#but that costs money so thats for the future
enuui · 2 days
long thoughts abt watcher
its so weird to me that people are being like ‘you aren’t entitled to free content’ about the watcher situation bc that’s not the actual problem here. artists deserve to be fairly paid, but the watcher situation reveals a truly bizarre level of business incompetence and a lack of market research.
they actively cultivated a relatively young audience, actively claimed to be ‘eat the rich’ style liberals, then turned over and told that audience that they need to pay $6/month. which again, fine! dropout did it and survived, but dropout had so much more backing it up, went about the transition slowly, and on top of that, their audience was older and therefore had more spending money available.
watcher has none of that. it would be one thing if they had started marketing to an older audience months ago, or changed the style of their content to match the heavy production costs. but as it stands, they built their career off of relatively simple videos with a lower budget, gained a specific type of audience from those videos, then expected that audience to pivot with them when watcher realized they wanted to make a different type of (more expensive, more produced) content.
it can’t work that way. the audience is not acting entitled right now for feeling a shock, bc the audience became loyal to watcher due to a desire for a certain kind of content (specifically the dynamic between shane and ryan).
and if watcher wants to make different content and be paid for it on a more regular basis, that is also okay! but they severely miscalculated their existing audience, and definitely misunderstood how much their current audience wants to watch the style of videos they want to make.
also, imo, ryan and shane have admitted that they dislike the admin side of running a business. i think they truly thrived as regular content creators and not as business managers, and so they struggled to figure out how to run their company and ultimately handed over the reins to steven to wash their hands of it all and go back to making the content they want. and thats also fine, some people are not built for business and work better as individual contributors.
but ryan and shane and steven also seem to have a view that their simple content is almost… beneath them? they talk a lot abt challenging themselves to put out well produced content that their cultivated audience clearly doesn’t really care about. its a mismatch between watcher’s desires for the future and the audience they built in the past that ultimately led to this mess.
they had two options: easier option to make the type of low-budget content their audience has been proven to enjoy, or put in the work to build up an expanded audience so that they could fund the content they wanted to make, put in the work to do a longer, more well thought out transition, put in the work to make connections and figure out how to manage their revenue streams.
and instead they decided to take a shortcut and brute force their existing audience to fund their dreams, and in the process shooting themselves in the foot by alienating their audience. i just can’t comprehend how they reached this conclusion at all.
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decolonize-the-left · 2 months
.....Correct me if I'm wrong but allies to Israel would have no money to move around and spend if we and banks have no money to move around for them right?
Even the US treasury needs a way to offer collateral for the billions they give to countries like Israel. Do you know what that collateral has been thus far? Your paycheck. The future paychecks of babies that can't even talk yet. That's how they'll pay all this off.
The government has been giving us the biggest fuck you that they could. Let's return the favor.
"yeah but the banks-"
Have been bailed out every time they've asked for it since I've been alive. They love debt when they aren't the ones paying it. They'll know how heavy the weight of their arms dealing is. There's a reason they have been phasing out paper checks and money- they can't move money they don't have and digital bank accounts can't see the paper money in your drawer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So yes absolutely keep boycotting.
And we should pull all our money out of Major Banks.
It's incredibly accessible for most people who already have a bank account, even if you can't protest or strike. And you don't have to miss any work.
So let's hit em where it hurts.
Banks (from this list of Banks that heavily fw Israel)
Bank Julius Baer & Co
Bank Lombard Odier & Co
Banque Pictet & Cia SA
BNP Paribas Israel
CBH Compagnie Bancaire Helvetique S.A.
Dreyfus Sons & Co.
Hyposwiss Private Bank Geneve SA
JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A.
Silicon Valley Bank
Union Bancaire Privee
BNP Paribas Israel
State Bank of India
Other banks that have supported the genocide
Goldman Sachs
Bank of America
Wells Fargo
Capital One
Marks & Spencer
Scotia Bank
Bank of Montreal
No, you don't have to cancel your direct deposits (most places in the USA won't even pay you without an account anyway). But you should drain your account ASAP. Don't let the money sit in your bank. Pull it out and use cash for everything you can. Don't put money in the bank unless you need to.
The point is just to keep as much money as you can out of banks for as long as you can.
Yeah it's gonna be harder to order online which may be inconvenient until we readjust but thats good.
It'll be a natural way for the boycotts to evolve.
A lot of fighting in the Red Sea is being done because of how much money the USA, UK, etc have to lose if they can't get their products on time. The Houthis turning ships away cost these countries millions every time. If there are less ships to turn away cuz people aren't ordering stuff from overseas then Good.
Yeah we could have an organized day to do this but...why??? It's accessible, it's free, and the people across the globe experiencing a genocide right now, from north America to Africa to Palestine don't have the luxury of waiting a few months for us to spread the word and organize.
If you see this share it. Copy/paste, repost, retweet, idc. Spread like wildfire pls
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avpdcultureis · 2 months
Avpd culture is having SO much money anxiety. I cant look at restaurant bulls without feeling sick i cant listen to my parents talk about money I feel so immeasurably guilty i cant fucking stand knowing that i cost money to keep alive i hate knowing that everything i do costs money and a lot of it bc im going to go to college in the near future and im not ready im not going to be able to stand in a freshman dorm room and keep my lunch inside of my stomach i wont be able to think about the probably 40+ thousand dollars thats going to be spent PER YEAR towards my education without wanting to fucking rip my skin off. I feel like such a spoiled fucking brat for being able to afford luxuries that others cant i feel like theyre so wasted on me i know its not my fault and you can't win in a capitalist system but i still feel like its my fault and im being ungrateful when i try my best to be thankful for everything i have and to understand the sheer sacrifice my parents make and i show my gratitude at every chance i get but the guilt is insane i cant escape the guilt. I know itll get worse when im on my own and have my own career and i pay for everything. Its like im not meant to survive. Im sorry if this is a long one, watching a show about rich people being spoiled arrogant insanely disrespectful assholes makes me think im no different and i deserve to suffer
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Qna Answers!
