will automatically cleanse your body with warm hot or cold water. So the bidet seat offers a cleaner and healthier lifestyle.
Save Money With Bidet Seats
One of the amazing facts about toilet paper is that on average 70+ rolls of toilet paper are used in each family every year. It costs a lot of money to buy toilet paper only. So if you use a bidet seat, it won’t cost you and the grocery store bill will be reduced.
Helps For Special People
There are different types of people living in our family, such as children, the elderly and the disabled. The bidet seat is easy to use for these types of people. You can control from the outside with remote control even if they can’t be used. 
Such people cannot use water or toilet paper properly. But using a bidet seat does not have to do anything for itself. The machine will automatically complete all tasks. So if there are any such members at home, you should use a good quality bidet seat. 
For the pregnancy’s women is a very compulsory bidet seat  and details of this topic will be found in this post. However, you must purchase a remote controlled bidet seat for them to use, otherwise it will be a little difficult for them to use.
Better For The Environment
On average, the United States uses about 36 billion rolls of toilet paper every year. Where are go after made? Certainly polluting the environment by staying in the vicinity of our pure environment. 
Not only that, 15 million trees are cut each year to make 36 billion rolls, use 100 billion gallons of water, require 250 tonnes of chlorine and 17 tera watts of electricity. From this we can understand how well the bidet seat is suitable for our environment.
Get A Multitude Of Health Benefits
Bidet seats are ideal for those suffering from Crohn’s, Colitis, Hemorrhoids or other diseases. Because they are very difficult to use toilet paper or hands after completing their natural tasks. But using a bidet seat, it will be automatically cleaned with a light massage in hot or cold water as needed. 
It will not get any chance of being attacked by any kind of organism. After cleaning, the warm air will come out and dry. So that it will not be wet. But to get these opportunities, you will must be collected an electric bidet seat. There are several international quality electric bidet seats above that you can collect from.
Future Of Bathroom Technology
 People are becoming health conscious day by day. Due to work is not able to give enough time. But everybody is trying hard to develop the beauty of herself or her home. Bidet seats have been used for years in Asian and European countries. 
But now North Americans have welcomed the bidet seat in their home. Their old home is enjoying the luxury feature. It’s no secret that toilet paper is a better option. Let’s use the bidet seat to join the environmental protection movement. We also live and protect our surroundings.
How to choose a bidet seat- Buying Guide
If you are willing to buy the best bidet toilet seat, there are several things you should understand. Understanding these factors can help you buy the best bidet seat that is 100% perfect for you.
Size and Shape
Bid seats are available in various sizes and shapes in the market. However, there are currently two types of bidet seats available in the market. One of these is rounded the other is elongated. These are master copies for use in residential toilets. 
So determine the size of your toilet according to its size and select the required shape. Only then will you get a real feel of using the bidet toilet seat.
Consider The Budget
You will purchase the bidet seat for long-term use. That means you will invest in it long term. In that case, a little verification should be done before investing. Most Americans spend about 500$ a year just behind toilet paper. 
You will purchase a bidet seat that can save you at least 75%. Therefore, a good bidet seat will last long use. If you buy a good quality bidet seat, the cost will be a little higher, but there are many low cost bidet seats in the market. 
At Low-cost items are quickly lost. We mean well enough here that they have some great product reviews, including 10 brands. From here you can find your best bidet seat.
Electrical vs Non-Electrical
Bidet can be classified either electrically or electrically, by size, shape and cost. Generally, the cost of purchasing electric bidet seats is higher than that of non-electric ones. But the cost of matching the relevant thing is less. Because they are decent and at work hours. 
Electric bidet seats have some of the features that others do not have. So the extra cost has to be discounted for additional features. But you have to decide which is best for you. There is a huge demand for electric bidet toilet seats in modern times.
Durability And Materials
Finally, it comes down to durability and production benefits. Bid seat is lasting for many years. This is a long-term investment for the toilet. When buying a bidet toilet seat, it is important to consider what materials are used in its production. Because it is setting for a long year. 
