#but it also has the same energy to me as mickey opening ians beer for absolutely no reason
ivyobriens · 3 years
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130lb of Ukrainian Courage (pt. 13) - NSFW
“Night Papa, Night Dad.”
Yev murmurs sleepily as Mickey shoos Ian out of the way and closes the door softly behind them.
“Jesus Christ. I thought he was gonna stay awake all night.”
Mickey runs a hand over his face and groans, pinching the bridge of his nose before blinking up at Ian blearily.
“I’m fuckin’ beat, man.”
Ian makes a sympathetic noise at the back of his throat and runs his thumb along the edge of Mickey’s jaw, rasping over the stubble, which is now threatening to become an actual beard.
“You didn’t sleep well at all, did you?”
Mickey is too tired to lie and shakes his head.
“No. The rain was fuckin’ intense and Yev wriggles around like a fuckin’ grub.”
As he speaks his upper lip curls in that long-suffering expression that never fails to amuse Ian, even when he tries not to show it. Tonight though, Ian smiles faintly and nods toward their bedroom.
“Go get into bed, I’ll bring us a couple of beers and we can watch ‘Hard to Kill’.
Mickey’s face brightens instantly. He fucking loves Steven Seagal and ‘Hard to Kill’ is an awesome movie.
“Cool. Not sure I’ll stay awake for the whole thing though.”
“That’s fine.”
Ian kisses his forehead and unexpectedly pats his ass, firmly, the way Mickey likes it, before moving past him down the stairs. He glances over his shoulder and sees his boyfriend smirking at him.
“You fuckin’ know what.”
“Thought you were tired?”
Ian raises his eyebrow innocently and Mickey catches his lip between his teeth, tugging it slightly inward and unconsciously adjusting the bulge in his pants.
“Never too tired for that.”
He bobs his head with the shit-eating grin that he knows Ian can’t resist and sure enough a flicker of very genuine desire flits across Ian’s face.
“I’ll be there in a minute, ok?”
Mickey nods, watching Ian disappear down the rest of the stairs. He doesn’t know if Ian is ready yet, Ian probably doesn’t know himself until he tries it, but Mickey isn’t worried. He’ll do whatever Ian wants to do and if they get half-way and have to stop – well so that fuck what? No one ever died of not cumming.
There is more to it than that but Mickey doesn’t want to think too much about that, so he puts on his swagger even though no one is watching and bowls into their room.
By the time Ian comes back, Mickey is sprawled out in his boxers, cigarette dangling from his lips, another tucked behind his ear and the opening credits of ‘Hard to Kill’ paused on screen, looking more relaxed than he has in days. Not in Papa mode, not in protective boyfriend mode, just completely himself.
Ian’s eyes roam across his body, the soft muscular flesh of his upper arms, the immaculate tuck of his hips, sturdy legs and broad, neat feet. He wants Mickey with an almost desperate need but doesn’t know if either of them can manage it yet. Ian’s body is still coloured with bruises and welts, he looks ugly and Mickey has seen them but not intimately. It might be seriously off-putting!
Also Ian’s mind is a slippery plane that he isn’t quite certain of. One wrong step in one direction and he is a crying mess, in another direction he is filled with violent rage and he won’t risk taking that out on Mickey.
Ian hands his boyfriend a bottle of beer and as he settles back on the bed beside Mickey, they clink the bottlenecks and both take appreciative swigs.
Ian laughs and tips his head back, resting it against Mickey’s bare shoulder.
“This feels like the longest fucking two weeks ever.”
Mickey kisses the soft copper of Ian’s hair and nods
“Yeah it fuckin’ does.”
He has the remote in his hand but doesn’t press play, just lets his head gently rest against Ian’s, thumbing the neat rubber buttons. Both of them are simply enjoying being in each other’s company, alone in the quiet of their room.
“It’s been a weird day too.”
“Yeah. Sorry I strangled your brother.”
Mickey doesn’t exactly sound sorry but the thought is there and Ian grins up at him
“Sorry my brother deserved strangling.”