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Ever since you mentioned that you do darker art besides stardew I've been super curious! Is there anywhere we can follow your work?
NOPE! this is more or less the first time I had much of a social media presence, I did make an Instagram when I was around 12 but I lost the password to it, and honestly... It's best I never find it...BUT I would like to post my other art somewhere! Let me know what social media I should use If you have ideas and I'll go make one! :D
I could use Instagram again but I haven't heard too many great things since I left.
What’s your favorite thing about Stardew? Do you have any other games you’d like to make comics about?
I love the fishing and mining aspect of the game! that and the mini-games. You'd think it be the socializing aspect with what I make but there's just something satisfying about making progress in the mines or getting that impossible to catch fish.
I don't usually have a lot of money to spend on games so I tend to go indie but I also never expected to be making art about Stardew so not really. If I like the characters, I might make comics about them but this is the first time I've done comics about games ever so maybe in the future.
Who is your least favorite bachelor and bachelorette
This was a really hard question to answer, I don't have a least favorite bachelor or bachelorette, I just have favorites. The main reason why is because I've either met people who are like the bachelor's or I can relate to them on a personal level so it's hard for me to dislike anyone BUT THATS A COP OUT ANSWER so I really pushed myself to find something to not like.
I'm gonna get torched but Elliot- gifts are super expensive to get, I know I can just give neural gifts but it's a bad habit of mine of going for the loved gifts and my guys got EXPENSIVE tastes or gifts that aren't easy to get BUT It fits his character as it implies he came from a more luxurious lifestyle. (if the Victorian clothing wasn't a big enough hint) but again, I don't dislike him, he has a lot of comedic potential!
I'm gonna get MURDERD for this one, Leah- I CAN NEVER FIND HER. Her pathing and my pathing NEVER collide and I keep forgetting she goes to the beach to draw sometimes so I never go there and I go to the wiki to find where in the WORLD she is at and 99% of the time is in the cortege but I can't get to her because I don't have 2 hearts yet because I don't run into her unless I remember to look in the saloon IF shes there BUT again, I do not dislike her...I dislike her pathing and that's on me for not thinking ahead. Plus this problem goes away once I DO have 2 hearts.
Whats your favorite crop and who’s your favorite bachelorette?
Coffee! (gee what a surprise 😅) I just love it when I can get one seed, grow it, and then harvest it and multiply my coffee crops by a huge amount! It's not worth much but it's just a satisfying crop to have.
Maru- not exactly a popular pic but I had a lot of friends who were 10X smarter than me growing up so Maru just naturally reminds me a lot of my closest friends, THAT and she's easy for me to bump into in the clinic.
(I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED IT 💀 but I think it said-) What software do you youse and what do you recommend?
I use Krita, and couldn't recommend it more! (scroll down more to the archive and there are more details about it)
and a UGEE tablet BUT I got it as a free gift. So far I haven't had to replace it yet and has lasted a good amount of time (my old ones lasted a year until I had to replace it) so Idk if I can recommend it and it's kinda expensive. (for me anyway) I'm honestly dreading the day something happens to it and I have to get it replaced :(
It costs about $60usd right now
Question Archive! - stuff I was asked before here for you to find :D
(some of it, the rest is tagged with #ask)
Whats your chickens name (the chicken in your pfp)?
Tudee-chi or Tudee for short!
Got any advice for perfection?
This website apparently! That and the Stardew Wiki
Okay I have to ask: favorite Bachelors and Bachelorettes?
Alright! Here's a tier list from Favorate to I'm chill with them!
Do you think that the male and female farmer can co-exist as a pair of chaotic twin siblings with joint ownership of the farm?
And I don't see why not! It's more fun that way
Sorry to bother, but can i ask what you use to draw?
Not a bother at all! I love answering questions!!! I use Krita
Who is your favorite stardew Bachelor?
Harvey! and for the dumbest reasons...Harvey ended up being my favorite bachelor for 2 main reasons
Sorry to bother but do you happen to have any tips/advice on drawing bodies and heads??
I ABSOLUTELY DO!!! it's no bother at all
What you need to keep in mind is that a lot of my advice is a suggestion and what I'm comfortable with-
For the future, this will be a question archive of things I'm asked to keep it easy to find once the Mega pin post is ready!