There are some plastic bidet seats and some are made of wood. Some are treated and some are laminated. The laminated seat is less durable than plastic seats. Because under them they do not get moisture. Bidet seats made of plastic in high grade are often more expensive. 
Therefore, it is important to know about each part, features and components of the bidet seat when purchasing it.
In the meantime, it has become easy to find the ideal bidet seat for you. Basically this guide will help you make the right decision. Above we have several bidet seats which have very good quality and customer reviews. 
Here you will find the best of the electrical and non-electrical bidet seats. From Normal to Premium Every brand has good reputations. So you can click on the button above to find out more.
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Video and audio: best bidet toilet seat short review
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It’s 00.55 of a brand-new day, and although I should be dancing in a local and very familiar club with friends and colleagues, I decided to head back home around 20 minutes after I arrived and write this chapter for you, my invisible friend, instead.
You have probably noticed that I did not mention a certain someone in the last chapter. That is no coincidence at all. Did you really think that this is the typical story about “boy meets girl, but they can’t be together, so boy screws it up and goes into sorrow and do all kind of pathetic things instead”? Well, maybe to an extend… but at the same time think again. It is true that deep emotions are the strongest fuel that moves the world. It is also true that this frustration and pain mixed with the sweetest of feelings is my biggest motivation at present, and that the events that happened during New Year’s Eve are the match that set fire for this book to exist.
However, what I am trying to tell you through this book is about much more. It’s about life, consciousness, psychology, energy, love, courage, fear, pain, reality, fantasy, thoughts, reason, truth, physics, death, inspiration, determination, falseness… I am trying to write down the reflection of my soul in words that anyone may comprehend and feel identified with at some level. I am trying to show you that Universe as we perceive and study it right now is complete, and in order to thrive as a species we need to dig and riase our awareness of the power each one of us holds on how the world and our life is presented to us. I want you to find your unique way to sit down in the steering wheel of your life, and I believe Quantum Psychology is the key to give sense and answers to some of the biggest questions that there are.
But today I wanted to come back home to talk to you about life signs. And I’m not talking about the kind of signs explained by probability or coincidence. Have you ever had the feeling that something happens, often small and meaningless to everyone else, but that for you has a very deep and relevant meaning at that moment in your life, that the unlikeness of the event it’s just too big to be explained by pure chance? And right when that happens, you have some short of inner shivering going through your spine and a brise in your soul whispering you that sometimes the Universe is capable to talk straight to your soul.
Before we go into detail and dirty examples, it is time for further introductions. As I said before, you can call me S.M. Why? You will know soon enough. When? Time is totally relative when you enter the Quantum Realm (or the part of the reality forming the Universe ruled by the laws of the subatomic particles), as you will learn later. The next person I want to introduce you in this story is that special someone I have been referring to: her name is Venus. Because right now she is my Venus; beautiful, magnetic, inspiring, the brightest star in the sky when the night is darkest before the daylight; and, at the same time, so far and acid to survive its atmosphere, so wild and untamed, independent and rebel within her unique beauty.
The best way to describe Venus is as an alluring and dangerous rose. With a sense of simetry and balance when you are at her presence; and with thorns ready to bleed you if they must. Because make no mistake: she might look angelical, fragile and sweet to the eye, but as soon as you are close enough to her you realise she is independent, unpredictable and adventureous enough to take on the whole world if needed. Because she knows how to find her way in any type of situation in a natural and soft way, hidding her manipulation techniques to the naked eye. She can achieve things out of reach for the vast majority of human kind. Her eyes shine like 2 big round, crystal blue, quiet lagoons where you can drown yourself in and lose sight of everything else in this world. Her hair is long, voluminous and indomitable, between brunette and soft blonde depending on the light, and falls with a harmonious grace below her shoulders. And, just like her, seems in quiet and controlled despite its wild nature.