He starts trailing his hand lazily up Mickey’s thigh and back down again. It is a small motion but makes Mickey’s pulse quicken and Ian hears his breath catch as he grunts and slips his hand under Ian’s shirt, not demanding or cajoling, just enjoying the feel of his palm against his boyfriend’s warm belly.
They’re moving slowly, pausing at each familiar touch. Mickey drops the remote onto the comforter and rolls onto his side, pushing Ian’s shirt a little higher, bending to kiss the soft skin of his ribcage, his lips brushing delicately over the discolouration, every now and then raising his gaze to meet Ian’s own.
Ian pulls his shirt off and drops it on the floor. He lifts Mickey’s chin with the edge of his index finger, drawing him upwards and setting his own lips at the base of his lover’s throat. It has been years since Mickey went more than a day without shaving and Ian had forgotten how quickly his facial hair grows, how dark it is and how thick. He dabs his tongue out against the prickly line of Mickey’s jaw making them both smile.
“You like me hairy?”
“I like you however you are.”
Ian mumbles, his erotic explorations softening into a gentle enfolding hug, his face buried in Mickey’s neck.
“God, I love how you smell.”
Ian breathes him in deeply and closes his eyes, contentment playing in the corner of his smile.
They stay like that for a while and then Ian makes a little noise at the back of his throat a question and a command rolled into one. He slides his hand higher up Mickey’s thigh, he wants so badly to please him, to please himself, to take in the familiar comfort of their bed and lose himself in Mickey completely.
All the same, as Mickey’s fingers dip into the waistband of his pants, softly cupping the hot weight of his balls, panic flutters in Ian’s chest. Mickey’s tongue touches Ian’s lip as they kiss, and Ian finds himself turning his cheek away, needing to catch his breath. He sees the outline of an erection straining against his boyfriend’s boxers and Ian shudders involuntarily. It is no more than a small tremor but Mickey freezes and slowly, carefully, removes his hand from Ian’s pants, realising as he does so that Ian’s dick is completely soft.
“You don’t have to …”
“Shut the fuck up and come here...”
Mickey cuts across him, his tone gentle compared to the words he speaks, wrapping his arm around Ian’s shoulders, pulling him in close again. Ian tips his head slightly, looking up at the profile of Mickey’s jaw, fingertips gently stroking the neatly formed chin.
“Mick, I really want to. You know that right?”
Mickey presses his lips together and nods. He is trying not to look bothered but his eyes are worried and Ian hates that he is the cause.
“I’m so sorry, I know you want to get back to normal.”
Mickey smiles and hits play on the DVD remote
“What the fuck is normal around here? It’s South Side, bitch.”
As the movie rolls on, Ian mulls over what Lip said. When it comes to his brother, Ian normally has a pretty good idea of where things are coming from and why. Lip doesn’t like Mickey. Never has, probably never will. Ian is fine with that, if anything it’s actually a little bit of a relief because Ian doesn’t really want to be with someone Lip would approve of.
Ian likes that Mickey is his diamond in the rough, he likes that not everyone gets him and that there are so many small, wonderful qualities that Mickey chooses to only share with him. They fit together so well that sometimes Ian forgets where he ends, Mickey begins, and where the seam that has held their souls together for these years even lies. It makes the possibility of Lip actually knowing something about Mickey’s heart that Ian doesn’t seem ridiculous … but not impossible.
Looking discreetly at Mickey now, Ian wonders how to ask the questions he wants to ask. Mickey is normally most open with his feelings after sex, especially rough sex that leaves them both trembling and exhausted. In the moments after that, Mickey can tell Ian anything and everything because he feels safe and it is a fact that Ian holds close to his heart – his love makes Mickey feel safe.
But right now, Ian can’t offer him that. He can’t offer him any of it.
Mickey’s gaze flicks away from Seagal, absently flicking ash from the end of his cigarette into the ashtray beside the bed and Ian takes the plunge
“I want you to know if you’re grieving for your dad, you can tell me.”
“I just want ...”
They speak simultaneously and Mickey holds up a stilling hand, turning away to extinguish his smoke.
“Hang on.”