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babyfairy · 10 months
hello…life updates lol
i saw the little mermaid with my mom and my niece (we went on my mom’s birthday 💌) and i loved it??!? i think halle was the perfect choice for ariel!! i was so enchanted by her mannerisms the entire film. she’s got such an otherworldly beauty so paired with her voice she REALLY looks and feels like a disney princess…loved her so much. no comment on awkwafina’s unfortunate addition to the film
we’re restarting one of our long running dnd campaigns and i’m pretty sad about it ❤️‍🩹 it’s the best choice because the setting was made by our DM a long time ago and she wants a reset because she’s improved her narration/lore/etc since its creation but it’s still sad and hard to let go. i’m really excited to relive some of my favorite moments with some new twists and i have a deeper understanding of my character now so i think i’ll only end up loving her more as i replay her. dnd with my friends is truly one of my favorite hobbies and it’s so important to me! there have been so many changes throughout the years i’ve played but i’m so glad to still be playing despite it because it’s very fun and therapeutic lol
i got a raise at work 🫨 not that it makes much of a difference LMFAO but i was seriously considering leaving my job before my raise so it’s nice to be making a little more money. the cost of living in washington is so insane that i feel really unsure of my future lol but it’s seriously my dream to own my own house. just a little one story house that i can call my own. i know it seems like a small dream lol but it’s literally my number one motivation and i’m always daydreaming about how i’d decorate my own home inside and out!!
i finally bought tears of the kingdom and i’ve been obsessed with it!!! not surprised because i loved breath of the wild lol. i love link so much he’s such a cool protagonist. always wanted to be like him when i was a kid LMAOO either him or sheik! i would say i’m more like a deku scrub…💀 like look at this fella…
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like….???!!!! THATS ME…the lil angry face. love these guys. anyways i love the game LMAO i hit about 50 hours and realized i should maybe try tackling my first dungeon 💀 it’s just so much fun to run around and collect ingredients and koroks…plus i have a little pack of zelda amiibo cards so every day i hop on and scan them all so i can open treasure chests as a little treat…love it!!! i can’t wait to see king sidon again btw. that’s the light of my life
ever since my OCD diagnosis i’ve been avoiding my therapist (L) and struggling to really understand why but i think it’s because i feel guilty about being diagnosed LMAO…i have like this weird fixation on unknowingly manipulating/lying to others and my brain keeps trying to convince me i manipulated her into a diagnosis. i don’t feel like i have “real” OCD if that makes sense. and i feel this weird sense of guilt about making light of it or like taking resources from people with real, severe OCD. it’s frustrating because i know that’s definitely a symptom of OCD but i also feel like none of my symptoms are legitimate and they’re just delusions. it’s incessant. which like logically is that probably just a symptom of the OCD? yeah but i also am having trouble admitting that to myself for some reason lol. at least not without guilt or shame attached and i really try to avoid feeling that way if i can. anyways it’s a real pain in the ass and i finally sucked it up and made an appointment for tomorrow so i can try to talk through some of this with her
i’m up and down a lot, it’s been the worst year of my life i think lol but somehow i’m still chugging along 💀 every day i put the rainbow clown wig back on and march thru my day despite it all though so it’s whatever i guess. definitely going thru my saturn return and ngl so far it sucks and i definitely hate it but you know! my 20s have been Not Great so maybe my 30s will be better for it. hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. let me know what you’re up to in my inbox if you want! i always like when people message me their life updates lol. it’s sweet when people think of me as someone they want to update ❣️
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celaenaeiln · 2 months
hi howve you been!
much better, thank you anon! I hope you're doing great as well!! <33
Just for that, do you want to hear a fun story?
In 1955, there was a Great Onion Debacle.
Yes. Onions.
A little backstory - in finance, there are financial contracts called "futures". What futures are is a contract that lets a person buy an item in the future for the price it costs today.
So in 1955, onion futures (contracts) -of all things! Onions are amazing though so I guess I understand - were the most traded commodity on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange which is like a trading company sort of like Wall Street. Two men, Vincent Kosuga and Sam Siegel, realized this and were like "man, we can make a fortune out of this!". So what they did was they bought literally metric tons of onions and onion futures. They bought so much they controlled 98% of all the onions in Chicago. They were now an onion monopoly.
Because they controlled all the onions, they now decide to short sell the onion futures. Short selling is when you sell an item now and then decide to rebuy it in the future when the price drops.
So basically imagine your selling a house. You'll make tons of money but once the economy improves, the the price of the house will drop and you decide to rebuy it and thus make a profit. Because you sold it for more than what you bought it again for.
And that's what the two men did. Because they had control of all the onions and onion-related trading, they controlled the onion market (lol this is literally so funny. "onion market") using supply and demand. In the market, the more you have of something, the less if costs because there isn't a need for that much of the item. Like if you have a super rare pokemon card or baseball card, you're going to sell it for more because there's a less quantity. Whereas if you had a normal card, you would sell it for less because it's in abundance and everyone can get it.
So that's what they did. After collecting all the onions in chicago, they basically dumped all the onions at once back into the market, and because there was so much, the price of the onions shot down. Not only that, once the onions spoiled, they would throw out the old and bring in new ones. From an outside perspective, it looked like there were sooo many onions and onion shares so the price of the shares dropped drastically too, making it really cheap. And when I mean he dumped them, HE LITERALLY DUMPED THEM! He took what onions he had left in storage and trucked them to the Chicago Board of Trade, literally flooded the market and streets with onions. Onions, worthless at that point, were dumped into the Chicago River! 30,000,000 pounds of onions! 14,000,000 kgs!
Kosuga and Siegel made millions. $1 in 1955 is equal to $11.51 dollars in 2024. Kosuga, mainly, made $8.5 million which is equal to $97,835,000!!! THATS ALMOST A BILLION DOLLARS COMING FROM SELLING ONIONS. That's freaking insane 😭😭😭 biggest almost scam of the century and listen to this -
While the guys were raking in the big bucks, the sheer amount of onions being shipped to Chicago caused nation-wide shortages of onions everywhere else!!!
The Commodity Exchange Authority caught wind of Siegel and Kosuga’s little game and they immediately initiated an investigation, while congressional held actual hearings on the issue. In the end, congress created an Onion Futures Act which banned the futures trading on onions 😭. The law is still in effect today, making onions the only banned trading commodity in the United States.