Her smile is big and genuine, with the rest of her facial expression following that curve of warmthness, even when she is telling you off. Her voice sounds soft and innocent, spelling some sort of charm in you that brings you inner peace even when you don´t like what you are hearing. Because don´t let the apparience deceive you: Venus will not hesitate to tell you things straight if she must no matter how hard they are; yet, she will find the way to present them to you with a sweet aroma around them. Her body language is paused and measured, transmiting a sense of self-control and control over everything happening around her. And, when she looks directly into my eyes, my soul feels naked and vulnerable; there is a deep sense of mutual understanding within which comforts and exposes me at the same time. Because sometimes you can feel that her eyes can see everything that happens in the room: what you say and do and what you don´t. And this information is carefully used and synchronise with her calculated next move or word. Her skin is soft and made of pure silk, but she will rarely make physical contact with you. Her energy shines with a magnetic field that attracts my own, like a bug would run into a source of light in the middle of the night, without questioning whether it will die by getting too close.
 Coming back to the signs, some years ago I used to think that the kind of strong, meaningful and smooth signs that I’m talking about would appear in your path to guide you in the right direction and to point you out what to fight for. Over time, I started to switch the control and importance of those signs: I stopped believing that they were due to a supreme force trying to influence my life and me being a passive being that just tries to make this supreme entity’s will a reality the best way possible.
I think the nature of those signs is much more interactive and retro-influential. Say for example that there is a subject that really occupies your mind most of the time, therefore it drives your attention and energy. As you have most of your energy focused at this particular subject, your cognitive system, neurons, cells, mind, soul, and even the atoms you interact with will be gathering all the available information (true or false) possible related to that thought.
But this is a two-direction path: you will be sending to the Universe a message shaped by your own energy, thoughts, wishes, ideas or obsessions consistently. As a response, there will be a degree of counter-reaction from all the energy connected around you, sometimes in the shape of this type of small and meaningful signs. ON the top of that, you also have the predisposition to pay attention to this type of cues since to since the idea is occupying your mind already. Basically, all your senses perceive food when you are starving.
The problem comes when we must differentiate whether those signs are a genuine response to your own energetic message, or a consequence of your own obsession and willingness to be right about that specific situation. Because, as we will discover in a few weeks´ time, wanting to be right is one of the strongest and most dangerous psychological principles that there is.
But, throughout this (sub) conscious interaction between ourselves and the energetic or quantum world around us, if you pay enough attention, sometimes you will listen the whispers coming back at you from that energy around you, giving you answers to the questions that your Quantum Self (or you can call it soul, energetic field, or spiritual self) is broadcasting to the world. I am talking about the kind of ideas that, despite existing only in your head at present, they still find a sort of correspondence and equilibrium in the quantum or energetic world. And, if you can filter all the irrelevant noise that the willingness of being right about that idea makes in your head, you will hear the truth right in front of you: whether you should follow that path or let it go and move on.
So, when this happens, you face a real dilemma: you have a strong emotion (which always blurries all logic) channelling a great amount of your energetic resources, which also makes you vulnerable to experience a cognitive confirmation bias. And often you will experience signs and details that, whether they are real messages from the Universe or not, you will happily tend to interpret as confirmations of your own wishes. We always need to be aware of the dangers of the confirmation bias, but we will dig deeper into that down the road.
The bottom line is that you need to be really careful to differentiate your personal desire from what really makes sense from a “quantum balance” point of view. Because I believe that when we are in peace with ourselves, doing what’s right on our own subjective existence, we also project our balanced energy into the world, and we then interactact with the energy in people or situations that has the same valence, making us feel better and and in control.
It’s like screaming in a cave where all the responses you get it’s your own echo, and therefore even if you can hear a voice it will be your own repeating your message. On the other hand, you could be having a conversation with someone else where you both share a vision, yet the information provided by the other person enriches your own point of view and vice versa.
Deciding whether what you feel as real corresponds to reality or is only part of your imagination is a tough challenge; because when I see those silly signs with meaning only to Venus and I that are too unprobable to be explained by chance, I have no other certainty than they come from my balance with the Quantum Realm; it just feels that way in my soul. And, at the same time, they hurt and pinch my soul, wondering why I keep receiving the same unprobable message over and over again; why anything else doesn’t make any sense; why I know I must complicate my life this way because I know is the right thing to do no matter what, even if I don’t know its destination yet.