The bed jolts as Mickey sits up, grabbing the remote and hitting pause. He looks down at Ian intently, eyes bright despite the shadows beneath them and when he speaks is tone is resigned.
“What the fuck, Ian?”
Ian meets his look with a reluctant stubbornness, pushing forward before Mickey can get more frustrated.
“It’s not about him. It’s about you. You’re loyal, Mick. If you’re grieving, I’m here for you.”
Mickey scrubs a hand over his face and shrugs his shoulders against the headboard. He doesn’t really want to talk to Ian about this but Mickey knows it is part of Ian’s process has always been to talk shit through, even if it crops up in the middle of a fuckin’ kick ass movie. If he isn’t able to do that then he starts free-wheeling inside his head and that is when the crazy shit happens.
“I’m loyal to you, asshole. Not some evil old bastard who never gave a fuck about anyone.”
“I know you are but you always tried so hard to please him! You …”
“Ian, will you stop? Jesus!”
Mickey waves Ian’s words away and frowns. He doesn’t have the energy or the patience tonight.
“I just want to understand, Mickey. Lip said …”
“Oh great! Lip said? Fuck Lip!”
Mickey spits, throwing up his hands and Ian flinches realising too late how stupid bringing Lip into this mix was.
“I know and yeah, fuck him. But he’s right isn’t he? You can’t just be fine after this! I know you Mick…”
“Apparently not as well as fuckin’ Lip…”
Ian looks down at the comforter, that familiar gesture of being hurt and Mickey masters his temper with a conscious effort.
“Listen, Lip doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about.”
“I really just want to make sure you’re OK, Mick.”
Ian looks up, watching Mickey like a puppy that just shit on the rug and expects to be yelled at. Mickey wants to fuckin’ yell at him but just like having an actual puppy, he knows it wouldn’t be fair and it won’t do any good so he draws a breath and nods.
“Alright. Okay, you want to do this? If you think it’s not going to fuck you up or make you crazy then fine but when this is done, it’s fuckin’ done, you hear me?.”
Ian nods and sits up so that they are facing each other properly and Mickey spreads his hands, palm down.
“I’m not sorry the bastard is dead…. But if … if it had been different, if he died in fuckin’ prison or something the way he was supposed to, then …”
Mickey hesitates and Ian grips his hand tightly. Ian knows it is part of Mickey’s process; he needs contact – physical and eye contact to get the words out. Even if he looks away, he needs to know that Ian is there and Ian IS there. He is always there, no matter what.
“ … then I would have sorted a funeral, a fuckin’ decent grave and maybe a wake for his Nazi buddies to come and say goodbye, but it ain’t my fault that didn’t happen. It’s his fault.”
Mickey shakes his head, almost laughing. He’s so tired it feels like he’s slipping into delirium after just a couple of beers and this is rapidly turning into an emotional release that he really didn’t want but actually feels pretty good now it’s happening.
“He wouldn’t fuckin’ get that though. If he was here right now and I laid it out for him, he still wouldn’t fuckin’ get it. He’d call me a faggot and be completely pissed that I fucked it up. He never once in his life thought he might be the fuckin’ problem.”
Ian nods but doesn’t speak, Mickey isn’t really even talking to him anymore, he’s just talking and the slightest interruption will most likely clam him back up.
“And I need to tell Mandy and my brother’s that he’s dead. And I need to lie and tell them that I killed him because they’ll accept it from me but it could cause problems for Svetlana. She ain’t family in that sense. And the truth is that I wish it had been me that pulled the trigger. It should have been me.”
Mickey blinks and nods to himself, then looks at Ian and sighs, curling the back of his fingers against Ian’s cheek and giving him a scrunched little smile. It is the same smile Yev gives the weird cat down the street with one eye that he wants to bring home.
“But I’m not grieving for him, Ian. I’m … I’m fuckin’ grieving for you. For letting you down. For the years I fuckin’ wasted on what that asshole thought. For all of it.”
Ian opens his arms but Mickey is pressing the heels of his hands into his eyes and doesn’t notice so Ian moves forward and gathers him into his arms.