And here's the kicker - after creating possibly on the the biggest scams of the century, Kosuga got away with all this scot free. Despite the massive amounts of damage his calculated betting did to literally everyone else but him, he technically didn't break any rules because there were no rules on this for him to break. He even became a businessman and philanthropist and later on he opened up a restaurant called "The Jolly Onion Inn", and became a chef. The restaurant quickly grew until it was one of the most popular restaurants.
I don't know what the moral of this story is but if you're smart you can get away with any thing 😂😅
But the fact that onions caused the biggest scam of the century 😂😂😂 wild.
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hulahoopsoupgroup · 7 months
ive ranted about this to my friend like 3 times this week but ill rant again because im just so fed up and angry.
21st century american capitalism is so dismal. we put everything behind a paywall. you cant exist without paying money and you cant go anywhere or do anything without paying.
you have to pay to be born and you have to pay to survive. if you cant pay to survive, you have to pay to die. theres no escaping it.
most jobs in the usa require a college degree, but a lot of people cant afford to go to college. its honestly infuriating that people cant get the jobs they want because the education is so expensive. why do i have to pay tens of thousands of dollars to the government so i can get a job that will probably only barely keep me afloat in todays economy?
why do we pay writers and artists so little when they are one of the most vital parts of society. where would we be without the painters and authors who create beautiful scenes and impactful stories?
weve overcomplicated society so much that you have to jump through so many financial hoops to just, exist. you have to have insurance for everything. everything costs so much. why do i have to pay over 2 dollars for a bottle of water at work? why are the bags of candy 5 dollars?
all of this just makes everyone miserable, no doubt. i had a conversation with 5 other people and all of us have had severe depression/anxiety, had to be medicated, or needed a lot of therapy/not been able to afford it. and im not stigmatizing therapy in any way. if i could afford it, i would absolutely go, but my job doesnt pay much, so even one session would set me back so far regarding money.
the fact that its so normal for 11-13 year olds to start experiencing severe depression is so concerning. its almost like a rite of passage. ask anyone in gen z if they were depressed in middle school and theyll probably say "yeah." thats concerning.
young people's suicide rates have risen over 50% in the past 10 years. 42% of gen z considered suicide in 2021-22. the fact that i know 3 or 4 people (myself included) who have attempted suicide before age 16 or 17 is insane.
we're so depressed about the future and reasonably so. its so bleak. the world is burning, people are killing each other over such trivial things, nobody listens to each other, and the government is just going insane. how badly do you have to screw up to make a 13 year old want to kill themself because they feel like the future is so bleak?
how badly do you have to screw up to prevent so many people from going to college and getting jobs to support themselves?
how badly do you have to screw up to bar people from something as simple as going to the doctor and earning a basic living wage?
and to think that there are still people who think this is fine. there are some people who sit back and say this all makes sense, that it makes sense that you have to pay thousands of dollars for a few stitches in your hand if you have a cooking accident, that you have to insure every last bit of your life, that people killing each other over ideological differences is natural and cant be helped.
america needs to wake the fuck up and get shit done. its destroying its own future. its making the future generation kill itself because of how miserable it is. fucking do better and maybe you wouldnt burn to the ground in a dumpster fire
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one-idea · 3 days
The Spades save Ace Thriller bark part 3
Im going to push Ace and Deuces arrived back until after Luffy crushes Ora’s spine. After Moria absorbs the Shadows.
I want Ace to show up just in time to see Luffy get trapped in that shadow box.
I want Ace to watch as Moria punches Luffy through the wall and then stomps on him repeatedly.
Ace will lose it. Rushing Moria to get him away from Luffy. He’s about to burn the man to the ground when Luffy emerges from the box.
Luffy tells “This is my fight Ace.” And Ace knows that. Yes both of their crews are at risk but Luffy started this fight. And no one is going g to respect Luffy as a captain if his Big Brother finishes all of his fights for him. Ace knows all of this, and he hates it. He wants nothing more that to roast Moria like a thanksgiving turkey.
But he stands down, and puts his faith in Luffy.
Something much harder to do when Luffy’s crew members start yelling at Luffy about how his body can’t take the strain he’s putting it under, using second and third gear at the same time.
But Luffy does it. He beats Moria. As Moria goes down Ace sees Luffy go flying he shoots up to catch Luffy only to see how small Luffy has become. He’s so small smaller than when Ace first met him. And all Ace wants to do is get him out of here. He lands just as the shadows are released into the sky.
‘Thats it. Luffy did it.’ He thinks as he turns to face the rest of the crew Deuce running over to him. His best friend no doubt coming to check over Luffy and ease Ace’s worries.
But then the sun comes up. And everyone is screaming. Ace watches as the sunlight hits Deuce and he erupts into flames he starts to run forward but fells a sudden heat in his arms and realizes his movement brought Luffy into the sunlight and now his brother is burning to.
He can hear the others screaming for Mihar, Zoro, Sanji, and Robin.
what is happening? Luffy won. The shadows were released. Everyone should be fine! So why was Ace watching the two people he loved most burn before his eyes. He’s a fire man fire should never harm his loved ones.
But then just like that deuce stumbles forward the flames flying off of him to reveal that Deuce is fine. His shadow following him as he continues to run over to Ace. “That was awful. Remind me to never set myself on fire again.” Deuce tries to joke as he comes over and starts looking over the little Luffy in Ace’s arms. But Ace knows him well enough to see the true relief in his eyes that he’s not dead right now.