 To further explain this, I will give you real and personal examples of both situations - confirming my own thoughts and where my Quantum Self knew what I had to do). Back in 2012 I was living in Spain (my home country), working full time in a job that didn’t motivate or estimulate me, while studying my Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, which I finished it that September.
I was also in the process of sweeping out different toxic relationships with people close to me that had dried my soul to its bones. But, to be fair, pretty much everything about my life was toxic at the time: my job, a broken and complicated relationship with almost all the members of my dysfunctional family, which led me to move alone after my dad kicked me out of the house, a failed romantic relationship, and the lack of purpose in my life after achieving the only clear goal that I had at the moment (my Degree). My life was a total caos: nothing to look up to or any clue about how to move forward, I was stuck. Yet looking backwards I feel grateful for the situation I was in, as I truly gained mental strength, perspective and knowledge about my own self.
In the middle of that, I met someone who lived in Valencia, which was around 3 hours driving from me. We started to see each other, and after a couple of months things seemed to be going well. Then things, as my life, just got stucked. I wasn´t aware back then, but just “going well” wasn´t enough. It was a relationship condemned to never succeed for different reasons, and therefore it needed to end. But back then I was surrender by darkness, and I didn’t have the clarity about the situation that I have now.
I got to the point where it was clear that the only way to try to work this relationship out was by moving to Valencia. I tried to convince myself that this was the onoy way forward, probably motivated as an easy way to scape from the shitness of my reality. I started to perceive all kind of little signs that seemed to point me towards this direction. I even got job offers from Valencia from random sources.
My conscious and logical mind wanted to see self-confirmation that by moving there my life would thrive. As you can imagine, with all the negative noise, energy sucking and toxicity around me at the time, my head got to a boiling point and about to explode wondering what I should do. At the same time, there was something inside of me that didn’t feel right about this. My heart, soul and Quantum Self were screaming at me that this wasn’t the path I should take. Yet I was so scare to listen to them that I sent such a strong message to the world that got me those signs in return, even if they were caused by my own willingness.
However, that inner part of my subconscious, kept whispering me realities that I was not ready to listen out of fear. When I was finally ready to accept that something about this whole idea didn’t fit, I started to consider alternatives to my original plan of moving to Valencia. Once I opened my mind for other options, a chance for me to move to Brighton, in England, araised as one of my best friends decided to move there and asked me to accompany him. I happily lived in Brighton between 2005 and 2007 (that’s another great story from one of my previous lifes!). Even though my Quantum Self knew straight away this was the right choice to follow and fulfil my own potential, my self-destructive side kept insisting that I should move to Valencia as it was just easier and made more logical sense.
Eventually I came up with one of the most random, brave and crazy decisions I have ever made to make up my mind, one which would change my life forever in a hearbeat. I drove to my favourite secret beach, where I lost someone close to me. I used to go to this beach, always alone, to think, listen to music, play the guitar, or just to be melancholic, to try to gather a fresh perspective on whichever was troubling my mind.
There I was, thinking for about 1 hour about which course of action I should take: in one hand, pursuit the signs I had been receiving and move to Valencia; on the other side, pack everything again and go back to the city where I were once happy. I didn’t realise at the time, but I attuned my Quantum Self with the energy around me in order to decide. Then I decided to flip a coin; that coin would change my life forever; heads, Brighton. Tails, Valencia.
And as they say, the rest is history. Brighton was the destination that the atonement between my Quantum Self and the infitine number of possibilities simultaneously exiting in the Quantum Realm, set me on for. Thanks to that sole act of random craziness I made one of the best decisions in my life. Thanks to that coin, I started a path that allowed me to know new amazing people; expand my comfort zone in so many new levels; study my Master’s Degree in Research Methods in Psychology in London; to truly break through and deal with my past; to test some of the theories I have about the world that can change the way we perceive everything; to move to Prague and take on my biggest professional challenge to date; to meet Venus; to be here now talking to you across space and time; and to set in motion wherever this path will lead us to...