“I’m okay Mick, we’re okay.”
“No you’re fuckin’ not and I can’t … I can’t even take you to piss on his grave cause I don’t know where it is!”
Mickey breaks off with a startled laugh, as if he has just heard what he said and isn’t quite sure what to make of it.
Ian watches it all play out and feels something deep and primal stir in his chest. The desire to protect mingles with his physical desire for this beautiful man by his side and the oil slick in his mind clears for a blissful moment of clarity.
His lips crash against Mickey’s with a force that ignites a fire in Mickey’s belly long before his mind can catch up. Ian grabs his hips and pushes him backwards into the sheets, covering him with his body.
Ian can smell Mickey’s hair wax, his deodorant, and the fresh tang of beer on his lips. It is so much, almost too much and as Ian pushes down another wave of rising panic, he knows he can’t do it alone.
“Mick, will you help me?”
Mickey understands instinctively. He has asked Ian the same question through almost every step of their relationship, not in words but in lingering looks and mimicked behaviours, following Ian’s sure footsteps and allowing himself to be saved repeatedly by doing so and Ian has never let him down.
Mickey rolls Ian onto his back and kneels over him, arms stretched and fingers locked with Ian’s own, staring down at him with more certainty than he feels, waiting for Ian’s breathing to even out. Ian’s eyes are almost black behind the shadow of Mickey’s arm, obscuring his face from the light but Mickey sees him all the same. He sees him very well.
“I’ve got you.”
He nods and kisses Ian slowly and deeply, drawing him out of himself and reviving the part of his soul that another had tried so hard to break. He lifts Ian’s hand and places it flat on his chest, then guides it down, over his ribs and waist. Ian makes a small whimper at the back of his throat as his knuckles graze the fabric of Mickey’s boxers and then slide up the billowing leg, bumping lightly against his ass. He can feel the unnatural slickness of lubricant beneath his fingers and smiles slightly.
“You actually wanted me tonight?”
“I want you every fuckin’ night.”
Mickey mumbles, kissing along one purple bruised collar bone
“I look disgusting.”
Ian laughs, a fake, strained sound and Mickey eyes him with obvious impatience
“I’ve seen you look disgusting. This ain’t it.”
Ian is momentarily shocked and then his smile widens, becoming genuine.
“Oh? When have I looked worse?”
Mickey pretends to think as he slides back down Ian’s body, taking his time, lightly grazing his nipples with his teeth and nipping the flesh at his hips, drawing his tongue in a wide flat sweep up the length of Ian’s shaft before positioning himself over him.
“There was the time Yev threw up on your head when he was a baby.”
Ian actually laughs and Mickey lowers himself onto the tip of him, muscles quivering with the urge to plunge all the way but forcing himself to keep still.
“The time you played football with your EMT buddies and slipped in dog-shit.”
“How about when the water got shut off last Summer. We didn’t shower for three days.”
Mickey grins remembering exactly WHY that lack of showering facilities became such a problem so quickly and allows himself to take a little more of Ian’s dick, both of them gasping, smiles identical as they relax fully.
“Oh yeah. That was … uh … that was ... fuckin’ nasty.”
“Mick, can you take more?”
Ian’s voice is strangled as his hands press lightly on Mickey’s shoulders and Mickey thinks there can be no sweeter words.
He slides down onto Ian until a sharp ache catches him, reminding him that it has been a few days and if he wants to walk tomorrow, he needs to go slow. Ian rocks his hips experimentally and Mickey’s eyes roll back in his head. He bites his lip hard and moans low in his throat. His face is screwed up in the agony of building ecstasy, a mirror of Ian’s own. Ian taps his thigh and Mickey forces his eyes open with a desperate effort
“You need me to stop?”
It is a testament to his love for Ian that he manages to sound almost casual but his relief when Ian shakes his head is obvious.
“No. Roll over.”
Mickey had been wrong. There are sweeter words.