The cost of Luffy’s powers
The rest of the crew makes there way over with Chopper yelling at Ace to lay Luffy down so that they can get a good look at him. Right as Ace does Luffy reverts back to his regular size.
“Alright who wants to tell me what that-” Ace says gesturing to his little brother’s body. “Is all about.”
“I’d like to know myself.” Zoro confirmed as most of the crew looked between each other. Most of them had never seen little Luffy before.
Chopper explains what Luffy told him about gear three and its side effects.
Usopp voices his worries and concerns about how this is to much for Luffy’s body to handle and how the rest of the crew needs to start stepping up fast.
The Strawhats miss the looks that the Spade’s shoot around to each other. The same question bouncing in all of their heads. This crew is strong, but are they New World strong?
Ace already knows the answer.
Kuma’s arrival
The Thriller Bark Victims Club come over to thank them with Captain Lola proposes to everyone in the group. The group screens their “no” pretty loudly but then she starts pointing at each individual and asking again. She’s largely ignored until she points at Luffy which gets Ace to yell “he’s underage!” At her. (I wonder who else he might be yelling that at in the future)
Her underlings take over offering to “thank them properly” and Nami takes over the conversation once money is involved.
Ace is happy to let her do so until Nami freezes and starts to tell them “there’s another warlord on the island.” Ace tenses as he remembers Kuma’s presence as well.
Thats when they hear Kuma’s transponder sail.
They all turn to look as Nami tells them about Kuma. Ace jumps in as well. He explains that he was fighting Kuma while they were fighting Moria.
They hear every word of the transponder snail. Especially the order “eliminate the Strawhat crew and everyone else on Thriller Bark. Leave no one alive.”
Usopp and Chopper start freaking out. It took everything they had to beat Moria. They are all worn out.
Ace steps forward. “You all run. I’ve got a score to settle with Kuma.” The man had ran his all over this island with neither of them able to land a hit on the other. He could drag this out long enough to let the others escape.
But Zoro steps up right next to him. “I don’t think he’s going to let us leave.” He says as he walks to stand next to Ace. “The rest of you stay back. We’ll handle this.” He’s panting and beat half to death but there is nothing in this Earth that he will let by him to touch his captain and his crew.
Ace is impressed with his loyalty and strength but now isn’t the time for that.
They stand shoulder to shoulder ready to fight Kuma.
When the man disappears.
He reappears behind the Strawhat crew and attacks the Thriller Bark Victims Club. Showing off his power. Ace had already seen what this man could do but the brutality he put into struck such obviously weaker men is still a shock.
Then Kuma is gone again. Appearing behind Zoro and Ace. Both men turn to face the giant.
“Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro and Fire Fist Portagas D. Ace. Should I start the extermination with the two of you?”
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marblerose-rue · 10 months
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hi yall!! i hope everyone is having a happy and safe pride this year! :-D
gonna be offering 12$ usd* pride icon commissions til the end of june! (*each, one character per icon) ^_^
more info below!
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i offer a few styles for flags for no additional costs :-) for the small doodle version you can pick the doodle style! [star/flower/diamond/heart]
i accept money thru paypal!! i will send progress shots to make sure everything looks good and that the idea is being met, and to also ensure that the product is in progress! if for whatever reason i have to pause, i will let you know! i try to get things done in a timely manner :-)
i exhibit the right to refuse any commission for any reason. also, by commissioning me, you automatically accept my terms of not feeding my art into any ai website/program/etc at all. all commissioned art is solely for personal use. do not remove my watermark/signature and please credit me if the work is shared/used as a pfp! if i find anything has been cropped out/erased, or a flag from the "what i wont do" section has been edited in, that will result in an immediate blacklist from all future commissions. also, be prepared to explain a flag and its meaning in case im not familiar :-)
what i will do: - original characters - canon characters/fanart* - blood/mild gore - furries *if a character has a canon/confirmed sexuality/gender, please do not request a different sexuality/gender flag. id hate to participate in any kind of erasure :(
what i wont do: - nsfw - anything that falls in the "pro-ship" category ["maps"=pedos, im also including zoos, etc] (immediate block) - anything that is hateful, bigoted, or racist, ect (immediate block)
i thiiiink thats all! thank you so much for reading to this point and for any kind of interest <3 happy pride!
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omnidemidisaster · 1 year
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Kevin x Spouse reader
Request! This is a part two to "Our Future". Idk whether to make the reader female or male cause both have very different ways of having children so ill try my best to make it neutral. Yes I'm still going with Ross and Kevin being brothers. Why, cause I can
Slight spoilers for Tender Treats
"Our now"
It seemed like just yesterday Kevin talked with you about marriage and having a child. Now you were both married, with rings like he promised. After the wedding, you and Kevin agreed to wait til you both have enough money ( The wedding costed quite a bit ) then try for kids. Kevin was perfectly fine with that.
Now, it was just you and him, laying on your shared bed as you both usually did. You were watching TV and cuddling up with each other.
Kevin was on his phone looking through article after article on how to start out with parenting, unintentionally stressing himself out a bit. He ended up putting his phone down for a moment.
"Hey hon?" You let out a "Hmm?" He sighed. "Do you think I would be a good dad?" You muted the TV and turned your body, still cuddled up on his arms, and looked at him. "Of course, why?"