Now I comprehend inside me that the other option would have deemed my own destruction. Because there is no possible outcome where I would have been happy with this person or my new life in Valencia. Around 5 months after I moved to Brighton, this person asked me for advice about whether she should truly give a chance to this guy she had met. Maybe what she was really asking me was whether I was coming back and if there was still a possibility for us. And I won’t lie to you my friend, I still had some feelings for her, yet I knew inside that was not what I was meant to do with my life; that even if I did not know why yet, my destiny was where the coin took me.
I did what was right, against my own selfish interests (my peace of mind is not negotiable); I advised her to give him the chance to get closer to her, to try and start a relationship with this new guy and to move on with her life. Nowadays they are married and with one child according to social media. I have no doubt that I would have never made her anywhere near as happy as she is now. Now I can look back with confidence, perspective and peace of mind knowing that I defeated my own dark demons by doing the best thing for someone I cared about.
Because sometimes the biggest decisions you will ever make in life can be revealed to you in a heartbeat. And even if at first sight they may scare you and challenge everything you know, be brave enough to listen to your Quantum Self. Just follow your path no matter what; no matter how many times people discourage you or tell you how wrong they think you are; no matter how crazy it might look to the social conventionalisms; just follow what you know will help you deliver your full potential. It is only when we are the most scared when we have the chance to prove ourselves how brave we can be.
Something similar happened when I decided to move to Brighton for the first time back in 2005. I was 20 and I had been win my first serious relantionship for 2 years with an English girl, to whom I got engaged when I was 18. The reason for us to get engaged was mainly because I was young, naive, and even if we met in Spain, she moved back to her hometown, Brighton, to study. I was only a teenager starting the university, but it seemed such a clever idea to get engaged and have a long-distance relationship while I worked part time at my father’s company to pay for my recurring trips to the UK.
After over 1 and a half years the relationship really went downhill (more details when we speak about my different lifes within my life) and a lot of shit and crazy stuff happened in between. However, after those ups and downs, I found myself visiting her in Brighton at the beginning of October 2005, when I had just started my 3rd year at College. Back then my life in general wasn’t easy, and I was clearly not ready to move on from the first meaningful and comforting emotional relationship I had ever experienced in my life.
During that holiday week in Brighton I had an ephipany. One of those revelations where you instantly know what you need to do, and you feel a mix of immense fear, aware of the challenge ahead, and an incredible peace and balance finding a long seeked answer. I was having a hot chocolate in a cafe, and the song “Fix You” from Coldplay started to play. It was the first time I heard that song, and by the time it ended I understood what I had to do, which I said out loud: “I am moving to England”.
For you to get an idea about how big of a decision that was to me at the time, I was raised in a small city called Cartagena, in a family where no one had ever lived anywhere outside the county, or spoke English, or studied in College. Back then I did not know how to pay a bill, or rent a flat, and all my experience was focused on studying or working in my father’s air conditioning company. Additionally, this was a time before all social media: no so Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, Skype, smart phones or any easy and fluent way of communication with anyone from outside your city. Basically, I was leaving behind everything that I had ever known and jumping into the unknown with both feet.
Yet, the moment I said those 5 words, I understood deep inside that my life had changed forever. Somehow, I comprehended that I had to walk that path, even if I wasn’t sure what was the reason behind it. To this day I can tell you that, if I hadn’t had that revelation at that exact moment, I would probably be homeless or dead by now. You think I am exaggerating? Keep reading my invisible friend…
The very same day I landed back in Spain, I told everyone that I would move to Brighton within 3 weeks, no matter the cost. Everyone tried to take the idea out of my head: “you are crazy”, “you will fail”, “I cannot support you on this”, “she doesn’t deserve it after all that happened”… what they didn’t understand (as hardly could I to be honest), was that I did not take that decision because of my ex-girlfriend; she was only the excuse. Deep inside I knew I had to do that for myself; everything inside me told me that was the right thing to do. It made sense only to me, but I didn´t need anything else. I won’t lie to you my friend, a part of me was scared to the bone; however, I felt that inner peace with myself and a sense of balance with the Universe that I had never felt before.