His ass is throbbing as he climbs off Ian and assumes the position on all fours, he starts on his hands, knowing he will sink to his elbows soon enough and be fucked flat by the end. Mickey normally likes the shock of Ian entering him but tonight he pushes himself back onto Ian’s cock, meeting Ian’s movements as he gets used to the new position. Ian is never normally this hesitant but that’s alright, Mickey is more than ready to go for as long as Ian needs.
Mickey is trying to be quiet, trying to be respectful of Ian’s mood but thick grunts are reverberating up from his chest, turning quickly into deep, vibrating sighs as soon as Ian starts to nudge against his prostate.
Ian watches as Mickey’s arms begin to tremble and he goes down onto his elbows, arching his ass higher, tightening in a whole new way around Ian’s cock.
“Mickey … Mickey ...”
Ian doesn’t have any control over his tongue, his boyfriend’s name is rolling into the air over his sweating back like honey from a warm spoon and Ian knows he won’t last much longer. He reaches under Mickey and finds his dick almost impossibly hard, straining against the mattress.
Mickey makes a high-pitched noise as Ian palms him, his face twisting into a silent scream of pleasure and even his elbows give out, smothering his face in the quilt, the scent of Ian’s side of the bed filling his senses.
"Ian, harder,"
Mickey gasps through a mouthful of cotton as he feels his orgasm coming, pushing himself backwards with an almost desperate scrabble. Ian rocks his hips in a series of sharp, achingly familiar movements and Mickey is done. He hears Ian’s own shuddering gasp from wherever his conscious mind is floating in the vastness of the universe and smiles to himself, releasing the quilt from between his teeth.
Ian curls around Mickey’s body, the warm comfort of their closeness mingling with the natural high of his orgasm and he is suddenly overcome with a feeling of being himself. It is a delicate feeling, certainty, and can be snatched away so quickly. But here with Mickey, Ian captures it again. He is certain of so many things that had seemed so broken that is would startle him if he wasn’t also so tired.
“You okay?”
Mickey’s voice is deep and a little slurred with sleep but he manages to kiss Ian’s hand as Ian nods against him
Early summer rain begins to drum against the window panes, changing the quiet of the room to a cocoon of gentle sound.
“I love you.”
Ian’s words are met with a small, happy sigh and then Mickey is rolling over to face him, cupping his cheek tenderly in one bruised, scarred hand, the tattoos on his knuckles stark against his pale skin, even in the semi-darkness.
“I love you too.”
With Ian awake with him, the hammering rain that kept Mickey from sleep the night before now sounds almost peaceful, washing away the dust of the day from the house, readying it for a new day.
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fleurdelisgigi · 7 years
Wine fueled rant about Shameless that spiraled out of control
Ok so it has been a long while since I’ve made a Gallavich post, I’m still salty and I don’t plan on watching this new season, though as it grows near I am looking forward to reading @koganphrancis ’s scathing episode reviews that gave me life through Season 7.
So here is the thing that really bothers me and I think it is one of the main reasons the writers think they can get away with their bull shit and it comes from the seasonal promotional posters. For the past, Imma say, 3 or 4 seasons the main posters for them only include 3 characters (the ones shown on everything), the three characters that the shows creators some how think are the most popular. Lip, Fiona and Frank.
And where they are fucking wrong is that these aren’t actually the most interesting characters in this fucking show.
Lip is an arrogant asshole, Fiona… to be honest I don’t even know who she is anymore but all of her plots are “I’m going to take care of myself for a change” and revolve around which ever hot dick shes fucking, then there’s Frank who hasn’t had an interesting or relevant plot since Season 4 (where I would argue they should have fucking KILLED him, but he’s William H. Macy…so, you know, they cant?)
* Also random side note, if they and him were locked into some kind of 7 season contract I would have fucking saved the whole LIVER FAILER plot for the seventh season! For real cuz if anyone knows anything about hospital politics a LIFE LONG ALCOHOLIC would not have gotten a new liver. Period. I mean just watch some House episodes and you can see how the whole fucking board of directors have to come together and debate about the god damn donor list, if a person shows signs of heavy alcohol/ drug abuse or suicidal tendencies they are not given a top spot. ALSO WHERE THE FUCK DID THE HOSPITAL BILLS GO????