He looked a little anxious. "Its just I'm nervous. I've wanted a child since that talk and I still want one now, but I don't know if I'm even going to be a decent father. I mean I drink, I have a temper, I'm overworked and tired. How can I not think I might be less than good"
You put a hand on his cheek. "Honey, I can promise you will be an amazing father" You said. "I know how amazing you'll be. Your only looking at the negative aspects of yourself. They are there, yes. But thats only one part of you. I know there's more to you than anger"
He looked down at you with a slight glimmer of hope. "Let's see, your very kind and gentle. You clearly care about kids, even when they do wrong. I mean those kids that stole candy from you, I saw you talk with the kid that stole the candy and you looked like you were comforting him, which might I add worked"
He looked down, recalling that situation. Roy had come to him to vent about his parents, in which Kevin provided a shoulder to lean on and kind words. By the end of Roy's visit, he looked much more happier than when he came in.
"And what about those two Halloween kids? I saw you lecture them, then immediately tried to protect them from that cannibal guy. They piss you off but I know that you know that you'll protect them from anything in a heartbeat"
Now that you were right about. Those two kids piss him off to no end, but he can't bring himself to really hate them that much just to leave them at the hands of death. He knows that someone at home cares for those two boys and he personally wouldn't want someone not to make sure his kid was okay.
"Oh, what about Ross, your little brother? I've seen you sometimes ignore me just to talk with him. Not that I'm mad about that. He's your brother, of course you would want to talk with him. I see how much Ross means to you and hell you sometimes treat him like your own son"
Kevin nodded. Ross did mean so much to him. He doesn't care that he is only 8 years older than Ross, he sees Ross like his baby brother. Hell Ross could be 50 and he would still be his baby brother. He loves him to death, how could he not?
"And even outside of those kids, I know that your very sensitive and I know that you are very loving. You don't have to worry about if your gonna be a bad father. Sure it's nerve wrecking, hell I'm nervous too, but you don't have to worry. If I know anything about this, its that we are gonna be just fine"
Kevin smiled and kissed your cheek. "Thanks hon" You smiled and kissed him back, this time on his lips.
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<- is making insane decisions about aro/aspec “picnic” at pride next year.
The plan was originally to have it be completely unofficial and just me in the dc pride festival on an aro flag picnic blanket with some crafts but idk my mental health is crashing and making these things/organizing this may help. idk i want my future to be in community organizing so. it makes me feel good. anyways onto what i was talking about:
So. im deciding if i want to be someone with a table or not, if i want it to be aro or aspec, or if i want to have pride stuff available for donation only or not (aka no money accepted). (idk what to donate towards. maybe just explaining that i made all of this with my own free time/ money and any extra money will get donating to ace and aro advocacy project- which i think is located in the same city as the pride event- or AUREA? or just outright donating but… this all sounds really expensive which im anxious about but. i am okay with outright donating if thats a better idea idk)
I’m not sure if a table costs money or anything, but I dont think aro culture and aro pride should be locked behind a paywall. If I have aro pride stuff available, it would likely be:
bulk purchased silicone rings. the packs of rings dont just come in white, and almost always contain black, but id just have all the colors in a bowl with a sign about the meanings of black and white rings
diy low quality stickers. and im talking printouts and packing tape level quality. id probably also reach out to some aro/aspec artists if theyd be okay with me printing some of their designs for free pride stickers with their @ on the back. again, no profiting off their art, just having subtle aro/aspec options for closeted folks. also obviously the pride flags themselves/ like the heart emojis and stuff. if i get permission for the <2 i also think thatd be funny to have. id try to print off as many of the specific arsospec identities as i could, too.
some mini pride flags. like on the little stick and stuff? i already reached out to somebody about aplatonic and the new aspec flags. these will be on display at minimum, but im tempted to see how much bulk purchasing to give away for free would cost
….real pride flags, including aplatonic and the new aspec flag. im most hesitant about this because $$$ but…. i know how much it would mean to people, yknow?
i also want like. *stuff to do* to engage in community building and growth, so id likely have kandi bracelet stuff too, and be making aro/aplatonic/aspec bracelets to entertain myself while i sit there for folks without the time to make their own. (also! apparently grey bracelets are an old greyspec symbol. thats so cool!)
ive had it in my mind since early 2020 i want aro ribbon available for turning into shoelaces and im not gonna let up on this decision.
i just…. i really want to be able to connect with members of my community and raise awareness and recognition or aros/apls/aspecs in queer spaces, and i thought this may help.
these things are a little more hesitant but im thinking shrinky-dink keychains of these things/culture and symbols…? same thing @ artists, but uhhh if no one approves ill draw my Very Best. most of these will ALSO be stickers (if i do it)
(these are all old or current aspec culture. aro specific ones im more likely to do. also apl im more likely to do and may get ** but idk yet)
yellow roses
<2 (i got permission!!!!)
a little crown?? people are referencing jughead and you know what Sure.
green! we sure do love green huh. just like scribbles gkfhjf
…garlic bread? i think i saw that get phased out for dragons but you know what sure
plants..? i hadn’t realized that counted ngl
gryphons! i knew about them
(cacti/succulents but i already said plants)
“no romo”
does space count as aspec culture? idk guys
peridot and labradite? hm. cool!
somebody said aardvarks but ive never seen that before. apparently theyre a really old symbol. thats so cool!
💚 and 💔
pizza and ice cream but garlic bread got more popular (tho these are easier to draw)
i saw rats..? ehhh im hesitant on that one
Nandays and Caiques :) okay this one is cute
dragons are also very definitely acespec too
axolotls (though i think we can share)
wolves??? huh.
apparently ghosts are greyspec and!!!! holy shit that me! thats my name! fucking Wild Thats So Cool
someone reffed dinosaurs? cool cool
aaaahhhhg so space is Definitely acespec i forgot the whole spAce thing lol
badgers and unicorns? hm
♠️♣️♥️♦️ cards/symbols. i also recognize peole can turn these into earrings which. real. queer culture irl.