I dropped from university and moved to Brighton on the 25 of October 2005, as I said I would. I can now say that it was a turning point in my life. Despite all the discourage I found everywhere, and my young age, I somehow found the reasons to stick to my instinct and follow my heart. It wasn’t the easy or logic thing to do, but it was the rightest.
There has been only a handful of times I have had that clear, sudden and revealing feeling understanding that my life was about to be changed forever in a sudden moment of crazy bravery. The last time was last New Year’s Eve, and as you can imagine Venus was involved. I had the most peaceful and spiritual moment of my life on the night of the 31st of December, followed by a shit storm that totally rocked my world. And, even if I’m not sure where this path leads, all I know is that my life was changed forever for the better or worse.
Because it’s 03.24 am, and I left a Latin club called La Bodeguita del Medio to write to you about signs because, as you can imagine, the last time I went there I was with Venus; and only with her. And, just as it has been happening for a few weeks, some signs were presented to me there tonight.
But it’s not the first weird sign I have had involving this club where I had an incredible night with Venus: only 1 week ago, while I was speaking to a client over the phone, he told me that he visited Prague a couple of months ago and loved a certain club where they play Latin style music. I knew which club he was talking about before he told me the name. And, again tonight, I was led to go to this club by the people I was spending the evening with, even if they had never been there before…
As I decided to leave the place surrender by sweet memories, a meaningful song – Venus’ favourite Latin song now, which also resembles the situation we are in – started to play, with a rhythm that seemed to drag me back to that night when there was only Venus and I in La Bodeguita del Medio.
Even more, even though I am Spanish, doing the Spanish market in my company, talking and contacting only people and companies in Spain, I was still contacted by two Chinese people this week at work, even if no one from this country ever contacted me before. For you to understand the importance and singularity of China as a sign, Venus lived in China, concretely in cityt where one of those people live.
Not only she lived there, but she speaks the language as well. This is a language that is not unfamiliar to me either, as I decided to tattoo a Chinese symbol in the back of my neck around 10 years ago: the Phoenix Bird (confirmed by Venus and another 2 people that’s the real meaning of my tattoo), consumed by its own flames, yet reborn from his own ashes over and over and over.
I was also contacted by an old friend from Nigeria whom I met in England, who I have not seen or spoken with for 8 years. As he told me he lives now in Cape Town, and invited me to visit, a very sarcastic smile came to my face. Cape Town happens to be the city were Venus was born and raised until she decided to start conquering the world. I now understand that one day I will visit Cape Town, even if I don´t know when or why.
I could go on and on about all those little signs that are meaningless for the rest of the world and keep popping up to me daily. To you they may not make sense; or perhaps you think that I am falling into the confirmation bias that I mentioned before. Rest assured that this idea also goes through my head every time I bump into one of those signs. Yet again, my Quantum Self communicates them to me as if I were picking up the signals left in my path leading me to my real achievement, even if I don’t know what that is yet. Like if you leave bread crumbs to find the way to your destination, and every bread crumb you find you know it means that you are on the right track to reach your goal.
And it all really exploded right after the house party I organised for New Year’s Eve, as until then I only had the suspicion that Venus would be someone important in my life. It all kicked when a song I had never heard before from Enrique Iglesias played a bit after midnight, when the party for the rest of the people was at its peak; because what that song said to me in that exact moment was too much to be explained by chance. The lyrics reflect very accurately the storm of feelings I was running through in the middle of the confusion of that party. Furthermore, the fact that it was Enrique Iglesias has a huge meaning in this context, as you will discover later.