SO anyways, I’ve been reading stuff, sleuthing in the fandom like a phantom and I have some opinions.
Firstly about how Mickey and Ian’s break up and how its totally and completely fucking out of left field. I think that the negotiations, like last year, were going on during filming/around the time editing and filming was being wrapped up. I’m not sure what went down but that scene is so disjointed and the aftermath and the Sammi thing, I think that was all thrown together last minute as a way to write Mickey/Noel off (in a terrible, poorly written, petty way).
In some previous interview, JW stated that Gallavich was endgame and that he thought they were going to be the sort of “Stable” couple on the show.
I think the original intention was going to be that Sammi was dead. Boom.
*That would have probably been either a main plot point in season 6 or it would have been sort of fleetingly mentioned as a thing then it would have gone away.
I think that Ian was supposed to come back from his field trip to insanity with Monica and have a sort of heart to heart with Mickey
*Ian shows up at Milkovich house
M: Where the hell you been?
I: with Monica…
M:…You ok?
I: ‘Nods with teary eye’
Gallavich hugs
then they would just have one of their nonverbal moments with the tone of “We’ll figure this shit out together” and that would have been that. Episode ends.
And then the train wreck that is 6, 7 and most likely 8 was spawned with Noel being gone. Cuz here is the THING. Fiona ISNT INTERESTING, her plots ARNT INTERESTING. In the UK version Fiona left with Jimmy/Steve Season 1 (not that I am saying the US version should stay true or that the UK version is better, to be honest I don’t really enjoy the UK version). I don’t think she should have but I feel like if you are going to keep this character you should at least have a FUCKING PLAN of where you want her to FUCKING end up. Cuz season 1 Fiona, she was fucking great, I liked her, she was on my list of people I liked. I stilled liked her in Season 2, then Season 3 she started to annoy me, then FUCK season 4 Fiona and now she is just…..terrible. Season 5 Fiona I could tell they were really loosing touch with who she was.
*Another side note tid bit – her opening scene in Season 5 told me all I needed to know, her plot was going to revolve around some new fucking dick. We get this random ass scene with some guy we don’t know as a way of introducing him and letting us know that Fiona’s plot this season was going to be her desire to date this guy. Then her plot was literally, Ooooo this foreign lead singer is hot, My boss is hot, The lead singer is an asshole but his friend and base player is hot, my boss thinks I’m a Chaos junky, let me marry this base player I don’t know etc. etc. etc. There is no growth of character, there is no resolution, its just….. bullshit, its BULLSHIT
Then there is Lip who they fucking lost touch with…. Man I don’t even know because I never really liked Lip, he’s an arrogant piece of shit and to me has never redeemed himself AT ALL. To be honest I rather enjoyed watching him spiral out of control but that’s not my point. My point is that Lip has the same character/ plot issues as FUCKING FIONA its just reversed. Lip’s plots revolve around what ever new fresh PUSSY he’s fucking. And it took me a little while to figure that out, figure out that that’s why he isn’t interesting, not just because I don’t like him, not just because he’s an entitled arrogant douche, but because he has no PERSONAL GROWTH PLOT ITS ALL ABOUT THE GIRL HES FUCKING.