<2 (this is more loveless/heartless but i see it used a lot in aplatonic circles as well)
bees, worms, and birds have been proposed but havent seen much use yet. there has been some use though!
tbh since i cant find much ill likely have a sign that says something like “aplatonic culture is only recently getting enough visibility to be seen as separate from aro culture, so as the growing community develops new symbols we should keep an eye out! im excited to watch this community and identity finally get recognition like it deserves
do i propose platonic solids? idk you guys
*aspen/fang reminded me that non-platonic solids exist as well and are getting used as a symbol. Nice!
general aspec
im not making an aroace category but someone said handshake tattoos… imma pass on this one because its not apl friendly
i associate cross stitch and diy patches as aro core/ aspec but thats just me
lambda is queer culture and we belong to that too
i saw a lot of black triangle (as well as gradient) refs but idk if that is Ace Specific or not, but it Is a symbol i think is important to not overlook
ive seen bees used every so often in aro communities as well as aplatonic,
you know what the d&d “roll for x” is funny ill take that
anyways sorry i kinda went off with the research But. ive wanted to do this for Years (since 2019/early 2020 when this blog started Yknow. happenin) and i. i want to make it actually happen in 2023. its going to. i am gonna will it into existence. i just want to build a community i can interact with, yknow? thats all.
Anyways let me know what you think! i recognize this is a Lot and honestly ridiculous but who knows, yknow?
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doberbutts · 6 months
dog question: im also poor, black and marginalized in other ways, how do i manage to afford getting a dog from a breeder in the future if thats what i end up choosing to do and also affording vaccines, vet care and potential emergency care for them while having Not A Lot of Money and providing for myself? should i budget or try and save up?
It really can depend what type of dog you're looking for and for what.
I would not be able to afford the dogs I have if I did not A: work at a vet clinic B: know how to train dogs myself C: know how to be poor and thus price shop for good food and treats and toys etc.
As far as the purchase price goes, either save up and budget, or work your ass off in your breed/mix community of choice until someone is able to trust you with a dog on a different payment option. Dogs cost money to produce, so they will also cost money to obtain.
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pyropaw-studios · 2 months
Half of this is copied from discord: Not so happy news for:
I hate to break this news to everyone… but here goes..
<@&1004117175554023576> <@&1017464516952465480>Its with heavy hearts We are sunsetting <#1059559508042600549> temporarily til we can make a easier project to get some money off of, we've been working on this game since late 2021 with no progress, we've had too many scammers, allegded groomers/predators here, r15/cosmo, along with other chaotic stuff, lot of staff members left, and more recently our cheapest 3D modeler went missing, and we do not know how long they have been missing for, so me and <@755924638349131866> feels its best to work on the comic <#1171308144031453224>. Im sorry to everyone who was hopeful this game was coming quickly at the time we didn't realize how hard it was to make a game especially a MMORPG even if we can write and draw we do not know how to program nor 3d model even with the amount of staff we have were sorta outnumbered. with this out of the way i want to point out some things and get some unanswered questions out of the way.
so What will happened to <#1059559508042600549> and its respected channels?
nothing, we will let people ask questions about concepts, and lore and ideas here the channels will stay despite our inability to make the game
What will happened to <@&1017464516952465480> ??
I have already been thinking about this before the decision to call it quits temporarily and if everyone is fine with it i am thinking on promoting staff to the <@&1034906676840628244> to promotee the comic, give their ideas, background designs and more! i will give staff their time to gather their thoughts on this, maybe even have a meeting on it, no one will loose their roles and will keep their respective <@&1017464516952465480> roles
What is the future of pyropaw??
To be fair me and ozy are not sure yet, we rather need time to think before jumping into another project as big as draco warriors, phurelz is most likely our only backburner to help us right now, as its also my dream and the interest of a few others that we work on this comic, even though if it doesnt make it to become big of the likes of lackadaisy or glitch i will continue to work on it til i can't no more along with any other people who decided to join this project
Was there any official <#1059559508042600549> art completed?
Some but i never got pass one npc, and a few pets along with some playable characters and one more made by a staff member/admin who decided to leave
Is this sunset permament?
Never, as much as we care about draco warriors we would not completely cancel it nor stop it this is temporary til we have more money, staff, and energy to work on this, working on a comic for now is easier though, and <#1171308144031453224> actually has been in the works since around 2018/2019
To add on to this we've had other complications such as our head founders running into issues with love ones trying to force our staff to stop working on the game, forcing staff to control our heads to change rules around such as not people to not ask for monetary value at all cost and getting staff members leaving us, and an anonymous person harassing a staff member who lefted the server, and even when the staff of the server enforced them to stop they didnt and it resulted in the owner blocking them from the server and the staff blocking them personally, everything is so stressful to the point the secondary founder did not want to be the 2nd owner of the game anymore due to money issues and scammers as well, and it caused the owner of pyropaw and phurelz, and draco-warriors to go into a creative block and slump, lots of staff also started to work on concept arts left without notifying other staff while some did, so at the end of the day thats why we are calling draco warriors quits til 2026 or 2027 it's too much stress and there's barely any staff to work on it and too many people including scammers and IRL people got involved and destroyed our game, Were still working on our comic phurelz which can be found here:
Phurelz will be entirely different from draco warriors but we hope this will interest you :3, we sorry for anyone's inconvience and hope we can make exciting things for you guys in the future!