Finally, it was in that moment where I realised, also pushed by the amount of alcohol in my organism, what I had to do next: cancel the party straight away and kick everyone out, as there was somewhere else I needed to go…
#QuantumPsychology #PositivePsychology #Positivism #Optimism #QuantumMechanics #Consciousness #QuamtumConsciousness #Physics #MyRealGoal #Science #SocialSciences #LifeSciences #Theology #MotivationalSpeaking #Philosophy #PhilosophyOfMind #PhilosophyOfScience #PhilosophyOfReligion #AtomicPhysics #Empowerment #SelfEmpowerment #Venus
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hewwogamma · 7 years
The year is 2047, and at the age of 100, President Donald J Trump has passed away. Leaders around the world fly to the world’s largest building, The Great Trump Tower in New York City, to pay their respects. The great glass tower, designed by his son Eric Trump was completed on the site of the former United Nations Building, to serve as the headquarters of the third Bank of the United States after President Trump dismantled the Federal Reserve as his final act in office in January 2025. His son, Barron Trump, now in his early 40’s stands at the podium to greet the many sobbing faces. As 5 Star General of the American Cyber Command, formed by his father as the new branch of the military to face a new millennium, Barron is expected to pick up his father, and his sisters legacy as the third Trump in office at the next election. “When my father took office, barely 30 years ago, he swore and oath to protect and serve this country. The fake news media of the day, said he had no path to 270 electoral votes and that there was no chance for him to win. If only we had known then, what corruption that the treasonous viper Obama had sown amongst his vile swamp in Washington.” “Fortunately for America, his movement … to Make America Great Again … could not be stopped. Within the first few months, the traitors were dealt with, and America had to face a grave scenario, a trial of a former American President, Barack Hussein Obama, with a punishment of death for his treason. Although my father hated Obama for what he did to this country, the mental illness we now know as betaphilism was rampant throughout America. He knew he needed a justice, a social justice to heal the nation. Although Obama admitted his guilt, that he had acted seditiously with the aid of a shadow government to distort the election and take down the office of President Trump, my father pardoned the traitor. The country was united as Obama was banished to his birth country of Kenya” “That was a proud day for my father, but as we all know now, it was just the beginning of our new Great America. Although his first two years were difficult to get his legislation passed, due to a failing congress, the new MAGA party filled congress in the midterm elections, and with both a super majority in the House and the Senate what are now known as the “Great American Decade” had begun.” “My father released deep state secrets that changed the world forever. Hidden cures for cancer and the secrets of zero-point energy that had been suppressed by the Clinton, Bush and Obama presidencies changed the face of the planet. Healthcare no longer became an issue, as all the diseases and sickness of the world were eradicated. The corrupt religion of Islam collapsed and state sponsored terrorism was eviscerated as the nation’s formerly known as Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the OPEC cartel collapsed as oil became worthless in a new free energy society. “ Barron lifted his golden handkerchief from his pocket to wipe the tears from his face. As he looked upon the visitors at the eulogy before him, he saw many red hats. Those fucking hats. “I remember,” he chuckled, when I was just 10 or 11 years old, I saw in the early days of my father’s campaign, right there in the audience. This old gentleman, he had to be in his 60’s had this beautiful red hat. I thought my father made them as a joke. What presidential candidate wears a red trucker hat? He screamed at my father, “LOCK HER UP”. I spent that night browsing the web, and quickly realized how we could win this election. I told my father that I couldn’t tour with him, that I had to meme. I shopped that damn hat on a couple frogs, you guys now know him as Pepe, the great symbol of peace. I joined hundreds of thousand other meme warriors to do something that had never been done before. We won an election, took down the corrupt establishment, with the internet. It was hard to describe what that felt like, it was hard to understand what this meant for the world. That a few “Pedes” as we were called, could take down the Clinton Cartel, which was later discovered to the the largest money laundering and child trafficking organization in history, by actually becoming the News.” “As the swamp was drained, the rest of the world came around. We had a few setbacks… we all know what happened to California when their state went bankrupt and starved itself of food and water, causing it to be split into 5 states as a condition of its federal rescue. But we had so many victories.” “My father’s stern policies on China caused their country to collapse, resulting in a cultural revolution that lifted