I could argue that with Fiona maybe it was hard to find a plot for her, what is she doing if not caring for the kids or fucking some new guy? Do I agree with that notion? No, but I can see it. With Lip, though? No, I don’t fucking buy it, he could have just had a “Stuggling in college” plot…there was just, no need to make it about some girl, Now I… don’t hate Amanda but for real? S1 Lip -Karen, S2 Lip – Karen and  Him being an idiot/Pregnancy, S3 Lip – Mandy, S4 Lip – Amanda, S5 Lip- Amanda/Helen, S6 Lip- Helen, S7 Lip- Sierra. Now I am not saying that there shouldn’t be any romance, I’m not advocating that Lip and Fiona should always be single. What I am saying is that Amanda and Helen and Sierra are totally unnecessary. Lip’s spiraling out of control plot could have just been him realizing he isn’t as much of a genius that he fucking thought he was, hes fucking failing in college BOOM that is an interesting fucking plot, the girls don’t think hes the shit anymore BOOM that is some build up to a persons fucking identity crisis. It just never made any SCENSE to me that Amanda would just suddenly be like… fuck my boyfriend I like his roommate cuz he has a little brother he takes care of. It just came out of left field for me and I didn’t get it. I really just…. didn’t get it, still don’t even with the weird plot with her wanting to piss off her dad, I NEVER GOT IT. Season 4 could have been the beginning of the end- it could have been him feeling lost, failing classes- no friends- no girls- shitty roommate, the struggle, then instead of him using Liam like a Chick Magnate they could have showed how FUCKING difficult it is to try and go to school and having a FUCKING child with you (a struggle that many women and men actually fucking face while trying to get a degree with out being able to afford child care). The whole Helen thing, ok maybe, that could have stayed as the catalyst that drives Lip to his rock bottom but…. Sierra? No, she just….. GOD, Season fucking 7 could have been about him attempting to GET SOBER WITH OUT ANY PUSSY.
Any-fucking-way, lets move on to Frank. Oh Franky-Franky-Frank. S1-4 Frank had something he did, and when they gave him Liver failure that should have been the end but no, they got him a liver and now his plots are just… comical stupidity? Season 5 Frank is… just making beer? Then meets Bianca who dies, Then Season 6 Frank is just a fucking asshole and that Queenie chick shows up, Season 7 Frank is…. making a new family of homeless people? Then Monica shows up? Its just random shit. I will be totally honest here, I stopped paying much attention to Franks shit Season 5, it was just so damn BORING. HE IS BORING. HIS PLOTS ARE ALWAYS BORING EVEN FROM THE BEGINGING. He is just this looming piece of shit in their lives and that’s all well and good, he sort of keeps them together in a way and I’m fine with his shitty boring plots because they were the sort of “comic relief to the show” and I’m not saying they need to kill him off or make him have better plots, whatever, my point is HE IS NOT INTERESTING, he should not be a MAIN that the show revolves around. As the random drunk father who comes in and out and is comic relief he is great but he is not the most interesting character in the show and he should not be who they focus all of their plot attention to.
So, with this in mind though. The writers act and think that these three are the show, the MAINS of the show and they for some reason think that LIP, FIONA, and FRANK are the reason people watch. So they put their energy into thinking of SHITTY plots for those three and then the other characters got tossed to the side and their plots are some how EVEN worse. Carl for example finally got a decent plot I guess with the whole military school thing (but he seems to be around for season 8 and this Meth bullshit sooooooooo, I guess he’s not doing that anymore????? I really only watched S7 for Mickey’s return and payed little to no attention to ANYONE else besides Ian, and I’ve not been all over the new promos and stuff, haven’t even watched the trailers or anything) but I hated his whole….drug lord thing is S6 HATED IT, I was SO PISSED WHEN THEY SENT HIM TO JUVIE OH MY GOHD.
Anyways, Debbie’s fucking baby plot…. I could see it, ok. I could. She has been one of those girls who wants to be older and that had been building for a while, the whole dad’s family wanting to take the baby thing I could have really lived without, though. But I’m….. not…… mad……….I………guess. I’m not happy with it…..but……I could see how it went that direction. Not a fan of so much of her plot though, it went really weird in S5. The whole Matty thing was just…… I hated that they decided to make Debbie into like…. what they did season 4. It really fucked her up and the direction they took her while believable I really wish they went a different route. Also I wish they hadn’t made her a fucking RAPIST. That would have been great.