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hearthandheathenry · 1 month
Hmm, it's not really a big thing, but I think I like writing, but my language is not really advanced, but I have good ideas… I like solving psychological problems and solving puzzles, even though I'm not that good… I like singing… I like cooking sometimes… not a lot, but I think These hobbies have nothing to do with the major I may pursue at university.
These are all great things you can incorporate into helping people or making a difference!
With writing, you can idea-pitch, write inspiring stories, or write articles or blogs about bringing attention to something or a cause. Maybe you want to spread awareness about something or educate others. Take my blog posts about cost-savings with groceries for example, I had an issue with how to save money while eating healthy and I researched and shared my findings to try to help others. Or maybe you just want to write fun novels that others may find comfort in while connecting to your story or characters. Maybe you like poetry and you'll move people with your words and express things they cannot.
Singing is also wonderful! Maybe you can create your own music or collaborate with other artists. There's many who have inspiring works where they can express deep emotions or other things while singing and songwriting.
Perhaps your love of cooking will blossom and you'll learn ways to help people via food. Maybe it'll be meal-planning for the elderly, working in a soup kitchen, or simply finding ways to feed your loved ones. Like because of my continued learning with cooking and my grocery savings, Ive started bringing food to my elderly aunt while she was recovering from back surgery. It helped her tremendously and I felt good that she could eat well and healthy while recovering.
Maybe instead of focusing on the job your major will bring you, focus on the skills you're learning at university. I learned a lot of psychology, nursing, science, and writing while I was at school, I learned how to collaborate with others and manage projects. Those are all skills I use in my career and everyday life, even though I don't have an official degree. So check out those skills your learning and honing to help think of more possible future routes, rather than trying to narrow it down to one specific job/career. Like I know my skillset and what im interested in falls in the customer service industry mixed with animals. So jobs that fill those two roles tend to be enjoyable to me and it leaves the door open to new opportunities and roles I wouldn't have thought to go to. Whats meant to be will always find a way, and things that are meant to be will happen so coincidentally that its funny. You'll literally look back and laugh at how things worked out. We never know where we're at in our journey, but we always end up finding our way in the end. Thats why hindsight is 2020 and why people continually progress even if they felt like they havent. The universe is always working to align you with where youre meant to be at any given time. So just do your best to steer your journey day by day by making small choices that feel right to you in the moment. Learn to trust your intuition and instincts.
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the-sam · 9 months
Hey! Its me again, the person thats at 288 about to hit 300 (maybe already have🤭). I have a question for you.
Does going through cloth sizes bother you? It does to me personally. Although I love gaining, it makes me feel guilty for some reason. Also does cost wuite a bit of money to buy a new wardrobe.
I just wanted to know your opinion on that! So you know its me in the future I'll go by the pseudonym "swan" thx!
In my case it can be slightly annoying, but I’ve always bought a size up in clothing so things usually fit either just fine or loose
Now tops, like shirts that’s a total different thing because i used to be a medium on shirts and now I’ve had to start buying extra larges. But I usually buy larges due to them being a bit tighter
What gets me is when my shirts roll up in public! 😂 yeah yeah sexy and stuff for this community but it can be a bit embarrassing specially around guys that are fit and stuff. Like these two shirts
They both roll up whenever I’m waking straight so now I’m just owning the muffintop
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i know it makes me sound so spoiled but i know my parents love me less because they don’t offer to help with my student loan payment and they have no sympathy for how hard the job search is (even though i am literally currently employed) and i can’t even ask my mom to grab a $1.39 bunch of bananas while she’s working all day in the grocery store and instead i have to hope i’ll get by heb organically or i have to place an order and pay the delivery cost and my dad specifically has no sympathy for the fact that it is difficult for me to pay my student loan payment every month and then he scolds me about spending money on groceries and then he eats up what i do by and then calls me stingy when i get upset. and then with all this going on i have to sit by and watch them pay my sister’s entire half of her rent and all of the utilities and then pester her about getting her friend to pay my mom back for her half of the utilities and then have my dad confront me when i - on a rare occasion - use the money in apple cash because it’s only for my sister and knowing that my sister doesn’t think twice about spending her account down to literally $0 because my dad will see it and send her hundreds of dollars and will send her money for groceries when she asks. and thats not entirely fair but she does have a job and though my parents did pay my rent when i was in an apartment for a year during my senior year they did not send me money as often as they do her they literally did not. and before i even graduated before i even got to UT when i had a job (even when it was just $9/hr and 12 hrs a week) they expected me to pay for my own necessities including certain groceries and i cannot even begin to confront anyone about this because they will deny it and treat me like a crazy narcissistic brat when they already remind me so often that they don’t like my personality and rarely genuinely listen to me when i talk and often make me feel like a freak and a weirdo for trying to bond with them and make me constantly feel annoying and like a nuisance. and then they are generally so much harder on me but i accepted that because i am the oldest. and at this rate i will never drive because even if they bought me a car i would be 100% responsible for the car note and the insurance and gas and i obviously do not have the money for that. and i can’t even get a decent paying job so at this rate i am going to be stuck living here with people to whom i am a second rate burden until i’m 40 probably. i have no real plans for my future i am just coping and treading water with the hope that the big wave will finally come to take me out sooner rather than later. and i am well aware i’m only 24 next month but that still feels like much too long. i am so so tired
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