the shackles of communist government from their shoulders, freeing them to become the great bastions of freedom and rich triple countries of China, Tibet, and New Taiwan that they are today.” “We also united with our great friends Russia, to build a great space partnership that put both of our nations flags on the moon again within my father’s first term. It is amazing that those early steps of partnership have led to what is now a population of 200,000 on our great New Washington city on the moon. Even the Trump-Putin bridge is one of the most beautiful architectural and engineering achievements ever built at its time as our nations united, with American Steel, to build a beautiful connection across the Bering Straits as part of my father’s Third Infrastructure Bill in the Great American decade. “If there is one thing my father could do, it was build. So many people thought that he could never build the Great Wall of Trump that has been the cornerstone of our America’s policy for the last three decades. Who would have thought that the wall in its final form would be so vast, that on my twenty second birthday I was able to participate in the Great America bike race upon that wall along this nations southern border. Fortunately, the famed Great Ivankan Wall” along our Northern boarded with Canada did not have to be built. Although Canada was collapsing due to failed immigration policies and terrible leadership, my sister completed our Manifest Destiny, and America had to annex Canada into the fold. With the 5 new states formed from the former California, as well as Cuba and Puerto Rico, Canada made a welcome addition to these United States.” “Although my father accomplished many great things, I think it was his partnership with his first Secretary of Space, Elon Musk, that truly inspired the world. When he cleaned the swamp and NASA and gave the rains of NASA to the Elon, who generously gifted his company Space X to America, a generation of Centipedes watched as the foundations laid by my father, in choosing to partner with the brightest business and industrial minds in our country came to fruition. For the first time, American men, and women put their first steps on Mars in 2026, the 250th Anniversary of this great nation. Although Ivanka was President, it was the dream and his first speech to congress in 2017 that started it all.” “When it was time for my father to step down, America was tired of winning. He had warned us, all of us. He would keep pushing and pushing to win and win until we just couldn’t take any winning any more. People told him, President Trump, you don’t need to accomplish everything! You have done so much! Cancer cured, energy solves, peace in the middle east, the strongest economy, America is Great Again! He told them all, each and every one of us, no… you will Keep Winning, and together, we make this country greater than ever before.” Now I know you have all heard this story before, but I must retell it, because it was what earned my father his spot-on Mt Rushmore, and our family name on the thousands of schools, parks, roads, and museums across this country. His Great Act will be down in the annals of history forever, and it must be repeated.” Chief Justice Ted Cruz, Speaker of the House Jason Chaffetz, Senate Majority Leader Tom Cotton, and the Governors of all the states in the union held a surprise ceremony in Congress at his final state of the Union. They had taken one of the fucking Red MAGA hats, and gilded it in Gold. Chief Justice Cruz walked forward amongst his speech and quieted the audience.” “President Trump,” Cruz shouted, “We the people, of these United States, have taken so much from you. You sacrificed your wealth, your freedom, and your family, to put everything on the line to face the gauntlet and corrupt country which we use to be. The weak, tired, losing America. You gave up everything, for us!” The Chief Justice Fell to his knees. “You, Donald John Trump, have truly Made America Great Again, Big League. We ask upon you, for once, to take something back for yourself. We offer you this, the MAGA Crown, to lead this Great America, for Life.” My father knew, that only George Washington had been given this opportunity. He knew that he could continue to make this country greater, even greater still, but my father said the worlds that will never be forgotten.” “My people, my Americans. I, your humble servant, will fight for you until my dying breath. Together, Americanism, not Globalism, has been our Credo. We have Made America Great again but this torch must be passed to the next great one among you. I hope my courage, and my furious Patriotism, have inspired a generation of Great Americans, to push this country to heights beyond my wildest dreams.” Barron softly wept, as gazed across the American Flag, with each of its 75 beautiful white stars, was laid over his father’s coffin. “I leave you, my family, my people, my pedes, my American’s, my Lunars, my Martians, to remember, that in America, no matter how hard it is, or how great we have become, this is the country that a 10-year-old boy, can change the course of history, with a few frog meme’s and a twitter account.” This is truly the best timeline.
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