Then poor fucking LIAM who they obviously have NO FUCKING CLUE what to do with. I mean…..he never fucking talks. Hes supposed to be like 7 now and he just says random cliché tocken black shit????? I just can’t even. Coming from a Biracial girl who grew up with her white mom mostly….um no. I’m not sure what I would have done with him, but I would hope the writers would put some kind of fucking effort into his character and plot, give him a quirk besides that fact that hes BLACK. Cuz that was his quirk when he was a baby, now he needs a fucking PERSONALITY. Like in the beginning when Carl and Debbie were young. Debbie was the sweet on and Carl was the kind of a sociopath weirdo. GIVE LIAM A PERSONALITY QUIRK THAT AS HE AGES YOU CAN GROW FROM. Like make him super good in school, or like the new Debbie in that he is really sweet ( I could really see that being a good direction to go in, in that, there are no 'sweet’ Gallagers anymore) and comforting. I don’t fucking know just give him something to fucking BE. I swear S1 Carl had no plot besides him being kind of weird and violet but they WORKED with it and made him one of my FAVS, fucking loved Carl’s development.
The Balls and the Thrupple was some bull shit. I’m not even going to break that down.
Now we move on to sweet sweet Ian and I have ranted about him before so I’ll try to keep this bit short and sweet. THERE IS SO MUCH FUCKING POTENTIAL WITH IAN. I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD. But because they didn’t know how to write him with out Mickey anymore and how to write him dealing with his FUCKING BIPOLAR they decided to let him fall into the same fucking pit that Lip and Fiona are in where his fucking plot revolves around SOME NEW DICK. You see in S4 the fucking point of view shifted from Ian to Mickey and they had a fucking ROUGH time figuring out how to shift it the fuck back. Now Ian’s plots haven’t been all about him either, in Season 1 it was about him being gay and Kash and Mickey but, just like the rest of them, he actually had a personality that we were being introduced to, then S2 we didn’t see Mickey much but we knew they were together and we got more of just Ian and we got to know him more, same in S3 (this doesn’t just go for Ian btw, in S1-S3 we got a lot more growth and understanding of the characters beyond the dick/pussy they were fucking, there was just a lot more good meaty shit going on plot wise) Anyways, Ian got reduced to the “token gay” and just….. it just fucking sucked man. Everything sucked. I mean fuck, I can’t even explain how much I hate the jail scene. Or the fucking SHIFT OF GAY FIREFIGHTERS. UM FUCKING SERIOUSLY?????
*fucking side note tid bit! Fucking NO ok that isn’t a thing that exists in reality ok. I can totally buy the Gay baseball game thing, I can see that being a thing that happens (though making Tony gay….I really didn’t think that was super funny???? I don’t know, I can see him discovering that he was gay mainly because he had been a virgin for so long buuuuut his whole “Your sister made me gay” thing? I just wasn’t amused), you know, the gay firefighters and gay cops doing a thing like that, just like I can imagine female firefighters and female cops doing something like that. But the shift? WHO thought that was funny?WHO I WANT TO KNOW WHO
I think they had a whole plot lined up for Ian and Mickey. I think S6 was going to be them working on getting Ian medicated and on the right path and dealing with that.
THEY HAVE SO MUCH POTENTIAL WITH THESE CHARACTERS but they are ignoring it in favor of OTHERS. They make Fiona and Frank’s boring ass plots the main fucking focus along with Lip and there is so much potential in EVERYONE ELSE but they just…. don’t do anything good with them.
I’m drinking wine and this has gotten out of control, I don’t even know what the main point to this is supposed to be besides I think the writers focus too much on 3 boring characters and thus make ridiculous shitty plots for everyone else and they have totally lost touch with what the show is supposed to be about! It used to be about a family living SHAMELESSLY they were proud of their heritage and their life. They loved who they were! Fiona was a shameless hood girl taking care of the family and trying to keep them all afloat, Lip was the genius who would rather stay where he was then be the “golden goose”, Ian was the responsible middle child who wanted to go into the army- in love with the neighborhood thug and loved his life, Debbie was sweet and the shining beacon of goodness and innocence in their life, Carl was the wild one with sociopathic tendencies, Liam was the baby (haha), Frank was the shitty alcoholic father and Monica was the bipolar mother who abandoned them. But there was still family here, here was connection and strength and love. Loyalty and Shamelessness. SHAMELESSNESS. That was the fucking point.
Now whats the point? SHAME? They're all trying to become some kind of middle class bullshit? I just……. I don’t know what this show is anymore and it makes me sad.
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